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Mitchell’s NJPW New Years Golden Series Results & Report! (2/7/22)

The Golden Series returns!



NJPW New Years Golden Series

The Way of the Grandmaster is coming for the Rogue Luchador!

NJPW continues the New Years Golden Series, and Master Wato continues his pursuit of IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, El Desperado! Will Wato be one step closer to taking that title?


  • Great-O-Khan VS Yuto Nakashima; Khan wins.
  • BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi VS Kosei Fujita & Ryohei Oiwa; Bushi & Hiromu win.
  • Tomoaki Honma & Tiger Mask VS Taiji Ishimori Yujiro Takahashi & Gedo; Yujiro & Gedo win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Toru Yano & Third Gen VS Suzuki-Gun; Suzuki-Gun wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Chaos VS House of Torture; changed to…
  • Tomohiro Ishii & YOH VS EVIL & SHO w/ Dick Togo; Evil & Sho win, by disqualification.
  • Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Togi Makabe VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; LIJ wins.
  • Master Wato & Ryusuke Taguchi VS El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Wato & Taguchi win.


Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Togi Makabe VS Los Ingobernables de Japon!

No matter who the Rainmaker and Ace have teamed with on this New Years Golden Series, they’ve lost! Tetsuya Naito, Sanada & Shingo Takagi might have their number, but will things turn around for the IWGP World and US Heavyweight Champions? Or will 2022 continue to be tranquilo?

The teams sort out, LIJ fist bumps, and Naito starts against Okada. Fans rally up as the two stare down. They approach but Naito backs off. They circle, tie up, and Naito gets an arm then the waistlock. Okada wrenches free to a wristlock, but Naito spins through to wrench back. Okada rolls, gets a leg for a takedown and toehold. Naito fights back by grinding his forearms into Okada’s face. Naito has a chinlock, shifts to a side headlock, but Okada endures. Okada fights up but Naito pulls back on the hold. Okada still gets to his feet, puts Naito on ropes, and the ref counts. Naito lets go slowly, Okada fakes the chop, and pats Naito on the shoulder.

Fans cheer, but Naito rushes in! Okada kicks low, headlocks and grinds Naito down, but Naito fights up. Naito pries free, wrenches to a top wristlock, but Okada tries to get the headlock back. Naito slips out the back, hits a headlock takeover, but Okada headscissors. Naito kips free, arm-drags Okada and dropkicks a leg out! Fans applaud that exchange, and rally back up, “O-KA-DA!” “NA-I-TO!” Naito drags Okada over, tags in Takagi, and they throw Okada down to split the wishbone! Takagi bumps Okada off buckles, puts his leg on ropes and stomps away! The ref reprimands, Takagi pulls on the leg, but stops at 3.

Takagi brings Okada out, trips him, and has a toehold. Okada gets the ropebreak, but Takagi drags him away to tie up the legs. Okada resists the sharpshooter, but Sanada tags in. Takagi lets off for Sanada to stomp the legs. Sanada drops an elbow on Okada’s leg and has a toehold of is own. Okada fights back with a headlock, then shifts to a facelock as he gets free. Okada brings Sanada over, Tanahashi tags in. Fans rally now, “Let’s Go, Ace!” “SA-NA-DA!” Sanada trips Tanahashi, Tanahashi flails and gets to the ropebreak! Sanada lets off quickly and the two reset. Fans continue to rally as these two circle, and Tanahashi trips Sanada!

Tanahashi has the legs, but Sanada rolls and handsprings away before Tanahashi can try to steal Paradise. They circle again, tie up, and Sanada headlocks. Tanahashi powers out, drop toehold but Sanada turns over. Tanahashi has a standing toehold! Sanada endures as Tanahashi twists the leg. Sanada tries to fight free, Tanahashi keeps the grapevine away. Sanada has to keep his shoulders up so this isn’t a cover, but Tanahashi keeps on the ankle. Sanada keeps trying the grapevine but Tanahashi fights it off. Sanada manages a drop toehold, right to a Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Tanahashi pops free and fans cheer!

The fans continue to rally as the two circle again. They both kick but they both block! They argue about letting go, so they both set the other’s foot down, NOT! They both hold on, let them down again, but again that’s another double fake out! Third time’s the charm, but Tanahashi holds on! DRAGON SCREW! The Ace is sneaky! Tanahashi stomps Sanada’s leg, drags him over, and tags in Makabe. They split the wishbone on Sanada! Makabe stomps Sanada, drags him around to stomp the leg more and more, then he drops an elbow into the toehold. Sanada tries to get a chinlock but Makabe keeps cranking the leg.

