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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (3/28/22)

It’s RAW-stleMania!



WWE Raw 2022

It’s a mighty Monday night before Mania!

We’re on the homestretch to WrestleMania, so WWE is giving us a WrestleMania level Raw! Will the action start early in one last Lesnar-Reigns face-off?


  • Rey Mysterio w/ Dominik Mysterio VS The Miz w/ Logan Paul; Rey wins.
  • 2v1 Handicap Match: Omos VS The Viking Raiders; Omos wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Love is in the Air: Dana Brooke retains the title.
  • 8 Woman Tag: Sasha Banks, Naomi, Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan VS Queen Zelina Vega, Carmella, Shayna Baszler & Natalya; Sasha, Naomi, Rhea & Liv win.
  • Ricochet VS Austin Theory; Theory wins.
  • 2v1 Handicap Match: Drew McIntyre VS Happy Corbin & Mad Cap Moss; McIntyre wins.
  • RKBRO VS The Usos; RKBRO wins, by disqualification.



Pittsburgh fires up because The Beast is back again! He waves his hat to the crowd and passes by the joint RawDown commentary. After a SmackDown recap video, Lesnar is in the ring and he has a mic. “Good evening, Pittsburgh. Your WWE Champion is in the house. I’m sorry I gotta do this. Y’see, for the last 20 years, that loudmouth Paul Heyman has been doing all the yapping for me, but I gotta do this for you tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! That felt good but it felt like it sucked. I won’t be doing that again. But what i don’t suck at is handing out country ass-kickings.”

Lesnar says Sunday, WrestleMania 38, he’ll spoil his game plan here. HE has a hard time doing it but he will. Sunday, the spoiler is, they’ll take a trip down memory lane. Yeah, play along if you want. They’re going to take a trip down the streets of Suplex City, and then Lesnar will introduce Roman to the Beast of Broadway. And after that, “What?” They’ll go to the carnival, “WHAT?” and take a ride on the F5. No one survives riding the F5. And Steve will be there, too. Steve Austin is an ass-kicker, too, but he never kicked Lesnar’s ass. Okay, enough of that. After the carnival ride, this is where the party really starts!

“Roman, we’re gonna hit a wedding. We’re gonna be wedding crashers. My title is gonna marry your title. And it’s gonna have a baby! The Unified Title. And I get full custody.” Fans cheer that on and Lesnar holds up the world title. “I’m in a great mood tonight, because y’know why? At six days, in WrestleMania, I finally get my hands on Roman Reigns.” There’s no more running, nowhere to hide! This Sunday, WrestleMania, Lesnar will stand above Roman with two titles, and raise them to the sky. They will say, “Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW! REIGNIN! DEFENDING! UNIFIED! HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD! BRRROCK! LESNAR!!” Will The Beast plant Suplex City right onto the Island of Relevancy?


Rey Mysterio w/ Dominik Mysterio VS The Miz w/ Logan Paul!

Before going 2v2 at WrestleMania, the King of Lucha and the Hollywood A-Lister face off here 1v1! Will Rey finally get a small portion of payback on Miz before getting the whole thing this weekend? Or will Miz make sure the Most Must-See Tag Team has all the momentum?

Raw returns and Miz has the mic and a smug grin. “I imagine Rey Mysterio has an incredible outfit planned for WrestleMania. Rey Mysterio has so many amazing outfits and masks. Y’know, my persona favorite mask of Rey Mysterio’s is the one I took from him last week!” And surely, Rey is livid and wants that mask back, but Miz gave that to the REAL greatest luchador in history! Please welcome “Lucha Logan!” Logan Paul handsprings out, wearing Rey’s stolen mask! Logan gets in the ring, high fives Miz, but Steel City boos. Miz introduces the greatest luchador ever, Lucha Logan, again.

Miz says unmasking Rey was the most disrespectful thing he could do. But when you don’t get respect that you’ve earned, you take it! Miz will keep taking it! He wants a mask of his own! Imagine these two guys wearing Rey Mysterio masks on the Grandest Stage of Them All! Whatever mask Rey is wearing tonight, Miz will take! But then the Mysterios interrupt Miz with their entrance! Rey brought his Batman mask, because he’s here for vengeance! Rey & Dom get in and Dom TACKLES Miz! Rey runs off “Lucha Logan” and demands he get that mask back! Miz bails out, Logan gets in, Dom rushes at Logan!

Logan bails out again and he regroups with Miz. “That close!” But then the ref EJECTS Dominik!? Fans boo, Dom has no choice but to storm back up the ramp, and now Rey is alone against the two biggest jerks in WWE today! Does he stand a chance in this unofficial handicap match?

