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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/11/22)

The champ is in action!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Is Big Body Javi about to be broken by the Big Booty Nephew?

Javier Bernal has perhaps the biggest ego in NXT, and he just stepped in it with the NXT Champion, Bron Breakker! Will Javi end up an appetizer before Halloween Havoc’s Triple Threat?


  • Bron Breakker VS Javier Bernal; Bron wins.
  • Best 2 out of 3 Series, Round 3: Nathan Frazer VS Axiom; Frazer wins and advances to the NXT North American Championship Ladder Match.
  • Valentina Feroz w/ Sanga VS Indi Hartwell; Indi wins.
  • NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Edris Enofe & Malik Blade VS The Dyad; Edris & Malik win and will challenge Pretty Deadly for the titles.
  • Alba Fyre VS Jacy Jayne w/ Toxic Attraction; Fyre wins.
  • Wes Lee VS Channing Lorenzo; Wes wins.
  • Kiana James VS Thea Hail w/ Chase U; Kiana wins.
  • Ilja Dragunov VS Grayson Waller; Dragunov wins.


Bron Breakker VS Javier Bernal!

The NXT Champion is headed into another Triple Threat against incredible competition on JD McDonagh and Ilja Dragunov. Halloween Havoc will be a war, will this simply be a tune-up? Or will Big Body Javi prove he’s more than just a mouth?

Wait, speaking of that Triple Threat, The Irish Ace surprises us all by coming out to join Vic Joseph and Booker T on commentary. JD says it’s a deck: JD’s the Ace, Booker’s a King, and Vic’s a joker. Anyway, the bell rings and Javi smirks as he says he’s a future champion, He swings, but into Bron’s waistlock and SLAM! And then another SLAM! And another SLAM! Javi scrambles away to a corner and fans bark for Bron. Bron dares Javi to do something, and Javi comes out to circle with him. They tie up, Bron wrenches, wristlocks, but Javi rolls. Bron wrangles Javi down to the mat and has a double wristlock.

Javi fights up, wrenches and wristlocks back, but Bron cartwheels through to fireman’s carry takeover! Bron has the arm again, but Javi flails and moves around. Bron whips, Javi reverses but Bron ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Javi! Fans fire up and bark while Javi gets to a corner. Bron whips Javi corner to corner, then clinches for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Javi flounders away to a corner but then he elbows Bron. Javi whips, Bron reverses, but Javi KICKS Bron away. Javi runs to ROCK Bron and CLUB away with forearms! Javi lets off as the ref counts, and Javi mocks the champ. Javi pie faces Bron but that just pisses Bron off!

Bron storms up on Javi, Javi swings but Bron fires off hands! Bron whips, Javi reverses but Bron CLOBBERS him! And again! And then ducks ‘n’ dodges, to catch the jump for a SPINEBUSTER! The straps come down, fans bark it up, and Bron runs in. Javi BOOTS Bron, goes up top, but Bron catches him for a TOSS! Javi flounders, Bron choke grips him and trophy lifts him! Bron stares JD down before the BREAKKER SLAM! Cover, Bron wins!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall

JD may not like it, but Bron is rolling towards their title match! And Javi may not like it, but he’s nowhere near championship material yet. Wait, JD gets in the ring now and he stares Bron down. Fans chant for “DRAGUNOV! DRAGUNOV!” and here he comes! The Czar makes his presence known and fans fire up! Dragunov goes into the ring to join Bron and JD in a very similar stare down to a couple weeks ago. JD HEADBUTTS Dragunov and fires of on Bron! JD stomps away, but Bron throws hands! JD knees low, but he moves, TORPEDO MOSCOW hits Bron! JD runs away but he got the better of both opponents.

Dragunov looks down at Bron, and he doesn’t regret what just happened. But he does pick up the belt to establish that he’s ready to take this title! Will UNBESIEGBAR reign again?


Alba Fyre speaks.

“Toxic Attraction, I was serious when I said I was more of a visual woman. That’s why I took Mandy Rose on our little joyride. And when it was over, I had a woman’s title match at Halloween Havoc. In less than two weeks, I scorch the empire that Mandy and her little friends built. I know Gigi & Jacy seek revenge, but as a fire keeper, I never back down. Because where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” The heat is rising, will Fyre burn Jacy before lighting it up with Mandy Rose at Halloween Havoc?


Best 2 out of 3 Series, Round 3: Nathan Frazer VS Axiom!

Before, this was just a friendly rivalry to see who represents the best of NXT and NXT UK combined. But now the stakes are raised, as the winner moves on to Halloween Havoc and the North American Championship Ladder Match! Who breaks the tie, has their pride, and a golden ticket to the title match on top of it?

The bell rings and the two circle as fans rally up. They approach, tie up, and Axiom waistlocks to a drag down. Frazer slips around but Axiom slips out to facelock. Axiom rolls with Frazer, pushes to a cover, ONE! Fans duel as the two stare down. Frazer and Axiom reset, tie up and Axiom headlocks. Axiom hits the takeover and holds Frazer down. Fans rally, Frazer fights up but Axiom hits another takedown and then goes for a cover. ONE, but Axiom has a knuckle lock. Axiom whips Frazer to a corner. Frazer goes up and over fast, and things speed up! Axiom ducks, Frazer slides, and then Frazer leaps, into a FLAPJACK!

Axiom ties up the legs, he brings Frazer in, but Frazer pops out of the Bow ‘n’ Arrow to a cover, ONE! Axiom dodges a haymaker to FLYING ARM-DRAG, but Frazer handsprings through! Dropkicks cancel out and both men kip up as fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” Frazer eggs Axiom on then sidesteps to hip toss. Axiom handsprings through, Frazer dodges to springboard, but Frazer catches him! Axiom snapmares free but Frazer ducks the enziguri! Fans fire up as the two stare down again! Axiom and Frazer reset, circle, and fans duel. They knuckle lock, Axiom rolls and wrenches to then trip Frazer for a toehold to a headlock.

