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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (9/30/22)

Role Model VS Wild Child!



SmackDown 2022

DING DONG! Welcome to the Ball Pit!!

Bayley may be after the Raw Women’s Championship, but Damage Control still wants to take over SmackDown! Will Shotzi keep that from happening?


  • Sami Zayn & Solo Sikoa VS Ricochet & Mad Cap Moss; Sami & Solo win.
  • Drew McIntyre VS Austin Theory; McIntyre wins, by disqualification.
  • Hit Row VS Los Lotharios; Hit Row wins.
  • Ronda Rousey VS Natalya; Ronda wins.
  • Shotzi Blackheart VS Bayley; Bayley wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Drew McIntyre, Johnny Gargano & Kevin Owens VS Austin Theory & The Alpha Academy; McIntyre, Gargano & Kevin win.


Sami Zayn & Solo Sikoa VS Ricochet & Mad Cap Moss!

Winnipeg, Manitoba is ready to ACKNOWLEDGE the Honorary Uce! And as such, the Bloodline’s Enforcer has his back against those who would dare disrespect him. Will Sami & Solo make the King of Flight and the #Riddickulous show their respect?

The teams sort out and Sami starts against Ricochet. They circle, tie up, and Sami gets around to then get a headlock. Sami grinds Ricochet down but Ricochet fights up. Sami wrenches to a wristlock and fans rally for him, but Ricochet rolls, kips up and flips over to WRING Sami out! Sami throws hands but Ricochet counter punches back. Ricochet ROCKS Sami, whips him, but Sami reverses. Ricochet rolls off Sami’s back to then roll and handspring headscissor! DROPKICK! Fans are torn but Ricochet tags Moss. Moss RAMS into Sami again and again, then he hauls Sami up to TOSS him! Moss looms over Sami and drags him back up.

Moss ROCKS Sami, and again, but Sami drop toeholds him into ropes! Tag to Solo and fans fire up as Solo fires off on Moss! Solo HEADBUTTS Moss back to the corner, HEADBUTTS and stomps him down. Sami gets a cheap shot in but Solo brings Moss up. Tag to Sami, they mug Moss and Sami throws hands. Moss wobbles. Sami taunts Ricochet, but then Moss dodges to TOSS Sami out! Solo runs in but is sent into a GAMANGIRI! Moss then sends Solo out, Ricochet gets in and gets a boost to FLY! Direct hit into Sami & Solo! Fans fire up while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Solo has Ricochet down with a shoulder claw. Ricochet endures, fans rally up, and Ricochet fights up to throw body shots. Solo CLUBS Ricochet down and clamps the claw back on. Ricochet fights up again and throws haymakers now. Ricochet gets free, but Solo blocks the whip! Solo whips Ricochet hard into the corner, then hits a SAMOAN DROP on the rebound! Cover, TWO! Solo looms over Ricochet as fans rally and duel. Solo stomps away on Ricochet, then he drags Ricochet up to CLUB him down. Sami tells Solo to stay on Ricochet, so Solo drops a leg! Fans rally up and Solo brings Ricochet up.

Solo grins as he fireman’s carries, but Ricochet fights free! Ricochet tries to sunset flip but Solo stays up! Solo drags Ricochet up again, TOSSES him to a corner, and he blocks a boot. But Ricochet ENZIGURIS Solo, then goes up for a MISSILE DROPKICK! Both men are down and fans rally up! Solo and Ricochet crawl, hot tags to Sami and Moss! Fans fire up but Moss is the one who rallies on Sami! Moss dodges Sami, catches him and hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Sami flounders to a corner, Moss fires off on him with haymakers! Fans boo, Moss runs corner to corner and he RAMS into Sami! And then again!

Moss keeps going, he ducks ‘n’ dodges Solo to RAM him out of the ring! Solo is furious about that, and he grabs a chair! Fans fire up but Ricochet stops Solo! Moss runs and BLASTS Solo off the apron! But Sami rolls Moss up, TWO!! Sami gets around for BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Moss survives and Sami is shocked! Sami hurries to a corner and climbs up as Winnipeg fires up. Moss stands, Sami leaps, but Moss catches the crossbody and rolls through! Moss pops Sami up to a JACKHAMMER! Cover, Solo breaks it in time! Solo rains down hands but then Ricochet goes after Solo!

