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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/25/22)

It’s Tag Title Tuesday!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Double double, toil and trouble!

Halloween Havoc has come and gone, but there’re still more tricks and treats to be had! Will Pretty Deadly and KC Squared retain their tag titles? Or will we hear “AND NEW~” twice tonight?


  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark; Kayden & Katana win and retain the title.
  • Shotzi Blackheart VS Lash Legend; Shotzi wins.
  • Five Minute Time Limit: Brutus Creed w/ Julius Creed VS Damon Kemp; No Contest.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Pretty Deadly VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe; Pretty Deadly wins and retains the title.
  • Indi Hartwell VS Sol Ruca; Indi wins.
  • Ilja Dragunov VS JD McDonagh; JD wins.


NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark!

KC Squared fought so hard again and again to get to the titles, and now that they have them, they’re ready to fight even harder! And they just might have to against the towering team they’re up against. Will the party keep on going? Or is this the night the music dies?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we start off with gold!

Kayden and Lyons circle, tie up, and Lyons waistlocks to SLAM Kayden! Kayden fights up, slips out and SPANKS Lyons! Lyons smirks, gets an arm, and wrenches to a wristlock. Kayden rolls, but Lyons does a split out of the wrench! Kayden kicks but Lyons avoids it. The two get in each other’s face, Kayden shoves but Lyons RAMS Kayden into a corner! Tag to Stark, she keeps Kayden from Katana and CLOBBERS her! Cover, TWO! Stark clamps on a chinlock to grind Kayden down. Fans rally and duel, Kayden fights up, but Stark wrenches and snapmares. Stark runs but Kayden ducks to KANGAROO KICK!

Kayden wrenches and brings Stark over to tag Katana. The champs double whip, trip and basement dropkick! Slingshot senton! Cover, TWO! Katana keeps on Stark but Stark lifts her up! Katana fights to keep Stark down, but Stark back drops! Katana sunset flips but Stark drags her up! Stark whips, Katana RANAS, but Stark handsprings through! Fans duel with cheers and jeers, but Katana SHOTGUNS! Katana runs in but into a scoop! She slips out but Stark kicks low. Stark whips, Katana goes up and Kayden is there, SILLY STRING RANA! Fans fire up and Stark tags Lyons! Lyons runs Katana right over!

Lyons drags Katana up, whips her to a corner and runs in to DECK her! Cover, TWO! Lyons drags Katana up, gut wrenches and has the Canadian Rack! Katana endures as Lyons thrashes her around. Fans rally up and Katana reaches out. Katana slips off, ducks and tags Kayden! Kayden dodges, trades kicks with Lyons but Lyons hits a takedown to a toehold! Kayden endures, Lyons drags her from ropes, but Kayden kicks her away. Kayden ducks, tags Katana, then taunts Lyons. Katana hops on, Kayden kicks Lyons, victory roll! TWO! SHOTGUN! Katana tags Kayden back in, they both run and SHOTGUN Lyons out of the ring!

Stark rushes in but is sent out! KC Squared set up, DOUBLE CROSSBODIES, get caught! DOUBLE SCOOP SLAMS! Fans are torn as NXT goes picture in picture!

Lyons & Stark are fired up, and Lyons puts Kayden in the ring. Lyons drags Kayden up, drags her over, and tags Stark. They mug Kayden, then Stark scoops to SLAM her. Cover, TWO! Kayden hangs tough but Stark clamps on a chinlock. Stark thrashes Kayden around and leans on the hold. Fans rally up, Kayden fights to her feet and backs Stark into a corner. The ref counts, Kayden fights and Stark lets go, only to turn her around and CHOP! Kayden COHPS back! Stark kicks low, CHOPS again, then tags Lyons. The challengers double whip Kayden to ropes to double ELBOW! Cover, TWO!

Lyons keeps on Kayden with another chinlock. Kayden endures, fans rally up, but Lyons wrangles Kayden back down. Kayden keeps fighting and she throws body shots, but Lyons CLUBS her! Lyons shoves Kayden, Kayden gets around and has an IRON OCTOPUS! Lyons stays up as she endures, but she’s fading! GROUND OCTOPUS CRADLE! TWO!! Lyons escapes but Kayden is right back on her. Lyons powers up, but Kayden digs her elbow in as she pulls on the hold. Lyons powers her way out for a moment but Kayden hooks her with a leg again. They continue to struggle, Lyons stomps her way over to her corner, and NXT returns to single picture.

Fans rally and duel, Lyons swings free but Kayden JAWBREAKERS! Tag to Katana and she slingshot KICKS! Then she goes up to CROSSBODY! Lyons catches her for a swinging SIDE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Katana hangs tough now but Lyons grabs at her. Katana reaches out, Lyons reels her in and back suplexes! But Kayden tags in !Katana slips out, slide sunder, Katana CLOBBERS Lyons then DECKS Stark! Kayden rushes in, Stark returns but gets a dropkick! Kayden back body blocks them both! Then she DROPKICK SPLASHES them both! Kayden whips Lyons to ropes but Lyons reverses, but Kayden victory rolls and SUPERKICKS!

