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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL X Super Jr. Tag Results & Report! (11/22/22)

Now the big boys tag in!



NJPW WTL X Super Jr.

World Tag League takes over night two!

The Junior Heavyweights started this series, and now the Heavyweights tag in! Will Los Ingobernables de Japon make things tranquilo?


  • Yuto Nakashima VS Ryohei Oiwa; Oiwa wins.
  • Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe VS Kosei Fujita & Oskar Leube; Honma & Makabe win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Suzuki-Gun; Double Count-Out Draw.
  • World Tag League 2022: Alex Coughlin & Gabriel Kidd VS Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls; Shane & Mikey win.
  • World Tag League 2022: Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer VS Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens; Suzuki & Archer win.
  • World Tag League 2022: Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi; Goto & Hashi win.
  • World Tag League 2022: Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Aussie Open; Aussie Open wins.
  • World Tag League 2022: Tetsuya Naito & SANADA VS Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan; Naito & Sanada win.


World Tag League 2022: Alex Coughlin & Gabriel Kidd VS Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls!

The Android is back in action, and he’s bringing the LA Dojo’s Young Bull! But they’re going up against The Mighty, and the mighty don’t kneel. Then who will fall in the first round of WTL 2022?

The teams sort out and fans rally up already. Coughlin insists on starting and Kidd obliges. Fans rally for the return of the Android as he circles with Mikey. They tie up, Coughlin pushes Mikey to ropes, but lets off as the ref calls the ropebreak. Mikey claims tight pulling and hair pulling but the ref saw no such things. Mikey and Coughlin circle and tie up again. Coughlin pushes Mikey back again, but Mikey turns it around to have Coughlin on the ropes. The ref calls the ropebreak, but Coughlin avoids the cheap shot! Fans applaud as the two stand off. Mikey mocks Coughlin’s muscles and the two circle again.

Fans rally, the two tie up again, and Mikey headlocks. Mikey grinds the hold, but Coughlin powers up to power out. They ram shoulders but neither falls. Mikey dares Coughlin to try, he runs and RAMS Mikey. Mikey stays up, runs and RAMS Coughlin, but Coughlin stays up! Coughlin runs but Mikey follows to ELBOW him at the ropes. Mikey runs but Coughlin swings. Mikey ducks to then run Coughlin over! And again! Mikey whips but Coughlin whips the back drop away. Mikey comes back to facelock! Mikey suplexes and holds Coughlin up! Then the SLAM! Cover, TWO! Mikey stays on Coughlin with another facelock.

Mikey wrenches Coughlin and brings him over to tag in Shane, but Coughlin gets away. Fans rally up as Kidd reaches out. Coughlin sees Kidd fire up, and he tags him in! Fans cheer as Kidd and Shane circle. Kidd says, “OI, I’M BACK!” Fans chant for “GABE-BU! GABE-BU!” as he ties up with Shane. They’re in a deadlock, but Kidd finds a point of leverage. He puts Shane on the ropes, Shane shouts in pain and says, “Be cool, dude! Be cool!” Kidd lets off but Shane KICKS him low! Shane snapmares and basement dropkicks! Fans cheer as Shane runs, things speed up, Kidd hurdles and rolls to MONKEY FLIP Shane!

Shane sputters while fans fire up for Kidd! Kidd drags Shane up, HEADBUTTS him, then HEADBUTTS him again. Tag to Coughlin, he and Kidd double whip to run Shane over! Then they split the wishbone! Cover, TWO! Coughlin clamps onto Shane with a chinlock, Shane throws body shots but Coughlin CHOPS him on the back! Then CHOPS him in the corner! Shane is gasping and fans rally up for another! Coughlin CHOPS again! Shane falls over and Coughlin flexes! Fans fire up as Coughlin tags Kidd back in, and Kidd hooks Shane’s arms. But Shane slips free so the CHOP hits Kidd! Shane kicks Coughlin out of the ring and brings Kidd up.

