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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (11/25/21)

Will the Thunderstorm finally taste gold?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Sam Gradwell wants to shut up the Heritage Cup Champion!

It may be Thanksgiving in the US, but it’s just another Thursday in the UK! And it’s a battle of big mouths between Noam Dar and Sam Gradwell!


  • Jordan Devlin VS Mark Andrews; Devlin wins.
  • Isla Dawn VS Aleah James; Dawn wins.
  • Dani Luna Jinny VS Angel Hayze; Jinny wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS Sam Gradwell; Dar wins and retains the cup.


Jordan Devlin VS Mark Andrews!

The Irish Ace says to only care about yourself in order to get ahead. But the high-fiving, stage-diving, skateboarding rockstar of Subculture does things his way. Will Andrews win his way, too? Or will Devlin get ahead at Andrews’ expense?

But Andrews is stressing out backstage? Flash Morgan Webster hurries over, they don’t know where Dani Luna went. But they can’t worry about that now, Andrews has his match. The two head out without her, will Subculture be alright?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, Devlin waistlocks, slams Andrews down, then slaps him around! Andrews gets to ropes and Devlin gloats. Devlin and Andrews circle and tie up again, Devlin knees low and clubs Andrews down. Devlin pushes Andrews. “You worried about your little friend?” Devlin SLAPS Andrews and tells him to be worried about who he’s in the ring with! Andrews blocks a punch to give forearms and CHOPS on repeat! Andrews whips, Devlin reverses but Andrews ducks and slides to tilt-0-whirl headscissor! And dropkick! Devlin whips but Andrews reverses to hurdle and monkey flip!

Andrews CHOPS Devlin, and Devlin staggers! Devlin turns around into a RANA! Cover, TWO! Devlin bails out, Andrews gives chase. They go into the ring, Devlin gets to the apron to then trip Andrews and slingshot splash! Fans rally up but Devlin CLUBS and CHOPS Andrews in the corner. Andrews CHOPS back, throws forearms and CHOPS again, then headlocks. Devlin powers out, hurdles, drops and kitchen sink knees Andrews down! Devlin scowls, drags Andrews up to JAM an elbow into his forehead! Devlin kicks Andrews to ropes, drags him back up and wrenches to a back suplex BACKBREAKER! Devlin asks, “Who’s the man?” and fans say, “Not you!”

Devlin stomps Andrews down, digs his heel into Andrews’ back, then drags him back up to whip to a corner. Andrews staggers into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Devlin scrapes his boot on Andrews’ face, then stomps him in the corner. Devlin digs his boot in, the ref counts and Devlin lets off. Devlin says he knows the rules, then throws a haymaker. Andrews forearms and CHOPS back! Devlin BOOTS then LARIATS Andrews down! Cover, TWO! Another try, TWO! Devlin argues the count, but brings Andrews up to snapmare and drop an elbow. Devlin drags Andrews into a chinlock and digs a knee into his back.

Fans rally as Andrews fights up and hits a JAWBREAKER! Devlin whips, scoops, but Andrews tilt-o-whirls through to DDT! Both men are down, fans rally up and Andrews crawls then stands. Andrews counter punches again, then fires off more forearms and CHOPS! Andrews whips, Devlin reverses but Andrews slides and PELES! Andrews keeps moving, victory roll to STOMP-182! Fans fire up with Andrews and he runs in at the corner to forearm smash! Andrews keeps moving, catches Devlin for a SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO! Devlin gets himself to a corner again, but Andrews is on him. Devlin shoves Andrews away, goes up but Andrews GAMANGIRIS!

Andrews climbs up and sits Devlin up but Devlin slips out! Andrews elbows Devlin away, pops Devlin to the apron, but Devlin slingshots in to CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Andrews crawls while Devlin grows frustrated. Fans chant, “Devlin Sucks!” but Devlin bumps Andrews off buckles. Devlin CHOPS, hoists Andrews up top, throws haymakers, then climbs up top. Devlin brings Andrews up but Andrews fights with body shots! Andrews clubs Devlin again and again, adjusts, and SUPER POISON-RANAS!! And then hops on, DESTROYER!! Cover, TWO!?! Devlin survives but Andrews hurries up top! FALL TO PIECES onto knees! Cover, TWO!!

Devlin gets Andrews up, suplex, STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE! Devlin is down and Andrews hurries back up! But Devlin manages to roll out of the ring. Andrews adjusts to ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” while both men are down. A ring count starts and climbs to 5 of 10. Andrews is up but Devlin pulls him back and RAMS him into barriers! Devlin is in at 8, Andrews is in at 9.5! Andrews staggers into a HEADBUTT! Devlin has the arm, ripcord, DEVLINSIDE! Cover, Devlin wins!

