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Mitchell’s WWE Extreme Rules Results & Report! (10/8/22)

Remember what the door man said.



Extreme Rules 2022

What better place to get extreme than in Philly?

When push comes to shove, the gloves come off! WWE Extreme Rules will have an Extreme Rules match for the SmackDown Women’s Championship! Will Liv Morgan win or survive her third encounter with Ronda Rousey?


  • Good Ol’ Fashioned Donnybrook: The Brawling Brutes VS Imperium; The Brawling Brutes win.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship Extreme Rules Match: Liv Morgan VS Ronda Rousey; Rousey wins and is the new SmackDown Women’s Champion.
  • Strap Match: Drew McIntyre VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux; Kross wins.
  • Raw Women’s Championship Ladder Match: Bianca Belair VS Bayley; Belair wins and retains the title.
  • I Quit Match: Edge VS Finn Balor; Finn wins.
  • Fight Pit, w/ Special Guest Referee, Daniel Cormier: Matt Riddle VS Seth Rollins; Riddle wins.


It’s the Extreme Rules Kickoff Show!

Join Kevin Patrick, Booker T, Jerry “The King” Lawler and Peter Rosenberg in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the extreme action here tonight! And also wish Kayla Braxton well, she’s under the weather.


The rules for this are simple: spell the word correctly and we can move.

The word is, “Extreme.” Can we have a definition? “An act or measure taken to excessive length, beyond the ordinary.” Can he use it in a sentence? “The unbridled passion … that allows you to create something from nothing, that allows you to innovate, that allows you to take things to the extreme.” Place of origin? Philadelphia. E! X! T! R! E! M! E! Congratulations! And welcome to EXTREME RULES!!


Good Ol’ Fashioned Donnybrook: The Brawling Brutes VS Imperium!

Philly, get ready for FIGHT NIGHT! Sheamus may not be Intercontinental Champion, but he has all the more reason to beat the blood, sweat and tears out of Giovanni Vinci, Ludwig Kaiser & Gunther after how they kept that title from him! Will he, Ridge the Fridge and “Butch” break Imperium? Or will the mat and Philadelphia be kept sacred?

The bell rings and the teams stare down. Fans fire up and the brawl is on! Sheamus is after Gunther, Dunne throws Vinci out but Ludwig CLUBS and KNEES and UPPERCUTS Ridge! Dunne rains down fists on Vinci on the announce desk! Gunther and Sheamus go out to the floor to brawl! Ridge resists a butterfly suplex while Sheamus RAMS Gunther into barriers! Ridge LAWN DARTS Ludwig into Dunne’s GAMANGIRI! Then they put Ludwig in a Tree of Woe, Sheamus trapping him with a shillelagh, for Dunne to run in and basement dropkick! But Gunther BOOTS Dunne! And DECKS Ridge!

Vinci sends Sheamus into barriers! Imperium turns the tide by whipping Ridge for a SPINEBUSTER and PENALTY KICK! Fans boo but Imperium soaks up the heat. Dunne returns but gets a GAMANGIRI from Ludwig! Ludwig & Vinci go out to clear the bar! Sheamus goes after them for that! Gunther joins in and Imperium mugs Sheamus 3v1! The bar stools are moved aside, Ludwig & Vinci keep after Sheamus, then they move barrels aside so they can haul Sheamus up. They whip him hard into steel steps, then egg him on. Philly boos but Dunne LEAPS at Vinci! Vinci and Gunther mug him, and Gunther CHOPS Dunne through barriers!

Vinci and Ludwig stomp Sheamus, then they haul him up. They put him on the bar so Gunther can taunt him and CHOP away on him! MACHINE GUN CHOPS!! And a BOOT! Sheamus flounders but Gunther hauls him up, BACK SUPLEX ON THE BAR! Fans boo but Imperium sees Ridge and Dunne regrouping in the ring. Imperium heads that way, the brawl is back on! But that’s 3v2, Imperium gets the edge, Vinci traps Ridge for a BOOT! Ludwig CLUBS Dunne down and Imperium paces about. Vinci stomps Dunne, Ludwig kicks Ridge. Gunther drags Ridge up to DECK him with a forearm! Ludwig rains down fists but Dunne ENZIGURIS Gunther!

Vinci DECKS Dunne, he and Ludwig mug Dunne and beat him down. Ludwig runs at Ridge but Ridge blocks the kick! Ludwig and Vinci club away but Ridge lifts them both! DOUBLE BACK DROP! Ridge turns around, Gunther BOOTS him down! Gunther shouts to his men and they go after Ridge at the apron. Vinci brings Ridge out, Ludwig is on the apron, IMPERIAL BOMB to the floor!! Imperium soaks up the heat and Dunne sees he’s alone. But Dunne doesn’t care, he just fires off on Gunther! He gets mugged 3v1 and beaten back down! They put Dunne in a corner, Gunther drags Dunne up to put on the top rope.

Gunther CHOPS Dunne, then climbs up to stand on him! Then Vinci & Ludwig DOUBLE DROPKICK him at the corner! Dunne flops to the floor while Imperium soaks up the heat. Gunther tells Vinci & Ludwig to go out, and they fetch Dunne into the ring. Ludwig sits Dunne up and Gunther slaps Dunne around. Then he CHOPS Dunne! But Sheamus rises from the bar! Fans are thunderous, Ludwig hurries but Sheamus CLOBBERs him! And he CLOBBERS Vinci! And he throws Ludwig into barriers! And Vinci into barriers! Now Sheamus has Gunther all to himself! Fans fire up as the two stare down in the ring once again!

Sheamus and Gunther fire off forearms, Sheamus gets the edge, but Gunther gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men go to ropes, Sheamus comes back with a LARIAT! Sheamus storms up to clothesline in the corner! Then whips corner to corner, but Gunther BOOTS him! But Sheamus scoops to SLAM Gunther! Fans are thunderous again and Sheamus has Gunther on the apron. Sheamus stands Gunther up, CLUBS him on the back, and then gives him BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Sheamus gets all TEN, then goes past that! Ridge and Dunne add on, this is a whole band of Bodhrains! Gunther flounders, Sheamus hauls him in, fireman’s carry for WHITE NOISE!

