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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (1/13/22)

Walter’s Last Stand!



The Ring General has one last match in NXT UK!

Walter has dominated this brand since day one, but now he is moving on to the USA! Will he win his farewell fight in NXT UK?


  • NXT UK Tag Team Championship Contender’s Eliminator Tournament: Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff VS Die Familie; Starz & Mastiff win and advance to the finals.
  • Amale VS Stevie Turner; Amale wins.
  • Walter VS Nathan Frazer; Walter wins.


NXT UK Tag Team Championship Contender’s Eliminator Tournament: Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff VS Die Familie!

The friendship of speed and strength is growing stronger, but that isn’t enough for the brothers in arms of Teoman & Rohan Raja. Will Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter be preparing for a duo not unlike themselves? Or will the evil eye see  a future with The Babo and his clan heading for gold?

The teams sort out and Starz starts against Raja. They circle, fans rally up, and the two tie up. Starz gets a leg, Raja blocks him and pries him off for a throw! Starz lands on his feet and Raja is fired up, but the two circle again. They tie up, Raja powers Starz to a corner, but Starz pushes off the buckle to get Raja back. Starz facelocks, Raja powers up to throw him again, but Starz again lands on his feet! Teoman talks some trash but Starz focuses on Raja. They tie up, Raja waistlocks but Starz resists the lift. Starz pries the hold open, rolls to get the leg but Raja stays up. Raja drags Starz back up but Starz fights him on the gut wrench.

Starz cartwheels through and gets the arm! Fans cheer as Starz grinds the shoulder, but Raja fights up. Starz wrenches and YANKS the arm, and again, then he shoots in to get the leg. Starz has Raja down in a head ‘n’ arm, but Raja rolls it to a cover, TWO! Starz shifts his grip to a headlock but Raja powers up and out. Starz goes up and over in the corner and dropkicks! And again! And then he gut wrench suplexes Raja! Cover, TWO! Raja scrambles away to ropes so Starz tags in Mastiff! Teoman says Raja can bring him down, and the two tie up. Raja headlocks. Mastiff powers out and Raja rams shoulders, but Mastiff doesn’t budge!

Mastiff dares Raja to try again so Raja runs, and they RAM shoulders again! Teoman tags in now, but Mastiff runs them both over! Mastiff bumps Teoman off buckles, tags Starz in, and Starz rams his shoulder into Teoman. Starz snapmares then runs to basement EuroUpper! Cover, ONE! Starz CLUBS Teoman, has him on the ropes, tags Mastiff back in, and Mastiff drags Teoman out to scoop and SLAM! Tag back to Starz and Mastiff SENTONS, for Starz to slingshot SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Starz brings Teoman over, tags Mastiff back in, and they mug Teoman in the corner. Mastiff hoists Teoman up, tags Starz in.

Teoman fights, only to get the FLYING SHOULDER SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Starz throws body shots, whips Teoman to ropes, but Teoman holds ropes and Dempsey even gets Teoman out before Starz can rush over. The ref and Mastiff shout at Dempsey, but this distracts them from seeing Raja help Teoman trap Starz in the apron skirt! They mug Starz right behind the ref’s back! Raja CLOBBERS Starz out of the skirt, then Teoman puts Starz in the ring. Teoman goes up the corner, Starz stands up, Teoman missile dropkicks him down! Cover, TWO! Teoman clamps on a facelock, drags Starz up to CLUB him down, then bumps him off buckles.

Raja tags in, stomps a mudhole on Starz, but lets off as the ref counts. Raja grabs at the leg, drags Starz out to stomp him down, then whips him back into the corner. Tag to Teoman and he whips Raja in for a big SPLASH! Raja feeds Starz to a LARIAT! Teoman covers, TWO! Teoman seethes as he clamps onto Starz’s arm and has as grounded cording hold. Starz endures, Teoman digs his claws into Starz’s ribs. Fans rally up as Starz endures, and Starz gets up, only for Teoman to CLUB the arm! Raja tags in, Die Familie mugs Starz, and Raja wrenches to CLUB the arm. Fans rally up but Raja CLUBS Starz’s arm, then CHOP BLOCKS a leg! Cover, TWO!

Raja pushes Starz around, gets him up, and has him against ropes to throw forearms. Starz hits back with body shots and EuroUppers! Starz hits Teoman, hits Raja, DECKS Teoman then ROCKS Raja! Fans rally but Raja keeps Starz down with a facelock. Raja brings Starz up, throws him out, and Starz slides, but he escapes Teoman’s apron skirt trick! Starz DECKS Teoman, shoulders into Raja and slingshots over to hot tag Mastiff! Fans fire up for the Bomber as he rallies on Die Familie! Mastiff dodges Raja to CROSSBODY! Raja staggers up into a back drop! Teoman runs in but is sent right back out! Raja kicks Mastiff low, reels him in, but he’s too big to suplex!

