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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (4/14/22)

The champion wants her belt back!



Will Meiko Satomura get her face-to-face with Isla Dawn?

Though she is NXT UK Women’s Champion, Meiko Satomura had her belt literally stolen from her by Isla Dawn! Will she make the Wicked Witch give it back?


  • The Coffey Brothers VS Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff; Starz & Mastiff win.
  • Eliza Alexander w/ Xia Brookside VS Angel Hayze; Eliza wins.
  • A-Kid VS Teoman w/ Die Familie; Teoman wins.


The Coffey Brothers VS Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff!

Joe & Mark may have some tension over the Heritage Cup, but being brothers, they’re banding together to get going in the tag division! But will they be able to get past the Bomber duo? Or will Gallus Boys not be on top?

The teams sort out and Mastiff starts against- Well, Mark wants to start but Joe insists. Mark lets him and Joe ties up with Mastiff. They break, go again, and break again. Mastiff throws a hand but Joe hits back! They tie up again, Joe headlocks but Mastiff powers out. They ram shoulders but neither man falls! Joe talks some smack, they both run, and they ram shoulders again! Joe and Mastiff try again, Joe leaps but Mastiff CLOBBERS him outta the air! Tag to Starz but Joe hip tosses him down! Joe wrenches Starz, tags Mark, and the Coffey Brothers double wrench and toss Starz for a double CHOP!

Mark arm-drags Starz, grinds the arm, but Starz endures. Fans rally and sing, Mark wrenches Starz and tags Joe back in. The brothers double wrench and double atomic drop! Starz staggers into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Joe keeps hold to SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Starz is showing that Bomber toughness but Joe wrenches the arm again. Tag back to Mark, and he CLUBS Starz’s arm. Mark grinds the armlock again but fans rally up. Starz fights, waistlocks, but Mark tags Joe before the O’Conner Roll! Starz uppercuts Joe first! And again! Joe gets a body shot, some haymakers, but Starz EuroUppers and dropkicks!

Starz tackles Joe to the corner! Tag to Mastiff, and Mastiff throws body shots before he whips Joe into the corner! And then whips him in again! And then whips him in a third time! Joe comes back to RAM Mastiff, swings on Starz, and manages to scoop Mastiff?! But Starz dropkicks it over! Mastiff covers, TWO! Joe is still in this and fans rally again. Mastiff bumps Joe off buckles, tags Starz in, and Starz digs his forearm in before he throws a shot. Joe hits back but Starz CLUBS Joe down then CLOBBERS him! Tag back to Mastiff, Starz holds Joe down for Mastiff to stomp. Mastiff then scoops Joe to SLAM him!

Tag back to Starz and Mastiff hits a SENTON! Starz slingshots for a SPLASH! Cover, TWO! The Iron King is showing his mettle but Starz CLUBS him more. Joe throws body shots and then scoops Starz. Starz fights that and Joe’s ribs bother him. Starz puts Joe in the corner, tag to Mastiff, and Mastiff brings Joe out to HEADBUTT! Joe falls but fans rally up. Mark coaches his brother as Mastiff brings Joe up. Mastiff DECKS Joe with that uppercut! Tag to Starz, and Mastiff gives him a boost, ASSISTED SENTON! Cover, TWO! But Starz keeps Joe down with a chinlock! Fans continue to rally, Joe fights his way up and throws body shots.

Starz shoves but Joe whips him away! Mastiff tags in, Joe scoops for a POERSLAM! Mastiff waistlocks Joe for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Joe ends up in the Bomber corner, but also on the apron. Mark tries to coach his brother but Mastiff stands Joe up. Joe ROCKS Mastiff first! Joe climbs, throws another hand, then leaps to missile dropkick! Fans fire up as Joe and Mastiff are both down! A standing count starts, both men crawl for their corners, hot tags to Starz and Mark! Mark rallies on Starz with big shoulders and Polish Hammers! Mark puts Starz in a corner, uppercuts then whips corner to corner!

Mark runs in, big back body block! Then a FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Mark drags Starz right up to wrench and back suplex, but Starz slips out! Starz runs, but into a back drop! Mark covers, Mastiff breaks it! Then Mastiff CLOBBERS Joe! Mark DECKS Mastiff! Mark deadlifts Starz, but Starz fights the waistlock and switches. Mark switches back, but Starz arm-drags free and dropkicks Mark to a corner! Mark rebounds off buckles, into a back drop from Starz! Fans fire up, Starz tags Mastiff! Mastiff gets Mark up, but Mark elbows free of the waistlock! GAMANGIRI! Down goes Mastiff!