Tag to Katana and KC Squared combine! Wheelbarrow back suplex SPLASH! Cover, Stark barrels in to break it! Fans are thunderous for this opening contest! Katana has Lyons but Lyons TOSSES her! Hot tag to Stark! Stark and Katana brawl, Stark shoves Katana away then pops her up! Katana hits off buckles, Stark comes back to HALF ‘N’ HALF! Fans fire up and Stark is feeling it! Stark hauls Katana up, Z 3- NO, VICTORY ROLL! Cover, TWO!! Katana tags Kayden before the O’Conner Roll! TWO, Stark LARIATS Kayden out of the ring! Stark skins the cat, dodges Katana and rolls her up, STARK & LYONS WIN!!

Winners: Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

But Katana protests! She made a tag! The ref didn’t see it, so another comes in! The officials discuss it as the announcement is made, and then things are changed! “Due to an unseen tag, the head referee has determined that this match will now restart!” Fans are torn on that, but Stark & Lyons fire back up. They just figure they gotta finish strong! The bell rings and he we go again!

The teams brawl, Lyons with Katana and Kayden with Stark! Katana dodges and Lyons POSTS herself! Kayden RAMS into Stark! The ref counts but Kayden tags Katana in, full view of the ref. They haul Stark up top, Kayden BOOTS Lyons down then SUPER CROSSBODIES! But Stark shoves Katana away! Katana jumps right back up, SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!?! Stark survives and Katana can’t believe it! Fans argue if it was two or three, but Katana tags Kayden in. Kayden storms up, drags Stark up and fireman’s carries. Stark fights free to GERMAN SUPLEX! Both women are down, and Stark crawls to her corner! HOT TAG TO LYONS!

Lyons runs and DECKS Katana! She has Kayden alone, SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE! LYONS DEN!! Cover, Katana dropkicks it apart! Stark rushes in but Katana RANAS her out! Kayden has Lyons but Lyons BOOTS and scoops! But Kayden fights out to mule kick and SUPERKICK! And SUPERKICK again! Tag to Katana, they set Lyons up, HIGHLIGHT REEL!! Cover, KC SQUARED WIN!

Winners: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

The controversy was dealt with and in the end, the champions retain! KC Squared prove the established team reigns supreme! But with how close that came, will Stark & Lyons come back for another try?


Ilja Dragunov speaks.

“My opportunity to fill the void in my soul that has been there for over three months. I was a fraction of a second away, so close, but yet so far. JD McDonagh stole my destiny. JD McDonah enjoys manipulating my reality. When he was in NXT UK, he was a cancer and a threat until I removed him. NOBODY is safe. Not myself, not Bron Breakker nobody, until he is removed again. And tonight, The Czar will eliminate JD McDonagh once and for all!” Will UNBESIEGBAR avenge himself and protect the future of NXT from the Necessary Evil?


An eerie figure walks in the shadows.

“This second coming isn’t about retribution. It’s about justice.” Then whose justice will be served?


Wes Lee heads to the ring!

The Must-See Kid is the NEW North American Champion and the fans are here for it! Wes gets the mic and fans chant, “You Deserve It!” Wes thanks them for that, and says he’s gonna get emotional again. Just hold on now. “I just wanted to come out here to thank you all for Saturday night. Never did I think I would make it to the WWE, let alone be a champion. And for damn sure, not be one on my own.” Fans cheer, and Wes says, “But the faith and the confidence of everyone here in NXT inspired and motivated me, especially when I was lost in the dark.” Fans cheer that, too!

“Winning this title gave me a sense of validation I have been searching for my entire life. That I belong. Like, there is a place for me. That I am loved for who I am and what I stand for, and for that, I am forever, forever grateful, y’all.” Fans cheer and Wes wants them to hold on again. When he was on top of that ladder and they all chanted he deserved it, that is a feeling that is indescribable. All he can say is thanks. “But look, in all honesty, we don’t deserve the love you all share for us all the time.” Fans chant, “Yes You Do!” Wes says to go with that, he will make sure to continue to exceed- Grayson Waller is here?

Waller tells Wes, “Stop sucking up, lad. You don’t deserve a thing and neither do they. I’m glad you had a good Saturday, cuz I didn’t. I Hate Halloween, it is a stupid, made up holiday.” Wes tells Waller he can’t come out here to rain on a parade cuz he lost. Oh, you think he lost? Sure, Apollo Crews rolled Waller into an inanimate object, but Waller won! What did Wes do? He climbed a ladder! Waller climbs a ladder at Home Depot and gets nothing. As far as Waller is concerned, he’s still up 1-0 on Apollo. But wait! R-TRUTH is here?! Truth has the fans say, “What’s up?” Truth is in a Joker costume as he joins Wes and Waller in the ring.

“Orlando, Florida, make some noise! WHAT’S UP!?” Truth says the mask got him a bit ashy, but ladies and gentlemen, ghouls ‘n’ goblins, welcome to HALLOWEEN HAVOC! Uh, Truth… Uh… But Truth says if you’re all ready for the spookiest night of the year- Waller speaks up. “What’re you doing?” Fans boo but Truth says, “Wait a minute, y’all. Dawg, that’s cool, man. You coming with that British accent!” Fans chant “British Accent!” at Waller, and Truth does his best Brit: “Are you excited about Halloween Havoc, mate? Excuse me, gov’nah.” Waller says news flash: He’s AUSTRALIAN! And Halloween Havoc was THREE DAYS AGO!

