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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (4/18/22)

The Prince tests a Theory!



WWE Raw 2022

Will Finn Balor deny Vince’s golden boy some gold?

Theory has had his run of Raw with Vince McMahon backing him, but will he soon reign over it, too? Or will Finn Balor keep the WWE United States Championship from the spoiled protégé?


  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Sasha Banks & Naomi VS Liv Morgan & Rhea Ripley; Sasha & Naomi win and retain the titles.
  • Veer Mahaan VS ???; Veer wins.
  • Ezekiel VS Chad Gable; Ezekiel wins, by disqualification.
  • RKBRO VS The Street Profits; The Street Profits win.
  • WWE United States Championship: Finn Balor VS (Austin) Theory; Theory wins and becomes the new WWE United States Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Fear of Commitment: Reggie wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Fear of Commitment 2: Tamina wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Fear of Commitment 3: Akira Tozawa wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Fear of Commitment 4: Dana Brooke wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Cody Rhodes VS Kevin Owens; Cody wins.


Seth Rollins heads to the ring!

The Visionary is in an even better mood than usual because he has a rematch with Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania Backlash! And Rollins goes to the ring to get a mic. “Ooooh, welcome to Monday Night Rollins! It is a party out here tonight, and nobody wants to party alone! So I’ve got an invitation to make. An invitation to my WrestleMania Backlash opponent himself, The American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes! C’mon down, let’s have a chat, baby! HAHA!” And to oblige, Cody makes his entrance. Buffalo is fired up as Cody joins Rollins in the ring. Rollins says they don’t need to stop cheering, give Cody more! Rollins even starts a “Cody! Cody!” chant.

Rollins asks Cody how it feels to be on top of the world. C’mon, give it up for the Nightmare! Cody says he’ll stand on ceremony just a moment. This all feels so… familiar. As in, Rollins and Cody in the ring, in this city, and for those who don’t know the story, Buffalo is Rhodes Country. But familiarity and admiration are strangers. Rollins has invited Cody, so please, what does Rollins want to talk about? Rollins says, “Ohhh, Cody.” There has been so much on Rollins’ mind. And as memory serves, Buffalo might be Rhodes Country, but this is about respect. Rollins wants to share how much he respects Cody.

Cody soaks up the adulation and Rollins gets mad. Rollins tells Cody to never do that again. But then he does, and Rollins gets further annoyed. This was going to go one way, but now it’s going another. Rollins was going to say how much he respected the Rhodes, from Cody to his brother to his daddy, Dusty! Rollins was going to say how much respect he had for Cody’s long journey going away, working hard, and coming back as the American Nightmare. But instead, Rollins must remind Cody that all his hard work is nothing because Seth Freakin’ Rollins made Cody a star in one NIGHT at WrestleMania!

Fans boo but Rollins says that’s the truth. Cody says there’s a lot of pretense. Let’s dispense with pleasantries and get to the point. The point Rollins is getting to is that at WrestleMania, Cody had an “unfair advantage.” Cody came in as the surprise opponent! Mr. Rhodes, back after all this time! Rollins didn’t have time to prepare, and that is why he lost. A tough pill to swallow, but what’s tougher is that people think Cody is better than Rollins. That is something Rollins cannot live with because it’s not true! Rollins is better than Cody, in every single possible way! Cody may be the flavor of the month, but he is not the future of the industry.

Rollins talks the talk better than Cody. Rollins walks the walk better than Cody. And he most certainly dresses the dress and drips the drop better than Cody. But most importantly, Cody came back to fulfill a legacy and win the WWE World Championship, an admirable goal. Rollins has been to that mountaintop, and THAT makes him better than Cody! Cody says, “Forgive me, I’m gonna correct you.” Rollins has been to the mountaintop four times. Four times, and Cody none. But all of that, the diatribe and tantrum, does not change WrestleMania. And in his six years away, Cody had a management job and learned a little something called mediation.

Rollins can go on and on about how great he is, and Cody could do the same, they go back and forth and back and forth, so why don’t they involve a neutral third party? They can ask the good folks of Buffalo! Fans are already cheering for Cody, so Cody asks them, “Do you think that I am better than Seth Rollins?” “YES! YES! YES!” Rollins encourages them to get louder and the fans oblige. Then he gets annoyed and tells them to shut up. Cody and the fans think it is so easy, standing here and someone else walks out and you can just win! But here’s an idea. Rollins wants to put the shoe on the other foot!

Tonight’s main event, Cody takes on a mystery opponent of Rollins’ choosing! What does he say to that?! Fans again chant, “YES! YES! YES!” Cody says, “Look at me. I think you already know the answer. I think they already know the answer. I didn’t come back to WWE to run from challenges. So absolutely YES.” Rollins smiles, and gives a thumbs up. Has he just suckered Cody into a trap?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Sasha Banks & Naomi VS Liv Morgan & Rhea Ripley!

It’s BOSS GLOW TIME! But will Team Bad still be feeling good after tonight? Or will #Liv4Brutality leave with the gold?

Raw returns and the challengers make their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if Sasha & Naomi live a nightmare!

Rhea starts against Sasha, they circle, and Rhea deflects a dropkick to give a dropkick! She puts Sasha in a corner, RAMS into her then RAMS her shoulder in more. Liv tags in, Rhea whips her in for a back body block! Liv snapmares and then wheelbarrows with Rhea, for a SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Liv brings Sasha up but Sasha JAWBREAKERS! Liv comes back but the springboard is denied! Sasha blocks a kick to KNEE Liv down, then tags to Naomi. They double wrench, for DOUBLE SOLE FOOD! Then a DOUBLE KICK takes Liv down! Cover, TWO! Liv survives that onslaught but Naomi tags Sasha.