Sheamus then looks to the crowd as they fire back up. Sheamus goes to a corner, beats his chest, and Gunther rises into the BROGUE!! Cover, but Vinci SPLASHES in!! Ridge stomps Vinci, EuroUppers him around, then whips him to a corner. Vinci reverses and blocks a boot to short arm LARIAT! Vinci & Ludwig set up, but Ridge back drops free! Ludwig leaps into a BIG forearm from Dunne! But Gunther DOUBLE SHOTGUNS Ridge & Dunne! Gunther runs in at Sheamus, but into an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Sheamus has the legs, for the CLOVERLEAF!! Gunther flails, fans fire up, but Sheamus drags Gunther from the ropes!

But Ludwig gets in and CRACKS a shillelagh on Sheamus’ back! Gunther covers, but the Brutes break it! “This is Awesome!” as the trios regroup! The Brutes stand on one end, Imperium on the other, and the haymakers start flying again! Dunne and Ludwig, Vinci and Ridge, they all fall to the mat, but now Gunther and Sheamus rise! The leaders throw forearms back and forth, harder and faster! They start throwing CHOPS and body shots! Sheamus and Gunther both wobble back! The trios regroup again, and now all six men rush in! Ludwig GUT WRENCHES Dunne, Vinci dodges and CROSSBODIES Ridge!

Sheamus KNEES Gunther down! Cover, Vinci drags Sheamus out! Vinci and Ludwig mug Sheamus! They clear off the announce desk, and fans chant “WE WANT TABLES!” Well, they’re about to get tables as Vinci drags Sheamus up and Ludwig climbs up. But Ridge CLOBBERS Vinci, catches Ludwig and RAMS Ludwig into the apron! Vinci & Ludwig beat up on Ridge but Dunne’s on a barrel! ARIHARA MOONSAULT!! Down go the soldiers, but Sheamus wants Der Ring General! Sheamus gets in the ring, but Gunther CLOBBERS him with a shillelagh! And again! So much for the tradition of wrestling!

Gunther has the shillelagh for a SHILLELAGH LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!?!? Sheamus survives what put him away on SmackDown and Gunther can’t believe it! Gunther snarls, staggers up and he looms over Sheamus. Gunther drags Sheamus up, reels him in, but Ridge & Dunne get in! Dunne gets a hand to SNAP Gunther’s fingers! Ridge HEADBUTTS Gunther, and they both set him up! Sheamus has the shillelagh! Fans fire up and Sheamus raises the club high to CRACK Gunther in the head! Gunther bails out fast but Ridge & Dunne pursue Vinci & Ludwig! They start throwing around the wood, hammering away on Vinci & Ludwig!

Sheamus gets Gunther in a Crucifix lift! RAZOR’S EDGE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE DESK!! Fans are thunderous again, and Sheamus goes back into the ring. The Brutes set Vinci up and Sheamus beats his chest! BROGUE for the Pride of Italy! Cover, the Brutes win!

Winners: The Brawling Brutes, by pinfall

That was the most destructive donnybrook humanly possible! And what a way to open Extreme Rules! Will the Brutes find their way back to gold with this momentum?


The Miz is here.

Megan Morant is surprised to see him here, especially with what happened last week with Dex- DON’T say his name., But what? Just because he doesn’t have a match, he’s not welcomed here? He is the most Must-See Superstar! Miz is here because of what He Who Shall Not Be Named did. That guy clearly wants to ruin Miz’s birthday celebration tomorrow. So since Miz saw HHH at SmackDown, Miz will talk with HHH about that… Oh no. Miz sees something and asks, “What the hell is that?” GRITTY!? There’s no hockey game tonight, why’s Gritty here? He loves Extreme Rules. Here’s a shirt! Miz is to wear this over his $10,000 suit? HA! Miz drops the shirt, and STOMPS it!

That is what Miz thinks of Gritty, the shirt, and this city. Gritty gets mad, but will Lumis take care of avenging Philly for him?


SmackDown Women’s Championship Extreme Rules Match: Liv Morgan VS Ronda Rousey!

The LIVing Embodiment went from Ms. Money in the Bank to the NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion in the same night, then found a way to survive the Baddest Woman on the Planet at SummerSlam. But now that they both decided to take this to the extreme, Ronda vows “Hooters Barbie” is finally going to face reality. Will tonight be the funeral of Liv’s reign? Or will she live to fight another day?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we see if Liv keeps her title, or if Ronda keeps her title of “Baddest Woman on the Planet.”

The bell rings and the two approach. Liv dodges and goes for her baseball bat, but Ronda keeps her away. Ronda dares Liv to try it, Liv runs in but Ronda knees her down! Ronda puts on a leglock and straitjacket! She toys with Liv but Liv pulls hair! Ronda gest a Triangle, Liv makes it a cover, ONE as Ronda lets her go! Liv gets the bat! Liv dares Ronda to try something now. Liv swings, Ronda blocks to SAYANAGI! Now Ronda has the bat! Fans boo as Ronda taunts Liv, but then Ronda throws the bat away. Liv fires off hands, Ronda shoves her way, but Liv comes back for a FLYING- KNEE from Ronda!

Ronda gets a leg for an ANKLE LOCK! Liv flails, reaches out, rolls, and she sends Ronda tumbling to the apron. Liv hurries up to SHINING WIZARD Ronda down! Ronda staggers on the floor but Liv builds speed, to slide, into an apron skirt trap! Ronda fires off fists and knees! Liv eggs Ronda on so Ronda SLAPS her! Ronda taunts Liv, Liv flops under the ring, and Ronda grabs the bat! Ronda goes back to find Liv, but Liv has a FIRE EXTINGUISHER! Liv blasts Ronda in the face, then gets Ronda for a bat-assisted- NO, Ronda fights out to a PIPER’S PIT! Liv steadies herself, runs and leaps off the steps, into a HOMER from Ronda!!

Ronda beats Liv with  her own bat! Liv gets in the ring, Ronda stalks after her, and Ronda swings! Liv ducks to ENZIGURI! Both women are down and Philly rallies up! Liv crawls and she gets her bat back! Fans chant “WE WANT TABLES!” but that might have to wait as Liv swings away on Ronda’s back! Ronda throws her gi at Liv, then she LASHES Liv with the blackbelt! Then Ronda uses the belt to tie Liv up to the corner! Ronda has Liv trapped, she grabs the bat and she CRACKS away on Liv’s legs! Liv gets free to YANK Ronda into the apron! Both women are down again and fans fire up!