Mastiff fireman’s carries for a ROLLING SENTON! Mastiff steadies himself, Teoman gets in, DROP-TON! Mastiff’s shotgun dropkick sends Teoman flying while Mastiff falls onto Raja! Cover, but the ref is busy with Teoman! And Dempsey trips Starz off the apron! Fans boo, Teoman fights the fireman’s carry. Gallus shows up to get at Dempsey! Fans fire up for Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey and Wolfgang, and Teoman hurries out to reinforce Dempsey! But Mastiff GERMAN SUPLEXES Raja! Bridging cover, Mastiff & Starz win!!

Winners: Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff, by pinfall (advance to the finals)

And then all hell breaks loose on the outside! Gallus gets at Die Familie and fans are loving it! Referees and security hurry out to stop it but fans want to “Let Them Fight! Let Them Fight!” As for Starz & Mastiff, will they be ready for the Hottest Tag Team Under the Sun in the #1 contenders match?


Jinny is backstage.

The Fierce Fashionista heads to the commentary booth, because she wants a close-up look at tonight’s women’s match. Will she like what she sees as the Fourth Dimensional Stevie Turner takes on the French Hope, Amale?


The NXT UK Championship match is coming!

In two weeks, Ilja Dragunov defends his title against Jordan Devlin! Both men have said their piece, but will the Czar shut down The Irish Ace and show him just how he defeated Walter?


Amale VS Stevie Turner!

After WWE’s first French born female superstar opened up about her journey, she had a change of heart and inspired many fans. But the Fourth Dimensional Fighter made the mistake of thinking Amale lost that fire and ferocity inside. Will Amale make sure Stevie hope she takes it easy on her? Or will Stevie prove Jinny’s point that spilling your heart out gets you nowhere?

The bell rings, Stevie rushes in but Amale dodges the boot to fire forearms! Amale throws hands, whips Stevie but Stevie reverses to forearm back. Stevie whips but Amale runs her over! Amale corner clotheslines, but Stevie blocks the bulldog! Stevie kicks back, but Amale ROCKS Stevie and she bails out. Amale swipes at Stevie on the apron and dares her to get in. Stevie says Amale’s nuts, but Stevie gets on the apron and kicks back. Stevie BOOTS Amale to the ropes, but then Amale dodges to BULLDOG! Fans fire up as Amale runs side to side. Stevie dodges the boot wash, she blocks the boot, but we watch Jinny too long to see Stevie set Amale up, DRAPING NECKBREAKER!

Stevie stomps Amale, rains down forearms, but Amale gets her guard up. Stevie covers, ONE! Stevie clamps onto an arm and she grinds Amale’s shoulder. Amale fights up, throws body shots, but Stevie knees low and CLUBS her on the back. KNEE LIFT! Cover, TWO! Stevie sits Amale up to clamp claws onto the shoulders! Stevie then steps over to get a top wristlock. Fans rally as Amale endures, but Stevie pulls hair. The ref reprimands, Amale fights up, and throws heavy body shots! Stevie kicks low, BOOTS Amale, then BOOT WASHES her on the ropes! Stevie covers, TWO! Fans fire up for Amale but Stevie grows frustrated.

Jinny says she’s not that impressed, mostly because Stevie’s outfit is bad. Amale fights Stevie’s clinch, elbows her from the corner, then runs and dodges to LARIAT! Amale starts rallying, but Stevie kicks low. Stevie whips, Amale reverses and scoops for a SLAM! Amale runs in to SHOTGUN Stevie down! And then BOOT WASH! Amale drags Stevie back up, reels her in, HOPEBREAKER! High stack, Amale wins!

Winner: Amale, by pinfall

A fiery win for the French Hope, but Jinny says someone needs to crush Amale’s hope. Will the Spoiled Princess look to be that someone? Or will Amale fight her way back up towards a title opportunity?


Sid Scala is visited by Pretty Deadly.

They don’t care about the #1 contenders tag tournament, though that is a problem. But they’re here to talk about what Sam Gradwell’s been up to. Gradwell called Lewis Howley “a stupid,” he called Sam Stoker “a stupid,” and that they’re both yogurts. They’re not having it! They’re smart boys! Howley got a C in math, he’s not stupid. So sack him, fine him, DISCIPLINE! How about this? Pretty Deadly VS Gradwell and a partner of his choosing? Oh, them against a man with no friends? It’s basically a handicap match already. Deal! #YesBoy, an easy win. Pretty Deadly heads out, and Sid says a C is “alright.” But will this be a case where variables come back to bite the dandy highwaymen?