Sasha goes up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Naomi DECKS Rhea for good measure, then Sasha tags Naomi back in. They go out after Liv to POST her together! Then they CROSSBODY Rhea, but Rhea catches Sasha to CLOBBER Naomi with her! Liv gets Naomi, WING CLIPPER into the POST! Rhea gives Sasha RIPTIDE to the barrier! Rhea and Liv have taken control as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Rhea has Naomi in body scissors. Naomi endures the squeezes, fights and pushes back to a cover, TWO! Rhea CLOBBERS Naomi! Rhea tags Liv, then Rhea Electric Chair Lifts Naomi while Liv climbs. ELECTRIC CHAIR BULLDOG! Wasn’t the cleanest, but Liv covers, TWO! Liv tries again, TWO! Liv is frustrated but then Naomi gets her for a ghost pin, TWO! Liv kicks and KICKS and ENZIGURIS! Naomi ends up on the ropes, Liv runs in but no Oblivion! Rhea tags in before the backslide, so the cover doesn’t count! Naomi springboards but Rhea catches her, so Liv can POWERBOMB her!

Rhea hurries to haul Naomi up, pump handle! Sasha gets in but Liv intercepts! RIPTIDE as Sasha gives Liv a BACKSTABBER! Cover, Sasha breaks it in time!! Buffalo is fired up as all four women are down! Rhea gets up to toss Sasha out! Naomi dodges Rhea, springboards, FLYING CHUCK! Sasha tags in, the champs coordinate, CODE BREAKER to BUBBA BOMB! Jackknife, the champs win!!

Winners: Sasha Banks & Naomi, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Team BAD stays on top and head out with belts in hand! Does any team on either brand stand a chance against them? As for Rhea and Liv, they regroup and Liv tries to explain she was out of commission. She wants Rhea to understand, and Rhea does her best to stay calm. But she says Liv failed the team! Liv says Rhea just needs to cool off, but then Rhea ATTACKS! She knocks Liv down, fires off hands from all sides, then laughs before she hauls Liv up! RIPTIDE!! Buffalo boos but Rhea storms off. Is Rhea done with tag teams once and for all?


Backstage interview with Rhea Ripley.

Sarah asks why Rhea did that to Liv. But Rhea asks Sarah, “What entitles you, or anyone else, to an explanation?” Rhea storms off, and that’s that.


Sonya Deville heads to the ring!

She’s in her suit so she’s all business, but she’s also the next challenger to the Raw Women’s Championship. How will she abuse her power now? We’ll find out, after the break.

Raw returns and Sonya has the mic to say, “As of late, I have heard chatter throughout WWE-” Fans booing distracts Sonya, and she again says she has heard the chatter that she is misusing her power to become Bianca Belair’s challenger. First and foremost, she is a competitor. She didn’t just wake up one day and decide to become a WWE Official out of some quarter-life crisis. No, no. She was forced into this! She was forced into this until she could find her way back to being a WWE Superstar. Did she make the most of it? Use her natural gift and ability to lead those around her? Yes, she did!

But when she found a window of opportunity, she took it. When Bianca won the Raw Women’s Championship at WrestleMania, Sonya knew that is who she’d want to be in the ring with. Bianca isn’t just the EST but the B E S T in the WWE. And that is who Sonya wants to beat and take the title off of! “The best and nothing less.” So fans can scrutinize her all we want, but the bottom line is that Bianca wanted a challenger and Sonya gave her one! “It’s nothing personal, it’s just business.” So if anyone has issue- Well, here comes Bianca! She storms her way right to the ring, and Sonya cuts off her music.

Sonya knows Bianca is all excited about the match, but standing here and now, Sonya is an official. So if Bianca lays even one finger on her, there will be consequences. Fans still want Bianca to do something, but Bianca just grabs the mic. “Y’know what, Sonya? I’m ready to put my hands on you once you’re not acting like a WWE official, so how ’bout we have this title match right here tonight? Let’s go!” Sonya says no, she didn’t wait three years to have her opportunity to have it in some rusted out suburb of New York! So it won’t happen here in Buffalo. It’ll happen somewhere where Bianca will really hate losing.

Sonya says it’ll be next week in Bianca’s hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee! And this is helping Bianca out! Because when she loses, her family will be there as shoulders to cry on. At this point, they’re so used to her losing titles quickly anyway, right? Oh, what is it? Does Bianca wanna say something? Bianca spins Sonya around to scoop her! Sonya shouts for Bianca to put her down, or she will suspend her and strip the title away! So Bianca flings Sonya away! Sonya is flustered and furious, what consequences will she make Bianca face? Or will she just let it slide in order to get that title match next week?


Veer Mahaan VS ???

The Lion with the million dollar arm dominated and demolished Dominik Mysterio, and showed absolutely no remorse. Will he do the same thing all over again to whoever is in the ring with him tonight?

Raw returns and Buffalo’s own Jeff Brooks is Veer’s vict- er, opponent! The bell rings, Brooks rushes in but Veer TOSSES him to a corner! Then fires off body shots then TOSSES Brooks across the way! Veer roars and looms over Buffalo Brooks. Brooks throws body shots, runs, but into a POUNCE! Then Veer scoops him for a SIDEWALK SLAM! But this isn’t the end, Veer just drags Brooks up for the MILLION DOLLAR LARIAT! And then, a BIG hip drop into the CERVICAL CLUTCH! Brooks taps, Veer wins!