Frazer keeps his shoulders up, fans cheer “BOTH THESE GUYS!” as Axiom gets a cover. ONE and the two are up, fighting for control. Frazer bends Axiom back but Axiom bridges. Frazer sweeps the legs to get a cover, ONE as Axiom gets his arm up. Frazer tries again, TWO as Axiom gets the other. Frazer jumps but Axiom uses him to get up and onto the ropes, only for Frazer to trip him up! Frazer swings, but into an ELBOW BREAKER! Axiom goes up, but Frazer springs up after him! They fight up top, Axiom trips Frazer but Frazer lands safe to UPPERCUT back! Frazer springboards right up, but Axiom trips him up, both men crash ‘n’ burn!

NXT goes picture in picture while Axiom sputters and Frazer is dazed. Axiom drags himself up, Frazer sits up, and Axiom PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! Frazer grits his teeth as he’s still in this but Axiom drags him up. Axiom waistlocks but Frazer fights. Axiom tries a sleeper but Frazer fights that off. Frazer goes to ropes, he bucks Axiom, but Axiom kip up, into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Frazer is beside himself! Frazer drags Axiom up and snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Frazer clutches his neck while trying to figure out what to do. Frazer wraps on a chinlock and he grinds Axiom down. Axiom fights up, but Frazer wrangles him into a BULLY CHOKE!

Axiom endures as Frazer pushes up on the hold. Axiom fights up, powers out, but Frazer runs him over! Cover, ONE, but Frazer CLOBBERS Axiom! Cover, TWO! Frazer goes back to the chinlock! Axiom endures again, fights back up, and Axiom arm-drags free. Frazer blocks a kick, trips Axiom up, but Axiom resists the turn! Axiom then spins the other way to throw Frazer away! Frazer hurries to trip Axiom again, but again Axiom fights the turn. Axiom moves around, but Frazer uses that to try and turn him over! Frazer gets the BOSTON CRAB as NXT returns to single picture! Fans duel as Axiom endures but that Crab is deep!

Axiom powers up, slips backwards and powers Frazer to a cover! TWO!! Frazer dodges, goes to ropes, but Axiom turns springboard into SLIDING GERMAN! Frazer is down and Axiom hurries up top! CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Frazer scrambles away but Axiom keeps focus. The fans fire up and Axiom runs corner to corner, GAMANGIRI! Then FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite a Perfect Plex but Axiom hurries up top again. But Frazer DROPKICKS him off the corner! Axiom tumbles to the floor, Frazer goes to the apron. Axiom anchors Frazer but Frazer kicks him away to then ASAI MOONSAULT ELBOW DROP DDT!

Fans fire up again while both men are down on the outside! A ring count starts and fans count along. We reach 5 of 10 before either stands. Frazer goes into the ring but Axiom staggers to the desk! We’re at 7, then 8! Axiom hears 9 and slides in! INTO A MISSILE DROPKICK! Frazer hurries up top to PHOENIX SPLASH into a TRIANGLE!!! Axiom has Frazer caught but Frazer hurries to stack this! TWO, and Frazer deadlifts! But Axiom shifts, into a RINGS OF SATURN!! Frazer endures, flails, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” giving us this one! Axiom shakes his head but Frazer shoves him away.

Frazer slingshots, into a GAMANGIRI! Frazer falls to the floor and Axiom hurries to the corner! TRIANGLE JUMP MOONSAULT!! Direct hit at the ramp and Axiom puts Frazer in! Axiom goes up top again, but Frazer is right on him!! SUPERPLEX! Roll through a la Rollins, but Axiom slips out to a SLEEPER!! Frazer flails and hurries to his feet! Frazer gets the ROPEBREAK! Axiom lets off to ROUNDHOUSE, but Frazer ENZIGURIS! Axiom rebounds to SUPER PUNCH! Axiom dodges the kicks to KANGAROO KICK! Frazer comes back, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men out!! Fans are loving this and it’s still not over yet!

Axiom and Frazer swipe at each other on the mat. They sit up, Frazer DECKS Axiom, but Axiom KICKS back! Frazer fires up, he and Axiom trade forearm for forearm! They go faster and faster, fans fire up and Axiom ROCKS Frazer! Frazer swings, but into a low backslide! TWO!!! Frazer escapes in time, and he SUPERKICKS Axiom! Axiom SUPERKICKS back! Frazer comes back, into a V-TRIGGER!!! Fans are electric as Axiom aims from a corner! But he runs into a roll up! Axiom sit son it, Frazer pushes it, Axiom pushes back, Frazer sits on it!! FRAZER WINS!!

Winner: Nathan Frazer, by pinfall (wins series 2-1; advances to Halloween Havoc)

Match of the year, anyone? That was an amazing finale to their trilogy, and in the end, the British Prodigy defies expectations and takes the win! But best of all, both men still respect each other and shake hands. “That was Awesome!” but how much more amazing will Frazer make the ladder match now that he’s in it?


McKenzie Mitchell catches up with Dragunov.

Before he leaves for the night, she wants to ask if that headbutt was intended for Bron. Dragunov says there are three rules on the battlefield. Love, war and- Challenges! Grayson Waller knew Dragunov was a fan! Say it like you mean it! But no one cares about feelings. Dragunov was looking for an edge going into his match at Halloween Havoc, but Waller doesn’t need one! Waller’s taking on Apollo Crews and- Why is Waller wearing his grandma’s sunglasses?! Waller says first off, these aren’t! Second, Crews tried to blind Waller and his eyes are still sensitive. Why’s Dragunov changing the subject? Why’s Dragunov leaving so soon for someone who did something by “accident?”

Oh, so Waller wants Dragunov to stay? Uh, no- Then Dragunov will stay! Great idea! See you later, Waller. No, he didn’t mean it like that! McKenzie, this is YOUR fault! Will the 21st Century Success Story have more than just sensitive eyes after facing The Czar?


