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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/1/22)

One more before MITB!



SmackDown 2022

It’s a battle of the brands!

Before battling for the Women’s Money in the Bank contract, Raw’s Asuka, Liv & Bliss team up against SmackDown’s Lacey, Raquel & Shotzi! Which side comes out with momentum going into Las Vegas?


  • 10 Man Battle Royal: Happy Corbin wins.
  • The New Day VS The Viking Raiders; No Contest.
  • Six Woman Tag: Asuka, Liv Morgan & Alexa Bliss VS Lacey Evans, Raquel Rodriguez & Shotzi Blackheart; Asuka, Liv & Alexa win.
  • Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match Fatal 4 Way Qualifier: The Miz VS Happy Corbin VS Mad Cap Moss VS Ezekiel; Moss wins and advances to MITB.


The Men’s Money in the Bank participants are in the ring, and on ladders.

Drew McIntyre, Matt Riddle, Sami Zayn, Sheamus and Seth Rollins are high above, but Omos is standing on his own without a ladder since he’s already gigantic. Phoenix is fired up but there is still one ladder open, representing the remaining seventh spot. Rollins welcomes everyone to the show, and says we’re starting off on ladders because MITB is right around the corner! Rollins feels he can speak for everyone here- McIntyre says, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, sweet child of mine, you do not speak for Drew McIntyre.” Riddle says yeah, Rollins doesn’t speak for Drew. Well okay BRO~!

Rollins was just going to say that whoever wins the MITB contract tomorrow, “we can all agree that the best place to cash in is SummerSlam, when Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns beat the hell out of each other in a Last Man Standing Match!” And since Rollins has done it before, he can tell you that it’s like taking candy from a baby. Now whether it’ll be a tiny Samoan baby or a tiny Beast baby- Okay, okay, bro, we get it. But Riddle says he’s rooting for Roman. So that Riddle can cash-in and beat that “disgusting, despicable dirt bag, bro!” Sami says that is NOT gonna happen!

Sami reminds us all of something: The Honorary Uce is in this match! And what that means is that Sami will climb the ladder, grab the briefcase, and that contract stays in house with the Bloodline! As long as Sami has the contract, that means Roman Reigns will be safe from the vultures. MVP says Sami once again impresses him with his idiocy! In fact, they’re all idiots! You don’t see this literal giant here? And Vegas, appropriately, is saying Omos’ 7’3″, 300 pound frame is the odds-on favorite to win! There is nothing anyone can do to stop that! So it doesn’t matter what happens with Lesnar and Roman, OMOS will be the Last Man Standing at SummerSlam!

Sheamus says he sees what MVP means. If Roman is the “Last Lad Standing,” then Sheamus will be over the bleedin’ moon, cuz he already cashed in on Roman! But if it swings the other way and Mr. BRRROCK! LESNARRR! Is the last one standing, then Sheamus is going to have to switch Lucky Charms for Wheaties, because that’s a whole different bowl, lads. McIntyre says, “Speak for yourself, Fella.” McIntyre beat Lesnar before, and in under five minutes. And tomorrow night, McIntyre beats all of these guys to win the MITB briefcase. But wait, The Miz makes his way out here? No one understands why but Miz has a smirk on his face and a mic in his hand.

“Drew, do you remember the last time I held that contract? I successfully cashed it in on you.” Miz is the ONLY Two-Time Mr. MITB in this company! Miz deserves to be in this match tomorrow night! But then out comes EZEKIEL! Fans fire up and Zeke says in case there’s anyone who doesn’t know who he is, he is Elias’ younger brother. And Zeke was supposed to have a qualifier with Kevin Owens, so if anyone deserves to be in this match, it’s him. And now Bum Ass- Er, Happy Corbin is here. Corbin tells Zeke that he is as dumb as his brother. And Miz, Corbin won this contract before, too. And no one, and he means no one, is as lucky as Corbin in Vegas!

But here comes MAD CAP MOSS! Moss tells Corbin that we were supposed to be done with jokes. The thought of Corbin squandering the contract again is hysterical, though. But no worries. Corbin won’t have the chance, because Moss is stepping up to take that last spot! Everyone argue about who is in and out, and Adam Pearce comes out to calm everyone down. He feels the tension, but he has a way to blow it off. Here’s a preview of the MITB match itself. Let’s move the ladders out, for a good ol’ fashioned BATTLE ROYAL! And it starts right now! A battle royal!? For a spot? The seventh spot or someone else’s spot? We’ll have to wait and see, after the break!


10 Man Battle Royal!

It seems this is just about asserting dominance before going for the grand prize! Will it be someone already in the Men’s MITB Ladder Match who comes out on top? Or will one of the hopefuls use this to prove their worth?

