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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (2/21/22)

Fallout from Elimination Chamber!



WWE Raw 2022

Raw enters the homestretch to WrestleMania!

The Beast, Brock Lesnar, is the NEW WWE World Champion, heading for Winner Takes All with Roman Reigns! What will he have to say on Raw tonight?


  • The Street Profits VS The Alpha Academy; The Alpha Academy wins.
  • Tommaso Ciampa & Finn Balor VS The Dirty Dawgs; Ciampa & Balor win.
  • Rhea Ripley VS Nikki A.S.H; Ripley wins.
  • Damian Priest VS Shelton Benjamin w/ Cedric Alexander; Priest wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Would Do Anything For Love: Dana Brooke wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Bianca Belair VS “Doudrop” Piper Niven; Belair wins.
  • RKBRO VS Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens; Rollins & Kevin win and are added to the Raw Tag Team Championship match.


Brock Lesnar is here!

And he is once again WWE World Heavyweight Champion! The University of South Carolina fires up for The Beast as he goes to the ring with belt, cowboy hat and even a sweater. He gets up on the announce desk to hold up the title as the fans all cheer. Lesnar gets the mic as he gets in the ring and fans chant, “Suplex City!” Lesnar says it’s getting hot in here! He takes off the sweater and puts it aside to say, “Now where were ya?” “Suplex City!” Lesnar thanks them for that, and says your NEW WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World is here in South Carolina. But then, “Ladies and gentlemen! My name is-”

Lesnar cuts Paul off. That’s as far as he’ll let Heyman go. Heyman stays on stage and fans chant, “You Suck!” at him. Lesnar even joins in! Heyman says the Special Counsel for the Tribal Chief does not suck. But speaking of, Heyman must say that he is the Special Counsel for the only real Heavyweight Champion in WWE: the Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table, Roman… Reigns. Now, Heyman came here not to be disrespectful but out of love for their 20 years of business and friendship. Heyman knows Lesnar is so “myopic” thinking of WrestleMania’s Winner Takes All title match. Except, there is a roadblock in the way, farm boy! Lesnar might not even make it to Mania as a champion.

For 20 years, Heyman took care of the small details. Such as… Lesnar has to defend that title on Saturday, March 5th in Madison Square Garden! That means, Mr. Lesnar, “you ain’t gonna make it to WrestleMania as the champion!” So thank you very much. If there is anything else Heyman can help Lesnar with, feel free to let him know. Lesnar tells Heyman, “I can still appreciate you Paul, even though you’re… such a dick.” Heyman wants Lesnar to stop but Lesnar “thanks” Heyman for telling him where he’ll be when he already knows all that.

Then does he knows that it is against Bobby Lashley? Or that Lashley might not even pass concussion protocol? Or that if Lashley doesn’t pass, Heyman will make sure that match is a match worthy of MSG? So BRRROCK, see you at the Garden! Well news flash, Heyman, Lesnar is doing just fine without Heyman. Lesnar also thanks Heyman for telling him where to be. But Lesnar will tell Heyman where he’ll be Friday night. See, Friday, Heyman will be in Hershey, Pennsylvania next to the lil’ Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, demanding acknowledgement. Then guess where Lesnar will be that night! Saskatchewan?

NOPE! This Friday, Lesnar is coming to SmackDown to “introduce” Heyman and Roman to the NEW REIGNING! DEFENDING! WWE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD~! BRRROCK! LESNARRR! The Beast has made his plans know, what will the Special Counsel plan to counter this move?


Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens talk backstage.

If only Kevin was there on Saturday. Rollins was fighting in the chamber, he threw Theory through the thing, and- Kevin Patrick appears. KO and Seth both seethe as they look over at him. What does he want? Given that we’re just six weeks from WrestleMania, and these two are main event superstars, their path to the Grandest Stage doesn’t seem clear at all. Does Kevin not get it? They have a path! You’re looking at the best tag team on Raw! Do you not remember how they beat RKBRO a couple weeks ago? And then last week, Seth Freakin’ Rollins beat Randy Orton 1v1.

Yes, and that is why Seth & KO went to management. When they win the tag main event tonight, they will be added to the Raw Tag Team Championships match in two weeks! And then, when they win that, they will be Raw Tag Team Champions! And then, the possibilities for Mania are endless! They can challenge the Usos for Champions VS Champions! Title for title for title! How’s that for a path, Patrick!? Seth laughs, KO says that is the whole thing. WrestleMania will be stupendous, because of them! That path is so good, right? KO and his best friend, it is so good, it is bearable now that Mania is in the hellhole called Dallas, Texas.

Will the Architect and Prizefighter have the perfect plan to get into the title picture?


The Street Profits VS The Alpha Academy!

After the big news from Rollins & Owens, there is a lot more riding on this match than before! Can Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins convince management to add them to things with a win here? Or will Chad Gable & Otis be able to preserve the title scene on their end?

Raw returns as the Raw Tag Team Champions make their entrance. The teams sort out, Dawkins starts with Gable and the two circle. They tie up, Dawkins headlocks but Gable powers out. Dawkins runs Gable over and things speed up. Gable ducks but Dawkins whips him. Gable drops to roll and waistlock, but Dawkins rolls free! They keep going., Dawkins leaps over and then arm-drags Gable for an armlock! Fans fire up, Dawkins brings Gable over and tags in Ford. The Profits whip and dropkick Gable down! Cover, TWO! Ford clamps onto the armlock and grinds the elbow. Gable gets up, Ford wrenches but Gable throat chops!

