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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (8/26/22)

It’s Second Chance Friday!



SmackDown 2022

Who defies the odds to come out on top?

Toxic Attraction won, but are out due to injury! But SmackDown keeps things on track with a Second Chance Fatal 4 Way to find NEW semifinalists!


  • Ricochet VS Happy Corbin; wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament Second Chance Fatal 4 Way: Shotzi Blackheart & Xia Li VS Natalya & Sonya Deville VS Dana Brooke & Tamina VS Nikki A.S.H. & “Doudrop” Piper Niven; win and will face Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah in the semifinals.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament, Semifinal: Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah VS Natalya & Sonya Deville; Raquel & Aliyah win and advance to the finals.
  • Drew McIntyre VS Sami Zayn; McIntyre wins.


Ricochet VS Happy Corbin!

Speaking of second chances, the One and Only beat “Bum ass” Corbin when they were 1v1, and Corbin was a sore loser about it. They face off again here in Motor City, will Ricochet sweep Corbin 2-0? Or will Corbin get his revenge and force a tiebreaker?

The bell rings and Corbin rushes in! Ricochet dodges, ducks ‘n’ dodges more, then tilt-o-whirls to RANA Corbin out of the ring! Fans fire up with Ricochet while Corbin wobbles. Ricochet builds speed but Corbin runs so Ricochet handsprings and superhero lands! Ricochet grins at Corbin, Corbin rushes in but Ricochet jumps out to the apron. Ricochet shoulders into Corbin, slingshots up an dover and keeps moving, to flapjack DROPKICK! Then he dropkicks the legs out! STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, ONE!! Corbin gets to a corner but fans fire up for Ricochet. Ricochet runs corner to corner, but is put on the apron!

Ricochet shoulders into Corbin again, but slingshots into a HAYMAKER! Fans boo but Corbin just soaks it all up. Corbin drags Ricochet up, puts him in the corner, but fans chant, “You Suck! You Suck!” Corbin CHOPS Ricochet down, then brings Ricochet back up to ROCK him with a forearm. Corbin CLUBS away on Ricochet’s back, then shakes his head at the booing fans. Corbin whips Ricochet, Ricochet goes up and over the back, duck sunder and handsprings, but Corbin shoves him away! Ricochet handsprings again to back elbow! Corbin tumbles out of the ring! Ricochet builds speed to slide, but Corbin dodges!

Ricochet runs at Corbin, but Corbin alley-oops him up, only for Ricochet to land safe on the corner! Ricochet SKY TWISTERS and takes Corbin down!! Fans fire up with Ricochet as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Ricochet fires off forearms and KICKS on Corbin! Ricochet whips Corbin to a corner but Corbin reverses. Ricochet dodges, Corbin slides out and in into a dropkick! Ricochet goes up and out to aim from the apron, but Corbin blocks the boot to fireman’s carry! Corbin lifts and SLAMS Ricochet onto the desk! Fans boo while Corbin smirks. Corbin frowns at Pat McAfee before he TOSSES Ricochet into barriers! Corbin drags Ricochet up and ROCKS him with a right hand. Corbin pushes Ricochet into the ring, fans rally for Ricochet, but Corbin puts Ricochet in a corner. Corbin DECKS Ricochet with a right!

Corbin stands Ricochet up, whips him corner to corner hard, then lifts Ricochet on the rebound to SLAM him on the buckle! Cover, TWO! Corbin argues with the ref but the ref says his count was fair. Corbin drags Ricochet up, Ricochet throws body shots, but Corbin knees low! Corbin whips but Ricochet handsprings, into a BIG elbow! Corbin drags Ricochet up, whips him at the corner and Ricochet slides into the post! Fans boo as Ricochet flops to the floor but Corbin tells them off. Corbin hears the ring count pass 5 of 10 and waits. Ricochet gets up and in at 7, but Corbin smirks again. Corbin whips Ricochet, but Ricochet tilt-o-whirls to a DDT!