Shane whips Kidd to ropes and Mikey trips him up. Mikey holds Kidd so Shane can basement dropkick him, and Kidd spins around so Mikey can SLAM him on the apron! Mikey claims innocence but we all know better. Shane distracts the ref, Mikey whips Kidd into railing, then pulls on an ear! Mikey BITES Kidd on the forehead, but lets off to put Kidd in the ring. Shane drags Kidd around by an arm to drag him up. Mikey tags in, The Mighty mug Kidd, and Mikey ROCKS Kidd. Kidd flounders, Mikey taunts “Alex” but Kidd says he’s name’s Gabe! Kidd fires off forearms but Mikey DECKS him! “Your name’s Alex, ya little bitch!”

Mikey swipes at Coughlin, then he drags Kidd up. Mikey suplexes Kidd high and hard, covers, TWO! Fans rally but Mikey drags Kidd away. Mikey puts the leg on ropes to HIP DROP the knee! Kidd crawls but Mikey stands him up to CHOP! And CHOP! And then Mikey puts Kidd on ropes to CHOKE and even fishhook! The ref counts, Mikey lets off, but then he digs his boots in. Mikey lets off again, and fans continue to rally for Kidd. Tag to Shane, but Kidd fights back with forearms and elbows! And CHOPS! But Shane uppercuts, Mikey reels Kidd in, BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, Coughlin breaks it!

Fans rally while Shane is annoyed. Shane KICKS Kidd in the back, then KICKS him again. And again, and again! Shane stomps Kidd out of the ring, tags Mikey, and Mikey drags Kidd up. APRON BACK SUPLEX! Kidd writhes but fans rally up. Mikey slides in to hook Kidd up in a one-arm Camel Clutch! Fans rally as Kidd endures, so Mikey switches the arms! Kidd still fights up, throws body shots and forearms, but Mikey CHOPS him down! Mikey mocks Kidd, kicks him around, but Kidd growls. Kidd stands, but Mikey CHOPS him down again! Kidd shakes his head and snarls, but Mikey slaps him around.

Kidd throws hands, Mikey throws them back! Mikey then knees low, and CHOPS Kidd down! Mikey also knocks Coughlin off the apron, but Kidd gets up to CLOBBER Mikey! Fans rally up while both men are down! Coughlin is back, he reaches out as Kidd crawls over. Hot tag to the Android! He rallies on Mikey, spins him around, and UPPERCUTS! Coughlin CHOPS Mikey in the corner! Coughlin whips corner to corner but Mikey dodges. Shane gets in, The Mighty double whip but Coughlin crisscrosses them into each other! Then he reels them both in for a DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Coughlin roars!

Coughlin stalks Mikey to ropes, scoops him, and FALL AWAY SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Coughlin clamps on with a waistlock and he deadlifts Coughlin! Mikey throws elbows but Coughlin ducks one, only for Mikey to give him a DDT! Fans fire up while both men are down! Mikey crawls over and tags in Shane. Shane drags Coughlin up to EuroUpper again and again. Shane whips Coughlin to a corner, runs in and uppercuts again! But Kidd gets in to kick and whip, only for Shane to reverse it and reel Kidd in for a SAIDO! Shane KICKS Coughlin, BOOTS him, then reels him in for an INVERTED EXPLODER!

Shane fires up and he reels Coughlin back in. SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Coughlin survives but Shane drags him back up. Shane puts Coughlin up top and climbs up after him. Coughlin fights back with forearms! Shane hops down but Mikey ROCKS Coughlin with a right! Mikey gives Shane a boost back to the top rope, POWERBOMB SUPERPLEX COMBO!! Shane takes damage, too, but Mikey drags him onto the cover! But Kidd breaks it!! Mikey throws Kidd out and Shane rises up. Fans rally as Shane runs, but Coughlin catches him for the SCRAPBUSTER! Both men stir, fans rally up, and Coughlin crawls for his corner. Hot tag to Kidd!

