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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (7/21/22)

Seven takes on the Thunderstorm!



How the tables have turned.

Once upon a time in NXT UK, Trent Seven taught Sam Gradwell a thing or to about respect. But now, will the Thunderstorm return the favor? Or will Seven prove he is the absolute dirt worst?


  • Fallon Henley VS Isla Dawn; Isla wins.
  • Josh Morrell VS Dave Mastiff; Mastiff wins.
  • Emilia McKenzie VS Nina Samuels; Emilia wins.
  • Trent Seven VS Sam Gradwell; Seven wins.


Fallon Henley VS Isla Dawn!

The Cowgirl just came to the UK for a good time, but the Wicked Witch tried to creep on her. Fallon doesn’t play the spooky game, but will she start to believe in magic? Or will she give the enchantress a country style butt kicking instead?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, then break. Isla reaches for Fallon’s hair but Fallon slaps Isla’s hands away. They tie up again and Isla pulls hair! The ref reprimands, Isla lets off to kick and uppercut! Isla talks trash but Fallon ROCKS her back with forearms! Isla headbutts low, whips but Fallon reverses to back elbow and mule kick! Fallon runs, ducks the elbow and blocks the hip toss, but Isla blocks Fallon’s shoot around to the back. Isla facelocks, Fallon endures and powers up, then wrenches out to WRING the arm! Isla ends up on ropes, Fallon slides out to ROCK her with a forearm!

Fans fire up with Fallon and she gets in to cover, TWO! Fallon keeps cool but Isla throws body shots. Fallon CLUBS Isla, scoops her, but Isla slips out to CLAW Fallon’s back! Isla whips, Fallon reverses and runs in at the corner, but Isla slips out to the apron. Isla shoulders into Fallon, bumps her off buckles, then steps in to EuroUpper. The ref counts but Isla gets in Fallon’s face while choking her! Isla lets off to then SHINING WIZARD! Isla snapmares Fallon to UPPERCUT her in the back! Fallon grits her teeth but Isla runs to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Isla is annoyed and she clamps onto Fallon to dribble her off the mat.

Fans rally up, Isla drags Fallon up but Fallon throws body shots! Fallon ducks the haymaker to waistlock, but Isla bucks the O’Conner Roll. Fallon ducks the roundhouse, kicks back, but Isla hits low again. Fallon comes back with a sunset flip, TWO! Fans fire up but Isla knees Fallon low and throws her down by her hair! Isla stomps Fallon, drags her around and clamps onto the shoulders. Fallon resists the chinlock, Isla CLAWS her again, and gets the arms for a straitjacket stretch! Fallon endures as Isla digs a knee in, and fans rally up again. Fallon fights the hold, but Isla thrashes her around and JAMS the knee back in!

Isla bends Fallon back against the knee, but Fallon still fights up to her feet! Fallon backs Isla into buckles but Isla holds on! The ref counts, Fallon RAMS Isla into buckles and arm-drags free! Isla comes back to ROCK Fallon but Fallon ROCKS Isla! Fallon fires off and DECKS Isla! Fallon runs to FACEBUSTER! Fans fire up again and Fallon runs at the corner, big back elbow! Fallon keeps moving and she LARIATS Isla! Isla goes to ropes, Fallon pursues, and Isla YANKS Fallon into the ropes! ROUNDHOUSE! HALF NELSON SLAM! Cover, Isla wins!

Winner: Isla Dawn, by pinfall

Fallon fought hard but she couldn’t stop the Wicked Witch! Will Isla use this win to conjure up a new path to the NXT UK Women’s Championship?


NXT UK Media catches up with Sarray.

She says hello and they ask her how she’s enjoying her time in the UK. Sarray says she is enjoying being her very much. Any words for her fans in Japan? Sarray speaks in Japanese to say hello, and that she is enjoying the UK. She’s seen the London Bridge, the Harrods, but then she spots Meiko Satomura and asks her about that match challenge. Meiok has yet to actually respond. Please, accept her challenge. Meiko says okay. They’ll have their match! “But be prepared.” The Warrior of the Sun gets her match with the Final Boss, but will she still enjoy her time in the UK afterward?


