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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (2/14/22)

One more Monday before Elimination Chamber!



WWE Raw 2022

The Beast is back on Raw to have the last word!

Before Elimination Chamber’s WWE World Championship match, Brock Lesnar is here on Raw to put the other five superstars on notice!


  • The Street Profits VS The Dirty Dawgs; The Street Profits win.
  • WWE United States Championship: Damian Priest VS AJ Styles; Priest wins and retains the title.
  • 2v1 Handicap Match: Omos VS Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin; Omos wins.
  • Women’s Gauntlet Match: Bianca Belair wins and enters the Elimination Chamber match last.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Bad Romance: Reggie wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • The Alpha Academy VS The Mysterios; The Alpha Academy wins.
  • Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins; Rollins wins.


Bobby Lashley heads to the ring!

The All Mighty WWE World Champion, with MVP behind him, walks on stage, has the pyro fire off, and then continues down the ramp. Lashley has the second round of pyro go off, and he’s all smiles as MVP hands him a mic. “Before I triumphantly walk into WrestleMania your WWE Champion, I have to win one of the most brutal and gruesome matches in all of WWE: The Elimination Chamber.” This match has been known to change lives and destroy careers. But y’know what else does that? The All Mighty Lashley! There’s been so many who have tried to derail, dethrone and defeat him, but they’ve all failed, as he has destroyed every single one of them!

MVP says he sure has. MVP is no mathematician, but he’s figured out that the WWE Champion has a 1/6, or 16% chance, of winning. That doesn’t sound very good, until you factor in one very, very important variable: Seth Freakin’ Rollins, the Phenomenal AJ Styles, Matt Riddle, Austin Theory, and even the Beast Incarnate, Brock Lesnar are not All Mighty. So when you factor that in, by MVP’s calculations, Lashley has a 100% chance of walking out the same way he walks in: WWE World Champion! But here comes Seth Rollins! Rollins swaggers in his shiny snake skin suit and laughs it up. “Oh, I got some good news for you, Bob. You look great!”

But the bad news? Not as great as Rollins. But more good news: as of this moment, Lashley is currently WWE World Champion. But more bad news: Not for much longer. But even more good news: Rollins doesn’t think any of the other men in the Chamber match can beat Lashley. But even more bad news: Rollins knows someone who can. That man is a visionary, a revolutionary, and his name is Seth FREAKIN Rollins! MVP says he’s had a vision just now, too! If Rollins keeps running his mouth, he won’t make it to Elimination Chamber! “Bro…” Here comes Riddle! He scoots out in his toga and asks, “What’s with all the calculations, Bro? I thought the quiz bowl was last Monday.”

Riddle says that’s why he’s wearing this sweet toga. More on that later. Fans chant, “Toga! Toga!” But Riddle gets in the ring, and asks Rollins, “Are you saying that the Elimination Chamber is like one giant quiz bowl?” No he isn’t… Well Riddle hasn’t been in the Elimination Chamber. Last time he was locked in a tight spot was in a gas station bathroom, and it was awful! It smelled, it was brutal. But then, the custodian let Riddle out in the morning. And when Riddle saw the light, he knew he could accomplish anything. That’s why Riddle is confident that HE will win that WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match.

Rollins laughs but Riddle says, “Could you imagine if I was WWE Champion?” And then RKBRO is gonna win back those Raw Tag Teams Championships, and Riddle will be a double champion! That’d be pretty cool. But what’d be even cooler would be if they all came to the RKBROGA party. Maybe not Rollins. That suit would look sick under a toga, but Rollins has to get ready for a match with Riddle’s best friend, Randy Orton! But Lashley doesn’t have a match tonight, and Lashley would look amazing in a toga! Indy, what do you say? Lashley in a toga! Toga! But here comes Austin Theory.

Theory “apologizes” for interrupting the party, but then riddle says the party is later. Theory says Vince McMahon has taught him a lot, like expect the unexpected. And if you can’t beat your opponent one way, find another. And apologies are just weaknesses! Theory will apply all those lessons in the Elimination Chamber match, and being Mr. McMahon’s hands-on prodigy, Theory HAS to win! The fans boo and Theory tells them to shut up. But here comes AJ Styles! Styles asks Theory what he’s talking about. Theory’s lips have been on Vince’s ass for so long, he doesn’t make sense anymore.

Theory isn’t the one to worry about, Styles is! He’s been in this match, it’s hellish and brutal, and we’ve all decided that the odds are in no one’s favor. Styles says you walk out of the Chamber walk out a completely different person, but that’s the price they pay! Styles doesn’t want to look back with regrets about how he could’ve done more. So Lashley, no one, including you, is gonna stop Styles from having a defining WrestleMania moment. And before Riddle even starts, Styles can’t believe he’s saying this, but yeah, that’s a sweet toga. Thanks, AJ! And furthermore, the whole thing about being a double champion, that’s pretty cool.

See, Styles is facing Damian Priest tonight. He could be walking into WrestleMania United States AND World Champion! That would be a Mania moment! Riddle says, “You know what else would be an amazing, even phenomenal, moment? If you came to my RKBROGA party.” Lashley has everyone stop. This is ridiculous. He is the only one here who has even won a Chamber match! Theory is too wet behind the ears. He needs to wait. Seth Rollins, if he were really a Visionary, he’d see that there is no way he’s winning. Then there’s Riddle. If he thinks he’s winning, then come down off the cloud you’re on, bro,

As for Styles, Lashley is sorry but the Phenomenal One is not gonna get that moment he so hoped and dreamed for. And Lesnar, wherever you are, this is the closest you’re ever getting to this title again. Lashley will beat Lesnar up, then walk away and go to WrestleMania as your WWE CHAMPION! But here comes Lesnar! And he’s wearing a cowboy hat! Lesnar gives a tip of the hat before he heads down to the ring. He circles it once, gets in the ring, and puts his jacket and hat on Theory like he’s just a coat rack! Lesnar then stares down with Lashley, but MVP has Lashley stand down. But Theory JUJMPS on Lesnar!

Lesnar throws Theory off, everyone else gets out of the ring, and Lesnar GERMAN SUPLEXES Theory! Theory flounders while Lesnar stares Lashley down again. Rollins is enjoying this as much as Indianapolis is, and fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” Lesnar drags Theory up, fireman’s carries, F5! Lashley isn’t intimidated, he raises his belt. But Lesnar aims finger guns at him. And then Lesnar gives Theory a free selfie! Will the Beast turn the Elimination Chamber into Suplex City? Or will he be denied his Winner Takes All with Roman Reigns?


The Street Profits are fired up backstage.

