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Andrew’s IMPACT Hard to Kill Results & Match Ratings: 1.8.2022

A historic Hard to Kill! ROH World Title is defended! Knockouts first ever Ultimate X Match! Triple Threat for the Heavyweight title and a Texas Death Match between Mickie James and Deonna Purrazzo!



Even with a few covid adjustments, the card still looks very strong and could be a big night.

ROH World Title is defended in a Pure Rules match, Texas Death Match for the Knockouts Title and a Triple Threat for the IMPACT World Title.

Now there also being a Hardcore War really has a lot of NoDQ/hardcore matches, so we could find ourselves bored if they don’t do something different. But there’s really only one way to find out.


  • Madman Fulton vs Jake Something: Jake wins via Blackhole Slam – ** ¼
  • Ace Austin vs Speedball Mike Bailey vs Laredo Kid vs Chris Bey: Speedball wins via Shooting Star Double Kneedrop – ***
  • Knockouts Ultimate X: Rosemary vs Alisha Edwards vs Tasha Steelz vs Jordynne Grace vs Chelsea Green vs Lady Frost: Tasha wins – * ½
  • X Division Championship: Steve Maclin vs Trey Miguel (c): Trey retains via Meteora – *** ½
  • Pure Wrestling Rules: ROH World Championship: Jonathan Gresham (c) vs Chris Sabin: Gresham retains via La Magistral Leg Clutch – ****
  • Jonah vs Josh Alexander:  Josh wins via Ankle Lock – **** ½
  • Hardcore War: Eddie Edwards, Heath, Rich Swann, Willie Mack & Rhino vs Eric Young, Joe Doering, Deaner, Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows: Heath wins after GORE on Karl Anderson – ***
  • IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship: Massive Cassidy vs Matt Cardona vs Moose (c): Moose retains via Lights Out – *** ½
  • IMPACT Knockouts World Championship: Texas Death Match: Mickie James (c) vs Deonna Purrazzo: Mickie retains via Mick-DT – **** ¼


So wait, D’Lo is doing commentary with Tom Phillips! The Dinosaur bone himself is now Tom Hannifan, I guess the Matt Striker being let go story was accurate.

Madman Fulton vs Jake Something

Fulton starts things fast, Jake tries to slow things down landing a Thesz press and a big bear paw, but Fulton continues to mostly keep the advantage. A rope assisted Swinging Side Slam, Fulton jumps off the top rope as well and makes contact. Fulton really doesn’t look pressured, but wastes too much time so Jake starts throwing haymakers.

Triangle Lariat into a Big Jake Something Dive and now he charges up in the corner to Spear Fulton in the opposite corner. Gutwrench Sitout Powerbomb from Jake…and Fulton kicks out. Fulton stops Jake rope running with a goozle, Kip Up, Chokeslam for two. Fulton Chokeslams Jake again and gets a “One more time” chant. Fulton gives in to the chants, but Jake fights out, runs Fulton back and forth, Fulton follows into Jake’s arms, Blackhole Slam and Jake wins.

Ace Austin vs Speedball Mike Bailey vs Laredo Kid vs Chris Bey

Bailey comes out bowing and being very respectful getting that aspect of his martial arts persona over well. He gets a chance to square off with everyone for a short time, but as expected we get flashes of the Heels working together and the Faces working together. The beauty in this match was really how annoyed Ace was at Bailey’s involvement, so he wanted to prove that this was his company/match/division.

Bailey did great getting his personality over, his great martial arts ability and a unique striking offense to really help him shine. His corner charge being like a Wu Shu tornado Knee, into a big Gamengiri followed up by the Shooting Star Knees to the back of Ace’s head and Bailey pins Ace for the win!

Knockouts Ultimate X: Rosemary vs Alisha Edwards vs Tasha Steelz vs Jordynne Grace vs Chelsea Green vs Lady Frost

So this was a car crash of a match. Havok and Savannah Evans came down, Alisha used Kendra, but some sloppy spots and just stupid spots. There were so many times someone was scaling the side and decided to dive off into a pile of people instead of going for the X. Some of the big spots were fun/entertaining, but that’s why I said it’s like a car crash. Not good, but you can’t take your eyes off of it.

With all that said, it ends up being less than mediocre but you could find more value if you feel the entertainment was worth more than I did; but I’m glad we get this behind us immediately.

