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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (10/14/22)

He’s got the whole world…



SmackDown 2022

… in his hands. He’s got the whole wide world…

Bray Wyatt returned to the WWE at Extreme Rules, and now he returns to SmackDown! What will happen now that he’s back?


  • Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Sami Zayn w/ Jey Uso; Sami wins.
  • 2v1 Handicap: Braun Strowman VS James Maverick & Brian Thomas; Braun wins.
  • LA Knight VS Mansôör w/ Maxxine Dupri & Maçé; Knight wins.
  • Six Woman Tag: Damage Control VS Raquel Rodriguez, Shotzi Blackheart & Roxanne Perez; DMG CTRL wins.
  • Hit Row VS Legado Del Fantasma; Legado wins.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Sheamus VS Ricochet VS Solo Sikoa VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux Rey Mysterio; Mysterio wins and will challenge GUNTHER for the title.


A huge car crash happened in the parking lot?!

Karrion Kross & Scarlett Bordeaux got T-Boned, and Drew McIntyre is coming back for more!! The Scottish Warrior whoops on Kross and dribbles him against the side of the truck! Adam Pearce tries to stop him, but McIntyre puts Kross inside the doorway! Referees and producers drag McIntyre away before something worse can happen! McIntyre is shouting, “This is just the beginning!!” If that’s true, then how in the world is this going to end?!


Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Sami Zayn w/ Jey Uso!

New Orleans isn’t sour, they’re feeling the power! And the New Day has mics to say ya bois have a friendly reminder. “Sitting pretty at 483 days, we are your longest reigning W, W, E, World, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONS~!” And that record is important to them because that is their legacy, and their legacy will stand strong FOR-E-VER! BECAAAAAUSE~! NEW! DAY ROCKS! But we all know the Undisputed WWE World Tag Team Champions, Jimmy & Jey, are just a month away from tying it!

Backstage, Sami appreciates that Solo Sikoa is standing with him, he is so reliable. Unlike- Oh, perfect timing! Jey is here but where’s Jimmy? What you mean, where’s Jimmy? He’s handling family business. Well then he would’ve told Sami about it. No, real family, Sami. Well, okay, there’s no time for this. Sami wants Solo to hang back since he has that huge #1 contenders match later. Jey, you follow Sami out. And Sami doesn’t want a repeat from Raw. Jey agrees. Sami said he had it, so Jey let the Honorary Uce handle it. Sami knows what he said. Wait, phone call. Sami picks up and it’s Roman Reigns!

Sami answers and says, “Hey, Uce!” Sami explains they’re about to go on. Personally, yes, Jey could’ve done something but chose to do nothing. No, no, Jey’s here now. Then Roman wants to talk to him. Jey takes the phone and says, “Sup, Uce?” Jey knows what he was told but Sami said- Man, let Jey just- Roman’s the Trible Chief… Jey has this. Sami takes the phone back and laughs a bit with Roman. Inside joke, Jey wouldn’t get it. But the music’s about to hit, gotta go. Sami says bye and hurries out with Jey. Will things go much, much better than they did on Raw? And what will happen if they don’t?

The bell rings and the two circle. Kofi and Sami tie up, Kofi waistlocks but Sami wrenches out to whip. Kofi goes up and dropkicks Sami down! Sami bails out but Kofi builds speed, to then fake Sami out! Fans fire up as Kofi hops and “flutters” while Woods plays the trombone. Sami is frustrated but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Sami BOOTS Kofi away and goes up top in the corner. Sami leaps for a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Kofi gets to ropes but Sami stalks him. Sami CHOKES Kofi, Jey talks some trash, and Sami lets off as the ref counts 4. Sami swaggers and dances while fans are torn. Sami talks trash on Kofi, snap suplexes him, then stalks him to bring him back up. Sami bumps Kofi off buckles, stomps a mudhole in, but lets off as the ref counts. Sami goes corner to corner, “HONORARY UCE! SO! HONORARY UCE! SO!” A little long, but Sami runs in to HIP ATTACK! Cover, TWO! Kofi gets to ropes again and Sami tells Jey he thinks he did a good job there.