Fans rally while both men are down! Corbin sits up first and he drags Ricochet up, only to get a JAWBREAKR! Ricochet fires off hands, KICKS, and KICKS and KICKS! But Corbin shoves Ricochet, only for Ricochet to Tiger Wall Kick and ENZIGURI! Corbin ends up in a corner, Ricochet runs in, and Ricochet RAMS into Corbin! Ricochet goes to the apron, springboards but Corbin gets under! Corbin choke grips but Ricochet RANAS! Then V-TRIGGERS! Corbin rebounds but Ricochet dodges, only to run into DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO! Corbin grows frustrated but he drags Ricochet up and to the corner.

Corbin puts Ricochet up top, climbs up, but Ricochet fires off haymakers! Ricochet then KICKS Corbin down, and fans fire up! Ricochet adjusts, aims, and 450s, but has to roll through! Corbin BOOTS Ricochet, lifts him again, and just YOYO SLAMS him down! Cover, TWO!! Corbin is furious but two is two! Corbin runs to DECK Ricochet down! Fans boo but Corbin drags Ricochet up. Corbin runs, Ricochet dodges, and leaps, but no Recoil! Corbin shoves Ricochet but Ricochet V-TRIGGERS again! And SUPERKICKS! And HEEL KICKS! Corbin falls over, Ricochet goes up and Detroit fires up! SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Cover, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

And that’s the sweep! McAfee mocks Corbin with the telestrator, is it all over for Corbin but the crying?


The Street Profits are backstage!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins walk the halls, but they encounter Hit Row! Ford says, “Look who it is! OOO~!” B-Fab hears they want the smoke. Ashante THEE Adonis & Top Dolla look at each other and say, “Oh we got that.” Ford & Dawkins feel it! There’s something here! About that MONEY MONEY MONEY~! To the smoke they go~! B-Fab leads the way, are the Profits and Hit Row hitting it off?


SmackDown looks at Drew McIntyre’s journey.

“It’s really cool to be from the UK. A long line of warriors, of scientists, of poets. The people think big, they dream big, they do incredible things. As a kid, I did imagine I would be here. I imagined it every single day since I was six years old.” It seemed unobtainable. No one from Scotland had ever been signed to the WWE before. He was the kid who said he’d be the first, and he believed it that much. Being from Scotland, with such brave and heroic figures, if you’ve got a dream, you go for it and make it happen. McIntyre is living proof of it. He rose up, reached the top in Scotland, Wales, England, and then the FCW Champion in the US.

McIntyre became the fastest superstar to go from developmental to television as “The Chosen One.” They all thought that at the time, as did he, but he doesn’t see it that way now. He thought he deserved it all, become a Hall of Famer all easy, but it didn’t work out that way. “When things weren’t going so well anymore, instead of putting my head down and working harder, instead of looking in that mirror, I was getting angry. My dream and my professional life was falling apart, and that was about the time my mom got sick.” He still sees her as a superhero, but then she passed and there was no saving him emotionally or professionally. He got fired, and it ended up being the best thing for him.

McIntyre was clueless and immature when he first came to America. But he knew he’d return to the WWE a man. And so he did! He became the leader of the locker room, and so much more. More of the McIntyre story is still to come later tonight.


Karrion Kross speaks.

He and Scarlett are up in the bleachers! “Wow. What a beautiful story of redemption. Congratulations, Mr. McIntyre> I mean, who knows? Maybe right now, it really is your time. Or… Maybe not. However, take this moment in. Think about it. Feel it, savor it, because in reality, at any given moment, I can put my arm through the back of your head, and all of your achievements will mean absolutely nothing. Tick-tock.” Mr. Doomsday puts McIntyre on the clock, but will the Scottish Warrior prove he can change the fate Kross sees for him?


WWE Women’s Championship Tournament Second Chance Fatal 4 Way: Shotzi Blackheart & Xia Li VS Natalya & Sonya Deville VS Dana Brooke & Tamina VS Nikki A.S.H. & “Doudrop” Piper Niven!

Second chance and last chance for the four teams that were eliminated in the tournament! Toxic Attraction’s misfortune is a golden opportunity, but who seizes the moment and heads for the semifinals?

SmackDown returns and Natalya & Sonya make their entrance. Dana & Tamina, as well as Nikki & Piper, are already at their corners. This type of Fatal 4 only has two teams legal at one time, so Sonya starts against Tamina. Tamina throws her jacket at former tag partner, Natty. Sonya can’t believe that, and she circles with Tamina. Natty talks some trash, and gets a SUPERKICK for it! Tamina dodges Sonya, fireman’s carries to a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, but Piper SENTONS it apart! Piper puts Sonya in her corner, Nikki tags in off Sonya, but then Xia tags off Tamina. Nikki CROSSBODIES Xia then rains down fists!