Fans boo but Truth laughs. He thinks Waller is tricking him. But Wes admits, it did happen. Wes won the title there. OH SNAP! Congrats! And Truth says, “My bad.” Truth asks how Waller did. Fans chant, “HE LOST! HE LOST!” Wes confirms, Waller lost in a casket match. Oh… Truth ain’t mad, Apollo Crews is nice. He is. But Waller was in the casket by himself? No spiders? It must’ve been dark. Truth would’ve been scared. Waller says he wasn’t scared, he just got rolled. Waller rolled one up? YEAAAH~! Truth’s gonna hang out in NXT more. NO! Waller would love nothing more than to beat Truth in his own house!

But Waller’s mind not in it. He’ll give Truth a week. then we can see what the Grayson Waller Effect really is. That is, if Truth can figure out the right day on the calendar. Oh, what good hospitality. On second thought… Waller takes a swing, but gets pinballed by Wes and Truth! Then Truth hits a CALF KICK! Truth TOSSES Waller and says, “I’ll see you next week! Happy Halloween!” But with next week being November 1st, will there be any treats left over? Or only tricks from the 21st Century Success Story?


Malik Blade & Edris Enofe speak backstage.

Malik admits he’s nervous. This is the biggest night of their careers! They can become champions! Edris says he’s nervous, too, but he knows they’ve got more than a shot. Pretty Deadly will bring it, but tonight, it is THEIR night! If Malik had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you’ve ever wanted, would you capture it? Or just let it slip away? Is Enofe seriously spitting Eminem right now? Man, he’s just trying to get Malik ready! They’ve been day one! And that’s all they need! This is the time! They’ll get the titles and SHOCK THE WORLD! Will the


Quincy Elliot is in the ring!

“Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for everybody’s favorite scream queen, SHOTZI~!” And with that, the wild child and TCB Jr. ride on out! Shotzi’s ready to take care o’ bidness, will Lash learn when to not lash out?


Backstage interview with Apollo Crews.

McKenzie asks him after that big win on Saturday, is it safe to say that Waller is in his rearview? Yes, he is Truth’s problem now. But in all seriousness, Waller is annoying but very talented. Apollo knew the moment he shut Waller in the casket and shut Waller’s mouth that he could move on to what his original focus was. That is becoming THE NXT Champion! His first go, he never got to hold that title. Credit to Waller for taking Apollo off course, but now Apollo’s vision is clear! Apollo’s eyes and ears are locked in next week, because he heard…  Maybe this is a spoiler, but Bron will return next week, and Apollo will be very interested in what he has to say. Will Apollo’s future be him holding some gold?


Shotzi Blackheart w/ Quincy Elliot VS Lash Legend!

NXT returns and Lash makes her entrance. The bell rings, Shotzi dodges Lash and waistlocks, but Lash knees free. Lash throws more knees, TOSSES Shotzi across the way, then storms up to drag her up. Lash tosses Shotzi up and out to the apron, but then she soaks up the heat. Shotzi blocks Lash’s forearm to KICK her away! Shotzi gets in to dropkick the legs out, then drop toeholds. Lash stays up to stomp Shotzi down! Lash drags Shotzi up, scoops her but Shotzi slips out! Shotzi kicks Lash, BOOTS her from the corner, then goes up to bring her into a HANGING HEADSCISSOR! Fans howl as Shotzi lets go and goes back up top.

But Lash BOOTS Shotzi down! Shotzi hits the floor and Quincy check son her. Lash storms out, tells Quincy to back off, but he blows a kiss and drops it like it’s hot. Lash says nuh-uh, but Shotzi fires off hands! Lash and Shotzi scrap, Shotzi puts Lash in and hurries after her. Shotzi brings Lash up but Lash scoops to SLAM her! Lash stalks Shotzi to ropes, drags her around and wraps a leg around ropes! The ref counts, but Lash stomps the leg! Lash kicks Shotzi and she’s in a Tree of Woe situation! Shotzi frees herself but Lash drags her to a cover, TWO! Lash gets the bad leg for a STRETCH MUFFLER!

Fans rally as Shotzi endures and sits up! Shotzi throws down fists, then gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Lash doesn’t let go so Shotzi HOTSHOTS her! And BOOTS her! Shotzi goes to a corner, Lash blocks the boot but not the uppercut! Shotzi runs but Lash RAMS her into the corner! Lash puts Shotzi up top but Shotzi CLUBS Lash right down! Shotzi fires forearms, then fisherman’s a leg, NEVER WAKE UP! Cover, Shotzi wins!

Winner: Shotiz Blackheart, by pinfall

The Super Diva celebrates with the real scream queen, and Lash is silenced, for now. Will this win help Shotzi get up towards some kind of title in the Women’s Division?


Five Minute Time Limit: Brutus Creed w/ Julius Creed VS Damon Kemp!

With the big win on Saturday, Julius kept Diamond Mine together, and he kept his brother here on NXT. And now, Brutus looks to get some semblance of revenge for himself as he gets the Golden Gopher for one quick round. Will Kemp even last five minutes given all the damage done at Halloween Havoc?

