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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (6/13/22)

Mondays are for JUDGEMENT!



WWE Raw 2022

Will the Prince lead The Judgement Day to new heights?

After Finn Balor’s coup d’état, and with Rhea Ripley’s coming title match, will Raw soon belong to The Judgement Day?


  • Montez Ford w/ Angelo Dawkins VS Jimmy Uso w/ Jey Uso; Jimmy wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship: Dana Brooke VS Becky Lynch; No Contest.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Tag: Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan VS “Doudrop” Piper Niven & Nikki A.S.H; Alexa & Liv win and advance to MITB.
  • Kevin Owens VS Ezekiel; Ezekiel wins.
  • Cedric Alexander VS MVP w/ Omos; MVP wins.
  • Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier: Seth Rollins VS AJ Styles; Rollins wins and advances to MITB.
  • Matt Riddle VS Tommaso Ciampa; Riddle wins.
  • Mustafa Ali VS Chad Gable w/ Otis; Gable wins.
  • Rey Mysterio w/ Dominik Mysterio VS Veer Mahaan; Veer wins.
  • Pose-Down: Bobby Lashley VS (Austin) Theory; Lashley wins.


The Miz is already in the ring.

The Hollywood A-Lister opens tonight and Wichita is booing as he welcomes us to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show, MizTV. And please welcome his guest, a legend in the business, and- oh, Paul Heyman is already there! “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And I serve as the legendary Special Counsel for your Undisputed Heavyweight Champion, Roman… Reigns…!” Miz is so thankful that Heyman came here to the wasteland that is Kansas. Miz wants to talk Money in the Bank, but fans chant, “You Suck! You Suck!” He can’t suck, he’s not from Kansas!

Fans boo more but Miz says MITB is a high-risk but career altering ladder match in which the participants fight for the briefcases and the contracts inside that grant guaranteed championship matches any time, any place. Now, the MITB winner historically has an 85% success rate for a cash-in and championship win. And you are looking at a man that has a 100% cash-in record, CORRECT. Miz cashed in the contract TWICE to become champion TWICE. Now how did Miz do that? “You must wait for the perfect moment. When the champion is in a grueling match, and at the end of that match, that champion can barely get to his feet, can barely stand.

“And then all of a sudden, you hear… ‘AWWWESOME! I came to play!'” Miz’s music hits and there’s a look of dread on the champion’s face because they know Miz is about to cash in the contract and in three seconds, there will be a NEW champion. If the MITB winner plays their cards right, they will be able to catapult their career into mega super stardom like Miz did himself. The two-time WWE Champion and two-time Grand Slam Champion, and star of the highest rated original series on the USA Network this past year, Miz & Mrs. Which a new episode airs right after Raw tonight! It’s really funny.

But that all brings Miz to this year’s MITB. And the person that wins that contract more than likely will cash-in on the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns. Heyman takes over to say, “And they shall fail in their attempt against Roman Reigns, because no matter what the percentage rate has been in the past, when the champion is Roman Reigns, that percentage rate goes down to zero.” Don’t boo and ooh at Heyman! But now, there are other pressing items to bring up tonight. Because this Friday, live on SmackDown, Your Tribal Chief will defend the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship against, of all people, Matt Riddle.

Fans cheer for The Bro, but Heyman facepalms. It annoys Heyman so much that as Special Counsel, he went to management and advised them on a stipulation to make the stakes even bigger. But here comes Riddle! “Hey, bros…! I could be hearing voices like my best bro, Randy, but uh… I could’ve sworn I heard you say my name. So I figured I’d come out here and hear this news first hand. Straight from the horse’s ass.” Miz says, “How dare you!” First last week, now this week! Miz says he and Heyman deserve and demand reverence and respect! Heyman cools things off, and wants some decorum.

We do have to admit, not only interrupting Paul Heyman but an episode of MizTV, Riddle’s got some set of balls. Speaking of balls, how are Miz’s feeling? And Paul, for a guy who talks as much as you, you don’t really say anything. Heyman doesn’t know Riddle, and Roman doesn’t know Riddle. They have no idea what he’s capable of. Fans cheer for that, and Riddle says they will this Friday, bro! Now, the Bloodline tried to end Riddle’s career, tried to end Randy’s career, so it doesn’t matter what stipulation is put on the match, because he’ll have to kill Riddle to stop him from taking that Universal Championship, BRO!

Fans fire up more for The Stallion and chant, “BRO! BRO! BRO!” Heyman tells “Mr. Riddle” that he has a lot of momentum, all in the name of his fallen bro, Randy Orton. That momentum will be stopped dead in its tracks this Friday by Roman Reigns. Heyman has admitted, he respects Riddle. But Riddle can’t beat Roman! As a matter of face, Riddle probably can’t beat his opponent tonight after what Heyman has to say. On behalf of the Tribal Chief, Heyman arranged for a stipulation. IF Riddle wins, then he will be the NEW Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion.

But when he loses, which he will, then as long as Roman is champion, Riddle can NEVER get another opportunity at the title, ever again! This is what they call “do or die” on the Island of Relevancy. Which brings Heyman to the fact that he is going to introduce The Usos! Jimmy & Jey are here, staring Riddle down. Miz has a smug smirk on his face but Riddle is clearing the ring of the chairs. Which Uso is going to face Riddle 1v1 tonight? And will it really be 1v1 with the other brother sticking nearby? Wait! The Street Profits hurry out here to even things up! Here comes a change-up! It’s Montez Ford VS Jimmy Uso 1v1! Will he score one for the #BROfits?

Montez Ford w/ Angelo Dawkins VS Jimmy Uso w/ Jey Uso!

