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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (12/28/21)

The last NXT of 2021!



NXT Coverage 2021

Will NXT feel the Grayson Waller Effect?

After calling out AJ Styles online, on TV, and even on Raw, will Grayson Waller close out the year strong? Or will someone shut NXT’s biggest mouth?


  • Grayson Waller VS Odyssey Jones; Waller wins.
  • Harland w/ Joe Gacy VS THE Brian Kendrick Andre Chase; Harland wins.
  • Tiffany Stratton VS Fallon Henley; Stratton wins.
  • Solo Sikoa VS Santos Escobar w/ Legado Del Fantasma; Sikoa wins.
  • Malik Blade VS Von Wagner; Wagner wins.
  • Cora Jade & Raquel Gonzalez VS Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai; Jade & Gonzalez win and will face Mandy Rose for the NXT Women’s Championship at New Year’s Evil.


Grayson Waller heads to the ring!

The fans boo the most hated man in NXT 2.0, but he just soaks it up as he struts his way out. He gets a mic as fans call him an A-Hole. “What better way to start the final NXT of 2021 than hands down the breakout star of the year, Grayson Waller! Hey, hey, hey. How was everyone’s Christmas? Rhetorical question, I couldn’t care less. I’ll tell you about my Christmas, though.” Waller woke up that morning and thought he was such a good boy, that he bought tickets to Monday Night Raw in Detroit. Waller was keeping to himself, when out of nowhere, AJ Styles wanted some of Waller’s clout. Some of that Waller rub!

Recap video shows Styles introducing Waller and how Waller said he wanted to see what it was like on Raw. Of course Waller likes it on Raw, it’s where stars are made. Except Waller’s not even close. Styles offered a tour and a Phenomenal Forearm, but Waller didn’t get either. Waller doesn’t get why fans think Styles is a good guy when he goes and threatens Waller. Styles shows up last week on Waller’s show, and his song sucks! Worst theme song he’s ever heard. Not even as good as Waller’s song. That song hits, fans try to get their fat asses out of the seats to dance to it. And Styles says Waller isn’t a star? There’s no star brighter than Waller!

And if not for Apollo Crews & Azeez, that would’ve been Styles’ last night as a WWE superstar! Waller would’ve given Styles a WAPOW! A Dexter Lumis special, if you get what he means. Oh but he was supposed to have a match with Lumis tonight, right? Lumis is delusional, thinking after the “Chairshot heard around the world,” he’d be cleared. “Hey, Dex. How’s your back? Is your catfish’d wife, Indi Hartwell, there with you?” Indi may be a Dexter Lumis Ten, but she’s more like a Grayson Waller Three. But hopefully they pay close attention! They supposedly found a suitable replacement tonight. But it doesn’t matter who they are, they’re gonna learn what the Grayson Waller Effect is all about.

Well #SoundTheAlarm, Odyssey Jones is here! He’s a good friend and a groomsman of Dexter’s, will Jones show he’s immune to the Grayson Waller Effect?

Grayson Waller VS Odyssey Jones!

The ref gets in, but Waller bails. Jones gets the mic to say Waller prances around here like he’s a big time star. “But the truth is, Grayson, you’re just a big time BITCH.” Waller doesn’t take that lightly, and he gets back to the ring as fans chant “Big Time Bitch!” at him. The bell rings and it’s on! Waller gives testing kicks but Jones backs him down to a corner. Waller gets in the ropes, the ref backs Jones off, and Waller comes back. Waller bops Jones, Jones TOSSES Waller to a corner, then SPLASHES! Jones TOSSES Waller across the way! Jones grins as he heads over, knees Waller into the corner, and again, then pushes Waller down.

Fans want that toss “One More Time!” but Waller JABS Jones. Jones CLUBS Waller! Jones runs, Waller drops but Jones stands on Waller’s back! Jones drags Waller up to CLUB him down again. Jones whips Waller to a corner, Waller goes up and over and rolls but runs into a scoop and SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Waller survives as NXT goes picture in picture.

Jones gets up, drags Waller to a corner and bumps him off buckles. Jones RAMS into Waller, digs his shoulder in, then RAMS Waller again! Jones hoists Waller up top, sets him on the top rope and CLUBS away on his chest! Jones DOUBLE AX HANDLES Waller down and Waller flops out of the ring! Jones goes out after Waller but Waller gets him in the ropes for a HOTSHOT! Waller then runs in to CLUB Jones and fire off body shots. Waller knees away in the corner, but lets off as the ref counts. Waller comes back with EuroUppers and JABS, then more body shots in the corner. Jones shoves Waller away but Waller kicks him low.

Waller brings Jones out for a cravat and neck wrench. Jones pries free, but Waller dropkicks a leg out, to then CLOBBER him from behind! Waller rains down fists, then KNEES Jones in the side. Waller stomps Jones around, sits him up and KNEES him in the back. Waller drags Jones up, brings him around for forearms and kicks. Jones goes to a corner, Waller runs in but Jones shoves him away. Waller mule kicks and Eddy Gordo Kicks right back! Waller CLUBS Jones on the neck with elbows, then talks trash while he pulls hair and kicks Jones to ropes. The ref reprimands but Waller drags Jones up to a cravat and neck wrench.

