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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (1/14/22)

SmackDown gets extreme!



SmackDown 2022

It’s a big Friday night on the road to the Royal Rumble!

Roman Reigns learned Seth Rollins is his next challenger, and they’re going to meet face to face again tonight on SmackDown! Plus, LITA RETURNS!


  • SmackDown Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Los Lotharios VS Cesaro & Mansoor VS Jinder Mahal & Shanky VS The Viking Raiders; The Viking Raiders win and will challenge the Usos for the titles.
  • Aliyah VS Natalya; Aliyah wins.
  • Sheamus VS Ricochet; Sheamus wins.
  • Kofi Kingston VS “Mad Cap” Moss w/ “Happy” Corbin; Moss wins.


Seth Rollins speaks.

Or rather, laughs. The Architect is ready for tonight’s face-to-face meeting with The Tribal Chief, but what will he have to say about their coming Universal Championship match?


The Usos head to the ring!

Jimmy & Jey are still the SmackDown Tag Team Champions after defeating The New Day and shutting them down in the Street Fight! Xavier Woods tore a calf muscle and is out of action indefinitely, and the Usos are on to new challengers. Jey gets the mic to say, “Yo! Last week, we went to war with the New Day.” Jimmy says, “YEET!” The Usos won. YEET. But they respect the New Day. YEET. Cuz the only team that’s ever pushed the Usos that hard is the New Day. YEET. But then what happened, Uce? The Usos let everyone else know that they run this show, that they are The Bloodline, that they are the best damn tag team in the world, and that #WeTheOnes!

Fans are torn as the Usos hold up their fingers to the sky. But Jey says the grind don’t stop. They should be celebrating, or even helping the Tribal Chief with Seth Freakin’ Rollins, but what’s going on tonight? Management is already linin’ ’em up, and the Usos gonna knock ’em down like this! There is a Fatal 4 Way Tag to name #1 contenders to the titles! Then bring ’em on out! Introducing first, these boys are muy caliente, looking to steal hearts, cars and a victory. It’s LOS LOTHARIOS! Humberto Carrillo & Angel Garza make their way out, but next up is the strongest man from the Swiss Alps, and his friend with the very, very great hair, it’s Cesaro & Mansoor!

The Swiss Superman & the Star of Saudi Arabia make their entrance, reforming their alliance from a few months ago. Then there’s the giant rats of Jinder Mahal & Shanky! The Modern Day Maharaja leads the way for him and his massive sidekick! Then finally, a team as dangerous at raiding the buffet as they are the ring, the Viking Raiders! Erik & Ivar may be last but they don’t plan on being the least! Who punches golden tickets for the tag titles on the Road to WrestleMania? Jimmy says they went over the rules in the back. No eye gouging and no hits below the belts. But the most important rule: #WeTheOnes! Let’s go! But then the Usos SUCKER SUPERKICK Erik and Mansoor!!

The Usos bail out, and a brawl breaks loose! Omaha, Nebraska is going nuts as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Los Lotharios VS Cesaro & Mansoor VS Jinder Mahal & Shanky VS The Viking Raiders!

SmackDown returns and Mansoor gives Humberto an atomic drop! Then he gets around for another! And then whips Humberto to the apron. Humberto shoulders back in, the Usos are on commentary as Humberto flies, into an atomic drop! Tag to Cesaro, tag to Garza, but Garza gets fed to a tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Erik tags in off Cesaro, the two stare down, but Garza shoves Erik into Cesaro! Cesaro falls out of the ring, Garza takes off the pants! Shanky tags in off Garza before those pants can go flying. Erik bobs ‘n’ weaves and KICKS away on Shanky, but Shanky shoves him to CHOP him! And LARIAT!

Fans boo as Shanky drags Erik up and tags in Mahal. They mug Erik, Mahal CLUBS Erik then reels him in for a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Mahal kicks Erik, tags Shanky back in, and they mug Erik more. Shanky throws back elbows, tags Mahal back in, and then they mug Erik more. Mahal drags Erik out but Erik ROCKS him! Hot tags to Shanky and Ivar! The War Beard dodges to CLOBBER Los Lotharios, then he fires off hands on Shanky! Ivar whips Shanky, Shanky reverses, Ivar uses that to hit Cesaro and Mansoor! Shanky fires hands on Ivar, whips him corner to corner, but Ivar dodges! Tag to Erik, Ivar SPLASHES Shanky! Erik SHOTGUN KNEES!

