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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (10/24/22)

Bianca VS Bayley, one more time!



WWE Raw 2022

The Role Model VS The EST, again!

Determined to be Raw Women’s Champion, Bayley takes on Bianca Belair 1v1 one more time! Will the Role Model earn another title match with some help? Or will Bianca dispatch Damage Control once and for all?


  • Karl Anderson w/ The OC VS Finn Balor w/ The Judgement Day; Finn wins.
  • The Miz VS R-Truth; Truth wins.
  • Mustafa Ali VS Austin Theory; Theory wins.
  • 4v1 Handicap Match: Omos w/ MVP VS Saul, Tom, Adam & Denny; Omos wins.
  • Elias VS Chad Gable w/ Otis; Elias wins.
  • Baron Corbin w/ JBL VS Johnny Gargano; Corbin wins.
  • Bianca Belair VS Bayley w/ Damage Control; Bayley wins.


The Judgement Day heads to the ring!

They get the mics and the fans boo. Rhea starts by saying, “Last week, AJ found out what Mami’s known all along. And it is the same thing that I have been trying to get through to you thick skulled dimwits. And that is that The Judgement Day, we run Monday Night Raw. Oh, and another thing that AJ found out for himself, is that Dominik Mysterio is all man.” Finn says, “In perhaps one of the greatest matches of all time, AJ Styles faced off against mah man, Dom! And the Phenomenal AJ Styles crumbled under the pressure against the legendary Dominik Mysterio!”

Priest says that brings us to his favorite time of the night: “When you all rise. I SAID RISE!!” Fans boo instead as Priest shouts, “RISE! RISE! ALL RISE!! You rise and show respect for the greatest luchador in the history of this business, Dominik Mysterio!” Dom says, “The Judgement Day aren’t-” The boos are too loud! Dom says the Judgement Day are the only ones who ever believed in him! “And last week, I proved all of my haters and all of my doubters wrong when I beat AJ Styles clean in the middle of this ring. How did I do it? Everyone is asking how. It’s because I’m built differently!” Rhea says, “Yeah you are.”

Dom thinks about it, and he says he is this generation’s Eddie Guerrero! No, no, wait, Eddie was his generation’s Dominik Mysterio! Last week, what Dom did to Styles was just a small taste of what the Judgement Day- Wait! Here comes the OC! And they’ve got mics to respond! “Dominik Mysterio! SHUT UP!” Fans cheer that! “This is Charlotte, North Carolina, and they know good wrestling when they see it. And you are not it. You wanna compare yourself to Eddie Guerrero? Your generation? You’re the generation of James Ellsworth!” Gallows adds, “Jimmy No Chin!” The OC storms the ring but Judgment Day stands its ground.

Styles tells Dom there will come a time when he can’t hide behind Judgment Day because the OC will pick them off one by one. Finn says Styles is one to talk about hiding. He’s hiding in the Club that Finn started! And while Finn’s being honest, ever since Finn left the Club, everyone to come after him has lived off his legacy! “Today, the Judgement Day are in town. Step up, and get put down.” Karl tells Finn that it is time for him to stop talking! And it is time to remind Charlotte, NC why Karl Anderson is the toughest man in the building! Clear the ring and do this match, right now! Finn is all for that, so here it goes!

Karl Anderson w/ The OC VS Finn Balor w/ The Judgement Day!

Once part of the same Club, now divided by darkness, the Machine Gun takes on The Prince! Will this Good Brother humble his former friend? Or will Finn remind Karl who put him on the map?

The bell rings, they tie up, and Finn headlocks. Karl powers out but Finn runs him over, then mocks the Too Sweet! Finn boops Karl but Karl UPPERCUTS! Karl fires off forearms, then whips Finn to ropes, and a CALF KICK! Finn bails out and Karl throws up real Too Sweets! The Machine Gun has control and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Finn RAMS into Karl in the corner! And again, and again! The ref counts, Finn lets off, and Finn stands Karl up to CHOP him! Karl staggers, Finn puts him in another corner and CHOPS him again! Finn follows Karl to a third corner, whips him corner to corner, but Karl comes back to dropkick the legs out! Fans rally while both men are down. Finn staggers up, Karl stalks him and KICKS the leg out! Finn falls, flounders up, but Karl KICKS the leg out again! Finn staggers around again, and Karl snarls as he KICKS again! Karl puts Finn in a corner and wraps the leg around ropes! The ref counts and Karl lets off at 4.

Karl has the fans fire up for the JUMP KICK to the leg! Finn falls to the apron, hobbles up, but Karl grabs the bad leg! Karl has the leg in the ropes for a DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Finn flops in, Karl covers, TWO! Karl keeps on the bad leg with a toehold and Judgement Day is freaking out. Karl keeps on the leg but Finn tries to fight with forearms. Finn hooks Karl with a leg but Karl clasps hands to hold off the armbar. Finn kicks and stomps Karl’s face! Finn lets off and hobbles on his bad leg. Finn drags Karl up, snapmares and CLUBS Karl on the neck! And again! And again! Finn then clamps on with a chinlock.

Karl endures and the OC rallies the fans. Karl fights up, moves around, but Finn CLUBS him in the back, then hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Rhea argues the count but Finn still smirks. Finn CLUBS Karl and wraps on a chinlock again. Karl endures again but the fans rally back up. Karl fights up, throws body shots, but Finn knees low! Finn whips Karl to a corner, runs in, but into a BOOT! Fans fire up, Finn runs in again but into an UPPERCUT! Karl CLOBBERS Finn, clobbers him again, then whips. Finn KICKS Karl, but Karl ROCKS Finn! Finn returns, into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Finn survives and Judgement Day is relieved as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Finn soaks up heat as he stands over Karl in a corner. Finn rains down fists, but Karl slips out to SUPERKICK a leg! Karl then gets Finn in position for a RUNNING POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Finn survives and Karl can’t believe it! Judgement Day is relieved but The OC coach Karl to keep going. “This is Awesome!” as Karl runs in to UPPERCUT Finn! Fireman’s carry, but Finn fights to an ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, TWO! Karl survives and the Judgement Day is furious! Finn KICKS Karl against ropes, stomps him around, then tells Styles this is for him! Springboard stomp! And another! And another!