Angelo Dawkins asks if anyone else saw Theory take that F5. Montez Ford says theory has it that Theory is still spinning. But real talk, who they betting on? Well, let’s put it this way: If your name isn’t “Brock Lesnar,” you’re in trouble! But tonight is a very special SyFy edition of Raw, once again with a commercial free first hour! There’s the US Championship match, Priest VS Styles! Then there’s the RKBROGA party! BROGA! BROGA! Wait, hold up, last but not least, The Viper Randy Orton VS Seth FREAKIN’ Rollins! Dawkins hears that!

But first, they’ve got business with the Dirty Dawgs. Unlike most teams, they get the dub! Because the Street Profits are up, and we want the smoke! But just a night removed from the Super Bowl, will the Profits be looking like the Rams? Or end up choking like the Bengals?

The Street Profits VS The Dirty Dawgs!

Tommaso Ciampa surprises Dolph Ziggler by being on commentary, given how Ziggler surprised everyone by showing up on NXT last week. The teams sort out, Ziggler starts with Ford, and Ford dropkicks Ziggler at the bell! Ford runs to SPLASH! Cover, Roode breaks it! Ciampa likes what he’s seeing, and notes how long it’s been since he was last on Raw. Roode distracts Ford, Ziggler CHOP BLOCKS Ford, then tags in Roode. The Dawgs mug Ford, the ref reprimands, but Ford counter punches Roode, ROCKS Ziggler, and again! But Roode catches Ford for an URENAGE! Cover, TWO!

Ciampa says Ziggler is the one who came into his home and dared to say he wants the NXT Championship, a title synonymous with Ciampa. If Ziggler wants that title, then he has to go through Ciampa. Roode tags Ziggler, and gives him an alley-oop for a FLYING FAMOUSER! Cover, Dawkins breaks it! Ziggler complains but then drags Ford up and claws the eyes! The ref counts, Ziggler lets off at 4, and Ciampa says he doesn’t like how Ziggler glosses over his time in NXT like it’s some minor league. Ziggler drags Ford up, reels him in, but Ford lands on his feet out of the back suplex, to ENZIGURI!

Both men are down, they crawl for their corners as fans rally, hot tags to Roode and Dawkins! Dawkins counter punches Roode, rallies with clotheslines then whips. Roode reverses, Dawkins hurdles and FLYING ELBOWS! Ziggler gets in, tog et an EXPLODER! Dawkins hits a CYCLONE SPLAASH on Roode! Roode avoids the bulldog for a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Both Roode and Dawkins are down, and Ciampa gives applause to Ziggler. Ziggler shows Superkick, but Ciampa throws his drink at him! Ciampa asks if Ziggler’s a funny guy. Dawkins gives Roode a SPINEBUSTER! Tag to Ford, FROM THE HEAVENS! Cover, Profits win!

Winners: The Street Profits, by pinfall

A big win for Ford & Dawkins, but Ziggler SUPERKICKS Ciampa now! But the Profits put Ziggler in, whip and- NOPE, Ziggler avoids the spinebuster! The Show-Off survives the Profits and riles up the Psycho Killer, will Ciampa get even on NXT Vengeance Day?


The RKBROGA Party is underway backstage!

Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez partake, as do Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega. Zelina says Mella looks gorgeous in her modified toga. Riddle says aloha, how are his brogas and brogettes? They ready to really party? Wait, where’s Randy? No idea, Vega didn’t invite him, because this is her party. What? No it’s not. This is Riddle’s Broga party. BROGA! BROGA! BROGA! The others join in, and Randy is watching from somewhere else. Kevin Patrick asks Orton why he’s avoiding the party. Well, Orton just isn’t the broga kinda guy. Plus, he has a match with Rollins tonight, and Rollins is exactly what Orton told Riddle last week. He’s one of the most crafty superstars around.

There’s a reason Rollins is an Architect. He’s always planning his next move. And Rollins surely has a plan for how to steal the world title at the Elimination Chamber. But that’s Saturday. Tonight is Monday Night Raw. And since it’s Monday, Rollins will get hit with the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment: R K O. Will the Viper strike the Visionary and ruin Rollins’ momentum?


WWE celebrates Black History Month.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson narrates as WWE looks back on the career of his father, Rocky Johnson. “Power and charisma. A Herculean physique with unparalleled athleticism. That was the Soul Man, Rocky Johnson. And that was my dad.” Rocky Johnson & Tony Atlas became the Soul Patrol, the first African-American WWF Tag Team Champions. Outside the ring, Rocky married Ata, daughter of Peter Mavia, and then they would have a son, “Dewey.” The Rock’s father trained him in the world of sports entertainment, and he carried on the legacy by entertaining the millions (and millions!) of fans around the world.

In 2008, Rocky Johnson was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame by The Rock. Rocky was one of the most dynamic performers of all time, and is remembered for paving the road for all athletes, no matter their race, color or creed. His legacy will be remembered for generations to come. “Thank you, Dad, for paving the way. I’ll see you down the road.”


Kevin Owens speaks.

“Look, I’m a realist. I don’t kid myself, I don’t live in delusion. At this point, I don’t think I’ll be in the Elimination Chamber match, which means I probably won’t be at WrestleMania this year. And that… And that really bothers me. But the one good thing about not being on WrestleMania means that I won’t have to compete in Dallas, Texas.” Last week, Kevin had glowing things to say about Texas. And after he did, WWE went on social media to conduct a poll. And the people of Texas called Kevin names! They questioned his integrity! To touch on that, Kevin WAS lying! But now he’s telling us the truth: “I can’t stand Texas anymore than I can stand anyone from Indianapolis.”

Kevin despises Texas and everything about it. he’s from Quebec, Canada, where the populace is informed, intelligent and sophisticated. Unlike Texas, where there are nothing but “redneck morons” with a Southern drawl! To drive this point home, if North America was the human body, Texas would be the ass! “Howdy, pardner!” Kevin laughs at his own mockery, but at least he’s honest. Will Texas have something to say about that soon enough?


WWE United States Championship: Damian Priest VS AJ Styles!

The Archer of Infamy couldn’t shoot down the Phenomenal One last week, and that’s why they’re having a championship rematch! Will Styles be on the doorstep of becoming the most phenomenal double champion? Or will Priest keep him from bringing this belt into the Elimination Chamber?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we see if Priest wins, or Damian loses his cool!