Raw returns and the bell rings to get this match going. Ford and Jimmy circle, tie up, and Jimmy pushes Ford but Ford puts Jimmy in a corner. Jimmy lets off to ROCK Ford with an uppercut, and CHOP him! And then repeat, uppercut and CHOP! Jimmy headlocks for the takeover, but Ford keeps his shoulders up. Ford fights up, fans rally, and he powers out, but Jimmy runs him over. The Usos raise the fingers, #WeTheOnes, but things speed up. Ford hurdles then dropkicks Jimmy, then he kips right up! Jimmy bails out, Ford taunts him with “Down Since! Day One!” The Usos keep it cool and Jimmy takes his time returning.

Fans chant “We Want the Smoke!” as Jimmy gets in the ring. Ford and Jimmy tie up, Ford waistlocks, but Jimmy elbows free. Jimmy CHOPS Ford again, then whips him to a corner. Ford hits buckles hard and falls to the mat. Jimmy drags Ford up, and whips him hard the other way! Ford against bounces off buckles and falls to the mat. Dawkins coaches Ford up, but Jimmy fireman’s carries. Ford fights free, shoves Jimmy then gets around to LARIAT! And DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Ford clamps onto an arm and grinds the shoulder. Jimmy endures, fights up, but Ford wrangles him back down!

Ford tells the Usos, “We the ones,” but Jimmy fights back up. Jimmy grabs at Ford but Ford wrenches the arm through. Jimmy HEADBUTTS Ford away! Jimmy has Ford in a corner and CHOPS him again. Jimmy brings Ford around to throw him over the ropes, but Ford lands on the apron! Ford ROCKS Jimmy, bumps him off buckles, and shoulders into Jimmy. Ford slingshots but Jimmy uppercuts him out of the air! Jimmy goes out to the apron after Ford, brings him up, apron snap suplex! Ford writhes and Jimmy grins while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Ford fights free of a chinlock and he ROCKS Jimmy! Ford CHOPS, but Jimmy hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Jimmy clamps onto Ford with a rear bearhug, going after that sore back. Ford endures, Dawkins coaches him, and fans rally up. Ford fights up, pries free of the waistlock, and he gives Jimmy a BIG back suplex in return! Fans fire up while both men are down. Dawkins gets the fans chanting, “We Want the Smoke!” as Ford and Jimmy rise. Jimmy swings but Ford counter punches! And again! And then Ford fires off haymakers! Ford whips, Jimmy reverses but Ford LEAPING LARIATS!

Ford swings, but into a back suplex! Ford lands on his feet to mule kick, front kick, but Jimmy SUPERKICKS and UPPERCUTS! Ford ENZIGURIS! Fans fire up again as Ford crawls to a cover, TWO! Dawkins and Jey are both coaching their tag partners and Ford snarls as he stalks Jimmy to a corner. Ford whips, Jimmy reverses but Ford goes up and over. The back bothers Ford but he still hits a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Jimmy survives and Ford isn’t sure what to do. Both men slowly rise and Ford is on Jimmy. Fans rally, Ford stands Jimmy up but blocks the kick. Jimmy DRAGON WHIPS Ford back!

Jimmy whips, pops Ford up, SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Ford survives and Dawkins is pumped up! Ford crawls to the apron but Jimmy follows him out again. Jimmy drags Ford back up, but Ford fights the suplex to BOOT Jimmy! Ford decides to return the favor again, but Jimmy blocks the suplex. Jimmy POSTS Ford going backward! Ford leans against the post to stay up, but Jimmy runs in, only for Ford to dodge! Jimmy hits only post and gets stuck up top! Ford hurries inside and climbs the corner to get Jimmy. Fans fires up as Ford lifts but Jimmy fights the superplex! Jimmy throws body shots and a HEABUTT!

Ford staggers back, but runs back in! NO HANDS RANA!! Jimmy goes flying and fans fire up with Ford! Ford climbs, says it’s done! FROM THE HEAVENS onto knees! Cover, Jimmy wins!

Winner: Jimmy Uso, by pinfall

The Usos lost by count-out last week, but Jimmy redeems himself with a win in the ring! Will Jimmy & Jey keep the Undisputed Tag Team Championships with the Bloodline? Or will Ford & Dawkins be able to get back up and get those belts?


Seth Rollins has a sit down interview with Kevin Patrick.

Kevin Patrick thanks Rollins for his time, and starts with addressing last week and Rollins’ attack on Cody Rhodes. Rollins laughs and apologizes, but then does this mean he has no remorse for his actions? “Remorse? What? Wait, look. I know this is going to be difficult for you to understand, but try to follow along, okay? Last week, what I said to Cody Rhodes in that ring, I meant. It was real, it was genuine, honest, and from the heart. But Cody Rhodes is a virus. He’s a virus that’s been plaguing WWE since WrestleMania. And sometimes in life, you have to make hard decisions, you have to make unpopular decisions. And when nobody’s on your side…”

Rollins picks up the sledgehammer he used on Cody as he says, “You have to take matters into your own hands. Cody Rhodes was becoming not just a danger to the WWE, but a danger to himself. He wanted to compete in a Money in the Bank Ladder match with a torn pec? No, no. You see, in my WWE, it’s adapt or perish. Has been and always will be. So to answer your question, no remorse? No remorse? No. I take pride in what I was able to accomplish last week. I take pride in it! The American Nightmare is over! Monday Night Rollins is back and better than ever!” So then what is next? Oh, what IS next? That is the question.

Rollins looks at the hammer and says one of his finest moments just so happens to be the greatest MITB cash-in of all time. And Rollins was thinking… “Why not try to top it?” But he has to qualify for the match by defeating AJ Styles later tonight. Indeed he does. The Phenomenal One, truly one of the greatest ever. Rollins expects a hell of a fight, but let’s be honest. Styles isn’t on Rollins’ level, and he lacks the killer instinct Rollins has. Styles wants to stand in the way to Rollins getting the contract, Rollins might not just beat Styles. He might just do what he did to Cody Rhodes. Rollins laughs at his own nefarious ideas, but then STYLES runs in and DECKS Rollins!