The bell rings, Miz KNEES and CLUBS Rey, then ROCKS him to a corner. Miz whips corner to corner, Rey goes up and over, and then KICKS! Rey CLUBS away, whips, but Miz reverses. Rey tilt-o-whirl headscissors Miz away! Rey runs, ducks an dodges Miz, then baseball slides at Logan! Logan runs, Rey follows, Miz TACKLES Rey into barriers! And then DDT to the floor! Logan is laughing and high-fiving Miz as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns, Miz has Rey up top, and Miz rips at the mask! The ref counts, Rey throws body shots then headbutts Miz down! Rey adjusts, leaps, SEATED SENTON! Rey keeps moving, he fires forearms and CHOPS! Rey whips, Miz sunset flips but Rey rolls through to BUZZSAW! Logan coaches Miz but fans fire up for Rey. Rey tells Logan he’s gonna get this, and then he throws knees into Miz. Rey whips, Miz reverses to kick and reel Rey in. Miz lifts, rebounds Rey off ropes, but Rey sunset flips through! REY WINS!

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by pinfall

Logan is upset but Rey glares back at him. And DOM returns to put Logan in! Drop toehold onto ropes! The Mysterios dial it up, but Logan flops out to escape! But Rey snatches the mask away! No more Lucha Logan garbage, the mask is back in Rey’s possession! Dom SUPERKICKS Miz, Rey RANAS him onto ropes! DOUBLE 619! Logan is stunned as Dom goes up top for a FROG SPLASH! Rey goes up, he hits a FROG SPLASH! Miz felt all of the Mysterios’ wrath, but will there be plenty left over for Logan?


Veer is coming.

“You’ve been waiting, and now, your fate is sealed. Your fear is certain. Your fear is real. Next week, your fear is here.” The Monday after WrestleMania, the Million Dollar Arm is finally back!


Seth Rollins visited WWE HQ.

It was 6:57 AM this morning when The Visionary arrived for his meeting with Vince McMahon. Seth Freakin Rollins asks if he’s ready for Rollins. The receptionist says it’ll just be a few minutes. Then Rollins will take a seat. Then it’s 8:45 AM when “Mr. Rollins” was allowed in. Rollins walked past the secretary and it was the “moment of truth.” Rollins says hi to Vince, but Vince ignores him until Rollins walks closer. Rollins tries to get Vince’s attention but Vince still ignores him. That is, until Rollins sits with his feet up on Vince’s desk. Vince tells him to not do that, and Rollins sits up straight.

Rollins knows this is about the outburst last week, so let’s cut to the chase. Is it a fine? A suspension? Ban him from Raw or WrestleMania? No, it’s none of those. Rollins knows what it is. He’ll save Vince the trouble. “Seth Freakin’ Rollins, you’re FIRED~!” Is that it? Just rip the bandage off! Vince didn’t bring Rollins here to fire him. No? No. Then why is he here? Vince is a bit surprised that Rollins didn’t win his way to WrestleMania. Lots of failures. Yeah, well, not all of it is Rollins’ fault. Sonya, Pearce, it’s a long story. Well why didn’t he just ask Vince? Why did Rollins jump through all the hoops?

Wait, Rollins could’ve just come to Vince? Well, Vince wasn’t going to just give him something but he could’ve talked to Vince instead of jumping through hoops. But this year is different. This is the two-night and most stupendous WrestleMania ever. So could Vince have such a WrestleMania without Seth Freakin’ Rollins? Could he? Of course not. No, he could. But it would be a good idea to still have him on it. But if he were, it’d have to be his own main event. So then… Vince says Seth Freakin’ Rollins IS going to WrestleMania. Is this a trick? Nope. Now, he’s busy, so please go. But who is his opponent? Someone of Vince’s choosing, and you’ll know when you see them.

Well okay. Rollins is going to WrestleMania. Rollins shakes Vince’s hand, and sees himself out. Don’t disappoint. Rollins fires up. “I’M GOING TO WRESTLEMANIA!” Rollins runs around Vince’s room and even dances, then tells the T-Rex skull, “I told ya, baby!” Rollins even hops up on Vince’s desk! Rollins is feeling great, but will that mood be crushed when he meets the opponent of Vince’s choosing at Mania?


2v1 Handicap Match: Omos VS The Viking Raiders!

The mountain of a man has dominated everyone he’s been put up against, even when it was Apollo Crews & Commander Azeez at the same time. But will he be able to take on Erik & Ivar, who have been tag team champions everywhere they’ve gone?

Raw returns and the Viking Raiders make their entrance. Erik starts against Omos and he fires off fast body shots! Omos shoves Erik away, Erik ducks the clothesline to fire a forearm! Omos stays up, Erik runs, but Omos CLOBBERS him! Erik bails out, writhing from that collision. The ring count climbs, Ivar goes check on Erik, but the count is already 6 of 10. The count hits 10, Omos wins!

Winner: Omos, by count-out

Ivar is enraged and he rushes in, but into a ROUNDHOUSE from Omos! Omos tells the ref to raise his hand, not that the ref can even reach Omos’ hand up that high. If Erik was done with one clothesline, what hope does anyone have of ever bringing Omos down?

