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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 32 Results & Report! (7/24/22)

Redemption is up for grabs!



NJPW G1 Climax 32

Will the Ace be made to tranquilo?

NJPW’s biggest G1 Climax continues, with a critical main event! Hiroshi Tanahashi and Tetsuya Naito both need a win, but who loses to shockingly go 0-2?


  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS The House of Torture; Chaos wins.
  • Royce Isaacs & Tom Lawlor VS Chase Owens & KENTA; Chase & Kenta win.
  • Shingo Takagi & BUSHI VS Bad Dude Tito & JONAH; Tito & Jonah win.
  • Six Man Tag: Suzuki-Gun VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Tama Tonga & Jado VS Bullet Club; Okada, Tonga & Jado win.
  • G1 Climax, D Block: El Phantasmo VS Yujiro Takahashi; ELP wins.
  • G1 Climax, B Block: SANADA VS Taichi; Sanada wins.
  • G1 Climax, A Block: Jeff Cobb VS Bad Luck Fale; Cobb wins.
  • G1 Climax, C Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Tetsuya Naito; Tanahashi wins.


G1 Climax, D Block: El Phantasmo VS Yujiro Takahashi w/ Pieter!

The Headbanga lost to Will Ospreay while the Tokyo Pimp had the Murder Machine help him cheat Tama Tonga. Both are Bullet Club, but the House of Torture’s been a bit on the fringe lately. Will ELP redeem himself for Bullet Club Prime? Or will the House cheat even their allies to win the G1?

ELP says hi to Pieter, Yujiro brings her over to say she can be in ELP’s corner for tonight. But that’s only if ELP lies down and lets Yujiro win. Wow, to think the Tokyo Pimp would live up to his name… ELP considers the offer, and says it’s all cool! They Too Sweet, Pieter is surprised, and ELP asks for a good luck kiss. Pieter gives him the kiss and fans applaud. The bell rings and ELP shakes hands with Yujiro. ELP lies down, and fans are pretty surprised. Yujiro slowly relaxes into the pin, TWO as ELP gets the ghost pin! TWO, and Yujiro is upset by the double cross! Yujiro shoves ELP, ELP shoves Yujiro then rolls him up, TWO!

Yujiro swings but ELP gets around to back slide, TWO! Yujiro is surprised he escaped, and ELP throws up the Too Sweet, to poke Yujiro in the eye! Clearly, the deal is off, Pieter goes back to Yujiro’s corner as ELP throws forearms. Yujiro goes to a corner, ELP CHOPS, then whips corner to corner. Yujiro runs into buckles chest first, and ELP CLAWS his back! ELP hoists Yujiro up top, brings him into the Tree of Woe and stomps a mudhole! Fans rally, ELP goes corner to corner to basement dropkick! Fans rally, “E L P!” “YU-JI-RO!” as ELP goes corner to corner again. ELP somersaults and basement dropkicks!

Yujiro falls out of the Tree and ELP pushes him out of the ring. ELP goes out to bring Yujiro up and CHOP! ELP forearms, CHOPS then forearms again. ELP brings Yujiro around and bumps him off the apron. ELP then goes up to BOOT Yujiro, and he ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Pieter is worried for Yujiro as ELP puts Yujiro in the ring. ELP climbs up the ropes to SWANTON! Cover, TWO! Yujiro is still in this but ELP says he’ll finish this. He reels Yujiro in, but Yujiro BITES the hand! Yujiro CLUBS the arm, but ELP ducks the haymaker to mule kick, front kick and ENZIGURI!

Fans fire up and ELP goes to a corner. ELP goes right up top, blows a kiss to Pieter, but Yujiro trips ELP up! ELP tumbles to the floor and Yujiro goes out after him. Yujiro hits PIMP JUICE to the floor! The ref checks on both men while fans rally up. Yujiro drags himself into the ring to leave ELP to the ring count. ELP flounders up and around, staggers at 8 of 20 but can’t get to the ring. He falls, gets back up at 16 but he tumbles into No Man’s Land! He’s all turned around! He slides in at 19.9!! Fans fire up but Yujiro is annoyed. Yujiro rains down hands on ELP, the ref reprimands over closed fists, and Yujiro lets off.

