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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (7/18/22)

Mella gets one more shot!



WWE Raw 2022

Will this be the last time the EST has to worry about Carmella?

The Raw Women’s Championship is on the line again, and again between Bianca Belair and Carmella! Will third time be the charm for Mella? Or is it three strikes and she’s out?


  • No Champion’s Advantage Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair VS Carmella; Belair wins and retains the title.
  • Rey Mysterio w/ Dominik Mysterio VS Damian Priest w/ Finn Balor; Priest wins.
  • Seth Rollins VS Ezekiel; Rollins wins.
  • Angelo Dawkins w/ Montez Ford VS Omos w/ MVP; Dawkins wins, by disqualification.
  • The Street Profits VS Omos & MVP; The Street Profits win, by disqualification.
  • (Austin) Theory VS AJ Styles; Styles wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Sideshow Scramble: Akira Tozawa wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Sideshow Scramble Part 2: Nikki A.S.H. wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Sideshow Scramble: Alexa Bliss wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Sideshow Scramble: Piper Niven wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Sideshow Scramble: Tamina wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Sideshow Scramble: Dana Brooke wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Six Woman Tag: Alexa Bliss, Asuka & Dana Brooke VS Tamina, Nikki A.S.H. & “Doudrop” Piper Niven; Alexa, Asuka & Dana win.


Titus O’Neil is in the ring!

Fans fire up to see The Real Deal back again, and Titus says when he came to the WWE and became a WWE Tag Team Champion and then entered the Hall of Fame as a Warrior Award winner, Titus thought that was the height of his personal achievements. But Titus has gone even higher by becoming a WWE Global Ambassador! He will represent the WWE all over the globe, in something he feels we need now more than ever: good will. There is no question that each and everyone of the superstars want to put smiles on fans’ faces in and out of the ring. They help those less fortunate, they support the servicemen and women all over the world.

Fans chant for “U S A! U S A!” and Titus says the WWE also supports family, health and community. All these things help bring people together to do good in the world. That is what they do! That is why we will never hear politics, religion or anything else divisive in the WWE. That is because regardless of race, economic status or nationality, the WWE is a place that we all deserve to have a safe haven! This is a place where we can all be sure we all have a good time! So that said, that is what we’re going to do here tonight! “Ladies and gentlemen, everyone around the world, welcome to Monday Night Raw!”


Becky Lynch heads to the ring!

Raw hits the Big Time as Becky swaggers out, and she gets a mic. “Welcome to the Big Time!” Fans cheer and Becky says, “You all know the story of the little engine that could, right? This little engine that was carrying this great heavy load, and it kept meeting obstacle after obstacle after obstacle, but it just kept going.” Becky realized that is kinda how her journey since WrestleMania has been. But she isn’t a little blue choo-choo, she is a steely ginger locomotive! This is the Big Time Becks Express! But when Big Time Becks becomes unhinged, she cannot be stopped. And that is why when Asuka tried to derail her, Becky didn’t become a complain train. No, she rolled right over Asuka!

And when the train is coming, it stops for nobody! Everyone stops for the train, just like she stopped five women on the way to Money in the Bank. But every journey has to hit its stations. She hit Defeat Junction, Loser Place, but she’s on Legendary Road, History Maker Grove, Breaking Barriers Bend, and now, we can all get off at Appreciation Station when she becomes the next Raw Women’s Champion~! Oh, fans love that, huh? That booing is fine because Becky has been informed that the winner of tonight’s Raw Women’s Championship will have to face Becky at SummerSlam for the title!

So yes, yes, yes! The Big Time Becks Express could, can and will be your NEW Raw Women’s Champion~! Becky is ready, but here comes the readiEST! Bianca tells Becky, “now, now, Becky. You know what you did last week was foul, right?” Becky can’t just sit on the sidelines, she had to go cause a distraction just so Bianca would lose. But y’know what? Bianca tells Becky that she can do whatever it is she wants to try and take focus from Bianca, but this is not the Becky Lynch WrestleMania comeback story! Yes it is! No, it’s the Bianca Belair Comeback from SummerSlam 2021! Losing that title to Becky in 26 seconds was the lowest moment in her career.

Becky shocked us all with her comeback that no one expected. She challenged Bianca on the spot, and Bianca has vowed to see every opportunity would be to redeem her reputation. Look as us now! A whole year later and Bianca is proud to say she did just that! And after she whoops Carmella, she will rewrite that last chapter in her story at SummerSlam, and kick Becky’s caboose all the way back to Ireland. Choo-choo~! But here comes Mella! She tells Bianca that she’s making the biggEST mistake by overlooking her. Mella is a badass with a great ass. And last week, she still won! Although, Mella will say it is convenient Bianca got distracted and couldn’t get in the ring.

Or maybe, Bianca realized she was outmatched and needed a shortcut. Fans boo but Mella says regardless, tonight, if Bianca gets counted out again, not only will Mella be money, but she WILL be the NEW Raw Women’s Champion! Oh, girl, uh-uh! No no no! Bianca is sick and tired of the talk, so it is time for everyone to remember why Bianca is the strongEST, the fastEST, the roughEST, the toughEST, the quickEST, the great- Becky and Mella blindside Bianca! They stomp Bianca down, then drag her up. But Bianca fights back! She RAMS Becky into a corner, Mella rushes in to go after her! Bianca DEKCS Mella!

Becky gets Bianca for a MANHANDLE SLAM! Corey Graves shouts to have this match happen now, but the ref tells everyone else to back off while Raw goes to break!

No Champion’s Advantage Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair VS Carmella!

Raw returns and the ref checks with Bianca if she still wants this match. She says yes because she is the toughEST, and the bell rings! Mella rushes in, Bianca gets around to waistlock but Mella elbows free. Mella throws Bianca down by her hair and taunts her. Mella puts Bianca in a corner and throws back elbow after back elbow! The ref counts, Mella lets off and Mella “makes it rain.” Mella then runs in but Bianca dodges the Bronco Buster! Bianca swings, Melal dodges and runs, tilt-o-whirls, but Bianca blocks! The strongEST hits a BACKBRAEKER, holds on and hits another BACKBREAKER! Mella writhes but Bianca is still recovering, too.

