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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (3/3/22)

Is Frazer (not) ready?



The biggest match in the British Prodigy’s career yet!

Emboldened by his performance against Der Ring General, Nathan Frazer takes on Ilja Dragunov for the NXT UK Championship! But is he ready for that?


  • Mark Coffey VS Sha Samuels; Coffey wins.
  • Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff VS Pretty Deadly; Starz & Mastiff win.
  • NXT UK Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Nathan Frazer; Dragunov wins and retains the title.


Mark Coffey VS Sha Samuels!

Gallus had a lot of fun at the expense of the Scottish Supernova and the East End Butcher. But now, before Joe Coffey takes on Noam Dar for the NXT UK Heritage Cup, Markus will take on Sha in a match where everyone else is barred from ringside! Will Gallus Boys be back on top? Or will Sha win this one for EEEEAST?

The bell rings and Sha circles with Coffey. They tie up, Sha knees low and CLUBS Mark on the back. Sha throws haymakers, Mark throws them back. Mark then shoves and arm-drags, but Sha reverses to a headlock! Mark fights up, Sha hits a headlock takeover. Sha grinds the hold, Mark fights up. Mark throws body shots, wrenches the arm and has the armlock. Sha fights up, gets around to a waistlock but Mark switches. Sha bucks Mark, but Mark CLOBBERS Sha with an uppercut! Mark wrenches to a Russian Leg Sweep! Mark drags Sha back up, RAMS his shoulder in, but Sha breaks free.

But Mark gets up under Sha to back drop him! Sha bails out but Mark builds speed! Mark slides but Sha dodges to kick low. Sha throws haymakers, he puts Mark back in, but Mark hits him back with forearms and CHOPS! Mark whips, Sha reverses and CLOBBERS Mark! Mark gets up, into a scoop SLAM! Sha paces, drags Mark around, uppercut to the leg! Sha then gets an arm to JAM it with a hip drop. Sha throws down elbows into Mark’s shoulder, then stands on Mark. “On the money!” But Mark dodges the kick to fire off forearms! Mark whips, Sha reverses and SPLASHES in the corner!

Sha keeps moving and he LARIATS Mark down! “EEEAST!” Sha sits Mark up to KICK him in the back! Sha talks trash, but Mark throws body shots. Sha throws hands, whips Mark to ropes, and scoops him for a MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Mark grits his teeth but Sha argues the count. Sha stalks Mark to a corner, stomps him in the corner then follows him to another corner. Sha knees low, then WRINGS Mark’s arm out! Mark clutches the elbow and shoulder but Sha grabs that arm for an armlock. Mark endures, Sha slaps him around. Mark fights up, throws body shots, but Sha clamps on the shoulder harder.

Mark throws more body shots, Sha keeps on that shoulder, but Mark fights free with big forearms! Mark kicks low, whips, but Sha reverses. Sha runs in but misses in the corner! Mark turns around, into BOOTS! Sha goes up, elbow drop FLOPS as Mark moves! Mark and Sha slowly rise, and Mark runs in to LARIAT! And shoulder tackle! Mark ROCKS Sha with a forearm, runs in and uppercuts! Sha staggers, Mark whips him to the other corner for a back body block! Mark then hops up the corner, FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Sha survives but Mark works on getting his bad arm moving again.

Mark drags Sha up, wants the nelson but Sha elbows free! Sha clinches, Mark throws elbows back! Mark runs and whips, to GAMANGIRI! Cover, TWO! Sha survives and Mark is frustrated. Mark gets up, Sha checks his chin. Mark reels Sha in, half nelson but Sha arm-drags free! Sha gets Mark, T-BONE SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Mark survives and Sha is furious! Sha brings the suspender straps down, drags Mark up, and he wants the bad arm! Mark arm-drags free, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Both men are down and the ref checks. A standing count begins, both men slowly get up. They go forehead to forehead and start throwing forearms!

