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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (2/22/22)

A new challenger will be named!



Who moves on to challenge Bron Breakker for the NXT Championship?

For the first time ever, Dolph Ziggler wrestles on NXT! But will he be #1 contender after facing the blackhearted Tommaso Ciampa?


  • LA Knight VS Grayson Waller w/ Sanga; Waller wins.
  • 2022 Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Opening Round: Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray VS Amari Miller & Lash Legend; Shirai & KLR win and advance.
  • Dante Chen VS Duke Hudson; Hudson wins.
  • Cameron Grimes VS Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes; Grimes wins.
  • Nikkita Lyons VS Kayla Inlay; Lyons wins.
  • 2022 Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Opening Round: Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter VS Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley; Kacy & Kayden win and advance.
  • NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Tommaso Ciampa VS Dolph Ziggler; Ziggler wins and will challenge Bron Breakker for the title.


Bron Breakker heads to the ring!

The Big Booty Nephew is still NXT Champion, even as Dolph Ziggler tried to help Santos Escobar last week in the main event of Vengeance Day. Bron gets a mic as fans bark, and he says, “Vengeance Day was a tough fight, and Santos Escobar is a tough opponent. But I proved to everybody that over my dead body will someone take this championship away from me!” And he can’t think of a better weekend than WrestleMania weekend. NXT goes on the road, Stand & Deliver will be in Dallas, Texas! Bron is giving everyone a heads up so that the fan scan be as loud there as they are here in Orlando!

Bron promises to walk into that weekend NXT Champion, and walk out still NXT Champion! As far as tonight’s main event goes- Well, here comes Ziggler! “Congrats, kid. Congratulations on your first NXT title defense. You never forget your first.” But here’s some advice. Ziggler knows he’s not champ yet, but Bron can’t be making promises you can’t keep. Stand & Deliver is a long way’s away. Bron is going to make it there, but will he make it as champ? Ziggler doesn’t think so. Laugh it up but Ziggler vows to stomp out the last few breaths inside Ciampa. Then maybe tonight, next week, or maybe Ziggler carries Bron’s ass to Stand & Deliver. He can, he does cardio.

But just know that when Ziggler decides that title will be his, that title will be his. Bron says he owes Ziggler a receipt for that kick last week. So bring your skinny ass to the ring! Oh right, that superkick was on the button, huh? But seven to ten business days, Bron gets the taste back in his mouth. That’ll be nice, right? Ziggler says Bron is a hot head, but he likes that. It isn’t Bron’s fault, it’s in his genes. Not just that Canadian tuxedo he’s wearing. Bron says he’s not paid to dress-up, he’s paid to kick ass! Ziggler knows Bron is the champ, Bron is the guy, in Orlando. But make no mistake, Ziggler showing up made him the biggest star in NXT.

So tonight, Bron gets the night off. Ziggler says Bron will sit in the back, no cheap shots, he’s barred from ringside in the main event! No monkey see, monkey do, no receipts. Bron sits on his as sand watches Ziggler do what he does better than anyone else in this business! But will the Show-Off see this show off as the new #1 contender? Or will the Psycho Killer be one step closer to getting Goldie back?


LA Knight VS Grayson Waller w/ Sanga!

Turns out the restraining order was a bust and now nothing is in the way of the Million Dollar Megastar getting at the 21st Century Success Story! That is, if Sanga the human insurance policy behaves in the corner. Will Knight show Waller what this is his game, yeah?!

The bell rings and Waller bails out! Fans boo but Knight stays in the ring as Waller swaggers right next to Sanga. The ring count climbs, Knight goes out after Waller but Waller gets back in. Knight goes around the way and gets back in ,but Waller gets back out. Knight pursues, they go back in the ring, and Knight dodges to CLOBBER Waller! Knight kicks Waller around, puts him on ropes, and then goes out to KNEE Waller back in! Slingshot SHOULDER TACKLE! Waller goes to a corner, Knight storms over but Waller YANKS him into buckles! Waller cravats Knight and KNEES him down! Waller then goes up the corner, but Knight gets under the jump!

Knight tosses Waller onto the top rope! Waller is stuck straddling, and Knight bounces the rope to add on! Knight then runs to BLAST Waller to the floor! Fans fire up with Knight as NXT goes picture in picture.

Sanga goes over to check on Waller as the ring count climbs. Waller sputters and crawls to the ring. Knight goes right out to ROCK Waller! Knight brings Waller around and bumps him off the apron, then follows him around the way. They end up by the ramp, Knight puts Waller in. Knight CLUBS Waller on the apron, Knight stalks behind him and reels him in for a short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Knight throws hands on Waller as they go to the corner. Knight throws body shots, snapmares Waller and then drops a knee. Knight clamps on a chinlock and he squeezes tight. Waller endures but Knight leans his weight on the hold.

Waller fight sup, fights out and then DECKS Knight! Waller has Knight in a corner for forearms, then he whips Knight to ropes. Knight reveres but Waller sunset flips! Knight stays up to sit on the cover, TWO! Waller CLOBBERS Knight! Cover, TWO! Waller is annoyed but he JAMS his knee into Knight’s back. Waller then JAMS his elbow into Knight’s forehead, and then traps the arms as part of the neck wrench. Knight endures, fans rally up, but Waller pushes on the neck wrench even more. Knight starts to fight up but Waller throws him down! Waller keeps on the neck wrench but Knight fights up and throws body shots!

