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Mitchell’s NJPW Rumble on 44th Street Results & Report! (10/28/22)

A big show in the Big Apple!



NJPW Rumble 44th Street

If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere!

NJPW hits New York City, and hits it hard! But will Jay White & Juice Robinson hit hard enough to stop Kazuchika Okada & Eddie Kingston?


  • Buy-In – Mina Shirakawa & Waka Tsukiyama VS Kylie Rae & Tiara James; Kylie & Tiara win.
  • YOH & Rocky Romero VS SHO & Yujiro Takahashi; Sho & Yujiro win.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships Triple Threat: Aussie Open VS Motor City Machine Guns VS Kevin Knight & The DKC; MCMG wins and are the new NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Championship: Fred Rosser VS Jonathan Gresham; Rosser wins and retains the title.
  • Six Man Tag: Wheeler Yuta, Shota Umino & Homicide VS Team Filthy; Yuta, Shota & Homicide win.
  • Clark Connors VS Minoru Suzuki; Suzuki wins.
  • SWA World Championship: Mayu Iwatani VS KiLynn King; Iwatani wins and retains the title.
  • KOPW 2022 NYC Street Fight: Shingo Takagi VS El Phantasmo; Takagi wins and retains the trophy.
  • Kazuchika Okada & Eddie Kingston VS Jay White & Juice Robinson; White & Robinson win.


NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships Triple Threat: Aussie Open VS Motor City Machine Guns VS Kevin Knight & The DKC!

Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher came so close to winning the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships at Royal Quest II, but they did get FTR’s seal of approval as the future of tag team wrestling. However, they’re up against a generation defining team in Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley, and against a duo of Young Lions looking to be the new future of tag team wrestling! Will Davis & Fletcher continue to prove they’re the best tag team today? Or will the United Empire be the ones conquered in the Empire State?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and it’s time to see who is the strongest tag team!

In this Triple Threat, only two teams are legal at one time. Fans are already dueling between “Motor City!” “Aussie Open!” The LA Dojo boys get upset for being snubbed and they start pushing. Aussie Open pushes back! MCMG stands down and the ref tries to keep the peace. The teams stand down, and we start between DKC and Kyle. The bell rings, they tie up, Kyle waistlocks but DKC wrenches out to wristlock. Kyle rolls to wrench and wristlock back, then he hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Kyle wrenches again but DKC trips Kyle to have a toehold! Fans applaud the exchange as DKC then shifts to a headlock.

Kyle fights up, pops out the back and hammerlocks. DKC reaches back to flying-mare! Fans fire up and DKC hurries to bring Kyle around. But Kyle whips DKC away and CLOBBERS him on the return! Kyle sucker punches Knight, too! Tag to Davis, Aussie Open double whip DKC and swing, but DKC ducks to dump Kyle out! DKC dodges Davis, to drop toehold, and Knight comes in to SPLASH! DKC drops the ax handle! DKC blasts MCMG but Kyle tags back in. Kyle kicks and whips DKC but DKC sunset flips. Kyle stays up but Knight SHOULDER TACKLES him into the cover! TWO!! LA Dojo almost had it there and fans fire up!

DKC drags Kyle up, CLUBS him, but Kyle pushes him away and Davis gets a cheap shot in! Kyle scoops and SLAMS DKC, but Knight runs in to UPPERCUT Kyle! Knight runs but MCMG trip him up! Shelley sets Knight up for a PENALTY KICK from Sabin! MCMG then storm in to get in Aussie Open’s face! Fans fire up, and the brawl is on! The haymakers and forearms go back and forth but Aussie Open CLUB MCMG! Aussie Open runs, but into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Fans duel again as Davis and Kyle end up in opposite corners. MCMG whips Aussie Open but Aussie Open reverses. MCMG do-si-do, Aussie Open dodges, but then MCMG dodges back!

Aussie Open are back in the corners, MCMG run in, but they both get caught! Aussie Open SANDWICHES MCMG! Then Aussie Open uses MCMG to RAM down Knight and DKC! Davis tosses Shelley out while Kyle sends out Sabin. Fans rally as Aussie Open pick MCMG up again, and they run in around the way, EXTRA LARGE SANDWICH! Fans fire up as Aussie Open smashes MCMG and the LA Dojo boys! Shelley gets back in the ring but Davis puts DKC in, too. Kyle looms over DKC, SLAPS him, but DKC throws forearms! Kyle scoops and SLAMS again! Cover, TWO! Kyle drags DKC over, tags in Davis, and they put DKC in the corner.

Davis stomps DKC, brings him out, and CHOPS him off his feet! Fans fire up as Davis paces around. Davis drags DKC up, stands him up, and CHOPS him off his feet again! Davis throws up the crown, then he drags DKC back up. Fans rally, Davis stands DKC up but DKC ducks! DKC CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Davis scoops to SLAM and SENTON! Cover, but Knight breaks it up! The ref reprimands but Davis just focuses on DKC. DKC throws body shots! First forearms, then straight punches! But Davis keeps DKC from reaching Knight! Davis whips DKC hard into the ropes, then he DECKS Knight!

