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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (1/6/22)

New Year, new champion?



NXT UK starts the year off with golden opportunities!

NXT UK starts 2022 with both a tag team tournament, AND Meiko Satomura defending the NXT UK Women’s Championship against Blair Davenport!


  • NXT UK Tag Team Championship Contender’s Eliminator Tournament: Symbiosis w/ Eddie Dennis VS Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter; Smith & Carter win and advance to the finals.
  • Xia Brookside VS Myla Grace; Brookside wins.
  • NXT UK Women’s Championship: Meiko Satomura VS Blair Davenport; Satomura wins and retains the title.


NXT UK Tag Team Championship Contender’s Eliminator Tournament: Symbiosis w/ Eddie Dennis VS Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter!

Primate & Tyson T-Bone may be NXT UK’s most aggressive team, they’re up against the Hottest Tag Team Under the Sun! Will Symbiosis take a bite out of Smith & Carter? Or will Ready And Forward, Always Forward move toward a #1 contender’s match?

The teams sort out, Carter starts against Primate and they circle. They tie up, Primate powers Carter to a corner but the ref calls for the break. Primate grinds Carter’s face with forearms as he lets off but Carter comes back to wrench an arm to a wristlock. Primate knees low, CLUBS Carter down, then drags him away with an armlock. Fans rally, Carter fights up but Primate wrenches. Carter rolls, kangaroo kicks, then dropkicks Primate down! Fans fire up, Carter wrenches to CLUB the arm, then tags in Smith. Smith leap frogs to straddle attack the arm! Smith wrenches and back drops Primate, hooks the arm and drops back to tweak it!

Smith keeps on the arm, he wrenches and WRINGS Primate, then tags Carter. Assisted slingshot shoulder tackle! Carter gets Primate’s arm again and wrenches. Primate reaches, Carter knuckles and lifts him away from T-Bone to an arm-drag! Carter keeps on the arm with a grounded cording hold, then he wrenches to CLUB the arm. Tag to Smith, Smith takes the handoff but Primate rakes eyes! Tag to T-Bone! T-Bone runs and blocks the hip toss, but Smith headlocks. T-Bone powers out and RAMS shoulders. Things speed up, Smith dropkicks T-Bone to ropes! Smith runs to CLOBBER T-Bone!

Tag to Carter, he PENALTY KCIKS T-Bone down, then coordinates with Smith, SILLY STRING SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Carter CLUBS and CHOPS T-Bone, T-Bone shoves him away. Carter comes back for a tiger wall kick! T-Bone blocks the hip toss again, Carter headlocks, but T-Bone hits a BIG back suplex! T-Bone drags Carter up, tags in Primate, and they double suplex, only for Smith to make the save! Double dropkicks send Symbiosis out! Dennis has them regroup, Primate runs in, but into a hip toss! Carter grinds Primate’s arm, Dennis grows frustrated, and Smith tags in. Smith throws forearms, then he scoops and SLAMS Primate!

Smith brings Primate up right to a fireman’s carry! Dennis distracts, Carter argues with the ref, but Primate elbows free! Tag to T-Bone, Smith throws EuroUppers, only for T-Bone to CLUB him! T-Bone feeds Smith to Primate’s POP-UP POWERBOMB! PENALTY KICK from T-Bone! Cover, TWO! T-Bone KNEES Smith in the back, CLUBS him towards the ropes, then tags Primate. T-Bone has Smith draped on the rope, Primate hits a springboard AX HANDLE! Primate CLUBS Smith’s back more, but Carter coaches Smith on, Primate bumps Smith off buckles, tags in T-Bone, and T-Bone whips Primate in to RAM Smith!

Feed to a LARIAT, T-Bone drops an elbow! Cover, TWO! T-Bone keeps on Smith with an armlock and chinbar. Fans rally as Smith fights up, and he throws body shots and uppercuts! T-Bone ducks to hit anatomic BACKBREAKER, to a FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, TWO! Tag to Primate, Symbiosis mugs Smith and Primate clamps on a half nelson and chinbar. Smith endures, Carter and the fans rally up for him, and Smith fights up to pry the hold! Primate reaches out, tag to T-Bone! Smith hurdles Primate, Primate DECKS Carter and T-Bone ROCKS Smith! Primate SPEARS Smith, T-Bone is up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, Carter breaks it in time!

