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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (8/11/22)

A new chapter begins!



We’re on the road to a NEW NXT UK Champion!

Ilja Dragunov vacated the title because of his injuries, and now we begin the tournament to crown a NEW NXT UK Champion! Who takes the first steps forward in this new era?


  • Vacated NXT UK Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Oliver Carter VS Charlie Dempsey; Carter wins and advances.
  • Thea Hail w/ Chase U VS Eliza Alexander; Eliza wins.
  • Teoman w/ Rohan Raja VS Sam Gradwell; Gradwell wins.
  • Vacated NXT UK Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Trent Seven VS Wolfgang; Seven wins and advances.


Vacated NXT UK Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Oliver Carter VS Charlie Dempsey w/ Die Familie!

This may be a 1v1 match, but this could be two birds with one stone for the Predator Killer. Carter could clear out Die Familie 3-0 while going for the gold, will the Hottest Superstar Under the Sun get even hotter? Or will Dempsey get his biggest win in NXT UK yet?

Carter sees Teoman & Rohan Raja have followed Dempsey out, so he goes after them first! The ref has Carter let off on Dempsey, the bell rings, and Carter fires off haymakers! Dempsey knees low, CLUBS him, but Carter throws forearms. Dempsey forearms, Carter CHOPS, Dempsey EuroUpper! Carter ROCKS Dempsey but Dempsey KNEES Low! Dempsey CLUBS Carter, clinches and EuroUppers! Carter gives EuroUPpers back, and fans are fired up for this brawl! Carter ROCKS Dempsey again and again but Dempsey kicks a leg out! Carter elbows low, then PELES Dempsey away! Carter clotheslines Dempsey up and out!

Dempsey staggers up, Carter PLANCHAS! Direct hit and fans fire up! Carter dares Die Familie to do something, then he drags Dempsey up and into the ring. Carter gets in the ring with Dempsey, has him in a corner, and whips him corner to corner. But Dempsey reverses to JAPANESE ARM-DRAG Carter into buckles! Dempsey then drives knee after knee into Carter’s thigh, before he YANKS the leg! Fans boo but Dempsey clamps onto Carter. Carter pushes him away and CLUBS Dempsey back, but Dempsey gets the leg. Dempsey hits a hard takedown and then has a toehold. Carter endures and fans rally up behind him, but Dempsey just pulls on the leg!

Dempsey turns Cater over, even as Carter kicks with his free leg, and Dempsey TWISTS the leg into the deathlock! Carter endures as Dempsey bends leg against leg then CHOPS him on the back. Dempsey hooks the legs but Carter clubs free. Dempsey stomps Carter away, gets the leg again, but Carter fires haymakers! Carter CHOPS, whips, but Dempsey reverses. Carter tries to springboard but the leg gives out! Carter crashes down and Dempsey stomps him more! Dempsey ties up the leg in a standing toehold, but Carter blocks the bridge! So Dempsey stomps him again! Dempsey drags Carter back to tie the legs up again.

Dempsey has the deathlock, and then SNAPS it! Carter cries out in pain but Die Familie is all smiles as Dempsey stands up and SNAPS it again! Carter flounders away to ropes but Dempsey is right on him. Carter throws elbows but Dempsey BOOTS him to a corner. Dempsey brings Carter up to EuroUpper hard! Carter throws haymakers and CLUBS Dempsey down! Carter swings, but into a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Carter survives but he’s clutching that damaged leg. Dempsey stomps Carter, grabs the leg again, but Carter kicks with his free leg. Dempsey stands over Carter, then on Carter, but Carter keeps kicking!

Dempsey shifts from leglock to KNEEBAR, but Carter kicks Dempsey’s own legs! Carter gets away but Dempsey storms after him> Dempsey drags Carter back and fans rally up. Dempsey has a modified crab and pushes Carter down to make it a cover, ONE! Dempsey keeps on the leg but Carter throws hands,. Dempsey CHOPS and CHOPS, but Carter SLAPS and SLAPS! Dempsey lets go and fans fire up! Carter fights through the pain but Dempsey hits a headlock takeover! Cover, TWO! Dempsey keeps on the leg with a STRETCH MUFFLER! Carter CLUBS Dempsey, Dempsey shifts around, but Carter drags himself up to fire off forearms!