Kidd runs in to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP Shane in the corner! Kidd shouts, “Tenzan Power!” and he uses the Mongolian Chops! Fans fire up and Kidd hits Shane with an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally behind Gabe and he drags Shane back up. But Mikey CHOPS Kidd on the back! Kidd blocks the whip but the Mighty mug him. They double whip, Kidd ducks, then holds ropes. Mikey runs in but is thrown out! Shane runs in but is also thrown out! Kidd goes to the apron, and then up the corner! ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Direct hit on The Mighty and the fans are thunderous! Kidd puts Shane in, covers, ONE?!!

Kidd hurries to bring Shane up, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, Mikey breaks it! But Coughlin kicks Mikey out, then brings Shane up. Kidd reels Shane in, SAIDO! Coughlin roars as he deadlift gut wrenches, for a BIG suplex! Fans fire up as they both flex! And then Kidd becomes Coughlin’s weapon! Coughlin lifts Kidd up, but Shane moves before the POWERBOMB! Kidd takes all the damage! Shane then dumps Coughlin out! Tag to Mikey and the Mighty go after Kidd. Mikey drags Kidd up and scoops while Shane climbs, but Coughlin returns! Coughlin ROCKS Shane, Kidd slips free, but Mikey shoves Kidd into Coughlin! Mikey DOUBLE LARIATS them down!

Mikey drags Coughlin up, gut wrenches, Shane leaps, TANK BUSTER!! The Mighty power up and the fans fire up as they get Kidd. But Kidd fights back with forearms and CHOPS! Kidd roars, but Mikey SLAPS! Shane SLAPS! The Mighty DOUBLE SLAP! And then, THUNDER VALLEY!! Cover, The Mighty win!

Winners: Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls (gain 2 points; Coughlin & Kidd earn 0)

Shane & Mikey road #TheMechanicalBulls, and they held on to win! TMDK is leading the way, but will they stay standing to the end of the World Tag League? Can Coughlin & Kidd adapt and overcome in the next round?


World Tag League 2022: Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer VS Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens!

The Meanest Man in the World and the Murderhawk Monster reunite to form perhaps the meanest team in this tournament! Will they show the Rogue General & Crown Jewel that #EverybodyDies? Or will things be just Too Sweet?

As always, Archer knocks a Young Lion over during his entrance. And fans are very excited that they can once again sing along with, “KAZE NI NARE~!” The teams sort out and Archer is calling out Fale! They get chest to chest and then back off for the bell. Fans are fired up already as Archer and Fale stare down. Archer pie faces Fale but Fale pie faces him back. Archer says, “You wanna go? You wanna go!?” Archer runs the ropes, RAMS Fale, but Fale doesn’t budge! Fans fire up more and Archer dares Fale to go. Fale says okay, and Fale runs, to RAM Archer! Archer stays up and the two circle. They RAM, RAM and run, to RAM!

Fans cheer as the two behemoths are still standing. Archer flips Fale off, then tags to Suzuki. Fans rally up for the King of Pancrase, and then Fale tags to Chase. Fans rally for the Texas Heavyweight Champion as he eggs Suzuki on. Suzuki grabs that finger to bend it! Chase knees Suzuki low and throws him out of the ring! Archer runs past Chase to BLAST Fale off the apron! Archer scares the ref, and the brawling continues outside. Chase CHOKES Suzuki against railing then throws body shots. Archer rams Fale into railing, Chase claws Suzuki’s face, and Chase puts Suzuki in the ring. Chase brings Suzuki up but Suzuki throws body shots!