The bell rings and Riddle rushes Omos! Rollins is after Zeke, Corbin is after McIntyre, Omos throws Riddle off but Sheamus and Moss try! The Miz and Sami, wily as ever, hang back and watch things unfold. Miz stomps Riddle down, Zeke CLUBS Rollins and Omos CLUBS Sheamus! Zeke tries to lift Rollins up and out and Moss goes after Miz, and Riddle jumps onto Omos’ back! Sheamus kicks Omos low, Sami still stays the odd man out. Omos throws Riddle off, CLUBS Sheamus down, Miz turns things around on Moss, only for Moss to turn things around on Miz! McIntyre throws Corbin at the ropes but Corbin holds on desperately!

Sami stomps Riddle while he’s down, throws him over the ropes, but Riddle clings to ropes! Zeke dodges Miz’s chop to CHOP Miz! McIntyre ROCKS Miz, CLUBS Corbin, CHOPS Miz, then CHOP him again! Omos digs his knees into Moss, Sheamus CLUBS Rollins, and McIntyre CHOPS Miz again! McIntyre throws Miz over the ropes but Miz holds on! McIntyre tries to scrape Miz off but Miz rakes eyes! Omos fires off elbows on Zeke in the corner! Miz bumps McIntyre off buckles, Rollins fires off on Moss. Omos CLOBBERS Zeke up and out and ELIMINATES him! Omos taunts everyone else while MVP talks some trash, too.

Riddle and Sheamus fight at the ropes, McIntyre fires off on Miz! Omos is after Moss but Moss throws hands! Fans fire up but Omos KNEES Moss low, throw him out and ELIMINATE him! The Nigerian Giant has cleared out two would-be contenders, and then Sami feeds Miz to Omos! Omos TOSSES and ELIMINATES Miz! MVP says that’s his guy doing the heavy lifting! Riddle fires off on Omos but Omos KNEES him down. McIntyre dares Omos to bring it, and fans fire up as the two stare down. Omos is a head taller but McIntyre fires off haymakers! Omos choke grips, grinds Mcntyre down, but McIntyre powers back up!

Fans fire up as McIntyre breaks Omos’ grip and ROCKS him with haymakers! Omos HEADBUTTS McIntyre down! Sheamus fires off hands on Omos now but Omos whips him to a corner. Omos back elbows Sheamus, then he looks at Sami. Sami says hold on, he helped him with Miz. Sami throws hands but Omos CLUBS Sami down! Omos spots Rollins but Rollins looks up at the briefcase. Rollins says screw it, and ELIMINATES himself! Rollins can’t lose his spot, so he doesn’t need to fight. But Riddle goes out under the ropes, to RKO Rollins!! Fans fire up, but Omos drags Riddle back up onto the ropes!

Riddle squirrels around to get a HANGING ARMBAR!! Sheamus and McIntyre help out, they DUMP and ELIMINATE Omos!! Phoenix is thunderous while the Celtic Connection stares down, and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns, Sheamus has Sami in a corner but Riddle CLOBBERS him from behind! Riddle fires off forearms and CHOPS! McIntyre and Corbin brawl, Sami scurries away, but Riddle fires off KICKS on Sheamus. Riddle runs side to side to forearm smash! Riddle runs the other way, dodges Sami’s cheap shot, but Sheamus CLOBBERS Riddle! Corbin digs his boots into McIntyre, and he stares Pat McAfee down over the SummerSlam challenge. Sami and Sheamus double whip Riddle up and out, but Riddle holds onto the ropes! Sami tries to kick Riddle off the apron but Riddle holds on and makes it back in!

Corbin throws McIntyre over! McIntyre holds on, he and Corbin brawl more! HOTSHOT sends Corbin floundering away! But then Sami CLOBBERS McIntyre! Fans rally for Riddle and he counter punches Sheamus at the ropes! Riddle CHOPS, slingshots, and fires off haymakers and body shots! Riddle KICKS, Sheamus blocks and short arm LARIATS! Sami and Corbin try to work together against McIntyre, and then Corbin helps Sheamus with Riddle. McIntyre just feeds off Sami’s haymakers, and then Sheamus throws hands on Sami! McIntyre CHOPS Sami, bumps Sami off buckles, then fires off fast hands!