Tag to Otis, Otis brings Ford out to CLUB him down! Otis flexes but fans boo. Otis brings ford up, whips him to ropes and throws a heavy body shot! Ford gasps, Otis and Dawkins stare down, but Otis brings Ford up. Scoop SLAM, and then Otis just snarls. Otis puts Ford in the corner, tags in Gable, and Gable sucker punches Dawkins! The Academy double whip Ford, Ford holds ropes and dumps Otis out! Gable runs in but Ford TOSSES him out onto Otis! Otis manages to get Gable on his feet, they drag Ford out as Dawkins tags in! Dawkins runs in to FLY!! Direct hit and Dawkins is all fired up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Otis has Ford in a neck wrench. Ford endures, fights up as the fans rally, but Otis CLUBS him again. Otis whips, Ford goes up and over in the corner, but Otis CLOBBERS him with a left lariat! Tag to Gable, and Gable gushes about Otis while Otis says he hates South Carolina. Gable stomps Ford to the apron but Ford shoulders back in. Ford waves by to Otis to slingshot, into Gable’s NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO!! Ford escapes the incredible counter but Gable fires off hands! Gable clamps onto an armlock but Ford endures again. Gable steps over to wrench the arm but fans rally up.

Ford fights to his feet, reaches out for Dawkins but Gable knees low. Gable scoops, Ford slips out and jumps over! Hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins rallies on the Academy, but Gable chops and whips. Dawkins hurdles to FLYING ELBOW! And then EXPLODER! Dawkins spins Gable, underhooks, SILENCER! Dawkins runs corner to corner, CYCLONE SPLASH! Ford tags in, Dawkins gets Gable in an Electric Chair, DOOMSDAY BLOCKBUSTER! Cover,  Otis breaks it! Dawkins gets in but Otis throws him out. Otis goes out, he and Dawkins throw hands, then Otis throws Dawkins into barriers!

Ford runs to PENALTY KICK Otis from the apron! Gable ROCKS Ford, brings him in, suplex but Ford slips out! Otis tags in during the waistlock! Gable switches and GERMAN SUPLEXES, but Ford lands on his feet! Ford kicks and throws Gable out, dodges Otis and mule kicks to front kick and ENZIGURI! Otis staggers against ropes, Ford fires up and SCOOPS HIM!? But he falls over with Otis’ weight! Cover, Gable holds Ford’s feet down! The Academy wins!!

Winners: The Alpha Academy, by pinfall

Gable’s a hypocrite! Never cheated? Then what was that?! But that means the Raw Tag Team Champions stay spotless, will they only have to worry about RKBRO in their title match?


Backstage interview with Tommaso Ciampa.

The Psycho Killer is an NXT Superstar, but does he feel pressure in tonight’s tag match here on Raw? This all started because Dolph Ziggler showed up on Ciampa’s home of NXT and started something. Ciampa doesn’t feel pressure. He’ll gladly take on Ziggler any night of the week. Roode is a bonus. But this is a tag match, and Ciampa knew just the guy to call. In steps FINN BALOR! Balor says Raw is his home, but he will never forget where he came from. And he will never forget stepping in the ring with Tommaso Ciampa. They may have stood toe to toe in the past, but tonight, they’ll start their road to WrestleMania shoulder to shoulder.

The Prince is helping the Pulse of NXT, will they both wipe the floor with those Dirty Dawgs?

Tommaso Ciampa & Finn Balor VS The Dirty Dawgs!

Raw returns and Ciampa makes his entrance. Then the Show-Off & GLORIOUS One make their way out. The teams sort out and Roode starts against Ciampa, but Ziggler does taunt Ciampa. Ciampa and Roode circle, Ziggler is squirrely, so Ciampa swipes at him. Roode kicks Ciampa low, headlocks, but Ciampa powers out. Roode runs Ciampa over but things speed up and Ciampa CLOBBERS Roode! Ciampa dares Ziggler to do something, but brings Roode up to headlock and takeover. Ciampa grinds Roode while eying Ziggler and then he traps an arm. Roode fights up, powers Ciampa back and Ziggler tags in.

The Dawgs mug Ciampa, Ziggler taunts “the kid” and rakes Ciampa’s eyes. Ziggler also taunts Balor, then pie faces Ciampa. “All night long!” But Ciampa ROCKS and CHOPS Ziggler! And again! Ciampa whips corner to corner, Ziggler reverses but Ciampa slides and comes back to CLOBBER Ziggler! Fans cheer and Ciampa covers, TWO! Ciampa wrenches Ziggler, whips him but Ziggler reverses. Balor tags in, Ciampa fakes Ziggler out and KNEES him off the apron! Roode goes after Ciampa but Balor DECKS Roode! The Prince has Ciampa’s back, and Ciampa helps Balor FLY! Direct hit on the Dawgs and fans fire up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Roode has Ciampa in a facelock. Tag to Ziggler and the Dawgs mug Ciampa again. Ziggler is moving around, taunting Ciampa. Ziggler then kicks Ciampa down, but Ciampa grins as he gets back up. Ziggler rope a dopes, but Ciampa blocks, ROCKS and CHOPS! But Ziggler kicks out the bad leg! Ziggler tags Roode back in, the Dawgs mug Ciampa some more, and then Roode digs his boot into Ciampa’s head. Roode taunts Balor, tags in Ziggler, and Roode chokes Ciampa on ropes! Fans rally and chant, “We Want Balor!” but Ziggler drags Ciampa up. Ziggler squeezes the facelock tight and Ciampa turns red.