Kyle gets DKC for an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Kyle pushes DKC in for Davis to cover, TWO! Fans applaud as DKC stays in this, but Davis puts him in the corner. Tag to Kyle, but DKC fights back with big elbows! And Karate Chops! But he gets caught! Aussie Open double wrenches, but DKC ducks the double forearms! Forearms collide and Kyle shakes out his arm while Davis rushes after DKC. DKC dodges Davis and then dodges Kyle, hot tag to Knight! Knight goes up, under, and SPLASHES Davis! Knight then CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Kyle, to whip for a BIG dropkick! Knight kips up and fans fire up!

Knight drags Kyle around, has the legs, but Kyle fights the Boston Crab! Knight comes back, leaps, but Kyle denies him the satellite DDT with a toss! Kyle then feeds Knight to Davis for a fireman’s carry, POP-UP KICK! Davis brings Knight back up to scoop, but Knight slips off! Knight ducks Davis to then RANA Kyle off the top into Davis! Fans fire up as Knight scoop SLAMS Kyle! Cover, TWO! Knight keeps his focus and he aims at Kyle in the corner. Knight runs in, Kyle puts him on the apron and then SUPERKICKS him, to Davis’s fireman’s carry! POP-UP KICK! Kyle BLASTS MCMG while Davis puts Knight in the ring.

Davis scoops Knight and Kyle goes up, AUSSIE DENTAL PLAN! Cover, TWO!! Knight survives the flying cutter and fans fire up! Aussie Open drags Knight up to LARIAT SANDWICH! And again! And then AGAIN! Knight drops to his knees, Davis DECKS DKC! Aussie Open hooks Knight up, COREAL- RANA from Knight! Davis goes tumbling but Kyle ROCKS Knight with a forearm! Kyle runs, but Sabin tags in off him! Kyle is upset, he rushes in but MCMG dump him out! Kyle gets back up but gets a SUPERKICK PENALTY KICK COMBO! Davis rushes in but MCMG HOTSHOT him! Sabin goes up to MISSILE DROPKICK!

Fans fire up and Sabin runs in at Knight for a BOOT! Sabin puts Knight in a Tree of Woe! But DKC waistlocks Sabin! Shelley waistlocks DKC, but DKC switches with Shelley. Shelley uses that to back DKC down into the opposite corner. MCMG coordinate and Sabin runs in to clothesline DKC! Shelley runs to basement dropkick Knight! Sabin then feeds DKC to Shelley’s OVERHEAD Belly2Belly into Knight! Then Sabin runs in for another basement dropkick! Fans fire up and Sabin brings Knight out of the Tree. Sabin goes up to FLYING- NO, Knight blocks the DDT! But then Davis BOOTS Knight down and causes him to DDT Sabin!

Shelley runs in, he blocks Davis’s boot to fire off forearms! ROLLING- SUPERKICK from Kyle! Shelley checks his teeth as he drops to his knees. MCMG regroup and Aussie Open runs in at them, but they’re both sent out hard! Fans fire up as MCMG builds speed! But DKC DOUBLE SHOTGUNS them! Knight DOUBLE SHOTGUNS Aussie Open! LA Dojo coordinate to DOUBLE PLANCHA! Knight wipes out Aussie Open while DKC wipes out MCMG! Fans fire up as DCK puts Sabin in. Knight gets in, DKC has Sabin for Karate Chops! Sabin waistlocks, DKC switches and shoves Sabin into an ELBOW from Knight! DKC SUPERKICKS! Knight SATELLITE DDTs!

Fans fire up and Knight hurries to cover, TWO!! Sabin survives but the LA Dojo roars! Knight drags Sabin around, Sabin fights, and Sabin twists to throw Knight away! Sabin LARIATS Knight! Fans fire up again and Knight ends up in the MCMG corner. BOOT ENZIGURI COMBO! But DKC DECKS Shelley! Knight rolls Sabin, TWO! Sabin fireman’s carries, but Knight pops around to victory roll! TWO! Sabin swings, Knight dodges to springboard, but into a DROPKICK! DKC runs in to DROPKICK Sabin! Kyle scoops DCK to a SPINNING TOMBSTONE! But Shelley waistlocks Kyle. Kyle switches but Sabin saves Shelley, to then CUTTER Kyle!

Davis choke grips Shelley! And he choke grips Sabin! MCMG break free to double kick and whip. Davis breaks the line but runs into a SOBAT, SUPERKICK, SUPERKICK ENZIGURI! The ASCS Rush! Fans fire up as Davis tumbles away! Sabin drags Knight but Knight cradles! TWO!! Knight ROLLING ELBOWS Sabin! Bu the runs into an atomic drop! Dropkick to the leg! Chancery and DROPKICK! The Dream Sequence!! Fans fire up again and MCMG waits on Knight. Knight stands up, into double mule kicks. MCMG lift him up, tuck, DIRT BOMB!! Cover, MCMG WINS!!

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns, by pinfall (NEW NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions)

Aussie Open is furious! They can’t believe they lost these titles without losing the match! But MCMG adds another belt to their already decorated resumé! Will Sabin & Shelley have quite the impact on NJPW Strong from now on?


Alex Coughlin is here!