Sheamus has McIntyre move aside, and now Sheamus fires hands on Sami! Fans taunt “BUM ASS CORBIN!” as he goes after Riddle. Riddle kicks Corbin away from the corner, and leaps, into a choke grip! CHOKE SLAM BACKBREAKER! Riddle writhes while McIntyre TOSSES Sami! Sheamus kicks Sami to ropes, drags him up from under the bottom rope, and he gives him Beats of the Bodhrain! McIntyre goes after Corbin in the corner, and then Riddle lurks behind Sheamus. Sami stops the Bodhrain to HOTSHOT Sheamus, and Riddle fireman’s carries! BRO TO SLEEP! Fans fire up and Riddle hits a BROTON!

Sheamus staggers to ropes, Riddle brings him up but Sheamus CHOPS him. Sami and Corbin mug McIntyre. Riddle and Sheamus brawl, Riddle BOOTS then dodges Sheamus to POWERSLAM! Sheamus ends up on the apron, Riddle brings him through the ropes, DRAPING DDT! Fans fire up and Riddle is hearing voices, bro! RK- NO, Sheamus denies Riddle and Riddle goes over the ropes! Riddle ROCKS Sheamus back, but Sheamus BROGUES Riddle down and ELIMINATES him! Fans boo but Sheamus grins, only to turn around into a CHOKE SLAM from Corbin! Sheamus is down but Corbin helps Sami mug McIntyre again.

Corbin brings McIntyre up so Sami can throw body shots and haymakers. Sami talks some trash, runs, but McIntyre BOOTS him! McIntyre elbows Corbin, fires off elbows and forearms on both of them, but Corbin waistlocks. They end up in a corner, Sami runs in, HELLUVA KICK hits Corbin! Corbin dodges Sami to hit a NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up with McIntyre’s kip up! McIntyre aims from a corner, counts it down, BROGUE from Sheamus!! Sheamus grins again and he hauls McIntyre up. Sheamus tosses McIntyre up and out but McIntyre holds on! McIntyre hammers Sheamus away, but Sheamus runs in, but the Brogue misses!

GLASGOW KISS HEADBUTT! Sheamus staggers away, McIntyre gets back in, and he LARAITS! McIntyre rallies on Sheamus, whips him to ropes, and hits the OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! And then another OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Sami LEAPS in, but into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! McIntyre gives Sheamus FUTURE SHOCK! Fans fire up with the Scottish Warrior but Sami throws him at the ropes! McIntyre holds on, elbows Sami away, then dodges Sami to CLAYMORE!! McIntyre tosses and ELIMINATES Sami! Sheamus goes after McIntyre but McIntyre tosses him over! Corbin DUMPS them both and WINS!!

Winner: Happy Corbin

That Bum Ass wins like a jackass! But will this get him any closer to the MITB contract? Or will Corbin just have to settle for the ego boost?


Backstage interview with Happy Corbin.

Kayla Braxton congratulates him on the win and he says this is great! Do you see how happy he is? Corbin is so happy that he is fartin’ rainbows! He eliminated Drew, Sheamus, Seth (uh, no…), he eliminated EVERYONE! (Bigger no.) But did you see those pathetic looks on the fans’ faces? Just imagine those at home! It was amazing! And he knows no one will stop bitching or complaining about who he is or how great he is! Kayla points out McAfee’s SummerSlam challenge. Corbin stops being happy and seems speechless. Is it going to be a yes or a no from Corbin about taking on McAfee in Tennessee?


Backstage interview with Natalya.

Megan asks her about last week’s harsh comments from Ronda Rousey. Natty says that is all Ronda has left! She’s bashed Natty’s charisma, her looks, like Ronda is the one to talk. Natty’s seen the movies Ronda’s been in. And she understands why Hollywood isn’t knocking anymore. But while Ronda has made her snide comments, Natty’s seen nothing but fear in her eyes. Natty sees fear because she knows the Sharpshooter hurt Ronda, and that Ronda isn’t 100% physically. That is why Ronda is lashing out like a child. Ronda can make fun of Natty and her “rack” all she wants, it won’t get to her.

Natty will take Ronda down, putt her in the Sharpshooter, and make Ronda tap out! And she’ll be the first person to do that ever, and become a TWO-TIME SmackDown Women’s Champion! The only thing Ronda will be left holding is her 10 month old baby. Is this Natty making a promise? Or her own way of lashing out for what Ronda said?


The New Day VS The Viking Raiders!

Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston, as well as the Skyscraping Shanky, were blindsided by the RAID! Erik & Ivar are back with a new and more violent edge, will they cut down the former ELEVEN TIME WWE Tag Team Champions? Or will Woods & Kofi prove that the Power of Positivity will never be stopped?

