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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (1/20/22)

The Heritage Cup is on the line!



Will A-Kid make history again?

The Spanish Sensation made history by being the first-ever NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion. Can he make history again by being the first TWO-TIME Heritage Cup Champion?


  • Pretty Deadly VS Sam Gradwell & ???; Pretty Deadly wins.
  • Isla Dawn VS Emilia McKenzie; Dawn wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS A-Kid; Time Limit Draw, Dar retains the NXT UK Heritage Cup.


Pretty Deadly VS Sam Gradwell & ???

Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley didn’t appreciate being snubbed from the NXT UK Tag Team Contender’s series, but they also didn’t appreciate the Thunderstorm calling them names. They’re looking to get back at him, and whoever Gradwell managed to find for a tag partner. Did Gradwell get someone to team with him? Or will he end up in a Pretty Deadly handicap match?

Before the match, NXT UK shares Gradwell’s journey to finding a tag partner. He surprised Nathan Frazer during a workout, asks the pizza guy, the drive-thru attendant, A-Kid while he’s in the restroom, and even tweeted at Stone Cold Steve Austin! And Elon Musk! And Paul McCartney! Gradwell says Pretty Deadly think he has no friends, and Frazer says they might be on to something. As for A-Kid, he reminded Gradwell that he has a match for Thursday, the Heritage Cup match. Frazer reminded Gradwell that he claimed there were more cows than people on the Jersey Islands, Frazer’s hometown. Frazer at least wished Gradwell luck on the search.

A-Kid brought up how Gradwell insulted Spain and Gradwell says that could’ve been anyone. Gradwell tried asking a coach and got an arm-drag for his troubles. But then it struck him: Finlay! Finlay loves to fight, right? But then Kenny Williams laughed at Gradwell, saying, “That is preposterous!” Gradwell replied with, “You wot, mate?” and Kenny got up to repeat it, “That was preposterous.” The lights are preposterous, the camera crew is preposterous,  and Gradwell himself is a buffoon! Gradwell grabs Kenny by the ear and tells him not to forget where a little cockroach sits on the food chain! But then, just who is Gradwell’s partner?

Gradwell is waiting at gorilla and wonders where his partner is. Oh here he comes! Right on time! Saxon Huxley is Gradwell’s partner?! “You can count on Saxon!” Will the raving mad Divine Beast of the Astral Plane help the Thunderstorm crush the former tag team champions?

The teams sort out and Gradwell starts with Howley. They stare down, tie up, and then break. Gradwell smirks as he and Howley circle again. They tie up and break again, and Gradwell still smirks. They go again, Howley turns Gradwell around to CLUB him in the back. Gradwell comes back to headlock, Howley powers out but Gradwell runs him over! Howley scrambles back to his corner, Stoker tags in, Howley gets Gradwell’s leg and Stoker runs him over! “No one likes you, Sam!” Stoker brings Gradwell up for EuroUppers, whips him corner to corner hard, then throws forearms. Stoker whips corner to corner, Gradwell reverses and Stoker tumbles up, back and into a forearm!

Gradwell has Stoker by the ear! Gradwell CLUBS the ear, scoops and SLAMS Stoker, then tags Huxley! Fans fire up as Huxley corners Stoker, keeps him from getting away, but then Stoker gets around to CHOP and CHOP and forearm. Stoker avoids the boot, headlocks and punches, but Huxley powers out. Things speed up and Huxley runs Stoker over! Huxley stomps around, knees Stoker t ropes, then whips him for another knee. Huxley whips to scoop for a BACKBREAKER! Huxley runs, steps on Stoker, keeps running, and keeps running, to drop a big elbow! Huxley keeps moving and he CROSSBODIES Stoker against ropes! Cover, Howley breaks it!

Howley tags in, he RAMS into Huxley and fires off hands! Howley whips, Huxley reverses and SPLASHES in the corner! Then a whip the other way, but Howley elbows back! Only to run into a THESZ PRESS! Huxley runs, but Stoker saves Howley from the crossbody! Howley drags Huxley up to POST him! Howley stomps away on Huxley, drags him up and RAMS him into the corner. Tag to Stoker, and Howley holds Huxley in for Stoker’s flying uppercut! Stoker stomps away, fans chant, “We Want Yogurt!” Stoker blocks a boot to CLOBBER Huxley at the ropes. Tag to Howley, Pretty Deadly double suplex to hang Huxley out on the ropes! Cover, TWO!

Howley drags Huxley up but Huxley throws body shots. Howley clinches to KNEE Huxley low over and over! Howley stomps Huxley at the ropes, fans rally up, but Howley stomps Huxley down. Huxley hits back from below with more body shots, but Howley knees him down! Howley drags Huxley up into a cobra twist, Huxley endures, even as Howley jams elbows into his ribs. Stoker reaches out and links up with Howley for more leverage! But Huxley fights up! Howley CLUBS him in the side to stop that but fans sing and rally for Huxley. Huxley endures as Howley digs his elbows in. Huxley shakes and fights to pick Howley up! And THROW him off!

Huxley and Howley crawl, Howley anchors Huxley to tag Stoker! Stoker gets the leg, but Huxley fights his way up, hot tag to Gradwell! The Thunderstorm rallies on Stoker! Gradwell hits a big forearm in the corner, whips corner to corner then back drops Stoker away! Howley gets in but Gradwell clotheslines him right back out! Stoker kicks low, CLUBS Gradwell to a corner, but Gradwell reverses the whip to knee low! BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Gradwell goes up, Howley rushes over but Gradwell CLOBBERS him! Gradwell leaps, into an UPPERCUT from Stoker! Fans chant for “GRAD~WELL!” but then Kenny Williams walks out along the barrier.

Huxley is distracted y the Scum of the Earth, and Howley CLOBBERS him off the apron! Williams CLOBBERS Huxley into barriers! Fans chant, “You Suck!” at Kenny, but Gradwell CLOBBERS Stoker! Huxley is down, though, with Williams waving and laughing. Stoker tags Howley in! SPILT MILK for Gradwell!! Cover, Pretty Deadly win!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall

Stoker & Howley may have won, but Kenny Cockroach gets the last laugh here as he gets back at both Huxley and Gradwell. Will Kenny be laughing when Gradwell and Huxley come looking to exterminate him?


Jinny speaks.

“Hope. Amale, you choose to call yourself The French Hope. But I see straight through your pity story. The daughter of immigrants. Has a degree, had a very successful career outside of the WWE. Seems very, very familiar.” But the difference between Amale and Jinny is that Jinny doesn’t exploit her past for sympathy. Jinny doesn’t exploit the past for pity from the fans, because that’s what fans do. Fans pity Amale every time she’s in the ring, because she’s just like them: nothing. Jinny gets in the ring and gets booed because she is everything the fans wish they could be and never will be.

Next time Amale gets in the ring with the Queen of NXT UK, all that hope Amale has is going to be destroyed. Will the Spoiled Princess be the spoiler of hopes and dreams for Amale?


NXT UK looks at the fallout of last week’s tag team tournament match.

Rohan Raja & Teoman are furious over how Gallus cost them the match against Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff! But Gallus tells Die Familie that there’s no more running, hiding or sneak attacks. It’ll be a square go of 3v3! Die Familie can have their candlelight dinners, but GBOT! Gallus is the top firm, this is THEIR kingdom. But Raja says Die Familie has made Gallus look vulnerable. Gallus knows that Die Familie is the most dominant faction! Dempsey says no matter what, Gallus won’t like next week’s results.

And Teoman says it is family VS family, but only Die Familie is about respect, honor and loyalty! Everything that is NOT in Gallus! The Nezar sees all, and it sees that Die Familie will be on top against Gallus. #OneForAll. What happens when NXT UK has an international incident on its hands?


NXT UK hears from Blair Davenport.

“I’m a product of my environment. I am simply what my lineage made me to be. I am a Davenport, from a long line of Davenports. I was taught that everyone who isn’t us is an enemy. Davenports only care about Davenports. And is it really so wrong to only care about yourself? Hate me, ostracize me and reject me all you want, as long as you fear me. Scared, Meiko? You should be. Because I’m fury, and I am fire. And you have put me in a position where I have to show you how cold-hearted I can get. The simple fact is that Blair Davenport is the rightful heir to the NXT UK Women’s Championship. And enemies of the heir beware.”


Isla Dawn VS Emilia McKenzie!

The Wicked Witch of NXT UK has been building power, even through defeat, and now she could be heading for the NXT UK Women’s Championship! Will #SuplexMillie do her mentor proud and stop Dawn before she rises? Or will something wicked this way come?

The bell rings and fans sing for Millie as she circles with Dawn. They tie up, Millie waistlocks, but Dawn reaches back to grab at hair. Millie throws Dawn down and floats to shoot the half, ONE! Millie keeps the facelock to then get a hammerlock. Millie keeps Dawn grounded but Dawn keeps reaching for Millie’s face. Millie grinds the arm, hooks her for a lateral press, TWO! Millie is right back on Dawn to wrench the arm and have a wristlock. Fans sing more but Dawn throws body shots. Dawn headlocks to grind Millie, but Millie rolls to a cover, TWO! Dawn holds the headlock but Millie fights up.

Millie throws body shots, powers out, but Dawn blocks the arm-drag! Millie wrenches through but Dawn wrenches back to whip, and Millie SHOTGUN dropkicks! Then a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO! Millie keeps cool but Dawn  knees low. Dawn throws Millie out, but Millie shoulders back in! Millie slingshots to sunset flip, but Dawn stays up to DOUBLE STOMP! Dawn BOOTS Millie against the ropes, then chokes her! The ref counts, Dawn lets off with a kick. Dawn drags Millie up by the hair, reels her in, SAIDO! Fans rally as Millie flops to a corner, but Dawn stomps her down. Fans chant, “Burn the Witch!” as Millie throws forearms back!

Millie goes up the corner, Dawn ROCKS her with a right! Dawn climbs, Millie fights back, and Millie shoves Dawn down! Dawn scrambles up but Millie kicks her back. Millie sunset flips through, TWO! Dawn blocks a kick but Millie ENZIGURIS! Millie rallies with lariats, then gets around to hit a BIG back suplex! Dan flounders up, Millie storms in to fire off forearms! Millie whips, Dawn reverses but Millie SPEARS! Cover, TWO!! Dawn survives and she’s furious as she shakes her head. Dawn and Millie stand, Dawn ROUNDHOUSES! Then back suplex, but Millie lands on her feet! Millie gets around, Dawn drops to victory roll, ONE!

Dawn get sup, but into another SHOTGUN! Dawn bails out, Millie DIVES! Direct hit into barriers and fans are fired up! Millie puts Dawn back in, climbs up the corner, and leaps, but FLOPS as Dawn moves! Dawn snarls as she stalks up behind Millie, and drags Millie up for a fireman’s carry. SWINGING SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, Dawn wins!

Winner: Isla Dawn, by pinfall

The Unholy Enchantress gets another win! She talks to her box of treasures, and she promises she will win the title. She takes out Millie’s wristwatch she took months ago, and returns it to Millie. Is Dawn giving up the treasures to prepare for the greatest treasure of all in the NXT UK Women’s Championship?


NXT UK hears from Amale.

“Jinny has completely misunderstood the message I was trying to send. It’s not about her, it’s not about me, it’s about representation. Unlike her, I haven’t forgotten where I came from. For someone who says she’s a graduate like me, she doesn’t sound very smart. You said I call myself the French Hope. My name is Amale, I AM hope! And hope never dies.” Will Amale refuse to let Jinny crush her spirit?


NXTN UK prepares for another UK Championship match.

The champion, Ilja Dragunov, whose life was always hard and whose path was always difficult. The challenger, Jordan Devlin, the Irish Ace who sees the NXT UK title as the cherry on top of the cake that is his life. Dragunov has his family behind him, but Devlin hopes his family doesn’t weigh him down. One fights for feeling and family, the other fights in spite of the distractions and animosity from the crowd. Dragunov says he is enough, but Devlin says there will be no even playing field. There’d have to be an empty arena match or something. And then it clicks. No one in Dragunov’s corner. Not a bad idea.

If Dragunov is the Czar, the champion, the man he says he is, then face Devlin when it is truly 1v1! No one cheering him on! See if you can step to the Irish Ace when the playing field is truly even! Challenge accepted! UNBESIEGBAR VS Irish Ace, just the emotions in their souls! Devlin breathes in air to breathe out words, but Dragunov breathes in air to breath out FIRE! Next week, only two men walk in, and only one walks out THE NXT UK Champion!


NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS A-Kid!

The Scottish Supernova became the third-ever holder of this trophy through some nefarious and controversial circumstances, and has held onto it ever since. However, the Spanish Sensation wants to prove he can win the cup again and return to the former glory of being the first-ever Heritage Cup Champion. Will Dar fulfill the East End Bookie’s prediction of a win in the fourth? Or things not go as Dar and Sha plan?

The introductions are made, the cup is raised, and we see if history is made in a rematch from the inaugural tournament!

Dar and AK circle as the first round begins. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and go shoulder to shoulder. Dar cranks the wrists and taunts AK, but AK fights up. AK bends Dar back, Dar bridges but AK trips the legs. Cover, ONE, the two grapple but Dar gets away to ropes. Sha tells Dar to control the pace and the two circle again. Fans sing the Noam-perial march for Dar as the two tie up. AK rolls, trips Dar, drops down for a headlock and even traps an arm. Dar rolls to a cover, ONE! AK grinds the hold, Dar rolls around but AK keeps him down! Dar fights, headscissors, and holds tight as AK tries to kip free.

Dar goes for the rib tape but AK moves around to turn Dar over and pop out. AK has the legs, then a waistlock but the two roll. We’re under a minute as the two fight for control and the two break and reset. They tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, are in a deadlock, but Dar gets an arm. Dar wrenches, has a wristlock and then an armlock at 30 seconds. Cover, TWO, but Dar hits a hip toss. Cover, TWO! Dar is annoyed but AK waistlocks to SLAM Dar down! Fans rally, the last ten seconds count down, AK has the facelock but Dar looks to swing. The bell ends the round, Sha has Dar back off even as Dar eggs AK on.

Dar: 0; A-Kid: 0

Sha talks with Dar about keeping things on his pace. The break is over, on to round two! Dar and AK feel things out again, Dar shoots in to waistlock and drag AK down. Dar floats, AK slips out and facelocks and he keeps on Dar as Dar keeps trying to get away. Dar turns things around but AK bridges up to snapmare Dar down. AK has a cravat, Dar endures and fights up, then snapmarse, only for AK to hold on! AK grinds Dar, Dar uses a fish hook to get free! Dar wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! AK goes to a corner, Dar stomps him down. AK hits back but Dar hits a headlock takeover. Dar traps an arm and grinds AK down.

AK fights up, powers out, but Dar runs AK over! Cover, TWO! AK gets to a corner, Dar drags him up to kick the taped ribs! Dar wrenches the arm, has a top wristlock and throws more knees into the tape. Dar wrenches, knees low again, then taunts AK before hooking his nose and grinding his forearms in. We’re under a minute again, But AK pops Dar around to a EUROCLUTCH! TWO, and Dar bails out to the apron! Sha reminds Dar of the time, and Dar resets at 30 seconds. Dar kicks, whips, but AK springboards to arm-drag and dropkick! Cover, TWO! AK has the facelock again, Dar fights up and we’re under ten!

Dar puts AK on the ropes, runs side to side, and he boots, only for AK to dodge him! Dar takes a tumble out to the floor and AK taunts him with his one pinkies out. Sha talks trash and helps Dar up. Sha reminds Dar they’ve got until the fourth, so this is fine.

Dar: 0; A-Kid: 0

Dar steadies himself, Sha reminds him to use strikes. The third round begins and the two feel out another grapple. AK avoids the kicks, blocks a kick, then avoids more shots. AK blocks a kick but Dar ROCKS him with a forearm! AK BOOTS Dar, but Dark puts him on the apron. AK avoids the leg sweep but Dar ROCKS AK with an uppercut! Dar drags AK through the ropes, and he nods, but then drops AK to KICK him in the face! The Supernova doesn’t need to be the Viper, and he covers, TWO! Dar is frustrated but he drags AK up. AK swings but Dar blocks to knee away and KICK AK down! Sha cheers Dar on and Dar aims from a corner.

AK gets up, Dar runs in, but AK kicks! Dar blocks that, shoves AK away then sweeps the legs out! Dar resets, runs in again, NOVA ROLLA! Cover, Dar gets the fall!

Dar: 1; A-Kid: 0

The third ends with a minute and 25 on the clock! But now is the crucial money round! Sha says Dar can win big money on top of the cup with this one! Dar tells AK no one makes Dar bleed his own blood! The fourth begins, Dar shoots in to get a leg! AK boots Dar away, then gets a FLYING ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Dar clasps hands, scrambles around, but into an omoplata! Dar resists, rolls AK back and has the tights! TWO!! AK gets up, runs in but into a BOOT! Dar high stacks, but with the ropes! The ref sees that and stops the count! Dar and Sha argue with him, but AK rolls Dar up! TWO!!

AK staggers up, ducks the back elbow and PELES Dar out of the ring! Sha shouts for Dar to get up fast, but fans rally up and AK runs in. AK DIVES, but Sha gets Dar out of the way! AK crashes and burns! Sha tells Dar to get up and in so this can be by ring out! The count is climbing, Dar is in, and Sha has his head on a swivel. AK is up at 8 of 10! And in at 9.5!! Dar ELBOWS AK down, high stacks, TWO!!! Dar is shocked and fans are fired up as we’re under a minute! Dar hurries to get after AK, but AK KICKS Dar in the arm! And then the head! Dar staggers into a HAYMAKER! AK knuckle locks, goes up and up and avoids Sha for a FLYING DDT!! Cover, AK ties it up!!

Dar: 1; A-Kid: 1

And there goes the big money!! Sha is freaking out! He’s lost it all! “What’ve you done to me?!” But now, it’s round five! Can Dar even win flat out? Dar flounder sup, but he avoids AK’s attack! Dar dodges again, to sweep the leg! Dar hurries up top, but AK GAMANGIRIS! AK climbs up to get Dar, for a SUPER HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives and AK is shocked! AK gets Dar with a waistlock for a rear bearhug. Dar fights up, pries free, drops down and kicks away on AK! Dar grapevines a leg, but AK fights up out of the kneebar to an ARMBAR! Dar scrambles, hooks legs with legs to turn AK back over, then get a FUJIWARA!

AK endures, turns over, drags Dar down, omoplata! Dar resists, moves around, rolls, but into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Dar fights to a high stack, TWO, and AK still has the hold! Sha shouts to Dar, Dar kips up to roll back, but AK slips under to GERMAN SUPLEX! AK holds on as we are under a minute! AK gets Dar up, Dar breaks free again to kick and kick and he drags Dar into an omoplata! Dar wants to use AK’s move but AK makes it a cradle! TWO, PENALTY- NO! Dar ducks to get the leg! AK fights up to avoid the kneebar, but Dar trips AK into a REAR NAKED CHOKE! But AK kicks and scrambles to roll back! TWO!!

Under ten seconds and now AK gets Dar for a SLEEPER! AK squeezes tight as the clock ticks away, Dar is still fighting, so AK lets go to run and PENALTY KICK! Cover, saved by the bell!!

Dar: 1; A-Kid: 1

Sha shouts for AK to get back. This is the last round, Dar has to win so they can at least have something! Dar manages to stand, but here’s round six! AK and Dar throw forearms, AK EuroUppers but Dar EuroUppers back! Dar then hooks the uppercut to a backslide, TWO! AK La Magistrols but Dar blocks! TWO, AK has it, ONE! Dar has it, TWO, AK again, TWO!! AK waitslocks, but Sha hooks Dar’s feet to save him! The ref reprimands, AK dodges Dar and DIVES onto Sha! AK takes out Dar’s insurance policy, then body scissors Dar for a HEEL HOOK!! Dar endures, SLAPS, but AK SLAPS back! AK keeps on the hold, Dar throws more SLAPS, but AK cranks harder!

Dar reaches out, ROPEBREAK! AK lets go to KICK the arm! AK drags Dar up, stomps him, but the ref wants him to let off. AK brings Dar up, throws hands, but Dar throat chops! Dar turns things around to KICK, but that’s double-edged given his bad leg! Dar hobbles up, blocks AK’s kick to then BACK ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! AK survives and fans are thunderous! We’re at a minute left in this whole match! If it’s a draw, Dar will retain! Dar has pinkies out, he wants to end this! But he runs into a DYNAMIC DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!?? AK is stunned, but he drags Dar up and fires off strikes! Just 30 seconds and Dar kicks AK in the leg!

AK ducks the roundhouse but not the URAKEN! Roll-up, TWO!! And to an omoplata! AK gets the other arm, CLUBS away on the shoulder, RINGS OF SATURN!! But we’re under 10 seconds!! THE BELL RINGS!!

Time Limit Draw (Dar retains the NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship)

AK can’t believe it! This ends in 1-1, so Dar is STILL Heritage Cup Champion! Will A-Kid ever be back to try a third time? Or must he move on from the title he cherished so much? As for the Scottish Supernova, will he rebuild Sha’s fortune as he continues to reign over the Heritage Cup Division?

My Thoughts:

A great episode, with great stuff set up for the next few weeks. Jinny and Amale both had good promos, I appreciate the spin Jinny was trying to put on Amale’s promo and then Amale getting it through to Jinny that it’s her life and her name, not just a catchphrase. Their match is going to be killer. Same for the promos from Gallus and Die Familie, that Six Man is going to be a lot of fun. For all anyone knows, this could be Gallus’ last hurrah before the move to NXT 2.0. I really hope not but what else is there for them to do if Joe Coffey isn’t seen as singles champ material? It seems Blair Davenport as a persona for Bea Priestly is all in, even giving us a backstory of her lineage. As a Murican, it felt very Harry Potter Malfoy family.

And whoa, an Empty Arena Match for Dragunov VS Devlin? Was this to work-shoot COVID stuff? I do like that Devlin felt Dragunov’s real source of power was the interaction with fans, and on one level, he’s got a point. Dragunov lost to Walter- Er, Gunther, when it was Empty Arena Era of BT Sports Studio. But then Dragunov won when it was TakeOver 36 and fans were in the CWC. But Dragunov won plenty of times when BT Sports Studio was empty, so I have a feeling Dragunov wins in an epic showdown. Devlin also feels like a guy who could move on to NXT 2.0 but again, I hope not.

Dawn VS Millie was great stuff, and Dawn is clearly continuing her story of returning the trinkets she took as her power grows. Davenport may want after Meiko Satomura again, but it feels like Dawn is going to be a force of nature by the time she’s a contender. I loved Gradwell’s montage of failing to get partners, and I loved that Gradwell and Huxley ended up the team. Williams getting involved was an interesting move, maybe Williams gets a buddy to fight Gradwell and Huxley, but who knows. Personally, still hoping Williams, Dar, Sha and Devlin become a faction, but it feels less and less likely as time goes by.

Dar VS A-Kid was great stuff. They gave us the story going in of Dar wanting to end this in the fourth, and that added some drama when it didn’t work out that way. Dar winning because of the time limit draw was actually a great move, and that’s the fun of the British Rounds stipulation they’re using. There’s some realistic sports feeling here where AK could’ve won if he had more time, and Dar survives rather than wins. Maybe AK is on his way to the top title now, and things are open for Dar to face just about anyone next.

My Score: 8.7/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (5/1/24)

Jay White is on a Rampage!



Will Angel Dorado breathe with the Switchblade?

After battling in the Casino Gauntlet, and then over the Unified AEW & ROH Trios Championships, Jay White and Dante Martin are on a Rampage to go 1v1!


  • Jay White w/ The Gunns VS Dante Martin w/ Top Flight; White wins.
  • Rocky Romero VS Kyle O’Reilly; Kyle wins.
  • Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis VS London Lightning; canceled due to time constraints.
  • AEW TBS Championship Manitoba Massacre: Willow Nightingale VS Skye Blue; Willow wins and retains the title.


Rampage opens with Kenny Omega down in the ring.

As seen in the closing moments of Dynamite, The Cleaner returned home, only to be betrayed by The Young Bucks as they continue to become tyrants of AEW. FTR is with Omega, as is a medic, given the vulnerable and life-threatening state of his diverticulitis. The Elite leave, and Omega is helped to a stretcher. The fans cheer in support of Omega as he’s wheeled out, will he be alright physically and emotionally?