The two approach, Styles gets around to headlock, but Priest powers up and out. Styles stops himself as Priest drops down, and Styles gets the headlock back. Priest rolls Styles off, then arm-drags Styles around. Priest clamps on with an armlock but fans chant for Styles. Styles fights up, throws forearms, then gets a leg. Priest ROCKS Styles back, then reels him in for knees. Priest runs, but Styles hurdles then CHOPS! And CHOPS! Priest whips to ROCK Styles with uppercut after uppercut, then a HEADBUTT! Priest ROCKS Styles again, throws more hands, then whips corner to corner. Styles reverse to KICK and CHOP and forearm!

Styles whips, Priest blocks! Priest whips Styles back, scoops him and hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Styles is still in this but Priest sits him up to clamp on a chinlock! Fans rally, Styles fights up, then throws body shots. Priest gives back kick after kick then a ROLLING ELBOW! Styles BOOTS, then fires off the Phenomenal Blitz! LARIAT! Priest flounders to a corner, Styles runs in to clothesline! Snapmare and SLIDING FOREARM! Styles fires up, Indy fires up with him. Styles reels Priest in, but Priest slips out and fireman’s carries for a FLAPJACK! Priest gets Styles up, reels him in to gut wrench, Canadian rack to CLIFFHANGER DDT! Cover, TWO!

Priest snarls, but he keeps his cool. Styles rises as fans rally, and Priest runs in. Styles dodges the kick and clothesline to PELE! Priest falls down but Styles still has to push himself back up. Priest also rises, Styles runs in to clothesline Priest out of the ring! Styles catchesh is breath, then slingshots, but Priest avoids the plancha to trip Styles on the apron! Choke grip, APRON- NO! Styles lands on the apron to PENALTY KICK! Priest avoids the knee to sweep the legs! Styles crashes on the apron, Priest gets in to drag him up. Styles ROCKS Priest back, but Priest dodges, only for Styles to avoid the kick! Styles ROCKS Priest again, but Priest BOOTS him!

Priest steadies himself, runs, he waits on the springboard! Sunset flip, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall (still WWE US Champion)

Priest saw Styles trying to repeat last week, and he changed the ending! Priest is still champion, and Styles shows him respect with a handshake. Will Styles try again sometime later on this Road to WrestleMania?


Alexa Bliss has another therapy session.

Other than that grocery story incident, last week was really good progress for her. She’s not being aggressive at all, but what about feeling anger? To be honest, for the first time in a long time, Alexa’s life is good. She’s happy. Then she’s entitled to a gift. When she hears the word, “gift,” what would she ask for? For the music to stop. Oh, okay. He turns off the violin music, and says he has another gift for her. He brings out the remnants of the actual Lily! He recovered these, and says it is his gift to her so that she can be at peace. Alexa takes a breath, and smiles. The doctor also presents the substitute Lily again. He has an idea: the substitute has a zipper on its back.


2v1 Handicap Match: Omos VS Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin!

No one person has beaten the Mountain of a Man yet, but will bumping the number up make the difference? Or will the Hurt Business be the ones feeling the pain?

Benjamin & Alexander flank the ring. Omos pays attention to Benjamin so Alexander rushes in, only to get caught with an iron claw! The bell rings, Omos laughs as he squeezes Alexander’s head! Omos TOSSES Alexander to the corner, and he dares Benjamin to try something. Alexander tags Benjamin in, then bails out real quick. Benjamin talks trash, Alexander swipes at Omos! Benjamin gets in to fire off haymakers! Omos wobbles but he blocks the whip! Omos reels Benjamin in to glare him in the eye. Omos then whips Benjamin into the corner, but Benjamin dodges the splash!

Benjamin steps up to KNEE, then tags in Alexander. Omos shoves Benjamin, catches Alexander’s springboard, and then BOOTS Benjamin before bringing Alexander out for the MOUNTAINTOP SLAM! Cover, Omos wins!

Winner: Omos, by pinfall

Nope, not even two men can stop him! Will anyone be able to stop the walking, taking tower that is Omos?


Dana Brooke & Reggie are on a Valentine’s Day friend date.

They toast and Dana thanks Reggie for bringing her here. The food looks amazing. Reggie says Dana looks amazing. But in walk Tamina and Akira Tozawa. They hurry to sit down at a table nearby. Tozawa asks what she’s gonna have. Shh! They’re not here to eat, remember? They’ve got a plan to take the 24/7 Championship. Will these two be able to get the gold before dessert?


The BROGA Party continues!

And it seems Bros Apollo and Azeez are dominating beer pong! Riddle and Kevin Patrick just can’t catch a break. But don’t sweat it. Kevin looks amazing in his toga. Oh, the Profits are here! Aww yeah~! They took care o’ business with the Dawgs, and hear ye, hear ye, they heard there was a pahty. Who got next? Dawkins do! SCORE! BROGA! BROGA! Apollo and Azeez frown, their winning streak in jeopardy.


Adam Pearce is in the ring.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the contract signing to make official the Raw Women’s Championship match at The Elimination Chamber. Without further ado, please join me in welcoming the challenger, WWE Hall of Famer, Lita!” Indy loves Lita and gives her a standing ovation as she makes her way out to the ring. And of course, the champion, “Big Time Becks,” Becky Lynch! The Man comes ’round, but she doesn’t look in any good mood. She’s got baggy plaid pants, a wrinkled denim jacket, frizzled out hair, and big sunglasses to cover up what’re probably puffy eyes. Becky scowls as she sits at the desk with the others.

Pearce says their signatures on the contract make it official. Becky begs Lita that she doesn’t have to do this. She’ll be honest, she hasn’t slept all week thinking about this. Thinking about her teen hero would come for her. Her teen hero assaulting her! But Becky will let it all slide if they tear up the contract and walk away. Lita’s had a great career! One of the best ever! Becky said there’d be no Becky without Lita. What does she have left to prove? Leave now while your legacy is in tact! Lita doesn’t want to fight Becky and Becky doesn’t want to fight Lita! The only ones to see them fight are the demented fans who get off on ruining people’s lives!

When Becky and Lita are happy, the fans are miserable! When Becky and Lita are miserable, the fans are happy! They don’t need to play into the fans’ sick game! The fans don’t decide their fate, they do! What does Lita say? Lita wants to get this right. Should she tear the contract up and walk away? “NO~!” Or sign it up and shut Becky up for good? “YES~!” Lita says she didn’t come this far just to walk away. In fact, she didn’t come here just for one more match. She’s got a whole run left! A championship run. And Lita knows Becky’s trying to talk her out of this because Becky’s scared. She saw Lita still has what it takes.