Sami drags Kofi up, ROCKS Kofi with a right, then clubs him with crossface forearms! Jey likes what he sees as Sami drops an elbow on Kofi’s back. Cover, TWO! Sami clamps onto Kofi with a chicken wing and chinlock. Kofi endures, fans rally up, and Kofi fights up. Kofi throws body shots, gets free, and runs, but Sami swings. Kofi dodges only for Sami to CLOBBER him on the return! Cover, TWO! Jey isn’t as happy with that but Sami stalks Kofi to ropes. Woods coaches Kofi but Sami drags Kofi up. Sami scoops Kofi to SLAM him, then he goes to the corner. Sami climbs, Jey holds up the finger, #WeTheOnes. Sami leaps, but Kofi DROPKICKS Sami out of the sky!

Fans fire up, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Sami and Kofi rise, Kofi CHOPS Sami! And CHOPS him! And DROPKICKS! And then runs for the LEAP- NO, Sami gets under to kick low! Sami whips, Kofi goes up and up to FLYING RANA, but Sami slips through to Oklahoma Roll! TWO! JUMP STOMP from Kofi! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Sami survives and Kofi goes to a corner. Kofi climbs up, but Sami anchors him! Kofi CLUBS Sami, Jey coaches Sami up and Sami shoves Kofi! Kofi throws hands as Sami climbs, Kofi HEADBUTTS Sami down! Kofi adjusts but Sami SHOVES him off, to the BARRIER! Fans fire up but Woods hurries over as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Sami brings Kofi up to throw hands. Kofi staggers, Sami whips, but Kofi reverses and reels Sami in! SOS! Cover, TWO!! Sami escapes and fans fire up! Woods says that was three but no, it was two. Kofi gets up, Sami is in the corner, and Kofi runs in. But Sami catches Kofi! Kofi throws elbows to fight the clinch, then he elbows Sami away. Kofi goes up the corner while Sami is down. Fans rally and duel while Sami bails out of the ring. Kofi hops down and builds speed to FLY! Direct hit and down goes Sami! Fans fire up again as Kofi puts Sami back in! Jey and Woods stare down, the ref tells them to back down.

Jey turns around, but he SUPERKICKS Woods anyway! Kofi is shocked, but Sami BLUE THUNDER BOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Kofi survives and Jey is furious! Kofi goes to a corner, Sami runs in, but Kofi slips around to SWING KICK! Kofi goes up top, leaps, AX HANDLE! Fans fire up with Kofi as he claps, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” But Jey gest on the apron! Kofi DECKS Jey, Sami rolls Kofi up! TWO!! TROUBLE- NO, Sami ducks, reels Kofi in, BLUE- NO, Kofi wheelbarrows to a victory roll! Jey kicks it over! Sami has the cover, Sami wins!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall

Jey helped Sami because the Tribal Chief demanded so! Sami gets a big win, but will this really smooth things over between him and Jey?


Triple H is backstage talking with police.

He thanks them for helping with that incident in the parking lot, they head out, and then Rey Mysterio finds him. Rey knows this might be a bad time but he wants a moment to talk. With everything going on over on Raw, Rey’s reached a breaking point with Judgement Day and Dominik. There’s no way forward. Rey can’t fight his son, even when he’s at his worst. Yelling in Rey’s face, taunting him, HHH surely knows how Rey feels. Rey still sees that little boy that used to sit on his lap and fall asleep on his shoulder. Rey can’t do this anymore. He’s sorry, and he loves the WWE, but he wanted to tell HHH in person… “I quit.”

HHH wants Rey to hold on. He can’t imagine what Rey’s going through, but there has to be another way. They can talk about this in his office, come up with some other solution. Just five minutes, let them think this through. Rey accepts that, and they step inside. Is the King of Lucha really going to walk away because of what Judgement Day has done?


Roxanne Perez is backstage!