Winner: Jordan Devlin, by pinfall

The Irish Ace only cares about himself and he won here tonight! Those things aren’t necessarily connected, but if it works for Devlin, will he continue to fight only for himself in NXT UK?


Sid Scala has an announcement.

He is pleased to confirmed that the #1 contenders to the NXT UK Tag Team Championships, Moustache Mountain, will have their title match in two weeks. Get ready for Pretty Deadly VS Tyler Bate & Trent Seven, round 2!


NXT UK hears from Gallus.

Joe Coffey punches a locker and Mark calms him down. Wolfgang says he’s sick and tired of the “cobble gangsters.” Joe asks, “How did we not see this coming?” Mark says it’s cuz “on what planet does Charlie Dempsey fit in with Teoman and Rohan Raja?” Well congratulations, they pulled one over on Gallus. No, don’t congratulate that. If they wanted a fight, the three of them have been right here. Joe says there’s even numbers now, and there’s nothing they love than a square go. Dempsey, if you want to run with that crew, that’s fine. If you want to have weird, candlelit family dinners, that’s fine. But you got your one cheap shot. Now, you get your heads kicked in.


NXT UK Media hears a lot of noise.

They find it’s coming from Room 1414, and then Sam Gradwell comes storming in from his room. Gradwell bangs on the door, it’s 3 in the morning!! Of course it is Noam Dar and Sha Samuels partying. How did they get a penthouse? Duh, they’re winners! Gradwell says when Dar is ready to come back to work, he’ll knock the party out of him! What? Gradwell wants a match with Dar? You bleeding know he does! Well that’s easy money for Dar and they can get back to the party. Gradwell snatches their champagne and says Dar has a date with oblivion. Just keep it down! Hey, does the camera crew wanna party? Just leave the camera outside, yeah?


Sid Scala has another announcement.

But it’s interrupted by Sam Gradwell barging in. He’s been looking with Sid all over. Why is the match with Dar not a Heritage Cup match? Dar’s been celebrating nonstop, it’s ridiculous! But then Sha and Dar walk in and accuse Gradwell of scheming. Win matches, Gradwell! That’s the rules! But then Johnny Saint walks over! The NXT UK GM says they do what Sid says. Then the main event is now for the NXT UK Heritage Cup! Gradwell says that makes sense and the party is over! Dar welcomes Mr. Saint back, but Sha assures us that is sarcasm. Will Dar and Sha be feeling any better after the showdown with the Thunderstorm?


Isla Dawn VS Aleah James!

The Wicked Witch has been taking trophies from every woman in the division, and her opponent this week was her most recent victim. But will Aleah make Isla take an L to keep her new winstreak going?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, Isla powers Aleah to a corner and then pie faces her as she lets off. Aleah comes back, ties up, but Isla wrenches an arm to a wristlock. Aleah endures, cartwheels and wrenches to YANK Isla’s arm! Isla turns through, Aleah wrenches back. Isla throws a body shot, wrenches Aleah, fans rally and duel as Isla hammerlocks. Aleah flips, powers through and headlocks! Isla throws body shots, powers out but Aleah goes up, only to turn around into a snapmare! Aleah gets up but Isla runs her over! Things speed up, Aleah hurdles and dropkicks Isla down! Isla goes to the apron, Aleah grabs her hair but Isla hotshots Aleah away!

Isla grins as she gets in and stomps Aleah down. Isla stomps Aleah to the corner, pushes her against ropes then whips her to kitchen sink knee! Isla rains down forearms, runs, then PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! Aleah elbows Isla from the mat but Isla CLUBS her down. Isla digs her boots into Aleah in the corner then lets off as the ref counts. Isla whips Aleah out then right back into the corner to clothesline! Isla whips Aleah in again but Aleah goes up and over and schoolgirl with bridge! TWO, and Isla sweeps the legs! Isla digs claws into Aleah’s shoulders, then grabs the arms for a cobra clutch!

Aleah endures, fights, then JAWBREAKERS! Aleah dodges a forearm to rally with big shoulder tackles, and a CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Aleah reels Isla in, Isla throws body shots and suplexes, but Aleah makes it a cradle! TWO, and Aleah hurries up. Aleah run sin but is put in the corner for a ROUNDHOUSE! Isla fireman’s carries for a SWINGING SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, Isla wins!

