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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (9/16/22)

Who’s next for the Usos?



SmackDown 2022

Who will be the ones to challenge “the ones?”

SmackDown holds the rematch of the #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way for the Usos’ Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships! Will there be no destructive interruptions this time?


  • Ricochet w/ Logan Paul VS Sami Zayn w/ The Bloodline; Ricochet wins.
  • Bayley w/ Damage Control VS Raquel Rodriguez; Bayley wins.
  • NXT North American Championship: Solo Sikoa VS Mad Cap Moss; wins and
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: The New Day VS The Street Profits VS The Alpha Academy VS Los Lotharios VS The Brawling Brutes VS Hit Row VS Imperium; The Brawling Brutes win and will challenge the Usos for the titles next week.


Logan Paul is here!

Anaheim is about to get #ImPAULsive as the social media mogul heads to the ring. Logan had Roman Reigns on the ImPAULsive podcast and dared to say he could take The Tribal Chief in a match. And through social media, Roman retorted back, “I bless the world and bring the Island of Relevancy to your show. You and your boys acknowledge me and as soon as I’m gone, you run your mouth?! Wiseman, handle him.” And Paul Heyman replied, “My #TribalChief, please consider this HANDLED!” Logan has the mic in the present to say, “Well, well, well, well. Ladies and gentlemen, I think I did it again. Whoops.”

Logan says he has a habit of opening his mouth and saying some stupid stuff. This past week, he had someone they might know. He goes by the name “Roman Reigns.” The Tribal Chief left, Logan said if he wrestled Roman, it’d be his match. “What?” “I’ll tell you what!” “What?” “I’ll tell you what! I once opened my mouth about the great Floyd Mayweather, and not even him, the greatest boxer of all time, could put me down. Or pay me. We’re still working on it.” So Logan simply issued a challenge to Roman, and guess what? Logan’s taken the liberty of setting up a press conference in Las Vegas. If Roman’s man enough, he’ll meet Logan there face-to-face.

“Ladies and gentlemen…!” Fans fire up because look who’s back! And with the Bloodline’s Usos, Solo Sikoa, and even Honorary Uce, Sami Zayn, with him! “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And I swerve as the Special Counsel, and the Wiseman, to YOUR Tribal Chief, the reigning! Defending! Undisputed! Universal Heavyweight Champion… Roman. Reigns.” Heyman tells the rest that he’s got this, but the Usos, Solo and Sami still flank the ring. Fans rally for Heyman as he steps into the ring with Logan. Heyman shakes Logan’s hand to complete the formal introductions, and then Heyman says he’ll “handle” Logan.

“There he is! Logan Paul.” Fans boo and Heyman’s gotta say, if there was ever anyone from outside of the WWE who could’ve been a Paul Heyman Guy, it’s Logan Paul. “This man, this athlete, this global sensation, stepped up and fought the greatest boxer of all time, Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather. And never went down! Not once! Held your own! Went the distance like Rocky. Now, then again, fighting Floyd Mayweather at 6’2″ when Floyd Mayweather at standing up comes to me, headbutting me in the testicles, it’s alright. I wouldn’t fight Floyd Mayweather.” Logan says of course not, it’s Floyd Mayweather. Heyman probably wouldn’t fight anyone, where’s he going with this?

Heyman says he knows we’re in Anaheim, but don’t be Mickey Mouse, Logan. Don’t “Ooo~” me. Logan’s brother, Jake, picks a fight with the greatest MMA striker in Anderson Silva, who’s gonna knock Jake out, no disrespect. Fans cheer that one! Heyman says he wouldn’t fight Jake, he wouldn’t fight Logan, and Logan shouldn’t open his mouth about the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns. Heyman doesn’t care about ambitions or athletic backgrounds or that the Paul Brothers have changed the fight game. All Heyman cares about is right now, right here, in this moment, Logan makes the smart decision of picking a fight with someone else.

Logan says c’mon! Heyman’s a promoter, he should get how this works! And Logan knows Heyman knows how great this could be. And it’ll just be a press conference! What’re they so afraid of? Logan sees a lot of Samoans, a Sami Zayn and a Paul Heyman, but he can’t understand why they’re afraid. Are they afraid that at the press conference, Logan would challenge Roman? And that said challenge would be for the title? Assuming that, you then assume Roman would smash Logan. And you’re probably right. “But what if he doesn’t? What if I land that one lucky shot on Roman Reigns? Cuz that’s all it takes: One lucky shot, and I drop your Tribal Chief like a sack of potatoes!