NXT’s Breakout Star is here on SmackDown, just as she said, and Shotzi is the first to welcome her. And then Raquel Rodriguez steps in. Shotzi makes introductions, and Raquel knows Roxie is taking on her old tag partner, Cora Jade, at Halloween Havoc. But careful, chiquita, Cora’s changed. Roxie’s glad Raquel said that, because Roxie is here about the Pick Your Poison coming up this Tuesday. Roxie can pick anyone in the WWE, so she chooses Raquel! If she’ll do it. But then Bayley and Damage Control walk in. Is Roxie stupid? Out of everyone here, Roxie chooses Raquel? Bayley is the only choice. Well, Roxie was gonna go with Bayley, but she hasn’t exactly been on a win streak…

Shotzi & Raquel contain their laughter, but Bayley says Roxie isn’t on Bayley’s level. She even mocks Roxie’s height. But hopefully the little idiot brought her ring gear, because tonight, DMG CTRL embarrasses Roxie, Shotzi AND Raquel! DMG CTRL heads out and Raquel says don’t worry, they’ve got this. Will Big Mami Cool show the Role Model exactly why she’s the right choice?


2v1 Handicap: Braun Strowman VS James Maverick & Brian Thomas!

The Monster of All Monsters is glad to be back in the bayou, but maybe New Orleans’ own aren’t. Will Maverick & Thomas even survive this? Or will they just #GetTheseHands?

The bell rings, Braun CLOBBERS Thomas, then he ELBOWS Maverick! Then he TOSSES Thomas into Maverick! Thomas staggers up, into a BOOT! Braun then snarls at Maverick, CLUBS him, and then runs corner to corner to SPLASH! Wait, Omos & MVP are making their way down the bleachers to ringside as Braun TOSSES Maverick across the ring! The giant and his manager get Braun’s attention, but then Thomas CLUBS Braun. It does nothing! Braun CLUBS Thomas, then scoops Maverick, MONSTER SLAM! Braun drags Thomas up and reels him in, riles up the fans, and he POWERBOMBS Thomas onto Maverick! Cover, Braun wins!

Winner: Braun Strowman, by pinfall

Braun glares at Omos from the ring and dares him to step up! MVP tells Omos to stand down, and MVP has the mic. “Braun Strowman, I give credit where it’s due. You are without question, one incredibly impressive specimen. But monster of all monsters? Have you not seen the 7’3″, 403 pound Nigerian Giant, Omos? Let’s be real, standing next to him, you look… Normal. And my advice to you would be not to get too comfortable, because monsters stay in the shadows.” Braun shouts back, he’ll show everyone Omos ain’t nothing compared to him! Will Braun #GetTheseHands on the massive Omos to reestablish dominance?


The Bloodline regroups backstage.

Sami says tonight, Solo can get the job done for the family just like Sami did. Jey says, “You’re welcome, though.” Sami asks, “For what?” Tribal Chief said get the W, Jey made sure he did! That’s what he did. How? Sami says he did that all on his own, so Jey needs to give him some credit for once. Is Sami kidding right now? Jey asks Solo if he saw that match. Solo says no, he missed it. He was watching Sami. Solo can learn a lot from him. Sami says Solo has! And Solo will follow in Sami’s footsteps. Sami is a former three-time Intercontinental Champion, Solo is going to go out there alone, run through those fools and become the NEW#1 Contender! That title is his!

Solo says after he levels up and bodies these fools, he’ll have gold of his own. Sami gets in a “YEET!” but will Solo be able to live up to they expectations?


Maxxine Dupri walks out on stage.

She has a mic to say, “Please welcome the height of fashion, Maçé!” Maçé struts out and strikes a pose, and then Maxxine says, “Put your hands together for the Sultan of Suave, Mansôör!” And as such, Mansôör struts out and also strikes a pose. But Max Du-PRI is no more, he returned to who he was all along! Will the Maximum MEGASTAR make the male models understand when it’s time to get serious? YEAH!

LA Knight VS Mansôör w/ Maxxine Dupri & Maçé!