Fans rally more, Ciampa fights up, but Ziggler kicks low! “I say when we’re done!” Ziggler turns Ciampa but Ciampa slips through to shove and LARIAT! Both men are down and fans fire up! Hot tags to Roode and Balor! South Carolina is thunderous as the Prince rallies! Roode reverses the whip but Balor FLYING FOREARMS! Takedown and DOUBLE STOMPS! Balor CHOPS Roode in the corner, whips him corner to corner but Roode reverses and kicks low. Balor slips out to ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, Ziggler breaks it! Ciampa whips but Ziggler reverses to throw Ciampa out! But Balor CLOBBERS Ziggler!

Balor turns around, into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Balor is still in this and Roode can’t believe it! Roode drags Balor up, fisherman, but Balor slips out the suplex to SLINGBLADE! Tag to Ciampa, and he runs in, but into an elbow! Roode hops up, but jumps into a KNEE! Ciampa gets Roode hooked up, but Roode back drops, only for Ciampa to sunset flip and high stack! Ciampa & Balor win!

Winners: Finn Balor & Tommaso Ciampa, by pinfall

It was their first time teaming up and it is a success! Ziggler is furious, but will he be able to do anything about this tomorrow on NXT? Or will the Show-Off not survive the Black Heart of NXT?


The Miz heads to the ring!

After losing to Rey Mysterio on Saturday, the Hollywood A-Lister promised he’s going to call in an equally famous and handsome global star to help him. He looks to reveal who that is, on an all-new Miz TV! That’s coming up, after the break.

Raw returns and Miz welcomes us back to the most must-see WWE talk show, and before getting to his special guest, he wants to give us the realization he had at Elimination Chamber. Most wont’ ever know what it’s like to fly across the world in a private jet like he has. Or even to leave your small podunk hometown. ANd if he’s really being honest, most don’t even know what it’s like to leave the couch. They all want the success, the family, the wife and the life he has. But for us, it feels unobtainable because it is. So we turn to someone we can relate to, like Rey Mysterio!

Despite the physical differences, Miz and Rey aren’t that different. They both do whatever it takes to get ahead. Yet, because we see ourselves in Rey, we look past all the misconduct, including using his son to cheat and win! That is because we need Rey to succeed. We yearn for his success because it makes us feel better. Rey is everything we despise in Miz! We just choose not to see it! So therefore, Miz realized that we are the ones that cannot be trusted. And Miz has found a new tag team partner going into WrestleMania. Someone he can relate to! Someone he can trust! Someone from a fighting family, a pioneer, and very dashing.

Someone who is an athlete and celebrity! Someone- Interrupted by Rey! Rey tells Miz that to get one thing straight, they’re NOT the same. Rey doesn’t know anyone who would partner with Miz. Rey knows for a fact that the locker room can’t stand Miz! So whoever it is Miz brought, whoever this outsider is, that guy can go right back to where he came from and give his WrestleMania moment to someone who deserves it. Deserves it? Miz says he knows what’s best for the industry. Not Rey, not Dom, and certainly not the fans. See, at Elimination Chamber, it was supposed to be 1v1 but it felt like a handicap match.

Did Miz deserve to lose that match? Fans say, “YES!” Did Rey deserve to win that match? “YES!” Well then, does Dom deserve a WWE contract? Or did Daddy get him one? Dom says Rey brought him in, put him in the front row since he was seven years old. Dom watched the WWE night after night, complete with blood, sweat and tears. Dom knew what it took to become a WWE superstar. Rey brought Dom here, but Dom will do whatever it takes to stay. This is Dom’s blood! This is Dom’s family! This is Dom’s life! This is everything Dom knows. So if Miz says one more thing about Rey, Dom swears to God he’ll show-

Show what? Another outnumbering? Another handicap? No! Miz and his new partner VS the Mysterios at Mania! Now allow Miz to introduce his special guest. Ladies and gentlemen, get up out of your seats for social media megastar, LOGAN PAUL! Fans boo as Logan Paul chugs his protein drink and then goes to the ring. “Oh man, oh man! No disrespect, Rey Mysterio, you’re a WWE legend and all, but uh, I’ve got pool toys bigger than you, bucko.” Dom says if this jackass is Miz’s partner, then they accept! Miz CLOBBERS Dom, Logan Paul gets Rey! Miz stomps Dom while Logan Paul dribbles Rey!