Jones endures, fights up, but Waller shoulders him down! Waller talks more trash while he cranks on the cravat. Jones fights back up as fans rally, and Jones throws hands as NXT returns to single picture. Waller throws knees now, then kicks Jones’ legs. Waller mocks DIY before the SUPERKICK! Waller then drags Jones to a drop zone and goes up a corner. Waller goes on the rope, BALLER ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Jones is still in this but Waller throws more forearms. Jones throws body shots, Waller fires off fast hands! But Jones turns leg lariat into a TOSS! Waller gets up and Jones CLOBBERS him with big body blocks! Then a BACKBREAKER!

Waller goes to a corner, Jones fires up and the fans are with him. Jones runs in, Waller dodges and LEG LARIATS in the corner! Waller climbs up to rain down rights, but Jones stops him at 7! Jones pops Waller up but Waller brings a buckle pad with him! LAST RIDE! High stack, TWO!! Waller survives but Jones is seething. Jones runs in but Waller dodges, Jones hits the bare buckle! Waller somersaults in for the STUNNER! Cover, Waller wins!

Winner: Grayson Waller, by pinfall

Give an assist to some dumb luck with that turnbuckle, but Waller still pulled off the win. Will the 21st Century Success Story’s ego only grow more in the New Year?

But then AJ Styles reaches out on the titantron. Thanks for stopping by, Waller! You got some attention, right? That’s what he wanted, right? But Waller got the wrong kind of attention. Styles is going to be back at NXT next week! Time to put up or shut up at New Year’s Evil! Is NXT about to be phenomenal?


Backstage interview with Cora Jade & Raquel Gonzalez.

These two will be opponents with Mandy Rose in the NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat, but tonight, Cora & Raquel will be working together against Toxic Attraction’s Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne. Cora says they can coexist. They’re on the same team like at WarGames, and this is about taking out the toxic trash. But Io Shirai walks in to say, “No matter who walks away with that championship, I want the first shot. Never got my rematch.” Raquel says this might be Shirai’s lucky day. But then Kay Lee Ray walks in, and she says, “I did tell you you would be needing that baseball bat.” Because it doesn’t matter if it’s Cora, Raquel or Mandy, KLR is getting next.

Shirai takes offense to that, but then Mandy Rose pops in on the screen. “Ladies, ladies, how cute is this? Now you have the whole WarGames team wanting a piece of me.” Story of her life. But considering they all want after her, maybe Gigi & Jacy can just take the night off so that KLR and Shirai can step in. And let’s make it even more interesting. The winning team will face Mandy at New Year’s Evil. She’s the champ, she’ll make sure this happens, and then they can just take care of the rest. Best of luck! Mandy blows a kiss for luck, and the stakes just got raised! Who moves on to get after the golden leader of Toxic Attraction?


Grayson Waller speaks.

He won’t let this go back to commentary, he wants the camera to stay with him. “AJ Styles, you wanna try and ruin my celebration? New Year’s Evil, huh? Put up or shut up! Grayson Waller has no problem doing that.” Then he bumps into MSK, literally. They want him to chillax, but he shouts, “Screw you!” That is atrocious language, sir! Waller has issues. But MSK is fired up because they’re next. Will Imperium show up when Wes Lee & Nash Carter call them out?


Tiffany Stratton speaks.

“Daddy says I’m ready to take over NXT and he’s never wrong. The real question is, is NXT ready for Tiffany Stratton?” We’ll find out one way or another, tonight!


Xyon Quinn speaks.

“Elektra. I know you want this as much as I do. It’s time to make a decision. It’s either me or Legado. And this needs to happen tonight. The choice is yours.” The ball is in Elektra Lopez’s court, will she listen to her heart or her pride?


MSK heads to the ring!

The Shaman Bro, Matt Riddle, helped Lee & Carter rejuvenate and now they’re back! And it feels so good! But the last time they were here was Halloween Havoc where they lost the NXT Tag Team Championships. But it’s okay. They were down, but they went on a beautiful journey, met the Shaman, and are higher than ever before! Riddle talks via video, last minute change of plans happen. But you gotta roll with the punches. He’ll be there in spirit, like a higher power. But he’s seen their journey, the NXT Universe has seen their journey, but there’s one last thing to do: challenge Imperium for the NXT Tag Team Champions! It’s their destiny, bros! Yes, it is!

Lee says they’re here to do one thing. “IMPERIUM~! Bring that ass here, boy!” And so, Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner appear! Aichner says, “MSK, MSK.” In Italian, he asks if they’re serious. Barthel says “Nein.” Subtitles, please? Sorry, they’re not cultured. Oh, not cultured? They don’t doubt that. But listen. MSK can sit around the fire, sing their songs and ride their scooters. That’s fine, do your thing. But the fact of the matter is, the two of them will never, ever be able to touch Imperium. The NXT Tag Team Championships are going to stay with the very best team this division has ever seen! They’re going to stay where they belong, and they belong to Imperium!