Winner: Isla Dawn, by pinfall

Aleah’s winstreak is cut very short, and Isla snaps her own losing streak! Are fortunes changing for the Wicked Witch? Wait, she goes to her mysterious box full of her treasures. She takes a peek inside, and returns the scrunchie she stole from Aleah? Has Isla gotten something even better now that she’s won?


Xia Brookside visits Sid Scala’s office.

She wants the update on the title match. Sid didn’t make a promise but she says he did. And daddy said he was gonna talk to Sid about it, since it seems Sid doesn’t want her on the wall “with all the nice, shiny champions.” Just because Sid doesn’t want her as champion doesn’t mean she shouldn’t get her shot! Sid stops her there and says congratulations, she gets her opportunity next week. No! That’s too soon! She needs more time to prepare and train for Meiko! It’s that or not at all! FINE! Xia storms out, but will her spoiled attitude be what dooms her against the Final Boss?


Moustache Mountain is excited!

Trent Seven and Tyler Bate hug it out. They’re refocused, they’ve found their Zen, they’re ready to take the tag titles. Finally! They cannot lose this one. They will not lose this one! They’re Moustache Mountain, and they owe it to themselves and the fans! Pretty Deadly, that’s it! You’ve got two weeks until Seven & Bate become NXT UK Tag Team Champions!

Pretty Deadly responds.

Sam Stoker asks Lewis Howley, what would be sweeter than beating Moustache Mountain once? Beating them twice! But this time, the NXT UK Universe will be live and in person to see with their own eyes that Pretty Deadly is the best tag team in NXT UK history. But will that be the case when the rematch happens in two weeks?


Dani Luna VS Angel Hayze!

Subculture’s Punk Rock Powerhouse was MIA earlier, has she appeared since the start of the show? It doesn’t seem that’s the case, and out walks Jinny. “Well, well, well. Dani Luna isn’t coming, and I’ve made sure of that.” Her sincerest apologies to Mark & Flash. They’ll have to be without her for a very long time. Jinny is handling things on her own from now on, and her business relationship with Joseph Conners is over. Fans actually cheer that news. Jinny goes into the ring and says tonight, she’ll get her winning streak back on track, starting with the “little girl,” Angel Hayze.

Jinny VS Angel Hayze!

The bell rings, the change is official and the two tie up. Jinny wrenches, puts the arm on the ropes and knees away on Angel! The ref counts, Jinny throws forearms then snapmares Angel to stomp her down. Jinny stalks and stomps Angel more, then drags her up. Angel throws body shots, Jinny ROCKS her with a forearm then whips to CLOBBER Angel with an elbow! Fans boo but Jinny KNEES Angel down! And again! And again! Jinny throws more knees, then lets off to wrap on a chinlock. Jinny thrashes Angel but fans rally as Angel endures. Jinny puts as much weight and pressure as she can on the hold but Angel still fights up!

Angel moves around, throws body shots but Jinny KNEES her low! Angel spins Jinny around to fire off forearms and a sobat! But Jinny kicks a leg out! Jinny drags Angel up to short arm LARIAT! Fans rally for Angel but Jinny drags her up by her hair. Jinny ROCKS Angel with a right, then puts her in a corner. Jinny puts Angel in the ropes, SLAPS her, and SLAPS her and SLAPS her, before the MAKEOVER! Cover, Jinny wins!

Winner: Jinny, by pinfall

The Fierce Fashionista lived up to that nickname, and she gets a win after a long drought. Will she fight her way back to the title all by herself?


The Nina Samuels Show returns.

Nina welcomes us back, and has an exclusive with the champion, Meiko Satomura. What can she tell us about her secret techniques for her upcoming title match? Meiko stays quiet and Emilia McKenzie asks Nina leave them alone while they train. Okay… There you have it! That’s the Nina Samuels Show. Meiko’s stare scares Nina off, will Meiko even need any tricks for taking on Xia Brookside next week?


Dar and Sha talk backstage.

Dar says it’s time to make some changes to the Heritage Cup. Tyler Bate? More like, see you later, mate! They cover Tyler’s name up with tape! They also cover up A-Kid! Or as Sha calls him, “A-Mug.” Now Dar’s name is the only one visible. Dar’s feeling spicy for the match, but will Gradwell bring the party to a screeching halt and add a new name to that cup?


Ilja Dragunov speaks.

Rampage Brown made it very clear that he doesn’t need Dragunov’s respect. That’s okay. Because just by standing in front of Ilja, looking him in the eye and punching him to the ground, that was the best showing of respect he could give. Dragunov first fought for the title for himself, but then he realized the responsibility he has as a symbol. People feel something watching him fight. He is a symbol of dedication and the will to fight like there is no tomorrow. Long Live the Czar.