Yujiro brings ELP up as fans rally. Yujiro stands ELP against the ropes to then BOOT him! ELP flops down and Yujiro drags him to a cover, TWO! ELP is somehow still in this, but Yujiro clamps onto him with a chinlock. Fans rally as ELP endures, and ELP fights up. ELP Throws body shots, gets free, but Yujiro CLAWS ELP! Yujiro runs but ELP dodges. Yujiro dodges but ELP DROPKICKS him down! Fans fire up again as ELP and Yujiro stir on the mat. Yujiro rolls away to ropes, but ELP kips up! Fans rally and ELP rallies on Yujiro! Atomic drop and then a scoop SLAM! ELP then goes up the corner to FALLING ELBOW DROP!

Fans fire up as ELP tunes up the band. Yujiro stirs, but he blocks Sudden Death! Yujiro spins ELP around for a REVERSE DDT! Both men are down and fans rally up again. Yujiro drags ELP up, kicks low, throws forearms, then CHOPS! Yujiro whips ELP to ropes but ELP reverses. Yujiro holds ropes and FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS ELP! ELP sputters and staggers, into the FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and fans rally up again. ELP checks his neck while getting to a corner. Yujiro storms over to bring ELP up. Yujiro whips corner to corner, but ELP goes up and over to roll and dodge and springboard CROSSBODY, to a LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up as both men are down again. ELP stands up and drags Yujiro up. ELP reels Yujiro in, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Yujiro survives and ELP scowls. ELP brings Yujiro in, lifts him up and hits a SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Yujiro barely survives that one but ELP just drags him back up. Straitjacket and torture rack, for the UFO SWINGING NECKBREAKER! The Unidentified Flying Opponent lands, cover, TWO!! With a low blow!! The Tokyo Pimp perhaps skirts the rules there, and ELP hobbles away to a corner. Yujiro staggers up and around, runs in and BOOTS ELP! Yujiro then reels ELP in, INCOLLE SLAM! Cover, TWO!!

ELP survives the Intercollegiate Slam, but Yujiro gets him back up to fireman’s carry. MIAMI SHINE!! Cover, TWO!?! ELP survives and Yujiro is shocked! Fans rally up and Yujiro drags ELP up. ELP throws body shots, but Yujiro still gives him PIMP JUICE! Cover, ?!??! ELP still has life and Yujiro is beside himself! Fans fire up as Yujiro argues with the ref, but the count is the count. Yujiro roars and drags ELP back up. BIG- No, ELP flops down! Is ELP done? He shakes his head, he won’t let this end here. Yujiro drags ELP back up then, for BIG- NO, ELP slips out, ducks under, SUDDEN DEATH!! And it was sudden!

Fans rally, ELP fires up, and he gets to a corner! ELP tunes up, the fans clap along, but wait! Sho is here! ELP rushes at Sho but Sho slides the wrench to Yujiro! The ref reprimands Sho for showing up, but ELP gives Sho PURPLE NURPLES! ELP lets Sho go, but turns around, WRENCH- NO! ELP ducks the wrench attack, and he LOW BLOWS Yujiro in return! ELP has the wrench now, but he SMACKS it in his hand then falls over! ELP using some Latino Heat to frame Yujiro! The ref asks what’s going on and Yujiro is speechless! Yujiro drops the wrench, ELP DICK PUNCHES Yujiro down! SUDDEN DEATH!! And then a DIVE onto Sho!!

Fans fire up and ELP goes up top, THUNDER KISS 86!! Cover, ELP wins!

Winner: El Phantasmo, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yujiro earns 0)

The House of Torture tried to stack the deck again, but The Headbanga got the better of them all! Will Tokyo Pimp learn to do this legitimately next time? As for ELP, he kisses Pieter’s hand and lets the lady leave first. ELP still gets Pieter’s favor for the night after all! Will ELP score on top of getting more points in the G1?


G1 Climax, B Block: SANADA VS Taichi w/ Miho Abe!