Mace barks at Knight but Knight sees Mansoor’s sneak attack coming! Knight throws hands on Mansoor, the bell rings and Knight throws more hands. Knight throws off his vest, he whips Mansoor corner to corner and then back drops him on the return! Fans fire up as Knight clotheslines Mansoor up and out! Fans fire up with Knight, he goes out but Maxxine steps in his way. She taunts her big brother, and Mace asks, “You wouldn’t hit a woman, would you?” Knight tells them both to back off, but Mansoor CLOBBERS Knight! And RAMS him into the steps! And smacks him off the apron!

Mansoor puts Knight in, dragon sleepers and hits a REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO! Mansoor stomps Knight around, covers again, TWO! Mansoor ROCKS Knight, whips Knight to a corner, but Knight reverses. Mansoor comes back to DDT! Cover, TWO! Knight grits his teeth but Mansoor snarls. Mansoor wraps on a chinlock but Knight endures. Fans rally and Knight fights up. Mansoor CLUBS Knight in the back, then suplexes. Knight slips free, shoves Mansoor into a corner, and then hits a NECKBREAKER! Knight hurries to the apron and he KNEES Mansoor back in the ring! And then slingshot shoulder tackles!

Fans fire up with Knight, he blocks a kick and Mansoor wants mercy! NA NA! Knight flips Mansoor, then LARIATS! Mace gets on the apron again but gets a DROPKICK for it! Knight kicks Mansoor, for the B F T! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

YEAH! Mansoor just suffered some “blunt force trauma,” and Mace has to carry him out of the ring. Knight gets the mic to say, “Lemme talk to ya! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You don’t think I just did that for you, did ya?” Knight doesn’t know if New Orleans understands, but he doesn’t need “a bunch of swamp dell dwelling incels saying my name. But now, I’m putting all of y’all on notice. But more importantly, I’m putting the entire WWE Superstar roster on notice. Right now, every single one of ya, mark the date. From here on, you can all get your ticket punch. Why? Because whose game is it? It’s LA Knight’s game, YEAH!”


Six Woman Tag: Damage Control VS Raquel Rodriguez, Shotzi Blackheart & Roxanne Perez!

Things are really heating up for Bayley, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky on all brands, but they are enjoying the heat. They still want to take over, but will they start to overheat going back and forth between the brands? Or can they prove they’re ready for everything taking on the Badass, the Ballsy, and the Breakout Star?

The trios sort out and Dakota starts against Roxie. They circle, Roxie dodges Dakota and resets. They circle again, Roxie dodges but Dakota grabs hair! Fans boo but Roxie arm-drags free! Roxie dodges, Dakota follows, but Roxie arm-drags Dakota around! Roxie dodges and rolls to headscissor and roll Dakota up! TWO, and Dakota scrambles away! Kai tags Sky and she stares Roxie down. They circle, tie up, and Sky hits a headlock takeover. Roxie headcissors, Sky kips fee but Roxie headlocks. Sky powers out, runs in, but Roxie goes up and over! Sky comes back, into a sweep! Roxie runs, handsprings, but Sky blocks the arm-drag!

Sky pulls hair to whip Roxie, but Roxie tilt-o-whirls to RANA! Sky handsprings through and she DROPKICKS Roxie down! Sky rains down fists, then drags her away. Sky bumps Roxie off buckles and Bayley tags in. Roxie ROCKS Sky, DECKS Bayley, and runs, to DIVE! Direct hit on Bayley and they go into the desk! Fans fire up and Roxie puts Bayley in the ring! Roxie wrenches, hooks Bayley up, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Bayley distracts the ref, Sky throws Roxie down by her hair! Raquel & Shotzi protest but Bayley rains down fists. Fans boo but Bayley tags Kai. DMG CTRL mugs Roxie, then Dakota waistlocks. Roxie arm-drags free to tag Shotzi!

