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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (3/22/22)




Can Robert Roode break Bron Breakker?

Before he gets his rematch for the NXT Championship at Stand & Deliver, Bron Breakker must face the GLORIOUS Robert Roode! Will Roode make things easier for Dolph Ziggler?


  • NXT North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Solo Sikoa VS Roderick Strong; Sikoa wins and advances to Stand & Deliver.
  • Dexter Lumis w/ Indi Hartwell VS Tony D’Angelo; D’Angelo wins.
  • Elektra Lopez w/ Legado del Fantasma VS Fallon Henley w/ Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs; Lopez wins.
  • Bron Breakker VS Robert Roode w/ Dolph Ziggler; wins.
  • NXT North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: A-Kid VS Grayson Waller w/ Sanga; Waller wins and advances to Stand & Deliver.
  • The Creed Brothers w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Grizzled Young Veterans; The Creed Brothers win.
  • GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Duke Hudson w/ Persia Pirotta; Gunther wins.
  • Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Finals: Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray VS Dakota Kai & Wendy Choo; Shirai & KLR win and earn an NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship match.


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams pull up in a Bentley.

The North American Champion says, “We got one down, three to go. That means to more Melo-fication matches tonight to determine who’s gonna qualify for my A Championship at Stand & Deliver.” Trick says that’s right, and it’s either gonna be the viral superstar, Grayson Waller, or the Spanish Sensation, A-Kid. It’s either gonna be the Diamond Mine’s Roderick Strong, or the Street Champion, Solo Sikoa. At the end of the day, it don’t matter, they’re all fighting for a spot in Melo’s ladder match. And as these two head to gorilla, we’re opening with one of those matches!

NXT North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Solo Sikoa VS Roderick Strong w/ Malcolm Bivens!

The bell rings as both men are already in the ring. They circle, Strong backs away to ropes and the ref keeps Solo back. Solo gets around but Strong turns things around on him as they end up on ropes. The ref counts, Strong lets off, Solo kicks but Strong blocks and sweeps the leg! Strong floats around, has the arm, and pulls hair! The ref reprimands, Solo and Strong fight with chinbars. Strong slip around to a chinlock but Solo gets up. Strong is a backpack but Solo shrugs him off. Strong shoves Solo but Solo SLAPS Strong down! Strong gets up, Solo headbutts him to a corner!

Solo whips corner to corner, Strong goes up and over, things speed up and Solo runs Strong over! Fans fire up and Solo stomps Strong. And KICKS! And stomps! And kicks! Solo drags Strong up, headbutts him, and fans rally behind Solo. Strong gets to ropes, boots but Solo blocks to CLOBBER Strong! Solo stalks Strong to a corner, fans rally up, and Strong knees Solo low! Strong CHOPS, forearms, CHOPS again! Solo ROCKS Strong with a palm strike! Solo rains down fists at the ropes but backs off as the ref counts. Solo drags Strong up to scoop and SLAM! Solo runs then DIVING HEADBUTTS! Cover, ONE!

Fans rally up, Solo stalks Strong but Strong goes to the apron. Solo drags Strong up, but the ref counts and Strong kicks a leg out! Strong YANKS Solo into ropes and shakes out his arm. Strong gets in, stomps Solo around, then rains down fists! Solo has his guard up but Strong powers through to get shots in. Fans boo but Strong lets off to bring Solo back up. Strong KNEES Solo low, stomps a hand, then drags Solo by a leg. Strong isolates a foot and then stomps Solo down. Strong drags Solo into a camel clutch! Solo endures and fans rally behind him. Solo fights up, wrenches free, but Strong knees low!

Strong runs, PENALTY KICK! Cover, ONE!! Strong kicks Solo in frustration then stomps him on the head! Strong eggs on “Uce,” then brings him up. Fans rally as Strong clamps onto an arm. Solo endures, fights up, and he throws big forearms! Solo kicks but Strong blocks to scoop and BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Strong rains more fists down on Solo, then brings him up to put on the ropes. Strong CHOPS! And CHOPS! Solo is stinging, Strong reels him in, but Solo blocks the suplex! Solo suplexes but Strong stomps a foot! Strong KNEES Solo down again, then brings Solo up to put on ropes.

Strong throws haymakers, but Solo DECKS Strong! Solo ROCKS Strong, has him in a corner, but Strong BOOTS back! And BOOTS again! Strong kicks a leg out, then KICKS Solo down! Cover, TWO! Strong keeps on Solo with a head ‘n’ arm clinch, and he gets a wristlock. Fans rally, Solo fights up and powers through to headbutt the ribs! Strong KNEES Solo again, then OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, TWO! Solo survives, and out walks Santos Escobar? El Hijo del Fantasma is already in the ladder match, he’s watching this closely, just like Melo. Strong brings Solo up but Solo blocks the suplex. Solo TOSSES Strong!

Strong and Solo fire hands, but Solo DECKS Strong! And again! Strong dodges, but Solo blocks the kick to club the leg, CHOP Strong and HEADBUTT him down! Solo fires off hands, he has Strong in the corner, and fans fire up as Solo runs in to SPLASH! Solo fireman’s carries for the SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Strong is still in this but Solo goes to the corner! Solo climbs, but Strong ENZIGURIS first! Strong climbs up, Solo resists but Strong throws body shots. Solo hits back, and he HEADBUTTS Strong down! Solo gets up to SPLASH!! Cover, Solo wins!!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall (advances to the North American Championship Ladder match)

The A Champion tells Solo he just got a trip to Dallas on him. But will Solo go from Street Champion to A Champion at Stand & Deliver?


Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta talk backstage.

Indi’s Instagram has blown up since last week thanks to her TMZ article. Uh, Indi’s article? That gallery was full of Persia. Uh, check the first lines. It reads WWE’s Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis. They won, just like Indi proved she was better than Persia. Oh, please. Indi pulled tights. Indi is just jelly that Persia & Duke are more popular. 6.4 MILLION views of their steamy smooch. Jealous? Of her and Duke? Yeah, they’ve been best friends for 10 years, Persia knows Indi’s jealous face. #InDex is out, #Dusia is in! And Duke is way hotter than Dexter. Indi’s gonna throw up. Dexter will definitely beat Tony D’Angelo, and Persia can watch.

Dexter Lumis w/ Indi Hartwell VS Tony D’Angelo!

The Tortured Artist is back in action, will he defend the honor of #InDex? Or will the Wise Guy of NXT look to use Dexter as a warm-up before facing Tommaso Ciampa at Stand & Deliver?

NXT returns as #InDex make their entrance. Persia & Duke are already ringside to watch this, will they like what they see? The bell rings and Dexter circles with Tony. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Tony gets around to waistlock and SLAM Dexter down. But then Dexter slithers and Tony gets to ropes. Tony has Dexter back off and the two go again. Tony shoots in, trips Dexter, then talks trash, only to get cuaght in the arm ‘n’ head triangle! Tony refuses to be silenced and he elbows free. Tony clinches for a BIG Belly2Belly! Tony rains down fists, talks more trash, then stomps Dexter around.

Tony CLUBS Dexter, whips him but Dexter reverses to THESZ PRESS! Dexter throws fast hands, then runs to drop an ax handle! Indi gives a thumbs up and Dexter drags Tony up. Dexter bumps Tony off buckles, stomps and uppercuts and bumps Tony off more buckles. Dexter digs his fingers into Tony’s face but lets off at 4. Dexter throws body shots, then whips corner to corner. Tony staggers into a scoop, and Dexter hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! And kip up! Fans fire up and Indi gives another thumbs up. Dexter looms over Tony, then clamps on a camel clutch! Dexter CLUBS Tony down, then stalks Tony again.

Dexter ROCKS Tony with an uppercut but Tony kicks back and throws hands! Fans duel, Tony whips, but Dexter reverses to CLOBBER Tony with an elbow! Cover, TWO! Dexter drags Tony up, scoops and SLAMS him, then drops a leg! Cover, TWO! Indi pouts but Dexter clamps on a chinlock. Dexter grinds Tony down, fans rally and duel, and Tony fights up for a JAWBREAKER! Dexter staggers and Tony bails out. Dexter slithers out after Tony, blocks a punch to ROCK Tony with an uppercut! Dexter brings Tony up the steel steps, but Tony trips Dexter! Dexter hits off the steps, and Tony gets his hat.

Tony grins and pats himself on the back like Ciampa, then talks trash on Dexter, while NXT goes to break.

NXT returns again and Tony has Dexter in a chinlock. Dexter fights up as fans rally and duel. Tony throws Dexter down, then clamps the chinlock back on. Persia and Duke are amused but Indi frowns. Dexter fights up, throws body shots, but Tony KICKS Dexter in the side! Tony CLUBS Dexter, reels him in, but Dexter lands on his feet out of the back suplex! Dexter DECKS Tony, DECKS him again, then ROCKS him! Tony ends up in a corner, Dexter frames the shot, and runs in to clothesline and BULLDOG! Fans fire up and Indi has the thumbs up again. Dexter reels Tony in, BIG back suplex! Kip up to LEG DROP! Cover, TWO!

Dexter stares at Tony as he writhes and fans rally again. Tony stands, kicks Dexter then throws hands. Dexter still clinches Tony but Tony elbows free. Tony kicks again, whips, but Dexter ducks and dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Fans fire up, “This is Awesome!” and both men crawl to opposite corners. Duke “coaches” Dexter but it’s more of a distraction, and Tony wants his crowbar! Indi snatches that away from him! But then Persia snatches that from Indi? They fight over the crowbar, Tony grabs at it, but Persia lets go and Tony ends up flying into Dexter, CROWBAR TO HEAD!

The ref completely missed what happened, and Tony gives Dexter BADA BOOM! Cover, Tony wins!

Winner: Tony D’Angelo, by pinfall

Well when it comes to the crowbar, fogeddaboutit! Tony gets a win thanks to Persia, and now he gets the mic. “Tommaso Ciampa! You thought I was comin’ out here last week to pay tribute? Nah. See, I set the hook, and you took the bait. When I put you on your knees, you knew you were finished! The new Don of NXT arrives at Stand & Deliver!” But here comes Ciampa! Just not from the ramp! Ciampa turns Tony around, kick and FAIRY TALE ENDING! Ciampa gets the mic and gets right up in Tony’s face.

“Listen. You don’t get to tell me when I’m done. Stand & Deliver, that might be my final chapter here in NXT. And if it is, I’m gonna write my own damn fairy tale ending. See you in Dallas!” The Psycho Killer just got the drop on Tony D, will Ciampa #FightToSurvive in the brand that is his home?


Backstage interview with the Dirty Dawgs, Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler.

McKenzie brings up the response from Ciampa to Tony, and Roode wants to know why they’re talking about Ciampa at all. The Dawgs dealt with Ciampa two weeks ago. Everyone has forgotten Roode is a former NXT Champion! He dominated here for over 12 long months! He took NXT to heights no one could’ve imagined. And without Roode paving the way, it wouldn’t have reached the level it has today. And it certainly wouldn’t have given opportunities to a guy like Bron Breakker to become a superstar. Ziggler says Bron is two weeks away from the biggest match of his life, but “big man” Roode will pummel him, pound him, humble him, and leave the scraps for Ziggler.