Solo shoves Ricochet away but Ricochet ducks ‘n’ dodges to V-TRIGGER! Solo falls out of the ring so Ricochet builds speed, only for Sami to trip him up! Fans fire up but Moss BOOTS Sami and RAMS him into barriers! Ricochet DIVES into a CHAIRSHOT!! The ref missed Solo’s full metal anti-air! Solo then POSTS Ricochet and whips him over the barriers! A rough landing for Ricochet, but Moss RAMS into Sami! And again! Solo sneaks a tag as Moss runs, WHEEL KICK! And then the URENAGE! Cover, Solo & Sami win!

Winners: Sami Zayn & Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

The Bloodline uses masterful strategy to win, but Sami mouths off on Moss. Moss grabs Sami, but Solo beats down Moss! Haymakers and headbutts sit Moss down and Sami has him let off. But then Solo runs in to HIP ATTACK! Sami says good, but then Solo hits another HIP ATTACK! Sami tells Solo to leave it at this, and they raise their hands in victory. Will no one stop The Bloodline from asserting their dominance all over the WWE?


Solo and Sami talk backstage.

Sami says, “That’s how you do it, Uce.” Solo looked amazing out there. But surely Roman watched all that, they can talk with him. But wait, JEY is there to answer the door! What’s he doing here? Solo and Jey say hey and Jey says don’t worry about what he’s doing here. He’s here to make sure his little brother did good. Sami says yeah, Solo did more than good. You saw what happened, right? They got the dub. A big dub. Jey lets Solo in, but has Sami stay out so they can talk privately. Jey sees right through Sami. Sami’s got everyone and their mama fooled, but not Jey. This is a warning shot. If Sami even thinks about putting the family in jeopardy, Jey will get him.

Sami tells Jey to take it up with Roman. And now, Sami would like to get into their locker room. Sami walks past Jey and Jey is seething. Will Main Event Jey be right about what Sami’s up to? Or is he just paranoid about his own position in the Bloodline?


Karrion Kross speaks.

“Mr. McIntyre. You have been trying to lure me out of the darkness for quite some time. And ironically, that is exactly what I have needed. Because you can’t just waltz back into the WWE and expect to get a title shot. That’s not how it works. You’ve been on the top of this industry for a very long time. You’re the kind of guy you have to send to the hospital to make sure that he stays down. And unfortunately for you, that is exactly what my specialty is. I want you to understand something: At Extreme Rules, I am going to take you to a point of absolutely no return. A place where no man leaves unscarred.

“Because you and I want the same thing. Only one of us can have it. Now, because of that, we are bound together through suffering. Once the world sees what I have been shown through the cards, and you’re completely out of the way, I will go on to make history and become the NEW WWE Undisputed Universal Champion. Time to change the timelines. And at Extreme Rules, Mr. McIntyre, when they strap that leather to your wrist, know in your heart and your soul, I will drag you down to the deepest parts of Hell. And when I feel like you’ve had enough, I’m gonna leave you there to burn away forever. Tick-tock.” Is time almost up for the Scottish Warrior?


Backstage interview with Austin Theory.

Kayla Braxton asks the Youngest Mr. Money in the Bank Winner about his promise to become Universal Champion. Is he planning on cashing in any time soon? Theory says he’s learned his lesson. At SummerSlam, Lesnar ruined his cash-in. At Clash at the Castle, “that doofus” Tyson Fury ruined his cash-in. The only reason Theory was even in Wales was so he could become champion. Other than that, Wales is pathetic! It’s like Europe’s version of… Winnipeg! But the one person who really embarrassed themselves, even more than Theory, was Drew McIntyre.

Let’s think about it: in front of 60 THOUSAND people, some of those being his own friends and family. And in front of them all, McIntyre completely failed. Speaking of failure, Theory fails to notice McIntyre walking up behind him. Theory says McIntyre has all this physical talent, but the one thing he’s missing is brains. Because how did he not see Solo Sikoa coming? And now, that idiot’s got himself into a Strap match with Karrion Kross! McIntyre puts his hand on Theory’s shoulder. The two stare down, and McIntyre tells Theory it’ll be the two of them, in the ring, NOW!! Theory stuck his foot in his mouth, is McIntyre gonna add his to it?


Drew McIntyre VS Austin Theory!

Just as Theory said, the Scottish Warrior is not Undisputed Universal Champion, and is headed to a Strap Match! McIntyre brings said strap with him, along with Angela the sword. Will McIntyre look to use one of those here tonight?