“And what if I beat Roman Reigns for the Undisputed Universal Championship?” Fans boo that and Sami keeps the Usos calm. Heyman says “If” Jake’s brother had balls, he’d be Logan’s sister, but he doesn’t, so he’s not. Heyman doesn’t like “If” or the scenario, and quite bluntly, he doesn’t like Logan, either. Logan says Heyman’s a funny guy. Heyman steps closer to say, “Now, I have to handle you. SOLO!” The NEW North American Champion steps up into the ring! Logan says y’know what? Let’s make a bet. Logan bets he can knock Heyman out and be out of the ring before Solo gets to him. Take the bet!

Sami says take it easy! Solo, it’s alright. Fans cheer Sami as he gets in the ring. Sami says he’s got this, Uce. You’re good. Solo steps down and Sami tells Heyman that he knows the Honorary Uce has nothing but respect. But maybe Heyman’s just not the right man for this job. Maybe Roman Reigns should’ve let Sami handle Logan. Heyman tosses his mic and leaves. Fine! Handle it! Okay, a little diplomacy goes a long way! And Logan! Friend! Logan, you’re not from this world so Sami will explain something to him. Logan DECKS Sami! How do things work around here, Sami? Logan would like to know. The Usos & Solo rush in but Logan gets away!

And here comes Ricochet! The One & Only isn’t here to help Logan but he still shakes his hand. Ricochet’s got business with the Honorary Uce, will he take advantage of Logan’s haymaker?


Ricochet w/ Logan Paul VS Sami Zayn w/ The Bloodline!

SmackDown returns and the bell rings. Ricochet and Sami circle, feel things out, and tie up. Sami headlocks, grinds the hold, but Ricochet powers up and out, only for Sami to run him over! The Bloodline holds up the fingers, #WeTheOnes. Ricochet gets up and says okay. They go again, feeling out the knuckle lock. Ricochet waistlocks but Sami wrenches the arm to a wristlock. Sami wrangles Ricochet down and grinds the arm, but Ricochet handsprings up and flips around to wrench back! Ricochet has the wristlock, he grinds the arm, but Sami fights up to knee low. Sami headlocks but Ricochet powers up and out.

Things speed up, Sami runs Ricochet over! Cover, ONE, but Sami clamps onto Ricochet with a chinlock. Ricochet endures, fights up, and he powers out. Things speed up again, Ricochet hurdles and then rolls off Sami’s back. Ricochet then rolls under to handspring and RANA! Then a DROPKICK! Fans fire up with Ricochet and he ROCKS Sami. And ROCKS him again! Ricochet CHOPS Sami, whips him to ropes, but Sami holds ropes to bail out! Sami glares at Logan and Logan asks how the chin feels. Sami says Logan’s pretty tough after a sucker punch. But then Ricochet WRECKS Sami with a dropkick!

Ricochet puts Sami in the ring, he shoulders in then slingshots but Sami trips him up! Ricochet sputters but Sami rains down fists! Sami lets off while the Usos cheer him on. Sami drags Ricochet up, bumps him off buckles, then pushes him down. Sami goes up the corner, talks trash to Logan, then leaps for an AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Sami argues the count, brings Ricochet up and whips him to ropes to then CLOBBER him! Cover, TWO! Sami clamps onto Ricochet with a chinlock and leans on him. Ricochet fights up, throws body shots, and fires haymakers! Ricochet runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges and tilt-o-whirl RANAS!

Fans fire up with Ricochet again as Sami goes to a corner. Ricochet runs in but misses! Ricochet elbows back to go up, but Sami SHOVES Ricochet down! Ricochet hits barriers and The Bloodline cheers while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Sami has Ricochet down in the ring now. Sami goes up top but Ricochet springs up after him! They fight up top, Sami HEADBUTTS Ricochet down! Sami adjusts, leaps, but into Ricochet’s DROPKICK! Both men are down and fans fire up! Ricochet and Sami stir and get to their feet. Sami swings but Ricochet counter punches! And again! And then Ricochet KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Ricochet whips, Sami reverses but Ricochet RANAS! Logan fires up with Ricochet and Ricochet runs in to RAM into Sami! Sami staggers, Ricochet springboard CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up and Ricochet aims from the corner. Ricochet runs in but no Recoil! Sami elbows Ricochet, whips him to ropes, but Ricochet reverses to sweep the legs! STANDING MOONSAULT onto knees! Sami cradles, TWO!! Ricochet escapes and Heyman is beside himself! Heyman hits the desk hard enough to spill Michael Cole’s soda, which he points out, so Heyman just shakes the already empty cup all around! As for Sami, he drags Ricochet up, reels him in, but Ricochet fights the lift. Sami CLUBS Ricochet, back suplexes but Ricochet lands on his feet! Tiger Wall Kick and SUPERKICK! Sami is down and Ricochet raises his finger to the sky!

