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Mitchell’s NJPW Golden Fight Series Results & Report! (4/25/22)

Make sure not to lose count!




How many falls will it take to win the KOPW 2022 trophy?

NJPW’s KOPW Division has given us some very unique matches, but tonight’s might be the most complicated! Can YOU keep up with count?


  • Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma VS Tiger Mask & Yuto Nakashima; Makabe & Honma win.
  • Six Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi, Master Wato & Ryohei Oiwa VS Suzuki-Gun; Suzuki-Gun wins.
  • El Desperado & TAKA Michinoku VS Taiji Ishimori & Gedo; Ishimoari & Gedo win.
  • Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI VS Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens; Fale & Chase win.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; LIJ wins.
  • NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships: House of Torture VS GODACE; House of Torture wins and retains the titles.
  • KOPW 2022 30 Count match: Taichi w/ Miho Abe VS Shingo Takagi; Takagi wins and becomes the new Mr. KOPW 2022.


NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships: House of Torture VS GODACE!

Bullet Club betrayed Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa, and a battle between them and the “Jado Avengers” began! But after many wins, the tide has started to turn against Evil, Sho & Yujiro Takahashi! Will they still hold the gold? Or will the Good Bad Guy, Silverback and Hiroshi Tanahashi prove not everything is Evil’s?

The introductions are made, the belts are presented, and then fans cheer as Tanahashi shows off the muscles. The teams call each other out, and after House of Torture Too Sweets, they attack! Yujiro is after Loa, Evil is after Tama, and Sho goes after Tanahashi! The bell rings to get this on record as the House of Torture throws all of GODACE out. But just as the HOT boys go out after them, Tanahashi & GoD get back in! Fans applaud as the tables have been turned! The House gets in but they get stomped and clubbed down! GoD throw Yujiro and Evil out, Tanahashi throws EuroUppers on Sho.

Tanahashi throws body shots in the corner, then whips corner to corner Sho reverses, runs in but into an elbow. Tanahashi goes up to CROSSBODY! Fans fire up and Tanahashi air guitars. Tag to Loa, he and Tanahashi double whip to double elbow Sho down. Loa drags Sho back up, wrenches, and wristlocks. Loa CLUBS Sho’s arm, CLUBS it again, then top wristlocks. Sho endures, Loa tags Tama, and Loa wrenches so Tama can drop ax handles on the arm! Fans cheer and Tama wrenches Sho’s arm some more. Tama wristlocks, tags in Tanahashi, and they double wrench Sho to double whip and double shoulder tackle! Then DOUBLE SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Tanahashi brings Sho up and headlocks to grind Sho down. Sho throws elbows and tries to power out but Tanahashi holds tight! So Sho pulls hair! But Tanahashi pulls hair back! Sho wrenches an arm to bend the fingers! Sho whips Tanahashi and surprise! The buckle pad is gone! Tanahashi hits bare steel, the House rushes GoD! They knock Loa and Tama down, CLUB them, and Sho keeps on Tanahashi while Evil brings Tama around. Sho brings Tanahashi out and CLUBS him, too. Evil RAMS Tama into the timekeeper’s table! Abe-san suffers again! The ref reprimands but Evil just grabs the mic while Sho whips Tanahashi into railing.

Evil chokes Tama with the mic cord and makes us all listen to Tama shout! Loa makes the save, but then he gets mugged by all three HOT boys! Sho gets back in the ring, and Evil puts Tanahashi in for him. Cover, TWO! The House is upset but the count is fair. Sho bends Tanahashi’s fingers! Fans rally but Yujiro tags in. Yujiro CLUBS Tanahashi’s arm, then snapmares him to DECK him. Yujiro rains down rights, the ref reprimands about the closed fists. Yujiro lets off to drop a leg, drop an elbow and drop a headbutt! Cover, TWO! Fans rally but Yujiro drags Tanahashi up. Evil tags in and they mug Tanahashi.

Evil throws Tanahashi out and distracts the ref so that Dick can DECK Tanahashi! Sho drags Tanahashi up to put him back in, and Tama rushes Evil! Evil kicks Tama first then sends him out! Dick DECKS Tama, too! Evil covers Tanahashi, TWO! The House is upset but the fans are fired up! The fans clap, “Let’s Go, Ace!” but the King of Darkness brings him up. Tanahashi throws body shots and forearms but Evil knees low and whips him to a corner. Tanahashi comes back with a dropkick to the legs! Fans rally, Tanahashi crawls, but Sho and Yujiro get in to knock GoD down again! Then they all stomp Tanahashi!