Shotzi ENZIGURIS Kai to a corner, run sin but is put on the apron. Shotzi blocks, ROCKS and brings Kai into the ropes. Sky rushes over, Shotzi moves and then YANKS Sky down! But Kai PENALTY KICKS from the apron! Bayley wants Michael Cole to talk about how great DMG CTRL is, and then Sky tags in. Sky whips Shotzi into the ring, drags her from the corner, and wrenches her hair! Tag to Kai, the tag champs mug Shotzi, but Shotzi fights back on everyone! Shotzi DECKS Sky but Kai BOOTS Shotzi! Kai throws Shotzi to the apron, but Shotzi avoids the shoulder to APRON DDT!! Kai flops down and Shotzi hurries back in!

Hot tags to Bayley and Raquel! Fans fire up as Raquel rallies on Bayley! Scoop and FALL AWAY SLAM! Bayley ends up in a corner, Raquel runs in but Dakota takes the SPLASH for Bayley! Raquel DECKS Sky as she gets in, and Raquel tags Roxie. Raquel lifts Roxie, but Bayley CLUBS Raquel! Both Raquel and Roxie fall, but then Raquel gets Bayley! But Kai & Sky trip Raquel! Raquel kicks them away, she alley-oops Kai but Sky SHOTEIS! Kai PENALT- NO, Raquel blocks! Sky ASIA MOONSAULTS it all down! But Shotzi is up top!! SUPER CROSSBODY takes out Kai & Sky!! Fans are thunderous but Bayley DECKS Shotzi!

But Roxie rolls Bayley! TWO!! Bayley clinches to BAYLEY- NO, Roxie slips free, mule kicks and runs, into the BAYLEY2BELLY!! Cover, TWO!?! Roxie survives and Bayley is furious! Bayley CLUBS Roxie, drags her to a drop zone, and Bayley climbs up top. But Roxie gets up to CLUB Bayley first! Roxie fights with Bayley as she climbs, and Roxie fires off! Fans fire up and Roxie hits a SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO!! Roxie can’t believe it, but this is why Bayley is a WWE Grand Slam Champion! Roxie runs in but Bayley YANKS her into the ropes! Then she hooks Roxie up, ROSE- NO, Roxie cradles! ONE, Bayley has a ghost pin! DMG CTRL wins!

Winners: Damage Control, by pinfall

Bayley snatches victory away, but that was a lot closer than she’d probably like to admit! Will Bayley really be able to stop Bianca Belair if she’s struggling with the new kid?


The Viking Raiders speak.

“The gods find us aching. Destruction begins. Valhalla awaits.”


Hit Row VS Legado Del Fantasma!

The feud from NXT that never truly finished restarts here on SmackDown! But will Top Dolla & Ashante THEE Adonis get that money money money money? Or will Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro do la familia proud tonight?

SmackDown returns as LDF makes their entrance. The teams meet at the ramp and the brawl is on! Dolla is after Cruz, Adonis has Wilde! Fans fire up as Hit Row has the advantage, but Wilde CLUBS Adonis! Dolla TOSSES Cruz into barriers! Adonis CLUBS Wilde in return, kicks him down, then he and Dolla mug Cruz. Dolla TOSSES Cruz into the ring, he and Adonis get in the ring, and Adonis runs to get a boost for the SPLASH! The ref reprimands, this match isn’t official. Adonis stands down and Dolla has Cruz as the bell rings. Dolla has both hands and he tells Cruz this is what he gets. Whip and BOOT!

Dolla looms over Cruz, fans fire up and Dolla shouts, “Who hotta than Top Dolla?” DOlla runs, does a shimmy and shake, then drops the BIG elbow! “NOT NADA!” But Escobar trips up Adonis! He disappears like a phantom and then Vega slips in to FLYING LARIAT B-Fab! Vega fires off on B-Fab, and Cruz SHOTGUNS Dolla! Tag to Wilde, he CHOP BLOCKS Dolla, and then LDF DOUBLE SUPERKICK Dolla down! Tag back to Cruz, they set Dolla up, SACRIFICIO! Cover, LDF wins!

Winners: Legado del Fantasma, by pinfall

Vega and Escobar join in on the celebration, and they immediately make a statement here on SmackDown. Will Legado del Fantasma soon control the tag division?


Backstage interview with Sonya Deville.

