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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL x BOSJ Results & Report! (12/3/21)

BOSJ, Round 8!




The Rogue Luchador is making a push for the top!

El Desperado may be IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, but he isn’t Best of the Super Juniors just yet! Will he get one step closer to that goal this round?


  • Best of the Super Juniors 28: Master Wato VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Wato wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 28: Robbie Eagles VS DOUKI; Eagles wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 28: BUSHI VS Taiji Ishimori; Bushi wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 28: El Phantasmo VS SHO; ELP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 28: Hiromu Takahashi VS Ryusuke Taguchi; Hiromu wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 28: YOH VS El Desperado; Yoh wins.


Here are the current BOSJ 28 standings!

SHO: 6-1, 12 points
El Desperado: 4-2-1, 9 points
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 4-3, 8 points
Taiji Ishimori: 4-3, 8 points
Ryusuke Taguchi: 4-3, 8 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 3-3-1, 7 points
Robbie Eagles: 3-4, 6 points
El Phantasmo: 3-4, 6 points
Bushi: 3-4, 6 points
YOH: 3-4, 6 points
Master Wato: 2-5, 4 points
Douki: 2-5, 4 points


Best of the Super Juniors 28: Master Wato VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

The Way of the Grandmaster is struggling while the Heel Master is just behind the leaders. Will Wato keep his chances alive? Or is this where it ends for him?

The second Wato hops down from the corner, Kanemaru attacks! Kanemaru stomps Wato down as the bell sounds, and Kanemaru drags Wato up just to CLUB him back down. Kanemaru whips Wato to a corner but Wato reverses. Wato runs in, is put on the apron but he forearms Kanemaru away. Wato springboards but Kanemaru gets under. Kanemaru knees low, runs, but into an arm-drag! Wato hurdles, back elbows, uppercuts and sobats! Fans fire up while Kanemaru bails out. Wato builds speed but Kanemaru gets in to dropkick the legs out! Wato clutches the knee, fans rally up and Kanemaru drags Wato up. Kanemaru gets a leg, and hits the SHIN BREAKER, then he CLUBS the leg!

Wato is down again but Kanemaru drags him by the leg, to YANK the leg! Kanemaru gets the leg again and drops an elbow on the knee. Kanemaru clamps onto the leg for a toehold, but Wato works to fight back. Wato drags himself and Kanemaru over, to the ropebreak! Kanemaru lets off to drop knee after knee on Wato’s leg. Kanemaru stomps the leg, then drags Wato up to whip him to ropes. Kanemaru dropkicks the leg out, Wato writhes, but fans rally up. Kanemaru gets the leg to SMASH the knee into the mat! Cover, TWO! Another try, TWO! Kanemaru keeps cool while fans rally up. Kanemaru gets the leg and turns Wato for a HALF CRAB!

Wato endures, moves around, and powers his way to the ropebreak! Kanemaru lets off, but he stomps the leg again. Kanemaru kicks Wato around, toying with him. Wato chops back but Kanemaru just kicks the leg. Kanemaru CLUBS Wato down, then stands on the knee! Wato gets the rope, the ref counts, Kanemaru steps off but he kicks Wato against the ropes. Wato throws back elbows and forearms, but Kanemaru rakes eyes! Kanemaru knees low, whips but Wato reverses to CALF KICK! Fans rally up, Wato hobbles over and brings Kanemaru up, but Kanemaru rakes eyes! Kanemaru whips but Wato RANAS back! Kanemaru bails out, fans fire up and Wato gets his bad leg moving.

Wato builds speed, and FLIES! The tornillo takes Kanemaru down at the railing! Fans fire up, Wato gets back up. A ring count starts, Wato puts Kanemaru in at 5 of 20. Wato gets on the apron, springboards, and FLYING UPPERCUTS! Fans fire up with Wato as he gets back up. Wato waits on Kanemaru to rise, Wato fires off kick after kick, then SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO! Wato crawls over to Kanemaru, gets him up and wrenches. Kanemaru fights the Mouse Trap, Wato rains down elbows! Wato spins but Kanemaru avoids the Screw High Kick to dropkick the legs out! Fans fire up, Kanemaru gets the leg for a DRAGON SCREW! And then a FIGURE FOUR!