Erik lifts Ivar, HIP ATTACK SPINEBUSTER! Fans are thunderous as Erik tags Ivar back in! Ivar goes up, but Mahal throws Erik out and ROCKS Ivar! Mahal throws more haymakers, Shanky bails out. Mahal goes up top, Ivar throws body shots in return. Cesaro joins in and CLUBS Ivar! Cesaro and Mahal get Ivar up together, but Erik joins in! TOWER OF DOOM!! Double powerbombs and a double superplex has Omaha electric as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Mansoor throws Humberto away! Humberto stops Garza from reaching Cesaro, throws him back, but Mansoor ducks and hot tags Cesaro! Cesaro rallies on Humberto, BOOTS Shanky, EuroUppers Humberto and fires off body shots! Cesaro climbs up to rain down fists, then he CLUBS Garza! Cesaro fireman’s carries Humberto for the SAMOAN DROP! Usos appreciate the shout-out, but Ivar tags in off Cesaro. Cesaro hits a DISCUS on Humberto, but he dodges Ivar’s clothesline to EuroUpper then trip Ivar up! Cesaro has the legs, time for a SUPERSIZED SWISS SWING! But Mahal CLUBS Cesaro, to hit the KALLAS!!

Mansoor boots and ENZIGURIS Mahal! Shanky TOSSES Mansoor! Erik SHOTGUN KNEES Shanky! Los Lotharios DOUBLE SUPERKICK Erik! Usos like that, too, as Los Lotharios DOUBLE DIVE onto Cesaro and Erik! But Ivar gets up! Ivar builds speed, but runs into DOUBLE DROPKICKS! The cousins are fired up, Garza runs in, into a SEATED SENTON! Ivar cartwheels around Humberto, THOR’S HAMMER!! Cover, the Viking Raiders win!!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, by pinfall (NEW #1 contenders to the SmackDown Tag Team Championships)

The Usos are hyped to see it! The Viking Raiders have a successful raid! History says Vikings raided and pillaged and steal, but y’all ain’t never had a war! You think you can war with the Usos? If you did, it’d be one and done! UCE! OHHH!! Will Erik & Ivar be the ones that finally stop Jimmy & Jey?


Naomi visits Sonya Deville in her office.

“It’s cold in here. Just like your heart, Cruella.” And she won’t even hear Sonya talk. Anything she says, especially when it comes to Naomi, is a lie. Sonya toying with Naomi is one thing, but messing with her title opportunities won’t slide. Naomi has not gotten one single reason for the hate. But Naomi can give her one right now. Um, no, she’s not. For the millionth time, when Sonya wears a suit, she’s the boss. So Naomi better keep hands off. And if she wants to know why Sonya’s so annoyed with Naomi, it’s because Naomi comes waltzing into the office with her main character vibe, when everyone knows she’s just an extra.

So keep your hands off, unless you want to get fined, or removed from the Royal Rumble. Maybe even fired. Choice is Naomi’s, though. Naomi storms off, Adam Pearce walks in and says it is also cold in here. But what was that about? Sonya says it’s nothing. She also tried the thermometer, doesn’t seem to be working. But will this grudge only heat up between Naomi and Sonya?


Sami Zayn heads to the ring!

The “elder statesman” of SmackDown vows that tonight, he’ll have something that’ll put Johnny Knoxville’s entire Jackass franchise to shame. Will the world become fans of #InZayn overnight? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Sami claims the conspiracy against him has gone on too long! It all started when he was robbed of the Intercontinental Championship! Now, after all this time., Sami is finally #1 contender and is finally poised to get back what is rightfully his! But they have to talk about last week. “A new actor” in the conspiracy made his way into Sami’s life, and he is of course talking about Johnny Knoxville. Put that up on screen! Put it up! Put the thing up! You know what Sami’s talking about. The recap plays of Sami telling Knoxville wasn’t qualified for the Royal Rumble, and then dared Knoxville to show Sami “something.”