The ref reprimands, he has Sho and Yujiro go back to their corner, and fans continue to rally. Evil drags Tanahashi up but Tanahashi kicks! Evil blocks, gives it to the ref, but then Tanahashi blocks Evil’s kick! The ref lets Tanahashi go, and Tanahashi DRAGON SCREWS Evil! Fans are thunderous as Tanahashi crawls over! Hot tag to Tama! Tama fires off on Sho, then on Yujiro, then Evil! Dropkick for Sho! Dropkick for Yujiro! Dropkick for Evil! The vest comes off! Dick slips in but Tama sees him! “YOU!” Tama’s finger point o’ doom scares Dick! Dick still swings but Tama DECKS him! Fans fire up with Tama as Evil goes to a corner.

Tama runs corner to corner, STINGER SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Evil is still in this but Tama drags him back up. Tama suplexes but Evil blocks! Evil suplexes but Tama blocks! They fight for control and the fans rally up! Yujiro gets in to CLUB Tama! Yujiro and Evil suplex but Loa saves Tama! GoD kick Evil and Yujiro, and then STEREO SUPLEX! Fans fire up more and Tama covers Evil, TWO! Evil is still in this but Tama brings him around by the legs. Fans rally, Tama steps in, but Evil rakes the eyes! The ref reprimands but Evil trips Tama to get the legs! Tama throws fists from below! Evil staggers, into a takedown! Tama steps through, SHARPSHOOTER!

Evil endures, Yujiro and Sho run in! Loa intercepts Yujiro and Tanahashi intercepts Sho! OJK CROSSACE and TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! The House endures TRIPLE SUBMISSIONS!! Sho and Yujiro tap but they’re not legal! Evil crawls, reaches, fans rally as Tama holds on, but Evil gets the ROPEBREAK! The House survives but Tanahashi and Loa get Sho and Yujiro out of the ring. Tama calls his shot and fans rally behind him. Evil staggers up, Tama runs in, GUN- NO! Evil shoves Tama, then uses the ref as a shield! Evil kicks Tama low then uses the ref to hit MAGIC KILLER! Evil drags Tama back up, fireman’s carry, but Tama slips off! TONGAN TWIST!

Fans are thunderous again while both men are down! Tama and Evil crawl, hot tags to Loa and Yujiro! Loa rallies on Tokyo Pimp with big lariats! Loa scoops, runs and POWERSLAMS! Fans fire up and Loa swaggers a bit. Loa runs to the ropes to 619!! Yujiro flounders, Loa goes up top, FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Yujiro survives but Loa knows he’s close. Fans rally, Loa mocks Yujiro and brings him up. Yujiro throws forearms but Loa just eggs him on. Loa swings, Yujiro dodges to mule kick. Loa fights the fisherman but Yujiro slips out of the scoop to REVERSE DDT! Fans rally again, Yujiro brings Loa up, and reels him in.

Loa fights off Incolle Slam with elbows but Yujiro kicks low. Yujiro whips, Loa reverses, but Yujiro holds ropes to stop himself. Yujiro dodges as Loa rushes in, and Sho anchors a foot! Yujiro BOOTS Loa down, Sho DECKS Tanahashi! Evil drags Loa up, he and Sho double whip him to a corner. Sho runs in to forearm smash! Evil runs in to clothesline, then FISHERMAN BUSTER! Yujiro hits a BASEMENT BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Loa survives the onslaught and Evil argues with the ref. But it’s really just so Yujiro can get his pimp cane! Yujiro aims but Loa dodges the cane shot! Tama CLOBBERS Yujiro!

Evil kicks Tama and whips, but Tama reverses and sends Evil into the bare buckles! Sho runs in to KNEE Tama down! Tanahashi gets Sho for a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Tanahashi runs at Yujiro but Yujiro denies the slingblade and sends Tanahashi at the bare buckles! Tanahashi stomps himself, but Loa spins Yujiro around for HELL STAB! Tanahashi runs, SLINGBLADE! Tama goes up top and Tanahashi sets Yujiro up! GoD are opposite corners! SUPREME FLOW and DIVING HEADBUTT!! Cover, Evil and Sho break it!! Tanahashi throws Sho out, Tama throws Evil. Loa drags Yujiro back up and fans are thunderous as he scoop! But Yujiro slips out again!

