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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (8/30/22)

Which boys are on top?



Will Gallus crack under the pressure from Diamond Mine?

Gallus made the jump from NXT UK to NXT USA, and they want to make all of this their kingdom! But will the Creed Brothers & Damon Kemp be on top?


  • Apollo Crews VS Grayson Waller; Waller wins.
  • Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley; Kayden & Katana win.
  • Mixed Six Tag: Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Fallon Henley VS Pretty Deadly & Lash Legend; Pretty Deadly & Lash Legend win.
  • Andre Chase w/ Bodhi Hayward & Thea Hail VS Charlie Dempsey; Chase wins.
  • Zoey Stark VS Kiana James; Stark wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Diamond Mine VS Gallus; Gallus wins.


Apollo Crews VS Grayson Waller!

The premiere of the Grayson Waller Effect was a success, in that the 21st Century Success Story got on the nerves of his guest. And now, as Waller makes his entrance, he gets the mic to speak. Only for Apollo to cut him off! Will Waller just have to settle for using his actions to speak for him? And will Apollo do what we all want to do and shut Waller up?

The bell rings, the two tie up and Apollo waistlocks. Waller switches, Apollo wrenches out but Waller spins through and wristlocks. Apollo pries free to wristlock and wrangle Waller down. Waller rolls, wrenches, but Apollo switches it around to headlock. Waller powers out, Apollo goes up and over and handsprings! Fans fire up but Waller mockingly applauds. Waller then runs, into an arm-drag! Apollo has a top wristlock but Waller stands up. Apollo wrenches, Waller wrenches, repeat. Apollo whips, Waller goes up and arm-drags to a cover, ONE! Waller shows off with drop steps, then he sidesteps, only for Apollo to run him over!

Things speed up, Waller hurdles but Apollo blocks the hip toss to LARIAT! Waller staggers but Apollo bumps him off buckles! Apollo bumps Waller off more buckles, then DECKS him! Apollo whips Waller to a corner, and Waller bounces off buckles into a back drop! Fans fire up and Apollo smiles. Apollo enjoys the fans chanting for him, but Waller JABS him! Waller storms over, whips Apollo but Apollo reverses. Apollo hurdles, drops and DROPKICKS Waller down! Apollo does drop steps even smoother than Waller! Apollo takes a bow as fans cheer, then he kicks Waller. Apollo whips Waller to CLOBBER him!

Apollo looms over Waller, gives the trash talk back, then CLUBS Waller. Apollo suplexes and he holds Waller up! Fans fire up as Apollo holds Waller for the count of 10, then 15, then SLAMS him down! Apollo goes to the apron and slingshots to senton! Cover, TWO! Apollo forearms, whips, and scoops but Waller slips off! Waller may have gotten Apollo in the eye, too! The ref has Waller stay back and he checks on Apollo. Apollo bails out and fans jeer Waller. Medics check on Apollo’s eyes, will he be able to continue? NXT goes picture in picture while Waller taunts Apollo.

Apollo blinks but his eyes are still bothering him. Waller paces and Apollo says he’s good. Apollo gets in the ring but Waller BOOTS him down! Waller fires off in the corner with forearms and elbows, then whips him corner to corner hard! Apollo bounces off buckles and Waller stomps him down. Waller CHOKES Apollo on the ropes but lets off as the ref counts. Waller glares at the fans but Apollo kicks back. Waller CLUBS Apollo, whips him corner to corner, then runs in to SPLASH! Apollo sits down and Waller digs his knee in! The ref counts, Waller lets off, and Waller soaks up the heat while the ref checks on Apollo,

Waller drags Apollo up, whips him to ropes, but Apollo ducks ‘n’ dodges to sunset flip! But Waller stays up, turns Apollo over and drops an elbow! Waller KNEES Apollo to a corner, then cravats for a neck wrench. Waller throws shoulders into Apollo, then KNEES him down! Waller backs off to go up the corner and walk on the rope. BALLER ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Waller is annoyed but he stalks Apollo to the ropes. Apollo CHOPS Waller, then CHOPS him again! Waller storms up to Apollo to JAB him in the ribs! Waller then brings Apollo out to suplex, but Apollo blocks! Apollo turns it into a cradle, TWO! Waller CLOBBERS Apollo!

Waller KNEES Apollo in the back, then drives elbows into Apollo’s neck and shoulder. Apollo resists so Waller drives in more elbows! Waller lets off to soak up the heat, and then he turns Apollo around to cravat. Apollo endures but Waller snapmares. NXT returns to single picture as fans boo Waller. Apollo endures and fans rally up. Waller leans his weight on the hold but Apollo still fights up. Apollo snapmares free then counter punches Waller! And CHOPS! And ROCKS! Waller dodges and sends Apollo to the apron, but Apollo DECKS him back! Apollo slingshots to senton, INTO A SLEEPER! Waller has body scissors but Apollo fights up!

Fans fire up and duel as Waller smothers Apollo! Waller rains down forearms onto the back of Apollo’s head and neck! Cover, TWO!! Apollo is still in this and Waller is frustrated. Fans taunt Waller, but Waller says HE runs NXT! Apollo doesn’t belong here anymore! Waller dodges the body shots but not the ENZIGURI! Fans fire up as Waller wobbles. Waller manages to fireman’s carry, but Apollo slips off and gets to a corner. Waller runs in, but Apollo dodges to ENZIGURI again! Apollo then LARIATS Waller, and again! Apollo whips, and LEAPING LARIATS! Fans fire up as Apollo kips up!

Apollo roars and runs corner to corner to SPLASH! Apollo pushes Waller away to then goes up and BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Waller survives but Apollo isn’t stopping there! Apollo trophy lifts, but Waller gets to the apron! Waller HOTSHOTS Apollo, then somersaults in, STUN- NO, Apollo does his best to hold Waller off, but Waller pokes the eye!! STUNNER!! Cover, WALLER WINS!!

Winner: Grayson Waller, by pinfall

Waller takes advantage of damage done by accident, and he blinds Apollo in the end! Will Waller use anything and everything to win and reach the top of NXT?