That something was Knoxville sneaking up on Sami to dump him out of the ring. And then Knoxville was officially allowed into the Rumble! Sami says that’s great! Knoxville in the Rumble, Sami loves it! And why? Because Sami has officially entered the Rumble, and he can’t wait. Knoxville thinks he can do what Sami does, but he can’t. However, Sami can do anything Knoxville can! We see a skateboard ramp set up by the ring as Sami says, “When it comes to being a Jackass, there’s no one better than Sami Zayn!” Well, okay. But everyone knows that franchise. Get ready for the “most spectacular stunt show to ever show up on television.” This is the premiere of INZAYN!

Sami’s knockoff of Jackass even has a knockoff theme song. Sami goes backstage, then comes back inside a shopping cart with a helmet. Welcome to InZayn! He’s Sami and he’s gonna jump the wrestling ring in a shopping cart! Just like they rehearsed, guys. Is this the same cart? Feels a bit snug. Alright, no problem. There’s also a crash pad on the other side, but Sami wants the guys to wait for his count. This is dangerous, y’know. Like, pretty dangerous. Just give Sami a sec. That ramp’s small, and the ring is bigger than he remembered. Well no backing out now! On three. One. Two. THRE- WAIT! No, on “go,” after three.

Fans boo as Sami is clearly stalling. Sami calms himself down, counts it out, fires himself up, THREE, GOOO!! They go but he has them stop the cart! Sami bails out, he wants everyone to shut up, and he double checks things. He’s making sure this is safe! No one wants to see him get hurt, do they? Fans sound like they want to see that. Sami says he’s tougher than Knoxville, but he won’t get hurt for nothing. Rick Boogs has appeared! Sami’s glad Boogs is here, actually. Tell Nakamura- He’s behind Sami! Sami turns around into a KINSHASA! The helmet doesn’t help when you get hit in the face! Boogs then lifts Sami, and aims for the X! Boogs THROWS Sami, and he hits the mark!

Sami may not have gone #InZayn, but he’ll surely be furious once he gets back up. Will Nakamura prove to be an even more dangerous challenge once he and Sami go 1v1 for the Intercontinental Championship?


Backstage interview with Aliyah.

Megan asks Aliyah about making her singles debut against the Best of All Time. Any nerves? Aliyah says she’s all nerves. She’s dreamed of stepping into the ring ever since she was a little girl, and she goes up against Natalya, a WWE Triple Crown winner! Aliyah just hopes she puts on a good showing and try not to embarrass herself. Natty walks in and smiles. She thanks Aliyah for the compliment and says Aliyah will do great. There’s no shame in losing to Natty in your first single’s match. After all, Natty is the winningest woman in WWE history, and that is just one of her three Guinness World Records. Wow, really? That’s still a thing?

Natty gets mad, but the music hits and gives Aliyah an excuse to leave. Will Aliyah leave Omaha a winner? Or will she be sunk by the BOAT?

Aliyah VS Natalya!

SmackDown returns and the Queen of Harts has an interview of her own. She tells Megan that the Guinness Book of World Records is still very much a thing! It acknowledges her three records that symbolize the blood, sweat and tears Natty has shed over 14 years in the WWE. That is why Natty is a favorite to win this year’s Rumble. Natty has the most matches, the most PPV matches, and the most wins of any woman in WWE history. So tonight, she sets a fourth record: beating the record of fastest match win of any woman in WWE history! Natty makes her entrance, holds up the record book, and is still all smiles.

Natty goes right at Aliyah the second she’s in the ring! The ref backs Natty off, but Natty goes right back after Aliyah to dribble her off the mat! Natty then bumps Aliyah off buckles, stomps away, then throws Aliyah into ropes! The ref tries to stop Natty but Natty just keeps after Aliyah! The ref gets Natty to back off and asks if Aliyah can continue. Aliyah drags herself up the ropes, the ref says Aliyah can’t compete. But then Aliyah says no! She wants to compete here tonight! The ring announcer makes the announcement, but Aliyah insists to change that. The ref says they will have this match, and fans fire up!

Aliyah staggers up, the bell rings, Aliyah rolls Natty up! ALIYAH WINS!

Winner: Aliyah, by pinfall

Natty is shocked! What was the time on that?! Did Aliyah set the record? SHE DID!! Natty wanted that win, but in 3.17 seconds, Aliyah has immortalized herself! Is this just the start of a historic career for the young star?