Bron is gonna find out he doesn’t match up to the former nor the current NXT Champion. The Show-Off runs his mouth for both Dawgs, but will Breakker break through the past to truly become NXT’s future?


Grayson Waller speaks.

“NXT Stand & Deliver is set to be the biggest show of the year, but there’s no way it’s gonna live up to the hype without THE NXT Superstar, Grayson Waller, on the marquee.” Two weeks ago, he was the Last Man Standing. And then on April 2nd, he will be the ONLY man standing on top of the ladder with the North American Championship, in a moment that’ll live forever. But there is one man standing in Waller’s way. The Spanish Sensation, A-Kid. He’s one of the best guys to come out of Europe in a longtime, but he ain’t Waller! The Waller Effect is global, and AK is just a stepping stone on Waller’s road to the top.


Elektra Lopez w/ Legado del Fantasma VS Fallon Henley w/ Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs!

Upset by how things were kept fair last week with the Mysterios, Lopez takes on Fallon, with the boys all backing them up. Will Lopez teach all of them not to interfere with Legado? Or will Fallon be fearless in her fight tonight?

NXT returns and Brooks & Briggs are coaching Fallon up. Brooks says Lopez is very beautiful, and Briggs smacks him. How is that relevant right now? Briggs tells Fallon to fire up and beat Lopez down. The bell rings, Lopez and Fallon tie up, and Lopez throws Fallon down! Then she sits Fallon up to SLAP her down! Lopez scoops, Fallon slips out and rams shoulders, but Lopez doesn’t budge! Lopez grabs Fallon by her hair but Fallon breaks free to fire off forearms! Lopez shoves, Fallon dodges and dropkicks! Lopez staggers, Fallon runs, but leaps into Lopez’s arms! Lopez HOTSHOTS Fallon, then stomps away!

The ref counts, Lopez lets off at 4, then she bumps Fallon off buckles. Lopez grabs Fallon by her hair to TOSS her across the way! But Fallon gets up to fire off! Fallon runs, wheelbarrows, but Lopez SLAMS her down! Cover, TWO! Fallon survives but Lopez stalks her to ropes. Lopez drags Fallon up and thrashes her around! The ref reprimands, Lopez lets go of the hair, and then she grabs Fallon by her hair again! Lopez thrashes Fallon around more, slams her down, then grins as she looms over her. Lopez clamps her hands into the shoulders but fans rally and Fallon fights. Lopez has the arms for a motorcycle stretch, and sits down to pull way back!

Fallon endures as Lopez thrashes her around again. Fallon fights up and pushes back to a cover, TWO! Fallon hits ropes, Lopez stands on Fallon and chokes her again! Legado gets in Fallon’s face, but Briggs & Brooks get in their face. And the brawl is on! Fans fire up as Briggs & Brooks send Mendoza & Wilde backstage! Lopez brings Fallon up but Fallon blocks the buckle bump to back elbow! And fire off forearms! And haymakers! Fallon whips, Lopez reverses but Fallon FLYING UPPERCUTS! Fallon fires up, runs in, BACK ELBOW, to BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Lopez is still in this but fans fire up!

Fallon runs in, but she’s sent into ropes again! Lopez reels Fallon back in, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, Lopez wins!

Winner: Elektra Lopez, by pinfall

Legado still wins, even without cheating. Will Lopez continue to climb the ranks until she’s fighting for the NXT Women’s Championship?


Draco Anthony prepares backstage.

But then he gets a phone call. He ignores it, and then Xyon Quinn walks in. Another phone call? Draco ignores it again. Is it Joe Gacy? Yeah, he’s been bugging Draco all week. Look, here’s a video message. “Draco, you don’t have to live your life all alone. Open your mind, let me help you. Together, we can make your life much better.” Draco throws his phone and Xyon says Draco knows what he must do. Handle his business like a man? And Xyon’s got your back if you need him. Will Draco get Gacy to leave him alone once and for all?


Backstage interview with Dakota Kai & Wendy Choo.

They’re Women’s Dusty Cup finalists, but what are their thoughts ahead of the main event? Wendy knows Dakota went to the finals last year and won it with her then best friend, so she’s doing it again this year with her new best friend, Wendy! They’re at like the same level Dakota and Raquel were at last year, but then Dakota went and kicked Raquel in the face… But then Raquel gave Dakota a Chingona Bomb… And now they totally hate each other… But that’s- Dakota has Wendy stop here, she’s had too much orange soda today. But yeah, Dakota and Raquel were a great team. And when Wendy found her, Dakota wasn’t sure if this would work.

But now, Dakota is sure she puts her name on that trophy a second time. No one else can say that. And honestly, Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray are great. But tonight is their night! Will #KaiChoo conquer the Dusty Cup and solidify their legacy?


Bron Breakker VS Robert Roode w/ Dolph Ziggler!

The Big Booty Nephew may be a kid, certainly compared to the veteran Dirty Dawgs. But will he prove he is worthy of everything he’s gotten in NXT so far? Or will the GLORIOUS One’s return turn the tides this close to Stand & Deliver?