Ricochet goes up top, but Jimmy Uso distracts the ref! Ricochet hops down and runs Jimmy off, but Sami reels Ricochet in! BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, but Logan distracts with his protest! Turnabout is fair play, the ref is late to the cover, TWO!! Logan grins then shrugs at Sami. Sami scowls, he sits Ricochet up and he throws haymakers! Sami runs, but into another RANA!! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet hurries to stand Sami up and fireman’s carry! but Jey gets up now, so Ricochet DECKS him! Sami rolls Ricochet, TWO! Ricochet runs to V-TRIGGER! Jey tries again but he gets a triangle jump DROPKICK!

Sami reels Ricochet in, HALF ‘N’ HALF! Cover, Jey wants in but the ref keeps him out! This is costing Sami!! The ref returns to count, TWO!! Sami can’t believe it! He looks at Jey who seethes about Logan, but Jey says Sami just has to handle his business. Sami storms out of the ring to get in Jey’s face! Jimmy keeps the peace but Ricochet FLIES in!! Direct hit on Sami AND the Usos! Ricochet puts Sami in, hurries up top, and fans fire up for the SHOOTING STAR PRESS!! Cover, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

Logan celebrates with Ricochet, but now the Usos and Solo storm up to the apron. But wait! Here comes MAD CAP MOSS! And he has a chair! Riddick is ready for Solo and his shot at the North American Championship, is Solo ready for Riddick?


Karrion Kross & Scarlett Bordeaux speak.

“The hands of time decide the judgement. And last week, for The Chosen One, Mr. McIntyre, he was publicly executed by the newly appointed People’s Executioner. And how rightfully so. It is appropriate considering he made those pitiful noises with my arm wrapped around his neck.” Scarlett adds, “Aw, poor baby.” The two laugh, and Kross says, “What did you do then, Mr. McIntyre? I mean, you fought back, but then you did what everybody always does: you let it go. And that is the biggest difference between you and I, and it always will be. Because I don’t let anything go. I change the timelines. I rewrite history.

“And as for you, you are going to remain on an endless loop of suffering that I control. And I’m going to make sure,  Mr. McIntyre, that you never get out. Tick-tock.” Will Mr. Doomsday make McIntyre relive his worst moments? Or will the Scottish Warrior smash Kross’ hourglass to pieces?


Please welcome Max and Maxxine Dupri.

The founders of Maximum Male Models stand in the ring and Max welcomes us back to SmackDown in Anaheim. “Only a stone’s flow away from LA.” Maxxine tells him not to focus on that. Right, they’re not here for Hollywood. They’re here to introduce the MMM Back to School collection. Maçé and Mansôör look like Steve Buscemi pretending to be a high school student… But here comes BRAUN!! The Monster Among Men BULLDOZES the male models! He RAMS Mace into the barriers! And then he drags Mansoor up to TOSS him down the ramp! Mace crawls away but Braun lets him go to drag Mansoor up and TOSS into the ring!

Braun steps up into the ring, grabs Mansoor again, and Mansoor begs for mercy! He doesn’t get mercy, he GETS THESE HANDS! Fans are thunderous as Braun drags Mansoor up, reels him in, and hits a POWERBOMB! But “SHOOSH! Shoosh please!” Chad Gable heads out? He’s telling Braun to shoosh, but where is Otis? Otis gets in and CLOBBERS Braun from behind! But Braun CLOBBERS Otis right back! Gable gets in to fire off hands but Braun CLUBS him down! Braun scoops Gable but Otis RAMS into Braun! Otis fires off haymakers! Otis runs to SPLASH, then he gets going to SPLASH again!

Braun staggers and Otis scoops for the WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM!! Braun sits up!?! Otis is leaving, thinking he’s conquered the Monster, but Braun just glares at him! Braun says Otis has hell to pay now! Gable tells Otis to stand down before this really gets wild. Will the Alpha Academy be able to plan a strategy to take down a furious Monster Among Men?


Damage Control is here!

Bayley and the NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky, can be on any brand they want now, so they’re here on SmackDown with Bayley ready to get in the ring! Bayley, Kai & Sky get mics and Bayley says, “Guess who’s back? Back again? YES! I’m back on SmackDown! Your Role Model, the longest reigning SmackDown Women’s Champion in history. Uh, ding dong, hello.” Fans are torn but Bayley continues, “And in case you’ve been living under a rock, this is Dakota Kai and this is Iyo Sky, your NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions!” Fans are torn here, too.