NXT is single picture as Knight scoops but Waller slips free. Knight arm-drags Waller out of the ring! Knight goes out, tells Sanga to stay back, but Waller RAMS Knight into steel steps! Knight clutches his shoulder but Waller rains down forearms on him! Waller soaks up the heat, puts Knight back in, and then covers. TWO, and fans chant, “You Still Suck!” at Waller. Waller CLUBS Knight, stomps away on him, then pushes him down. Waller jams elbows into the shoulders while fans tell him what they think of him. Waller snap suplexes Knight, then he goes up the corner. Waller walks on the rope, BALLER ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally for Knight but Waller stomps him down. Waller puts Knight on the ropes and chokes him! The ref counts, Waller lets off at 4 and Knight sputters. Waller CLUBS Knight, brings him up, then whips to CLOBBER Knight with an elbow! Cover, TWO! Waller keeps his cool as he puts Knight in a corner. Waller puts Knight’s head against buckles, then goes out to KICK the buckle! Knight gets jammed and Waller gets in. Waller brings Knight up but Knight throws body shots. Waller CLUBS Knight, then gets him up for a WIDOWMAKER! Cover, TWO! Knight is still in this and Waller gets frustrated.

Waller goes out, has Sanga give him some room, and Waller runs in to somersault and jump, into a BIG back suplex! Fans are fired up as Knight gets up and counter punches Waller! Knight fires off haymakers, whips, but Waller reverses, only for Knight to FLYING SHOULDER! Knight whips to BACK DROP Waller! Knight stomps a mudhole into Waller, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight lets off at 4 to whip Waller corner to corner, and then JUMPING NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up as Knight waits on Waller, but Sanga holds Waller’s arm! Waller slips out of the BFT! Cover, Waller has tights! Waller wins!!

Winner: Grayson Waller, by pinfall

But Knight goes after Waller! Sanga runs in but Knight sends him into the corner! Kick and B F T! Sanga is down, Waller panics. Waller swings but into a B F T! Knight may not have gotten the win, but he gets the last word! Will LA Knight make sure he’s the last man standing when this is all said and done?


Dakota Kai is searching around backstage.

And she finds Wendy Choo napping. Uh, they’re in the Women’s Dusty Cup! Why didn’t she tell her? Wendy says she can’t find anywhere good to sleep in this place. If she doesn’t get her midday beauty sleep, she doesn’t look this good. But yes, sorry she forgot to tell her. She told Dakota’s invisible friend. Who? What? Wendy, you’re a nice girl, but Dakota’s track record is not good. She tried it once, didn’t work out (Tegan Nox). Tried it again, didn’t work out (Raquel). Well she’s never had Wendy as a partner. So see ya! Dakota can’t believe Wendy chose Dakota. Maybe third time is the charm? Or maybe not. Only time will tell!


Raquel Gonzalez meets up with Cora Jade.

What’re they doing out here? For the past week, they’ve trained Raquel’s way. Yeah, how does Cora feel? Extremely SORE. But now, they’ll do things Cora’s way. That is why they’re at Tree Trek Adventure Park! They’ll work on being fearless risk takers! But heights…? Raquel can do heights, cuz she is the height. No, that’s different. She catches people from heights, she doesn’t fall from them. Well now she does. Remember: fearless. Cora helps Raquel make it over the log bridge, but that’s just part one. There are swings, blank walls, tunnels, and repelling. Raquel somehow makes it through those, but there’s one more thing: ZIPLINE!

Cora wants Raquel to trust her, and Raquel says she does trust Cora. Just not the zipline! Don’t worry! They’ll zip the lines, zip through the tournament and take those tag titles! Alright, let’s do this. And away they go! Raquel seems to actually like this one! What a rush! Not so bad, huh? Cora helped Raquel get over her fear, and now they’ll conquer the Dusty Cup.


Toxic Attraction are in their Toxic Lounge.

McKenzie Mitchell interviews them, and admits this is quite the set up. Jacy Jayne says, “Well, duh.” And they’ll be right here to watch the entire Dusty Cup tournament. But how cute were Cora and Raquel? Aww. Where are they gonna go next? A skate park? A motorcycle rally? But while those two are the favorites, Jacy feels those two are gonna come up short. McKenzie puts out the other favorite is the team of Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray. Mandy Rose gives KLR and Io a lot of credit for realizing they’ll never be THE Women’s Champion with Mandy around.

“But if those two losers think they can win the entire tournament, and then beat Gigi & Jacy, aww…. They’re a lot dumber than they look.” Well, speak her name and she will appear! The Scary Queen of Scots heads out, because she and the Evil Genius are kicking things off! Will they make sure to shut up Mandy right here and now?

2022 Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Opening Round: Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray VS Amari Miller & Lash Legend!

The teams sort out, Shirai starts against the hostess with the mostess, and they tie right up. Lash shakes her head, scoops, but Shirai slips out. Lash runs Shirai over, and then the trash talk starts. Shirai runs but Lash gets her hair! Lash reels Shirai in, back suplexes but Shirai slips out. Shirai tilt-o-whirls and headscissors Lash onto ropes, for a 619! Shirai then springboards but Lash catches her and throws forearms! Shirai kicks back, goes out and up the corner, to then missile dropkick Lash down! Shirai kips up, fans fire up and Lash backs up. Amari tags in, but Shirai goes Matrix! Amari sweeps the arms out, but misses the elbow drop!