Primate goes after Carter, throws him out, and Symbiosis mugs Smith again. T-Bone RAMS into Smith, Primate tags in, and T-Bone whips Primate, only for Smith to POST him! Smith DUMPS T-Bone, and fans fire up as he heads for his corner! Primate intercepts but Smith back drops! Hot tag to Carter! Carter springboards to DOUBL EMISSILE DROPKICK! Carter kips up, runs to WHEEL KICK T-Bone, then he slides under Primate to CLOBBER him with forearm after forearm! LARIAT! Fans fire up, Carter pump handle URENAGES! T-Bone gets in, blocks one kick but not the EDDY GORDO KICK!

Carter whips Primate, Primate reverses but Carter QUEBRADAS! Cover, TWO!! Primate is still in this but Carter tags Smith! Assisted MOONSAULT, but Carter has to land on his feet as Primate moves! T-Bone drags Carter out, Primate CLOBBERS Smith. Primate whips Smith into the corner, tags T-Bone, and Dennis wants this finished! T-Bone scoops Smith, Primate tags back in and goes up. But Smith slips off to shove T-Bone into Primate! Smith clotheslines T-Bone outta the ring! Carter runs in to DIVE! Direct hit on T-Bone! Smith drags Primate off the top in a fireman’s carry, for a pop-up to the Electric Chair! Tag to Carter, ASH CUTTER!! Cover, Smith & Carter win!!

Winners: Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter, by pinfall (advance to the finals)

Now that’s a way to open the New Year! Will Smith & Carter be resolute in fulfilling their resolution of becoming NXT UK Tag Team Champions?


NXT UK Media catches up with Pretty Deadly.

Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley lost their NXT UK Tag Team Championships late in 2021- Why are they asking about this? Is this just to wind them up? Just to annoy them? And then Johnny Saint goes and gives a tag title opportunity to teams that win a tournament. But what about them? Pretty Deadly doesn’t get a rematch? But Sam Gradwell walks over to tell them he could hear their blubbering across the room. So he’s here with some advice: “You don’t get what you want around here by whining and complaining like stupid, weak brained, large babies. Think about that. Digest that.” Gradwell leaves, but Pretty Deadly shrug that off.


Meanwhile, in Dresden, Germany.

Ilja Dragunov trains as snow falls. “My intensity is not my real strength. But my life was always hard. My path was always difficult. But I never wanted it another way. I can’t ever truly lose, because what’s most important to me is nothing someone can take away from me. It’s my family.” He and his wife have been together for eight years, with all the hardships imaginable. She was the first person who ever accepted him the way he is, and loved him for who he is. His unbalanced character and high emotionality, she gave him the feeling that he is perfect the way he is.

After a couple years, they had Constantin, and it was very important that they gave him the right mindset. He is perfect the way he is, no matter how many mistakes you make. Sometimes he falls, and Ilja asks, “Why do we fall?” “Just to get back up again.” The describes their family and Ilja himself. He carries that with him every day. But Jordan  Devlin… Devlin thinks that family is a weakness. He doesn’t feel what Ilja feels. Ilja doesn’t need nice cars or a penthouse, or buy people to cheer him. Ilja is enough. Ilja is real. And Ilja is a real champion. Will NXT UK’s Czar show the Irish Ace he isn’t worth as much as he thinks?


Noam Dar watches Frazer VS A-Kid.

El Nino Anonimo is the new #1 contender to the Heritage Cup, but Sha Samuels wants the camera to back up a bit. Is Dar alright? He isn’t worried, is he? Dar? Worried? About A-Kid? Another easy night at the office? No way, Sha knows him better than that. Dar’s so confident, he’s going to decide… No, Sha will decide the outcome that he wants for the match. Let’s “fix” this. Looking at Sha’s board of odds, Noam winning 2-0 is 6/4, Noam winning “outright” is 2/1, Noam with a Nova Rolla is 3/1, Noam with a submission is evens, A-Kid via “divine intervention” is 100/1, but bets odds are Noam wining in the fourth round, 11/1. Then they’ll make sure it goes down in the fourth.

Will the East End Butcher and the Scottish Supernova make those 11/1 odds 100% guaranteed? Or will “divine intervention” be more likely than they think?


Die Familie speaks.

Rohan Raja says week in and week out, they’ve been showcasing their potential to the world. And now that they are at full strength, they’re coming after the tag team gold. Teoman knows Jack Starz and Dave Mastiff are good friends, and that’s nice. But it takes more than that to win gold. It takes a bond, a family bond, like what they have. The eye sees everything. And what the eye sees is Die Familie winning the NXT UK Tag Team Championships.