Valentina Feroz speaks with Sanga backstage.

She is nervous about tonight and her return to singles action. Can Sanga be in her corner tonight? Sanga say she will! Alright! And then in walks Indi Hartwell. Sanga’s gonna be in Feroz’s corner? Well, this may be Feroz’s jungle, but that is still Indi’s ring. See you out there. #IndiWrestling is confident while Feroz has butterflies, but will Sanga’s presence help Feroz overcome her fears?


Apollo Crews speaks.

“Your view of the world is shaped by how you allow yourself to experience it. You create a point of view and see everyone and everything through this lens. Most people live their entire lives with a force perspective, only able to see things in an uncomplicated way. But changing one detail can greatly alter how you visualize everything around you, and now you see things you never saw coming. Turning that lens on yourself can turn it into something you’re not going to like. I waited two long months for the day to come. And Halloween Havoc, let’s see what happens.” Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal, all the possibilities, and Chucky?

Apollo tells Waller, “I’m gonna force my perspective onto you on my way to my ultimate goal. At Halloween Havoc, I leave you in the dark.” Is Apollo going to let fate decide what happens between him and Waller?


Valentina Feroz w/ Sanga VS Indi Hartwell!

Yulisa Leon is out with injury but she wants her tag partner to shine on her own. Feroz is still rough around the edges, but will she be a diamond in the rough? Or will #IndiWrestling finally have that impressive win she needs to get up in the women’s division?

The bell rings, the two tie up, and Indi powers Feroz to ropes. The ref counts, Indi lets off to then shove Feroz out! Feroz rushes back in but into a knee! Indi scoops and SLAMS Feroz, then scoops and SLAMS her again! Cover, ONE, but Indi keeps on Feroz with a chinlock. Feroz endures, but here comes Veer! Speaking of tag partners, Sanga and Veer were more or less reunited last week. Sanga walks over to Veer and Veer whispers something to him. Veer then turns to leave, and Sanga goes with him? What about his promise to Feroz? Feroz fights up with the fans rallying for her, and she throws body shots.

Indi knees low, then gut wrenches Ferzo to a Canadian Rack! Indi thrsahes Feroz around, but Feroz fights free! Fans rally, Feroz elbows her away! Feroz goes up, and hits a FLYING ARMBAR! Indi resists, turns and powers up to deadlift Feroz! ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP! Feroz writhes and Indi drags her around. But Feroz throws Indi down into an ARMBAR! Indi fights and crawls to the ROPEBREAK! Feroz lets off at 4, then runs in to KNEE Indi down! Cover, TWO! Indi hangs tough and both she and Feroz grab at each other. Feroz JAWBREAKKERS, but now she realizes Sanga is gone!

Feroz still THROWS Indi, and runs to METEORA! Then SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Feroz grits her teeth, runs in but is put on the apron. Indi DECKS Feroz, then climbs up to drag Feroz up. Indi deadlift SUPERPLEXES Feroz in! Cover, Indi wins!

Winner: Indi Hartwell, by pinfall

That was impressive! But then Pretty Deadly shows up in the perch? They’re not wearing shirts, but Kit Wilson has a beer drinking hat and Elton Prince has a big foam cowboy hat. Are they tailgating up there? Kit congratulates Indi on her win. “Or as Americans say, ‘Go sports!'” Elton says Indi is very “I-I-I-Impressive.” But Pretty Deadly are “F-F-F-Fantastic.” Fans boo the NXT Tag Team Championships but they tell the party people that they just wanna sit back and relax while watching three teams “beat the crap out of each other, all for the privilege to take on Pretty Deadly for these tag team championships.” Who do they think will win?

Elton wants to see “Scooby Doo and the dandy” win. But they definitely don’t like The Dyad. Briggs & Jensen, ROLL TIDE~! Edris & Malik? *Airhorn noises* Well either way, they’ll have a swig o’ beer! The sausages are on the grill, warming up for the two tastiest snacks in NXT. Tuck in, cowboy, it’s time to see these teams annihilate each other. #YESBOY! 2, 4, 6, 8, who’s the team they think is great? Prettyyyyy~ DEADLY~! Goooooooo PD~!


Backstage interview with Cora Jade.

McKenzie asks her about next week’s Pick Your Poison between her and former friend, Roxanne Perez. Has Cora decided on who she’s sending after Roxie? She has the WHOLE WWE to pick from! She’s contacted some people, but the hard part is narrowing it down. Must be hard for Roxie to find someone since no one ever really liked her. Cora can’t imagine what it must feel like to be ghosted by everyone on Raw and SmackDown. Yikes. Actually, McKenzie heard Roxie’s DMs are blowing up and multiple superstars are interested. What? No no no! Not possible! Roxie doesn’t have friends! She must be lying.

Actually, Roxie is going to SmackDown this Friday. What?! Who is she talking to?! Cora says she has some calls to make. Does McKenzie have Ronda’s number? No, sorry. Cora grumbles but then McKenzie quietly admits she does have Ronda’s number. But will Cora just have to pick the next best choice?


NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Edris Enofe & Malik Blade VS The Dyad!

Well, as Kit & Elton said, one team out of this field will move on to face the champions for the titles! Will the good ol’ boys get another chance at the titles they lost back at Worlds Collide? Will Edris & Malik finally get a taste? Or will Rip Fowler & Jagger Reed SSSSOON~ be recognized as the #1 contenders?

NXT returns as Briggs & Jensen make their entrance, Fallon Henley by their side. Pretty Deadly are still tailgating, and in this kind of Triple Threat, every team has a legal man! Jensen, Malik and Rip start, and Rip finds himself in a 2v1! Rip kicks but gets caught, and then Malik fires off hands! Jensen turns Malik around but Malik ROCKS him! Rip CLOBBERS Malik, tags Jagger, and the Dyad double whip Jensen. Jensen KICKS back, ROCKS Rip, and tags Briggs! The good ol’ boys CLOBBER The Dyad! Fans fire up, Malik runs in but he gets a right hand! Briggs & Jensen both run, slide out, and DOUBLE HAYMAKER Malik!