Shirai FLAPJACKS Amari, then tags in KLR! Shirai snapmares Amari for KLR’s PENALTY KICK! Shirai adds a basement dropkick, KLR covers, TWO! KLR keeps on Amari with a wrench and CHOP! And another CHOP! And then another wrench for a suplex, but Amari counters with a cradle! TWO, HEEL KICK from Amari! Amari hurries, Lash tags back in. Fans rally for KLR but Lash BOOTS her down! Lash looms over KLR, drags her up, then reels her in, KLR ducks to SUPERKICK! KLR hooks Lash up, K L R BOMB! Tag to Shirai, KLR goes up to MOONSAULT! KLR DECKS Amari, Shirai is up top, OVER THE MOONSAULT! Cover, Shirai & KLR win!

Winners: Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray, by pinfall (advance to the second round)

Toxic Attraction is not impressed, but the fan favorite is moving forward! Will Shirai & KLR make Toxic Attraction take them seriously when they win the whole thing?


Backstage interview with Dante Chen.

The Singaporean Warrior gets what he wants: a match with Duke Hudson. Duke thinks he’s a big shot, trying to end Chen’s career. That attack while he was being held by refs, then a lot of big talk while Chen was away. But Chen is back. Last week might’ve been Vengeance Day, but tonight, Chen will get his vengeance. It’ll be hard for Duke to sweep Persia off her feet when he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Will the Singaporean Warrior make Duke regret dealing this hand?


Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen talk backstage.

Well, Brooks is in “The Zone,” but they can get him back on the horse. And how do they do that? With a video for a dating app! Just trust Briggs, this will work. Just don’t say anything stupid. Rolling, be yourself! Brooks introduces himself as Briggs, which is, well, stupid. Brooks tries again, but with too much energy. They’re yelling at each other about yelling. Brooks tries again, and keeps it simple: “Hi, I’m Brooks Jensen,” and a big smile. Will that get him any swipes or matches or whatever?


Dante Chen VS Duke Hudson!

Chen attacks Duke on the ramp! He’s not waiting for his payback, but will he bust playing it this aggressively?

Duke kicks Chen away, Chen gets back in and the bell rings! Chen runs in to SPLASH, and then fires off hands! Duke throws Chen out but Chen drags him out to the apron! Chen has a leg and he SMASHES it on the apron! Duke scrambles but Chen brings him over to SLAM the leg into a post! Fans fire up for Chen as he goes for the leg again. Duke YANKS Chen into the post in return! Fans boo, Duke drags Chen through the ropes but Chen throws body shots. Chen throws haymakers, then boots Duke’s punch to BOOT Duke! Chen ducks and dodges to FLYING FOREARM! Chen hits a NECKBREAKER and Duke flounders.

Chen SPLASHES in the corner, reels Duke in, DDT! Cover, TWO! Chen hurries to get Duke back up, puts him in a corner, and he climbs up. Chen rains down fists, but Duke slips out to trip Chen up! Fans boo but Duke runs in and BOOTS Chen right down! Chen sputters, Duke drags Chen back up and reels him in. Crucifix for THE RIVER! High stack cover, Duke wins!

Winner: Duke Hudson, by pinfall

The Singaporean Warrior had a lot of fire, but Duke managed to put that fire out. Is Duke going to dominate all the way to a title opportunity?


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams walk around backstage.

The North American Champion and his sidekick are ready to “give the people what they want.” What will NXT’s “A Champion” have to say? We’ll find out, after the break.


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams head to the ring!

Cameron Grimes did what he could, but he could not dethrone the Breakout Star of NXT as Unified North American (and Cruiserweight) Champion. Melo says that before they get started, he just wants to say one thing. When he shoots, he don’t freakin’ miss! It’s crazy, yo! But hey, Trick, you know what they’re here to do. What are they here to do? Tonight is a Melo-bration! Before getting to that, time to talk some talk. “Last week, I said I was gonna have match of the night.” “You did that.” “I said I was gonna beat Cameron Grimes.” “You still champion.” “And I said I was gonna steal the show.” “Oooo~! Call the cops! … My bad, brother.”

But not only does Melo not miss, he put on a performance of a lifetime! Wasn’t nobody talking about Bron Breakker, Pete Dunne, the Creeds or any of that. They were talking ’bout THE A CHAMPION! And the A stands for “Absolute best! Ain’t nobody touchin’ me. Anyone can get in the ring or on the mic or on the bird app, it don’t matter!” Trick thought of something. Come April, they’ll be in Dallas. That means America’s Team and America’s Champion are in the same place at the same time. But to be real- Here comes the Bruiserweight! Pete Dunne asks what they’re on about. They say Melo beat everyone, but he hasn’t beat Dunne.

To be fair, Melo is the A Champion. And Dunne doesn’t think the absolute best should just sit on the sidelines during WrestleMania weekend. Melo knows what Dunne is up to. But Melo can’t make everyone famous. Well what is it Melo says? When he shoots, he doesn’t miss? So prove it! Next week, A Champion VS Baddest Man in NXT, the Bruiserweight! Dunne dares him! Trick says for Petey to wait. Does he not hear that good? Is he still woozy from the cage match? No means no, brother! But Melo says he’ll tell “Skeet Dunne” it’s like this. If Dunne wants to smoke with Melo, he’s got a leaf and a light.

