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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (3/1/22)

Champions are under fire!



NXT gets dirty with the Dirty Dawgs!

Before the NXT Championship match at Stand and Deliver, Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode take on Bron Breakker & Tommaso Ciampa!


  • Bron Breakker & Tommaso Ciampa VS The Dirty Dawgs; Breakker & Ciampa win.
  • Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Opening Round: Dakota Kai & Wendy Choo VS Persia Pirotta & Indi Hartwell; Kai & Choo win and advance to the semifinals.
  • Amari Miller VS Lash Legend; Legend wins.
  • Solo Sikoa VS GUNTHER; Gunther wins.
  • Harland w/ Joe Gacy VS Draco Anthony; Harland wins.
  • Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Opening Round: Raquel Gonzalez & Cora Jade VS Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz; Gonzalez & Jade win and advance to the semifinals.
  • Andre Chase VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone; Wagner wins.
  • NXT North American Championship: Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams VS Pete Dunne; Hayes wins and retains the title.


Bron Breakker & Tommaso Ciampa VS The Dirty Dawgs!

The NXT Champion knows the Show-Off is coming for him, but he’s got the Psycho Killer as back-up! They’re wearing matching singlets, will the Big Booty Nephew and Daddy Ciampa put Ziggler & Roode in the doghouse?

The teams fight at the ramp! Ciampa is after Roode, Roode kicks back and ROCKS Ciampa! Roode bumps Ciampa off barriers while Bron keeps on Ziggler. Roode ROCKS Ciampa again, puts him in the ring, but Bron trips Roode up! Ciampa PLANCHAS onto both Dawgs! Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” as Ciampa and Bron both pat themselves on the back. Ciampa gets Ziggler in the ring and “This is Awesome!” as the match finally begins! Ciampa throws hands on Ziggler, stomps him down, then brings him up to wrench the arm. Tag to Bron, he and Ciampa double whip Ziggler to then pop-up SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Bron smiles as he pulls down the straps already! Bron drags Ziggler up, trophy lifts him high, but Roode gets in! Bron DECKS Roode, ZIGZAG outta nowhere! Cover, TWO!! Bron survives and Ziggler can’t believe it! Ziggler gets a leg, drags Bron away and tags in Roode. Roode stomps Bron, rains down fists, then lets off to taunt Ciampa. Roode drags Bron up for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans chant “Welcome Home!” to Roode but he tells them to shut up! Tag to Ziggler, the Dawgs mug Bron as fans chant, “Go back to Raw!” Ziggler stomps Bron, taunts Ciampa, then wraps on a chinlock.

Ziggler pulls Bron back, fans chant, “You Don’t Go Here!” Bron fights up, throws body shots, but Ziggler kicks low. Ziggler turns Bron for a NECKBREAKER! Tag to Roode, he drags Bron up to snap suplex! Roode then goes to a corner, hops up to flex, BIG double ax handle! Cover, TWO! Roode drags Bron over, tags in Ziggler, and the Dawgs mug Bron again. Ziggler drags Bron up to scrape laces off Bron’s face. Tag back to Roode, Ziggler whips Roode in for Roode to whip Ziggler, Bron dodges the splash and CLOBBERS Roode! Fans bark and rally, hot tag to Ciampa! Fans fire up as Ciampa rallies on Roode!

Ciampa hits Ziggler with a corner clothesline! He then hits Roode with a corner clothesline! Ciampa then dodges and DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES the Dirty Dawgs! Fans fire up as the straps come down! Ciampa kicks Roode, hooks the arms, but Roode powers him to the corner! Ciampa fights the Dawgs off, but walks into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Ciampa is still in this as NXT goes picture in picture!

Ciampa and Roode slowly get up, and Roode facelocks to keep Ciampa from Bron. Roode leans his weight on the hold but Ciampa endures. Ciampa fights up, powers Roode back, but Roode shifts and throws Ciampa down! Roode drags Ciampa up by his beard and puts him in the corner. Tag to Ziggler and the Dawgs mug Ciampa. Ziggler digs his boots in, the ref counts and Ziggler lets off to taunt Bron and the fans. Ciampa gets to the apron while checking his jaw, but Ziggler tags Roode. Ziggler drags Ciampa into the ropes to HOTSHOT him down, and then Roode SMACKS Ciampa off the announce desk!

Roode and Ziggler drag Ciampa up and Roode scoops to SNAKE EYES Ciampa off the apron! Ciampa flops to the floor, Roode gets in the ring, and Roode taunts Bron while Ciampa flounders. Ciampa gets in at 8 of 10, Roode storms over after him, but Ciampa CHOPS him! And CHOPS again! Roode kicks low, but the haymakers fly! Roode stomps Ciampa, tags Ziggler in, and Ziggler drags Ciampa up to snapmare. BIG elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Ziggler is furious but the count was fair. Ziggler clamps onto Ciampa with a chinlock and grinds him down. Ciampa endures as Ziggler pulls back on the hold and Roode taunts the fans.

Ciampa fades, but he gets a second wind as NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally up, Ciampa throws body shots but Ziggler keeps him from Bron! Ciampa ROCKS Ziggler, Ziggler still holds on! Ciampa reels Ziggler in, ripcord, but Ziggler kicks low! Ziggler leaps, into Ciampa’s CATAPULT! Ziggler flies out of the ring, Roode hurries to coach him up! Ciampa crawls over but Roode lurks. Roode trips Bron off the apron! And TOSSES him into the crowd! Ciampa swipes at Roode but Ziggler gets in to drag him away! Tag to Roode and fans boo as the Dawgs stomp him. The Dawgs whip Ciampa to double hip toss into a POWERBOMB NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!!

Roode is furious with the ref but the count is the count. Roode glares as Ciampa flounders up. Roode slaps Ciampa around but Ciampa seems to be smiling! “Big Bob” gloats and drags Ciampa up, to get a JUMP KNEE! Both men are down and fans fire up! Bron rises up and is back at the corner! Roode and Ciampa crawl, hot tag to Ziggler, and he gets a foot! Ciampa kicks Ziggler away, hot tag to Bron! Bron rallies on the Dawgs! He runs Ziggler over, boots him and clinches for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! And then one for Roode! Bron gets Ziggler up, whips him to ropes and CLOBBERS him! Fans are thunderous as Bron circles Ziggler!