Firstly, the songs they sung were amazing. Their harmonies were on point. But if Imperium is feeling spicy, go and put the titles on the line right here, right now! But then WALTER speaks on the titantron! And he says in German and English, “You represent everything that is wrong in this great sport today. You’re a disgrace for the mat you stand on.” Barthel & Aichner are true champions who treat the titles with dignity and respect. MSK does not deserve a title match, only a beating with right hands. Riddle rejoins the video chat and can’t believe what he’s hearing. Riddle can’t sit back and hear them disrespect MSK.

So then how about this? New Year’s Evil, a big deal, now becomes an even bigger deal. How about three stallions, and he means himself and MSK, take on Walter and his goons in a Six Man Tag? Fans are going nuts for that! Walter asks, “Is that what you really want, you bare footed nerd?!” Then they will have it! Imperium accepts the challenge! Imperium is in this for the greater good, and will expose them for what they are: a bunch of showmen! They are Imperium, and to them, the mat is SACRED. New Year’s Evil might end up feeling like Worlds Collide! Will the Bro & MSK show the Ring General and his troops what really matters in the ring?


Joe Gacy speaks with Harland.

“Remember what he called you. Mr. Kendrick called you a freak. Harland, you are no freak.” But will he look like one when he takes on The Man with a Plan?


Backstage interview with Edris Enofe.

A huge win over Von Wagner, how did his first win in NXT feel? It felt fantastic! All his life, he’s had doubters, but what better way to close out 2021 than with- “YOU GOT LUCKY!” Von Wagner says Enofe got lucky in that win, and he’ll leave him laying just like he did last week! But Malik Blade comes to Enofe’s aid to say, “A win is a win.” Malik vows to do the same tonight! “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?” And Von pie faces Malik! Refs rush in to keep this from turning into a brawl, but will Von have to worry about his rage costing him tonight?


Harland w/ Joe Gacy VS THE Brian Kendrick!

Harland could’ve have seriously hurt this former NXT Cruiserweight Champion throwing him down the stairs, but somehow Kendrick is back up. Will Kendrick have a way to get his hooks in on Harland and make him pay?

But when Kendrick’s music hits, Kendrick doesn’t show? Gacy says he “knew” this was gonna happen. Kendrick is just like so many people in this cruel world: they talk a big game, but when they get confronted with their mistakes, they fail to show up. Mr. Kendrick is afraid to admit he was the problem, and that he did wrong by Harland. But then Andre Chase shows up? “Pardon the interruption, Mr. Gacy, Mr. Harland. But what we have right now… is a TEACHABLE MOMENT!” And Chase U doesn’t quit! They don’t run away from their problems! They take negatives and turn them into positives!

Gacy says, “Mr. Chase, we admire the good work you do at Andre Chase University. In fact, did you know Harland used to be enrolled in school himself? Until he was unfairly and unjustly expelled.” But Mr. Chase, they would like to thank him. They thank him for volunteering himself as Kendrick’s replacement. What? Harland THROWS Chase down! The bell rings as Chase gets up, and that’s the match!

Harland w/ Joe Gacy VS Andre Chase!

Chase throws hands on Harland then BOOTS, but Harland stays up! Chase gets around, waistlocks, but Harland throws back elbows. He puts Chase in a corner, Chase flounders, and Harland choke grips to SHOVE Chase right out of the ring! Harland goes out after Chase, but keeps him from getting back in the ring! Harland YANKS Chase into the ropes! Chase sputters, Harland gets in and he dribbles Chase off the mat! Again and again, and again! Harland lets off and Chase is OUT! Harland wins!

Winner: Harland, by referee stoppage

Whatever it was that really happened to THE Brian Kendrick, maybe the lesson to be learned is to stay far, far away from Harland. Gacy asks if Harland feels better, and he doesn’t. So Harland goes back to the ring, only for Chase’s star pupil to get in the ring and shield him. So Harland pulls the student out of the ring! Harland hauls him up and carries him away to the back! What is he going to do to Chase U’s valedictorian!?


NXT Media catches up with Legado Del Fantasma.

What do they think of Quinn’s message to Elektra? Santos Escobar ignores that and Joaquin Wilde shoos the cameras. But Elektra walks out and wonder what’s going on. Were the guys waiting for her? Yes, because they want to know her answer. Solo Sikoa walks in and says, “My bad.” Escobar says no, Solo can’t just shrug off the familia. He doesn’t have time for this. But Wilde and Mendoza block the way. Solo says they have misplaced anger. If they want to have it out, do it in the ring. Solo walks off, and it seems a match has been made. Escobar tells Lopez this isn’t over. But then, will this influence Lopez’s decision?


Tiffany Stratton VS Fallon Henley!

It seems Daddy said it was finally time for his little girl to debut in NXT. But will she make Daddy proud? Or will she be just another pretty face?