Wato endures, tries to pry the hold apart, but Kanemaru holds him in place. Fans rally as Wato crawls, reaches out, turns and rolls to get the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kanemaru lets Wato go. Wato gets to a corner, Kanemaru runs in to BOOT! Kanemaru scoops and SLAMS Wato, then goes up to MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Wato survives but Kanemaru fires up! Fans rally up as Kanemaru suplexes, but Wato slips out to ROUNDHOUSE! Kanemaru stays up to kick the leg and ENZIGURI! Wato stays up to ROUNDHOUSE again! Both men go down and fans fire up! Wato goes to ropes, then hobbles back to Kanemaru.

Wato brings Kanemaru up, ducks Kanemaru’s clothesline to tilt-o-whirl, roll-up, but Kanemaru rolls through to dropkick the leg out! Kanemaru gets the leg again, steps through, but Wato turns figure four into a cradle! TWO!! Wato gets right up to sobat! SCREW HIGH KICK! Wato fires up, gets Kanemaru up to wrench and MOUSE TRAP DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Kanemaru escapes but Wato roars again! Wato drags Kanemaru up, but Kanemaru blocks the scoop! Kanemaru tries to suplex but Wato blocks. Wato scoops, for the T T D!! Wato goes to the corner and climbs up, R P P!! Cover, Wato wins!!

Winner: Master Wato, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kanemaru earns o)

Even Wato seems surprised he won! He shows the Heel Master not to underestimate the Way of the Grandmaster! But does Wato still have a chance to be the Best of the Super Juniors?


Best of the Super Juniors 28: Robbie Eagles VS DOUKI!

The Sniper of the Skies is doing better than Japones Del Mal, but they both are long shots for the finals. Will one run be completely shot down right here?

The bell rings and fans rally up already. Eagles gets them to get louder, and then he circles with Douki. The two approach, Douki trips then runs, but he jumps over Eagles’ dropdown to trip Eagles and roll him to an arm-drag. Douki hurdles, Eagles leaps over and side steps. Douki rolls off Eagles’ back, Eagles ducks the clothesline but Douki ducks the kicks! Douki drags Eagles into the wheelbarrow, but Eagles uses that to victory roll! Eagles gets the legs but Douki kicks him away. Both men kip up and fans fire up! Douki and Eagles stare down, until Douki knees low. Douki clubs Eagles, but Eagles holds the ropes to deny the whip.

Douki knees low again, Eagles reverses to go up and around and arm-drag! Eagles ducks and dodges to RANA! Douki gets up, but he avoids the wheel kick! Eagles goes to a corner, Douki runs in but is tossed back, Eagles hits the wheel kick after all! Douki bails out, Eagles builds speed and fakes Douki out with the springboard. Douki slides in as Eagles rushes out, and then Douki DIVES! Direct hit and Eagles hits railing right in front of commentary! Douki bumps Eagles off the apron then ASAI MOONSAULTS! Douki fires up and fans fire up, too, while Taichi on commentary is rather surprised by all this. The fans rally, Douki and Eagles slowly get up.

Douki wrenches Eagles and whips him into railing! Eagles falls, Douki leaves him behind while the ring count climbs. Eagles gets in at 10 of 20 but Douki stomps him down. Douki stands on Eagles’ neck at the ropes but the ref counts. Douki lets off at 4, drags Eagles up and whips him to ropes to elbow him down. Cover, TWO! Douki clamps on a chinlock and digs his knee into Eagles’ back. Eagles endures, moves around, gets to his feet and throws back elbows. Douki rakes Eagles’ eyes! The ref reprimands, Eagles goes to a corner. Douki whips corner to corner and runs in to clothesline! Douki SLAMS Eagles down, then runs to DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up as Douki drags Eagles up. Douki CHOPS Eagles and Eagles goes to a corner. Douki whips him corner to corner, runs in but Eagles boots back! Douki tries again but Eagles slides under to sunset flip. Douki rolls through, Eagles gets around to schoolboy with bridge, TWO! Douki HELL STABS! Eagles drops to his knees, Douki gets him up to swing. Eagles slips out to kick out the legs, then runs to BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Both men are down and fans rally up. Eagles fires up and fans rally. Eagles KICKS Douki in the chest, again and again, then runs, but Douki blocks! Douki rakes eyes, whips Eagles, but Eagles reverses to dropkick Douki down!