Winner: Veer Mahaan, by submission

But just like with Dom, he’s not done with Brooks! Veer clamps the clutch back on, referees and officials rush out, and Veer lets off, only to go back for more! Veer wants to break Brooks!! The officials drag Veer off Brooks and Veer storms off into the night!


Sonya Deville finds Adam Pearce backstage.

Pearce finishes up a phone call and Sonya complains about Bianca putting her hands on her! Yes, Pearce saw that. So then what are the consequences? They better be severe! Pearce says those are being handled, but Sonya needs to worry about herself. What’s that supposed to mean? That the higher ups are officially investigating her conduct. Uh, she has been by the book since day one, and yet she’s being investigated? Not the champion who just assaulted her? Pearce assures Sonya that Bianca is being fined. How much? 50K? 100? A million? Sonya would give her the biggEST fine ever, but probably not, huh?

Bianca walks in and Sonya says no, this is official business, so she can see herself out. Okay, okay, Sonya. Bianca is here to pay the fine. Of one dollar. Here you are, Pearce. And she’s learned her lesson. Sonya is furious! Just $1!? And yet Sonya is abusing her power? Hey, he did it by the book. Sonya tastes some of her own medicine, but will she get a whole lot more of it next week?


Jeff Brooks is also being stretchered out.

Just as Dom was last week, one of Veer’s victims needs to go to the hospital.


Kevin Owens heads to the ring!

The Prizefighter is here to host a very special KO Show! He’s going to get to the bottom of things, as he plans on giving “Ezekiel” a lie detector test! Is Ezekiel who he says he is? Or will we learn the truth? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns and Chad Gable joins Kevin on his show. Kevin wants to make it very clear that he despises liars! Who doesn’t, right? But we have a “new” superstar calling himself Ezekiel and fraudulently claiming to be Elias’ younger brother. Kevin happens to know that is a lie, that IS Elias. So tonight, Kevin will expose him as the fraud he is, and that he is the only one sane enough to know it. Hence, the lie detector test. Kevin would do this himself, but to show this isn’t biased or rigged, Kevin got the smartest man in the WWE Universe to administer the test. Not only will Gable expose Elias, he’ll beat him in a match right after!

Ladies and gentlemen, the man with a 2.0 GP- No, no, 4. Oh, FOUR point 0 GPA, “Master” Chad Gable! Gable says A THANK YEW for having him back on the KO Show. And tonight, in line with the scientific method, Gable will stay unbiased and discover the truth if “Ezekiel” is who he says he is. And if he lies, Gable will beat the truth out of him after! Money well spent! Kevin loves everything about this. So then, please welcome ELIAS. The man in question makes his way out to the ring, and takes his seat. Kevin welcomes Elias to the show, and Ezekiel says he appreciates all this, but again he has it all wrong. He IS Ezekiel.

NO! No you’re not! You are Elias. Let’s just get past this. Elias had the guitar, the beard, asked people if they wanted to walk with him, that’s this guy. Ezekiel says he wants to take the test, but before he does, he has one question for everyone here in Buffalo. Who wants to here Zeke speak? DON’T! It’s just the same! Nevermind, just hook him up, we’ll get to the bottom of this. This is a computer, the best money can buy. We ready? Get it good. Is it crooked? Well, that’s good enough. Gable starts with some control questions to get a baseline. Buffalo, all your babbling is interfering, so please just SHOOSH!

First question, answer correctly: Is the sky blue? Yes. Okay, that’s the truth. Second question, answer incorrectly: Is tonight Monday? No. SEE? LIAR! No, Kevin, Gable made sure he’d lie on purpose here. Oh. Carry on. Okay, third question: Is Olympic Gold Medalist Gable Steveson a spoiled brat who messed with the wrong guy!? Chad, Chad, focus! This isn’t about you! Kevin is paying 180 Canadian dollars for this. Right, sorry, that’s good money. So yes or no, is your real name Ezekiel? Kevin stares Ezekiel down and tells him to answer. Fans cheer, “YES! YES! YES!” and Ezekiel says “yes.” Wow, it’s the truth…

What?! NO! Kevin won’t accept this! Ask him why he lying! No, it doesn’t work that way. It has to be yes or no. Okay, so… Yes or no: Is Elias his older brother? Again, fans chant, “YES! YES! YES!” Ezekiel says yes, and the machine can’t find the lie! Kevin is angry! Ask better! YOU ask! What is Kevin even after? Kevin asks, “Is your real name Elias?” “No!” And that’s true, too! Is he paying Gable more? Chad says he is a man of integrity. Sorry, but all signs point to the fact that this IS Ezekiel! Kevin says Gable is being made into a fool! No more of this! Kevin’s not paying!

But now Ezekiel says he has had enough. No more Law & Order here, being called a liar by the biggest liar in the WWE! This is a big night! Ezekiel’s in-ring debut is here in Buffalo! No, Kevin doesn’t care about this test! It doesn’t matter how Elias/Ezekiel figured a way around it! Or that he’s having his “first match” here in “Canada’s landfill,” Buffalo, New York! Oh no, he said mean things~! But what matter sis the truth! Kevin is getting the truth right now! Ezekiel admits he is Elias, or else! Or else what? Ezekiel stares Kevin down, and Kevin leaves! But then Gable CLOBBERS Ezekiel from behind! So much for integrity!