The Android is back! Fans fire up as Coughlin goes to the ring and gets the mic. He has the music cut off and asks, “Kratos! What kind of man are you? These past four months, I haven’t been on NJPW Strong. I have been recovering from a torn pec. But you still come out, week after week, to run your mouth and to call me out. I know you couldn’t be bothered to show up tonight, but here I am. So you take as long as you need to grow a pair of balls and come take your ass kicking like a man.” Fans like the sound of that!

Coughlin continues with, “In the meantime, I have an announcement, and I have a warning. A warning not just for you, Kratos. A warning for everyone here in the locker room in New York! Everyone in the locker room in Japan! Everyone who wants to fight Alex Coughlin! You wanna see what I’m really made of? You better be prepared for what you fear. Because I wasn’t programmed with fear, I wasn’t designed for mercy, I wasn’t built to be weak! I am beyond human. I am war! I am The Android! And next month, at World Tag League, I’ll be back.” Fans fire up hearing that! Who will team with this machine to take out Team Filthy?


NJPW Strong Openweight Championship: Fred Rosser VS Jonathan Gresham!

Mr. No Days Off has been a fighting champion, and he’s been fighting some strong competition! But now, he’s up against The Foundation of ROH! Will the Octopus get his tentacles on this title? Or will Rosser’s reign not take any days off, either?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we see just how strong The Foundation is!

The bell rings and fans rally as the two stare down. They circle, Rosser shoots in, but Gresham avoids it. Gresham offers a handshake, and though this isn’t ROH with its Code of Honor, Rosser accepts. Fans applaud the sportsmanship and the two tie up. Rosser powers Gresham to a corner, but Gresham avoids the chop. Fans applaud as the two reset. They tie up again, Rosser waistlocks but Gresham gets the arm. Gresham switches but Rosser headlocks. They end up on ropes, Gresham avoids the clothesline to CHOP! Rosser snarls while Gresham eggs him on. Fans rally and the two tie up again.

Rosser clinches, Gresham goes down to get a leg and he then shifts to get an arm. Rosser fights up, Gresham headlocks for a takeover, but Rosser headscissors. Gresham kips free and the two reset again. Fans applaud these technical exchanges, “This is Wrestling!” Rosser and Gresham tie up, Rosser wrenches and wristlocks, but Gresham spins with him. Gresham is a bit smug but Rosser then knees him low! Rosser throws Gresham out then follows, but Gresham gets back in the ring. Fans applaud and Gresham dares Rosser to keep this in the ring and on the mat. Rosser slides back in and the two circle again.

Gresham calls for the knuckle lock and Rosser accepts. Gresham wrenches the wrist but Rosser fights it off. They double knuckle lock, have a Test of Strength, and Rosser’s height gives him the advantage here. Rosser pressures Gresham but Gresham fights up. Rosser keeps pushing Gresham down but Gresham rolls and hooks an arm to then wrench and spin Rosser to a headlock takeover! Rosser headscissors again but Gresham gets free, only for Rosser to knee him low! Rosser throws Gresham out to the apron and joins him, but Gresham clings to the ropes! Gresham fights Rosser, trips him, and then ties him up, APRON FIGURE FOUR!

The ref counts but fans cheer! Gresham rolls things at 4 for them to fall to the floor! Gresham keeps on the leg lock down here! The ref reprimands and counts again, but Gresham drags Rosser around! The ring count starts now, Gresham uses railing for leverage, but he lets off at 5 of 20. Rosser scrambles away, Gresham runs in, and Gresham blocks a boot! The count is 10 of 20, Gresham hits a DRAGON SCREW! Rosser writhes, Gresham rolls into the ring, but then he rolls out to refresh the count. Fans rally and Gresham drags Rosser steps through. Rosser kicks him away, then back drops Gresham to the floor!

Gresham gets up fast, clutching his ribs. The ring count is 6 of 20 as Rosser refreshes it again. Rosser goes out to fetch Gresham, and taunts Gresham with keeping this on the mat as he puts Gresham in the ring. Rosser storms after Gresham to a corner, and CHOPS and LARIATS! CHOP LARIAT! CHOP LARIAT! Gresham sits down, Rosser gets the leg and stomps it! Rosser gives hip attacks again and again! Then he runs to HIP ATTACK! Rosser drags Gresham out and turns him over to then have the step-over! Gresham fights the crossface element but Rosser fights to put it on! Gresham keeps resisting the STF and he crawls forward to the ROPEBREAK!

Rosser lets off but then he CLAWS Gresham’s back. Gresham snarls, Rosser throws a forearm! Gresham gets up to CHOP! Rosser ROCKS with a forearm! Gresham CHOPS, Rosser ELBOWS back! Gresham throws a forearm, Rosser ROCKS Gresham again! Rosser shoves to egg Gresham on, Gresham SLAPS Rosser! Rosser SLAPS, Gresham SLAPS, it’s a SLAP FIGHT! Rosser fires off fast SLAPS but Gresham fires off hard SLAPS! Gresham ROCKS Rosser but Rosser ROCKS back! Gresham wobbles and drops to a knee! Fans fire up and Rosser hip attacks again. Rosser drags Gresham up, whips, but Gresham goes up and over!