Sanada moves around, drags Makabe along, and gets the ropebreak! Makabe lets go, but then digs his knee into Sanada’s knee. Makabe drags Sanada from ropes for a HEEL HOOK! The Rampaging King Kong knows some holds! Sanada drags Makabe along again but Makabe twists the leg to keep Sanada from ropes. Fans rally, Sanada endures and tries again, ropebreak! The ref counts, Makabe lets off and tags Tanahashi. Tanahashi and Okada both get in, they double whip Sanada to double elbow him down! Tanahashi drags Sanada back up, bumps him off buckles and puts the leg in ropes, to dropkick the leg!

Sanada hobbles and falls, Tanahashi drags him back up, but Sanada fires off forearms! Tanahashi gives back fast hands, but Sanada ducks the shotei to steal the SHOTEI! And he steals the DRAGON SCREW! Hot tag to Naito! Naito fires off on Tanahashi, whips him to ropes, hip toss and then basement dropkick to Okada! Okada goes down, Naito elbows Tanahashi! Basement dropkick to Tanahashi’s back! Naito gets Tanahashi up, turns him, but Tanahashi fights the neckbreaker to get the NECKBREAKER! Both men are down and fans rally up! Hot tag to Okada! He fires off on Naito with forearms, then whips to ropes.

Naito reverses, ducks and dodges, but runs into the FLAPJACK! Fans rally up, Okada wants Naito to stand. Naito staggers into the Alabama, REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Okada keeps going, MONEY CLIP! Naito endures, kicks around, but Takagi gets in to CLUB Okada! Okada kicks and throws Takagi out, then he drags Naito back up. Scoop SLAM, and Okada goes to the corner. Okada climbs, fans rally, but Naito is up !Naito ducks under Okada’s leap, BOOTS him from the corner, then runs, into an uppercut! Okada boots but Naito blocks! Naito kicks the leg, SHIN BREAKER! Basement dropkick!

Both men are down and fans rally up again, “O-KA-DA!” “NA-I-TO!” Both men crawl, fans fire up with hot tags to Takagi and Makabe! Dragon and gorilla RAM, fire off forearm after forearm back and forth, faster and faster! Takagi gets the edge, he ROCKS Makabe then whips him to the corner. Corner clothesline, then a suplex! Fans fire up but Takagi’s just getting going! SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Takagi stays fired up, fans clap for him, and Takagi pump handles to the torture rack. But Tanahashi gets in to ROCK Takagi! Sanada dropkicks Tanahashi, dodges Okada, Naito BOOTS Okada down!

Sanada and Naito whip Makabe, but he breaks through the lariats to DOUBLE LARIAT! Makabe CLOBBERS Takagi! Takagi goes to a corner, he BOOTS Makabe back. Takagi runs, into a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Takagi survives, fans fire up! Makabe waistlocks, Takagi elbows free but Makabe CLUBS Takagi. Makabe runs, LARIATS collide! And LARIATS collide! Takagi eggs Makabe on so Makabe AX CHOPS him! Makabe runs, Takagi follows and clotheslines at the ropes! Takagi keeps moving, PUMPING BOMBER! Fans are fired up as Takagi roars! Takagi drags Makabe up, pump handle and torture rack, LAST OF THE DRAGONS! Cover, LIJ wins!

Winners: Los Ingobernables de Japon, by pinfall

Dragon slays King Kong, but Naito keeps after Okada on the outside with his modified Figure Four! Tanahashi looms over Naito, so Naito lets Okada go. But will Naito be able to get Okada in that hold when they finally face off for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship? Will Sanada also have something new to show Tanahashi in their IWGP US Heavyweight Championship match?


Master Wato & Ryusuke Taguchi VS El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

The Way of the Grandmaster is set to collide with The Rogue Luchador on February 11th for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, so this is the last chance Wato has for momentum. Can the Funky Weapon help Wato get ahead? Or will Suzuki-Gun be spotless on the night?

The teams sort out and Desperado offers a snack pack of nuts to the ring announcer. The ring announcer accepts, and we start with Wato and Desperado. Fans rally up for this Junior Heavyweight title preview as the two circle. They tie up, Desperado waistlocks but Wato switches. Desperado spins around, facelocks, but Wato wrenches out to hammerlock then headlock. Desperado powers his way to a facelock, Wato wrenches out, but Desperado snapmares. Wato slips right out of the chinlock to get a hammerlock on the mat. Desperado fights up, Wato gets the other arm and has a cradle. ONE, Desperado moves around but Wato wrenches to the hammerlock.