Ezekiel VS Chad Gable!

Raw returns and the bell rings. Ezekiel CLOBBERS Gable and fires off in a corner! Gable tries to hit back, but Ezekiel TOSSES him across the way! Then runs in to BOOT Gable out of the ring! Ezekiel goes out to CHOP Gable, and brings him up to GOURD BUSTER Gable on the steps! Gable flounders, Ezekiel puts him in the ring, and Ezekiel sits him up to kiss him on the head. Ezekiel then runs to SLIDING FOREARM! Cover, TWO! Gable gets to a corner but Ezekiel CHOPS him again! And CHOPS again! Ezekiel whips, Gable reverses and blocks a boot to put that leg in the ropes, DRAPING DRAGON SCRWE to the other leg!

Gable gets the bad leg, KNEE JAMMER! And then another DRAGON SCREW! And then another KNEE JAMMER! And then he YANKS the leg! Ezekiel clutches the knee, but Gable brings him up to NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Gable is annoyed and tells fans to SHOOSH! Gable drags Ezekiel to a spinning toehold, and Ezekiel’s shoulders are down. The ref counts, ONE as Ezekiel sits up. Ezekiel kicks with his free leg but Gable redoes the spinning toehold. But Ezekiel boots Gable up and out! Gable skins the cat, but runs into a kick! And a CHOP! Ezekiel whips, then CLOBBERS Gable!

Ezekiel DECKS Gable, whips him but Gable blocks! Ezekiel reverses back, goes up but Gable catches him! Ezekiel still mule kicks Gable away, looking a lot like his brother there! But then Gable catches Ezekiel for an EXPLODER! Gable goes up the corner, for a MOONSAULT into a boot! Ezekiel gets up, and hits a SPINEBUSTER! “Who wants to speak with Zeke?!” HALF CRAB! Gable endures, but Otis appears and CLOBBERS Ezekiel!

Winner: Ezekiel, by disqualification

The Dozer knocks Ezekiel down again, and he helps his mentor up. Ezekiel still wins his in-ring debut, but it rings rather hollow. Will Ezekiel have beef to settle with the Alpha Academy? Will he call on his brother to help him?


RKBRO VS The Street Profits!

The Viper & The Stallion put the Usos in their place on SmackDown, but they’re back on Raw because teams are still coming for these titles. Will Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins prove they should be in the conversation of undisputed tag team champions? Or will Randy Orton & Matt Riddle make sure Backlash stays as is?

Raw returns and the Profits make their entrance. The teams sort out and Dawkins starts with Orton. They circle and tie up, then Orton headlocks. Orton grinds Dawkins down but he fights up and powers out. Orton runs Dawkins over, then strikes his signature pose. Fans fire up and Riddle applauds, but then Dawkins hurdles and hurdles and FLYING ELBOWS Orton down! Ford fires up as Dawkins stirs it up! Dawkins waits on Orton, they circle again and feel things out. Orton kicks low, EuroUppers Dawkins down, then tags Riddle. Orton snapmares, and he stomps Dawkins’ hand! Riddle stomps the other hand, then they both stomp the feet!

RKBRO then coordinates, ASSISTED FLOATING BRO! Cover, TWO! Riddle keeps on Dawkins with a headlock. Dawkins fights up, powers him to ropes, and Ford tags in. Dawkins ducks and Ford dropkicks Riddle! Ford then mocks Orton’s pose before he covers, TWO! Ford keeps on Riddle with an armlock. Riddle gets up but Ford wrenches to a back suplex! Ford then hurries to a corner and climbs up top, but Riddle gets up after him first! SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Even Orton’s shocked as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Ford clinches Riddle. Riddle throws body shots to get free, but Ford starts trading shots with him! Fans rally as the forearms fly, and Riddle gets the edge! Fans fire up, Riddle blocks a kick but not the ENZIGURI! But then Riddle gets up to ROUNDHOUSE! Ford falls back, Dawkins tags in! Dawkins keeps Riddle from Orton but Riddle boots him away! Hot tag to Randy! Orton rallies with big clotheslines, then he ducks to POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Orton as he then has Dawkins on the apron! Riddle FINAL FLASH KNEES Ford, and RKBRO get the Profits for DOUBLE DRAPING DDTS!

Riddle kips up and Buffalo is thunderous! Orton tags in Riddle, and he lets Riddle hear those voices! Riddle wants Dawkins to get up, but Ford is waving to someone! The USOS?! The music hits, but no Jimmy or Jey. Ford DROPKICKS Orton off the apron, and Dawkins ROCKS Riddle with a right! Dawkins whips Riddle to a corner, but Riddle goes up! Dawkins catches him, Ford tags in and climbs, DOOMSDAY BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, Profits win!!

Winners: The Street Profits, by pinfall

Ford & Dawkins used the specter of the Usos against RKBRO! Ford gets a mic to say, “What happened? I wonder who would cue the Usos music at this misfortunate time for RKBRO.” But let that be a lesson to everyone! Usos ain’t the only team to worry about! They’re the Street Profits! They are up, and they want the smoke! RKBRO realizes the trick, and are furious! Will Orton & Riddle make the Profits pay for stooping so low?


Edge and Damian Priest speak.