Wait, as the stretcher reaches the ambulance backstage, The Elite return to attack FTR! Matt & Nick mug Dax while Okada & Jack are after Cash! Omega is powerless to help the guys who just helped him! Now Okada throws uppercuts into Dax while Jack THROWS Cash! Then Dax is sent crashing into railing! But then The Elite all surround Omega! Omega is writhing in pain while Matt says he loves Omega to death. But this is just business, Kenny. They’ve gotta change the world, right? The world needs them more than it needs him. They SHOVE the stretcher over!! Omega falls right off, and then Matt almost mockingly says for someone to check on him.

Medics hurry to help Omega but have to be careful. Have this new and downright evil Elite all but forced Omega into retirement?


Jay White w/ The Gunns VS Dante Martin w/ Top Flight!

Don’t adjust your screens or worry about your eyes, Bullet Club Gold is carrying three sets of belts. That’s because they’ve brought back the classic AEW World Trios Championship belts while still parading around with the hot pink Acclaimed trios belts and the ROH World Six Man belts. But all the hardware aside, this battle is because The Switchblade and Angel Dorado were part of the wild Casino Gauntlet, and they want to settle the score! Will Dante earn his trio a golden ticket back to a trios title match? Or will Winnipeg soon Breathe With The Switchblade?

The bell rings and Dante CLOBBERS White to a corner! Dante fires off forearms over and over and over, but the ref backs him off. White bails out but Dante pursues to CHOP! Dante CHOPS again, but White knees low! White CHOPS now, then brings Dante around. Dante blocks a chop to CHOP back! Dante puts White in the ring, runs up, but White knees low again. White stomps Dante in a corner, then JABS, JABS and CHOPS! The fans “WOO~” and White whips. Dante rolls off White’s back, ducks ‘n’ dodges to then flip and RANA! White bails out again but the fans fire up with Dante. Dante goes out after White again to CHOP!

White shoves Dante but Dante flips up and into the ring! Dante DECKS White off the apron, then DIVES! Down goes White and the fans fire up with Dante! Dante stalks White around the way, brings him around, but White knees low. White CLUBS Dante, whips, but Dante goes up and backflips off the apron! Dante then JUMP KNEES White down! The fans fire up and Dante puts White in the ring. Dante runs corner to corner, but White puts him on the apron. Dante GAMANGIRIS, springboards, but White YANKS him down! Dante hotshots off ropes, calls for the ref, and White says call it off! The ref checks on Dante and we go picture in picture.

White mockingly asks if Dante’s done while Dante checks his face. White brushes the ref aside, stands Dante up, and CHOPS him to the corner! White CHOPS again, and Dante sputters. White brings Dante up again, whips corner to corner, and Dante rebounds into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! White keeps cool as he stomps Dante’s leg. White stomps and stomps, but Dante kicks at White from below! Dante goes to ropes but White gets the legs, ROPE GUILLOTINE! Cover, TWO! Dante is still in this and White is frustrated. White steps through to tie up the legs, into the INDIAN DEATHLOCK! Then White swags his way back into the MUTA LOCK!

Dante endures, flails, but White fishhooks the face! The ref reprimands, but then Dante CLAWS White’s face! White lets Dante go and protests, but the ref says he just did that to Dante! White goes back, Dante cradles, TWO! Dante victory rolls, TWO!! White escapes, kicks low, but Dante dodges the chop to CHOP! CHOP! And run, but into an UPPERCUT! White UPPERCUTS in a corner, reels Dante in and scoops, for a SHOULDER BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Dante survives again and White is growing frustrated. White clamps onto Dante and pulls hair to dig him into a knee! Then it’s a chinlock, and Dante endures.

Rampage returns to single picture, the fans rally and Dante fights up. Dante moves around but White CLUBS him! White snapmares and clamps on another chinlock. Dante endures again and the fans rally back up. Dante fights up again, throws body shots, but White CLUBS him! White keeps on the cravat, Dante throws hands, but White CHOPS! White snapmares but Dante rolls through and DROPKICKS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Dante pounds the mat while the ref starts a standing count. White and Dante rise, White runs up but Dante flips up and over! Dante CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS again!

Dante whips White, White reverses and runs in, but Dante slips out to go up and around! GAMANGIRI! Dante springboards and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! White survives but Dante throws off his elbow pads! Dante snarls and storms up on White. Dante gets a leg, stands White up, but White has ropes! The ref counts but Dante clotheslines White up and out! The fans fire up with Dante and he goes out after White. Dante puts White back in fast, and then storms up, only for White to clinch and URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Dante survives, White shakes his head, and White clamps on a SLEEPER!

White drags Dante up, for the SNAP- NO, Dante throws elbows! White CHOPS Dante, CHOPS him again, and CHOPS him again! White eggs Dante on but Dante fires forearms! Dante CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! White CLAWS the eyes! The ref reprimands, White THROWS Dante out, but Dante is on the apron! White storms up, Dante HOTSHOTS him! Dante springboards again, to NOSEDIVE! Cover, TWO!! White survives and Dante can’t believe it! The fans fire up and Dante hurries to get White up! Waistlock, full nelson, but White slips free to SNAP SLEEPER SUPLEX!! Dante staggers, into the BLADERUNNER!! Cover, White wins!

Winner: Jay White, by pinfall

The Switchblade cuts down Dante, and he celebrates with all the gold! But then White then shows respect by helping Dante up. White says Dante has heart, and he raises Dante’s hand! The fans cheer, this is quite the surprise from Jay White. But then BRAINBUSTER for the hell of it!! Top Flight rushes the ring but White gets away! Will nothing stop The Bang Bang Gang from collecting belts and taking cheap shots here in AEW?


Backstage interview with Deonna Purrazzo.

Arkady Aura is with The Virtuosa, and notes that she attacked Thunder Rosa after losing the match to her last week. The question then is: Why? Deonna repeats, “Why?” Why what? She has a question for everyone else: When is enough enough? She’s not just some random girl who walked in and became All Elite. Deonna has been at this for 12 YEARS! She is a FIVE-TIME Women’s World Champion, and THE Virtuosa. And after last week, she’s starting to feel like herself. Time for the rest of the locker room to feel it, too. If Rosa doesn’t wanna heed Deonna’s advice, then they can make this personal!

Do you know what happens when you make things personal with a Jersey girl? Arkady does not. Then pray you never do. Deonna says vafanapoli with the hand gesture, will she stick it to La Mera Mera?


Rush speaks.

“For decades, my family has dominated Mexican lucha libre. The Munoz Dynasty is reflected in discipline. The discipline that my father taught us. And I became the first-ever Mexican ROH World Champion. Now, I am known as The Most Hated Man in Mexico. You will recognize that people like Rush is superior to you. And if there is a price to pay, you’re about to pay! I am El Toro Blanco, Rush, and you will put respect to my name. RESPECT, TO MY NAME!” The ungovernable is ready to take over, who will be gored by the Bull’s Horns?


Backstage interview with “Big Bill” Morrissey.

Renee Paquette is with the human skyscraper and says he made it abundantly clear that he’d like to be under Chris Jericho’s Learning Tree. Why at this point in his career does that feel like the right fit? Bill says that he believes, and always has believed, that he has all the tools necessary to make it to the top of this industry. The one thing that has always been missing is the proper guidance. Bill thinks Jericho is the guy to give him that guidance. Jericho is the guy to help him reach his full potential. Jericho is the guy that takes Bill to the Promised Land. Bill proclaims one more time, teach him, Learning Tree.

But speaking of, Jericho steps in! He waves hi to the camera and says he heard what Bill said. Jericho thanks Shibata for the match earlier tonight. Shibata is a great wrestler, he beat the crap outta Jericho, as shown by the red chest. But Jericho was able to retain the #ForTheWorld Championship, with the fans in his hometown cheering him on. It just gets louder and louder every single week. And Big Bill, the way you were cheering Jericho on, that made Jericho think and realize, Bill’s right. So Jericho would love to take Bill into the Jericho Vortex and make him a student of the Learning Tree, if Bill will have him.

Bill says Jericho will not regret this decision. This will be one of the best decisions Jericho has ever made, and Bill will not let him down. Jericho knows Bill won’t. Just like the fans never let Jericho down! And now with a “big redwood” by his side, Jericho knows The Learning Tree will hold onto the FTW Championship for a long time to come! Thanks, guys! Jericho waves bye and Bill is very excited, will these two really reach the top of AEW together?


Swerve Strickland speaks.

The AEW World Champion is backstage, icepack on his head after what The Patriarchy did to him during Dynamite. Swerve reminds Christian that Christian chose to team with him last year in Wembley Stadium because Christian knows what kind of man Swerve is. And so that means Christian’s forgotten something. Swerve is going to remind the whole family just who the hell Swerve is. Dynamite next week, they’ll have a little “talk.” And next time, Swerve won’t be alone. Swerve laughs sinisterly, is Captain Charisma going to regret stepping into Swerve’s House?


Rocky Romero VS Kyle O’Reilly!

This match was only just made earlier tonight, with Azucar wanting to strike out on his own from Best Friends. He and #CombatKyle both want to prove themselves worthy of championships, but who will be one step closer after tonight?

The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally up, feel things out, and they knuckle lock. Kyle gets around to waistlock, Rocky switches but Kyle switches back. Rocky switches again, Kyle switches again, and he SLAMS Rocky down. Rocky slips free to waistlock Kyle, but Kyle moves around to switch with him. They both get back and Rocky gives some Latino Heat. The two reset, tie up, and Kyle wrenches to wristlock. Rocky wrenches, Kyle wrenches, repeat! They go back and forth, wrench for wrench, but then Rocky reaches back to to wrench. Kyle slips under to wrench, then he cranks the wristlock.

Rocky endures, fights up, and he rolls. Kyle still wrangles Rocky with a top wristlock and the fans applaud. Rocky kips up, breaks free, but Kyle avoids the dropkick! Rocky avoids the Penalty Kick, and the fans cheer the newest standoff. The two reset again, fist bump, and then tie up. Kyle headlocks, Rocky endures the grind then throws body shots. Rocky powers out, but Kyle avoids the arm-drag! Kyle trips Rocky, steps on him, but Rocky stays low. Kyle BOOTS Rocky on the return, but then Rocky RANAS! Rocky goes into the ARMBAR! Kyle fights around, slips out and has an ANKLE LOCK!

The fans fire up as Kyle brings Rocky around. Rocky hops, kicks, but Kyle ducks the enzigiri, only for the REWIND HEEL to hit! Kyle bails out, Rocky DIVES! Direct hit and Kyle hits railing! Rocky keeps moving, and he DIVES again! But Kyle catches Rocky to FALCON ARROW on the floor! And then ARMBAR! The ref counts, they’re on the outside as it is! Kyle lets go at 4, snarls, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Kyle stomps Rocky, brings him up and puts him in, then brings him up. Kyle wrenches, CLUBS the arm, then hammerlocks. Kyle wrangles Rocky, KNEES him in the back, then throws down elbows! Kyle floats over to ELBOW and KNEE the other side! Kyle then runs to SLIDING KNEE! Rocky writhes and flounders to a corner but Kyle storms up on him. Kyle KICKS and KICKS, then wrenches for an ELBOW BREAKER! Kyle holds onto the arm to YANK it! Kyle wrenches again, but Rocky shoves him away. Rocky dodges Kyle to RUNNING SLICED BREAD! Cover, TWO! Kyle stays in this but Rocky’s right on him for a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK!

Kyle endures, fights around, but Rocky looks to drop into an  armbar! Kyle clasps hands to fight that, but Rocky breaks the grip! Kyle rolls back, Rocky stands up to keep the wristlock, and he keeps Kyle from ropes. Rocky knuckle locks, goes up the ropes, and then METEORAS the arm! Kyle writhes now and Rocky storms up. Rocky brings Kyle around to CHOP! Kyle staggers, Rocky grabs the bad arm, and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Rocky repays Kyle from earlier, then CHOPS! Kyle fires a forearm! Rocky gives it back! Kyle fires another forearm, but Rocky wrenches to another ELBOW BREAKER! And then Rocky YANKS the arm!

Rocky YANKS the arm again, but Kyle fires more forearm shots! Kyle gets free of the wristlock, but runs into an UPPERCUT! Rocky runs, but Kyle KNEES him against ropes! Kyle WRINGS the arm, Rocky writhes, and Rampage returns to single picture. Kyle stands to KICK Rocky! Rocky KICKS back! They KICK and KICK, each going after the other’s arm! KICK, KICK, KICK and repeat! The fans fire up with every shot, but then Kyle wrenches for another ELBOW BREAKER! Rocky wrenches Kyle’s arm for an ELBOW BREAKER! They both fire forearms, but then Kyle fires off a strike fest! Rocky jumps the leg sweep to JUMP KNEE! Kyle yoyos and LARIATS!