Finn stomps away, the ref counts and Finn lets off at 4. Fans boo but Finn stalks Karl. Finn CHOPS Karl in a corner, whips him corner to corner, and he blocks the boot! Finn CHOPS, Karl UPPERCUTS! Karl goes up and blocks the gamangiri! Karl CLUBS away on the leg! Karl leaps, FLYING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Everyone is shocked, both Judgement Day and OC! Finn gets to ropes, Karl CLUBS away on him! The ref counts, Karl lets off, and Karl whips. Finn ducks ‘n’ dodges, to SLINGBLADE! Finn staggers, Karl is in another corner, and Finn runs in! SHOTGUN sends Karl into the buckles!

Karl goes down, and Finn climbs up! Fans boo but Karl trips Finn up! Karl climbs up after Finn, brings him up to the very top, and he hits a SUPERPLEX! Both men are down, Karl crawls but Dom distracts the ref! Fans boo but Styles trips Dom up! Priest whips Styles into steel steps! And then over the announce desk! Gallows CLOBBERS Priest! Rhea POSTS Gallows! And scoops him!? To SLAM him on the floor! Rhea is fired up but Finn runs in at Karl. Karl dodges to JUMP KICK, then fireman’s carry! Dom gets in the ring! Rhea LOW BLOWS Karl!! Finn covers, Finn wins!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

The Judgement Day uses numbers as always, Rhea cannot be stopped without proper back-up for the OC! Will Rhea be a wild card again when this battle goes to Crown Jewel?


Johnny Gargano walks around backstage.

He looks at his whistle, but then The Miz finds him. Miz wants to know what Gargano thinks he knows. Gargano knows what’s going on here between Miz and Lumis. And that is…? Miz knows. NO, he doesn’t. Mike, c’mon. You know. No, he doesn’t. Because there is nothing to know. If there’s nothing to know, then why would Miz ask Gargano what he knows? Anyway, just quit lying and tell the truth! No, Gargano is lying! He’s just trolling! He’s trying to use Miz’s name to gain something, which he oddly admires. BUT, Miz is not Gargano’s little clickbait. Miz is going to go out there and tell the truth! Good! It’s what we want! They argue, Miz heads out, but just what is Miz going to confess?


Raw returns and The Miz is in the ring.

The Miz tells the cameras to ignore Dale Earnhardt Jr! Miz could beat him in a race in his Tesla! But back to Miz, Gargano has come forward and accused Miz of keeping a secret between Miz and He Who Shall Not Be Named. And yes, there is a secret! But first, let’s reveal some facts! Fact: a lunatic show sup to Raw uninvited and gets carried away by security. Fact: the very next week, he shows up again and kidnaps Miz, dragging him away from Tommaso Ciampa, who we haven’t seen in WEEKS! And then a few more weeks, Lumis repeatedly attacks and stalks Miz, and Miz finds himself waking up in peculiar situations that he doesn’t wanna talk about.

Those are all what we have witnessed, but what are we missing? Miz will fill in the blanks. The night Miz was about to win the United States Championship inside a Steel Cage, Lumis showed Miz why he was a target. Surely fans think it’s his good looks or his fame. No! That lunatic targeted Miz because of Miz’s mind. And not some kind of Hannibal Lecter, but his knowledge of in this ring and in this business. So when Miz chose to give a selfless act and share that expertise with an up-and-coming superstar, that maniac Lumis couldn’t stand Miz chose Ciampa over him. Lumis sat at home jobless, thinking Ciampa stole the career Lumis deserved, he plotted his revenge,

Miz didn’t want Ciampa to know that he is the reason this is all happening because Ciampa is Miz’s best friend. If you’ve seen Ciampa, let Miz know. But Gargano interrupts. “You’re so full of crap! We both know what really happened.” Miz defends that IS what happened. No, Miz is so full of himself, he doesn’t even realize his “friend” isn’t missing. Gargano texted Ciampa a minute ago. Ciampa is injured. Miz is just a liar. But if Miz wants Lumis and Gargano out of his life, then all Miz has to do is to tell the real truth. Or, Mike, you know what will happen. Gargano will blow his whistle. Fans want Gargano to do it!

Miz says no! When his hand goes up, you shut up! He’s been telling the truth! Over and over! Speaking of truth, here’s R-TRUTH! Miz and Gargano are both stunned to see Truth back. Truth goes all the way through his theme song before getting into the ring. Truth asks Charlotte, NC, “Make some noise! What’s up!?” Truth heard Miz wants to tell the truth, so here he is, dawg. Actually, yeah he is the REAL Truth. Has EVERYONE lost their mind? Did Truth eat too much “Crappy comfort food?!” Bro, Truth won’t stand here and have Miz talk crap on mac ‘n’ cheese. Right, maybe Miz is the idiot for thinking Carolina’s brains could handle this.

Truth stops Miz again. It’s one thing to drag Truth down here and not tell the secret. But bro, you can’t talk down about his hometown. Hey, Charlotte! How about Truth gives Miz a North Cackalack BUTT WHOOPING? Fans like that! Miz says no, they’re not fighting. What’s wrong? Afraid Truth is gonna beat the truth out of Miz? Gargano knows Lumis deflated Miz’s balls, but he didn’t know Miz didn’t have any left! OOOOOH~! Miz says fine! He wants a match! He wants Truth! You can’t handle the Truth! JINX! But will we all hear the truth of the matter after this?

The Miz VS R-Truth!