Diamond Mine fires up backstage.

If Gallus thinks they’re hooligans, that’s fine! We all know they’re pussycats, and this is going to be a dogfight! Is Damon Kemp hungry? Starving! Brutus says the Coffey Brothers ain’t got nothing on the Creed Brothers! But then Roderick Strong walks in and says that he knows they still don’t trust him, but he got security footage from the ceiling cameras! It’ll show- Julius says the only thing that those will show is that he doesn’t trust Strong! They’ve gotta get ready for the Six Man Tag that they’re going to dominate, because they trust each other! Trust?! After everything they’ve been through?! Forget this!

Strong storms off and Kemp says even he doesn’t trust Strong anymore. Brutus says that’s the nail in the coffin! But then Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley walk in. She tells them that this is enough. While the boys have been arguing like children, she & Tatum have been training for a shot at the NXT Women’s Tag Titles. Tatum’s face needs a brace because of Ivy’s training, and they’re teammates. So the boys need to stop being petty and get it together. The Creeds & Damon agree. Will all of Diamond Mine be united when the pressure is on?


Bron Breakker is in the locker room.

And Finn Balor walks in?! The Prince stares the NXT Champion down, and he knows Bron knows who he is. And that means Bron knows Finn is the guy who held that title for more days than anyone. Finn made that title the industry standard for who is the best. Now, it is Bron’s responsibility to hold up that lineage. But Finn likes Bron, so he’ll give Bron some advice. Finn’s beaten guys twice as big as him. “So on Sunday, don’t underestimate the moment, and don’t underestimate your opponent. Good luck.” Finn leaves, but will this pressure break or make Bron when Worlds Collide?


Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley!

KC Squared are the NEW NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, and they believe they’re the one true tag team in all of the WWE Women’s Division! But with the Diamond Pitbull and Power Lifter coming for them, and Toxic Attraction watching from the lounge, will the party last much longer? Or will it only turn up from here?

NXT returns and the Diamond Mine makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Ivy starts against Kayden. They circle, tie up, and go around. Ivy waistlocks, SLAMS Kayden down, then rolls her around. Kayden fights up, Ivy SLAMS her down again. Cover, ONE, but Ivy waistlocks again. Ivy flips around to sunset flip, TWO! Kayden has the prawn hold, TWO! Ivy swings, Kayden dodges to Eddy Gordo Kick! Ivy flounders away to the KC corner and Kayden SPLASHES! Tag to Katana, she holds Ivy in place for Kayden’s DROPKICK! Katana then waistlocks Ivy and tags Kayden back in. Ivy switches but Katana sweeps the legs! Kayden ghost pins, TWO!

Toxic Attraction is not impressed but that could just be their arrogance. Ivy shoves Kayden away but Kayden comes back to waistlocks. Ivy blocks that to SLAM Kayden down! Tag to Tatum and Ivy runs in to CALF KICK! Tatum whips Ivy back in for a forearm SMASH! Then Tatum scoops Kayden to squat and SLAM! Tatum STANDING MARIPOSAS! Cover, TWO! Toxic Attraction mockingly applaud while Tatum brings Kayden up. Kayden rolls Tatum, TWO! Tatum DROPKICKS Kayden away! Kayden goes to ropes, Tatum whips but Kayden slips through the ropes to get around, O’Conner Roll! TWO, and Kayden springboards to dropkick Tatum down! Cover, TWO!

Kayden is frustrated but she keeps on Tatum with a chinlock. Tatum endures, fights up, but Kayden drags her away. Katana tags in, KC Squared double whip, trip and BOOT! Then Katana slingshot sentons! Cover, TWO! Wait, Gigi & Jacy have left the lounge. That can’t be good. Tatum whips Katana but Katana RANA, only for Tatum to block! Tatum tosses Katana away, Katana dodges, and then DOUBLE LARIATS take both women down! Fans fire up while Tatum and Katana crawl. Katana gets Tatum’s leg, but Tatum ENZIGURIS! Kayden tags in, and while the ref isn’t looking, Gigi trips up Ivy!

Tatum BOOTS Kayden away but Ivy is nowhere to be found! Jacy shows up to distract Tatum, Tatum swings on her but misses! Kayden SUPERKICKS Tatum while Ivy fights off both Gigi & Jacy! But Katana tags in, Tatum is on the HIGHLIGHT REEL!! Cover, KC Squared wins!

Winners: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance, by pinfall

Give a toxic assist to Toxic Attraction! Tatum & Ivy regroup and Katana gets the mic. “Ladies, don’t worry, we’ll do this again soon. Now, we set out to be fighting champions. But we have defeated all the teams here in NXT to get our hands on these titles.” Kayden says that they did, and points out that NXT UK has NO Women’s Tag Teams! So tell ’em, Katana! It’ll be a party in the parking- WAIT!! “Doudrop” Piper Niven is here!? As is NIKKI A.S.H!! The Celtic Connection of Monday Night Raw is here on NXT! They get in the ring with the champs, and fans chant “Welcome Back!”

Piper says, “Now, I love a good party, just as much as you ladies do. But… How about instead of dancing in the parking lot, on Sunday, we do a little dance right here in this ring?” And Nikki says they’ll do it for the NXT Women’s Tag Team titles!! KC Squared shake hands, and the match is on! But Piper & Nikki don’t let the champs go, they make sure they stare them all straight in the eye. Will Piper & Nikki go from almost WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions to the duo that douDROPS the beat?


Kiana James is in her office.

She’s yelling at someone about business, and then a message is brought in. Tell “Jared at Schumer” to get it done! And thanks, Gia. Kiana says that unlike her opponent tonight, Zoey Stark, she knows how to get things done. Zoey had her chance at the NXT Women’s Championship and blew it. And she was so beat up from that, she couldn’t compete in the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship tournament. Zoey ruined that for herself and Nikkita Lyons. What a liability. Nowadays, we have a term for those who can’t escape poor performance: “Tryhard.” Zoey suffers from the delusion of adequacy. But leave it to Zoey to overpromise and underdeliver.