Because the A Champ ain’t never backed down from a fight! That’s all it is, that’s all it gone be. Melo will beat Dunne like he did Grimes! That means both of them can take their asses- Grimes attacks from behind! He throws Melo out then clotheslines Trick out! Fans fire up for Grimes as he throws off his vest! What’s Melo & Trick gonna do about it? We find out, after the break!


Cameron Grimes VS Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes!

Well obviously this is how it had to go. The match is already underway as NXT returns, and Grimes grinds Trick in a headlock. Trick powers out, Grimes runs him over! Fans chant, “Whoop that Trick!” as things speed up. Trick hurdles but Grimes stops himself. Trick runs in but is sent out! Melo has Trick calm down, but Grimes tells Trick to #KissMahGrits! Trick runs in, into a ROUNDHOUSE! Grimes bumps Trick off buckles, KICKS him, then KICKS a leg. Trick hobbles, Grimes bumps him off buckles, then CHOPS him against ropes! Grimes whips Trick, and CHOPS him down!

Fans fire up, Grimes brings Trick up to KICK him down! Cover, TWO! Grimes keeps cool as fans rally and duel. Grimes bumps Trick off buckles, then watches him stagger and flop. Grimes taunts Williams, brings him up, but Trick is in the ropes. The ref counts, Trick throws a cheap elbow! Trick whips, Grimes reverses but Trick kicks and straight punches to an uppercut! Trick runs for a LEAPING LARIAT! Trick stomps away on Grimes, then whips him into a corner for a clothesline! Trick elbows Grimes then brings him out to scoop and SLAM! Trick says, “That’s what happens.” Melo applauds but fans are torn as Trick dropkicks Grimes! Cover, TWO!

Trick keeps on Grimes with a top wristlock. Grimes endures, fans rally up, and Grimes fights up. Trick RAMS Grimes into buckles! Trick brings Grimes up to whip to ropes and LEG LARIATS Grimes down! Cover, TWO!! Grimes survives but Trick rains down fists! Trick drags Grimes up to wrap the cobra clutch on. Fans rally for Grimes as he endures, and he fights up, only for Trick to throw him down! Trick clamps the cobra clutch on again, and he drags Grimes up. Grimes snapmares Trick away then dodges to rally with forearms! Grimes runs corner to corner and BOOTS Trick down!

Fans fire up as Grimes goes up! Trick avoids the double stomp to come back with a BOOT! Grimes SUPER FOREARMS back! Trick kicks but Grimes ducks and ducks, BODY BLOW! Trick uppercuts, runs, but into a scoop and SWINGING SLAM! Cover, TWO! Trick survives and Melo is relieved. Grimes refocuses and goes to the corner. Grimes aims at Trick, “TO~ THE~ MOON!” But Trick bails out! So Grimes goes to the apron, ready to repeat last week! But Trick avoids the flying stomps, and Melo has him rush in, into a SUPERKICK! Grimes puts Trick in, goes up the corner, but Melo warns Trick. No good, CROSSBODY!

Fans fire up with Grimes as he goes back to the corner. Trick flounders and Melo snarls, but here comes the CAVE-IN! Cover, Grimes wins!

Winner: Cameron Grimes, by pinfall

Grimes stares Melo down as he’s completely sidetracked the Melo-bration! Will the A Champion still have to worry about Grimes on the other side of his fight with the Bruiserweight?


Brooks Jensen tries some pick-up lines.

“Hi, do you live in a corn field? Because I’m stalking you. If you were a Transformer, you’d be Optimus Fine.” What’s a Transformer? Brooks moves on from those and says he likes girls. He likes guys, too, but not like that. Brooks panics, trying to defend that he just likes girls is all. Like this one girl, Kayden. Brooks gets all motormouth talking about Kayden and tells Briggs to stop. Yeah, got it. Will Brooks ever get it right?


Bron Breakker checks in with Tommaso Ciampa.

Ciampa’s getting in some last pumps and Bron thanks him for getting rid of Ziggler last week. Bron knows he isn’t allowed ringside, but he’ll be watching the match. … Okay, obviously Ciampa’s in the zone, Bron will leave him to it. But then Ciampa says, “Listen, man. The way I see it, it’s Ciampa 1, Breakker 1. But I need to know who the better man is.” They both look at the title belt. Bron’s looking forward to the rubber match. Will Ciampa earn his way to that match in tonight’s main event?


Andre Chase has a recruitment video.

“Welcome to Andre Chase University, a place of higher learning.” He’s Professor Andre Chase, and today’s lesson is about a phrase coined back in 1913, one that is instrumental in Chase’s success. “Intestinal Fortitude.” What does that mean? “It means having balls, Michael, you dumbass!” That brings Chase to Von Wagner. Wagner’s lost his balls. Chase called him out, he hasn’t responded. Robert Stone says they’re doing things on his time, but that just means that man has no intestinal fortitude. But then what is Chase going to do once he gets in the ring with Von Wagner? He’s a pretty big dude.

Well Michael’s a pretty big jackass! What do you think he’s gonna do?! He’s gonna give that big SOB an Andre Chase University sized ass whooping! “Yeah, Mr. Chase! You tell ’em!” “Thank you, Bodhi.” Now Michael, pick up your crap and get outta his classroom! Now that was a teachable moment.


Nikkita Lyons VS Kayla Inlay!

The daughter of a rockstar and a beautiful groupie, the newest star in NXT has come to do more than roar. Will she make herself the queen of the jungle from day one? Or will Kayla keep Nikkita from taking her place as the top of the food chain?