Raw returns and fans taunt Miz with “Tiny Balls!” Miz says no, they’re MASSIVE! But Miz and Truth circle, Truth gets fans to chant, “What’s Up!?” Miz attacks Truth from behind! Miz stomps away on Truth, lets off as the ref counts, and then he tears his shirt off. Miz storms around, but Truth ROCKS him! And atomic drops him! And then kicks and runs, but Miz avoids the scissor kick to BOOT Truth down! Fans boo but Miz scowls as he storms over to Truth at the ropes. Miz CHOKES Truth on the ropes, fishhooks him, then lets off to run and STRADDLE ATTACK! Truth falls over, Miz drags him back up.

Miz chinlocks but Truth endures. Fans rally, Truth fights up and he throws body shots. Miz shoves Truth to a corner but Truth BOOTS back! Truth dodges and flying shoulders! Truth shouts out his hero, John Cena! SPIN-OUT BOMB! Fans fire up as Truth hits the splits, then says, “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” But Miz KICKS Truth! They both run, BUSAIKU KNEE! Miz shouts out his bitter rival, the American Dragon, and he powers up as fans boo. Miz shouts, “MASSIVE! BALLS!!” Miz stalks Truth but then he spots LUMIS! Miz shouts about the man in the hoodie, but Truth rolls Miz up! TRUTH WINS!

Winner: R-Truth, by pinfall

Miz’s paranoia gets him again! Because that was just GARGANO in a hoodie! Gargano gives a thumbs up and Miz frowns. Will Miz


Backstage interview with Candice LeRae.

Cathy Kelly says Candice has made quite the impact. Is this what she expected when she made her return to the WWE? Candice says she wasn’t sure what to expect. First she’s in NXT, then her and her husband, Gargano, are having a child, and then they’re both on Raw. Candice says if she knew anything, it’s that this would be a challenge. But she’s had great support from Alexa Bliss, Asuka and Bianca Belair. But then Damage Control barges in and Bayley says, “Boo~! Bianca Belair sucks!” Bayley dismisses Cathy and takes over. Relax, they just have some questions. First, uh, WHO CARES?

There’s no Asuka or Alexa, they’re on the shelf, just like Becky Lynch. You’re welcome. DMG CTRL does what they want. Did you see SmackDown where they took care of Raquel & Shotzi? Candice asks Bayley what the point is. What’re they trying to prove? That they’re in control of the division now? The only thing they’ve all proven is that Iyo is still untrustworthy, Dakota is still spiteful, and Bayley is still NOT Raw Women’s Champion! Bayley says, “YET.” And if Candice doesn’t think they’re in control, then look around. Bayley doesn’t see any friends to help Candice. Candice shoves the camera over and DMG CTRL beats Candice up! Is DMG CTRL going to take control by any means necessary?


Elias walks around backstage.

The Drifter comes across Matt Riddle hitting the bong…os again. Riddle says, “Eli-Eli-O! What’s up, bro?” Well, Elias wanted to clear the air, but Riddle says no need to fear the air, it is clear. Riddle’s been working on his rhymes to work with Elias’ sweet tunes! Elias appreciates that, that’s very nice, but he has to say. Elias is a serious artist, the people love to hear him perform. But he has a long history of being disrespected and interrupted. So much so, Elias took a vow that if it ever happened again, he’d do something about it. But Riddle and Zeke were close, so Elias lets last week slide. But if it ever happens again, Elias won’t be so nice

Oh, okay, bro. But Riddle’s been hitting the bongs all week. Check! Smack smack, smack-smack-smack! Smack smack, smack-smack-smack! Elias is getting annoyed, but it’s Chad Gable who shouts, “SHOOOOOSH! SHOOSH. Okay?” It’s not bad enough Elias is back playing rotten tunes, we’ve got this clown now? Are they a band now? Blink One Eighty SHOOOSH? HAH! That’s not even funny, bro. They don’t have a name for the band yet. Well last week was a keyboard, is this week a kazoo? But to be serious, Gable wants Elias to shave his beard and pretend to be that moron, Ezekiel again. They liked Zeke better.

Elias says first, he and Riddle aren’t a band. Aw… Second, don’t you ever talk bad about his brother! Elias told Riddle how he hates being interrupted, and yet Gable and his big buffoon walk right in. So how about this? Gable can meet Elias in the ring and find out why WWE stands for Walk With Elias! Gable accepts. But Otis eats pieces like you for breakfast! Heh, they eat crap for breakfast. But anyway, will Master Gable learn a thing or two from The Drifter?


Mustafa Ali VS Austin Theory!

The Beacon wants an opportunity, and he’s taking on the guy who was handed opportunities on silver platters! Will Ali finally humble the Youngest Mr. Money in the Bank Ever and jump to a title shot? Or will Theory be taking more victory selfies than ever before?

The bell rings and wait, here comes Seth Freakin’ Rollins! The Visionary, the NEW United States Champion, struts his way out in a neon suit to get Charlotte, NC to sing his song. And also, to get in Ali’s head. Will the hungry contender be able to focus with the champion just on the outside? Theory and Ali circle as Rollins joins commentary, and the two tie up. Theory shoves Ali down and Ali gets to a corner. Theory talks trash, Rollins introduces himself, and Ali gets up. Ali and Theory circle, tie up, and Ali gets around to a headlock. Theory powers out, headlocks in return, but Ali throws body shots.

Ali powers out, things speed up, but Theory runs Ali over! Fans boo as Theory talks more trash, but Ali keeps cool. Ali and Theory circle again, they tie up, but Theory kicks low! Theory ROCKS Ali with a haymaker, then he puts Ali on the ropes to CHOKE him! The ref reprimands and counts, Theory lets off, and Rollins talks Theory up. Theory bumps Ali off buckles, RAMS his shoulder in again and again, then throws haymakers. Fans still sing for Rollins, “OH~ OHH~ OHHHH~!” and Rollins smiles. Theory slaps Ali around but Ali throws body shots and forearms! Ali whips, Theory reverses then kitchen sink knees! Cover, TWO!