Gresham rolls under and dropkicks a leg out! Gresham drags Rosser into the INDIAN DEATHLOCK! Rosser endures and pries at the hold. Fans rally, Gresham pushes his foot back down, but Rosser pulls it back. They go back and forth, Rosser HEADBUTTS but Gresham CHOPS! Rosser HEADBUTTS again, but Gresham CHOPS! Rosser SMACKS Gresham, Gresham CHOPS! Rosser ROCKS Gresham, he has a cover! TWO, and Gresham stands with the Deathlock! Rosser keeps his shoulders up and scrambles around to the ROPEBREAK! Gresham holds until the ref counts 4! Fans cheer as Rosser goes to a corner.

Gresham runs in but Rosser puts Gresham on the apron! Rosser runs side to side and he BOOTS Gresham! Gresham stays on the apron but Rosser goes out, APRON BACK SUPLEX! Fans fire up while both men flop to the floor! The ring count starts while both men stir. Rosser sits up first at 4 of 20, and then he stands at 6. He storms over to Gresham and drags him up. Rosser puts Gresham in at 10 of 20, but Gresham gets a leg! Rosser CLUBS away on Gresham, but Gresham shifts and BENDS the knee backward! Rosser falls, Gresham ties the legs up, FIGURE FOUR! Rosser fights but Gresham pushes the leg into place!

Rosser endures, he SLAPS but Gresham SLAPS! The SLAP fight continues! Rosser SLAPS Gresham down, but Gresham sits back up. Gresham pushes on the hold but Rosser still endures. Rosser pulls on Gresham’s ear! Gresham pushes and twists the hold! Fans rally as Rosser reaches out, but Gresham turns him the other way! Rosser fights to reach out again, but Gresham turns him again! Rosser grabs Gresham’s arm to CLUB at it! But Gresham pushes on the hold! Gresham grabs at Rosser’s arm to keep it back! Rosser fights with all he’s got to get the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer while Gresham lets off in frustration.

Rosser drags himself to the corner, Gresham runs in, but Rosser BOOTS! Gresham comes back, into a BOOT and ROLLING ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Gresham survives but Rosser is too tired to be upset. Rosser drags Gresham up to HEADBUTT! Rosser scoops but Gresham blocks! Gresham CLUBS Rosser, then CHOPS him! Gresham stands Rosser up to CHOP! Rosser CHOPS back! Gresham forearms, Rosser forearms! Gresham forearms, Rosser elbows, repeat! They start throwing wild, Rosser gets boxing elbows in! Gresham drops to a knee! Rosser stands Gresham up to HEADBUTT! Gresham CHOPS! Rosser DOUBLE CHOPS and Gresham falls!

Fans fire up as Rosser snarls at Gresham. Gresham stands to CHOP again! And CHOP! Rosser swings, misses, Gresham ENZIGURIS then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!! Gresham is right up and he SLIDING FOREARMS! Cover, TWO!! Rosser survives the “Bayonet” but Gresham runs in to BAYONET AGAIN! Cover, TWO!! Rosser is still in this but Gresham runs, into a LARIAT from Rosser! Cover, TWO!!! Gresham escapes by nanoseconds but fans fire up! Gresham’s got some blood in his mouth and Rosser snarls as he drags Gresham back up. Rosser throws haymakers from all sides! And then he goes into OVERDRIVE!

Fans fire up as Rosser just keeps beating Gresham back and forth, then Rosser CLOBBERS Gresham down! Gresham wobbles, Rosser drags Gresham up, SIDEWINDER!! Cover, Rosser wins!!

Winner: Fred Rosser, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Openweight Champion)

Rosser put in the work! Rosser bows to Tiger Hattori as he is presented the belt again. Will anyone be able to take this title from Mr. No Days Off with that work ethic?


NJPW has a special announcement!

NJPW is returning to San Jose and the Silicon Valley! February 18th, 2023, Battle in the Valley is back! Get your tickets November 4th!


KOPW 2022 NYC Street Fight: Shingo Takagi VS El Phantasmo!

The Rampaging Dragon is still Daddy, but “Baby Phantasmo” is rebelling! The votes were cast, and this match is an ode to Extreme Championship Wrestling with extreme rules! Will ELP slay the Daddy Dragon? Or will Takagi still be Mr. KOPW?

The introductions, what’s left of the trophy is presented, and we see just how extreme these two can get!

Fans duel, “Let’s Go, Daddy!” “E L P!” and the bell rings. ELP steps up to “Daddy” and bumps chests. ELP tears off the “Shingo is my Daddy” shirt to reveal he still has the “ELP is my Daddy” shirt! ELP throws a forearm, Takagi hits back, they go back and forth already! Fans fire up as ELP gets the edge and then BOOTS! But Takagi keeps ELP from leaving the ring to throw big haymakers! ELP wobbles but he hurries to keep Takagi from leaving. ELP throws more haymakers, then he whips Takagi to ropes. Takagi reverses but ELP RANAS! And then DROPKICKS! ELP kips up and shows off with some drop steps while fans are torn.

ELP stomps Takagi in the corner, throws forearms, but Takagi eggs him on. ELP throws more forearms, whips corner to corner, but Takagi reverses. Takagi runs in but into a boot! ELP runs but into a hip toss! Takagi runs to run ELP over! Fans fire up while ELP flounders. Takagi brings ELP up to snapmare and run to drop an elbow! Fans rally for “Daddy Shingo!” Takagi stalks ELP to ropes, HEADBUTTS him, then whips him to ropes. Takagi KNEES ELP at the ropes, then he runs, to clothesline ELP out of the ring! Fans fire up and Takagi goes to the stage! What will Takagi choose from the wide selection?