But then Theory has a surprise as he makes his entrance: The Alpha Academy! Will Chad Gable & Otis Dozovic help Theory survive this one? The bell rings and Theory dodges McIntyre to then taunt and flex. Then Theory uses a corner as a defense. The ref has McIntyre back off, and then Theory tries a cheap shot. McIntyre blocks it, Theory dodges the retaliation and he CHOPS! McIntyre doesn’t flinch! Theory CHOPS again, but then McIntyre CHOPS Theory off his feet! And deadlift suplexes Theory to TOSS him away! Theory writhes, McIntyre drags him up to CHOP again! McIntyre whips Theory but Theory holds ropes.

Theory bails out to regroup with the Academy, fans boo, but Gable tells them to SHOOSH! But McIntyre drags Theory up to the apron by his head! Theory HOTSHOTS McIntyre, then hurries in with the somersault SHOTGUN! Theory rains down fists, fans boo, but Theory and the Academy soak up the heat. Theory throws haymaker after haymaker, then runs, only for McIntyre to get around and hit a FUTURE SHOCK! McIntyre kips up and fans fire up! McIntyre aims from the corner, “THREE! TWO! ONE!” But Gable distracts on the apron! So McIntyre TOSSES him into the ring! Gable cowers but Otis drags McIntyre out!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by disqualification

Otis fires off on McIntyre and RAMS him into steel steps! Fans boo more but Otis puts McIntyre in the ring. Gable, Theory and Otis all mug McIntyre! Kross must like this from wherever he’s lurking tonight. But JOHNNY GARGANO is here! Gargano runs to the ring, RAMS into Gable, and then ROCKS Theory! Otis runs in but Gargano sends him out! Gargano fires off on Theory but Gable goes after him! Gargano hits Gable but Otis CLOBBERS Gargano! Gargano gets mugged now, and Gable even stomps McIntyre down.

Wait! Here comes KEVIN OWENS! Winnipeg is fired up as the Prizefighter gets in and fires off on Theory! And on Gable! And then Theory again! Gargano joins in, they throw out Theory and Gable! They dodge Otis to SUPERKICK! And SUPERKICK! And GLASGOW KISS! Fans fire up as Kevin, Gargano and McIntyre stand tall! Gargano settles things with Otis this Monday, will Johnny Wrestling give the tree trunk #OneFinalBeat?


Maximum Male Models finds Max Dupri backstage.

Maxxine, Maçé & Mansôör want to talk with Max. They understand he is disappointed in their performance from last week. But tonight, they’ll make him proud! They’ll bring home “the title.” Wait, wait, they have a tag title match with the Usos? Uh, no, not quite. But tonight, the boys will break the Canadian record for longest pose. Hit it! They warm up and BAM. So they’re just going to stand here? This is not what Max was hoping for. Hit Row then walk over and ask what this even is. Adonis steps and the models flinch! Now they have to start over! Hit Row heads off, having a good laugh, as MMM legitimately resets and tries again. Is MMM perhaps missing the point?


Shotzi Blackheart speaks.

“Last week, Bayley and her damaged cronies showed me exactly what they’re all about: scheming like a bunch of jackals. Now, I’m not the kind of person who’s gonna sit on the sidelines weighing my options. I’m gonna stick my nose and my boots where I want. Tonight, let’s see how much control Bayley has when I roll to the ring and stomp all over her.” The wild child is ready to wage war on a Role Model, will she be the one in control?


Hit Row VS Los Lotharios!

Top Dolla, Ashante THEE Adonis & B-Fab were just trying to have a good time last week, but Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo just had to ruin it. Will these Lethal Lovers be kissing their good looks good-bye? Or will they be able to avoid becoming Hit Row’s next smash hit?

The teams sort out and Adonis starts against Garza. They tie up, Garza puts Adonis in the corner already and fires off hands. Tag to Carrillo, they mug Adonis, double whip and double hip toss for a SLAM! And DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Carrillo covers, ONE!! Carrillo CHOPS Adonis to the corner,. tags Garza and they stomp a mudhole into him together! The ref counts, Los Lotharios let off, and OFF COME GARZA’S PANTS! He throws the tights at Dolla but Dolla catches them to throw ’em back! Garza taunts Dolla then goes back to KICK Adonis. Garza drags Adonis out to suplex, but Adonis turns that to a NECKBREAKER!