Ziggler slowly rises and Bron takes aim from the corner. Bron runs in, into a KNEE! Ziggler aims but Bron dodges the superkick to SPEAR!! Bron is all fired up and he tags in Ciampa! Ciampa goes up, Bron has the Electric Chair Lift on Ziggler! STEINER BULLDOG! Cover, Roode breaks it!! Bron runs in at Roode but is sent into buckles! Ciampa BOOTS Roode, but Ziggler rolls Roode! With tights!! TWO!! Ciampa blocks the superkick to kick Ziggler and hook the arms! FAIRY TALE ENDING!! Cover, now Ciampa & Bron win!

Winners: Bron Breakker & Tommaso Ciampa, by pinfall

Vengeance, thy name is Ciampa! He gets his payback on Ziggler & Roode for both last week and last night! Will this help Bron’s chances of shutting down the Show-Off?


LA Knight speaks.

“I know you’re sitting there saying, ‘YEAH!’ Cuz I can see ya.” Knight wants you to pick up the phone, call, text, whoever, anyone from your grandma to your grandpa to your mom, dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, girlfriend, hell even your side piece. Because in a moment, Knight’s going to the ring to call out the Outback Jackoff himself, Grayson Waller! It’s time to pay the piper. TOOT TOOT, that’s LA Knight, YEAH! But will the 21st Century Success Story stay away from the motivated Million Dollar Megastar?


Gunther calls out Solo Sikoa.

“Tonight, you get exactly what you wanted. You and me, one on one. They call you the Street Champion of the Island? That’s good for you. But tonight, you will face a professional. I will make you the SHAME of your island! Do you think you are the firs tot try and make a name for himself at my cost?” But what makes Solo different is that Gunther will CHOP all those tribal tattoos off Solo’s body and replace them with much needed respect. Solo Sikoa, your undefeated streak ends by the hands of the Ring General, GUNTHER!


LA Knight is already in the ring.

And he already has a mic as fans echo, “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight has them calm down, and then he says, “YEAH! YEAH! Lemme talk to ya!” Grayson Waller and him have been doing this a long time, all the way before Halloween Havoc. They had a match to see who would be the host, and it was Knight who won! They put each other through hell in WarGames, and Waller’s done well enough to get himself three fans in the crowd. Good for him. Because what Waller did next was steal Knight’s car. Waller thought he got rid of Knight but WRONG! Knight returned, beat the ever living holy hell out of Waller, and he goes and gets a restraining order!

Waller gets himself a bodyguard, too! And then Waller thinks, maybe that will keep away LA Knight. Right? NO NO! So then last week, Waller gets crafty, hand full of trunks, and gets the win. Waller finally makes his way out to the ring, or rather to the perch. Waller mocks Knight’s “YEAH!” And Knight’s right. Last week, your winner, GRAYSOOON~! WALLEEER~! Knight was just the roadblock on Waller’s path to greatness. But now that’s done! Finito! No more! Waller, Knight can’t hear you, the fans are busy calling Waller an A-HOLE! Waller says this isn’t a thing anymore! He hopes everyone has a terrible night, good-bye!

Oh, no, Waller’s gonna wanna see this, though. Last week, Knight did lose, but look who was laying there and who was standing tall! So that’s two times! Two times, Knight’s still walked out standing tall. So if Waller’s all about the likes, the tweets, the DM’s and maybe some blocks, because everyone’s been calling Waller out for the punk he is after he got his ass whipped! So Waller can sneak out cheap wins, but every single time, Knight is the one standing! Let’s prove Waller has a shred of manhood in his marbles and prove he can leave Knight laying! LAST MAN STANDING MATCH!

Waller says next week, he’ll get all the likes ‘n’ swipes! He’ll go viral one more time! Waller will be the Last Man Standing! Knight was hoping Waller would say that. Next week, third time’s the charm. Waller will be the one down, not because he’s not good enough, but because Knight won’t let him get back up. And that’s not an insult, that’s a fact of life, YEAH!


Persia Pirotta & Indi Hartwell talk backstage.

Persia hopes Indi and Dexter work things out. But aww, Duke Hudson wished them good luck tonight. He’s so sweet. Indi says can Persia just focus? Yeah, she’s focused. Three wins, they get the Dusty Cup and a shot at the tag titles. Good, let’s go. But Persia still texts Duke back. Will things really go their way with all these distractions?


Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Opening Round: Dakota Kai & Wendy Choo VS Persia Pirotta & Indi Hartwell!

The combination of #CobraKai and Ms. Comfy Combat definitely ranks up there in odd couples. But can their sugar ‘n’ spice win out? Or will Persia & Indi finally focus and get back towards the titles?

NXT returns, and not only have Persia & Indi made their entrance, Toxic Attraction has returned to their lounge to watch the Dusty Cup in style. But will they be impressed by either of these teams tonight? Persia starts against Wendy and Persia rushes in. Wendy dodges, stretches, and then goes for a drop toehold. Persia stays up, she drags Wendy right up and has the pig tails! Wendy spins and spins and spins, but then her pigtails get tangled so she spins the other way! Persia has no idea what to do with this, but Wendy hits an uppercut! Wendy headlocks, snuggles, but Persia powers out to ROCK Wendy!

Tag to Indi, Indi whips Persia in to SPLASH Wendy! Then Persia feeds Wendy to Indi’s SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Indi drags Wendy up, Wendy throws a body shot and a kick, then a dropkick! Wendy has Indi in the corner, but Dakota is distracted by talking to her invisible friends. Wendy tags her in anyway, and they crisscross Indi’s arms to whip her into the corner! Dakota is surprised that they worked together so well! BOOT from Wendy, BOOT from Dakota! Indi flops down, Dakota covers, TWO! Dakota headlocks Indi, Indi powers up but Wendy tags in. Wendy helps Dakota to double atomic FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Wendy huffs and puffs but she drags Indi up. Wendy whips, Indi reverses and runs in, but Wendy dodges! Wendy runs and handsprings but Indi dodges! Wendy hits buckles, Indi CLOBBERS Wendy! Tag to Persia, they drag Wendy up and Persia fireman’s carries. Wendy fights free, she dodges Persia but Persia BOOTS Wendy down! Cover, TWO! Persia is annoyed, Toxic Attraction is nonplussed, tag to Indi. Persia gives Wendy a BACKBREAKER and feeds Wendy to Indi’s LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Indi drags Wendy into a seated cobra twist, and even adds a top wristlock. Wendy endures and fans rally up while Dakota seems worried.

Wendy fights up, goes around and arm-drags free! Indi hurries to get Wendy but Wendy cradles! TWO, Wendy crawls under! Hot tag to Dakota! SCORPION KICK! Dakota brings Indi around but Indi shoves her away. Dakota rebounds to redirect, then she DECKS Persia! Flying-mare sends Indi to a corner, Dakota goes side to side to BOOT WASH! Fans fire up with Dakota and she goes Around the World! BOOT!! Indi’s down, Dakota covers, TWO!! Indi survives and Dakota talks to either herself of those invisible friends. Indi powers Dakota back, Persia tags in and she scoops to SNAKE EYES!

