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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (10/31/22)

Raw goes bump in the night!



WWE Raw 2022

Things get spooky before Crown Jewel!

With Crown Jewel just days away, Raw has The Beast, The Tribal Chief, and a Trick or Street Fight between a Bro and a Tree Trunk! This could be the scariEST Raw yet!


  • Bianca Belair VS Nikki Cross; Bianca wins.
  • Seth Rollins VS Austin Theory; Rollins wins.
  • Damian Priest w/ The Judgement Day VS Karl Anderson w/ The OC; Anderson wins.
  • Trick or Street Fight: Matt Riddle VS Otis w/ Chad Gable; Riddle wins.
  • The Miz VS Mustafa Ali; Ali wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Damage Control VS Asuka & Alexa Bliss; Asuka & Alexa win and become the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions.


Bianca Belair VS Nikki Cross!

Dallas fires up for the RawEST Women’s Champion, and she’s ready for some payback! The Almost SuperHero stopped being a hero and she ran wild on everyone last week, will Nikki be stopped before she gets started? Or will Nikki be a speedbump ahead of Bianca’s Last Woman Standing Match?

The bell rings and Bianca is wary of Nikki. Nikki rushes in, Bianca sends her to a corner and RAMS into her! And again! And again! Nikki hammers Bianca but Bianca lifts her up! Nikki sunset flips but Bianca stays up to drag Nikki up, but Nikki gets around to shove. Bianca runs Nikki over! Bianca says, “You think you crazy?” Things speed up. Bianca handsprings and says kiss this. Fans rally but Nikki shouts at Bianca, “LET’S GO!” Things speed up, Bianca hurdles but Nikki CROSSBODIES! Nikki rains down fists and fans boo, but Bianca gets to a corner. Nikki stomps away on Bianca, lets off as the ref counts, then stands Bianca up.

Nikki RAMS into Bianca at the ropes, then stalks her as she staggers away. Nikki storms up, bumps Bianca off buckles, and again, but then Bianca blocks. Bianca elbows Nikki away and runs her over! And dropkicks her down! Fans fire up as Bianca kips up! Bianca runs in but Nikki BOOTS back! Nikki goes up and leaps, but Bianca catches her! Bianca hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Bianca dares Nikki to bring it but Nikki bails out. Bianca pursues but Nikki trips her! Bianca gets hung up a second, and then Nikki SLAMS that leg on the apron! And again! Bianca kicks but Nikki CLUBS the bad leg, before she traps Bianca in the apron skirt!

Nikki HAMMERS away, the ref counts, but Nikki lets off just a moment before throwing more forearms! Nikki is fired up but Dallas boos as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Bianca snapmares Nikki then gets to a corner. Nikki runs in but Bianca puts her on the apron. Nikki ducks the haymaker to HOTSHOT! Then Nikki speeds things up, only to run into a BACKBREAKER! Bianca scoops and SLAMS Nikki, then scoop SLAMS her again! And again! Fans fire up as Bianca suplexes and holds Nikki up! Bianca holds then SLAMS then kips up! The bad knee bothers her but she still HANDSPRING MOONSAULTS onto knees! Nikki turns things around, gets to a corner, but Bianca storms over. Nikki YANKS Bianca into buckles! Fans rally but Nikki hops on with a SLEEPER!

Bianca staggers around with Nikki as a backpack, and they tumble out to the floor! Nikki hurries after Bianca to jump on again! SLEEPER, but Bianca fights to BACKPACK SENTON! But then here come Damage Control’s Iyo Sky & Dakota Kai! The fans boo and the ref tells them to leave since they have nothing to do with this match! But in this distraction, Bayley POSTS Bianca! Nikki CLOBBERS Bayley! Nikki gets in the ring and she DECKS Sky! Kai hurries over to that side but Nikki THRWOS Sky into barriers! Nikki CROSSBODIES Kai! Fans fire up with Nikki now and she gets back in the ring.

Nikki drags Bianca up but Bianca slips around to torture rack! KISS OF DEATH! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

DMG CTRL tried to do damage to the EST, but she ends up winning! Bayley gets in the ring to fire forearms on Bianca, and then Kai & Sky get in the ring with her. They all stomp Bianca, but ASUKA is back!! AND ALEXA BLISS!! They get in the ring, GERMAN SUPLEX for Kai, DDT for Sky! Bianca fires off on Bayley and then dropkicks her away! Bianca manages another kip up, and Asuka HIP ATTACKS Bayley from the apron! Alexa goes outside to CANNONBALL all of DMG CTRL down! Fans fire up as the Empress and the Five Foot Fury help the EST stand tall! But will Bianca be the Last Woman Standing at Crown Jewel?


Bianca regroups with Alexa and Asuka backstage.

She’s glad to have them back, and then Cathy Kelly walks over to say that both Asuka and Alexa battled back from injuries, but is Bianca finished with Nikki Cross headed into Crown Jewel? Bianca says things are settled for now, but she and Bayley are far from over. Last Woman Standing at Crown Jewel, Bayley talks about pinning Bianca. But come that match, only one of them is walking out. But just because one of them is walking out doesn’t mean Bianca’s going in there alone. Alexa says they’ve been on Bianca’s side since this started, and they’ll be there Saturday. Alexa and Asuka remember the injuries, and they’re not waiting. They’re settling this tonight!

Alexa also knows DMG CTRL is listening, so Iyo, Dakota, they want a Women’s Tag Team Championship match TONIGHT! Asuka says DMG CTRL is NOT ready for Alexa & Asuka!! Will there be new champions here in Dallas?


Raw holds a dual interview with Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar.