Suzuki ROCKS Chase with a forearm and Chase bails out. Suzuki goes out to whip Chase into railing! Chase staggers around while Archer sends Fale into railing, and a Young Lion! Yuto Nakashima falls over, and Archer just steps on him! As if losing the curtain jerker wasn’t bad enough… Archer storms over to help Suzuki mug Chase! They pulls Chase’s hair and fishhook his face! But Fale runs over to throw big hands! Suzuki CLUBS Fale, Fale continues after Archer. Suzuki CLUBS Chase and puts him back on the apron, to CLUB him in the chest! Fans rally as Suzuki gets in the ring and storms up to Chase.

Archer sends Fale into railing while Chase resists the piledriver. Chase throws forearms but Suzuki just eggs him on! Fans rally, Chase runs but Suzuki BOOTS him down! Suzuki stands Chase up to DECK him with a forearm! Chase is dazed but Suzuki puts him in a corner. Suzuki whips corner to corner, runs in and BOOTS! Suzuki snapmares then runs to PENALTY KICK, but Chase blocks it! Chase stands up to ROCK Suzuki! Or not… Suzuki glares and Chase begs for forgiveness. Suzuki says no so Chase throws another forearm. Suzuki just grins! Chase boots but Suzuki DECKS him! Suzuki waits on Chase to get up as fans rally.

Chase stands in the corner, Suzuki runs in but Chase dodges! Chase forearm smashes, and then short arm LARIATS! Both men are down and fans rally back up. Tag to Fale and Fale throws body shots on Suzuki. Suzuki staggers to a corner, Fale runs in to SPLASH! Suzuki wobbles but Fale whips him corner to corner, for another SPLASH! Fale pushes Suzuki down and runs to drop a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Suzuki is still in this and fans rally up. But Fale takes aim as Suzuki stands. Choke grip, pull the pin, but Suzuki ROCKS Fale first! Suzuki grabs the arm and tries to wrangle Fale to the mat, but Fale scoops! Suzuki RANAS Fale down, into an ARMBAR!

Fale endures, kicks around, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Tag to Archer and fans fire up again. Archer throws a haymaker, runs corner to corner, and back elbows! Archer keeps moving, another back elbow! And then another! Fale wobbles, Archer choke grips, but Fale choke grips back! They fight for control as fans rally, but Archer breaks free! Archer gets around to LARIAT! Fale stays up, Archer reels him in! Fans fire up as Archer suplexes, but Fale throws body shots! Fale scoops, Archer slips off and shoves Fale to ropes! Archer clotheslines Fale out of the ring! The Murderhawk Monster says he’s gonna do it, and fans fire up!

Suzuki holds Fale in place but Chase goes after Suzuki. Archer builds speed, but Fale slides in to CLOBBER Archer! The behemoths are down and Chase tags in! Chase runs in at the corner, forearm smash, short arm LARIAT! But Archer stays up! Chase ducks his lariat to CHOP BLOCK! And C-TRIGGER! Archer stays up! Archer roars, Chase SUPERKICKS! And then C-TRIGGER! Cover, ONE??!! Chase is shocked but the fans are thunderous! Chase SOBATS, AX KICKS and ROLLING ELBOWS, but Archer choke grips! CHOKE- C-TRIGGER!! C-TRIGGER AGAIN! Chase fires up, reels Archer in to tuck him in, but Archer’s too big to lift!

Suzuki CLUBS Chase and kicks him to a corner. But Fale CLUBS Suzuki and sends him out. Fale keeps after Suzuki while Chase fires off a strike fest! Chase runs but Archer follows to LARIAT! Fans fire up with Archer as he hauls Chase up. BIG snap suplex! Archer storms over to Chase, hauls him up top, but Chase BOOTS back! Chase aims but Suzuki scrambles up after him! SLEEPER!! The ref reprimands but Archer DECKS Fale! Archer ROCKS Chase, Suzuki says, “KILL HIM!” Inverted crucifix, for the BLACKOUT BOMB!! Cover, Suzuki-Gun wins!