Persia fireman’s carries Dakota to FACEBUSTER! Cover, Wendy breaks it! Fans fire up and Dakota is surprised all over again! Dakota and Wendy get up, Indi goes after Wendy but is sent right out! Persia gets Wendy by the pigtails, Dakota BOOTS Persia down! Tag to Wendy, Wendy goes up! Dakota tags back in, Wendy hits a VADER BOMB! Dakota goes up now, DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, Wendy & Dakota win!!

Winners: Dakota Kai & Wendy Choo, by pinfall (advance to the semifinals)

Jacy Jayne just shrugs, but Indi and everyone else is shocked! How many brackets just got busted? Will the odd couple make sure no one counts them out next round, either?


NXT takes a closer look at Imperium VS The Creed Brothers.

“Perception. Reality.” The Diamond Mine won the Men’s Dusty Cup and Bivens said this is about perception VS reality. The perception: Imperium is about honor and respect. The reality: they don’t respect anyone. Perception: Imperium is the best. Reality: the CREEDS are the best! Perception: Imperium sets the standard here in NXT. Reality: the “world class athletes” are really just world class asses. But Imperium tells the Creeds that the only reality IS Imperium. They don’t care if you won the Dusty Cup. The reality will be Imperium retaining their NXT Tag Team Championships. Well next week, it all goes down!

Imperium is the last roadblock for the Creeds, and they swear to walk into Stand & Deliver as champions! But Imperium vows the Creeds will NEVER take these belts. Bivens can’t wait for the reality to be Diamond Mine whooping some ass. The perception is, two teams battle for the top stop in the NXT Tag Division. What will be the reality?


Amari Miller VS Lash Legend!

These two were teammates for the Women’s Dusty Cup, but they were first-round knockouts at the hands and feet of Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray. After the loss, Lash said Amari cost her. She knew she shouldn’t have teamed with someone who dresses like her. Amari wishes she was on Lash Legend’s level! Fashion diss aside, will Amari show Lash who was really the weak link in their team?

The bell rings, Lash gets a lot of attitude and gets right in Amari’s face. Amari tries to get Lash to back off, so she shoves her then fires a forearm! Lash stays up, so Amari fires off more shots! Amari waistlocks, Lash bucks her away, but Amari KICKS a leg out! Amari runs, into a BOOT! Lash looms over Amari, drags her up and scoops her. Lash carries Amari around, then puts her head between ropes to dribble between them! The ref counts, Lash stops at 4 and dumps Amari down. Lash walks around, talks more trash, and then drags Amari up. Lash scoops for a BACKBREAKER, and then the backbreaker rack!

Amari endures but fans rally up. Amari throws knees but Lash pushes harder on the stretch! Amari still throws knees, but Lash throws her down! Lash runs, but Amari avoid the elbow drop! Fans rally while both women are down. Amari drags herself to a corner but Lash grabs a foot! Lash drags Amari up, Amari has the ropes, Amari KICKS free! Amari fires more forearms, then gets around to mule kick! Amari roars and runs, SHOTGUN dropkick! Fans fire up with Amari and she SUPERKICKS Lash down! Amari runs in, goes up and up and MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!! Lash survives and Amari can’t believe it!

Amari runs in again but Lash sends her into buckles! Lash gets up, fireman’s carries, WIDOWMAKER POWERSLAM! Cover, Lash wins!

Winner: Lash Legend, by pinfall

She may not have won in the Dusty Cup, but “Now that’s how I get things done!” Lash says she’s the new star in this division, not anyone else, not even Nikkita Lyons! Lash drops quite the name, will Nikkita make sure she puts some respect on it?


Backstage interview with Solo Sikoa.

McKenzie says in a few moments, he faces off against Gunther. Solo heard what Gunther had to say about the chops. Solo will still keep coming forward. Gunther can bring everything he’s got, Solo will still keep fighting. Gunther says he’s gonna beat respect into Solo? Respect is a two way street! Gunther’s in for a fight, LET’S GO!


Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen browse pictures.

They both seem to agree, “That is the one.” Elektra Lopez overhears them as Brooks says, “Look at the rear on that one! I would ride that all night long! WOO~!” She asks what they’re going on about, and the guys apologize. They’re looking at new trucks. Briggs lists off the details and the boys get fired up. Uh, Lopez doesn’t drive cars like that. Well, Brooks is putting his love life on hold right now and focusing on trucks. This is the one. Oh, well good for him. He wouldn’t know what to do with a real woman if he saw one anyway. Well, joke’s on Brooks! He’s never been with any woman! BOOM! In your face.

Uh, no, Brooks. Listen to the words that come out of your mouth. He does, and he loves how they sound. Sigh… Will Brooks ever get it right in love or in life?


Solo Sikoa VS GUNTHER!

Street Champion of the Island VS Ring General of Imperium! Worlds collide, will Sikoa be able to solo “WAL~TER” in their first encounter ever?

NXT returns and Solo makes his entrance. Fans chant for the “UCE-SO!” and the bell rings. The two tie up, Gunther gets around and CLUBS Sikoa in the back. Gunther drags Sikoa up to EuroUpper, then whip him to ropes to CLOBBER him! Gunther gets Sikoa up to put him in a corner, and CLUBS him again and again and again! Then he gives another EuroUpper! The ref has Gunther back off, but Sikoa fires off forearms and CHOPS! So Gunther CHOPS Sikoa off his feet! Then NECK CRANK! Sikoa writhes but Gunther circles. Gunther scoops and SLAMS Sikoa then looms over him.

Gunther drags Sikoa up, KNEES him low, then fish hooks his face! The ref reprimands but Gunther JAMS an elbow into Sikoa’s face! And then CLUBS him in the chest! Sikoa blocks the forearm to wrench and throw back elbows! But Gunther shoves him away and BOOTS Sikoa down! Gunther eggs Sikoa on, then gives him another NECK CRANK! Fans rally up and Gunther hits a headlock takeover. Sikoa moves around, Gunther grinds him down, but Sikoa gets up. Sikoa powers up but can’t power out! Gunther grinds the headlock, fans rally up, and Sikoa fights up to power out. Gunther holds ropes and he BOOTS Sikoa again!