Xia Brookside VS Myla Grace!

After making excuses about her admittedly sudden title opportunity, the spoiled second generation superstar is looking to redeem herself. Will NXT UK fly with Brookside once again? Or will Xia learn how to lose with Grace?

The bell rings and Xia circles with Myla. They tie up, fans duel and Myla wrenches to a wristlock. Xia grabs ropes and demands Myla let go, but Myla lets go before Xia even finishes complaining. Xia and Myla circle, tie up, and Xia headlocks. Myla wrenches out, wristlocks, but Xia pushes Myla in the face. Myla wrenches the wristlock but Xia pulls Myla’s hair! Xia also stomps Myla’s foot, wrenches Myla’s arm, and shimmies as she taunts Myla. Myla rolls, kips up and wrenches to WRING Xia out! Xia goes to ropes and complains about her arm but fans chant, “Who’s Your Daddy?” Xia returns, Myla rolls her up! TWO, and Xia knees low then CLUBS Myla on the back!

Xia whips, Myla slips under and rolls to trip Xia up. Myla then runs to basement dropkick Xia’s arm! Xia goes to a corner but she rams a shoulder into Myla. Myla runs in, blocks a boot and ROCKS Xia with a right! Myla runs in again, but Xia BOOTS her down! Xia stomps away on Myla, kicks her to ropes, then DOUBLE KNEES her in the back! “This is for you!” Xia stomps Myla down, then stomps away on Myla’s back! Fans still taunt Xia, but she lets off to drag Myla around. Snapmare and KICK! Cover, TWO! Xia CLUBS Myla, hooks up her arms, and she has a grounded cobra twist! Myla endures but fans rally up.

Xia is annoyed as Myla fights up and throws body shots. Myla arm-drags free, runs in at the corner, but Xia BOOTS her again! Xia runs in, Myla dodges and LARIATS! And again! Fans fire up with Myla and she runs in at the corner. She blocks the boots, puts Xia in the ropes, CHOPS and 619’s Xia down! Myla then steps in, springboards up, but Xia trips her up! Myla hits buckles and Xia shrieks! Xia KICKS Myla in the back, has the arms, BROKEN WINGS!! Cover, Xia wins!

Winner: Xia Brookside, by pinfall

They say winning makes everything better, so Xia should be in a better mood now. But will Xia continue to make everyone else feel miserable as she continues on with her bad attitude?


A-Kid speaks.

“Winning the first Heritage Cup Tournament changed my life, literally. And I feel like my life needs a new change. That’s why I can’t stop thinking about getting the NXT UK Heritage Cup back. That’s why I can’t stop training. I can’t afford to lose this match with Noam. Winning that cup was the first chapter of my legacy. And I’m more than ready to write the next one.” Will the Spanish Sensation look to start the sequel to his historic first reign?


Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff speak.

“What a year, Dave, 2021, for Starz & Mastiff. But 2022 is gonna be even bigger. And the first thing…” Well, okay, Starz can’t tell if that look on Mastiff’s face is a good one, or if he wants to break Starz’s legs. Mastiff looks at the camera and says this is his smile. He likes smiling. And why is that? Because of the NXT UK Tag Team Championships. Starz says that smile will get even bigger when they take those NXT UK Tag Team Championships!


Amale’s hope is sending waves through the WWE Universe.

“I became the first and only French female superstar in the WWE. Anything is possible, and if I can be this glimmer of hope, I will be happy.” Her heart felt speech has gotten quite the response on social media, and NXT UK Media caught up with her as she arrived. Amale was interrupted as one of the younger stars told her that her sacrifice is truly inspirational. Amale thanks her, but then Jinny walks over to say that it is inspirational, “to people like that.” But Jinny thinks the sob story is pathetic. Amale gets fired up, but Jinny’s limousine arrives, so she excuses herself. Stevie Turner walks over and says, “She kind of has a point.”

Amale’s anger goes after Stevie now! Amale leaves it at just yelling in French, but will the French Hope make Stevie wish she’d just kept quiet?


Walter is moving on.

After being part of NXT New Year’s Evil 2022 just last Tuesday, the Ring General announced that next week will be his “last stand” on NXT UK. The leader of Imperium has requested one final match on this brand, and it is a blockbuster! He is taking on the British Prodigy, will Walter’s farewell be a triumphant one?