Winners: Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Chase & Fale earn 0)

A big first win for the monsters! And to celebrate the Suzuki way, Suzuki grabs a Young Lion and sets him up for Archer! Archer DECKS Ryohei Oiwa! Some prize for winning the curtain jerker… But will Archer & Suzuki make sure #EverybodyDies in the World Tag League? Will Bullet Club be able to turn things around next round?


NJPW has an announcement!

Fantastica Mania returns for 2023! NJPW and CMLL once again team up for a lucha libre de Japon crossover! From February 22 to 28th, it’ll be a fiesta as Mistico, Volador Jr., Titán, Soberano Jr., Dulce Gardenia, Rey Cometa, Ultimo Guerrero, Hechicero, Atlantis Jr., Templario, Barbaro Cavernario, Okumura, Magia Blanca, Suicida, and Hijo del Villano III all represent CMLL here in NJPW!


World Tag League 2022: Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi!

#BISHAMON and the House of Torture are no strangers to each other, and they’re going to go around one more time on the road to the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships. Will it be Lights Out for the King of Darkness and Tokyo Pimp? Or will Darkness Fall on the Fierce Warrior and Head Hunter?

The teams sort out, but Bishamon is ready for the sneak attack! They block the kicks and CLUB the legs! The bell rings and Hashi throws out Evil while Goto fires off on Yujiro. Bishamon double whip and double shoulder Yujiro over, then combine for the hip toss senton! Evil slides in but Bishamon scares him back out. Bishamon then catches Dick sliding in, and they DRUM him down! Fans fire up as Bishamon is in control. Goto stomps Yujiro, CLUBS him, then drags Yujiro up. Goto suplexes but Yujiro fight sit, and BITES Goto’s hand! Fans boo and the ref reprimands but Yujiro lets go. Yujiro then dodges Goto and pulls his hair, to bump him off bare buckles!

Fans boo more as the Bullet Club Special comes into play. Hashi runs in but Yujiro kicks him, to then send him into the bare buckles! Fans boo as Evil SMACKS Hashi with the blue buckle pad! Yujiro kicks Goto out, and RAMS him into railing! Evil RAMS Hashi into the timekeeper! Fans boo even more now that Abe-san is again Evil’s victim! Yujiro puts Goto in, stomps him around, then throws haymakers down. Yujiro sits Goto up and snapmares, then he runs to drop the leg, brother! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up while Yujiro drags Goto up. Yujiro whips Goto into the bare buckles again! Yujiro taunts Goto then kicks him around.

Yujiro digs his boot in at the ropes but the ref counts. Yujiro stops at 4 and tags in Evil. Evil drags Goto up and throws him out. Evil distracts the ref so that Dick can DECK Goto! Fans boo Dick but he puts Goto in the ring. Evil covers, TWO! Evil is annoyed, he covers again, TWO! And again, TWO!! Fans cheer while Dick complains about the count. Evil slaps Goto but Goto CHOPS Evil! And CHOPS and CHOPS! Evil knees low, whips, but Goto avoids the buckles! Goto baits Evil in and Evil hits bare buckles! And then Goto reels Evil in for a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Both men are down and fans fire up!

Goto crawls to his corner, hot tag to Hashi! Hashi rallies on Evil, DECKS Yujiro, HOTSHOTS Dick, and runs in at the corner. Hashi CHOPS Evil, whips and CHOPS, then mule kicks and NECKBREAKERS! Yujiro gets in, kicks and whips Hashi but Hashi holds ropes. Yujiro runs in but into an elbow! Hashi puts Yujiro on the ropes to hang there, and then he runs side to side to DROPKICK Yujiro out onto Dick! Fans fire up with Hashi and he goes back to Evil. Hashi drags Evil up, reels him in, but Evil pulls hair! The ref reprimands and fans boo but Hashi CHOPS Evil! Hashi runs, but Evil uses the ref as a shield!