Before the match, the Creeds have mics. Julius says they need to bear with him. His hands are all jacked up from that Ambulance match. But even Sunday was hard, getting up in all that pain. But it wouldn’t have compared had Julius lost and cost Brutus his career. Kemp learned that short term decisions have long term consequences. Juilus wrote the sentence but Brutus is going to punctuate it. Brutus says he can’t thank Julius enough for what he did. But Brutus will say, “Thank you, brother. Love you.” But now it’s HIS turn! Brutus tells Kemp that he promised them five minutes, so Kemp needs to get his ass out here so Brutus can beat it and finish what Kemp started!

But Kemp is on the tron! “Are you two dummies still angry? Julius, you got lucky. And Brutus, I got good news for ya. Medical spared you from getting pieced up tonight. I’m not medically cleared. But don’t worry, though. I still got five minutes of hell still waiting for ya. See you then.” Fans boo but Brutus tells Kemp that every day he has to wait, the ass whooping will get worse and worse and worse! Because it is Diamond Mine FOREVER! But then VEER & SANGA attack?! They beat down the Creeds, and fans boo! Sanga seems torn as Veer tells him to do it, but Sanga hesitates. so the MILLION DOLLAR LARIAT takes Julius out!

Sanga keep son Brutus, and then he follows through with the CHOKE SLAM!! Fans boo but Indus Sher IS back! And well dressed, at that. Ivy Nile storms out and asks them why, but the damage is done. Will these stylish assassins destroy the whole NXT Tag Team Division?


Pretty Deadly talk backstage.

Elton Prince takes a deep breath and says they need to concentrate. Tonight’s gonna be tough. Kit Wilson says “they” are fast. Elton agrees, those two are like cheetahs running full speed on the Serengeti. And they’re confident! That’s also a problem. But look who they’ve beaten. They’ve taken out every other team in NXT. In Kit’s opinion, they’re the two most athletic guys on the roster. Elton says they’re loved by everyone, too! Total sweethearts and fan favorites. Wait, shouldn’t they be talking about Edris & Malik? NAH! HAHAHA! They were talking about themselves because Malik & Edris have NO shot! Those two couldn’t even lace up Pretty Deadly’s fabulous boots!

The champions set to head out, but then SIDE PLATE CHECK~! Okay, now they’re ready. Will that confidence see Kit & Elton through? Or will it get them caught by the bracket busting underdogs?


Toxic Attraction FaceTimes each other.

Jacy Jayne is in the weight room while Gigi Dolin chills by the pool. Gigi calls Mandy Rose and she asks what everyone’s up to. Gigi says ,”What’s up, champ?” Gigi is getting her tan on, that Vitamin D. Where’s Jacy? She was going to meet Gigi but she’s at the gym. Jacy conference calls in and yes, she’s working out. Jacy getting jacked. Well, she tries. She’s getting buff so the zombies don’t get her? Uh, if Jacy remembers right, Gigi was the one that got stuck in a freezer. Well, be grateful they all got out alive and with Mandy’s title. They beat Alba Fyre at her own game, and karma at its finest. And Gigi hopes Jacy is bringing the cheese and wine.

Wow, thanks for the invite, girls. Uh, Mandy, you said you had a photoshoot. Oh right, she does. The champ is in demand, but so is Toxic Attraction. Mandy says next week, they’re celebrating Mandy’s one year anniversary! You better be ready, because as long as they hold the title, there’s Toxic Attraction, and then there’s everyone else. Just how big will the Toxic Goddess exalt herself and her historic accomplishment?


NXT Tag Team Championships: Pretty Deadly VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe!

Former NXT UK Tag Team Champions, TWO-TIME NXT Tag Team Champions, and the team that unified those titles at World Collide, it is needless to say Kit & Elton have egos as big as the Atlantic Ocean. But the bigger they are, the harder they fall! Will Malik & Edris SHOCK THE WORLD when they dethrone the “tasty” tag team champions? Or will we all be crying over some Spilt Milk?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we have our second tag title match of the night!

The teams sort out, Malik and Kit start, and Malik DROPKICKS Kit right at the bell! Tag to Edris, Malik goes up for a BLOCKBUSTER! Edris is up top, MACHO ELBOW! Cover, Elton breaks it in time! A fast start and a close call! Malik throws Elton out, then he tags back in. The challengers double whip, body shot and trip to a BOOT and LARIAT! Kit bails out but fans fire up with the challengers! Malik & Edris hurry out, they CLOBBER Kit and put him in the ring. Kit runs, Malik speeds it up but Elton tags in. Kit anchors Malik for Elton to DECK him! Fans boo but Elton EuroUppers Malik. Elton kicks Malik, whips, and CLOBBERS him!

Elton stalks Malik, he kicks him to the corner, but swings into a back suplex! Kit tags in before the atomic drop, to then hop up! Elton body shots, Kit victory rolls, TWO! Malik sweeps the leg and drops a knee! Fans rally, Malik tags Edris, and Edris goes up. Malik wrenches the arm, Edris drops an ax handle! Kit elbows Edris but Edris kicks back. Kit whips, Edris sunset flips and stacks, TWO! Kit goes to a corner, he kicks a leg out, and then he throws hands! Kit clinches, EuroUppers Edris down, then stands him back up for another EuroUpper! Tag to Elton but Edris lifts! Kit fights free, the tag is clear this time, and Elton leaps, into a body shot!