Bianca gets up and runs Mella, ROCK S her then dropkicks her! Bianca kips up, drags Mella up and scoops to then FALL AWAY SLAM! Bianca keeps moving, handspring MOONSAULT, but she lands on her feet as Mella bails out. Fans boo while Becky talks herself up on commentary. Bianca fetches Mella and puts her in the ring. Becky rushes over to distract again, but Bianca gets in at 5 of 10. Mella bails out the other side but Bianca is after her again. Bianca ROCKS Mella, torture racks, but Mella grabs ropes! Mella scurries in as the ring count climbs, and she YANKS Bianca into the post! The count is 7 of 10!

Bianca gets in at 8, Mella rains down hands, then throws her out! FABULOUS KICK! Down goes Bianca! Mella then hurries out to TOSS Bianca into the timekeeper’s area! Mella wants the count to climb, Graves is feverish on commentary for his wife, and the count is 7 of 10 again! Bianca is in at 8 again, but Mella hammers away! Mella is frustrated but she drags Bianca up. Mella whips Bianca to a corner, Bianca elbows Mella then goes up. Mella TOSSES Bianca out again! Bianca hits steps on the way down! Becky and Graves count along, but Mella is impatient. We’re past 5 of 10, Bianca stirs at 7, springs up and in at 9!

Fans fire up as Bianca survives and both Mella and Becky are frustrated. Will Bianca make the greatEST recovery while Raw goes to break?

Raw returns and Mella has Bianca in a sleeper! Mella becomes a backpack but Bianca RAMS her back into buckles! And again, and again! Bianca gets free, until Mella grabs her hair! Bianca uses that to whip Mella corner to corner, then dropkick her down! Bianca kips up and fans fire up! Bianca RAMS into Mella, goes up and rains down fists! Fans count this one, Bianca backflips off nine to DECK Mella for the tenth! Bianca HANDSPRING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Mella survives and Bianca is frustrated while Becky is stressed. Bianca runs at the corner but Mella elbows her away. Mella swings into chicken wings!

But Mella victory rolls Bianca into ropes, then rolls her up, feet on the ropes! The ref doesn’t realize, TWO!! Bianca escapes but Mella FABULOUS KICKS her down! Cover, TWO! Mella and Becky are both beside themselves as Mella drags Bianca up. Bianca JAWBREAKERS free, then RAMS into Mella again! Bianca hoists Mella up top, climbs up after her, and fans rally for the “E S T! E S T!” Mella resists the superplex and shoves Bianca away, but Bianca backflips to land on her feet! Mella CROSSBODIES, into Bianca’s arms! Bianca pops Mella around into a suplex! Mella scurries away to the apron and Bianca storms over, into a HOTSHOT!

Mella runs in to hit a FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Mella can’t believe it! Mella talks trash, pie faces and says she already won! Becky talks as much trash on commentary but Bianca glares at Mella. She might be the angriEST, but then Mella SLAPS her! Mella runs, but Bianca slips around to torture rack! KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Bianca wins!!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall (still Raw Women’s Champion)

Becky is Big Time disappointed, but she has the Raw Women’s Championship belt in her hands! Becky assures the belt it’ll come home with her soon enough, but Bianca says to hand it over. Becky drops it at Bianca’s feet, then leaves. Bianca picks the belt up, but will the biggEST rematch go Bianca’s way in Nashville?


Backstage interview with The Street Profits.

Sarah reminds us that the special guest referee for the Undisputed Tag Team Championship rematch is none other than Jeff Jarrett. What do they expect from the WWE Hall of Famer, Double J? Angelo Dawkins says we’re going from Nashville to Smashville! A WWE HOF as the ref, that’s J E Double F, J A Double R E Double T! He won’t let anyone step outta line. The Usos are gonna get a guitar to the back! Montez Ford says make no mistake! Whether it’s Jeff Jarrett, Jeff Gordon, Jeff Bridges or even Cousin Jeff, the Profits will walk out of Nashville, Cashville, the Dirty Dirty on SummerSlam Weekend as THE Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions!

Ford says nothing changes when they act strange. The Profits are up, and #WeWanttheSmoke- Wait, who is this? Omos and MVP walk in and MVP says the Profits should be glad Omos wasn’t chosen considering what he did last week. They remember, right? Or maybe they were sipping on those cups to forget. Dawkins got spiked to the mat like a football in the end zone. Fam, that’s tough talk from a hype man. You got a problem, step to the Profits. Oh~, Dawkins is spicy! MVP would love to tag with Omos but he is not properly dressed. But there is someone who wants to step up.

So here’s a solid. MVP will talk with Adam Pearce to get Dawkins VS Omos 1v1 because y’all don’t want this smoke! Omos and MVP head out, will Dawkins find a way to topple the Nigerian Giant this close to SummerSlam?


Kevin Owens is back!

And he is back to host another episode of the Kevin Owens Show! His special guest: The Original Bro, Matt Riddle! What will the Stallion have to say to the Prizefighter? We’ll see, after the break.

Raw returns and fans are torn as Kevin has the mic to say, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the Kevin Owens Show is back on Monday Night Raw! I know you missed me, but before I tell you all where I’ve been, let me bring out my guest. Please welcome… RIDDLE!” Riddle scooters on out, ready to take on Seth Rollins at SummerSlam! Riddle gets the mic to say, “Bro, I just want to say thanks for having me on the show. But you know why I’m here: You promised me a Mountain Dew Baja Blast, so where is it?” Kevin has no idea what Riddle is talking about, but anyway… They take a seat and Kevin thanks Riddle for coming here.