So Becky doesn’t have to like it, but the match is happening. Lita signs on the dotted line! Becky sys Lita is pushing her to a point that she doesn’t wanna go to or can come back from. Lita has no idea what Becky is capable of doing to keep the title. She has studied Lita’s career closer than anyone, and knows all her weaknesses! Becky isn’t afraid to go for the throat! And then Lita will be the one who made Becky do it. Fans remember Lita now with a smile on her face. But after Becky’s done, they’ll remember Lita with tears in their eyes. Becky signs her part, and Lita says Becky feels there is no Becky without Lita. But if Lita had a hand in creating this, then it’s up to her to finish it.

But the only thing ending on Saturday is the 500+ day title reign when Lita becomes the NEW Raw Women’s Champion. Becky throws the clipboard at Lita, then sulks out of the ring. Is Becky’s mood only going to get worse these last five days? Or is it all mind games before the fight?


Women’s Gauntlet Match!

This match has HUGE implications on how the Raw Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Elimination Chamber match plays out! The one who survives the gauntlet gets to enter that chamber match LAST! But who is out here first? The Nightmare, Rhea Ripley, and her former friend, Nikki A.S.H! Will Rhea’s brutality crush Nikki long before this Saturday? Or will the Almost Super “Hero” power through to the end?

Rhea Ripley VS Nikki A.S.H!

Raw goes picture in picture as these two stare down. The bell rings, the two circle slowly, and then they tie up. Nikki gets around, pulls hair and pushes Rhea, but then runs away to the outside! Rhea says she got that close to catching her. Nikki smiles and makes her way back up to the apron, only to back away when Rhea steps forward. Nikki goes around the ring, slips in then back out, all to troll Rhea. Then Nikki grabs Rhea’s foot! Rhea kicks Nikki away, drags her back up, but Nikki hotshots Rhea! Nikki gets in, but Rhea HEADBUTTS her! Nikki flounders back out, Rhea gets her on the apron and TOSSES her back in!

Nikki wants mercy then bails out again. Rhea sighs and just waits on Nikki. The only way to move on is in the ring, after all. Nikki lurks around the corner, moves around to the other side and gets on the apron, but then scurries around the other corner. Nikki gets in, circles with Rhea, and they tie up. Rhea shoves Nikki down, and then waits on her to get back up. They circle again, Nikki suckers Rhea into a HOTSHOT! Nikki hammers away on Rhea, headlocks then chinlocks, and even gets the arms for a straitjacket stretch. Nikki pulls back but Rhea fights up. Rhea turns but Nikki throws her down by her hair! Cover, ONE!

Nikki tries again, ONE! And again, TWO! Nikki is annoyed, she drags Rhea up, then kicks her low. Nikki puts Rhea on ropes to scrape her against them! the ref reprimands, Nikki lets off to stomp and RAM into Rhea at the corner. Nikki poses, then runs in, but Rhea puts her on the apron. Nikki shoulders in as Raw returns to single picture. Nikki ducks Rhea’s boot, trips Rhea up, and then spins her around to tuck her in the apron skirt! Nikki mugs Rhea, the ref counts and Nikki lets off at 4. Nikki has a devious grin as she then drags Rhea out. Nikki says Rhea is NOT the good guy here! Nikki runs and CLOBBERS Rhea! Cover, TWO!

Nikki keep son Rhea with a top wristlock. Rhea endures, fans rally up, and Rhea fights up, only for Nikki to wrangle her down. Nikki digs a knee into Rhea’s head as she keeps on the armlock. Cover, ONE! Nikki gets the top wristlock back but Rhea still endures. Rhea fights up, snapmares free, and she runs to the corner. Nikki dropkicks the legs out! Nikki then dribbles Rhea off the buckles over and over! The ref counts, Nikki lets off at 4 and snarls. Nikki stomps Rhea’s legs, then stomps Rhea’s head. Nikki scuffs Rhea but Rhea throws body shots! Rhea fights up to fire off forearms, but Nikki kicks the leg out!

Nikki kicks Rhea while she’s down, Rhea tries to hit back, but Nikki keeps her down with a facelock. Nikki cravats, grinds, but fans rally up. Rhea fights up, throws body shots, and breaks free to back suplex, only for Nikki to fight that off. Rhea gives Nikki short arm clotheslines instead! Then a back suplex FACEBUSTER! Fans fire up as Rhea drags Nikki up. Pump handle, RIP- NO! Nikki pulls hair to get out, and she CLUBS Rhea on the neck! Nikki hurries for a corner, but Rhea chases after! Nikki ROCKS Rhea, goes up the ropes, BOOTS Rhea, then leaps! Rhea catches Nikki and pops her around, pump handle and RIPTIDE! Cover, Rhea ELIMINATES Nikki!

But here comes Liv Morgan! Can she capitalize on the damage Nikki did to Rhea? We’ll see, after the break!

Rhea Ripley VS Liv Morgan!

Raw returns and the bell rings. Liv rolls Rhea, TWO! Rhea goes for a leg but Liv blocks and turns Rhea to backslide! TWO, and Liv gets Rhea in a cradle! ONE, Rhea kicks low. Rhea catches her breath, runs in, but Liv goes up to roll Rhea again! ONE, Liv SHOTGUNS Rhea to the corner! Liv runs in, back body blocks and rolls, to SHINING WIZARD! Liv snapmares Rhea, covers, TWO! Liv clamps on with a chinlock and squeezes tight. Rhea endures, fans rally, and Rhea fights up, but Liv wrangles her down. Liv keeps Rhea from ropes, but Rhea fights up again. Liv hops on to be a backpack, but Rhea RAMS her into buckles!

Rhea RAMS Liv in again and again, gets free and she snapmares Liv away. Liv runs in but Rhea dodges! Lia hits buckles. Rhea Electric Chair Lifts for a FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Liv is still in this but Rhea keeps her cool. Rhea drags Liv up, whips her to ropes, but Liv reverses. Rhea blocks that, but Liv dodges kicks. Rhea SUPERKICKS, but Liv rebounds, rolls, but no rana! Rhea swings Liv back up, but Liv makes it a FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Rhea is still in this and Liv grows frustrated. Liv watches Rhea get up, then runs in, but no ObLivion! Liv ROCKS Rhea then goes up the ropes, missile dropkick flops!

Rhea gets the legs, PRISM TRAP!! Liv flails, scrambles, ROPEBREAK! Rhea holds on, Liv goes up the ropes to swing and send Rhea into buckles! Liv runs in, DOUBLE- NO! Another Electric Chair Lift! Rhea makes it a fireman’s carry and throws Liv, but Liv handsprings through to land on her feet! Rhea SUPERKICKS again! Liv staggers, Rhea pump handles, RIPTIDE!! Cover, Rhea ELIMINATES Liv! Two down, but here comes Doudrop! Will Rhea’s run end in round three? We see, after the break.