Amale watches back last week’s episode.

Namely, her match against Stevie Turner, which she won. But that’s only secondary to Blair Davenport being on commentary, telling Amale that she’ll have no hope against her. NXT UK Media asks Amale her response. “You want to know my thoughts on Blair’s commentary? I’ll show you exactly what I think about it.” Amale storms out and asks around for Blair. She’s pointed in the right direction, and Amale barges in on Blair’s own little interview. Amale brings up the match of Amale VS Turner. Blair asks what Amale thought about her on commentary. Maybe she’s got a second career in wrestling.

Amale says she knows exactly what Blair is up to! Amale won’t give Blair the satisfaction of getting under her skin. She will keep all this anger for Blair waiting for the ring. See you then. Blair shrugs and says “Whatever.” Now go, she’s busy. Will The French Hope unleash her fury on the gothic terror? Or will Amale learn to #BewaretheHeir?


Josh Morrell VS Dave Mastiff!

#TurboTerry finally got a win in NXT UK off of Primate, who seemed a bit overzealous without Eddie Dennis in charge. However, Morrell now runs into an even bigger challenge in The Bomber! Will Mastiff be a brick wall for Morrell’s new momentum? Or can Morrell defy expectations again and get his second win?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Mastiff headlocks. Morrell endures, fans rally and sing, and Morrell brings Mastiff to a knee so he can handstand and walk out of the headlock! Fans cheer and Mastiff seems a bit surprised. They reset, tie up, Mastiff gets an arm and wrenches. Mastiff hits an ELBOW BREAKER, then wristlocks. Morrell endures again, rolls, cartwheels, and handsprings to then go up and break free! Mastiff nods, he respects the ability. The two go again, Morrell gets around to headlock, but Mastiff powers out. Mastiff runs Morrell over and things speed up.

Morrel tries to hip toss but Mastiff easily turns that around, only for Morrell to handspring through Mastiff’s hip toss. Things keep moving, Morrell ducks and goes up, but Mastiff holds him up. Mastiff throws Morrell but he flips and lands on his feet! But Mastiff blocks the lariat, CLUBS Morrell on the back, then shoves Morrell to the ropes to catch him on the rebound, BIG back suplex! Morrell writhes and fans rally up. Mastiff looms over Morrell, drags him up, and CLUBS him back down! Mastiff drags Morrell back up, CLUBS him again, and then reels him in for a snapmare. Mastiff clamps his hands right onto Morrell’s bad shoulders!

Morrell endures as Mastiff leans on the hold. Morrell throws an elbow but Mastiff dribbles him off the mat! Fans rally, Mastiff drags Morrell up again, and he has those shoulder claws back in. Morrell throws a heavy body shot, Mastiff throws him down again, but Morrell handsprings through that! Morrell boots from the corner but Mastiff blocks, so Morrell kicks Mastiff with both feet! Morrell goes up, leaps, but into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Cover, TWO! Morrell is still in this and Mastiff is surprised. Fans rally up again as Mastiff drags Morrell up. Mastiff whips and RAMS into Morrell with a low headbutt!

Morrell sputters but stands back up, and Mastiff DECKS him with a forearm! Mastiff eggs Morrell on as Morrell gets up again. Mastiff DECKS Morrell again, stalks him, then drags him up again. Mastiff whips, but Morrell goes up to sunset flip! Mastiff is too big, he YANKS Morrell right up and into a GERMAN SUPLEX! But Morrell lands on his feet again! Morrell SHOTGUNS Mastiff, but Mastiff comes back! Morrell avoids the senton! And STANDING CORKSCREW MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Mastiff survives but fans fire up as Morrell runs in and SHOTGUNS him out of the ring! Mastiff staggers up, Morrell builds speed and FLIES! Fosbury Flop at the ramp!

Fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” as Morrell gets back to his feet. Morrell drags Mastiff up but that’s a lot of dead weight. Morrell puts Mastiff in at 5 of 10, and then hurries up onto the apron. Mastiff stands, Morrell slingshots to go up and over! Morrell runs in, into a FLAPJACK! Mastiff deadlifts to POWERBOMB! And then deadlifts again, for the ROLLING SENTON! Cover, TWO!?! Morrell survives and shocks everyone! Fans are fired up for Morrell but Mastiff is grinning. Mastiff seems to like the toughness form Morrell, but he fireman’s carries again. Morrell flails, but Mastiff still hits ROLLING SENTON, and a BACK SENTON! Cover, Mastiff wins!

Winner: Dave Mastiff, by pinfall

The Bomber finally puts Morrell away, but it was quite the fight! Mastiff helps Morrell up to show he at least won Mastiff’s respect. Will Morrell be able to make a comeback in his next match?


Sha Samuels and Noam Dar sit in the back.

The East End Bookie is of course bummed over what happened last week, because those who bet on Mark Coffey keep coming to collect! “It’s never-ending!” He’s got kids, y’know! Three of ’em! Sha doesn’t even remember placing bets for some of these guys! Dar keeps trying to plead Sha’s case but it’s no good. And of course, Wolfgang’s in on the action, too. Sha is brought to tears over this! And also to red faced rage. Does he even have the funds to cover all this?

The day finally ends, Sha and Dar have nothing left but each other. But while they can make more money, how are they supposed to get the Heritage Cup back? Sha says Dar let them down. And the flask is empty because they can’t afford it! Dar takes his cut of what’s left and goes. A couple hours later, after Sha’s dozed off from despair, someone comes knocking. Even Johnny Saint has come to collect?! Well, Sha’s probably got… HE RUNS FOR IT! Will the NXT UK GM get his payout one way or another?


The NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions have a photoshoot.

Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen pose with their titles and are still feeling great. NXT UK Media asks them if they heard about the challenge put forward by Mark Andrews & Wild Boar. They did, and they have a response. They respect the hell out of Andrews & Boar, and it would be an honor to face one of the best teams in the UK. Briggs says the UK crew took real good care of them, Briggs & Jensen owe them. One night out on the pub is on them, and that title match is on, too. See y’all in the ring, boys! Will these good ol’ American boys have another good time in London? Or will the UK tag titles come home through South Wales Subculture?


Emilia McKenzie VS Nina Samuels!

Meiko Satomura’s protégé has felt more like a third wheel with Sarray around, but she wasn’t going to let the Leading Lady turn her into a buzzworthy headline. Will Nina end up on the front page with a win over the pouting protégé? Or will #SuplexMillie turn her into old news?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and fans sing for Millie. But Nina pulls hair to put Millie in the corner. The ref counts, Nina lets go of hair to RAM her shoulder in. Nina lets off but Millie BOOTS her, then goes up to FLYING RANA! Fans fire up and Nina staggers, but Millie runs in to RAM her shoulder in! And again, and again! Nina shoves Millie away, then goes up to sunset flip! TWO, Nina hurries to throw Millie down by her hair! And again! The ref reprimands, Nina stops and she stomps Millie down. Nina brings Millie up but Millie blocks the buckle bump to give Nina the bump!

Millie stomps Nina, the ref counts and Millie lets off, only for Nina to BOOT Millie down! Nina kicks Millie to ropes, brings her up and CHOKES her on the ropes! Nina makes Millie smile with the fishhooks but the ref counts. Nina lets off, then pulls Millie back against the ropes with a motorcycle stretch! The ref counts again, Nina lets off at 4 to dropkick Millie in the back! Roll up, TWO! Nina stomps Millie around but fans rally up. Millie gets to ropes, Nina drags her up and talks trash to TOSS her by her hair! The ref reprimands again, Nina drags Millie up to TOSS by her hair again! Nina shakes off the hair in her hands before storming after Millie.