Miz & Logan Paul are fired up but fans boo. Miz & Logan Paul then POST Rey together! And then they go get Dom, to POST him, too! But they’re still not done! Logan Paul brings Rey out, feeds him to Miz, SKULL CRUSHING FINALE! Logan Paul wants to try something, so Miz gets Dom up and feeds him to a LOGAN PAUL FINALE! Will the biggest, most arrogant pair of jerks actually have a WrestleMania moment together?


Backstage interview with The Alpha Academy.

Kevin Patrick notes their impressive win, but how are they feeling with tonight’s main event impacting- SHOOSH! Gable knows about all that. He has a Master’s Degree and 4.0 GPA. And not from some worthless institution like the University of South Carolina. What’s their mascot again? A gamecock? A chicken!? Bawk bawk. Disgusting. Just like tonight’s main event. At least RKBRO earned a title opportunity. But Seth & KO just complain and they get this? Disgusting!

And not only that, the odds go down from 50% to 33.33 repeating! Otis hates math! But Otis loves winning. So regardless of how many opponents there are, the Academy will win. Will the numbers spell disaster for Gable & Otis after tonight?


Veer Mahaan is still on his way.

“You question because you do not understand. You do not understand because you do not believe. That is why your kingdom is empty. And soon, your kingdom will become mine.”


Rhea Ripley VS Nikki A.S.H!

The Nightmare and the Almost Super “Hero” go another round in their break-up rivalry! Will Rhea finally get past the past? Or will Nikki never leave her alone for “holding her back?”

Raw returns and Nikki makes her entrance. The bell rings and Nikki starts shouting about Rhea ruined things for her in the Chamber. Nikki SLAPS Rhea, and shouts, “I am a superhero!” Rhea HEADBUTTS Nikki down! Then she TOSSES Nikki to a corner! Rhea runs in and RAMS Nikki with a shoulder, then digs her shoulder in. The ref counts, Rhea lets off and throws body shots. Rhea says lets’ see the superhero fly! She TOSSES Nikki back the other way! Rhea runs in, but Nikki moves. Rhea stops herself, elbows Nikki, then brings her in to suplex. Rhea holds Nikki up for a count of 10 before the SLAM!

Nikki bails out but Rhea just shrugs and shakes her head. Nikki complains to commentary that Rhea’s the villain, but Rhea goes out and SMACKS Nikki off the desk! Rhea says, “I’m the villain apparently.” Rhea puts Nikki in, gets in, but Nikki clubs away on Rhea’s back! Nikki is snarling and seething, then runs into a SUPERKICK! Rhea pump handles, RIPTIDE!! Cover, Rhea wins!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by pinfall

Rhea stands tall again, is she finally moving on on the Road to WrestleMania?


The Undertaker is entering the WWE Hall of Fame!

Finally, his legendary career will be given the one honor yet to be given! A truly special superstar, a mythological character in the flesh, a truly larger than life Phenom! A 30 year career, transformation and reinvention again and again, a WrestleMania streak that’ll never be replicated, and the respect of everyone, both wrestlers and fans. A true icon that crossed over into the world of entertainment outside of pro-wrestling, perhaps even the greatest of all time. #ThankYouTaker, #YouDeserveIt!


Damian Priest VS Shelton Benjamin w/ Cedric Alexander!

The Archer of Infamy has been able to keep his rage at bay, as well as keep the WWE United States Championship around his waist. But will the Gold Standard score a big win and get a golden ticket?

Raw returns and the Hurt Business make their entrance. Alexander is even more fired up for this than Benjamin, and the bell rings. Priest and Benjamin circle, Alexander distracts and Benjamin attacks! Benjamin throws hands in the corner but lets off at 4. Priest ROCKS Benjamin with haymakers but Benjamin knees low and punches back. Benjamin whips, Priest reverses and choke grips, but Benjamin slips out to throw Priest out! Alexander stays clear until the ref is busy with Benjamin, PENALTY KICK for Priest! Benjamin fetches Priest into the ring, hauls him up, OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, TWO!

Benjamin rains down hands as Alexander says to hurt him! Benjamin wraps on a chinlock and he has the hometown crowd on his side. Priest fights up, Benjamin knees low and whips. Priest reverses and back elbows Benjamin down! Damian might be creeping out, and he starts firing off KICKS on Benjamin! ROLLING ELBOW, then LARIAT! Benjamin gets to a corner, Priest runs in to back elbow! Priest keeps moving, he ducks and dodges to WHEEL KICK Benjamin down! Alexander distracts but Priest DECKS him! Benjamin runs in to STEP UP KNEE! And T-BONE SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!!

Priest survives but Benjamin keeps cool. Benjamin waits for Priest to stand, then runs in, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Priest choke grips, SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM! Priest snarls, fires up, and he dragon sleepers for the RECKONING! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

The Gold Standard didn’t measure up to the champion, but Priest gets on the mic to give credit to Benjamin. He’s one of the few legends out here that’ll fight Priest like a man. But Priest has beaten athletes of his caliber before. In fact, there’s a whole list of former world champions that Priest has also beaten. Serious fighters, serious athletes, Priest has stepped up to their challenges and remained our US Champion. But now, Priest looks to WrestleMania! He wants his next opponent to match that caliber. Next week, Priest is volunteering his US Championship, but against someone of world title caliber.