Walter himself speaks now, saying, “Ever since I arrived in NXT UK, it was January 2019, I dominated this brand. I always preached what’s important to me, Marcel and Fabian: the mat is sacred to us. And for a historic title reign of 870 days, I brought back glory, respect and dignity to this sport.” But the time has come and Walter is leaving NXT UK for now. He has heard great things about his opponent, Nathan Frazer, and how Frazer is a high-flying, up-and-coming, incredibly talented future star of this brand. But Walter will say this: “I am not impressed with any of that.” Because just like everyone else, Frazer is in this for himself and has “taken the absolute piss” out of this great sport.

Walter vows that Frazer will learn one thing, and that one thing will never change: when the Ring General steps into the ring, he will come out victorious. For Walter, the mat is sacred. And will he use Frazer’s blood, sweat and tears to sanctify NXT UK one more time?


NXT UK Women’s Championship: Meiko Satomura VS Blair Davenport!

The Final Boss has battled in the ring for 20 years all around the world, and was the one to finally end the “Forever Champion” reign of Kay Lee Ray. But the gothic gladiator doesn’t care about any of that, because she is ICHIBAN GAIJIN! The irony is that the Number One Foreigner now has homefield advantage. Will Blair look to end Meiko’s reign to start 2022? Or will she learn exactly why Meiko’s the Best in the World?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who gets to reign in the New Year!

Fans rally up already as Meiko and Blair stare down, Fans sing “Meiko’s gonna kill~ you!” as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but they break and circle. Meiko kicks, blocks Blair’s kick then kicks back! Blair backs away to a corner, Meiko gives her space and they circle again. Blair wants a test of strength, Meiko accepts the knuckle locks, and fans rally up as Blair wrenches the hands. Meiko powers up and kicks low to then drop sayanagi! Blair moves around as Meiko headlocks to avoid the cover. Blair headscissors free, Meiko kips free of that, and fans cheer as the two stand off.

Blair and Meiko tie up again, Blair moves Meiko around, but Meiko steps through then spins to arm-drag! Meiko has another headlock, but then she shifts to focus on the arm. Blair endures, even as Meiko pushes her chin down. Blair rolls, Meiko wrenches the arm to a wristlock, but Blair spins through. Meiko wrenches to WRING Blair’s arm, then keeps on the wristlock. Meiko KICKS the arm, and again, then jumps to WRING the arm again! Meiko has a DISARM-HER! Blair fights up, rolls, Meiko shifts but Blair makes it a cover, ONE! Blair is free but Meiko KICKS her to a corner! And again! The ref has Meiko back off but fans want that “One More Time!”

Blair kicks Meiko down but Meiko hits back with forearms! They brawl, Blair whips but Meiko reverse. Blair goes up but Meiko trips her up! Blair crashes down and fans fire up! A ring count starts but Meiko goes out to get Blair up. Meiko puts Blair in, clamps onto the arms and has a motorcycle stretch. Blair endures, even as Meiko pulls the arms back. Blair fights up but Meiko digs her boots in to proper her up. Meiko SLAMS Blair down and has the arm, but Blair kicks at her. Meiko sits Blair up to KICK her! And KICK her again! Blair sits up but Meiko KICKS her right in the chest! And again! And again! But Blair blocks!

Blair CLUBS the leg, but Meiko uppercuts back! Blair ducks the buzzsaw, but Meiko spins through to BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO! Blair scrambles out of the ring but fans sing for Meiko. Meiko goes out after Blair but Blair GAMANGIRIS from the apron! Blair doesn’t go in the ring, she drags Meiko out to the apron! DRAPING DDT to the floor! Blair is feeling like the Viper as she puts Meiko back in! Cover, TWO! Meiko is still in this but Blair tries another cover, TWO! Blair is fuming, she kicks at Meiko, stomps her down, but fans rally and duel. Blair KNEES then stomps Meiko to ropes, but Meiko crawls around.

Blair runs side to side to dropkick Meiko back to the apron! Blair drags her back in, covers, TWO! Fans fire up but Blair drags Meiko into a chinlock. Blair digs her knee in, Meiko endures, and fans rally as Meiko bridges up. Meiko powers out of the chinlock but Blair clamps it back on! Fans rally more, Meiko bridges again, but Blair just digs in deeper. Blair thrashes Meiko, Meiko fights up and throws elbows. Blair knees low, whips Meiko to ropes, but Meiko WHEEL KICKS her down! Fans rally while both women are down. Meiko gets up, Blair SLAPS her! Meiko SLAPS back! Blair snarls and she SLAPS back!