The Archer of Infamy says, “I’m sure you’re all asking yourselves, ‘What was that last Monday? Why are Edge and Damian Priest so set on making AJ’s life so, so miserable?’ Well apparently, you all need to be reminded as to who the hell we are.” The Iconoclast says that’s right. “Last week was mind games, and this side of me has always been there, it’s just been dormant. These seeds were planted over 20 years ago when I was in The Brood, the Ministry of Darkness. But how soon you all forget.” This version of Edge is much more dangerous, and those seeds will be watered by their opponent’s tears.

So why is this happening? You can’t get it through your Cro-Magnon skulls, AJ Styles is too stupid to figure it out, but it’s real simple. These two haven’t lived up to their true destinies. They haven’t lived up to what life’s given them. Here’s an example: Last year, WrestleMania, Damian Priest played supporting role to Bad Bunny. Priest was the glue but the bunny got the credit. Without Priest, Bunny would’ve been smeared on the mat like a Picasso painting. And yet Priest didn’t have a Mania match and the fans all have to ask why this is happening? And what does Edge have to complain about? Well where to begin?

Edge, a WWE Hall of Famer, had to ask someone to step up for a Mania match! And unlike the Bills and Sabers, Edge wins championships! And yet, in spite of all that, after nine years being begged to come back, scratched and clawed to come back, all it took was two years for the WWE Universe to be filled with lemmings and malcontents with the attention span of a TikTok video to complain that Edge was this, that, part-timer! So Edge finally decided not to care what the fans thought, and to take back the pinnacle of this industry, Edge’s mountain of omnipotence! He and Priest will past judgement on anyone in his way. And the only one with the guts to even get in their way is Styles.

Apparently, Mania didn’t get the point across to Styles. So Edge is officially challenging Styles to a rematch for Backlash, and he will drive the point home like a stake to the heart! Edge speaks directly to Styles, and Styles will surely say this isn’t fair. Not that they care. They finally decided to seize the day! And what that means for everyone, especially Styles, is that it is their JUDGEMENT DAY! Edge and Priest share a laugh, and then we fade out. Will the Phenomenal One be sentenced to exile by this judge, jury and executioner?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

Sarah asks his response to what we just heard from Edge and Priest. Styles says it’s “Judge Edge” and “Big Bad Bailiff” Priest. First, Edge’s challenge is accepted! And second, Edge can save his judgement for- Wait, the lights are flickering. Then they go off! And when they come back, it’s all purple-blue as Edge and Priest are there! Styles tries to fight but that’s 2v1! Edge and Priest mug Styles, then THROW him into the wall! Priest even KICKS Styles in the ribs, and Edge opens a locker to put Styles’ arm in it! Edge SLAMS the door shut again and again! Styles gets his arm free but the damage has been done! Edge and Priest laugh again, and then disappear. Will Styles be able to survive such a disadvantage?


WWE United States Championship: Finn Balor VS (Austin) Theory!

The Prince has been on the bad end of ambushes and blindsides by Vince McMahon’s newest pet project, but now it comes to a head! Either Balor gets payback for everything the man formerly called Austin has done to him, or Theory makes Vince the proudest he can be!

Raw returns as Finn makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we see if WWE has a champion in Theory.

Balor and Theory circle and tie up. They go around, Balor gets an arm to wrench to a wristlock, but Theory kicks low. Theory headlocks, Balor powers out, but Theory runs him over. Theory flexes and says he’s the man, but Balor CHOPS him! Balor throws body shots, RAMS Theory with his shoulder again and again, then lets off at 4. Balor CHOPS again, snapmares and KICKS Theory in the back, then COHPS him in another corner. Balor whips corner to corner, and CHOPS Theory down! Theory gets up to scoop for a BACKBREAKER! Theory snarls, he rains down fists on Balor, then covers, TWO!

Theory clamps on with a chinlock to grind Balor down. Balor endures, fans rally up, and Balor fights to his feet, only for Theory to throw him down by his head! Cover, TWO, but Theory is back on the chinlock. Balor endures as Theory leans on the hold, and he fights his way back up. Balor JAWBREAKERS free, then runs, but Theory follows to trip him up and drag him out to the apron! DRAPING NECKBREAKER to the floor! Theory seethes but he stands tall while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Theory has Balor in a chinlock. Balor fights up, but Theory manages to wrangle him back down. Balor endures as Theory leans on the hold, and he fights back up. Fans rally, Balor wrenches but Theory knees low to snapmare and jumping stomp! Theory talks trash but Balor BOOTS him from the corner! Balor rallies with forearms and a whip but Theory reverses, only for Balor to FLYING FOERAM! Then trip and DOUBLE STOMP! Buffalo fires up and Balor runs in to CHOP Theory again! Balor whips corner to corner, Theory reverses and scoops, SPIN OUT SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO!

Balor clutches his neck but he’s still in this. Theory drags Balor up, LARIATS Balor down, then eggs him on. Theory drags Balor up, for another LARIAT! Fans boo but Theory soaks up the heat. Theory drags Balor up, reels him in again, but Balor slips around to DDT! Both men are down and fans fire up! Balor then runs in to KICK Theory against ropes! Theory goes to the apron, Balor drags him up and suplexes. Theory blocks, throws body shots, then HOTSHOTS Balor away! Theory slingshots in, but dropkick becomes POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO! Theory survives his mistake, but both men are down as fans rally up.