Kevin says the real reason Riddle is here is because the last few weeks, Kevin hasn’t been here. Maybe Riddle’s noticed, or maybe not since he’s in his own little world. See, the last few weeks, Kevin has had to step away because for the last few months, Kevin was obsessed. He was nearly driven insane trying to prove Ezekiel and Elias were the same person. Kevin came so close to losing his mind that he took a step back. He took a nice little nature repeat, tried to find some inner peace. Kevin watched Raw, and realized there is something about Riddle he admires. Riddle is constantly cool, calm and collected. Maybe he has some help in being that way, but Kevin wants to be like Riddle!

Kevin centered himself an realized he doesn’t care about Elias, Ezekiel or Elrod! He doesn’t care about them! He wishes them the best. No, wait, he doesn’t! He hopes the all fail miserably! But that’s not the point. Kevin will let those guys do whatever. He is here with Riddle because of Riddle’s match at SummerSlam with Seth Rollins. Rollins is someone else who caused Kevin some great anguish. Rollins used to be Kevin’s best friend, or at least pretended. And then he betrayed and humiliated and insulted Kevin! Kevin lost his best friend that night, just like Riddle lost his best friend, Randy Orton.

Riddle isn’t sure where this is going but Kevin says that’s the truth. Everyone needs some back-up, especially in the WWE. And Kevin realized the answer was right here all along. Riddle, RK-BRO was great. But BRO-KO could be greater. Fans are mixed, but Riddle has Tampa Bay hold on. If Riddle’s being honest, bro, Kevin is the biggest liar he knows. Kevin understands that, given his past. But Kevin says Riddle can trust him, he’s turned over a new leaf. Kevin will ever go back to that, no one can call him a liar. And Riddle trusted Randy Orton, the biggest snake in the history of the WWE! No one’s been less trustworthy than that guy!

Riddle says he doesn’t like it when people talk about his best friend like that. If Riddle knew Kevin was goin to talk to him like this, Riddle wouldn’t have come out here at all. But now there’s no more talking! Riddle gets up, but then we hear “BURN IT DOWN!” Is that Kevin’s doing?! Rollins attacks from behind! CURB STOMP! Kevin DID have something to do with that as Rollins soaks up the heat. Rollins clears out the KO armchairs to aim, and CURB STOMP AGAIN!! Rollins revels in the moment, but will he be the one standing tall when he has to face Riddle head on?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

Kevin Patrick asks why Rollins targeted Riddle. It’s easy: Riddle is so STUPID, it is driving Rollins crazy! And that stupidity is also becoming arrogance. Riddle is so dumb, he thinks Randy Orton actually cared about him! He’s so dumb, Riddle turned down Kevin Owens’ help! Rollins isn’t a big fan of KO’s, but it means Riddle thinks he can beat Rollins! But then Ezekiel steps up to get in Rollins’ face! Rollins does whatever he wants, that’s not how it works! Oh? How does it work? Because guess what! He’s Seth FREAKIN’ Rollins! He does what he wants, when he wants, like Curb Stomp Riddle, or even Curb Stomp Zeke! Or even his brothers and his mama!

Don’t you dare talk about Zeke’s family! Well then stay out of Rollins’ business. Zeke says Rollins IS his business, and business is about to pick up. Zeke better hope so! Rollins laughs his way off, but will he be laughing after another run in with #ZekeDaFreak?


Rey Mysterio w/ Dominik Mysterio VS Damian Priest w/ Finn Balor!

The Mysterios have yet to convince The Judgement Day to leave them alone, but that’s because the Judgement Day isn’t convinced Dominik isn’t being held back by his father! Will the King of Lucha defend his son and his reputation from the Punishment? Or will this Saint of Fate force Dominik’s hand?

Raw returns and Priest has the mic to say, “RISE…! Rise for a Prince! Rise for a Punisher! Rise for the Judgement Day!” Fans boo instead. Priest says Judgement Day chose not to hurt Dominik, because Dom will make the right choice and join them. They guarantee that Dominik joins tonight! Priest says he’s seen the look in Dom’s eyes, he is just waiting to ditch his father. Then do it! Stop letting Rey hold you back! Stop letting him stifle you! Here is a reminder of the last time a legend tried stifling the new generation! Footage replays of the Judgement Day throwing Edge out of the group with a violent mutiny!

Finn says he could watch that footage over and over and over again! But he won’t get to, because Rey and Dom make their way out! The battle between these forces continues after the break!

Raw returns again and this match is already going. Finn is talking trash on Rey on the outside. Rey leaves Finn to put Priest in the ring, SPRINGBOARD SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Rey shoulders into Priest, slingshots, but Priest ROCKS him! Rey tumbles down, Priest puts him in a corner and fires off hands and stomps! Priest drags Rey up, whips him corner to corner hard, and Rey hits buckles chest first. Priest runs in to back elbow Rey down! Cover, TWO! Priest clamps onto Rey with a chinlock but fans rally up. Rey endures, fights up, and throws elbows. Rey is free, he runs, but Priest scoops him for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Priest clamps onto the chinlock again but Rey endures. Dom and the fans rally up and Rey fights the hold. Rey stands up, but Priest KNEES him low and CLUBS him on the back. Priest ROCKS Rey with another right hand, then he throws knees against the ropes. Priest whips, but Rey holds ropes and BOOTS back! Rey springboards, wheelbarrows, and BULLDOGS! Fans fire up again, Rey gets himself to a corner. Rey climbs, Priest hurries over and choke grips! SUPER CHOKE- RANA! Rey turns things around, then dodges Priest! Priest POSTS himself, and Finn is frustrated! Rey goes back up top to SEATED SENTON!

Rey keeps moving, springboard to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Rey whips but Priest blocks! Priest whips Rey but Rey goes up, only to get caught! Rey spins it around, DDT! Cover, TWO! Priest is still in this but Dom keeps the fans rallying up. Rey hurries to dropkick Priest onto ropes! Rey runs but Finn is in his way! So Dom trips him up! But Finn RAMS Dom into barriers! Rey WRECKS Finn, sending him into Dom! Priest runs in, but Rey drop toeholds Priest onto ropes! Rey dials it up, but into a SUPERKICK from Priest!! Cover, TWO!! Priest is furious that Rey survives! Priest drags Rey up, reels him in and choke grips, but Rey wheelbarrows to send Priest into ropes!