After tonight, it will be a long, long time before Zoey gets another title opportunity. Kiana then gets back to business. Did he get it done? Yes? Good. Will Kiana handle her business and do as she promises? Or will Zoey show us who the real tryhard is around here?


The Schism speaks.

Joe Gacy says, “We are about to have a Great Recognition Ceremony, which allows more branches to grow, more opportunities for those searching for direction.” Cameron Grimes may be rich in wealth, but time is money. And the time has come for Grimes to decide his future. “The offer is yours to accept.” But will Grimes accept what Gacy is offering? Or will he reject it with major Cave-In?


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams arrive.

NXT Media catches up with them, but he says unless this is about his opponent for Worlds Collide, there’s nothing to talk about. And never talk to them again! Well then, is Melo expecting a day off this Sunday? Or is he asking NXT to come up with someone to face him?


The Schism is in the ring.

NXT returns as they stand on a podium, and Gacy says, “Great things happen when worlds collide, but longing things bloom when worlds come together. Thankful to the NXT Universe can bare witness to tonight’s Great Recognition Ceremony. Seven days ago, the Dyad proved that our way of life is undeniable. Rip Fowler, Jagger Reed, by defeating Legado del Fantasma, two men from a fractured family, you scored a victory for everyone that lives in harmony. And for that, you will be rewarded.” Gacy has smiley face buttons, and says these represent the great strides each of them have made. And the great recognition each of them have earned as they climb higher into the Schism’s tree.

Reed thanks Gacy for affirming what they now know to be true: “Together, we are gracious. Together, we are whole.” Rip says together, they have been recognized. Gacy’s virtues and teachings have empowered them to see that there is inner strength when they are together. Gacy is inspired by their growth, and their ascension only allows more space in the grass for others to find their home under the tree. Grimes, they see you wandering around aimlessly and lonely. They have a special seat for him to come and join them. Follow their footsteps! Surprisingly, Grimes does make his way out here!

Fans cheer Grimes on as he makes his way to the ring. Grimes gets himself a mic and Gacy says it’s so good to see him! Grimes says he didn’t come out here to be part of their celebration. But he does need to talk with Gacy. These last few weeks, they’ve been following him and asking him to join the group. Grimes has an answer for them. Then tell us, Cameron! Grimes says the more he thinks about it, the more it just all makes sense. He doesn’t NEED them! Grimes doesn’t need anybody to go TO~ THE~ MOON~! Gacy frowns and says Grimes’ loneliness is killing him. Grimes says these words, but just beneath the surface is nothing but misery!

Gacy understands that it is tough to go all in and lose. Grimes, you are one of the toughest superstars in NXT, but you wear a mask that hides all of your insecurities. Grimes lost the North American Championship, he fell victim to Bron Breakker, and he must admit that The Schism is right. They will leave him alone if he admits he is lonely. Oh, the bad part is, Gacy is right. Grimes lost the North American title, he lost to Bron, but more importantly: he got himself in those situations and he can do it again! Cameron Grimes don’t need nobody! So before things get worse, he’s leaving.

Gacy says this is another night without a title, without a family, and without a father. Grimes stops in his tracks and storms back up! The Dyad try to stop him but they get thrown out! Gacy handsprings, but instead of hitting his lariat, he HUGS Grimes! Grimes shoves him away, the Dyad gets in again, but Gacy has everyone stand down. Grimes leaves, but will The Schism get him to give in?


Roxanne Perez speaks.

“It’s hard to look back at the happiest moments of my life, and realize the person who I shared them with is someone I don’t even recognize anymore. When Cora hit me, I literally felt my heart break into two. Going into Heatwave, I wanted nothing more than to hurt Cora as much as she hurt me. But when I had the chance, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. In that moment, the memories we made, the secrets we kept, the dreams we shared, ran through my mind. And I paid for it. Lesson learned. Next time, there’s no hesitation! Cora’s and my friendship is over, but Cora and I are not.” When and where will Roxie come back for her revenge?


Tyler Bate is backstage.

And Fit Finlay says hello! Fans are happy to see Finlay, but it seems Finlay’s got a call for Bate on the line. It’s Pete Dunne! But this call is not for pleasantries. They were just kids when Bate beat Dunne in Blackpool to first become NXT UK Champion, but don’t forget that Dunne took it from him in Chicago. So Bate knows better than anyone that the UK title represents hard work. So on Sunday, unify the titles for the memories of NXT UK, for the future of NXT Europe, and for British Strong Style. Bate says thanks, mate. Bate looks at the belt on his shoulder. Will the Big Strong Boy be the one carrying the banner forward after Worlds Collide?


Mixed Six Tag: Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Fallon Henley VS Pretty Deadly & Lash Legend!

There’s been beef between the good ol’ boys and the former NXT UK Tag Team Champions, as well as the Cowgirl having beef with the WNBA star. But will #CountryStrong stand tall going into Worlds Collide? Or will these #DeadlyLegends dunk on them with style?

The trios sort out, and it’s ladies first! Fallon and Lash tie up, go around, but Lash puts Fallon on ropes. Fallon pushes back but Lash bops her on the head. Fallon SLAPS Lash then KICKS her down! Cover, ONE! Fallon storms up but into a knee! Lash KNEES again, scoops Fallon and dribbles her in the ropes! The ref counts, Lash lets off at 4 to TOSS Fallon away. Fans boo but Lash talks trash on Fallon. Lash drags Fallon up, whips her hard into a corner, then back drops her on the rebound! Lash claps at Fallon then taunts Jensen. Lash drags Fallon up but Fallon dodges the clothesline to clothesline Lash out!

Fallon goes to the apron to CROSSBODY! Direct hit and down goes Lash! Fans fire up with Fallon and she puts Lash in the ring. Fallon storms up but Lash scurries away to tag in Kit Wilson. Fallon dares Kit to do something but Kit calls out Briggs. Fallon SLAPS Kit first, then tags Briggs! Briggs DECKS Kit, whips him to ropes, but Kit reverses. Things speed up, Briggs turns the hurdle into an atomic drop! And a POUNCE! Fans fire up with Briggs but Kit grabs his leg. Briggs drags Kit up but Kit stomps a foot! Kit knees low, CLUBS Briggs, then tags in Elton Prince. Prince goes up and leaps, into a bigger atomic drop!