The fans fire up while both men are down! The standing count starts, both men go to corners. Rocky and Kyle stand at 6 of 10, then Rocky runs up, but Kyle puts him up top! Kyle CLUBS Rocky, climbs up after him, but Rocky fires hands! Rocky cravats to then SUPER SLICED BREAD!! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives and Rocky is beside himself! Rocky fires back up, and he KICKS Kyle’s arm! And KICKS! And KICKS, but Kyle blocks, KICKS, steps over, and KNEES Rocky, to then AX ‘N’ SMASH!! Cover, TWO!! Rocky survives but he is dazed! Rocky goes to ropes, Kyle runs up, but Rocky UPPERCUTS! And HAYMAKERS! And then runs, into a KIMURA!

Kyle has the body scissors, but Rocky reaches for ropes! Rocky drops as Kyle cranks the arm! Rocky slips through, and has the ARMBAR! Kyle fights to stack, pop free, and KNEEBAR! Rocky makes it a cover, TWO!! Both men get up, Kyle takes a swing but Rocky makes it a backslide! TWO, but Rocky goes for the KIMURA! Kyle fights up, even as Rocky cranks the arm! They go around and around and around, Kyle rolls, but Rocky drops onto the hold! But Kyle victory rolls with crossed legs! KYLE WINS!

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly, by pinfall

Even Rocky is shocked that he got caught! Kyle still shows Rocky respect, but will this momentum help Kyle go back for revenge on Roderick Strong? Or perhaps, given what we saw on Dynamite, is there a different title that’s caught Kyle’s eye?


BREAKING NEWS for Rampage!

Rampage is once again live on a Saturday to follow AEW Collision next week on May 11th, and it’s all on TBS! Make sure your DVRs catch this so you don’t miss another THREE HOUR BLOCK of All Elite Wrestling!


Backstage interview with The Outcasts.

Arkady is now with Saraya and Harley, and she says this wasn’t scheduled, the Outcasts demanded time to speak. With that, the floor is theirs. Saraya says how could they not talk after that “disastrous” performance by, um, Mariah… May, is it? Yeah, but Harley has another name for her: Tiny Storm. Saraya likes that, because losers breed losers! Saraya beat Storm, was the champ at the time, and then Storm has found this “illegitimate daughter” of sorts. Mariah’s quite the chip off the old… box. Harley tells “Tiny Storm” that since she enjoys quitting so much, how about she does it all again next Wednesday against… Oh, Harley!

Saraya likes that idea! Like they say, what’s old is new. Yeah, and what’s new is old! And what’s old can’t be new because it’s old. And new can’t be old because it’s new! Harley, stop already. But no need to keep their chins up and tits out, they’ve got that covered. The Outcasts head out, but will they remember to watch for the shoe?


Backstage interview with The Undisputed Kingdom.

Rampage returns and Arkady is with Matt Taven, Mike Bennett & Roderick Strong. Arkady notes that Roddy’s AEW International Championship will be on the line against Will Ospreay at Double or Nothing. Taven interrupts with, “Jeez, Not Lexy.” But she corrects him, that’s his nickname for Renee. Well, Arkady ain’t Renee either! But there are more pressing issues here! #NeckStrong has been back and trending for over a week now, and Taven finds it disrespectful that the guy wearing a neck brace (Tony Khan) is too hurt to travel. Meanwhile, Roddy, a wrestling legend, would take his neck brace off, win a match and do it again over and over!

Roddy is truly #NeckStrong! Roddy thanks Taven for that. As for “Billy Boy” Ospreay, he’s “retired” the Tiger Driver 91, aka Storm Driver 93. It’s just dead? Well, get ready to resurrect it, because he’s facing The Messiah of the Backbreaker! And the Assassin is gonna need every bullet in the chamber! And as we celebrate the five year anniversary of AEW, we look back to where it started, what has happened, and where it stands now. But where is AEW going from here? The Kingdom decides! At Double or Nothing, WILL Ospreay will fall to the Messiah of the Backbreaker! Roddy is ready, but will he see it isn’t Billy Boy, it’s #BillyGOAT?


AEW TBS Championship Manitoba Massacre: Willow Nightingale VS Skye Blue!

The Babe with the Power heard the challenge made, and then upped the ante on Skye! This is now Falls Count Anywhere and Anything Goes! However, the EVPs took offense to what Stokely Hathaway had to say about them, so he and Kris Statlander aren’t allowed anywhere near ringside! Will Willow still find a way to win? Or is Skye about to take her place against Mercedes Mone at Double or Nothing?

Well, Kris can’t be with Willow at ringside, but she does see her off at the ramp, and hands her a smiley face trash can lid. Willow storms to the ring but Skye rushes her first, kendo stick in hand! Trash can lid becomes shield, and then Willow JAMS Skye up! The bell rings, Willow SMACKS Skye on the back, then Willow SMACKS her again! Willow RAMS Skye into barriers, then gets space to run up and LARIAT her against the barriers! Willow dumps Skye over, storms out after her, and CLUBS her on the back. They go around the back of the floor seats, and Skye hits back! Willow runs up to ROCK Skye and SMACK her off more barriers!

Willow stalks Skye, brings her around to CLUB her again and again, then shoves her towards ringside. Willow pulls off protective padding from barriers, and SMACKS Skye off them! Willow then drags Skye up, but Skye HOTSHOTS Willow off the barriers! Willow flounders against a chair, and Skye climbs the barriers. Skye leaps, into a CHAIR SHOT! Skye falls in a heap, Willow covers, TWO! Willow huffs and puffs but goes looking under the ring. Willow brings out another chair, and another chair, and then goes back for Skye. Willow stomps Skye, grabs another chair, and she sits that up. Willow ROCKS Skye then makes her take a seat.

Willow CHOPS Skye, then goes to the apron! Willow aims, the fans fire up, and Willow CANNONBALLS but only gets chair! Skye avoids disaster, Willow crashes ‘n’ burns, and the fans go wild as Rampage goes picture in picture!

Willow writhes, we get an instant replay, and then we see Willow stagger around. She finds her trash can lid, storms up on Skye and SMACKS her! And SMACKS her again! Skye leans against the desk, ROCKS Willow in return, then CLUBS her on the back! Skye takes the lid to SMACK Willow! And SMACK her right in the head! Willow falls over, Skye covers, TWO! Skye is frustrated but she puts Willow back in the ring. Skye kicks Willow around, bumps her off buckles sand digs her boots in. Skye is a little bloody already but she doesn’t sweat it. Skye lets off, she and Willow trade shots, and then Skye HAMMERS away on Willow!

Skye grabs a chair, sets it up, and then CLUBS Willow. Skye brings Willow over, reels her in, but Willow fights the suplex! Willow fires body shots, then scoops Skye to SLAM her on the chair! Skye writhes, Willow hauls her up to TOSS her out, then goes out after her. Willow grabs another chair, puts that in the ring, then grabs yet another chair. Chair after chair is put in the ring, but Skye ROCKS Willow first! Skye CLUBS Willow, takes a chair and puts that in the ring. Skye follows Willow around the way, but Willow throws body shots! Skye SUPERKICKS her down! Skye leaves Willow behind to go looking under the ring.

Rampage returns to single picture and Winnipeg wants tables. Skye just adds another trash can lid to the equation instead. But Willow POUNCES Skye right down, PERIOD! Willow puts Skye in the ring, RAMS her into a corner, then takes a chair to wedge it in front of her! The fans fire up as Willow goes corner to corner, but Skye CHUCKS the chair at her! Then SUPERKICKS her down! Cover, TWO!! Skye pulls at her hair in frustration, then goes out to find a black bag! Jericho’s had pucks earlier tonight, this one looks a bit different. Yep, it’s THUMBTACKS! Skye drags Willow up, but Willow RAMS Skye into the corner!

Willow puts Skye up top, climbs up after her, but Skye slips under! Skye tucks Willow in to CHEEKY NANDOS! Skye gets under but Willow throws down hands! Skye grabs a chair to CHUCK it at Willow!! Willow wobbles, Skye goes up, but Willow fires body shots! SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER onto the tacks!! Willow covers, TWO!! Willow ignores the pain and goes outside to fetch… a TABLE! The fans fire up as Willow sets that up on the outside, but Skye grabs a chair. Willow hurries in after Skye, but Skye JAMS her up! Skye hops on, CODE- NO, Willow pops free, kicks low, and SLAMS Skye onto that chair!

Willow goes up and up while Skye is down, MOONSAULT onto just chairs!! Skye avoids disaster again, then SUPERKICKS! Skye CLUBS Willow, BUZZSAWS her down, then goes outside. Skye looks under the ring, and she brings out a plank covered in barbed wire! The fans tell Skye she’s sick but she puts that right on top of the table. Willow ROCKS her first! Skye wobbles, Willow throws a shoulder, but into a KICK! Skye brings Willow to the apron, and fireman’s carries!? Willow fights free of that, and gut wrenches! BABE WITH THE POWER BOMB down through barbed wire and table!!! Cover, WILLOW WINS!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall (still AEW TBS Champion)

The stakes were at their highest, and their most dangerous, but Willow comes out the winner! Kris & Stokely hurry to ringside to help her to her feet, and now it’s on to Double or Nothing! Will the CEO find out first hand why Willow is the Face of TBS?

My Thoughts:

A great Rampage right here. Now, doing three hours of AEW stuff on one night is always a lot, but following Dynamite on this night worked out great for Rampage. They got to have the bleed-over of the shocking segment with Kenny and The Elite, where The Elite did even more awful stuff for even more Heel Heat. As I said for the Dynamite article, Omega is surely in better health than his promo told us, and this is definitely also so he can take a few more weeks to get back in ring shape for whatever awesome matches are planned for the Summer. And then, great promo from Swerve to respond to what happened to him. He says he’s bringing people, is there going to be a Face turn for the rest of the Embassy? Kaun and Liona are pretty awesome in the ring, I think fans would like Face Gates of Agony.

But one drawback of Rampage being live after Dynamite tonight when things can go long, Konosuke got his squash match cut. Though, because it was obviously gonna be a squash match, nothing of importance was lost, Konosuke can just squash someone else next week and call out Moxley at the same time. Great match from White VS Dante, but I figured White would win. I did find it funny that Bullet Club Gold was going around with three belts just because they could. Honestly, they should dunk the hot pink belts in the trash in a reference to Alundra Blayze while also sticking it to Acclaimed, and then they just keep the black ‘n’ gold AEW belts and the silver ‘n’ black ROH belts.

Kyle VS Rocky was an awesome match, even for being “booked” the same night. Great quick pin win for Kyle, he’ll probably be primed for the TNT Championship on the other side of Double or Nothing. And really good promo from The Kingdom to call out Ospreay and hype up the International Championship match. Really good promo from Deonna Purrazzo to call out Rosa, they’ll clearly have a rematch post Double or Nothing, maybe make it a Submission Match or some other tough match. Really good promo for Saraya & Harley to call out Storm & Mariah, maybe we get a tag match of Outcasts VS #RoseGold, aka Mariah & Mina Shirakawa, adding to the mentor love triangle of Storm, Mariah and Mina.

And as with Dynamite, Rampage got to have the women in the main event and that’s great. As I’ve said, if they’re not gonna book more than one women’s match per show, make the one match they have matter. Willow and Skye went to some wild extremes, but Skye still needs to work on how she sneaks her blading and where. Another weaker forehead trickle here. But honestly, not even sure Skye needed to bleed from forehead with the tacks and barbed wire getting involved. Great win for Willow here, and so naturally Willow VS Mone is set, it wasn’t gonna be anything else.

My Score: 8.8/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (5/1/24)

Kenny Omega returns!



What will The Cleaner have to say to The Elite?

Finally, Kenny Omega returns to AEW! But given how his friends, The Young Bucks, gave Tony Khan a piledriver, will his homecoming be a dour one?


  • AEW TNT Championship: Adam “Edge” Copeland VS A member of The House of Black; Edge wins and retains the title.
  • Samoa Joe VS Isiah Kassidy; Joe wins.
  • FTW Championship: Chris Jericho VS Katsuyori Shibata; Jericho wins and retains the title.
  • Claudio Castagnoli VS Brian Cage; Claudio wins.
  • Serena Deeb VS Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther; Deeb wins.