Carter enziguris but Dempsey ducks it! Dempsey CLUBS the bad leg, reels Carter in, TRAPPED LEG DRAGON SUPLEX!! Bridging cover, TWO!! But Dempsey wants the arm! Carter resists the Fujiwara Armbar, fans rally hard as ever, and Carter rolls! But Dempsey gets the leg! Carter slips free, and SUPERMAN PUNCHES! And then again! Dempsey staggers into a back drop! But that was double-edged with the bad leg! Carter tries to run, but Dempsey BOOTS him down! But then Dempsey runs into the BOOKEND!! Cover, TWO!! And then the CROSSFACE! Carter elbows free before Dempsey can lock on, and Carter CHOPS!

Carter whips, SUPER- NO, the bad leg won’t allow Carter to plant for the kick! Dempsey gets the bad leg and pulls it into the HALF CRAB! Carter kicks with his free leg and is free again. Carter staggers, but Dempsey blocks and flips him, ROLLING KICK! Carter pulls one outta nowhere, but he can barely stand! Dempsey sits up, Carter tries to run but he can’t! Dempsey gets the leg, DRAGON SCREW! And then HALF CRAB!!! Carter endures, fans duel, and Dempsey pulls way back! But Carter uses that to roll him up, CARTER WINS!!

Winner: Oliver Carter, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

Carter sweeps Die Familie! Carter snatches victory from the jaws of defeat, and now he is heading for the next round! Will Carter be a survivor to be Ready And Forward, Always Forward?


NXT UK shares footage from after last week’s episode.

Blair Davenport is furiously demanding to know, “What was that?!” But Amale, Isla Dawn and Eliza Alexander are also storming in after her, and Sid Scala shouts them all down! If they don’t stop this fighting now, there will be NO future opportunities for any of them! Isla stays here, Eliza goes to one end of the hall, Amale the other, and Blair down another direction. Isla reasons with the spirits, or whatever voices are in her head, how will NXT UK settle this title contention issue?


NXT UK Media catches up with Tyler Bate.

The Big Strong Boy enters but he doesn’t have a match scheduled tonight. Why is he here at BT Sports Studios? Well, there is a match he wants to see, and that is Mr. Trent Seven’s. But Sid walks over and says he is aware of Tyler’s feelings, but this tournament is very important, very prestigious, and Sid just asks Tyler note get involved with Trent’s match tonight. Tyler would never do such a thing. But he is coming for the title regardless, and nothing would get under Trent’s skin more than Tyler walking away NXT UK Champion. Will Tyler stay Zen and let Seven fight Wolfgang undisturbed?


Thea Hail w/ Chase U VS Eliza Alexander!

Two competitors who aren’t Zen are the hyper and ambitious star recruit of Chase University, and #LizzieEvo who claims the Yanks of NXT 2.0 are just in the way of her opportunities. Will Thea give Eliza a #TeachableMoment that opportunities still have to be earned? Or will Thea flunk this test just like Bodhi Hayward did against Sha Samuels?

The bell rings and Eliza is annoyed that the fans are fired up for Chase U. Eliza CLUBS Thea, CLUBS her against ropes, then whips her to ropes. Thea ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl and headscissors! Eliza ends up in a corner, Thea whips her to ropes but Eliza reverses. Thea wheelbarrows to arm-drag! And then DROPKICK! Fans fire up, “CHASE!” “U!” “CHASE!” “U!” “CHASE!” “U!” as Thea ROCKS Eliza with forearms! Thea uppercuts then runs, but Eliza turns wheelbarrow into STUN GUN! Eliza whips Thea to ropes and CLOBBERS her! Fans still rally for Chase U, spelling it out as Eliza circles Thea.

Eliza CLUBS Thea, brings her around and TOSSES her by her hair! The ref reprimands, Bodhi protests and Chase coaches Thea up. Thea throws body shots and haymakers to back Eliza down! Thea whips, Eliza reverses but Thea stops herself and comes back to schoolgirl roll up! TWO, and Eliza knees Thea low! Eliza snap suplexes, then dusts off her hands. The fans spell out Chase U again as Eliza drag Thea up. Eliza slaps Thea around, pushes her around, then drags her into a deep Camel Clutch! Thea endures, fans rally up, but Eliza thrashes Thea around! Thea pries at the chinlock, gets her arms free and powers up, and BACKPACK SENTONS!

Fans fire up as Thea is free and gets to a corner. Eliza staggers up, Thea sidesteps her to ELBOW her! And CLOBBER her! Thea rallies, ENZIGURIS, then runs to ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Thea fires up and STANDING MOONSAULTS onto knees! Eliza runs to BUSAIKU KNEE! Cover, Eliza wins!