Sikoa dodges the lariat to fireman’s carry! But Gunther slips off to short arm LARIAT! Cover, ONE!! Sikoa surprises and frustrates Gunther, but he looms over Sikoa again. Gunther stomps Sikoa, gets the legs and starts to turn him over, BOSTON CRAB! Sikoa endures, even as Gunther sits deep! Sikoa fights around, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Gunther lets off in frustration but he comes back to CHOP Sikoa again! Gunther eggs Sikoa on, then ROCKS him with a forearm. Sikoa glares, Gunther ROCKS him again! Sikoa throws body shots, but Gunther CHOPS him again! Fans fire up as Sikoa grits his teeth!

Sikoa fires body shots and KICKS and CHOPS of his own! Sikoa whips, Gunther reverses but Sikoa dodge to fire a forearm! Sikoa runs, Gunther hurdles, but Sikoa WHEEL KICKS! Sikoa aims from a corner, fans fire up and he SUPER- NO! Gunther blocks the kick, reels Sikoa in, but Sikoa fireman’s carries to SAMOAN DROP! But Gunther manages to get out of the ring! Sikoa just goes to the apron and FROG SPLASHES to the floor! Fans rally up, Sikoa gets Gunther up and into the ring, and he aims from a corner again. SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Sikoa is surprised but he keeps his cool.

Sikoa gets up, goes to the corner and fans rally up again. SAMOAN SPLASH FLOPS! Gunther drags Sikoa into a SLEEPER HOLD! Sikoa endures as Gunther thrashes, and Sikoa JAWBREAKERS free! But Gunther CHOPS him on the back! SLEEPER!! Sikoa is fading fast, but Gunther brings him around, POWERBOMB! But that’s not enough, Gunther gets Sikoa up again for another POWERBOMB! High stack, Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall

And just as he promised, Sikoa is no longer undefeated! Will Der Ring General continue to dominate until he is atop NXT?


Backstage interview with Dolph Ziggler.

He lost the tag match, but how does he rebound? Ziggler says he saw the weaknesses, he knows what to do. He wants his title shot at Bron Breakker next week! Ciampa walks in and says there is a fine line between “want” and “deserve.” Ziggler may want his title match next week, but does he deserve it? No, that whole thing about being #1 contender is out the window after Ciampa pinned Ziggler tonight. Ziggler is sure Ciampa thinks he has seniority around here, which he does in Florida. But Ziggler calls the shots! He says when it goes down! Bron walks in and says Ziggler doesn’t call anything around here.

Oh, is that so? Just because Bron’s the champ, huh? That is, until next week. Ziggler is the roadblock to Stand & Deliver for Bron! Ziggler knows he can beat Bron, and Bron knows it, too! Ziggler can see it in his eyes! Ciampa probably thinks he can, too. Not that that’s Ziggler’s business. Well, Ciampa already has beat Bron. Bron says he can kick both their asses! That is what Ziggler wanted to see! Great call. Good luck with all that. See you next NXT. Is the Show-Off luring both Bron and Ciampa into some kind of trap?


Joe Gacy talks with Harland.

Tonight, Gacy will allow Harland to take out his feelings on Draco Anthony. But remember, Draco isn’t the source of those feelings. “Everyone fighting their own battle.” Will Gacy’s horrifying cohort unleash everything onto Draco? Or will he actually show him mercy?


Indi & Persia regroup backstage.

Another opportunity down the drain. How did they let this one slip through their fingers? Wendy & Dakota aren’t a team, they don’t even have matching gear! Persia says she’ll take the blame, but Indi says they win as a team and lose as a team. They can get those titles another time. But then Duke waves to Persia and gives her a comforting hug. While looking at Indi… Duke and Persia take off, Indi wants Dexter to text her back already. Is the drama only going to increase for Indi and Persia?



Next week’s NXT is being nicknamed “NXT ROADBLOCK,” and just as we heard from Bron, Ciampa and Ziggler, things are getting complicated! It will be a TRIPLE THREAT for the NXT Championship as Bron takes on BOTH Ciampa and Ziggler! Will the Show-Off steal the show and the title after goading Bron into this?


Harland w/ Joe Gacy VS Draco Anthony!

You can call him twisted, you can call him scary, just don’t call him a freak. Will Harland keep his emotions under control? Or will he go too far in another match?

The bell rings, Draco and Harland tie up and Harland powers Draco to a corner. Draco uses that to get a headlock but Harland powers out. Harland knees Draco low, whips him to ropes, but Draco holds ropes and bails out. Gacy is there and just smiles, and Harland drags Draco up by his hair! Draco HOTSHOTS Harland away, YANKS the arm, but Harland stays sturdy! Draco keeps trying those shoulder tackles but Harland whips Draco to a corner to SPLASH him down! Harland then hits another SPLASH, and he looms over Draco. Draco goes to a corner, Harland ROCKS him, and ROCKS him again!

Harland swats Draco around, then puts him up on the top rope to bend him against the buckle! Gacy just has his creepy smile as Harland CLUBS Draco. Draco BOOTS back, then fires forearms! Draco dodges Harland to hit a BIG shoulder tackle! Cover, ONE!! Harland shocks Draco, but Draco fires himself up. Draco reels Harland in, clinches, but Harland breaks free to SLAM Draco right down! And then he starts dribbling Draco off the mat! Gacy’s smile just gets bigger and creepier, as Harland deadlift back suplexes! Cover, Harland wins!

Winner: Harland, by pinfall

Gacy gets in the ring to stand with Harland, the hulking minion victorious. Harland’s “feelings” are still boiling, so Gacy nods. Harland drags Draco up, and HUGS him!? Fans cheer and Harland lets Draco go. As confusing as this is, will Gacy convince Draco to start seeing things his way?


Backstage interview with Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams.

McKenzie brings up the North American Championship main event, and Trick says that every time Melo steps in the ring, it IS the main event. Whether they start the show, end the show, or tap dance at halftime, it doesn’t matter. Melo says it don’t. This goes without saying, Pete Dunne is one of the greatest performers in NXT. That was, until Melo walked in here. Dunne’s been champion, but he was never THE A Champion, and he never will be. Trick says Melo was born for moments like this. he ain’t worried. When you’re at the top, you look down on everyone. Melo makes history, leads the way. It won’t be about who’s next, it’ll be about who’s left!


Tatum Paxley walks over to Ivy Nile.

Ivy is busy beating up a dummy, and Tatum says she let her down. Failure is not an option, right? No, it’s not that simple. Last week was a taste. If you want to be part of Diamond Mine, you gotta learn the hard way. Will Tatum stick around to learn what the hard way looks like?


Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Opening Round: Raquel Gonzalez & Cora Jade VS Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz!