“That’s for Cody.” Styles storms off and Rollins seethes. Will we see a brutal battle between the Phenomenal and the Visionary here tonight?


WWE 24/7 Championship: Dana Brooke VS Becky Lynch!

The Flex Appeal managed to get this title back during a normal 1v1 match with The Man, and that upset Becky so much that she challenged Dana to a title match right then and there! Dana retained with a little help from Asuka, but will Big Time Becks get big time payback by “righting the wrong” here tonight?

Raw returns and Becky makes her entrance. She looks incredibly angry but it doesn’t intimidate Dana. The introductions are made, but Becky just DECKS Dana! Becky stomps away on Dana, drags her up and bumps her off buckles before stomping in a mudhole! The ref reprimands but the match hasn’t even started anyway. Becky drags Dana up but Dana hits back. Becky CLUBS Dana then TOSSES her out! Becky goes out, drags Dana up and whips her into barriers! Becky says Dana wants to cheat her, this is what she gets! Becky smacks Dana off the desk, tucks her into the hood, then STOMPS the hood!

Becky then demands a mic! She gets one and she says she’s got a lot of anger right now. That’s pretty clear… But this was never about the title, no! Dana can keep that. This is about the disrespect Becky’s been shown week in and week out after forging a path of greatness for everyone else to follow! But no, they all fall into the holes and can’t climb out. But Becky’s different! She keeps climbing! And speaking of climbing… Becky looks up at the MITB briefcases and is thinking that the last time she was in an MITB ladder match, she was robbed and cheated. But not this time! No, this will be different! This will be HER year!

But for now, she has more business to get to. She clears off the desk and drags Dana up, but here comes Asuka! The Empress of Tomorrow is here, and she runs in to fight Becky at the ramp! Asuka bumps Becky off the apron again and again and again! Fans fire up, Asuka throws Becky in and then she gets in, only for Becky to kick low! Becky EuroUppers, whips, but Asuka reverses and follows to run Becky over! Asuka is all fired up and she drags Becky  up, only to block the sobat! URAKEN! URAKEN! SOBAT! Front kick and URAKEN! Then GERMAN SUPLEX! Becky is scrambling away from Asuka, but are these two just one moment away from a collision course?

And while Becky is retreating, Alexa Bliss makes her entrance! The Man is even more upset now, but she tells her that she better win so she can get some of this in the ladder match. Alexa laughs that off, but will she and Liv be able to win together and go to Vegas? Or will Doudrop and the Almost Super Hero take those golden tickets for their own?

Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Tag: Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan VS “Doudrop” Piper Niven & Nikki A.S.H!

Raw returns and Liv makes her entrance. Then it’s Nikki in a new black and gold costume, and Piper in a new silver and blue snakeskin and plaid. The teams sort out, and Alexa starts against former friend and tag partner, Nikki. Nikki says this has been a long time coming, and she tie sup with Alexa. They circle, Nikki throws Alexa down, but then strikes a pose. Nikki brings Alexa up, whips, but Alexa turns hip toss into arm-drag and cover, TWO! Alexa blocks a punch to SLAP, ROCK and dropkick Nikki down! Fans fire up, but Nikki tags Piper Alexa dodges and comes back to tilt-o-whirl headscissor Piper to a corner!

Piper stops from hitting buckles, and she rushes Alexa. Alexa dodges, leaps, but into the arms and SLAM of Piper! Piper gives that a chef’s kiss, then a SENTON! Cover, TWO! Liv was ready just in case but she hurries back to the corner. Piper tags Nikki back in, then she scoops Alexa to SLAM! Nikki adds a NECK SNAPPER, and covers, TWO! Nikki pushes Alexa down to rain down fists! And drive in knees, and then go for more fists! Alexa kicks Nikki away but Nikki clamps on a cobra clutch. Nikki thrashes Alexa around but fans rally as Alexa endures. Alexa fights up to her feet, she throws body shots, but Nikki clinches, only for Alexa to JAWBREAKER!

Alexa gets to a corner, but Nikki SPLASHES the corner! But Alexa just barely denies the bulldog! Both women are down, fans fire up, and hot tags to Piper and Liv! Liv dodges Piper, KICKS and KICKS and KICKS a leg, then kicks low to front kick and ENZIGURI! Piper staggers, Liv roars, and Wichita fires up as Liv hits a SPRINGBOARD CODE BREAKER! Liv runs in but Piper dodges, only for Liv to BOOT her! Liv goes up, leaps, and missile dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Liv hurries to get back up and tag Alexa back in. Alexa hits a BLOCKBUSTER, then covers, but Nikki breaks it! Nikki snarls but has to go back to her corner.

Alexa drags Piper up but Piper wrenches and HEADBUTTS! Piper DECKS Liv, too, then hurries to tag Nikki. Piper scoops Alexa, Nikki adds on, SIDEWALK SLAM DDT COMBO! Cover, Liv breaks it! Fans fire up, but Piper drags Liv out of the ring to scoop SLAM her to the floor! And she drops a SENTON but misses as Liv moves! But Nikki WRECKS Liv with a dropkick, then strikes a pose. Nikki hurries to get Alexa, but Alexa ROCKS her, and hits a DDT! Cover, Bliss & Liv win!

Winners: Liv Morgan & Alexa Bliss, by pinfall (advance to the Women’s MITB match)

The Almost Super Hero almost had this for her team, but it was the Five Foot Fury who finishes this for her team! But who will live their bliss and win that Women’s MITB contract when it’s everyone for themselves?


Kevin Owens VS Ezekiel!