Liv drags herself up and brings out a TABLE! Philly loves Liv even more now as she stands that up against the ring. Ronda crawls into the ring just as Liv gets the table inside. Liv stomps away on Ronda in the corner, then sets up the table. Ronda storms up and SMACKS Liv off the table! And again and again and again! Ronda throws Liv away, then step-up KNEES her down! Liv flounders against ropes, Ronda CHOKES her! Fans boo as Ronda dares Liv to tap. Ronda shifts to a HANGING ARMBAR! Liv endures, slumps out and they both fall to the floor! Both women slowly rise, Ronda mule kicks Liv away!

Ronda flounders against barriers, she stalks Liv, but Liv JAMS her with a chair! Liv gets in the ring, she wedges the chair into a corner, but Ronda pursues. Liv brings Ronda up but Ronda whips. Liv stops herself, the chair falls out of the ring, Ronda scoops but Liv slips off! WING CLIPPER! Liv sets Ronda up again, another WING CLIPPER, and then she POSTS Ronda! Cover, TWO!! Ronda is still in this but Liv snarls. Liv goes out and brings the chair back into play. Fans rally behind Liv and she SMACKS Ronda on the arm! And again! And again! Ronda guards but Liv won’t stop! Liv then tosses the chair to CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!!

Ronda is still in this and Liv is beside herself. Fans rally up and Liv goes back to the table. Liv moves it from the corner to stand it up. Liv KICKS Ronda in the back, finishes standing the table up, and she positions it in the drop zone. Liv drags Ronda up, puts her on the table, CHOPS her and then goes to the corner. Liv wants to do like she did to Lacey Evans and she climbs up top! Fans are thunderous as Liv aims, for a SUPER SENTON through the table!! Cover, TWO!!! Ronda survive again and then gets the ARMBAR!! Liv endures, fights to stack Ronda, and then she deadlifts Ronda! To POWERBOMB her on what’s left of the table! Cover, TWO!!

Ronda has the TRIANGLE HOLD! Liv fights, this is turning into SummerSlam, but Ronda twists around to keep her shoulders up! Ronda works to isolate an arm, and she’s kicking Liv at the same time! Liv stays up, it’s a BICEP SLICER! Liv is fading out as Ronda uses part of the table!! Liv… is smiling?! Liv’s OUT, Ronda wins!!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission (NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion)

Liv didn’t give up, but her body did! Ronda takes the title back, will she be badder than ever? Or does Liv still have claim that she’s just as bad?


Strap Match: Drew McIntyre VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux!

Once upon a time, the Scottish Warrior was the Chosen One, but that story did not have a happy ending. However, that story isn’t over, either. McIntyre has been writing a sequel that is truly better than the original, but he must continue fighting to keep this story going. Is this just another new beginning for McIntyre? Or will Mr. Doomsday abruptly end things with a horribly tragic finale?

The strap is brought out, and McIntyre puts it on himself. Kross refuses and fans boo, but he has to for the match. Kross smirks as he holds onto the strap, then throws it away. But then Scarlett grabs that end! Kross ATTACKS! Fans boo as Kross stomps a mudhole into McIntyre! Kross roars, then goes out to grab the strap. McIntyre avoids getting whipped and he whips Kross, but Kross reverses to POST McIntyre! Kross TOSSES McIntyre over the barriers! Kross grabs the strap, pursues McIntyre into the crowd, and fans fire up as these two brawl in front of them! McIntyre CLUBS Kross but Kross elbows back. They brawl as they go along that back way.

Fans fire up as McIntyre ROCKS and CHOPS Kross. Kross ROCKS McIntyre but McIntyre BOOTS and CHOPS back! Kross ROCKS McIntyre, throws McIntyre over to ringside, and then stalks him to the ring. Kross brings McIntyre around, and he aims for the steps! McIntyre blocks the suplex, to snap suplex Kross to the floor! McIntyre SMACKS Kross off the desk, and SMACKS him off the steps! McIntyre throws a headlock punch, then POSTS Kross! Kross staggers but McIntyre scoops him, SIDEWALK SLAM on the apron! McIntyre roars and fans fire up while Scarlett is freaking out. McIntyre brings the strap into the ring, and he forces it onto Kross!

Fans cheer as the bell rings, and McIntyre rains down fists! McIntyre winds up some slack to LASH Kross! Kross writhes but McIntyre LASHES him again! Kross bails out, McIntyre follows and he LASHES Kross again! McIntyre eggs Kross on, LASHES him again, “FALL AND PRAY, BITCH!” McIntyre LASHES Kross more, Scarlett storms up but has to stay back as McIntyre LASHES again. The ref warns Scarlett, but Kross uses the distraction to YANK McIntyre into the post! McIntyre staggers, clutching his arm, but the ref checks him. McIntyre says no, he won’t lose like that. Kross POSTS McIntyre again!

Kross tells McIntyre he’s a stupid SOB, and then he stomps and kicks McIntyre around. And then POSTS McIntyre again! Kross drags McIntyre into the wring, he wrenches the bad arm, ARMBAR DDT! Cover, TWO! Kross stomps away on McIntyre, CHOPS him on the ropes, and taunts “The Chosen One” that this is what he wanted. Kross lets off and McIntyre sputters. Kross WRINGS the arm out and McIntyre writhes again. Kross LASHES him and Scarlett is loving this. But McIntyre throws body shots! Kross KNEES low, McIntyre CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! And swings, but into a SLEEPER! McIntyre fights it off and RAMS Kross into the buckles!

McIntyre gets away but Kross reels him in to LASH him! Fans boo but Scarlett applauds as Kross drags McIntyre out of the ring. Kross ROCKS McIntyre, then wrenches him to COMPLETE SHOT against the desk! McIntyre clutches his arm as he falls over. Kross drags McIntyre up, wraps him up against the post with the strap, and he LASHES him! And LASHES him! Kross lets the slack out so he can LASH and LASH and LASH away! Scarlett says “MORE! MORE!” and revels in the endless LASHES! Kross finally stops and soaks up the heat from the fans. McIntyre is down on the floor and Kross mocks him.

Kross goes into the ring, and he uses the strap to drag McIntyre in. McIntyre stands but Kross reels him in for the DOOMSDAY SAIDO! Cover, TWO!! McIntyre is still in this and Kross is annoyed. Fans rally up and McIntyre snarls but Kross gathers up the slack again to LASH McIntyre! And again! McIntyre scowls as the LASHES seem to give him power! McIntyre glares at Kross and Kross isn’t sure what to do. McIntyre CLOBBERS Kross! And again! McIntyre tells Kross to get up, and then he OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! Kross swings, but into the NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up and fans fire up!