Sonya and Pearce are both shocked.

Natty brought that on herself there. Wait, now things are too hot. Pearce tries to turn it down, but maybe they’ll have to bring some snow in from outside.


Michael Cole is in the ring.

For the first time in 20 years, SmackDown sees this game-changing, glass ceiling shattering, four-time WWE Women’s Champion and a WWE Hall of Famer, LITA! Fans go wild as Lita heads out to the ring and she gets the mic as Michael Cole welcomes her back. She says she’s home! Fans chant her name and she gets goosebumps. Cole is sure that Lita gave the fans chills when she performed every week. Talking to superstars today, like Bayley and Liv Morgan and even Becky Lynch, say she inspired them. So why is she back for the Royal Rumble? Well it’s been a wild ride. She has more career highlights than she can count.

Lita was one of the first women to main-event a Monday Night Raw, alongside her now bestie, Trish Stratus. Lita was the first woman in TLC matches, steel cage matches, and then getting into the WWE Hall of Fame. Most days, she is fully satisfied with her career. Until more recently. She didn’t have the opportunity to be in a Royal Rumble match. The women didn’t have one then. But now they do, and she thinks she’s got one last run in her! Fans like the sound of that! So Lita has a plan. She’ll enter the Rumble, mow through 29 other women and win the Rumble to main event WrestleMania! But here comes the SmackDown Women’s Champion!

Charlotte Flair struts down the ramp, has her pyro, then goes into the ring. Charlotte gets a mic and says she’ll interview Lita now. Cole returns to commentary and Charlotte asks Lita how she is. It doesn’t matter. But Charlotte didn’t know this was flashback Friday. This is so extreme~! That’s what Lita used to say, right? So fun reminiscing. But Charlotte is entering the Rumble as champion. And when Charlotte wins, she chooses who main events WrestleMania. So when she throws Lita out, that fun little return will be over. So the real question that everyone is dying to know the answer to is, how is Lita going to handle the humiliation when Charlotte ends the dream?

Oh, Lita heard about this version of Charlotte. A real Tonya Harding, y’know? Continuing with the flashbacks and all. But how is Charlotte gonna throw anyone out with that giant head of hers? How does she not tip over? Fans taunt, “Giant Head!” Yep, huge, giant head. Charlotte pretends she can’t hear them. But here’s another question, Lita. Funny you bring up Trish, because in 2019, when Trish got bored of being a mom and wanted to be relevant, she begged Charlotte for a match. Of course Charlotte said yes, and of course Trish lost. Charlotte broke Trish. Trish was so broken, she officially retired. And that is exactly what Charlotte will do to Lita.

Lita shows punch and Charlotte covers up! Gottee! But then Lita kicks low, and hits a TWIST OF FATE! Fans fire up as Lita takes down the champ, but will she pull off the huge comeback she’s after? Or will the Queen do everything in her power to end the comeback before it begins?


Backstage interview with Sheamus

He’s going to take on Ricochet, and has Megan save her breath. He has a question for her: What’s missing from this picture? His protégé, Ridge Holland, should be here. But instead, he’s home with a notepad, and a nose sticking out the back of his head. And who’s responsible? Ricochet, the human pinball machine! But Sheamus will set it right. This will be the hurtin’ of Ricochet’s life. And we’ll finally see how Ricochet likes it when he’s the one leaving with a broken nose. The Fella heads out, will Fight Night leave the King of Flight grounded?

Sheamus VS Ricochet!

SmackDown returns as the One and Only makes his entrance to a new theme song. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Sheamus headlocks and throws Ricochet, then he grins. Ricochet gets up, waistlocks, headlocks, throws punches, and holds on tight as Sheamus tires to power out. Sheamus powers up again, Ricochet hits a takeover. Sheamus fights up, powers up again, but Ricochet hits another takeover! Sheamus fights up, powers out, then runs Ricochet over! Sheamus CLUBS Ricochet on the back, stomps a hand, then drags Ricochet up to EuroUpper. Sheamus reels Ricochet in, gets him up, but Ricochet RANAS free!