“I am Damian Priest, the United States Champion! Who’s gonna try to take that from me?” The Archer of Infamy has held the door open, but wait! In walks FINN BALOR! The Prince already has a mic and he says, “You wanna face a serious athlete? You wanna face a serious fighter? You want a world champion level opponent? Sounds like you’re talking about me.” Fans sure like the sound of this! Balor tells Priest to be careful what he wishes for. And see you next week. Will the inaugural Universal Champion look to add one more belt to his resume?


Reggie heads to the ring!

The NEW WWE 24/7 Champion springs in, after having busted out of the Friend Zone when he took this title back. But what will he have to say about the whole thing? And will someone try to take this title away from him while he’s out in the open? We’ll se, after the break.

Raw returns and Reggie has the mic. “So, I just came out here to get something off my chest. And I promise that I won’t be interrupted by any 24/7 shenanigans until I’m done. But I would like to bring out the former 24/7 Champion, Dana Brooke. Dana, could you come out here, please?” Dana does oblige, not really sure what this is about. She gets in the ring, and he wants her to listen. He has been very supportive of her since the beginning. He cared for her, maybe as more than just friends. And he gets it, that’s all she ever wanted to be. And that was fine. But last week, Reggie just… lost sight of what was important.

Reggie saw an opportunity and took it. He couldn’t resist. But then he had this horrible feeling in his stomach. He’s just trying to say, from the bottom of his heart, he’s sorry. And more than that, he wants to show Dana that she means so much more to her. Please, let’s get a ref out here. A ref hurries, and Reggie does a flip and a spin, before he lies down for Dana! Dana is surprised, covers him, TWO! Reggie smirks, he couldn’t help it! He’s just playing. She covers deeper, TWO! He kicks out again! Dana can’t believe he’s playing around. He swears he’s not! Dana covers, and Dana KISSES Reggie! Dana wins!!

Winner: Dana Brooke, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Talk about a literal lip lock! Dana blows Reggie a kiss, and Reggie can’t help but respect that move. But here come the others! Reggie dropkicks R-Truth away, then Dana shoves Akira Tozawa into Tamina’s arms! Tozawa wants a kiss, Tamina DUMPS him! Tamina runs into the ring, Dana and Reggie head for the hills! They run through the crowd, will the Daughter of Superfly get that belt off Dana?


Bianca Belair is here!

The EST won last week’s gauntlet, and she won the Elimination Chamber match, which means she’s going back to WrestleMania! Bianca is ready to go after the Raw Women’s Championship and Becky Lynch, and we’ll hear her thoughts, after the break.

Raw returns and Bianca has the mic while fans chant “EST!” Yes, your girl is going back to WrestleMania! Last year, history was made when she main evented and won the SmackDown Women’s Championship. And now she’s gonna run it all the way back. Only, this time for the Raw Women’s Championship, and we all know how she feels about “Big Time” Becky Lynch. But before getting into all that, Bianca gives it up to all the other women in the Chamber match. Fans cheer, and Bianca says, “Those are some tough women.” Especially Doudrop, her opponent here tonight. But can there only be one toughEST.

Bianca is the EST, that means she’s the strongEST, the fastEST, the roughEST, the toughEST, the best, but she wants to get this across: she is the hardEST working woman in the WWE! She has been working non-stop just for this moment! So if you think she’s about to let up now, “Girl. Uh-uh.” Just in six weeks, she’ll show Becky exactly why you can’t WrestleMania without the E S T. But speaking of, here comes Becky! Becky holds up her title, still having it after defeating Lita. Becky goes to the ring, gets herself a mic, and she “congratulates” Bianca for making it back to the big time.

And while Bianca doesn’t get any bigger than the only two women to ever win a WrestleMania main event, them going 1v1 in this year’s main event, just don’t forget Bianca got here is because Becky did it first. Oh? Bianca admits, Becky did it first. But Bianca did it better. Oh, you did it better? Okay, well, if Becky remembers correctly, Becky walked out WM35 as #BeckyTwoBelts! One of those titles, the Raw title, has been hers ever since! She hasn’t lost it in three years! And the other, well, gosh. It was just six months ago today, happy anniversary, when Becky won it off Bianca in just 26 seconds.

Bianca was waiting on that. Becky loves bringing it up like we all forget. Oh, Becky knows no one forgets. Bianca uses it to play victim. What? Victim? Well Bianca could’ve tucked away her braid and left so Becky wouldn’t have to worry about her anymore, which is what Becky wanted. But Bianca actually listened to Becky. Becky said to go to the back of the line, which is what happened. Because then, after Survivor Series, Bianca was the Sole Survivor. Bianca then fought her way through and won the Elimination Chamber and didn’t make any excuses. So she isn’t a victim, never claimed to be one-

Right, she’s not! Becky’s the victim! Yes! Listen to the people chant! Before Bianca came along, the people loved Becky! The Man of the People! Bianca raises an eyebrow as Becky says she had a hero’s welcome. But because of Bianca, the people despise Becky. And for that, Becky despises Bianca. At Elimination Chamber, we saw what Becky did to Lita. Lita is someone Becky loved. So imagine what she does to someone she despises. This isn’t Bianca’s redemption story, it’s Becky’s! Well if Becky wants to play victim, how about Bianca just make her one? Off come the earrings! But here comes Doudrop!