The good ol’ boys call out Pretty Deadly, then Briggs SNAKE EYES Jagger off the apron! And then again! Briggs puts Jagger in but Malik DECKS him! Malik DROPKICKS Briggs, fires off on Jagger, but Jagger wrenches to scoop and hit a BACKBREAKER! Tag to Rip, and the Dyad sets Briggs up for the ELBOW DROP BACKBREAKER! Gacy is all smiles, and the Schism hugs! Fans boo and Pretty Deadly is creeped out. Rip goes back to the ring and brings Malik up to knee low and short arm LARIAT! Rip drags Malik up, for a BIG back suplex! Cover, ONE, and Rip is annoyed. Rip ROCKS Malik, tags Jagger, and the Dyad set Malik up for a DRAPING AX HANDLE!

Jagger brings Malik up, Malik shoves him away, but Jagger ROCKS Malik! Tag to Rip and the Dyad mugs Malik. Rip CLUBS Malik, scoops him but Malik slips off to ROCK Rip! Rip spins Malik but Malik sweeps the legs to drop a knee! Tag to Edris, he and Malik double whip. They trip Rip, BOOT him then LARIAT! Fans fire up as Malik & Edris call PD out. Edris shouts out Booker for the spinarooni leg drop! Edris drags Rip up, tags Malik, and they double whip. Jagger tags in, Briggs dumps Rip out and then he CLOBBERS Malik & Edris! Jagger runs in but Briggs catches him! Briggs TOSSES Jagger out onto everyone!

Jensen wants in, Briggs obliges with a tag! Briggs helps Jensen go old school, for a BIG SENTON!! Fans fire up with the good ol’ boys as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Jagger stmops Jensen then stomps Edris, and repeat. Pretty Deadly cheer that on, but Jagger tags Rip. The Dyad stomps both opponents now! Rip CLUBS Edris, KNEES Jensen, then tags Jagger back in. They mug Edris, haul him up to the to rope, and they both climb up. The Dyad mugs Edris, stands him up, but Jensen joins in! Fans fire up for the TOWER OF DOOM! All four men are down from that double powerbomb superplex, “This is Awseome!” as Jensen tags Briggs! Briggs rallies with big haymakers on everyone! Briggs goes out to FLYING SHOULDER Rip! Briggs then pops Malik up for a LARIAT!

Briggs goes up top to FLYING LARIAT Edris! And then he scoops to SIDEWALK SLAM and SPLASH Jagger! Fans fire up, Briggs tags Jensen, and they each get a guy with a corner clothesline! then they trade, then they go back again! And again! And again! Briggs then whips Jager for him and Jensen to pop-up atomic drop, and BOOT! Cover, but Edris breaks it! Edris tags Malik and Malik goes up, DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Malik DECKS Briggs, dodges Jensen and BOOTS Jagger! Malik then comes back, A-LIST LARIAT for Jensen while he WRECKS Briggs with a dropkick! Fans fire up and Malik brings Jensen up.

Jensen shoves Malik, Edris tags back in, Malik BOOTS Jensen to then hit a BLOCKBUSTER! Edris is up top, for the MACHO ELBOW! Cover, Briggs barrels in to break it! Briggs then drags Malik up and whips him to ropes. Malik holds ropes but Briggs clotheslines Malik and himself out! Rip tags in to CLUB Edris! And DECKS him! Rip fires off on Jensen, then SLAPS him! Gacy fires up, but Jensen dodges Rip and Edris KNEES him down! Jensen comes back to WHEEL KICK Edris! Jagger runs in to ELBOW Jensen! Briggs BOOTS Jagger, Malik ROCKS Briggs! Rip throat chops Malik! Tag to Jagger and the Dyad gets Briggs, GRIT YOUR TEETH!

But Jensen saves Briggs and the good ol’ boys DECK the Dyad! Malik & Edris DOUBLE DROPKICK the good ol’ boys! Briggs stays up, and staggers into the COMPLETE SHOT CUTTER COMBO!! Edris then PLANCHAS onto The Dyad! Malik FLIES onto the good ol’ boys! Fans fire up as Edris puts Jagger in but Gacy attacks! DISCUS LARIAT! Rip gets in, Gacy feeds him Edris, but CAMERON GRIMES CAVES IN GACY!! Then Grimes trips Rip, Edris victory rolls Jagger, Edris & Malik win!!

Winners: Malik Blade & Edris Enofe, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the NXT Tag Team Champions)

Fans are thunderous as Grimes helps the rightful winners take this one! Like the song says, Edris & Malik are far from rookies, but are they just one match away from becoming champions?


Backstage interview with Toxic Attraction.

They don’t care about #1 contenders to tag titles, since Gigi & Jacy should be #1 contenders to the Women’s Tag Team Championships. But “Batgirl” had to go and jump them! Tonight, she gets payback, but worse. Toxic Attraction doesn’t fear the flames. Jacy is gonna take care of Alba Fyre. When you mess with their gold, they will walk through fire to get revenge. Jacy vows to send Fyre back to her relatives in Middle Earth as a hot mess. And if Fyre wants to surprise them again, maybe they’ll have a surprise waiting for her in return. Jacy & Gigi head out, but will they have to eat those words very soon?


Kiana James is working on something.

That is not what she told them. No, what? Did you tell them Kiana was asking? Well then tell them this is from THE Kiana James! She’s looking at the plans now! The land that Chase U is located on is far more valuable than the college itself. She thanks her assistant, Gina, and asks if they have hard copies. Yes. Okay, good. Kiana tells her contact to contact her analytics team to get on this. Actually, she’ll be in the ring with Thea Hail tonight. It’ll make the deal that much more enjoyable. But remember: this is just one of many acquisitions. If they get this right, they’ll do much more business in the future. Kiana promises Gina this is going to be huge. But what about Chase U?!