Kevin Patrick appears to congratulate Omos on that win. Omos is still undefeated, and yet to even fall over. Omos has been looking for a WrestleMania opponent, but is there anyone he feels could threaten him? Omos laughs and says there is no one! He will dominate everyone! Surely, there is someone- HERE COMES BOBBY LASHLEY! Omos is amused as The All Mighty returns! And he’s even dressed to compete! He storms his way up to the ring and gets right in front of Omos! Omos isn’t backing down, but Steel City is behind Lashley> Lashley nods at the Mania sign, but Omos pie faces him!

Lashley rams a shoulder but Omos doesn’t budge! Omos clamps onto Lashley’s head, and he throws him to a corner! Omos says Lashley doesn’t want this, but Lashley roars. Lashley RAMS Omos, Omos still stays up and clamps onto Lashley’s neck. Omos shoves, Lashley rebounds and dodges, and RAMS Omos down!! Omos is furious as he gets out, and he tells Lashley doesn’t want this! Lashley says otherwise, and fans are fired up as both men point to the sign! Will these two titans topple the ring and all of Dallas when they collide?


Reggie and Dana Brooke talk backstage.

He’s been wanting to talk to her about something for awhile. But it just seems like whenever it’s the perfect moment, things go sideways. She tells Reggie he could always talk to her about anything. Well, okay. Reggie kneels and asks Dana to- But she cuts him off! This is so sudden. Reggie says they don’t have to wait to have their WrestleMania Moment this weekend. They can have it right now, if she’ll have him. He has a ring?! He’s actually proposing?! Dana says yes! He puts the ring on her finger, and Tamina CLOBBERS them both!! Tamina throws Reggie away, then covers Dana! Reggie saves Dana and they run!

Akira Tozawa is in Tamina’s way! What is he doing in a suit? Oh, uh, well, he heard Reggie was gonna propose to Dana and… Tozawa kneels?! And has a ring?!? He says Tamina is his earth, his wind, and his fire. Will she do him the honor of- Tamina yanks him up to his feet, and says, “What do you think?” Uh… Is that a yes? She holds out her hand and says yes!! He puts the ring on her finger and now we have TWO engagements! Wait, the ring is too small… He gives it a little grease and it fits. They spin around like in the movies, and R-Truth is watching from the shadows. “That gives me an idea. By the power vested in me~!” Uh oh….!


Roman Reigns returns to Raw!

The Tribal Chief hasn’t been on Monday nights in months, but the longest reigning Universal Champion isn’t going to miss this! Roman, dressed in red, has Paul Heyman and the Usos with him. They raise the gold for the pyro, then continue to the ring. Then they raise the belts again for more pyro. Paul Heyman then hands Roman the mic, and fans are already torn. “Pittsburrrrgh! ACKNOWLEDGE ME! I was gonna come out here and I was gonna shine on ya. I was gonna talk about the last needle mover, we was gonna talk about God Mode, we was gonna talk about how I used to run Monday Night Raw, until Fox came begging for me to come save SmackDown.

“And those are facts. It’s all true. The Tribal Chief has done everything that you can do in this business, y’see? Except one thing. And if y’all keep Whattin’ me, I’ma smash y’all like I would Steve Austin! Just like I’m gonna smash Brock Lesnar! So like I was saying, The Tribal Chief has done everything. Except beat The Beast at WrestleMania. And that pisses me off!” Fans chant, “Suplex City!” and that doesn’t help Roman’s mood. Roman sighs and continues, “Let’s talk about Brock, then.” What really bothers Roman about Brock is that just a couple weeks ago, Brock was out for blood. It was personal for him. But he’s already spilled Roman’s blood.

In 2018, WrestleMania 34, Brock busted Roman wide open right at the hairline, then the top of his skull. Lesnar smashed Roman’s face to the point that Roman’s children didn’t even recognize him. His wife didn’t want him in this business, his father doubted him, his family was disappointed! And then Lesnar comes out and it’s just a game now! Suplex City, carnival, wedding, the titles will have a baby. Well that’s all good. Roman will change the game! Roman will take everything from Lesnar. Roman already took the Advocate and made him a Wise Man. Roman took Lesnar’s claim to the longest reign and got his receipt! And Roman took Lesnar’s blood at Madison Square Garden.

This Sunday, Roman makes the final move. Roman will take Lesnar’s title. Then, Brock, you will know what it’ll be like to make it personal. Roman will make it personal because it’s ALWAYS been personal for Roman! Roman sets the mic down, then raises up the finger. Will the Head of the Table be the one to become the one and only undisputed champion in WWE?


The WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions are having a photoshoot.