Mark runs, but Joe tags in before the SLIDING FOREARM! Mark covers but the ref explains, and Joe hurries his brother away! Mark is confused, but he lets Joe take this. Joe spins, into a fireman’s carry! ROLLING SENTON and tag to Starz! Starz hauls Joe up, for a POWERBOMB!! High stack, Starz & Mastiff win!?!

Winners: Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff, by pinfall

Mark is beside himself! He had this won but his brother’s ego got in the way again! Starz & Mastiff get a massive win here, will they soon be aiming at those NXT UK Tag Team Championships? As for Joe, he and Mark get heated, but Wolfgang hurries out to cool them down. Joe still wants to argue but Mark doesn’t get it. Will Gallus fall apart as the Iron King keeps thinking about himself?


NXT UK looks back at last week’s title match.

Another instant classic of brutality for THE NXT UK Championship as Ilja Dragunov and Roderick Strong gave it their all. But in the end, UNBESIEGBAR withstood the pressure. Afterward, media asks him his opinion of Strong. He wanted them to wait a moment, he needed to catch his breath from that “near-death experience.” He found Strong backstage, and Strong was the one to say that Dragunov is special. They will see each other again. Dragunov looks forward to it. They shake hands, though Dragunov’s arm bothered him. Jordan Devlin walks in and mocking this “family moment.”

Devlin says Strong is lucky, dodging the Irish Ace. But Dragunov isn’t so lucky. When Devlin said “empty arena,” he didn’t mean tables and chairs and stairs. It was about not beating Devlin 1v1. Dragunov may have the title, but Devlin’s still the ace. Dragunov snarls as Devlin walks away, will we get another brutal instant classic between Czar and ace?


NXT UK hears from Sam Gradwell and Kenny Williams.

The Thunderstorm says, “Kenny Williams, you silly little boy. You horrible little school bug decided to stick your nose where it didn’t belong.” But the Scum of the Earth asks Gradwell if he wants to know why Kenny chose him. “Because you’ve got the biggest mouth. And I wanted to be the one to shut you up.” Gradwell says Kenny has no idea who he is or where he comes from. Gradwell grew up in the slums of Blackpool, and what it’s like to starve. He can’t bring Kenny to Gradwell’s street, but he can bring those streets to Kenny. That is what’s gonna happen in this Back Alley Brawl!

Kenny says Gradwell chose this! He wanted a match with Kenny, bringing the streets to him. Well Gradwell should relax. He just made the biggest mistake of his life! When they have it out, Gradwell will prove Kenny is just a scared little boy begging for attention. But Kenny says that what he’ll do to Gradwell when no one can stop him, “you don’t wanna find out.” Gradwell says there is nothing Kenny can take from him that hasn’t been taken before. Kenny is ruthless and resilient, because he’s the Scum of the Earth. But Gardwell says Kenny can’t hang with him in a Back Alley Brawl. Kenny will never forget the day he picked a fight with Gradwell.

This match- no, this FIGHT, is happening next week! Two men enter, but only one man will leave on his own power! Who survives NXT UK’s most brutal match yet?


Meiko Satomura heads to the ring!

The Final Boss’ reign is still going at just over 300 days, but the reason she doesn’t have the NXT UK Women’s Championship is because Isla Dawn refused to leave without it in her possession! The Wicked Witch has taunted Meiko with the title itself, but Meiko has a mic to say, “I am here to speak, Isla Dawn. Isla, you have something that belongs to me. COME HERE, and bring me my NXT UK Women’s Championship!” Isla obliges by making her way out to the ring. “Oh, Meiko~.” Isla says she is just blown away at Meiko’s kindness at extending an invite this time. Isla laughs as the lights, and the mood, start to change.

“Sadly, it’s not me you want to see, is it?” Don’t get her wrong, Meiko surely misses the title terribly. In their short time together, Isla has grown quite attached to it. And oh, have they reveled in purgatory together! But… Isla is willing to temporarily give this back. But on one teeny tiny condition: they have a rematch. And it’ll be under Isla’s own “chaotic” rules. Isla laughs then admires the belt. Isla carefully sets the belt down before Meiko, gives it a kiss, and says Meiko should take one last look at it. “Soon, it will be all mine!” Isla laughs and Meiko carefully picks the belt up. Meiko has already told Isla, if she wants to fight, she only has to ask.