At least, that’s what’s supposed to happen. The Beast is still not in his seat. Corey Graves starts with Lashley for his thoughts on the rematch with Lesnar at Crown Jewel. Lashley says he’s not surprised by this. Lesnar’s been ducking him for 20 years now. If they fought 20 years ago, he would’ve exposed Lesnar like he did at the previous Royal Rumble when Lashley beat Lesnar. Or like two weeks ago when Lesnar came at Lashley but got Speared and put through the announce table. At Crown Jewel, it’ll be no different. Lashley will expose Lesnar for who he really is: a Bobby Lashley wannabe.

But wait! Lesnar is going to the ring!! The Beast is all smiles as he waves his cowboy hat to Dallas. Lashley is even less amused than he was a minute ago seeing this. Lesnar gets a mic as Dallas cheers him on, and Lesnar says, “Good evening, Texas! Now Brock Lesnar didn’t come to Texas to have a sit-down interview with Bobby Lashley. When Brock Lesnar visits these good folks in Texas, he wants to do what these folks of Texas would normally do, and that’s to fight! Bobby, you obviously didn’t get the memo. And even if you did, I know you can’t read it. So Bobby, get your ass out here for an ass beating!”

Lashley takes off the lapel mic, rushes off his set, and makes his own way to the stage! Fans fire up as The All Mighty throws off his jacket, and then Lesnar meets him at the ramp! Lesnar TACKLES Lashley, refs rush out as they brawl into the barriers, and now even security, management, and other superstars rush out to stop this! There is already about 30 people trying to stop this, and even TRIPLE H is shouting to keep the peace! HHH warns Lesnar but Lesnar doesn’t even listen! He gets loose and finds Lashley! They just manage to throw hands but then they get pulled apart again! HHH tells everyone else to throw these guys out. If they touch again, their match is OFF!

Fans want to “Let Them Fight!” but we know this has to wait until Saturday! Will anything be left standing when the All Mighty and the Beast Incarnate collide at Crown Jewel?


Seth Rollins VS Austin Theory!

Once upon a time, they were the Messiah of Raw and his disciple, but now they’re nothing more than opponents. The Visionary thinks he’s untouchable, but will the Youngest Mr. Money in the Bank prove he can do it even better than “The King of Cash-Ins?”

The bell rings and Rollins talks old times with Theory. Is Theory sure about this match-up? Theory says yes, but fans sing, “OH~ OHH~ OHHHH~!” Rollins and Theory approach, but then Rollins avoids Theory to hear the fans cheer. Rollins makes sure Theory hears Dallas loud and clear. Fans chant for “SETH! SETH! SETH!” and he ties up with Theory. Theory pulls hair, puts Rollins in the corner, but lets off at the ref’s count. Rollins avoids the chop and CHOPS Theory! Theory snarls but Rollins conducts the fans. Theory mocks it, but Rollins blocks his kick! Rollins taunts Theory, spins to sweep the leg and cover, ONE!

Rollins headlocks and laughs but Theory fights up and out. Theory hurdles, but Rollins turns his back drop into underhooks! Theory escapes the Pedigree and the ring and fans boo, but Rollins goes out after Theory. They go around, Rollins avoids the elbow drop and fans laugh at Theory. Theory is upset, he chases Rollins now, and then Theory avoids the elbow drop, except Rollins never dropped one! Rollins WRECKS Theory with a dropkick! Fans cheer as Theory staggers and flops! Rollins goes out to CHOP Theory against the barriers! And then Rollins brings Theory around to hang him out to dry! The front row cheers as Rollins goes to the desk!

Rollins hops up, leaps, FLYING KNEE! Down goes Theory and Dallas high-fives Rollins. Rollins drags Theory up, puts him in the ring, and then shoulders in. Rollins jumps but Theory trips him up! Rollins tumbles to the floor, Theory goes out after him, FLAPJACK to the desk! Fans chant “Theory Sucks!” but he RAMS Rollins into steel steps! Rollins writhe and Theory shouts, “I’m on top! ALL DAY!” as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Rollins throws body shots and a CHOP! And another CHOP! Rollins whips, Theory reverses and clotheslines in a corner! Theory then scoops to FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up but Theory smirks. Theory talks trash on Rollins, “I’M the future now!” Theory throws a haymaker but Rollins snarls as he gets up. Theory throws another and now Rollins is seething! Rollins counter punches, and again! Theory throws haymakers, Rollins CHOPS! Theory CHOPS, Rollins ROCKS! Theory, Rollins, and then Rollins gets the edge! Fans fire up with the flurry, and Rollins SOBATS to KICK and run! Into an ELBOW!

Theory runs, but Rollins kitchen sink knees! Rollins fakes Theory out and clotheslines Theory out of the ring! Fans fire up and sing again, “OH~ OHH~ OHHHH~!” Rollins DIVES and takes out Theory! Rollins hurries back in, he builds speed again, and he DIVES! Another direct hit at the ramp! Fans continue to sing and Rollins is feeling it! Rollins builds speed again but he has to doge Theory! Theory elbows Rollins, fisherman’s a leg, but Rollins turns things around to FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Rollins sits up first. “This is Awesome!” “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Rollins runs in but Theory avoids the stomp!

Theory is in a corner, he puts Rollins on the corner but Rollins HEADBUTTS back! And FLYING KNEES! And SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO!! Theory is still in this but Rollins grins. Rollins says Theory can give up, it’s okay. Theory slowly rises, Rollins kicks him, reels him in and underhooks the arms! But Theory back drops! Rollins sunset flips but Theory sits on it! TWO and Rollins sunsets! TWO, Theory pushes to stack, TWO! Rollins has the sunset again, TWO! Theory has a cradle! TWO and Rollins has a ghost pin! TWO, ROLLING ELBOW from Theory! Into AOI SHODOU! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives and fans are thunderous!