Balor and Theory get up, Theory storms over but Balor KICKS him! And CHOPS him! And KICKS again! Theory throat chops! Theory then bumps Balor off buckles, talks trash while he stalks him, but Balor wheelbarrows to victory roll and stomp away! The ref counts as they’re at ropes, but Balor lets off to fire up the fans! Balor runs to SLINGBLADE Theory down! Then he aims again, SHOTGUN! Theory hits buckles then falls to the drop zone! Balor hurries to the corner and up top! But Theory trips Balor up! Fans boo but Theory springs right up, ARABIAN PRESS SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Balor survives and Theory is furious!

Theory says he’s the man! Fans boo, Theory calls his shot, #ATownDown. Theory gets Balor up, but Balor slips out to ELBOW DROP DDT! Balor then clotheslines Theory out of the ring! Balor runs and FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp! Balor hobbles up, fans rally and he gets Theory in the ring. Balor then goes up top again, OCUP DE- NO! Theory moves, hurries to get Balor up, A T L!! Cover, Theory wins!

Winner: (Austin) Theory, by pinfall (NEW WWE United States Champion)

Vince McMahon’s investment pays off in gold! Theory admires the prize, and out come the Hurt Business, the Alpha Academy, Commander Azeez and T-Bar to help him celebrate! And of course, here comes Vince McMahon himself! Theory goes up the ramp to take a celebration selfie with his mentor! With the Chairman’s backing, is there nothing Theory won’t do in the WWE?


Seth Rollins walks around backstage.

“Twitter is a wild place.” But Kevin Patrick walks over to ask Rollins about Cody’s match tonight against someone of Rollins’ choosing. Has he made a decision yet? Rollins laughs and says he has. Then will he share that with us? What? Is KP dim? Does no one get how this works? AT Mania, Rollins was in the middle of the ring, still no idea who he’d be facing. Cody needs to feel the exact same way tonight! Or else it doesn’t work! What doesn’t KP understand? Oh, oh, wait. Rollins checks something on his phone. Cody’s opponent has responded! Who is this that Rollins is communicating with? Guess we’ll have to wait until the main event.


R-Truth heads to the ring!

Tonight, the “certified marriaging guy” presides over the “Double Commitment Ceremony!” AKA a double wedding! The 24/7 Championship is perched on a nice little pedestal, will anyone try and ruin this night by taking that title from Dana Brooks? Or will she and Reggie, as well as Akira Tozawa and Tamina, all live happily-ever-after after tonight?

Raw returns, and the grooms and their bridal parties are present. On Tozawa’s side are Nikki A.S.H, and on Reggie’s side are Los Lotharios. Truth wants everyone to simmer down and zip it! Not just because your fly is down, Reggie. What?! GOTTEE! Okay, let’s be for real for real. Before we bring the lovely brides out, let us all remember, and that means every single one of you single, conniving snakes in the grass, that there is an R-TRUCE in effect. During this ceremony, involving Reggie and Dana, and Tamina and Tozawa, the 24/7 title is off-limits. Aight, guys, this is Truth’s first time, go easy.

“BUFFALO, NEW YORK! WHAT’S UP?!” Make some noise for Dana and Tamina! The music plays, and here come the brides~, all dressed in white~! Dana is first, and Nikki doesn’t look impressed. Tamina sorta storms out with Sasha and Naomi helping with the train. Team BAD in full affect here! Truth says these girls should be on Corn Flakes boxes, they look GRRREAT! Doesn’t he mean Frosted…? Anyway, the grooms help their brides into the ring, and Truth gets Buffalo to applaud. Truth then welcomes the dear, honored and beloved guests, and all y’all schemers, too.

We are gathered here to join the union of Dana Brooks- No, it’s just Brooke. Oh… Brook-kuh and Reggie. As well as Tamina and Tozawa. So without any further instigations, punctuations or provocations, let’s get down to bidness. And don’t “What” him! Time for the vows! And make it come from the heart. “What?” From the heart! Dana takes out her notes, and Truth has the fans simmer down. She needs a minute! Y’all gonna get married one day, too! Dana tells Reggie, “You are my knight in shining armor. And from the first time you showed your willingness to sacrifice yourself for me, I knew you were a man of honor.”

“What?” He has integrity! And though it took time to become more than friends, Dana knew they were meant to be. Through the ups and the downs, their love has only grown stronger. Truth says he’s tearing up. Reggie’s turn. Reggie says that was beautiful. Buffalo gets rowdy and Truth says they’re making him look bad. He won’t get anymore gigs after this. They should let him finish then they can go “HEY~ HEY” all the want. Fans start that but he says not now, later! “Dana, you are a dream come true. A goddess with everything I could ever want. And everything we’ve been through, the trust issues, the temptations, all of it has put us on the path that got us to this moment. And it has only made our love stronger.”

That was deep, dog. Okay, Tamina- She just shouts “Akira! What she said.” What? That’s not allowed, is it? Well, Tozawa, your turn. “Tamina… Same.” These two know how to save time. Then before finalizing the commitments, are there any objections? Speak now or forever shut your traps! Fans all boo but he says they don’t count. TAMINA objects?! To what?! She drags Reggie over and trades him with Tozawa?! Tamina likes Reggie better? That wasn’t expected. But then Tamina changers her mind. She wants… DANA?! Fans go nuts and Truth says this is getting him fired! Is this even PG?

Tamina changes her mind again, and decides to stick with the one that brought her. So then, any final objections? Just keep ’em to yourselves. With the power in Truth’s vests, he pronounces them all, COMMITTED! Get to smooching! Oh, wait, rings. Show ’em! Oh, Reggie spent some money. Tozawa not so much… Left ring fingers and… Tozawa has to loosen his again. Now, this is official! Smooch! Tozawa and Tamina kiss, and then so do Reggie and Dana. They go all the way down, and Reggie is pinning Dana?! REGGIE WINS THE TITLE!