Fans sing, “OH~ Shingo’s Our Daddy~!” Takagi brings the trash can, the lid and the kendo stick! Fans fire up as Takagi has that all in the ring. Takagi then fetches ELP from ringside but ELP hits him with RED MIST!! Was that just ELP’s blood from his busted lip!? ELP gets in the ring and he takes the trash can lid. Takagi rises, ELP SMACKS him in the head! And again! But Takagi kicks low to whip! ELP ducks and gets the lid to SMACK Takagi again! ELP goes to one corner while Takagi flounders to the apron. ELP drop steps his way over, climbs up a corner, and he poses before going out after Takagi.

Takagi throws a forearm! ELP forearms back, they brawl, but then ELP claws at Takagi’s eyes! ELP POSTS Takagi and the ring crew moves aside. ELP talks smack on the fans then he fetches Takagi. ELP drags Takagi up and into the ring, he mocks ROH, and then he goes in after Takagi. ELP puts Takagi in the corner to rain down haymakers! ELP puts the trash can on Takagi, and then he grabs the kendo stick. ELP SMACKS and SMACKS and SMACKS! Fans rally as ELP winds up for a HOMER! But Takagi stands up?! Takagi is furious as he throws off the can! ELP fakes Takagi out to SMACK low!

But Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! And YUKON FEINTS to then bring ELP’s guard down, for GREEN MIST!! Takagi shouts out Muta, then he YUKON LARIATS! Fans fire up while ELP’s eyes are stinging! ELP staggers up, Takagi runs him over! And scoops to SLAM! And SENTON! Takagi hurries out and he goes to get more furniture from the stage! Fans chant, “We Want Tables!” so Takagi chooses the table and chairs! Takagi puts the chairs in the ring, fans fire up as he sits the chairs up, and Takagi brings ELP over. ELP fights with body shots and facelocks, but Takagi blocks the suplex! Takagi turns things around, but ELP turns it back!

They go around and around, and Takagi suplexes ELP on the chair! ELP writhes and Takagi crawls over to cover, TWO!! But Takagi pounds the mat and says it’s not over yet! ELP gets to a corner, Takagi storms over and stomps him. Takagi CLUBS him, then reels ELP in. ELP fights the back suplex with elbows but Takagi CLUBS him! Takagi runs in, he blocks the boot, but ELP catches the lariat to put Takagi up and in the Tree of Woe! ELP goes corner to corner and back again, basement dropkick! ELP shouts, “One More Time!” Fans chant along, and ELP gets a chair. ELP aims at Takagi, runs in, but then puts the chair down to stand on Takagi’s groin!

The fans are torn between cheers and jeers, but Takagi sits up! SPIDER GERMAN! But ELP lands on his feet! ELP comes back with the chair, SKATEBOARD DROPKICK! ELP JAMS the trash can into Takagi, then he goes to the other corner! Fans fire up as ELP mocks RVD, “E! L! P!” ELP then decides not to go Coast2Coast, he goes to the opposite end! But then Takagi SMACKS ELP with the can! Takagi climbs up, brings ELP up, and SUPERPLEXES!! Fans fire up while both men writhe from the landing! Fans rally as both men stir, and Takagi goes out again. Takagi says it’s time, and he goes back for the table!

Takagi has the ring crew help him get the table, and another table, and HE gets the ladder! Takagi has cleared the stage of items and fans are loving it! The tables and ladder are put in the ring and Takagi sets up the big table first. Takagi drags ELP up and ELP clings to ropes, but Takagi drags him over. Takagi stands on the table?! ELP trips him up! Takagi hits the edge, then ELP BUZZSAWS Takagi down! ELP sets the ladder up and then he ROCKS Takagi! ELP throws more hands, he puts Takagi on the table, and then ELP climbs. Fans boo but Takagi grabs ELP first! Takagi drags ELP down, SMACKS him off the table, and then reels him in! ELP fights free!

Takagi ELBOWS! ELP SUPERKICKS! Takagi JABS! ELP JABS! Takagi spins, into the ENZIGURI! Takagi wobbles, ELP has the trash can and he SMACKS Takagi! ELP DICK PUNCHES Takagi!! ELP puts Takagi on the table while fans boo! ELP climbs up the ladder now, and he goes to the VERY top! Fans are freaking out for the SUPER THUNDERKISS 86 through the table!!! ELP covers Takagi in the wreckage, TWO?!?! Takagi survives and no one can believe it! “This is Awesome!” as ELP drags himself back up with the ladder. ELP tunes up the band while Takagi writhes. Takagi stands, but then he drops back down.

ELP is pissed, he reels Takagi in and hooks him, but Takagi back drops! ELP sunset flips and stacks, TWO! ELP hurries up, but into a pop-up! ELP slips free, Takagi ELBOWS ELP then whips! ELP reverses and Takagi hits the ladder! SUDDEN DEATH!! BOOT and then the hook-up! C R II!!! Cover, TWO!?!?! Takagi shocks ELP again by surviving again! ELP grabs a chair, then goes out to look under the ring. ELP finds another chair and he brings that one over. ELP sets up the chairs, he tucks Takagi again, but Takagi fights the lift! Takagi wrenches out, ELP ROCKS him! And SLAPS him! And kicks, but into the pump handle!! FULL METAL MADE IN JAPAN!!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!?