Theory is frustrated, he stands up and he watches Rollins stand. Theory fireman’s carries but Rollins slips free. Shove, but Theory blocks the superkick! But the DRAGON WHIP comes around! But Theory comes back, SOMERSAULT BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Theory is furious but Dallas is loving this! Fans rally behind Rollins but Theory says it’s time to go down! Theory fireman’s carries, but Rollins fights with elbows! Theory drops to a knee, but he lifts Rollins again! Rollins throws even more elbows and Theory falls! Rollins runs, but Theory fireman’s carries! Rollins slips off to ROLLING ELBOW! Then turn, DREAM-

NO, Theory ducks the elbow to SUPERKICK! And he CLOBBERS Rollins with a forearm! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Theory snarls and gets himself to the ropes. Fans rally as he goes over to Rollins and says, “King of the Cash-In? I’M the King! You wanna see why? I’m about to show you!” Theory reels Rollins in and underhooks the arms! Fans boo, but Rollins FLAPJACKS the Pedigree, into the CURB STOMP!! Cover, Rollins wins!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

Gold belt, gold tights, and even gold in his hair, the Visionary shines through! But will someone come for that US Championship soon enough?


Roman Reigns arrives!

He and Paul Heyman pull in backstage, and they alone head to gorilla. No Bloodline with him, will the Tribal Chief take care of business all by himself?


BREAKING NEWS for Crown Jewel!

Bray Wyatt is back and he’s making the trip! But what will happen when this new form of Bray takes Crown Jewel down the rabbit hole?


Roman Reigns heads to the ring!

Dallas is already raising the fingers as The Tribal Chief raises the titles for the pyro. Roman then continues to the ring, and he raises the belts again for more pyro. Fans chant, “UCEY! UCEY!” in reference to everything that happened on Friday. Roman smiles, and then Heyman hands over the mic for Roman to say, “Dallas, Texas! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Fans cheer and put up the ones again. And then “UCEY! UCEY!” returns. Roman says,
“Don’t worry, I got Sami and Jey out there in the world, working on becoming a little more Ucey. So by the time we’re done in Saudi Arabia, you should be seeing a new man. An Ucey Right Hand Man, Jey Uso.”

Roman says enough about that, though. Let’s be real right quick. “For over two years now, I’ve been hyping opponents. And the only thing that happens is we get to the match and they get smashed! And I don’t want y’all to think I’m dishonest. I’m not up here lying to you, no. So, I had to think about this, and… Let’s be honest: I’m the greatest of all time.” Fans cheer that, and Roman says he’s going up against a guy who has had two matches! “So there’s no way that I’m gonna sit up here and I’m gonna hype up a match with an outsider like Logan Paul.” The Tribal Chief will not do that. But the Wise Man will!

Heyman gets the mic back and he feels the pressure. “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And as the Special Counsel and the Wise Man to the Tribal Chief, the GOAT, the Greatest of All Time, the Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion, Roman… Reigns…! Well, it’s incumbent upon me to at least mention the fact that Logan Paul has these steel screws inserted into the hand that he is determined to throw that ‘one lucky punch’ with. And that Logan Paul has been training with HBK, Shawn Michaels. And yet, with all this on Logan Paul’s side, this Saturday at Crown Jewel, he’s gonna get SMASHED by the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns!

“Because if there’s one thing in this world on the Island of Relevancy that Roman Reigns cannot tolerate, is an outsider. So, this Saturday-” The Miz is showing up? The Hollywood A-Lister struts his way to the ring with a smirk on his face and both Roman and Heyman are confused. Miz has a mic to say, “First and foremost, my Tribal Chief, I acknowledge you.,” A good start. Miz says he’s not here to antagonize but to help. No one knows Logan Paul better than Miz. Miz brought Logan Paul into the EWWE, trained him, taught him everything he knows in the ring, but there is one thing he couldn’t teach. That right hand is real.

Those steel pins in his hand give Logan Paul real knockout power. If you don’t believe Miz, ask Jey! Jey got knocked out! Miz is just sorry that he couldn’t show up quicker. Being a celebrity superstar philanthropist, he has been having to deal with a deranged stalker. But Roman, maybe they can help each other. Miz knows Logan Paul’s strengths and weaknesses. So maybe Roman helps with He Who Shall Not Be Named before Miz’s match with Mustafa Ali and Miz will help Roman neutralize Logan Paul. Roman takes the mic from Heyman back, and Roman says, “You’re just trying to cut a deal? Like, I scratch your back, you scratch mine?”

That’s not so bad. Roman is up for that. But before getting to the deal, Roman wants to ask Miz a question. Absolutely, Tribal Chief! This is your ring. Heyman says it is! Roman’s starting to like Miz. But then, why does everyone keep talking about Logan Paul knocking Roman out? SUPERMAN PUNCH for Miz! “When they should be talking about me knocking Logan Paul out? And then you’re not going to have any other choice but to ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” The Tribal Chief proves his fist is just as dangerous without steel pins. Will Roman prove this is HIS WWE? Or will Logan Paul just need luck on his side?


Miz is backstage in the trainer’s room.

He has an icepack on his jaw, and Cathy Kelly walks in to ask him about it. Miz says not now, he’ sin a lot of pain. But she just wanted to be sure that he knew Johnny Gargano sat down with Byron Saxton for an exclusive tell-all for later tonight. Miz says he honestly hasn’t thought about it, because he’s more concerned about getting his match with Ali cancelled for tonight. Also, all Gargano has is gotcha journalism, and Cathy should know that a story should never air or be publicized until it is verified by multiple and legitimate sources. Gargano’s source doesn’t even speak!

If the WWE airs this slanderous puff piece, then Miz will have no choice but to file a defamation suit that’ll make Johnny Depp and Amber Heard wince. But Ali walks in and says that is unfortunate. Ali was really looking forward to competing tonight. Everything is bigger in Texas! Well, almost everything. Don’t you dare. What? Don’t you dare…! What? OH! No, he wasn’t gonna say Miz has tiny balls! Miz vows to beat Ali, even with a broken jaw! Ali looks forward to it. Will this prove to Miz he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut?