They go from forearms to haymakers, fast and furious! Sha kicks low, but Mark gets him for the FULL NELSON SLAM! Mark runs to BASEMENT UPPERCUT! #GlassCheck! Cover, Mark wins!

Winner: Mark Coffey, by pinfall

Markus shut Sha up the hard way, proving he can get it done all by himself! Will Joe Coffey do the same when he takes on Noam Dar for the Heritage Cup?


NXT UK Media catches up with A-Kid.

The Spanish Sensation is training and sparring, and he gets a nice heel hook takedown. But then Charlie Dempsey walks over and says he wants to talk with AK. AK tags out and rolls out. Dempsey says he was working out, saw AK over here doing that technique, and Dempsey was hoping AK would show it to him. Well, no, because then Dempsey would use it to take advantage of opponents. Dempsey knows AK saw him in there with Die Familie, but he’s not like that. Oh? Well- Rohan Raja attacks from behind?! Was this a set-up!? Dempsey has Raja and Teoman back off. What’re they doing? Dempsey stares down his brothers in arms, but then joins in!

Die Familie stomps away on AK until security gets in. Sid Scala is there, too, and he warns Die Familie. The damage has been done, did El Nino Anonimo just see the real Dempsey after all?


Isla Dawn speaks.

Or rather, sings as she clutches the flowers she stole from Meiko Satomura. “Go, go, watch my powers grow. Every prize I collect makes me grow~. Stronger, stronger than they know. The final prize, just within my reach~. Soon, soon, the Final Boss will fall and Isla Dawn will stand tall. Isla Dawn will stand tall~! I! I! Will stand tall~!” The Wicked Witch of NXT UK is coming for the title, but will the Best in the World defy this musical little prophecy?


NXT UK shares Moustache Mountain’s post match interview from last week.

First, congratulations to Trent Seven & Tyler Bate on the win. How are they feeling? Two words: “Cool jinkies.” And they are still NXT UK Tag Team Champions. Their first match, defense, and success. But Oliver Carter & Ashton Smith barge in. What was all that about? Uh, it was all about winning, that’s what. Swatting the ropebreak away is a win, huh? Seven has Carter calm down. Seven knows how hard he had to work to get the tag titles, and how hard he’ll work to keep the tag titles. So he’ll do anything he has to. That wasn’t cheating, that wasn’t a trick, it was just being better. That’s enough, man. Two in a row against you guys, that’s it.

Carter says it’s not over yet, but Smith has him stop. Whatever that was, Moustache Mountain has been in the exact same spot as them. Seven & Bate didn’t get it right the first time, either, so that means Smith & Carter deserve one more try. Bate does agree with that. He’s a sucker for second chances. What’d they be without second chances? So Smith & Carter getting a rematch, no problem. They’ll run it back. And if Moustache Mountain wins that time, then so be it. They moustache fist bump and Carter says no more politeness. Will the hottest tag team in NXT UK look to make good on their mulligan?


Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff VS Pretty Deadly!

After taking on the Bomber Challenges to get his “cut,” it seems Starz has proven himself worthy! Mastiff presents Starz with his very own vest, and now this duo is starting to look more like a team! Will they use all their Bomber strength, stamina and guts to get one over on Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley? Or will the former NXT UK Tag Team Champions prove it takes more than just coordinated outfits to win?

The teams sort out and Mastiff starts against Howley. Howley and Stoker talk strategy and then Howley circles with Mastiff. They tie up, and Mastiff powers Howley around. Mastiff shoves Howley away, then eggs him on. They tie up again, Howley tries but Mastiff stays put. Mastiff then pushes Howley back to ropes, and the ref calls the break. Howley shoves Mastiff, then they tie up again. Howley headlocks, but Mastiff powers out. They ram shoulders and Mastiff doesn’t budge! Stoker distracts Mastiff, Howley gives him a knee to the thigh, aka dead leg! Howley runs, rams Mastiff, and Mastiff drops to a knee!

