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Andrew’s IMPACT Wrestling Results & Match Ratings: 10.13.2022

With Bound For Glory behind us; where are all the title pictures headed now? Tune in to IMPACT!



Bound For Glory has come and gone! Josh Alexander retained over Eddie Edwards! Frankie Kazarian is now a 5 time X Division Champion! OGK retained! Jordynne Grace broke Masha Slamovich’s undefeated record!

With all of that, I guess we can look at this episode as the first of a new season. Honor No More only has the tag titles and are reeling off of a bunch of losses. Masha is no longer the untouchable monster. Joe Hendry got huge and an equally large pop from his time in the gauntlet. I suppose we just have to see what direction this is all going in!


  • No DQ: Tasha Steelz w/Savannah Evans vs Killer Kelly: Kelly wins via Killer Clutch w/chain – ** 1/2
  • X Division 6 Way: Black Taurus vs Kenny King vs Laredo Kid vs Alex Zayne vs Trey Miguel vs Yuya Uemura: Trey Miguel wins via Inverted Death Valley Driver – ** 3/4
  • VXT (Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green) & Gisele Shaw vs Death Dollz (Rosemary, JesSICKa & Taya Valkyrie): Gisele wins via Knee Strike – ** 1/2
  • Matt Cardona vs Bhupinder Gujjar: Cardona wins via Radio Silence – * 3/4
  • Impact World Championship: Josh Alexander (c) vs Bobby Fish: Josh retains via C4 Spike – *** 1/2


Josh Alexander comes out to do the usual big promo after a huge PPV retention. Typical face stuff, actually gets a solid reaction out of the crowd. Calls out Bully Ray – as he’s trying to get ahead of things this year. Josh asks Bully why he didn’t take the opportunity to stab him in the back.

Bully goes through a list of a bunch of people he’s screwed over. Mentions Sting, Brooke, Hulk Hogan, All Japan, New Japan, ECW and WWE. Forks to the left, and knives to the back…that’s kind of a cute little line. Bully basically sums it all up saying he finally wants to do things right, he’s tired of being the guy that everyone has nothing good to say about him. Steve Maclin comes out, and he should be pissed that he’s had such a good push and they decided to give Bully Ray the win.

Maclin starts asking the good questions on why Bully was even there. And before anyone speaks, Moose comes out. Gets in his little dig about Maclin being the only non-World Champion in the group, then he calls Bully a scumbag; flips the script and says he likes scumbags, he is one too and that he modeled his last few years after Bully. Moose starts revving up, and then Bobby Fish cuts everything off. Okay this has gone on entirely too long. Bobby Fish just cuts to the chase and challenges Josh while the others just stand there. Josh accepts.

No DQ: Tasha Steelz w/Savannah Evans vs Killer Kelly

Savannah Evans attacks Kelly during her entrance, so Kelly is on the receiving end early, but then explodes in the corner, Drop Toehold into the turnbuckles and then Kelly taunts Tasha and Savannah. Kelly tries to continue the offense, but Savannah cuts her off again.

Tasha starts hitting a few Headbutts, and Kelly keeps smiling and getting up, enjoying the pain. Kelly continues to absorb strikes, Tasha even locks in her Rings of Saturn, but Kelly lifts her up and Alabama Slam to stop Tasha’s offense. Kelly goes for a chair, Tasha counters, but then Kelly counters with a few Short Range Rainmakers. Death Valley Driver on Tasha, but she kicks out.

Savannah jumps into the ring to attack Kelly, Tasha grabs the chair, but Kelly fights off both. Tug-o-War on the chair throws the chair to hit Savannah, Superkick from Tasha gives Tasha the chance to go for a chain and tries to choke out Kelly. Kelly counters and locks in the Killer Clutch with the chain.

X Division 6 Way: Black Taurus vs Kenny King vs Laredo Kid vs Alex Zayne vs Trey Miguel vs Yuya Uemura

The match starts immediately out of a backstage segment, a few fast spots, then it’s mostly Kenny King vs Alex Zayne. Kenny makes Zayne chase him on the outside, only to get cut in half by Black Taurus. Then a few high spots from everyone. Commercial after the high spots, and we come back and there’s shenanigans, a convoluted set up for a Block Buster Chained Reverse DDT coordinated spot. That spot was stupid.

A string of high spots leave the door open for the Eddy Gordo kick from Kenny, Spinebuster for 2. Laredo breaks up the pin and goes after Kenny. Michinoku Driver gives Laredo a 2, Yuya flies and gets himself some. Double Overhook Release Belly to Belly allows Yuya a moment, until Black Taurus kills him.

Alex Zayne uses Laredo as a fulcrum for a flipping Headscissors, then Trey hits the Jacky Bryant kick, and some Inverted Death Valley Driver for the win.