Sonya notes that with LDF, they saw an opportunity and they seized it. But let’s talk about who didn’t do that: Liv Morgan. Liv has been literally gifted opportunity after opportunity, and she failed. She had her moment to solidify her reign at Extreme Rules, to prove that she deserved that SmackDown Women’s Championship, and what happened? “She got destroyed. Liv Morgan doesn’t have ‘it.’ Liv Morgan’s nothing but a whiny-” LIV ATTACKS! Liv fires off on Sonya for talking that smack, and she RAMS Sonya into a road case! And then gives her a back suplex onto it! Liv asks, “Who doesn’t have it?!”

Liv keeps on Sonya, and even clears off a table! Liv dribbles Sonya’s face off the table! Sonya flounders, but Liv sees the nearby structure. Liv BOOTS Sonya down, then drags her onto the table! Liv climbs the frame of the tron, and she SUPER SENTONS onto Sonya and the table!! Sonya just paid for underestimating Liv, but just what is this new wild side inside of Liv?


WWE Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Sheamus VS Ricochet VS Solo Sikoa VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux!

Der Ring General may still be WWE Intercontinental Champion after Imperium helped him cheat out the Celtic Warrior, but Sheamus has one last chance through this match! Will Sheamus get one more fight with Gunther? Will the One and Only become THE one? Will the Street Champion make the Bloodline proud? Or will somehow, someway, Mr. Doomsday be able to fight this fight after what McIntyre did to him earlier tonight?

SmackDown returns and Sheamus makes his entrance, followed by Solo. But then we hear that because of injuries suffered earlier, Kross is NOT in this match! But there’s a replacement: REY MYSTERIO! Triple H must’ve used this to convince the King of Lucha to stay! Will Rey get a win here and go for one more title run?

The bell rings and Ricochet swings on Solo! Solo lifts Ricochet, runs at the ropes, but Ricochet throws Solo out! Solo hurries up, Ricochet ducks to V-TRIGGER Solo down, and PLANCHA! Those two are on the outside, so Sheamus storms up on Rey inside, their first-ever meeting as opponents! Rey dodges, fires off hands, and then whips. Sheamus reverses, Rey holds ropes and then dumps Sheamus out! Rey builds speed and FLIES to take Sheamus and Ricochet out! Fans fire up as Rey gets back in the ring, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Ricochet KICKS away on Sheamus against the ropes! Fans fire up, Ricochet runs, but Sheamus turns dropkick into a leglock. Ricochet kicks Sheamus away, then hurries up, but into a LARIAT! Sheamus sees Rey returning and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Sheamus runs at Ricochet but Ricochet ELBOWS Sheamus away. Ricochet runs, but into a scoop for a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up, Sheamus goes to a corner and he calls for it! Sheamus beats his chest, fans call for it, but Solo CLOBBERS Ricochet first! Sheamus and Solo stare down and fans fire up for these two. Solo and Sheamus step to each other, and the brawl is on!

Fans fire up as the forearms go back and forth! Sheamus gets the edge, Solo shoves him but Sheamus RAMS him! Solo tumbles out, Sheamus goes out after him! Solo SAMOAN DROPS Sheamus to the floor! Fans are torn while solo fire sup, but Ricochet DIVES and sends Solo into the cameraman! Rey builds speed to SLIDE and SPLASH on Sheamus! Rey and Ricochet get in the ring, a king and a prince of high flying stare down! Fans fire up, Rey trips Ricochet but things keep moving. Ricochet hurdles, Rey RANAS but Ricochet handsprings! Ricochet rushes in, Rey sidesteps but Ricochet elbows him away.