Sheamus stands, Ricochet PENALTY KCIKS him down! Ricochet builds speed to FLY! Direct hit and down goes the Celtic Warrior! Ricochet gets Sheamus back up and in the ring, goes to the apron, but Sheamus bails out the far side. Ricochet hurries after, but Sheamus gets the leg. Ricochet CLUBS Sheamus away, but then Sheamus trips him! Ricochet hits apron on the way down! Sheamus pulls the apron skirt up, drags Ricochet around, and GUILLOTINE CATAPULTS Ricochet into the steel frame! Fans boo but Sheamus just soaks it all up as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Sheamus has Ricochet down in a motorcycle stretch. Ricochet endures, fights up, but Sheamus cranks the arms, so Ricochet kangaroo kicks free! Ricochet then hits a JAWBREAKER, but Sheamus reels him in to back suplex! Ricochet lands on his feet, dodges and springboards to CROSSBODY! Fans fire up, Ricochet KICKS and KICKS and forearms and CHOPS! Ricochet keeps going, whips, but Sheamus reverses. Ricochet KICKS back, then runs, into a scoop! Ricochet slips free, Sheamus runs in but Ricochet dodges! Sheamus gets caught up on ropes, but he gets to the apron.

Sheamus ROCKS Ricochet, but Ricochet KICKS him in the ropes! GUILLOTINE LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Ricochet keeps cool, fans rally up, and Ricochet goes up top. SHOOTING STAR but he has to bail out as Sheamus moves! Tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Sheamus seethes as Ricochet crawls to the apron. Sheamus drags Ricochet up by his face, CLUBS him in the back, then stretches him out for Beats of the Bodhrain! The fans count, but so does the ref! Sheamus gets 9 before the ref says 4, then he goes out to clotheslines Ricochet back into the ring! Sheamus then gets in, fireman’s carries, and he goes up the corner!

Fans fire up as Ricochet fights! Ricochet HOTSHOTS Sheamus, then KICKS him, and KICKS him, and SMACKS him off the post! Ricochet goes up, springboards and SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Sheamus survives but Ricochet keeps his focus. Ricochet waits on Sheamus to get up, and then Ricochet fireman’s carries! Sheamus elbows out, whips to a corner, but Ricochet goes up. Sheamus catches him, Ricochet sunset flips through, TWO! Ricochet ducks and dodges, handsprings, into a BROGUE!! Cover, Sheamus wins!

Winner: Sheamus, by pinfall

Sheamus found an opening and he literally kicked Ricochet out of the air! Ridge Holland is surely celebrating at home, will he and Sheamus be celebrating a Rumble win in two weeks?


Sonya and Pearce are still talking Aliyah’s record setting win.

The irony of Natty wanting that record so much being her downfall, it’s crazy. But as Sonya was saying, she had to explain the rules of the Royal Rumble match to someone. It’s kinda obvious, though. But wow, they’re sweating. The thermostat broke, Pearce will go check with maintenance. Sonya throws off her jacket, Naomi returns, and Sonya did say while the jacket was off… No, that wasn’t literal! Pearce returns to stop this, and Sonya hurries to get her jacket back. Naomi says the beat down is long overdue. Sonya just abuses her power, and no one stops her. Naomi almost had Charlotte, if not for Sonya changing things on the fly.

Pearce agrees with Naomi. Naomi deserves another chance. Next week, Naomi VS Charlotte one more time. Naomi tells Cruella to stay in her cage. Will Pearce make sure things stay fair and square between Naomi and Flair?


Kofi Kingston VS “Mad Cap” Moss w/ “Happy” Corbin!

Sir Kofi is here on his own without King Xavier, but he will still do his sworn duty to protect the Kingdom of New Days on SmackDown! But will the court jesters have the last laugh here tonight?

SmackDown returns and Kofi has a mic to say, “Dearly beloved members of the WWE Royal Universe! Gather ’round for a proclamation from your king.” It is with great regret that King Xavier, first of his name, bringer of new days, clotter of bloodlines, has fallen victim to a calf injury sustained whilst carrying the SmackDown Tag Division on his strapping back. As a result, Your Majesty will indeed miss the Royal Rumble. However, on a positive note, His Majesty declares that the Royal Rumble cannot be royal without proper representation. So therefore, the Hand of the King, Kofi Kingston, shall enter the Royal Rumble match, BAAAAABYYYYY~!