Becky points to Piper Niven as she heads down the ramp, knowing Bianca has her hands full. Will the EST get past Doudrop again to give Big Time Becks something to think about?

Bianca Belair VS “Doudrop” Piper Niven!

Raw returns again and the bell rings. Becky’s on commentary as Bianca and Piper approach. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Piper pushes Bianca back a step. Bianca pushes Piper back to a corner, but the ref counts. Bianca lets off, blows kisses to Piper and Becky, but Piper puts Bianca in the corner. Piper digs her hands into Bianca’s face but lets off as the ref counts. Bianca dodges Piper to headlock! Piper powers up and out, Bianca handsprings over and tells Piper to kiss this! Piper runs in, Bianca dodges, hurdles, but Piper counters hip toss to a rolling cradle, ONE! Piper scoops Bianca but Bianca slips off.

Piper blocks the whip, whips Bianca, but Bianca goes up and over and handsprings to then dropkick Piper back! Bianca kips up and fans fire up as Bianca runs in to RAM Piper. Bianca RAMS in again, lets off at 4, and then bumps Piper off buckles. Becky says it isn’t her fault for using sneaky tactics, it is her opponents’ faults for not seeing that coming. Bianca bumps Piper off buckles, but Piper bumps Bianca back. Piper CLUBS Bianca, then throws a heavy body shot. Piper bumps Bianca off more buckles, but Bianca hits back with body shots! Fans rally but Piper DECKS Bianca! Piper looms over Bianca then brings her up.

Piper whips but Bianca stops from hitting buckles. Bianca bumps Piper off buckles, but Piper fights the torture rack! Piper goes to ropes for defense, Bianca is after her, but the ref has Bianca back off. Piper HEADBUTTS Bianca! Bianca just snarls and handsprings to kick Piper down! Bianca then goes out to CROSSBODY Piper down! Bianca tells Becky that the belt’s gonna be hers, but then Piper CROSSBODIES back! Becky laughs at Bianca for that one as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Piper grinds Bianca down in a cobra clutch. Bianca endures, fans rally up for the EST, and Bianca gets up to throw body shots. Bianca is free, but she swings into a SAIDO! Becky says Bianca should focus on Doudrop so that wouldn’t happen. Piper runs corner to corner, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up and Bianca feeds off the energy! Handspring MOONSAULT! Becky no longer likes what she sees as Bianca gets Piper up. Bianca reels Piper in, suplexes, but Piper powers out and wrenches to whip. Bianca goes up, tells Piper to kiss this, then goes over. Piper runs into a spin, Bianca tries again, but still no suplex!

Piper tries but Bianca blocks. Bianca manages to SNAP SUPLEX Piper down! Becky is seething, claims the jacket is too warm for this arena, but Bianca fires up. Bianca goes after Piper, blocks a buckle bump and elbows free. Bianca goes to boot but Piper blocks it to throw Bianca down hard! Piper runs corner to corner again, CANNONBALL into buckles as Bianca moves! Both women are down and fans fire up! Bianca drags Piper to a cover, TWO! Becky applauds Piper’s toughness but Bianca stomps Piper. Bianca drags Piper up but Piper scoops, MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!!

Piper can’t believe Bianca survives, but this is the toughEST, after all! Piper gets up, stomps Bianca, then goes to the corner. But Bianca gets up to bump Piper off buckles! RUNNING POWERBOMB!! The strongEST shocks Becky! Bianca still isn’t done, as she gets Piper up the corner for the torture rack! KISS OF DEATH! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

And Becky can’t stand it! Becky gets up on the desk to make sure Bianca sees her holding up the belt. But will Becky still be a champion after another WrESTleMania moment?


WWE celebrate Black History Month.

Booker T visited the For Oak Cliff Community Center in the Oak Cliff Dallas area. For Oak Cliff was founded by Taylor Toynes and Xavier Henderson, two young men who grew up in the area and even worked as teachers before founding the organization. They want to build the community up through their four pillars: education, advocacy, community building, and art. They serve all ages, and have served more than 30 THOUSAND community members, and have distributed 1.4 MILLION pounds of food.


EDGE is here!

The Rated R Superstar is fired up and so is South Carolina! Especially for the pyro! Edge goes to the ring, and sits in the chair already waiting for him. “You smell that? C’mon, South Carolina, you gettin’ a whiff of that? I’m not talking about my massively manly pheromones that totally reek of awesomeness. No, that’s the smell of WrestleMania in the air.” Edge wants to take us back a bit: WrestleMania 3! Edge sat beside his uncle’s radio to wait for the match results. Finally, the DJ cuts in, “Hulk Hogan has body slammed Andre the Giant. Not only that, he beat Andre the Giant.” Edge will never forget that.

That’s why his heartrate goes up and everyone else in the locker room understands the physical and emotional toll it takes to get on the Showcase of the Immortals. Edge knows firsthand. The first Mania he was on as a talent was 14, that’s how old he is. Fans cheer and Edge says it’s good to be back. But Edge took two more years to actually get on the show. He finally got his match, he threw caution to the wind and put on the performance to elevate his career. And they did it! But in doing that, Edge understood the stakes. He understood that every year, he’d have to outdo himself.