Rey dials it up, 619!! Direct hit and fans are thunderous! Rey climbs up, leaps, but the seated senton is blocked! Priest gut wrenches Rey around, into the RAZOR’S EDGE!! Cover, Priest wins!!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

Two weeks in a row, and judgement was passed on Rey! But Priest stomps away on Rey while Finn grabs a pair of chairs! Finn sends those in and Priest sets Rey up! Priest gets the mic to say, “Dominik! I told you! Your joining the Judgement Day tonight! Or we take his head off.” Finn stomps Rey onto the chair, and he holds the other chair in his hands! Dom slides in and says he’ll join! Just spare his father! Finn drags Dom up to his feet and Priest wants Dom to say it so we can hear. Dom says they need to stop! He’ll join! Oh, now he wants to join! Well, Dom, it doesn’t work that way. Finn SMACKS Dom with the chair!!

Rey avoids the Con-Chair-To, but the Mysterios are both writhing on the ground. Dom joining to spare his father is not good enough. The Judgement Day wants Dom to join because he wants to join, but will they end up destroying Dom instead?


Another mysterious video.

A chalice. A flannel shirt on a chair. An RKO shirt. A John Cena hat. And writing in blood…! Do you know who it is?


Seth Rollins VS Ezekiel!

Whether or not Kevin Owens helped trap Riddle, Rollins is still feeling good after hitting the Bro with the stomp. Will he feel even better after hitting Elias’ younger brother with a stomp? Or will Tampa Bay #ZekeOut when Rollins is the one down on the ground?

Raw returns and Zeke makes his entrance. The bell rings, the two tie up, and Zeke pushes Rollins around into a corner. Rollins turns things around, lets off with a laugh, and a hard push on the shoulders. Zeke pushes back, they tie up again, and Rollins is after an arm. Rollins wrenches, wristlocks, but Zeke spins through to arm-drag. Rollins holds on and drags Zeke down to a hammerlock. Zeke sits up, stands up, slips around and spins Rollins to a headlock takeover! Rollins fights up but can’t power out as Zeke holds on tight. Zeke hits another takeover, Rollins fights back up to back suplex, only for Zeke to flying headlock takeover!

Fans rally as Zeke grinds the hold. Rollins fights up, pulls hair then throws body shots before he powers out. Zeke runs Rollins over, things speed up and Rollins hurdles to arm-drag Zeke. Zeke turns that right around into a headlock! Rollins puts Zeke in the corner, the ref counts the ropebreak and gets between them. Zeke dodges the cheap shot to CHOP Rollins! Zeke whips, Rollins throws Zeke down by his hair! Rollins kicks Zeke to a corner and he fires off fast hands! Fans boo, the ref counts but Rollins lets off at 4. Rollins soaks up the heat, whips Zeke corner to corner, but Zeke goes up and MULE KICKS!

Rollins flounders, Zeke hurries after him as he goes outside. They go around the way, get back in the ring, and Zeke pops Rollins up for a FLAPJACK! Rollins gets up, Zeke runs in but Rollins sends him out. Rollins DIVES, but Zeke catches him to RAM him into barriers and POST him! Zeke puts Rollins in, climbs up top, but Rollins trips Zeke up! Zeke is stuck up top and Rollins goes up after him, HUGE KNEE DROP! Zeke writhes and Rollins snarls as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Zeke is rallying on Rollins! Rollins swings but into a FISHERMAN FALL AWAY SLAM! Zeke runs in to STINGER SPLASH in the corner! Zeke runs, dodges, Rollins runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Rollins is still in this but Zeke storms after him. Zeke drags Rollins up, Electric Chair Lifts, but Rollins fights free. Zeke kicks low and reels Rollins in but Rollins uses that for a cradle! TWO, SUPERKICK from Rollins! Cover, TWO! Rollins is beside himself as Zeke survives! Fans rally, both men get up and Rollins goes to a corner. Rollins runs in, but Zeke avoids the stomp to roll Rollins up! TWO!

Zeke slips around to backslide! TWO, and Rollins CURB- NO, Zeke pops Rollins up! Rollins victory rolls free, TWO! Zeke kicks low, gets Rollins up, POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!! Zeke is frustrated that Rollins is still in this but Tampa rally for him. Zeke drags Rollins up but Rollins throws a haymaker. Zeke DECKS Rollins with a forearm, but then Rollins gets up to ROCK Zeke back. Zeke ROCKS Rollins., Rollins throws body shots! Zeke CHOPS, Rollins forearms! Zeke forearms, Rollins headlock punches! Zeke ROCKS Rollins with more forearms, but Rollins PELES! Rollins runs, but Zeke puts him on the apron!

Rollins ROCKS Zeke and takes aim again, springboard for the FLYING- JUMP KNEE FROM ZEKE!! Cover, TWO!!! Rollins survives that anti-air and Zeke can’t believe it! Zeke goes to a corner and he goes up top. But Rollins springs right up at him, for a SUPERPLEX! And the roll through to the FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Zeke still lives and fans can’t believe it! Rollins hurries to underhook the arms, but Zeke powers up out of the Pedigree! Rollins sunset flips, Zeke sits on it, TWO!! ROLLING ELBOW from Rollins, tot he DREAM SMASHER! And then the CURB STOMP!! Cover, Rollins wins!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

Zeke may be a freak, but Seth FREAKIN’ Rollins just got him! Will Rollins be blazing a trail all the way to SummerSlam and his match with Riddle?


MVP hypes Omos up backstage.