Ricochet keeps moving, sunset flips, but Rey rolls through, only for Ricochet to duck and roll! TWO!! Rey gets moving again, springboard to the QUEBRADA, but Ricochet blocks it! NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through the bridge to a deadlift suplex! Cover, TWO! Rey survives, this is why he’s a Grand Slam Champion! Ricochet shrugs that off, puts Rey in a drop zone and goes up top! RICOCHET 63- NO, Rey moves, Ricochet lands on his feet, and Solo SPLASHES in the corner! Then a SPALSH for Rey! Then a HIP ATTACK for Ricochet! Solo dodges Sheamus, to WHEEL KICK! Fans fire up with Solo while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again, and Solo HEADBUTTS Sheamus! Then CLUBS him, then HEADBUTTS again! Solo rains down fists in the corner, and then he roars! Solo says he’ll get that belt, and he drags Rey up on the apron to HEADBUTT him back down. Solo storms back to Sheamus but Sheamus throws counter punches! Solo hits back, Sheamus throws harder, and fans fire up as the hands keep going back and forth! Sheamus gets the edge but Solo knees low. Solo whips, Sheamus BOOTS Solo down! Sheamus grits his teeth, and he skins the cat to the top rope! But Ricochet jump up after him to throw forearms!

Ricochet brings Sheamus up, but Sheamus throws body shots! Rey WRECKS Solo, then joins Ricochet! They both CLUB Sheamus, then bring him up, but Solo adds on! TOWER OF DOOM!! NO, Sheamus slips free, that’s just a DOUBLE POWERBOMB! Sheamus adjusts as Solo covers Rey, KING KONG KNEE DROP! All four men are down and fans build to a rally. Ricochet bails out, Solo goes to the apron, and Sheamus has his eyes locked on Solo. Fans rally for Sheamus and he brings Solo up. BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Fans count and Sheamus gets all TEN, then goes past that to FIFTEEN, then TWENTY, then TWENTY-SIX!!!

Sheamus drags Solo back in, fireman’s carries, but Solo throws elbows! Solo is free, he HEADBUTTS! Sheamus rebounds to KNEE! IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! And then, the CLOVERLEAF!! Solo endures, but here comes JEY! Sheamus lets Solo go to CLOBBER Jey! Sami shows up, Sheamus CLOBBERS him! Solo SUPERKICKS Sheamus down and out! Sami rains down fists on Sheamus, Jey pushes Sami aside so he can rain down fists! Sami and Jey mug Sheamus, but here comes THE BRAWLING BRUTES! Ridge Holland & Pete Dunne fight off Sami and Jey and fans are thunderous! Solo joins in, the Bloodline and the Brutes brawl!

Rey BOOTS Ricochet, runs and tilt-o-whirls to put Ricochet on ropes! Dial it up, 6- NO, Ricochet blocks that and Alabama Lifts! Swing and GUT- RANA!! Rey spikes Ricochet and he flounders to ropes! Rey runs and dials it up, 619!! Rey goes up top and hits the FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Rey wins!!

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship)

What a way to return to SmackDown! The King of Lucha is home, and he says he’s got a shot at the title! BOOYAKA 619! Will Rey be able to stop the seemingly unstoppable Gunther?


The lights go down, but the “fireflies” are out.

Music plays, and there’s a mysterious door on stage. The same door from Extreme Rules… Light shines from behind that door, and then the door flies open! The light disappears, but then a lantern can be seen in the fog. Fans cheer as Bray Wyatt steps out! Bray makes his way down to ringside, and then up the steps into the ring. Bray holds up the lantern, and then blows it out. Fans chant, “Welcome Back!” as Bray stands under an eerie spotlight. Bray has the mic and isn’t sure they can tell, but he is incredibly grateful but also nervous to be here because he never thought this’d happen.

And this is just him. A version of himself he never got to introduce to us. This is just Bray being Bray, for the first time. Bray wants to share with us that this past year, he lost a lot of things. He lost his career, his self-confidence, two people who were very, very close to him, and he lost his way. Bray got to a point where he thought that everything that he’d ever done in the WWE was meaningless, that it didn’t matter to anyone. But he was wrong. Once Bray was done feeling sorry and he got out in the world again, there were people who said thank you and asked when he was coming back home.

Every once in awhile, Bray would meet someone truly remarkable and those people know who they are. They would come to him and say, “Bray, I just wanted to thank you, man. Because I was in a time of need and I lost people that were close to me. And I lost my self-confidence and I felt weak and vulnerable. And in this weakened state, I found your words, and I just wanted to thank you, man. You saved my life, Bray.” Fans cheer for that! Bray says the truth is he never thinks of stuff like that. But the fans chant, “Thank You, Bray!”