Carmella says that’s enough. It is exhausting being this beautiful. Queen Zelina is “absolutely chuffed” that they’re on the same page now. And they’ll look so stunning leaving the ring with these titles at WrestleMania. Vega can’t help but remember the shock and awe when they took out Liv, Rhea, Shayna and Natalya last week! Yeah, Shayna remembers that, too. She and Natty walk in, and Natty asks, “You really thought you could get one over on us with those cheap shots?” Not happening this week. So here is what will happen: Mella & Vega get behind the Queen of Harts & Queen of Spades, and they’ll make sure their team wins.

Then at Mania, Natty & Shayna walk out as NEW champions. So as long as Bootleg Barbie and the imposter queen here have their backs tonight, they can tear the other four limb by limb, and let the champs live long enough to see Mania. Got that? Good.

8 Woman Tag: Sasha Banks, Naomi, Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan VS Queen Zelina Vega, Carmella, Shayna Baszler & Natalya!

We just heard from the Most Beautiful Woman in the WWE, the Queen of the Ring, and the queens of pain, but will tension like that only ensure they lose to the Boss, the Glow, the Nightmare and the Living End?

Raw returns and all eight women have assembled. The teams sort out, Liv and Natty start. They circle, Natty trips Liv, but Liv kicks her away. Liv gets up, dodges, and RANAS! Natty ends up in enemy territory, Liv runs in to back body block! Tag to Rhea, snapmare and basement dropkick! Rhea laughs as she drags Natty up, but Naomi snipes the tag. Naomi wrenches Natty, but Natty breaks free to throw hands! Tag to Shayna, the Queens mug Naomi, then Vega tags in. She also gets in on the mugging with some stomps, then she waves to the crowd. But Naomi hits a JAWBREAKER! Naomi brings Vega over, BULLDOG to buckles!

Tag to Sasha, she and Naomi get the fans fire up, DOUBLE BOOT WASH! Cover, Mella breaks it! Naomi ROCKS Mella and whips, but Mella boots back! Shayna gets in to ROUNDHOUSE Naomi! Liv gets in to dropkick Shayna! Natty gets in to DISCUS LARIAT Liv! Rhea gets in to HEADBUTT Natty! Mella FABULOUS KICKS Rhea! Sasha spins Mella but Vega drags Sasha out! Vega whips Sasha into barriers! Then KNEES her down! Mella and her team actually are working together well, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Mella leans on Sasha with the chinlock. Sasha endures, her team rallies the fans, but Mella knees Sasha and whips her to the other corner. Sasha BOOTS back, fires off forearms on everyone else, then spins Mella to a BACKSTABBER! Both Mella and Sasha are down but Sasha crawls her way over. Only for Natty and Shayna to yank Liv and Rhea off the apron! Naomi is still there, Shayna tags in off Mella. Shayna drags Sasha away and DECKS Naomi! Shayna brings Sasha up, bumps her off buckles but Sasha elbows her back. Then BOOTS her! Sasha goes up, but Shayna stops the headscissor to a STRETCH MUFFLER!

Natty tags in, Shayna brings Sasha up, Natty runs, HART ATTACK! Vega tags in and pushes Natty away so she can cover! But Shayna drags Vega off! They argue, seeing as how they’re on the same team right now, but then Mella drags Shayna out. Shayna DECKS Mella! Vega is furious, she storms over to Sasha, but Sasha blocks her kick! Sasha tags Naomi in, then KNEES Vega! Naomi ROUNDHOUSES! Liv tags in and then Rhea tags in! WING SNAPPER to RIPTIDE!! Cover, Rhea’s team wins!

Winners: Sasha Banks, Naomi, Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan, by pinfall

Graves comforts Mella and tries to say she’ll win at Mania, but it doesn’t look it to everyone else! Is there no doubt that we will see NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions?


The WWE Hall of Fame has two more inductees!

Holler if ya hear me! The Steiner Brothers, Scott & Rick, are both going in as a tag team! They were all over tag team wrestling, from WCW to WWE to even around the world in Japan! And now, they’re immortalized in the HOF!


WWE takes a look back at the career of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

“Austin 3:16 says I just whipped yer ass!” And from the moment Austin said that, he did what he wanted when he wanted. “And that’s the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so!” King of the Ring, Royal Rumble, world titles and general badass moments, he was on top of the world! Brash, tough, rough, and up for some fun, what wasn’t there to love about ol’ Stone Cold? The biggest draw ever, a true needle mover, “OH HELL YEAH!” Will he add Kevin Owens to the long, long, long list of those he’s opened up a can o’ whoop-ass on?


Kevin Owens is in the ring!

Speaking of KO, he says, “Wasn’t that an incredible tribute to Stone Cold Steve Austin?” NO one does video packages better than the WWE. True angles of editing. But as great as all that was, it’s noting compared to Kevin’s “tribute” last week! We all saw it, right? IT was amazing, right? Some people thought Kevin was mocking Austin. What? Those are lies. WHAT? THOSE ARE LIES! That was an homage to the Austin we all love and remember. Everyone is ecstatic that Austin is Kevin’s guest on the KO Show at the “main event” of WrestleMania Saturday, and so is Kevin.