Eagles sees Douki go to the corner, he runs in and DOUBLE KNEES! Eagles rolls back to 619 sweep the leg! Then he runs in to METEORA ! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while Eagles goes to the apron. Eagles waves hi to Taichi, then springboards to dropkick Douki’s leg out! Fans fire up, Eagles gets the leg but Douki kicks him away. Eagles comes back with the PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Eagles drops a knee on Douki’s knee! Fans fire up again as Eagles climbs a corner. Eagles 450’s, but he sees the knees coming, so he gets the legs and steps through, but Douki drags him down to ITALIAN STRETCH #32!

Eagles moves around, reaches, but Douki drags him away from the ropes to put the stretch on again. Eagles is fading, fans rally up, and Eagles gets a second wind to get the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Douki lets go at 4. Eagles sputters, Douki drags him up and scoops. SWINGING NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Douki gives a thumbs down, he vows to end it now. Douki goes to the apron, Eagles rises, slingshot but Eagles gets under! Douki clutches his knee as it jams, but he gets up and rushes over to Eagles on the apron. Eagles blocks the punch to GAMANGIRI! Eagles springboards but Douki gets under.

Douki boots back and is on the apron, but he slingshots into a fireman’s carry! Swing to a knee smash, SHIRAN- NO, Douki slips out of that and elbows Eagles back. Douki goes to run but Eagles reels him in. Douki breaks free to mule kick but Eagles dodges the enziguri! Eagles rolls Douki, hooks him up, but Douki turns backpack into torture rack, for a SWINGING SIDEWALK SLAM! Both men are down and fans fire up! Douki crawls to the cover, TWO! Douki grows frustrated but he fires himself up as fans rally. Douki stalks Eagles, reels him into the wheelbarrow, full nelson, SUPLEX DE LU- NO! Eagles lands on his feet out of it!

Eagles BOOTS Douki’s clothesline, blocks the kick, and steps through to TURBO BACKPACK! Fans fire up with Eagles as he goes to the corner and climbs up. 450 SPLASH to the legs! RON MILLER SPECIAL!! Douki endures, reaches out, but Eagles drags him from ropes! Douki taps, Eagles wins!

Winner: Robbie Eagles, by submission (gains 2 points; Douki earns 0)

The Sniper of the Skies hits the mark and breaks even in the round robin! Will he be able to fly high and reach the top?f


Best of the Super Juniors 28: BUSHI VS Taiji Ishimori!

Both the Black Mask and the Bone Soldier lost last round, and when it came to LIJ VS Cutest Tag Team, these two were the winning halves. Who stands tall as they settle the score?

The bell rings and fans rally up. Bushi kicks, whips, Taiji reverses but Bushi rolls off his back. Bushi keeps moving, he slips around Taiji to arm-drag and dropkick! Taiji bails out, Bushi builds speed, but Bushi fakes Taiji out just to roll back and taunt him. Taiji gets in but Bushi kicks him low to turn him for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE! Bushi stays cool as he stomps Taiji down. Bushi then brings Taiji up to hang him out to dry on the ropes. Bushi goes to the corner but Taiji avoids the dropkick to shoulder in and hotshot Bushi down! Taiji drags Bushi out to whip him into railing! Taiji drags Bushi up, fireman’s carries and SNAKE EYES Bushi off the apron!

The ref reprimands and has Taiji back off while he checks on Bushi. Taiji uses that time to untie the blue corner buckle pad. The Bullet Club special comes into play and the ring count climbs. Bushi sits up at 8 of 20, stands up at 11, takes a few more moments, then gets in at 17. Taiji kicks Bushi to snapmare him for a chinlock. Bushi endures, even as Taiji twists him. Taiji makes it a cover, ONE! Taiji pulls Bushi’s shirt off him, to choke him with it! The ref reprimands, counts. Taiji lets go at 4. Fans rally up, Taiji drags Bushi up, then wrenches an arm and hammerlocks it, to RAM Bushi’s shoulder into the bare buckles!

The ref reprimands but the damage is done, and Taiji drags Bushi up to wrench the bad arm for a double wristlock. Taiji pulls on the arm, Bushi fights up, but Taiji kicks him back down! Fans rally while Bushi endures Taiji pulling at the arm. Taiji floats to a cover, TWO! Taiji knuckle locks, wrenches, snapmares and WRINGS the arm! Bushi writhes, fans rally up, and Taiji drags Bushi up to bump him off padded buckle. Taiji wrenches and whips corner to corner, then runs in, but into a boot! Bushi RANAS Taiji down and fans fire up! Bushi stalks Taiji, drags him up and fires off forearms. Bushi whips Taiji, Taiji reverses but runs into a SWING KICK!