Nikki soaks up the heat as she strike a pose, then she drags Xia up. Nikki whips, Xia reverses and Nikki hits ropes hard! Xia clinches, hammerlocks, and HOTSHOTS Nikki down! Xia talks trash on Nikki not being a hero, and then she tags Shotzi. Xia’s drop toehold puts Nikki on the ropes, then Xia is the step for Shotzi to jump off off, SENTON against the ropes! Cover, Tamina breaks it! Tamina drags Shotzi over, Dana tags in off Shotzi, and the 24/7 Champion handsprings to elbow Piper down! Nikki runs in but into a BOOT! Nikki wrenches back, kicks low, TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO and Sonya KNEES Nikki down!

Tamina SUPERKKICKS Sonya! Piper CROSSBODIES Tamina! Shotzi runs in but Piper blocks the cravat to power out. Shotzi dodges Piper, Xia ROUNBDHOUSES! Xia gives Shotzi another boost, SLICED BREAD for Piper! Natty rushes in to DISCUS Xia! But Shotzi whips! Natty reverses to send Shotzi out, but Dana CLOBBERS Natty! Fans fire up and Dana goes up a corner! But Nikki intercepts with a haymaker! Nikki then climbs up to join Dana, but So does Sonya! Sonya tags in off Dana, before Nikki brings Dana up! Dana turns that around, SUPERPLEX onto the cluster! Sonya hurries to find Nikki and put her in the ring! Sonya covers Nikki, Sonya & Natty win!!

Winners: Sonya Deville & Natalya, by pinfall (advance to the semifinals)

“Cruella” is an opportunist, and she snatches this win away for her team! But that semifinal match with Aliyah & Raquel is later tonight! Will Aliyah#317 and Big Mami Cool be more than ready for this one?


The Brawling Brutes head to the ring!

Sheamus leads “Butch” and Ridge Holland out, ready to address his coming title match with Der Ring General! What will the Fella have to say about Gunther? We’ll find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Sheamus gets the mic. “Cardiff, Wales. Next weekend, the Brawling Brutes are gonna be startin’ fights and drinkin’ pints when ol’ Sheamy here celebrates becoming your NEW Intercontinental Champion!” Fans are a bit torn on that idea. Sheamus says he will become WWE’s first ever ULTIMATE Grand Slam Champion when he beats “the bleedin’ sauerkraut” out of Gunther! He won’t know what’s hit him- But wait! Here comes Imperium! Gunther leads Ludwig Kaiser out, and neither of them looks very happy. Sheamus & Ridge have Pete Dunne stand down, especially given that history.

Gunther & Ludwig join the brutes in the ring and Ludwig says, “Ladies and gentlemen… <The mat is sacred!>” Sheamus has him stop right there. He has no idea what Ludwig’s saying, nor does anyone in Detroit. So please, shut up, yeah? Good man. The truth of it is, Sheamus’ beef is with Gunther. Gunther says he’s the Ring General. But the truth is, you’re looking at a REAL ring general in Sheamus. Sheamus has faced the best of the best in this ring and beat every single one of ’em! Drew McIntyre, Randy Orton, John Cena, Roman Reigns, and even the King o’ Kings himself, Triple H, the Game!

And nobody in this ring, nobody in this business, has had banger after banger after banger after banger, etc. The truth is, Gunther, Sheamus sees a lot of himself in Gunther. It’s been years since he’s seen anyone possess the same brutal qualities that Sheamus does. It reminds Sheamus of himself. Just like Sheamus, Gunther loves to go to war in the ring. There are a lot of similarities here. But Gunther has something Sheamus wants: the WWE Intercontinental Championship! And Sheamus makes Gunther a promise that at Clash at the Castle, Sheamus will drag that title off Gunther’s lifeless body and into the belly of the red dragon!