Theory looms over Ali, he drags Ali up, but Ali throws hands! Ali whips, Theory reverses and hip tosses but Ali lands on his feet! Theory knees low, whips, but Ali ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Theory flounders and Ali kips up! Fans fire up, Ali runs in and forearm smashes! Ali puts Theory up top, ROCKS him, then climbs up. Rollins doesn’t like this, but Ali is at the top. Theory throws hands and shoves Ali, but Ali flips to land on his feet! Theory jumps, but into a DROPKICK! Theory bails out and Rollins says that’s a good move. Ali is frustrated, but he glares at Rollins. Rollins tells Ali this is a great match, he has a great dropkick. Theory trips Ali up!

Theory SMACKS Ali off the desk, puts him on the apron, and hits a DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Rollins is loving this as Theory is in control and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Ali throws body shots on Theory. Ali then throws forearms, but Theory throws Ali out! Rollins laughs as Theory goes out to smack Ali off the apron. Theory puts Ali in, he soaks up the heat, and he takes his time getting back in the ring. Theory gets his phone, says, “This what you want?” Theory takes a quick selfie, but Ali DROPKICKS him off the apron! Hopefully Theory got that on camera! Ali goes up top to SUPER CANNONBALL! Fans fire up and Rollins is worried! Ali puts Theory in, dodges a haymaker to fire off fast hands! Ali has Theory in a corner but Theory turns it around, only for Ali to CHOP!

Ali whips, Theory reverses, Ali stops himself and slips out to ROUNDHOUSE! Theory staggers, Ali slingshots and somersaults to NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Rollins is relieved but standing up out of his seat. Rollins tells Theory to get it together, but Ali drags him up. Ali hooks a leg but Theory stomps a foot! Theory suplexes, Ali slips out but Theory elbows him away. Ali SUPERKICKS, then goes up to TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Corey Graves tries to calm Rollins down but Ali goes to a corner! Theory is in a drop zone, Ali is going up top! 450- NO, Ali has to bail out as Theory moves! Ali elbows Theory, leaps up, but no tornado this time!

Theory suplexes for an AOI SHOUDO! Cover, TWO!! Ali survives and Rollins is stressed out! Rollins tells Theory to stop fooling around, no more selfies! “Put him down!” Theory says he’ll put Ali A-Town Down! Theory fireman’s carries but Ali fights! Ali gets the ropes, slips off, and then ducks to BACKSTABBER! Theory is in a drop zone and Ali goes up again! Rollins is panicking, he rushes off commentary! The ref stops Rollins, Theory trips Ali up! Theory fireman’s carries, for A-TOWN DOWN!! Cover, Theory wins!

Winner: Austin Theory, by pinfall

The Visionary saw Ali was going to win, so he stopped that himself! Theory and Rollins celebrate together, but while Mr. MITB heads out, Rollins looms over Ali. Rollins mockingly applauds Ali’s efforts, then drags him up to TOSS him out! Fans are torn between boos and “OH~ OHH~ OHHHH~!” Rollins says Ali doesn’t belong in the ring with him, then goes out to TOSS Ali into the timekeeper’s area! “Still think you belong in the ring with me, huh? C’mon, Ali, quit fooling yourself.” Ali drags himself up but Rollins grabs him to whip him into a wall! “You don’t belong in MY WWE!” Rollins wants people to take Ali away, then he storms off to fetch the title.

Rollins struts his way up the ramp, saying Ali doesn’t belong, but then Ali LEAPS in outta nowhere! Ali fires off fists, not out of the fight just yet! They brawl with haymakers but Rollins knees low! Rollins whips Ali but Ali reverse, and Rollins runs into the stage tron! Rollins runs away and Ali says he is the problem that’s not going anywhere! Will Ali not stop until he’s stopped the Visionary?


Gargano hurries backstage.

Miz finds him and Gargano says not now, he has to check on Candice. Miz says Gargano dressed up as HIM, he deceived Miz! Well Miz has been deceiving everyone! Miz storms off, and then Gargano turns around to see JBL and Corbin. JBL says, “Johnny Wrestling! Internet hero! Independent darling. I don’t know what it’s like to be in Single A Baseball for a decade, we didn’t have to do that. But you’re int he major leagues now. And when you walk by a legend and a hall of famer, you stop and you introduce yourself. Because if this were the Attitude Era, son, you’d be carrying my bags.”

Gargano laughs, but JBL asks if he thinks it’s funny to mess with Miz. Learn respect. Gargano says he was 8 years old in the Attitude Era, but JBL is right, he will give JBL respect. JBL is a legend and a hall of famer, so here’s their introduction. Nice to meet yo, too, MC Hammer Pants. But what’s his name now? He changes his name so many times now, it’s hard to know. Is it Happy? Constable? King? Boring? Or, sorry, Baron. JBL has Corbin stand down, and says they should do this where everyone can see. Then they’ll all see what Raw’s greatest acquisition in history is all about when the Modern Day Wrestling God takes on Johnny Wrestling.

Gargano says that’s fine by him. Nice hats, by the way. JBL & Corbin head out, but will Gargano prove Corbin is far from a wrestling god?


4 on 1 Handicap Match: Omos w/ MVP VS Saul, Tom, Adam & Denny!

It’s one thing for a 2v1, and another thing for a 3v1, but a FOUR ON ONE? Only someone like the Nigerian Giant could even stand a chance in such a situation! Will Omos have a feast of destruction here tonight?

But before things get started, MVP has a mic to say, “Last week on SmackDown, the Nigerian Giant and the Monster of All Monsters came face to face for the very first time. And the 6’8″, 340 pound so-called Monster of All Monsters, was unceremoniously tossed from the ring like a child. Now Braun Strowman is one of the biggest, strongest, meanest big men ever to grace the WWE ring. And if that could happen to Braun Strowman, then gentlemen, I have to ask you, what chance do you think you have here today?” MVP wants them all to step closer. He promises nothing will happen to them before the bell.

The four walk over, and MVP says Braun likes to say, “GET THESE HANDS~!” But have you ever seen hands as big as Omos’? Omos’ hand is as big as one guy’s head! Fists like Christmas hams! Beautiful. Gentlemen, MVP wants you all to know that he respects their ambition. And he applauds their courage. But before getting started, do they have good health insurance plans? Yes? Good. Braun, MVP hopes you’re watching. Because after Crown Jewel, there will only be ONE monster in the WWE, and that will be the Nigerian Giant, Omos! Referee, please ring this bell and let the carnage begin!