The bell rings and Lyons circles with Inlay. They tie up, Inlay wrenches to a wristlock but Lyons wrenches back. Inlay pulls hair but Lyons gets a hammerlock. Fans rally, Lyons headlocks, then she throws Inlay! Fans rally up for “Nikkita! Nikkita!” as she and Inlay circle. They tie up, Lyons gets the arm again, but Inlay ROCKS her with a right. Inlay wrenches, Lyons KICKS Inlay away. Lyons promises to kick Inlay’s ass. Inlay says bring it! They tie up, Lyons puts Inlay on ropes but Inlay gets around. She won’t let anyone make a name off of her! But Lyons HEEL KICKS her back! Lyons has the arm and grinds the shoulder.

Inlay endures, Lyons cranks the arm, but Inlay whips her away. Lyons runs Inlay over! Things speed up, Inlay hurdles but Lyons rolls to hip toss! Lyons runs in to FLYING FOREARM! Inlay holds ropes to deny the suplex, and then she chokes Lyons on the ropes! The ref reprimands, Inlay YANKS the rope to jam Lyons. Inlay then throws knee after knee, and Lyons sputters to the corner. Inlay RAMS into Lyons at the corner, and again! The ref counts, Inlay lets off at 4, but Lyons sunset flips! TWO, and Inlay staggers into forearms from Lyons! Lyons snarls, brings Inlay up and throws knees of her own.

Inlay blocks but Lyons counter punches! Inlay drops and Lyons roars! Lyons circles her prey, KICKS a leg, then KICKS the other leg! ROUNDHOUSE! Inlay flounders up, Lyons runs in to forearm again! And then a HEEL KICK! Inlay denies the suplex and stomps a foot to get the standing switch. Lyons smirks as Inlay can’t lift her, but Inlay CLUBS her on the back. But then Lyons switches back, GERMAN SUPLEX! And a kip up! Lyons and the fans fire up, and Lyons SPINNING ROUNDHOUSES Inlay down! And then a SPLIT LEG DROP! Cover, Lyons wins!

Winner: Nikkita Lyons, by pinfall

That probably could’ve been a win by knockout, too! Will Nikkita be hunting the NXT Women’s Championship soon enough?


Persia Pirotta finds Duke Hudson backstage.

She tells him Duke did so well tonight. He is so good out there. Before she can say more, Duke pulls her in for a big lip lock! Indi walks in and says that’s so gross! Persia feels awkward and says she’s gonna go. Duke says Indi used to enjoy their kisses. That was a long time ago, Duke. Doesn’t have to be. But then Indi looks over and sees Dexter Lumis. Lumis hangs his head and sulks off. Indi says it’s not what he thinks! Indi tells Duke she loathes him, but has Duke single-handedly destroyed two of Indi’s relationships with one kiss?


Robert Stone & Von Wagner speak.

They heard what Andre Chase said. As book smart as Chase is, he’d get an F in street smarts. How dumb is he? How stupid is he to challenge Wagner? Stone tried giving him an out, but he won’t be so lucky next week. Chase will get in the ring with Von, and then leave filing for disability. This is Von Wagner’s world, you’re just living in it.


The Creed Brothers head to the ring!

The 2022 Dusty Cup winners, Julius & Brutus, with Malcolm Bivens, head out and admire the trophy. Bivens gets the mic to say, “Tonight, lets’ have a conversation about perception versus reality. Imperium would love for everyone to believe that they are these world class athletes. But last time I checked, Fabian & Marcel haven’t done NCAA tournaments. They haven’t done Olympic tryouts. But you know who has? Julius & Brutus Creed. Imperium would love for you to believe that they are the best tag team in NXT today. But last time I checked, Fabian & Marcel haven’t won a Dusty Classic.

“Imperium would love for you to believe that they are fighting champions. But they haven’t defended those championships in weeks. So ‘Gunna,’ is it oochiwally? Or is it one mic? Are you real or are you fake?” Because Diamond Mine is the real deal! And Imperium are just coleslaw and wiener schnitzel eatin’ little- But here comes Imperium! Gunther tells Bivens he will not speak about Imperium in this manner. They will learn to respect him! Sorry, Gunna. No, it’s GUNTA! Fabian Aichner says Diamond Mine will give Gunther the respect he deserves! But fans are still chanting “WAL~TER! WAL~TER!”

Marcel Barthel says the Creed Brothers may have won the Dusty Cup, they will never EVER take these tag titles from Imperium. Gunther says Bivens can talk as much as he wants for the boys, but the NXT Tag Team Championships will remain with Fabian & Marcel. Imperium steps into the ring, and the Creeds go after the champs! But that leaves Bivens alone with Gunther… Gunther gets Bivens by his collar, but Solo Sikoa gets in! And he SUPERKICKS Gunther down! The Street Champion of the Island stands over the Ring General and Bivens gives him a thumbs up. Will Sikoa look to solo Gunther when the time comes?


Brooks Jensen is still at it.

“My cousin did say I make the best moon-” Wait, is this really going to work? Briggs says to think of all the women. Keep on keeping on. Fallon Henley walks in and asks what they’re doing. They explain about the dating app plan, and the video they have to make. Fallon says you can just use a picture instead. Smile. There, that’s good. Fallon can help set up the profile. Alright, thanks. Wait, Briggs, what the hell? What was this video about? Briggs admits, Brooks’ disastrous love life is Briggs’ favorite form of entertainment. This was all for laughs. Really? That’s what a friend does? Brooks feels foolish, but will Fallon save him from loneliness?