Yujiro waistlocks, Loa fights that with elbows, and then Loa waistlocks. But Yujiro backs Loa up, and they sandwich the ref into a corner! Sho whips Tanahashi into railing, Dick gets in and uses the SPOILER CHOKER on Loa! But Jado gets in to toss Dick! Jado gets the ref up, Loa and Yujiro slowly stand. Yujiro throws a forearm, but Loa gives it back. They go back and forth, fans rally up again, Yujiro gets the edge. Loa roars, but Yujiro blocks the boot to trip Loa. Yujiro runs, into a SPEAR! Loa is all fired up and he drags Yujiro up to- NO! Yujiro grabs the ref, and Evil LOW BLOWS Loa! Sho uses the WRENCH!! Sho then WRECKS Tanahashi with a dropkick!

Yujiro drags Loa up, reels him in, BIG JUICE!! Cover, the House wins!

Winners: The House of Torture, by pinfall (still NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions)

They had to use all the tricks in the book, but Evil, Yujiro and Sho stay the champions! The King of Darkness is still the King of NEVER, for now. Can the Good Bad Guy get revenge for all the Jado Avengers when he and Evil go 1v1 for the NEVER Openweight Championship?


KOPW 2022 30 Count match: Taichi w/ Miho Abe VS Shingo Takagi!

After taking this trophy away from Toru Yano, the Holy Emperor vowed that he would take KOPW to new heights, and paint it over in his colors. And as such, his stipulation won out! This match won’t be about the 1-2-3, it will be the first to THIRTY! Even a “near fall” is crucial, but who can cover the other more and reach the winning score?

The introductions are made, the trophy is raised, and we see how long it takes to count to 30!

Fans rally up as the two stare down. Takagi eggs Taichi on as fans clap, “TA-KA-GI!” “TA-I-CHI!” Taichi does some stretches, he and Takagi circle, then they tie up. Takagi puts Taichi on ropes but lets off quick, since that’ll just waste time. They circle again, tie up again, and then they go to ropes again. Taichi isn’t even trying to Takagi lets off again. They go again, tie up again, and are in a deadlock! But Taichi lets up so they end up on ropes. Takagi is annoyed and he swings on Taichi but Taichi dodges. Taichi gets around, waistlocks, Takagi has the ropes, but Taichi rolls him up before Red Shoes can count! Cover, ZERO!

Fans applaud as Taichi checks with Red Shoes, and indeed, Takagi got away before Red Shoes ever even touched the mat. The two circle again, tie up, and Takagi rolls Taichi up! ZERO, but Takagi runs Taichi over! Cover, ONE! That’s good enough to start! But Taichi BOOTS Takagi and covers, ONE! Taichi checks with Red Shoes, but Takagi gets around to backslide! TWO! And that makes three for Takagi! Fans fire up as the Rampaging Dragon has the lead. Only for Taichi to drag Takagi into a cradle! TWO, and now we’re tied up again! Taichi hurries to trip Takagi, then goes for the body scissors!

Takagi slips out the back, he goes for the body scissors! Taichi slips out but Takagi runs him over again, then drops a SENTON! Fans fire up again while Taichi crawls to ropes. Takagi lets him be out there and Miho checks on Taichi. Takagi applauds and fans clap, “TA-KA-GI!” “TA-I-CHI!” Taichi gets up, walks off the soreness, but Takagi eggs him on. Taichi walks around the outside, takes his time returning, but there’s no ring count to worry about. He gets in, Takagi is right on him with kicks and headbutts! Taichi CHOKES! Takagi CHOKES! They BOTH choke! Takagi powers Taichi to a corner, but he JABS, CHOPS and repeat!

Fans rally with ever JAB and CHOP, then Takagi just JABS and JABS and JABS! He clams he was doing palm strikes, though. Takagi kicks Taichi, then whips corner to corner. Takagi runs in but Taichi ROUNDHOUSES him down! Taichi thinks about it, then he covers Takagi! TWO, so Taichi finally leads 5-3. Takagi goes outside but Taichi pursues. Taichi whips Takagi into railing! Taichi CHOKES Takagi against the railing! Red Shoes reprimands and Taichi stops, then he brings Takagi around to POST him! Taichi puts Takagi in, brings him up, but Takagi throws body shots and forearms!

Takagi ROCKS Taichi, and again! But Taichi wrenches and HOOK KICKS! Cover, TWO! That makes 7-3, Taichi. Fans rally up and Taichi brings Takagi up. Taichi KICKS Takagi but Takagi eggs him on. So Taichi KICKS him again. And KICKS again, only for Takgai to block! But Taichi CHOKES Takagi and throws him down! Fans rally while Red Shoes reprimands. Taichi sits Takagi up to choke him, then choke him against ropes! Red Shoes reprimands but Taichi stomps Takagi to a corner. Taichi hides his choke, but Takagi chokes back! Taichi chokes with both hands! Red Shoes reprimands, Taichi snapmares Takagi and KICKS him!