Rhea Ripley VS “Doudrop” Piper Niven!

Raw returns again and the bell rings on this round. The two circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Piper powers Rhea back, but Rhea manages to power Piper back! Piper pushes Rhea back again but Rhea turns things around to put Piper in the corner. Piper turns it back around, the ref counts, Rhea powers out of the corner, still tie dup with Piper. Piper headlocks, Rhea throws body shots but Piper grinds the hold. Rhea throws more body shots, powers out, but Piper RAMS shoulders with her! Neither falls, Rhea says Piper will have to do better than that. Fans rally behind Rhea, Piper dares her to try.

Rhea runs, RAMS Piper, but Piper stays up and laughs it off. They both talk some smack, Piper fakes the run but Rhea dodges her cheap shot! Rhea rebounds to run Piper over! Rhea dusts herself off, Piper gets up and gets in Rhea’s face. Piper HEADBUTTS, so Rhea HEAEDBUTTS! Rhea swings, into Piper’s SAIDO! Piper runs in, SENTON! Cover, TWO! Piper stays cool and she KICKS Rhea in the side. Piper drags Rhea up, bumps her off buckles, then CLUBS Rhea in the chest in the corner. Rhea sputters as she goes along the ropes, but Piper HEADBUTTS her. Piper wrenches, HEADBUTTS the arm, then does it again!

Rhea throws body shots and forearms, but Piper ROCKS her with one! Piper drags Rhea into the facelock, then scoop SLAMS her! Piper runs, but Rhea dodges the senton! And basement dropkicks in return! Rhea growls, fans fire up, and Rhea drags Piper up. Rhea throws short arm clotheslines but Piper stays up! Piper reels Rhea in for a short arm clothesline of her own! Rhea stays up, they start trading clotheslines with! Rhea then gets around Piper’s to ripcord and DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Rhea drags Piper up, pump handles, but Piper’s too big! Piper elbows free! Piper HEADBUTTS again!

Piper scoops Rhea, but Rhea slips out to waistlock! Rhea can’t lift Piper, Piper elbows free again. Piper runs, into a ROUNDHOUSE! Rhea tries again, pump handle RIPTIDE!!! Cover, Rhea ELIMINATES Piper!! But that just means Rhea has to take on the E S T! She’s the strongEST and toughEST, and with her at 100%, will this be the easiEST round for Bianca?

Rhea Ripley VS Bianca Belair!

Raw goes picture in picture while Bianca gets the fans fired up. The bell rings and these two circle. Bianca’s got so much energy, she’s shaking the ring. They tie up, Bianca gets around to roll up, TWO! Bianca says it was that close. Bianca waits on Rhea, and the two circle again. They tie up, Rhea gets around to roll Bianca, TWO! Bianca says that was good, and the two reset again. They tie up, Bianca waistlocks, but Rhea holds it off. Bianca SLAMS Rhea down, keeps on the waistlock, but Rhea fights up. Rhea pries at the hold, gets free to switch, and she SLAMS Bianca this time! Rhea holds onto the waistlock but Bianca headlocks back.

Rhea squeezes on a rear bearhug, but Bianca fights up to get that headlock. Rhea endures, powers out, but Bianca runs her over! Bianca SLAPS Rhea, then STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Bianca keeps cool, but Rhea hits back. Bianca CLUBS Rhea, drags her up, then bumps her off buckles. Bianca gets fans going but Rhea throws a body shot. So Bianca bumps her off another buckle! Bianca whips corner to corner, Rhea reverses and Bianca hits buckles hard! Bianca hits the mat, Rhea catches her breath, and Rhea storms over to Bianca. Bianca shoves her, then dodges her to put her in the corner.

Bianca blocks Rhea’s boots, Raw returns to single picture and Bianca DROPS Rhea! Cover, TWO!! Rhea is still in this, and Rhea gets the ropes. Bianca drags Rhea up, scoops her and SLAMS her! Rhea gets up, Bianca scoops her again, but Rhea slips out! Rhea scoops, Bianca slips out, rolls Rhea up, TWO!! Rhea gets up, but Bianca trips her to a jackknife, TWO! Bianca kicks Rhea low, whips her to a corner, but Rhea reverses again. Rhea runs in, into an elbow! Bianca goes up, tells Rhea to kiss this, then flips up over Rhea! Rhea swings, Bianca catches her and spins her, snap suplex! Roll through, but Rhea blocks the second suplex!

Rhea tries but Bianca blocks now. They fight for suplex control, Bianca gets Rhea up, and marches around before the SLAM! Cover, TWO! Rhea survives but Bianca is amused. Bianca drags Rhea up, whips, and catches Rhea to a cobra twist! Rhea endures being bent and stretched, and she grabs the hair! Bianca CLUBS Rhea in the ribs, then digs a claw into the side. Rhea still endures, fans rally and duel, and Rhea powers out! Bianca blocks the hip toss to give a hip toss! Bianca runs in at the corner, but Rhea drop toeholds her into buckles! Rhea gets up, Bianca swings but Rhea spins her, cravat and knees!

Rhea snapmares Bianca, runs and basement dropkicks but misses! Bianca hurries to handspring and MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bianca grows frustrated but she drags Rhea back up. Rhea HEADBUTTS! Rhea wobbles, but she gets Bianca up to whip. Bianca goes up and over and handsprings, but runs into BOOTS! Rhea runs but Bianca dodges, DOUBLE FACEBUSTERS! Both women are down, Rhea flounders to the ropes and then the apron. Bianca grits her teeth and pursues as the fans fire up. Bianca gets Rhea up but Rhea sends Bianca into the steel steps! Both women are down on the outside as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns once again, and Rhea fights the chicken wings. Bianca still gets Rhea up, but Rhea fights free. Bianca stomps her down, then tries the chicken wings again. Rhea still fights, but Bianca hits the GlamEST Slam! Cover, TWO!! Rhea is still in this, Bianca is losing her cool. Bianca stands Rhea up, but Rhea ROUNDHOUSES! Pump handle, RIP- NO! Bianca slips out, torture racks, but Rhea fights off! Rhea boots but Bianca blocks! Bianca dumps Rhea to the outside, but Rhea stops the buckle bump to give the buckle bump! Rhea adjusts, goes up top, but Bianca ROCKS her first! Rhea ROCKS Bianca fast!