The bell rings, Tiffany and Fallon circle and talk a little trash. They tie up, go around, and Tiffany shoves Fallon down and talks some more trash. Fallon and Tiffany tie up, Fallon gets a waistlock. Tiffany wrenches out to a wristlock, but Fallon slips through to wrench back to a wristlock of her own. Fallon keeps on the wrist, but Tiffany goes up the ropes and flips to WRING Fallon down! Tiffany has the cording hold and cranks the arm, but Fallon endures as fans rally up. Fallon gets up, chinbars, but Tiffany keeps on the arm. Tiffany still gets the chinbar and gets a headlock from it. Tiffany powers her way out of the hold to get her own headlock.

Fallon endures the grind, throws body shots, and powers out, only for Tiffany to run Fallon over! Tiffany applauds herself, things speed up, and Tiffany leaps over Fallon! But then Fallon sidesteps, only for Tiffany to block the hip toss. Tiffany scoops and SLAMS Fallon, then drags Fallon up to reel her in and whip to a corner. Handspring clothesline! Tiffany didn’t do it the cleanest, but she still blows a kiss before hitting the COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, Tiffany wins!

Winner: Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall

The “Buff Barbie” has a successful debut, but will she make Daddy proud as she starts her journey for gold?


Tony D’Angelo speaks.

“Petey Poppins, I warned you. I told you, when I put my fingers in your face, I mean business. Not like these other clowns, stunatz, in NXT who act tough. But you, oh you, you had to find out the hard way.” So Tony introduced Pete to his little friend. He loved the sound of the crowbar breaking Dunne’s hand. Watch it back in slow-mo like he did with the family. And Dunne’s face, the look of pain, the look of a man who shouldn’t have messed with Tony D. Tony’s grandfather, Junior, always told him, when you find a bully, smash him in the face, and they never come back. So maybe Dunne should take that advice and never come back. Or the beating Tony gives him will be a whole lot worse.


Wade Barrett is in the ring.

The NXT North American and Cruiserweight Championships are on the desk as Barrett announces that for New Year’s Evil, two men enter this ring as champions, and only one man will walk out. Tonight, they’ll make this match-up official. Please welcome the “leader of the Diamond Mine,” the Cruiserweight Champion, Roderick Strong! Strong enters, along with Malcom Bivens and the rest of Diamond Mine behind him. Strong sits with the Cruiserweight title on one end of the table, and Bivens says, “So, here we are. And backstage, I didn’t see Trick Williams. I didn’t see the self-proclaimed A Champion of NXT, Carmelo Hayes.”

But Bivens gets it! Gas prices are high, so the brothers couldn’t afford to make it.” Bivens understands. He doesn’t have that problem, but he understands. Strong would never put himself in that situation, though. But then here comes Melo & Trick! Trick says, “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Bivens needs to get out of the way while grown men are talking. “Hey, Roddy, I just spoke with the A Champion, and we just decided to call you the B Champion. Cuz you won’t be champion for much longer.” The bigger, badder champion is going to beat Strong, take that belt from him, and unify those belts.

Trick and Melo get in the ring, and Trick says, “In other words, next Tuesday, you can strap up those boots and make the ring talk, but you’ve never been bout it bout it.” What? BIvens will do his best to translate for Diamond Mine, Wade and the fans. Trick said Strong is a second tier champion, and at New Year’s Evil, Strong will be unable to unify his championship with Melo’s. And that Trick will put on boots and stomp Strong until there is a substantial amount of rain. Wow that was the best one yet. Then tell Trick, Strong will kick his ass. “Roderick Strong said, ‘Ey, bruh! If you come at the king, you best not miss!'”

Around here, this is Strong’s block! If you want some, come get some!! Right now, you are out numbered! Fans are fired up but Trick says, “Outnumbered?!” Trick ain’t ever outnumbered! He’s 6’4″, 235, with eight abs, three chains, two women, and two feet! Bivens, do the math! Bivens doesn’t get paid enough to translate all this jive, he ain’t doin’ this. Barrett restores order, he has no clue what anyone is going on about! He’s lost! So let’s get this to business. Barrett wants to hear from the champions. Melo takes his seat and Barrett gives him a turn to speak.

“Roderick Strong, when I say I shoot, and I don’t miss, that’s not a catchphrase. That’s a lifestyle. Cuz I got aim like Denzel in The Equalizer, and Roddy, don’t play with me, because I will put you on a T-shirt.” If Strong takes a look at the guys he’s laid to rest, the difference between Strong and them, “is not a damn thing.” Melo takes what he wants, and next week, he is taking that Cruiserweight Championship by any means necessary to unify both titles and truly be THE A CHAMPION of NXT! Because he IS the most scintillating champion in NXT. “And that’s all it is, and that’s all it’s ever gonna be.” Bivens best Melo doesn’t even know how to spell scintillating.