Both men are down and fans rally up. Hot tags to Carrillo and Dolla! Dolla rallies on Los Lotharios, swats Carrillo and then ROCKS him, to kick and knee lift! Fans fire up for Dolla and he runs in to SPLASH Carrillo! Then a scoop for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Dolal rolls to his feet, runs to do a shimmy, shake and ELBOW DROP! Cover, Garza breaks it! Garza ROCKS Adonis, flirts with B-Fab, but Dolal gets up. Dolla grabs Garza, pops him up, and then scoops Carrillo! Adonis tags in, “Who hotta than Top Dolla?” WASTELAND POWERSLAM COMBO! “NOT NADA!” Carrillo flounders, Dolla picks him up, HEAVY HITTER! Cover, Hit Row wins!

Winners: Hit Row, by pinfall

Los Lotharios are hot, but not hotter than Hit Row! And if you didn’t know, now you know!


Backstage interview with Ronda Rousey.

Kayla asks what Ronda thinks about how “extreme” Liv Morgan got last week against Lacey Evans. “Extreme? Well, Hooters Barbie might think she’s extreme because she can hold a kendo stick and jump on a table, but let’s just ignore the fact that if she had a Hattori Hanzo katana, I’d still kick her ass. I am the most dangerous unarmed woman on the planet. What do you think I become wielding a baseball bat?” Kayla thanks Ronda and leaves, understanding what she means. Will Ronda remind us why she is the Baddest Woman on the Planet?


Ronda Rousey VS Natalya!

Don’t call this a tune-up, the is the Baddest Woman on the Planet VS The Queen of Harts (and perhaps of Canada) in a rematch from Money in the Bank! But will Ronda win here like she did there? Or can the BOAT prove she should be going to Extreme Rules instead?

The bell rings, Natty and Ronda get in each other’s face. Ronda shoves Natty so Natty trips Ronda! Ronda fights off the Sharpshooter but then Natty gets an ANKLE LOCK! Fans rally, Ronda endures and rolls to send Natty into the corner! Natty staggers up into a haymaker! And another! Ronda DECKS Natty, then drags her onto the ropes. Ronda CHOKES Natty and has a headscissor to prove she can go extreme. Ronda lets off at 4 to KNEE Natty back into the ring. Fans fire up as Ronda rolls Natty into a headscissor leglock combo! Ronda taunts Winnipeg’s Hart fans but Natty powers through to switch things around on Ronda!

Ronda fights off the press, kips free and knees low. Fans duel, Ronda whips Natty to a corner and fires up! Ronda runs in but Natty ducks under to POWERBOMB Ronda down! Both women are down and fans rally up again. Natty and Ronda stir, and Natty is up first. Natty drags Ronda up but Ronda knees in return! Natty DISCUS into a sayanagi! And then a fireman’s carry, but Natty slips off! Roll up, TWO, but Natty has the legs! SHARP- NO, Ronda has a KNEEBAR!! Natty stays up, pushes back to a cover, TWO! Ronda lets Natty go but the DISCUS gets her for it! Fans fire up again as Natty covers, TWO!!

Natty can’t believe it but Ronda survives! Natty drags Ronda up, scoops her, but Ronda slips free and has the leg! ANKLE LOCK! Natty endures now, and Ronda GRAPEVINES!! Natty flails, claws around, but she taps! Ronda wins!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by pinfall

Rowdy Ronda didn’t need to get extreme, she just needed to use her technical skills. But wait! Here comes Liv Morgan, holding title belt and baseball bat! Ronda mentioned it so Liv got inspired. Liv and Ronda stare down at the ramp. Liv dares Ronda to make a move, but it’s Liv who rushes in! Ronda BOOTS Liv, but Liv JAMS Ronda! Liv swings but Ronda ducks, Liv hits the post! Ronda fireman’s carries for a PIPER’S PIT to the floor! The bat tumbles away and now Liv is unarmed! She still hits Ronda, and they both go for the bat! It’s a tug-o-war but Ronda RAMS Liv into the apron! Liv holds on tight, but then lets go to send Ronda into barriers!