The “Last Honest Man on Raw,” as Corey Graves and the Prizefighter would put it, thought he had the truth last week. But he didn’t realize Elias’ young brother would lie and just claim he’s Elias in order to get this rematch! Will Kevin make whoever this is pay for angering him? Or will he just freak out when Wichita gets to #ZekeOut?

Raw returns and Kevin is impatient for Elias’ entrance. Ezekiel makes his entrance and Kevin says the titantron is lying! The bell rings and Zeke leaps at Kevin, but Kevin dodges! Kevin SUPERKICKS Zeke to the corner, then gets going to CANNONBALL! Zeke is down, Kevin goes up, and fans fire up for the SWANTON BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Zeke survives and Kevin is furious! Kevin hurries as Zeke gets out of the ring. Kevin RAMS Zeke into barriers, ROCKS him, ROCKS him again, then CLUBS him! Kevin brings Zeke around but Zeke reverses things to POST Kevin! Fans fire up as Zeke gets back in the ring.

Zeke goes back out, restarting the count, and he fires off forearms on Kevin! And body shots, too! Zeke puts Kevin in, fans fire up but Kevin bails to the apron. Zeke hurries over, but Kevin HOTSHOTS him! Kevin says this is Elias, and some fans even agree, chanting, “YOU’RE ELIAS!” But either way, Kevin gets back in the ring and takes a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Zeke drags Kevin around, stomps him, then drops a knee on the shoulder. Zeke goes up a corner, fans fire up, but Kevin rolls away to the apron again. Zeke hurries after Kevin, they’re both on the apron, but Kevin kicks low! Zeke shoves him away, kicks low, but Kevin blocks the suplex!

Kevin throws a body shot, then a KNEE! Zeke drops but manages to fireman’s carry Kevin off the apron! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ONTO STEEL STEPS! Zeke may have just tweaked Kevin’s back but Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Kevin has Zeke down with a chinlock. Fans rally and Zeke endures, even as Kevin leans on the hold. Zeke fights up and pries at the hold, but Kevin throws him down by his hair! Kevin wags his finger at the fans, then drops a SENTON onto knees! The back is hurting all over again as Kevin gets to a corner. Zeke runs in to fire body shots but Kevin hits back with forearms. They go back and forth, forearms and haymakers, but Kevin headbutts! Zeke throws a body shot but Kevin knees low. Kevin whips., Zeke goes up and MULE KICKS him away! Zeke starts to rally with clotheslines and elbows!

Zeke bobs ‘n’ weaves, then gives Kevin an INVERTED FALL AWAY SLAM! Zeke runs corner to corner, STINGER SPLASH! Kevin fights the suplex, wrenches out, ducks the punch to kick and- NO, no stunner! JUMP KNEE! But Kevin falls all the way out of the ring and to the floor! Zeke goes out but Kevin RAMS him into the apron! Zeke BOOTS back, runs in, but Kevin dodges and Zeke hits POST! The ring count is past 5, but Kevin is furious that commentary keeps saying “Ezekiel!” Kevin loses track of the count, and ZEKE WINS!

Winner: Ezekiel, by count-out

Kevin is pissed at Mike Rome, but the count is the count! Kevin has only himself to blame, but Zeke gets a mic so he can speak to the Zeke Freaks! Ezekiel says he’s not done with Kevin! But there are bigger fish to fry: the MITB contract! Zeke wants in that match! And he is so ZEKED up about it, here’s some breaking news. Zeke reached out and got a hold of his brother, Elias! Elias is so excited for MITB that he is packing up his guitar and coming back to Raw! Fans fire up, and Zeke says that Elias might’ve aged but he is looking good. Zeke promises us this: He cannot wait to remind the entire world that WWE stands for, “WALK WITH ELIAS!”

Kevin is continuing to have a melt down, but will the return of The Drifter finally prove that Zeke’s been truthful this whole time?


John Cena made another wish come true.

It was June 4th, just outside of Amsterdam, that Cena met with a family of Ukrainian refugees. Their son, Misha, has autism and doesn’t speak, but he is a big fan of Cena, so it was a dream come true to meet his hero. The mother, Liana, was so grateful for Cena to do this for them. Cena even gave Misha the green and yellow gear and a replica WWE Championship belt. Cena was also grateful for getting to meet such a brave family.


Cedric Alexander VS MVP w/ Omos!

PRIMED Alexander got absolutely crushed by the Nigerian Giant, but he isn’t giving up on getting even with those who kicked him to the curb. Will Cedric have better luck with Montel Vontavius Porter? Or will MVP having Omos in his corner be advantage enough tonight?

Raw returns and MVP gets a mic. “Cedric Alexander, you have gotten on my last nerve. You don’t handle rejection very well. So poorly, in fact, you chose to insert yourself into our handicap match at Hell in a Cell. Your desperation is annoying. You’re always running around, ‘Now’s my time! Now’s my opportunity!’ And it never turns out the way  you hope.” Cedric needs to realize that he belongs down here with the bottom feeders in the audience, while MVP and Omos belong way up there, at Money in the Bank! Realistically, all Omos has to do is step on the first,  maybe second, rung and he has the contract!

So once MPV dispenses of Cedric once and for all, we can focus on the future that is the 7’4″ GIANT in the Bank! But here comes Cedric! The bell rings and MVP wants Cedric to hold on, and even pie faces him. MVP tells Omos to just focus on MITB, he can handle this. But then MVP turns around into fast hands from Cedric! Cedric whips, MVP reverses but Cedric dropkicks the legs out! Cedric wants to know what’s up, but MVP puts him on the apron. Cedric ENZIGURIS MVP, then steps in, TORNADO COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Cedric says MVP must want more! Cedric gets the fans fired up, and Cedric runs, but Omos is in the way.