Cold Skull was cut down by the Switchblade while the Holy Emperor broke through the Stone Pitbull! Los Ingobernables de Japon promised to get through to the semifinals together, will Sanada keep pace with Takagi? Or will Taichi make sure one block isn’t tranquilo?

Taichi shows off the dancing pecs and fans applaud. The bell rings and fans rally for “SA-NA-DA!” “TA-I-CHI!” Taichi still shows off the dancing pecs, so Sanada responds with his own. Taichi has things calm down, and the two tie up. Taichi puts Sanada on the ropes, and he lets off with pats to the pecs. Sanada shows off the dancing pecs again, so Taichi kicks him low. Taichi runs, they ram shoulders, but neither budges. Sanada’s pecs move, though, and he runs the ropes. Taichi dodges and bails out, slowing things down. Taichi takes his time returning, but he avoids Sanada’s Plancha! Sanada lands on his feet while Taichi gets in the ring.

Fans applaud as Taichi shows off his dancing pecs again. Sanada smirks and keeps cool while Taichi flexes. Sanada slides back in but Taichi throws him right back out! Taichi goes out but Sanada slides back in, and Sanada gets on the corner to show off those pecs. Fans rally up and Sanada encourages them to get louder. Sanada flexes, Taichi gets back in, and Taichi CHOKES Sanada! The ref counts, Taichi lets off, to then CHOKE Sanada more. Taichi digs his boot in and dares him to make those pecs dance again. Taichi lets off as the ref reprimands, then he drags Sanada up. Taichi snapmares Sanada to KICK him in the back!

Taichi paces, then gives Sanada toying stomps and kicks. Sanada slowly gets up, Taichi kicks and pie faces him, so Sanada fires off forearms! Sanada runs, into the kitchen sink knee! Taichi drags Sanada up, reels him in, and has the cobra twist! Sanada endures, Taichi CLUBS away on the ribs, then pushes Sanada down by his head. Fans rally, Sanada fights and moves forward, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Taichi lets off, and then Taichi whips Sanada into the corner for a clothesline. Taichi runs but Sanada elbows him down! STANDING MOONSAULT, but Sanada lands on his feet as Taichi moves! So Sanada BASEMENT DROPKICKS!

Fans fire up while both men are down. Sanada kips up and fans fire up with him! Sanada runs and rallies on Taichi with forearms and arm-drags! Then a BIG atomic drop! Sanada throws Taichi out, and he PLANCHAS! Direct hit and fans fire up as Taichi goes down! Sanada encourages the fans to get louder and they oblige. The pecs dance along and Sanada gets Taichi back up. The ring count starts and Sanada puts Taichi in at 5 of 20. Cover, TWO! Sanada keeps cool and fans rally up. Sanada drags Taichi up, fireman’s carries, but Taichi slips off to waistlock. Sanada switches, shoves Taichi to a corner and runs in, but Taichi dodges, GAMANGIRI!

Sanada flops down and Taichi sits to catch his breath. Fans rally up, Taichi stands back up and runs in. Sanada boots Taichi, but runs into a SOBAT! DANGER- NO, Sanada slips out of the saido to suplex Taichi, but Taichi fights that off to wrench and HOOK KICK! Sanada stays up to DROPKICK! But Taichi rebounds to AX BOMBER! Fans fire up as Taichi leans on the ropes. Miho and the fans rally up, and Taichi TAKES OFF THE PANTS! Taichi aims from the corner, Sanada rises, TENSHO- ROLLING SOBAT from Sanada! Sanada gets the dragon sleeper! Taichi endures, and CHOKES Sanada from below! Taichi gets out but so does Sanada!

Taichi choke grips again, but Sanada fights! Taichi pushes Sanada to a corner, runs in but into BOOTS! Sanada goes up, leaps, but into NODO OTOSHI, the Choke Throw! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives but Taichi drags him up. Fans rally and Taichi vows to end this! Alabama Lift, but Sanada slips off to fire off forearms! ROLLING- ENZIGURI from Taichi! But Sanada’s right back up! Sanada runs to ROLLING ELBOW! But Taichi’s back up, only to swing into chicken wings! TIGER SUPLEX! Bridging cover, ONE?!? Sanada swings, into the SAIDO!! Cover, ONE!?!? Both men stagger about then drop, and fans are thunderous!