NXT UK looks closely at Noam Dar VS A-Kid.

The Spanish Sensation says, “It feels so good to be back to this title that made me. When I won the Heritage Cup, that changed my life completely.” The Scottish Supernova says, “It’s all about honor and respect for you. But this match for me, is not about respect. It’s about revenge. You robbed me of being the first-ever Heritage Cup Champion.” AK may have been the first to win it, but he was also the first to lose it. AK admits that losing the cup was the lowest point for him, but Dar learns from mistakes. He doesn’t think AK can. AK felt like he couldn’t perform at the level he can. It was a tough time in his career.

Dar mocks that AK doesn’t know what to be without the cup. AK says if he loses here, he might not be able to come back again. Dar says AK thinks he’s lost now. Dar’s golden foot will send him to another dimension and AK will be lost in a void of nothingness. Then he’ll realize it’s over for him. AK says the Heritage Cup represents AK, and he’ll make sure that next week AK represents the cup once again. The showdown is coming, will AK make history as the first two-time Heritage Cup winner? Or will Dar extend the growing legacy of his reign?


Backstage interview with Amale.

A big win for her tonight, how is she feeling? She feels great. She felt so free. She didn’t think talking about her story would make such a difference. Jinny walks in to sarcastically congratulate Amale. But that victory doesn’t take away how Amale is still “a weak, fragile-” Amale SHOVES Jinny before she can finish her insult! Amale dares Jinny to back up those words, and securities have to keep them apart! Jinny throws a tantrum as she says Amale is nothing, but will Amale prove to Jinny who’s really weak and fragile?


Walter VS Nathan Frazer!

This is it! Der Ring General will be joining his troops in Imperium in NXT full time, meaning he is saying farewell for now to NXT UK. He dominated this brand since first showing up in Blackpool, will he be victorious in his sign-off here in London? Or will the British Prodigy score the biggest win of his career?

The bell rings and Frazer is nervous and fans sing, “Walter’s gonna kill~ you!” Frazer and Walter circle, Frazer ends up cornered but he slips away. They circle again, tie up, and Walter headlocks to TOSS Frazer! Walter eggs Frazer on and fans chant, “WAL~TER! WAL~TER!” Frazer gets up, circles with Walter, feels out the grapple, and tie up. Walter puts Frazer in the corner, smothers him, but lets off, and Frazer narrowly avoids the chop! Walter waits on Frazer to get up, and Frazer keeps his space as they circle again. They tie up, Walter knuckle locks and wrenches an arm, to then lift and SLAM Frazer down!

Walter keeps on the arm, but Frazer works his way up. Frazer rolls but Walter wrangles him back down. Fans rally, Frazer fights up and rolls, handsprings and breaks free to dropkick! Walter staggers, Frazer leaps to get a facelock! But Walter powers up to put Frazer on the apron! The ref counts, Walter lets off and pats Frazer on the head. Frazer SLAPS Walter! Then slingshots in to fire off forearms and KICKS! Walter knees low, puts Frazer in the corner, but Frazer elbows back! Frazer LEAPS, into Walter’s arms! He puts Frazer on the top rope to CHOP! And then Walter STANDS on Frazer! The ref counts, Walter lets off and Frazer flops to the floor!

Fans chant for “WAL~TER!” as Frazer flounders up. Frazer gets in, throws body shots, but Walter CLUBS him down! Walter stomps, Frazer throws body shots and CHOPS! But Walter scoops and SLAMS Frazer again! Walter drags Frazer back up, scoops him, but Frazer fights free to dragon sleeper. Walter slips around, throws Frazer away, but Frazer runs and QUEBRADAS, but Walter gets clear to get the SLEEPER! Frazer pries the hold open, ELBOW BREEKAR! Frazer fires off KICKS on the leg, then forearms. Frazer runs, ROCKS Walter with a forearm, and then runs again. Frazer ducks and comes back with another FLYING FOREARM!

Walter wobbles, but he still hurdles Frazer and BOOTS him down! Frazer sits up in a daze as fans rally up for Walter. Walter looms over Frazer as fans sing the Imperium theme. Walter has the arms for a motorcycle stretch but Frazer endures. Fans rally, Frazer fights, even as Walter’s knee digs into his back. Frazer fights up, Walter wrangles him back down. Frazer flips, kangaroo kicks, but gets run over! Walter drags Frazer around, NECK TWIST! Walter then sits Frazer up to CHOP him back down! Fans want that “One More Time!” but Walter clamps on the chinlock. Frazer endures, even as Walter traps an arm.