Liv swings again, but Ronda blocks in time! And Ronda TOSSES Liv over barriers! Security rushes in to stop this, but Ronda has the bat! Ronda did tease how much more dangerous this would make her, but the ref asks she put it down. Ronda drops the bat and smirks as she walks to the ramp. But Liv’s back up! Liv rushes through to CLOBBER Ronda!! Fans fire up but security rushes to stop this! They separate Liv and Ronda but Liv gets loose to CLOBBER Ronda again!! Liv may not be technically skilled but she is fiery! Fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” and Ronda does get loose! Ronda and Liv scrap again, but security pulls them apart!

But there won’t be any stopping this when it’s Extreme Rules at Extreme Rules! Will Liv complete the unheard of hattrick on Ronda? Or will the Baddest Woman on the Planet become the Baddest SmackDown Women’s Champion once again?


McIntyre talks with Kevin and Gargano backstage.

It felt great to fight off Theory and the Academy together, but McIntyre does question the company Gargano keeps these days. Kevin knows McIntyre means him. McIntyre says he’s just kidding around. They may not always see eye to eye, but they can all agree on this: Theory needs to get his ass kicked! Gargano agrees 100%! Same page? Same book? Kevin says yes, same everything. Just see you guys later, alright? Kevin leaves Gargano and McIntyre to talk and catch up, and then he sees MMM just standing there. How long has it been? Hmm… Kevin thinks Mace’s hand needs to be a bit higher to be more effective.

Then Kevin finds Sami. They just smile, and Kevin chuckles at the Honorary Uce shirt. Sami should get a new one. Kevin leaves, but will his best frenemy ever listen to him?


Shinsuke Nakamura checks in on Maçé & Mansôör.

The King of Strong Style does his own pose. Sonya Deville walks over, then shakes her head and walks away. How much longer for the record?


IMPERIUM is here!

Der Ring General, GUNTHER, leads the way for Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser, stoic but surely proud that they kept the Brawling Brutes from winning the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships. But it was also announced that the Brutes and Imperium will battle 3v3 at Extreme Rules under Good Ol’ Fashion Donnybrook Rules! Anything goes between six of the meanest men in WWE today, but for now, the Impeccable German has the mic. “There have been few things more insulting to the mat that is so sacred to us than the presence of the Brawling Brutes.” The disgust is clear on Ludwig’s face and in his voice.

The Pride of Italy, Giovanni Vinci says, “NONE of the Brawling Brutes exhibit the qualities of a champion. THIS is what a champion looks like!” He points to the WWE Intercontinental Champion, GUNTHER! Gunther says, “Next week, I’m gonna beat Sheamus! I’m gonna grind him down for the final time, and I’m gonna enjoy the look of defeat in his eyes when I break his spirit once and for all. The next night, Imperium will OBLITERATE all three of the Brawling Brutes from-” Wait! Here come the Brawling Brutes! Er, at least Sheamus. He has a mic to say< “Whoa, whoa, whoa there, Betsy.”

Gunther loves talking a big fight, doesn’t he? But not them Brawling Brutes. Unfortunately, Ridge & Butch are stuck in Florida. Fans boo but Sheamus says that’s okay! The King of Bangers is here in Winnipeg! And lads, you know Sheamus. He’s more than happy to kick all of their bleeding heads right off their shoulders. Fans cheer and The Fella heads to the ring. Vinci and Ludwig rush out but Sheamus reveals his shillelagh! He CLOBBERS Vinci, CLOBBERS Ludwig, then CLUBS them each again! Sheamus smirks as he continues to the ring, but Gunther is ready. Sheamus stares Gunther down and fans are on the Fella’s side.

Sheamus drops the shillelagh and puts his hat aside. The suspender straps come down, and it’s a BRAWL! Sheamus dodges to KNEE Gunther down! Fans fire up and Sheamus goes to a corner. Sheamus takes aim, fans chant along, but Vinci and Ludwig attack! Gunther BOOTS Sheamus down! Imperium stands Sheamus up, they rip off the shirt and Gunther CHOPS away on Sheamus! Then another BOOT! Vinci & Ludwig keep Sheamus up as Gunther rubs the title in Sheamus’ face before one more CHOP! Gunther brings Sheamus around, reels him in, GENERAL BOMB!! Imperium leaves Sheamus behind, but Sheamus gets the mic to have a laugh? “Is that all you got?”