Tony Khan speaks.

“Welcome to AEW Dynamite. I’m here live in Jacksonville, Florida, and I’ll be producing tonight’s show here in the offices of the Jaguars. I wish I could be live there in Winnipeg for Kenny Omega’s return in his hometown tonight at a perfect time. Unfortunately I’m not cleared to leave Jacksonville, Florida, due to the actions of AEW’s Executive Vice Presidents, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson, and the reinstated Jack Perry.” Something’s going wonky with Tony’s video as he explains the head and neck injuries suffered… And then The Bucks cut in to say they’re “losing” Tony. Technical difficulties. Sorry, TK, they lost connection.

But hey, Tony may not be here, but the Bucks are. And some of you may be asking, how is that cool after what they did last week? How are they not fired? Well, see, iron clad contracts, with a founder’s clause. They won’t get into the details, but let’s just say that they and their colleagues are not going anywhere. And in those same details, it says that if Tony Khan cannot physically be at an event, the EVPs would succeed him. In other words, The Bucks are in charge now! With that said, they’re going to run the new show open! It’s all Elite, as in all Bucks, all Jack and all Okada! They said they wanted to change the world, is that change just more of themselves?


Swerve Strickland is here!

Winnipeg cheers as Prince Nana leads the way for the AEW World Champion! Swerve takes the mic to say, “What’s going on, everybody? Three matches, three shows, in one week. That is the type of champion that All Elite Wrestling deserves, and that is the type of champion that Swerve said he was always gonna be.” The fans cheer that! Swerve says what AEW does not deserve are selfish, greedy, childish, power hungry EVPs that think they can just throw their weight around without any kind of consequences. Swerve stands on his words: What the Bucks did was a b*tch move. Now that’ll be handled at some point, but Swerve will get to business.

Who is going to be Swerve’s opponent for Double or Nothing? The fans ask “WHO? WHO? WHO?” and Swerve says he doesn’t know. Winnipeg doesn’t know. But whoever it is, come, present yourself. But wipe your feet before you step into whose house? “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” But then The Bucks interrupt on the tron. They tell the champ congrats. But guess who else are champs: The Bucks! And uh, they also wanted to stop by because something else has been bothering them. It seems that success has gone to Swerve’s head. The first time he talks after winning the big one, and he badmouths his bosses, the EVPs, on national television, and using curse words?

The network hated that, that is a fine. And maybe Swerve just needs a dose of humility. How do you do that? Well, how about The Bucks arrange the very best, the perfect opponent, for Swerve at Double or Nothing? This man happens to be one of the best Canadian pro-wrestlers of all time. He’s a former champion, and hasn’t been around. But he’s waiting at the go position, ready to meet Swerve! Hit the music in three, two, one. GO! It’s… Christian Cage?! The fans are a bit torn as they were hoping for a different Canadian star, but The Patriarch leads Mother Shayna, Nick Wayne & Killswitch/Luchasaurus to the ring.

Christian gets a mic as he goes up onto the apron. He steps inside, Shayna Wayne by his side, but Nick and Killswitchasaurus lurking outside. There are fans who cheer on Christian, and then he sucker punches Swerve with the mic!! Christian fires off hands and knocks Swerve down, and Nana can only cower in a corner! But Swerve gets up to fire back! And he DECKS Nick! And he BOOTS Killswitch! But then Shayna gets in Swerve’s face. Killswitchasaurus turns Swerve around to HEADBUTT him! And he CLOBBERS Nana! Christian snatches the world title, drags Swerve up, KILLSWITCH on the belt!!

The fans are again torn, but Christian then drags Nana up! He holds Nana in place so Nick can hit WAYNE’S WORLD! Christian then goes back to the mic, and he looms over Swerve to tell him, “There’s something you should know about me. I never forget. I haven’t forgotten that some months ago, you broke into my son, Nick Wayne’s gym and left him in a pool of his own blood. I haven’t forgotten- Keep it down while I’m conducting my business!” The fans boo but Christian says he didn’t forget that at one time, they were a tag team at the biggest show in the history of this business, and Swerve lost! Swerve embarrassed Christian!

Christian’s been waiting for the right moment to make him answer for those mistakes, and Swerve went and won the world championship. It seems like there’s no better time than right now to make Swerve pay for those mistakes. Christian will embarrass Swerve the same way Swerve embarrassed him. Christian will end Swerve’s reign before it even begins, and make him a footnote in the history of AEW! The fans boo more but Christian says he heard that speech last week, Swerve talking about his path to this title, how grueling it was and how he put every ounce of himself into it, to where his own daughter doesn’t even know him.

Christian tells Swerve that when he’s done with Swerve, Swerve’s daughter won’t want to know him! But Christian will promise Swerve this: Swerve’s daughter will have a father she can be proud of for the rest of her life! Christian tells Winnipeg that the same way the Colorado Avalanche walked into their house and took their championship dreams away, Christian will walk into Swerve’s House at Double or Nothing and rip this AEW World Championship from his hands. But Swerve, know this: “The pain has just begun.” And with that, Luchasaurus PULLS Swerve’s hair out of his head! Luchasaurus shows off the braid, will that only be the first trophy The Patriarchy takes?


AEW TNT Championship: Adam “Edge” Copeland VS ??? w/ The House of Black!

After defeating The Rated R Superstar, as well as Mark Briscoe & Eddie Kingston, at Dynasty, the House of Black has answered the call of the #CopeOpen. However, they’re going to keep us guessing until the very moment it’s time to fight! Malakai Black speaks from the shadows that everyone expected him to come out here, all the bells and whistles. But why should Malakai fight Edge now, when watching what he did to Edge infiltrating Edge’s mind is so much more rewarding? Malakai laughs, but then who is coming for the gold? It’s the Aussie Juggernaut, Buddy Matthews! The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the House Always Wins!

The bell rings and the fans rally up as Edge and Buddy stare down. The two tie up, Buddy headlocks, but Edge powers up and out. They RAM shoulders and neither falls. The two reset, tie up again, and Edge headlocks. Buddy powers up and out, they RAM shoulders, and again neither falls. The fans rally as the two circle, tie up, and Buddy headlocks for the takeover. Buddy holds off the headscissors but Edge powers through. Edge has the headscissors, Buddy kips free, but turns around into a headlock takeover. Buddy headscissors, Edge kips free, but Buddy sweeps to a cover! ONE, and Edge sweeps to a cover, ONE!

Buddy kip sup and stares Edge down and the fans cheer. Edge and Buddy circle, tie up, and Buddy waistlocks. Edge pries at the hold, switches back, and he CLUBS Buddy. Edge back suplexes, Buddy lands out and RANAS! Edge tumbles out, Buddy builds speed, but then he stops as Edge is ready. The two stare down, Edge eggs Buddy on, and Buddy kicks him. Buddy whips, Edge reverses and TOSSES Buddy out! Edge builds speed but Buddy hurries in, Edge DUMPS Buddy back out! Edge gets moving and DIVES! Down goes Buddy and the fans fire up! Edge shakes out his arms and gets to his feet as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Edge storms his way over to Buddy at the ramp, drags him up, and sends him into the steel steps! Edge refreshes the ring count, then stalks Buddy to the barriers. Edge brings Buddy around to whip him hard into the railing! The fans fire up as Edge storms over to Buddy, CLUBS him on the back, but then Buddy kicks back! Buddy SMACKS Edge off barriers, makes him take a seat, then runs to KNEE Edge into barriers! Buddy shoves Edge down, then brings him back up to ROCK him with a forearm! Buddy puts Edge in the ring, storms his way up the steps, and then storms up to Edge. Edge throws body shots and forearms in return!

Edge has Buddy in a corner, but Buddy shoves Edge away. Buddy runs up, into a kitchen sink knee! Buddy sits up clutching his stomach, but Edge pushes him down for a cover, TWO! Buddy bails out, Edge pursues, and Edge brings Buddy around to SMACK off steel steps! Edge ROCKS Buddy with forearm after forearm, but then Buddy WRINGS Edge’s arm into the apron! Buddy rolls into the ring, Edge drags himself back up, and Dynamite returns to single picture. Buddy runs up but Edge fires hands! Edge bumps Buddy off buckles, then HOTSHOTS him! The fans rally and Edge drags himself back up, to RAM into Buddy, only for Buddy to make it a DDT!

The fans rally while both men are down. Edge and Buddy rise up, and Buddy stomps Edge to a corner. Buddy stomps a mudhole in, the fans boo and the ref counts. Buddy stomps Edge more, then CHOKES him! The ref counts and fans boo but Buddy lets off at 4. Buddy drags Edge up, snapmares and KICKS him in the back! Edge writhes while Buddy soaks up the heat. Buddy sits Edge up, runs and stops to clamp on a chinlock! Buddy grinds Edge down, almost has a Bulldog Choke, but Edge endures. The fans rally up as Edge moves around, then rises to his feet. Edge RAMS Buddy into a corner, but Buddy holds on tight!

Edge flails, pries at the hold, and he RAMS Buddy into the corner again! Buddy won’t let go, and Edge starts to fade! The fans rally up again and Edge fights up. Edge RAMS Buddy in again, gets free this time, and comes back, but into a BOOT! Buddy runs up, but into a FLAPJACK! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Buddy rolls to the apron on one side, Edge goes to another. Edge finds Buddy at the corner, but Buddy fires hands! Buddy climbs up now, but Edge resists the lift! The fans fire up as Edge throws body shots then haymakers! Buddy gives those right back, they hockey scrum right up top!

Buddy HEADBUTTS and both men fall back! They both hit apron and then the floor! The fans fire up while the ring count begins. Both men stir at 4 of 10, flounder at 5, and sit up at 7! They stand at 9 and slide in! The fans fire up as this match continues, and the two start throwing forearms! Edge gets the edge, but Buddy still hits back! Edge stands, reels Buddy in but Buddy wrenches out to shove and FOREARM! Buddy runs, but Edge follows to FOREARM! Edge runs, Buddy swings, Edge dodges, but then Buddy dodges! DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide! The fans fire up again as both men are down!

The ref checks both men, Buddy sputters and has some blood in his mouth. Medics are called over, is Buddy already done for? He gets checked on while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

The ref double checks Edge, he seems alright. Buddy is still coughing for air, but there doesn’t seem to be any critical damage done, so the match continues. Both men stand, and they fire haymakers! The hockey scrum is back, Edge ROCKS Buddy then KNEES him low! Buddy backs to a corner, Edge whips him corner to corner hard! Buddy coughs for air again as he doubles over. The ref checks him, Buddy says he’s good to go so Edge digs his knee into Buddy’s face! The ref counts, Edge drags Buddy up, and Edge DECKS Buddy with a forearm! The ref again checks on Buddy, but he refuses to stay down, so Edge DECKS him again!

Buddy sits up in a daze, so Edge brings him up to DECK him again! The ref has Edge stay back to double check on Buddy, but somehow Buddy is hanging in there. Dynamite returns to single picture, and Edge CHOPS Buddy in the corner! And CHOPS again! Edge keeps Buddy standing, then climbs up the corner. Edge rains down fists and the fans count all the way to TEN! But Buddy YANKS Edge down into the buckle! And again, and again, and again! Then Buddy gets up and under Edge, for a SITOUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Edge survives but Buddy is too sore to be upset. The fans rally up as both men stir, and Buddy rolls his way to the apron.

Buddy drags himself up, climbs a corner, but Edge runs up to trip him up! Buddy lands on the crossbar, and then Edge BOOTS him! Edge then climbs up the corner, he CLUBS Buddy on the back again and again, and he brings Buddy to the top rope. Edge fires a few more fists, but Buddy hits back! Buddy SMACKS Edge off buckles, then goes up and over to SUNSET FLIP! Edge holds onto the ropes so Buddy lets off. Edge mule kicks Buddy right in the chest! But Buddy comes back to UPPERCUT! Buddy climbs, Edge fights the superplex and shoves him away. Buddy comes right back to try again, but he just gets more body shots!

Edge brings Buddy up, for a SUPER IMPALER!! Both men are down as Edge can’t make the cover! The fans are thunderous as Edge crawls over, cover, TWO!! Buddy survives, showing some serious toughness! The fans cheer on “A E DUB! A E DUB!” and then fire up as Edge rises! Edge takes aim from a corner as Buddy rises up. Edge runs in, but into a KICK! And a KNEE! And another KNEE! Buddy then suplexes, JACKHAMMER!! Cover, TWO!! But into a CROSSFACE!! Buddy has Edge caught, but Edge endures and fights around. Edge reaches out, the fans rally as hard as they can, and Edge turns things into a cradle! TWO!!