Winner: Eliza Alexander, by pinfall

That knee sure bashed Thea up there! Will Eliza get what she wants in a future title opportunity? Or will it take more than beating a freshman to go after the Final Boss?


NXT UK Media catches up with Amale.

But then Nina Samuels interrupts and takes over, making this The Nina Samuels Show. Nina welcomes us to a new episode and she brings up Amale’s spectacular loss to Blair Davenport. She must be so embarrassed to have shown she is no hope for the French people whatsoever! Amale snatches the mic to tell Nina something in French, but Nina asks for a translation. “I said you’re not really the pride of your country, are you?” Amale doesn’t care to be a ratings grab to Nina’s little “show,” and she doesn’t care if it’s Isla, Eliza, Blair or even Nina. Amale will go through anyone to get at the NXT UK Women’s Championship!

Amale storms off and Nina makes a face, but who won’t Amale face if it means facing the Final Boss?


Chase U holds a special lecture in the UK Performance Center.

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we don’t spell color with the letter U.” But Chase’s lesson is interrupted by Eddie Dennis! Dennis asks what this is, and Chase introduces himself. Dennis slaps away his handshake and says Chase U is a questionable institution! The UK has Oxford and Cambridge, and Dennis is a REAL former headmaster! Chase besmirches the field of academics! Besmirching?! Who the F do you think you are!? Coming into Chase’s classroom, interrupting Chase’s lecture, you stupid SOB! Oh, Chase thinks he’s so impressive just because he taught this Neanderthal, Bodhi, how to brush his hair!

Dennis says none of what Chase has done makes him a teacher. Well, class, we’ve got ourselves a #TeachableMoment! WOO~! Chase says Dennis thinks it’s so easy taking on a protégé, and it’s so easy taking someone under his wing. Why doesn’t Dennis try taking that guy under his wing? Saxon Huxley!? And he’s eating barbeque chicken with his bare hands, double time! Dennis sighs, will he be up for the challenge?


Teoman w/ Rohan Raja VS Sam Gradwell!

The Babo couldn’t help his brother in arms advance in the tournament, but maybe he’ll have better luck defending his own honor. The Thunderstorm says Teoman is just a little man who needs his backup to get anything done. Will he be proven right one way or another tonight?

The bell rings and Gradwell circles with Teoman. They tie up, Gradwell headlocks and grinds, but Teoman pries at the hold. Gradwell clamps on tight, but Teoman stomps his foot! Gradwell lets go but gets the headlock right back. Teman throws body shots, powers out but Gradwell runs him over! Teoman gets up, dodges then SLAPS Gradwell! Gradwell DECKS Teoman! And again, and then fires off forearms! Gradwell scoops and SLAMS Teoman, then reels him in! Teoman fights the underhooks, wrenches and pushes Gradwell onto ropes. The ref counts, Teoman tries a cheap shot but Gradwell dodges to clothesline him out of the ring!

Fans fire up as Gradwell goes to the apron. Raja shields Teoman but then moves, so that Teoman can grab a leg! Gradwell CLUBS Teoman but Teoman UYANKS the apron skirt! Gradwell falls, Teoman RAMS him into the apron! And again! Teoman pushes Gradwell into the ring, clamps on to cover, TWO! Teoman is frustrated but he clamps onto Gradwell with a chinlock. Teoman goes for an arm, Gradwell fights it and fights up, but Teoman has the cobra clutch to ripcord and CLUB Gradwell in the back! Teoman laughs and soaks up the heat, then he drags Gradwell up. Teoman clamps on a cobra clutch and he thrashes Gradwell around.

Gradwell endures, fights up, pries at the hold, but Teoman ripcords him again. Gradwell ROCKS Teoman! And again! Teoman goes after the shoulder but Gradwell ROCKS then TOSSES Teoman away! Gradwell storms up to fireman’s carry, but Teoman neck wrenches and rakes the eyes! Gradwell tosses Teoman away and Teoman clutches his leg! Did Teoman have a bad landing? Nope, it’s a distraction so Raja can HOTSHOT Gradwell! SLIDING FOREARM from Teoman!! Cover, TWO!! Gradwell survives and shocks Teoman! Teoman snarls and drags Gradwell up into the dragon sleeper! But Gradwell snapmares free!

