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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (3/29/22)

Who’s going to Stand & Deliver?



One last North American Championship Ladder Match spot is up for grabs!

Carmelo Hayes wants his NXT North American Championship Ladder Match to have five men, so he’s giving one last chance to Cameron Grimes, Roderick Strong and A-Kid!


  • Six Man Tag: LA Knight & MSK VS Imperium; Imperium wins.
  • Ivy Nile w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Tiffany Stratton; Nile wins.
  • Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen w/ Fallon Henley VS Legado del Fantasma w/ Elektra Lopez; Briggs & Brooks win.
  • Bodhi Hayward w/ Andre Chase VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone; Wagner wins.
  • Draco Anthony VS Joe Gacy w/ Harland; Gacy wins.
  • Nikkita Lyons VS Sloane Jacobs; Lyons wins.
  • NXT North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier Triple Threat: Cameron Grimes VS Roderick Strong VS A-Kid; Grimes wins and advances to NXT Stand & Deliver.


Six Man Tag: LA Knight & MSK VS Imperium!

The Ring General and the NXT Tag Team Champions- ARE ATTACKED FROM BEHIND! The Megastar, Wes Lee & Nash Carter ain’t waiting for a bell! But will the mat still be sacred after such an ambush?

Gunther and Knight brawl in the ring, then Knight clotheslines Gunther back out! Fabian Aichner jumps in but Knight throws more hands! The bell rings and Knight stomps a mudhole, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight runs corner to corner to KNEE Aichner down! Knight whips Aichner, Aichner reverses and kicks back. Aichner CLUBS Knight, scoops him, but Knight slips off to shove. Things speed up, Aichner duck san dodges then runs Knight over! Aichner headlocks for a takeover and he grinds Knight down. Knight endures, keeps his shoulders up, and fans rally as he gets to his feet.

Knight powers out but Barthel tags in. Barthel arm-drags Knight, then grinds the armlock. Knight endures, fights his way back up, and fans rally again. Knight moves around, pries the hold and wrenches, and he has the wristlock. Knight YANKS and YANKS on the arm, but Barthel throws Knight by his hair! Barthel shouts, “NEIN!” then he clamps onto the armlock again. Knight endures the armlock and chinbar, and fans rally up again. Knight fights up, puts Barthel on ropes, but Barthel whips. Knight hits a NECKBREAKER! Knight tags Carter, and Carter tags Lee. Carter sweeps the legs, Lee Chanceries and Carter basement dropkicks! Cover, ONE!

Carter facelocks Barthel, wrenches and wristlocks. tag to Knight. Knight mugs Barthel, but Barthel uppercuts back. Barthel runs, into a back drop, but he sunset flips! Knight stays up, but misses the knee drop! Tag to Aichner but Knight counter punches with haymakers! Aichner headlocks. Barthel tags in again, Aichner distracts Knight and Barthel CLOBBERS Knight into ropes! Barthel rains down fists and stomps, then scrapes Knight’s face! Barthel taunts MSK, then PENALTY KICKS Knight! Barthel smirks and brings Knight up to throw hands. Tag to Gunther and fans go wild!

Gunther stomps but Knight fires off haymakers! Gunther swings but Knight ducks the chop to throw more hands! Another duck, but Gunther comes back to CHOP! And he kicks Knight around in frustration! Tag to Aichner, he scoops and SLAMS Knight into ropes! Cover, TWO! Aichner is frustrated but he stands Knight up to CLUB him down! Aichner snapmares for a chinlock but Knight endures. Knight fights up as fans rally again, and Knight throws body shots. Aichner shoves and headbutts low! Aichner shakes his head and fires up, then he brings Knight back up. Aichner throws hands and has Knight on ropes.

Aichner CLAWS Knight, SLAPS him, but that only angers Knight! Knight throws more haymakers! He backs Aichner down, Aichner shoves, and gets around, back suplex! Knight lands on his feet, hot tag to Carter! Lee tags in, MSK fires off the strike fest on him! Barthel runs in but is sent right out! Gunther get sin, SUPERKICK from Lee! Carter SUPERKICKS Aichner then DIVES onto Barthel! They crash to the ramp, Lee builds speed to- GET A BOOT! Gunther takes down Lee then eggs on Knight! The ref keeps these two back, Knight’s not legal! Fans are thunderous as NXT goes picture in picture!

Gunther and Knight stand down, but Gunther drags Lee up to CLUB him down! Lee grits his teeth and gets to ropes but Gunther stomps him down! Gunther drags Lee up but Lee throws body shots! SUPERKICK! Gunther wobbles, so Lee SUPERKICKS again! And runs, but gets caught! Gunther SPINEBUSTERS to a BOSTON CRAB! Lee endures, Knight BOOTS Walter down! Knight rains down on Gunther but the ref backs him off. Knight is fired up but Gunther drags Lee away to the corner. Tag to Barthel, he stomps Lee down. Barthel drags Lee up, puts him in a corner, then runs in, and blocks a boot! “NEIN!” GAMANGIRI!

Then a HALF HATCH SUPLEX! Barthel goes up, FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Barthel taunts Knight but again the ref keeps him back. Barthel stomps Lee, drags him over and tags Gunther. They mug Lee, Gunther stomps Lee’s arm, then stalks him to ropes. Lee kicks back but Gunther stomps him again! Gunther drags Lee up, scoops him and SLAMS him! Gunther drags Lee over, tag to Aichner. They focus on the leg, and Aichner drops an elbow into a toehold. Lee throws hands but Aichner turns him for an STF! Lee endures, Aichner turns him over for a cover, TWO! Aichner is annoyed but he taunts Lee.