Takagi roars and fans fire up, so Taichi KICKS Takagi again! Takagi eggs Taichi on so Taichi KICKS him again! Cover, TWO, but wait, he sees the choke! The count still counts, so now it’s 9-3. Taichi does the same trick but Red Shoes won’t allow it. No easy counts for that! Taichi says that’s not a choke, THIS is a choke! Red Shoes reprimands, Taichi stops, and fans rally up again. Taichi waits on Takagi to get up, and then he BUZZ- NO! Takagi ducks, rolls Taichi up, TWO! 9-5, but Takagi runs into a kitchen sink knee! Taichi then scuffs Takagi with toying kicks. Fans rally up, but Taichi stands on Takagi’s head.

Taichi eggs Takagi on, then gives him Kowata Kicks. Takagi gets up, Taichi kicks low and gives more Kowata Kicks! But Takagi blocks, spins Taichi, shoves and ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON feint to a cradle! TWO, 9-7, but Taichi boots the lariat away. Takagi spins to YUKON PUMPING! Fans fire up while Taichi is down and Takagi catches his breath. Takagi fires up and fans rally behind him. Takagi drags Taichi up, Gory Especial, but Taichi fights free. Taichi swings, but into another hook, then a DDT! Then SLIDING LARIAT! Takagi isn’t done there, he Gory Especials again, NOSHIGAMI! Cover, TWO! We’re tied again!

But Takagi says he’s just getting started! Fans rally, Takagi brings Taichi up, pump handles, but Taichi fights the lift! Taichi throws elbows, gets free, and BOOTS from a corner. Takagi comes back but Taichi dodges to GAMANGIRI! Taichi hurries to cover, TWO! Taichi takes the lead back, 11-9! Fans rally, both men slowly rise, and Taichi gets to ropes. Taichi stands, runs in and BOOTS! Takagi stays up to ROCK Taichi! Taichi BOOTS, Takagi forearms! Taichi boots but Takagi blocks to CLUB the leg! Takagi CHOPS, Taichi KICKS! CHOP, KICK, repeat! Fans rally up as they speed up, Taichi gets the edge!

Taichi eggs Takagi on so Takagi DOUBLE CHOPS! Taichi sobats, Takagi forearms, Taichi ENZIGURIS! Taichi crawls over to cover, TWO! Taichi is 13-9 but fans rally up. Takagi and Taichi slowly stir, and Taichi uses ropes to get up again. Taichi fires himself up and OFF COME THE PANTS! But Takagi clotheslines him in a corner! Taichi comes back to DECK Takagi with an elbow! Taichi powers up, sumo stance, YOKO- NO! Takagi half nelsons, but Taichi fights the lift! Takagi ducks the hook kick, pump handles and half nelsons, MADE IN JAPAN! Cover, TWO!! Well, 13-11, Takagi is catching up again.

Fans rally and Takagi fires up with, “OI! OI! OI!” Fans clap along, Takagi powers up the arm and he runs, but Taichi BOOTS! Takagi fights the Saido, Taichi whips but Takagi reverses to SAIDO! Takagi runs, but Taichi gets around to DANGEROUS SAIDO!! Taichi crawls and covers, TWO!! 15-11, Taichi is halfway there! Fans rally up more, Taichi brings Takagi up and reels him in. Takagi fights the lift, back drops free, and he runs in, into a KICK! Taichi reels Takagi back in but Takagi fireman’s carries! Takagi puts Taichi on a corner, throws some elbows and back hands, then JABS Taichi! Takagi climbs up, fires up, and he throws headbutts.

Taichi hits back, Takagi throws more headbutts! Takagi gets Taichi up for a SUPERPLEX! Takagi crawls to the cover, TWO!! 15-13, but Takagi snarls. Takagi brings Taichi up, pump handle and rack, but Taichi fights free! Taichi shoves, BOMBERS COLLIDE! Takagi runs in again, BOMBERS COLLIDE again! Taichi falls over and fans fire up! Takagi runs, but Taichi catches the bomber to a SUMO TOSS! AX BOMBER!! Cover, TWO! 17-13, Taichi is keeping that four point lead! Taichi drags Takagi up, Alabama but Takagi fights that off! Takagi spins Taichi, Taichi ducks a lariat, roundhouse and lariat collide!