But then Isla spits BLACK MIST at Meiko! Fans boo as Meiko writhes and tries to clear her eyes! Isla says her “ascension” will take place in HER domain! “In a world of darkness~!” Isla laughs again, but what does she mean by all that? What rules will Isla use to being her reign in NXT UK?


NXT UK Media interviews Amale.

They want to know if she will be watching the in-ring debut of Xia Brookside’s friend, Eliza Alexander. Of course she will. And Amale wants to use this time to warn her and Xia that while we’ve seen her sweet side, they can’t get it twisted. She is still full of rage, and it is only a matter of time until she gets her hands on Xia and Eliza. Then she’ll show them just what an angry French Hope looks like!


NXT UK share what happened during the break.

Gallus was not done arguing things out, as they could be heard from inside their own locker room. Joe stormed out of the room and the reporters asked what was wrong, but Wolfgang told Mark to just let Joe do whatever before slamming the door. Is the Gallus kingdom about to crumble?


NXT UK hears from Wild Boar and Mark Andrews.

Subculture’s high-fiving, stage-diving, skateboarder rockstar says, “People might not know this, but me and the Wild Boar, we’ve got a 15 year friendship. And out of all those years, the only time we weren’t on the same page was when Eddie Dennis got in the Boar’s head.” In Andrews’ culture, friends are supposed to stand united. Boar tells Dennis, “I know you’re scared to face me one-on-one, because when I get my hands on you, I will rip you limb from limb!” Andrews calms Boar down, they both want to get after Dennis, but it’s about fighting him mentally first. Dennis will never give someone a fair fight, he always wants the odds in his favor.

So that’s why Andrews and his chair are here! They’ll even those odds! Boar tells Symbiosis, “You are the hunted! BOAR! BOAR! BOAR!” Will Dennis, T-Bone and Primate have to watch their backs from now on?


Eliza Alexander w/ Xia Brookside VS Angel Hayze!

The French Hope has put the “princesses of pro-wrestling” on notice, but #LizzyEvo and daddy’s girl Xia aren’t going to sweat that. Will Eliza make a big impact in her first match here in NXT UK? Or will Angel leave her in a haze?

The bell rings and fans rally for Angel as she tie sup with Eliza. Angel gets the arm but Eliza CLUBS her right away! Eliza headlocks, grinds Angel down, but Angel fights with body shots. Angel powers out, things speed up, and Angel sobats hard! Angel runs, and dropkicks Eliza down! Angel hurries to then roll Eliza up, TWO! Eliza runs in, Angel gets around and waistlocks, but Eliza pries the hold open to switch. Eliza RAMS Angel into buckles, then CLOBBERS her from behind! Cover, TWO! Eliza tells fans to shut up, then she stalks Angel to a corner. Eliza throws a hard body shot! Fans boo but Eliza just stalks Angel.

Angel throws a shot of her own but Eliza CLUBS her down! Eliza drags Angel up, snapmares her through and then KICKS her in the back! Cover, ONE! Xia says the count should be faster! Eliza drags Angel up as fans are all behind Angel. Eliza bumps Angel off buckles hard, then stalks Angel again. Eliza KNEES Angel in the side, but fans boo again. Eliza soaks up the heat, KICKS Angel again, then talks some trash. She KNEES Angel again, and Xia is very pleased. Eliza brings Angel up, kicks her around, kicks her some more, then reels her in, only for Angel to get around and throw forearms and uppercuts!

Angel DECKS Eliza and fans fire up! Angel back body blocks in the corner, runs and SLINGBLADES Eliza down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally behind Angel but Xia coaches Eliza. Angel aims from a corner, tunes up the band, and Eliza stands. Angel runs in but Eliza blocks the kick to throw Angel down! Eliza then LARIATS Angel! Eliza still isn’t done, she drags Angel up by her hair, runs and SLIDING KNEES!! Cover, Eliza wins!

Winner: Eliza Alexander, by pinfall

Xia celebrates like Eliza just won a title! But Eliza did show she can just about take someone’s head off. Will Eliza and Xia take over NXT UK together, no matter who stands in their way?


NXT UK Media interviews Emilia McKenzie.

Millie has been here for over a year now, and has been building quite a winning streak. What’s the reason for that? Well, hard work pays off. And when you train with the best in Meiko Satomura, it’s hard not to follow in her footsteps. But Stevie Turner overhears this and says, “Wow, wow! I’m in awe of you, I really am.” Millie is so happy in her position here. In a world where everyone’s fighting to be number one, Millie chooses to be number two. But Stevie is well aware that Meiko chose Millie, too, because she doesn’t see Millie as a threat. Just something to think about. Stevie heads out, but will Millie show her just how strong second place can be?