Fans cheer but Gunther gets the mic now. “Sheamus, you’re a man to be respected, I give you that. But you’re nothing like me! I am Der Intercontinental Champion! And to protect this title, I’m gonna teach you what violence really means. In Cardiff, not only am I gonna retain this title, but I’m gonna chop your chest into bloody bits! I’m gonna break your body, I’m gonna break your spirt! I’m gonna break the man that everybody thinks can’t be broken! Sheamus, Der Ring General will break YOU!” Gunther and Sheamus get face to face, and then Dunne DECKS Ludwig! Dunne rains down fists, Ludwig kicks him away, and Ridge can only watch!

Ridge tries to get involved but Ludwig clotheslines him out of the ring! Ridge drags Ludwig out, but Ludwig TOSSES Ridge over barriers! Dunne TACKLES Ludwig! And still, Sheamus and Gunther only focus on each other! Ludwig and Dunne brawl right beside them! They CLOBBER each other, and then drag themselves up. Gunther and Sheamus hold their men back, and fans fire up! Imperium stands down, but will this all explode in Cardiff?


Backstage interview with Natalya & Sonya Deville.

Megan congratulates them on the win tonight. They shocked everyone with that opportunistic victory- Uh, stop right there. What does that even mean? They had an opportunity and they won, just say that! Does Megan know who she’s talking to? This is Natalya! The BOAT! Former SmackDown Women’s Champion and former WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion. Be respectful. Natty agrees, and adds that Sonya is one of the hardest hitting women in the WWE today. She really is! They are really starting to find their groove, which is why Aliyah & Raquel should be very concerned tonight. Understand this: one small mistake and these two are going to the finals!

And Morgan, Megan, whoever you are, no one likes a kill joy. Take a hike. These two are confident, but will they be able to take advantage of another opportunity? Also, Nikki and Piper were arguing in the background the whole time. Is their Celtic Connection imploding as we speak?


Bayley, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky are here!

The Role Model and her dynamic duo are back on SmackDown, ready to watch another Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament match! They await the winners in the finals on Monday, will they make sure to take plenty of notes?


Sami Zayn visits Roman Reigns’ locker room.

He knocks, and the Usos are back! Jimmy is excited to see Sami, it was great how Montreal was on fire for him last week. They saw it? Yeah, they saw it! Sami says if he didn’t get hurt, he would’ve so won that Fatal 5 Way. Yeah, he was close. Jey says it was still a loss, though. What’s Sami doing knocking on the door? Well, Sami was hoping Roman would wanna see him after last week. Y’know? That bonding, the save, you guys saw that, right? But McIntyre’s still walking around so Jey tells Sami to walk away. But then Roman calls to them. Sami says hey to the Tribal Chief! Sup, Sami. What’re you doing out there? Come on in.

Sami walks past the Usos and joins Roman. Nice room here! Yeah, it’s alright. But what’s up? Go ahead, sit down. Sami sits in the other armchair and asks Roman how things are going. Roman’s good. How’s Sami? Sami’s okay. He’s still a bit sore from last week. Right, yeah. Sami lost. Yes, he did, that is true. But sometimes, bad things happen so that they can redeem themselves. Right! That’s how Sami sees it! Roman didn’t forget. He was alone last week, he needed someone to help him out, and he appreciates what Sami did for him last week. That is something that family would do. Yes, something that family should do! Sami was happy to do it.

Sami wants Roman to know he can be counted on for anything. Well then, he needs another favor. Name it! Take McIntyre out tonight. Yeah, he has his match with McIntyre tonight! The Master Strategist gets in people’s heads, throws down blankets, does a dance, all that. McIntyre won’t know what’s what! By the time we get to Cardiff, Roman will break McIntyre in half! Sami was thinking they could all to this together as a unit. A bonding moment for the Bloodline. Well, thing is, they’re going to distract Sami. Yes, Roman does command respect. That is fine, Sami appreciates this opportunity to this on his own. Thank you, Uce!

Yes, you’re welcome., Sami has the opportunity to be the main event. One Sami doesn’t take lightly. Good luck, Uce. Not gonna need it. Jimmy gives Sami the secret handshake, but Jey just shows Sami the door. Will Sami prove himself worthy? Or is he just being used by the Tribal Chief?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament, Semifinal: Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah VS Natalya & Sonya Deville!