Takagi still LARIATS! Taichi wobbles, he DECKS Takagi! Taichi hurries to Alabama lift, guck, BLACK MEPHISTO!! But he has to crawl to the cover again! He gets all the way to SIX!! 23-13! A TEN point lead now! Fans rally up while both men are down. Takagi and Taichi stir and go to opposite corners. Taichi fires himself up, fans rally and Taichi aims, but Takagi blocks the superkick! LARIAT to GEDO CLUTCH! TWO, but then Takagi gets Taichi in a cobra twist cradle! THREE, it’s 23-18! Taichi BOOTS, reels Takagi in, but Takagi slips out of the saido to pump handle! LAST OF THE DRAGONS!! Cover, FIVE!! We’re tied AGAIN!

Miho rallies the fans while both men are down. Takagi flounders to the ropes, shakes out the cobwebs, and he stands as Taichi rises. Takagi runs in, LARIAT! Taichi stays up, and then he LARIATS! Takagi stays up, rebounds, and LARIATS! Taichi stays up, rebounds, and LARIATS! Takagi goes to run but Taichi grabs his wrist. Takagi can’t shake free, so he YUKON LARIATS! Taichi stays up, and short arm LARIATS! Takagi stays up, to YUKON LARIAT! Taichi stays up, to short arm LARIAT! Fans rally up, Takagi grits his teeth and YUKON LARIATS! Taichi winds up but Takagi blocks to YUKON LARIAT again! And again!

Taichi drops to his knees and fans fire up! Miho shouts to Taichi but Takagi roars to pump handle. Taichi slips out, gets the body scissors, GEDO CLUTCH! FIVE!! Taichi is at 28! ROUNDHOUSE!! Both men are down! Fans are thunderous as both men stir! Taichi drags himself towards Miho at the ropes, then gets up. Taichi roars, runs in, but into an ELBOW! JAB! But he ducks the Yukon! Takagi ducks the Ax Bomber to run and PUMPING BOMBER! Cover, ONE!?! Taichi AX BOMBERS! Cover, ONE!! Another, ZERO!!! Fans are thunderous again as both men scramble to opposite ends! Takagi runs in, into an ENZIGURI!

But PUMPING BOMBER on the rebound! Taichi gets himself to ropes, Takagi brings him in! Boxing elbows over and over, but Taichi ROCKS him with an elbow! Takagi JABS Taichi! Then HEADBUTTS! And RUNNING ELBOW! But Taichi gets right back up!? Only to run into the pump handle! LAST OF THE DRAGONS!! Cover, SIX!!! Takagi wins!!!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, 30-29 (NEW Mr. KOPW 2022)

The Rampaging Dragon takes it at the finish line! Taichi’s reign ended before it really began, will he be back to try again? As for Takagi, the trophy is brought to him as he catches his breath. Suzuki-Gun has to help Taichi exit, and  Takagi slowly gets to his feet as he gets the mic.

“Before we did this, I said I would wear Taichi out, and now look at me. But I took KOPW on my first try. So let’s say this: Let’s go go go!” Fans applaud that, and Takagi admits his head hurts. He asks if anyone saw him winning the KOPW trophy. Even he can’t believe he’s holding it. But it’s like he always says. Whether it was as NEVER Openweight Champion, IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, “I’ve proven that it’s the man that makes the title!” Fans applaud that, too. Takagi worked to elevate those titles, and he’ll work to elevate this one. He was at the top with the world title last year, but he’ll be at the top with the KOPW this year!

“With the KOPW Trophy in hand, I’ll soar like a dragon!” If this was how hard Takagi fought to take the trophy, how much harder will he fight to keep it?

My Thoughts:

A very good event for Golden Fight Series, and apparently the last one they’re going to air. In which case, a great finale in those last two matches. The House of Torture of course cheats to keep the titles, but if they’re keeping the Six Man titles, I really hope this means Tama Tonga wins the singles title. Tama’s proven himself as a singles guy so he deserves to have a singles title. And then in the KOPW match, that was great stuff, though in many ways like a normal match. Lots of two counts, but we got great zero counts and past-three counts. I didn’t think Takagi was going to win this, just as Takagi wondered in his promo. But it was great that it came down to the wire. I feel like a 30 count should be a normal stipulation choice.

As for what’s next, I think Takagi’s gonna need to do better with his stipulation ideas. Takagi’s check list idea was a bit odd, having to get a one count, then a two, then a three. I’m sure he’ll start busting out those that border on No Disqualifications, or whatever combination of rules can allow something this grueling again and again. A part of me hopes Taichi comes back for more, but I bet Taichi can move up to like the US Championship.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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