MVP steps out as the ref steps in, and the bell rings. The four men all flank Omos, but Omos grabs one to TOSS him! Omos runs another over, then the third! The fourth leaps but misses as Omos moves! Omos CHOKE SLAMS that man! ne jumps on Omos , the others attack, and they swarm him 3v1! But Omos EXPLODES out! Omos reels one in, BOOTS the other, and suplexes for a GOURD BUSTER! Another leaps, but into Omos’ arms! Omos scoops and LAWN DARTS him, before he BOOTS him! Omos then SPLASHES one in a corner, SPLASHES another, and MVP says let’s go home! Omos stomps one, then clamps onto the fourth! MOUNTAINTOP SLAM!

Omos drags all the men around and stacks them! Cover, Omos wins!

Winner: Omos, by pinfall

Four mere mortals still do not stack up to Omos! Will Braun stand a chance at Crown Jewel? Or is beating up four randos nothing compared to actually fighting a monster?


Elias VS Chad Gable w/ Otis!

The Drifter returns to action, and he won’t let this walk be interrupted like before. Will he be the one to silence Master Gable? Or will Gable win this one #ForTheAcademy?

The bell rings and the two circle. Gable fakes Elias out and then gets him for a gator roll! Gable floats around, rolls Elias, but Elias gets to ropes. The ref counts, Otis taunts that Elias can’t keep up, and Gable says, “A THANK YEW~!” Elias gets up and resets with Gable. They tie up, Elias wrenches and wristlocks. Gable rolls, bridges, handsprings, spins and breaks to “SHOOSH!” and headlock takeover! Elias headscissors, Gable kips free, but Elias headlocks for the takeover. Elias fights the headscissors off multiple times and grinds Gable down. Gable fights up, powers out, but Elias runs him over! Things keep moving, and Gable arm-drags, but Elias headlocks!

Gable fights up, powers out, things speed up again and Elias blocks hip toss to hip toss back! Elias scoops and SLAMS, but Gable kangaroo kicks! But Elias avoids Gable’s dropkick! Elias shooshes Gable! Elias then hooks Gable up, backslides, TWO! Elias rolls and drags Gable up to a suplex! Gable cradle counters, but Elias rolls through for a BIG suplex! Cover, TWO! Elias keeps cool and he eggs Gable on. Gable rams into Elias, whips him, but Elias ducks ‘n’ dodges, only for Gable to distract the ref and Otis dumps Elias! Otis says Elias has terrible balance while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Elias has Gable up top! Gable HEADBUTTS Elias away and he tumbles! Gable stands up to DIVING HEADBUTT! Cover, TWO!! Elias survives and Otis coaches Gable up. Fans rally, Gable drags Elias up and throws hands! Elias counter punches, and again, and again! Elias fires off fast hands and CHOPS, then rallies with big elbows! Elias reels Gable in, LEG CAPTURE EXPLODER! Elias runs in to SPLASH! Elias snapmares, fans fire up, “Who Wants to Walk with Elias?!” Fans fire up but Otis gets up. Elias swings and Otis gets away! Elias whips Gable, Gable reverses, but Elias goes up, only to get caught into an ANKLE LOCK!

Gable has the foot but Elias endures! Elias crawls, reaches out, fans rally and Elias rolls Gable into a cover! TWO!! Gable escapes, hurries to a corner, and dodges Elias! Gable hooks Elias for a crucifix into a DOMINATOR DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Elias survives and Gable can’t believe it! Gable tells fans to “SHOOSH~!” but the fans “SHOOSH!” back. Gable drags Elias into a drop zone, goes up top, and MOONSAULTS, into a KNEE!! Cover, TWO!?! Gable survives and Elias can’t believe it! Elias drags Gable up, reels him in but Gable waistlocks! Gable pushes Elias out of the ring, and Otis is there! Elias dodges and Otis POSTS himself!

Elisa hurries up and in but into a waistlock! He bucks the German Suplex to BOOT! Elisa suplexes Gable, ANARCHY! Cover, Elias wins!

Winner: Elias, by pinfall

But then Otis CLOBBERS Elias! The Academy won’t let Elias enjoy his first win back, but here comes RIDDLE! The Original Bro scooters like the wind and gets in the ring to KNEE Otis! And fireman’s carry Gable, BRO TO SLEEP! Otis runs in but Riddle tosses him out! And then PENALTY KICKS from the apron! FLOATING BRO ATTACK on the Academy! Riddle gets in to help Elias up! Elias appreciates the help, will he need Riddle to watch his back with Gable & Otis going after him?


The OC regroups backstage.

Styles is furious! Rhea gets involved in his match, she gets involved in Karl’s match, she is a problem! But Gallows says he has a “Rhealution.” They all know Gallows is the best with women! What? Rhea body slammed him! Body slams are his love language! Gallows heads out, but he is NOT good with women! What is he thinking?

Raw returns as Styles and Karl still worry. Gallows returns, and he’s sore again! Did Rhea get him again? They get him ice and now they agree, they have a problem. Styles says they will do something. But just what will that be?


Baron Corbin w/ JBL VS Johnny Gargano!

John Bradshaw Layfield heads out first to get on commentary, but will his presence help the “Modern Day Wrestling God” have continued success? Or will Johnny Wrestling school them both on what it takes to make it big?

Raw returns and JBL says he’d ask Charlotte, NC how they’re doing, but he doesn’t care. They are the problem! They have let these ambitionless, safe-space-seeking Millennials and Gen Z’ers create an atmosphere where mediocrity is the norm. This is why they like Johnny Gargano, and the NFL’s equivalent, Baker Mayfield. But Mayfield’s from Oklahoma, so what’d anyone expect? And he’s not even on the “stellar” 2-5 Carolina Panthers. Fans even took the GOAT of all GOATS, Michael Jordan, and made him into a loser! This is where dreams come to die. But now you’ll get to witness something, you’re welcome. You get to witness greatness!