Dakota says that means they can go to any brand, any time, and do anything they want! Iyo says SmackDown is now THEIR show! Bayley says that’s right! They destroyed Raquel and put poor little Aliyah on the shelf. This is what greatness looks right, alright? This is what it looks like when you do what you said you were gonna do, instead of wait for someone else to do it for you! What DMG CTRL has is something fans all crave but will never get, cuz you suck, and that’s POWER. The power to win titles! The power to determine the future! The power to plow through- Raquel is here! Big Mami Cool has a mic to say, “I don’t see greatness at all.”

What Raquel sees is three bullies that hurt her tag partner, and are powerless to stop her from getting revenge! Raquel storms in, DMG CTRL bails out, and Bayley is upset with Maggle. But Bayley has no choice but to face Raquel 1v1, after the break.

Bayley w/ Damage Control VS Raquel Rodriguez!

SmackDown returns, the bell rings, and Bayley is wary of Raquel. They circle, Bayley ends up cornered, so she has no choice but to tie up. Raquel TOSSES Bayley to a corner, but Bayley dodges and SLAPS Raquel. Raquel grins and chases Bayley out of the ring! Bayley hurries away to where Kai & Sky are, and they keep Raquel back. The ref reprimands them all, but Raquel POUNCES Sky into Kai! That happens a lot. Raquel chases Bayley back into the ring but Bayley kicks her away. Bayley goes to dropkick but Raquel blocks and ROCKS Bayley! Raquel gets in the ring to POUNCE Bayley! Then she SPLASHES in the corner!

Raquel scoops Bayley to then LAWN DART her off a corner! And then scoops again for a SPIN-OUT POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Raquel keeps her coo, and she sees Bayley go to the apron. Raquel runs to the corner to go up and out, but Bayley avoids the stomp! Bayley gets Raquel in the ropes, HOTSHOT STUNNER, and then a BOOT! Raquel falls to the floor, Kai & Sky taunt her, and the ring count climbs. Raquel gets in at 5 of 10 but Bayley’s right on her! Bayley hammers and stomps then CLUBS Raquel. Kai & Sky cheer Bayley but fans boo. Bayley whips but Raquel blocks and reverses. Bayley ducks ‘n’ dodges but runs into a scoop!

Bayley slips off this time and Raquel ends up in the corner. Bayley RAMS into Raquel, but Raquel uses that to TOSS Bayley away! Raquel BOOTS Bayley down, then drags her to a drop zone! Raquel goes up but Kai & Sky distract. Bayley gets up and trips Raquel up! Raquel is in the ropes, Bayley elbows her into a Tree of Woe, and then she KNEES Raquel’s leg! Cover, TWO!! Raquel is still in this but Bayley stalks Raquel. Bayley CLUBS Raquel down, DRAGON SCREWS the leg and covers, TWO! Raquel crawls to a corner but Bayley is after her. Bayley stomps the bad leg but lets off as the ref counts.

Bayley puts the bad leg in the ropes but the ref reprimands. Bayley pulls on the leg but lets off at 4. Fans boo but Kai & Sky cheer. Raquel hobbles away but Bayley gets the bad leg again. Bayley trips Raquel but Raquel kicks away at her! Bayley goes for the leg again but Raquel tries to backslide. Bayley mule kicks the bad leg! And BLINDSIDE LARIATS! Cover, TWO! DMG CTRL keeps cool as Raquel goes to a corner. Bayley storms up and fires off body shots. Kai & Sky mock Raquel while Bayley ROCKS her. Bayley backs off to run in, but into both Raquel’s hands! Raquel lifts Bayley to BUCKLE BOMB her!

Raquel fires off hands, then drags Bayley out to HEABUTT her down! Bayley gets up but Raquel runs her over with shoulders and lariats! Fans fire up with Raquel and she hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Raquel hurries after Bayley to scoop again, for another FALL AWAY SLAM! Bayle is in the drop zone, Raquel goes up, but Sky distracts while Kai saves Bayley. Raquel BOOTS Sky, and drags Kai into the ring! Bayley gets in but Raquel BOOTS her down! And then she SLAMS Kai onto Bayley! Raquel goes up now, for a TWISTING VADER! A two-for-one but now the ref is busy with Kai! Sky RAKES Raquel’s eyes!!

Bayley hurries to hit the ROSE PLANT!! Cover, Bayley wins!!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall

Huge assists from Kai & Sky, but now DMG CTRL mugs Raquel! But here comes SHOTZI!! The wild child may not like Aliyah or Raquel, but she doesn’t like any of these three, either! Shotzi YANKS Kai out, DECKS Sky and chases off Bayley! Fans fire up as an unlikely ally comes to Raquel’s rescue! Will DMG CTRL lose control soon enough?