Big Mami Cool & #GenerationJade have proven in the past they can work as a team, and they strengthened their bond in preparation for this tournament. Will they take that final semifinal spot? Or will they be on the end of another bracket buster?

NXT returns, and Toxic Attraction has returned to their lounge. The teams sort out, Cora starts against Leon. They circle, tie up, and Leon waistlocks to SLAM Cora down. Cora gets up fast as Leon does a little dance. Tag to Raquel and Leon says she ain’t afraid. She gets a waistlock, but Raquel breaks free to wrench and wristlock. Leon rolls, kips up and wrenches to headlock. Raquel powers up, Leon holds on tight, and Feroz tags in. Raquel powers out but Leon wrenches and Feroz dropkicks a leg out! Feroz LARIATS, covers, TWO! Feroz stays on Raquel but Raquel fireman’s carries her up!

Raquel throws Feroz but Feroz handsprings through! Feroz ducks, dodges and RANA- NOPE! Raquel brings Feroz up, but Feroz sunset flips! Raquel stays up to TOSS Feroz to the corner! Tag to Cora, Raquel whips Cora in to UPPERCUT Feroz! Cora whips, Feroz reverses but Cora RANAS! Feroz flounders to a corner, Cora runs in to BRONCO BUSTER! Cora then runs in at the ropes, SHINING WIZARD! Cora brings Feroz over, but Feroz rolls her up and out of the ring! Fans are all fired up as Feroz tags Leon. Leon and Feroz coordinate, Leon helps Feroz FLY, but Raquel gets Cora out of the way! Feroz and Raquel go down at the ramp!

Fans fire up but Leon builds speed now, to DIVE! Somersault tope and Raquel goes down again! Leon & Feroz are fired up but Toxic Attraction is mildly impressed. Cora tries to rana but Leon blocks. Cora slips free, kicks and whips but Leon reverses, and Leon POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO! Cora is still in this but Leon brings her up and over. Feroz tags in, Feroz kicks Raquel away then runs to get another boost from Leon, sunset flip on Cora! TWO! Feroz grows frustrated and she gets Cora up for drop sayanagi after drop sayanagi! Cora clutches an arm, tag to Leon and she goes up. Missile dropkick to that shoulder! Cover, TWO!

Leon drags Cora but Cora kicks so Leon stomps her. Cora keeps kicking and gets free! Hot tag to Raquel! She catches Feroz and FALL AWAY SLAMS her! Raquel BLASTS Leon, CLOBBERS Feroz, and she gets Feroz by her hair to CLUB her down! Raquel drags Feroz up, CHINGONA BOMB!! Tag to Cora, and Raquel gives her a boost. Leon runs in but Raquel BOOTS her away! CHINGONA SPLASH!! Cover, Raquel & Cora win!

Winners: Raquel Gonzalez & Cora Jade, by pinfall (advance to the semifinals)

Toxic Attraction is again bored, but we have our final four! Will Raquel & Cora prove they’re worthy of the Dusty Cup? Or will things fall apart as they take on Dakota and her new teammate?


Sarray is praised for her sun medallion.

The NXT prospects have never seen something so beautiful. But Tiffany Stratton pushes her way through. Oh, they’re admiring that necklace? Seems a little tacky to her. Sarray can have one of Tiffany’s. No thanks. She likes this one. Tiffany shoves Sarray into the wall! No one says no to her! The prospects get Tiffany to back off and ask what’s wrong with her. Tiffany scampers away, will Sarray make sure to slap some sense into the spoiled little rich girl?


Tony D’Angelo speaks.

“You smell that? That’s the smell of opportunity in the air. WrestleMania weekend, the biggest weekend of the year, and everybody’s jocking for position.” But when you zig, Tony zags. He has his eyes on a big fish. A white whale, if you will. He carries a big stick and swings it just as well, but Stand & Deliver will be Tony’s showcase. As for his opponent… He’ll be sleepin’ with the fishes. But just who is Tony hoping to hook for NXT’s biggest event of the year?


Andre Chase VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone!

Some Chase U students clumsily unfurl a Chase U banner while Bodhi Hayward waves the flag. Bodhi busts through the banner for Professor Chase, but are we going to see a #TeachableMoment? Or will Robert Stone’s newest client pass this “test” with flying colors?

NXT returns as Von makes his entrance, wearing all new gear courtesy of the Robert Stone Brand. The bell rings and Chase dodges Von to throw JAB after JAB! Chase kicks, CHOPS, and whips, but Von reverses to scoop Chase! Chase slips off and shoves Von to a corner, then he fires off forearms and CHOPS! Von DECKS Chase in return! Von catches Chase as he runs back in, and RAMS him into the corner! Von RAMS his shoulder in more and more, the ref counts and Von lets off at 4! Fans rally for Chase and he boots back! Chase fires forearms again, but Von scoops and POWERSLAMS! Stone tells Von this is his world!

Von CLUBS Chase, stomps him, CLUBS him again, then BOOTS him down! Chase U rallies for their teacher but Von knees him into the corner. Von whips Chase out then back in, then corner clotheslines! Fans boo but Von TOSSES Chase across the ring! Von roars and looms over Chase as he sputters and gasps. Von drags Chase up, knees him into a corner again, then he clamps on a facelock to grind Chase down. Fans still rally for Chase, and Chase endures the facelock. Chase fights up, throws body shots, but Von knees him low again. Von scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Von snarls, drags Chase up again, and puts him in the corner.

Chase dodges, knees Von in return, and then blocks a boot to hit a KNEE JAMMER! Von staggers, Chase fires off KICKS on the leg! Von clinches but Chase breaks free to CHOP BLOCK! Chase runs, and he LARIATS Von! Fans fire up, and they spell out “CHASE U!” as Chase stomps away! Stone distracts the ref, but Bodhi goes after Stone! Chase has Bodhi stand down so he can get in Stone’s face. But then Von DECKS Bodhi! Chase POSTS Von for that! Chase checks on his star student but Bodhi says to worry more about the match. Chase hurries into the ring, Von CLOBBERS him! Fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, Von wins!

Winner: Von Wagner, by pinfall

Well, Chase just learned that if compassion gets in the way of focus, you lose. Will vicious Von continue to only care about the victory?


Nikkita Lyons speaks.

She heard what Lash Legend said about her. Lash is clearly threatened by Nikkita, and she should be! So then, maybe Lash brings back her talk show so they can talk this out face to face and “keep that same energy.” Will Lash like what Lyons has to say when these two finally meet?


NXT North American Championship: Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams VS Pete Dunne!