Tag to Stoker, Pretty Deadly both ram Mastiff! Mastiff stays up, and he RAMS them both back! Mastiff drags Stoker over, tags Starz in, and Starz wrenches Stoker to YANK the arm. Starz wants to tag back but Mastiff tells him just to stay on Stoker! Starz ducks Stoker’s haymaker to get around and headbutt low. Starz snapmares and runs to uppercut Stoker in the back! Cover, TWO! Starz drags Stoker back, now Mastiff tags in. Stoker RAMS into Stoker, Mastiff EuroUppers Stoker down. Mastiff CLUBS Starz, scoops him and SLAMS him! Mastiff sits Stoker up, Starz tags in. Mastiff SENTONS, Starz SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!

Starz drags Stoker up to CLUB him down, brings him around and EuroUppers. Tag to Mastiff, they mug Stoker again. Mastiff whips Stoker to the open corner but Stoker elbows back. Tag to Howley and Howley goes up, leaps into a BIG body shot! Starz wants in but Mastiff says he’s got this and he CLUBS Howley! Then BOOTS him down! Now Mastiff tags Starz, they mug Howley, and Starz wrenches. Starz YANKS the arm, whips Howley, but Howley reverses. Starz goes up and over and fires off dropkick after dropkick! Starz arm-drags and has the cording hold! Howley flails, Starz covers, TWO!

Starz keeps on the arm but Howley fights up. Howley throws body shots, he scoops but Starz slips out. Stoker tags in off the O’Conner Roll and he POSTS Starz! Starz falls to the floor, Stoker goes out to fetch him, and RAM him into the apron! Stoker puts Starz in, stays between Starz and Mastiff, and he stomps away on Starz. Stoker CLUBS Starz to the ropes, tags Howley in, and Pretty Deadly double whip to shoulder Starz down! “Yes Boy~!” They both run, LEG DROP SPLASH COMBO! Cover, TWO! Howley stomps Starz, sits him up and CLUBS him in the head. And again! Howley brings Starz up but Starz throws body shots.

Howley knees low, tag to Stoker, chicken wing lift and BULLDOG! Howley sucker punches Mastiff while Stoker covers, TWO! Mastiff is angry but the ref keeps him back. Stoker drags Starz over, tag to Howley. Pretty Deadly mug Starz, and Howley puts Starz in a corner for knee after knee. Howley whips Starz corner to corner hard, and Starz bounces off the buckles! “Yes Boy~!” Tag to Stoker, and Pretty Deadly stands Starz up for more mugging. Stoker stands on Starz’s head, then stomps him to a corner. Stoker scoops and SLAMS Starz hard! Cover, TWO! Stoker clamps on with a chinlock and Howley talks trash.

Starz fights his way up and fans rally. Starz throws body shots, then he elbows Howley! Stoker ROCKS Starz, whips him to a corner, and hits a big uppercut! Tag to Howley, Pretty Deadly coordinate. Mastiff shoulders Howley as he tries to sucker punch again! Stoker doesn’t see that, so he catapults Starz at Howley, and Starz uses that to sunset flip! TWO!! Starz almost had it, but he dodges Howley to hot tag Mastiff! Mastiff rallies on Howley, back drops him, then waistlocks. The ref keeps Stoker out while Howley fights free. Howley runs, but into another back drop! Mastiff roars and glares at Stoker before bringing Howley up.

Howley powers Mastiff to ropes, Stoker tags in! Pretty Deadly play leap frog with Mastiff, then Stoker gets Mastiff for a DDT! Stoker shouts, “We’re the team!” Howley throws Starz’ vest to Stoker! Stoker says Starz hasn’t earned this! But Mastiff CLOBBERS Stoker then DECKS Howley! Mastiff GERMAN SUPLEXES Stoker! Starz shouts to Mastiff, and Mastiff gives him the hot tag! Starz fires off EuroUppers on Stoker! Starz pulls the vest off Stoker, puts it on himself, and throws big shoulder tackles! He DECKS Howley, CLOBBERS Stoker, and fires off in the corner! The ref counts, Starz lets off at 4, and he sees Howley coming!