ELP survives now and still no one can believe this! Fans rally up, Takagi crawls and has a chair. ELP gets the other chair, and both men slowly rise. ELP takes a seat in his chair, so Takagi takes a seat in his. Daddy and Baby throw forearms point blank, no guard and no slowing down! Takagi JABS, then fires HEADBUTTS! ELP pushes him, they both have their chairs, and the chairs clash! Clash! Clash! Takagi disarms ELP, throws his chair to ELP, then LARIATS through the chair! And then PUMPING BOMBERS!! Cover, TWO?!?! ELP is still in this but Takagi looks around. Takagi gets the smaller table and sets it up in a corner.

Fans rally as Takagi goes back to ELP. Takagi brings ELP up, whips him in, and ELP SMACKS off the wood! Takagi reels ELP in, SPANKS him, then tucks him in! C R II!!!! Cover, TWO!!!! ELP survives his own move and is fuming! ELP rises, Takagi goes back to the table, and now he stands it up. Takagi fires up the fans with “OI! OI! OI!” ELP flails feebly but Takagi fireman’s carries! Takagi goes up the corner, traps the arm, SUPER LAST OF THE DRAGON through the table!!! Fans lose their minds while ELP spasms and twitches! But Takagi isn’t done, he gets another chair! HEADSHOT! Takagi then reels ELP in and tucks the arms again!

Takagi lifts, CR III ON THE CHAIR!! Cover, Takagi wins!!!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (still Mr. KOPW 2022)

Daddy punishes his son, and is victorious once again! Will ELP have to accept that Shingo IS his Daddy? Who will be next for Takagi as he continues his rampage towards WrestleKingdom?


Kazuchika Okada & Eddie Kingston VS Jay White & Juice Robinson!

The Rainmaker is the back-to-back G1 Climax Champion, and he’s going after the Switchblade’s IWGP World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleKingdom 17! But first, Okada and the Mad King are going to take on King Switch and the Booster! Will Okada & Kingston make it rain in New York? Or will the Big Apple breathe with the Switchblade?

The teams sort out and fans rally up for Eddie. White taunts Okada with the world title but Okada just ignores him as he talks with Eddie. White shouts at them, pushes them, but then Okada and Eddie storm up. White and Juice bail out and then tell Okada and Eddie to back off. Eddie brings the straps down already, he wants after White. Fans rally, but first White and Juice Too Sweet. White steps in and the bell rings. Eddie eggs White on, so White dusts him off to CHOP! Eddie smirks and CHOPS back! White falls right over! Fans fire up and Eddie eggs White on. Fans sing, “F him up, Eddie, F him up!” Eddie eggs White on and White winds up, but Juice attacks from behind!

White sucker punches Okada, the ref reprimands Juice but White stomps Eddie down. White drags Eddie up and puts him in a corner to RAM his shoulder in again and again! White then stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, White lets off, but he drags Eddie up by his ears to CHOP! Eddie CHOPS back! White falls over again! Eddie puts some stank on his hand but White bails out! Juice and White regroup and tell Eddie to get out to tag Okada. Fans cheer and Eddie tags in Okada! Fans chant for Okada as he waits on White, and White tells fans to shut up. White steps in, he circles with Okada, but Juice jumps in!

Okada DECKS Juice! Eddie CHOPS White! Okada then drags White up to DECK him! And ROCK him! And scoop SLAM, to go to the apron for a slingshot SENTON! Fans fire up but White knees low. White tags to Juice and Juice runs in, but into a drop toehold and elbow drop! Fans cheer as Okada tags Eddie back in. Okada & Eddie double whip and double elbow! Cover, TWO! Okada keeps White out and Eddie clamps on a chinlock. Eddie grinds Juice, fishhooks him, but lets off as the ref counts. Eddie HEADBUTTS Juice, HEADBUTTS him again, and then underhooks for a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX!

Fans fire up and Eddie winds up, but he runs into a cheap shot! Eddie glares at White and he runs off, but Juice CHOP BLOCKS Eddie down! White then drags Eddie to the apron to SLAM the leg on the edge! White taunts Eddie then SLAMS the leg again! Juice keeps the ref’s attention while White CHOKES Eddie on the edge! Refs chant “Ref, You Suck!” while Juice drags Eddie back in. Eddie grabs the ropes but White drops an elbow on the leg. Eddie pulls at hair but Juice drops another elbow. And another elbow! And another elbow! Fans chant, “We Want Red Shoes!” but too late for that. Eddie endures as White keeps on the toehold.

Eddie wraps on a chinlock! Juice reaches out now, slips free, but Eddie throws hands! White tags in, he stomps away on Eddie, the ref counts at Juice and Juice lets off at 4. The ref keeps Okada from rushing in, even as White taunts Okada. White gets Eddie’s leg for a GROUND DRAGON SCREW! White drags Eddie up, wrenches and hooks Eddie up. Tag to Juice, Bullet Club traps Eddie and White CHOPS! Eddie doesn’t flinch, so White CHOPS again! And CHOPS! Eddie just yells at White! White CHOPS again, and CHOPS, and then CLAWS Eddie’s face! The ref counts, Juice finally gets in and he DECKS Okada!