Wato shifts to a headlock and takeover. Desperado rolls to a cover, ONE. They stand up, Desperado throws body shots but Wato holds on tight as Desperado tries to power out. Wato grinds the hold, Desperado throws more body shots. Desperado tries again but still can’t power out as Wato holds tight. Desperado reaches out and gets a ropebreak with a leg. Wato lets off quick and Desperado bails out to regroup with Kanemaru. Wato waits, fans rally up, and Desperado takes his time returning. They circle again, Wato tests the waters with a kick but Desperado stays back. They knuckle lock, Wato shoots in and waistlocks.

Desperado spins around to facelock, Wato silps out but Desperado headlocks. Wato powers out but Desperado runs him over! Things speed up but Desperado fakes Wato out to step on him. Desperado ROCKS Wato with a right, then clamps on with a headlock. Now Wato endures as Desperado thrashes the hold. Wato fights up, throws body shots, and then runs. Wato ducks the calf kick but Desperado does the splits! Wato leaps over, keeps moving, and he RANAS Desperado! Then dropkicks him down! Fans fire up for Wato, he tags in Taguchi. Wato DECKS Kanemaru, Taguchi CLUBS Desperado.

Team Six or Nine double whip, double elbow and uppercut to DOUBLE SOBAT! Taguchi covers, TWO! Fans rally, Taguchi brings Desperado up and snapmares him down, point blank hip attack! And then another! And a third! Taguchi drags Desperado up but Desperado throws hands. Taguchi BOPS and BOPS and BOPS Desperado on the head. Taguchi winds up, BOP! Tag to Wato, Taguchi digs his boots in while Wato stomps. Red Shoes reprimands, they let off, Taguchi gives Desperado another bop on his way out. Wato puts Desperado on the ropes and Taguchi gives him more bops!

Red Shoes reprimands, Wato whips but Desperado holds ropes to block. Wato ROCKS Desperado with a right, then another. Wato whips, Desperado reverses but Wato holds ropes. Wato elbows Kanemaru away, dumps Desperado out, and fans rally as Wato builds speed. But Kanemaru gets in to dropkick the legs out! Kanemaru BOOTS Taguchi down, and then goes out after Taguchi on the outside. Kanemaru whips Taguchi into railing, Desperado does the same to Wato! Wato flops down hard, Kanemaru digs his boots into Taguchi, and Desperado drops knees on Wato’s leg. Desperado drags Wato up, scoops him and SLAMS him on the floor!

Desperado gets back in the ring as Red Shoes starts the ring count. Tag to Kanemaru, he waits on Wato now. Wato sits up at 14 of 20, staggers up and in at 16. Kanemaru drags Wato up, whips him to ropes, then hits a BIG back drop! Wato goes flying! Kanemaru drags Wato back up, suplexes high and hard, covers, TWO! Kanemaru gets the legs but Wato resists. Kanemaru still gets the BOSTON CRAB! Wato endures, reaches out and crawls forward, ROPEBREAK! Desperado goes after Taguchi on the outside while Kanemaru stomps Wato down. Desperado tags in, he and Kanemaru stomp Wato around.

Desperado drags Wato up, but Wato fires forearms! Desperado knees low, scoops and POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up while Desperado grows frustrated. Desperado feeds Wato to Kanemaru’s boot in the corner, then tags Kanemaru in. They dig their boots into Wato, but Red Shoes counts. Taguchi protests but Suzuki-Gun lets off at 4. Kanemaru drags Wato onto the apron, and has his legs for a rope assisted BOSTON CRAB! Desperado intercepts Taguchi to rake his eyes! Red Shoes counts, Kanemaru lets off at 4. Desperado kicks Taguchi out while Kanemaru stomps Wato. Fans rally but Kanemaru scoop SLAMS Wato!

Kanemaru stomps Wato, kicks him around, but Wato CHOPS back! And CHOPS! Kanemaru CLUBS Wato, then runs, but into a CALF KICK! Both men are down and fans rally up! Wato crawls, hot tag to Taguchi! HIP ATTACK for Kanemaru! HIP ATTACK for Desperado! Taguchi has them on the ropes, he goes back and forth for hip attack after hip attack! Baseball slide, apron hip attack for Kanemaru! Taguchi goes to the corner as fans rally, springboard, MISSILE HIP! Cover, TWO! Fans rally behind “TA-GU-CHI!” as he drags Kanemaru up. Taguchi suplexes, uno amigo! Another snap suplex, dos amigos! And then THREE AMIGOS! Cover, TWO!