Strong applauds, and says, “Bravo, Melo, bravo. The fact that you actually said that to my face is extremely impressive.” But Strong wants him to understand something. As much potential Melo has, New Year’s Evil will be life-changing for them both. For Strong, it’ll be the greatest night of his career when he unifies these titles and walks out a TWO-TIME North American Champion! And for Melo, he’ll be carried out and be forever known as, “Humbled Hayes.” And that is all it’s gonna be! Barrett says the time for talking is over. Time to sign on the dotted line! Strong is offered the contract first, and he signs right away. Then he passes it over to Melo, and Melo signs his part.

The contract gets thrown around a little more, but it is official! Melo gets heated, the table is pushed around, and Barrett gets out of the ring. Things stay civil but Bivens has the music cut out. Trick, y’know what’s bout it bout it? Lumis whooping your ass! Trick turns around and tells Bivens he’s sick of his mouth. Bivens better mind his mouth! But Bivens mockingly asks, “Can’t we all just get along?” But then Trick turns around into a DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER through the table from the Creed Brothers! Melo is furious but he can’t do anything about it! Will he just have to make Strong pay when they go belt for belt on New Year’s Evil?


Four tag teams, one goal: The NXT Tag Team Championships!

The Grizzled Young Veterans, The Creed Brothers, Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen, and Jacket Time, are all competing for their shot at the titles! GYV’s Zack Gibson says the NXT Tag Division has become more competitive than ever, and Briggs says the best talent is right here. The Creed Brothers and Jacket Time add that they all dream of being champions. Gibson & Drake claim to be the best bar none, but Julius & Brutus say it is their destiny to be champions. Brooks quotes Mike Tyson, “Everybody’s got a game plan, until they get popped in the mouth.” You probably thought they were just some bar hopping, beer drinking, ass kickers. Well you’re right! And they will become champions!

But Kushida & Jiro says they will be the next champions! After winning against these three, they’re coming for Imperium! These four times are heading on a collision course, who comes out of it with golden tickets in their hands?


Solo Sikoa VS Santos Escobar w/ Legado Del Fantasma!

The Street Champion of the Island stepped into a mess and the Emperor of Lucha wants to take his frustrations out on him! But will Solo get the biggest win in his undefeated streak yet? Or will El Hijo del Fantasma use Solo to send a message to Xyon Quinn?

The bell rings and the two circle. Solo has his dukes up, and Escobar avoids his testing kick. They circle, tie up, and Solo powers Escobar to ropes. Escobar turns it around, the ref counts the ropebreak, and Escobar lets off to CHOP! Solo doesn’t even flinch! Escobar still grins as they two circle again. They tie up, Escobar waistlocks, but Solo resists the lift to throw some elbows. Escobar avoids those, rolls Solo up, but Solo gets away. Escobar says Solo can’t keep up with him, and they circle again. They tie up, Escobar waistlocks to flip but Solo stays up. Escobar avoids the stomp, and now Solo grins at how close that was.

Solo and Escobar reset again, circle, and tie up. Escobar wrenches, hammerlocks, but Solo powers his way around. Escobar has the hammerlock for a double wristlock now, but Solo gets a leg for a takedown. Escobar gets away, they go again, and Escobar shoots in to get a leg and a takedown, then a facelock. Escobar floats all around, chinlocks and shoots the half, but Solo fights up with Escobar as a backpack. Escobar shifts to get the arm for a cording hold, and it’s like a modified octopus hold! But Solo hip tosses out hard! Fans rally for Solo, Escobar gets up and they tie up again. Escobar wrenches, has the wristlock, but Solo powers up.

Solo blocks the whip to reverse it, and back elbow in the corner! Solo keeps moving to CLOBBER Escobar down! Solo gets Escobar up, scoops and SLAMS, then runs to drop the headbutt! Cover, TWO! Solo stalks Escobar but Escobar bails out. Solo pursues, throws a BIG right hand, then sees Wilde and Mendoza creep up. They back off, Escobar DOUBLE KNEES Solo into the post! Escobar then RAMS Solo into the apron, and he soaks up all the cheers and jeers as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Escobar has Solo down in a motorcycle stretch. Solo endures, fans rally and duel, and Solo fights up. Escobar shifts to facelock but Solo breaks free to fire off haymakers and CHOPS! Solo gets Escobar up to whip him to ropes, but Escobar hooks Solo up for a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Body scissors to the sunset flip, TWO! Solo flounders away but fans rally up. Escobar stalks Solo, gets him up to shove and CLUB in the back! Escobar then dropkicks Solo into the ropes! Escobar stomps away at the ropes but the ref counts and Escobar stops at 4. Escobar talks trash on Solo, has a cocky cover, ONE! Escobar fires off kicks, then gets a leg for a deep Half Crab!

Solo endures as Escobar uses his body weight to keep the leg bend. Solo crawls, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans rally, Escobar lets off, and Escobar aims to basement dropkick Solo right down! Cover, ONE!! Escobar is surprised, but he goes right for the FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Solo endures, fans rally and duel, and Escobar keeps on that arm, all the way to a cover, TWO! Solo is frustrating Escobar with that toughness, but Escobar eggs Solo on. “Fight me! Fight me like a man!” Escobar JABS, then kicks low! Escobar calls for Three Amigos already, but Solo stops him at uno! Solo suplexes and TOSSES Escobar, then DECKS him!