But last week wasn’t just Kevin paying tribute, that was also Kevin doing everyone watching a favor. Because that last week, Kevin cosplaying Stone Cold, is the closest we will ever get to the ol’ Stone Cold we used to admire. Because that Stone Cold is GONE! Has been for 19 years! What? He’s been gone! WHAT? NINETEEN YEARS! And he ain’t ever coming back. At Mania, it won’t be Stone Cold, it’ll just be “Steve.” And that’s still cool. That’s the same Steve who has been drinking himself into oblivion for 19 years. The same Steve who is so bored on his own ranch that he’s begging everyone to come onto his podcast so they can talk about the old days and make him feel good!

But hey. That’s Steve! Still sounds and looks like Stone Cold. We saw the video of him and the golf cart. Heavily edited, probably, but he even still talks a big game like Stone Cold. Austin knows he has to but Kevin will show Austin isn’t coming to pick a fight. Austin knows damn well what’d happen! Austin is coming to have another little conversation about his career. He wants a nice little chat. And y’know what? Kevin is honored “Steve’ accepted the invitation and Kevin will do that. Kevin is a good person so he’ll give Steve the biggest platform he’s ever had. The WrestleMania Edition of the KO Show will make Austin feel good and give him the sendoff he thinks he deserves.

Kevin will even do something very special. Kevin hates beer, it is disgusting. But he’ll drink one with Austin> They’ll sit down in the ring at AT&T Stadium and have a toast, even! A toast to Austin finally officially passing the torch to Kevin, not only as the new “Stone Cold,” but the one true master of the Stunner! Cuz Kevin 3:16 says his stunner is better than Austin’s! And if you think his stunner is better, give him a hell yeah! “HELL NO!” And then Austin can be on his way. Doesn’t it sound perfect? It does to Kevin. But just a friendly warning: if Steve tries to get funny with Kevin, there will be a stunner Steve will be on the end of, OH HELL YEAH.

Kevin will repeat that just to be sure. “Steve, if you try to pick a fight with me on the KO Show, I will end up pouring one of your very own beers onto your lifeless carcass after I open up a can of whoop-ass on you! And that’s the bottom line, because KO said so!” Is the Prizefighter riling up the Texas Rattlesnake a little too much this close to meeting face to face?


Ricochet VS Austin Theory!

The One and Only has his hands full this Friday as he takes on both Los Lotharios for the Intercontinental Championship. Meanwhile, Vince McMahon’s protégé is preparing for Pat McAfee. Will Ricochet show up Vince’s new pet project? Or will Theory add another champion to his selfie gallery?

Raw returns and Theory makes his entrance. The bell rings, Theory fires off on Ricochet then stomps a mudhole in the corner. The ref counts, Theory lets off, and he scoops Ricochet to FALL AWAY SLAM! Theory grins but fans chant, “We Want Pat!” Theory gets mad, but runs into BOOTS, then a SHOTGUN dropkick! Theory ends up in a corner as Ricochet kips up. Ricochet elbows Theory, whips corner to corner, then runs in to RAM and bump and BOOT Theory away! Ricochet springboards, FLYING LARIAT! Fans fire up with Ricochet and STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO!

Ricochet watches Theory crawl as he aims from the corner. Ricochet runs in but Theory dodges to then fireman’s carry! Ricochet slips off, dodges and ENZIGURIS! Theory is down, Ricochet hurries up the corner! Ricochet reaches the top, but Theory hits ropes to trip him up! Theory drags Ricochet off into a fireman’s carry, A T L! Cover, Theory wins!

Winner: Austin Theory, by pinfall

Another match, another win, and another selfie. Theory gloats and takes more selfies as he exits, but will the fun be over when he faces off with McAfee?


Triple H officially retires from in-ring competition!

The Game has called it Game Over after 27 years as a superstar. He helped hundreds of others get into this business, so surely we all can say, #ThankYouHHH.


Bianca Belair is here!

The EST is back after the brutal beating from Becky Lynch that damaged her throat. Bianca gets a mic and says she shouldn’t really be talking, but she has to address this. Fans cheer her own and she tells Becky, “you came out here and you talked about all the things you’d do to make sure that title never left your waist. But two weeks ago, I found out just how low you would stoop. Let’s be real. I threatened your whole existence, my confidence threatened you. The way I hold my head high even when I get knocked down, that threatened you, and that’s why you act the way that you do.

“Not only did you try to injure me and take out of WrestleMania, but you come out here week after week and you run your mouth and you constantly bash my name, you play the victim, and you try to ruin my reputation. But girl… uh-uh. They don’t call me the EST for no reason. So congratulations, Becky, you took me out for a week. But now I am right back here tonight on Monday Night Raw like I never even left.” Fans cheer that on, and Bianca says, “Becky, even after everything that you have tried, I am still standing here. So enough is enough, this has been going on for far too long. This started all back at SummerSlam.