Kayla Braxton has a sit-down interview with Ronda Rousey.

The Baddest Woman on the Planet is the #1 contender to the SmackDown Women’s Championship, getting a rematch with Liv Morgan at Extreme Rules on October 8th. Last time, things ended in a controversial fashion, so surely Ronda hopes Extreme Rules is a different story. “Well, with all due respect, there’s not going to be any controversy this time. Speak of the devil.” Liv Morgan walks in! She asks to take over for Kayla and Kayla obliges. Liv sits down with Ronda now and Liv says she’s never met anyone that says words that mean nothing more than Ronda. Ronda said, “With all due respect,” but we know Ronda doesn’t respect Liv.

Ronda says she said “with all due respect” even though Liv is due none. Liv says she is literally the only person on the planet to defeat Ronda twice, so if there’s anyone she should respect, it’s her. But no, instead Ronda says the same things Liv’s heard her entire career. Liv isn’t good enough. Liv doesn’t deserve to be champion. But last time Liv checked, both times, Ronda’s shoulders were on the mat, Liv’s arm was raised, and this title was put on Liv’s waist. But Liv knows nothing she says will make Ronda respect her, so Liv will do what she’s done her entire career: she’ll earn that respect. The only way to do that is to beat Ronda again.

So when Liv defends her title at Extreme Rules, she wants Ronda in an EXTREME RULES MATCH!! Ronda takes Liv seriously this time. They both lean in close, and Ronda smirks. Liv wants Extreme Rules with Ronda? “It’s your funeral.” Ronda leaves while Liv sits back. Is Liv crazy for wanting this match? Or is she crazy like a fox?


Drew McIntyre gets up on the commentary table!

The Scottish Warrior appears from the crowd to surprise everyone, and he says, “Congratulations, Karrion Kross. You finally got my attention. I’ve been waiting for ya backstage all day long, but it seems if you’re not jumping me from behind, you don’t have the balls to face me like a man! So I’m gonna ask you: do me a favor, do yourself a favor. Finally grow a set, step up to Drew McIntyre, and I’m gonna make you a promise right now. You talk about your tick-tock, you’re so obsessed with time, time is running out for you! And the only countdown you need to worry about is three. Two. One! Lights out!” McIntyre has put Kross on notice, is Kross wishing he hadn’t taken up any of McIntyre’s time?


The Usos and Sami talk with Solo backstage.

It’s Solo’s time! Time to represent the Bloodline, but he already knows that. Always! Solo’s gonna go out there and handle business! They’ll be there to have his back! Let’s go get it, Uce! Solo has them hold on. He’s got this. Jey’s off his game today, Solo’s gonna bring Sami. Oh, well! Let’s go, Uce! Sami accompanies Solo, will the Honorary Uce make sure Solo handles Mad Cap?

NXT North American Championship: Solo Sikoa VS Mad Cap Moss!

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and Solo defends the NXT gold on the Island of Relevancy!

SmackDown returns and the bell rings. Solo and Moss square up and circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Moss uses his height as leverage. The two break, and fans rally up. Solo and Moss circle again, tie up, and are in another deadlock. They break again, and Moss shoves Solo. Solo snarls, swings, but into Moss’s waistlock. Solo resists the lift, pries at the hold, and he throws a back elbow. Solo gets free, but Moss ROCKS him with a forearm! Moss knees low, knees him again, then runs, only for Solo to CLOBBER him! Fans fire up as Solo PENALTY KICKS Moss down! Solo snarls and pushes Moss down to run and FALLING HEADBUTT!

Solo talks smack on Moss, fans are torn, but Moss throws body shots. Solo HEADBUTTS Moss, CHOPS him against ropes, then whips him to ropes. Moss ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Solo! Moss runs again to clothesline Solo up and out! Solo lands on his feet but he staggers around. Sami checks on Solo while Moss eggs Solo on. Moss goes out to fetch Solo, and he smacks Solo off the desk! Moss backs Sami down, but Solo CLOBBERS Moss! Sami talks some smack now, and Solo drags Moss up to RAM him into barriers! Solo drags Moss up as Sami cheers him on. Solo gets in the ring, runs up and WHEEL KICKS Moss down!

Solo looms over Moss while fans rally up. Solo grabs Moss’s legs and stomps him in the stomach! #WeTheOnes but fans boo. Solo throws down hands then stomps Moss around. Sami rallies for Solo while fans are still torn. Cover, TWO, but Solo keeps cool. Solo CHOPS Moss on the back, then clamps on claws into the shoulders. Moss endures while fans rally and duel. Moss fights up and throws body shots. Solo knees low, then ROCKS Moss with haymakers. Solo whips Moss corner to corner hard, then gets a BELLY2BELLY on the return! Moss flounders away and Solo smirks as he nods to Sami.