Buddy swings, but into an OLYMPIC SLAM! We reach the 20 minute mark, time is running out! Edge finds the cover, TWO!! Buddy is still in this after everything he’s taken, but Edge aims to finish this. Buddy rises, Edge runs in, but Buddy sends him into buckles! Buddy then fireman’s carries, to GO TO SLEEP!! Buddy staggers back but he aims! Buddy runs up, but Edge dodges the stomp! Edge shoves and SPEARS!! Cover, EDGE WINS!

Winner: Adam “Edge” Copeland, by pinfall (still AEW TNT Champion)

The Rated R Superstar retains, but in many ways survives this challenge! But there’s rage boiling over and he CLUBS away on Buddy! Edge goes out and looks around, and he finds two chairs! Everyone knows what Edge does with chairs, and he gets in the ring! Buddy flounders, stands, but Edge SMACKS him back down! Edge puts that chair under Buddy’s head, and then gets the other chair! Fans are torn, but is Edge really gonna do this? Edge seems to be conflicted, as well, but then the lights go out! When the lights come back up, MALAKAI BLACK is there! The Dark Father tells Edge to do it!? Do what he was going to! And even Buddy wants it!

Edge raises the chair, but then aims at Malakai! The lights go out again, and the House is gone. Was The Rated R Superstar about to give in to his darkness? Or will the guiding light of being TNT Champion help keep him safe against the House of Black?


Samoa Joe VS Isiah Kassidy!

The King of Wrestling Television may have lost his crown, but he hasn’t lost what made him champion in the first place. Will he get back on track with a win tonight? Or will Brother Zay earn a title shot (shot shot) of his own by pinning the former champion?

The bell rings and fans sing “Joe is gonna kill~ you!” Zay brushes that off as he and Joe circle. They feel things out, but Zay gets back, and he grabs Joe’s towel! Zay mocks Joe, does a dance, and Joe smirks. Joe CHOKES Zay using the towel! The ref counts, Joe lets off, but Zay claws the eyes! Zay tells Joe he wants none of this! Zay runs, but Joe FLAPJACKS him! Joe then JABS! JABS! JABS! Joe fires off on Zay in the corner, then OVERHAND CHOPS! Joe applauds with the fans while Zay bails out. Joe builds speed, but he stops the dive as Zay slides in. Joe goes back to the apron but Zay runs up to triangle jump STUNNER!

Joe falls back, Zay fires up and builds speed, and Zay FLIES, but Joe just steps aside! Zay crashes ‘n’ burns as fans cheer Joe’s signature dodge! Joe drags Zay up, puts him in the ring, and the singing continues, “Joe is gonna kill~ you!” Joe drags Zay up, but Zay throat chops! The fans boo but Zay hobbles, runs, and flapjack DROPKICKS! Joe ends up in a corner, Zay hobbles over and rains down fists! And elbows! Zay MONKEY FLIP- NO, Joe is just too big for that! Joe puts Zay up top, HEADBUTTS, then tucks him in! MUSLCE BUSTER!! Joe drops into the cover, and wins!

Winner: Samoa Joe, by pinfall

Championship or not, Joe is still a dangerous man! Will all the champions of AEW have to watch out for Joe coming after them?


Skye Blue speaks.

“Willow Nightingale, my former best friend. You’re a damn fraud! You know last time one-on-one in that ring, I had you pinned. If it weren’t for that bald b*tch on a leash, Stokely Hathaway… And Julia and I, last time in Canada, we beat both you and Statlander in a Street Fight. So you know I have your number because I have proved it every damn week. And if you’re even half the woman that you say you are, come prove it tonight on Rampage, and put the TBS title on the line.” The Chicago Skye has made the challenge, will Willow go on a Rampage with her?


Orange Cassidy is here!

Winnipeg fires up for Freshly Squeezed, but surely he is in a sour mood after how the Parking Lot Brawl went. It wasn’t even that Trent Beretta beat Chuck Taylor and won. It was that after the match, Trent used a monkey wrench to all but shatter Chuck’s leg just because he could! Cassidy gets in the ring now and has a mic to say, “I hate this. See, I thought after Saturday, when my Best Friends, Chuck and Trent, got into a parking lot, beat each other up, and get everything out of their systems, we’d come back together, stand here in this ring together, as Best Friends. But see, that’s never gonna happen.

“I have been told that because of what Trent did to Chuck after the match… I have been told that my Best Friend, Chuck Taylor, will never wrestle again.” Fans are shocked and upset, and Cassidy takes off the sunglasses. “So now I’m standing in this ring alone, to tell you, Trent Beretta, that the next time I see you-” Trent interrupts! And he says wow, big surprise! Cassidy is making things about himself again! Trying to make somebody else’s career ending about himself! Cassidy rushes out but the security guards get in the way! Trent says Cassidy is too selfish! That’s why this all happened! Chuck’s career is over because of Cassidy, not Trent!

Cassidy is still pushing through the security guards so Kris Statlander hurries out here to stop him! Trent says Cassidy is the selfish one! Then Don Callis walks out here!? The fans boo as Callis talks Cassidy down, and whispers something to him. Trent says Cassidy is selfish, and Cassidy actually walks away with Callis?! Trent gives a mocking thumbs up, but just what is going on here?


Backstage interview with The Young Bucks.

Renee Paquette is with Matthew & Nicholas Jackson, and says tonight is a big night. Can the EVPs give her any nuggets as to what else is planned? Matt says first off, she’s killing it as always. How’s the family? How’s Jon? Oh, they’re all g- That’s great to hear. But they don’t really have time to talk right now, they’re looking for an old. Has she happened to bump into him yet? No? Okay. Well, they’ve had way too much TV time tonight already, let’s give some to their good friend, The Scapegoat, Jack Perry! Jack tags in for the interview and Renee asks him just what the hell was he thinking attacking Tony Khan last week.

Jack says he meant what he said last week. The only thing he wants is what’s best for AEW. And some people might not see it, but that’s what he did. The funny part to Jack is that Tony Khan is the one who made Jack into “The Scapegoat.” It hurt at the time, but he accepted it at the time because he realized that it was a sacrifice that someone was gonna have to make. But we all have to sacrifice, Tony. And thanks to you, we are entering a new era of AEW, under The Elite! Jack & The Bucks head out, what else is going to happen in their era?


FTW Championship: Chris Jericho VS Katsuyori Shibata!

The Learning Tree has not only changed his attitude and his song, but now he’s changed his look when it comes to his ring gear. All this along with how he has supposedly changed the meaning of the acronym. This is now the #ForTheWorld Championship, because he claims to be doing all this for the world! Well, will The Wrestler cut down The Learning Tree for the sake of the world? Or will even Shibata have something to learn from The Wizard?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly the master!

The bell rings and Jericho claps along with the fans as they rally up. Jericho and Shibata tie up, Jericho arm-drags, then gets all fired up for himself. Jericho waves to the fans, then circles with Shibata. They tie up, Jericho waistlocks, but Shibata switches, snapmares, and clamps on a chinlock. Shibata then floats to a top wristlock, even as fans actually cheer on the “LEARNING TREE!” Jericho fights up, Shibata wristlocks, but Jericho has the ropes. Shibata lets off slowly, but Jericho CHOPS! Shibata CHOPS back! Jericho CHOPS, Shibata CHOPS, repeat! The fans ‘WOO~” and Jericho CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS!

Jericho whips, he CLOBBERS Shibata, then LIONSAULTS legs onto legs! Cover, ONE!! Jericho stays cool as he goes out of the ring. Jericho looks under the ring, goes around the way, and he keeps searching. What does he want? It’s the trash can lid! Just like in his match with Hook! Jericho SMACKS Shibata down! Jericho goes back out and looks for something else. He brings out a black bag! Those are never good… Jericho brings the bag in and dumps out… HOCKEY PUCKS! The fans cheer that, because those are Winnipeg Jets pucks! But then Shibata hits an STO onto the pucks! Jericho writhes, and Shibata drags him up, to snap suplex onto pucks!

Jericho writhes, again suffering from his own idea. Shibata stomps Jericho, grabs that trash can lid, but puts it aside. Shibata brushes the pucks away with his feet, to CHOP! And CHOPS! The fans “WOO~!” as those CHOPS echo out! Jericho stands, but Shibata CHOPS again! Jericho CHOPS, Shibata CHOPS, and then Shibata eggs Jericho on! The fans fire up and Jericho nods. Jericho CHOPS, but Shibata CHOPS! Both men’s chests are getting redder as the CHOPS keep going! Jericho CHOPS, Shibata barely flinches! Shibata CHOPS, Jericho winces, but he still CHOPS! Shibata CHOPS and the fans are all fired up!

Jericho goes to a corner, grits his teeth and comes back to CHOP! Shibata CHOPS right before Dynamite goes picture in picture!

Jericho is starting to get frustrated, but he still CHOPS! Shibata CHOPS again! CHOP after CHOP, neither man is backing down! Oh, but Jericho does feel that one more than the rest! Shibata eggs Jericho on, and Jericho frowns as he looks around. Jericho stares Shibata down, then winds up to CHOP! Shibata CHOPS again! Jericho huffs and puffs but that one really stung. Jericho still CHOPS, Shibata CHOPS again, and this CHOP fight isn’t stopping! Jericho pumps up to COHP! Shibata pumps up to CHOP! Jericho takes a moment, his entire chest is red! Jericho gets in Shibata’s face, snarls and fires up the fans, to CHOP!

The CHOP fest hits another stride! Shibata CHOPS, and CHOPS, and then CHOPS again! Jericho ends up in a corner, he CHOPS back and they speed back up! Shibata CHOPS overhand and Jericho is sent reeling! Shibata doesn’t even seem to care that his chest is bright red! The CHOPS just keep going back and forth, over and over! Jericho needs to catch his breath from the impacts, but he doesn’t stop coming back for more! Winnipeg fires up as the CHOPS just keep going and Dynamite returns to single picture! The fans cheer on “A E DUB! A E DUB!” as the CHOPS just keep ringing out!

Shibata CHOPS, and CHOPS and then finally goes to forearms in the corner! Shibata gives one more CHOP, then he goes corner to corner, but Jericho CHUCKS a puck! Shibata takes it and comes back with haymakers! Jericho trips Shibata into the WALLS OF JERICHO! The fans go wild as Shibata endures! Shibata fights around, reaches out, but Jericho keeps him from ropes! Jericho sits deep on the hold, but Shibata pushes up, tucks ‘n’ rolls and gets the ankles to trip Jericho! Shibata steps through into a FIGURE FOUR! Now fans “WOO~” for a different reason! Jericho grabs another puck as he sits up, to CHUCK it into Shibata’s face!!

Shibata clutches his nose as he lets the leglock go, and Jericho has more pucks! The fans fire up as Jericho goes out to search under the ring. He brings out a kendo stick, and a trash can! Jericho is again recreating his match with Hook, but he also adds another kendo stick. Jericho puts the can around Shibata, then SMACKS it with the stick! And again! The stick is breaking as Jericho SMACKS away with those headshot strikes! Wait, Shibata is standing up!? Shibata is perhaps using the can as armor as he steps into the strikes! Jericho keeps hitting Shibata but Shibata keeps backing him down! Now Jericho’s cornered!

Jericho apologizes, but Shibata TRASH CAN HEADBUTTS him! Jericho sits down, Shibata kicks him, then takes off the trash can! The fans fire up as Shibata lets Jericho hold the can, then runs to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK it into Jericho! Jericho flounders, Shibata covers, TWO! Shibata clears some space, and he finds the kendo sticks! The fans fire up as Shibata dual wields, only to give one to Jericho! Shibata wants a fair fight, after all! Jericho and Shibata circle, but then Shibata sits down? So Jericho does the same. They square up, and Shibata SMACKS Jericho on the ear! Jericho SMACKS Shibata on the shoulder, Shibata returns fire, and the fans fire up!