NXT returns as Bron makes his entrance. The bell rings and Bron circles with Roode. Fans rally with “This is Glorious!” as Roode and Bron tie up. Roode headlocks, Bron powers out, but Roode runs Bron over! Bron gets up while Ziggler gets on commentary long enough to say Roode will “set an example, get beer money and hit the road, man!” Roode shows off by doing jumping jacks but Bron gets up. They circle again, tie up, and Bron gets the headlock. Roode powers out, Bron runs Roode over! Fans bark it up and Bron drops to all fours to stare Roode down. The two reset and circle again.

Bron and Roode feel out the knuckle lock, but then Roode kicks low. Roode bumps Bron off buckles, throws haymakers, then stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Roode lets off at 4, and fans are torn. Roode throws more hands on Bron, but Bron blocks to fires back! Roode headlocks, Bron powers out and things speed up. Bron hurdles, things keep moving, and Bron catches Roode’s hurdle for a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up and Roode bails out to regroup with Ziggler. Ziggler helps Roode up but Bron keeps them from running away! Bron throws hands and then warns Ziggler. Ziggler says worry more about Roode!

Bron throws more hands on Roode, then he puts Roode in the ring. Roode CLUBS Bron right down then stomps him at the ropes! The ref counts, Roode lets off and Ziggler tells Roode to punish Bron! Fans rally, Roode drags Bron up, and Roode suplexes high and hard! Fans are torn as Roode flexes and looms over Bron. Roode brings Bron up, suplexes but Bron blocks. Roode throws body shots, and he suplexes after all! But Bron kips up! “Big Bob” turns around and Bron CLOBBERS him! Straps come down, Bron runs in, but Ziggler saves Roode and Bron POSTS himself! But the ref clearly saw that, so he EJECTS Ziggler!

The Dawgs are freaking out and Ziggler says he can’t be thrown out, he’s the champion! But not even the NXT Champion is above the rules, and Ziggler throws a fit up the ramp as NXT goes picture in picture.

Roode is freaking out, but he goes back after Bron with stomps. Roode digs his boots in at the ropes, but he lets off as the ref counts. Roode drags Bron out to the apron to CLUB him in the chest! Roode puts Bron in the ring, and then a corner to CHOP him! Roode whips corner to corner, runs in and clotheslines, then turns Bron for a NECKBREAKER! Roode goes to a corner and climbs up top. Roode aims, Bron stands, FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Cover, TWO! Roode keeps focus as he drags Bron up for a neck wrench. Bron endures, fights up, but Roode clamps on with a chinlock now!

Roode grinds Bron down, Bron endures again, and he fights his way back up. Bron throws body shots, backs Roode down, but Roode kicks low! Roode turns Bron again, another NECKBREAKER! Roode soaks up the cheers and jeers while Bron clutches a shoulder. Fans rally up and Roode stalks Bron to the corner. Roode drags Bron up and puts him through ropes, tot hen rake the eyes! The ref counts, Roode lets off, and he drags Bron up to CLUB him down. Roode drags Bron back up, snapmares and he drops a knee! Bron clutches his chin as he writhes, but Roode brings him up as NXT returns to single picture.

Bron hits back with haymakers! Bron whips corner to corner, then runs in, into a BOOT! Roode goes up, BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Roode is annoyed but fans rally up. Roode drags Bron up, throws haymakers, and he has Bron on the ropes. Roode whips, CLOBBERS Bron, and Roode winds up the arm to flex like Poppa Pump for the ELBOW DROP! Cover, ONE, and Roode does push-ups! Roode laughs at Bron, and he stalks Bron to ropes. Bron throws body shots back! Bron whips, Roode blocks the back drop for another NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Roode gets back up and walks around to soak up the heat.

Roode goes to the corner, climbs up top, but Bron trips him up! Bron climbs up to CLUB Roode, but Roode hits back with body shots! Bron hops down, but he ROCKS Roode back! Bron climbs again, Roode keeps fighting, they brawl, and Bron sets Roode up, SUPER STEINER! Fans fire up as Bron grits his teeth and fights through the pain! Bron runs to rally with big shoulder tackles! Bron boots and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! Bron whips but Roode dodges, SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Bron survives but he’s clutching his neck and shoulders again. Roode gets up, and he winds it up! Fans remember this! “GLORIOUS~!”

Roode kicks, reels Bron in, but Bron wrenches out and runs to LARIAT! Bron snarls as he aims from a corner. Born runs in, but Roode KNEES him away! Bron rebounds, and SPEARS anyway!! Both men are down, Bron crawls to the cover, TWO!! Roode survives and Bron is shocked! Bron gets up, gets the bad arm moving, and he choke grips Roode, then trophy lifts him! But the bad arm gives up! GLORIOUS DDT!! But Roode’s ribs slow him down! He has to crawl over to cover, TWO!! Bron survives and the fans are freaking out! Roode slowly gets up, “This is Awesome!” Roode throws a haymaker, Bron hits back!

Roode throws another haymaker, Bron hits back again! They stand now, Roode throws a haymaker again! Bron staggers but he throws another haymaker! Roode throat chops! The ref reprimands but Roode fires off more shots! Roode ROCKS Bron, but then Bron counter punches! And again! And again! Roode goes to a corner, Bron runs in but into an elbow! Roode goes up, leaps, but into the BREAKKER SLAM!! Cover, Bron wins!!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall

The Glorious One made one miscalculation, and Bron comes away the winner! Will Bron be able to do the same at Stand & Deliver? But then Ziggler SUPERKICKS him down on stage! “That’s what happens! You will never be on my level! You turned your back on the wrong damn man! This! THIS… stays with me until I give it away.” Ziggler says this is as close as Bron will get to having the belt again, but will Bron show the Show-Off what happens when you sucker punch Bron?