Aichner drags Lee up, CLUBS him again, and Lee scrambles to ropes. Aichner drags Lee up again to EuroUpper him back down! Knight and Carter coach Lee as NXT returns to single picture. Aichner shoves Lee, Lee BOOTS back! Lee is in a corner, Aichner blocks the boot but not the ENZIGURI! Both men are down and fans are thunderous! Lee and Aichner crawl, hot tags to Barthel and Knight! Knight fires off on Barthel, DECKS Gunther, then dodges Barthel for a NECKBREAKER! Scoop and SLAM! Fans spell out his name and he drops the elbow! Cover, Aichner breaks it! Knight throws Aichner out, tag to Carter!

Carter goes corner to corner and gets a boost, RAILGUN DROPKICK to Barthel! Carter goes up but Gunther YANKS him down! Imperium gets away with that one, but Knight goes after Gunther! They brawl outside right by the barriers, and then to the back! Aichner gets to the corner, as does Lee. Barthel tags Aichner in, fans rally up, but Carter jackknifes! Aichner BOOTS Lee while the pin doesn’t count. Barthel anchors Carter for a LARIAT! Aichner covers, Imperium wins!

Winners: Imperium, by pinfall

The chaos was too much for MSKnight, Imperium comes out on top! Will Aichner & Barthel keep the NXT Tag Team Championships sacred this Saturday? But wait, here come the Creed Brothers! Julius & Brutus don’t want anyone to forget them. Will they be the ones to Stand & Deliver in Dallas?


NXT hears from Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai.

KLR brings up how two weeks ago, Mandy Rose said she’d fight any woman in NXT for her title. She genuinely believes she’s the greatest in history. That is why KLR & Shirai knew she’d accept the Fatal 4 Way. There has never been a group like Toxic Attraction. They cost KLR her shot, they took out Zoey Stark, so these two teamed up to get payback. Toxic Attraction will crumble and it’ll be hilarious! KLR & Shirai are no strangers to being champions. Shirai has been both singles and tag champions, and KLR is the NXT UK Women’s Forever Champion! When KLR becomes champ here, she won’t need help like Mandy.

KLR will make sure the title is around the waist of the best in the world! Yeah, it’ll be Shirai. Um… Well okay. Shirai will win, even if it means beating KLR. Then KLR looks forward to seeing her try. Good luck. May the best woman win. These two can agree on that. But will they make sure not to let Mandy slip through their fingers?


Dakota Kai is looking for Wendy Choo.

Where is she? Dakota asks around but no one’s seen her. Oh no! Her body pillow is all torn up and her pajamas are here. What happened to Dakota’s sleepy time tag partner?


Ivy Nile finds Tatum Paxley in the Diamond Mine dojo.

What is she doing? Tatum was just helping out. Well no one asked her to do this. In Diamond Mine, they kick ass, not kiss ass. Now get out! Tatum still cleans up the mess. But will Diamond Mine accept Tatum one way or another?


Ivy Nile w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Tiffany Stratton!

One is tough as nails, the other likes to get her nails done. These two couldn’t be any more different, except in one way: they both want to win. Will Ivy break Tiffany and send her running home to daddy? Or will Tiffany find a way to shine brighter than Diamond Mine?

The bell rings, they knuckle lock and Ivy wrenches the wrists for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Ivy keeps wrist control, Tiffany handsprings around and WRINGS Ivy out! Then STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Tiffany brings Ivy up, whips but Ivy blocks the hip toss. Tiffany blocks back, but then Ivy CLOBBERS Tiffany! Fans fire up while Tiffany crawls away. Ivy rushes over but into a knee! Tiffany says it’s her time! Tiffany runs to HIP ATTACK against ropes! Then she drags Ivy to center, jackknife! But Ivy rolls that back, ONE! Tiffany knees low, headlocks, and hits the takeover. Ivy fights up and fans rally.

Tiffany wrenches and wraps Ivy in a MILLION DOLLAR DREAM! Ivy endures, even as Tiffany thrashes her! Tiffany throws Ivy down while fans rally up. Tiffany blows a kiss but Ivy fires off KICK after KICK and then an ENZIGURI! Tiffany goes to a corner, Ivy runs in to forearm smash! Ivy goes around the world, CALF KICK! Ivy gets the legs, ties those up, CLUBS Tiffany and gets the arms, modified surfboard! Tiffany endures, so Ivy STOMPS her down! Tiffany bails out to check her face but Ivy puts her back in! Ivy reels Tiffany in but Tiffany LARIATS! Wait, that smoke! Tiffany knows what that means! IT’S SARRAY!

Tiffany shouts at Sarray that this is what she’ll do to her! But Ivy gets the DRAGON SLEEPER! Tiffany taps, Ivy wins!

Winner: Ivy Nile, by submission

Tiffany got bit by karma! The Warrior of the Sun gets back at her and the Diamond Mine’s tiny titan is climbing up the ranks! Will Tiffany have to settle things with Sarray before she can move on and up?


Tommaso Ciampa speaks.

“For a long time now, this has been my sanctuary. Not as much mine as it is ours. A place for us to connect. So let us connect.” When Ciampa first arrived, he had so much to prove. To his peers, to his fans, to his critics, and perhaps most of all, to himself. Now it’s been a long journey with the highest of highs and lowest of lows, and we’ve all been a part of it all. Something as public as winning the title or needing neck surgery. Something as private as his wife having five miscarriages or the eventual miracle of the birth of his daughter. Every triumph and tragedy, we were Ciampa’s confidants.