CANNONBALL for Eddie! Juice drags Eddie to a cover, TWO! Now Juice is upset with the ref, but he stalks Eddie. Juice clamps onto Eddie with a SLEEPER! Juice smothers Eddie and drags him from the ropes to squeeze him on the mat. The fans rally as Eddie endures. Eddie fights to move around and get to his feet. Eddie pries the hold but Juice hits a BIG back suplex! Juice SPITS at Okada! The ref keeps Okada from rushing in, Juice SENTONS onto knees! Eddie sacrifices his beat up leg to take Juice down! Eddie crawls for his corner, but Juice holds onto the other arm! Eddie breaks free to ENZIGURI! Hot tag to Okada!

Okada rallies on Juice with big elbows, then he whips to ropes. Juice reverses but Okada ducks ‘n’ dodges and CLOBBERS Juice! Fans fire up and Okada DECKS White for good measure. Okada runs to elbow Juice in the corner! Kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Okada paces, and Okada brings Juice up to wrench and MONEY CLIP! Juice flails and pulls hair. Juice arm-drags free, runs in but Okada pops him up to the Alabama! Juice holds ropes, Okada lets go and the ref takes a hit! Juice shoves the ref at Okada but Okada pushes the ref aside. Okada ducks the leg lariat to ROCK Juice! Okada kicks, runs, but White trips him up! DDT from Juice!

White tags in, he storms up to Okada, but he sucker punches Eddie! Okada staggers up as White stalks him, and White Too Sweet CHOPS! And Too Sweet CHOPS again! And Toooooo Sweet… CHOPS again! Okada staggers to a corner, White whips him corner to corner, then White runs in to UPPERCUT! White brings Okada up, BLADE BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Okada survives but fans rally up. White drags Okada up with a sleeper, but Okada elbows free! White ROCKS Okada with a forearm, but Okada ROCKS White back. Fans rally for Okada but White ROCKS Okada again. Okada nods and ROCKS White!

White ROCKS Okada, Okada ROCKS White, repeat! Fans fire up as the forearms go faster! Okada gets the edge but White CHOPS! Okada EuroUppers! White staggers, but he comes back with a CHOP! Okada SHOTGUNS White down! Fans fire up and Okada drags White up. Okada scoops and SLAMS White, then he goes to the corner. Okada climbs up, for the MACHO ELBOW! Fans fire up as Okada hits the Rainmaker Pose! Okada drags White up, reels him in, but White throws elbows! White is free, he CHOPS again, but Okada gets in White’s face. Okada fires off forearm after forearm, then he CLUBS away on White at the ropes!

The ref backs Okada off but Okada storms up, into a CHOP! White CHOPS again, then CHOPS again! Okada staggers, White runs, into a DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both men are down! Okada crawls, hot tag to Eddie! The Mad King CHOPS White! Juice gets in, Eddie rips Juice’s shirt off to CHOP him! Eddie scoops White to hit an EXPLODER! Juice staggers over, into an EXPLODER! Fans fire up with Eddie and he storms over to White. Eddie drags White up, reels him in, but White fights the saido with claws to the face! The ref reprimands and counts, White lets off, but Okada DECKS him!

Juice LEG LARIATS Okada, but Eddie LARIATS Juice! White kicks and DDTs Eddie! White swings on Okada, Okada spins through but White gets around! White wants the sleeper but Okada fights free! FLAPJACK! Juice gets back up to JAB Okada again and again and again! But Okada UPPERCUTS first! Okada runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Juice swings on Eddie but he ducks the Left Hand o’ God to clinch! Juice elbows free and whips Eddie to ropes. Eddie DOUBLE LARIATS Juice & White! Fans fire up with all four men down! Fans rally up for Eddie as he stirs. Eddie crawls after White, White flounders a bit, but both men sit up.

Eddie nods and grins, and he ROCKS White! White ROCKS Eddie back! Eddie ROCKS White! White staggers around but he comes back to ROCK Eddie! Eddie roars and ROCKS White! White wobbles, storms up and ROCKS Eddie! Eddie wobbles and White eggs him on. Eddie ROCKS White, White CHOPS Eddie! Eddie just stares at him! Eddie CHOPS White down! Juice runs in but Eddie CHOPS him down now! Okada and Eddie get White up, they bring White around to ROCK and CHOP on repeat! White pinballs between them, leans on Okada, but Okada ROCKS him again! White avoids Eddie so Okada turns him around. Eddie CHOPS White!

White staggers, Okada pushes him back into a CHOP from Eddie! White drops to his knees, Okada drags him back up in a full nelson! Eddie MACHINE GUN CHOPS!! Fans fire up, Juice returns but Eddie CHOPS him down! White BOOTS Eddie, ELBOWS Okada away, then CHOPS! White whips, Okada reverses, but Okada holds off on the dropkick as White holds ropes. White runs in to clinch, bot Okada slips out! Ripcord, but White gets around, SNAP SLEEPER SUPLEX! Eddie swings, into a SNAP SLEEPER SUPLEX! White crawls over to Eddie, drags him around, and slashes his throat to say this is over!