Bushi goes up top and leaps to missile dropkick! BUSHIROONI! Taiji bails out, Bushi DIVES! Direct hit and they hit railing! Fans fire up with Bushi as he stands back up. Bushi drags Taiji up and puts him in the ring. Bushi stomps Taiji, drags him up, and catches Taiji’s clothesline to spin him for a DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up while Bushi goes to a corner. Bushi runs at Taiji, but Taiji blocks the Code Breaker! Bushi kicks back, whips, but Taiji handsprings to NEURALIZER! Both men are down, fans rally up again, and Bushi goes back to the corner. Taiji runs in but blocks boots to put Bushi in the ropes. ENZIGURI then SLIDING GERMAN!

Taiji gets back in, drags Bushi back up, and gut wrenches, only for Bushi to fight free. Bushi shoves Taiji to a corner, blocks the boot and puts it in the ropes to dropkick the leg! DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Bushi goes back to the corner, climbs up and M- NO! Taiji blocks to a fireman’s, then the gut wrench, CIPHER UTAKI! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Taiji drags Bushi up, Bushi fires off forearms! Bushi reels Taiji in but Taiji slips out of the fisherman to spin and POST Bushi! The ref reprimands, Taiji drags Bushi out to hammerlock, half nelson, scoop and SHOULDER BREAKER! Then roll to the omoplata, YES LOCK!

Bushi endures, crawls around, reaches out, but Taiji pulls back harder! Bushi keeps moving, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Taiji lets off, fans rally up but Taiji drags Bushi up. Taiji wrenches the bad arm, ELBOW BREAKER! Taiji runs, but Bushi catches him for a backslide! Taiji kicks the bridge away and gets the arm for the BONE LOCK!! Bushi crawls, reaches, fans rally up, but Taiji rolls him away and facelocks, BLOODY- NO! Bushi fights free to ENZIGURI Taiji down! Taiji gets up to BOOT! Taiji runs but Bushi dropkicks him down! Fans fire up as Bushi rises again. Bushi fires up, drags Taiji up, DESTROYER!! Both men are down and Bushi goes to a corner.

Bushi runs back out, CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Taiji survives but Bushi crawls over to a corner. Fans fire up, Bushi goes up the corner, MX!! Cover, BUSHI WINS!

Winner: Bushi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Taiji earns 0)

The Black Mask sweeps the Cutest Tag Team! Will this give Bushi new life in this tournament? Are Taiji’s own chances starting to dwindle?


Best of the Super Juniors 28: El Phantasmo VS SHO!

It’s Bullet Club VS Bullet Club once again as The Headbanga and the Murder Machine clash! But will ELP continue to make his case to replace The Switchblade? Or will Sho prove the House of Torture is the new elite of the club?

Sho wants to Low Sweet cuz they’re Bullet Club, but ELP says HE is Bullet Club. Sho and his guys are “Fake Bullet Club.” ELP is Bullet Club, Sho is “shit.” Sho says ELP can’t just decide who’s real or fake, but ELP doesn’t understand Japanese so he needs someone to help him. A Young Lion translates that Sho is saying ELP should give up, he’s not leading Bullet Club, so it doesn’t really matter, Sho is winning BOSJ. ELP says Sho can kiss his cute little ass. And that gets translated, too! Better yet, ELP says to tell him that Sho should lay down for him. ELP then swivels his hips. Sho says no, and has the Young Lion say back that they should just Too Sweet.

What’s that in Japanese? Say that. It’s Too Sweet. Sho says “Sweet” is “amai.” But the bell rings, fans rally up, and Sho wants the Too Sweet. ELP throws it up, and they Low Sweet, only for Sho to drag ELP into SNAKE BITE! ELP scrambles and gets the ropebreak! The ref counts, Sho lets go at 4. Sho says this is why ELP should’ve laid down! Sho stomps ELP, drags him up and whips, but ELP reverses, hurdles, drops and KNEES Sho down! Cover, TWO! ELP STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up, ELP drags Sho up and climbs up. ELP rains down fists and gets all the way to 10, before he brings Sho to another corner.