At Mania 17, against two of the greatest tag teams of all time, in a TLC match, on possibly the greatest show of all time, they stole the show. We’re thinking about you, D-Von! Then at Mania 21, Edge won the first Money in the Bank ladder match. Then at Mania 22, he put Mick Foley through a burning table and stole the show again! Then at Mania 24, Edge main evented against The Undertaker. The world title against the streak, and Edge came that close. Also, congrats to the Deadman’s Hall of Fame induction, you deserve it. But then WrestleMania 27, Edge had what he thought was his last match, where he retired as WHC.

For many, that’d be enough. Not for Edge. So Edge busted his ass for 10 years to get WrestleMania back! Last year, Mania 37, Edge main evented again. For 38 years, WrestleMania has been the stuff of dreams. Some kids dream of the Stanley Cup, the Super Bowl or Broadway, but not Edge. Edge dreams of WrestleMania. And ever year, Edge still dreams that dream. What it’ll feel like to go down the aisle, what it’ll feel like to stand in the ring, and what it’ll feel like to soak in all the energy of the fans so that he can be phenomenal! Because at Mania, Edge makes everyone and everything around him better!

Edge steps up to the challenges. At Mania, you need to throw caution to win, fight your inner demons, and become undeniable. Edge needs WrestleMania. This is supposed to be the most stupendous Mania ever, but you can’t say that without Edge! As much as Edge needs Mania, Mania needs Edge. So Edge is throwing down the gauntlet, laying down a challenge to everyone in the locker room! Someone needs to step up. If you wanna prove yourself, stand across the ring at WrestleMania against a man who is still the best in the industry today! A certifiable legend! Fight Edge at WrestleMania and he’ll make you live forever.

“So step up, boys. I’ll be waiting.” The Rated R Superstar just put out the biggest call to action ever! Will someone answer it? Will more than one answer it?


RKBRO VS Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens!

The Stallion & The Viper, the former Raw Tag Team Champions, won the Alpha Academy Academic Challenge and have their tag title rematch. However, the Architect & Prizefighter have politicked their way into an opportunity of their own! Will Seth Freakin’ Owens and Kevin Freakin’ Owens add themselves to that match? Or will RKBRO deny them their path to Wrestle Freakin’ Mania?

Raw returns and KO makes his entrance, followed by Rollins. The teams sort out, and Riddle starts against Rollins. Fans sing Rollins’ theme, but then Kevin and Rollins switch. Kevin and Riddle tie up, Riddle waistlocks and SLAMS Kevin down. Kevin gets up, elbows free and switches the waistlock, then gets a headlock, Riddle powers out but Kevin runs him over! Riddle is right up but he holds back. They tie up. Riddle shoots around to get a SLEEPER! Kevin snapmares free, SENTONS Riddle, then taunts Orton. Kevin stomps Riddle, brings him around, and CHOPS him! Tag to Rollins and Rollins throws hands on Riddle.

Fans rally for Orton, Riddle fireman’s carries! Rollins slips free, runs and SLINGBLADES Riddle down! Rollins struts and the fans sing, “OH~ OH~ OOOOH~!” Rollins brings Riddle up, but Riddle gut wrench suplexes him away! Tag to Orton and fans fire up! Orton stomps Rollins’ legs, then he stomps Rollins’ arms. Orton drags Rollins up to scrape laces on the face, then he tags Riddle in. Snapmare and ASSISTED FLOATING BRO! Cover, ONE! Riddle hurries to chinlock and bring Rollins around. Orton tags in to stomp Rollins back down. Orton knees low, whips to ropes, but Rollins kicks him back!

Rollins throws body shots and haymakers, but the ref counts, Rollins lets off at 4, but Orton DECKS Kevin before Kevin can hit him! Orton then throws Rollins right out! Orton goes after Rollins, but Kevin saves Rollins from the back suplex! Only for Kevin to take the ANNOUNCE DESK BACK SUPLEX! But Rollins DIVES and blasts Orton over the desk! Fans fire up and Rollins tells Kevin to get up as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once more, and Rollins has Orton in a facelock. Orton reaches for Riddle but Rollins whips him away into the corner, only for Orton to rebound and LARIAT! Both men are down, hot tag to Kevin! Kevin runs over to DECK Riddle! Kevin then stomps Orton while mocking him, and he covers, TWO! Kevin clamps on with a chinlock but fans rally up for “RANDY! RANDY!” Orton fights up, reaches out, but Kevin keeps him form ropes. So Orton shifts to get a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up again as Orton crawls, but Alpha Academy is watching backstage. They don’t like this, hot tags to Rollins and Riddle!

Riddle fires off a flurry of palm strikes, then spins around Rollins to PELE! Riddle kips up, goes side to side to forearm smash in the corner! And then from the other side! But Rollins fights the Brosploder! Only to spin into the BROSPLODER! BROTON on top! And a PENALTY KICK! Then a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Rollins survives but Riddle keeps his focus. Fans rally, Riddle goes up, but Rollins drags him down. Riddle elbows Rollins away but Kevin trips Riddle up behind the ref’s back! Rollins has Riddle in a Tree of Woe and goes up, WOE STOMPS! Cover, TWO!!