The SMACKS go again and again, then they clash stick to stick! Shibata disarms Jericho to then SMACK away on Jericho’s leg! Then he gets around, KENDO STICK SAIDO onto the pucks!! Jericho writhes, Shibata goes out and looks under the ring. Shibata brings out a TABLE! The fans go wild seeing that! Shibata puts the table into the ring, props it up in a table, and he fires off JABS and CHOPS! Jericho wobbles with every shot, so Shibata CLUBS him again and again and again! Then CHOPS him! Jericho is against the table, Shibata runs, but into a CODE BREAKER!! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up as Shibata survives!

Jericho aims from a corner, takes aim, JUDAS- SLEEPER!! Shibata has Jericho caught, but Jericho flails around! Jericho reaches for ropes, but Shibata grabs that arm, ripcords and CHOPS! Jericho falls and Shibata goes back to the table. The fans duel as Shibata takes this table and stands it up in the drop zone. “This is Awesome!” but wait! BIG BILL is here! And he BOOTS Jericho down!! The fans boo as Morrissey saves the Learning Tree and then SKYSCRAPER CHOKE SLAMS Shibata through the table!! Bill leaves it to Jericho, and Jericho crawls to cover Shibata in the wreckage. Jericho wins!

Winner: Chris Jericho, by pinfall (still FTW Champion)

Bill saved Jericho #ForTheWorld, and Jericho seems to appreciate that. Will The Learning Tree take Bill under his wing- er, branches, and guide him to success?


BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

May the Fourth be with you as AEW takes Saturday night off for the Star Wars movie marathon!


Backstage interview with Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway.

Renee is with the TBS Champion, the Galaxy’s Greatest and #BigStoke, and she brings up last week’s confrontation with Mercedes Mone. It seemed there was major miscommunication there. Yes, Kris wants to apologizes. Mone had no right to interrupt, Kris was just trying to diffuse the situation, but it backfired onto Willow, Kris is so sorry. Renee pivots to later tonight on Rampage with another challenger in the form of Skye Blue. Yes, Willow will accept the challenge. Because lucky for Skye Blue, last week left Willow in a fighting mood. So Mone, don’t think Willow will forget about that cheap shot.

But Skye, if you want a fight, honey, Willow will mop the floor with you! With this title on the line, Willow will maim, massacre, right here in Winnipeg, Manitoba! Stokely speaks up, saying the worst part is what Skye said about him! And he can’t complain to nobody because those p*icks, the Young Bucks, beat up Tony Khan! And worst part about that is, they did it before payday! But then a technical aid brings Renee her phone. Oh, it’s a text from Matt & Nick… They tell her she’s doing a good job, though she could be smiling more. And let Stoke & Kris know that they are now BANNED from ringside during the TBS Championship! Any interference will strip Willow of the title!

Okay, aside from Stoke’s own words and actions, what’d he do to deserve this!? Kris and Stoke head out, and she makes sure he knows it was his fault. Renee wishes Willow luck, Willow thanks Renee, and she fires herself up. Will the Babe with the Power still be the Face of TBS after tonight?


BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!

After checking Buddy off the list, and then almost taking him out for good, Adam “Edge” Copeland is moving on through the House of Black to face Brody King! Will the Rated R Superstar go two for two? Or will the House win out in the end? Plus, after the tense confrontation from tonight, Freshly Squeezed will look to avenge Chuckie T with his own two hands! Orange Cassidy takes on Trent Beretta, who will prove they were always the best Best Friend?


Claudio Castagnoli VS Brian Cage!

The Swiss Superman gave Swerve an awesome fight last week on Collision, and believes that he is the best not because he always wins, but because he always shows up, day after day after day. Claudio acknowledges he isn’t the “shiny new toy,” because he’s the one that’ll never break! Will he prove that even against The Mogul Embassy’s Machine? Or will the #Swolverine get his stuff in and take the win?

The bell rings and both men run in to DOUBLE LARIAT! They fire forearms back and forth as fans chant “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Claudio winds up to LARIAT! Cage stays up, and he LARIATS back! Claudio rebounds to LARIAT! Cage rebounds to LARIAT! The LARIATS go back and forth, then Cage UPPERCUTS! Cage suplexes high and hard! Claudio gets up in a huff, and he UPPERCUTS back! And UPPERCUTS again and again! Claudio reels Cage in for a BIG suplex! But Cage gets right up! Cage ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Claudio stands up, into a DROPKICK! Cage asks, “Who betta than Cage?”

Cage whips Claudio to ropes, but Claudio KICKS back! Claudio then runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Cage drops, only for the hurdle to be caught! Claudio makes it a BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up as Claudio roars, and Claudio drags Cage up. The fans rally as Claudio fires forearms, then he whips Cage to a corner. Cage goes up and over, schoolboy and BOOT! Cage storms up on Claudio, brings him up to fireman’s carry, but Claudio slips free! Claudio shoves Cage to the corner, runs up, but into an ELBOW! Cage runs up, but into a scoop! Claudio holds Cage up before the SLAM! Then Claudio ninja runs to DOUBLE STOMP!

The fans fire up and Claudio fires off on Cage in a corner. Claudio rains down fists, the fans count along, but Cage dumps Claudio over before five! Claudio hits back, ELBOWS Cage, but Cage GAMANGIRIS! Cage goes up the corner, and the fans fire up for the deadlift SUPERPLEX! The fans fire up and Cage flexes while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Cage storms after Claudio, and he CHOKES Claudio on ropes! The ref counts, Cage lets off and stomps Claudio down, then stomps a mudhole. The ref counts again, Cage lets off at 4, and Claudio sputters. Cage drags Claudio up, but Claudio ROCKS him! And ROCKS him again and again! But Cage JUMP KNEES! Cage reels Claudio in to scoop and SLAM! Cage then runs to drop the leg, brother! Cover, TWO! Cage is annoyed but Claudio snarls. Cage pushes Claudio around, but Claudio CHOPS! Claudio goes to a corner, Cage COHPS him in return! Cage stalks Claudio to another corner, and CHOPS again.

Claudio goes to the fourth corner, but CHOPS in return! And CHOPS again, and again! Claudio whips corner to corner, Cage reverses and Claudio hits buckles hard! Cage stomps Claudio, soaks up the heat, then storms over to Claudio in the corner. Cage whips corner to corner, runs in and UPPERCUTS! Then spins to clothesline! Then wrenches for the SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Claudio stays in this but Cage stays on Claudio with a chinlock! Claudio endures, even as Cage squeezes tight! Claudio fights up to his feet, but Cage wrangles him down with a leg sweep! Cage leans on the chinlock and grinds Claudio into the mat!

Claudio endures, fights back up, and Dynamite returns to single picture. Claudio throws body shots, then elbows. Claudio whips, Cage reverses and SUPERKICKS! Claudio ends up on ropes, Cage dials it up, 619! Claudio staggers, Cage DISCUS LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Claudio survives but Cage stays focused. Cage pump handles, lifts, but Claudio lands out! Claudio dodges to springboard, FLYING UPPERCUT! The fans fire up while both men are down! The standing count starts, Claudio rises at 3 and Cage is in a corner. Claudio runs up to UPPERCUT! Claudio UPPERCUTS again and again and again as the fans fire up!

The ref counts, Claudio lets off, but then jukes to UPPERCUT again! Claudio roars, runs and BOOTS! Cage BOOTS back! Claudio BOOTS again, so Cage kicks, Claudio blocks to UPPERCUT, SUPERKICK and then Cage is on ropes! The fans fire up as Claudio dials it up! SWISS-1-9!! Cage flounders up, into a DISCUS LARIAT from Claudio! Cover, TWO! Cage survives but Claudio keeps his cool. Claudio drags Cage up and reels him in, Gotch lift, but Cage Alabama Lifts, to ALABAMA BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Claudio survives but Cage hauls him up! Fireman’s carry, but Claudio fights free! Claudio shoves, Cage ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Claudio comes back to POP-UP UPPERCUT!! Cover, TWO!!

The fans fire up as Claudio calls for it! Claudio gets Cage’s legs, for the GIANT SWING!! Cage goes around and around and around, and the fans count along! Claudio goes all the way to nine, then steps through for a Canadian favorite, the SHARPSHOOTER! Cage crawls forward but Claudio drags him back! Cage is caught, he taps! Claudio wins!

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, by submission

The Swiss Superman proves tougher than the Swolverine, because that is the power of never stopping! Will Claudio not stop on his way back to a championship?


Backstage interview with Rocky Romero.

Renee is now with Azucar, and brings up the Best Friends tearing each other apart. Next week on Dynamite, Cassidy VS Trent, can she even ask Rocky who he sides with? Rocky says he doesn’t side with anyone in this. Who’s the real winner anyway? The whole thing has been tearing Rocky apart and he just can’t take it anymore. He’s done with it. He told Trent, Chuck, Kris and Cassidy that he’s out. Rocky Romero does his own thing from now on. And that thing is becoming a champion here in AEW. Rocky has been a champ in NJPW, in ROH, and in CMLL. The only way Rocky knows how to do that is by challenging the best.

And speaking of, there’s one guy that brings out the best in Rocky, and who he brings the best out of in return. Just a couple weeks ago, they brought the best out of each other when taking on The Undisputed Kingdom. Rocky tells Kyle O’Reilly that he wants to face him again, here tonight on Rampage, in the great city of Winnipeg! Rocky VS Kyle one more time, may the best man win. Renee wishes Rocky luck and he says thanks, he’ll need it. Will #CombatKyle give Azucar the best fight either man has ever had?


Serena Deeb VS Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther!

The Professor of Professional Wrestling said last week that she is going to prove herself as THE best wrestler in the AEW Women’s Division, and that of course means becoming THE AEW Women’s World Champion. Will Deeb not only put the “understudy” to the test, but prove herself worthy of facing the leading lady?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Deeb headlocks, spins, wrenches, hammerlocks, headlocks, and repeat! Then Deeb hits the takeover, but Mariah headscissors. Deeb kips free, the two stand off, and the fans applaud. The two reset, tie up again, and Mariah waistlocks. Deeb reaches up, slips her hand into the waisltock, then wrenches free. Mariah wrenches back, but Deeb rolls, rolls, then wrenches to wristlock and wrangle Mariah. Deeb then grabs a leg, has a standing toehold, and she smiles at Storm as she ties up Mariah! Mariah ends up in Paradise! Deeb shows it off to the fans and they cheer while Mariah is frustrated.

The fans rally, Deeb goes to a corner, and she runs up to DROPKICK Mariah outta Paradise! Mariah flounders to a corner, Deeb eggs her on, and Mariah runs up. Deeb dodges, spins Mariah, and snapmares to then run and run Mariah over! Things keep moving, Deeb turns Mariah’s hip toss into a takedown, then she gets the legs to turn her over, SEATED SURFBOARD! Mariah endures and the fans cheer! Deeb lets Mariah go to let her get away. Deeb runs in, Mariah goes up and over to ROCK Deeb! Mariah puts Deeb up top, then CHOPS! Deeb snarls as Mariah swaggers, then Mariah comes back with the STRATUSPHERE!

Mariah keeps moving, and she SHOTGUNS Deeb down! Deeb flounders to ropes, Mariah poses, and the fans cheer as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Mariah storms up on Deeb while Storm smiles with pride. Mariah digs her boot into Deeb, lets off as the ref counts, then snapmares Deeb so she can scuff her. Mariah stands Deeb up to CHOP her, and Deeb goes to ropes. Deeb CHOPS, but Mariah CHOPS again! Deeb CHOPS, CHOPS, but Mariah knees low! Mariah scoops to hit a SPINNING SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Mariah keeps cool as she keeps on Deeb with a chinlock. Mariah shows her own technical prowess with the grip as she grinds Deeb down. Deeb endures, fights up, and throws body shots! Deeb is free, she runs, but Mariah LARIATS her down!

Deeb staggers back up but Mariah is on her. Mariah scoops and carries Deeb around, for a SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Deeb stays in this but Mariah swaggers around. Mariah drags Deeb up, pushes her around, then SLAPS her! Mariah runs, but Deeb drops, sets up, and blocks the kick to SLAP and SLAP and SLAP Mariah in return! Then DRAGON SCREW! Mariah writhes and Deeb fires herself back up. Deeb again eggs Mariah on as Dynamite returns to single picture. Mariah runs up, Deeb dodges and UPPERCUTS! Mariah goes to a corner, Deeb runs in to clothesline! Deeb whips, Mariah reverses, and Mariah runs up.