Another title match, another shirt for Melo’s opponent. There’s a big X over Dunne, will The A Champion cross him off the list? Or will the Bruiserweight make history by being the first to hold the NXT United Kingdom and North American titles in his career?

NXT returns as Dunne makes his entrance. The introductions are made, this title is raised, and we see if Melo shoots down another challenger!

The two circle, tie up, and fans rally up. Dunne chinbars Melo to the mat, then gets the arm. Melo rolls, knees low, headlocks, but Dunne powers out. Things speed up, Dunne hurdles, Melo jumps and slides and LARIATS Dunne down! Fans fire up and Trick points to Melo. Melo mocks the shrug, he CLUBS Dunne and whips him to ropes. Dunne reverses but Melo slips off Dunne’s back, only for Dunne to LARIAT, and then KICK Melo back! Trick frowns, Dunne has Melo’s arm and wrenches. Dunne bends the fingers, wrangles Melo tot he mat and isolates the arm. PENALTY KICK to the arm!

Dunne kicks Melo more, then drags him up to CHOP! Dunne whips, clobbers Melo at the ropes, and then runs. Melo CLOBBERS Dunne in return, then runs, only for LARAITS to collide! And again! And again! Dunne keeps hitting, Melo snarls and gives them back! They just keep hitting over an dover, until both men drop to their knees! Fans fire up as they both get up, and LARIAT again! Melo wobbles, Dunne gets around him, “This is Awesome!” as Dunne gets Melo up for an X-PLEX! Now Dunne shrugs, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Dunne looms over Melo, drags him up and wrenches the arm to a hammerlock. Dunne stands on Melo’s head, gets the other arm, and he pulls that around to even bend the fingers! Melo endures as Dunne contorts him into a recliner! Dunne STOMPS the open ribs! Dunne drags Melo up, ROCKS him with a forearm, and runs in at the corner. Melo BOOTS back, then he dodges to springboard and SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO! Melo is frustrated and he kicks Dunne before raining down fists! Melo lets off, Trick talks some trash, and Melo drags Dunne up. Melo ROCKS Dunne, and Dunne drops to a knee!

Melo gets Dunne’s arm for an armlock now, but Dunne grabs at an ear. Dunne wrenches, reels Melo in, BIG back suplex! Dunne has the arm again and brings it around for an armlock. Melo endures, Dunne tries for the chinbar, and NXT returns to single picture as fans rally and duel. Dunne wrangles Melo back down, grinds that shoulder, and Melo fights up. Melo throws forearms, but Dunne gives them back! They go back and forth now, fans rally up as both men stagger. Dunne dodges Melo but Melo denies the snap German to trip Dunne to a HALF CRAB! Dunne turns, kicks Melo away, and then gets to a corner.

Melo runs in, he blocks Dunne’s boot and puts Dunne in the ropes to ENZIGURI! Dunne hangs there in the ropes, Melo IMPLODER, but Dunne avoids the leg drop! Melo hurries over into a GAMANGIRI! Dunne glares at Trick and Trick says to cool off. Dunne goes to the apron, Melo slingshots, APRON DDT!! Fans fire up and Trick talks trash on Dunne. Melo gets up, puts Dunne in and covers, TWO! Melo stomps Dunne over and over, drags Dunne up and whips, then CLOBBERS Dunne with the back elbow! Melo shoots the three, and he makes it. Melo drags Dunne up, traps the arm and wrenches Dunne’s neck!

Fans rally, Dunne endures, even as Melo digs his forearm into Dunne’s face. Dunne gets his arm free, fight sup to his feet, but Melo ROCKS Dunne again! Melo keeps Dunne from dropping, stands him up again and ROCKS him with another forearm! Fans rally for Dunne and Dunne ROCKS Melo right back! Then GAMANGIRI in the corner! KNEE DROP to the arm! Melo is on his hands and knees, but he avoids the stomp to the hands! Melo springboards, into a BIG forearm! Cover, TWO!! Trick is relieved but he felt that shot, too. Dunne gets up, drags Melo up by his chin and SLAPS him across the face! Melo rebounds to BOOT!

Melo drags Dunne up, but Dunne slips out of the suplex to BUZZSAW! Dunne gets Melo up, but Melo lands out of the X-Plex! Melo jumps up to SPIKE Dunne with the Code Breaker! Cover, TWO!! Dunne survives, this is why he was such a dominant NXT UK Champion! Trick coaches Melo, fans hope they “Fight Forever!” but this has to end somehow! Dunne and Melo slowly rise, and Melo runs in, but Dunne blocks the boot! Dunne turns it to an ANKLE LOCK! Melo endures, so Dunne stands him up to KICK the arm! Dunne aims again, Melo dodges the Penalty Kick to roll up and SCISSOR KICK! Cover, TWO!!

Dunne flounders, Melo runs back in, tilt-o-whirl but no takedown! Pump handle, BITTER END OUTTA NOWHERE!! But Dunne has to crawl to the cover, and Melo crawls away! Even Trick is surprised Melo has that much left in him! But Dunne gets on, gets the arm, TRIANGLE HOLD! Dunne even bends the finger! But Melo makes it a cover! TWO as Dunne has ropes, but Melo CATAPULTS Dunne into the rope! Tilt-o-whirl TAKEDOWN, to the CROSSFACE! Dunne endures, gets a finger and BENDS it! And then SNAPS it!! Dunne hurries to get Melo up, pump handle and BITTER- NO! Melo slips out to suplex, CUTTER!

Melo hurries to the corner, gets up top, but Dunne ROCKS him first! Dunne climbs up after Melo but Trick is there! So Dunne gets Trick’s fingers to SNAP them! Dunne gets Melo up, fans are thunderous, but Melo shoves Dunne down! Dunne flounders up, into the FLYING FAMOUSER!! Cover, Melo wins!!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

Trick with the assist, Melo with the half court shot! Trick gets the mic for Melo to say, “And STILL your A Champion, Carmelo Hayes! Talk your talk, dog!” Melo says he is a GOLD MINE! They need to build Fort Knox around HIM! That’s why Melo is taking his talents to Dallas, Texas, WrestleMania Weekend and Stand & Deliver! They gonna do this in the same match that the title was made: a ladder match! Melo wants to up the ante, but will he regret giving a chance to that many challengers?

My Thoughts:

Another great NXT, and apparently it was also to set up a huge night for next week. “NXT Roadblock” of course references WWE Roadblock from years ago, which eventually turned into WWE Fastlane. And oddly enough, there are a lot of blow-offs and big matches happening on it because, sadly, it seems Stand & Deliver will be a much shorter, less awesome event than it was last time. LA Knight calls out Waller, though in promos that were more passion than substance. Obviously it’s Last Man Standing to finish things off, and that could go either way since Sanga can get involved.