Backstage interview with Joe Gacy & Harland.

McKenzie asks them about security footage of them confronting Draco Anthony in the Performance Center at about 2:40 AM. Gacy says they were simply talking to “Mr. Draco” in an environment he was comfortable with, and they know he works out very late at night, all alone. They had a “difference of opinion,” which apparently made Draco shove Gacy, and then Gacy had to make Harland stand down. Gacy says it is all okay. Draco is an athletic piece of clay that can be molded by the right person.

As you can also see, Draco and Harland were on opposite sides of the conversation. They will resolve this in the ring, and after the match, Draco will know it is better to be surrounded by friends than to be alone. Gacy thanks us all for our time, and leaves with Harland. Will they be able to “convince” Draco to see things their way?


2022 Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Opening Round: Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter VS Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley!

KC Squared is ready to bring the party to this tournament, but it seems Diamond Mine has a new recruit. Will Ivy & Tatum crush Kacy & Kayden and kill the mood? Or will KC Squared finally equal tag title contenders?

The teams sort out, Tatum and Kayden tie up. Tatum shows her power as she shoves Kayden down, but Kayden comes back. Kayden waistlocks, trips, and flips but then fakes Tatum out to wiggle wiggle at her. Kayden points to the WrestleMania sign, dodges Tatum and waistlocks to O’Conner Roll. ONE, but Kayden comes back with a basement dropkick! Kacy tags, and SPINNING SPLASHES! Cover, ONE! Kacy keeps on Tatum but Tatum fireman’s carries! Tatum swings but Kacy arm-drags! Tatum blocks the rana, but Kacy pops around. Ivy tags in, she runs up and Tatum tosses Kacy to a HAYMAKER!

Ivy drags Kacy up, whips her to the corner, then runs in to DROPKICK Kacy down! Tag to Tatum, she stalks Kacy and has her backwards against ropes! The ref counts, Tatum lets off and Kacy flops down. Tatum drags her back, tags in Ivy, and Tatum snapmares Kacy for Ivy’s elbow drop! Cover, ONE! Ivy drags Kacy from her corner, reels her in for a scoop, but Kacy slips out to slide under. Ivy still gets the leg! Kacy kicks Ivy away, hot tag to Kayden! Kayden rallies on Diamond Mine, booty bumps Tatum then wheelbarrows and SUPERKICKS Ivy! Cover, TWO! Toxic Attraction is mildly impressed as Kayden fireman’s carries.

Ivy slips off, shoves, Kayden ducks one kick but not the ENZIGURI! Tag to Tatum, Diamond Mine gets Kayden up and DOUBLE SLAMS her! Tatum MARIPOSAS! Cover, Kacy breaks it! Ivy rushes in but is sent back out! Kacy WRECKS Ivy, dodges Tatum, and Kayden SUPERKICKS! Tag to Kacy, Kayden gets Tatum up! HIGHLIGHT REEL! Cover, KC Squared wins!

Winners: Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter, by pinfall (advance to the second round)

Toxic Attraction isn’t sure about the moves or the music, but Kacy & Kayden are riding high. Will they bring those vibes all the way to the finals?

Whoa! Diamond Mine doesn’t tolerate failure, it seems, as Ivy puts Tatum in the DIAMOND DRAGON SLEEPER! Tatum is fading out, Roderick Strong says that’s good enough. Ivy drops Tatum, then drags her out of the ring. Strong pats Ivy on the shoulder, Ivy leaves Tatum behind. Will Ivy focus on her own success in the singles division?


Backstage interview with Solo Sikoa.

Next week, it is happening. Sikoa VS Gunther. After everything here tonight, how is Sikoa responding to this news? He already said he was going to go after the biggest and baddest dude, and tonight, he dropped that guy on his ass. Next week, Gunther learns what Sikoa is all about. Bivens walks in and says he appreciates what Solo did. He had Gunther right where he wanted him, but he does appreciate the help. Sikoa’s gonna take Gunther out, he’s got the juice now, Uce! Bivens wants a high-five, but Sikoa says he didn’t do that for anyone but himself. Sikoa leaves, Bivens is left hanging. Will Sikoa be able to handle the Ring General just fine all on his own?


LA Knight speaks.

“Just when I think I had it finished. Just when I think I had that last little piece of ya, Grayson Waller. By hook or by crook, I gotta give you credit.” Waller pulled it off, but anyone with two eyes can see how. So what happens? Sanga, down he goes! Waller, down he goes! One man was left standing, and we all know who it was! L A Knight, YEAH! Is Knight going to hunt down Waller until there’s no excuses?


NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Tommaso Ciampa VS Dolph Ziggler!

For the first time ever, these two are 1v1 and it’s on NXT! But will Daddy Ciampa defend his home and head back for Goldie? Or will the Show-Off steal the show and have that golden ticket in his back pocket?

NXT returns as Ciampa makes his entrance. The bell rings and fans are fired up for Ciampa as he stares down with Ziggler. They circle, tie up, and go around. Ciampa waistlocks, Ziggler squats to get the switch, but Ciampa powers through to get an arm. Fans rally as Ciampa has the top wristlock and shifts through to get a facelock then pushes Ziggler to the mat. Ciampa digs his knee into Ziggler’s head then SLAPS him on the back. Ziggler gets away and Ciampa waits on him to come back. They circle, tie up, and Ziggler shoots in to get the waistlock, then the facelock. Ziggler rolls it to a cover, ONE!