SmackDown returns and Woods has the mic to shout out Phoenix, Arizona. “It’s ya bois, the NEW~ DAY~!” And Kofi says there ain’t no better place to be in June than Phoenix, BAAABYYY~! Wait, Kofi, June is over. It is? Julying! HA! Fans laughed, they understood the joke! Pay up! Woods hands over a sweet $5 over that one. But Kofi says they are the guys who, when you come to a show, they make sure fans have a good time. And last week, everyone wanted to see a human skyscraper dance machine. New Day gave us that with Shanky! Shanky was cuttin’ a rug, hitting his thing, it was a great time. Until them damn Viking Raiders ruined it! RUINED IT!

Yes, boo them. Boo louder! Louder!! And to be honest, last week, it was not a good Viking Experience. But they get it. Now they’re being serious Vikings. The new VICIOUS Vikings, the dangerous Raiders! But if they’re dangerous, maybe… “Let’s get dangerous!” So then, serious, newly vicious Viking Raiders, bring your Asgards out here so they can send you to Helheim! BECAAAAUSE! NEW! DAY ROCKS! NEW! DAY ROCKS! And war horn blows, and here comes Ragnarok! Erik & Ivar indeed are vicious as they snarl their way to the ring. The ref wants the teams to sort out but they’re all staring down instead.

Woods offers the mic to the Viking Raiders, and then drops it! To then throw hands! Fans fire up as the brawl is on, but Erik CLOBBERS Kofi with his shield! Ivar CLOBBERS Woods with his! Erik CHOKES Kofi, Ivar hammers away on Woods! Then a feed to the SHIELD BASH from Erik!! Fans boo as the Viking Raiders then CLOBBER Kofi back down! Erik & Ivar don’t care about the match, and they decide to keep going! They haul Kofi up, to DOUBLE POWERBOMB him down! Erik drags Woods over to be beside Kofi so that the Vikings can stand over both of them. The Viking Raiders head out, will they lay waste to the SmackDown Tag Division?


Adam Pearce stops the arguments backstage.

He has The Miz, Moss, Corbin and Ezekiel all stop shouting. Kevin Owens cannot compete, which Zeke says should be grounds for him being in MITB. Corbin says who cares about that, Corbin just won that battle royal! Miz says he was on The Today Show at 5 AM! He traveled 2500 miles just to be here! Moss says he’s just happy to be here period. Pearce says each of them has a case but there’s only room for one. The four of them are in a Fatal 4 Way, win and you’re win! Moss and Zeke are good with that. Will this bring Corbin’s mood back down given the odds aren’t in his favor?


Six Woman Tag: Asuka, Liv Morgan & Alexa Bliss VS Lacey Evans, Raquel Rodriguez & Shotzi Blackheart!

It’s Raw VS SmackDown in a battle of six of the seven Women’s MITB participants! Will no one be ready for the Empress, the Living End and the Five Foot Fury? Or will the Model Soldier, Big Mami Cool and the wild child defend home turf before going into the ladder match?

SmackDown returns as Team SmackDown makes its entrance. The teams sort out and Shotzi starts against Asuka, but here comes Becky Lynch! The Man struts out with a mic to say, “Welcome to the Big Time! You know nothing important until Big Time comes around, and here I am in all my brilliance! Sorry, Phoenix, though, you’re gonna have to wait, though. I’m sitting this one out. After all I’ve been through to qualify, to finally get into the MITB Ladder match? No, no, no. You’re gonna have to wait to see me fight. And I’m not letting any of you snakes try to take me out, because I know that’s what you’ll do because I’m the biggest threat in this match!”

Fans are torn but Becky says instead, she will just lend her expertise to the commentary table to sit with Pat and “Mihal.” So go ahead, fight for her, ladies, give her something entertaining. The bell rings, Shotzi and Asuka circle and fans rally up. They approach but Shotzi avoids the grapple, and then she avoids a backhand! And another! Shotzi goes back to the SmackDown corner, and she argues with her team. Fans rally as Lacey tags in, and she circles with Asuka. They tie up, Lacey arm-drags Asuka but Asuka jumps the sweep. Lacey ducks the backhand, waistlocks, then whips Asuka hard into the corner.

Raquel tags in, she and Lacey set Asuka up for a SPLASH, then a HEADSTAND BRONCO BUSTER! Raquel covers, TWO! Raquel hauls Asuka up but Asuka fires off hands! Asuka sunset flips but Raquel stays up. Asuka dodges the elbow drop to SLIDING KICK! Tag to Alexa and fans fire up. Alexa smiles as she stares down with Raquel. Alexa does her best to look bigger as she struts around, and then she realizes she’s cornered. Raquel smiles back as she keeps Alexa caught, puts her in the corner and SPLASHES! Raquel whips corner to corner hard, then brings Alexa back up to scoop. Alexa kicks and gets free, only to get run over!