Alba Fyre VS Jacy Jayne w/ Toxic Attraction!

NXT returns and Toxic Attraction make their entrance. The bell rings and Jacy talks trash. She runs in but Fyre dodges to then hook Jacy up! Jacy fights free and arm-drags, but Fyre comes back, Jacy rolls Fyre, ONE, and Fyre ghost pins! ONE, and they DOUBLE LARIAT! Both women flounder, get up, and Jacy ROCKS Fyre! Fyre ROCKS Jacy, repeat! Jacy KNEES low, fires up and whips, but Fyre reverses. Fyre trips Jacy, drags her out and spins her around to ROCK with a forearm! Gigi rushes over but Fyre scares her off. Fyre steps in, into the ROLLING ELBOW! Jacy snarls and stomps away on Fyre in the corner.

Jacy lets off but Gigi gets a cheap shot in! Fans boo as Fyre scrambles to another corner. Jacy runs in to back body block! And then CANNONBALL! Jacy drags Fyre to a cover, TWO! Jacy and Gigi are frustrated but Jacy drags Fyre into a chinlock. Jacy leans on the hold but fans rally up. Fyre endures, fights up, and she fireman’s carries! Jacy throws elbows to get free, but Fyre CHOPS her! And CHOPS her again! Fyre spins Jacy around, reels her in, and GOURD BUSTERS! Then KICKS and KICKS Jacy down! Fyre whips, Jacy reverses and hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer but Gigi is frustrated for Jacy.

Jacy and Fyre sit up, and Jacy tells “Kay Lee” she’s nothing! But Fyre fireman’s carries to a WIDOWMAKER! Cover, TWO!! Jacy survives but Fyre goes up top. But Gigi drags Jacy out to safety! Fyre hops down, shrugs, and DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Toxic Attraction! Fyre puts Jacy in, brings her up, but Gigi gets on the apron! Fyre HEADBUTTS her, but Jacy rolls Fyre up! With tights! TWO!! Jacy spins, misses, and Fyre SUPERKICKS! Fyre hooks Jacy up, to the GORY BOMB! Cover, Fyre wins!

Winner: Alba Fyre, by pinfall

The Fire Keeper is red hot going into the title match! She high-fives fans, but then someone grabs her! It’s SONYA DEVILLE! She YANKS Fyre into the railing! Mandy Rose’s best frenemy is back in NXT! Guess this is the surprise Toxic Attraction meant! Sonya RAMS Fyre into barriers, fans are fired up, and Sonya stands Fyre up to get in her face. Sonya fires off body shots, Gigi & Jacy join in! They mug Fyre while the ref reprimands! They bring Fyre to the steel steps, Sonya BOOTS Fyre down! Sonya then clears off the desk so that she and Toxic Attraction can SHIELD BOMB Fyre through the desk!!

Fans are losing their minds but it seems the Toxic Goddess made a deal with the Deville! Will Fyre be in any shape to fight Mandy Rose now? Or is this just fuel for the fire before Halloween Havoc?


The Schism is furious!

What was Grimes doing going after them!? Jagger DECKS the cameraman! Gacy tells Grimes, “We tried to bring you into our world, but now we must eliminate you from it! I tried so hard to save you from your pathetic existence. Now, you must face the full force of Schism three on one because you and I both know you have no one to turn to. And you will fight. You will fight just like Cameron Grimes can. You will use every ounce of oxygen you have in your body. That is, until you take your last gasp.” The Schism’s wrath is coming for Grimes, but will Grimes find a way to survive?


Zoey Stark & Nikkita Lyons speak.

Being #1 contenders sounds great, but Stark asks Lyons if she knows what sounds better. No, what? “Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark, the NEW NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions!” Lyons understands Kayden & Katana are best friends, they’ve been a team forever. That’s great. But Lyons & Stark compliment each other. Lyons is a take it or leave it type while Stark is more reserved. Stark makes it sound like her focus and determination is a bad thing. It’s not! Lyons was at the 2021 Las Vegas tryouts when HHH pointed Zoey Stark out to her. Stark, of course, was at the previous Vegas tryouts and impressed NXT. Lyons acknowledged Stark had been a big help in her getting going here.

Lyons says Stark’s drive is incredible. What Stark can do in the ring is amazing. Stark appreciates that, but Lyons’ development is so fast and great, it’s also awesome. They’re both starting to loosen up just a bit here, but one thing for sure is no matter the time, no matter the date, when they get that title match, they’re becoming champions! They even got a secret handshake down! Will these fast friends be fast champions together?


Quincy Elliot, Hank Walker and the security guards watch backstage.

They’re all impressed by Lyons & Stark. They’re firing on all cylinders! And now they’re #1 contenders! Hank says that was last week, but next week, when Quincy takes on Xyon Quinn, Hank’s got his back. Quincy tells “Hanky” he appreciates that. And boys, you all be good. Quincy heads out, and Hank returns that sportsman butt smack. Oh, Hanky! Now that’s chemistry. The guards suggest a team up, will we see the Super Diva and the Every Man become contenders in their own right?


Wes Lee VS Channing Lorenzo!

The Must-See Kid is in action ahead of the North American Championship Ladder Match, looking to prove to Stacks that what happened to Tony D’Angelo wasn’t his fault. But will Stacks be made to believe that? Or will Stacks make sure Wes has his own “accident?”

NXT returns as Stacks makes his entrance. The footage replays of Tony’s injury and while Wes defends his innocence, Stacks is just fired up. The bell rings, Stacks rushes in, but Wes dodges the chop block. Wes argues with Stacks, hen Stacks shoots in to trip Wes up! Wes kicks him away but Stacks comes back, into a RANA! Wes wants Stacks to chill out, but Stacks runs in again. Wes dodges, runs and RANAS again! Then DROPKICKS! Stacks flounders to a corner and WEs tells him to slow down. Stacks doesn’t care, he run sin, into a Oklahoma Roll! TWO, and Wes runs in, but he blocks the drop toehold!