“And ever since SummerSlam, you have tried to use every trick in the book to escape with that title. You have tried everything. You attacked me, and you deliberately tried to end my career, but that didn’t work. You tried to break my throat and break my spirit, but that didn’t work. So what else you got, huh?” Bianca will tell Becky: absolutely nothing! There is nothing that can stop Bianca from coming for the title. So Saturday, WrestleMania, Bianca is coming for Becky and will take that title to walk out Raw Women’s Champion, and there’s not a damn thing Becky can do about it.

But speaking of, here comes Becky in person! But Bianca knows it was a sneak attack! She stopped the chair shot, and the two are scrapping! Bianca RAMS Becky into the corner again and again and then she stomps a mudhole! Bianca rains down fists, but lets off too soon! Becky throws Bianca down by her hair! Becky gets the chair back, and JAMS Bianca in stomach, before she SMACKS her on the back! Becky looms over Bianca and says, “There’s nothing else I can do? I said I was coming for your hair, Bianca.” Becky brings out SCISSORS! And big ones!! She grabs the ponytail, but the refs rush out! Bianca fights up to torture rack! KISS OF DEATH!!

Bianca is snarling, knowing what Becky just tried to do to her! So she hauls Becky back up, KISS OF DEATH again! Fans fire up as Bianca looms over Becky, and Bianca looks at the scissors. Bianca thinks about it, and she picks the scissors up! Fans fire up as Bianca walks over to Becky, pulls her hair, and cuts off a big lock of it! And then another! Bianca is giving Big Time Becks a big time makeover! Pearce and Sonya rush out but Bianca snips off more and more! Bianca finally stops and keeps some of those fiery locks for a souvenir. Becky wakes up and realizes what just happened! Now Becky is furious, and she grumbles, “I am going to end her!” Will these two be out for blood at Mania?


Becky is fuming backstage.

Sarah asks her about the match with Bianca. After what we just saw- Becky snatches the mic and throws it away. Becky tells Bianca, “You bitch!” And then she storms off. Will Becky’s rage build these last few days into an inferno that burns down the EST?


2v1 Handicap Match: Drew McIntyre VS Happy Corbin & Mad Cap Moss!

Before the Scottish Warrior goes 1v1 with the head hyena, he’ll have to take on them both! Will Mad Cap be more of a meat shield than a tag partner for Corbin? Or can they manage to get the upper hand on McIntyre before WrestleMania?

Raw returns and the Happy Folks make their entrance. The bell rings and Corbin actually starts with McIntyre. They tie up, McIntyre shoves Corbin away but Corbin pushes back. McIntyre doesn’t budge, so Corbin tags out and bails! Moss is surprised but McIntyre TOSSES Moss in! Then CLOBBERS him! Then TOSSES Him to a corner! McIntyre fires off haymakers on Moss but the ref counts. McIntyre lets off, reels Moss in, OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Moss gets up and swings on McIntyre, but McIntyre gets around to NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up and fans fire up! McIntyre glares at Corbin, then throws Moss his way!

McIntyre dares Corbin to tag back in! Corbin says alright, NOPE. He leaves the apron and goes up the ramp! Corbin says this will wait until WrestleMania. McIntyre HEADBUTTS Moss down! And the countdown begins! Three, two, one CLAYMORE! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

But Corbin attacks from behind! The hyena is more like a weasel, and he POSTS McIntyre! Then POSTS him the other way! Then drags McIntyre up, for END OF DAYS! Corbin then grabs McIntyre’s sword! And he leaves with it! Hasn’t Corbin confiscated Angela the Claymore before? Will McIntyre not just beat Corbin at WrestleMania but break him in two for this?


Edge speaks.

The Iconoclast sits with a scale. “Last week on Raw, I had a choice to make. Do I blast Seth Rollins with the chair and give him another beating this Sunday at WrestleMania? One that he deserves, and it was very tempting. Or do I let fate take its course?” But Edge has taken fate into his own hands, so it was serendipity that it needed to be AJ Styles. Edge and Styles need each other. Styles needed Edge to pull off “the veil of mediocrity” Styles had put on himself so he could remember he is an era defining superstar! So you’re welcome. But Edge needed Styles to become this! The wild light, blind and bright, the benchmark of the WWE!