Rhea talks trash, Bianca SLAPS her! Rhea SLAPS back! “Bring it!!” Bianca SLAPS, Rhea SLAPS, it’s a SLAP fight!! The ref tells them to stop, but they’re still brawling. Rhea boots Bianca, Bianca dropkicks Rhea! Rhea holds onto the top, and perhaps her top? Bianca trophy lifts to ROCKET LAUNCH Rhea! Fans fire up with Bianca, and she handsprings, onto knees! Rhea saves herself and both women are down! Rhea and Bianca slowly stir as the fans rally up. Rhea goes up the corner, saying she’s gonna end this! Bianca stands, Rhea leaps, BIG missile dropkick! Cover, TWO!! Rhea can’t believe she hasn’t finished this!

Rhea hurries to get the legs! PRISM TRAP!! Bianca endures, rolls, and throws Rhea into ropes! Then she hits a SPINEBUSTER! Bianca hurries to get Rhea up, torture racks, KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Bianca wins!!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall (has Elimination Chamber advantage)

Bianca won, but she shows respect to Rhea. They fist bump, and Bianca might need to rethink that toughEST part. Rhea proved she can last a bloody long time, but will she have to do it all again this Saturday? Or will we see very much the same thing as we saw here tonight?


The BROGA Party continues, again!

Riddle has a guitar and plays a song. “I gave my love a cherry, that had no stone. I gave my love a story, that had-” The Alpha Academy attacks! They ruin the party and Chad Gable says he’s sick of this crap. He JAMS Riddle with his own guitar! “Party’s over, bro.” Gable laughs as he and Otis leave. Will RKBRO make them pay for this when the Raw Tag Team titles are on the line?


Reggie and Dana are almost done with their meal.

It was all great, but Dana’s still got room for dessert. Reggie says he’s stuffed. The obviously disguised R-Truth walks up and offers them some “tear a me the soo.” Reggie tells Dana to run while he keeps Truth back! Dana runs, but into Tamina! She ducks the haymaker to DECKS Tamina, then she throws Tozawa into Tamina! The chase is on through the restaurant! The ref has some dessert, but Dana pops out from a hiding spot. Her best friend saved her again! Big kiss on the cheek. Reggie asks if Dana would like to take their friendship to another level. Dana apologizes for leading Reggie on. He’ll make some woman happy some day but she doesn’t see him like that.

Oh, alright. Friends it is. And then roll up! The ref comes back in time, Reggie wins!!

Winner: Reggie, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Friendship does have its perks. Reggie leaves Dana behind and Truth says, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Dana! Looks like Cupid don’t like the friend zone!” Now, after Reggie! Dana feels betrayed, but then she gets stuck with the bill. Insult to injury, will Dana get back at Reggie’s rejection?


The Alpha Academy VS The Mysterios!

Gable & Otis just ruined Riddle’s good times, but will they overlook Rey & Dominik and lose on the way to their rematch with RKBRO? Or will Gable teach the father-son team a thing or two about teamwork?

Raw returns as the tag team champions make their entrance. And Gable has Mike Rome “SHOOSH!” Gable says everyone needs to shoosh or they’ll all be put on double secret probation. Well, they are in Indiana, so chances are the fans already are on probation. But now that the Academy ended that BROGA Party, time to get down to brass tax. Less entertainment, more education! And it’s coming at ya in the form of Gable’s first ever Public Assembly! Tonight’s topic: cheaters! Gable’s never cheated! Not to make the Olympics, not to win these tag titles, and not to get his Master’s Degree with a 4.0 GPA! Thank you!

Gable despises cheaters, and the worst of the worst is RKBRO! There is misinformation that RKBRO won fair and square in the Academy Challenge. Those morons hired an Irishman to host the spelling bee! The accent was thicker than Otis’ neck! And then the quiz bowl! Who put cartoons in as a category!? It should’ve been a question on Michelangelo the painter, and here we are talking about the Ninja Turtles! Pathetic. Then there’s “the morons” of the WWE Universe, feeding RKBRO answer after answer, helping them win. Where were the fans when the Academy needed them!? Nowhere to be found!

That’s the problem these days! The fans worship cheaters! It’s disgusting! And so listen up! Especially the Mysterios, and young Dominik. Such an illustrious career, but Dom’s listening to conman Rey that cheating is the way! Just look at footage from last week! Maryse tried to cheat for Miz, but failed. Rey cheats for Miz and gets away with it! Tsk tsk tsk. Disgusting and shameful! But Dom raises Rey’s hand and fans cheer. Gable knew it! They worship cheaters, and it’s gross! But wait, here come the It Couple! Miz & Maryse strut out because they’re going to be on commentary for this match! Raw goes picture in picture as they make their way down.

Miz and Maryse take their seats. the teams sort out and Gable starts against Dom. They circle, Dom goes up the corner to get the fans fired up. Gable raises his hands, the fans boo. The two tie up, Gable wrenches and wristlocks to YANK the arm. Gable grinds the shoulder, Dom moves around, but Gable whips him to ropes. Gable waistlocks, SLAMS Dom down, then holds on tight. Dom fights up, but Gable SLAMS him down again! Roll to a bridge, TWO! They fight up, Dom moves around and throws Gable out! Gable hurries back in, but into an arm-drag! And another! Dom has the armlock now and he grinds Gable.

Rey rallies the fans, Gable fight sup but Rey tags in. The Mysterios double whip then back elbow. Rey and Dom work together, ALLEY-OOP SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Rey gets up, Gable throat chops! Gable whips Rey to the Academy corner but Rey BOOTS back! Rey elbows Otis, sunset flips, but Gable stays up. Otis tags in, Gable rolls back and holds Rey down for Otis’ elbow drop! “For the Academy!” Otis looms over Rey, talks smack on Dom, then drags Rey up. Otis whips Rey to a corner hard, and Rey bounces off buckles face first! Otis pushes Rey to ropes and stands on him! The ref counts, Otis hops off at 4, then soaks up the heat.

Otis stomps away on Rey at the ropes, but backs off as the ref counts. Rey sputters as Raw returns to single picture, but Otis pushes him back down. Otis stands on Rey again! The ref counts, Otis lets off at 4 again and argues with the ref. Otis keeps on Rey while the It Couple is properly introduced now. Miz & Maryse kiss to show us their love. Otis drags Rey up and whips him corner to corner hard! Rey bounces off buckles, then bounces off Otis! “All day long.” Otis runs, and SPLASHES down! Cover, TWO! Miz says they are the Academy’s guests out here, and are helping make sure the Mysterios do not cheat again.