Stacks RAMS Wes into the corner, lets off and ROCKS Wes! Stacks gets a leg to DRAGON SCREW it into ropes! Stacks then grabs at Wes but Wes kicks him away. Stacks CHOP BLOCKS Wes down! Fans boo but Stacks drags Wes into a toehold. Stacks punches away on the leg but Wes kicks free. Wes goes to a corner, Stacks drags Wes up, and Stacks goes after the leg for a SHIN BREAKER! Fans boo as Stacks talks trash. Stacks drags Wes around to step through and tie up the leg in a DEATHLOCK! Fans rally for Wes as he endures, but Stacks thrashes the hold! Wes fights, pries at the hold, and he DECKS Stacks!

The hold is undone and both men stand. Stacks throws hands but Wes throws counter punches! And a BIG back elbow! Wes bobs ‘n’ weaves, fires off hands, and he has Stacks wobbling into a corner! Wes lets off to whip corner to corner. Wes runs in to UPPERCUT! Fans fire up and Wes shakes out his leg. Wes runs in but the leg gives out! Stacks storms up to scoop to a torture rack! SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Wes is still in this and Stacks is furious! Fans fire up but Stacks climbs up. Wes anchors Stacks and THROWS him down! Wes goes up top, aims and SKY TWISTERS! Cover, Wes wins!

Winner: Wes Lee, by pinfall

A gritty win for the high-flyer, and now he is headed for- TRICK WILLIAMS ATTACKS! Trick and Wes throw hands, there’s still beef here! Carmelo Hayes adds on! Melo & Trick mug Wes and fans boo! But here comes ORO! Oro DECKS Trick, and clinches Melo for an EXPLODER! Oro TOSSES Trick and fans fire up! Oro aims at Melo from a corner, but Trick drags Melo out of the ring! Oro Mensah dares them to come back, but Wes FLIES onto Melo & Trick to take them out! Fans fire up as Wes and Oro take out a common enemy, but Halloween Havoc will be every man for himself. Who climbs up to take the title down?


Sonya Deville and Toxic Attraction talk in the lounge.

They all feel great after beating Fyre down, but in walks McKenzie. Jacy guesses that McKenzie’s about to ask why Sonya is here. Actually, yes, why is Sonya here? Sonya says she and Mandy have had their differences, but in the end, they’re still best friends. So if Gigi & Jacy are Mandy’s girls, they’re Sonya’s girls, too. Does that make sense? Now, who knows what Fyre is thinking with her burning, flaming bat or whatever, but maybe it burned some of her brain cells. Because you can’t just abduct the greatest NXT Women’s Champion ever and get away with it! You all get that, right? That’s why Sonya is here.

Now, McKenzie, while you’re here, Sonya wants to ask a favor. McKenzie should go wait outside medical for when Fyre exits, and tell her for them that next week, Sonya will be waiting in the ring for her. And if Fyre chooses to show up, she won’t make it to Halloween Havoc. Gigi excuses McKenzie and she leaves. Will Sonya get payback for Mandy and clear her Halloween Havoc card? Or will Fyre just burn another Toxic lackey?


Diamond Mine is at the hospital.

Julius & Brutus Creed wait, and Ivy Nile wheels Roderick Strong in. Roddy’s glad to see them. He’s almost ready to get out of here. Julius admits, it’s tough seeing him like this. Ivy notes Roddy looks better than last week. Roddy says it’s one day at time. But what’s up, Big Brut? Why so down? Brutus says Damon’s gonna pay for what he did. At Halloween Havoc, Julius will put Damon in an ambulance! Hopefully there’ll be an extra bed here for him. Roddy is sure they’ll find the space. But he also wants to say… “I’m sorry. I’m the one that brought Damon in. I’m the one that asked you guys to trust me. And I might be the reason Diamond Mine-”

Julius says it’s okay, Roddy shouldn’t think like that. Julius will get them through this. Roddy says he would’ve been fighting by their side, but now he can’t. “But you guys can. At Halloween Havoc, Julius, I just need one thing.” Anything! “Win! Because it’s Diamond Mine Forever!” Will the Creeds make Roddy proud and take down the Golden Gopher?


Kiana James VS Thea Hail w/ Chase U!

We all know that the Professional Professional Wrestler is planning on a land grab scheme for the ages, but will the star pupil stump her? Or is tonight’s #TeachableMoment that you can’t fight big business?

The bell rings and Thea is fired up. But wait, Robert Stone barges into the ring? “Sorry to interrupt, Kiana, but I’ve got some business that I need to talk about!” Kiana respects that. Stone says he should be celebrating Von Wagner going to Halloween Havoc, but instead, the world is laughing at him! And they are laughing because of THEA! Aw boo hoo~! Robert says she had the audacity to slam him! Fans chant, “You Got Slammed!” Stone says it is not a good idea to put your hands on him! Now, he’ll ruin her night! But then he runs into a back drop! Fans fire up but Kiana is stalking Thea! Thea turns around and Kiana runs in to COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, Kiana wins!

Winner: Kiana James, by pinfall

Well, it seems the real lesson is to not take your eyes off the ball! Thea is frustrated with herself, but is this just phase one of Kiana’s hostile takeover?


Stacks grumbles backstage.

But then Tony D’Angelo walks in. Stacks asks him how he’s doing, but The Don says he’s doing better than Stacks. Tonight, Stacks lost to Wes. And a couple weeks ago, Tony told Stacks to get off the apron but Stacks wouldn’t listen. So what happens? Tony blows his PCL while Stacks is in pieces! But Stacks said it himself, “Actions have consequences.” Stacks feels those consequences next week in another match. Against Wes? No. Tony will see Stacks at the car. Wait, hold on. Stacks is down to fight anyone, but who’s he facing? Does Stacks remember that time in 8th grade when Stacks beat up Ralphie just for cutting him in line?