Bayley joins commentary on this match as Ricky Desperado & the Bougie Badass make their entrance. With Kai & Sky watching so closely, will either team be able to focus on their opponents? Who will be heading to Monday Night Raw for THE WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships?

The teams sort out and Raquel fires Aliyah up as she starts against Natty. They tie up, Natty headlocks and hits a takeover. Aliyah headscissors, Natty kips free, but Aliyah kips up. They tie up, Natty headlocks again, but Aliyah powers out. Natty goes up and over in the corner, keeps moving, but Aliyah keeps up. Natty rolls, Aliyah goes Matrix and rolls Natty up! ONE, but Aliyah ghost pins, TWO! Aliyah facelocks but Natty throws hands! Natty scoops but Aliyah slips off. Aliyah tags Raquel, and she runs Natty over! Cover, Sonya breaks it! Aliyah throws Sonya out, Natty regroups with Sonya, but Aliyah leaps! She gets Sonya!

Natty drags Aliyah off Sonya to scoop and MICHINOKU DRIVER to the floor! Raquel rushes over to run Natty off and check on Aliyah while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Natty & Sonya throw Raquel down together! Sonya bumps Raquel off buckles, tags Natty in, and they double whip, only for Raquel to crisscross and send them into each other! Raquel drags Sonya around, drags up Natty, and she manages to DOUBLE SUPLEX her opponents! Cover on Sonya, ONE! Raquel keeps cool and brings Sonya up for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Fans fire up, Raquel runs in to go up, but Natty stops the Vader Bomb! Raquel SMACKS Natty off the post but Sonya YANKS Raquel down! Cover, TWO! Sonya puts Raquel on ropes to CHOKE her, then lets off at 4, so Natty can get a cheap shot in!

Fans boo but Natty soaks up the heat. Sonya bumps Raquel off buckles, stomps and KICKS Raquel in the corner, and then she soaks up heat. Fans boo while Sonya stalks Raquel. Raquel throws forearms in return, but Sonya KICKS Her down! Cover, TWO! Sonya drags Raquel up, grinds forearms into her face, and taunts the fans who rally up. Sonya grinds Raquel down with a chinlock while Bayley mocks Michael Cole. Raquel fights up with Sonya as a piggyback, and then Natty runs in! But Raquel catches Natty for a POWERSLAM! Then she THROWS Sonya onto Natty! Fans fire up as Raquel gets space.

Raquel fires up with Aliyah still down, and she counters Sonya’s punches to HEADBUTT her down! Natty runs in again but Raquel DECKS her! Raquel BOOTS Sonya, fire sup, and SPLASHES Natty in a corner! Then SPLASHES Sonya in the other! Raquel goes up to TWISTING VADER on Sonya! Cover, TWO!! Raquel drags Sonya up into the TEXANA- NO, Natty trips Raquel to stop the bomb! Natty steps through but the ref says she’ snot legal! Raquel BOOTS Natty right out of the ring! But Sonya KNEES Raquel down! Cover, TWO!! Even Bayley is surprised! Sonya sits Raquel up but Raquel ducks the buzzsaw!

Raquel swings, into a spin, but she switches and lifts Sonya, TEXANA BOMB!! Cover, Raquel & Aliyah win!!

Winners: Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah, by pinfall (advance to the finals)

Bayley says it’s very convenient that Aliyah gets in the ring now. But a win is a win, and now we have our golden showdown for the Steel City! Dakota & Iyo get in the ring to stare down their opponents. Will Raquel & Aliyah bring these belts to SmackDown? Or will Kai & Sky take control and bring these titles to Raw?


Maximum Male Models has another photoshoot backstage.

Maçé & Mansôör pose while Max Dupri tells the photographer to pipe down so he can run this. Gentlemen, you are looking great! Maxxine, fix Mansoor’s button for him. She unbuttons the shirt, and Max likes those pecs! But what is he paying this photographer for? He’s missing the goods! But then HIT~ ROW~ blasts their theme song in their trailer. Max is furious, and Maxxine says she has an idea. She heads off, but how will she solve this issue?

SmackDown returns, MMM does its best to power through with the shoot, but then Maxxine returns. With Los Lotharios? Angel & Humberto heard they have a problem. They have a solution: spray paint! Are they going to do something to the Hit Row’s trailer?