Fans fire up with Raquel and she puts Alexa in the corner. Alexa avoids the boot, tags in Liv, and fans really fire up for the double toehold! And double basement dropkicks! Liv covers, TWO! Liv brings Raquel up but Raquel blocks the whip. Raquel whips Liv, but Liv RANAS! Fans fire up and Liv runs into the corner, to SHINING WIZARD! Liv shoves Raquel away, runs back in, but no Code Breaker! Shotzi tags in as Raquel TOSSES Liv, then Shotzi covers, TWO! Shotzi stomps Liv, drops an elbow, then stalks Liv to ropes. Shotzi runs, CANNONBALL against ropes! Cover, TWO! Shotzi CLUBS Liv, whips her to a corner, then runs in, only for Liv to give her BROKEN WINGS!

Liv hurries after but Shotzi bails out of the ring. Fans boo and Shotzi wants Team Raw to stay back. She doesn’t want Lacey bothering with her, either, but Lacey says Shotzi should get in the ring. Liv builds speed while they argue, and she DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp but perhaps double-edged! Raquel hurries over but Asuka HIP ATTACKS her, and Alexa CANNONBALLS! Team Raw is in control as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Asuka fights against Raquel’s chinlock. But Raquel CLUBS Asuka down, then drags her up to RAM her with shoulders. Raquel brings Asuka up again, but Asuka gets away! Alexa tags in, she dodges Raquel to KICK away on Raquel’s leg! Alexa SLAPS, ROCKS, KICKS and SHOTGUNS Raquel down! Fans fire up with Alexa and she eggs Raquel on. Alexa KICKS her in the leg again, then LEAPS, but into Raquel’s arms! Shotzi tags in while Raquel carries Alexa. And then Shotzi trips Raquel to make her POWERSLAM Alexa! Shotzi is practically fighting her own teammates! Cover, TWO!

Raquel is upset but she has to exit. Shotzi stomps Alexa, drops a leg splitting leg drop, then covers, TWO! Shotzi drags Alexa up, whips her to a corner, then runs in to SPLASH! Shotzi laughs and goes up the corner to reel Alexa in. HANGING HEADSCISSORS! The ref counts, Shotzi lets go at 4, and Alexa sputters as she reaches for her corner. Shotzi brings Alexa around but she won’t tag her partners. She snap suplexes Alexa into buckles! Shotzi stomps away, lets off at 4, but fans rally for Alexa. Shotzi drags Alexa up, bumps her off buckles, then goes corner to corner, to run into an elbow! Alexa BOOTS Shotzi, goes up and hops on, CODE-

NO, Shotzi holds off Code Red, but Alexa powers it through. Shotzi slips through to get a BOSTON CRAB! Alexa endures, fans rally up, and Alexa reaches for her corner. Shotzi keeps on the hold, but Alexa turns over to kick away at Shotzi! Shotzi is sent flying, hot tag to Asuka! Asuka fires off on Shotzi, whips her but Shotzi reverses. Asuka HIP ATTACKS Lacey, dodges Shotzi and runs to run Shotzi over! Asuka is fired up and so is Phoenix as she runs in at Shotzi. Shotzi BOOTS Asuka then ENZIGURIS, only for Asuka to get the ANKLE LOCK!! Shotzi fights, Asuka reels her in, GERMAN SUPLEX! Asuka runs to BASEMENT HIP! Cover, TWO!!

Fans fire up while Asuka demands Shotzi get up! Asuka drags Shotzi away, reels her in and waistlocks. Shotzi elbows Asuka away, but Asuka runs in. Shotzi dodges, Liv tags in! Asuka ROUNDHOUSES Shotzi, Liv hits the CODE BREAKER! Cover, Raquel breaks it! Alexa and Asuka DOUBLE SHOTGUN Raquel! Lacey gives Alexa a WOMAN’S RIGHT! Asuka BACKHANDS Lacey! Shotzi kicks and tosses Asuka! Shotzi says SHE is going to win MITB, but then turns around into ObLIVion!! Cover, Raw wins!!

Winners: Asuka, Liv Morgan & Alexa Bliss, by pinfall

Phoenix is loving it as Liv snatches the win for her team! But will this be a sign of Liv finally winning the big one?

But then Becky slithers in to MANHANDLE SLAM Asuka!! Big Time Becks won’t let anyone get ahead of her! Will we see the MITB contract go Big Time?


Sonya Deville meets with Adam Pearce.