But here come the hyenas. Corbin and Moss have mics and Corbin apologizes for interrupting, but he just feels really good. He’s happy cuz he’s rich, handsome and made so much money on NFT’s, he bought himself a brand new, $50 THOUSAND watch. The only thing that could make Corbin happier is throwing Kofi out of the ring, into the front row and out of the Royal Rumble. Moss says that would be great. Corbin says he and Moss haven’t been this happy since they destroyed Drew McIntyre’s neck! Footage replays to remind us all that the backstage ambush was how Corbin and Moss set McIntyre up for a chair vice to the neck.

Moss and Corbin laugh it up, and if you think that was funny, “What do you call the New Day when it’s just Sir Kofi in the ring alone, so scared to face me in a match, that he loses control of his bowels? POO DAY!” These two laugh it up again, and Kofi fakes a laugh that makes the other two stop. That’s really funny, Moss, because of “poo.” But actually, Kofi had every intention of dropping a royal deuce on Moss’ forehead! Corbin gets out of the ring, the bell rings and we finally have this match. Kofi dodges Moss, fires off kicks, but Moss powers up to lift Kofi and head for the ropes! But Kofi throws Moss out with a body scissors!

Kofi then rums to FLY! Direct hit takes out Moss and Corbin! Kofi’s all fired up and having a real laugh as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Moss has Kofi down with a chinlock. Kofi fights up, throws body shots, then whips Moss to ropes. Moss reveres, Kofi leaps, but Moss catches him for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Corbin is fired up but he’s the only one as Moss stomps away on Kofi in a corner. The ref counts, Moss lets off, then he stomps Kofi more. The ref backs Moss off, but Kofi hits back with forearms and haymakers! Moss kicks low, whips Kofi to a corner, but Kofi goes up to missile dropkick! Kofi rallies with elbows then a dropkick! Kofi dodges, and hits a LEAPING LARIAT! Fans fire up, Kofi twerks but Moss rolls him up! TWO, Kofi PENALTY KICKS Moss down!

Kofi runs, for the NEW~ DAY~ BOOM DROP! Fans fire up and Kofi claps in the corner. “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Corbin gets up, Kofi chases him off. Kofi spins, Moss dodges, then Moss comes back to ROCK Kofi! Moss runs again, Kofi slips out to SWING KICK Moss away! Kofi goes up top, CROSSBODY! Moss rolls through! But Kofi slips out of the slam to waistlock. Moss bucks, but runs into the clinch! Moss claws eyes to stop the SOS! PUNCHLINE!! Cover, Moss wins!

Winner: “Mad Cap” Moss, by pinfall

Corbin is fired up as his buddy just beat a WWE Grand Slam Champion! But will the happy-go-lucky Moss and Corbin run out of luck come the Rumble?


Seth Rollins heads to the ring!

From 10 years ago when The Shield debuted, to a few years later when the Architect threw the Shield away, to WrestleMania 31 when he pulled off The Heist of the Century, there is a storied history between the challenger and the WWE Universal Championship. These two will meet face to face after the break, will all hell break loose this close to the Royal Rumble?

SmackDown returns and Roman Reigns makes his entrance. He raises the title and the pyro goes off. Then he goes to the ring, raises the belt again, and the second round of pyro goes off. Rollins stays put as Roman gets a mic. Rollins has a mic of his own, and Roman grins as the fans chant his name. Roman tells Rollins, “Before you say anything… Omaha! Acknowledge me!” Rollins says alright, let’s acknowledge the fact that this is quite the moment. Fans chant for Rollins now, and Rollins says for old time’s sake: fist bump. Roman knows he wants to. Roman says that’s beneath him now.

Ouch. Alright, then let’s acknowledge the look on Roman’s face when Rollins showed up last week. Seems he’s the last person on Earth Roman wanted to see. And why would he? Their track record in singles matches for titles is pretty one-sided. Rollins won them all, so he gets why Roman doesn’t want to see him. Roman says Rollins is out here talking about the past. Rollins must be sleeping under a rock or something. He doesn’t know what’s going oni here. Roman’s in GOD MODE now. Tribal Chief, Head of the Table, provider for the WWE, the greatest of this generation, no questions asked. He’s the greatest Universal Champion of all time. That makes him the greatest to ever do this.