McIntyre smiles as he watches Kross get back up. McIntyre underhooks but Kross RAMS him into the corner! Kross fireman’s carries but McIntyre shoves him away. Kross elbows McIntyre, but runs into a SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Scarlett is worried for Kross but fans rally for McIntyre. McIntyre ROCKS Kross with a haymaker but Kross ROCKS McIntyre back! They go back and forth, faster and faster, and fans are on McIntyre’s side! It’s fast and furious, it’s a hockey fight! McIntyre ROCKS Kross again, then LASHES him! Kross LASHES back! Each man has enough slack to LASH each other in the shoulders and neck!

Kross wobbles, but he LASHES again! McIntyre LASHES, Kross LASHES, it’s even wilder than before! Fans fire up as McIntyre gets the edge! LASH after LASH, then the FUTURE SHOCK! Kip up and Philly fires up! McIntyre starts up his countdown, “THREE! TWO! ONE!” But Scarlett steps in to defend Kross! McIntyre sighs, but then she PEPPER SPRAYS him!! The ref reprimands but there’s nothing to be done! Kross winds up his arm, KROSS HAMMER!! Cover, Kross wins!

Winner: Karrion Kross, by pinfall

The ref washes the spray out of McIntyre’s face, but the damage is done! Kross’s elbow turned his lights out and now McIntyre has lost, just as Kross predicted. Who else will be forced to #FallAndPray?


Miz is on the phone with Maryse.

He tries to get Maryse to listen. He will do whatever it takes to make sure nothing goes wrong tomorrow night. No, he hasn’t talked with HHH yet but HHH is busy. Gritty is there mocking Miz! Miz yells at him, “I’M ON THE PHONE!” Gritty says so is he! Miz storms off, but will he get that meeting with The Game?


Raw Women’s Championship Ladder Match: Bianca Belair VS Bayley!

For the first time ever in the WWE, we have a singles title on the line in a 1v1 Ladder Match! And surprisingly, it might stay that way as the Role Model told Kai & Sky to stay in the back. Will Bayley be able to take control without Damage Control? Or will Bianca stay the RawEST Women’s Champion now that things are fair and square?

The introductions are made, the belt is already high above the ring, and one way or another, history is being made in Philly!

The bell rings and Bianca fires off hands on Bayley! Bayley shoves Bianca, she dodges, and they DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Both women are down and they bail out from opposite ends of the ring. Bayley gets a ladder and hurries to put it in, but so does Bianca! Bayley stands hers up first, but Bianca chose a TALLER ladder! Bayley climbs but realizes the size difference, so she goes after Bianca! Bayley CLUBS Bianca down, takes the shorter ladder and folds it up, but Bianca grabs it, too! They tug-o-war over the ladder, and Bianca RAMS Bayley out of the ring! Then she puts the ladder aside to climb!

Bayley hurries to bring Bianca back down and she throws her out. But Bianca drags Bayley out to join her! Bayley kicks low, and she SMACKS Bianca off the ladder! Bayley CLOBBERS Bianca down, then asks fans, “Who sucks? Me? I’m winning!” Bayley goes to the short ladder, angles it against the apron, and has the legs to CATAPULT Bianca, but Bianca uses that to get up the ladder! Bianca kicks Bayley away, jumps into the ring and climbs the tall ladder! Bayley hurries to bring her down again! Bayley CLUBS Bianca, then moves the ladder aside enough to whip Bianca to a corner. Bianca goes up, over, and hurries to the ladder!

Bayley anchors a foot, but Bianca jumps over Bayley to shove her into the ladder! Bayley goes down, the ladder moves aside, but Bianca takes it to fold it up. Bianca sets the ladder down and she brings Bayley up to scoop! Bianca SLAMS Bayley on the ladder! Bayley writhes, but Bianca HANDSPRING MOONSAULTS onto Bayley and the ladder! Bianca staggers up, drags in that shorter ladder, and fans rally up for “EST! EST!” Bayley grabs the ladder, they tug-o-war again, but this time Bayley RAMS Bianca into a corner! Bayley fires off hands on Bianca, sits her down, and fans duel between them!

Bayley drags the ladder up, aims at Bianca, but Bianca avoids getting blasted! Bayley avoids a lariat to elbow Bianca, and then she SUNSET FLIP BOMBS Bianca onto the ladder! Bayley crawls her away over to the taller ladder and stands it back up. Bayley has the ladder set up, starts to climb, but Bianca hurries after her! Bianca CLUBS Bayley to bring her down! Bayley SMACKS Bianca off the rungs! Bayley stomps Bianca, pushes the short ladder aside and pushes the tall one over. Bayley makes sure the ladder stays on its side and she RAMS Bianca with it! And again! Fans duel, Bayley RAMS Bianca all the way out of the ring!

Bayley hurries to CLOBBER Bianca to keep her down. Bayley gets another tall ladder and tips it over. She even slaps a fan sign down! Bayley props the ladder against steel steps and makes it a bridge to the barriers. Bayley goes around to get Bianca and SMACKS her off the ladder! Fans chant “BAYLEY SUCKS!” to taunt her, but Bayley just soaks it all up. Bayley goes to the apron, runs in and leaps, FOLEY ELBOW on the ladder!! Both women fall to the floor, it’s hard to say who really got the worst of that! Bayley drags another ladder out from under the ring and breaks off the stabilizers? But Bianca CLUBS Bayley!

Bayley and Bianca brawl, but Bayley RAMS Bianca into the apron! Bayley puts Bianca inside the busted ladder, and SLAMS it closed! Bianca avoids disaster! She takes half of the ladder and SMACKS Bayley on the back with it! Bianca hurries into the ring and then goes around to grab another ladder. Bianca puts it in the ring, shakes out her bad arm, and she stands this tall ladder up. Bayley hurries in to anchor Bianca again! Bayley CLUBS Bianca, climbs up, but Bianca drags Bayley back down for a SPINEBUSTER! Bianca climbs now, Bayley hurries to kick at the ladder! The ladder tips and Bianca tumbles out to the floor!

Bayley crawls for the ladder but Bianca drags herself back in. Bayley pulls off part of her knee brace?! Bayley says this is coming in handy! Bayley runs in but Bianca dodges! Bianca torture racks, to hit a KISS OF DEATH! Bianca hurries to stand the ladder back up, she climbs up quickly, and fans fire up! But here comes DMG CTRL!! They tip the ladder and Bianca HOTSHOT off the ropes! Kai & Sky mug Bianca! They put Bianca in a drop zone, but Bianca shoves Dakota away to CLUB Iyo! Bianca dodges Dakota’s boot! Bianca double stacks Kai & Sky!! DOUBLE KOD!! Fans are thunderous as Bianca hurries back to the ladders!