She wants to talk with him about last week. He says that’s fine. Sonya says what Pearce did was wrong. She just wanted an opportunity and he put her in a handicap match! And she knows he got flack for it, because she filed a formal complaint. Yes, he knows that. Sonya still says he was in the wrong, but she knows this is going to be wrong, too. She SLAPS Pearce!! Is Sonya pushing Pearce to abuse his power the way she used to? Or will Pearce turn the other cheek for the greater good?


The Usos are here!

Jimmy & Jey, the Undisputed Tag Team Champions, are here ahead of Money in the Bank because on Raw, the Street Profits won the right to name a stipulation. But before that, it’s an… Ask Them Anything Q&A session? How deep are we going to go into the minds and lives of Jimmy, Jey, Ford and Dawkins? We’ll find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns as the Profits make their entrance. Kayla is already in the ring, as she will be the moderator for this “ATA.” Kayla starts by noting these four men will battle for THE Undisputed Tag Team Championships, but they are allowing the fans to ask them truly anything. To start with the Usos, “How fearful are you of losing your titles tomorrow night? And are you even more fearful of how your cousin, Roman Reigns, will react if you do?” Wait, let’s get this right. Out of all the questions the fans could’ve asked they went and asked if they’re afraid? Do they look afraid? This right here is confidence, Uce! The Bloodline runs all the damn shows!

Ford laughs and says y’all know damn well, Roman Reigns runs the show! The Usos just run to the grocery store. Jey will run his foot down Dawkins’ throat! Kayla has everyone calm down, this is about the questions. Profits take their turn. “It has been nearly a year and a half since the Street Profits have held WWE gold, and in that time, you lost one of the greatest opportunities of their career at WrestleMania. Have the Profits lost that killer instinct?” And there’s a part two! “What is this about them not getting along?” Aww… Wait, where are they getting that from? Dirt sheets? Probably. Tez ain’t just a teammate, he’s a brother.

And killer instinct? They’ve had a killer instinct ever since they got drafted back to Raw. Hell, they have it whenever they get in the ring with the Usos! But hey, make no mistake, partners. These two know all about the legacy and everything that was laid forth for teams like the Profits themselves. All the way back to High Chief Peter Maivia to the Wild Samoans to the Usos doing the dirty dirty! That’s respect. But as much as the family has prepared the Usos for everything in life, they did not prepare y’all for this hungry, starving Street Profits! Come Saturday~, the Profits are getting those titles under the bright lights! The Usos’ legacy comes to an end, and the Profits’ legacy BEGINS!

Jey tells Tez to be careful what comes out of his mouth about legacy. Jimmy & Jey know what everyone says about the Profits. “Street Profits got the potential to beat the best tag team in the WWE.” But y’know what? Usos actually like the Profits. “They walk like us. Talk like us. Move like us. Groove like us. But here’s the thing, though! They’re NOT us! And on Saturday, it’s lit now! The Usos are up, and WE WANT THE SMOKE!” Dawkins and Ford like the sound of that, too! Because the Profits gonna beat the Usos’ asses tomorrow! And at MITB, the Profits will be the NEW Undisputed Tag Team Champions! Y’all the twos, #WeTheOnes!

The belts are raised as all four men stare down. But have the Profits seen the future? Or will the Bloodline still run everything?


Max Dupri meets with Adam Pearce.

Dupri, getting in real close again, says he is so excited for this. The whole WWE Universe is excited! Because finally, we will see what we’ve been waiting for. We will see the magnificence of Maximum Male Models. The showcase is next. And Dupri lets out a long, “Yes…!” Will Max’s clients live up to the hype?


“Please welcome the founder of Maximum Male Models, Max Du-PRI!”

Max is already in the ring with the spotlight and he thanks the fans. “This is a momentous occasion. Maximum Male Models is the agency that is based on its passion and love of fashion that will be displayed by the most virile, athletic men in all of fashion. This moment is upon us, and so without further ado, allow me to introduce our first. You know him as Mace, but until he found his love of fashion, you can now call him… Maçè. And yes, the former monster of Retribution is now strutting his way out on the red carpet catwalk, showing off his angles.

Max says MMM is not about a line, skin and bones, or physique, but synergy, muscularity. Maçè is 6’6”, with sloping shoulders and slim waist with breathtaking 42 inch inseam. Just look at the ratio and the perfect proportions. Ladies and gentlemen, Maçè. Fans boo as Maçè heads to the back. Max says his next model is Mansoor, but no more. He has found his love for fashion, and he is now… Mansôör! Mansoor even has a fashionable fanny pack as he struts out. Mansôör is the epitome of what MMM is after. His overall aura, his heartthrob looks, and his statuesque physique. Mansôör is suave! He exemplifies the most important ingredient: charisma!