X Division Championship: Steve Maclin vs Trey Miguel (c)

Steve Maclin hits with the Scud Missile before the bell and Maclin starts running roughshod. Trey fights back, a few quick kicks and Tiger Feints, but Steve stays on the offensive.

I can’t really say I’m surprised by this beyond how much Maclin being in control added a story to Trey’s usual spot filled trash wrestling. Maclin looks for some high impact moves but Trey always has an eventual answer. After a big crash moment on the outside, Trey looks to get the countout, but then decides he doesn’t want to win that way. So he rolls in Maclin, lands the Meteora, but Maclin kicks out. Trey’s shocked but smacks Maclin around a few times, drops him back down and hits a second Meteora to retain.

Pure Wrestling Rules: ROH World Championship: Jonathan Gresham (c) vs Chris Sabin

So they build this challenge off the fact that Sabin drew with Jay Lethal a few years ago, which should’ve won him a title match, but that was probably timed around Sabin’s last injury. So an overdue title shot gives us a pure style wrestling match on an IMPACT PPV.

I’m not gonna lie, this was one of those matches I was generally enjoying and forgot I had to be typing along with it. Gresham did a great job as working on the arm mostly with a little leg focus since Sabin is more strike and high flying than he is. But Sabin found his own mat based offense, and caught Gresham on many accounts with strikes.

Sabin nearly had the win with a surprise Cradle Shock, but the referee noticed after he counted 3 that Gresham’s foot was under the rope and he still had a rope break left. So it was a solid false finish. The cradle variation spam is very Japanese, and done very well by both of them. This was a really solid match, hampered mostly because there was no real story with it, but still generally a delight to watch

Jonah vs Josh Alexander

Jonah imposes his size and power early, but Josh sees the opening once Jonah goes for the Senton, and Josh rolls away. From that point, Josh gets a chance to knock Jonah around, gets him to the outside, lands a suplex from the apron into the ring and Jonah’s leg gets caught in the ropes. Josh takes advantage, but Jonah eventually stems the tide and starts throwing Josh around again.

This really turns into a slobberknocker with Josh trying to pick his spots and use his emotion to his advantage. He absorbs Jonah’s attacks to kick his foot out from under him and starts working on the leg. They spill out into the front row, the fans get evacuated, Jonah gets seated and Josh flies from the ring onto Jonah. Action goes back into the ring and they keep throwing strikes at one another.

Jonah goes for broke, attempts the Moonsault and misses. Josh lands the Rolling Elbow, Release German into a Jacknife Powerbomb. Ankle Lock, reapplication of the Ankle Lock and Jonah is forced to tap after Josh worked him over well and barely survived that while getting busted open.

Hardcore War: Eddie Edwards, Heath, Rich Swann, Willie Mack & Rhino vs Eric Young, Joe Doering, Deaner, Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows

Deaner and Rich Swann start off, which makes sense. You put in the weakest heel since he gets a small chance to shine and will be the first to have help, so no one looks inherently weaker than they should. Long and short, this is exactly what a hardcore match should be. A little ridiculous, a lot of fun, some crazy spots and a bunch of different guys getting color.

Weapons all day, barbed wire tables, bats, kendo sticks, doors and tables keep this match exciting. Signature spams as Doering tries to take out Rich Swann on the barbed wire table, Willie takes him out, Karl hits the Gun Stun then eats a Backstabber from Heath, a Gore from Rhino and the babyfaces win!

After the match we see the OG Kingdom hit the ring, Vinnie Marseglia and PCO storm the ring and beatdown the victorious IMPACT squad. So ROH is basically declaring war or at least reminding people they aren’t dead yet, on a show called Hard to Kill. Its poetic I suppose.

IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship: Massive Cassidy vs Matt Cardon vs Moose (c)

Wow big haymakers early, surprise Suplexes, Apron Powerbombs, everyone is just trying to take someone out with one big move. Moose eventually gets the advantage rocking Cardona, Kip Up, Go to Hell on Cassidy for a 2 as Cardona hits Radio Silence on Moose to break the pin. Locomotion ReBoots until Cassidy grabs him and drives him into the corner.

Cassidy goes for an Avalanche Fallaway Slam, but Moose gets under him for a Powerbomb so Moose is the one in the best position after the destruction. Moose looks to make the biggest example of Mid CARDona, but Chelsea comes out, flips off Moose and dives on him to help Cardona come back. Cassidy is on the steps to fly and meet the two of them though, so now it’s time for the man from Queens to be in control.