Damian Priest w/ The Judgement Day VS Karl Anderson w/ The OC!

The Punisher takes his turn tonight, and of course the rest of his “family” are ringside. But will all the Machine Gun need to win is his Good Brothers watching his back?

The bell rings, Priest rushes in but Karl dodges to ROCK and UPPERCUT! But Priest TOSSES Karl to a corner! Karl dodges to CHOP, ROCK and ROCK Priest again. Karl whips, Priest reverses and ELBOWS Karl down! The Judgement Day cheers and Priest stands Karl up to ROCK him with a right. Priest whips, Karl KICKS back, then Karl runs in to clothesline Priest out of the ring! Priest lands on his feet, he drags Karl out, but Karl POSTS Priest! Karl claps at Judgement Day and he tells Dominik to watch himself. Dom says he wouldn’t, but then creeps up! Karl DECKS Dom, but Priest BOOTS Karl down! Fans boo and Priest dares Styles to do something while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Priest has Karl with a motorcycle stretch. Karl fights up, throws hands, but Priest knees low. Karl throws more forearms, but Priest BELL CLAPS! And ROLLING ELBOWS! Karl staggers to a corner, Priest runs in to jumping back elbow! Priest then hits the BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! Rhea argues the count but Priest taunts Karl that he wants more pain. Priest KICKS Karl, drags him up, and says, “This is where you’re gonna learn.” But Karl hits a JAWBREAKER! Priest staggers, runs in but gets a BOOT! Karl dodges the elbow to JUMP KICK! Priest staggers, Karl CHOPS! And ROCKS! And UPPERCUTS!

Priest choke grips but Karl slips free! Mule kick! Karl dodges the boot to run and run Priest over! Karl runs to SENTON! Fans fire up with Karl and he whips. Priest reveres but Karl ducks and hits a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Judgement Day coaches Priest but Karl goes up the corner! Fans fire up but Rhea distracts from the apron. The ref reprimands, Karl leaps, but into Priest’s arms! COMPLETE SHOT! Priest grins and the Judgement Day fires up while fans boo. Priest roars, drags Karl up, but Karl slips through to backslide! KARL WINS!

Winner: Karl Anderson

But the Judgement Day attack! The OC get in the ring, it is a wild brawl! Finn sends Karl out but Styles and Gallows have Dom and Priest! Finn stomps Karl, Dom wants mercy from Big LG, but Rhea LOW BLOWS him! Fans boo as the Eradicator defends Dom. But then Rhea dares Karl and Styles to fight her! She doesn’t give a damn! But then Priest and Finn attack Karl and Styles! Rhea smirks as she continues to be an indefensible X-factor. She feeds Styles to Priest for the RAZOR’S EDGE! Finn goes up and he aims at Karl as Dom stretches Karl out! COUP DE GRACE!! The Judgement Day then set Styles up for Dom as he climbs up!

Fans boo but Dom gives us some Latino Heat! FROG SPLASH!! The OC is down, but will they find a way to get back up at Crown Jewel?


MVP speaks.

“Braun Strowman, Friday night on SmackDown, you said that there is no giant in the world big enough for the Monster of All Monsters. And I thought when you said that, that perhaps when the Nigerian Giant tossed you out of the ring, perhaps you landed on your head. I’m gonna shoot straight with you: you can flip over all the trucks and snatch off all the car doors that you want, but you will never, ever, measure up to the 7’3″, 403 lbs. Nigerian Giant, Omos. You need to get that through your Neanderthal like skull. Because once and for all, you will find out Saturday at Crown Jewel.

“Or, perhaps, you’ll find out a little sooner. Because I’m coming to SmackDown on Friday, and I’ve arranged a little surprise for you.” Maxwell Vontavius Porter chuckles, will that surprise be anything but little?


JBL heads to the ring!

John Bradshaw Layfield is in Dallas and Dallas is happy to see him! But will JBL be in better spirits being in Texas? We’ll find out, after the break.

Raw returns and JBL says it is so good to be home in the Lonestar State of God Bless Texas! December 29th, 1845, “the rest of the colonies were allowed by Texas to join us, and the United States was formed with Texas at the center. You are welcome, America. And since before that time, Texas has always been defined by its legends. The whole state chanting for the Tyler Rose, yelling, ‘Run, Earl, Run!’ To the boy from Alvin, Texas throwing 100 mile per hour heat, telling Ron Ventura, ‘You’re welcome to come out here to join me.'” Stalback to Aikman to HOW ‘BOUT THEM COWBOYS?! The Von Ericks to STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!

“The greatness of Texas has been immeasurable, until you Snowflakes came along and ruined it. You Gen Z’ers, Millennials, and all you people who have enabled them have turned Texas into an embarrassment. I mean, today’s your day, right? Halloween? Where you teach your young children to go door to door begging for food. That is exactly what this young, entitled, lazy, safe-space-seeking generation does NOT need. So from a Texas legend, I wanna tell you that not one of you, not a single one, should be allowed to call yourselves a Texan. You disgust me.” Fans boo JBL, but JBL says he’ll still introduce greatness to this state!

JBL says this is the man who will save this business! So get up on your snowflake feet and clap your chubby hands to welcome the MODERN DAY WRESTLING GOD, BARON! CORBIN!! Corbin makes his way out, in the craziest looking tracksuit, and he leaves fans hanging on the high-fives. Are those tigers and flowers on that outfit? Corbin has the mic to say, “Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome. Look, I know it made every single one of your nights to be in the presence of a Modern Day Wrestling God. You sit out there and you look up at me and go, ‘Man, that guy’s got it all.’ Let me tell you, you are right, I have it all. And all of you have very, very little.”