Bianca sets up a short ladder but Bayley CLOBBERS her with that broken one! Bayley wedges that broken ladder into the corner, then she goes back for Bianca. Bayley kicks a ladder aside, she tells the fans she does NOT suck, and then she RAMS Bianca into the busted ladder! ROSE PLANT!! Bayley stands the tall ladder up and she drags Bianca around. Bayley traps Bianca under this ladder! Fans boo but Bayley climbs! Bianca BENCH PRESSES the ladder! Bayley tips off and HOTSHOTS off ropes! Both women are down and the ladder leans on the ropes now. Bianca and Bayley stir while fans rally back up.

Bayley crawls to the ladder and stands it up. Bianca blocks that, they both have an end, and they both climb up top! They fight while reaching for the belt! It’s a brawl, and Bayley gets the braid! She YANKS Bianca into the rungs! Bianca falls, but she springs up the other side to LASH Bayley! Bayley falls, Bianca LASHES her again! Bianca grabs a shorter ladder, brings it around and opens it up! Bianca wants a replay of Hell in a Cell last year! But Bayley grabs the busted ladder! Bianca just uses that to KOD Bayley on THAT ladder! Bianca climbs up top, grabs the belt, and she wins!!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall (still Raw Women’s Champion)

The strongEST, roughEST and toughEST wins in the end! She kept DMG CTRL from taking full control, but will they just come back for another try?


I Quit Match: Edge VS Finn Balor!

The Rated R Superstar made a choice to come back. And then he made the choice to establish something of his own in “The Judgement Day.” But then the Punisher, the Eradicator and the Prince made the choice to violently expel Edge from the group he created! The new Judgement Day would then beat down various living legends, but they could not keep those legends down. Edge is back again, and he vows to end this with two powerful words! Will Edge finish what he started? Or will Finn finish the coup d’état with a Coup De Grace?

Finn adds something new to his entrance in that spike covered mask. Is he planning on using this as a weapon? The bell rings and fans rally up as the two circle. Edge then rushes in to RAM Finn into a corner and fires off with haymakers, forearms, and even headbutts! Edge CLUBS Finn, whips him to ropes and CLOBBERS him! Fans fire up while Finn wobbles into a kick. Edge runs to hit a NECKBREAKER! Edge rains down fists on Finn, but Finn gets away to a corner. Edge ROCKS him, grinds his forearms in, and then lets off. Finn sputters, Edge whips him corner to corner hard, and Finn bounces off buckles.

Edge stalks Finn to a corner, CLUBS him, then fishhooks his face! The ref asks but Finn refuses to quit! Edge lets off, ROCKS Finn and stalks him along ropes again. Edge whips corner to corner again, just as hard! Finn bounces off buckles, Edge SLAPS him down! “This is what you wanted!” Edge KICKS Finn to a corner, Edge whips Finn corner to corner, but Finn comes back to dropkick the legs out! Finn runs in at the corner to stomp Edge’s leg! And again! And again! Finn keep son the bad leg, the ref asks, but Edge says no! Finn CHOPS Edge, puts the leg in the ropes, and drops a knee on the knee! Edge writhes but he refuses to give in!

Finn drags Edge up, CHOPS him, then puts the leg back in the ropes. Finn pulls on the leg with a toehold but Edge just gives him headbutts! Finn lets off, Edge runs in, but Finn trips Edge to clamp on another toehold. Edge endures, fans rally up and duel, and Edge CLUBS Finn on the back! Finn lets go of the toehold, trips Edge up again, and ties up the legs! Edge resists but the FIGURE FOUR is on! Edge endures, pushes the mic away, but Finn taunts him. “Get that outta my face!” Edge sits up and glares at Finn! Edge pushes to turn things over, and he reverses the pressure! Finn endures, flails, and turns it back onto Edge!

Edge endures again, Finn puts on more pressure, but Edge pries at the hold. Edge ROCKS Finn with haymaker and the hold is undone! Finn bails out, Edge crawls that way and goes to the apron. Finn trips Edge up into the apron skirt! Finn fires off hands! Finn CHOPS Edge, then climbs up to stomp away on him! Edge slumps down and Finn wants an answer! Edge says NO! Edge drags himself back up but Finn KICKS away on him! Finn drags Edge from the apron skirt with a sadistic grin and Finn SMACKS Edge off the desk! And again! And again! And again! “Ask him!” Edge still says NO, so Finn dribbles Edge more and more!

Finn keeps wanting an answer but Edge still says no. Finn dribbles Edge’s head more! Finn lets off in frustration while the fans taunt and boo him. Finn mocks them back about Edge not living up to the hype. Finn headlocks Edge and he throws punches. But Edge POSTS Finn! Finn flounders, Edge stalks after him and throws hands. Finn wobbles, Edge whips but Finn reverses to SLINGBLADE to the floor! What’s Edge say now? “NO!” Finn is annoyed so he drags Edge up. Edge picks Finn up to RAM him through barriers! Fans fire up while both men are down in the timekeeper’s area! Fans lose their minds, but Finn says he’s not giving up.

So Edge CLOBBERS Finn over barriers! They brawl in front of the VIP seating! They go towards the back, Finn throws stuff at Edge but Edge shrugs it off. Finn wants mercy? Edge just throws down hands instead! They’re right by the kickoff panel se as Finn refuses to quit. Fans fire up and Edge drags Finn over to suplex to the bare floor! Finn sputters but he shouts, “NEVER!” Edge goes off somewhere? Finn drags himself up but Edge comes back with a HOCKEY STICK! Edge HIGH CHECKS Finn! Fans fire up as Edge stalks Finn to the kickoff desk! Edge CLUBS Finn, then puts the stick in as part of a CROSSFACE!!

Finn endures, he somehow manages to say, “NO!” and then Edge lets go. Finn flops off the table, Edge pursues, and they go up the bleachers! Edge SMACKS Finn off the steps, and again! And again! The fans are loving it but Finn again says NO! Finn manages to get up and continues up the steps. Edge pursues all the way to the top! Finn RAMS Edge into the wall! And then Finn throws hands, before he sends Edge into more walls! And more walls! Finn wants the ref to ask, but Edge just gasps and sputters. So Finn lines up a shot, but Edge FLAPJACKS Finn off the overhang!! Fans are loving this while both men are down!