Edris wrenches Elton, tags Malik, and Malik goes up to drop ax handles! Malik keeps on Elton with a whip but Elton reverses. Elton scoops for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Elton snarls and he drags Malik up. Elton EuroUppers Malik, tags Kit, and fireman’s carries. Malik slips off, Edris tag sin but Pretty Deadly mugs Malik! they double whip, Malik goes up and over, then under, then baits the champs into the CROSSBODY! Edris & Malik DROPKICK  Pretty Deadly! Pretty Deadly get up, to get clotheslined out of the ring! Fans fire up for Malik & Edris as NXT goes picture in picture!

Malik & Edris dare someone to come back and Pretty Deadly regroup. They check each other, they’re both fine, and they talk it out. Kit gets in but slides out to taunt Edris. Edris keeps cool and Kit slides in to kick back! Kit CHOPS Edris in a corner, facelocks, and then CHOPS him again! Edris snarls and Kit wants him to calm down. Edris CHOSP and CHOPS and CHOPS back! Edris keeps on Kit, pumps up and CHOPS! Kit flounders, Edris swipes at Elton, but Kit attacks! Elton tags in, leap frog and DDT! Elton fires up and he kicks Edris around. Elton drags Edris up to suplex high and hard! cover, TWO!

Elton looms over Edris, drags him back up and digs a knee in for the chinlock. Edris endures, fans rally, and Edris fights the chinlock. NXT returns to single picture as Edris throws hands! Edris ROCKS Elton over and over, but Elton keeps him from Malik! Elton scoops and SLAMS him! Then he drops a knee, only to miss! Edris gets out, Kit tags in! Kit reels Edris in, but Edris suplexes Kit to the floor! Edris gets in, Elton gets Kit in to tag! Elton gets Edris’s foot, keeps him from Malik, and reels him in for a LARIAT! He sucker punches Malik, too! Fans boo and Malik scowls, but Elton looms over Edris.

Elton drags Edris by his arm while fans rally. Elton taunts Edris, “Shock the world?” Elton stomps away on Edris, then drags him up. Edris JAWBREAKERS! Elton wobbles but tags Kit! Kit throws Edris out but Edris is on the apron! Edris shoulders in, slingshots over, but Kit stays up! Kit flails and reaches, tag to Elton! But Edris avoids the fist! Hot tag to Malik! Malik rallies on Pretty Deadly and fans fire up! Malik ducks ‘n’ dodges and CLOBBERS Elton! Fans fire up with Malik and he runs to LARIAT Elton at the ropes! Malik goes out and up the corner, but Elton runs away! Fans boo, so Malik drops and runs to FLY over the corner!!

Direct hit on both Pretty Deadly and fans lose their minds! Malik puts Elton up, goes up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO!! Elton survives and Malik can’t believe it! Malik dares Elton to get up, but Elton resists. Malik fireman’s carries but Elton slips off. O’Conner Roll, TWO! Elton tags Kit and BOOTS Malik! Pretty Deadly set up, ASSISTED GUT BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Malik is toughing it out and frustrating Pretty Deadly! Kit tells Malik to stay down but the fans rally for their hometown hero! Malik and Kit throw haymakers back and forth, faster and faster! They stand, Malik gets the edge, but Kit spins him to a backslide!

Malik slips off, tag to Edris! BOOT for Kit, CUTTER COMPLETE SHOT COMBO!! Cover, TWO!!! Kit survives, showing why Pretty Deadly are champs at all! Kit KANGAROO KICKS, but Edris staggers to KNEE! He falls on the cover, Malik intercepts Elton! TWO!! Fans argue that should’ve been it, but Malik tags in. Edris fireman’s carries, Malik runs, but Edris’ legs let out! Malik fires off on Kit, eh fireman’s carries. But Elton CLOBBERS Edris! Kit POSTS Malik! Tag to Elton, Pretty Deadly- SUNSET FLIP! But Elton grabs Malik, only for Malik to victory roll! TWO!?!? Elton escapes by the seat of his fashionable tights!

Kit TRIPS Edris on the apron! Elton CLOBBERS Malik in the distraction! Tag to Kit, Pretty Deadly set up, SPILT MILK!!! Cover, Pretty Deadly win!!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

Dirty or not, that’s why no one has been able to stop Pretty Deadly. Kit & Elton keep their side plates intact, will Malik & Edris have to climb up from the bottom again?


JD McDonagh speaks.

“I nearly didn’t get out of bed on Sunday morning. Because I wasn’t the NXT Champion. But neither was Ilja Dragunov. So it’s not all bad news, right? And Ilja describes me as a cancer. But he’s the one reoccurring for me. Spreading everywhere I go, like a malignant little growth in the back of my mind. I get called a lot of things, but there’s on nickname that I got recently that I rather like: The Necessary Evil. Because there is a necessary evil, a devil inside me, that I can access that others shy away from.” Ilja’s face on Saturday was priceless.

But there’s another expression JD wants tonight: a look of pain because he won’t be leaving this building on his own strength. Ilja will be incapacitated and damaged beyond repair, wishing he’d never heard JD’s name, and that he never came to NXT. Will the Irish Ace unleash that Necessary Evil to end UNBESIEGBAR?


Backstage interview with Zoey Stark.