Rampage Brown responds.

He doesn’t like the light being in his face. Are they going to ask him about his feelings for this match or something? Who cares, really? Ilja is the golden boy and that doesn’t sit right with Rampage. Neither does Ilja being NXT UK Champion. Rampage came in the most respected competitor NXT UK had ever signed, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t pay the bills and it doesn’t feed him. Being champion does. There is no respect when it comes to the title. Ilja is just in Rampage’s way. Rampage Brown don’t mess around. “Ilja, I’m gonna smash ya face in, then I’m gonna take ya title. Then I’ll have all the respect.”


NXT UK Media catches up with Mark Andrews.

He lost the match but he’s outside the medic’s room, not for him but for Flash. Flash has an update on his shoulder. But before he can say what’s what, Kenny Williams walks by. Andrews and Flash outside the medic’s room, they should start calling it Subculture’s dressing room. Andrews tells Kenny not to pick with a fight with someone on the sidelines. Plus, Andrews is healthy. Alright, alright. Relax, Mark. You don’t want to get into a fight back here with someone like Kenny. Andrews steps to Kenny and Kenny scurries away, will Andrews look to crush the cockroach in the ring?


NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS Sam Gradwell!

The Scottish Supernova didn’t want to defend his cup, but he’ll gladly take the bump up in the paycheck! Will Dar be able to do even more with the “easy money” he’s earning? Or will the Thunderstorm ruin those plans for the after party?

The introductions are made, the cup is presented, and ready or not, here we go, yogurts!

The two circle and Dar gives a quick kick. Gradwell stays up, and Dar backs off to get a sip from Sha’s flask. Dar and Gradwell circle and tie up. Gradwell powers Dar to ropes, Dar calls for the ropebreak and the ref counts. Gradwell lets off but Dar avoids his clothesline. Dar taunts Gradwell then uses the ropes as defense. Gradwell backs off, he and Dar circle again. They tie up, Dar waistlocks, then baits Gradwell with a foot to then get a headlock. Gradwell blocks the takeover and powers out, but Dar pulls hair to bring Gradwell into a headlock takeover. Gradwell headscissors, Dar fights those off and gets up, but Gradwell sends him to a corner.

Dar goes up and under, Gradwell runs into an arm wrench! Dar wrenches and wrenches but Gradwell DECKS Dar! Gradwell drags Dar up, reels him in to scoop and SLAM! Gradwell drags Dar up, Dar wrenches and pulls on an ear! Gradwell just laughs it off, and pulls on Dar’s ear! We’re under a minute here in the first, Gradwell CLUBS Dar down! Cover, TWO! Gradwell drags Dar up, Dar gets the leg, but Gradwell throws haymakers, then SMACKS Dar off Gradwell’s knee brace! Gradwell fireman’s carries for the SAMOAN DRIVER! Cover, Gradwell gets the fall!!

Dar: 0; Gradwell: 1

Sha protests, that knee brace should be illegal! Dar is out! Sha drags Dar back to the corner and revives him. Gradwell refreshes and the second round begins! Dar flops down, Gradwell drags Dar up, but Dar cradles! TWO!! Gradwell gets up, Dar jumps on for a GUILLOTINE! Gradwell tosses him and CLOBBERS him! Gradwell whips corner to corner then back drops Dar high and hard! Dar flounders, Gradwell aims to ROLLING ELBOW! But Dar goes flying out of the ring! Gradwell goes to the apron, Sha distracts him, Dar sweeps the legs! Sha laughs at Gradwell, Dar builds speed to BLAST Gradwell with a dropkick!

Dar drags Gradwell up and into the ring as fans cheer him on. Dar gets in to back elbow hard! Dar then aims from a corner, runs in, NOVA ROLLA! Cover, Dar gets the fall!

Dar: 1; Gradwell: 1

And we’re tied up just like that! Dar is feeling a bit better after now, but the third round begins. Gradwell and Dar tie up, Dar goes for a leg but Gradwell throws him off. Dar kicks the leg out! Gradwell blocks the whip, sends Dar to a corner but Dar dropkicks him back! Dar dropkicks the leg out! Gradwell clutches his knee, Dar basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Dar stomps Gradwell, kicks him to the ropes, then wrenches an arm. Gradwell fights up but Dar kicks him. Dar still works on the arm, Gradwell powers up again but Dar knees him low. Gradwell knees Dar back! Dar KICKS the leg, feints to KICK and KICK Gradwell down! Cover, TWO!