MVP CLOBBERS Cedric! MVP wants Cedric to get up, and he throat chops him to then hit a KNEE SMASH to the face! Fans boo but MVP swaggers and runs. MVP shoots the BALLIN’ ELBOW! Cover, TWO! MVP drags Cedric up, reels him in, OVERDRIVER! Cover, MVP wins!

Winner: MVP, by pinfall

Cedric tried but could not get his revenge, and then Omos TOSSES him out of the ring! MVP raises Omos’ hand in victory, will we see the Nigerian Giant become the biggest MITB winner yet?


AJ Styles speaks.

“I can’t wait to beat Seth Rollins tonight and be able to compete in the Money in the Bank Ladder match. See, that’s the one that’s eluded me my entire career. That prize, that Money in the Bank contract. And I want it now more than ever, just to spite Seth Rollins. What he did to Cody Rhodes was disgusting, it made me sick. But Seth, he’s right. I’m not on his level. Seth Rollins is beneath me! SO everything I do to him tonight will make him think twice before he ever questions my killer instinct.”

Seth Rollins responds.

“Oh, AJ, you wanna sucker punch me? And then try to cover up your cowardice by saying you did it for Cody? HAHAHAHA! C’mon, man, I’m smarter than that. I’m in your head. I know it!” But since we’re making dedications, Rollins makes tonight’s victory, as well as his eventual MITB victory, out to the American Nightmare himself! “This one’s for you, Cody~! HAHAHAHAHA!” Rollins is laughing now, but will he have the last laugh here tonight?

Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier: Seth Rollins VS AJ Styles!

Raw returns and Rollins makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two tie up. Styles turns Rollins around to fire off hands and he has Rollins in the corner. The ref counts, Rollins gets away but Styles pursues to fire off! Styles whips,. Rollins reverses but Styles reverses back to backslide! TWO, Styles gets around to waistlock and O’Conner Roll! TWO, and Styles comes back, into a haymaker from Rollins! Rollins CLUBS Styles, BOOTS him down, then rains down fists! The fans fire up and Rollins lets off to seethe and pace around. Styles gets up, Rollins CHOPS him! Rollins runs, into a DROPKICK!

Styles sees Rollins bail out so he pursues. Styles walks into Rollins’ kick, then Rollins smacks him off the apron! Fans rally, Rollins whips and Styles reverses, Rollins hits barriers hard! Styles gets in the ring, but then SLINGSHOT FOREARMS Rollins down! Rollins goes to barriers but Styles brings him back into the ring. Rollins wants mercy but Styles just kicks him instead. Styles brings Rollins up, scoops him and hits a BACKBREAKER! Styles drags Rollins back up, throws hands at the ropes, then whips Rollins, only for Rollins to hold ropes. Rollins bails out again and fans boo but Styles just pursues again.

Rollins hurries back in the ring, and he throat chops Styles as he returns! Rollins hangs Styles out to dry on the ropes, then runs to DECK him! Styles tumbles to the announce desk, and Rollins builds speed! Rollins DIVES and Styles goes over the desk! The Visionary smirks while the Phenomenal One is down and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Styles fights against Rollins’ bearhug! Styles fires off haymakers, gets free and ROCKS Rollins again! But Rollins kitchen sink knees Styles down! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Rollins is annoyed and he tells fans to shut up about Styles. Rollins glances up at the briefcase and now fans chant “CODY! CODY!” to taunt Rollins. Styles stands and ROCKS Rollins again! And again! Rollins hits back, they go haymaker for haymaker and fans fire up! Rollins eggs Styles on, Styles ROCKS him again! But Rollins spins, into a block! PHENOMENAL BLITZ! Then the SLIDING FOREARM!

Fans fire up with Styles and he brings Rollins up. Fireman’s carry but Rollins blocks! Rollins fights free, but swings into an atomic FACEBUSTER! Cover, Styles’ own foot is stuck under Rollins’ shoulder! Styles adjusts, now it counts, TWO!! Rollins survives because of the minor miscalculation! Rollins gets to a corner, Styles runs in and hits a BIG clothesline! Styles then fireman’s carries but Rollins slips off to roll-up, TWO! SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Both men are down and fans fire up again! “This is Awesome!” as Rollins gets to his feet. Rollins goes to a corner, he soaks up the cheers and jeers as he starts conducting the “OH~ OH~ OOOOH~!”

Rollins runs in, but Styles avoids the stomp! Roll into the CALF CRUSHER! Rollins scrambles, reaches out, grabs at Styles and dribbles Styles’ head off the mat! But Styles holds on and cranks back!! Rollins freaks out but he gets the ROPEBREAK! Styles lets go and both men are down again. Fans rally, Styles stands and grabs the legs. Rollins kicks at Styles, but Styles YANKS Rollins up! Rollins lands on his feet! And then PELE! But Styles PELES back! Both men are down again and fans fire up! Rollins and Styles stir, sit up, and Rollins ROCKS Styles with a wild right! Styles DECKS Rollins with one of his own!

Rollins CHOPS Styles from the mat! Styles stands to HEADBUTT Rollins! Rollins throws a haymaker, Styles gives it back, and fans fire up as they go back and forth! Styles kicks, but Rollins ducks the enziguri to ROLLING ELBOW! And then BUCKLE- NO, Styles slips off to suplex Rollins into buckles! Cover, but they’re too close to ropes! Styles has to shift position, now it counts, TWO!! Another miscalculation and Rollins survives again! Styles is frustrated but the fans rally up. Styles drags himself to the apron, fans chant “BURN IT DOWN!” as Styles aims. Styles prepares the arm, springboards, but Rollins moves! Then he CHOP BLOCKS Styles down!