“Together, we overcame. Together, we created black ‘n’ gold magic. And now I hear all the whispers. Stand & Deliver just might be the end of an era. Well in Dallas, we will create that magic one final time.” Ciampa gets up a bit more calmly, as he puts the chair up. And on the chair, it reads, “9/9/2015 – 4/2/2022.” Will nearly seven years of NXT history be wrapped up in a bow? Or tarnished with a stain?


Dolph Ziggler speaks.

“Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, tag team champion, Money in the Bank winner, Sole Survivor, world heavyweight champion.” And now, NXT Champion. The Show-Off says this isn’t just NXT 2.0, this is DZ 2.0! He just got back from Raw, and normally takes the car service, makes NXT relevant and jets back. But with Stand & Deliver, he’ll stay an extra half day in Orlando for media. Bron Breakker’s still a kid. He’s like a kid with a first time or a first kid. This is gonna be Ziggler’s 18th time for WrestleMania weekend, he knows what to expect. He is in the zone, and will be doing all the media. They wanna talk to him, not Bron.

To Ziggler, Bron won the title long before he should have. And to say he was champion, everyone should want to talk to Ziggler. Ziggler is associated with NXT, NXT is associated with him, everyone just needs to get on board. Is Bron doing interviews? Ziggler would love to hear what that guy has to say. But uh, no one knows who that kid is outside of Florida so maybe he’s doing local. Then Ziggler will do the others because he can, and because they’re all happy to see him. He did the WWE Bump, After the Bell, pumped up to defend this title at Stand & Deliver. Ziggler does photoshoots, is happy to be in this moment.

Ziggler can only imagine what his career would’ve been like if he had all these teachers and classes. Maybe you wouldn’t have seen golf caddie, Nicky the Cheerleader. Yes, he’s bitter but he wouldn’t have it any other way. And he knows, Breakker lost so the kid’s gonna have his moment at Stand & Deliver. But that’s what you thought at Roadblock. This is just the second genesis of Ziggler’s career. This is the DZ everyone wanted. All Ziggler wants is everyone to leave with shocked looks on their faces. The Show-Off believes he’ll still stand tall, but will Bron deliver the performance of a lifetime in Dallas?


Cora Jade speaks.

While looking back at an old journal, with a letter from her younger self to her “future” self, Cora says, “Stand & Deliver means more than just getting revenge. This is about turning a pipedream into a reality. In high school, I was sitting there in math class not taking notes, but writing out my dreams in a WWE journal. I even graduated early so I could focus on becoming a WWE superstar.” When Cora held that belt in her hands, it was like everything stopped. The same title held by Paige, Sasha Banks, Asuka, Bayley, Charlotte Flair- Okay, Cora isn’t a fan of Charlotte’s, but the list goes on and on. Rhea, Shayna, etc.

Mandy doesn’t care about anything but Mandy. The women before her carried the title with dignity. Mandy sure as hell knows Cora is coming for her. Last week, Cora’s climb got harder because she isn’t just against Mandy. Now she has to deal with one of the most dominant women in NXT history in Io Shirai, and THE most dominant woman in NXT UK history in Kay Lee Ray. At Stand & Deliver, Cora will give everything she has. The odds are against her, but that was never really her thing. Cora knows she’s the underdog, but that’ll make it all the sweeter when she becomes the next NXT Women’s Champion!


Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen w/ Fallon Henley VS Legado del Fantasma w/ Elektra Lopez!

Between the whodunnit on the Creed Brothers and the brawl ringside during Rey VS Escobar, this match was bound to happen! But will the bar brawling good ol’ boys or the henchmen of Legado be the ones standing tall this close to Stand & Deliver?

NXT returns as Briggs & Brooks make their entrance. The teams sort out, Wilde and Brooks start and they tie up. Wilde wants a leg, Brooks headlocks but Wilde throws body shots. Wilde headlocks, Brooks powers out, Wilde ducks and dodges but runs into a FLAPJACK! Brooks BOOTS Wilde down, then has Wilde in a corner. Brooks CHOPS, clotheslines and whips to run and clothesline again! POWERSLAM! Brooks fires up and circles around Wilde. He brings Wilde over, tag to Briggs, and they double scoop SLAM Wilde down! Briggs is fired up now, and he brings Wilde up, only to get a JAWBREAKER!

Tag to Mendoza and he fires off on Briggs. Headlock, but Briggs powers up to power out. Mendoza slides under, tilt-o-whirls and sobats! Briggs blocks the whip to whip Mendoza to a corner, but Mendoza slips out and kicks back! Mendoza springboards up and over, rolls through but returns, into a pop-up BEARHUG! Briggs squeezes tight, RAMS Mendoza into the corner, then tags Brooks! They double whip and double TACKLE Mendoza down! Fans are torn, but Briggs and Brooks slide out, DOUBLE HAYMAKERS! They high-ten, but then Lopez looks Brooks up and down. Brooks waves hi then goes in to whip Mendoza.

Mendoza dropkicks Brooks out! Mendoza then WRECKS Brooks with a dropkick! Wilde laughs at Brooks, the ring count starts. Wilde tags in, he uses the corner for some flag pole and then a SPALSH! Wilde puts Brooks in, pushes him around, then brings him up to bump off buckles. Wilde stomps Brooks, taunts Briggs, then runs in to clothesline! Tag to Mendoza, he also clotheslines and tags! Wilde clotheslines and tags! Mendoza clotheslines and tags! Wilde clotheslines and tags again! Mendoza winds it up, to GAMANGIRI! Tag to Wilde, Legado double suplexes! Wilde keeps Brooks from Briggs, covers, TWO!