Miho pounds the mat to rally for Taichi as he and Sanada stir. Both men slowly rise, Taichi roars and crawls to center. Taichi wants Sanada to stand up, and Sanada drags himself up in a corner. Taichi runs in, but into an elbow! Sanada goes up but Taichi CLUBS him! Taichi CLUBS Sanada more, then climbs up to join him! Taichi drags Sanada up to clamp on the choke grip! SUPER NODO- NO, Sanada backflips through! Sanada waistlocks, O’Conner Roll and deep, TWO!!! Taichi escapes but then Sanada fireman’s carries, T K O!! Cover, TWO!! Taichi survives but Sanada points to the camera and slashes his through. He’ll finish this now!

Sanada drags Taichi up while fans rally, dragon sleeper! SKULL END!! The body scissors are in, Taichi is caught and Miho is worried! Taichi flails, reaches out, but he’s fading! Sanada cranks back, Taichi grabs at Sanada’s hair but it doesn’t do enough! The ref checks, Taichi is fading, and Sanada lets him go to go up top! ROUNDING BODY PRESS onto knees! Taichi hurries to hook Sanada up, GEDO- NO, Sanada makes it a JAPANESE BRIDGE, but Taichi blocks it! And CLAWS Sanada’s eyes! Taichi turns Sanada over, GEDO CLUTCH! TWO!!! Sanada escapes and Taichi is shocked! Fans are thunderous as both men stand!

Taichi DECKS Sanada with the elbow! The ref checks on Sanada, knowing about that bad orbital bone. Taichi gets up, fires up, and fans fire up with him! Taichi drags Sanada up, reels him in, but Sanada blocks the lift! Taichi gives Kowata Kicks, some real sauce on the last one! BLINDSIDE AX BOMBER, then a GAMANGIRI! The bad eye!! Taichi fires up, throws off his armbands and reels Sanada in! But Sanada fights the Alabama to gut wrench! But Taichi slips off the Canadian Rack! Sanada and Taichi clinch, Taichi gets the SUMO THROW! Then he sets up, YOKOZUNA- NO, Sanada ducks, O’Conner BRIDGE!! Cover, SANADA WINS!!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Taichi earns 0)

The Holy Emperor can’t believe it! He gets caught off-guard by a technical move and is now 1-1 in the G1! Will Taichi still have time to catch up with the top of the block? As for Sanada, he keeps pace with Takagi, will LIJ all redeem themselves in this round?


G1 Climax, A Block: Jeff Cobb VS Bad Luck Fale!

The Imperial Unit could not conquer the Rainmaker while the Rogue General was able to give the Murderhawk Monster the slip. But now, it’s a battle of behemoths! Which massive monster survives this colossal collision to head for the Climax?

The bell rings and fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and then break. They circle again, tie up again, and are in another deadlock so they break. Cobb and Fale go again but Fale knees low! Fale slaps Cobb, Cobb ROCKS Fale with forearms! Fale throws heavy body shots and ROCKS Cobb in return with a forearm! Fans fire up as Fale runs in, but Cobb dodges the splash! Fale bounces off buckles, and Cobb clotheslines him up and out! Fale staggers back against the railing and fans rally. Cobb goes to the apron but Fale sweeps his legs! And then CLOBBERS Cobb off the apron!

Fale takes a moment, the ring count starts and Fale gets in. Cobb is still down at 7 of 20, sits up at 10, and slides in at 11. Fale stomps him down, stands on Cobb’s back at the ropes, but steps away as Red Shoes counts. Cobb sits up and winces while fans rally up. Fale brings Cobb up, Cobb throws body shots and haymakers, but Fale throws shots right back! Fale CLUBS Cobb on the back and stalks him to a corner. Fale CLUBS Cobb with both hands and Cobb is grimacing from the pain! Fale talks trash on Cobb but Cobb throws forearms to back him down! Fale CLUBS Cobb again, then again and again and again!