Solo rallies on Escobar, gets him up and fires off hands in the corner! Solo throws knees, whips Escobar to ropes, then gets Escobar up for a SAMOAN DROP! Fans fire up as Solo runs to drop the SENTON! Solo is all fired up and he waits for Escobar to get to a corner. Wilde gets on the apron but Solo DECKS him! And he DECKS Mendoza! But Escobar CHOP BLOCKS Solo’s leg! Escobar puts Solo up top, climbs up and whistles, SUPER STEINER! Escobar swaggers about, even with a little bit of blood in his nose. But wait, Xyon Quinn has appeared! So Escobar DIVES out to take him down! Escobar fires off on Quinn, not even giving Elektra a chance to talk to him!

Escobar says Lopez is la familia, just forget Quinn! But he gets in the ring to get a SUPERKICK from Solo! Solo goes up top, for the SPLASH!! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

And still undefeated! Quinn may not have gotten an answer from Lopez, but he still got one over on Escobar! But then, what will Lopez choose?


Backstage with McKenzie Mitchell.

She’s certain we’re all wondering who faces Mandy Rose for the NXT Women’s Championship at New Year’s Evil. The tag team match determines that later tonight! Plus, the title unification of North American VS Cruiserweight Champions, the Six Man Tag of Imperium VS MSK & Riddle, and then the phenomenal showdown of AJ Styles and Grayson Waller. And after the break, NXT looks closely at the New Year’s Evil main event, the NXT Championship match of Tommaso Ciampa VS Bron Breakker.


Wait, something’s going down in the parking lot!

There’s someone on the roof! Wait, it’s Harland and Joe Gacy with Chase’s prized student!! Harland drops the student safely on the roof, but he has made his point. If he can come that close to throwing someone off the top of the CWC, what will stop him from destroying every opponent he has in the ring?


NXT Media catches up with Solo Sikoa.

They congratulate him on his big win over Escobar, but what’s next? Anyone else that wants to get this work. BOA attacks! And he’s in full Tian Sha mode! He’s choking the life out of Solo, even as refs try to get him to stop! Boa goes after the CAMERAMAN! Security gets out there and Boa transforms back into himself! He doesn’t even realize what he’s done! Is there anything that can save Boa’s soul from the darkness within?


NXT takes a look at Ciampa VS Breakker II.

Halloween Havoc was just two months ago, but when Bron Breakker was supposed to become NXT Champion, no one told Tommaso Ciampa. The Psycho Killer showed the second generation star no mercy, and he “exposed” Bron. Bron says he made one simple mistake and it was all over. Failure taught Bron a lesson that he will not forget, and a mistake he will not make again. WarGames was a stepping stone towards Bron becoming champion. Bron took the win for Team 2.0, and Ciampa says Bron gained just a bit of confidence. But don’t mistake one battle for the war. The title is the war, and Ciampa hit back hard. Ciampa says Bron is not ready to be champion.

Bron says he’s coming for the title! He could’ve pulverized Ciampa again, but he chose not to. New Year’s Evil, blood is in the water, and Bron is going to be the shark that eats the Blackheart Ciampa alive! But is carnage going to be enough to stop the champion?


Malik Blade VS Von Wagner!

The hometown hero said a win is a win, but #ViciousVon looks to make an example out of him! Will Wagner get back on track by cutting down Blade?

The bell rings, Malik rushes in, but Von RAMS him right into a corner! Von rams his shoulder in more and more, then lets off as the ref counts. Von hauls Malik right back up to RAM into another corner! Von throws back elbows, then lets off as the ref counts. Malik throws forearms back, only for Von to knee him low! Von CLUBS Malik, whips him to ropes, but Malik dodges the boot to wrench, mule kick and SUPERKICK! Malik runs, into a pop-up TOSS! Robert Stone is watching backstage and likes what he sees as Von stomps and kicks Malik down. Von CLUBS Malik, drags him back up and CLUBS him again!

Fans boo, Malik shoves but Von stomps Malik again. Von gut wrenches and TOSSES Malik across the ring! Von looms over Malik, Malik throws back elbows but Von reels him in for a short arm LARIAT! Von soaks up the heat, whips but Malik fires off forearms in return! Malik gets around the one lariat but Von CLOBBERS him on the return! Malik flounders to a corner, Von runs in, but Malik elbows him back! Malik holds ropes as Von tries to bring him out, and Malik throws more elbows. Malik fires off forearms, but Von shoves. Malik ducks and dodges to dropkick! And dropkick again! Fans fire up as Malik goes to a corner! Malik springboards in, CROSSBODY!

Malik fires up and the fans are with him! Stone isn’t liking this, but Malik runs in, into Von’s LIFTING FLAT LINER! Von then gets Malik up, but Malik sunset flips through the bomb! TWO!! Von almost makes the same mistake as last week! Von hauls Malik up, OLYMPIC SLAM!! Von roars, drags Malik up to double underhooks, BUTTERFLY SLAM! Cover, Von wins!