Edge stalks Finn now, fans fire up, and Edge runs in, but Finn sends him into the handrail! Edge coughs and sputters, and can’t even really say anything after that. Edge goes down the steps, Finn stalks him and KICKS him! Finn puts Edge through the handrail to pull him against the steel! Edge refuses to quit and Finn lets off. Finn stomps Edge, kicks him down the steps, shoves him towards ringside, and then ROCKS Edge with haymakers! Finn gets a chair to JAM Edge with it! Finn shoves Edge further along the way, he steals a drink to take a swig, and then he CHOPS Edge over the barrier!

Finn looks under the ring, but he stomps Edge down. Finn keeps searching, and then he brings out another chair. Finn aims, run sin, and he JAMS Edge again! Edge goes into the ring but Finn stalks him. Fans boo as Finn JAMS Edge in the lower back! Finn turns Edge over to JAM him in the ribs! And the gut! And the ribs! But still, Edge refuses to give up! “Screw you, Finn!” Finn SMACKS Edge with the chair! And again! And again! Finn wants Edge to say it, and Edge says, “I… DON’T quit!” Finn snarls and he wedges the chair in the corner. Finn stalks Edge to the other corner, CHOPS him, and CHOPS him again.

Finn aims, whips corner to corner, but Edge blocks! Edge ROCKS Finn, whips him, but Finn reverses to hit a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Into a KOJI KLUTCH! Edge endures but he shouts, “NO!” Finn is pissed, he lets off that hold to get a CROSSFACE! Edge still endures, and he says “GO F-” Finn CLUBS away on Edge!! Finn is furious but Edge still says “No!” Edge slowly rises, and Finn brings him up to whip, but Edge reverses! Finn hits the chair in the corner!! Both men are down, but Edge crawls to the corner. Edge brings the chair out of the corner, and he SMACKS Finn in the leg! And again! And then again!

Finn flounders and clutches his knee, and he wants mercy again! Edge JAMS the chair into the knee over and over! Edge checks his own legs, and then he SLAPS Finn down. Edge steps through to get an EDGE-UCATOR! Edge SLAPS away on Finn, too! Finn shouts, “I… I… I…!” But here comes Priest!! Edge CLOBBERS Priest first, and again, then clotheslines him out! Finn rushes in, but Dom saves him from a back drop! But Edge runs to SPEAR the Judgement Day all off the apron!! Edge puts Finn in the ring, fans fire up and Edge goes to a corner. “This is Awesome!” as Edge aims at Finn.

But Rhea Ripley is here! She HANDCUFFS Edge to the corner?! Rhea grins as she has the key. Edge isn’t sure what to do, but the Judgement Day gets in the ring. Fans boo and Edge knows what’s coming. He still throws hands with his free one, but that’s still 3v1! Priest & Dom stomp away, fans boo, but Finn grins. Finn gets himself some kendo sticks, and then Priest & Dom back off. Finn SMACKS Edge on the back! Finn tells the ref to not ask Edge so that he can SMACK Edge again! And again! And again! NOW ask him! Edge sputters but HERE COMES REY! Rey Mysterio rushes out with a chair! He CLOBBERS Priest, dodges Finn, and he CROSSBODIES Finn down!

Fans fire up, Rey WRECKS Priest with a dropkick! Rey runs to 619 Priest down!! But Dom DECKS his own dad!! Fans boo Dom but Dom RAMS Rey into barriers! And then POSTS him! Rey is down, Dom gives him DRAGON STOMPS! Rhea applauds, and Dom gives Rey a kiss good-night. Finn SMACKS Edge in the leg with the kendo stick! And again! And again! But here comes BETH!! Beth Phoenix snatches the stick to SMACK away on Finn! She runs Finn off, then SMACKS Priest! The Glamazon stares Dom down and Dom backs off! Beth throws the broken stick away, but here comes Rhea! Fans fire up for this stare down!

Beth dares Rhea to bring it! The brawl is on!! Beth and Rhea are swinging wild, Rhea shoves but Beth dodges to SPEAR!! Beth rains down hands on Rhea and chases her out of the ring! Dom goes to Rhea’s side, but Beth has the key! Beth frees Edge, and Edge SPEARS Priest! Dom sees Edge glaring at him and tries to apologize! Fans chant, “YOU F’D UP!” Dom holds out a hand? Fans chant, “Who’s Your Daddy?!” LOW BLOW from Edge! Payback for Clash at the Castle! But Finn hits a SLINGBLADE! Fans boo and Finn aims at Edge, for the- SPEAR FROM EDGE!! Edge SPEARS Finn again!! Finn staggers, Philly is thunderous, ANOTHER SPEAR!!

Edge tells Beth to get a chair and she gets Edge a chair. Beth puts the chair in the ring, Edge breaks the crossbar off, and we know where this is going! Finn flounders but Edge clamps on a GLASGOW GRIN! But Rhea CLOBBERS Beth! Priest gives Edge a SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM!! Rhea reveals she used brass knuckles for that knockout blow! Priest & Dom set Edge in the drop zone and Finn goes up, COUP DE GRACE! Finn resets, Priest & Dom hold Edge open, COUP DE GRACE!! Finn goes up yet again, a THIRD COUP DE GRACE!!! Fans boo and Finn sits Edge up! Finn tells Edge, “This is your last chance, Edge. Say it! You say it!”

Edge looks at his unconscious wife, but he says, “GO TO HELL!” So Rhea drags Beth up! Beth is dead weight, and Priest DECKS Edge! Rhea brings out a couple chairs! Finn says this is his final chance! Say it or else! Rhea sets Beth up, Finn promises they’re not playing games! Rhea has the other chair and she takes aim…! EDGE SAYS “I QUIT!!”

Winner: Finn Balor

Edge doesn’t want Beth to suffer the Con-Chair-To, but Rhea still CON-CHAIR-TOS BETH!!!! Edge gave Finn the win and the Judgement Day still attacked Edge’s wife!! Fans boo and referees rush out to check Beth. It was one thing when it was about Edge, but have Judgement Day crossed the line?


The Miz finds HHH’s office.

But before he can knock on the door, Gritty taps him on the shoulder. Gritty offers the shirt one more time, but Miz fires off body shots on him! Miz stomps down Gritty, and he tells Gritty to stay out of Miz’s business! But then DEXTER LUMIS is right behind Miz! Miz tries to run but he gets caught in THE SILENCE!!! Night-night, Miz. Lumis then helps Gritty up to his feet! Fans cheer and Gritty nods his thanks. And then he KICKS Miz in the gut! Happy Birthday, Mike.