Corbin is here to say thanks from the bottom of his heart that the fans scraped together their last few dollars to get a ticket to see Corbin in the flesh tonight. JBL applauds but fans boo. Corbin knows it wasn’t easy. They probably had to put in an extra few hours at the factory, or whatever farm they work at, but that just shows Corbin how much they truly, truly love him. Fans boo even more, but Corbin says that’s just to look cool. He knows it’s hard to admit, but they all know the truth. And the truth is- R-TRUTH! Fans fire up as Truth gallops to the ring as a cowboy! Truth joins JBL and Corbin and he pets his little pony.

JBL says, “Hey! Buffoon! What’re you doing? You look ridiculous.” Truth says he just wanted to come out here to wish Dallas a Happy Halloween! But he especially wants to come out here and tell JBL & Corbin that he really, really, really really really really… likes their costumes. JBL says they’re not in costumes, “you idiot.” Oh, those are definitely costumes. JBL is like a mean, hostile, steaming mad, angry angry angry, outta touch old man. And Corbin, well, he’s just the world’s biggest- Corbin swings on Truth! Truth dodges and throws haymakers back! Corbin shoves Truth but gets a CALF KICK for it! And a low kick! But then JBL SMACKS Truth!

JBL and Truth argue and Corbin BLINDSIDES Truth! END OF DAYS! Fans boo but JBL shouts, “Good night!” JBL and Corbin laugh at Truth, but will someone come along and humble these so-called wrestling gods?


Damage Control talks with Nikki Cross backstage.

Bayley is trying to tell Nikki something but Nikki seems to be in her own little world. Nikki then glares at Bayley, before storming off. Is Bayley trying to get Nikki on her side?


Trick or Street Fight: Matt Riddle w/ Elias VS Otis w/ Chad Gable!

Bro, the Original Bro was just trying to be a good bro to the Drifter, and the Alpha Academy had to go and harsh their buzz. But Riddle did come to Elias’ aid when he needed it, so Elias is willing to return the favor. Riddle is dressed as Ezekiel to honor Zeke, but will Riddle be able to #ZekeOut? Or will Gable’s number one guy SHOOOOSH him?

Speaking of, Gable shouts, “SHOOOOOSH! Shoosh, please! Sure, I could’ve dressed up like Socrates or any great philosopher tonight, and it would’ve made perfect sense. But then I realized no one here would’ve got the joke, because I’m in front of a bunch of Dallas dimwits! Lucky for you, Halloween’s my favorite holiday, so I’m gonna make it easy for you. I dressed up as a personal hero, a modern day Hercules, Patrick Swayze himself, as the legendary dancer, Chip! A THANK YEW~! And allow me to introduce my luxurious partner, a man who’s gonna do some dirty dancing all over Mr. Matt Riddle, DALE~!”

Otis walks out, and together, the Academy reveals they’re shirtless! They strut, flex, and swivel all the way to the ring. No one is sure what to make of this, but will the tree trunk take all the treats for himself tonight? The bell rings and Riddle runs in, but Otis scoops! Riddle slips off, baits Otis to a corner and POSTS him into a SKELETON! Riddle goes up and out and PENALTY KICKS Gable! Then he FLOATING BRO ATTACKS The Academy! Fans fire up and Elias high-fives Riddle as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Otis has Riddle in a head vice! And looking around the ring, we missed a lot of madness during the break. Riddle endures, fights up, and he throws body shots. Otis knees low, CLUBS him, but Riddle counter punches! And again! And then he fires off palm strikes and KICKS! Otis blocks one but gets a KNEE in return! Riddle runs to forearm smash! He goes side to side to forearm smash again! Riddle goes the other way, but Otis CLOBBERS him! Gable cheers as Otis thrusts those hips. Otis puts Riddle in a corner, then clears some space. Otis runs in to SPLASH! Riddle drops and Gable signals to Otis.

Fans chant “We Want Tables!” but Gable says one night only and tonight is that night! Otis fires up, he does the CATERPILLAR! And the ELBOW! Otis drags Riddle up, scoops him, and pops him up but Riddle slips free! Riddle dodges, and Otis POSTS himself into a chair!! Elias throws a candy corn kendo stick to Riddle and Riddle SMACKS away on Otis! Fans fire up with Riddle and he pounds the mat! Riddle is hearing those voices, bro! But Gable CLOBBERS Riddle from the apron! “A THANK YEW~!” But then Elias KNEES Gable off the apron, and he falls through a table! Riddle leaps at Otis, but into a WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM!

Otis snarls and goes to the corner. Otis climbs up, shimmies and shakes, and DOZER BOMBS onto nothing! Riddle dodges in time, and then Elias puts a pumpkin on Otis’ head! RKO with the pumpkin!! Cover, Riddle wins!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall

The Academy got wrecked tonight as the Bro and the Drifter combine forces! Will things be much sweeter for them from now on?


Damage Control talks backstage.

Kai is flipping out a bit about why this is happening! Why are Asuka & Alexa getting a title match when all they did was scream about how Kai & Sky aren’t ready? They’re just lucky DMG CTRL doesn’t back down from a challenge! The real question is: will Asuka & Alexa be able to compete after all the damage Kai & Sky inflict upon them? Sky says, “We are going to embarrass Asuka and Alexa!” Bayley agrees, and she will embarrass Bianca this Saturday. But they can’t get riled up like this. Sky has done way too much in her career to be overlooked, and Kai has been left behind too many times for anyone to think they can walk all over her.

Bayley vows that DMG CTRL will take over this division! Saturday, Bayley beats Bianca, and tonight, Kai & Sky beat Asuka & Alexa, and they will be the last women standing by this time next week. Kai calms down, will she and the Evil Genius deny the Empress and Lil’ Miss Bliss their thrones?