MVP wants the Nigerian Giant in the zone with his match up next. But then the Usos walk over and smile. Seven foot three, four-hundred and three pounds! Damn, Uce, no one has a chance against Omos! Will Dawkins even make it to SummerSlam? Even if he does, Omos will make things real easy to beat the Profits again. Even with that special referee! The Usos want a front row seat for this one! The Usos head out, will Omos do their dirty work for them?


Raw announces a huge celebration!

Next week, it’s the 20th Anniversary of Rey Mysterio! And it will coincide with the WWE’s return to the world’s most famous arena, MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!


Judgement Day speaks.

Finn says the world all saw what happened! For all of Dominik Mysterio’s potential, he’s just not made of the right stuff. So congrats, Dom, you FAILED. Priest saw right through Dom. The only reason Dom would join was to save his dad. But instead, Dom should’ve smashed Rey’s head in himself! Just like they did to Edge. But next week, MSG, 20 years of Rey in the WWE! This ends there! The Mysterios will fall, the Judgement Day will rise!


Angelo Dawkins w/ Montez Ford VS Omos w/ MVP!

Raw returns and Omos makes his entrance. But backstage, the Profits hype themselves up. Ford says, “Ready! Ready! Ready! You ready? You up? You wanna know why?” Because the Profits are up, and #WeWantTheSmoke! Dawkins is locked in, but will he be crushed by Omos like he was last week?

The bell rings and Omos stares Dawkins down. They tie up, Omos powers Dawkins to a corner, then he TOSSES Dawkins across the way! Ford grabs at Omos’ legs while the ref checks Dawkins! Omos kicks Ford away but Ford plays innocent. Dawkins ROCKS Omos with big hands, but Omos shoves him away. Omos runs Dawkins over then roars! But then Ford chatters at Omos to distract him more. Omos still runs at Dawkins to back body block him in the corner! Omos roars, goes corner to corner, but Dawkins dodges! The boot gets caught up and Dawkins fires off! Omos shoves Dawkins away again, but Dawkins comes back, CYCLONE SPLASH!

Dawkins keeps moving, CYCLONE SPLASH and ENZIGURI! Omos wobbles, Dawkins runs, but MVP trips Dawkins! Except MVP gets caught red handed!

Winner: Angelo Dawkins, by disqualification

MVP protests, but it is only cheating when you get caught! And since MVP got caught, he was the one cheating! Omos is furious, MVP is livid, but the Profits stand their ground. Adam Pearce walks out to say hold on now. We know everyone is upset, but here is a working solution! MVP said he would love to team with Omos tonight… Well don’t say they don’t give you what you want! This is now a tag team match! And that’ll be right NOW! MVP is shocked, but will he get what he wants? Or just what he deserves?

The Street Profits VS Omos & MVP!

Raw returns, the bell rings and Omos and Dawkins start again. But then Jimmy Uso swipes at Dawkins! The distraction allows Omos to CLOBBER Dawkins! Omos bumps Dawkins off buckles then stalks him around the way. Omos CHOKES Dawkins and dribbles him, but lets off as the ref counts. Omos then runs corner to corner to back elbow! The Usos applaud as Omos whips Dawkins corner to corner. Omos roars and runs to back body block! Dawkins flops down, Ooms roars and looms over him. Omos stands on Dawkins’ hand! The ref reprimands but Omos stomps the fingers!

Omos drags Dawkins up, whips him corner to corner hard, and Dawkins bounces off buckles! Tag to MVP now that Dawkins is in a bad way, and MVP talks trash. MVP kicks Dawkins around, stomps him down, and he throws forearms. Dawkins throws body shots on that nice suit, but MVP throat chops and KNEE SMASHES! MVP grins and runs, BALLIN~! Cover, ONE! MVP is annoyed but he kicks Dawkins around. MVP lines up the shot, but runs into a BIG right hand! Both men are down, fans fire up, and the two crawl, hot tags to Omos and Ford! Ford sees Omos coming and is worried. Ford GAMANGIRIS, goes up top, and leaps, into Omos’ arms!

Omos carries Ford around to then pop him up and trophy lift! Ford lands on his feet! Ford mule kicks, front kicks and ENZIGURIS! And ENZIGURIS again! Omos is still up, Ford springboards, into a CHOP! Omos runs, to BOOT Ford down! Cover, Dawkins breaks it! MVP goes after Dawkins, but Dawkins throws MVP out! MVP drags Dawkins out but Dawkins DECKS MVP, and throws him into the Usos!! The Usos rush in but the ref has them stop! The Profits work together, double dropkicks and double SUPERKICKS! Ford goes up top, to fly in FROM THE HEAVENS!! Cover, ONE?!?! Ford has seen a ghost! Or rather, a giant!

Ford backs off to a corner, hurries up top again, but the Usos shove him down!

Winners: The Street Profits, by disqualification

The Usos and Profits brawl! The Usos SUPERKICK the Profits, and Omos choke grips them both! DOUBLE CHOKE SLAMS! The Profits went up against a stacked deck, and though they technically won, they’re not feeling like winners. Will the Usos hold all the gold over the Profits again in SummerSlam?


Backstage interview with… Veer Mahaan?

Apparently he’s crashing this interview. Sarah holds the mic up to the Lion of India, and he smiles as he says “Boo!” Veer laughs at his own little joke, but will everyone come to #FearVeer?

Backstage interview with The Miz.

This is Sarah’s real guest, and she asks him what to expect from tonight’s MizTV? Miz says Veer was unexpected. And honestly, Veer likes Sarah~. But to answer the question, a great host never reveals the surprises they have in store. But Miz does feel that Logan Paul will finally come to his senses and retract his original statement about facing Miz at SummerSlam. Then they can become Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions! But what if Logan doesn’t do that? Well then, that scenario makes Logan Miz’s enemy. If Logan didn’t like Miz as a partner, he’ll hate being Miz’s opponent. Will the Most Must-See Superstar come through on that threat?


The mysterious video continues!

There’s a Rey Mysterio mask, a burnt picture of Seth Rollins, and the Undertaker’s urn! The blood writes out a clear message now. “I AM COMING TO” To what? When and where will we know who this is?