Ziggler keeps the facelock but Ciampa gets to the ropes. The ref counts, Ciampa and Ziggler let off, but then they start shoving. Ciampa avoids a kick, Ziggler avoids a chop, but Ciampa underhooks! Ziggler gets free but he avoids the knee! Fans say, “This is Awesome!” already, and Ciampa stares down with Ziggler. Ciampa says it was that close, but Ziggler HEADBUTTS him! Then rolls him up, TWO! Ziggler hammers away with rights, then cravats and turns Ciampa for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE! Ziggler clamps right back on with a chinlock. Ziggler grinds Ciampa down, moves around, and rakes the eyes!

The ref reprimands and fans boo but Ziggler just soaks it up. Ziggler scrapes laces on Ciampa’s face then stalks him to a corner. Ziggler throws a heavy body shot, then scrapes Ciampa’s face off the ropes. The ref reprimands, the fans rally up, but Ziggler looms over Ciampa. Ziggler clamps on with a chinlock and has an arm, it’s almost a crossface! Ciampa fights it, even as Ziggler pulls back on the hold. Ciampa is up, he throws elbows and body shots, and he is free to CHOP Ziggler! Ziggler kicks a leg, ducks  a haymaker, but swings into a waistlcok and CHOP! Ciampa fires off, whips, but Ziggler reverses.

Ciampa comes back to LARIAT! And again! Fans fire up as Ciampa builds speed and CLOBBERS Ziggler! Ziggler flounders, fans fire up and Ciampa runs in to CHOP again! Borrowing a move from Finn Balor, perhaps? Ciampa hits a ROLLING ELBOW, then brings down his kneepad. Ciampa runs in, but Ziggler avoids the knee! But Ciampa denies the ZigZag by holding ropes! Ziggler runs back in but is sent right out! Ciampa KNEES Ziggler off the apron! Fans fire up and Ciampa pats himself on the back as NXT goes picture in picture.

Ciampa grins while Ziggler flounders on the floor. Ciampa goes to fetch Ziggler, and CLUBS him down. The ring count climbs, Ciampa puts Ziggler in at 7 of 10. Ciampa scrapes his sole on Ziggler’s face then stomps him down. Ciampa rains down fists, Ziggler flounders away, but Ciampa just walks over to the corner. Ciampa stands Ziggler up, climbs up, and he rains down fists! Fans are surely counting, but Ziggler stops Ciampa at 5 to trip him up! Ciampa is stuck in ropes, Ziggler gets him for a DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Both men are down but stirring. Ziggler drags himself up, he goes after Ciampa, and whips him corner to corner hard!

Ciampa slumps down in the corner and Ziggler brings him back up. Ziggler snapmares Ciampa for a BIG elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Ziggler keeps on Ciampa with a SLEEPER! NXT returns to single picture as fans rally up and Ciampa endures. Ciampa is turning reddish purple already as Ziggler pushes back. Ciampa gets up, throws body shots, and gets free! Ziggler punches Ciampa back, but Ciampa punches him. Ziggler kicks the leg, Ciampa CHOPS again! Ziggler swings, Ciampa dodges, and he catches Ziggler for a CATAPULT! Ziggler hits buckles and flounders out, into a LARIAT from Ciampa! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally as both men are down again. Both men slowly sit up and Ciampa throws a haymaker. Ziggler throws a body shot, so Ciampa gives another haymaker. Ziggler haymakers, Ciampa haymakers. Ziggler kicks, Ciampa CHOPS, then fires off fast hands! Ciampa isn’t letting up and he gets Ziggler in a corner! Ciampa starts stomping away, but the ref counts! Ciampa lets off at 4, and fans are thunderous for the Psycho Killer! Ciampa runs, into a DROPKICK! But he stays up to ripcord and ROCK Ziggler with a right! But Ziggler comes back to FAMOUSER! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa survives, reminding us why he was NXT Champion!

Fans rally for “NXT! NXT!” as both men stir. Ciampa and Ziggler go to opposite corners. Ziggler tunes up the band, runs in, but into a BOOT! Ciampa reels Ziggler in, gets him up, PROJECT CIAMPA! Cover, TWO!! Ziggler survives but Ciampa just brings the kneepads down! Ziggler gets up, Ciampa runs in, PSYCHO KNEE! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Ziggler saves himself by a literal foot! Fans hope they “Fight Forever!” but this has to end somehow! Ciampa drops a knee on Ziggler’s knee! Ziggler flops out of the ring, clutches the leg, and Ciampa goes out after him. Ciampa drags Ziggler up, reels him in, but Ziggler POSTS Ciampa, ZIGZAG to the floor!!

Fans lose their minds while the ring count climbs! Ziggler drags himself over to Ciampa, drags Ciampa up at 6 of 10, and into the ring at 8. Ziggler is in at 9 and fans are fired up again. Ciampa wobbles, Ziggler runs in, but the superkick misses! Ciampa kicks, reels Ziggler in, but the bad arm won’t let him underhook! Ziggler rolls Ciampa up, TWO!! Ziggler hurries to get the SLEEPER!! Ciampa flails with one good arm but Ziggler has the body scissors! Ciampa endures, fans rally up, and Ciampa manages to move around. Ciampa gets to his feet, and BACKPACK SENTONS! Cover, TWO!!!