Cobb falls over and Fale drags him to center. Fale stands on Cobb’s back, then stands on him to surf! Fans fire up and Fale hops off to cover, TWO! Fans rally up while Fale stomps Cobb’s back. Cobb crawls, Fale taunts him, but Cobb throws more body shots. Fale throws hard shots, whips Cobb to ropes, but Cobb LARIATS! Fale wobbles but Cobb LARIATS again! Fale is still on his feet but Cobb runs, into a throat chop! Fale runs, into a DROPKICK! Fale staggers around, Cobb fireman’s carries, but his back holds him back! Fale slips off to CLUB Cobb again! Cobb falls down and Fale runs the ropes, to drop a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally as Cobb is still in this. Fale runs to SPLASH down! Cover, TWO! Cobb is still in this and Fale is frustrated. Fale waits on Cobb to get up, he’s armed and ready, and he choke grips Cobb! Cobb breaks free to ROCK Fale with a forearm! Cobb whips but Fale blocks! Fale whips Cobb into a corner and SPLASHES him! Cobb staggers, Fale reels him in and calls for it. Fale gets Cobb into the crucifix lift, but Cobb slips off! SUPERKICK! Fale staggers, Cobb reels him in, and SUPLEXES FALE!! Cobb fires up and the fans fire up with him! Fale staggers up, into a TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!!! Cover, Cobb wins!!

Winner: Jeff Cobb, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Fale earns 0)

That was an extra large Tour, and Cobb conquers the literally biggest monster in this block! Will the Imperial Unit pave the way to the semifinals from here on out?


G1 Climax, C Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Tetsuya Naito!

Rather shockingly, The Ace was trumped by the Ultimate Weapon, and the Uncontrollable Charisma could not make the Fierce Warrior tranquilo. Only one can get their first win of this G1, who takes hold of redemption with their own two hands?

Tanahashi shows off the muscles and fans cheer. Naito finishes taking off his entrance attire and fans applaud. The bell rings, fans rally up, “Let’s Go, Ace!” “NA-I-TO!” as the two stare down. They circle, approach, tie up, and Naito gets around but Tanahashi switches. Naito wrenches, Tanahashi wrenches back, but Naito drop toeholds and headlocks. Tanahashi slips out to facelock, but Naito rolls to get to his feet. Tanahashi has the arm and double wristlocks to drag Naito down. Naito endures, reaches out, and he fights up to trip Tanahashi. Naito gets Tanahashi’s legs, turns him around and snapmares him to a chinlock.

Tanahashi slips out, facelocks, floats to a chinlock and fans applaud this exchange but it’s still going! Naito rolls Tanahashi, Tanahashi rolls Naito, Naito headscissors, Tanahashi kips free! The two stand off and fans cheer this exchange as it completes. Naito and Tanahashi reset and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, Tanahashi powers Naito back slowly, and Naito is on the ropes. Naito turns it around on Tanahashi, then pats Tanahashi on the shoulders. Tanahashi turns things around but Naito turns them back. They end up in the corner, Tanahashi pats Naito’s shoulders but Naito pulls Tanahashi’s hair!

Red Shoes reprimands Naito but Tanahashi fires off fast hands! Fans fire up as Tanahashi keeps throwing forearms! Red Shoes reprimands, Tanahashi lets off, but Naito kicks low and whips Tanahashi to a corner. Tanahashi elbows back, goes up and CROSSBODIES! Direct hit, and then Tanahashi mocks Tranquilo! Fans rally up, “Let’s Go, Ace!” “NA-I-TO!” Tanahashi whips Naito to ropes, but Naito holds ropes to stop himself. Naito BOOTS Tanahashi, then rakes the eyes! Naito throws Tanahashi out but Tanahashi skins the cat! Naito stops that to push Tanahashi back out and dropkick him down! Fans fire up while Naito goes out after Tanahashi.