NXT UK hears from Moustache Mountain and their challengers.

Trent Seven says, “They say that history is only written by the winners. Here in NXT UK, that’s bang on.” Tyler Bate says, “You’re looking at a pair of history-makers.” Seven has tricks up his sleeve because he and Tyler have to keep these titles! It’s all about winning! But Oliver Carter says Seven needed to swat Ashton Smith’s leg off the ropes, he needed to cheat, because he was desperate. It showed everyone that Smith & Carter are the real best tag team in NXT UK. Seven & Bate may have knocked the hottest tag team down, but they’re coming for those titles. They need those titles.

These two teams went 1-1 in 1v1, and despite the controversy, Seven says a win is a win. Smith asks Bate how he can stand by a man who doesn’t have the confidence in himself to win cleanly against Smith & Carter. Seven says he’s made it clear! He- they will do anything and everything to keep the titles! But no more disrespect and no more cheating. Their tag title rematch is TWO OUTTA THREE FALLS! The hottest tag team under the sun is gonna burn down the cabin atop Moustache Mountain! But Tyler says that if you do not learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. So history will repeat itself here as it always does.

Smith says we will know once and for all who is the best tag team in NXT UK. And you’re looking at them right now! Will Smith & Carter not just be the hottest tag team under the sun, but will they become the freshest champions on the brand?


A-Kid VS Teoman w/ Die Familie!

The Spanish Sensation may have had a great showing in the States, but he is back in NXT UK to stand up to The Babo. Will A-Kid be able to blind the Evil Eye and derail Die Familie’s dominance? Or has Teoman already seen the future of A-Kid’s failures?

The bell rings and A-Kid circles with Teoman. Fans taunt Die Familie as Teoman and AK tie up. AK gets a waistlock but Teoman wrenches free. AK rolls away and the two reset. They feel out the grapple to knuckle locks, but AK waistlocks to drag Teoman down. AK gets a facelock, gator rolls then covers, ONE! Teoman scrambles to a corner and fans applaud while cheering AK on. Teoman and AK circle again, tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, and Teoman puts AK in a corner. AK goes up as the ref counts, and he boots from above! Teoman swings wild but AK stays away. The two go again, AK headlocks for a takeover, but Teoman keeps shoulders up.

Teoman claws AK’s face to get the headscissors! He holds tight as AK tries to kip up, but then AK moves around. AK headstands, turns Teoman over and rolls back to tie up the legs. Fans rally as AK chinbars Teoman, and puts pressure on the back. Teoman resists the Bow ‘n’ Arrow but AK still gets him up! Teoman pops out to a cover, TWO! AK trips Teoman, has a toehold, but Teoman sits up. AK twists the foot more, but Teoman kicks free with the other leg. Teoman snapmares, chinlocks and he grinds AK down. Teoman gets the arms to make it a straitjacket stretch! AK endures, even as Teoman digs his forehead into the neck.

AK fights up as fans rally, and he arm-drags free! AK ducks and dodges and springboards to arm-drag and dropkick! Cover, TWO! Teoman gets to ropes, AK whips him but Teoman holds ropes to avoid the roundhouse! Dempsey distracts and Teoman tosses AK out! Raja trips AK up and Teoman WRECKS him with a dropkick! Fans boo as Die Familie uses their numbers, “You’re Not Brothers!” AK gets up and in as the ref counts, but Teoman CLUBS him! Teoman stands AK up, turns him, HANGMAN’S NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Teoman clamps on with a chinlock and he leans on AK.

AK endures as fans rally but Teoman thrashes him around. Teoman traps one arm while keeping on the chinlock. AK fights up and throws big forearms! AK headlocks, Teoman powers out and CLOBBERS him from behind! AK is stuck in the ropes, and Teoman stands on AK’s head to choke him! Teoman talks trash to the fans but the ref counts! Teoman lets off at 4, AK CHOPS back! Teoman JABS AK in the ear! Teoman stands AK up but AK KICKS away on a leg! Teoman hobbles around but AK KICKS his feet out from under him! But Teoman scoops to SLAM AK! Both men are down as Teoman checks his leg.