Nina stomps Millie, the ref counts, but Nina fires off more! Nina stops at 4, fans boo, but Nina just storms back up on Millie. Millie throws body shots, but Nina DECKS her! Nina shocks herself, and hurries to cover, ONE!! Millie grabs at the ropes but Nina stands her up in the corner. Nina puts Millie up top, talks trash and SLAPS Millie! Nina soaks up the heat from the fans, but Millie avoids the step-up kick! Nina is stuck up top with Millie, and Millie fires off elbows and hammer fists! The ref counts, Millie shoves Nina to the floor! Nina manages to land on her feet, and she hurries back up, only for Millie to ROCK her!

Millie drags Nina in to throw Nina by her hair! And again! Millie is unleashing that fury Meiko told her to use, and Millie hits a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO! Millie snarls, watches Nina flounder, and runs in at the corner, but Nina moves! Millie POSTS herself, Nina rolls her up, TWO!! Nina is shocked but she hurries to drag Millie up. Millie SLAPS Nina back! Nina is furious, but she swings into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Millie SPEARS Nina down! Cover, Millie wins!

Winner: Emilia McKenzie, by pinfall

That “killer instinct” finally kicks in, and Millie gets a big win! Will she be waiting on the other side of the coming showdown between Satomura and Sarray?


Andy Shepherd joins Ilja Dragunov and Wolfgang for a sit-down interview.

Andy says ahead of next week’s huge NXT UK Championship match, he wanted to bring together challenger and champion. He welcomes them and thanks them for joining him. “There has been a lot of talk about respect between the both of you.” Wolfgang, what is it you respect most about Dragunov? Wolfgang says he’s been here since day one, and he’s seen everybody who has held that title. It’s been something Wolfgang’s wanted since 2017. He was there at the first ever tournament, he made it to the semifinals, and he was there when Dragunov took the title off someone no one thought possible in the Ring General. That deserves respect.

But what Wolfgang really respects most is that Dragunov will take on anyone. Dragunov was the one to call Wolfgang out for this title. How can Wolfgang not respect that? The Czar says he gives that respect back 100%. There is a reason he chose Wolfgang. Dragunov doesn’t think Wolfgang gets the credit he deserves these last few years. There would be no Ilja Dragunov without people like Wolfgang! Andy says that, just as Wolfgang said, Wolfgang has seen all of Dragunov’s title defenses. The list is a who’s who of NXT UK and beyond. Does Wolfgang believe he can do what none of those men could? Can Wolfgang take this title from Dragunov?

Wolfgang will tell us exactly why he can do that. Dragunov’s never been in the ring with Wolfgang. Dragunov doesn’t really know what Wolfgang’s capable of. And when Wolfgang gets in that ring with him, Dragunov will realize that asking Wolfgang for this match may have been the biggest mistake he’s ever made. Dragunov says it wouldn’t have made sense to challenge Wolfgang if Wolfgang didn’t have that state of mind. This is a chance for Dragunov to see “the true Wolfgang,” because he has seen Wolfgang hiding. Wolfgang is in the shadow of Gallus, and Dragunov feels sorry for him. He means that. Because Wolfgang isn’t just some guy in Gallus, he’s a lion!

Dragunov wants Wolfgang to look at himself. Wolfgang is part of something, but when does he get to shine? Wolfgang says, “497 days, I was a champion alongside Gallus.” Yes, that was a tag team championship. But it is very different to stand alone. Wolfgang will face Dragunov alone, and Dragunov hopes Wolfgang will rely on himself when Dragunov looks inside him. Wolfgang says the UK title already belongs to Gallus. Dragunov says the title belongs to “those who are willed to fight against anything. Being injured but you continue to go.” Wolfgang says there’s a fine line between bravery and stupidity. He sees this as doing Dragunov a favor.

Wolfgang says he will take away the responsibility Dragunov has, and will take the weight off Dragunov’s shoulders to carry this brand on his back, and carry NXT UK forward with Gallus Boys on top. Well, then Wolfgang will have to bite very, very hard to get even a piece of what the NXT UK Champion, UNBESIEGBAR, the Czar, Ilja Dragunov, is made of. Both men stand up and stare down. The main event of next week is coming, who leaves knowing this is their kingdom?