A Golden Gloves boxing champion! A former NFL star! A former Mr. MITB and Andre the Giant Battle Royal Winner. Raw’s greatest addition! Get on your HOOVES and put your chubby hands together to welcome the Modern Day Wrestling God, MR. BARON CORBIN! Fans boo instead as Corbin makes his way out. Corbin shakes JBL’s hand while fans boo. But then fans cheer as Gargano makes his entrance! The bell rings and JBL returns to commentary. Fans rally for “Johnny Wrestling!” as Gargano ties up with Corbin. Corbin shoves Gargano back then mockingly applauds. Corbin run sin, Gargano dodges and fires off hands!

Gargano climbs up, he rains down fists, but Corbin carries Gargano! Gargano sunset flips, covers, TWO! Gargano ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Then he DROPKICKS Corbin out! Gargano builds speed to DIVE! Corbin hits railing and Gargano fires up with the fans! Gargano sees Corbin get in, he goes to the apron, and he shoulder sin. Gargano slingshots, into a HAYMAKER! Gargano flops to the floor and fans boo but Corbin shouts out JBL at commentary. Corbin goes out, drags Gargano up and carries him around to POST him! Gargano drops to his knees and Corbin swaggers around. Corbin drags Gargano up and puts him in the ring.

Corbin hears the fans taunt him and he just tells them to hush. Corbin gets in the ring, drags Gargano up and knees him low! Fans continue to taunt “BUM ASS CORBIN!” but he whips Gargano to a corner. Corbin SPLASHES Gargano down, then swaggers around. Corbin looms over Gargano, drags him up, taunts the fans more, “This is a hero to you?” Corbin DECKS Gargano! Corbin drags Gargano up and reels him in, but Gargano knees free! And ROLLING ELBOWS! But Corbin comes back to CLOBBER Gargano! Corbin runs in but is sent out! Corbin hurries back in but Gargano dropkicks him back out!

Gargano slingshots, he fakes Corbin out and SUPERKICKS! Then LEAPS, but into Corbin’s arms! Corbin SLAMS Gargano on the desk! JBL loves that and he high-fives Corbin as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Corbin has Gargano in a corner. Corbin throws body shots, the ref counts, and Corbin TOSSES Gargano across the way! Fans boo as Corbin stalks Gargano. Corbin taunts the fans, but Gargano throws forearms! Gargano backs Corbin down but Corbin knees low then whips Gargano into a corner! Corbin torture racks Gargano for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Corbin frowns as Gargano survives! Gargano goes to a corner and fans chant, “You Can’t Wrestle!” Corbin says he CAN, but he runs into a BOOT! Gargano ELBOWS Corbin away, then dodges to POST Corbin!

Fans rally up and Gargano fires off more forearms! Corbin shoves but Gargano CLOBBERS him! Gargano ENZIGURIS Corbin to a corner, then runs in to DOUBLE KNEE! And BULLDOG! Fans fire up, JBL says he has faith in Corbin, and Corbin puts Gargano on the apron. Corbin elbows Gargano, but runs into a SLINGSHOT SPEAR! Cover, TWO! Corbin survives, showing his toughness, too. JBL says he’s not worried, even as Gargano hobbles over to Corbin. Gargano wrenches but Corbin choke grips and shoves Gargano away. Gargano KNEES Corbin, goes up top, and leaps, into Corbin’s arms! FALL AWAY SLAM! JBL loves that!

Corbin taunts the fans as they boo more. Corbin drags Gargano up, reels him in, but Gargano slips around to crucifix takedown! TWO! BUZZSAW! Gargano fires off boxing elbows, CLUBS away, then runs, into a DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO!! Gargano survives, showing why he’s an NXT Triple Crown Winner! Corbin snarls, he stalks Gargano to a corner, and fans rally up for “Johnny Wrestling!” Corbin puts Gargano up top, ROCKS him, then talks trash on fans. Corbin climbs up, he grins at Gargano and throws more forearms. But Gargano throws forearms back! He HEADBUTTS Corbin away! Gargano adjusts, leaps, Corbin slides out then in!

Gargano SUPERKICKS!! Cover, TWO!! Corbin survives, reminding us why he has his accolades. Corbin flops out of the ring and Gargano builds speed! Gargano DIVES, but Corbin catches him to SMACK him off the desk! Corbin makes sure JBL’s hat stays safe as he clears off the desk! JBL likes where this is going, “Playtime is over! Good night, Johnny Wrestling.” But Gargano SUPERKICKS! Corbin runs in, but is sent into steel steps! Gargano climbs up onto the desk, fans fire up, and Gargano sees the hat. JBL sees Gargano see the hat, tells him not to think about it, but Gargano picks it up! Gargano puts it on! And does a dance!

Johnny Cowboy blows off the six shooters, then leaps to TORNADO DDT Corbin to the floor! Gargano has the hat, give sit back to JBL, NOT! Gargano wears the hat and he GAMANGIRIS Corbin! Corbin distracts the ref, JBL TRIPS Gargano! END OF DAYS!! Cover, Corbin wins!

Winner: Baron Corbin, by pinfall

JBL didn’t take kindly to Gargano touching his hat, and he makes sure Gargano pays for it! Will Corbin continue to rise to the top as WWE’s Modern Day Wrestling God with JBL watching his back?


Backstage interview with Bianca Belair.

Cathy asks the RawEST Women’s Champion that considering the “bad blood” Between her and DMG CTRL, what does tonight’s match mean? A win here means putting an end to all o fit. Superstars like Candice LeRae are catching strays and Bianca won’t stand for it if she’s the leader of the division. She is going outnumbered, but if she has to take out Kai & Sky, then that’s what she’ll do. Because now, this has become bigger than the title, bigger than ego. This is about payback. Bayley has taken out every single one of Bianca’s friends, so Bianca isn’t stopping until Bayley is left with absolutely nothing! Will this be the MeanEST we’ve seen Bianca be yet?