Fans boo while Styles writhes, but Rollins hurries to get Styles up! Rollins tucks the arms but Styles fireman’s carries to the USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Styles clutches his leg, that bad leg could be why he lost the cover. Styles still gets himself back to the apron and he takes aim again. Styles shakes out the bad leg, climbs up the corner, but Rollins rushes over and springs right up! But Styles slips out and he trips Rollins! Rollins still elbows Styles away, gets him up, BUCKLE BOMB! Rollins goes up top now, to FROG SPLASH AND FLOP!! Rollins and Styles are down again, fans again say, “This is Awesome!”

Styles gets Rollins up, reel shim in, but Rollins CLUBS the leg! No Clash, but Styles tries again. Rollins back drops,. Styles sunset flips but Rollins sits on the cover! ROLLINS WINS!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall (advances to the Men’s MITB match)

The Architect pulled off the game plan and now he is heading back to Money in the Bank! Will Rollins win that briefcase for a second time and one-up his own Heist of the Century?


Matt Riddle VS ???

The Stallion got fired up earlier tonight, and he might need that fire again when he doesn’t know who he’s facing! Will Riddle still be able to smoke the competition as he blazes a trail to this Friday night?

Raw returns and The Miz joins commentary so he can watch this one. Because it turns out, Riddle’s opponent is the Psycho Killer, the Blackhearted, Tommaso Ciampa! Ciampa did blindside Riddle last week before Riddle faced The Miz, will he be able to do the same now that they’re face to face?

The bell rings and Riddle avoids the knee! Riddle waistlocks, SLAMS Ciampa, then brings him up to SLAM again! And rolls into the ARMBAR! Ciampa moves around, but ends up in a TRIANGLE! Ciampa tries to stack Riddle but Riddle keeps his shoulders up. Ciampa deadlifts Riddle to bring him to a corner, and GUILLOTINE him under a buckle! Riddle lets go and Ciampa stomps away on him! The ref counts, Ciampa lets off and Miz says Ciampa is someone to be reckoned with. Riddle gets up to CHOP Ciampa, but Ciampa CHOPS back! They fire forearms back and forth, then CHOPS! Riddle forearms, but Ciampa blocks the kick to stomp the bare toes!

Ciampa gets Riddle in a DDT! Cover, TWO! Ciampa drags Riddle into a chinlock and grinds him down. Riddle endures, Ciampa leans on him, but fans rally. Riddle fights up, but Ciampa fights out of the scoop to REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO! Ciampa stomps Riddle, then applauds himself. Riddle sits up in a daze, Ciampa slaps him around and eggs him on. Ciampa kicks Riddle, stands him up, but Riddle blocks to fire off palm strikes and a boot! Ciampa swings, but Riddle spins him for a PELE! Riddle kips up and fans fire up as he hits a forearm smash! Riddle goes side to side to hit another! But Ciampa elbows the Brosploder away!

Ciampa runs, into a POWERSLAM! Riddle puts Ciampa through ropes to shout out Randy, DRAPING DDT! Miz says Riddle needs his own moves, but that seems a bit hypocritical. Anyway, Riddle hears the voices, rushes at Ciampa, but Ciampa rolls him up! Cover, TWO! Into an ANKLE LOCK! Riddle turns over, but Ciampa bends the toes! Ciampa JAMS the toes into the mat! Miz loves this as Ciampa pulls the kneepad down, PSYCHO KNEE!! Cover, TWO!?! Miz loves this! Ciampa was so close to beating the #1 contender! Fans rally for Riddle but Ciampa drags him up. Ciampa reels Riddle in, underhooks the arms, but Riddle resists the lift!

Ciampa spins Riddle around but Riddle gets around to ripcord and FINAL FLASH! Riddle goes up, FLOATING BRO!! Ciampa writhes, but Riddle hears those voices! Riddle runs in, RKO!! Cover, Riddle wins!!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall

Miz is very upset that Ciampa didn’t break the Bro. Will Riddle be riding high into his high stakes showdown with Roman Reigns?


Bianca Belair is here!

The RawEST Women’s Champion makes her way to the ring, and Kevin Patrick is waiting in the ring for a very special interview. What will Bianca have to say about her coming championship defense? We’ll find out, after the break.

Raw returns and Kevin Patrick brings up that the #1 contender, Rhea Ripley, “has shown a much more vicious side since joining The Judgement Day.” How prepared does Bianca feel for this version of Rhea? Bianca says first off, she’s prepared for anything. She stays ready so she doesn’t have to get ready. But she looks forward to this match at MITB. They are both at the forefront of this new generation of women in the WWE. So with all of Bianca’s big moments from the Rumble to Mania, Rhea was there doing amazing things, too. They’ve been doing this together, pushing each other as competition and mutual respect, which Bianca loved.

But ever since Rhea joined The Judgement Day, Bianca doesn’t recognize her. Rhea is soulless. Rhea joining Judgement Day seems to be all about intimidation, but Bianca is not the one. Rhea can go and scare everyone else, but when it comes to the title, Bianca isn’t afraid. Bianca will show Rhea that she doesn’t just talk the talk when she says she is the strongEST, the fastEST, the roughEST, the toughEST, the quickEST, the greatEST, the BEST, but that she walks the walk. At MITB, Bianca will walk out still- Wait, Rhea interrupts from the tron.

Rhea smiles and says Bianca is all talk. The Judgement Day speaks through actions. Finn Balor says they do what they want, when they want. And they’re tired of playing nice. They are tired of taking orders. That is why they knocked Edge from the pedestal and removed him from the group. Damian Priest says Edge had the right idea when he started this group. The Judgement Day was about a movement for those tired of living their lives for others. But Edge’s actions contradicted his own mission statement. He made himself the leader, and he would tell them to not do as they’re told. Edge sealed his own fate, and now The Judgement Day are all equals.