Trent Seven VS Sam Gradwell!

The “Savior of British Sports” tore down Moustache Mountain and everything he had, all so he could be the center of attention. But that just makes him the “absolute dirt worst” in the eyes of Gradwell and everyone who used to respect Seven. Will the Thunderstorm rattle Seven’s kidneys, wobble his jowls, and slap some sense into him? Or will Seven do anything and everything he can to deny Gradwell that satisfaction?

The bell rings and Seven throws his towel at Gradwell to then BOOT him! Seven says “I am the best around here!” and runs in at Gradwell, only to be thrown out! Gradwell then DIVES! Direct hit and Seven hits barriers! Gradwell whips Seven into more barriers, then keeps him from running away! Gradwell CHOPS Seven, stalks him around the way, and keeps him from escaping with big forearm shots! Fans taunt Seven for being a “COWARD! COWARD!” and Gradwell ROCKS Seven with a haymaker. Seven slides into the ring, but Gradwell trips him up and drags him out! Gradwell scoops and SLAMS Seven on the floor!

Seven writhes while Gradwell checks his knee brace. Gradwell drags Seven up, puts him in the ring, and fans chant “You Deserve It!” But Seven CHOPS Gradwell at the ropes, and short arm LARIATS Gradwell down! Gradwell is on the floor and Seven soaks up the heat. Fans rally, “We Want Tyler!” but Seven wags his finger. Gradwell rises at 6 of 10, and slides in at 8! Seven eggs Gradwell on and Gradwell rushes in, but into a full nelson and DRAGON SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Seven is annoyed with Gradwell and he CLUBS Gradwell down. Seven kicks Gradwell around, KICKS him in the side, then CLUBS him down again!

Seven drags Gradwell up while claiming HE is British Strong Style. Fans chant “No You’re Not! No You’re Not!” but Seven KICKS Gradwell, then parodies the Bruiserweight’s favorite pose. Gradwell eggs Seven on, Seven kicks him, but Gradwell throws body shots. Seven CHOPS, Gradwell throws a body shot, but Seven CHOPS and CHOPS! Gradwell snarls and takes those CHOPS! Fans fire up with Gradwell, Seven can’t even get Gradwell with the feint! So Seven just kicks Gradwell’s bad knee! But Gradwell wrenches out of the DDT to ROCK Seven with forearm after forearm! Seven falls for Gradwell’s feint! BUTTERFLY SUPLEX!

Fans rally and Gradwell runs in at Seven to forearm smash! Gradwell whips Seven corner to corner the other way, Seven bounces off into a back drop! Fans again chant “You Deserve It!” as Gradwell clotheslines Seven out of the ring! Seven tumbles and Gradwell goes out after him. Gradwell FLYING FOREARMS off the apron! Direct hit, but Gradwell does have to check his leg. Gradwell drags Seven up to throw down fists, the ring count is 5 of 10, and Gradwell puts Seven in at 6. Seven runs to DIVE! Direct hit into the barriers from that huge Low-pe! Fans fire up and Seven soaks it all in. Seven then lets his hair down and he kicks Gradwell around.

Seven puts Gradwell in, taunts the fans, and then gets on the apron. Gradwell CHOPS Seven! Gradwell climbs up the corner, drags Seven up to join him and CLUBS away on his back. But Seven shoves Gradwell down! Gradwell holds his bad knee, hobbles back up and he ROCKS Seven with a haymaker! And CHOP him again! Gradwell climbs up again and he stands on the top rope, for the underhooks, SUPER BUTTERFLY SUPLEX!! Fans are thunderous, “This is Awesome!” Gradwell covers, TWO!! Seven bails out and wants to retreat again, but Gradwell runs him down at the ramp! Gradwell drags Seven back to ringside, but Seven picks him up, SHINBREAKER on the steel steps!!