Wilde clamps onto Brooks with a chinlock and fans rally. Brooks fights up, powers Wilde to a corner, but then Wilde hops on for a SLEEPER HOLD! Brooks flails, Mendoza runs in but Brooks back drops him! Brooks throws Wilde off, hot tag to Briggs! Briggs runs Wilde over, throws big hands, then BOOTS Wilde down! Mendoza returns, into a SLAM and SPLASH! Briggs is all fired up, and he BUTTERFLY BACKBREAKERS Wilde! Cover, Mendoza breaks it! Mendoza whips but Briggs reverses to toss Mendoza! Briggs runs but Lopez is in his way! Wilde tags Mendoza in, Mendoza goes up to missile dropkick!

Mendoza tags Wilde back in, he goes up, but Fallon CLOBBERS Lopez! The women brawl now and Wilde is distracted. Wilde 450splashes into a choke grip! Briggs BOOTS Mendoza and CHOKE SLAMS Wilde! Tag to Brooks and they coordinate, HIGH LOW! Cover, Briggs & Brooks win!

Winners: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen, by pinfall

That was quite the football blitz from these boys, and they take the win! Will they and Fallon celebrate in Dallas just for the hell of it?


Indi Hartwell & Persia Pirotta talk.

They can’t believe Will Smith is still trending. Is Duke’s chest still all cut up from those chops? Uh, no, almost all gone. Persia spent all week rubbing in lotion. Gross. Well Duke will make it up to Persia with a romantic weekend in “The Big D.” That D is for Dexter. Uh, no, Big Duke Energy. Don’t be jelly when #Dusia is the talk of the weekend. Nope, it’ll be the hottest couple, #InDex. Then lets find out once and for all! Okay then. They can get their men and have the WWE universe decide. Deal! Persia says, “See you in Dallas, second best.” Indi says, “We’ll see about that.” Which way with the universe’s poll sway this weekend at Stand & Deliver?


Toxic Attraction heads to gorilla.

Mandy Rose leads Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne, but what will these three champions have to say this close to Stand & Deliver?


Backstage interview with Cameron Grimes.

McKenzie asks him how he is feeling ahead of the Last Chance Triple Threat. Usually, he’s pretty confident, cocky even. But tonight, he’s nervous. Nervous because this is the biggest match of his career. A-Kid and Roddy Strong are both excellent competitors. But they don’t need this the way Grimes needs this. he NEEDS Stand & Deliver. This is more than just being on top of the ladder with the North American Championship. This is about delivering on the promise he made to his late father. Grimes heads out, will this finally be Grimes’ big moment?


Toxic Attraction heads to the ring.

The NXT Women’s and Women’s Tag Team Champions strut their way out and show off their belts, among their many other assets. They all get mics, and Mandy starts with, “This Saturday, at NXT Stand & Deliver, I was supposed to fight Cora Jade one on one. But instead, Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray got a little win, and they totally took what I said out of context. They manipulated my words! I said I would fight any woman. Not at the same damn time! I mean, but I’m not scared. No no no no no. I am never scared. No, not me. Which reminds me… I think you all need to remember who the hell I am!”

Mandy Rose is the baddest bitch in the game, and she got the greatest back up this entire company has ever seen! Toxic Attraction has been dominating this entire division for the last six months, and will continue to do so. So come this Saturday, Mandy vows to humiliate Cora, rid NXT of Shirai once and for all, and send KLR back under the bridge she came from! After Mandy beats those three, she will cement her legacy of being the greatest NXT Women’s Champion of all time! “But hold on, hold on. Before we witness greatness on Saturday, we got some business to take care of tonight.”

Wendy Choo and Dakota Kai! They did you a favor by taking out the most dangerous team of Cora & Raquel. They practically  handed them the tournament! They just had to beat KLR & Shirai, but they failed. So let’s just say Wendy Choo “apologized” for not getting the job done. Show ’em! They have Wendy’s stuffed animal and favorite drink cup! Fans boo while Toxic Attraction says, “Aww~! We’ve beaten everyone there is to beat! We’ve beaten everyone!” Shirai & KLR even forfeited their shots, and it’s not like Dakota can find poor lil’ Wendy. They literally run this show! Jacy says, “Who’s left? I mean, really?”

Trick question! There is NO ONE left! Toxic Attraction has beaten and embarrassed every team that’s stepped in front of them. And come Saturday, Stand & Deliver, Jacy & Gigi walk in the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, and watch Mandy beat three other bimbos at the same damn time! Yeah, believe that! Toxic Attraction walks in with all the gold, and they walk out with all the gold. They’re not just Toxic Attraction, they are THE attraction! The champs hold up their belts, but wait! Here comes Dakota! She wants after them! She dodges Gigi, CLOBBERS Jacy, then gest at Mandy!

Gigi and Jacy beat Dakota down, this is 3v1 and not in Dakota’s favor! But wait! Is that Raquel!? Big Mami Cool is recovered and she HEADBUTTS Jacy! Then CLOBBERS Mandy! Gigi stomps Dakota to keep numbers advantage, but then she has to save Mandy from a scoop! Jacy also tries, but Dakota throws Jacy out! Raquel CLOBBERS Mandy, Toxic Attraction regroups on the outside, and the frenemies are standing tall together? This is quite the turn of events, and fans are liking it! Are we seeing these two make amends? THEY ARE! They hug it out, and even hold up the tag titles! Will Raquel and Dakota clobber Toxic Attraction once and for all at Stand & Deliver?