ELP climbs up, he punches with the “E! L P!” rhythm and gets 9. ELP puts Sho in another corner, and does it all over again! ELP then brings Sho to the fourth corner, fans fire up, and ELP climbs, only for Sho to throw him out! Sho goes out after ELP, wrenches the wrist and bends the fingers. The ref counts, Sho lets off at 4. Sho drags ELP up, wrenches and then brings the arm around the corner post to bend it against the crossbar! The ref counts, Sho lets go at 4. Sho slides in and the ring count begins. ELP hobbles up, gets in at 8 of 20, and Sho stomps ELP to the corner. Sho digs his boots in, the ref counts, Sho lets off at 4. Sho drags ELP to a cover, ONE! Sho rakes ELP’s eyes!

The ref counts, Sho lets off at 4 and pushes the ref. Fans rally up and ELP CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Sho rakes eyes again! The ref reprimands, counts, and Sho lets off at 4. Sho drags ELP up, whips him corner to corner, but ELP goes up and over, ducks and springboards to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Both men are down and fans rally up. Sho goes to a corner, but ELP kips up! Fans fire up, ELP gives Sho an atomic drop then mocks his pain, to scoop and SLAM! ELP goes to the corner, DIVING AX HANDLE! ELP tunes up from the corner, getting “that” ready. Sho staggers up, but he blocks the kick to flip ELP!

ELP lands on his stomach, Sho wrenches an arm to kick, KICK and SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up, Sho drags ELP up and reels him in to tuck the arms. ELP blocks the lift, wrenches out to whip, and the ref has to scramble out of the way! Sho runs in but into a roll-up, TWO! Cradle, TWO! ELP gets around to backslide, TWO!! Sho escapes but ELP knees low. ELP runs, Sho uses the ref as a shield! ELP hurdles over the ref but Sho SPEARS! Sho crawls to the cover, TWO! Sho is frustrated but he aims his bow. Sho drags ELP up, reels him in, double pump handle, but ELP blocks again! ELP back drops, Sho sunset flips but ELP high stacks, to step over the arms!

Wait, he has Sho in position, but ELP said he wouldn’t copy the “ghosts” of Bullet Club! So ELP make sit a Styles BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Sho drags ELP in for SNAKE BITE!! ELP endures, fights, moves around, fans rally up, and ELP reaches out to get a ROPEBREAK! Sho lets go, ELP sputters on the apron. Sho staggers around as he heads for ELP. Sho waistlocks but ELP blocks the German Suplex! ELP elbows free but Sho CLUBS him on the back. Sho whips ELP at the ref but ELP stops himself. Sho kicks ELP and whips him back in, but the REF goes up and over! Sho whips the ref at ELP! ELP and the ref dosido and ELP SPEARS Sho down! Cover, TWO!

ELP grows frustrated but the fans rally up. ELP says BANG, drags Sho up and reels him in. ELP tucks the arm, but Sho back drops! ELP sunset flips, Sho slips out and dead lifts, but ELP slips out to knee low! ELP runs but Sho knees low back! Sho runs, but ELP pokes him in the eye! ELP runs but Sho pokes ELP in the eye! ELP pulls hair! Sho pulls hair, too! The ref reprimands, ELP gives Sho the PURPLE NURPLE! So Sho gives that back, too! The ref reprimands, and then he CLUBS the arms! The ref apologizes, tunrs out that hurt. ELP blocks Sho’s chop to knuckle lock and CHOP back. ELP goes up and up, tightrope walks, but Sho THROWS ELP at the ref!

The ref gets clear, and Sho hurries to get his wrench!! ELP dodges, fakes Sho out and mule kicks low! “That” is definitely in the boot! ELP tunes up in the corner and fans fire up! Sho taps?! He’s quitting!! ELP WINS!

Winner: El Phantasmo, by forfeit (gains 2 points; Sho earns 0)

The Murder Machine didn’t want to face Sudden Death, so he gives up before he got his head kicked off! Will this be what gives the Headbanga the Best of the Super Juniors win and the top spot in Bullet Club?


Best of the Super Juniors 28: Hiromu Takahashi VS Ryusuke Taguchi!

The Ticking Timebomb lost to El Phantasmo and the loaded-not-loaded boot, but the Funky Weapon took care of Douki and his Italian Stretch #32. Will Hiromu-chan heat back up? Or will self-destruct against the King of Oh My Garfunkel?