The New Day are here!

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods are back! And of course Woods is in a wheelchair after what the Viking Raiders did to his leg. But they do have mics as fans chant “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Woods thanks the fans for that, and he knows normally, they’re here clapping, dancing and happy. So this is a bit difficult for them. As you know, they’ve been making fun of the Viking Raiders, from how “new and vicious” they are and making fun of their intelligence, but the New Day underestimated them. There’s no way to sugarcoat this, but the past few weeks, they’ve been getting their asses beat by the Vikings.

Kofi had a 300 pound man go Air Viking and crack some of his ribs a couple weeks ago. So they have to face a harsh reality. Last week, they saw the “Viking funeral,” and saw Erik & Ivar burning boxes of Booty O’s, burning New Day shirts, and unicorn horns. They were burning the New Day’s legacy. It was done, but maybe New Day is just that. Fans say “NO! NO! NO!” Kofi appreciates the fans feeling that way. They’ve gotten a chance to do a lot of great things, but- Wait! The Viking Raiders are here! Erik & Ivar say this is pathetic. “We gave you a proper sendoff. A warrior’s rite.” “And instead of leaving with honor, you’re out here sniveling.”

Guys, c’mon. Just give them a few minutes to say what they need to say to the fans. Erik says one thing a Viking despises more than anything in the world is weakness. It makes them sick to see the New Day in their ring, groveling like some wounded animal. Ivar says sometimes, the best thing to do for a wounded animal is to put it down! Erik & Ivar storm up to the ring as Kofi wheels Woods back. Kofi says stop! Woods’ leg is still broken from what they did! They won! SURPRISE! KENDO STICKS!! Woods & Kofi suckered them in! And now they SMACK away on Erik & Ivar! The Vikings go running, and Woods THROWS the wheelchair at them!

The New Day aren’t wounded animals, they’re 100%! Will Kofi & Woods wage war against Erik & Ivar to take back that legacy they burned on the pyre?


MMM and Los Lotharios graffiti the Hit Row trailer!

In big blue letters, they spray, “HIT ROW SUCKS!” Max says that’s a masterpiece. But then Hit Row walks up and asks what they’re doing. If this is beef, let’s handle this in the ring next week. By the way, this wasn’t their bus. Stupids! Wait, then who…? The Profits?! MMM and Los Lotharios run away! Will Dawkins & Ford also have to handle some business?


The Usos talk with Sami backstage.

Jimmy says Roman doesn’t talk like that about everyone, so that was a big deal. Jey says that when Sami wears that shirt, he needs to level up. He blew it last week, so don’t blow it again. Sami asks why Jey is coming at him with all this negativity. This negative energy is what Sami was talking to Roman about last week. Yeah, Sami was talking to Roman last week, behind the Usos’ back! Don’t ever disrespect Jey to his family! Understand him? Handle your business, Sami! Jimmy gets Jey out of there, will this added pressure only hurt Sami’s chances against McIntyre?


Next week’s SmackDown is going to be big!

Firstly, after the brawl we saw out of them, we’ll be getting Ludwig Kaiser VS Pete Dunne! Who will win for the pride of their team? Then, Karrion Kross has been issuing warnings, but now he’ll step up and have his first match back in the WWE! Whose time is about to run out when facing the apocalypse? And after all the back and forth, and especially after tonight’s confrontation, the Viking Raiders and the New Day face off in a VIKING RULES MATCH! No disqualifications, no count outs, no telling what these two teams will do to settle the score!


SmackDown shares the rest of Drew McIntyre’s journey.

His dream was falling apart, and he got fired. McIntyre knew he needed to grow up to achieve his full potential. The time he was away from the WWE helped McIntyre find himself and find his confidence. He came back, and for the first time in his life, he stepped up to be the leader he knew he could be. He was NXT Champion, he was WWE World Champion, and after a life of twists and turns, he reached the destination and became the face of the industry he loves. And now he encounters Roman Reigns. “Roman is incredible, it’s as simple as that. But he is an absolute monster. This is a run in the modern era that no one has seen, and we’ll probably never see again.