Naito whips Tanahashi hard into railing, and Tanahashi drops to the floor! Red Shoes reprimands, Naito wrenches and whips Tanahashi hard into railing! Commentary takes a bit of that but stays standing as the ring count starts again. Naito stands Tanahashi up for a BACKBREAKER, and then the LEG LOCK NELSON! The ring count is 15 of 20! Naito lets go at 18, gets Tanahashi in at 19, and fans applaud that Naito wants to end this in the ring. Naito snapmares, then puts the LEG LOCK NELSON back on! Tanahashi endures, fans rally up, but Naito thrashes him around. Tanahashi moves around, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK!

Red Shoes reprimands and counts, Naito lets go at 4. Fans rally harder, “Let’s Go, Ace!” “NA-I-TO!” Naito drags Tanahashi up but Tanahashi fires body shots. Naito CLUBS away on Tanahashi, turns him around and hits a NECKBREAKER! Then he stands Tanahashi up to whip into a corner. Naito hoists Tanahashi up top, brings him out along the ropes, DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Naito isn’t upset while the fans rally up more. Naito kicks Tanahashi around, stands on Tanahashi’s face and poses. Fans applaud and Naito scuffs Tanahashi’s face. Tanahashi sits up but Naito kicks him again and again.

Naito stomps Tanahashi back down, digs a knee into his back and pulls on the ponytail! Red Shoes reprimands, Naito lets go, and fans rally again. Naito gives more toying kicks but Tanahashi snarls. Tanahashi eggs Naito on but Naito kicks and kicks. SHOTEI from Tanahashi! Naito staggers away, Tanahashi runs in at the corner, but he blocks Naito’s boot! DRAGON SCREW! Naito clutches his leg while fans fire up again. Tanahashi drags Naito up, and he fires off forearm after forearm! Tanahashi scoops and SLAMS Naito into a drop zone, then he goes up the corner. To FLYING STOMP the bad leg!! Tanahashi faked Naito out and Naito clutches his knee!

Fans are stunned silent at The Ace’s savagery, but then they rally up again. Tanahashi gets the legs, ties them up, but Naito fires off haymakers! Naito kicks but Tanahashi gets the leg for a GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi fires up and fans rally behind him, “HA! HA! HA!” Tanahashi waits on Naito to get up, and Tanahashi runs, but into an atomic drop! Naito shoves Tanahashi away, runs in and JUMP KICKS! Leg sweep, COMBINACION CABRON! Naito poses again and fans fire up! Naito manages to stand, he drags Tanahashi back up and reels him into the corner. ESPERANZA! Fans fire up but Naito goes back to the corner to watch Tanahashi rise.

Naito runs in, but into an elbow! Naito catches it to hook Tanahashi, hammerlock and half nelson, GLORIA! Cover, TWO! Naito hurries to get Tanahashi tied up in PLUMA BLANCA! Tanahashi endures as fans rally up and Naito pulls tight! Tanahashi moves around, reaches out, crawls his way over, but Naito pulls on the hold! Tanahashi keeps fighting his way over, ROPEBREAK! Naito holds until Red Shoes reprimands, and Tanahashi sputters. The fans rally up again while Naito stands. Naito drags Tanahashi up, throws those heavy back elbows, and he slaps Tanahashi around as he drops to a knee.

Naito brings Tanahashi back up, throws more back elbows, then lets Tanahashi drop down again. Fans continue to rally, “Let’s Go, Ace!” “NA-I-TO!” and Naito stands Tanahashi back up for even more back elbows! Tanahashi staggers and flops into a corner, but Naito stands him back up. Naito puts Tanahashi on the top rope, climbs up after him, and SUPER STEINERS, but Tanahashi sunset flips through it! TWO!! Naito swings, but into Tanahashi’s GERMAN SUPLEX! Tanahashi runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Naito hurries to wrench, but Tanahashi gets the leg! DRAGON SCREW! Both men are down again and fans fire up!