Backstage interview with Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams.

The North American Champion had a hand in making of these qualifying matches, what does he think of the results so far? Well first, everyone needs to put some respect on his managerial skills. He gave us all these banger “Melo-fication” matches. But in walk Grayson Waller & Sanga. They gonna be on commentary tonight? Maybe Waller & Sanga will be, too. Look how far they’ve all come! From WarGames and Waller jumping off the cage to win the match. Just imagine what he’ll do to win that North American title. Oh, Melo can imagine. He knows what lengths Waller will go to just to get a little bit of attention, when all Melo’s gotta do is be Melo.

And Waller finds out the hard way, that’s just how it is. Okay, Melo can keep lying to himself. That title will be Waller’s soon enough? And Waller’s is bigger than Melo’s. Wait, does he mean comparing Sanga and Trick? Or perhaps egos?


Bodhi Hayward w/ Andre Chase VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone!

The star student of Chase University will defend the school’s honor as well as his own against the new Stone Brand’s leading man. But is Bodhi going to ace this test? Or must we all accept that this is Wagner’s World?

But a special surprise is ringside, Jacket Time is standing in as Japanese commentary! Kushida & Ikemen Jiro are fired up to watch this one. The bell rings and Bodhi fires off haymakers! He kicks, throws more hands, and fans are behind him! Wagner shoves him, DECKS him, then takes a breath, But Bodhi gets up to lift Wagner and dump him out of the ring! Fans fire up and Bodhi rushes in to RAM Wagner into steps! Fans fire up even more as Bodhi chases Wagner back in the ring. Bodhi runs, into a BOOT! Jacket Time says that was quite the rally but it sure didn’t last long. Wait, Jiro is distracted by the same lovely lady that’s been around Stone lately.

Wagner STOMPS Bodhi, drags him up, headbutts him down, then paces like a shark. Wagner throws another headbutt, rains down fists, and Kushida gets Jiro to focus on the match, not Ms. Sophia Cromwell. Fans boo but Wagner bumps Bodhi off buckles. Wagner RAMS his shoulder in again and again, then lets off as the ref counts. Wagner whips Bodhi out to put him in the corner and clothesline down! Fans rally but Wagner suplexes Bodhi across the ring! Bodhi gets to the apron, and he shoulders back in! Then he slingshots up and over to get the cover, TWO! Wagner swings but misses, Bodhi ROCKS him with a right!

Bodhi runs, into Wagner’s arms! FALL AWAY SLAM! Bodhi flounders to a corner, Wagner stomps him. Jiro is still distracted by Sophia and Wagner pulls Bodhi against ropes. The ref counts, Wagner lets off at 4, and the ref reprimands. Bodhi elbows Wagner back! And boots him! And fires forearms! Wagner shoves, but he misses his own boot! Bodhi goes corner to corner as fans rally up, and Bodhi CHOP BLOCKS Wagner’s big leg! Then shoulder tackles him down! And a SPLASH! Wagner flounders. Bodhi fires up, and he does it for the U! Scoop, but Wagner slips out to smack Bodhi off buckles!

Wagner hauls Bodhi up, fireman’s carry and DEATH VALLEY BOMB! Cover, Wagner wins!

Winner: Von Wagner, by pinfall

Bodhi gets an A+ for effort, but effort isn’t enough. And now Wagner storms over to Jacket Time! He DECKS Kushida and TOSSES Jiro! Wagner puts Jiro in the ring, gets in after him, and fireman’s carries for the DEATH VALLEY BOMB! Fans boo as Wagner rips Jiro’s jacket off him, and then RIPS the jacket! Stone says that’s what Jiro gets! Kushida gets in but Wagner is leaving. Sophia seems rather impressed. Has this convinced her to sign up with the Stone Brand?


Tony D’Angelo speaks.

“Tommaso Ciampa. See you though tit was a good idea to attack me from behind? Stunad. Big mistake. See on the streets, you start off as a soldier. Earn your stripes, make a name for yourself. But as you climb your way up the food chain, there comes a time when you know what’s best for the family. Which way to steer the ship.” Tony is making a decision. He has to remove Ciampa from his chair. Tony is telling Ciampa, whether he likes it or to, that Stand & Deliver WILL be his last match. And when Tony takes his place at the top of the family, he will control the streets. He will call the shots in the ring. And Tony will control anything and everything as the Don of NXT. He already likes the sound of that, but will there be a Fairy Tale Ending in his future?


Draco Anthony VS Joe Gacy w/ Harland!

The hard working, hard fighting loner has had enough of Mr. Inclusion hypocritically acting like he has to live the way he’s told. Will Draco get Gacy to shut up and leave him alone? Or will he be made to see things Gacy’s way?

NXT returns and Draco makes his entrance. Gacy has Harland relax, and then Gacy offers a handshake. Draco slaps it away, then ducks a clothesline! Draco headlocks, Gacy powers out but Draco dodges, only for Gacy to run him over! Gacy apologizes and wants to hug it out. Draco kangaroo kicks instead! Draco fires shots, WRINGS Gacy out, then hip tosses Gacy down! Draco whips Gacy to a corner, Gacy tumbles up but Harland distracts with juts a glare. Gacy is still upside down in the corner, and then tumbles back to dodge Draco! Kick and DDT! Both men are down but Harland glares at Draco.