Solo watches Moss go to the corner and fans chant, “UCE! OH!” Solo runs in to HIP ATTACK! Cover, TWO! Moss is still in this but Solo keeps focus. “This is it?” But Moss ROCKS Solo! And again! And again! Solo ROCKS Moss with an uppercut! Moss staggers away and Solo fires off in the corner! The ref counts as Solo stomps the mudhole in, but Solo lets off at 4. Sami talks trash on Moss and Solo goes corner to corner again. “UCE! OH!” Solo runs in but Moss CHOP BLOCKS Solo! Both men are down but Moss pushes up. Solo throws hands but Moss counter punches! And again and again and again!

Moss whips, Solo reverses but Moss CLOBBERS Solo! And again! Moss ducks a haymaker to FLAPJACK Solo down! Moss fires up and Sami freaks out, but Moss runs corner to corner to RAM into Solo! And he keeps moving to RAM into Solo again! Moss turns Solo but Solo powers out of the Punchline to SUPER- NO! Moss blocks the kick to POP-UP SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Solo survives and Sami can breath again! Moss grits his teeth while fans rally up. Moss brings Solo up and tries to suplex, but Solo wrenches out to ELBOW and HEADBUTT! Moss wobbles, Solo fireman’s carries him, but Moss fights free!

Moss fires off elbows, then RAMS Solo into a corner! Moss keeps moving, but he runs into the SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Moss survives but Sami coaches Solo on. Solo stomps Moss again and again, then he drags Moss up again. Solo reels Moss in, but Moss fights the Urenage to a roll-up! TWO!! Moss runs in, but into an elbow! Solo runs, but into Moss’s arms! FALL AWAY SLAM! Fans fire up with Moss and he runs corner to corner, but Sami saves Solo! The ref reprimands and fans boo, but Moss rushes out to run Sami off! They go around the ring, into the ring, and Solo SUPERKICKS! Moss wobbles, Solo hits the URENAGE! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

The Honorary Uce does his part, and he helps Solo stay golden! Will The Bloodline continue to run all the brands with this kind of support system?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: The New Day VS The Brawling Brutes VS Hit Row VS Imperium!

Well, wait, except for The New Day, these are all different teams than the match-up we saw last week. Perhaps the damage done by the Monster Among Men has something to do with it. Will we see this match actually finish and give one team the golden tickets to the tag title match?

The teams sort out, and in this type of Fatal 4 Way Tag, two teams are legal at any time, so we start with the Impeccable German, Ludwig Kaiser, and the Bruiserweight, “Butch” Pete Dunne! They’re raring to go and fire off at the bell! Fans fire up for the haymakers and forearms going back and forth! Dunne ROCKS Ludwig, blocks the kick to ENZIGURI Ludwig out! Dunne just rushes out after him! Dunne has a guillotine, but the Pride of Italy, Giovanni Vinci, rushes over! Vinci CLOBBERS Dunne, but big Ridge Holland CLOBBERS him back! That brings the leaders of Imperium and the Brawling Brutes over, Gunther and Sheamus stare down!

Woods tries to keep the peace but thinks better of it seeing the look in both men’s eyes. Meanwhile, Hit Row takes the initiative! Top Dolla picks up Ashante THEE Adonis to TOSS him onto the Brutes and Imperium! Fans fire up and Dolla wants it! Dolla builds speed, but Vinci CHOP BLOCKS him! Xavier Woods gets in to BOOT Vinci, then Woods builds speed! Woods FLIES onto the Brutes and Ludwig! And yet, Sheamus and Gunther are still staring down. Kofi uses Dolla as a booster to FLY onto the Brutes and Ludwig, too! The New Day is all fired up and fans clap along, but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Dunne bends Ludwig’s fingers as he gets out of the chinlock! Fans rally, Ludwig kicks low and throws Dunne into the ropes! Then he PENALTY KICKS Dunne down! Cover, ONE!! Dunne is tough but Ludwig clamps on with a chinlock. Ludwig also traps an arm but Dunne fights with fists! Dunne stands up, he powers up and out, things speed up and Dunne hurdles to drop and CLOBBER Ludwig! Gunther is upset but Dunne drags Ludwig around. Dunne hammerlocks an arm, grabs the other, and he grins as he bends the fingers back! Everyone is wincing from that! Dunne isolates the bad arm to then STOMP it!