Evil kicks Hashi, puts him up on the ref, but the ref sets Hashi down! Hashi suplexes but Evil blocks. Evil fisherman’s for the BUSTER! Both men are down and fans fire up! Evil tags Yujiro and Yujiro drags Hashi up. Yujiro ROCKS Hashi, ROCKS him again, then throws elbows in the corner. The ref reprimands as Yujiro pulls hair. Yujiro whips corner to corner, but Hashi dropkicks Yujiro’s legs out! Fans rally back up, hot tag to Goto! Goto fires off on Yujiro, whips corner to corner, then runs in to MURAMASA! And BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Goto and he drags Yujiro up. Goto fireman’s carries but Yujiro fights with elbows.

Yujiro BOOTS, runs, but Goto follows to LARIAT! Fans fire up and Goto roars! Yujiro goes to a corner, Goto runs in to clothesline! Hashi clotheslines! Then feed to the fireman’s carry, but Yujiro grabs the ref! Evil slides in to LOW BLOW Hashi! Goto swings but Yujiro uses the ref as a shield! The ref goes down, Dick gets in and he uses the SPOILER CHOKER!! Fans boo as Dick chokes Goto! But here comes YOH! Yoh fires off on Dick but then Sho shows up! Sho CLAWS Yoh’s eyes, and bumps him off the bare buckles! The fans tell Sho and Dick to go away, but the House of Torture all stomp Goto 4v1! But wait! Here comes LIO RUSH!

Sho kicks Lio, he and Dick double whip but Lio handsprings under the double lariat! Lio kicks Sho but Sho blocks. But Sho ducks the enziguri and it hits Dick! Lio then mule kicks Sho’s leg out to SPIN HEEL KICK! Evil & Yujiro mug Lio, they double whip, but Lio slides and tells ’em peace out! Evil & Yujiro turn around into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Yoh & Lio coordinate, Sho runs in, into 3K!! Lio has taken Sho’s place and fans are thunderous! Yoh & Lio drag Sho and Dick away, Hashi feeds Yujiro to Goto’s fireman’s carry! FIERCE FLASH, into SHOUTO!! Cover, Bishamon wins!!

Winners: Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Evil & Yujiro earn 0)

The House of Torture keeps trying to stack the deck, but it keeps falling apart on them! Is it about time Evil and his cohorts stop with the tricks and try to do things fair and square? As for Goto & Hashi, will be able to they fight their way back to being IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions?


World Tag League 2022: Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Aussie Open!

The Joker & The Ace are back together again, hoping to have a better hand this year than they did last year. But Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher have the FTR seal of approval as the future of tag team wrestling! Will the future be now? Or will Yano & Tanahashi win with love, energy, and a bit of hijinks?

As with Catch 2/2 yesterday, the Orchestrator, Gideon Grey, is here to give the introductions for the United Empire’s representatives. Gideon even promises an ALL United Empire Finals! As for Yano & Tanahashi, they return as the high school bad boys! Black jackets, pompadours, and the squat! The teams sort out and there are plenty of Aussie Open fans here. But plenty of fans still cheer as Tanahashi shows off the muscles. Yano shouts, “SUGOI~!” Yano & Tanahashi squat again, daring someone from Aussie Open to step up. Davis & Fletcher just BOOT them down! The bell rings, Aussie Open whip but the Joker & Ace both hold the ropes to taunt them.

Aussie Open runs in but they’re sent out! And then Yano & Tanahashi squat again! Fans fire up while Aussie Open tries to figure this out. Fletcher wants just one of them, and Tanahashi stays in. Fans rally and Fletcher runs in. Tanahashi kicks Fletcher, throws forearms, then stomps him in the corner. Tanahashi whips but Fletcher reverses, only to run into another kick. Tanahashi goes up and CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up as Tanahashi squats again! Tag to Yano and fans fire up more! Yano calls out Fletcher but Fletcher asks, “Nan desu ka? <What is it?>” Fletcher tags to Davis and Yano gets worried now.