But wait, is that NXT prospect Quincy Elliot behind Harland? He’s making his own face but Gacy sits Draco up to wrap on a chinbar. Gacy CLUBS Draco, clamps on an armlock and he grinds Draco down. Draco endures, fans fire up, but Gacy digs his forearm in. Draco fight sup, pries free, but Gacy HEADBUTTS! Gacy pats Draco, and he says Draco’s loneliness doesn’t have to be his only friend. Draco knees low, whips, but Gacy reverses and clotheslines in the corner! Then URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Gacy is back on Draco with another chinbar! Draco endures so Gacy shifts to a chinbar and armlock. Fans rally, Draco fights up, and he fireman’s carries!

But Gacy slips off to get Draco in a chinbar half nelson! Draco backs Gacy into buckles, but Gacy holds on! Draco rams him in again, arm-drags free, and he fires off haymakers on Gacy! Draco whips and dodges Gacy to then run him over! Fans fire up with Draco as he runs side to side to back elbow! Gacy flounders, Draco fires up and he reels Gacy in, EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Gacy is still in this, but Draco keeps his cool. Draco drags Gacy up, reels him in, and suplexes, but Gacy slips out! He drags Draco up to waistlock, O’Conner Roll, TWO! Gacy handsprings and LARIATS! Cover, Gacy wins!

Winner: Joe Gacy, by pinfall

Harland joins Gacy in the ring as Gacy stands tall! But what of Quincy glaring at them the whole match? Will he have something to say about them getting on Draco’s case?


Bron Breakker speaks.

“The entire world is descending upon Dallas, Texas. Stand & Deliver, the main event, Bron Breakker VS the NXT Champion, Dolph Ziggler.” And damn right it’s the biggest match of Bron’s life! His first run as champion was about proving to everyone and to himself that he could be the guy. Bron dreamt of that moment, he was ready to carry the weight of NXT, but the Triple Threat was screwed up by the Dirty Dawgs. Ziggler is a poison. No one is bigger than the brand but Ziggler acts like it. He flies down from Raw on Monday nights to be here on a Tuesday to do his stuff and get out. He takes everything he needs and gives nothing back.

“NXT is my life.” Bron wakes up, comes to the performance center, trains his ass off, works every single day. WrestleMania Weekend is the biggest weekend of the year, and Bron vows that Ziggler will NOT leave champion! There is too much on the line! Bron doesn’t care what Ziggler thinks. The culture of NXT means too much to Bron for Ziggler to be walking around with that belt. Ziggler can’t screw Bron because this isn’t a Triple Threat. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Bron promises to smash Ziggler at Stand & Deliver and take back the brand for everyone who chants “N X T.”


Nikkita Lyons VS Sloane Jacobs!

She may want after Lash Legend, but for now she’ll have to settle for an appetizer. Will Lyons roar and be Queen of the Jungle?

The bell rings, they tie up, and Lyons headlocks. Sloane pulls hair and powers out but Lyons runs her over! Lyons arm-drags Sloane around, then scoops her for a SLAM! Lyons roars and fans fire up, and then Lyons hauls Sloane up. Sloane throws body shots but Lyons HEEL KICKS her down! Cover, TWO! Sloane flounders but Lyons hauls her up to a fireman’s carry. Sloane elbows free, and hits an ARM BREAKER! Fans rally for Lyons but Sloane wraps the arm around ropes and kicks away! The ref reprimands and counts., Sloane stops at 4 but Lyons hits back! Lyons ducks Sloane’s kick to GERMAN SUPLEX!

Lyons roars again, fireman’s carries and SAMOAN DROPS! “LET’S GO!” Lyons waits on Sloane to get up to kick, KICK and ROUNDHOUSE! And then, the SPLIT LEG LEG DROP! Cover, Lyons wins!

Winner: Nikkita Lyons, by pinfall

But Lash talks trash on the titantron. That win deserves two snaps and a clap, like a goldfish blowing bubbles. But after Stand & Deliver, these two have business to take care of. Lyons is okay, but she ain’t Lash Legend, okay? Lash will prove she is more talented, more athletic, and most importantly, a bigger star than her. Lash talks a big game, but will stepping into the #LyonsDen only prove why Lash is a talk show host and not a champion?


Diamond Mine regroups backstage.

Everyone congratulates Ivy on the win, and then Bivens says, “The craziest thing about NXT today is the fact that all these people here brag about the fact that they can walk these streets alone. But these are the same people who are afraid to fight Diamond Mine one on one. But tonight, we’re gonna solve that problem.” Strong will win the Last Chance Triple Threat and go on to Stand & Deliver to climb that ladder, grab that title, and become a TWO-TIME North American Champion! And that same day, the Creeds will beat two other tag teams to become the NEW NXT Tag Team Champions! This is WrestleMania Weekend, it doesn’t get any better than that!

And at the end of it, Malcolm Bivens will have more gold than Mr. T himself. And Bivens pities the fool who wants to get it with Big Nasty. The Creeds see Bivens, Strong and Ivy off, but then Brutus gets a text. A 781 area code is wishing them luck on Saturday, because they’ll be watching. Oh wait, those guys who jumped them! It’s fine. Stand & Deliver is first, then when these guys finally pop up, Julius & Brutus can take their heads off. Julius is levelheaded, but will he and hotheaded Brutus have to worry about their stalkers?