That brings us back to Bianca. Bianca cares about what everyone thinks, “even these half-witted nobodies here in Kansas.” But the fans hold you back. If Bianca stopped caring about the fans, she’d actually stand a chance at MITB. Bianca says she is the EST, but it sounds more like she’s trying to convince herself of that. Rhea doesn’t talk about being intimidating, she just is intimidating. And last week, that Fatal 4 Way, Rhea had her teeth knocked loose, and she loved it! In that match, Rhea took what she wanted. Now she is first in line for the title.

So Bianca, at MITB, the greatEST thing Bianca will be is her own downfall, and Rhea will eradicate her existence. Then Rhea will “walk the walk” as a TWO-TIME Raw Women’s Champion. Rhea smiles but Bianca laughs and shakes her head. Will the EST be able to show the “soulless” Saint of Fate that she has no power here?


Backstage interview with (Austin) Theory.

Sarah asks the WWE US Champion about his chances in the “Pose-Down” against Bobby Lashley. Theory asks what kind of question is that? He is clearly in the zone. His tan’s right, his pump’s right, his angles are right. But he shouldn’t have to explain himself because he’s on a different level. In fact, this bicep right here is just one of the muscles that will defeat the All Mighty Lashley in the Pose-Down. Sure, Lashley tried to embarrass Theory by flexing on him and kicking him from behind like a coward. But Theory will prove to the All Mighty that he’s not on Theory’s level, and definitely not worthy of a title match.

But Theory will also prove he is the best investment Vince McMahon has ever made. Theory is not only the youngest United States Champion in WWE history, but he is only getting started. In 20 years, when they celebrate Theory’s career, it’ll make this 20th #Cenaversary look like nothing! Theory laughs and gets back to pumping, but will he make it through the Rocky Mountain Machine here tonight?


Mustafa Ali VS Chad Gable w/ Otis!

The Beacon may have failed to get the US Championship in his hometown of Chicago, but there’s always a road back. Will Ali win won in Wichita to make his way back up? Or will “Master” Gable make him SHOOSH?

Raw returns and Ali makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They knuckle lock, Ali spins and wrenches but Gable rolls and bridges. Gable handsprings, wrenches, then headlocks, spins and drop toeholds to the armlock! “A THANK YEW~!” Gable grinds the arm, but Ali fight sup. Gable wrenches, headlocks, but Ali throws body shots. Ali powers out, drops and bypasses to RANA! Then arm-drag after arm-drag, and Ali tells Gable to SHOOSH! Gable is upset, but he swings and misses. Ali headlocks, Gable puts him in a corner, then powers out. Ali goes corner to corner, then up and over, but Gable shoves him down!

Ali is back up, runs back in, but Gable sends him right into buckles! Otis mocks Ali’s pain, and the ref checks on him. Ali is dazed but still in this, and Gable stands him up to wrench, CHOP and repeat! Gable whips, CLOBBERS Ali, then covers, TWO! Gable clamps onto Ali’s legs, ties them up and says SHOOSH~! Fans boo instead, but Gable puts Ali in the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Ali endures the stretch, pops free, and covers, ONE! Gable catches Ali to chicken wings, TIGER SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Ali escapes but Gable hurries to put him in a drop zone. Gable goes up, MOONSAULTS, but has to land out as Ali moves!

Ali goes up and over this time, runs and CLOBBERS Gable! And then again! Ali keeps on Gable, whips him into a corner, then whips him corner to corner. Gable reverses, but Ali elbow shim away! Ali goes up for a TORNADO DDT! Gable is in a drop zone, Ali hurries up top, but Otis goes to save Gable. Ali KICKS Otis away, but Gable gets Ali with CHAOS THEORY!! Bridging cover, Gable wins!!

Winner: Chad Gable, by pinfall

The tree trunk gives Gable a huge assist, and Gable wins one #ForTheAcademy! Will Ali be able to get back up after this?


Rey Mysterio w/ Dominik Mysterio VS Veer Mahaan!

The King of Lucha saved his son from the Lion of India’s clutches, and looks to bring Veer down directly! Will Rey be able to dial it in and get the win? Or will he also come to #FearVeer?

Raw returns and Veer makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally for Rey and he avoids Veer’s hands to KICK the leg. Veer stays up and he eggs Rey on. They tie up, Veer throws Rey down, then stomps him! Veer brings Rey up, whips him to ropes, but Rey ducks the boot to dropkick the leg! Rey KICKS the leg, runs, but gets run over! Dom rallies the fans for his dad but Veer looms over Rey. Fans boo, Rey gets to a corner but Veer SPLASHES him! Rey falls over and Veer looms over him again. Dom coaches Rey but Veer drags Rey up to slide him out to the floor! Veer is almost smiling as he goes out after Rey.

Veer tells Dom to stand back, and then he drags Rey into the ring. Veer stomps around, but Rey avoids the big elbow drop! Rey is in a corner, Veer goes after him and whips Rey corner to corner hard! Rey bounces off the buckles and Veer smiles again. Veer stalks Rey while fans rally. Veer kicks Rey to a corner, but Rey holds ropes to deny the whip. Veer kicks and whips again, then runs in, only to get buckles! Rey comes back, tilt-o-whirl headscissors sends Veer into buckles again! Rey KICKS the leg, but Veer blocks the whip! Veer knees Rey low and hard, then brings Rey up to whip him to a corner. Veer snarls, runs corner to corner, but Rey moves and Veer POSTS himself!

Veer tumbles out to the floor but is back on his feet. Dom talks a little trash and Veer BOOTS him down! And then MILLION DOLLAR LARIATS Dom into the timekeeper’s area! Fans boo as Veer gets back n the ring. Rey dropkicks Veer down, KICKS him, then runs. Rey ducks, dodges, and leaps, but into Veer’s arms! Veer swings Rey for a GUTBUSTER! And then, CERVICAL CLUTCH! Rey taps, Veer wins!!