McKenzie knows that was a tough loss, but what is she feeling? Stark says she had it. She had the titles in her hands. Everything she busted her ass for was taken away. Kayden & Katana are the luckiest team right now. Lyons apologizes but Stark tells her that’s not her fault. Things happen in the heat of the moment, and that was just frustrating that the ref didn’t see the tags. But it’s okay. Stark & Lyons will get a rematch, and they will get the gold for sure this time. Can Lyons & Stark keep their cool and finish it off for sure next time?


The Schism heads to the ring.

Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler, Jagger Reed and the mysterious little red riding hood go to the ring, all wearing those yellow smiley masks. Gacy takes his off to say, “Pride and arrogance are commonplace in NXT. Take a good look at these luminaries right here, and reflect on the strength that comes from our humble unity. These pioneers, three of many more to come, understand that togetherness is the greatest accomplishment! Our mission statement is clear: remove your mask, and join the Schism, or… be torn down!”

Fans boo as Rip takes off his mask to say, “NXT is a den of selfishness and greed. Envious of others’ good fortunes, superstars and fans alike put themselves before the greater good of our unity. And we hear your comments towards us, but we understand that it is simply a reflection of your own shortcomings. Only by coming together can the system work. Water the roots, and more roots will grow! But allow them to dry out, and so will all hope.”

Jagger adds, “Wrath is a manipulative emotional state. Uncontrolled negativity affects both the personal and the social well-being. To be truly healthy, you must learn to control it correctly. Anger divides and pain brings pain. But love… Love brings love. And The Schism only builds stronger together as a unit.” Gacy says, “There are people in this world who you would think have everything they could ever want, but are empty and depleted on the inside. Rip Fowler, Jagger Reed, learned that the path to ever lasting unity comes from showing their true selves. Now, the time has come for you to take your next step,” Red.

“To sit under the Schism’s tree, you must do the same and reveal your true self. But remember: there is no going back.” Red steps down and unzips the jacket. The hood comes down, and the mask comes off to reveal… THE ROCK’S DAUGHTER, SIMONE ALEXANDRA JOHNSON!! Simone says, “The love and acceptance the Schism has given me defies any preconceived notions of who I’m supposed to be. This family completes me. I am Ava Raine.” The Schism hug it out! Gacy says, “This collective of hearts beats together in harmony. Four roots, one tree.” Love is blind, grass is greener on the other side, and now will Raine help The Schism reign over NXT?


Backstage interview with Sol Ruca.

McKenzie says this is her second match in NXT, and it’s against Indi Hartwell. How is Sol feeling? Nervous and excited, the same way she does when she’s about to drop in on a wave or flying through the air. Indi is badass, but Sol… Indi walks in. “A bit of advice from someone who’s been here for more than one match: Doing tricks to wow the audience is cool, I’ll give you that; but it’s only gonna get you so far in NXT. It’s all about winning. And you’re about to learn that right now.” Will the Surfer Girl learn a thing or two from #IndiWrestling?


NXT shares a call to the Performance Center.

A receptionist gives a standard message, “You have reached the WWE Performance Center. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message after the beep, and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience. Have a great day.” The person says, “Let go of all your pain, washing away your deepest fears. Listen with your eyes, speaking with your ears. Awaken from the pits you call the dark, opening up to my soliloquy is just the start. Watch as I come and leave my mark, as I plan to rip all of NXT apart. Sincerely, SCRYPTS.” What?


Indi Hartwell VS Sol Ruca!

NXT returns as Sol makes her entrance. The bell rings and Indi scoops Sol to SLAM her! And scoop SLAM her! Indi smirks and whips but Sol reverses. Things speed up, Sol leaps but then goes Matrix to dodge! Sol scoops and carries Indi to SLAM her! And scoop SLAM her again! Cover, ONE! Sol is frustrated, but she handsprings in! Indi dodges but Sol elbows her. Solo whips, Indi holds ropes to avoid the dropkick, and Sol stagger sup into a LARIAT! Indi smirks as she drags Sol back up for another LARIAT! And then another LARIAT! Indi stalks Sol to BLINDSIDE FOREARM! Cover, Indi wins!

Winner: Indi Hartwell, by pinfall

Now that was impressive. The veteran shows the new girl on the block what’s what, is this Indi’s chance to finally- Wait! Elektra Lopez POSTS Indi!! Lopez drags Sol up to BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Legado may be gone but Lopez is back and she KICKS Sol while she’s down. “La Madrina is BACK!” Will she take over all on her own now that she’s her own boss?


NXT checks on Chase U.

The students talk before class but Professor Andre gets them to take their seats. Wait, where’s Bodhi Hayward? He said he’d be prepared this week. Duke Hudson apologizes for entering late, but he was looking for Bodhi. He couldn’t find him anywhere. Thea Hail has no idea, either, despite being his roommate. Chase says he is a bit disappointed, as Bodhi was going to give a presentation on the holiday traditions of pro-wrestling. Duke hopes his Granny Smith apple makes up for it. Y’know what they say: A bad apple spoils the bunch. Sit down, Duke. Fair enough. Duke takes Bodhi’s seat next to Thea and we move on.

Next week is November, a big month for the WWE with many big events. They’ll cover a lot of material in a short amount of time, so take great notes. Thea’s pen is out of ink so Duke lends her his. But what’s he gonna write with? Duke will just memorize it all. Oh, are Chase’s words not effin’ important enough to write down? Does he speak to enjoy the sound of his own effin’ voice?! Get a pen and take notes! duke accepts that and promises it won’t happen again. Chase appreciates that.