Otis drags Rey over, Gable tags in, and Gable brings Rey around. Fans rally for Rey as Gable whips and RAMS Rey into a corner. Gable fireman’s carries, then GUTBUSTERS Rey! Cover, TWO! Gable drags Rey up but Rey throws body shots. Gable ROCKS Rey, whips him back to a corner, but Rey goes up and over, only to get caught! Rey slips out and drop toeholds Gable into buckles! Gable scrambles and tags in Otis! Otis drags Rey by his head and squeezes Rey’s head in a neck wrench! Fans rally up but Otis pushes Rey down then climbs the corner. VADER BOMB FLOPS as Rey moves! Fans fire up and Rey hurries for his corner!

Hot tags to Gable and Dom! Dom rallies on Gable, whips, but Gable reverses. Dom ducks and dodges to RANA Gable away! Gable flounders up, Dom whips again. Dom follows, leaps, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Miz says this is fine, this is an athletic competition. Dom fire sup with Latino Heat, snap suplex! Uno amigo! Then dos amigos! Gable slips out of the third, to TIGER PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Dom survives and Gable argues the count. Gable then whips Dom, Dom kicks back and runs in to wheelbarrow and body scissor throw Gable out! Hot tag to Rey, and he DECKS Otis!

Rey and Dom coordinate, they both run side to side, Dom baseball slides Otis and Rey hits Gable! Then they switch it up, Rey holds ropes open for Dom to DIVE onto Otis! Rey runs to slide and SUNSET BOMB Gable! Fans fire up but Miz protests on the Academy’s behalf! The Mysterios are on top as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Gable has Dom in a Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Dom pops free to a cover, ONE! Gable keeps Dom from reaching Rey and whips him away, to then Belly2Belly! Gable holds on, and hits another Belly2Belly! Cover, TWO! Gable climbs up a corner, MOONSAULTS, but has to land on his feet as Dom moves! Roll up, TWO! Gable waistlocks Dom, back suplex but Dom lands on his feet! Dom jumps the chop block, hot tag to Rey! Rey rallies on Gable, whips, but Gable reverses. Rey tilt-o-whirls to headscissor! Rey DECKS Otis, Miz protests, but Gable kicks and sunset flips! Rey rolls through, BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO!

Miz distracts Rey, Rey whips but Gable reverses. Rey elbows Gable, springboards and wheelbarrows, into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Gable drags Rey up to an Electric Chair Lift, but Rey throws down fists! Rey spins and wheelbarrows to BULLDOG! Cover, Otis breaks it! Dom gets in, but Otis scoops! Rey saves Dom and the Mysterios POST Otis together! Miz protests again, Gable rolls Rey up! Rey rolls through to ENZIGURI! Gable’s on the ropes, Rey tags Dom! The Mysterios dial it up, DOUBLE 619!! Miz is furious as Dom goes up, so Miz gets on the apron! Dom boots Miz, Rey hits a SEATED SENTON!

Dom CROSSBODIES Gable! But Gable rolls through and grips tights!! The Alpha Academy wins!

Winners: The Alpha Academy, by pinfall

Hypocrisy from the Hollywood A-Lister, and then Maryse gets in to be mad about what Rey did to Miz. Miz throws Dom out! Maryse SLAPS Rey, Miz gives Rey a SKULL CRUSHING FINALE! The It Couple gets the last laugh on Valentine’s Day, but will Rey & Dom get their revenge on the Road to WrestleMania?


We check back in with Alexa.

After all the trials and tribulations, the doc is proud to say Alexa has been cured. Well, as much as she’s going to be. But she’ll be fine, so long as she has Lily. Oh, this isn’t “Lily.” She’s gone. Right. But inside the doll is the stuffing of the original. So in a way, her spirit is in there, too. Alexa has her competitive spirit, she will surely have an extraordinary life and career. Just as long as she has Lily by her side. As long as Lily’s with her, she’ll be cured. Well, thanks, Doc. This has been fun. She shakes the doc’s hand, and then has him shake Lily’s hand. Gotta go. People to see, things to do. Y’know. And then Alexa lets the Newton Balls start up again. Hear that, Lily? Alexa’s cured!

Oh wait, isn’t there an opening in that Elimination Chamber match? Well Alexa knows what she’ll be doing this Saturday! Alexa is now part of the Women’s Chamber Match!! Will she twist the Road to WrestleMania into Alexa’s Playground?



After what Miz did during the Mysterios’ tag match, he’ll have to face the consequences! Miz VS Rey has just been added to the Elimination Chamber card!


Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins!

The Viper and the Architect meet again! The Apex Predator has the Raw Tag Team Championships to look forward to, but the Visionary has his eyes set on the WWE World Championship. Will Rollins survive the three most dangerous letters in the WWE? Or will not even he see the RKO coming?

Raw returns and Orton makes his entrance. Raw goes picture in picture as he enters the ring and strikes his iconic pose. Orton hands his vest to a fan in the front row, gives him a fist bump, then goes back to the ring. Orton takes his time wiping his boots before stepping inside, and the bell rings. The two circle, but then Rollins bails out to taunt the fans. Fans are torn, Rollins goes back to the ring, and he circles with Orton again. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Rollins gets around and gets away to strut. Orton keeps cool, Raw returns to single picture, and the two go again. They tie up, go around, and Rollins gets away again, to strut some more.

Orton DECKS Rollins with a right! Orton bumps Rollins off buckles, throws more hands, then stalks Rollins to a corner. Rollins kicks back, but Orton punches back! Orton bumps Rollins off buckles, throws EuroUppers, then climbs up to rain down rights! The fans count along, but Rollins trips Orton up at 7! Rollins stomps a mudhole into Orton, then swaggers some more. Fans are torn again, Rollins puts Orton on the ropes and he chokes him! The ref counts, Rollins lets off at 4, then swaggers a little more. Rollins runs in corner to corner to forearm smash! Snapmare and PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!

Rollins stalks Orton to ropes, fish hooks Orton’s mouth, but lets off with a crossface forearm! Orton flops to the apron, Rollins goes out the side. Rollins taunts the fans then CLUBS away on Orton’s back. Rollins swaggers, runs back in, and BOOTS Orton down off the apron! Fans are torn between cheers and jeers but Rollins enjoys all of it. Rollins drags Orton up and into the ring, then goes up the corner. Orton flounders up, Rollins leaps, DOUBLE AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Orton survives but Rollins drags him up into a chinlock. Rollins squeezes tight but Orton endures. Orton has the ropebreak, Rollins lets go at 4.