Fans cheer as Sheamus keeps taunting Gunther! “You gotta do better than that!” Imperium heads back up to the ring, Vinci and Ludwig get in to CLOBBER Sheamus! They mug the Celtic Warrior, and Gunther grabs the shillelagh! Ludwig sits Sheamus up for Gunther to CLOBBER!! Fans boo as Sheamus it out cold! Now Imperium leaves, will they just do this to Sheamus, Ridge & Butch again next week?


Bayley speaks.

“Shotzi loves to run her mouth as if she was the one to pin Bianca Belair for the first time in over 300 days, but I’m pretty sure, uh, ding dong hello, that’s me. And I know she wouldn’t be talking like that if Dakota & Iyo weren’t stuck in Florida. But that’s okay. Because I’m gonna shut Shotzi up all by myself. And after I do that, then I’m gonna go on to Extreme Rules and climb that ladder to once again beat Bianca Belair and become your NEW Raw Women’s Champion!” Bayley is all smiles now, but can she win when she doesn’t have her back-up?


WWE learns of the passing of Antonio Inoki.

The WWE hall of famer, the NJPW founder and legend, and a great man in the fight sports industry has passed, so WWE wants to pass along their condolences to the Inoki family.


Shotzi Blackheart VS Bayley!

It’s a battle of the Bay Area all the way in Winnipeg! But it isn’t about Oakland A’s VS San Francisco Giants, it’s about who is headed to the top here in the WWE! Will Shotzi open fire now that she has her tank back? Or will Bayley be able to survive entering the Ball Pit?

The bell rings and the two circle. Bayley kicks low and fires off hands, then she whips Shotzi to ropes. Shotzi slides under, howls to the moon, and then kicks. Bayley blocks but the ENZIGURI hits! Shotzi WRINGS Bayley out, then WRINGS her again! Shotzi then hits an ARM CODE BREAKER, to then body scissor victory roll! TWO, and Shotzi storms up to whip Bayley. Bayley reverses, Shotzi bounces off buckles and Bayley goes up to FLYING ARM-DRAG and basement BOOT! Bayley drags Shotzi up, whips her to ropes but Shotzi reverses to drop toehold and put Bayley on those ropes! Shotzi runs, but Bayley avoids the senton to SLAM Shotzi down!

Bayley whips, Shotzi dodges to springboard and victory roll Bayley onto ropes now! Shotzi runs, BALLPIT! Shotzi drags Bayley to a drop zone, climbs up, but Bayley hurries to the ropes. Shotzi intercepts her, ROUNDHOUSES her back, and then brings Bayley through for an APRON DDT! Fans fire up with Shotzi while Bayley flops down and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Bayley hits Shotzi with a NECKBREAKER! Shotzi flounders to a corner, Bayley runs in, but Shotzi goes up and over! Shotzi rolls, runs back and dropkicks Bayley into the corner! Bayley stands up for the SPALSH! Shotzi snapmares Bayley and runs to SLING-DOG! Fans fire up with Shotzi and she KNEES Bayley for a ROLLING ELBOW! SWITCHBLADE KICK! Shotzi brings Bayley to a corner to snap suplex her into buckles! Bayley flounders into a drop zone and Shotzi goes up top! Fans rally as Shotzi aims, but Bayley ROCKS her first! Shotzi BOOTS back, but then Bayley SLINGS Shotzi down! Bayley hooks Shotzi up, ROSE PLANT!! Cover, Bayley wins!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall

Bayley got it done on her own, but Bayley isn’t done with Shotzi! She hooks Shotzi up for another ROSE PLANT!! Bayley huffs and puffs and goes out to look under the ring. Bayley brings out a LADDER! She puts that in the ring, ready to use Shotzi as an example to Bianca Belair! Bayley opens the ladder, and she puts Shotzi inside it! Fans already know this is going to get bad as Bayley closes the ladder. But here comes BIANCA! The EST won’t let Bayley do any worse to Shotzi. Bayley bails, Bianca gets Shotzi out of the ladder, only for Bayley to CLOBBER Bianca! Bayley suckered Bianca in, but Bianca blocks the Rose Plant!

Bianca stands up with Bayley in a torture rack! Bayley gets free and runs off! Fans boo but Bianca has sent a message of her own. Will Bianca just make history repeat itself? Or will Bayley be able to take things to the extreme and then take control?


Maximum Male Models is still posing.