Now, holiday traditions in WWE include Survivor Series, which has had many historic moments. Wait, Duke sneaks someone else’s pen off their desk! That sly snake! Is Duke going to grift his way through this class? Or will someone call him out on it?


The countdown is coming.

Before the year is over, NXT DEADLINE arrives! Will time run out? And for who?


Roxanne Perez speaks.

“I don’t like the person I became at Halloween Havoc. I can’t even believe that that’s me. Two former best friends did everything they can to destroy each other. I’m not sorry for what I did. Cora wasn’t excited about our potential, she was afraid of mine. Through losing a best friend, I found a whole new level of belief in myself. I can stand on my own. Friends are gonna come and go, but no matter who changes around me, I have to stay true to who I am, and why I’m here.” Will the Breakout Star shine as her best self from here on out?


Malik & Edris regroup backstage.

Malik laments that that could’ve been their last chance. Edris agrees, but they then spot ODYSSEY JONES pulling up with a truckload of ladies! He says they were oh so close to winning, but it’s okay. Tonight, they go out and have the time of their lives! Forget about the match, hope up in the truck, have a bit of fun, and they’ll get it all back on track next week. Edris is for it! He hops on, and Malik jumps IN! They ride out into the night, will a bit of cutting loose help them turn things back around?


Ilja Dragunov VS JD McDonagh!

The Czar and the Irish Ace are about to go around one more time, and this could be the nastiest, most violent round yet! Will Dragunov rid himself and NXT of the “cancer” that is The Irish Ace? Or will the Necessary Evil be an inevitability?

NXT returns as JD makes his entrance. Ilja doesn’t wait for the bell, he drags JD into the ring while he’s on the corner! The ref checks, JD is mad, the bell rings and Ilja GERMAN SUPLEXES! JD throws elbows but can’t get away, Ilja GERMAN SUPLEXES again! JD keeps fighting with elbows but Ilja shifts to a GOTCH LIFT SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! JD survives and shakes his jacket off but Ilja is after him. Ilja CHOPS JD in a corner and JD staggers away! JD goes to another corner, Ilja CHOPS again! Ilja bumps JD off buckles, but JD kicks low and CHOPS in return! And CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS!

JD whips, Ilja reverses then runs in to knee JD! Ilja pushes JD to then BOOT him! Fans fire up with Ilja and he drags JD up. Ilja CLUBS JD right back down! JD flounders to ropes but Ilja brings him around. Ilja CLUBS JD, then waistlocks. Fans rally, Ilja drags JD up, but JD throws back elbows. JD HEADBUTTS the bad ribs! JD throws body shots on that target, then he whips Ilja to kitchen sink knee him down! Ilja sits up and seethes, but JD storms up to snap- NO, Ilja blocks the suplex to scoop and SLAM! Fans rally, Ilja stalks JD and drags him up. Ilja CHOPS JD off his feet, but dares him to get back up!

Fans rally, Ilja waistlocks and he drags JD up. JD fights to a switch, shoves, but Ilja Tiger Feints. The ribs cause him to fall, though! Ilja stands, JD has him at the ropes! JD suplexes but Ilja fights it! Ilja suplexes JD! JD fights that to HOTSHOT Ilja! Fans boo while Ilja flounders on the apron. JD BLASTS Ilja and Ilja hits the desk! JD smirks while fans boo and the ref checks Ilja. JD wants after Ilja but the ref tells him to stay back. The ref has to check Ilja but he says a medic needs to step in. Fans boo as the medical team checks Ilja. Ilja sputters and JD says just name him the winner! Ilja clutches his rib but he doesn’t want this to stop, and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and JD kicks low! JD suplexes, and he hangs Ilja out to dry! But Ilja flips right over and ends up clipping JD! Both men are down, but JD stands up first to snarl and scowl. JD kicks Ilja around, drags him up, and hits an atomic BACKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Ilja toughs it out but JD throws knee after knee into the back! Cover, TWO! JD clamps on a rear bearhug and he thrashes Ilja around. Fans rally, Ilja endures, and Ilja fights up to his feet to throw elbows on JD! Ilja is free but JD throws a body shot to the bad ribs! JD waistlocks to SLAM Ilja back down. Fans rally again as Ilja endures the bearhug.

Ilja fights with more elbows, and he has JD wobbling. JD throws another body shot, but Ilja fires a forearm! JD trades those forearms, they go back and forth and fans rally. Ilja fires boxing elbows! JD ROCKS Ilja with one, but JD spins to CHOP! And then he CHOPS a leg! And CHOPS JD from behind! Waistlock, but the ribs stop the suplex! JD ROCKS, Ilja PELES! Both men are down and fans are thunderous! Ilja nods and stands back up. Ilja roars and aims from a corner! Ilja runs corner to corner to KNE EJD, then he snapmares JD down. Ilja goes up, KING KONG KNEE DROP! Ilja roars again and goes back up as fans fire up!