Tag to Jensen, the good ol’ boys whip and back drop Prince together! Fans fire up, Kit runs in but is thrown back out! Fallon gets in, she dodges Lash to then get a boost to ENZIGURI Lash out! Jensen and Briggs give Fallon a whip and a boost to FLY and wipe out #DeadlyLegends! Fans are thunderous as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Prince fights up in the armlock. Prince throws body shots and CLUBS Briggs, but Briggs blocks the whip! Prince kicks low but Briggs still blocks! Briggs whips, Prince ducks ‘n’ dodges, but get a SIDEWALK SLAM and a SPLASH! Kit sticks his neck in, Briggs swipes at him but Kit gets away. Lash talks trash on Briggs and Prince rams into Briggs! Kit tags, they leap frog and DDT! Fans fire up while Briggs writhes. Lash taunts Briggs as Kit rains down fists! Kit then covers, TWO! Briggs SLAPS Kit so Kit stomps Briggs! Kit ROCKS Briggs, Briggs ROCKS Kit and Prince! Kit ROCKS Briggs again, then kicks low!

Briggs fires off big hands, Kit DECKS Briggs! Kit grins, drags Briggs into a neck wrench, then he ELBOWS Briggs down. Fans rally, Kit runs in to back elbow! Tag to Prince, Kit holds Briggs in and Prince uppercuts! Prince taunts Jensen then blows a kiss. Prince CLUBS away on Briggs then drags Briggs back up. Prince throws elbows down, then CHOKES Briggs on the ropes. Fans rally, the ref counts and Prince lets off. But Kit HOTSHOTS Briggs, and Lash gets a cheap shot in! Jensen & Fallon are furious, but that only distracts the ref from seeing Kit CHOKE Briggs! Prince goes after Briggs with stomps, then he tags Kit.

Pretty Deadly mugs Briggs, then Kit EuroUppers! Brings clinches but Kit fires off more uppercuts! Briggs starts giving them back! Kit trips Briggs, headlocks and he fires off palm strikes! Fans boo but Kit slaps Briggs around. Briggs SLAPS Kit! Kit ROCKS Briggs! Kit headlocks and he leans on the hold, but fans rally as Briggs endures. Briggs fights up, has Kit as a backpack, but Prince tags in before Briggs DUMPS Kit! Prince CLOBBERS Briggs and rains down forearms! Prince clamps on the sleeper to hold Briggs down. But Briggs fights up again, has Prince as a backpack now, and he reaches out! Hot tag to Jensen!

Jensen BOOTS Prince, rallies on him with forearms, and he JABS, JABS and ROLLING ELBOWS! Atomic drop into the corner, and then a SPLASH to a BULLDOG! Jensen keeps moving, FAMOUSER! Fans are thunderous again and Jensen wants Prince to get up. Jensen runs but Kit hits him! Jensen DECKS Kit, runs at Prince, DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide! Fans rally as Prince holds Jensen’s foot! Jensen crawls, reaches, the boot comes off! Prince hurries to grab the leg but Jensen BOOTS Prince out! But wait! Gallus storms out! Security blocks the way, but Briggs rushes Gallus first!

Fallon rushes in and fires off on Lash while Jensen is shocked seeing Briggs fight Gallus 3v1! But Prince runs in and CLOBBERS Jensen and Joe Coffey with the cowboy boot! O’Conner Roll, #DeadlyLegends win!

Winners: Lash Legend & Pretty Deadly, by pinfall

But no time to celebrate, the brawling spills into the ring! Gallus, Briggs & Jensen, Pretty Deadly, it’s all over the place! Will Gallus be able to cool down and regroup for their own 3v3 match later?


Mandy Rose is on the phone.

She wants to know where Gigi & Jacy ran off to. But then she’s visited by SHAYNA BASZLER! The Queen of Spades smirks at Mandy, and asks, “Problem with the sidekicks?” Mandy says no, just making sure they’re all on the same page. Shayna knows what that’s like, right? Shayna knows what it’s like to hold onto that NXT Women’s Championship. Mandy’s well aware. Mandy will be passing Shayna up like she has everyone else. Shayna will be surprised if Mandy even makes it past Worlds Collide. Uh, doesn’t Shayna have her own title match to worry about this weekend?

Liv’s already lost, because we all know Shayna’s going to tear her apart limb by limb. The only choice Liv will have in the matter is which limb it’ll be. Mandy may say she’s the Baddest Bitch in the Game, but when Shayna held that title, it wasn’t even a discussion. Everyone knew. Mandy, on the other hand, it is always a debate. But Mandy had better be the one to unify those titles for both the brand, and for herself. If not, everything she’s said the past year is garbage. Shayna leaves, will Mandy also have to live up to the expectations of the past?


WWE looks back at the origins of Connor’s Cure.

In 2014, Connor’s Cure was established to honor the life and memory of young Connor Michalek to help find a cure for pediatric cancer, so that no one else would have to go through the pain he did. After his passing, he was enshrined as the inaugural recipient of the Warrior Award for his bravery, love and hope. Through Connor’s Cure and V Foundation’s funding, they’ve awarded $4.5 million in grants and helped over 500 families worldwide. The WWE Universe has come together offering hope in the mission to kick cancer’s butt!


Backstage interview with JD McDonagh.

McKenzie notes that the last time we saw the Irish Ace, he was hanging upside-down while recovering from his match with Bron Breakker. You saw that? Well, of course, everyone saw that. And it seems everyone has an opinion on JD’s “experiment” with pain and the limits of the human body. Take Wes Lee, for example. He said JD is creepy. But JD gets it. To someone like Wes, such a meticulous self-care regimen is unorthodox. “But every single second is accounted for. Mind, body, heart, all designed to be without weakness. Intrusive thoughts? Muted. Agony can be dealt with. Internal anguish is nothing you need to concern yourself with.