Starz throws Howley out, but Stoker kicks low. Stoker reels Starz in, but Starz slips free of the bomb to get Stoker up! POWERBOMB! High stack, Starz & Mastiff win!

Winners: Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz, by pinfall

Even Mastiff is shocked! Starz showed even more Bomber power than we knew he had! Is this just the beginning of these two going for those NXT UK Tag Team titles?


NXT UK Media catches up with Xia Brookside.

She huffs and puffs and tells them she doesn’t have time for this right now. Get out! She’s busy! She sits down on the steps and calls her dad. “Daddy! I lost another match last week, and I just came out of Sid Scala’s office, and he’s saying that it’s my fault! But it’s not my fault, is it, Daddy? Well, anyway… I was kind of wondering if maybe you could help me. I know you know someone, and I was just wondering if you could find out of they could help me? Okay, thank you, Daddy! You’re the best daddy in the world.”

Xia’s mood is better, until she sees the camera was spying on her. Were they filming this?! That was private! Xia’s back to being pouty, but just who is this person Xia’s having her father call in a favor from?


“I trusted you.”

“We were part of a pack. You left me to rot. But I survived. I skulked away, hid myself away, and survived. There was a time where I thought I would rot away, fade away. I did anything it took to survive. For you, the hunt is over. For me, the hunt has just begun.” Is WILD BOAR back?!


NXT UK looks at next week’s Heritage Cup match.

Joe Coffey knows it’s him and Noam Dar. Noam says Joe has made the mistake of sliding into Noam’s lane. Joe says there is nothing more the Gallus boys love than a cup. It’ll be Joe’s first British Round Rules match, and if he knows Noam, Noam will be very confident. Noam says Joe should’ve stuck to “playing beep beep in mommy ‘n’ daddy’s car with those paper gangsters” he calls family. Joe talks about the big fight feel, and of course it is, because he has the champ’s attention. Joe says he’ll look Noam eye to eye and see who really wants this. No one has put more time into the Heritage Cup than Supernova 11. But will this be another big fight failure for Joe Coffey?

Noam says Joe is as dumb as he looks, and is going to walk him in two rounds. Coffey says to slash the odds. There will only be one outcome: GBOT. Will this clash of Scots be one for the record books?


NXT UK Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Nathan Frazer!

The Czar and British Prodigy grew up in very different places, but their journeys do have parallels. They both know what it is like to battle Der Ring General with everything they have and still lose. However, only Dragunov knows what it is to have battled that behemoth and win. Will Frazer find himself walking the same path as Dragunov? Or will he shock the world and overcome UNBESIEGBAR?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we see which path the prodigy will walk!

The two circle and go around. They tie up, Dragunov wrenches, wrings the arm out but Frazer rolls through. They circle again, tie up, and Dragunov is again after the arm. Frazer resists the takedown so Dragunov hooks a leg, and hits a sambo throw! Cover, TWO, but Dragunov has a headlock. Frazer endures, fights up, and powers Dragunov to a corner. The ref counts, Frazer lets off cleanly, but then he gets the headlock! Dragunov throws Frazer again! Dragunov has the headlock back, but Frazer keeps his shoulders up. Frazer fights up, powers up but can’t power out as Dragunov holds tight.

Frazer throws body shots, then powers out, only for Dragunov to run him over! But Frazer kips right up! So Dragunov scoops and SLAMS him!  Dragunov takes a moment to catch his breath, but Frazer KANGAROO KICKS him away! The two go to opposite ends, Dragunov runs in but Frazer dodges, hurdles, redirects and goes up and over in the corner! Frazer just keeps going, BIG flying forearm! And a dropkick! Dragunov gets to a corner and Frazer runs in, but is put on the apron. Frazer ROCKS Dragunov, climbs up top, and he leaps over Dragunov. Frazer comes back to ROCK Dragunov again with more forearms!