Hiromu’s page for Taguchi in the BOSJ 28 guide references last year’s match-up, where “grandpa” Taguchi was basically caught with his pants down. The bell rings and Hiromu rushes in, but into a roll-up! TWO, and Hiromu fireman’s carries! But Taguchi makes it a crucifix takedown! TWO, to La Magistrol! TWO, Taguchi trips Hiromu to a jackknife, TWO! Now a backslide! TWO, roll to another backslide! TWO, another backslide, TWO! Taguchi still has the arms hooked but Hiromu gets up and breaks free! But Taguchi drags him into cradle! TWO, things speed up, Hiromu sunset flips, TWO! Taguchi sits on it, TWO! Taguchi high stacks, TWO and Hiromu has the sunset!

TWO and Taguchi sits again, TWO!! Hiromu scrambles to get out of the ring while fans fire up! Taguchi is frustrated, but he waits on Hiromu. Hiromu wants Taguchi to back off so he can get in. They argue about it, Taguchi wanting the ring count to start but Hiromu wanting space to get in. Taguchi finally backs off and even puts his hands behind his back. Hiromu isn’t sure about that, so Taguchi covers his eyes. Hiromu slides in, but Taguchi runs in to HIP- NO, Hiromu catches him for a waistlock, but Taguchi victory rolls! TWO, Taguchi blocks the superkick to OH MY GARFUNKEL! Hiromu rolls to throw Taguchi, then he rakes Taguchi’s eyes.

Hiromu whips, Taguchi reverses, and Taguchi blocks the rana to OH MY GARFUNKEL! Hiromu rolls again but Taguchi sits on it, TWO! Hiromu kicks, whips and runs in to clothesline in the corner! Hiromu rolls Taguchi to run, but Taguchi ducks and runs. Hiromu pops Taguchi up but Taguchi ranas through to a cover, TWO!! Hiromu flounders to a corner, Taguchi runs but he fakes out Hiromu’s overhead suplex! Taguchi drags Hiromu by a leg, turns him over and OH MY GARFUNKEL! Hiromu endures the ankle lock, crawls forward, but Taguchi pulls him back into the chicken wings! Hiromu elbows free, runs but into a cobra twist cradle! But Hiromu rocks it back!

Taguchi makes it a ROLLING CRADLE! They roll and roll, cover, TWO!! Both men stagger around dizzily, Hiromu falls over! Taguchi goes in circles, but he drops an elbow on the leg! OH MY GARFUNKEL! Hiromu reaches out, Taguchi drags him from ropes to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP, and GROUND OCTOPUS! Hiromu endures, reaches out, but Taguchi rolls him to get OH MY GARFUNKEL! Hiromu crawls, reaches out but Taguchi thrashes the leg! Fans fire up, Taguchi gets Hiromu into the chicken wings! Hiromu resists, breaks free but Taguchi gets him for a cradle, TWO! Hiromu has the cradle, TWO! Taguchi has the cradle, TWO! Hiromu has it, TWO!

Taguchi, then Hiromu, ROLLING CRADLE! It ends with Taguchi on top, TWO!!! Hiromu escapes but Taguchi has OH MY GARFUNKEL! Hiromu tries to get away again but Taguchi drops an elbow on the leg! Taguchi leans all his weight on the hold but Hiromu still endures! Hiromu crawls, Taguchi pulls him back and reels him in. Chicken wings, but Hiromu victory rolls! TWO and Taguchi has it! TWO, Hiromu has it back, TWO! Taguchi has it again, TWO!! Hiromu gets up, Taguchi ENZIGURIS! Hiromu staggers and rebounds off ropes but Taguchi fires up. Taguchi runs, ducks and dodges to LARIAT!! Ryusuke-chan Bomber?!

Taguchi drags Hiromu up, chicken wings, but Hiromu wrenches out and pump handles for the cradle! HIROMU WINS!!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Taguchi earns 0)

What a fast and furious match! Taguchi may not have gotten caught with his pants down, but he still feels like the fool. Is there still a chance for the Funky Weapon this year? As for Hiromu, is he about to climb back up to the top and keep his promise of back-to-back years?


Best of the Super Juniors 28: YOH VS El Desperado!

Mr. Direct Drive has finally gotten going, but now he runs into the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion! Will Yoh bring down the Rogue Luchador in his biggest win yet? Or will Desperado drive Yoh out of the running?