Ridge and Sheamus are loving this, and Dunne basement dropkicks Ludwig! Ludwig gets up, Dunne ROCKS him! Ridge tags in, Dunne feeds Ludwig to Ridge’s double underhooks! SHOTGUN BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Ridge drags Ludwig up, but Ludwig ROCKS him! Ridge choke grips back! Ludwig pushes Ridge to the ropes and claws at his eyes! The ref backs Ludwig down, and that allows Vinci a cheap shot! Ludwig tags Vinci and whips Ridge, and Vinci arm-drags Ridge to an armlock! Fans boo Vinci but Ridge headscissors. Vinci pops free to roll Ridge to his feet, and then Vinci EuroUppers!

Vinci CHOPS Ridge, and CHOPS him again! Vinci whips, Ridge reverses, but Vinci blocks the hip toss! However, Ridge blocks Vinci’s hip toss in return, and then traps both arms! Ridge HEADBUTTS Vinci, for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Dolla tags off Vinci and now the biggest men in this match stare down! Fans fire up, Ridge runs and RAMS Dolla, but Dolla stays up! They RAM again, but still Dolla stays standing. So Ridge throws EuroUppers! Ridge tries to suplex but Dolla is too big! Dolla suplexes Ridge up and over instead! Tag to Adonis, he runs the ropes and Dolla gives him a boost, FLAPJACK SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Adonis rains down fists on Ridge, clamps on a chinlock, but Ridge fights up! Ridge throws a body shot, back suplexes, but Adonis slips off to AIR DROP! Kofi tags in off Ridge! Dunne doesn’t like how sharp that tag was but Woods stares him down. Fans fire up as Kofi and Adonis circle. Kofi dodges the haymaker to run and LEAPING LARIAT! Kofi runs for the NEW~ DAY~ BOOM DROP! Fans fire up more but Ludwig tags in off Adonis! Ludwig grabs Kofi by his hair, and POSTS him! Tag to Vinci and they stick Kofi in the ropes. Vinci slides out while Ludwig goes side to side, they meet at the corner with the DOUBLE DROPKICKS!

Vinci and Ludwig strike the Imperium pose while fans boo, but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Ludwig has Kofi down in a cobra twist. Fans rally as Kofi endures and fights up. Ludwig facelocks but Kofi fires body shots! Ludwig CLUBS Kofi down! Ludwig puts Kofi in the corner, then goes side to side again, but Kofi fights out! Kofi dumps Ludwig AND Vinci out of the ring! Kofi hurries for the New Day corner, but Ludwig intercepts! Kofi back drops Ludwig! Hot tags to Woods and Vinci! Woods rallies on Vinci, whips him to ropes but Vinci reverses, only for Woods to duck, dodge, slide and ROLLING ELBOW! Ludwig returns but Woods BOOTS him from the corner! HONOR ROLL!

Adonis runs in but into a mule kick! Dunne goes up top, leaps in, but Woods gets him, too! COMPLETE SHOT DDT COMBO!! Vinci waistlocks to back suplex but Woods lands on his feet! Woods tilt-o-whirls and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS! Woods kips up and fans fire up! Woods fireman’s carries Vinci for a LANDSLIDE! Cover, TWO!! Woods fires up more and he CHOPS Vinci! And scoops, but Vinci slips off. Vinci blocks the kick, and short arm LARIATS Woods down! Sheamus rallies the Brutes and Dunne tags in off Vinci! Dunne dropkicks Woods, GAMANGIRIS Adonis, GAMANGIRIS Dolla, then KNEE DROPS Woods!

Dunne goes up and out to ASAI MOONSAULT on Imperium! Dunne keeps on moving and he gets back on the apron, FLYING KNEE for Kofi! Adonis tags in off Woods but he runs into a SNAP GERMAN from Dunne! Sheamus rallies behind Dunne and he STOMPS the hands! Then BUZZSAWS Adonis down! Dunne glares as Dolla gets in, and fans fire up! Dolla is big but Dunne is mean! Dunne CHOPS, but Dolla shoves and BOOTS him! Kofi runs in, but Dolla pops him to a fireman’s carry! Dolla SMACKS Dunne with Kofi’s boots, then double stacks them! Woods runs in, he jumps into Dolla’s arms! Dolla carries three men around!

Dolla DUMPS Dunne then POWERSLAMS Woods and Kofi! Fans fire up but Ridge tags in! Ridge LARIATS, then scoops Dolla! But Dolla slips off and reels Ridge in! But Ridge resists the lift to Alabama Lift Dolla! ALABAMA SLAMA!! Cover, TWO!! Dolla survives and no one can believe it! Woods tags in off Ridge, Adonis runs in, and they fire off forearms! “This is Awesome!” as Adonis runs, but Woods ROCKS him! Adonis runs but into a SUPERKICK! Woods reels Adonis in, Kofi tags in and Kofi DIVES to send Dolla over the desk!! Woods hits a FALCON ARROW and Kofi is up top! FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Dunne breaks it!!