Indi tends to Dexter backstage.

Big ice pack for Dexy, and Persia walks in to say that was a tough loss. What? Persia had the crowbar! Did she let go on purpose? Of course not! Tony yanked it away from her. Don’t make excuses for why your man loss. Duke would never do that. Persia says her man gets the job done in and out of the ring. Uh, that’s Duke, not John Cena. Uh, yeah, well Duke could beat Cena and any man on the roster! Dexter gets upset, and he goes to his drawing pad. What’s this about? This is how Dexter expresses himself outside of the ring, and bedroom. Huh? Nothing good happens when he draws. But Dexter shows them his work. Dexter dares Duke to take on Gunther! How’d he draw that so fast?!

Persia says Duke can of course beat the Ring General. Right, Duke? R-Right. Yeah. #Dusia leave, but has Persia’s mouth written a check Duke’s body can’t cash?


NXT checks in on Andre Chase University.

Bodhi Hayward makes a presentation on his fortitude essay. “Fortitude is something Mr. Chase says is deeply within all of us. Since I’ve been to Chase U, Von Wagner has constantly challenged this university’s and my personal fortitude.” Recently, Von sucker punched Bodhi, but it took fortitude to get up and come to class with that nasty black eye. He’s never missed a class and continues to support this school with his 4.3 GPA! What the hell, man? You’re just gonna raise your hand during his presentation, pouring out his heart to the class and Mr. Chase? Just wait until the bell rings, you dumb SOB! You wanna F up Bodhi’s concentration!?

Chase calms Bodhi down. Where did this anger come from? Who taught him how to talk like that? To be honest, Mr. Chase… It was from watching you. Oh. That’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard. Now Nell, you STFU and let Bodhi finish! And next week, Von Wagner gets ripped limb from limb! His ass is grass and Bodhi’s the lawnmower! Chase is fired up, too, but he has Bodhi save the rest of that aggression for next week. That was a teachable moment!


NXT North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: A-Kid VS Grayson Waller w/ Sanga!

The Spanish Sensation has already made an impact in NXT 2.0 by defeating Kushida. And though fans may not like it, the 21st Century Success Story has had his own share of impactful moments. But who will make the biggest splash yet by joining the already stacked ladder match at Stand & Deliver?

NXT returns and AK has made his entrance. The bell rings and Grayson says AK should go back to NXT UK. But then AK ducks the haymaker to hit a headlock takeover! Grayson headscissors, AK pops free and has a toehold. Waller tries to kick AK but AK cartwheels through. Waller scrambles to ropes as AK kicks back! AK says this is HIS time! They knuckle lock, Waller kicks low and wrenches the wrists. Waller bends AK back, but AK kicks and goes up the ropes to FLYING RANA! Waller flops out of the ring, AK builds speed, but Sanga stands in the way. Waller gets in, but AK dodges him, springboards and arm-drags to dropkick!

Fans fire up and AK brings Waller up. Solo does the same as Escobar and appears on stage to watch this, as Waller drop toeholds AK into ropes! AK sputters and Waller notices Solo, but he brings AK up to put into the buckles. Waller goes to the apron to KICK the bar and snap AK back! Fans rally, AK rolls Waller up with a bridge, TWO! Waller hurries to suplex but AK cradles, TWO! Waller BOOTS AK inside-out! Cover, TWO! Waller is annoyed, he pushes AK around, and he drags AK up. Waller fireman’s carries, but AK pops out to RANA again! And then pop-up DROPKICK! Waller flops out of the ring, AK DIVES!

Waller hits desk, AK drags him up, but Waller puts AK in first. Waller slingshots and somersaults, but into a SLEEPER HOLD! AK has the body scissors, too, and Waller flails! Waller moves around, AK clings to him as a backpack, then shifts to a GUILLOTINE! Waller powers out to a suplex but AK slips out. AK ducks, goes up, but Waller gets him for an ELEVATED RUSSIAN LEG SWEP! Waller resists, somersault STUNNER! Cover, Waller wins!

Winner: Grayson Waller, by pinfall (advances to the North American Championship Ladder match)

Waller snatches victory away in the blink of an eye! Will Waller make sure he comes out on top at Stand & Deliver?

Melo returns and he realizes, we still need that fifth man for the match! So here’s what we do: the three losers are in a qualifying TRIPLE THREAT! That sounds good to Trick, too. So then, Cameron Grimes VS Roderick Strong VS A-Kid! And by the way, he may be A-Kid, but he’ll never be the A Champion! And tonight, Trick’s taking out A-Mama! AK ENZIGURIS Trick! AK gets away, will he earn himself that last spot in that big Triple Threat?


Robert Stone has Von Wagner watch a WWE Digital Exclusive.

See here? Just trying to talk business, and Jacket Time interrupted! What is wrong with them? Especially Jiro! Von has Stone calm down. One thing at a time. Bodhi next week, then Jacket Time. But the young lady Stone was talking with walks up to ask if they can finish that conversation. Yes, right this way. Is the new Stone Brand about to expand?


The Creed Brothers w/ Diamond Mine VS Grizzled Young Veterans!

While Julius & Brutus are preparing for the Triple Threat NXT Tag Team Championship, they are getting payback on who they’re 99% sure attacked them in the parking lot. But will Zack Gibson & James Drake defend their innocence by doing whatever it takes to win in the ring?