Gargano returns backstage.

Miz walks over and says he and Maryse got a Get Well card for Candice. Gargano says that’s actually rather nice. Miz says they’ve all had a really tough night. And Miz was thinking, they can just put the nonsense behind them. They can sit down, talk like reasonable men. Gargano says the only reasonable thing to do is tell the truth. And next week, if Miz doesn’t, Gargano will. But wow, Miz didn’t even sign the card. And Miz is rich, why not put money in it? Gargano heads off, but will Miz own up to this secret?


WWE looks at the coming Lesnar VS Lashley II.

The Beast, one of the most decorated men in fight sports and one of the most dangerous men in WWE history, and The All Mighty, another highly decorated and highly powerful wrestler. “What will happen as these two powerhouses head for a collision at Crown Jewel?” They’ve each cost the other a title in the past, but nothing has been settled between these two titans. On November 5th, “two of the WWE’s most dominant heavyweights, most decorated champions, will collide in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.” Will anyone or anything be left standing?


Bianca Belair VS Bayley w/ Damage Control!

The Six Woman Tag at Clash at the Castle was just the beginning, but the Extreme Rules Ladder match was far from the end! Will the RawEST Women’s Champion finally shut down Bayley? Or will the Role Model get one more win to earn one more chance?

Raw returns and Bianca makes her entrance. The bell rings, Bayley tells fans to shut up about The EST, then she circles with Bianca. They tie up, Bianca powers Bayley back but Bayley turns it around. Bianca turns it back around, the ref counts, and Bianca lets off. Bianca eggs Bayley on, they circle again and tie up again. Bayley manages to put Bianca in a corner with a pull of the hair, but she lets off as the ref counts. Bianca and Bayley reset again, they tie up, and Bianca waistlocks to SLAM Bayley down! Fans rally but Bayley fights up. Bayley pries at the hold, throws an elbow and she’s free! Bayley frowns as fans chant for Bianca.

Bayley wrenches an arm, CLUBS it, and talks some smack. Bayley KICKS the arm, clamps onto it again, but Bianca fight sup. Bayley taunts Bianca, and Bianca scoop SLAMS her! Bianca shakes out the beat up arm, but Bayley keeps her cool. The two reset and circle again. They tie up, Bayley headlocks but Bianca powers out to run Bayley over! Bianca runs, handsprings over Bayley, and tells her to kiss this! Things speed up again, Bianca leaps but Bayley catches her dropdown to a cover! TWO, and Bayley wrenches! Bianca goes up and over, handsprings more, but Bayley DECKS her! Cover, TWO!

Bayley is annoyed, she storms up on Bianca in a corner. Bayley CHOPS, then runs, but Bianca gest around to roll her up! TWO, and Bianca waistlocks again. O’Conner Roll, TWO! Bianca goes up, over, and then gets around to reel Bayley in! Suplex and roll through to another suplex, but Bayley fights it! Bayley wrenches, wrangles Bianca, and has a headlock! Bayley shifts to a bit of a Bully Choke, but Bianca fights up to scoop and BACKBREAKER! Bayley staggers and stumbles and fans fire up. Bianca goes to the ropes to PLANCHA! Direct hit and fans fire up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Bayley has Bianca down in another chinlock. Bianca endures and fans rally up but Bayley kicks a leg out. Bayley runs to BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Bayley then drags Bianca to the apron to suplex her to the floor! They almost hit the desk, but Bayley pushes Bianca around. Bayley puts Bianca in the ring, covers, TWO! Bianca is showing she’s still the toughEST, but Bayley has a mounted armlock now. Bianca endures, fights up, and fans rally again. Bianca rolls Bayley up, ONE! Bayley swings, into a counter punch! And another! And another! Bianca fires forearms but Bayley throws her by her hair!

Bianca goes to a corner, Bayley storms up as a fan shouts, “YOU SUCK, BAYLEY!” Bayley shouts back, “YOU SUCK!” and then she fires off on Bianca. Bayley says this is for that fan, and she climbs up to rain down fists! But Bianca slips out, YANKS Bayley into the buckles, and then brings her into a torture rack! But Bayley holds ropes! Bayley clings to that rope, gets down and HOTSHOTS Bianca! Cover, ONE!! The toughEST is still in a bad way as she clutches that bad arm. Bayley kicks Bianca around, but Bianca throws elbows. Bayley wraps the bad arm around ropes and YANKS it! Fans rally for the “E S T! E S T!” but Bayley drags Bianca.

Bayley wrenches but Bianca scoops! Bayley slips out to WRING Bianca out and stomp her down! Bayley runs, but Bianca avoids the elbow drop! And then another elbow drop! Bianca is in the corner, Bayley runs in but into an elbow! Bianca slips out and Bayley runs into buckles! Bianca shoulders in, slingshots up and over and Bayley tumbles out! Kai & Sky coach Bayley up and she flounders to the desk. Bayley hurries back in, but Bianca wrenches her into a suplex! Fans fire up as Bianca pounds the mat with her good arm. Bayley stirs, Bianca rises, and Bianca runs Bayley over! And over! And DROPKICKS!

Bianca kips up, fans fire up and she runs in at the corner! Bianca goes up to give Bayley those fists back! The fans count past ten to 13, but Bayley pulls the hair! Bayley has the braid but Bianca reels her in to scoop and SLAM, and then HANDSPRING MOONSAULT onto knees!! Bayley gets Bianca up, waistlocks but Bianca bucks free. Bayley catches Bianca but Bianca slips out to roll her up! TWO, and Bayley CLOBBERS Bianca! Bayley huffs and puffs and she drags Bianca to a drop zone. Bayley goes up, takes aim, MACHO ELBOW onto knees! Bianca hurries to HANDSPRING MOONSAULT! It hits, Bianca covers, TWO!!