Mariah blocks Deeb’s kick, but Deeb uses that to reel her in for a KNEE! Deeb goes out to the apron, catches Mariah and turns her, for a NECKBREAKER HOTSHOT! Mariah flounders away, Storm is upset, but Deeb reels Mariah in. Mariah wrenches out, swings, but into a ripcord! Mariah ducks the elbow, but Deeb kicks low! Deeb reels Mariah in but Mariah wrenches out. Mariah facelocks but now Deeb wrenches out, and TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! The fans fire up with Deeb and she storms around the ring. The fans cheer on “DEEB! DEEB! DEEB!” Deeb brings Mariah up, reels her in, tucks the arms, but Mariah slips under!

Deeb ducks the roundhouse and UPPERCUTS Mariah! Deeb reels Mariah in, but Mariah breaks the full nelson and throws elbows! But Deeb shoves Mariah to the ropes and SNAP GERMANS on the return! Deeb hauls Mariah up, hammerlock and PEPSI TWIST! Cover, TWO!! Mariah survives but Storm is still worried. Deeb has the fans rallying again, and Deeb gets a leg. Deeb lets out a “WOO~” but Mariah denies the figure four! Mariah runs up, but Deeb puts her on the apron. Mariah ducks a shot to ROUNDHOUSE! Mariah goes up the corner, to MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Deeb flounders away!

Mariah goes to the other corner, says kiss this, and she runs in, SWEET HIP MUSIC! Cover, TWO!! Deeb survives but Mariah runs, because IT’S GONNA KNEE MAY!! Cover, TWO!!! Deeb survives and Mariah is beside herself! May vows to end this, and she storms back up on Deeb. Mariah fireman’s carries, tucks, but Deeb uses that for an OCTOPUS STRETCH!! Mariah then shifts around, sunset flip, but Mariah sits on it! TWO and Deeb finishes the flip, TWO! Mariah swings, into a spin and spin and spin, and a little more spinning, for the backslide! TWO!! Mariah survives, staggers up, and HEADBUTTS a la Storm!

Mariah wrenches, for the SAIDO!! The fans fire up as Deeb goes to a corner! Mariah runs up, but into an ELBOW! Deeb hops up, Mariah returns, but Deeb turns Stratusphere into HALF CRAB!! Mariah is caught as Deeb sits deep! Mariah reaches out, Storm coaches her, and Mariah crawls forward! But Deeb drags her back! Storm panics as Deeb SMASHES the knee over and over! Then a DEEP CRAB!! Storm THROWS IN THE TOWEL, Deeb wins!!

Winner: Serena Deeb, by forfeit

Deeb smiles at Storm, because it shows she’s gotten in her head. And now, she’s gotten her match! The graphic goes up to show it is official, Deeb is the #1 contender and will have her match in Las Vegas! Storm is furious, but who wins when she and Deeb go Double or Nothing?


Backstage interview with Adam “Edge” Copeland.

Renee congratulates The Rated R Superstar on his win tonight, but asks if he’s okay. He seemed out of sorts out there. Edge says yeah, he’s… Uh, yeah, he’s okay. Kyle O’Reilly walks in and says to Edge that as a kid from Canada, Edge’s career has meant a lot to him. And now Kyle is sharing a locker room with him, watching his matches, and seeing what’s going on with The House of Black. Kyle doesn’t dig it, man. So if Edge needs back-up or something, Kyle will be there. Edge appreciates that. Brody King is up next, and uh, hey, eyes up here. Kyle gets caught looking at the TNT title, but Edge understands.

Edge also knows Kyle’s got Rocky Romero on Rampage, so good luck out there. Edge heads out, will he be able to handle the House alone? Or will he call upon #CombatKyle when the deck gets stacked?


And now…

“HE is a former AEW World Champion. HE is the only wrestler to hold the AEW World title, Tag Team titles and Trios titles. While most dream of reaching it, HE actually achieved the illustrious seven-star rating. HE is the pride and joy of NOOOOORTH~ CAROLINA~! However, HE is the Golden Boy of Winnipeg, Manitoba! Tonight, HE returns to AEW. Tonight, HE returns… home. HE is the Cleaner, HE is the Best Bout Machine, HE is a Founding Father of AEW. HE is… KENNY! OOOOOOOOOOMEEEEEEEEGAAAAAAA~!” The fans go wild as the man himself makes his way out to the ring, in a sharp suit and shades.

The pyro goes off for Kenny as he makes his way down the ramp and steps into the ring. Kenny gets the mic as the fans cheer him on, and he says they’re making this tough on him. He’s never been good at this sort of stuff. The fans chant “Welcome Home!” and Kenny smiles. Kenny says he’s never been good at talking about injuries, illness, weakness. A few months back, he was diagnosed with diverticulitis. Fans boo diverticulitis, it sucks, and Kenny says he’ll spare fans the gory details if they don’t know what that entails. But after spending 10 days in the hospital, the doctors told him, “You’re one of the lucky ones. You were 24 hours away from dying.”

So to that, Kenny said, “Cool story, Doc, can you patch me up and send me back to Dynamite?” The doc said it wasn’t that simple. They needed to get what’s in him outta him, and if they cut him open now, they’d have to filet him open, and give him a colostomy back for six months, maybe 12 months, maybe even the rest of his life. Kenny told the doctor, “And if I don’t?” The doc said that’s fine, but then for the rest of his life, Kenny will have a ticking timebomb right in his gut. He might not know where, when or why, but he might just one day wake up in the hospital, having the surgery anyway. Any sort of blunt force trauma to the stomach could kill him.

Kenny says since that day, he can’t lie. He had to stop… Kenny gets emotional here as he says he had to stop watching. He had to stop watching AEW because his hands would shake. He was scared. For the first time in his life, Kenny was scared. He felt pathetic, felt like a coward. Like maybe the point today, this whole thing, was to come out and explain to the fans that he’d have to retire. The fans don’t like the sound of that, but then Kenny did something. He turned on AEW for the first time the other day, and he watched Dynasty. Did anyone else watch Dynasty? The fans all cheer that!

Kenny says he saw Swerve make history! He saw Ospreay and Danielson put on one of the greatest matches he’s ever seen in his LIFE! And he wishes he could say he was happy. But he looked at his hands, they were shaking again. The tremors got worse. Kenny thought to himself, “Am I really scared of being a wrestler?” No, it wasn’t fear. When he came out here, hearing Justin Roberts’ introduction, and hearing every single fan chanting his name, it made Kenny realize something very important. Yes he was scared, but that’s life! Everyone’s scared of something! The reason he was shaking was from WITHDRAWAL! The fans cheer that!

Kenny knew he needed to be back in this ring. More than he wanted to breathe! Because living for Kenny is being in this ring! Being called the Best Bout Machine is what fuels him! And it hurt him, and he hated it, that all the best shows, the best PPVS, the best wrestlers on this planet are in the conversation, and Kenny’s being forgotten! So Kenny made a promise to himself, and he makes it to each and everyone watching. “This isn’t over until I exhaust every option! If there’s a 10% chance, a 5% chance, a 1% chance, bag or no bag, you guys aren’t done with Kenny Omega yet.” The fans cheer that!

Kenny says he made a mission statement, #ChangeTheWorld! And that brings him on to the second piece of business. Speaking of colostomy bags, let’s talk about two other bags of crap right now! “Matthew and Nicholas! You’ve been running roughshod over this company and embarrassing yourselves more than you’ve embarrassed yourselves ever before in the past. And you’re free to do that as EVPs. But what you forget… Is that there’s also one other EVP. I may be ‘fired’ from The Elite, but you can’t fire me as an EVP. So as far as I’m concerned, until someone says otherwise, a part of the power in this company belongs to the Best Bout Machine!”

The fans love hearing that! But then the coin drops, and Kazuchika Okada makes his way out here! The Rainmaker, the Continental Champion, is also in his own great suit, and has his own mic. Okada steps into the ring with Omega, these great rivals meeting once again. The fans lose their minds seeing this, and Omega tells “Ohh hisashiburi da na, Okada.” AKA long time no see. The Rainmaker, The Best Bout Machine. Funny, Omega and Okada had a rivalry in NJPW, right? How about Okada gives Omega a couple months, and they’ll settle things right here in AEW? The fans REALLY love the sound of that!

Okada thinks, then says, “I’m sorry, Kenny. I’M the Best Bout Machine now.” And then JACK PERRY ATTACKS FROM BEHIND! The fans boo as The Scapegoat takes a cheap shot, and then Omega gets a chair! Okada slides that in for Jack, and Jack swings on security! Guard after guard goes down, and then Jack aims at Omega! Omega dodges the shot to JAB! JAB! JAB! And then he ROCKS Jack, KNEES him again and again, then brings Jack into a full nelson! SNAP DRAGON! But Omega winces and clutches his gut. The fans rally for Omega but Omega is risking his life just doing this! Omega stands, takes off the suit jacket, and he fires up!

Omega rips his shirt open, takes aim at Jack, and BANG! Omega runs, but Omega trips him up just enough! Omega kicks at Okada, but then Jack JAMS Omega with the chair!! The gut shot takes Omega down! Fans boo but Okada grins and Jack smirks. Okada sputters, The Bucks hurry out here and are very upset. Though, they were also upset last week with the attack on Tony Khan… The Bucks have Okada and Jack stand down, Omega is still their friend. Omega sputters and coughs, the fans rally behind him, and he manages to sit up. But then the Bucks each take a hand, for an E V P TRIGGER!!!

The fans boo as hard as they can as The Elite close in on Omega again. But here comes FTR! Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood aren’t 100% either but they’re not gonna let that stop them! They run The Elite off to make sure Omega stays safe. Medical stuff checks on Omega, will he be alright? Will the Top Guys tear down this corrupt Elite once and for all?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of Dynamite here, especially following up the wild stuff from last week. I just knew the Bucks were going to cut Tony Khan’s opening promo off to give their own promo and make Dynamite all about them. Swerve calling them out on stuff again was good, and it was a good swerve to make us think the Bucks were outright making Omega the #1 contender and then give us Christian Cage. That beatdown from The Patriarchy is definitely going to rile Swerve up, this is going to be a good feud for Double or Nothing and a solid PPV defense for Swerve. But then perhaps the biggest shock of all was right there at the end where Omega wasn’t on The Bucks’ side of this, and they immediately retaliate for it.

Now obviously, if Omega’s able to take all these shots, with the extra stuff happening during the Rampage broadcast, he’s doing a lot better than his great promo would have us believe. But this is all great Heel heat for The Bucks, Okada & Jack Perry, and Omega can now be away for a few more weeks to get back into ring shape for whatever big move we have. Perhaps Blood & Guts, Omega, Hangman & FTR VS New Evil Elite, leading to some various title matches going into All In London 2024. It would be fitting if, one year to the day, Bucks VS FTR was again for the tag titles, and this time Jack was having a grudge match with Hangman or something.

Really good win for Samoa Joe in a return to action, and a great match from Claudio VS Brian Cage to follow up Claudio giving Swerve a great match. Awesome TNT Championship match from Edge and Buddy, but Buddy’s condition after that double crossbody spot was really scary. But of course Edge wins, and I do like the move they’re pulling is Edge being affected by Malakai’s mist. That’s been a very good, very consistent through-line for many feuds involving The House of Black, so I like the many possibilities they have with Edge here. Edge VS Brody will also be great stuff but obviously Edge VS Malakai is for Double or Nothing and will be the epic culmination of what’s going on with Edge after being hit by the mist.

Really good promo segment from Cassidy and Trent, but in a wild twist, Don Callis shows up to talk with Cassidy, not Trent! I don’t want Cassidy in the Don Callis Family. Why isn’t this Callis recruiting Trent? The man shattered Chuck’s leg and apparently forced him into retirement! But I do appreciate Rocky’s promo being about him cutting all ties with it, especially with what Trent did. Rocky VS Kyle for Rampage is going to be awesome stuff, though, and with Kyle having that promo with Edge, maybe a Heel Edge will take on Kyle for the title at All In.

Absolutely amazing FTW Championship match with Jericho and Shibata. I did not expect it to be quite as fun as it was with Shibata turning the trash can trap on its head. But just as I knew, Big Bill screws Shibata to help Jericho. And then in a great move, the main event match was Deeb VS Mariah. As I’ve said before, if Tony Khan’s not gonna book more than one women’s match a show, make the one match they’re getting feel important. Deeb and Mariah had a great match, and it was a great story for Storm to throw in the towel to save Mariah. Storm VS Deeb is now set, that is going to be a true clash of styles and personalities and it will be a lot of fun.

My Score: 8.9/10

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