Fans boo again as Mansôör takes his leave. Male fashionistas will surely be clamoring to join MMM, but they shouldn’t bother, unless they have the same qualities as Mansôör and Maçè. The clients of MMM pose together now, and Max says they embody the creed, “To titillate the juices of your guilty pleasures!” Was this really worth the wait? Will Maçè and Mansôör at least still wrestle like Mace and Mansoor?


Backstage interview with Ronda Rousey.

Megan brings up what Natty said about seeing fear in Ronda’s eyes. Oh, how creative. It has been fun for Ronda to teach Natty how to promote a fight, and how to count. Ronda’s baby is nine months old, not ten, even though she is advanced for her age. But as a former friend, Natty should’ve remembered Ronda’s baby was born back in September. But Natty can still count on tapping out to the Armbar at MITB. Ronda kept it short and sweet, will she make it quick and painful when she goes after Natty in Vegas?


Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match Fatal 4 Way Qualifier: The Miz VS Happy Corbin VS Mad Cap Moss VS Ezekiel!

Each man wants in on the MITB Ladder Match, and each man will have to fight for that seventh and final spot! Will it be a matter of luck or skill when it comes to that last ticket to Vegas?

SmackDown returns as Zeke makes his entrance, followed by Corbin. The bell rings and Miz rushes Moss only to miss, and Corbin goes after Zeke! Corbin puts Zeke in a corner, Moss fires off on Miz and Corbin fires off on Zeke. Moss bumps Miz off buckles, Zeke turns things around on Corbin. Moss whips Miz to ropes while Corbin hits Zeke back. Miz reverses the whip, but Moss leaps! Miz ducks and the FLYING LARIAT hits Corbin! Miz rolls Moss up, TWO! Moss gets around Miz, Zeke goes up, FLYING SUNSET FLIP makes Moss GERMAN SUPLEX Miz away! Zeke covers Moss, ONE! Moss and Zeke stare down and fans fire up.

Moss and Zeke tie up, Zeke headlocks but Moss powers out. Zeke ducks and then kicks the back drop away to scoop and SLAM! Zeke runs, things speed up, Moss hurdles then CLOBBERS Zeke! Zeke gets up but Moss is after him. Zeke flops out of the ring and Corbin gets in to knee and forearm Moss to a corner. Corbin fires off body shots, then runs corner to corner, into Moss’ BOOT! Moss goes up and hits a FLYING SHOULDER! Fans fire up but Miz CLOBBERS Moss! Miz stomps Moss, drags him up to bump off buckles, and throws knees. Corbin helps Miz mug Moss, then Corbin goes corner to corner to SPLASH!

Miz says he gets a turn now. Miz soaks up the heat, runs corner to corner, but Corbin CLOBBERS Miz! Corbin runs back at Moss but Moss dodges. Corbin slides out, but Zeke ROCKS Corbin! Zeke fires off forearms and then clotheslines Corbin over the barriers! Fans fire up, but Miz throws Moss out. Zeke helps Moss up, Miz runs in but misses! He gets pinballed between Moss and Zeke then they SMACK him off the desk! Corbin RAMS Moss into steel steps, elbows Zeke away, then choke grips Miz to drag him out of the ring. Miz breaks free, fires body shots, but Corbin ROCKS Miz to hit an APRON BACK SUPLEX!

Corbin choke grips Zeke to stare McAfee down before the CHOKE SLAM to the desk! Even McAfee is wincing while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again as Moss counter punches Miz! Miz wobbles, Moss ROCKS him again and again and again! Moss whips, Miz reverses but Moss ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Miz! Fans fire up, Corbin gets in but gets a FLAPJACK! Moss catches Miz for a back suplex into a CLUBBING SLAM! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Corbin rains down fists on his former friend, then he drags Miz up to toss out. Miz holds onto ropes, slides back in and tries to sunset flip Corbin. Moss gets Miz’s legs, and he CATAPULTS Miz to LOW BLOW Corbin! Corbin’s not so happy there! Moss turns him for the PUNCHLINE! Cover, Zeke breaks it!

Zeke drags Moss up, throws hands then whips, but Moss reverses. Zeke ends up in a corner, he elbows Moss away and hops up. Zeke leaps, CROSSBODY but Moss rolls through! What power! Then the FALL AWAY SLAM! Miz hits a FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! All four men are down and Phoenix rallies up! Miz stands while Moss and Zeke sit up. Miz smirks as he fires off IT KICKS back and forth! Miz then powers up, to BUZZSAW Zeke! And then BUZZ- No, Moss blocks! But he swings into the A-LIST COMBINATION! Cover, but Corbin breaks it! Miz kicks Corbin into a corner! Miz runs corner to corner, into a DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO!