Woods tosses Dunne out then PLANCHAS to take him out! Vinci tags off Adonis while Ludwig RAMS Woods into steps! Vinci waistlocks Kofi for an O’Conner Roll, TWO! Kofi has it now, TWO!! Vinci escapes, scurries away but Ludwig anchors Kofi. Vinci CLOBBERS Kofi, whips him and SPINEBUSTERS! PENALTY KICK from Ludwig! Imperium sets Kofi up, Ludwig tags as he climbs up. But Ridge sneaks a tag in before the IMPERIAL BOMB!! Ridge then TOSSES Ludwig out! Ridge covers, the BRUTES WIN!!

Winners: The Brawling Brutes, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships)

Sheamus celebrates with his fellas as they now have those golden tickets! Their opportunity is next week, will Ridge the Fridge and “Butchy” cash in and take those titles from The Usos?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown to keep things moving towards Extreme Rules. For one, a pretty good “interview turned confrontation” promo from Ronda and Liv. While WWE’s been doing their best to show Ronda as the anti-establishment Face, and is slowly morphing Liv into some kind of Heel, I feel like they both came off rather equally here. You could say either one is the Face and either one is the Heel, and I think it’d be believable. But Liv calling for the Extreme Rules is definitely so that she can use every weapon she can think of on Ronda. Now, I fear that will end up with Ronda being booked as invincible, where nothing Liv does can stop her. At the same time, I can’t see Liv winning against Ronda three times in the same year, so I suppose Ronda has to win here.

Meanwhile, WWE is also clearly planning ahead for Crown Jewel. Logan Paul would not be my choice, but perhaps the Saudi princes want Roman Reigns, one of the biggest names in pro-wrestling, against one of the biggest, most sensationalized names outside of pro-wrestling in Logan Paul. And I will say, Logan had a great segment with the Bloodline, and it did get me to want to see Roman VS Logan, so that we can see Roman SMASH Logan! Ricochet also had a great match against Sami Zayn, and how that turned out helped influence Solo VS Moss, which was also a great match. Solo choosing Sami over both his actual brothers is a nice twist in the story, I can’t wait to see what happens next.

But speaking of what happens next, we got an awesome Fatal 4 Way main event, but I’m very surprised by the audible they called. Instead of the exact rematch we were promised, we ended up with three completely different teams, and The New Day. For those wondering why The Viking Raiders, after beating The New Day in that Viking Rules Match, weren’t in this at all, Erik injured his foot during said Viking Rules Match so he and Ivar are sidelined again. They have had some really rough luck in the WWE, honestly. Neither Los Lotharios and Street Profits being involved is confusing, though.

But I suppose since they changed this from “winners face Usos at Extreme Rules” to “winners face Usos next Friday,” it makes sense now that the Brawling Brutes get an opportunistic win. The Brutes are definitely not winning against The Usos, even with the bit of dysfunction going on in The Bloodline. This then saves a few ideas for Extreme Rules and beyond. The Alpha Academy apparently shifted gears last minute to feuding with Braun exclusively, so that’s why they weren’t part of this. Though, Otis VS Braun is going to be some great stuff so it’s not so bad. Braun blasting the Maximum Male Models was great, too, actually, and I really liked the subtle lingering on “LA” for Max Dupri, AKA LA Knight.

Good stuff from DMG CTRL and Raquel, but of course Bayley won with help from Kai & Sky. Shotzi turning Face here is great, I always felt she was better as Face. There can be a moment of uncertainty for Raquel and Aliyah in accepting Shotzi as an ally, but this gives them a third woman for a 3v3 match against DMG CTRL on the SmackDown end. DMG CTRL clearly wants to show that the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships are “traveling titles” once again, so between NXT stars occasionally showing up on RawDown and RawDown stars occasionally visiting NXT, I would love to see DMG CTRL get real busy with title defenses.

And we got good promos from Kross and McIntyre to add some hype to their coming match. It was rather standard stuff, the Heel saying he’ll doom the Face and the Face calling out the Heel for being a chicken. Maybe next week, Kross accepts the dare and confronts McIntyre head-on. Then Extreme Rules can have a badass grudge match more or less on the level of Sheamus VS Gunther, which will be great for both men. Kross hasn’t been doing a lot of wrestling since his return, he’s clearly a big attraction type, so he really needs to start making up for Vince sabotaging him last time.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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