Fans taunt Gradwell with “You’re Not Sheamus!” but Gradwell ROCKS Dar! Dar staggers over but Gradwell ROCKS him again! Dar goes for the leg, Gradwell underhooks for a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Both men are down as we reach a minute left in the third. Sha coaches Dar, fans rally up, Dar kicks but Gradwell blocks! Dar elbow jabs free! Dar then facelocks, but Gradwell guillotines out, only for Dar to drag him down! Dar has to kick Gradwell down, but he has the kneebar! Wait, he’s undoing the knee brace! Gradwell claws at Dar as Dar stomps him down! CHAMPAGNE SUPER KNEEBAR! We reach the last 10 seconds of the round, Gradwell CLUBS away on Dar! Dar pulls harder, but time’s up!

Dar: 1; Gradwell: 1

Gradwell survives to be saved by the bell, but Sha gets Dar back to his corner. Dar is ready to go after the leg while Gradwell takes his brace off. The bell rings and Dar runs in to CLOBBER Gradwell! Dar shoves Gradwell and BOOTS him at the ropes! Dar KICKS the bad leg, then KICKS Gradwell down. Dar stomps Gradwell, the ref counts, Dar lets off. Sha SLAMS Gradwell’s bad leg on the apron edge! Fans are torn but Dar CLOBBERS Gradwell from behind! Cover, TWO! Gradwell is still in this and Dar can’t believe it! Dar kicks the leg, grabs it, but Gradwell boots him away! Gradwell hobbles up and blocks the back elbow to spin Dar for an STO! Cover, TWO!!

Fans are fired up and Sha is relieved. Sha begs Dar to get up but Gradwell is on him. Gradwell fireman’s carries but Dar CLUBS away. Gradwell shoves Dar, KNEES him low, underhooks but Dar slips out! Gradwell avoids the sweep but not the mule kicks! Fans fire up as Dar KICKS. Gradwell stands up? Dar KICKS the leg, but then Gradwell blocks the chest kick! Gradwell ROCKS Dar as we reach a minute, but Dar dodges the rolling elbow to KICK Gradwell in the back! Gradwell falls, Sha sets the leg up for Dar! The ref is suspicious, but Gradwell gets up to grab Dar from the top! Fireman’s carry but Dar holds ropes! Sha uses his scarf as a lifeline for Dar!

Dar holds on, then lets go to use the momentum to roll Gradwell up! TWO!! Gradwell escapes but Dar sweeps the legs! Twenty seconds, Dar runs in to fake Gradwell out! Takedown to CHAMPAGNE SUPER KNEEBAR!! Gradwell just has to last 10 seconds! But he can’t! Gradwell taps, Dar wins!!

Winner: Noam Dar, by submission (still NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion)

Dar makes “easy money” because of the East End Butcher insurance policy! Will Mr. Supernova 11 keep on winning and keep on partying?

My Thoughts:

A really good episode here, what a great adjustment to make the main event big. Gradwell gets a bit of satisfaction in making Dar defend the cup when he didn’t want to, but I figured he was going to lose. Dar has been going pretty hot lately, and though he’s a Heel, he’s got a great following from the fans. Dar covering up the other names with tape was a fairly clever move from him, too. I’m very curious as to what’s going on with Dani Luna and Joseph Conners not being around. Is this COVID concerns they’re keeping under wraps? There weren’t releases for NXT UK, I think those would’ve made the wrestling internet news.

It mostly seems a shame for Conners and Jinny that they’re not working together. He can’t seem to get anywhere, she isn’t really getting anywhere even though she won as Dani’s replacement. Not sure what’s going to be different for Jinny now that she’s solo again. As for Andrews, he lost to Devlin, and I think he’s going to lose to Kenny Williams next week. Isla Dawn winning was a bit of a surprise, as was her giving the scrunchie back to Aleah. Will she now retrace her steps and defeat those she took things from as her build to the title? Hopefully that means Dani Luna is okay to come back because she was one of them.

Xia getting her title match next week is actually a great way to give her what she wants while also giving her some comeuppance because, as she said, she can’t possibly prepare in just a week. Meiko is definitely winning, and I’m thinking Blair Davenport walks out right after that match to call her shot. We got pretty good, pretty quick promos from Moustache Mountain, Pretty Deadly, Dragunov and Rampage Brown. Both those title matches are going to be great but I feel like they’re both going to be wins for the current champions. As much as Seven wants to be a champion, that’s probably going to be why he loses.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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