Tanahashi grits his teeth as he forces himself to get up. Naito works to get feeling in his bad leg, but Tanahashi fires up! Tanahashi and Naito start throwing haymakers and forearms! Tanahashi eggs Naito on, Naito hits him, and the brawl goes back and forth! Fans rally up with each shot, and they go faster and faster! Tanahashi fires off body shots and forearms, but Naito hits back with forearms of his own! Tanahashi fires off another flurry, and fans fire up as both men wobble! Naito smirks but Tanahashi grins. Fans rally up as the forearms continue! Naito gets the edge, but Tanahashi comes back with fast hands!

Naito kicks but Tanahashi blocks! So Naito rakes the eyes! Naito throws more back elbows, then ENZIGURIS! Naito whips Tanahashi to ropes but Tanahashi reverses. Naito reverses back, Tanahashi gets in to clinch, and fans rally for the deadlock! Tanahashi gets Naito for TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Tanahashi drags Naito up, another TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! And then a third TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Fans fire up again as Tanahashi drags Naito up. Tanahashi whips, Naito reverses but Tanahashi reverses to SLINGBLADE! And another SLINGBLADE! And a third SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO!! Tanahashi hurries up top as Naito stands, HIGH FLY ATTACK!

Fans fire up as Tanahashi goes back up, for HIGH FLY FLOW FLOP!! Running jackknife bridge, TWO!!! Tanahashi survives and fans are thunderous! Naito and Tanahashi stir, push up off the mat, and Tanahashi roars as he rises! Naito is in a corner, Tanahashi throws elbows, SHOTEI, but Naito SLAPS! And SLAPS! And whips! Tanahashi whips, but Naito FLYING FOREARMS! Naito hurries to get Tanahashi up, scoop for VALENTIA! Naito brings Tanahashi back up, wrenches, but Tanahashi cradles! TANAHASHI WINS!!

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Naito earns 0)

The Ace snatches victory from the jaws of defeat and Naito is stunned! Naito is 0-2 in what very well could be his last G1! Will this guarantee that this is Naito’s last if he can’t return to the top this way? Or is there somehow a way we’ll see Naito in the finals?

As for Tanahashi, he tries to encourage Naito, but Naito just exits the ring. Tanahashi catches his breath and goes to leave. The fans clap, “Let’s Go, Ace!” so Tanahashi gives thumbs up and gets the mic! “Everyone, thank you for coming out here tonight! It’s thanks to everyone here coming out to support us that we wrestlers can perform to the best of our ability. Right here, in this summer G1! The first one in a few years, and you all came here for it.” Tanahashi knows everyone is wondering how he can make it through. He asks them how they, the wrestlers, can help the fans enjoy wrestling even more.

Tanahashi has his answer. After searching for it long and hard, the answer is: to win this G1 in a snap! So everyone, Tanahashi wants you to know, “ASHITE MAAASU~! <I LOVE YOOOU~!>” Fans applaud as Tanahashi’s music hits and he gives the mic back. Fans continue to applaud, so Tanahashi gives them more of himself! He goes around ringside to make sure he thanks all parts of the crowd. Will the Once in a Century Talent use this love, energy and momentum to win big and head for WrestleKingdom?

My Thoughts:

Another great round for the G1, and with some really wild results. ELP VS Yujiro was good stuff, though the crowd didn’t quite get into it right away. I think that was how the previous Yujiro match went, actually. But ELP winning out against all the House of Torture screw jobs and (for the moment) snatching Pieter away from Yujiro, that’s pretty wild stuff. I wonder if this will motivate more Bullet Club Prime VS House of Torture stuff. Sanada VS Taichi was great stuff, they’re developing quite the rivalry, and the roll-up finish was a great way to finish so that Taichi isn’t really hurt outside of losing points.

Cobb VS Fale was great stuff, too, with Fale getting to look strong dominating Cobb. Cobb wins out to get some great momentum as he gets back up in the block. And we got awesome stuff in the main event, with strong story beats in  both that two big names like Tanahashi and Naito were both facing 0-2, and that as Naito sees it, this is his last NJPW year, between now and WrestleKingdom 17. He’s certainly on the ropes, figuratively speaking, and he’s got Evil next. That has tons of story to emotionally charge it as it is, and the idea that Evil could basically ruin Naito’s final G1 would be a prize in itself for the King of Darkness.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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