Dragunov DECKS Frazer with one! Dragunov snarls and checks his chin. The ref checks Frazer but he’s okay to continue. Dragunov drops knees on him from all sides, then drags him back up. Dragunov CLUBS Frazer on the back, and he even has to shake out his arm after that one. Dragunov sits Frazer up for a cobra clutch but Frazer endures. Frazer reaches out, Dragunov drags him up and ripcords for a BIG forearm! Frazer is down again and Dragunov brings him up. Dragunov RAMS Frazer into the corner, CHOPS him, then bumps him off buckles. Dragunov CHOPS him again!

Dragunov whips corner to corner, runs in, but Frazer BOOTS him away! Frazer goes out, springboard feints, but Dragunov comes back to BOOT him down! Dragunov drags Frazer up, Frazer resists but Dragunov still hip tosses him into the ring! Frazer flounders, Dragunov runs and SPINNING CHOPS Frazer down! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov sits Frazer up again for the cobra clutch. Frazer endures, but Dragunov grinds him down into the mat. Frazer fights up but Dragunov slams him back down. Frazer still fights up, but Dragunov ripcords again. Frazer dodges one lariat but not the LEFT!

Dragunov watches Frazer get to the ropes, and he gets the legs. Dragunov YANKS Frazer up, but Frazer lands on his feet to PELE! Just like mentor, Seth Rollins! Dragunov sits down, Frazer hurries to get to a corner! Frazer goes up, but Dragunov SLAPS him down! Dragunov ROCKET LAUNCHES Frazer off the top! Dragunov aims from the corner, Frazer slowly rises, but Dragunov rushes in. Waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov holds on, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Dragunov is looking like Brock Lesnar with a third GERMAN SUPLEX! But Frazer lands on his feet!!

Frazer flounders against ropes, Dragunov runs in but Frazer dodges. QUEBRADA misses as Dragunov steps back! Dragunov gets Frazer with a Gotch hold, ELEVATED Single Leg Suplex! Bridging cover, TWO!! Frazer survives but Dragunov just SENTONS down onto him! And back to the cobra clutch! Frazer endures as Dragunov makes it part stretch. Frazer fights up, Dragunov ripcords again but Frazer SUPERKICKS! Dragunov rebounds, into a RANA! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov escapes and Frazer can’t believe it! Frazer gets up, Dragunov shoots in to waistlock. Frazer blocks, switches and shoves, then follows!

Dragunov tiger feints through ropes, but Frazer QUEBRADAS, to dragon sleeper, ELBOW DROP DDT! Both men are down and a standing count begins. Frazer is up at 6 of 10 and he brings Dragunov up. Dragunov breaks free to spin and CHOP the leg! Frazer falls over and Dragunov rains down forearms! Dragunov drags Frazer up but Frazer ROCKS him back! PELE from Dragunov! Dragunov shakes out the cobwebs, he storms up behind but Frazer slips out the back! SLEEPER HOLD! Dragunov RAMS Frazer into buckles, then throws him off! But Frazer avoids the ax handle drop! Dragunov clutches his elbow, Frazer runs in to SLINGBLADE!

Both men are down again, but they’re rising. Frazer brings Dragunov up to ROCK him again! Dragunov ROCKS Frazer back! Frazer falls over but Dragunov clutches the elbow. Dragunov brings Frazer up, Frazer ROCKS him again! Dragunov hits back but that’s his bad arm! Frazer fires off forearm sin return, but Dragunov CHOPS! The bad arm still takes damage! Frazer takes aim, Dragunov blocks the superkick, but with the bad arm! SUPERKICK returns! And then BASEMENT SUPERKICK! High stack, TWO!! Dragunov survives again and Frazer is beside himself! Another standing count begins, but Frazer’s up fast.

Frazer goes to the corner, climbs up top again, but Dragunov CHOPS him again! Dragunov fights through the pain, ROCKET LAUNCHER, but Frazer lands on his feet and rolls through! Frazer fires up, he and Dragunov DOUBLE LARIAT! They stay up so the DOUBLE LARIAT! And DOUBLE LARIAT! CONSTANTINE SPECIAL!! But that’s still Dragunov’s beat up right arm! Dragunov can’t make the cover, but he goes to a corner. Dragunov climbs now, but Frazer dropkicks him first! Frazer hurries up to join Dragunov, but Dragunov blocks the Super Steiner! Dragunov gets Frazer up, SUPER- STEINER!! Frazer turns bomb into rana!