Maxxine says this is fantastic. They are so close to the record! Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! MAX CLOBBERS MANSOOR!? Why!? Max says MMM had a shot at something and they’re just clowns! Here they are, worrying about posing instead of real titles. This is not for Max anymore. Quite frankly, this never really was, yeah. Is this the last night we see Max Du-PRI?


Six Man Tag: Drew McIntyre, Johnny Gargano & Kevin Owens VS Austin Theory & The Alpha Academy!

The 1v1 match McIntyre tried to have with Theory was ruined by Gable & Otis, so now it’s grown into a 3v3! Will the Scottish Warrior, Johnny Wrestling and the Prizefighter humble the Youngest Mr. Money in the Bank and his buddies? Or will they SHOOOOSH? Shoosh please?

SmackDown returns as Kevin makes his entrance, followed by Gargano, and then of course, McIntyre! The teams sort out and Gargano starts against Gable. Fans rally for Johnny Wrestling as he ties up with Gable. Gargano wrenches, wristlocks, but Gable rolls and spins to wrench and wristlock back. Gargano rolls, breaks free and dropkicks Gable! Gable gets up, swings but misses, Gargano comes back with a RANA! Fans fire up and Gargano CHOPS Gable! And CHOPS! Gargano whips, Gable reverses, and Theory stands in Gargano’s way. Gargano swings on Theory but he gets away, and Gable CLOBBERS Gargano from behind!

Fans boo but Gable tags Theory. Gable stomps Gargano, Theory drags him up and ROCKS him to the corner. Theory RAMS into Gargano, and again, then throws hands. The ref counts, Theory lets off to whip corner to corner. Gargano goes up and over and rolls Theory for the schoolboy KICK! Gargano goes to a corner, runs corner to corner, but is put on the apron. Gargano SLINGSHOT SPEARS Theory down! Gable rushes back in but Gargano TOSSES him! McIntyre DECKS Otis then Kevin CANNONBALLS Theory and Gable! Winnipeg is all fired up and Gargano even high-fives McIntyre as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Gargano is trapped in the Alpha corner. Gable distracts the ref so Theory can dig his fingers into Gargano’s face! Gable digs his boots in, lets off as the ref reprimands, and he drags Gargano up from the apron. Gargano rams into Gable, and again! Gargano rams a third time as fans rally, but Gable turns slingshot into NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO!! Gargano survives but Gable drags Gargano away with a mounted armlock. Gable steps over to wrench the arm but Gargano endures. Fans rally for Gargano as he reaches out, but Gable keeps him back. Gargano fires forearms, but then Theory yanks McIntyre off the apron!

Theory sends McIntyre into the barriers! Kevin chases Theory off but the damage is done. Gable tells Kevin to SHOOSH, but Gable rolls him! Schoolboy- NO, the kick is blocked to an ANKLE LOCK! Gargano endures, reaches out, victory rolls Gable, TWO! Gable gets up, Gargano duck shim, hot tag to Kevin! Winnipeg fires up for Kevin as he CHOPS and ROCKS Gable on repeat! Kevin whips, Gable kicks back but Kevin LARIATS! And SENTONS! Theory runs in but gets a kick and DDT! Kevin gets Gable for an AOI SHOUDOU! Kevin ROCKS Otis! Kevin aims at Gable, “SUCK IT!” CANNONBALL! Gable is in the drop zone and Kevin goes up!

Fans fire up for the SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, Otis breaks it! Fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Otis saved the match for his team. But here comes McIntyre! Kevin drags Gable up but Gable gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men are down again but the fans rally up. Gable and Kevin crawl, hot tags to Theory and McIntyre! The Scottish Warrior CLOBBERS Theory, whips him to ropes and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! McIntyre DECKS Otis, clinches Theory and OVERHEAD throws him again! And then a NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up, fans fire up! McIntyre aims from a corner, but Theory bails out!

Fans boo but McIntyre pursues. They go around the way, McIntyre ROCKS Theory and puts him in the ring. But Otis CLOBBERS McIntyre! The Dozer does damage and he RAMS McIntyre into steel steps! “For the Academy”! Gargano PLANCHAS but Otis catches him! Otis pops Gargano around but Gargano slips off to feed Otis to Kevin’s SUPERKICK! Then Gargano SUPERKICKS! Otis wobbles, DOUBLE SUPERKICKS drop him! But that’s not all! Gargano & Kevin clear off the table and they put Otis on it! But Gable throws Gargano down. And he EXPLODERS Kevin to the floor! “SHOOOOSH!”