“Can you imagine what it’s like to have a resting heartrate of 40? Or focus your mind beyond such petty things as feelings? I’d rather be like me and be a little… creepy… Than be like Wes Lee and be emotionally fragile.” Does McKenzie agree? Uh, sure… Will the Necessary Evil prove to the Must-See Kid that emotions are needless baggage in pro-wrestling?


Andre Chase w/ Bodhi Hayward & Thea Hail VS Charlie Dempsey!

The Professor wants the gritty grappler from Blackpool to learn a little something in restraint and self-control, but Dempsey says everyone in NXT has a thing to learn about wrestling. Who will be handing out the #TeachableMoment here tonight?

NXT returns as Dempsey makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, clinch, Dempsey headlocks and hits a takeover. Chase keeps his shoulders up but Dempsey headscissors him. Dempsey holds tight as Chase moves around and headstands to the headscissors! Dempsey tries to kip free but Chase holds tight! Dempsey moves around, turns Chase over and bridges back tot hen roll and hook Chase up. BOW ‘N’ ARROW, but Chase pops out to a cover! ONE, and the two circle again. Dempsey lunges in but Chase brushes him off. Fans rally for Chase as he and Dempsey knuckle lock for a test of strength!

Dempsey powers Chase back, monkey flips him, then rolls back. Chase holds off the cover and monkey flips back! Chase and Dempsey are both down, TWO as they get an arm up. TWO as they get the other arm up! TWO as they both bridge! Fans fire up for this great exchange, and both men stand. Dempsey breaks, wrenches, trips and steps through but Chase boots him away! Things speed up, Chase hurdles and hip tosses! Fans fire up and Chase says this is a TEACHABLE MOMENT! Dempsey is pissed, but he rushes into a wrench. Chase hammerlocks, Dempsey wrenches, Chase wrenches back, and repeat.

Chase hammerlocks again but Dempsey elbows out. Chase ROCKS Dempsey! Dempsey ROCKS Chase! And EuroUppers! Chase falls but Dempsey dares him to get up. Fans fire up for Chase but Dempsey underhooks him. BUTTERFLY SUPLEX, with a bridge! TWO!! Dempsey clamps onto an arm but Chase clasp hands. Dempsey digs an elbow into the shoulder to get the chicken wings! CATTLE MUTILATION!! And Dempsey moves around with it!! Chase endures, Dempsey shifts to a Fujiwara but Chase gets up. Dempsey KNEES him down, then brings him up again. Chase deflects the uppercut to JAB! And JAB! And DISCUS!

Chase hits an atomic drop, then he whips Dempsey to ropes. Dempsey reverses, Chase reverses back, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Fans fire up and they spell Chase U along with the stomps! And then a SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO!! Dempsey has the arm and the FUJIWARA! Chase rolls but Dempsey has the KNEEBAR!! Chase flails, reaches, but Dempsey shifts to an STF!! Chase endures again and Bodhi is there coaching him! But then Dempsey gets Chase’s arm! Dempsey glares at Bodhi and BOOTS him away! Dempsey goes out to ROCK Bodhi and gut wrench suplex him to the floor!

Dempsey gets back in the ring, but Chase gets his leg to a cradle! CHASE WINS!!

Winner: Andre Chase, by pinfall

Chase wins and shocks Dempsey! Dempsey did learn something tonight: focus on your opponent and nothing else! Will Dempsey get payback on Chase U


Meiko Satomura arrives.

And Alba Fyre is there! She looks at Meiko and says the title looks good on her. Meiko says she did win it from a great champion. Then win again on Sunday. Meiko says she will. Will the Fire Starter and all of NXT UK be made proud by The Final Boss?


Tyler Bate now encounters GUNTHER!

The current WWE Intercontinental Champion was NXT UK Champion once, and he wants to remind Tyler that that title has a legacy. Gunther is the longest reigning NXT UK Champion in history, so at Worlds Collide, Tyler needs to bring the Tyler that fought him for 45 minutes in Cardiff. Tyler must beat Bron and unify the titles. European wrestling depends on it. Tyler nods, and the pressure keeps piling up!


Zoey Stark VS Kiana James!

Maybe the Iron Woman of NXT did push herself too hard with the NXT Women’s Championship match at Heatwave before even getting a shot at the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship tournament. But will Stark show Kiana that you don’t improve if you don’t push past your limits? Or will Kiana use her brain power to prove that Zoey’s value as she approaches her limit is zero?

NXT returns as Kiana makes her entrance. The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, then Kiana pushes Zoey away. Kiana taunts Zoey but Zoey pushes her back! Zoey eggs Kiana on, then dodges her to CLOBBER her! Kiana flounders and fans fire up as Zoey runs in. Zoey uppercuts, runs and slides, then comes back. Kiana puts her on the apron but Zoey ROCKS her, sweeps the legs, and ARABIAN SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Kiana bails out, but Zoey builds speed to slide! Kiana avoids the dropkick but Zoey ELBOWS her away! Zoey puts Kiana in, runs at the corner, but Kiana sends her into buckles!

Kiana stomps away on Zoey, digs her boots in but lets off as the ref counts. Kiana drags Zoey to a cover, ONE! Kiana pushes her down for another, ONE! Kiana tries again, ONE!! Kiana is furious but Zoey kicks her low. Kiana shoves Zoey down to drop an elbow! Cover, TWO! Kiana is frustrated but she clamps onto Zoey to trap the arms. Fans rally as Kiana clamps on a top wristlock. Zoey fights up, throws body shots, but Kiana knees low. Kiana whips Zoey to a corner, runs in but Zoey dodges to roll her up, TWO! Zoey drags Kiana up but Kiana WRINGS the arm! Cover, TWO! Kiana is shrieking but she clamps back onto the top wristlock.

Fans rally as Zoey endures again. Zoey fights up, but Kiana wrangles her back down. Fans continue to rally, Zoey fights up and arm-drags free! Zoey ROCKS Kiana, CLOBBERS her, then CLOBBERS her again! Zoey ROCKS, ELBOWS, mule kicks and powers up, SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Zoey is annoyed but Kiana survives. Zoey drags Kiana up, fireman’s carries, but Kiana grabs ropes! Kiana slips off to ROCK Zoey, then throws her down by her hair! Kiana sets up, STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Kiana is beside herself, but she brings Zoey up. Zoey SUPERKICKS Kiana, and shouts, “MY ABILITY MY ASS!” GO TO STARK!! Cover, Stark wins!