Fans fire up but Rollins can’t believe it! Tag to Kevin, he brings Riddle up to pump handle, USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Riddle survives again and Kevin is furious! Kevin waits for Riddle to stand, he kicks but no stunner! Kevin still ROCKS Orton, but Riddle gets around. Ripcord, but Kevin breaks free to ENZIGURI! Kevin tags Rollins, then Kevin climbs! SWANTON BOMB! Rollins is right up, FROG SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Riddle survives again and neither Kevin, Rollins or the fans can believe it! Fans are fired up for “RKBRO!” but Rollins tells them to shut up! Tag back to Kevin and they get Riddle up.

Riddle lands out of the double back suplex! He dodges Rollins, then Kevin, hot tag to Orton! The Viper rallies on the Prizefighter, then dodges to POWERSLAM! Rollins runs in, into a POWERSLAM! Orton gets Rollins up and into the ropes! Orton also has Kevin, but Rollins drops down! Kevin is still stuck, so Kevin gets the DRAPING DDT! Fans are fired up again as Orton hears the voices in his head! RK- NO! But Riddle tags in! Kevin SUPERKICKS Orton, clotheslines him out, but Riddle ROUNDHOUSES again and again! Kevin blocks, STOMPS a toe, and Rollins sneaks around to CURB STOMP Orton on the ramp!!

Kevin runs into a back elbow! Riddle goes up, FLOATING BORO ATTACK! But Rollins tags in! Kevin swings, into a RK- NO!! Rollins catches Riddle for a BUCKLE BOMB! STUNNER from Kevin! CURB STOMP from Rollins!!! Cover, Rollins & Kevin win!!!

Winners: Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens, by pinfall (added to the Raw Tag Team Championship match)

They freakin’ did it! The Academy is furious, will they no longer be champions after the Triple Threat they’re now in? Or can Chad Gable and his Master’s Degree cook up a way to escape with the gold?

My Thoughts:

So Raw ended up better than Elimination Chamber, if only by a little bit. Lesnar and Heyman had a very good promo segment to open, and while Lesnar going to SmackDown this week makes all the sense, I’m more surprised they’re trying to add something more to the Road to WrestleMania at the last minute. A “roadblock” at Madison Square Garden, since we’re not getting Fastlane this year, which originally was “Roadblock the PPV.” I hope they put this MSG event on the Peacock, or else what’s the point? And though they kayfabed Lashley’s shoulder injury as a concussion, he’s not going to be cleared to compete and who knows who Lesnar faces. Lesnar is still winning, though, they aren’t going to say Winner Takes All is happening and then make a U-turn on it.

I really liked Edge’s promo teasing no less than three different possibilities. He said “phenomenal” for AJ Styles, “inner demon” for Finn, and “live forever” for Damian Priest. Priest had a decent match with Benjamin, but we all know those guys could do way better than that. I was surprised Priest’s open challenge was answered so soon, but it’s awesome that Finn Balor was the one. Balor hasn’t been US Champion yet, that’d be awesome if he got it. Hell, I would love if all four guys had a match for that title at WrestleMania. Edge has had the US title but only once, way back when it was still called the WCW US Championship. I don’t know if Edge, a part-timer, would win the title, but he’d add something special to the match.

Speaking of Finn, his surprise return actually being part of the tag match with Ciampa was great, too. It was a really good match, but of course Ciampa and Finn win since Finn was back and Ciampa is going to face Ziggler tomorrow on NXT as NXT builds towards Bron Breakker’s next challenger. Ziggler probably finds a way to win so he can then take on Bron. We got a decent Miz TV, and sadly the Logan Paul news leaked, so despite everyone thinking it would be free agent Cody Rhodes, it was not Cody Rhodes. Miz did his best to tease things in his promo, but all just to make Logan Paul the disappointing swerve. The Mysterios are surely winning this, but probably pinning Miz, not Logan Paul.

Rhea VS Nikki happened again because Vince let one too many women wrestlers go, but there’s a chance this feud is far from over. The 24/7 Championship situation has gotten even sadder. I was actually digging that they made it the crux of the relationship between Dana and Reggie, but Reggie regretting what he did and letting Dana have the title back was a bit sad. I hope someone out of Tamina, Tozawa and Truth get that title off Dana and Reggie at Mania, to then leave Dana and Reggie to figure out their kayfabe romance. Hell, why hasn’t this title been on SmackDown and Fox at all? Does Fox just not care about this thing anymore?

Bianca had a great promo segment with Becky, and a great match with Piper. This match tonight from Piper and Bianca should’ve been how their blow-off from their best of three series went last year. But in the end, Bianca is going to build a lot of momentum going towards WrestleMania and we’re going to see an epic match. And then, in quite the twist for the tag titles, Rollins & Kevin just have their contenders opportunity. Alpha Academy have a great match with the Profits to get momentum, and have a good promo to note on Rollins & Kevin getting their chance.

RKBRO VS Rollins & Kevin was great stuff, and naturally Kevin & Rollins find a way to win. That tag title triple threat is going to be great stuff and really could go any which way. And if I recall, Kevin used to have the “Kevin Freakin’ Owens” thing going for him, maybe he should bring that back. Then he and Seth can be the Best Freakin’ Friends!

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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