Teoman fights the fireman’s carry, but Gradwell power sup. Teoman still fights, so Gradwell shoves him and back drops him! Teoman clutches his ribs, goes to the corner, and he snarls as he storms up on Gradwell. Gradwell counter punches Toeman, then again! Gradwell clamps on to SLAP Teoman and then CLOBBER him! Gradwell starts to rally, and he runs in at the corner to forearm smash! BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Both men are down but Gradwell huffs and puffs and goes up the corner. Teoman wants mercy, he again claims an injury, and Raja HOTSHOTS Gradwell again! The ref notices something is off, and he EJECTS Raja!!

Fans cheer and Teoman argues with the ref! “Nana na na, hey hey hey, good bye~!” Teoman storms up on Gradwell, but Gradwell KNEES Teoman away! Gradwell drags Teoman up, fireman’s carry, THUNDERSTORM DRIVER! Cover, Gradwell wins!

Winner: Sam Gradwell, by pinfall

Die Familie get NOTHING this night, and fans are loving it! Gradwell is roaring, will he be rolling towards an opportunity for bigger and better?


Sid Scala is with Mark Coffey and NXT UK Media.

The Assistant GM welcomes us all as he personally congratulates the NEW Heritage Cup Champion. Mark says Sid has his word that- Wait, in walks the former Heritage Cup Champion, Noam Dar. Dar hopes Sid has told Mark the news. Um, no, Sid hasn’t. He’s received the thousands of letters, texts and emails from Noam Dar, but he hasn’t made the match. No, those weren’t all from Dar, they were from all of Dar’s fans! The ones who love Supernova 11. But regardless of who sent what, Dar is the greatest Heritage Cup Champion of all time, who deserves a rematch against the so-called current champion.

Mark tells Dar that he gets it. And the way Mark sees it, they’re 1-1 for this cup. So per Heritage Cup rules, it has to be first to two. Mark will give Dar the rematch. Sid says he will make it happen, and Dar says that was easy. Thank you, buh-bye. But after this rematch of the rematch, will Dar have to say good-bye to the Heritage Cup once and for all?


Vacated NXT UK Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Trent Seven VS Wolfgang!

Though he calls himself the Savior of British Sports, the Artful Dodger has yet to be on top of NXT UK’s mountain. As for the Last King of Scotland, this Gallus Boy was so close to taking the title off Ilja Dragunov, it’s a given that he’d be in this tournament. Who proves they’re the more worthy of picking up the golden banner and represent this brand proudly?

The bell rings and fans chant at Seven, “YOU SOLD OUT!” Seven and Wolfgang circle, tie up, and Wolfgang puts Seven on the ropes. Seven shouts for the ropebreak, the ref counts it, and Wolfgang lets off. Wolfgang and Seven talk some smack at each other, then tie up again. Wolfgang powers Seven back but Seven turns it around to put Wolfgang on the ropes. The ref calls the ropebreak again, but Wolfgang dodges the cheap shot! Seven hurries away as Wolfgang shows haymaker. Seven rushes Wolfgang but Wolfgang headlocks. Seven powers out but Wolfgang runs him over! Seven clamps onto a leg but Wolfgang CLUBS him!

Things speed up, Wolfgang sees the back drop coming to whip and scoop! Seven slips off, shoves, but the hip toss is countered with a hip toss! Fans fire up as Wolfgang arm-drags Seven and clamps onto the cording hold. Seven scrambles around but Wolfgang holds on. Fans rally, “Let’s Go, Wolfgang!” but Seven throws body shots. Wolfgang RAMS shoulders, CLUBS the arm, uppercuts it, then knuckle locks to straight arm lever! Wolfgang DROPS Seven, then drags him back up. Wolfgang hits another arm-drag and he grinds the arm down. Seven endures, fights up, but Wolfgang wrenches. Seven gets in the ropes and the ref calls the break.

Wolfgang lets off, and Seven gets a cheap shot in! Seven fires off hands and has Wolfgang on ropes! The ref counts, Seven lets off to whip, but Wolfgang holds ropes to block! Seven CLUBS and CHOPS Wolfgang, then whips again. Wolfgang reverses and DROPKICKS! Seven goes down and fans fire up! Seven flounders up, Wolfgang runs in but Seven sends him out. Seven fixes his moustache but Wolfgang drags him out! Wolfgang CHOPS, and CHOPS, and he keeps Seven from getting away, to whip him into barriers! The fans are fire dup, and Wolfgang climbs up! Seven trips Wolfgang! And RAMS him into barriers!