Bray says the thing is, he could sit here now and look everyone in the eye and say they were there when HE was weak, vulnerable and down. So he wants to thank us for saving HIS life. The fans wouldn’t let Bray run away and hide, they’d find him. When he left things behind, they’d chase him. They are the reason- Oh no. What is this on the ring? “Oh, little one. My little baby. Come with me. Your life is done. Forget the future, forget the past. Life is over. Breathe your last. You’ve got no idea who you’re dealing with, do you? Oh, but you will. You will!” The White Rabbit?! Is he NOT Bray?! What new darkness has followed Bray home?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown to follow Extreme Rules, as well as everything from Raw and even NXT. A really great final segment to have Bray’s return to television, and I really like that he got to speak for himself for a moment. Also what a great twist there right at the end where “The White Rabbit” or whatever we’re supposed to call this new character is acting independently of Bray. That really adds some new layers to Bray’s return. I can’t wait to see where this goes, but this is a great first tease. Also, a great opening segment to keep things going between McIntyre and Kross. A Strap Match was already a strong first match, so I can’t see anything short of a Last Man Standing for their rematch.

Braun beating two jobbers was of course to parallel what Omos has been doing, and of course Omos showed up. Braun VS Omos is inevitable, but I’m still not sure how that’s going to work out. Good stuff out of LA Knight taking on Mansoor, and of course Knight wins, but I’m really surprised he’s going Heel already. Granted, he does a great job as a Heel, but why not give it a week? Great stuff out of Liv Morgan going extreme on Sonya Deville, and clearly her thing is the super senton table spot. That’s clearly going to be a match as Liv rebuilds, and Sonya’s gonna have a busy week facing Alba Fyre on NXT and now Liv on SmackDown.

Really good match from Hit Row and Legado, though because Vega and Escobar interfered, it went pretty quick. Still not sure why Lopez is out and Vega is in, but perhaps it was an executive decision to get a recognizable name with the faction. Either way, Hit Row is a down a man, not sure who they can recruit to help even things with Legado since Swerve seems satisfied with what he’s doing in AEW. Another good vignette from not just The Viking Raiders, but I believe Sarah Logan. Going to be great to see her back in action under this new Viking Valkyrie persona.

Roxanne Perez choosing Raquel Rodriguez makes a lot of sense for NXT’s Pick Your Poison story. She’s big, strong, has teamed with Cora, and since Cora namedropped Rhea, Raquel is a great parallel to Rhea. Cora and Roxie will each find themselves in an underdog situation against a bigger, stronger opponent, and will each get a chance to show their character work in that. Chances are, Cora cheats to beat Raquel while Roxie loses fair to Rhea so that the math works out to favor Roxie in their weapons match at Halloween Havoc. As for this Six Woman Tag, great to see Roxie look so strong, but I figured Bayley would win so she has momentum going towards a title rematch with Bianca Belair.

And of course, great stuff out of The Bloodline. Sami had a great match with Kofi, and of course Sami doesn’t even acknowledge Jey helped him. This is just adding to the dysfunction between them, and it’s going to come to a head at Crown Jewel. And then, tying in Rey’s story was quite a twist. Rey is officially a SmackDown superstar, that Fatal 4 Way was awesome, and we even got the Brutes brawling with the Bloodline, making me want a Triple Threat at Crown Jewel to really up things. After all, the New Day did mention their historic title reign, so the Usos’ reign is going to be in danger as we get closer and closer to the record.

Rey winning this contenders match was a reasonable adjustment, and he’ll give Gunther one hell of a match, but with all the different elements, I feel like Rey’s getting cheated by someone. Either Dom shows up, adding more distress to how Rey’s been feeling, or it’s just the classic “Heel henchmen interfere” since Imperium has done that time and again. Though, it’d of course mean more if Gunther just straight up beats a living legend to add to his accolades.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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