Winner: Reggie, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

But then Tamina CLOBBERS and SPLASHES Reggie! TAMINA WINS!!

Winner: Tamina, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Truth says this is messed up! But then Tozawa goes under the skirt to roll up Tamina! TOZAWA WINS!!

Winner: Akira Tozawa, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Truth is furious but Dana CROSSBODIES! Cover, Dana wins the title back!

Winner: Dana Brooke, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Dana becomes a runaway bride as Truth gives her a piggyback outta here! Does this count as an annulment?


Backstage interview with Bobby Lashley.

Sarah has Lashley watch a video message sent by MVP. “Bobby Lashley, you are about to realize exactly how… big the mistake you’ve made. Trying to hog all the glory and spotlight to yourself, riding into WrestleMania solo, without MVP. But that’s the past. I’ve moved on to bigger things, meaner things, stronger things, in the colossus, Omos. An athlete who is superior to you in every way. And now he’s sitting under my learning tree, and I’m teaching him all the things I taught you to become WWE Champion.” MVP made Lashley might, so what can he do with Omos?

While we’re figuring that out, Omos wants to challenge Lashley to a display of strength to humiliate him again. Maybe an arm-wrestling match? Omos says the All Might Era is coming to an end. Lashley says this is not surprising. MVP thinks he’s safe cuz he can hide behind Omos while talking trash. If Lashley wants after MVP, he has to go through Omos, and he will definitely do that. But MVP is right. Omos is big, strong and scary. But so is Lashley! Is he stronger? We’ll find out in that arm-wrestling match. Lashley accepts the challenge, and will show everyone why they still call Lashley the All Mighty.


Cody Rhodes VS ???

According to The Visionary, The American Nightmare must now feel what Rollins felt at WrestleMania 38. Cody makes his entrance, and will wait in the ring to learn who Rollins chose as his opponent. Will Cody be ready no matter who walks down the ramp? Or has the Architect perfectly planned his payback?

Raw returns and Rollins makes his entrance. “Ohhhhh yeaaaah~! It’s time, it’s time, it’s time for your main event! It’s time to show the world that you’re not as good as you think you are!” So without further ado, Rollins introduces Cody’s surprise opponent for the evening. It is a man of valor, a man who never backs down from a fight, and a former world champion! And that’s no lie. Rollins laughs, because here comes Kevin Owens! It seems these two made up as friends because they hug it out! Kevin then goes to the ring, will the Prizefighter be able to do Rollins’ dirty work?

The bell rings, the two circle, and Code gets a leg. Kevin gets to ropes, turns things around on Cody, and then headlocks. Cody endures, pries at the hold, but Kevin shifts to a waistlock. Cody pries the waistlock open to wrench and wristlock. Kevin kicks low, reels Cody in, but Cody lands out of the back suplex. Cody kicks low and drops, but Kevin blocks the Rhodes Uppercut! Kevin SLAMS the arm down, then mocks Goldust before he CLUBS Cody. Kevin COHPS and CLUBS Cody then stomps away at the ropes! The ref counts, Kevin lets off to bring Cody up and whip. Cody reverses and sends Kevin out, then DECKS him!

Cody builds speed to DIVE into a forearm! Kevin drags Cody out to FALL AWAY SLAM into barriers! Kevin roars as he stands over Cody, and then he soaks up the heat in the ring while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Kevin has Cody in a headlock. Cody fights up, Kevin turns it to a facelock but Cody throws body shots. Cody ROCKS Kevin but Kevin kicks low. Kevin throws Cody out, but Cody skins the cat! Cody rallies, dropkicks and Kevin goes to a corner. Cody whips corner to corner, Kevin reverses but Cody goes up and over. Kevin trips Cody to SENTON! Cover, TWO! Kevin is annoyed but he stomps Cody around. Kevin CLUBS Cody, KICKS him, then drags Cody up by an ear. Kevin mocks the fans cheering for Cody before he scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Kevin makes it a rack as he bends Cody against his knee.

Cody fights free but Kevin throws down elbows! Kevin pushes Cody against his knee again, but Cody endures. Kevin pushes Cody down, and he grins while fans rally up. Kevin knees Cody against ropes, then digs him into the ropes! The ref counts, Kevin lets off, and Cody gets to his feet. Kevin ROCKS Cody with a right, but Cody ROCKS Kevin back! Cody ROCKS Kevin, Kevin kicks low! Kevin reels Cody in to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Kevin brings Cody back up, reels him in, but Cody blocks the suplex this time. Cody suplexes Kevin for a GOURD BUSTER! Cody clutches his back but he brings Kevin in!

Kevin snapmares free and kicks low, DDT! Cover, TWO! Cody survives being spiked and Kevin grows frustrated. Kevin gets to a corner, climbs up top, and SWANTONS onto knees! Cody saves himself and Kevin gets out of the ring. Cody slips out the opposite side, and he runs into CLOBBER Kevin onto the announce desk! But then Rollins makes his return! The Visionary decided to watch this personally, and he smirks as he swaggers down the ramp while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once more and Cody has Kevin up top! Kevin resists and fans rally up as the two brawl up there! Cody CLUBS Kevin, ROCKS him, but Kevin HEADBUTTS Cody down! Kevin adjusts, and FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Cody survives but Kevin is right up top again, SWANTON BOMB! Direct hit this time, cover, TWO!! Rollins is beside himself that Cody survives! Kevin fumes and he drags Cody up, but Cody cradles! TWO, Kevin knees low and whips, POP-UP- RANA from Cody! And SUPERKICK! Kevin SUPERKICKS back! Cody LARIATS! Rollins is pacing while both men are down.