Orton sputters and gets away to another corner. Rollins storms over, but Orton kicks low! Orton CLUBS Rollins, EuroUppers, then EuroUppers again! Rollins CHOPS, Orton CHOPS! Orton haymakers, Rollins kicks low. Rollins whips Orton into the corner but Orton comes back and rallies with clotheslines! Orton gets around but Rollins avoids the powerslam. Orton avoids the stomp to clothesline Rollins out! Orton goes out after Rollins and they go to the announce desk. Fans fire up because they know what’s next! Back suplex to the desk! Did a monitor just break? Orton puts Rollins in the ring, stalks Rollins, kicks and puts him through ropes!

The fans fire up for another vintage Orton move! But Rollins know this one well and slips out to dump Orton out of the ring! Rollins aims from the apron, FLYING KNEE! Down goes Orton and Rollins leaves him behind. Rollins builds speed in the ring to DIVE! Direct hit and Orton goes over the desk! The Viper is down, the Visionary is laughing, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and the two duel over the suplex. Orton suplexes Rollins up, but Rollins turns it right around to snap suplex Orton! Fans rally and duel, Rollins goes to the corner. Rollins goes up, but Orton trips him! Rollins lands on his architect, but Orton goes up to bring Rollins up. SUPERPLEX! Fans fire up while both men crash down! Orton crawls to a cover, TWO!! Orton is too tired to be frustrated, and both men slowly rise. Orton ROCKS Rollins with a right, but Rollins ROCKS Orton back with one of his own. Orton kicks low, Rollins throat chops! Orton SLAPS Rollins, Rollins forearms, Orton forearms back!

Orton and Rollins keep throwing hands and fans fire up! Orton gets the edge, then EuroUppers! Rollins PELES! Orton wobbles around on noodle legs, he hurries after Rollins, but into a BUCKLE SHOT! Rollins runs to SLINGBLADE Orton down! Rollins aims from a corner, Orton sits up, Rollins runs in, into the POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives but Orton grits his teeth. Rollins goes to the apron, fans rally up and Orton drags Rollins in through ropes. But again Rollins slips off and he rolls Orton up! TWO, SUPERKICK!! Rollins pushes Orton to a cover, TWO!!

Rollins grows frustrated but Rollins talks trash on Orton, “Your boy, Riddle, tried this on me last week!” Rollins aims, spins, ROLLING ELBOW! Orton wobbles, Rollins reels him in and turns him, for the DREAM SMASHER ELBOW! Orton drops and Rollins aims from the corner again. Rollins runs in, but Orton avoids the stomp! Rollins avoids the lariat, kicks and underhooks! But Orton dumps Rollins to the apron! Orton gets Rollins fast, DRAPING DDT! And he hears those voices! RKO!! But the Alpha Academy show up! They won’t let Orton get this, but Riddle won’t let them get Orton!

Riddle attacks the Academy, Orton helps out by throwing Otis in barriers! Orton CLOBBERS Gable, returns to the ring, CURB STOMP outta nowhere!! Fans boo but Rollins laughs it up as he drags Orton to a cover, Rollins wins!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

The Visionary benefits from the Alpha Academy wanting extra credit. Rollins is heading to the Elimination Chamber with great momentum, but will it help him overcome the odds?

My Thoughts:

For being a go-home, this was a great episode. I feel like being commercial free on SyFy and having picture in picture again helped, just like last week. And what also really helped was that Women’s Gauntlet Match. That was awesome stuff, especially Rhea being the Ironwoman of the match. Her and Nikki starting things off seemed almost too early but it all worked out that Rhea made it to the end and then lose to Bianca. The only thing is, Bianca winning here and getting to be last into the Elimination Chamber, I feel like that just ensures Bianca loses to whoever is still around by then. It won’t be that heroic of a moment for her to come in, clean up, and go to WrestleMania.

Another bit of a letdown was how they revealed the sixth entry. Alexa Bliss just deciding to be in that match and then being officially approved seems like lazy work from Vince. And even without all that, I feel like they didn’t quite punctuate her finishing her therapy and returning to action. The way the doctor was talking, it was almost like there should’ve been a twist where he was never really there, and Alexa was the one who put the doll back together. Her wardrobe and the match graphic suggests Alexa’s becoming a hybrid of Playhouse and Goddess/Five Foot Fury personas, so it’ll be a matter of time before she returns to Playhouse Bliss.

The 24/7 Championship story’s punchline was actually rather clever. Reggie was fine with letting Dana have the title if he could get a girlfriend, but then he busts outta the friend zone and gets the belt back! I hope they really give us something big for WrestleMania with this belt, something chaotic and hilarious, maybe get some legends in on it. Kevin Owens had a great promo to do a 180 on Texas, and if he doesn’t have a match with Seth Rollins or US Champion Damian Priest, maybe a big name in wrestling who’s from Texas shows up and has a match with Kevin? Maybe not Austin, even though them both using Stunners is something they should reference.

Omos returns to action and squashes The Hurt Business, which is good for Omos. But I’m not sure where Omos is going from here. He’s been so dominant that he hasn’t taken a bump, is he just too tall to take one? Because in order for him to go further, that first singles loss has to happen. We got a pretty good tag match out of Profits VS Dawgs, but the main thing was Ciampa being here, the same way Raw had Grayson Waller on to go after Styles. Ziggler and Ciampa are going to have a really good match on NXT, but the Dirty Dawgs are just spinning their wheels. I don’t think a tag team break-up story will work for those two, so maybe both Dawgs spend some time in NXT?

We got a very good contract signing segment out of Becky and Lita, especially with how Becky came out as a disheveled form of herself. I did like that she was framing this as her being reluctant to hurt Lita and that’s why she was stressed, as if that was going to scare Lita off. No brawling in this contract signing since they did that all last week, so their match is just going to be awesome. Then we got just a lot of great integration of all the other stories together. We got a great opening promo segment with all the Elimination Chamber entries, plugging pretty much everything else in the night, and I loved that Theory got punked by Lesnar.

Priest VS Styles was a great US Championship match, for being rather short in comparison. I figured Priest was going to retain, Styles wasn’t going to go into the Chamber match with a title. Maybe they do revisit this for Mania, maybe not. The BROGA Party was pretty good stuff, I liked seeing Apollo & Azeez loosen up as characters, but I should’ve figured The Alpha Academy would ruin things. Alpha Academy were busy tonight, too, taking on the Mysterios to help Miz set up a match for Elimination Chamber with Rey. Maybe there are bigger plans for each of them for Mania, because this seems like something on a blow-off level.

Orton VS Rollins was a very good main event, but I should’ve figured the Academy would go after Orton after also taking out Riddle. Rollins has a lot of momentum right now, but all the more reason to think he’s not winning. That and Lesnar VS Roman, Winner Takes All being the clear plan in mind. But the Raw Tag Team Championship match could go either way, and who knows if RKBRO survives losing this time.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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