Fans boo but Seven puts Gradwell in the ring. Gradwell clutches that knee, but Seven throws hands! Seven takes away the knee brace! Seven stomps Gradwell, gets the bad leg, and then kicks away on the thigh! Seven ties up the legs into a FIGURE SEVEN!! Gradwell grabs Seven’s beard to sit him up, but Seven SLAPS Gradwell! Gradwell SLAPS Seven back And again, and again! Gradwell still endures the hold, turns things over, now Seven endures! Seven can’t reach Gradwell but he crawls for the rope, ROPEBREAK! The ref undoes the hold and fans are thunderous as both men slowly rise.

Gradwell gets Seven but Seven spins, Gradwell ducks the backhand to STO!! Cover, TWO!! Seven survives but the fans still rally. Gradwell sits Seven up to rain down fists! Gradwell then reels Seven in but that bad leg is slowing him down. Gradwell fireman’s carries but Seven rakes the eyes, and CHOP BLOCKS the bad leg! Ripcord, SEVEN STAR LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!?!? Seven is shocked but the fans are loving this! Seven snarls and he grabs the knee brace. Fans boo but Seven puts the brace on his arm! Seven stands Gradwell up, ripcord, but Gradwell ducks to ripcord and ROLLING ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Seven survives and Gradwell is beside himself!

Fans rally up again, and now Gradwell looks at his knee brace. Gradwell picks it up, the ref says not to do it, but Gradwell is furious. Seven wants mercy, but then the ref grabs the brace from Gradwell! Seven LOW BLOWS Gradwell while the ref puts the brace outside! Ripcord, SEVEN STAR LARIAT!! Cover, Seven wins!!

Winner: Trent Seven, by pinfall

Seven won, because he IS the absolute dirt worst! But Seven isn’t satisfied with beating Gradwell, he wants to HURT Gradwell! But wait! TYLER BATE is here!! He runs in through the crowd, so Seven runs away through the crowd! The Big Strong Boy is back for vengeance on the man who betrayed him! Will Bate bury Seven in the rubble of Moustache Mountain?

My Thoughts:

A great episode here, and great stuff going into the following weeks. I thought we were supposed to already be getting Meiko VS Sarray for the NXT UK Women’s Championship with last week’s promo, so this week’s promo was technically unnecessary, but still delivered well enough. Good promo from Amale and Blair to set up a match, and that’ll be good stuff. Pretty sure Blair wins, though, so that she can go after the title again. And NXT UK is really good at those sit-down interview promos, Dragunov and Wolfgang had a very good exchange, and their match coincides with the go-home week for SummerSlam, so that’s going to be a lot of great programming.

We also got a hilarious bit from Sha and Dar, where just about everyone in NXT UK bet on Mark Coffey, even Johnny Saint. Very good match from Fallon and Isla, and that was a bit of a surprise that Isla won given how the rest of these NXT 2.0 VS NXT UK matches have gone. At the same time, it is better that NXT UK isn’t just being eaten alive by NXT 2.0, fans need to see NXT UK on par or else they won’t care about anyone who gets moved over from UK to the States. Great match from Morrell and Mastiff, but I figured Mastiff would win. Morrell is a great talent, though, and with Jack Starz hurt, Morrell might end up another honorary Bomber to have something to do as a story.

Good promo from Briggs & Jensen to accept the challenge from Andrews & Boar. Briggs & Jensen got their first defense done with Pretty Deadly and someone in the UK can win these belts back, but I don’t see it being Andrews & Boar. At this point, that team is still new, we need a little more time to see how those two work as a team, and then maybe they can get the belts off another team. Good match from Millie VS Nina, but it makes sense Millie wins here. Millie needs to get back on an upward trajectory if she’s to ever challenge for the title. And of course, we got an awesome main event out of Seven VS Gradwell. Again, of course Seven cheats to win, but what a great moment for Bate to show up and scare Seven off like that. That grudge match is coming, it is going to be wild.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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