Rollins says he didn’t come out here to rain on the parade. Rollins is here to… “acknowledge” Roman. He is acknowledging the success, the championships, the main event matches, all of that. But Rollins has one question for Roman: Can Roman look himself in the mirror at night and say he’s done that all by himself? That’s the difference here! Without Roman, Rollins is just fine. Rollins climbed the ladder while Roman rode the pine in the CFL. Rollins was holding Roman’s hand left and right back in The Shield days. And when Rollins sent Roman to the back with the chairshot heard ’round the world, Roman still couldn’t do it on his own. He needed the Bloodline to hold it all up.

So does Roman understand who is really the greatest here? Let’s not forget: Rollins created Roman, and he can destroy Roman. Rollins laughs it up, but Roman twitches. Roman manages to smile it off and says Rollins is a waste of his time. Just look at him! He looks like a clown, sounds like a clown, and he IS a clown. Rollins doesn’t have the star power Roman has, will never reach the level Roman’s reached, and if Roman was looking for a mega star, he wouldn’t have chosen Rollins from Raw. Rollins wouldn’t have even been the one Roman chose from his own household. If Roman was gonna main event with a mega star, he would’ve gone with Becky.

But then the Usos rush in! Rollins gets away from them and gets to the announce desk. The Usos pursue, Rollins jumps over Jey, sends Jimmy into steel steps, then gets back in to stare Roman down. But the Usos regroup and Rollins bails out! “Is that all you got?! I’m in your head, living rent free, Roman!” The Visionary says he created The Tribal Chief and will destroy him at the Rumble. Will another of Roman’s reigns end at the hands of Seth Freakin’ Rollins?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode of SmackDown, though not necessarily from the matches. Four matches is rather scarce for a SmackDown, and the best one was the Fatal 4 tag to start. The Usos had a good promo to set it up, and I figured The Viking Raiders would win here. Erik & Ivar haven’t had a lot lately but this build to the Rumble with The Usos is going to be really good. I can’t say the Viking Raiders win, but I’m sure they’ll give the Usos a great match. As for Sami Zayn, his “InZayn” stunt not happening was a given. Sami of course makes it very hilarious, but I really hope he and Nakamura are having their title match for the go-home. Something needs to happen here, that title is just sitting there doing nothing.

I really wish we’d gotten more of a match out of Aliyah VS Natty, but then Natty set things up for a fast match with the whole talk of world records. It’s great for Aliyah that she gets this honor, but hopefully we get a rematch of these two that really helps Aliyah show some in-ring skills. Lita and Charlotte had a good segment together, and I do like that the target on Charlotte’s back is growing. As I said before, everyone else in the Women’s Rumble should work together to throw Charlotte out the moment she’s in the match. Naomi had a good couple of promo segments with Sonya, and I do appreciate Pearce is setting up a rematch. I’m sure Sonya will still try to stop Naomi from becoming a contender, but maybe it backfires.

Sheamus VS Ricochet was a really good match, and a logical one given it was Ricochet’s foot that broke Holland’s nose. Cesaro may have teamed up with Mansoor tonight, but maybe there will be a rematch of Cesaro & Ricochet VS Sheamus & Holland after Holland’s nose is healed up for a proper blow-off to this. A shame about Woods’ calf, but he’ll surely be back before WrestleMania. Naturally, Kofi keeps things going, and it seems the New Day is now going to duel with Moss & Corbin. Moss winning was a bit of a surprise but obviously that’s to signal this feud actually starting. I hope at some point, it’s pointed out that Moss is doing all the work, getting all the wins, and he should ditch Corbin. Or, perhaps instead, Moss & Corbin end up feuding for the tag titles.

And we got a pretty good segment out of Roman and Rollins tonight. They had video packages recapping their history but I wish they’d done a bit more of it themselves in the promos. Rollins avoiding the Usos’ ambush was good stuff, it shows Rollins knows Roman’s tricks and is ready for them. This is going to be a really great build towards the Rumble, their match is going to be a great one, and I feel like this could nudge things towards End of the Brand Split 2022.

My Score: 8.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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