Taguchi looms over Kanemaru, drags him up and chicken wings the arms! Kanemaru resists, Taguchi CLUBS him. Taguchi runs, but Kanemaru counters hip attack with atomic drop! Kanemaru ENZIGURIS, but Taguchi ENZIGURIS right back! Both men stagger, Kanemaru dropkicks Taguchi’s legs out! Fans rally as both men are down! Kanemaru crawls to his corner, hot tag to Desperado! Desperado stomps Taguchi’s legs, taunts Wato, then drags Taguchi up. Taguchi fights the shin breaker, but Desperado reels him back to run, into a HIP ATTACK! Fans fire up as both men are down! Taguchi hot tags Wato!

Wato goes to the corner, springboards in, FLYING UPPERCUT! Desperado gets to a corner, Wato runs in for a back elbow! Wato rolls Desperado and goes up top for a missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while Wato fires up. Wato waits on Desperado to stand, but Desperado blocks the superkick! Desperado spins Wato, Wato fights off the lift. Wato KICKS, KICKS but Desperado CHOPS! Wato mule kicks, knee lifts, but Desperado CHOPS again! Wato dodges to SUPERKICK! Wato gets Desperado back up, wrenches and reel shim in, MOUSE TRAP DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Wato DECKS Kanemaru while fans rally up!

Wato drags Desperado back up, reels him in, but Desperado fights the TTD! Wato knees low, scoops, but Desperado slips out. Wato elbows him away, but runs into a SPEAR! Desperado gets Wato up for a BIG back suplex! Desperado roars, fans rally, and Desperado reels Wato in! GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! Wato survives and both men are down! Desperado gets up, vows to end this, and he underhooks. Wato fights off Pinche Loco, but Desperado dodges and spins him around, hooks the arms, but then spins Wato around again! PINCHE- NO! Wato slips out the back! Wato rebounds, rolls up and over for the sunset flip! TWO!!

Into the BUTTERFLY STRETCH!! Desperado is caught, Taguchi DECKS Kanemaru! Fans rally as Desperado endures, moves around, tries for a cover but can’t get Wato on his shoulders. Kanemaru gets back in to stomp away on Wato! Taguchi returns, he kicks and CLUBS and throws Kanemaru back out. Fans rally, but Kanemaru whips Taguchi into railing! Wato rises, fires up, and he drags Desperado into a drop zone. Wato goes up, but Kanemaru is after him! Wato fights Kanemaru but Desperado ROCKS him! ROCKET LAUNCHER! Wato crashes down and fans rally up again.

Desperado roars from the corner, drags Wato back up, but Wato sobats! Wato runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Both men are down again and fans continue to rally. Wato and Desperado crawl to their corners, hot tags to Taguchi and Kanemaru! Kanemaru kicks low, whips Taguchi to ropes, but Taguchi HIP ATTACKS! Taguchi fires up and calls upon the powers of Strong Style! “ORYA~!” BUM- Dropkick to the leg! Kanemaru gets the leg, steps through, FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK! Taguchi endures, fans rally hard as ever, and Taguchi drags himself over. Kanemaru inches Taguchi away from ropes, but Taguchi refuses to quit!

Taguchi fights and turns things over onto Kanemaru! Kanemaru turns things back, but they’re in the ropes! Kanemaru lets Taguchi free and fans rally. Kanemaru scoop SLAMS Taguchi, then goes up the corner. MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Taguchi survives and fans are thunderous! Kanemaru gets Taguchi up again, but Taguchi fights the suplex. Kanemaru finally gets Taguchi up, but Taguchi slips out and feeds Kanemaru to Wato’s SCREW HIGH KICK! Wato baseball slides to hit Desperado with a dropkick! Wato keeps Desperado down with knees against the railing, and fans rally as Taguchi and Kanemaru stir.

Taguchi still calls upon the powers of Strong Style, and he kips right up! BUMAYE!! Cover, TWO!! Kanemaru survives, but Taguchi gets OH MY GARFUNKLE! Kanemaru scrambles around, Taguchi drops an elbow on the leg! Taguchi keeps on the ankle lock, but Kanemaru gets the ROPEBREAK! Wato RAMS Desperado into railing and Taguchi drags Kanemaru to center. Fans fire up, but Kanemaru gets Taguchi in a victory roll! TWO, Taguchi HIP ATTACKS Kanemaru! Taguchi calls to Wato and they coordinate. Taguchi gets Kanemaru up in chicken wings while Wato goes up top! DODON BUSTER TO RPP!! Cover, Desperado breaks it!