Fans can’t believe it but Ziggler survived! Both men are down again and Ciampa goes to a corner. Ziggler goes to the ropes, but Ciampa goes out to the apron to intercept him. Ciampa CHOPS Ziggler again, but Ziggler ROCKS Ciampa with a haymaker. Ciampa CHOPS, Ziggler body shots! Ciampa CHOPS again, and again, and again! Then BOOTS! Ziggler flounders, Ciampa roars! Ciampa manages to fireman’s carry Ziggler, tucks him in, APRON AIR RAID CRASH!! Both men fall to the floor and fans lose their minds again! Ciampa manages to get Ziggler up and in while fans chant for “NXT!”

But wait, a cameraman attacks Ciampa?! The ref missed that because he was checking Ziggler! SUPERKICK!! Cover, Ziggler wins!!

Winner: Dolph Ziggler, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Championship)

That’s not a real cameraman at all! That’s ROBERT ROODE! The GLORIOUS tag partner of Dolph Ziggler helped him get this win! The Dirty Dawgs soak up all the heat as they celebrate, but they’re not done! They stomp away on Ciampa, but here comes BRON! Bron DECKS Ziggler, DECKS Roode, and the Dawgs run off! Bron says if they wanna do 2v1, then how about 2v2? Bron & Ciampa VS Ziggler & Roode! And how about this? The Dirty Dawgs can find their balls and Bron will fight them right now! Ziggler & Roode look to be leaving, but they come back! And it’s a brawl! Ciampa has Roode, Bron has Ziggler!

Security and referees rush out but they can’t stop this from spilling out of the ring and all around ringside! Fans are loving this and want to “Let Them Fight!” but NXT is going off the air! Will things only heat up even more when Ciampa and the champ get their tag match with the Dirty Dawgs?

My Thoughts:

A very good NXT to start us on the Road to WrestleMania, and Stand & Deliver 2022. The only disappointing surprise about that event coming back is that it’ll be on Saturday, April 2nd, the same night as night one of WrestleMania 38! How the hell does that work? Is it going to be reduced to just two hours and act as a kickoff to night one? I don’t like that. Why not just make it a themed event NXT holds on Tuesday? Or even on Thursday. But it looks like it’ll have a pretty good card, as I’m thinking that’s where we’ll get both tag title matches. Diamond Mine and Imperium had a good promo segment, and what a great surprise save from Solo Sikoa.

Imperium VS Creed Brothers is going to be a very good match, and with the way NXT has been pushing the Creeds, I wouldn’t be surprised if they win. The Women’s Dusty Cup got started tonight, with two matches and two promo segments. Dakota’s weird, spazzy character is still a weird choice but she’s delivering it well, and she and Wendy might end up an odd couple fan favorite through their interactions. And I like that Cora turned the tables on Raquel and showed her she can fly high. I wonder if that means Cora is going to try power moves and Raquel is going to try springboard moves in their first match together…

Toxic Attraction hanging out “all night” in their “lounge” was an interesting detail for the show. KLR & Shirai of course won but it was a pretty fun match to open the tournament with. And then KC Squared gets a good win over Ivy & Tatum. Ivy & Tatum sure didn’t last long as a team, though. Fans still really like Ivy, so maybe she can go after Mandy Rose soon. As for Indi & Persia, I sensed things were going to fall apart, and things really took a step towards that with Duke just planting one on Persia and then still flirting with Indi. Sad Dexter Lumis was an oddly funny little moment, and I’m thinking we’ll get Dexter VS Duke, since Duke squashed Chen.

Andre Chase continues to be hilarious in his Chase U promos. Meanwhile, Von continues to be bland in his, so thankfully he does have Robert Stone. I would think Von crushes Chase, and he might even brutalize Bodhi. The story of Gacy, Harland and Draco takes another step, but I guess Draco’s first win can come off Harland. Nikkita Lyons has a good debut, with Kayla Inlay looking good, too. As I said, I sensed the potential Lyons had as Faith the Lioness in Women of Wrestling, so I think she’ll definitely find her way to taking on the NXT Women’s Champion in the days after WrestleMania season.

This story of Brooks Jensen’s love life continues to turn things around, his multiple awkward dating app video takes were really clever stuff. And Fallon Henley continues to hang around him and Briggs, so as I said last time, this has to turn around to where Fallon is the love interest somehow. We got a good promo out of Melo & Trick with Dunne, and then a really good match of Grimes VS Trick. Grimes wins and he is very much still in the running for the North American Championship while others are still building up. Melo VS Dunne for the title next week is also going to be great stuff, but again I feel like it’s to put Melo over and build his star power.

Waller VS Knight went about as expected with Sanga playing a role in the finish. Waller wins but Knight stands tall, and between what Knight said after the match and in his backstage promo, Last Man Standing match as their blow-off? Then we got some good promos out of Bron, Ziggler and Ciampa on the way to tonight’s main event, and the main event was awesome. Ciampa VS Ziggler was bordering on PPV/TakeOver level, and of course Ziggler cheats to win. Roode makes his return to NXT, helps Ziggler, and we’re of course getting Bron VS Ziggler. And then getting Dirty Dawgs on NXT, that’s going to be some fun stuff. Roode might take the loss here so Bron will have momentum but Ziggler won’t be hurt.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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