Yeah. That was a war. No one disrespects Stacks. Right. Well, it’ll be something like that. Against who? Tony tells Stacks that he loves him, but Stacks will know when the music hits. See you then. Stacks says that’s fine, but will it be a fight Stacks can’t win?


Robert Stone picks himself up backstage.

And yes, people are laughing at him. But then Von asks Stone what the hell! Stone just needs to calm down, they’ve got less than two weeks until Halloween Havoc, they need to start getting serious. Stone knows but- Von tells Stone to cut the BS and understand who is in that match with him. Stone needs to be locked in so that no one stops Von from grabbing the belt. Right, Stone is sorry. Old habits creep up, but it’s time for Von to be champion. That’s more like it! Will Suit Man Stone stop being the butt of jokes and help Wagner’s World become a reality?


Backstage interview with Cameron Grimes.

McKenzie asks Grimes about the Schism’s challenge. Does he plan on going it alone? Or does he have partners? Grimes tells McKenzie, “What a difference a week makes! I’d be lying if I didn’t say it felt so good to cost The Dyad that #1 contendership. But Joe’s right. There is no one in NXT that I trust.” So it will be 3v1? Oh no, Grimes may not trust anyone in NXT, but he doesn’t count ALL of the WWE. See you next week.

But wait! Cora cuts McKenzie off from throwing things back to ringside. Cora says if Roxie wants to go to SmackDown because she knows someone, then guess what! Rhea Ripley just texted back, and she wants Cora to go to Raw! Look, here on her phone! Really? Roxie can go to SmackDown, Cora’s going to Raw, so HAH! Now who might be lying? But it seems we’re all but set on that Pick Your Poison! Who from SmackDown is facing Cora? And who from Raw is facing Roxie?


Ilja Dragunov VS Grayson Waller!

Speaking of disrespect, The Czar doesn’t stand for that, either. The 21st Century Success Story insinuated the Torpedo Moscow to Bron wasn’t an accident, but will he be getting one on purpose? Or can the Grayson Waller Effect throw Dragunov off his game?

NXT returns as Waller makes his entrance. The bell rings, the two circle as fans rally up. They tie up, go around, fans actually duel as there are some Waller-bies tonight. Waller puts Dragunov on the ropes, lets off as the ref counts, but Dragunov avoids the sucker punch! Waller uses ropes as a defense when Dragunov shows punch! The fans taunt Waller as he bails out. Dragunov waits, Waller returns, and the two go again. Dragunov clinches to SLAM Waller, then he facelocks to keep Waller down. Waller fights up, Dragunov wrenches and then hits an arm-drag! Dragunov keeps on the armlock and he gets a cover, ONE!

Dragunov facelocks Waller again, wrenches again, and wristlocks hard. Waller rolls, handsprings and knees low to get free. Waller goes after Dragunov’s arm, but Dragunov endures. Waller WRINGS Dragunov out and goes for the legs, but Dragunov kicks him away. Waller comes back, into the BACKHAND! Dragunov SENTONS and fires up! Fans fire up with him and Dragunov runs at Waller in the corner for a KNEE! Dragunov pushes Waller down, flips him around, and he waistlocks. Waller fights as Dragunov lifts, “This is Wrestling!” Dragunov has the arms but Waller gets the ropes. The ref counts, Dragunov lets off, and Waller sucker punches!

Fans boo and the ref reprimands but Waller grins. Waller aims, runs in, and LEG LARIATS! Waller mocks Dragunov and Booker, and tells Booker to “SUCK IT”!? Waller’s asking for trouble now! Fans boo while NXT goes picture in picture.

Waller continues to taunt Booker and fakes doing a spinarooni to rain down forearms on Dragunov. Waller lets off to stalk Dragunov to a corner. Waller EuroUppers and Dragunov staggers to another corner. Dragunov CHOPS back, but Waller JABS Dragunov. Waller snap suplexes hard, then he taunts Dragunov with drop steps. Waller drops a knee on Dragunov, but Dragunov KICKS from below! Waller stomps and CLUBS Dragunov, whips him to ropes, but Dragunov ducks ‘n’ dodges, into another LEG LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Waller is annoyed but he JAMS his knee into Dragunov’s back over and over. Waller drops an elbow, covers, ONE!!

Waller is upset with the ref but the count was fair. Waller stalks Dragunov to a corner, drags him up and snapmares him, to then clamp on a chinlock. Dragunov endures, fights up, and he throws elbows. Waller CLUBS Dragunov down, then digs his face into the mat before a knee drop! Waller scowls but he avoids the kicks. Waller toys with Dragunov as he kicks him around, then he drops on him for a cover. TWO, but Waller cravats and neck wrenches Dragunov. Dragunov endures, NXT returns to single picture, and fans rally up. Dragunov pries at the hold, fights up, and he throws body shots! Waller throws knees!

Waller reels Dragunov in to suplex. Dragunov fights to a cradle! TWO, and Dragunov trips Waller! Waller kicks Dragunov away, Dragunov tiger feints and CHOPS! Dragunov reels Waller in to CLUB him down! Waller is gasping and fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” Dragunov drags Waller up to CLUB him again! Waller’s soul might be leaving him but Dragunov fires off boxing elbows! Waller ducks the backhand to JAB, but Dragunov ENZIGURIS! Fans fire up and Dragunov stands up. Dragunov runs in to KNEE Waller against ropes! Dragunov pump handles Waller for an EXPLODER! Waller crawls but Dragunov snarls.

Fans fire up as Dragunov stalks Waller. Dragunov waistlocks but Waller hurries to fight it! Waller headlock punches Dragunov right in the eyes! Fans boo but Waller mule kicks and ROLLING KICKS! Waller hobbles to a corner while Dragunov is down. Waller hops up, walks along the ropes, and takes his shot, BALLER ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Dragunov survives and Waller is frustrated. Fans rally up, Waller drags Dragunov around and he rains down forearms to the back! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov is still in this but Waller shouts, “This is MY house!” Waller clamps on a SLEEPER! Dragunov endures, fights up, and he RAMS Waller into a corner!