(Austin) Theory VS AJ Styles!

The Youngest Mr. Money in the Bank Ever is still arrogantly ready to become the Youngest Undisputed Universal Champion Ever! But will his youth and exuberance fail him against the age and ability of the Phenomenal One?

Raw returns and Theory gets a mic. “Before I wipe the mat clean with AJ Styles tonight, I got a few things I need to address. We are on the cusp of literally the biggest SummerSLam of all time. And why is that? Because I am gonna take back my United States Championship from Bobby Lashley, and then I’m gonna cash in my MITB contract on whatever’s left of either Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar after their- What? What? SHUT YOUR MOUTHS! Whatever left of those two after their hellacious Last Man Standing match, it doesn’t matter. Because I am going to become, by cashing in this contract, the brand new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion!”

Fans boo and chant “You Suck!” at Theory, but he just soaks it all up. The fans love him, he knows. But we all know that Lesnar and Roman are going to completely destroy each other! If you don’t believe Theory, here’s some footage of Lesnar that shows what he’s capable of. It is from last week, where The Alpha Academy tried to go after Lesnar on Theory’s behalf, only to be thrown around ringside! Theory says that right there just shows it is the perfect opportunity to cash in at SummerSlam! The stakes are high, and even though Theory was screwed out of the US Championship, Theory always comes through in the clutch!

Fans can “What?” but that’s why fans have a problem with Theory! Roman doesn’t like him, Lesnar doesn’t like him, Mad Cap Moss doesn’t like him, the Usos don’t like him, and all the idiots in the crowd don’t like him! And oh, Dolph Ziggler doesn’t like him, either! Because they’re all jealous! Ziggler stuck his nose in Theory’s business last week because he’s jealous! Just look at this footage! Also from last week, the Showoff showed up outta nowhere during Theory & Rollins VS Riddle & Lashley. Ziggler made sure Theory couldn’t cheat a win and that caused Theory to lose! And Ziggler added on with a SUPERKICK. How pathetic.

“WHAT?!” Theory says it IS pathetic, but he can’t blame Ziggler, because look at him! No one is on Theory’s level! But wait! Styles makes his entrance! And he has a mic, too, to say, “Theory, you’re out here making some big promises. So why don’t I make a promise?” Whatever happens at SummerSlam, whether Theory wins the US Championship or cashes in to get the Universal Championship, or hell, Theory might do both! But just know that Styles will be the first in a long line of superstars who will take all that from Theory. Fans chant for Styles as he gets in the ring, and Styles tells the “kiddo,” the locker room isn’t jealous of Theory. They just think he’s a jackass.

Theory says OOOH~, Styles. You’re so easy to figure out. And if the fans go “WHAT” again…! But Theory has been on Raw for less than a year and became the Youngest US Champion AND Youngest Mr. MITB. Theory asks Styles, “What the hell were you doing at my age?” How long did Styles scratch and claw, hitting barefoot hillbillies with Phenomenal Forearms in rundown barns in Georgia to get to the WWE? As for Theory, just look at him! He is an overnight sensation! They should call Theory the Phenomenal One. But Theory knows why Styles doesn’t like him: Theory is young-

OH NO NO NO! There’s not enough time left on Raw for Styles to say why he doesn’t like Theory! Fans cheer that one! But Styles is proud of where he’s from. And his background made him the man he is today! And what is that? An old, jealous, grizzled veteran? No, no, Styles is the guy that’s gonna knock some respect into Theory! Then Styles DECKS Theory with one right hand! Theory bails out and Styles tells him there’s more where that come from! Speaking of, here comes Ziggler! The Showoff is back again, will he get in Theory’s head just like last week?

Raw returns again and the match begins! Theory runs right into haymakers from Styles! Styles CHOPS Theory, whips him but Theory reverses. Styles slides under and ROCKS Theory again! Styles CHOPS Theory, fires off more forearms, then whips him corner to corner. Theory reverses, Styles goes up and over but Theory ducks to scoop and hit a BACKBREAKER! Theory stomps Styles’ arm over and over, then drags him up to LARIAT him down! Fans boo but Theory drags Styles up. Styles slips out of the back suplex to ROCK Theory again, then CHOP him in the corner. Styles reels Theory in for a BACKBREAKER of his own!

Ziggler watches intensely as Styles looms over Theory. Theory throws body shots but Styles CLUBS Theory down. Styles bumps Theory off buckles, throws body shots, then RAMS into him with shoulder after shoulder. Styles lets Theory go and stalks him. Theory throat chops back! Theory ROCKS Styles with a haymaker, then stomps him into a corner. Theory whips corner to corner hard and Styles bounces off buckles! Cover, TWO! Theory snapmares Styles into a chinlock and grinds him down! Fans taunt Theory, “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Styles fights up to his feet but Theory throws him down! Cover, ONE!

Theory clamps back onto the chinlock but Styles endures. Styles fights up, but Theory wrangles him back down. Fans rally, Styles fights up again, and he throws back elbows. Styles switches to a BIG back suplex! Styles drags Theory back up, whip shim to ropes, but Theory reverses. Styles KICKS Theory away, but then Theory throws Styles out! Theory then builds speed, but Styles slides in as Theory tumbles out. Theory is annoyed but Styles eggs him on. Ziggler stands up and Theory is very wary. Ziggler says to just focus on the match, but then Theory shoves him down! Theory hurries to beat the ring count, Styles PELES him back out!

The ring count restarts and Styles waits on Theory. Theory clutches the back of his head while keeping an eye on both savvy veteran superstars, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Theory has a headlock. Styles throws body shots and CHOPS, then runs, but into a back drop! Theory covers, TWO! Theory clamps right back on with an armlock and he digs his forearm into Styles’ face. Styles endures again and fans rally up. Styles fights up but Theory grinds the shoulder. Styles fires off haymakers, then the Phenomenal Blitz! LARIAT! SLIDING FOREARM! Fans fire up as Theory gets to a corner. Styles runs corner to corner to forearm smash! And then a suplex, to a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Theory is still in this after that switcheroo, but Styles keeps his cool.