Winner: Veer Mahaan, by submission

The dominance continues as Veer takes down an all-time great! Is Veer right that Rey is too weak? Or will Rey show Veer that real strength is about getting back up after being knocked down?


(Austin) Theory heads to the ring.

The ring crew is still setting up the carpet and pedestal as Theory swaggers out with a headset mic on. Theory says he is what a champion looks like, but will he look lesser next to Lashley’s All Mighty muscles? We’ll find out, after the break.

Raw returns once more and Adam Pearce is in the ring for the “Inaugural Theory Invitational Pose-Down,” which Theory has of course issued the challenge to Bobby Lashley. Pearce formally introduces the youngest WWE US Champion in history, weighing in at 220 pounds, (Austin) Theory himself. And now, weighing in at 273 pounds, it is the All Mighty, Bobby Lashley! Lashley makes his entrance and gets in the ring to flex and set off the pyro. Theory talks some smack already but Pearce says there are ground rules. This is a spectator sport, and each man gets one attempt at three poses: Double Biceps; Side Chest; and “Most Muscular,” with the winner being decided by the fans in attendance.

Theory gets his headset going and says no, Pearce botched that. This is Theory’s show, but Pearce says Theory needs to get on the podium now to start the contest. Theory knows that and he’ll get on there, but he- Pearce tells Theory to get on the podium or be disqualified. Theory scowls and says fine! He puts his title down, gets on the podium, and starts with the Double Biceps. Theory flexes with the spotlight on him, and then he moves into the Side Chest! And lastly, MOST MUSCULAR! Theory talks trash as he flexes everything he’s got. Lashley does applaud, but Theory talks trash as he freestyles his own poses.

Lashley tells Theory to get off and to stop stalling. Theory brought this on himself, he’s getting what he deserves. Lashley will kick his ass at his own contest, and then kick his ass in a match, and like he said before, he’s taking the title from him. Lashley steps up, and he gets the spotlight for the Double Biceps! Fans fire up and love even the Side Chest! Theory tries to play it all off but then Lashley goes into Most Muscular, and that is EXTREMELY Muscular! Lashley also strikes a Hogan/Liger pose, and now the fans will determine the winner. Who thinks- NO NO NO! Theory doesn’t want anyone talking or booing or whatever!

But fans chant for Lashley, even as Theory demands them to say his name. It is clear that Lashley has won so Pearce makes it official!

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Lashley smiles but Theory wants everyone to hold on. There’s still one last pose. If Lashley thinks he can win, if he wants the title match, the last pose is this: BABY OIL TO THE EYES! Theory has blinded Lashley and is taunting him before the DROPKICK! Lashley staggers about outside the ring and refs hurry to wash out the baby oil. Theory takes selfies to “celebrate” him having the last laugh. But will Lashley show this poser that all the pictures in the world won’t save him or his title reign?

My Thoughts:

Well, up until the ending there, this was a really fun Raw. Theory and Lashley having a “Pose-Down” so Lashley can win against Theory without winning a match, and so that Theory can get heat at the same time, was just dumb. Was this supposed to be like HHH VS Scott Steiner from back in the day? That wasn’t a main event segment, was it? Because maybe back then, they understood it wouldn’t work as a closing segment. This would’ve been good in the middle, but I guess this goes hand-in-hand with Theory being Vince’s new pet project, and with how they’re setting him up against Cena, who Theory namedropped in his promo. Theory is being given the main event shine, even though this segment wasn’t worthy.

What was worthy was Rollins VS Styles in their MITB qualifier. Rollins has a very good promo to add to his story with Cody Rhodes, and I like that Styles get a shot on him right after. Rollins winning makes a lot of sense, he is definitely going to be a frontrunner for the Men’s MITB, and it fits the story with Cody because if Cody can make a return for the Rumble, Cody can go to Mania to take on Roman, and Rollins really can try to top the Heist of the Century. Finally, some good long term booking hopefully. The Women’s MITB qualifier tonight was pretty good, but I mostly like that we got Liv and Bliss as a team, I hope they carry this past MITB.

Becky of course wants in on MITB, but I did like the misdirect with the 24/7 Championship and Dana. Asuka making the save made sense, and now these two are poised to face each other for a spot in the ladder match. It feels like a shame that only one will make it in with this, but maybe they’ll have one of those “second/last chance” matches. If Becky ends up losing to Asuka, Becky can get in on that last chance and win her way back in. Every little step helps Becky’s “comeback” feel even bigger, and she’d make a great Ms. MITB if she and Rollins get to be side-by-side with those briefcases.

I kinda wish Cedric won against MVP, because otherwise it’s like his story against MVP and Omos has stalled out already. And Ali losing to Gable seems to be a sign that’s a new feud. I wish they’d do a bit more with Cedric and Ali, and maybe even make them a team after all this time post 205 Live. Veer winning against Rey is big for him in kayfabe because it’s Rey Mysterio, but I wish the match was made to feel a bit bigger. I suppose there could be a Men’s MITB qualifier between them as the rematch, but I feel like Veer would just win that, too. And this newest Kevin VS Ezekiel was great stuff, and it was hilarious how Kevin lost his temper and then lost by count-out. And I cannot wait to see how they’re going to give us Zeke and Elias in the same place at the same time.

We got a very good opening MizTV because Heyman was here to give us a good promo. Riddle had a good promo in response, and the “all or nothing” stipulation for Riddle is not a bad twist on the story. Riddle’s match with Ciampa was very good, and he gets momentum towards his match with Roman, but I still don’t see Riddle winning the title. For one, the match is happening on SmackDown, and as awesome as it would be for buzz, they’re not dethroning Roman on TV. And Riddle being blocked by stipulation could be a way to delay him until one day, someone does get the belt off Roman and we enter some brave new era.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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