The Miz VS Mustafa Ali!

The Most Must-See Superstar was just trying to help the Head of the Table, but he got rejected pretty hard. Will Miz recover from his supposedly broken jaw and take a win? Or will The Beacon simply use Miz’s spotlight to get the opportunities he is fighting for?

Raw returns and Ali makes his entrance. The bell rings, Ali and Miz circle, and fans taunt Miz over his “TINY BALLS!” Miz is annoyed, but he ties up with Ali. Ali headlocks but Miz powers out and complains about the bad jaw. Ali says he barely squeezed. They tie up and Miz puts Ali in a corner. Ali dodges the cheap shot, but then Miz covers up! Ali is annoyed, this is a match! Fans boo, Miz runs in but Ali dodges. Miz narrowly avoids a roundhouse and scrambles to a corner. Ali storms up but Miz yanks him into the buckles! Miz stomps a mudhole in, then mocks Ali now. Miz whips Ali corner to corner hard and Ali drops to his knees.

Ali crawls to another corner and Miz storms up. Miz fishhooks Ali’s face, whips him corner to corner, but Ali goes up and over! Things speed up, Ali ducks ‘n ‘dodges, flips through the hip toss, and then Miz covers up! Ali rolls Miz, TWO! Ali atomic drops, mocks the tiny balls, and then CHOPS! And CHOPS! Ali whips corner to corner, Miz reverses but Ali slips out to slingshot in and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Miz writhes but Ali hurries to the corner! Ali climbs, fans rally, but Miz moves! Ali bails out of the 450 but runs into a BOOT! Ali is dazed and Miz rips his shirt to show off his muscles!

Fans boo as Miz stalks Ali and fishhooks Ali’s face. Miz then RAMS Ali into the buckles face first! The ref checks Ali while Miz snarls and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Miz shakes his head while Ali slowly sits up. Miz KICKS Ali, but Ali sits up again. Miz KICKS, Ali sits up, and Miz KICKS again! And again! And again! And again, again, again, again! Miz powers up and fans boo, but Ali ducks the Buzzsaw to BACKSTABBER! Fans rally up while both men are down, and Ali stands to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Ali whips, Miz reverses to knee low! Miz suplexes but Ali slips out to O’Conner- NO, Miz bucks that to kick the legs out! BASEMENT DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans boo while Miz seethes. Miz stalks Ali and full nelson, but Ali victory rolls! TWO!

Ali runs, tilt-o-whirls and DDTs!! Miz is down but he flounders out of the ring! Fans boo as Ali misses a chance. But Ali heads up top to SUPER CROSSBODY! Direct hit and fans fire up! Ali huffs and puffs and he brings Miz up. The ring count starts, and Miz SHOVES Ali over the desk! Miz then clears off the desk and he drags Ali up! The count is past 5 of 10 as Miz TOSSES Ali over the desk the other way! But then LUMIS grabs Miz from the crowd!! Miz scrambles free and hurries into the ring! Lumis runs away and security chases after! Miz is still shocked, but he turns around into a SUPERKICK from Ali!

Miz is down, Ali hurries up top! Fans fire up for Ali’s 450 SPLASH! Cover, Ali wins!

Winner: Mustafa Ali, by pinfall

Miz can’t blame the bad jaw, but he can blame Lumis for going after him! Will Johnny Gargano’s tell-all finally explain just what is going on here? As for Ali, he gets a great win, will he head for bigger and better soon enough?


WWE Investigates: The True Story of Dexter Lumis & The Miz.

Byron Saxton says that over the past few months, Lumis has stalked Miz “with a series of mental and physical attacks. But recently, someone has come forward claiming to have a bombshell regarding this explosive situation. his name is Johnny Gargano. He was a close friend of Lumis’ at NXT, and now he is a whistleblower with an inside scoop.” Byron sat down with Gargano to uncover what Gargano calls, “The truth.”

“Who is Dexter Lumis?” Gargano says that is a very layered question. Gargano’s known Lumis for years. Lumis has his quirks, like everyone, but Lumis is just a guy trying to make a living. Lumis married into Gargano’s NXT family, so Gargano had to accept him like a son-in-law. Or maybe a pet racoon. One in the same. But after the wedding, the family fell apart. How so? Lumis lost his job and fell on hard times. Gargano made a rather goofy reenactment all by himself, and notes that the firing took a toll on Lumis’ psyche. And in typical fashion, Miz took advantage. In what way? The struggling artist was given an opportunity, by a predator.

Gargano says Miz may not know this, but it’s time to get the truth out there! The whole truth! It was on the night of Gargano’s surprise return to the WWE in Toronto, 8/22/22. Just before Gargano went out there to hear the fans, he overheard Miz and Lumis talking. And since it’s 2022, Gargano recorded it on his phone. Take a listen. Miz told Lumis that he was a little snug with that sleeper, but this is working. People are buying it. Then Miz paid Lumis half of what he promised, and said he’d give Lumis the other half when this is done. Lumis was quiet, of course, but Miz said, “Don’t look at me like that. Take the money and keep your mouth shut. Oh yeah, that shouldn’t be an issue. Am I right? HAHAHA!”

So this has been some kind of arrangement? Gargano says Lumis was being paid to stage these “attacks!” But why would the Miz do this? Why? Because he thinks he’s a celebrity! And celebrities want attention, they fake stories and call the Paparazzi on themselves all the time! Miz wanted a stalker story and exploited Lumis! This is disgusting and vile! These are rather serious accusations Gargano is making. Gargano knows that, but look at the footage. The first time we saw Lumis on Raw, Miz glances and sees Lumis, but there were no physical altercations. And when Lumis dragged Miz away during that tag match, Miz practically walked out with him!