Frazer hurries to get to the other corner! PHOENIX SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Dragunov survives and Frazer is in disbelief! BT Sports Studio says “This is Awesome!” while both men grit their teeth and go towards the other. Frazer ROCKS Dragunov with a forearm, then again! Dragunov comes back, Frazer ROCKS him a third time! But Dragunov still blocks! Frazer jumps up, into a POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!! FALLING FOREARM!! Cover, TWO!?!? How did Frazer survive either of those?! Dragunov doesn’t let that stop him, he goes back to a corner. Dragunov says he is champion, but Frazer KICKS the bad arm from below!

Frazer KICKS the arm again, but Dragunov uses the good one. Frazer ROCKS Dragunov with haymaker after haymaker, but Dragunov returns fire! Dragunov waistlocks but Frazer elbows free! Frazer switches, to GERMAN SUPLEX Dragunov back! Frazer runs, into a LARIAT from Dragunov! Pain means nothing to Dragunov as he drags Frazer up for palm strike after palm strike! DISCUS PALM STRIKE! Frazer flounders but Dragunov brings him back up! Dragunov runs, TORPEDO MOSCOW!! Cover, Dragunov wins!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall (still NXT UK Champion)

The Czar proves he was right! As much as Frazer gave, Dragunov had more to give! But Dragunov shows his respect by helping Frazer up, and shaking his hand. Is this a sign that Frazer is on the right path to becoming a champion one day? As for Dragunov, will nothing stop his violent reign atop NXT UK?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for NXT UK, and with only three matches this time. Mark VS Sha was a very good opener, a very good win for Mark, but it doesn’t really affect the math on Joe Coffey VS Noam Dar for the Heritage Cup. Joe and Noam had a good promo vignette, and they’re going to have a great match for the Cup, but I honestly can’t be sure Joe wins. I honestly don’t know if anyone in NXT UK is going to take that cup off Dar. Isla Dawn has a good vignette, she’s a pretty good singer. But while her match with Meiko Satomura will be great, I don’t see the Final Boss losing. If not for the freak accident injury, I wonder if Blair Davenport was going to win.

We got a decent segment out of A-Kid and Die Familie, but it does set up AK VS Dempsey. Maybe through that match, AK breaks through to Dempsey and gets him to leave Die Familie. Then AK and Dempsey can be an incredibly technical and exciting team in the tag division. Moustache Mountain and Smith-Carter had a good interaction backstage to set up one more match between them, and that rematch could be Match of the Year level. I did like Seven planting that seed of wanting to do whatever it takes to retain, that could really add dimension to the character elements of the match.

Starz & Mastiff VS Pretty Deadly was great stuff, too. I liked that there was a breakthrough on the dysfunction between Starz and Mastiff, where they had to call out whether they’d tag each other, and then Mastiff gives Starz that last tag and Starz just goes off. Commentary was saying it and I agree, these guys can be seen as the next challengers after the Moustache Mountain VS Smith-Carter rematch happens. Xia Brookside calling Daddy Robbie Brookside makes sense, Xia continues to do a great job with this spoiled daughter persona, and I am very curious to see who is going to help Xia in the next part of her career.

WILD BOAR IS COMING BACK! That’s awesome to hear since he’s been out with injury for roughly a year now. That vignette dropped all the hints, he is totally going after Symbiosis. And then we got an awesome main event, Frazer had his best match yet against Dragunov, and I love that we see more innovation out of both of these guys. I said it before when he was Ben Carter, I’ll say it here again, Frazer is definitely the future of pro-wrestling. Dragunov is still champion because he is just getting his own awesome reign going, but you can bet Frazer will come back around at some point.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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