White drags Eddie up, BLADE- NO, Eddie slips around, SAIDO!! Fans are thunderous but the LEFT HAND O’ GOD rocks Eddie! Juice hooks the arms, spins, but Eddie SAIDOS Juice away!! Fans are thunderous for Eddie as he slowly rises back up. Eddie grits his teeth but White CHOP BLOCKS the leg! But Eddie CHOPS White down again! Juice CHOP BLOCKS Eddie now! Eddie ROCKS Juice, then CHOPS him away! White storms over but into a CHOP! Eddie CHOPS Juice again! And CHOPS White again! And CHOPS Juice again, then CHOPS White again! Eddie wobbles but he CHOPS Juice again!

Fans rally but White CHOPS Eddie! Eddie CHOPS White right down! Juice CHOPS Eddie, but Eddie CHOPS Juice right down! New York comes alive for their own and Eddie drags White up, But Juice anchors a foot! The ref reprimands, he pulls Juice away, but White LOW- NO! Eddie blocks to URAKEN!! White is dazed, but then he LOW BLOWS for real this time! Juice keeps Okada out, White reels Eddie in, BLADERUNNER!! Cover, Bullet Club wins!

Winners: Jay White & Juice Robinson, by pinfall

Fans boo but the ref couldn’t keep track of everything! Will Okada be ready for all the tricks up the Switchblade’s sleeves?

But being this is a NJPW event, the winners get the mics to address the crowd. White gets the fans fired up for Bullet Club, and he… drops the mic! But then White picks it up and says, “No, no, no. The King of New York needs to talk to his people. The King of New York needs to talk to his servants. After all, New York City is MY city! I own New York City, I’m the King of New York City, not Eddie Kingston!” Fans still chant for Eddie but White says it’s only that section. “Everyone else is smart enough to know that Jay White is better than Eddie Kingston.”

White says he is not only the King of NYC, but he is the Switchblade, the number one asset in NJPW, the Last Rock ‘n’ Rolla, the man that single-handedly sold out Madison Square Garden AND the United Center! He’s King Switch, baby! He is the first-ever and only true NJPW Grand Slam Champion, the REAL belt collector! The Leader of Bullet Club, and a good friend of Rock Hard Robinson! The Catalyst of Pro-Wrestling, the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, and tonight, just like Okada will at WrestleKingdom, Eddie and New York will Breathe With The Switchblade, because it is still his era! The Switchblade Era!!

White drops the mic for real now, but will he keep from dropping the belt to the Rainmaker in the New Year?

My Thoughts:

A great card and a great night for NJPW, even though I did skip a bit. The Buy-In is on YouTube so anyone can catch that, but it’s great to see Kylie Rae back in action. Sho & Yujiro won but in their beatdown of Yoh & Rocky, Lio Rush made the save, so that’s cool to see, too. Great to see Alex Coughlin is back from injury, and him being in World Tag League is an interesting move, but I suppose he’d otherwise be out of action the rest of the year anyway. Can’t wait to see who he teams with as he pursues both the tag titles and also revenge on Team Filthy. Surprisingly, Team Filthy didn’t win, but this was a great win for Shooter, Yuta & Homicide.

And while Suzuki won, I skimmed and saw Connors had a great showing. Connors also gets his hand raised in respect by Ken Shamrock, that is cool stuff. The SWA Championship also looked great, that was a great showing for KiLynn King. But given KiLynn hasn’t gotten too close to titles in AEW, I didn’t think KiLynn would win a title from Stardom. Mayu is headed for Historic X-Over to face Kairi for the IWGP Women’s Championship, and if Mayu still has this title on her, I don’t see her becoming a dual champion. Meanwhile, Kairi has no belts on her right now, and she’s a big name internationally, she would make a great choice as the inaugural champion.

Great title matches for NJPW Strong’s Openweight championships. The Triple Threat Tag was really good, and what a surprise that MCMG wins the belts. I suppose the inaugural reign had to end, but I thought Aussie Open was going to at least make it to 100 days. They lose these belts after 76 (as recognized in kayfabe), maybe Aussie Open are going to move up to other belts. Rosser VS Gresham was really good, too, and Rosser gets a great win over Gresham. Rosser is only the second-ever Strong Openweight Champion and stands at 126 days (again, in kayfabe). I don’t know NJPW Strong’s roster that well, but it’s probably going to take someone we’ve seen hold a NJPW midcard title to take this title off Rosser.

We got a great KOPW 2022 match under Extreme Rules, and it was a great use of blood that ELP wasn’t busted open in the forehead or eyebrow but that he had a bloody mouth. He used red mist, but I like that Takagi found green mist in the trash can. Takagi winning makes sense, he’s been doing great with the KOPW, bringing it into the serious stipulations. There is still a long list of people for him to face, with endless possibilities, I can’t wait to see what’s next. And then the main event was a very good tag match, but in typical Jay White Heel fashion, he finds a way to cheat to win. White has momentum going towards WrestleKingdom, but his match with Okada could still go either way. Honestly, I feel like capping off the 50th year with Okada winning makes the most sense, because he’s such a big name for NJPW.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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