Bayley is showing her own toughness as a WWE Grand Slam Champion and she bails out. Bianca pursues, runs in, but is put into the timekeeper’s area! Bayley YANKS Bianca back over by her braid, and has her again, DRAPING ARMBAR DDT to the floor!! Bianca writhes and fans boo as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once again, and Bianca has Bayley up top. Fans fire up as Bianca climbs up, but Bayley fights the superplex. Bayley swings, Bianca flips back, and comes back to try again! Bayley throws body shots, slips down and YANKS Bianca into buckles! Bayley gets in, and she torture racks Bianca! Bayley steals- NO, Bianca slips out to STEAL BAYLEY2BELLY!! Cover, TWO!!! Bayley survives her own move, and Bianca is shocked! Bayley bails out again but Bianca reaches for her. Bianca grabs the braid again and drags Bayley out to RAM her into barriers! Kai & Sky applaud but fans boo as Bayley brings Bianca up.

Bayley whips but Bianca reverses, Bayley hits steel steps! Bianca drags Bayley up and puts her in, and then hurries after. Bianca talks smack on Bayley, drags her up but Bayley ROCKS her! Bianca ROCKS back! Bayley throws a forearm, Bianca gives it back, it’s a scrapper! Bianca runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges but Bayley follows, to run into a SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO!! Kai & Sky are stressing out as Bianca goes up top. Sky distracts and Bayley ROCKS Bianca! Bayley climbs up, brings Bianca up, SUPER BALEY2BELLY!! Cover, TWO!?! Bianca survives and DMG CTRL can’t believe it!

Fans are thunderous for the “EST! EST!” but Bayley drags her up first. Bayley throws Bianca out to the floor, then she tells the others to take the desk apart. Kai & Sky do as told, and then Bayley drags Bianca up. But Bianca ROCKS Bayley! Bianca ROCKS Kai, ROCKS Sky, blocks the wrecking ball dropkick, and she swings Bayley around! POWERBOMB on the desk! It doesn’t break, so Bianca drags Bayley up to POST BOMB her! And then Bianca brings Bayley back, to ALLEY-OOP to the apron! Bianca drags Bayley up and in, but Sky trips her up! Sky RAMS Bianca into the desk! Kai BOOTS Bianca down! The ref misses it all!!

Kai & Sky shove Bianca in but the ref reprimands them. The ref EJECTS Kai & Sky! Wait, who is up top!? She SUPER CROSSBODIES everyone!! EVEN the ref! But Bayley hooks Bianca up, only for Bianca to power out! Bianca slips around, wrenches and torture racks, KISS OF DEATH!! But no ref to count!! Bianca would’ve won twice over! But then this new person POSTS Bianca! It’s NIKKI CROSS!! She hits THE PURGE!! Cross just took out EVERYONE, but lets Bayley take the win! A new ref rushes out to count! Bayley wins!!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall

But then Nikki CLOBBERS Bayley! Nikki is a superhero no more, she starts beating Bayley with that studded jacket! Fans boo as Nikki stands over champion and challenger, just what does this mean for the title scene?

My Thoughts:

A really good Raw, though Charlotte, NC could’ve gotten a bit more fired up for some stuff. I liked the opening with Judgement Day and The OC, and of course Rhea helps Finn win this. I also liked The OC acknowledging that they need a way to counter Rhea given the co-ed rules of WWE: men can’t hit women, but women can get away with hitting men. I don’t know if there’s any female superstar on Raw to recruit, but this would be a good opportunity for say Tamina or Dana Brooke. Now, given those choices, Rhea would win whatever 1v1 is set up there, but it’d keep her busy from interfering with the guys feuding.

We got really good stuff out of this big story of Miz and Lumis, especially with adding Gargano since he talks and Lumis doesn’t. Also, I love that Truth came out because of a classic misunderstanding. I also like that they touched on Ciampa disappearing through Gargano texting him as an actual friend of his. Miz might be compelled to tell the truth if he loses a match to Gargano or Lumis, I’m just not sure what that secret could be. Gargano had a good interaction with JBL and Corbin, and Gargano had a great match with Corbin, but of course JBL interferes so Corbin can win. And at least Corbin’s ring gear looked better this time.

Ali VS Theory was a bit out of nowhere, but they gave us a great match and it was great to have Rollins be part of it. Theory wins thanks to Ali but then Ali gets the better of Rollins in the brawl. Maybe Theory gets back in the US Championship story for this stretch while the Universal Championship is busy with Logan Paul. Theory being involved could even be a way to keep Ali from beating Rollins to protect both of them until Survivor Series or beyond. And of course Omos mauls four jobbers. Braun should probably do more than beat up more jobbers. If Braun were to beat two or more established guys, then I’d accept that because he’s beating more talented wrestlers than the randos being fed to Omos.

Great backstage promo from Elias, Riddle and the Alpha Academy. Elias looked so ready to bop Riddle and that was a nice tease of there still being some Heel inside Elias. Elias VS Gable was a great match, and one of the main things I point to in thinking Charlotte NC was dead. That was a creative and awesome finish for Elias to win with. And Riddle making the save of course sets up Riddle & Elias VS Alpha Academy, and then maybe Elias snaps and beats up Riddle. And we got a good vignette from Lesnar and Lashley to hype up their rematch. Omos VS Braun has the potential to break a lot of stuff ringside, Lesnar VS Lashley should just break everything those two don’t. I don’t know who wins, but this one will be a lot of fun either way.

And we got some solid stuff out of the Raw Women’s Division. DMG CTRL busting up Candice’s interview and then kayfabe injuring her is pretty par for the course, setting up Candice, Alexa & Asuka all to come back together as a unit to beat up on all three of them. Bayley VS Bianca was also a great match, and also why I thought that crowd was dead. That match was just below Extreme Rules’ match, and I liked the surprise twist that Nikki is no longer A.S.H. but just herself, Nikki Cross. I almost thought “Doudrop” Piper Niven was going to join in but Nikki looked great just taking out everyone. Also a bit of a surprise Nikki let the match resolve, but I still sense she’ll want in on the title match.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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