“And I’m gonna take him down.” McIntyre vows that in the first stadium show in the UK in 30 years, going back to where it all began for McIntyre, his journey comes full circle. That is who Roman faces in front of 70 THOUSAND Brits and the entire world. Destiny will finally be fulfilled! At Clash of the Castle, on McIntyre’s land, in front of McIntyre’s people, Roman is on McIntyre’s island and McIntyre kicks Roman’s head right off his EFFING BODY! One, two, three. Will the Scottish Warrior be the one to finally dethrone the Tribal Chief?


Drew McIntyre VS Sami Zayn!

But before taking on Roman, McIntyre must deal with Roman’s newest pawn! Will the Master Strategist have a way to do more than just run away from McIntyre? Or is Sami getting another Claymore to the face like he did last week?

SmackDown returns and Sami makes his entrance. Sami takes his time getting to the ring, with fans a bit torn. The bell rings, Sami and McIntyre circle, and Sami swipes at McIntyre. Sami then bails out and fans boo. McIntyre chuckles, he’s been through this before. McIntyre goes out after Sami but Sami slides back into the ring. Sami is of course trolling McIntyre and he stomps McIntyre as he gets back in! The ref counts, Sami lets off at the ropes, but then he CLUBS McIntyre. McIntyre DECKS Sami! McIntyre scowls, drags Sami up and bumps him off buckles! McIntyre whips corner to corner hard and Sami bounces off buckles!

McIntyre drags Sami back up, CHOPS him, and Sami is stinging even with the shirt on. McIntyre whips, Sami dodges and then bails out again! McIntyre pursues again, chases Sami into the ring, but Sami kicks McIntyre away. Sami CLUBS McIntyre at commentary, but  McIntyre blocks the bump off the desk. McIntyre SMACKS Sami off the desk instead! Then he RAMS Sami into the apron! The ring count is 7 and McIntyre puts Sami in. But Sami KICKS the rope to jam up McIntyre! Sami then CHOP BLOCKS a leg, and he fires off crossface haymakers! McIntyre pushes Sami away and gets to ropes, but Sami is after him again!

Sami CHOKES McIntyre on the ropes, lets off at 4, and then Sami holds up the finger for #WeTheOnes. But McIntyre TOSSES Sami into the corner! McIntyre fires off hands and stomps, then drags Sami up to whip to ropes. McIntyre scoops Sami for a BACKBREAKER! Sami writhes while McIntyre scowls. McIntyre shakes out one of his legs, then fires off hands on Sami. McIntyre puts Sami up top, CHOPS him again, then ROCKS him with a right! McIntyre climbs up, brings Sami up to the very top, but Sami rakes the eyes! Sami CLUBS McIntyre, and CLUBS him again! Sami SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMBS!! Both men are down and fans fire up as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Sami flounders to a corner. McIntyre runs in but into a BOOT! Sami goes up the corner, reels McIntyre in, TORNADO DDT! Cover, ONE!! Sami is frustrated but he stalks McIntyre to ropes. Sami drags McIntyre up, reels him in, but McIntyre fights the lift. Sami CLUBS away on McIntyre and lifts, but McIntyre slips out to GLASGOW KISS! Both men go down from the headbutt, but McIntyre sits up with a furious look in his eyes! Fans fire up as McIntyre glares at Sami and runs in to CLOBBER him! And again! McIntyre whips, OVERHEAD Belly2Belly Suplexes, then clinches for another OVERHEAD Belly2Belly!

Sami staggers around, swings wild but McIntyre hits a NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up and fans fire up! McIntyre aims from a corner, starts the countdown, but here come the Usos! They distract McIntyre, Sami runs in to reel McIntyre in! BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Fans are thunderous while the Usos are furious! Sami grits his teeth and gets to his feet. Fans are dueling as Sami drags McIntyre up and fires off haymakers! McIntyre CHOPS Sami off his feet! Jimmy distracts, but McIntyre DECKS him! Jey tries but McIntyre DEKCS him, too! Sami rolls McIntyre up, TWO!! They both run, they both dodge, CLAYMORE!!! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

But here comes Roman!! Roman CLOBBERS McIntyre and rains down fists! Roman stomps McIntyre, shouts at McIntyre, and fans are torn but thunderous over the Tribal Chief showing up. Roman whips but McIntyre reverses and POSTS Roman! The Usos attack again! But McIntyre fires haymakers off on them both! He DECKS Jey, he ROCKS Jimmy, then McIntyre TOSSES Jimmy! Roman SPEARS McIntyre!! Jey has a chair, and so does Jimmy! They SMACK away on McIntyre! The Usos are beating McIntyre down for their Tribal Chief! Roman wants them to teach him a lesson, so they throw McIntyre out of the ring! And then over the desk!