Winner: Zoey Stark, by pinfall

Kiana didn’t calculate for the intangibles of aggression and determination, and she just got told! Kiana goes to use her tote bag but LYONS SPEARS Kiana! Kiana was talking some trash on Lyons, too, so she’s got two bad women united against her! Will Kiana have to go back to the drawing board for this business plan?


Backstage interview with Blair Davenport.

McKenzie says she has everything to gain and nothing to lose at Worlds Collide. She is the #1 contender and challenger in that Triple Threat, and she could walk out the UNIFIED NXT Women’s Champion. Blair says NXT UK and NXT were built off their Women’s Divisions. But of all the superstars and legends that have competed in that ring, no one has done what Blair will this Sunday and that is unify the two titles. The Davenport name will be exactly where it’s supposed to.

Wait! RHEA RIPLEY is here! And the Nightmare isn’t just any superstar. She’s the only one who has held both the NXT and NXT UK Women’s titles in her career. She’s a history maker! Hell, Rhea built both brands when she grabbed them by the balls and made them hers! And on Sunday, Blair has the opportunity to make history and carry on the legacy here. She looks confident. Don’t screw this up! Rhea just made sure the gothic heiress is also aware of her place in history. Will Blair use this “encouragement” to take it all for her own?


Nathan Frazer speaks with…?

“Seth Rollins comic book. Classic. Well, I am somewhat biased, but I am hyped for Worlds Collide. NXT UK VS NXT, it’s like I have no idea who to root for, because I’ve been on both brands. I guess you don’t have that problem.” It’s AXIOM! Yeah, guess not. Axiom didn’t get a chance to see what it’s like over in NXT UK. A real shame. Axiom looks at the camera. Well, maybe their worlds could collide in a friendly competition. Since he has no idea. Yeah, that’d be cool. And somehow, Frazer’s sure Axiom would’ve loved it there.

They do these matches called British Rounds Matches for the Heritage Cup. Frazer isn’t suggesting they do one of those, because there are rounds and that’s a UK thing that might confuse Axiom. Though, Axiom is really good with numbers so he could catch on pretty quick. Axiom stops Frazer there, and suggests they do a best of three as a compromise. Deal! Then they trade comic books. Will Frazer figure out a way to best Axiom? Or will he learn just how good Axiom really is?


Six Man Tag: Diamond Mine VS Gallus!

The Creed Brothers & Damon Kemp put Roderick Strong in his place, but now they look to do the same to the gang that jumped them weeks ago. Meanwhile, the Coffey Brothers & Wolfgang look to prove that no matter where in the world they are, NXT is still THEIR Kingdom! Who will be on top this close to Worlds Collide?

NXT returns and Diamond Mine makes their entrance. The trios sort out and Julius starts against Joe. The big brothers circle, tie up, and then break. They egg each other on, tie up again, and Julius waistlocks to SLAM Joe! Julius rolls Joe from the corner, but Joe fights up to get the ropebreak. Julius lets off but Joe throws elbows and body shots! Julius blocks one to HALF HATCH Joe away! Fans fire up and Brutus tags in. The Creeds feed Joe to a fireman’s carry takeover, then Brutus clamps onto an arm. Joe fights up but Brutus keeps him from Gallus. Joe throws body shots, but Brutus wrenches and whips.

Joe goes up and around to UPPERCUT Brutus! Tag to Mark and the Coffey Brothers double wrench, pop-up and CHOP! Mark clinches, whips, but Brutus holds ropes. Brutus knees low, CLUBS Mark down, then gut wrenches to carry Mark around for the suplex! Tag to Kemp, feed to the wiastlock but Mark switches. Kemp bucks the O’Conner Roll but Mark UPPERCUTS Kemp! Kemps taggers up, he scoops Mark and hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Mark tags out to Wolfgang, and Kemp welcomes his UK drinking buddy to the USA! They circle, talk some trash, and fans fire up as they fire up! They tie up, Wolfgang wrenches, RAMS and CLUBS the shoulder, then wristlocks.

Kemp rolls, wrenches, spins and waistlocks to SLAM Wolfgang down! And then again! Wolfgang reaches out but Kemp keeps him from the Coffeys. Kemp RAMS Wolfgang into the corner, tags Brutus, and Brutus headlocks. Wolfgang throws body shots but Brutus ROCKS Wolfgang back. Brutus headlocks, Wolfgang powers out and they ram shoulders. Brutus runs, then flips through the hip toss?! Brutus then TACKLES Wolfgang and rains down fists! Julius and Kemp intercept the Coffey brothers, and now all of Diamond Mine SMASH! Fans fire up as Diamond Mine tosses Gallus aside, and NXT goes picture in picture!

Gallus is furious and Diamond Mine dares them to come back. The ref has everything calm down, and Gallus talks strategy. Wolfgang slides in, stares Brutus down, but he tags Mark. Mark runs into a fireman’s carry takeover! Brutus has the arm but Mark fights up. Brutus brings Mark around, tags Julius, and he feeds Mark to a fireman’s carry takeover. Julius clamps onto the arm and grinds Mark down, but Mark fights up. Julius tags Brutus back in, and Julius drop toeholds Mark to throw a knee! Brutus jams his knee in, then brings Mark around. Kemp tags in, he fireman’s carry takeovers, and he clamps onto the arm.

Mark fights his way up, but Kemp powers him back to the Diamond Mine corner. Brutus tags back in, RAMS into Mark, then wrenches the arm. Mark throws a forearm, whips Brutus but Brutus reverses, only for Mark to KICK him and ROCK him! Tag to Joe, the Coffey Brothers mug Brutus, and Joe DECKS Brutus with a left. Joe drags Brutus up, snapmares and facelocks to then cravat and neck wrench. Brutus endures, fights around, and NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally, Brutus throws body shots but Joe cranks the cravat. Joe throws knees, but Brutus back drops him away! Tag to Julius and he dodges Joe to then CHOP BLOCK!