Winner: Von Wagner, by pinfall

A win is a win, and Von did get this win. But he isn’t satisfied with it! He drags Malik up, but Enofe makes the save! Von is furious, but will he go another round with the Excellence of Execution soon enough?


Cora Jade & Raquel Gonzalez VS Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai!

Mandy Rose “graciously” gave her sidekicks the night off so that the four that beat them at WarGames could have it out! And now, the plan for New Year’s Evil could change as easy as 1-2-3! Will #GenerationJade and Big Mami Cool keep things the way they were? Or will the Scary Queen of Scots and Evil Genius of the Sky both be a match away from having gold again?

The teams sort out and Shirai starts against Jade. They tie up, Shirai waistlocks but Jade elbows. Shirai avoids it then pie faces her. Jade swing but into Shirai’s knee! Shirai whips, Jade reverses but Shirai goes up and around and Jade runs into buckles. Jade comes back, tilt-o-whirls and headscissors, but Shirai handsprings through! Fans cheer and Shirai wags her finger. Jade runs back in but into a FLAPJACK! Shirai kips up, brings Jade up, but Jade kicks back. Jade then blocks a kick, trips Shirai, then rolls her up to a headlock. Shirai powers out, Jade blocks hip toss to arm-drag and lateral press, TWO!

Shirai sidesteps but Jade goes up the ropes to FLYING RANA! Jade runs to SHINING WIZARD Shirai against ropes, and Raquel tags in. Jade snapmares Shirai for Raquel’s BOOT! Cover, TWO! Raquel gets Shirai up, knuckle locks and wrenches to then lift Shirai with one arm! But Shirai slips around to sunset flip! Raquel stays up, drags Shirai up and throws her to the corner! KLR tags in and fans fire up. KLR dodges to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP! Raquel shoves KLR but KLR kicks back! KLR whips but Raquel blocks! KLR dodges one clothesline but not the LEFT! Tag to Jade, and Raquel trophy lifts her. But Shirai dropkicks Raquel down and Jade lands on KLR’s knees!

Raquel bails out, Shirai and KLR coordinate. KLR goes up and up and SWANTONS Raquel down! Shirai then goes to the apron to ASAI MOONSAULT! Raquel’s down again and fans fire up as NXT goes picture in picture.

Shirai and KLR are getting along well now and KLR goes back to Jade. Jade throws a body shot but KLR CLUBS her down. KLR cravats and neck wrenches Jade. Jade endures, throws body shots, but KLR throws knees. KLR snapmares, tags Shirai, and SHirai runs to basement dropkick Jade in the back! Cover, TWO! Shirai keeps cool, drags Jade up, and scoops to SLAM Jade down! Shirai hadnstands to drop knees on Jade, then covers, TWO! Jade is showing that toughness but Shirai bumps her off buckles. Tag to KLR, KLR snapmares Jade, then grabs the arms for a motorcycle stretch! Jade endures, Raquel and the fans rally up, and Jade fights up to her feet!

But KLR throws Jade down by her hair! KLR stomps Jade, and keeps her from Raquel with a straddle attack! KLR drags Jade up, suplexes for the GOURD BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Jade is still in this as NXT returns to single picture! KLR stays between Jade and Raquel, fans rally up but KLR CLUBS Jade down. KLR drags Jade up, scoops her and SLAMS her, then brings her around to get the leg. KLR SMASHES the knee, then has the leg again for a HALF CRAB! KLR sits on it deep and Jade endures! Raquel coaches Jade, fans rally up, and Jade crawls forward for the ropes. Jade reaches out, but KLR drags her back and sits even deeper!

Jade still endures, even as KLR pulls that leg way back! KLR can’t hold it any longer so she lets Jade go, to stand her up and turn her around. Gory Especial, but Jade pops free to sunset flip! TWO, and KLR CLOBBERS Jade! KLR drags Jade up, whips her, but Jade reverses to send KLR into a corner! But KLR comes back to ROCK Jade! Tag to Shirai, and Shirai clubs while KLR CLUBS Jade. KLR snap suplexes Jade down, then runs to DECK Raquel! Shirai is up top, but Raquel goes around to get Jade out of the ring! KLR DIVES and takes Raquel out! Shirai aims at Jade as she slowly rises, and Shirai runs in to basement dropkick Jade down!

Jade crawls to ropes, Shirai runs to 619! Jade staggers up, into a missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Jade is showing us that same heart from WarGames, and she avoids Shinkansen! Hot tag to KLR, she gets Jade’s leg but Jade ENZIGURIS! KLR flops against ropes, Jade crawls for her corner! Hot tag to Ricky Desperado! Raquel fires off on KLR, then reels her in to lift, ALLEY OOP into the ropes! KLR staggers into a LARIAT! Raquel drags KLR back up, puts her in a corner and scoops to FALL AWAY SLAM! Raquel drags KLR around more, puts her in a drop zone and goes up top! VADER SENTON! Fans are fired up with Raquel, and she drags KLR back up, but KLR SUPERKICKS!