Teoman stalks AK but AK headbutts low. Teoman drops an elbow on the back of the head! Cover, TWO! Teoman scowls, drags AK up but AK ROCKS him! And CHOPS him! And ROCKS and COHPS some more! Teoman throws body shots then grinds AK with a chinbar. AK powers Teoman to a corner and the ref counts. Teoman shoves AK, BOOTS him, then shoves him again. Teoman runs in, but AK avoid the sliding forearm to victory roll and PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! AK gets the leg, PERFECT PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Teoman survives but the fans are all behind AK. AK wraps on a SLEEPER!

Teoman endures, fights to his feet, but AK shifts around to a GUILLOTINE! Teoman throws body shots, then goes to suplex, but AK is after an arm! Teoman wrenches back and BODY SHOTS, to a HALF HATCH FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Fans stay fired up for AK as he and Teoman are both down. AK crawls, Teoman drags him up, and has a chicken wing. Teoman then spins AK, fisherman, USHIGOROSHI! AK sits up, into the SLIDING FOREARM!! Cover, TWO!?! Teoman can’t believe it! How did AK even survive that chicken wing neckbreaker? Teoman ROCKS AK with a forearm, but AK hits back!

Teoman forearms, AK forearms back! AK fires off more, but Teoman kicks low! Teoman whips, AK reverses, but Teoman handsprings, into a REAR NAKED CHOKE!! Teoman wrenches, but AK gets that arm for an ARMBAR! Teoman clasps hands, fights around, and gets the ROPEBREAK! AK lets go, but he basement dropkicks Teoman into ropes! AK then goes to the apron and he drags Teoman out there with him. Teoman throws body shots and forearms in return! But AK KANGAROO KICKS! AK falls to the floor but Teoman is inside the ring! Teoman sits up and sees AK struggling. Teoman goes out and runs in again, but he forearms the steps as AK moves!!

Teoman clutches his wrist and AK gest in the ring. Die Familie checks on their leader, we’re past 5 of 10. AK goes up and TRIANGLE MOONSAULTS! But Die Familie gets Teoman clear! Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” but Teoman hits an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Teoman puts AK in, covers, TWO!! AK is still in this and Teoman roars! Teoman drags AK into the dragon sleeper, ROLLING INVERTED DDT!! Cover, Teoman wins!!

Winner: Teoman, by pinfall

Die Familie helps out again, and The Babo has a win over the inaugural Heritage Cup Champion! Teoman says, “The Eye saw everything!” Will Teoman also be seeing a title opportunity of his own in the near future?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for NXT UK, with a lot of great hype for the coming weeks. Great highlight reel for Dragunov VS Strong, as well as a post-match promo from them and Devlin. As much as I wanted Devlin to try for the Heritage Cup next, he is definitely the next choice for an NXT UK Championship match. Though that’s mostly because they haven’t built anyone else up to do it. We also got a really good NXT UK Tag Team Championship vignette, and Seven is doing a perfect job playing like he’s not selfishly clinging to the belts. Being two outta three, the titles could go either way and Moustache Mountain will play it perfectly no matter what.

Gradwell and Kenny have a great vignette to hype up their match. A Back Alley Brawl is just an awesome move for this story, that match is going to be wild, and the outcome can definitely go either way believably since there are basically no rules. Boar and Andrews have a good promo together, it sounds like Andrews is just going to be Boar’s corner man to keep T-Bone and Primate back. Guess Flash Morgan Webster still isn’t back yet, but maybe the feud continues until he is for a big Six Man.

Great stuff in the opener out of Gallus as the Coffey Brothers do very well until it comes time to finish the match. Mastiff & Starz get a great win out of this, and if nothing else, Joe’s ego is going to lead to Coffey VS Coffey. They could break up, could make themselves stronger, but it’ll be good stuff either way. Good interview promo from Millie and a good add-on from Stevie Turner. They’ll of course have a match and I bet Millie wins that to keep her win streak going. Meiko and Isla have a good segment together, and I like Isla basically referencing Malakai/Aleister Black with the mist. I can’t wait to see what stipulations Isla suggests for this rematch.

Really good promo from Amale to keep us aware that the old Heel rage is still part of her Face character. And a pretty good match for Eliza’s first in NXT UK. Still predicting Amale VS Eliza happens first, and if Amale wins, she gets her rematch with Xia. If nothing else, Xia and Eliza should really be considered for NXT UK’s first women’s tag team to go after the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships. And of course, a very good main event out of A-Kid VS Teoman. Die Familie of course had a part to play, and that gives Teoman the win. A-Kid is basically moving on to NXT USA anyway, so him putting Teoman over makes sense. But while Dar is a Heel, Teoman isn’t challenging for the cup. Though, I could see them turning Dar since he’s hilarious and fans love him anyway.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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