Julius deadlift HALF HATCHES Joe! Fans fire up and Julius suplexes again. Joe cradle counters, TWO! Julius has a headstand, to then deadlift Joe again! Julius SLAMS Joe down! Julius gets a leg and has the ANKLE LOCK! Joe claws his way forward, ROPEBREAK! Joe has the apron skirt, Gallus drags Joe out to safety! Julius goes out the side, Mark ducks so Julius DECKS Wolfgang! Julius puts Joe in, then box jumps like he’s a little Brock Lesnar! But Mark trips him up with the apron skirt! Julius tumbles into the ring and Joe tags Mark in! Fans boo but Julius and Mark brawl! Mark gets around to HALF NELSON SLAM! Cover, TWO!

Mark KNEES Julius down, HIP DROPS him, then tags Joe. Joe KNEES Julius, stomps him, then keeps him from Diamond Mine. Joe KNEES and CLUBS Julius, then covers, TWO! Joe clamps onto the shoulders then gets the arms for a straitjacket! Fans rally and Julius fights up! Julius powers out of the hold and turns it around onto Joe! Joe RAMS Julius into the corner, Wolfgang tags in! Snapmare and BASEMENT SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Wolfgang facelocks and grinds Julius down. Fans rally again and Julius fights up, to power Wolfgang back! Wolfgang holds on tight, but Julius keeps trying!

Julius is close but Wolfgang ELBOWS Brutus away! Wolfgang whips Julius to the Gallus corner, but Julius elbows Wolfgang away! Julius also DECKS Joe, but Wolfgang runs in! Julius dodges the splash! Mark tags in and rushes after Julius, but Kemp tags in! Kemp rallies with big haymakers! Fans fire up as the Diamond Gopher fires off body shots! Kemp whips, CLOBBERS Mark, then hauls Mark up for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Joe gets in but Kemp ROCKS him! Kemp whips Mark to a corner, Mark bounces off buckles and into Kemp’s LARIAT! Fans are fired up with Kemp as he roars and storms around!

Kemp drags Mark up, scoops, but what is Roddy doing out here? Roddy insists they all have to listen to him! He has the truth! Kemp tells him to get his ass outta here! Security guard Hank steps in and Kemp slaps Roddy’s phone away. Kemp says that’s not needed! He STOMPS the phone! Roddy is furious, but Joe tags in! Kemp sees Mark and scoops, SPINEBUSTER! Wolfgang runs in, Kemp throws him out, and turns around into ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS! Cover, Gallus wins!!

Winners: Gallus, by pinfall

Roddy thinks he was helping, but he just COST his team! And now Pretty Deadly rushes out to beat up on the NXT Tag Team Champions! Gallus wants after Pretty Deadly, too, and security guards rush in to stop this! The three teams are separated, but here come the NXT UK Tag Team Champions!! Jensen is using his boot as a weapon! It’s a four team melee and fans want to “Let Them Fight!” Wait, the rest of the locker room is spilling out here to join in!

Backstage, Bron is loving what he’s seeing!

But then TOMMASO CIAMPA sits with him!! Don’t worry, Bron, this will be quick. Ciampa sure did a lot in his time in NXT. But nothing is more important than his time with “Goldie.” May he? Bron lets Ciampa hold the belt. “There is a certain responsibility that comes along with holding this title. A certain passion that she embodies. The NXT title and the NXT brand, they mean the world to me. Ciampa says this is Bron’s world now.” And at Worlds Collide, Bron has the chance to make history. The pressure, the anxiety, the fear of failure, Ciampa says that is all normal.

This Sunday, Worlds Collide, when that bell rings, embrace it! Represent this brand and the title! Add to your legacy! Add to OUR legacy! And more important than anything else, Bron: win. WIN. WIN!! Will the words of the Blackhearted be the most motivating of them all?


Melo & Trick interrupt commentary.

Vic, shut up! Y’all wanna talk about Worlds Collide but there’s a big problem with it: No Melo! But they’re going to address that, after the break. What will the North American Champion have to say on the doorstep of history?


Quincy Elliot speaks.

“Hi, I’m Quincy Elliot, and I have a confession to make. Growing up, everyone always thought they knew what I was, and everyone always thought they knew who I am. But they don’t know me at all. The WWE Universe is about to find out exactly who Quincy Elliot is. I mean, look at me. I’m flier than a reindeer in the winter, and I am coming to change the game. The old saying is life ain’t perfect. But y’all don’t live the life of Quincy, the Super Diva.” Will Quincy pick the perfect time to make his debut?


BREAKING NEWS for Worlds Collide!

After the brawls throughout the night, it will be a FATAL 4 WAY to UNIFY the NXT and NXT UK Tag Team Championships! The Diamond Mine VS Briggs & Jensen VS Gallus VS Pretty Deadly, only one team can be THE team in NXT!


Melo & Trick head to the ring.

The A Champion and his best bud get the mics and have the music cut. “Every week, Melo comes out here and puts on banger after banger after banger, and for some reason, he’s not on Worlds Collide?” Well there is no premium event without THE premium superstar, The A Champion! They usually laugh and tell jokes, but not tonight! Trick wants Melo to tell us what he told Trick in the back, and don’t sugarcoat a doggone thing! Tell it like it is! Melo is still trying to figure out how they’re keeping the best champion off the show! The disrespect!! Melo has broken the Rebel Heart, this ain’t a Dream, you can’t Swerve him, and he is No Limits Melo!

Melo doesn’t sweat unifying championships, cuz he’s been there and done that! Talk your talk! Melo IS the greatest North American Champion of all time! They try to tell him this was secondary and he told them he ain’t ever been second to nobody! So he’ll take the ball, put it in his court, and he will NOT be taking his talents to Worlds Collide! He will NOT be defending his title! Because there ain’t no one on his level anyway! Or the level below him! And why’s that? Because that is all it is, and that is all it’s gonna be! Wait, the lights go down! And it’s RICOCHET!! The One and Only name Melo forgot to drop has come back to NXT!