Corbin is furious, but he refocuses and drags Zeke up. Corbin throws haymakers, Zeke throws them back! Fans rally as Zeke gets the edge but Corbin knees low. Corbin whips, Zeke goes up and MULE KICKS Corbin away! Zeke CLOBBERS Corbin, POSTS Moss, and then SPLASHES Miz! SPLASH for Moss! SPLASH for Miz again! Corbin choke grips, but Zeke JUMP KNEES him down! Cover, TWO! Miz is a little late, his ax handles club Corbin! Zeke dodges Moss to SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up but Miz runs in. Zeke sends Miz to a corner, then Electric Chair Lifts! Miz slips off, full nelson, SKULL CRUSHING FINALE!! Cover, Corbin drags Miz away!

Corbin RAMS Miz into barriers, hurries back in the ring, and he has Zeke all to himself. Corbin stares at McAfee but McAfee tells the bum to focus. END OF DAYS for Zeke!! But Moss POSTS Corbin! Cover on Zeke, Moss wins!!

Winner: Mad Cap Moss, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

A bit of luck, skill and a lesson learned from Corbin, Mad Cap is in the Bank! Will Moss be able to have the last laugh on everyone when he wins that prized contract?

My Thoughts:

Go-Home Syndrome, my old friend. You’ve come to screw up once again. Because just… Ugh… All things considered, the “gold ol’ fashioned” Battle Royal was a lot of fun, but it meant nothing. It was just so Corbin could have a win while considering his feud with McAfee, and then have all that momentum taken away by him losing tonight’s Fatal 4 Way. That Fatal 4 Way was a lot of fun but it should’ve happened by default when those four guys came out to stake their claim. The others could’ve been in a Six Man of Riddle, McIntyre & Sheamus VS Rollins, Sami & Omos, and we could’ve seen an impact on go-home math. It still feels like Rollins is winning this anyway.

Moss winning the main event was a great surprise, because for one, better than Corbin since he has McAfee to focus on. It was better than Miz winning because he’s got Logan Paul to focus on, and we don’t necessarily need the tease of him becoming a three-time Mr. MITB. And while it would’ve been great for Zeke, Zeke “and his brothers” can wait for Kevin Owens to return from whatever undisclosed injury or issue he has so that they can settle their feud on the way to SummerSlam. Hell, that feud’s finish feels like it deserves to be at SummerSlam so this all works out in the end. I would love for Zeke’s biggest win ever, and Kevin’s biggest meltdown ever, to be on a show as big as SummerSlam.

Natty and Ronda had decent promos to keep their momentum going, but this is totally Ronda’s match to win. Sonya Deville’s interaction with Pearce and her slapping him was more impactful on their story, though. I do feel like Sonya should egg Pearce on until he snaps, and then there is a question of who is in charge of RawDown, with Sonya facing a female proxy like Raquel or Lacey. The Six Woman Tag was a lot of fun, and I like the unique take on dysfunction Team SmackDown had with Shotzi tripping Raquel like that.

But in the end, Raw wins to give all the Faces momentum, and then Becky goes after Asuka to at least cancel out that math. Becky technically stands tall, does that mean she’s out of the running? Fans would definitely love if Liv won, she got a great reaction tonight. But maybe Becky defies the math to becoming Ms. MITB, because I am still betting on the power couple of her and Seth. The New Day VS Viking Raiders being a No Contest was alright. I don’t think it added anything to the feud, as opposed to what a great tag match would’ve given. We know New Day can give us great matches, we know Viking Raiders can give us great matches, so let them give us a great match on the go-home!!

I don’t know why the final face-off of Usos and Profits turned into a group AMA, other than Vince and his team are idiots. Did they not four days ago set up the idea that the Profits get to name a stipulation for the tag title match? Did they forget about that idea in just four days? Or did they decide that they didn’t actually want to do that because Vince is becoming more fickle and impulsive as the walls are closing in? And even the Profits questioned someone suddenly questioning their bond as a team. What half-assed, rushed attempt at foreshadowing a break-up is that? We’re just lucky the Usos and Profits are great on the mic or this would’ve been a train wreck.

Speaking of, the train wreck of tonight was the Maximum Male Models segment. Granted, I don’t think the reintroduction to “Mansôör and Maçè” was going to go any different than this, but the extra weeks of waiting is what made it garbage. They were the ones rumored to be joining “Max Dupri” all along because of house show appearances, so why delay? Just give us their debut last week, and then they can have their first match here tonight against some Phoenix local wrestlers. Why wait until after a PPV to get things going for what is clearly a cringe comedy gimmick created by the king of cringe entertainment?

My Score: 7.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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