Buffalo rallies for Cody as he and Kevin go to opposite corners. Cody hobbles, runs in, but into a POP-UP POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Kevin is shocked and Rollins is furious! Cody survives but Kevin gets back to his feet. Kevin drags Cody back into a drop zone and he goes up again. Rollins says Kevin has this, but then Cody ROCKS Kevin! Kevin hits back, but Cody throws body shots! Cody climbs up, CLUBS away on Kevin’s back, but has to worry about his own. Cody tries to go up but Kevin fights back! Kevin elbows Cody, so Cody ROCKS Kevin! Cody climbs up once again, but into a SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER from Kevin!

Rollins is fired up and Kevin crawls to a cover, ROPEBREAK! Cody manages to survive again and Rollins is angry again. Cody gets away to the far side but Kevin joins him on the apron. “This is Awesome!” but Cody resists the powerbomb to back drop Kevin onto the apron! Rollins is worried, and he wants the ring count to stop. Rollins coaches Kevin up but we’re at 5 of 10! Rollins tells Kevin to get his fat ass in the ring, but that just pisses Kevin off! Kevin storms up the ramp, Cody wins!

Winner: Cody Rhodes, by count-out

Rollins insulted his friend and screwed up his own plan! But Cody himself is upset, he wanted to win in the ring. Cody goes up to celebrate either way, only for Rollins to shove him off! Cody crashes into barriers and Rollins soaks up all the heat! Will Rollins stoop to some serious lows just to get a win over Cody?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good Raw here to keep things going from last week. A really good opening segment from Rollins and Cody, and a very clever switcheroo from Rollins on to Cody. They didn’t really play up the aspect of who the mystery opponent could be, but in the end, Kevin Owens was really the only choice. Any Heel that could be a threat to Cody (Omos, Edge, Priest) is busy in their own stories anyway, so Kevin it is. That main event was great stuff, and I figured Cody would win, but it was a good cover to have Rollins insult Kevin and Kevin not care since he has his own stuff. Rollins standing tall to end the show was also a good move to really get some heat on this build.

Speaking of Kevin, his segment with Gable and Elias/Ezekiel was hilarious in all the right ways, and of course the totally kayfabe lie detector says Elias/Ezekiel is telling the truth. Gable VS Ezekiel was a very good match, and Otis attacking to give Ezekiel the win was also a smart move. I would love if Alpha Academy challenges Elias & Ezekiel to a tag match in an attempt to expose the lie. There are a few ways Elias/Ezekiel can get around that, from a fake Elias to Elias “unable to make it” and it becomes a handicap match, I can’t wait to see which one they go with.

Very good opening tag match for the women’s tag titles, but naturally Sasha & Naomi win. And likewise, Rhea turns on Liv over Liv letting her down. Maybe something circles back to where Nikki A.S.H. says she was right about Rhea. Liv will surely have a match with Rhea but I’m pretty sure Rhea wins that. There was also good continuity with Sasha & Naomi showing up for the double wedding, or “commitment ceremony.” Name it whatever you want, wrestling weddings never work out. But that doesn’t mean the segments are always bad, cuz I really liked this one. Well, I wish Buffalo wasn’t so rowdy, they were only prolonging it since Truth kept shushing them.

But of course things turn into a 24/7 Championship scramble with Dana still holding onto the title to end the night. Would’ve been more impactful if someone else kept the belt. Then Dana can chase that person down for once. It would’ve been fun if it was Tamina, because then Team BAD would all have titles. The US Championship choice was disappointing. I get that Theory is Vince’s favorite now, both kayfabe and shoot, but it cuts storytelling out at the knees for Theory to be a champion this easily. Vince should be disappointed, Theory gets more desperate, and Theory goes nuts in order to redeem himself. But no, Theory wins, he and Vince celebrate, Vince doesn’t give a damn about Finn in kayfabe or shoot.

Veer victimizes a jobber tonight, and pretty sure he’ll do so again next week to cue Rey Mysterio calling him out. Now, I’m sure Rey will put Veer over but it’ll have to be one hell of a match first. Omos VS Lashley in an arm-wrestling match before their Backlash rematch is a fine way to build this. It’ll probably turn into a brawl, too. Edge and Priest had a good promo, though I can’t really say it added much to the story. Of course we were getting a Backlash rematch, but I suppose issuing the challenge was the only way to get Styles to be here so that the beatdown would happen. Maybe the rematch will be given a stipulation to ramp it up from Mania.

We got really good stuff out of the other titles, though. Sonya facing some karma is great stuff, it really builds off what she was doing on SmackDown. Pearce is clearly becoming the Face authority figure to counter Sonya. But I’m sure this will only motivate Sonya to try and spin this against Pearce so that “upper management,” aka Vince, will actually side with her. Then, RKBRO VS Profits was great stuff, and the Profits had an incredibly clever way of tricking Orton & Riddle. I’m sure we’ll get more Profits VS RKBRO or Usos, but I would really hope Backlash stays 2v2. You can’t really be the undisputed best tag team in WWE if you pinned some third team and not the other show’s champions.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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