Waller holds on but Dragunov throws elbow after elbow! Dragunov RAMS Waller again, but Waller shoves him away. Dragunov tiger feints for the CONSTANTINE SPECIAL! Fans fire up as both men stir and stand. Dragunov goes to a corner, fires up, but Waller dropkicks his legs out! SLEEPER! Waller has Dragunov caught with body scissors and fans fire up! Dragunov slips his hands into the grip but Waller stands up to shift the hands! Dragunov THROWS Waller off! Both men stagger, Waller slingshots to HOTSHOT Dragunov down! Waller then sets up at the ramp, but the lights change! Waller looks to see the wheel! The wheel spins on its own!?

Waller hurries to run and somersault, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! And another! Dragunov holds on, Waller fights the waistlock, so Dragunov Gotch Lifts! SINGLE LEG SUPLEX! Fans fire up with Dragunov as he slaps some sense into himself! “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!” TORPEDO MOSCOW!! Cover, Dragunov wins!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall

The Czar wins quite the fight with Waller, but Waller is still not sure what he saw. Will Waller be ready for whatever fate Apollo has in mind? But wait, Bron SPEARS Dragunov!! Bron tears off his shirt because that was on purpose! The NXT Champion stands tall over Dragunov, and JD is in the crowd applauding! Is the Irish Ace going to play his two opponents against each other? Or will he end up collateral damage when these titans collide?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of NXT to continue from Extreme Rules and Raw, as well as continue towards Halloween Havoc. We got a legit Match of the Year candidate out of Frazer VS Axiom in their third round. Frazer winning in that quick fashion was a great move, as it keeps Axiom fairly strong in defeat. Frazer in the ladder match is great stuff, that’s quite a lot of speed in that match with him, Wes, Melo and Oro. Really good stuff from Wes VS Stacks, and after that quick brawl, I wonder if we’ll get a tag match of Melo & Trick VS Wes & Oro in next week’s go-home. And I’m very curious to who is facing Stacks next week. I would think Tony’s line about the theme song means it’s someone already established in NXT.

Stone getting involved in Thea VS Kiana was a bit of a surprise, but of course Stone gets whooped. Von wants him to get serious, and you can be Stone will interfere in the ladder match, but I don’t see Von coming out the champion. Speaking of Thea VS Kiana, what an interesting story for a feud. Kiana wants to get into land development, even if it means tearing down a school that, as far as anyone can tell, has good numbers. I feel like Kiana is gonna need to recruit male wrestlers for this feud, and I’m sure there are any number of prospects waiting in the wings for a screen time opportunity. Just about anyone that’s a regular on Level Up could jump into this.

Stark and Lyons had a good promo together to parallel Kayden & Katana from last week. I could see their match with KC Squared going either way, but that’s going to make for a very fun match on the go-home. And just as their promo together teased, I also had a feeling we’d be seeing Quincy VS Quinn and then Quincy & Hank as a team. It also seems Veer and Sanga are getting their team back together, at the unfortunate expense of Feroz. She lost her support so she lost to Indi, which is good for Indi even though I still feel she should be going to Raw by now to join literally everyone else in The Way. But as for Veer and Sanga, being some new form of Indus Sher would be pretty awesome for the men’s tag division.

Speaking of, we got a very goofy promo from Pretty Deadly but a great Triple Threat Tag. I like that it was a full Triple Threat, with every team legal at once. And I love that Grimes attacked Gacy to help Malik & Edris. I was hoping Grimes, Malik & Edris would be the ones facing The Schism together, but it seems there’s going to be a RawDown related surprise. Who could it be Grimes is talking about that he knows so well? As for Malik & Edris, they’ll give Pretty Deadly a great match, but I can’t say Malik & Edris will win. It’d be awesome if they did because fans really like those guys, but it feels like Pretty Deadly is really only getting going as champions.

Did anyone else get just the cheesiest after school special vibes from the Diamond Mine promo? Just something about it seemed so soap opera meets 90s teen series. But point is, Roddy is a good guy again, he and the rest of Diamond Mine put the past behind them because they know Damon’s the real enemy. At the same time, because an Ambulance Match is No Disqualification, there has to be some kind of twist coming. Brutus and maybe even Strong could try and help Julius, only for Damon to use that against Julius. But at the same time, I would hope Julius wins so that he and Brutus aren’t separated.

Good stuff from Alba and Toxic Attraction, and what a twist that Sonya is Mandy’s friend again. I feel like Sonya is stepping in so that Mandy can have some time off to plan for the wedding with her fiancé and former NXT superstar, Tito Sabbatelli. Fyre VS Sonya is going to be great stuff, and I would think Fyre wins to get some momentum back. This new wrinkle makes me wonder if Mandy really will pass one year as champion, and we’ll have to wait until closer to Royal Rumble or even WrestleMania for someone to dethrone her. Ugh. Honestly, I feel like a loss at her one year mark makes for a clean exit for Toxic Attraction to join Sonya on RawDown as we head into those same seasons.

And of course, great stuff out of the NXT Championship story. It was natural for JD to show up as Bron is about to have his match. JD didn’t exactly help Javi out, he just watched as Bron squashed the guy. Great tie-in with Waller’s story with Apollo, and Waller gave Dragunov a great match in the main event. I wish we’d gotten to see the wheel stop so we know what kind of match Waller is having with Apollo, but maybe Apollo’s line about “the dark” is a clue. Lights Out? That’d be pretty fun since Wendy VS Tiffany in Lights Out was great stuff. But wheel distraction or not, of course Dragunov won here. And good use of the “accidental attack” near the start of the show and bookending it (no pun intended) with Bron’s ambush attack to close the show. Of course JD wants to use these two against each other, but I feel like that just means it’s between one of them to win the Triple Threat.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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