Walter leans his weight on the hold, but Frazer fights up. Fans rally, he throws body shots, but Walter ROCKS him with a EuroUpper! Walter drags Frazer back up, talks some trash, but Frazer CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! And KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Walter CHOPS Frazer off his feet! Then reels him in, for a WALTER- RANA! Frazer counters, covers, TWO!! Frazer is right up, but Walter CHOPS him back down! Walter has to sit down, his own leg bothering him. Frazer crawls to ropes, but Walter stalks up behind him. Walter has Frazer bent against ropes to CLUB him! The ref reprimands, but Walter CLUBS Frazer again!

Walter drags Frazer back in, SLEEPER! Frazer flails, fades, fans sing a lullaby, but Frazer arm-drags free! And he avoids Walter’s dropkick! STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO!! Frazer CLUBS away on Walter but Walter wraps the SLEEPER back on! Frazer reaches for ropes, gets the ROPEBREAK, but Walter just slaps his arms down and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Frazer lands on his feet, but Walter BOOTS him down! WALTER- NO! SUNSET BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! Walter escapes as Frazer almost catches him! Fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” Frazer drags himself to ropes, Walter stands up, and Frazer KICKS the leg!

Frazer KICKS the bad leg more and Walter is wobbling! Frazer fires forearms, Walter knee slow, and Walter whips, Frazer slides under to SUPERKICK! And SUPERKICK! Frazer runs, but Walter hurdles! QUEBRADA DDT!! Frazer takes Walter down and Walter bails out! Fans rally as Frazer gets up. Walter checks his leg, Frazer grits his teeth. Frazer DIVES, but is caught! Walter throws Frazer, but Frazer dodges to SUPERKICK! And SHOTGUN dropkick Walter into barriers! Both men are down on the outside but fans rally up! Frazer is in at 4 of 10, Walter hobbles over at 6 and gets in at 8. Frazer KICKS the leg again! And again!

Walter blocks the third kick to DECK Frazer! Frazer gets up at the ropes, Walter staggers over, and yanks him up, but Frazer slips under! CHOP BLOCK! Frazer keeps moving, another CHOP BLOCK! Walter is hobbling, but he hoists Frazer to dump him out. Frazer is on the apron, he GAMANGIRIS back! Frazer springboards, Walter CHOPS him out of the sky! Fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” while both men are down! Walter gets the bad leg moving, he staggers over to drag Frazer up. WALTER- NO! His leg gives out, no bomb! SUPERKICK! Frazer runs in from a corner, CURB STMOP! His mentor, Seth Rollins, would be proud! Frazer goes up, FROG SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!?!

Fans are thunderous as Frazer goes back to the corner again. Frazer goes up top, but Walter gets up to CLUB the legs out! Frazer tumbles down, Walter powers up to WALTER BOMB!! Cover, Walter wins!

Winner: Walter, by pinfall

Frazer pushed Walter to his limits like only few have, but Walter still found a way to win! What a way to say farewell! But he will be on Tuesdays from now on, will we see the Ring General reestablish his dominance in NXT prime?

My Thoughts:

A great episode, and what a way for Walter to close out his time on this brand. Frazer looked awesome in the match, this was like a title match since beating Walter is a great accomplishment in itself. But Walter gets a great win, he’s got a lot going for him in NXT USA. He could go for the North American title or THE title, and either way I would love if he makes history as the first superstar to have held NXT UK and another singles title. We got a good vignette for A-Kid VS Dar next week, and their match is going to be great. Good promo from Pretty Deadly with Sid, and I can’t wait to see who Gradwell gets as a tag partner. For some reason, I sense Saxon Huxley showing up.

We got a very good tag match to open, and what a surprise that Die Familie lost here. I would’ve thought Gallus would go after them in the finals, but I guess Gallus doesn’t want to let them even get that close to the tag titles. Their Six Man is going to be a great match, and could go either way. As for the tag title contender’s match, Faces VS Faces to then challenge Faces is wild for WWE, I am definitely looking forward to a great final and then an even greater tag title match. I don’t know if the winner of this mini-tournament will take those titles, though, it would be too soon to make Moustache Mountain face that, “What happens now?” story.

And we got a lot of good stuff out of the women’s match tonight. Amale VS Stevie itself was a good match but I wish they wouldn’t cut to Jinny so much. Or find a way to have a tiny window on screen so we can keep an eye on Jinny and Andy Shepherd while still seeing the match. Amale winning was logical, and I liked the brief confrontation with Jinny backstage. Amale VS Jinny is going to be a vicious match, and could really build Amale up as another Face on this brand.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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