Styles looms over Theory, drags him up, reels him in, but Theory powers out of the Clash! Styles sunset flips, TWO! Theory drop toeholds Styles into buckles! Styles staggers, Theory slingshots, somersaults and SHOTGUNS Styles down! Theory hurries to fisherman the leg for an AOI SHOUDO! Cover, TWO!! Styles survives the fisherman Ushigoroshi combo, but Theory glares at Styles and at Ziggler. Theory fireman’s’ carries, but Styles fights free and rolls Theory into a CALF CRUSHER! Theory reaches out for the ROPEBREAK! Styles lets Theory go and Theory flops out, right in front of Ziggler.

Ziggler stays put this time and Styles goes to the apron, SLIDING- NO, Theory catches Styles, but has to worry about Ziggler being there. Ziggler moves, Theory FLAPJACKS Styles on the desk! Theory hauls Styles up and in, the ref checks on Styles, and Ziggler SUPERKICKS Theory down!! The Dirty Dawg gets away with that one and fans are loving it! The ring count is 5 of 10, then 7! Theory flounders around, gets turned around, and misses the ring! Styles wins!!

Winner: AJ Styles, by count-out

A big assist from Ziggler and Theory tries to point it out! But then Styles gets Theory with a STYLES CLASH!! Theory still gets what was coming, but just what does Ziggler have against Theory?


Six Woman Tag: Alexa Bliss, Asuka & Dana Brooke VS Tamina, Nikki A.S.H. & “Doudrop” Piper Niven!

The Five Foot Fury and Empress of Tomorrow add the WWE 24/7 Champion against the Daughter of Superfly, the Scottish supervillains! With the Raw Women’s Championship on the line at SummerSlam, who proves themselves worthy of it next with this match?

Raw returns and Asuka makes her entrance. Everyone else is already here, so the teams sort out. Asuka and Nikki start and the two tie up! Nikki headlocks, Asuka throws body shots then powers out to run and run Nikki over! Nikki bails out, tells fans to shut up, and she catches Asuka in the apron skirt trap! Nikki clubs away on Asuka, lets off as the ref counts, and Nikki gets in to distract so that Tamina can HEADBUTT and Piper can SQUASH Asuka! But Dana goes up top to SUPER CROSSBODY them both down! Fans fire up with Dana, but then Reggie runs out from the crowd! Dana tells him to back off, but out from under the ring is Akira Tozawa and a second ref!

Tozawa rolls Dana up, and wins the 24/7 Championship!

Winner: Akira Tozawa, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Raw forgot to suspend the 24/7 rule for this match, and now the Stamina Monster has the belt! But he swaggers too much and Nikki attacks! TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, Nikki wins the belt!

Winner: Nikki A.S.H, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

And now Nikki does a victory dance! But Alexa is there to hit a DDT!! Cover, Alexa wins the belt!

Winner: Alexa Bliss, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

But then she turns around into a CROSSBODY from Piper! Cover, Piper wins the belt!

Winner: Piper Niven, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Bliss’ first time as the 24/7 Champion was short lived, Piper has her second reign! But then Tamina SUPERKICKS Piper down! Her own teammate! Cover, Tamina wins the belt!

Winner: Tamina, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

But then Dana rolls Tamina up, and wins it back!

Winner: Dana Brooke, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Things are as they were, but Tamina chases Dana to the back! So then the Six Woman becomes a 2v2? Asuka SOBATS and FLYING ARMBARS Nikki, into the ASUKA LOCK!!! Nikki taps, Asuka’s team wins!

Winners: Asuka, Alexa Bliss & Dana Brooke, by submission

The Empress celebrates all on her own, getting a win no one can take from her! Alexa celebrates with her, and Asuka really gets into the dance moves. Will this lead Asuka back to the Raw Women’s Championship?


The Mysterios speak.

Dom says Finn and Damian should’ve known he’d never actually join them. He may have failed their test, but at the end of the day, he lived up to the Mysterio name! The Judgement Day doesn’t know a thing about their legacy. Rey says Finn & Damian aren’t the first ones to threaten the Mysterios. They’re not even the first to try and tear up the family! And they sure as hell won’t be the first to fail to do that. In MSG, Rey celebrates 20 years in the WWE, and that celebration is capped off by decidedly showing the Judgement Day what it means to be a Mysterio! Ariba mi raza! Will Rey & Dom be done with Finn & Damian once and for all?


The Miz heads to the ring!

The Hollywood A-Lister, dressed like a preppy private school student, swaggers his way out for another episode of MizTV. He was the MVP of the MLB All Star Celebrity Softball Game’s winning team, but will he be hitting this one out of the park? Or will Logan Paul strike him out?

Raw returns and Miz welcomes us to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show. he is super excited to have tonight’s guest here. They’ve been going back and forth on social media, stirring up controversy and getting fans talking. So let’s get up out of our seats for LOGAN PAUL! Fans are torn on Logan walking out to the ring, but Logan still gets in the ring and gets a mic. Miz expects a high five or hug, and Logan says, “What’s up, Miz? I’m here, face-to-face. Do you accept my SummerSlam challenge or not?” Miz doesn’t want to do this here. Let’s talk about the good things! Like the last time they were in a ring together at WrestleMania 38!

Flashback to the Miz and Logan defeating the Mysterios in a tag team match. Miz says that was awesome! But Logan wants to keep the footage rolling. Miz betrays Logan with a SKULL-CRUSHING FINALE! Yeah, uh… Miz wants to explain that. He was teaching Logan. Teaching him what? The only thing Logan learned was that he had to come back, sign a contract with the WWE, and beat Miz’s ass 1v1 at SummerSlam! Miz says Logan doesn’t understand who he is in the ring with. Blah blah, the only two-time Grand Slam Champion! We get it. And star of Miz & Mrs., which has a new episode up next.