NXT North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier Triple Threat: Cameron Grimes VS Roderick Strong VS A-Kid!

The Carolina Caveman wants gold, but before even getting to the ladder match, he must go through a former NXT North American, Cruiserweight and Tag Team Champion, as well as the inaugural NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion! Will Grimes keep his dream going #ToTheMoon? Or will someone else take that fifth and final spot in Melo’s star studded showdown?

NXT returns as the Spanish Sensation, A-Kid, makes his entrance. Then Grimes makes his, and the main event begins! The fans rally up with “To The Moon!” and the three slowly circle. Grimes goes for AK’s legs but he kicks free, only for Strong to waistlock. AK headlocks, Strong powers out and Grimes gets around AK to waistlock. Strong waistlocks Grimes, AK switches all the way to waistlock Strong. Grimes breaks free, AK trips Strong but Grimes pushes AK aside. Grimes wants La Magistrol but AK sunset flips Grimes! Strong ghost pins AK, ONE! Grimes headlocks but Strong powers out, Grimes runs AK over!

Grimes keeps moving, now he runs Strong over! But Strong trips Grimes on the return, but AK gets Strong with a sleeper! Strong snapmares free, but he narrowly avoids the Cave-In! Fans fire up for this triple threat standoff! Grimes tells both AK and Strong to #KissMahGrits! Strong runs in, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! AK runs in, dodges, springboards, and arm-drags Grimes to then dropkick Strong! And then he dropkicks Grimes! Fans fire up but Strong CLOBBERS AK and stomps him in the corner! Strong stomps a mudhole in, then stands AK up to CHOP! Strong goes to Grimes, throws heavy hands, then whips Grimes at AK.

Grimes slows up and monkey flips AK, and AK RANAS Strong! Fans fire up more and AK runs in to alley-oop over Grimes and dropkick Strong! All three men are down and fans are thunderous! Melo & Trick finally arrive at commentary, Melo shoots and scores. Grimes gets up and checks his jaw. He swings on AK but AK blocks, knuckle locks and CHOPS! AK goes up and leaps to DOUBLE THROW both Strong and Grimes! Grimes bucks the O’Conner Roll, but AK dodges to DIVE and take out Strong! Melo takes all the credit for this match, and Grimes PENALTY KCIKS AK! Strong gets Grimes for an APRON BACKBREAKER!

All three men are down, and Solo Sikoa shows up on stage! Melo is upset but the fans are fired up, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Strong gets up, he fetches AK into the ring, bit of a wedgie, and he stomps AK around. Strong scoops AK for a BACKBREAKER! AK writhes, Strong fish hooks his face and CLUBS him down. Strong then WRECKS Grimes with a dropkick, goes back to AK, and he fires off knees. AK fires forearms and a BOOT back, but Strong throws hands. AK gets the armbar takedown! Strong hurries to turn it to a cover, TWO! Strong fights out of the Triangle Hold to stomp AK down! Grimes is on the apron so Strong rushes over, but into a shoulder! Grimes slingshots but into a BACKBREAKER! Solo applauds, that was a good one.

Strong gets AK’s legs but AK resists the rollover to get the ropes! But Strong uses that to ROPE GUILLOTINE! AK sputters and Strong soaks up heat. Strong drags AK up, CHOPS him again, and AK drops to his knees! Strong POSTS AK, then drags Grimes up the corner. Strong throws hands, climbs up and brings Grimes to the top. Grimes hits back, so Strong drops down to GAMANGIRI! Strong BOOTS AK out of the ring for good measure! Strong then goes up again, CHOPS Grimes, brings him up, but Grimes resists! Grimes shoves Strong away, but Strong comes back to ROCK Grimes! NXT returns to single picture as Strong SUPERPLEXES Grimes!

AK is up top, he FROG SPLASHES Grimes!! Fans are thunderous and even Melo likes what he sees! But wait, Escobar is up in the perch to watch this, because “This is Awesome!” But then Waller & Sanga ruin the mood by showing up in the cheap seats. Melo is loving what he’s created, but Strong RAMS AK into a corner. Strong then gets Grimes’ legs, but Grimes resists. AK runs in to leap on! Strong resists the takedown and he POWERSBOMBS AK onto Grimes! Then he has a DOUBLE STRONG HOLD!! But he just gets double the kicks! Grimes O’Conner Rolls, TWO, and Grimes uses momentum to ROCK Strong!

Grimes elbows AK, AK swings but ROCKS Strong! Grimes runs to DOUBL ERANA! It wasn’t the cleanest but the fans are thunderous all the same! Grimes rallies on Strong, then runs to CLOBBER AK! Grimes keeps going on AK, BOOTS Strong in the corner, then goes side to side to ENZIGURI AK! AK staggers, Grimes is up top, Strong joins in, CROSSBODY on Strong! AK runs in, but Grimes scoops for a SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Cover, Strong breaks it! Strong staggers, he drags Grimes to ropes and stands him up. Strong goes side to side for forearms over and over, but Grimes ROUNDHOUSE! COLLISION COURSE!!

AK QUEBRADAS, but Grimes catches him! SWINGING DDT counter from AK! Melo says this fire from the fans is all for him on commentary, but they’re really losing their minds from all three men being down on the mat. Strong flounders up, staggers over, but AK stands. AK CHOPS Strong, Grimes DECKS AK! Strong CHOPS Grimes, CHOPS again, but AK ROCKS Strong! AK CHOPS and forearms Strong, then forearms Grimes. Strong ROCKS AK, CHOPS Grimes, repeat! Strong fires off on Grimes, but AK CHOPS Strong! AK runs, goes up, but Strong blocks arm-drag to a BACKBREAKER! Strong runs, and he CLOBBERS Grimes!