Seven puts Wolfgang in the ring at 8 of 10, then pushes him to CLUB away on the back! Fans cheer and jeer as Seven chinlocks and stretches Wolfgang back. Wolfgang endures and the fans rally up. Seven JAMS his knee in then gets the arms for a motorcycle stretch! Wolfgang endures, fans taunt Seven, Seven shakes his head and Wolfgang fights up. Wolfgang turns things around on Seven, fireman’s carries, but the bad back gives up! Seven hits a DDT! Cover, TWO! Wolfgang survives but Seven stomps him down. Seven drags Wolfgang up and wants the arm but Wolfgang resists. Seven gets Wolfgang up, ripcords, but Wolfgang ducks to GERMAN SUPLEX!

Seven flounders to a corner and Wolfgang snarls. Wolfgang runs in to CROSSBODY! Seven staggers away, Wolfgang goes up and and FLYING AX HANDLES! Seven stagger sup into a scoop and SLAM! Wolfgang runs for the BASEMENT SPALSH! Cover, TWO! Seven survives and Wolfgang seethes while clutching his ribs. Fans rally for “WOLF~GANG!” as he gets back up. Wolfgang drags Seven up, scoops him again, but Seven slips off to SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Seven drags Wolfgang up, but Wolfgang hits the CABER TOSS! Cover, TWO!! Seven survives again and Wolfgang is frustrated.

Fans fire up for Wolfgang as he catches his breath. Wolfgang drags himself up and he drags Seven back up. Seven MULE KICKS! Seven runs, but into a LARIAT! Seven staggers up, Wolfgang fireman’s carries and hits a GUTBUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO!! Seven is still in this and shakes his head. Wolfgang goes to the corner while fans fire up, and Wolfgang climbs! But Seven CHOPS him down! And CHOPS again! Seven goes up and brings Wolfgang up. Wolfgang throws body shots and a HEADBUTT! Seven falls and Wolfgang rises! THE HOWLER onto knees!! Seven saves himself and he BACKHANDS!

Seven torture racks Wolfgang for the BIRMINGHAMMER!! Cover, Seven wins!!

Winner: Trent Seven, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

He didn’t need to cheat, but he perhaps did get lucky! Seven takes down Wolfgang and will be facing Carter in the next round, will Seven get that lucky again?

My Thoughts:

A great, fast moving episode, and a pretty good job pivoting from all the changes in plans in NXT UK. I’m surprised Sid didn’t just out and say there’d be a Fatal 4 Way #1 contender’s match for the women’s title, that seems like the easiest thing in the world. But maybe they’re weighing that option against a Fatal 4 Elimination or a mini tournament. Good promo from Amale and Nina and a good match between Eliza and Thea to add onto the build. I still haven’t seen anything on why Meiko VS Sarray never happened, but that’ll just be a match we’ll have to hope happens in the future.

I really liked a lot about that confrontation between Andre Chase and Eddie Dennis. For one, the logic of the feud is obvious and perfect. And then Chase daring Dennis to mentor Huxley is clever. It seems with A-Kid in the States, Huxley has reverted so Dennis has his work cut out for him. Another part wasn’t even so much about the promo but about where it was. The room they were in had all the side plates of their former champions lined up on the wall, from the singles, tag and women’s divisions, even those that aren’t with the WWE right now. It shows that no matter where they are, or what their names are now, NXT UK still respects continuity and history.

Good promo from Mark and Dar to set up one more match between them, and who knows who wins that. It’d be great for Mark to hold onto the cup but it’d also be big for Dar to be the first two-time Heritage Cup Champion. Chances are, someone in this Heritage Cup Division could be moving on to NXT 2.0. A-Kid, now Axiom, has already made the move, as has Nathan Frazer, so it wouldn’t surprise me if Dar loses so that he can return to the States, or if Mark loses so that Gallus can all go there. Joe Coffey is still in the NXT UK Championship tournament but I sadly don’t see him getting the belt in the end. And we did just see what happened with Wolfgang.

Speaking of that tournament, great matches for this first part of the first round. Carter sweeping Die Familie was quite the surprise, and Die Familie could even be moving over to NXT 2.0 soon. Even though it was only for pride, Gradwell beat Teoman in a really solid match. Then in the main event, we got a great match out of Wolfgang and Seven, but I figured Seven would win this. As I’ve said already, I fully expect Seven VS Bate to be our finals for the title. But it sounds like they won’t be putting that finals match on Clash at the Castle, which is a damn shame. But maybe it lines up where the finals are the Thursday before Clash at the Castle for just a great week.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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