Fans are fired up but Ricochet has them calm down as he gets in the ring. Ricochet also has a mic but Melo says he might not know how to use that. Don’t hurt yourself, Rick. Fans chant “Welcome Back!” and Ricochet says he appreciates that. It feels great to be back, and please, for the sake of everyone here in the crowd, for everyone watching at home, and even those who, for whatever reason, still follow Melo on social media, please SHUT THE HELL UP FOR FIVE SECONDS!! Melo is fired up as fans chant “Shut The Hell Up!” But Ricochet says ya boi is here on official business. He is here, because he doesn’t see why Worlds Collide has to be just NXT VS NXT UK.

Ricochet says to put some SmackDown on it! Get some blue brand in here! Melo is doing great things, but when it comes to this ring and its four corners, Melo can’t do what Ricochet does. Melo says no no no. Ricochet could’ve stopped at “You’re doing great.” See, Ricochet may say he’s the One and Only- Which he is. No, Melo is. No, Ricochet is. No, Melo is! Ricochet says he is just one of many! One of many that step up to get stepped on! Since they’re so similar, then let’s see what’s good, because there ain’t room enough for the both of them. Ricochet says actually, congrats, Melo is right. He has had multiple defenses, so congratulations. Amazing, honestly.

But it isn’t amazing that Melo has had multiple defenses. No, it’s amazing that no one remembers any of them! Trick throws off his shirt, he’s that mad! Melo asks, “That’s all you got?” Ricochet tells Trick to hold on. Ricochet is a very giving man, so he came back to give the fans something they can remember. A Melo match they remember! Melo says the fans don’t want none from Ricochet! Ricochet says he held the North American title, and at a Worlds Collide, he plans on holding it again! Ricochet will become a TWO-TIME North American Champion! Melo drops the mic but Trick keeps him back. Trick swings on Ricochet!

Ricochet dodges, and HEEL KICKS Trick down! Melo is shocked, he springboards, into a RECOIL!! Melo writhes and Ricochet picks up the belt! Ricochet holds up the title, will we see this all over again at Worlds Collide?

My Thoughts:

An awesome go-home for Worlds Collide, with a lot of last minute set-ups for the titles that weren’t already on the card. For one, what a great closing segment with Melo, Trick and Ricochet. Great promo for Melo to shout out former North American Champions, and after a lot of great returns from NXT alumni, Ricochet making a return to set up a match was great stuff. I don’t see Ricochet winning the title, but he and Melo are going to have a wild match that could steal the show. And speaking of those alumni, great promos from Finn, Shayna, Rhea, Gunther and Ciampa (Alba/KLR is still in NXT but she also had a good promo) to the various champions and challengers going into Worlds Collide. I really want Tyler to beat Bron, and as long as Mandy loses, I’m good with that.

A great match from KC Squared VS Ivy & Tatum, but I should’ve expected Gigi & Jacy to ruin things for Diamond Mine so they can be next in line. And also a great surprise that Piper & Nikki are the ones to challenge Kayden & Katana. Much like Ricochet, I don’t expect Piper & Nikki to win while they’re part of Raw, but they’ll give KC Squared a great match. And I was laughing really hard at the promo from Frazer and “Axiom.” For one, Axiom was wearing the goldenrod colored turtleneck A-Kid is known for wearing. Two, Frazer is of course sticking to kayfabe in not knowing Axiom IS A-Kid, the inaugural Heritage Cup Champion. But their Best 2 out of 3 Falls is going to be awesome stuff, can’t wait to see who wins, and I hope the winner gets to challenge Noam Dar, who is still signed to WWE and is still Heritage Cup Champion.

Great opener out of Apollo and Waller, and Waller winning with the dirty tactics does extend the feud past this. Not sure if there really is a connection between going after Apollo’s eyes and how he’s got future sight, but commentary did make note of it so maybe that’s where Apollo’s story goes from here. We also got a fairly good promo from The Schism and Grimes. I laughed at how cheap of a reward some old smiley face buttons were for Gibson & Drake- er, Rip & Jagger, but I suppose it was cheesy enough to fit them. And I figured Grimes would refuse Gacy. Maybe we get Grimes 1v1 with Gacy later on, with Grimes’ fate on the line, and that could go either way.

Good vignette from Roxanne to show she’s officially cutting Cora off from her social (media) life, and to hype up a coming rematch. If anything, that should be No Disqualifications so that kendo sticks won’t be controversial anymore. Then between the winner of that and Wendy Choo, who won her Lights Out match with Tiffany, we’ll get the first challenger of the Unified NXT Women’s Champion. Good promo from Kiana James, and good match from her and Zoey Stark. I figured Stark would win to get momentum back after the losses, and I like that Lyons backed Zoey up against Kiana. Maybe Kiana finds a teammate to face them both and help actually establish Lyons & Stark as a team.

Good promo from JD McDonagh to respond to Wes Lee. While I’m still not that sure about this sociopathic take on Jordan Devlin, he’s committed to it and delivering it all well. JD VS Lee will be very good, but I’d expect JD to win. Good promo from Quincy Elliot, he’ll have a strong TV debut match. I loved what we got out of Chase VS Dempsey. That was a great match with a lot of technical skills showcased, and great story of Dempsey losing his cool on Bodhi and losing to Chase. Dempsey will definitely want payback on Chase U, and he will surely get his first NXT win off Bodhi before giving it another go against Chase.

And of course, a lot of great stuff out of the various 3v3 tag matches and the tag title story. Great Mixed Six that Gallus tried to ruin, and of course Pretty Deadly wins because of that. Then on the flipside, good stuff out of Diamond Mine, both in their promos and in that Six Man Tag “main event.” Strong seems to think he has proof but who knows, but of course it costs Diamond Mine against Gallus. The UK teams have the momentum, even with the giant brawls being rather even, so I expect the Creeds to be the ones to unify the NXT & NXT UK Tag Team Championships. Then maybe Strong gets a new ally and that duo go after the unified titles.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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