The bell rings and fans rally up as the two slowly circle. They approach, feel out the grapple, and Desperado hooks an arm but Yoh gets a leg. Desperado facelocks, Yoh slips out to to hammerlock then waistlock. Desperado breaks free, wrenches to a wristlock, but Yoh rolls, handsprings and wrenches back to a hammerlock. Desperado reaches back to headlock and he grinds Yoh down. Yoh pries the hold, but Desperado holds on tighter. Yoh drops to slip out and have the hammerlock. Yoh JAMS the arm, and again. Desperado sits up, rolls, wrenches, hammerlocks, spins Yoh to a headlock and takeover, but Yoh headscissors. Desperado kips free and fans cheer the stand off.

Desperado and Yoh reset and circle, fans rally up, and the two tie up again. Yoh headlocks and grinds, but Desperado fights up and pie faces Yoh into a facelock. Desperado spins Yoh, snapmares him and chinlocks. Yoh endures, moves around, fights back up and throws elbows. Yoh arm-drags Desperado down to have the cording hold. Desperado endures, moves around, kicks his way over and gets the ropebreak. The fans cheer and Yoh lets off cleanly. Desperado bails out to cool off. Yoh waits, Desperado slides in, and the two go again. Desperado shoots around to waistlock, but Yoh drop toeholds to get the facelock. Desperado spins out to facelock but Yoh spins out to headlock.

Yoh hits the takeover, Desperado headscissors and Desperado keeps Yoh down. Yoh moves around, hops and handsprings out and fans cheer. Desperado even applauds, though not genuinely. Desperado kicks low, headlocks, but Yoh powers out. Yoh side steps, drop toeholds and basement dropkicks! Desperado bails out, fans fire up and Yoh slingshots. Yoh lands on the apron as Desperado slides in, and then Yoh DECKS Desperado with an elbow! Yoh steps in but Desperado dropkicks the leg! Yoh falls and Red Shoes goes out to check on him. Desperado goes out to fetch Yoh, and whips him into railings! Yoh falls in a heap but Desperado stomps him down.

Desperado stomps Yoh’s leg, drags Yoh around and turns him over to SMASH the knee into the floor! Yoh clutches his leg, Red Shoes starts the ring count, and Desperado goes in at 6 of 20. Fans rally up, Yoh is still down at 15. Yoh gets up at 17, hobbles in at 18, and Desperado is after him already. Desperado suplexes high and hard, then covers, TWO! Desperado gets the leg to YANK it, then SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Desperado keeps cool, fans rally up while Yoh writhes. Desperado taunts Yoh, pats him on the face, but Yoh chops! Desperado eggs Yoh on, Yoh chops again, but Desperado CHOPS him off his feet! Desperado stands on Yoh’s head in the corner, but lets off as Red Shoes reprimands.

Desperado whips Yoh corner to corner, then runs in, to clothesline! Yoh flops down, Desperado covers, TWO! Desperado gets the leg to drop down on it, and tie up the legs in a BUTTERFLY DEATHLOCK! Yoh keeps his shoulders up but he still endures the leg lock. Yoh CHOPS, Desperado “falls” to put more pressure on the hold! Desperado rolls and has the traditional deathlock as he kicks and digs his heel into the knee. Yoh scrambles around, and gets the ropebreak! Desperado lets off and “Oops,” drops knees on the knee. Fans rally up, Desperado wags his finger, and he drags Yoh up. Desperado has the leg, but Yoh turns shinbreaker into sunset flip, TWO!

Desperado hurries up but Yoh fires forearms. Desperado kicks the leg out! Desperado whips but Yoh holds ropes to block. Desperado keeps trying but Yoh still holds on. Desperado SLAPS Yoh and Yoh flounders against ropes. Desperado whips, Yoh comes back with FLYING FOREARMS! Fans fire up, Yoh still clutches his leg, but he and Desperado slowly getup. Desperado is in one corner, Yoh is in the other. Yoh runs corner to corner to back elbow, then NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Yoh stands and brings Desperado around. Desperado fights the suplex, then Yoh fights the suplex in return, only to jam his knee! Desperado runs but Yoh dumps him out!