But what about the altercations during the United States Championship Cage Match, in which Lumis put Miz to sleep? Gargano knew Byron would ask that. But what better way to play the victim than to orchestrate your own downfall? Miz was never gonna beat Lashley anyway! So Miz found a painful way to keep blame off himself. Smart. But then why did Miz attack Lumis with a chair? Okay, Gargano can’t prove this one, but his theory is that somewhere along the way, Miz stopped paying. Miz lost control, and now Lumis is coming Miz after him to get what he’s owed. Byron says this is a shocking development. He thanks Gargano for his time. Is it true? Is this a scam gone sideways?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Damage Control VS Asuka & Alexa Bliss!

The Role Model helped her new allies get these titles, and they helped her become the #1 contender to the Raw Women’s Championship! But can Bayley help #CobraKai & The Evil Genius keep these titles? Or will the EST be a factor in the Empresses of Bliss taking these titles for their own?

Raw returns as DMG CTRL makes their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see just who is in control of the WWE Women’s Tag Division!

The teams sort out and Sky starts with Alexa, and they fire forearms already! Alexa kicks Sky, bumps her off buckles, and then stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Alexa lets off, but stomps more! Sky kicks back but Alexa SLAMS Sky down! Alexa KICKS Sky in the back, then stands on her at the ropes for skateboard stomps! The ref counts, DMG CTRL protests, but Alexa lets off. Sky avoids the knee drop and then she LARIATS Alexa down! Sky hammers away on Alexa, bumps her off buckles, and she tags Kai in. Sky & Kai stomp Alexa, double whip her to ropes, and then trip her up, BOOT her, and sweep the legs to AX KICK and basement dropkick! Cover, ONE!!

Kai snarls and she CLUBS Alexa. Alexa elbows Kai, Kai CLUBS her again. Kai bumps Alexa off buckles, trips her up, and goes side to side to BOOT WASH! Cover, TWO! Bayley says they should have a replay of that boot. Sky tags in, she CLUBS Alexa but Alexa hits back. Sky stomps Alexa down, digs her boots in and hits a swinging knee drop! Bayley wants another replay but Sky covers, TWO! Sky tags Kai, they mug Alexa, and Kai digs her boots in. Alexa endures, the ref counts, and Kai lets off. Kai brings Alexa around, but Alexa wrenches and choke grips for the STO! Then INSULT2INJURY MK II! Cover, TWO!

Bayley is a little worried but Bianca encourages Alexa. Kai RAMS Alexa into a corner but Alexa elbows her away! Alexa goes up to RANA Kai and hot tag Asuka! Asuka dodges the boot, Kai ducks the roundhouse and grabs hair! Asuka breaks free to throw Kai by her hair! The ref reprimands but Asuka BACK HANDS, BACK HANDS, KICKS and BACK HANDS! Then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Fans fire up with Asuka as she glare at Sky. Asuka drags Kai up, reaches out, but Kai throws Asuka by her hair! Kai drags Asuka away and tags in Sky. Fans rally as Sky and Asuka stare down. They swing, dodge, RAM shoulders, and roar!

They start shoving, then the forearms start flying! Fans fire up as these rivals scrum! Asuka has the strike fest, but she runs into an UPPERCUT! Sky runs but Asuka dodges and LARIATS! Asuka drags Sky up, tags Alexa, and they double whip Sky to trip, ROCK, and BULLDOG! Alexa covers, TWO! Alexa keeps close on Sky and brings her up. Tag to Asuka, Asuka goes up and Alexa whips Sky into the MISSILE DROPKICK! Sky bails out, Asuka HIP ATTACKS Kai! Fans fire up and the challengers both WRECK DMG CTRL with dropkicks! Kay gets up fast to SHOTGUN Alexa! Asuka KICKS away on Sky, then ROCKS her with a haymaker!

Asuka kicks but Kai saves Sky and that foot hits POST! Sky hauls Asuka up to DRAGON SCREW the bad leg! Kai & Sky get in the ring while fans boo, but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Asuka ROCKS Sky! But Sky keeps her from Alexa and whips her away! Asuka uses that to DECK Kai! Asuka elbows Sky then LARIATS her down! Fans fire up while Asuka and Sky crawl. Sky anchors Asuka’s foot and drags her back again! Asuka throws elbows, switches with Sky, but Sky mule kicks al eg! But Asuka waistlocks, only for Sky to victory roll! STOMP 18- NO, Asuka avoids the double stomps and rolls Sky! TWO, and Sky SHOTEIS! Sky runs in but Asuka dumps her out! Fans fire up and Asuka crawls, but Bayley puts Sky in! Sky tags Kai, Kai runs over and drags Asuka away!

Asuka kicks Kai away, avoids Kai’s kick, and rolls her up, TWO! Kai swings but into a backslide! TWO!! Kai BOOTS Asuka, checks her teeth, then snarls as she whips Asuka., Asuka reverses and Kai tumbles out! Bayley is freaking out as Asuka crawls, but Sky runs in !Asuka sends Sky back out, hot tag to Alexa! Alexa rallies on Kai with big shoulders, and a THESZ PRESS to fast hands! Kai gets free but Alexa hits another THESZ PRESS! Kai kicks but Alexa blocks to spin, ROCK, CHOP and KNEE! And then SHOTGUN! Kai goes to ropes and fans fire up! Alexa runs in to DOUBLE KNEE Kai down!

Bayley checks on Sky, Kai YANKS Alexa into buckles! Kai runs in but Alexa goes up to SUNSET BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Kai survives and not even Bianca can believe that! Alexa drags Kai up and brings her over to tag Asuka back in. Fans rally as Asuka wrenches and hooks Kai up, SHOTGUN LEG SWEEP COMBO, into a KOJI KLUTCH! Sky breaks it as she hammers Asuka! Alexa gets in but swings into underhooks! TIGER BACKBREAKER! Kai has Asuka’s legs, and hits a LEG DDT! Kai leaves Asuka in a corner, tags in Sky, and Sky runs in with the SHINKANSEN! Asuka is dazed and Sky goes to the apron.