NXT returns and Gibson has a mic to say, “Lads, lads. Why are you so angry? I understand that you got jumped the other week and I understand that you think that it was us, but do you really trust those beef jerky ears of yours?” Gibson says he and Drake did not jump them from behind, because if they were to do that, they’d attack from the front! And they do right here! GYV mugs the Creeds, they throw Julius out and keep on Brutus. The bell rings, Drake starts with Brutus, and Brutus gets around to gut wrench suplex! Brutus goes Junkyard Dog, then he gut wrench suplexes again!

Brutus bear crawls up to KNEE Drake to the corner. Tag to Julius, he KNEES Drake back in! Julius tells Gibson to wait for his turn. Julius KNEES Drake, then pulls hair. Julius ROCKS Drake, but Gibson talks trash. This distracts Julius so Drake can jump on for a SLEEPER! Gibson tags in, GYV mugs Julius, and then Gibson DECKS Julius! Gibson soaks up the heat and fires off more forearms. Gibson whips, Julius reverses to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Gibson flounders, Julius ruins in and waistlocks to then get the leg for a STRETCH MUFFLER! Gibson grabs the ropes so Julius SLAMS him down!

Julius then waistlocks Gibson but Gibson elbows him away! Gibson DECKS Brutus, bum rushes Julius, and Drake tags in. Drake goes up and Gibson clinches, ENZIGURI knocks Julius down! Gibson hurries to set up, MAYHEM IN MOTION takes out Brutus! Fans fire up and Bivens scowls, and fans chant “You Still Suck!” Julius gets serious and brings down the straps! Drake runs in but Julius fires haymakers! Julius DECKS Gibson, DECKS Drake, KNEES Gibson, but Drake DECKS Julius! Drake fires off on Julius, drags him up to knock him down again, and then pulls on ears while he KICKS away on the back!

Tag to Gibson, GYV mugs Julius again with forearm after forearm, and Gibson shouts, “We told you!” Gibson says GYV should be at Stand & Deliver! Gibson DECKS Julius, then says it’s time to shut this down! Tag to Drake, Gibson Electric Chair Lifts! Drake is up top but Julius fights free! He POSTS Gibson, and Drake jumps to land on his feet! Drake leg jams, Julius CHOP BLOCKS him! Tag to Brutus, half hatch suplex to torture rack, for a RACK BOMB! Brutus then sets up in the corner, SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, Creeds win!

Winners: The Creed Brothers, by pinfall

Julius & Brutus proved they can be just as grizzled as Grizzled Young Veterans, but will the Creeds soon be NXT Tag Team Champions? Wait, what’s this? The tron shows a duo defacing the Diamond Mine dojo! They spray paint “DON’T CRY” on the walls, and pour out milk? One is texting, “Creed Brothers… You clearly can’t find us. So we’ll find you. Until then, enjoy the view.” Who is this that’s targeting the Diamond Mine? Will they pay going this far?


Gunther talks with Imperium.

There are no subtitles though this is in German, but it is obvious the Ring General will gladly teach Duke Hudson a lesson. Will Duke, Persia and everyone else be reminded that the mat is sacred?

GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Duke Hudson w/ Persia Pirotta!

NXT returns as everyone is in the ring. The bell rings, Gunther and Duke circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Gunther finds leverage to put Duke in the corner. Duke dodges the chop to pie face, and Gunther eggs him on. They tie up again, Gunther headlocks, but Duke powers out. Gunther runs Duke over! Then scoops and SLAMS him! Gunther eggs Duke on, then stomps him down. Gunther EuroUppers, Duke JABS! And JABS! Duke forearms but Gunther kicks low to whip Duke to a corner. Gunther runs in but into a back elbow! Duke throws forearms, and CHOPS! Gunther CHOPS!

Fans fire up as “WAL~TER!” circles around Duke. Gunther sits Duke up to dig his fingers into Duke’s face. The ref reprimands so Gunther elbows him down and CLUBS Duke in the chest! Duke throws body shots, then haymakers and JABS! Gunther CHOPS again! And CHOPS Duke off his feet! Indi gives a thumbs up! Duke gasps and sputters while fans lose their minds over those soul killing chops! Gunther gets Duke in a SLEEPER! Duke gets ropes, elbows free, then whips. Gunther reverses, Duke duck san dodges, fakes out the Thesz Press and BOOTS Gunther down! Duke fires off, RAMS into Gunther again and again in the corner, but lets off as the ref counts.

Duke CHOPS, Gunther CHOPS again! Duke kicks back and facelocks. Gunther powers Duke up and over the ropes to the apron! Duke shoulders in, and slingshots for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Duke hurries to cover, ONE!! Duke is furious, he gets Gunther up but Gunther blocks the lift to wrench and LARIAT! Gunther sees Duke stagger up, CHOP! CHOP!! BOOT! Then SLEEPER! To GUNTHER BOMB!! Cover, Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall

Duke just learned why the Ring General was the longest reigning NXT UK Champion ever! Indi likes it, but Persia doesn’t. And Gunther gets on the mic to say, “I am the most dominant competitor in NXT! But still, I have been overlooked. And it’s an absolute disgrace that somebody like LA Knight can talk himself-” Speaking of, here comes LA Knight! Fans fire up as Knight goes right to the ring, and Knight says, “Lemme talk to ya!” But Gunther tells him to shut up! Knight will listen! Gunther says Knight is everything wrong with this great sport today! All this talking, very little skill! Knight can talk his way into title matches, but he doesn’t have what it takes to win them! Knight’s mouth gets him matches, but he can’t win them with it!