The Usos keep on McIntyre with stomps! They throw armchairs around, then bring McIntyre back around, to RAM him into the barriers! Jimmy drags McIntyre up, Sami runs in, HELLUVA KICK!! Sami is fired up and the Usos break apart the steel steps! Sami sets McIntyre up for them to RAM him down! And again! And again! McIntyre falls over while Roman watches from the corner! Fans chant for tables but the Usos put McIntyre back in the ring for Roman. Roman says McIntyre brought this upon himself! The top of the mountain is ROMAN’S, and McIntyre will never have it until Roman’s done with it! Roman clamps on the GUILLOTINE!!

Roman drops McIntyre, and then the Usos drag McIntyre around. Roman pins McIntyre down with a chair as he takes a seat right over him! The Usos drape the WWE World and Universal Championship belts on Roman’s shoulders. Roman says as long as he wants it, this whole industry runs off of him! Sami joins The Bloodline in holding up their fingers to the sky. Are they the ones now, then, and forever?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of SmackDown for what is actually a double header in Detroit. Since they have to be in Cardiff for Saturday, September 3rd, they can’t be in the States next Friday night, so the go-home episode is being taped right now. Though, much of this was a go-home episode in itself. We got a great career retrospective for Drew McIntyre, we got great interactions between Sami and the Bloodline, and we got both an awesome main event and go-home segment to close the night out. McIntyre wins but also gets brutally beat down, so it’s hard to say where the math is on this. There might be a moment in the true go-home episode where McIntyre gets some momentum back, but I am really hoping that given the vignette, given what we saw tonight, and give there are going to be fans live, this is when McIntyre finally has his “moment” of a world title win with fans there to celebrate with him.

Great opening match out of Ricochet VS Corbin in their rematch, and great win for Ricochet. McAfee mocking Corbin with his telestrator was hilarious, and I wonder if Corbin is going to shift away from Happy Corbin to something else. I liked the interaction between Hit Row and Street Profits, as well as the related stuff with Maximum Male Models and Los Lotharios. It’s great that we’re finally seeing MMM get in the ring, it should’ve happened a month ago, but this will be good. Also expect Profits and Los Lotharios to have their own match, and we could even see some sort of 8 Man Tag, or even a Fatal 4 Way Tag, all building towards new contenders for the Usos.

Good promo from Kross, and of course he’s going to destroy whoever he faces next week to get himself going. He keeps calling out McIntyre, not Roman, so one way or another, Kross VS McIntyre is going to be the feud coming out of Clash at the Castle. We also got a great segment out of New Day and Viking Raiders. Nice bit of bait ‘n’ switch, making it sound like a good-bye/retirement promo, but then of course turning things around on Erik & Ivar. The Viking Rules Match will certainly just be a themed Street Fight, but that is still going to be great stuff from these teams, another thing I was hoping we were going to see much sooner than this.

Now, I was hoping for more out of that Women’s Fatal 4 Tag but I guess with the semifinal match still having to happen tonight, it makes sense it was chaotic and quick. Sonya & Natty winning was the logical move, they’re the Heel team from SmackDown, and they lost to Toxic Attraction, this was practically them advancing by default. Also, great Easter egg move having Nikki & Piper arguing in the background to get both stories moving in one segment. I hope part of the argument is that Nikki needs to leave the superhero gimmick completely.

Anyway, great match out of Raquel & Aliyah VS Natty & Sonya, and Bayley was good on commentary. Raquel & Aliyah winning makes sense, but they made a great point of Raquel doing it all on her own. The finals on Monday are going to be awesome, I can’t wait to see it. Honestly, I’m expecting Kai & Sky to win so that the Six Woman Tag at Clash has lots of belts. It’ll even be a big preview of coming title feuds, Bayley going after Bianca while Kai & Sky defend against Asuka & Bliss, all culminating at Extreme Rules in October.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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