Fans are thunderous as Wato and Desperado brawl! Desperado rakes eyes, whips, but Wato reverses to throw Desperado out. Taguchi HIP ATTACKS Desperado down! Team Six or Nine coordinate, WHEELBARROW COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, Six or Nine wins!!

Winners: Master Wato & Ryusuke Taguchi, by pinfall

Wato looms over Desperado, his team victorious! But will the Rogue Luchador show him it’ll be a very different match when they’re 1v1?

As for the winners, Taguchi gets the mic to say, in a very formal voice, “Today… Thank you for coming to see NJPW.” And then in his normal voice, he promises that Team Six or Nine will be the 69th IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. He sees no reason why Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo should get that opportunity. Taguchi & Wato will make sure to win and take those titles! They’ll do it, won’t they? Taguchi gets a rather fired up tone in his voice as he asks that of Wato, but Wato still nods. “Osu! You tell ’em, Master!” Wato is given the mic, and he tells Taguchi that he will also win the IWGP Junior Heavyweight singles title.

“Starting February 11th, I will carve the future of the Junior Heavyweight Division.” Fans like the sound of that. “I will usher in a new day in NJPW.” And in English, “I will be the Grandmaster!” Wato sets down the mic and strikes a pose, but then Taguchi picks up the mic to have everyone wait a moment. What’s going on now? Taguchi says Wato can’t finish like that! Wato’s not the guy closing things out, because this is the last night for Ozaki! Oh, of course! Taguchi thanks the fans for sticking around, and says ring announcer Ozaki’s moment has come! Fans clap, “O-ZA-KI!” but Ozaki is humble and maybe a bit bashful.

Taguchi and Wato hold the ropes for Ozaki to enter, and Taguchi teases Wato for “trying to be all cool and finish the show when it’s Ozaki’s night.” The Hontai guys wanted to win so they could see Ozaki off right. Wato continues to apologize to Ozaki while Tanahashi, Yuji Nagata, Satoshi Kojima, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Tomoaki Honma, Togi Makabe and Tiger Mask follow NJPW President Ohbari out to the ring. Commentary lets us know that Ozaki was meant to retire with the January 29th event, but cancelations delayed that so this night ended up Ozaki’s final call. Hontai form up behind President Ohbari while Taguchi holds the mic for him.

“Mr. Ozaki, thank you for all you’ve done here in NJPW these 19-and-a-half years.” Fans cheer as President Ohbari presents Ozaki with a bouquet. Taguchi asks Ozaki if he’d like to say a few words, and excuse his lack of skill as emcee. Ozaki thanks the fans for coming out today. This was meant to just be like any other event, but they let him have his moment. He thanks the president, the staff and the wrestlers for letting him have this moment. He didn’t expect this, so he didn’t have anything prepared. And he doesn’t want anyone to miss the last train, so he’ll keep it short. “NJPW is a second family, equal to my own. Thank you very much.”

Fans cheer as Ozaki takes as bow, and music plays as everyone in the ring sets up for a big group photo. And then, the wrestlers pick Ozaki up to give him a hip hip, hooray~ toss! Here’s to 19 years, 15 as ring announcer! Ozaki hugs everyone in the ring, then takes one last bow. And Taguchi says now Wato can close the show! Wato thanks the fans again, and again says, “I will be the Grandmaster!” Well, he already said that, but perhaps that’s how determined he is! Will Wato bring about a new era in the NJPW Junior Division?

My Thoughts:

I know I skipped a lot of this, but this was still a really good show for NJPW. I skimmed those other matches, and while there was some “card subject to change,” they made good on the changes. I didn’t think Yujiro & Gedo would win, but I suppose that cuts down Tiger Mask’s momentum as he and Robbie Eagles await challengers for the tag titles. I think the best thing was after the 8 Man Tag. Suzuki-Gun wins, but Yano gets the better of Taka Michinoku by putting him in a dog crate! I hope that is a sign of what match type Yano wants with Minoru Suzuki for the KOPW trophy, that is going to be hilarious.

The Six Man Tag was very good, and again LIJ wins. That’s a lot of momentum for Naito and Sanada going into their respective singles title matches, but that probably means Okada and Tanahashi each retain. I don’t doubt both those matches will be great, but Okada and Tanahashi only just got those belts at WrestleKingdom, so I don’t think they’ll be losing them so soon. The main event tag match was really good, building Wato & Taguchi up in both parts of the Junior Heavyweight Division. I could see Wato & Taguchi getting the tag titles to fulfill Taguchi’s 69 prophecy, but Wato beating Desperado for the singles title is still hard to see. And then, it was great for NJPW to hold that moment at the end for their longtime announcer as he retires. A really touching moment to send fans home with.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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