KLR SUPERKICKS into a CHINGONA BOMB!! Jade tags in but Raquel is confused! Jade warns her about Shirai! Raquel catches Shirai to TOSS her! Jade covers KLR, but Raquel breaks it?! They’re on the same team! Raquel says SHE has to do it, but then KLR SHOVES them into each other! O’Conner Roll, but Raquel pushes it back and Jade has the cover! Jade and Raquel win!

Winners: Cora Jade & Raquel Gonzalez, by pinfall (going to New Year’s Evil)

But they’re back to arguing about who gets the finish! They’re going to be going to New Year’s Evil either way, and Mandy says, “Well, well, well. Congratulations, ladies, I’m shocked. You may have won, but let me tell you something. Your selfish desires for my NXT Women’s Championship will be your downfall.” That’s why she made a Triple Threat! These two are so consumed of taking the title off Mandy, she’ll just erase them both from the picture as quickly as 1-2-3. See you at New Year’s Evil. Mandy kisses the belt, but will she be kissing it good-bye in one week?

My Thoughts:

A really good NXT and a great go-home to New Year’s Evil next week. We got a good vignette to recap and build Ciampa VS Breakker, but the math doesn’t change on that match. I think this is Bron’s moment, because it’ll be the New Year, and him losing twice to Ciampa would just eliminate him from the running. I love that we’re getting MSK & Riddle VS Imperium in a Six Man Tag, that is going to be awesome. But we also got a promo vignette from the other four tag teams in the running, so clearly those four teams will have a contender’s match of some sort to determine who faces the winner of Imperium VS MSK. Personally, Imperium VS Jacket Time could be a lot of fun just on the multilingual promos.

Waller opening was a logical move with how they’re really building this guy up. He gets to reference his time on Raw, he has a really good match with Odyssey Jones, and then Styles has a challenge for a New Year’s Evil match. Styles VS Waller will be very good, maybe the opening match to liven things up. Waller will surely cheat to win, I can’t see them having a RawDown guy burying a 2.0 guy outright. And I have a feeling LA Knight returns after to get revenge on Waller. Tiffany Stratton had a decent debut against Fallon Henley (FKA Tesha Price), but now hiding her face during her vignettes makes no sense. There was no “OH NO, what’s on her face?!” swerve, so why hide who this was?

Tony D’Angelo had a decent promo to follow up last week, I hope Dunne comes back to brutalize him in return and we get a No Disqualification match. I like that there was a lot of story intertwining with Quinn, Legado, Solo and Boa. Quinn puts out his ultimatum to Elektra, then distracts Escobar so that Solo can win and stay undefeated, but then Boa goes berserk and attacks Solo. Great editing on that Boa bit, too. And while his name is “Solo,” I hope Solo and Quinn team up to take on Legado or even Escobar and Boa together. Wagner has good story going with Edris Enofe and Robert Stone. Malik gave Wagner a really good match, Enofe makes the save, maybe that’s another tag match with Wagner and Stone against Malik and Enofe.

Harland not facing Kendrick tonight was a big bummer. I wanted to see Kendrick’s return, but they didn’t even so much as kayfabe what happened to Kendrick past Gacy’s spin of Kendrick chickening out. Chase was a great replacement, though, and we still don’t have a full name for Chase’s star pupil but what a strong swerve there where we think he’s going to be thrown off a building, only to be spared. I hope Kendrick shows up to have that match with Harland, or at least a brawl with Harland during New Year’s Evil to set up a match the week after. Of course, the Cruiserweight Division is being put out of its misery, so Kendrick returning would be moot anyway.

The contract signing of Strong and Hayes was a bit of a mess but perhaps in a good way. Strong has his fight camp posse with him, Melo just has Trick, the promos were good, I just weep for what Vince has done to the Cruiserweight Division again. He killed it years ago with Hornswoggle being the last champion, now he’s killed it again by having it fuse with the North American Championship. The only thing that saves it is if there’s a draw and neither champion gets the other champion’s title, but Vince sure as hell ain’t booking that, he clearly wants there to only be one midcard belt and nothing else.

We got a great story out of the women’s title tonight. Mandy pulls a great Heel move pitting all her enemies against each other, but I think it’s also to cover for Gigi & Jacy not being in fighting shape. And I mean that in both health, in that they’re still sore from WarGames, and also in them needing to sharpen their skills (mostly Jacy on that one). KLR & Shirai made a great team, I almost want KLR to replace Zoey Stark so that “Team Scary Evil Geniuses” can take those titles from Gigi & Jacy and add some drama to the story of Shirai and Stark.

Meanwhile, Cora & Raquel were of course winning to keep the advertised match on the card, but the finish just seemed sloppy. Why did they have to argue about who gets the cover to win? They both go to the Triple Threat, so they could just edit out the arguing, Raquel still plays defense and boom, they win. I get they wanted to plant the seed of dysfunction to go with Mandy’s closing promo, but there were other ways to get there that are far more traditional in pro-wrestling.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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