Moose puts the brakes on Cassidy, starts rocking Cardona, goes for his corner backflip, but Cardona shoves him off the turnbuckle and through the table on the outside. A fan throws in a prosthetic leg and Cassidy starts beating on Cardona with the fake leg to a fun pop. Cassidy gets a little too cocky, Radio Silence counter, but Cassidy kicks out. Cardona eats a few Chokeslams, lands an Avalanche Radio Silence, and Moose pulls the referee out.

Lights Out gets hit on the referee, Radio Silence on Moose, Cassidy shoves out Cardona, Jacknife Powerbomb from Cassidy and the visual pinfall doesn’t get counted because the referee was murdered earlier. Chairs get introduced, Moose manages to swing away and level Cassidy after a low blow, Cardona tries to take advantage of things, but a kick to the jimmies and Moose is in control again. Chelsea gets involved, stops Cardona, Cardona catches Moose in a roll up, referee two comes in, and then a stack in the corner kills new referee and Chelsea. Lights Out from Moose, the first referee crawls in to make the count.

Definitely a little convoluted, but the right person won.

IMPACT Knockouts World Championship: Texas Death Match: Mickie James (c) vs Deonna Purrazzo

Since Texas Death Matches are 2 falls to the finish, a pinfall or submission and then a standing 10 count, we see the traditional falls happen quickly but both are up long before 10 counts are applied. So both women just start jawing at each other, throwing chairs in the ring and all over and you can see the emotions are actually playing a part in this match.

The 10 count has to follow the traditional fall, so that was a small tweak I wasn’t really aware of. Mickie and Deonna stay on the outside for a while. Chairs, wheelbarrows and lighting boxes are used as weapons, Mickie is busted open. Mickie tries a Single Legged Crab, but Deonna drags herself out, Mickie takes off the chaps she’s wearing to expose the knee brace more and starts using that as a weapon.

Deonna introduces thumbtacks, as is IMPACT tradition. Mickie moves off the table, tries to hit the Mick-DT on the Deonna but Deonna slips out and then a big Pump Kick sends Mickie back first into the tacks. You can see the tacks embedded in Mickie’s shoulder blades. Deonna chokes Mickie with her own chaps, Mickie taps as fast as she can and stands right before the 10 count.

Deonna attacks her from the apron, Mickie tries fight back, goes under the ring for her Hardcore Country guitar, but Deonna stays on the attack. Deonna beats Mickie with a chair while she’s in the tacks, goes to the top rope after lacing Mickie’s ankle in the chair. She wants to break Mickie’s ankle, but Mickie Sabu’s Deonna and then sells back down to the mat but into the tacks.

Thesz Press off the apron to the outside, 3 count and now the Standing 10 starts. Rehwoldt shows up to help Deonna stand, which gets around the loophole. Mickie with the Diving Crossbody and then puts Deonna back in the ring, and Deonna is busted open now. Deonna drives Mickie through the table with Queen’s Gambit, gets the pinfall but Mickie gets up. Mickie fights through, Deonna tries to stop Mickie with a …umm…Mandible Claw between the thighs. Mickie licks her fingers and just enjoys it, Rehwoldt tries to get involved, gets hit with the guitar, and Mickie is rolling. Deonna swings the chair, misses, bounces the chairs off the ropes hits herself and Mick-DT has Mickie James retain because Deonna doesn’t get up for the 10 count!


Overall Score: 8.25/10

Well hot damn, I don’t know for a fact, but I feel like this event might have the most quality matches ever in the last few years I’ve been covering Impact. Three matches that are 4 stars or more, two 3.5; if it wasn’t for the Ultimate X match, this might’ve ranked up with the NOAH show.

Each Hardcore/NoDQ match felt different, they all had their own energy and even though they weren’t spaced overly well, it never got redundant. Mickie winning and getting the Royal Rumble rub is great for IMPACT (not sure if that might’ve changed booking), Moose retaining and beating Cardona leaves Cassidy with an argument and this ROH invasion could be interesting for say LockDown, or at least to help ROH stay relevant if they really do end up reopening.

A great start to 2022 for IMPACT and actually makes me somewhat excited to see where things go from here!

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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