We got a good tag match to open with Bron & Ciampa winning over Dirty Dawgs. The interview promo backstage was pretty good, and what a surprise that it turned the title match into a Triple Threat. This could be a way for Bron to win against both these guys, and then the odd man out gets the title match at Stand & Deliver. Given that, I bet Ziggler takes the loss in the Triple Threat, and we get Bron VS Ciampa III: the Tiebreakker at Stand & Deliver. Then Bron wins on the biggest NXT show in the 2.0 Era, fully establishing him as the guy in NXT while sending Ciampa off to Raw.

We got a very fun couple of Women’s Dusty Cup matches tonight. I should’ve figured Wendy & Dakota were going to win so that next round, Dakota and Raquel can face off for old time’s sake. Indi & Persia continue down their dramatic love square story, maybe we get a weird mixed tag of Duke & Persia VS #InDex? Fans were really fired up for Feroz & Leon, but they also do like Raquel & Cora, so the fans were happy either way. The semifinal of Cora & Raquel VS #KaiChoo (like “kaiju” but cute and cuddly) could actually go either way at this point, but I am leaning towards Cora & Raquel.

I find it odd that Tatum Paxley wants to still stick around Ivy Nile and Diamond Mine, but maybe this is the start of a feud for Ivy. Tatum might get fed up with the tough training, she and Ivy have a match, Ivy wins and climbs up towards the NXT Women’s Championship. I do appreciate that they didn’t make Sarray socially awkward and being picked on, other than Tiffany Stratton showing her Mean Girl side. Sarray VS Tiffany should actually be a really good match, and I would hope Sarray wins. Amari VS Lash was alright as a match, but I should’ve figured Lash would win. Lash VS Nikkita seems like a good feud already, not sure how that one goes.

That segment with Brooks & Briggs and Elektra was just hilarious. Brooks plays the overly confident doofus perfectly here, Briggs is a great straight man here, but when are these guys getting back in the ring? Maybe they’ll face Legado del Fantasma’s Wilde & Mendoza, and Elektra can have a feud with Fallon Henley to go with it. We got good promos from Gunther and Sikoa, and a very good match out of them, but I still want to type “Walter.” Walter of course wins, and I am hoping he gets towards a title as soon as possible. On the flipside, Harland VS Draco was… Well, it was a match. But as I figured, this is how Gacy recruits people: Harland beats them up, then makes nice. I’m thinking Draco rejects the invitation and the rematch will be a good match.

Tony D’Angelo has a good promo where he is purposefully vague about who he’s talking about. There was a montage of top names shown, which Tony has interacted with at one point or another. I’m thinking it’ll be someone we’re not expecting much at all. And we got an awesome main event for the North American Championship. Melo is definitely a top star, he’s got everything in the ring and on the mic that’ll make him a top guy even on RawDown. And while Trick helps him win, Melo is still champion material, and I like the guts he’s showing in asking for that ladder match. Just about anyone could get in on that and it’d be an awesome match. Plus, it’d be a way for Melo to lose without hurting his power level, but also a way to propel him to an awesome level if he wins.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.25.2024

Slammiversary Fallout! Where do things go on the way to Victory Road?



Well now we start the fall out of Slammiversary. Josh Alexander in his bad bitch summer, X-Speedball legacy, ABC got the t-a-g and Jordynne is still in charge of the Knockouts division. Like I said at the end of Slammiversary, all of the champions being Babyfaces is stupid. They need to drop a couple titles fairly quickly, because I don’t care what some people say, Nic Nemeth ain’t gonna bring any eyes to the brand. He’s about as hot as day old Hamburger Helper over a camping sterno.

We’ll probably open with the luke warm champion, so tune in like 10 minutes late for anything of substance to be happen.


  • Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner: Maclin wins via KIA – *
  • AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan: AJ wins via Down Payment – **
  • Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young): Hammer Your ASH wins via Torture Rack – ** 1/2
  • The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): Broken Alphabet wins via Twist & Splash – ***



Nemeth gives the ole “I’ll be a fighting champion…blah blah” promo and drops the “any company” line that we’ve already understood what that means. Campaign Singh cuts him off…and I never thought I’d be happy for Campaign Singh to walk out and say anything…ever. And…Mustafa’s promo is worse than Dolph’s. He’s gone from parody to caricature even saying “it was the biggest screw job Montreal ever saw”. Like some of these lines are cheap heat, but most are just brain dead comments that wouldn’t get a reaction out of anyone (and the crowd was silent for that comment). Mustafa gets caught in an Archer “phrasing” moment about getting screwed hard, but this is painful. Promos written by 14 year olds everyone…

This ends with Ali challenging Nemeth for the World Title. While I’m not against walk up challenges, I watch Japanese wrestling, I don’t really get the point aside from doing it just to do it. 

ABC and Matt Hardy have a small promo, and I’m still not really a fan of Unbroken Matt Version 6.0. The floating between Broken voice and his normal voice sounds amateurish.

OH LOOK, finally a match 20 minutes into the show. And it’s my son Steve Maclin! OH CHRIST he’s facing Deaner. This has been 25 minutes of talking followed by the worst god damn attempt at a gimmick. Deaner’s little “Papa Santino told me I can wipe my ass only if the crowd agrees”. This gimmick should die in a fire.

Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner

Deaner started off quick because Maclin was in disbelief that Deaner was actually gonna fight him. Maclin dodges a Crossbody, Busaiku Knee, and just starts beating on Deaner for fun. And this is fun, maybe Maclin can make sure Deaner gets stretchered out and written off forever. How do you call for an ambulance in French? Maclin with the old Back Breaker into a stretch. Deaner tries to nerd rage up, breaks the Back Breaker Stretch, his punch combo, into a Manhattan Drop and Bulldog. Deaner hits the Crossbody, but Maclin kicks out. This is entirely too competitive.

Deaner goes for the Deaner DDT, blocked, Olympic Slam into Splashing Deaner into the corner, Caught in the Crosshairs, K-I-A, thanks for coming you damn dweeb. Stay in Canada and don’t travel Deaner, please.

AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan

As the bell sounds, Sami knocks Rich off the apron, Low Bridges AJ, does the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ and then AJ eats the offense and strategizes with his crew. Bishop and Rich swarm the ring, Sami allows himself to get distracted so AJ slides in and starts beating on Sami. AJ throats Sami across the middle rope and Rich makes his presence felt, AJ distracts the referee and Rich gets in a lot of cheap shots. Bishop throws Sami back in the ring, and AJ keeps up the pressure. Lots of 5 count chokes and leverage moves. After the commercial break ends, Sami dodges a Tennessee Whiskey Knee, gets in a few shots before Rich trips Sami as he’s setting up a Dive, and then AJ takes advantage of the position and hits the goofball knee strike.