But this isn’t about Miz! This is about Logan Paul, a kid from Cleveland who became a global star with 23 MILLION Instagram followers! Logan Paul went the distance with pound for pound the greatest boxer of all time, Floyd Mayweather, in his debut! And with Miz’s guidance, Logan Paul harnessed his WWE potential faster than anyone ever! Logan is unique, one of a kind, and has so much promise! Logan thinks he’s ready, but Miz knows he is not. WrestleMania was a tag team match that Miz used to protect him. But 1v1, Miz has been doing this 18 YEARS! Out there? Yes, Logan is absolutely a star!

But in here? This is MizTV! And Miz hosts it. Logan can’t host MizTV, he can’t face Miz 1v1 at SummerSlam. Logan is a rookie and must earn his right to challenge someone like The Miz, so that challenge is denied! Logan takes off his jacket and says Miz doesn’t think he’s tough enough? Logan was told that he wasn’t ready to build a social media career but he revolutionized the industry. He was told he couldn’t last eight rounds with Mayweather, but he put Floyd on the highlight reel. And Logan was told he couldn’t make it to WrestleMania, and yet he committed himself, worked his ass off out of respect for the sport, and is in his prime.

When someone tells Logan he’s not ready, it only motivates him. So right now, Logan’s sole motivation is to prove Miz wrong and beat the hell out of him! Logan will be back for Raw in MSG to host his own version of this talk show. It’ll be… #ImPAULsiveTV! And this rookie will show Miz just who is better. Oh, okay, he’s going to do what Miz does? The answer to SummerSlam is still no. Logan laughs that off and says he isn’t surprised. And why is that? Because that is exactly what everyone would expect to hear from a man with two blueberries in his pants! Tampa, say it with him now: “TINY BALLS! TINY BALLS!”

The fans chant it and Miz is upset. Miz throws off his tie, unbuttons his shirt, and his shirt says “Hello, MY BALLS ARE MASSIVE!” Miz says if Logan wants the match at SummerSlam, and if the fans want that match at SummerSlam, then MIZ ACCEPTS!! Logan just goaded the Miz into it! And he ducks the cheap shot to tackle Miz! Logan fires off hands, Miz gets up but Logan clotheslines Miz right out! But then CIAMPA attacks! The Guardian Psycho strikes again! Ciampa clamps onto Logan to set him up for Miz to get in Logan’s face. But Logan BOOTS Miz and elbows Ciampa! Logan dodges Miz and gets away from the 2v1!

Sarah appears to interview Miz about everything Logan said. What’s his response? Miz says there is only one Miz and only one MizTV! There is a reason Miz is the Most Must-See Superstar! This is MIZ’S house! No one comes in here and embarrasses him! Outside the WWE, Logan’s glitz ‘n’ glam are amazing to the masses. But in the WWE, there is only ONE man that owns this place! Because he’s the Miz, and he’s AAAAAWESOME! Will Logan get revenge from WrestleMania? Or will Miz back up all his words and then some?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode of Raw, but with some go-home elements a week early. I completely skipped an honestly well made recap vignette for Bianca VS Becky, but it was definitely very go-home. The Raw Women’s Championship scene being the first match up was rather surprising but it was all good stuff. Of course Becky tried to mess Bianca up again but it didn’t work out and now we get that awesome rematch. Titus O’Neil also had a great opening segment to reassure the WWE fans that WWE isn’t going to get bogged won with the real world’s problems. Also this was probably to deflect from Vince’s crap but at least it wasn’t Vince saying it as if that was going to help.

Good stuff from the Profits with MVP, Omos and the Usos, though I feel two disqualification finishes in a row was a bit much. But at this point, the Profits are on the ropes so they have a good chance of getting those belts at SummerSlam. We got good stuff out of Kevin Owens, Matt Riddle, Seth Rollins and Ezekiel. Kevin claims he’s back to Face but that’s not going to last with him still upset over the Zeke stuff. Rollins gets a good sneak attack on Riddle and has perhaps match of the night with Zeke. I find it interesting Zeke is getting to shine a lot more in-ring than Elias ever did. But maybe after SummerSlam, feuds trade partners, with Riddle and Kevin fighting towards Clash at the Castle or Extreme Rules.

We got good stuff from Judgement Day and Mysterios, though I feel like they used a certain story beat too soon. Dom wanting to join just to spare his dad would’ve worked better if this was in that tag match next week. At this point, I can’t be sure how this finishes. But with the Edge vignettes getting more obvious, maybe something happens to Dom and we end up with Rey & Edge VS Finn & Priest to try and top this story off. That’d be a pretty great moment as Rey and Edge were once WWE Tag Team Champions together and what a great way for both men to acknowledge both historic careers by taking on the newer stars together.

I kinda dug that Veer just “showed up” to remind us he’s here. It’s showing some personality to the menacing monster we know he is, and maybe he should do this more often while not really in a feud. That said, shouldn’t he be hunting down Mustafa Ali and/or Cedric Alexander? The Six Woman Tag turning into a 24/7 Championship frenzy was both great and not great. I was thinking this was somehow going to get things going in the Women’s Tag Division, but I should’ve known better. Dana still leaves with the belt by the end, and Alexa checks this title off the list, and Asuka still wins for their team, so they’re all having a good time right now.

Styles VS Theory was great stuff, especially with Ziggler ringside again. That was one sharp Superkick from Ziggler, and I feel like they are waiting until after SummerSlam for Ziggler to give his reasons behind doing this. And there’s half a chance Ziggler screws Theory out of winning one of the things he’s after going for at SummerSlam, further adding heat to the feud and angering Theory into knowing what this is about. And then, we got a pretty good MizTV in the main event segment to close the show. Miz does well on the mic again, Logan does pretty well, and of course Ciampa is after Logan on Miz’s behalf. Logan VS Miz is set, but you can bet Ciampa will be hanging around, so who knows how that match goes.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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