Fight Pit, w/ Special Guest Referee, Daniel Cormier: Matt Riddle VS Seth Rollins!

A match the Original Bro helped establish in NXT now comes to the main roster! Riddle and Rollins both want to end this in the most definitive way possible, and the WWE even enlisted the MMA experience of the former UFC Double Champion for this one! When the only ways to win are submission and knockout, what will it take for this all to come to an end?

Rollins makes his entrance, wearing RVD-esque airbrushed ring gear! Guess Seth FN Rollins is the Whole FN Show. But the pit lowers and fans fire up, because IT’S TIIIIME! Cormier double checks with them on the rules, then the bell rings. Riddle and Rollins circle, Riddle gives Rollins some testing kicks. Rollins stays up but Riddle gets him with a body shot. Riddle and Rollins approach, Riddle fires off some more shots. Rollins stays up but gets kicked into the steel. Rollins tries shooting in for the legs but Riddle fights him off. Riddle eggs Rollins on, and Rollins tries hands. Riddle KCISK, BOOTS, and SPINEBUSTERS!

Riddle rains down forearms and hammering fists but Rollins kicks him away. Rollins gets up but into more KICKS from Riddle! Riddle uses the cage for a FLYING ROUNDHOUSE! Direct hit but also a rough landing for Riddle. Riddle gets up to rain down fists on Rollins! Rollins covers up, Cormier steps in but Riddle ends up elbowing him away! Cormier drags Riddle off and says this is Riddle VS Rollins. Riddle apologizes, but Rollins CLOBBERS Riddle! Rollins stomps and throws down knee! Cormier checks on Riddle, he’s okay, and then he gets Rollins’ arm! Rollins deadlifts, Riddle slips out of the bomb, but Rollins standing switches.

Rollins GERMAN SUPLEXE, but Riddle lands on his feet! FLYING TRIANGLE! Rollins endures, and he CLAWS at Riddle’s face! Rollins drags Riddle up to RAM him into the steel! Cormier checks Riddle but Rollins pushes him aside to drive in his knees! Rollins digs his boots in but now Cormier gets in Rollins’ face. Do NOT touch the ref, got it? Rollins cools off and he storms up on Riddle. But Riddle CHOPS and CHOPS! Rollins throat chops, then RAMS Riddle into steel! Rollins rains down fists on Riddle, lets off to catch his breath, and then he drags Riddle up. Rollins digs Riddle’s face into the steel like a cheese grater!

Rollins dribbles Riddle’s face off steel, then hits a ROLLING ELBOW! And then the turn, DREAM SMASHER ELBOW! Riddle is down and Rollins wants the standing count. Cormier starts it, and Riddle has until ten like a Last Man Standing. Riddle sits up at 7 and stands at 8, only for Rollins to suplex! Riddle slips out but Rollins elbows him and SUPERKICKS! Riddle drops to a knee, Rollins SUPERKICKS Riddle down! Cormier checks, the count begins again, and Rollins paces. Riddle stirs, sits up at 7 again but Rollins CLUBS him down! Rollins hammers away on Riddle, then lets off in frustration.

“You’re a loser, Riddle! You’re a loser! You’re always gonna be a loser!” But Riddle CHOPS Rollins! Riddle clinches, Rollins fights with elbows and he RAMS Riddle into steel! Rollins suplexes Riddle into the steel! Rollins then decides to climb the cage! There’s no escape rule, but “Seth! Freakin! Rollins!” hits a FROG SPLASH from the top of the cage! Riddle writhes and the standing count begins again. Riddle clutches an arm but he manages to sit up at 7. Cormier makes sure Rollins knows the count, too, but Riddle is up. Rollins unleashes Kawada Kicks! Fans are torn between boos and “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” as Rollins looms over Riddle.

Rollins says Riddle is a loser! Riddle knows it, the fans know it, and Riddle’s family knows it! Rollins says he’s the King of the Fight Pit! Rollins clamps on the PERUVIAN NECKTIE! But Riddle rolls around, and back drops! Rollins lands on his feet, but Riddle hits an RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!! Both men are down and fans fire up! A standing count starts on them both, and they’re both still down at 5 of 10! They stir at 7, sit up at 8, and Rollins throws a foreman! Riddle throws a CHOP back! Rollins staggers, but he throws another BIG forearm! Riddle staggers, but he comes back with a KICK!

Rollins throws a haymaker! But Riddle responds with palm strikes from all sides! Riddle BOOTS, but Rollins blocks the knee! Riddle blocks the rolling elbow but Rollins blocks the RKO! CURB STOMP!! Fans fire up and Rollins wants the count! Cormier checks Riddle first, in case of an instant knockout. Riddle is somehow still in this so the standing count starts. Riddle stirs at 5, pushes himself up at 7, but Rollins is climbing again! FLYING- NO, Riddle dodges the stomp to Electric Chair Lift! Rollins grabs the cage and climbs up! Rollins goes to the upper deck, and he dares Riddle to come after him. Fans sing and Rollins struts.

Riddle decides to go up after Rollins! Rollins drags Riddle up by his hair, throws some hands, and they both hold onto one of the chains that lifts the cage. Rollins BITES Riddle’s hand, but Riddle gets a SLEEPER! Riddle wraps around Rollins and the chain with the REAR  NAKED CHOKE! Rollins fights, he YANKS Riddle into the chain again and again, then he RAMS Riddle into the steel wall! Rollins dribbles Riddle off the chain link fencing until he’s out of breath! But then Riddle stands up and leans against the corner. Rollins storms over, but into a TRIANGLE! But Rollins turns that into a BUCKLE BOMB into the steel!

Rollins winces and they both sit on that upper deck. Cormier keeps telling them to get down to the pit. Rollins says alright, he’ll bring Riddle down! Rollins whips, but Riddle uses the chain to stay up there! Rollins kicks Riddle low for a PEDIGREE!! Rollins wants a count! It won’t count up there! Rollins tells Cormier he’ll choke Cormier out if the count doesn’t start! But the rules say the finish has to happen in the pit! Rollins snarls, he aims at Riddle, CURB- NO, Riddle avoids the stomp, RKO!! Rollins slumps and falls into the pit! Cormier checks Rollins and he’s somehow still conscious. A standing count starts for Rollins while Riddle stands up.