Knight tells Gunther to listen very carefully. If Gunther ever interrupts him, he’ll knock that block head off his dad bod, “ya dumb sonovabitch!” Knight will put it like this! Stand & Deliver is right around the corner! He was gonna use his words to set up a match, but since Gunther doesn’t like words, let’s try a different route. Knight throws haymakers on Gunther!! Imperium mugs Knight in return! They set Knight up for Walter’s kick! But here comes MSK! They run in and brawl with Barthel & Aichner! MSK dumps the soldiers out, SUPERKICK for Aichner! JUMP KNEE for Gunther, and an ENZIGURI, into Knight’s POWERSLAM!

Knight clotheslines Gunther outta the ring to top it off! Gunther VS Knight, who will survive at Stand & Deliver?


Cameron Grimes speaks.

“Everyone knows I always wear my heart on my sleeve. Last week, I was frustrated and I was emotional.” He felt all he’d done was disappoint. His father was his hero and best friend, who lived and breathed this business. Grimes was in this business while he was wearing diapers. When Grimes signed with NXT, it was huge! But then shortly there after, his father passed away. Grimes vows that in his biggest match in his career, the final spot for the match at Stand & Deliver, he will make good on the promise he made to his father.

His father told him there are three types of people: those who just get by, those who try their hardest, and those who do whatever it takes. Next week, Grimes does whatever it takes. Will Grimes not just go #ToTheMoon, but to Dallas and the top of a ladder to win that North American Championship?


Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Finals: Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray VS Dakota Kai & Wendy Choo!

The Scary Geniuses are united in their mission to destroy Toxic Attraction, while #KaiChoo want to etch their names into the history books. Which side wins to not only hold the Dusty Cup, but to get a tag title opportunity at Stand & Deliver?

NXT returns as Shirai and KLR make their entrance. Toxic Attraction is ringside, having moved the lounge closer. The introductions are made, the spotlight shines on the cup, but now we see who shares that spotlight here tonight!

The teams sort out, Shirai starts with Wendy and they circle. They tie up, Shirai waistlocks but Wendy headlocks. Shirai powers out, things speed up, and Shirai hurdles but Wendy leaps over. Things keep moving, Wendy tilt-o-whirls and headscissors, but Shirai handsprings through! Wendy also lounges, too, and waves at Shirai. Shirai goes for Wendy but gets caught in a leg scissor! Shirai stomps the drop toehold away, then drags Wendy up and over. Tag to KLR, snapmare and KICK to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! KLR drags Wendy up to CHOP! Wendy dodges in the corner to fire off slaps!

KLR knees low, suplexes, but Wendy slips free to drop toehold! Wendy camel clutches for a GEDO CLUTCH! TWO, but Wendy dropkicks KLR to the corner! Wendy hurries over to tag Dakota! #KaiChoo crisscross and whip KLR into buckles! Wendy runs to BOOT, then Dakota BOOT WASHES! Cover, TWO! Dakota drags KLR up, whips her to a corner, but KLR reverses. KLR runs in but Dakota goes up and over and rolls KLR up! TWO, and Toxic Attraction look bored. KLR knees Dakota low, brings her around and tags Shirai. KLR drop toeholds Dakota to ropes, Shirai dials it up, but Wendy uses her body pillow to shield Dakota!

Shirai is annoyed and kicks at Wendy. Wendy ducks, but then Shirai mule kicks! Dakota kicks Shirai and whips her to ropes. Shirai reverses, Dakota reverses, Shirai reverses back and Dakota tumbles out of the ring! Wendy hurries over, but Shirai and KLR coordinate. Fans rally, Shirai whips KLR for her to DIVE and take out Wendy! Shirai then DIVES to take out Dakota! Fans fire up as the Scary Geniuses stand tall and NXT goes picture in picture!

Shirai & KLR tell Toxic Attraction to get ready for some of that, but the champs just roll their eyes. Shirai puts Dakota in, wrenches and wristlocks to whip her to the corner. Dakota hits buckles hard, Shirai tags KLR in. KLR drags Dakota up and CHOPS her against ropes! Dakota goes staggering away but KLR brings her around to whip into a corner. KLR forearm smashes, then whips Dakota in again for a GAMANGIRI! KLR brings Dakota around, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! KLR looms over Dakota, brings her over, and tags Shirai in. They mug Dakota, Shirai scoops and SLAMS her!

Shirai handstands to knee drop! Cover, TWO! Shirai clamps on with a CROSSFACE! Dakota endures, fans rally up and Wendy returns to the corner. Dakota fights up, throws body shots and forearms! Shirai hits back, they brawl with forearms back and forth, and Dakota ROCKS Shirai! But Shirai kicks low, uppercuts, uppercuts and UPPERCUTS! Shirai runs but Dakota gets around to TWISTING DDT! Both women are down and fans fire up! NXT returns to single picture, hot tags to KLR and Wendy! Wendy dodges, fires off strikes and CLOBBERS KLR! Wendy whips, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes KLR!

KLR goes to a corner, Wendy runs in and handspring FOREARMS! Wendy shoves KLR down, NAPTIME ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Wendy drags KLR up, but KLR slips around to Gory Especial! Wendy fights free, whips KLR into Shirai, and down goes Shirai! Wendy rolls KLR up, TWO! KLR drags Wendy up but Wendy fires off hands! Wendy ROCKS KLR, tags Dakota in, “This is Awesome!” as they put KLR up top. But Shirai yanks #KaiChoo down! Wendy throws Shirai out, Dakota BOOTS KLR! Wendy goes up top, SUPERPLEX! Dakota covers, TWO!! Toxic Attraction is amused now while Dakota can’t believe it!