Meiko roars and she SLAPS Blair! Blair sobats, headlocks, but Meiko SAIDOS! Meiko drags Blair by a leg, KICKS the leg, turns Blair over, and drops down! Blair fights the STF, slips around, and she has a FUJIWARA! Meiko endures as Blair pushes way back! Meiko rolls, Blair KICKS her in the side. Blair reels Meiko in, suplexes but Meiko fights it! Blair keeps trying, but Meiko makes it a DDT! Meiko runs, HANDSPRING KICK! Fans want that “One More Time!” but Meiko waits for Blair to sit up. Meiko KICKS Blair down, covers, TWO! Meiko drags Blair up but Blair ROCKS her with a forearm! PELE, but Blair catches it! And she steals the STF!!

Meiko endures the hold as Blair keeps on the crossface. Meiko’s legs are free, Blair pulls her back in a stretch, but Meiko fights free! Blair CLUBS Meiko down from the rear mount, then she kicks Meiko around. Meiko crawls to ropes but Blair throws her around, Blair runs to B-TRIGGER! Meiko flops out of the ring, but Blair waits for her to get back in. Blair goes up and up to DOUBLE STOMP Meiko’s back! Blair then kicks Meiko into the ring, covers, TWO!! Meiko survives and Blair is furious! Blair drags Meiko up by her arms, but Meiko turns it into a wrench and fireman’s carry! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!

Meiko gets Blair back up, fireman’s carries again, and another DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Blair survives and fans can’t believe it! Meiko aims from the corner, she runs in, SCORPIO- NO! Blair shoves Meiko down! B-TRIGGER!! Cover, TWO!?! Blair is raging and she drags Meiko back up! She reels Meiko in, suplexes, but Meiko fights it again! Meiko ROCKS Blair, brings her around, fireman’s carry for- Sunset flip! TWO, Meiko sits on the cover, Meiko wins!!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall (still NXT UK Women’s Champion)

Blair came the closest of anyone, but she still couldn’t- Wait, she attacks Meiko from behind!! Sore loser Davenport gets Meiko’s arms! UTLIMATE B-TRIGGER! But then ANOTHER! And ANOTHER!! Blair holds up the belt but it isn’t hers to take! Will Blair look to take this title from Meiko by any means necessary?

My Thoughts:

A great episode to start the year for NXT UK. Symbiosis VS Smith & Carter was a great tag match, and Smith & Carter winning here is great stuff. I don’t know about hottest team under the sun, but they are a great team and deserve this much. And plus, I’m thinking we get them against Die Familie in the finals. Die Familie had a decent promo, as did Starz & Mastiff, but I think we’re going to get a standard Face VS Heel dynamic in the finals, and then the Heels win since Moustache Mountain is a Face team. Pretty Deadly had a good promo to bring up how they’re not getting an automatic rematch, and Gradwell had a good part as well. Maybe Gradwell gets a tag partner to take Pretty Deadly on for a pretty good match.

Dar and Sha had a good promo, I like that Sha’s added this bookie thing to do the odds as part of his promos, and I like that Dar was masking his stress. A-Kid has a good promo in response, though I feel like they edited his box jump together. Foreshadowing that Sha and Dar are going to cheat to make Dar VS A-Kid end in round four perhaps means it won’t happen that way at all. Now, I don’t necessarily see A-Kid winning that cup back to become a two-time Heritage Cup Champion already, but he is going to come really close. I feel like the most dramatic way to do it is if this goes to a 1-0 time limit draw at the end of round six, so that Dar survives rather than wins.

Dargunov had a great vignette promo to give his response to Devlin and hype up their title match. Walter having a “last stand” on NXT UK is a great way of having him move over to NXT 2.0/prime full time, and Frazer is going to have an awesome match with him, regardless of who wins. Amale’s Face turn continues as Jinny and Stevie get on her nerves, and Amale is definitely going to beat Stevie but she’ll go back and forth with Jinny. Xia had a good match with Myla, really playing up that Heel persona of hers, and naturally Xia wins to get back up. Maybe Xia faces past opponents again now that she’s fully Heel to give them each a chance to react to this new attitude of hers.

And then we got a great main event for the NXT UK Women’s Championship. Blair didn’t have that many matches before this point but she’s more than talented enough, and Meiko winning by a quick cover was a great way to keep Blair strong in defeat. Blair also being a sore loser, this keeps things going so that we could get a more intense rematch. That match might be where Blair wins and takes this title.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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