Riddle sees Rollins down, and decides to do something extreme! SUPER BROTON!!! Riddle may have broken Rollins and himself! Philly loses its mind while Cormier checks both men! They’re both conscious so the standing count begins. They’re both down at 5 but they crawl to the opposite ends. They each drag themselves up the steel and stand at 8! Riddle runs in, FLYING TRIANGLE! Rollins deadlifts to BUCKLE BOMB! And BUCKLE BOMB! And POWERBOMB! And then a deadlift POEWRBOMB! But Riddle still has the TRIANGLE! Rollins endures, but he’s fading! ROLLINS TAPS!! RIDDLE WINS!!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by submission

Who’s the King of the Fight Pit? Not Rollins! The Visionary tried to shut the Bro down, but Riddle shut Rollins up! Will Riddle use this to get back up towards some gold?

Wait! The lights go out!! What’s going on!? The fans already have “the fireflies” out as someone sings, “He’s got the whole world… In his hands… He’s got the whole wide world… In his hands…” NO WAY! The White Rabbit teases have been going on for some time now, but were they really about him?! And with a spotlight, we see a real-life Huskus the Pig Boy! And then a real-life Mercy the Buzzard! And then a real-life Ramblin’ Rabbit! And even Abby the Witch! Then on the commentary desk, a burnt mask of The Fiend!! Then there’s someone with a Fiend mask in the front row!! Philly is fired up as we see a door on stage!

Then there’s something on the tron. The Fun House?! It’s all abandoned and covered in cobwebs… But then a TV starts playing the theme song. Then there’s static and snow. “Hello. Who killed the world? Who killed the world? YOU DID. YOU DID. HAHAHAHAHAHA!” And then the TV stops playing. There’s a light behind the door now. It flies open! And then the light goes out! But from the shadows, is a LANTERN! The one holding the lantern walks out on stage, and Philly is losing its mind! The man behind the mask… IS BRAY WYATT!! “I’m here.” He blows out the lantern, and a symbol of a wasp-rabbit thing flying upside-down appears! Is this a new era for the Eater of Worlds?!

My Thoughts:

What an awesome night, and perhaps the best Extreme Rules in years because there wasn’t just one special match but an entire card of them! And obviously, the big news to come out of this is the return of Bray Wyatt in the most theatrical and fitting way I’ve seen for anyone in WWE. It’s wild that, a year or so after I and other fans wanted to see people embody the Firefly Fun House cast, we get it here. It may be a one-off thing but that was still great to see. And everything about this tells me this is some sort of Ultimate Bray, where he’s an amalgam of all his previous iterations. Plus, him not attacking anyone is a great way to keep us guessing. There have been teases all over during this White Rabbit campaign, Bray could have a HUGE impact on something for Raw’s “season premiere.”

Speaking of one of the many people I certainly expected Bray to target, we got an awesome Strap Match out of McIntyre VS Kross, but with a bit of a bummer finish. I know Scarlett didn’t get her fireballs right but did she need to pepper spray McIntyre? I suppose if she’s gonna attack McIntyre, the only believable thing would be to use an item like that, but it’s still a shame. At the same time, McIntyre will probably want a rematch, they can take this feud to Crown Jewel or beyond, and McIntyre can come out all the stronger for it as we head into the Royal Rumble and the Road to WrestleMania.

The other person I thought he was after was Seth Rollins, given that “Rollins almost murders Bray” finish from Hell in a Cell a few years ago. Now, the Fight Pit was an awesome match, and we got great interactions from Riddle, Rollins and Cormier about how he’s to be respected as the ref. Great use of the upper deck, namely that Super Broton spot. Riddle winning made sense since Rollins won at Clash at the Castle and had otherwise gotten the better of Riddle in their other interactions. It’s still a bit odd Rollins is getting the US Championship match this Monday, but Lashley named him so that’s just how it is. It’d be really interesting if Bray kept Rollins from winning the title…

Moving away from Bray, we got a great opener in the Six Man Donnybrook. Sheamus may not be Intercontinental Champion, but he and the Brutes winning here made sense. We might see Sheamus & The Brutes getting new chances at titles, and it’s not like Sheamus VS Gunther Round 3 would ever be a bad idea. I loved what we got out of The Miz and Lumis tonight. Miz gets heat real easy being mean to Gritty, the Philadelphia Flyers mascot, but of course Gritty and Lumis get payback on Miz. It’s super obvious Lumis is going to show up again to mess with Miz’s birthday celebration, I just wonder if Miz & Maryse will have a trap set for him because of how obvious that is.

The I Quit match was also great stuff, they really explored the arena, but of course Judgement Day gets involved. I’m surprised they waited as long as they did, but I respect they played it to where the faction only acted if Finn was going to lose. Rey and Beth getting involved was also fitting, and I just knew this would go down like Roman VS Jey. Beth was the emotional vulnerability, Judgement Day used it, but I did not think Rhea would still Con-Chair-To Bet like that. With Survivor Series now part WarGames, you can bet we get Judgement Day VS Rey, Styles & Edge. Sure, there’s a possibility of a Mixed Tag, Edge & Beth VS Dom & Rhea, but after seeing that interaction, I feel like Beth and Rhea should get their own 1v1 match so that they can both shine.

And speaking of the Women’s Division, great stuff out of both title matches here. Liv VS Ronda was a strong Extreme Rules match, but I call high levels of shenanigans with Ronda just shrugging off the fire extinguisher blast. Ronda’s the Baddest Woman on the Planet, not She-Hulk, she needs to accept that getting hit with that stuff would affect her like it would anyone else. But in the end, we all knew Ronda would win, because there’s no way she’d lose three times to someone, let alone three times in a row. But they also did good to protect Liv by having her pass out, not tap out, and Liv even got good character work in smiling as she went out. I don’t know about Crown Jewel, but we could see these two go again at Survivor Series.

And that was a great ladder match from Bayley and Bianca. A little surprised they had Kai & Sky stay backstage as long as they did, similarly to Judgement Day, but I suppose it wouldn’t be as good if it was 3v1 the entire time. And in the end, DMG CTRL didn’t make a difference and Bianca comes out on top. That is actually quite the surprise, but maybe we move to see the faction do as Bayley said in falling back to Dakota and/or Iyo going after the Raw Women’s Championship now. Bayley made it clear, this isn’t about her becoming champion, just that Bianca needs to be dethroned. The Raw “season premiere” will give us more, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a big contenders match that DMG CTRL rigs to make sure one of their members wins.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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