Strong KNEES Grimes in the corner! AK runs in, into a half nelson BACKBREAKER! Strong RAMS AK into Grimes, fireman’s carries Grimes, GUTBUSTER DROP! AK leaps, but into a SLAM onto Grimes! Strong is putting on a clinic as he hauls AK up! But AK slips out the suplex to O’Conner. Strong bucks it, AK leaps, into the STRONG KNEE! And then END OF HEARTACHE!! But Grimes CAVE-IN OUTTA NOWHERE!! Cover, Grimes wins!!!

Winner: Cameron Grimes, by pinfall (advances to Stand & Deliver)

The End of Heartache is true for Grimes! He has the biggest win in his career yet, but will he get an even bigger win this weekend at Stand & Deliver? Melo gets the mic to congratulate Grimes, and surely Pops is proud of him. But ain’t no way Grimes walks out THE Champion. But Escobar tells Melo to shut up! On Saturday, Escobar takes the title and brings it back to La Familia! But Waller tells Santos, “Mate, family doesn’t matter! And that image of me bringing down the North American title is gonna go viral!” Solo tells everyone to shut their asses up! This is gonna be a fight, and the Street Champion will become the NEW North American Champion!

Grimes says he’ll take the title #ToTheMoon! Then he DECKS Melo! The brawl is on! Grimes is after Melo, Escobar is after Trick, Sanga & Waller are after Solo, Legado rushes out to help their boss, and the fans are going nuts! Just who is even going to make it to Dallas at this rate?!

My Thoughts:

This was a much better go-home than what Raw had last night. Not that it was hard to outdo Recap Night Raw. Great opener in the Six Man, especially with LA Knight & MSK taking the fight to Imperium from the entrances. Imperium gets the win, though we never did see how Gunther and Knight finished their brawl. I feel like Imperium stands tall so that Barthel & Aichner lose the tag titles while Gunther wins over Knight. The Creeds might be the ones to win, so that they can have those titles while feuding with this team that is stalking them. But it seems strange that we were told it was 781 area code when, after looking at all the clues from last week, this might actually be Pretty Deadly from NXT UK showing up.

Ivy Nile gets promo with Tatum to keep it in mind that Tatum might join Diamond Mine, and then Ivy gets a win thanks to Sarray. Sarray VS Tiffany definitely feels like a post WrestleMania NXT level match, and Sarray being “magical girl mode” will definitely beat Tiffany. Draco VS Gacy was good, but it seemed really strange that Xyon Quinn didn’t show up, and instead they’re plugging “Quincy Elliot,” who debuted through NXT Level Up and lost to Gacy. Vince is already inconsistent with his stories, but maybe he’ll have more people join up with Gacy to give Draco a reason to have Quinn and Quincy as his allies.

Are we really going to get #InDex VS #Dusia in a vote of “Who do you guys get turned on by more?” This NXThirst crap is getting outta hand. We did get a good match out of Briggs & Brooks VS Legado, and I figured Briggs & Brooks would win. Wagner of course beats Bodhi, but the match was a vehicle to set up more of the story with Jacket Time, and apparently with Sophia Cromwell. Maybe Sophia sticks to Stone Brand, or maybe Jacket Time impresses her with their heart and fortitude in standing against big bad Von. Naturally, Nikkita crushes her opponent tonight, no pun intended. Lash talks good trash, but Nikkita is getting the push so she’ll win.

We got some great promos out of the bigger singles matches for Stand & Deliver. Ciampa’s was rather simple but very effective, especially with the dates on the chair. Tony D’Angelo’s was in character, but somehow not as effective. Tradition is that the person moving on puts over the other guy, but it just doesn’t feel like Tony deserves it given the differences in who they are and what they’ve done, even just keeping it to 2.0. We got a great couple of vignettes from Ziggler and Bron, and the dynamic differences between these guys actually works. I am still confident Bron wins, but I don’t necessarily disagree with Ziggler saying him getting the title the first time was too soon. But Bron is Mr. 2.0, he’ll become Mr. Two-Time Champion.

We got very good promos out of KLR, Shirai and Cora. Naturally, tension is building between KLR and Shirai, that could mean those two cancel out. Toxic Attraction has a good group promo to talk typical trash, but them bringing up Gigi & Jacy having no one to beat left of course meant someone was stepping up. Them taking out Wendy offscreen, Dakota of course goes after them, but what a great surprise that Raquel is back and that she and Dakota reunite. This could still relate to Gigi not being healthy enough to take on a team like Shirai & KLR, but she still had select parts in the brawl where she didn’t get hit. Will Jacy get squashed to give us two-time tag champs in Raquel & Dakota? Will a fourth Toxic Attraction member show up? Will it be Wendy for some weird reason?

And then we got such an awesome Triple Threat main event. Thankfully there’s such a thing as DVR because that was so hard to keep up with but that made it all the more amazing. Given last week’s promo and this week’s promo,  all in his real voice and not his hyped up voice, Grimes of course was winning tonight. He’s gotten this far, who knows if he’ll get the title, but what a great brawl of all the participants and the sidekicks. Melo might become too powerful if he wins in such a big match, so maybe Grimes fulfills his promise. That would be a great Face moment for Grimes, it’d really make him a star in NXT and maybe even in the eyes of all WWE fans.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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