Yoh then PLANCHAS! Direct hit and fans fire up! Yoh slowly gets up, drags Desperado into the ring, and fans cheer as he gets Desperado up for a FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Yoh gets his bad leg moving, and Yoh brings Desperado up again. Yoh full nelsons, but Desperado fights and then RAMS Yoh into a corner. Desperado fires back elbows, runs in, and blocks a boot to dropkick the bad leg! Yoh falls, Desperado gets the leg for a STRETCH MUFFLER! Yoh scrambles to the ropebreak! Desperado lets off and fans rally up again. Desperado drags Yoh up, has the leg, but Yoh fights the shinbreaker off. Desperado SPINEBUSTERS, then DRAGON SCREWS!

Desperado keeps on the leg for the STRETCH MUFFLER! Yoh reaches, flails, crawls, but Desperado drags him away! Desperado gets an arm for NUMERO DOS!! Yoh endures, fans fire up as Yoh crawls with his one arm, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Desperado lets go in frustration, but he drags Yoh back to go to the corner. Desperado climbs, to FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Yoh is still in this and Desperado can’t believe it! Fans rally up, Desperado says this will end it. Desperado drags Yoh up, gut wrench, but Yoh fights free. Desperado throws a forearm, Yoh forearms back. Desperado rebounds but Yoh blocks the boot to EuroUpper! Yoh runs, but into an elbow!

Desperado runs but into a DROPKICK! Yoh gets Desperado up, GHOSTBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Yoh clutches the knee, being it was the one for the impact, but fans fire up again. Yoh fires up, drags Desperado over, but Desperado spins to get the cradle, TWO! Desperado blocks the superkick but Yoh blocks the torture rack! Yoh spins, Desperado catches the haymaker to GUITARRA- NO, Yoh slips out to waistlock and O’Conner Roll, FIVE STAR CLUT- NO, Desperado holds off the bridge and rolls Yoh to get the leg, STRETCH MUFFLER! But Yoh rolls to get a cover, TWO!! Desperado escapes, fans fire up, Yoh spins Desperado to backslide, TWO!

Yoh gets Desperado in underhooks. Desperado NORTHERN LIGHTS out of it, bridging cover, TWO!! Desperado kicks the leg and ROCKS Yoh with an elbow! Yoh goes Matrix to dodge the lariat, but Desperado ducks the superkick to DECK Yoh with the elbow! Desperado fires up and fans are with him! Desperado underhooks Yoh, PINCH- NO! Yoh lands on his feet and back drops free! Fans fire up more as Yoh is in the corner. Desperado gets up, runs in, but into a SUPERKICK! Yoh staggers, gets Desperado back up, full nelson for DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Desperado escapes, Yoh roars! Yoh drags Desperado up, underhooks him, DIRECT DRIVE!! Cover, YOH WINS!!!

Winner: Yoh, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Desperado earns 0)

A major upset in the main event!! Yoh has climbed up from a shaky start to a strong contender in this tournament! Is the champion’s run hitting choppy waters? As for Yoh, he’s handed the mic and fans rally up as he catches his breath. Yoh’s only response to his victory is a triumphant shout! Is this all Yoh needs to make a run at the top?


Here are the NEW BOSJ 28 standings!

SHO: 6-2, 12 points
El Desperado: 4-3-1, 9 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 4-3-1, 9 points
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 4-4, 8 points
Ryusuke Taguchi: 4-4, 8 points
Robbie Eagles: 4-4, 8 points
El Phantasmo: 4-4, 8 points
Bushi: 4-4, 8 points
Taiji Ishimori: 4-4, 8 points
YOH: 4-4, 8 points
Master Wato: 3-5, 6 points
Douki: 2-6, 4 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

Another great round from BOSJ, and quite the shocker in the main event. I didn’t think Yoh was going to get this one, but now we have a stacked 4-4, 8 point block. Wato gets his own surprising win over Kanemaru but Kanemaru is still in the running as part of that stacked block, and Eagles gets back up while taking Douki out of the running. The interplay of Sho and ELP over this potential new Bullet Club Civil War was a lot of great stuff, and ELP winning was more about Bullet Club than the BOSJ standings as Sho is still several points ahead of everyone.

Hiromu VS Taguchi was awesome stuff just on the fast pace, and with Desperado losing, he and Hiromu are tied again. Things could get really complicated going into the finals of this tournament, I wonder if NJPW would do a Triple Threat if Hiromu and Desperado stay tied in the end.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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