Gargano puts Kevin on the table now and he climbs up. Gable says, “A THANK YOU!” but Gargano gives Otis a TORNADO DDT! That distracts Gable, Kevin gives him a STUNNER! Gable falls into Michael Cole’s chair! This all distracts Theory, he turns around into a CLAYMORE! Cover, McIntyre’s team wins!!

Winners: Drew McIntyre, Johnny Gargano & Kevin Owens, by pinfall

McIntyre grabs the strap! He LASHES Theory!! Theory flails and flounders away, and McIntyre stares the camera down. He’s warning Kross of what is coming, will that eternal suffering be for Kross to bear?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown, especially with some legitimate adjustments having to be made because of Hurricane Ian. We saw it with the Brawling Brutes being down two men, but it worked towards the segment that Sheamus was outnumbered and got beat down in the end. Normally, the math says Sheamus would win the title next week, but I can’t be sure that happens. Maybe the Brutes win that Six Man Donnybrook in exchange, but I feel like things should be swapped. We should have the Donnybrook on TV and the (potential) title change on PPV. IF this happens, it is going to be Sheamus’ Grand Slam, AND the first-ever Ultimate Grand Slam in WWE! That alone deserves to be on Extreme Rules, not the “season premiere” so Fox can get ratings.

The other adjustment was no Kai & Sky for Bayley, but again, that might’ve worked out for the better. Shotzi and Bayley had really good promos, I LOVE that Shotzi got her tank back and that it does pyro now, and Shotzi VS Bayley was a really good match. Bayley might be still working off some ring rust or getting her cardio back, but she still kept up and of course she gets a win. Bayley almost getting the better of Bianca was also good stuff, and we’ve got this Monday to put on the finishing touches for the go-home math. But being a Ladder match, this is really going in Bayley’s favor to where DMG CTRL reigns over Raw and then looks to go after SmackDown.

Speaking of, a mixed bag for the SmackDown Women’s Championship story. Ronda’s promo on paper was really clever stuff. Ronda’s promo in execution? I don’t think she would’ve made it through the audition. Ronda is right, she is perhaps the most talented female fighter in the world, but she’s still got to work on her delivery. However, since she is a great fighter, she and Natty had a really good match that of course Ronda wins. And again, because Ronda’s a great fighter and Liv is really improving, they give us a great brawl. The only problem now is, Liv is feeling a touch more like the Face than Ronda, but she can’t possibly go 3-0. Ronda is surely going to win, perhaps because Liv goes “too extreme” and it costs her.

Great developments with Maximum Male Models, in that Maximum Male Models is falling apart. Max Dupri has had it, he’s all but back to being L A KNIGHT YEAH. I wouldn’t be surprised if next week on the “season premiere,” that is when we see the SmackDown debut of LA Knight, as foretold by how LA Knight’s tron looked a lot like the old SmackDown Live logo. Maybe Mace & Mansoor join him in getting serious again so that Maxxine can go join Los Lotharios, maybe not, but it’s going to be great to have Knight calling people dummies again. Speaking of Los Lotharios, great match with Hit Row but of course Hit Row wins to build momentum in the tag division.

Great opening tag from Sami & Solo VS Ricochet & Moss, and Winnipeg just loves Sami so much, they flipped who was Face and Heel here. Well, okay, not really. Sami & Solo still win with some Heelish tactics, and they have a great interaction with Jey backstage. Sami is getting very confident now that he has Roman’s backing, and that is just gonna piss Jey off more. Great promo from Theory to get the ball rolling on things tonight. Kevin and Sami interacting again was great, their stories have to end with them being the team that takes on and dethrones the Usos. It just wouldn’t make sense to me otherwise.

Speaking of things making sense, Kross had a good promo but a QR Code popping up at the end was a clever way to tie him back into this White Rabbit thing. It was an obvious red herring but a logical one. Then there was someone with a sign that read “REVEL IN WHAT YOU ARE” who was allowed to be right behind commentary for a moment. That also has to mean something towards this Bray Wyatt/not Bray Wyatt return campaign. But anyway, awesome Six Man Tag main event. Of course the Faces win so that McIntyre gets momentum back from Kross beating him down. The go-home week will tell us more, but I’m starting to wonder if Kross could end up winning that Strap match to send McIntyre on a further detour from the Universal title.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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