Ilja aims again, SUPER SENTON onto knees!! JD saves himself at the last second and deals major damage to Ilja! JD crawls over, drags Ilja by a leg, and then he stomps the bad ribs! JD flounders his way up the corner, fans rally up and Ilja stands to CHOP! Ilja climbs, JD CLUBS away on him, but Ilja still rises! Ilja HEADBUTTS again and again and then stands on the very top! Fans fire up for the SUPERPLEX! But then Ilja rolls through and FALLING FOREARMS!! But the bad ribs won’t let Ilja cover! “This is Awesome!” all the same as Ilja makes his way back to a corner. Ilja aims and shouts, “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!”

JD stands, Ilja runs in, but the ribs hold him back again! JD laughs at Ilja’s pain, but then Ilja scowls. That scares JD! Ilja runs in, TORPEDO- SLEEPER HOLD!! JD catches Ilja and squeezes the air out of him! Ilja is being twisted but his second wind helps him fight! Ilja pries at the hands and arms, but JD thrashes around! Ilja has blood in his mouth but he’s not giving up! The ref checks, Ilja is OUT!! JD WINS!

Winner: JD McDonagh, by referee stoppage

But JD isn’t letting go!! JD is foaming from the mouth as he lets go of Ilja! Cancer or not, JD is dangerous! Ilja is put on a backboard, then on a stretcher. JD grins as he admires the damage he’s done. Will the Irish Ace be more than just the necessary evil as he looks to get one more shot at gold?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT to follow up Halloween Havoc and set up some more things, but also some rather curious things. One, that whole “SCRYPTS” thing. I suppose a WWE call center promo is a bit out of the box, but it just sounds like a low tech version of Bray Wyatt’s White Rabbit campaign. No idea who this will be or how this character is supposed to work, but I suppose NXT trying something different is commendable in itself. Another thing was giving us Ilja VS JD here so soon. It was a great match and a brutal finish, but I don’t know how JD winning is supposed to serve a purpose to the title scene. we saw Bron beat him 1v1, we should’ve gotten Bron VS Ilja 1v1 just to see how that goes. Now, I know Apollo stated his claim, but WWE sticks to Face VS Heel, so I don’t see Apollo getting his shot yet.

Speaking of, why is Waller getting into the North American Championship stuff with Wes Lee when Waller lost at Halloween Havoc? Granted, Waller is one of the Heels who can do a lot both on the mic and in the ring, and that segment with Truth was hilarious. Classic Truth forgetting what day it is, and so I hope he forgets next week, too, so that he’ll be in costume again for November 1st. But even if he doesn’t forget things, he and Waller can have a fun match that I’m sure Waller wins to establish he wants after the North American title. Waller will be a good win for Wes to establish his reign, and we can get matches with other Heels after.

We got a decent match out of Shotzi and Lash, mostly for Lash and Shotzi just not quite clicking. To my surprise, Xyon Quinn didn’t show up to go after Quincy so there wasn’t anything further set up there. Maybe they start that next week with a month to build towards NXT Deadline. We also got an interesting swerve on Damon Kemp not taking on Brutus, and then having Indus Sher attack the Creeds. Maybe Veer & Sanga are Kemp’s muscle now? That would make for a good Six Man: Roderick Strong & The Creeds VS Kemp & Indus Sher.

Nice little surprise that after Indi squashes Sol, Lopez returns with force. Lopez will probably get at a title this time now that she isn’t just playing sidekick to male superstars like Escobar and Tony D. And Lopez VS Indi can be a great way to send Indi to main so she can finally join Lumis in his story on Raw. And I like that we got more to the vignette for Dijak’s return to NXT. He got to narrate it this time, so nice play off of “retribution,” and who knows who he’ll wreck when he first shows himself. At this point, throw him right at the top title. Bron can face a guy who is bigger than him, and technically struggle, but we’ll more than likely see Bron overcome that challenge, too.

Of course Toxic Attraction sets up Mandy’s celebration, which I hope gets crashed hard. I was hoping it’d be Roxanne Perez, but her promo basically has her double down on being the nice Face when she should be doubling down on a newfound edge. If not Roxie, then maybe Mandy’s next opponent will be another NXT UK star wanting another shot. But at the same time, there’s a chance Mandy would just bury them 1v1, too. The Chase U segment was good, and it’s establishing more of what Duke is up to. He keeps kissing up to Chase and Thea while more than likely he’s the reason Bodhi didn’t make it to class today.

The tag title matches were both great, with the Women’s Tag titles opening without even entrances. I am a bit torn on how that one went, but it was more out-of-the-box thinking to have a controversial finish that gets resolved in the same moment. Stark & Lyons technically won but they don’t, so that rematch they’re having will be like an unofficial tiebreaker to see which team is really the best. I personally still feel like this can be the moment that sends KC Squared to main so they can go for the WWE Women’s Tag titles next.

The men’s tag team title match was great, too, especially with those promos from both sides. Malik & Edris have shown great growth, going from jobbers to stars, but I guess they’ve still got a ways to go. But great return for Odyssey, he could form a trio with those guys and they can feud with The Schism and other factions. And of course, for how odd and bootleg Bray Wyatt The Schism has been, how amazing is it that Simone, daughter of The Rock, is debuting as a major character already? Ava Raine (I had to double check that spelling) already has a good look with the red hair and red contact lens, and maybe, just maybe, The Schism is allowed to be a faction that goes after all the divisions and actually gets something done.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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