VXT (Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green) & Gisele Shaw vs Death Dollz (Rosemary, JesSICKa & Taya Valkyrie)

Gisele starts off with JesSICKa, which she wasn’t expecting, Jess uses her size and does her own goofy kind of Flip Flop and Fly combo before Gisele tags out to Chelsea. Death Dollz keep a solid handle until Chelsea connects with a Headbutt on Taya, but Rosemary comes in, bites Deonna and hits the Upside Down before getting Taya back in.

It takes a little referee distraction for the heels to start getting control back. Gisele lands a Final Cut on Taya, Taya kicks out and tries to crawl to her corner but Gisele brings her back to VXT and a few quick tags keeps Taya eating offense. Double Lariat spot for the stereo tags.

Rosemary smacks Gisele around a little but Gisele hits her Backbreaker/Flatliner combo to give her an opening. Gisele misses the Knee Strike and it becomes a shmoz. Gisele takes advantage of Rosemary turning to take out Deonna, and hits the Knee Strike to the back of Rosemary’s head.

Matt Cardona vs Bhupinder Gujjar

Gujjar is getting solid guys to work with and his ring work has been getting a little better; but his finisher and his mic skills are still terrible.

Cardona tries to play chicken shit heel early, going tot he ropes for safety, trying to plead off and powder. Once he powders, Cardona uses the side of the ring and applies the veteran heel tactics.

Admittedly, a sloppier match than usual from Gujjar. He avoids a Dropkick poorly, sorta tripped on his way over the rope for the Slingshot Elbow. Tried to fire but Brian Myers walks out and distracts Gujjar by revealing the Major Players shirt. Cardona wins via Radio Silence and Myers poses with Cardona.

Impact World Championship: Josh Alexander (c) vs Bobby Fish

Early stalemate, a few attempts a shooting at the legs, pushing into the ropes, a very MMA opening. Josh did start to string things together after keeping control after Headlock Takeovers. But Fish fights out of the corner with well placed Round Kicks and that starts to stagger the champion.

Dragon Screw onto the ramp, Outside In Slingshot Senton and then a few more peppered low kicks to the leg. Fish keeps connecting on a mixture of Strikes and Suplexes, but finally Josh catches a foot and starts to fight out. Fish stifles Josh with an Overhand Right, and a few quick attacks, but they start to trade. Josh is mostly desperate, but he’s still giving back and a well timed Lariat gives them the standing 10 count.

Fighting Spirit spot. Fish misses the Low Round Kick, spins around and as he faces Josh, Josh hits him with a Right Cross and Fish slumps off. Retreating to the corner, Fish tries to regain his composure but Josh just muscles him over in a T-Bone Suplex for emphasis. Spinning Head Kick into Saito Suplex…for 2. Kurt Angle locomotion German Suplexes engaged! Fish grabs the ropes, Sole Butt catches Josh by surprise and then an Exploder Suplex into the ropes fives Fish an opening. Buzzsaw Kick, gets caught, Josh tries for the Ankle Lock but Fish rolls forward and flings Josh out the ring.

Josh got caught on the top rope, counters Fish’s offense, throws him off, Kurt Angle Moonsault for 2. Fish tries to counter, but Josh counters the counter into the Ankle Lock. Fish fights off, kicks out the knee, Triangle Choke onto Josh, but Josh turns it into a Powerbreaker. C4 Spike and Josh retains!

After the match, Kaz’s music hits. Is he cashing in Option C? YUP! The Coolness is aiming for the World Title! 

Overall Score: 7.75/10

See Kaz being an older guy who won at Bound for Glory now makes 1000% sense. Kaz’s reputation helps to build up Speedball and him immediately vacating it for a World Title shot means that the X Division stays with the younger guys at the top. Also this means we’re going to get a Frankie vs Josh match; and that will be a banger.

Aside from just my general fandom of the OG TNA wrestlers, Mickie had a good promo, Killer Kelly looked awesome in her match, Gisele being added in with VXT is a perfect since she works very well as the “extra Mean Girl”. It made sense with the Influence, and now a ton of sense with VXT. While I don’t love Trey being basically thrown into the X Division main event since Kaz is relinquishing the title and Bailey still has a claim, I will say the fact that Impact keeps trying to push the kid is commendable. Trey is awful, but the company is trying to make him not look like a waste of space.

The show’s main event was really solid, I also love Dango referencing the Fashion Police stuff…maybe Dango will stick around a little. Bully Ray is still a weird wrinkle that I don’t totally love, but he didn’t do anything to drag the show down. With Bully Ray drama, Heath & Rhino trying to get tag gold, Maclin & Moose lurking in the main event picture and Sami Callihan wanting a piece of Eric Young…there are some interesting stories building.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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