Dakota drags KLR up, reels her in, but KLR fights the fireman’s carry! Dakota fights the waistlock, switches ands shoves, but KLR elbows her away. Tag to Shirai, FLAPJACK for Dakota! Shirai DECKS Wendy, runs in at Dakota, 619! Tag to KLR and fans fire up! KLR goes up, leaps, CANNONBALL! Cover, Wendy breaks it in time! Fans are thunderous, Shirai whips Wendy but Wendy reverses to POST Shirai! KLR has Dakota in the Gory Especial but Dakota slips off to kick and hop on! KAI-ROPRACTOR! Dakota hurries to the corner, climbs up top, and Wendy tags in! DOUBLE STOMPS to CHOO VADER BOMB!! Cover, Shirai dropkicks Dakota onto it!

All four women are down and fans are thunderous again! “This is Awesome!” and still not over! Shirai blocks Dakota’s kick, reels her in, TIGER BACKBREAKER! But Wendy FULL NELSON SLAMS Shirai! Wendy drags KLR up, KLR HEADBUTTS! KLR Gory Especials Wendy, K L R BOMB!! Tag to Shirai and she’s right up top, OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Cover, Shirai & KLR win!

Winners: Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray, by pinfall (2022 Women’s Dusty Cup winners)

Toxic Attraction isn’t happy, but that’s because they’ll be facing two former singles champions who turned into a scary good tag team! The confetti falls for Shirai & KLR but Mandy demands they cut the music! The champions get in the ring and Mandy says everyone needs to stay where they are, she has something to say! “First of all, congratulations, ladies, for winning the Women’s Dusty Cup. Wow. Even though Wendy & Dakota blew it regardless.” But if they think for one second that they’ll beat Gigi & Jacy and become tag champions, they’re sadly mistaken.

KLR tells Mandy, “Do you know what, Mandy? We agree. See, when we got into the Dusty tournament, we had one thing in mind. And that was, ‘Destroy Toxic Attraction.’ And the best way to do that, is to go after the leader and take what’s most important to her.” Shirai says Mandy said she’d fight any woman for that title. So then… KLR and Shirai thought that they would cash in their tag title opportunity, but instead, they wanna make Stand & Deliver a FATAL 4 WAY for the NXT Women’s Championship! Oh, really? Gigi splashes them with her drink! And then Toxic Attraction mugs Shirai & KLR 3v2! But her comes CORA JADE!

Cora fires off on Toxic Attraction, but especially Mandy! Then Shirai & KLR dropkick the rest out! Is this going to turn into an even bigger match for Stand & Deliver than Mandy was expecting? Or will she make sure things stay 1v1?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for NXT, especially with this as the penultimate episode before WrestleMania Weekend. We opened with a great match from Solo and Strong, and that was a great win for Solo. And then we also got a good match out of A-Kid VS Waller, but that was way too short and a lot of BS as A-Kid should’ve won fair and square while Waller should’ve cheated a bit more. But we got a great twist from Melo saying there will be a last chance Triple Threat. Grimes VS Strong VS A-Kid will be an awesome match for the go-home next week, and after Grimes’ promo, I’m thinking he wins. For one, Strong wants after Ilja Dragunov and the NXT UK Championship, that should be Strong’s Stand & Deliver match. As for A-Kid, maybe there’s still something cooking over on NXT UK that will give AK his big match.

Lopez VS Fallon was good, and Fallon has new denim shorts gear to fit her joining Brooks & Briggs. Lopez wins, though, she’s still the bigger name right now. Briggs & Brooks brawling with Mendoza & Wilde is giving us a tag match right there, Briggs & Brooks might find a way to win so that this faction warfare stays even. We got a really good Chase U promo with Bodhi following in Chase’s short tempered footsteps. The new Stone Brand seems to be caught up in a lot of feuds, I’m thinking Von beats Bodhi but struggles against Jiro. At some point, Von needs to have a dedicated feud or he’s just going to stay the big meathead Stone recruited.

We got a good promo from Draco, Gacy and Quinn, and I’m still pretty confident we’ll get Gacy & Harland VS Draco & Quinn as a tag match at some point. The promos between Indi and Persia were great in setting up matches, and the matches we got were really good. Dexter losing to Tony because of a mishap worked to give motivation to Duke VS Gunther, and Ciampa got the drop on Tony here to keep things even. Gunther/Walter fired off some serious chops, and he got a great win. Knight challenging Gunther for Stand & Deliver was great stuff, MSK making the save was good, and seems we’ll be getting a Six Man of Imperium VS MSKnight in the go-home.

Speaking of MSK, I swear it was those two defacing Diamond Mine’s room. Creed Brothers VS GYV was great stuff, and of course Creeds win to keep momentum, but there has to be something that exposes MSK as the culprits all along. MSK might as well turn Heel, the live crowd at the Performance Center still hates on them so they might as well actually have a reason to boo. Bron VS Roode was great stuff, and of course Bron wins to keep his momentum, and then Ziggler stands tall to double down on the math. Bron is definitely winning that title back, and then Ziggler probably just goes back to Raw.

And the Women’s Dusty Cup final was an awesome match for the main event. I figured KLR & Shirai were winning, but what a surprise that they don’t want the tag titles. There’s no NXT GM right now but I’d assume “management” will consider the Fatal 4 Way option of cashing in that opportunity. Is Gigi hurt? She barely brawled, and an injury is the only thing I can think of that would actually deny a tag title match at this point. I just have a bad feeling that this Fatal 4 Way is even more of a sign that Mandy’s retaining. She won’t need to use Gigi & Jacy as help, she’ll just play everyone else against each other.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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