AJ calls for his Chokeslam, Sami tries to break it with Axe Handles, then claws the eyes. Sami goes for a Scoop Slam, gets him part way up and then falls over. AJ Chokeslam again, but he bites his hand and starts fighting back. Launches himself at AJ, sends him bouncing off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit that Scoop Slam that was teased earlier. Sami goes for a Western Lariat but eats a Big Boot. AJ does a little Hulk Hogan pose to signal a Leg Drop, but Sami dodges and then connects on a Sliding Lariat. Thumbs Up, Thumbs….interference. Rich distracts the ref, Bishop lays out Sami, AJ connects with the Down Payment.

Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young)

ASH and Jordynne exchange slaps and then Jordynne starts to out muscle ASH. Spinebuster from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights off, rope run, Sattelite DDT into both tagging out. EY does the Flair corner flop, slides back in between Hammer’s legs, and connects on a Neckbreaker. EY is the quicker of the two, but Hammer finally gets his hands on him and a Release Belly to Belly into a full mount raining of fists, then a near fall. Hammer smashes EY in a corner, Arm Wringer into an Irish Whip across, but EY moves and Hammer tags out to ASH. ASH levels Jordynne, peppers EY with a few shots and pulls him back to their corner and starts some tandem offense with Hammerman. Hammer Guerilla Presses ASH and throws her into EY for a near fall. Hammer looks to aim for either a Powerbomb or Nightmare Pendulum, but EY drops it into a Small Package, pinfall kick out, they both run, Double Lariat spot. The Knockouts get tagged in.

Jordynne is in control early, World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb. Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights it off and tags out to Hammer. Jordynne and EY do some schoolyard stuff with the old Push while Jordynne is down to trip Hammer. All four get in, ASH gets leveled, EY gets leveled, Hammer and Jordynne have a brief face off, but Hammer throws Jordynne to the apron and ASH connects with a Meteora from the apron. Death Valley Driver from Young on Hammer, ASH stares in shock, EY tells her to get, ASH runs away. EY goes up for his Macho Elbow, and ASH causes him to fall to Hammer’s feet, Torture Rack, and EY submits.

Josh Alexander comes out, with new heel music. And it’s not that bad, definitely better than some other people’s new music. Josh yells at the crowd a bit, says he can’t wait til he’s back in a real Canadian town, like his home of Toronto. Then he drops the mic in lieu of an explanation. The crowd chants him off with the “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey”.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

JDC and Hardy start, but JDC quickly tags out to Myers and that doesn’t go well. Hardy grabs a hold of Myers, a few Delete chops, drags him to his corner and they all get in a few shots punctuated with Hardy getting tagged back in and an Elbow into Myers’ extended and worked on left arm. Myers stays isolated, back into the corner, Boot to the gut, Ace tags in and wallops Myers. Ace connects on Double Kicks, into Russian Leg Sweep and his half of Click Click Boom, for a 2 count. Myers finally gets free with a Jaw Breaker and tags out to Eddie. But The System gets no momentum, Ace stifles Eddie’s offense and starts a few quick tags with him and Bey for tandem offense. Moose finally comes down the ramp as Eddie kicked out of yet another pinfall attempt because The System has had nothing going for them. Eddie finally gets some offense since Moose was a big enough distraction.

Eddie thinks they have a spot, so he tags back in JDC, but The ABC stop him cold, tag in Matt Hardy, and Matt walks down JDC, but JDC Low Bridges. Matt is on the outside, so all of The System surrounds Hardy, then Joe Hendry’s music hits! That stops the heel beatdown, and we follow Hendry’s entire entrance. So that proves Hendry is bigger than the 8 other people in this frame. Not really sure if that’s optics you want to push along. Ace and JDC try to remind people there’s wrestling going on, but JDC thumbs the eye to get a little something going. Vertical Suplex for a near fall, tag out for Eddie and Eddie lights up Ace with some of those NOAH Chops. Ace retreats to the ropes and Alisha chokes him with the ropes while the ref is distracted.

Myers gets tagged in, Ace tries to use the crowd energy, Myers stops it at first but then Ace slips a Scoop Slam and tags out to Bey. Hot tag, strike rush, Double Stomp, educated feet, Leap Frog to the corner but Lish climbs on the apron and yells at Bey which stops his rhythm. Myers kicks his feet out and causes Bey to crash. Eddie tags in for a few shots, then to JDC and Slingshot Knees, Wringer Snapmare, Bow and Arrow Submission, and JDC is just doing solid wrestling work right now. Uppercut between the Shoulder Blades as Bey tries to get out, tag to Myers and Bey is still eating offense. Eddie tags in, Bey tries the Sunset Flip, but Eddie tags out before going over, so Myers folds up Bey for a near fall and then tags out to JDC who connects on a Standing Suplex, slams Bey’s face into the corner, Eddie tags in, and Bey finally fights up to his feet, Eddie just flatten Bey’s comeback, tries a Tiger Driver but eats an Enzuigiri for a simultaneous tag. JDC and Hardy come in, JDC tries to exit halfway in, but Hardy is wrecking shop. He disposes of Eddie, Myers slides in but eats a tandem Neckbreaker/DDT from Hardy. Face team does the Delete Corner Face Smashes. Poetry in Motion into a Side Effect into Corkscrew Swanton for only 2 since Myers breaks it up! Everyone throwing hands, referee is distracted, Moose comes in to Spear Hardy, but Hardy dodges and throws him into JDC (I get the call back), Hendry then lays out Moose with the big Lariat. Twist of Fate from Hardy, Splash from Bey, Broken Alphabet wins!


Overall Score: 4/10

Ugh, cliche promos, too damn much talking, a competitive squash match with an imbecile as our first “match”, into an overbooked and slow heel match, finally a decent tag match (with the right team going over), into another overbooked match with a “tease” for the mystery backup being more obvious than Jericho’s WWF debut.

Aside from the afore mentioned tag match, The Rascalz promo and The System Promo; this was hard to watch. A lot of cornball promos, Rosemary licks her conspiracy board, storylines got zero traction. Whoopity Doo, Ryan Nemeth got a match next week and we get an undead wedding.

While this was a bad episode, it was bad by at least new standards. We’re not back in the TNA Dark Days again, but this was…a useless show.

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