Fans boo as Sky springboards, MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!! DMD CTRL can’t believe it, but Sky just hurries back up top. Asuka stands, Sky leaps again, but into a CODE BREAKER!! Cover, TWO!! INTO AN ARMBAR!! Sky endures, moves around, stacks Asuka, TWO! Sky is free but Asuka jumps on her! Takedown, into the chicken wing! But Bayley distracts the ref from the ASUKA LOCK! Sky is tapping, but Kai drops a leg! Bianca CLOBBERS Bayley for costing the team! Bianca CROSSBODIES Bayley over the barriers!! Alexa gets in, she has Kai, but Kai wrenches out to HEADBUTT! Kai ducks a roundhouse, Asuka ducks a roundhouse, Asuka’s ROUNDHOUSE hits!

Kai SCORPION KICKS in return! Bayley and Bianca brawl but Bianca puts Bayley up on barriers! Bayley fights free, she and Bianca climb up to the tech area! They’re brawling on the edge, but Bayley holds the braid! Bayley reels Bianca in, SUPER BAYLEY2BELLY through some tables!!! Fans are losing their minds over that! But meanwhile, Kai & Sky drag Asuka up. They double whip, but Asuka reverses to then mule kick Sky and HIP- NO, Kai dodges to BOOT! Alexa drags Kai out to RAM her into steel steps! Sky goes out to PENALTY- NO, Alexa dodges that! But Sky mule kicks her away on the return!

Sky hurries up top and aims at Asuka, OVER THE MOON- NO, Asuka moves! ROUNDHOUSE to Sky! Tag to Alexa and Alexa goes up! TWISTED BLISS!! Cover, ASUKA & ALEXA WIN!!

Winners: Asuka & Alexa Bliss, by pinfall (NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Dallas is thunderous as the Empresses of Bliss DETHRONE Damage Control! There’s even pyro to celebrate! DMG CTRL is without any gold now, will Bayley turn that around when she and Bianca have their biggEST showdown yet?

My Thoughts:

A great go-home Raw here, and such great advancement for just about everything. Great opening with Bianca VS Nikki, and we’re definitely getting to see the Nikki of old in her moveset. And getting a women’s tag title match out of nowhere was a great surprise, and Alexa & Asuka winning was an awesome surprise. I didn’t see that happening, but that made for a great closing moment. And after that great Bayley2Belly through tables, Bayley technically has the momentum, but I don’t know how or if this will affect the go-home math. It’d be fitting that with Kai & Sky losing the tag titles, Bayley takes the Raw Women’s title so that they have something. And then maybe Survivor Series: WarGames, they use the WarGames 3v3 to do Winners Take All.

I really like how they played the segment with Lashley and Lesnar. First, they say “face to face,” but then give us a sit-down interview with them in separate locations. But then, because Lesnar is Lesnar, he dares Lashley to meet him in person, and then that turns into a brawl with a HUGE flood of security and superstars. Also, Von Wagner was among them, so maybe he’s getting a call-up on the way to Survivor Series? Lesnar VS Lashley can still go either way, but honestly, I feel like this should be Lashley’s legit, undeniable win, because where does Lesnar even go? He lost to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania, and at SummerSlam, and I don’t think HHH will default to that rivalry the way Vince always did.

Rollins VS Theory was a rather surprising match-up, but a great one. Rollins wins, of course, and there’s not title match for Crown Jewel, so maybe we’re just waiting on Survivor Series giving us either a Triple Threat for the title, Rollins VS Theory VS Ali, or Champion VS Champion, Rollins VS Gunther. And I shouldn’t have been surprised that JBL couldn’t help but be a Heel, even to his favorite state. R-Truth is apparently Beetlejuice, where if you say his name, he’ll appear. Truth would make for a great feud with Corbin, because he is always hilarious and can still go in the ring. And of course MVP calls out Braun again, but I feel like that “surprise” is just Omos.

Bray going to Crown Jewel is a surprise. But I wonder if that means the first big development in his story happens there. Maybe Uncle Howdy appears in person to confront Bray on what is the truth about this new persona. We got a great Trick or Street Fight, though I think the fun stuff all happened during break so that only Dallas got to see it. But in the end, Riddle winning makes sense, as this story is really going to be about Riddle and Elias. Elias didn’t turn on Riddle here because he doesn’t like the Alpha Academy either, but there’s going to come a point where Elias loses his cool on Riddle and they end up feuding.

Great promo from Roman and Heyman to bury Logan Paul, and nice crossover with The Miz and his story. Miz offended Roman by validating the threat that is Logan Paul’s right hand, got a right hand in return, and then lost to Ali in a really good match before having the truth exposed by Gargano. “WWE Investigates” being created out of nowhere and treated as if it’s always been here is really weird, but I do like the plot twist that up until a certain point, Lumis stalking Miz was just for show. Now the match between Miz and Lumis can be both for a WWE contract and whatever amount of money Lumis is owed. And we can still get Indi Hartwell and Maryse involved since this is about their husbands (Indi’s in kayfabe, Maryse’s in real-life).

Judgement Day and The OC had a really good match, but I was surprised that Karl had another match. I would’ve thought this would be Gallows VS Priest but I guess then Karl wouldn’t get a great win out of this. The beatdown was as expected, though. The Six Man Tag is going to be a lot of fun, but I have no idea if we see a superstar like Tamina or Dana Brooke help the OC, or if we see Edge & Beth show up to also set up a Mixed Tag with Rhea & Dom. Either would be fine, but the idea is, I wouldn’t expect Beth to show up without Edge. They’re husband and wife, they’re a package deal in this story after what happened at Extreme Rules.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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