They’ve already pushed each other to better places, but Edge will keep soaring while Styles stagnates. Finally, after 20 years being parallel, collecting titles and blowing off roofs, they will face off on the Grandest Stage of them All for a match of the ages! But Styles, Edge saw the look in your eyes last week. Edge is already roaming inside Styles’ head. WrestleMania will be Styles’ judgement day. His judgement… is sealed. Edge puts a little weight on one side to tip the scales, but will Styles defy Edge’s omnipotence and make Mania truly phenomenal?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

Sarah asks his response to Edge’s comments. Well, Edge used a lot of words to justify another cheap shot. It was a month ago where Edge grabbed a steel chair and cracked Styles in the back of the head not once but twice. And since then, Edge’s music has changed, Edge has changed, as if he were trying to get in Styles’ head. “Mission accomplished. “All Styles has thought about is what he’ll do to Edge when they get in that ring. If Edge wants the Pitbull, well Styles will do a lot worse than that! Edge wants to destroy Styles? The feeling is mutual! Edge says the judgement is coming, but the Phenomenal AJ Styles will give the entire WWE Universe will never forget!


Rick Boogs is on Raw!

And just as he does on Fridays, he is rocking! He introduces himself, and how he is here to rock with one-half of the future SmackDown Tag Team Champions, Shinsuke… NakamurAAAAAA~! The King of Strong Style and Boogs go to the ring, because they want to watch tonight’s Champions VS Champions tag main event!

RKBRO VS The Usos!

Randy Orton & Matt Riddle will be facing two teams in The Alpha Academy and the Street Profits, but Jimmy & Jey are taking on Nakamura & Boogs. But who will be the ones proving they’re the best tag team champions in WWE?

Raw returns and the Viper & the Stallion make their entrance. The teams sort out and Orton starts with Jimmy. Orton kicks and EuroUppers but Jimmy hits back. Jimmy CHOPS, Orton pokes him in the eye! Orton uppercut Jimmy down, tags Riddle, and ASSISTED FLOATING BRO! Jey gets in, the Usos double superkick but they’re both blocked! They block Double RKBROs, and then bail out. The Usos talk smack to Boogs & Nakamura, but Riddle SMACKS Jey off the desk, then Orton BACK SUPLEXES Jimmy onto the desk! Then Riddle BACK SUPLEXES Jey onto the desk! Boogs, Nakamura and Steel City are fired up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Jimmy gives Orton stomps much like Orton does! Jimmy whips Orton to a corner but Orton comes back to CLOBBER Jimmy! Orton gives those stomps back with interest, too! Boogs likes it, and fans rally for “Randy! Randy!” Orton scrapes laces on Jimmy’s face, then tags Riddle. RKBRO mugs Jimmy, then Riddle gut wrenches to TOSS Jimmy! Riddle brings Jimmy up but Jimmy powers him to the corner. Tag to Jey, he runs in to forearm smash! Jey talks trash on Riddle, drags him up, but Riddle BOOTS him! Riddle runs in to forearm smash! Then a forearm for Jimmy, then a forearm for Jey!

BROSPLODER and BROTON! Cover, ONE!! Jey is hanging tough but Riddle is after him in the corner. Riddle whips, Jey reverses, but Riddle goes up and over. Jey ducks a kick, shoves Riddle and fireman’s carries, SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Tag to Jimmy, the Usos stomp away then Jimmy rains down fists. Jimmy digs his knees into Riddle and chokes him on the ropes. The ref backs Jimmy off but Jey gets a cheap shot in! Orton protests but Jimmy tags Jey. The Usos split the wishbone on Riddle! Jey taunts Riddle, talks trash to fans, then chokes Riddle on ropes. The ref backs Jey off, and now Jimmy gets a cheap shot!

Orton is furious again but the ref keeps him back. Jey taunts Riddle, lets him crawl, but then facelocks to keep him from Orton. Fans rally, Riddle counter punches Jey! And again, and again! Jey hits low, whips Riddle hard into the corner, then tags Jimmy. Jimmy sits Riddle up for a chinlock and he grinds Riddle down. Riddle endures, but Jimmy stomps him down! Tag to Jey, the Usos stomp Riddle more, then Jey stands Riddle up. Riddle ROCKS Jey with forearms, then fires off palm strikes and forearms! Riddle whips, Jimmy tags, and Jey reverses the whip to shove Riddle into another cheap shot!

Jey dropkicks Riddle out of the ring, and then the Usos bring him up to whip him over the barriers and into the timekeeper’s area! The Usos raise their fingers, they the ones in charge as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once again, and Jey is just holding Riddle away from Orton! Riddle swings on Jey but Jey gets around for a back suplex NECKBREAKER! Jey tells Pittsburgh to quiet down, and then he swipes at Orton! The ref keeps Orton back and the Usos laugh at him. Jey shouts, “UCE!” but fans boo. Riddle runs in to RUNNING KNEE Jey down! Both men are down in the corner and fans fire up! Riddle and Jey crawl, hot tags to Jimmy and Orton! Fans fire up as the Viper rallies! Big clotheslines, then a duck and a- NO, Jimmy holds ropes to deny the powerslam! Jey tags in, Jimmy runs at Orton, but into a POWERSLAM!

Orton fires up and he brings Jimmy up to put into the ropes. But Jey rolls Orton up! TWO, and Orton dodges Jey! POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Orton as he puts Jey through ropes. Jimmy anchors Jey but Riddle KICKS and FLOATING BRO ATTACKS! Orton still has Jey, DRAPING DDT! And now he hears the voices! Jey staggers up, but the PROFITS attack?!?

Winners: RKBRO, by disqualification

Riddle gets in to go after the Profits, but they and the Usos mug RKBRO! The Usos toss Riddle out while the Profits keep Orton down. But Boogs & Nakamura go after the Usos! Nakamura throws Jey out, Boogs pumps and TOSSES Jimmy! Jimmy hotshots off the ropes, Boogs powers him out and takes him away! SmackDown’s teams fight their way to the back, but Dawkins sets Orton up for Ford. But Riddle gets in, RKO for Dawkins! Ford jumps over Riddle, gets baited in, POP-UP RKO!! Fans fire up as the Raw Tag Team Champions stand tall!

Wait, Riddle and Orton get Ford up, fans want “One More Time!” Dawkins crawls into the ring, to see Ford get an RKO! Riddle wants another, and Orton says his pal is gonna get one! Dawkins gets an RKO from Riddle! But will the Viper & Stallion still be golden when they have to worry about Ford, Dawkins and the Alpha Academy?

My Thoughts:

It seems “WrestleMania Raw” is literally just a name. This was not a WrestleMania level of Raw but just another underwhelming go-home. One too many recaps, and only the main event was all that good as a match. It really was a great segment, though, the Usos and RKBRO being great tag teams, and even having Boogs & Nakamura ringside was good. The Profits attacking adds to their apparent Heel turn, and it seems the math says RKBRO loses. They stood tall to close the show, and being in a Triple Threat, it’s that much easier for them to lose the titles without really losing. And if it’s the Profits, that’d be a great combination with them being more Heel to stay fresh.

Lesnar had a good opener to put his final stamp on things, and Roman had a good response in his segment, but it’s pretty much solidified. Roman is winning, and he’s already got a red tracksuit for when he shows up on Mondays from now on. The Mysterios with Miz & Logan tonight was alright. We all knew Logan would wear the mask, but Miz and even Corey Graves on commentary were hamming it up a bit too much with the “Lucha Logan” joke. The Mysterios get to stand tall and take the mask back, so that’s a bad sign that Miz & Logan are winning.

WWE posted that entire Seth Rollins segment with Vince online, so time was wasted somewhere in the process. But in the end, they’re keeping us guessing until the very last moment. It will surely still be Rollins VS Cody, so long as Vince doesn’t get some other idea in the next few days. Poor Viking Raiders. They could’ve and should’ve been SmackDown Tag Champs already. But instead, they got eaten by Omos and they’ll lose the Andre the Giant Battle Royal this Friday. But hey, Lashley’s back way earlier than anyone expected! He had a pretty great moment with Omos, they’ll have a great match at Mania, but I can’t be sure Lashley wins that with how strong they’ve made Omos.

We’re totally getting a double wedding at WrestleMania, aren’t we? R-Truth is totally officiating, and he is totally messing it up on purpose to get that title off Dana. As for the kayfabe romances of Dana x Reggie and Tozawa x Tamina, they’re probably just going to be casualties of this 24/7 Championship Division. The 8 Woman Tag we got tonight was pretty good, but it only adds to my worries that a Fatal 4 is going to keep the titles on Vega & Mella. I hope not, but that’s usually how go-home math goes. We got a really good Stone Cold vignette, as Kevin himself said, and Kevin had a great promo here, but this is totally setting up one last Stone Cold Stunner.

Ricochet being here tonight was a missed opportunity. Team up Ricochet and Finn against Los Lotharios, have Damian Priest show up, he and Los Lotharios get to stand tall and that ensures Ricochet retains on Friday and Finn retains whenever he faces Priest. Theory getting such an easy win over another midcard champion is just annoying to me. Bianca Belair had a great promo, and Becky going after her was great stuff. The whole thing with going after hair was also great, too bad they aren’t following through with a Hair VS Title situation. But Bianca standing tall here, I can only think that Becky uses Champion’s Advantage as the last way to screw Bianca over.

McIntyre of course wins the 2v1 because Moss takes the loss. Corbin does stand tall and takes the sword, so McIntyre is gonna Claymore him back to being Bumass Corbin. Plus, Corbin and Moss should get to a point of breaking up as a duo because Moss has been making jokes at Corbin’s expense, and Corbin’s been using Moss as the lackey. Then McIntyre can go for some title, or maybe even Money in the Bank. Edge and Styles each had their own good promo, and I feel like their match could go either way. Leaning towards this new persona Edge is using, it’d be a bit of a shame if his first match in this character was a loss.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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