Yano and Davis circle, approach, and Yano dodges to go for the buckle pad! Davis CLUBS Yano, ROCKS him, then whips corner to corner. Yano reverses to send Davis away, so he can finish with the buckle pad! Yano has it off the corner, then he dodges Davis to throw the pad to Davis! The ref reprimands Davis but he says he didn’t do it! Yano SLAPS Davis, and says Davis is “Shabai,” a play off of “Yabai,” which means “Dangerous.” And speaking of, Yano turns around and Davis ROCKS him! Dangerous indeed! But Yano pulls Davis’ hair! The ref reprimands but Fletcher jumps in to pull Yano’s hair! The ref reprimands Fletcher, but Tanahashi jumps in to pull Fletcher’s hair!

And then Davis pulls Tanahashi’s hair! The ref reprimands everyone and tells them to stop! He counts, they all let go at 4! And ten Aussie Open throws Yano & Tanahashi out! Davis goes out after Yano, Fletcher goes out after Tanahashi. Davis RAMS Yano into railing, then into more railing! Fletcher does the same to Tanahashi, and then Aussie Open DOUBLE APRON BACK SUPLEX! Fans are torn while Aussie Open throws the crowns up. The ring count starts, Davis puts Yano in at 6 of 20 and he regroups with Fletcher. They drag Yano up to double whip and DOUBLE CHOP! Fletcher PENALTY KICKS, Davis SENTONS! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up and Davis mocks the squat. Davis stomps Yano around, CLUBS him with crossface forearms, then kneels on his head while throwing up the crown. Fans are torn but Davis taunts Tanahashi. The ref keeps Tanahashi back, Davis and Fletcher stomp Yano at the ropes. Fletcher mocks the Yano shrug then tags in. Fans rally up and Fletcher wonders which is louder. Fletcher brings Yano up, scoops him, and SLAMS him! Fletcher mockingly applauds, then cocky covers, TWO! Fletcher says that was close. Tag to Davis and Aussie Open mugs Yano in the corner. Davis stomps Yano down, but the ref counts.

Davis digs his boot in, and so does Fletcher! The ref is busy with an angry Tanahashi and Aussie Open gets away with it. Davis drags Yano to a cover, TWO! Fans rally up but Davis clamps onto Yano with an armlock. Yano endures as Davis wrenches the arm, and he scoots back to the ROPEBREAK! Davis lets off at 4, taunts Tanahashi, then tags Fletcher. Fletcher mocks the fans rallying for The Ace, and Fletcher drags Yano up. Yano throws body shots! Fletcher CLUBS and CLUBS and CLUBS Yano! But Yano pulls hair! Fletcher kicks, whips, but Yano reverses to throw Fletcher down by his hair! Fans fire up as both men stir!

Yano crawls, hot tag to Tanahashi! The Ace rallies on Aussie Open! Tanahashi dodges Fletcher to fire off a strike fest! Tanahashi whips, Fletcher reverses but Tanahashi FLYING FOREARMS! Davis rushes in and kicks low. Davis CLUBS Tanahashi, he and Fletcher double whip. Tanahashi kicks Fletcher away and blocks Davis’ kick! DRAGON SCREW! Fletcher kicks, but gets a DRAGON SCREW, too! Fans fire up with Tanahashi while Fletcher clutches his leg. Fletcher stands, Tanahashi runs, but Fletcher avoids the slingblade! Fletcher throws forearms and a CHOP! Fletcher then suplexes, but Tanahashi fights that!

Tanahashi facelocks Fletcher but Fletcher wrenches out, gets around, and HALF ‘N’ HALF SUPLEXES! Fans rally for Aussie Open and Fletcher nods. Tag to Davis and Aussie Open drags Tanahashi up. They double wrench, double forearm, and then Davis barks and runs. But Yano trips him up! Tanahashi fights off Fletcher to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Tanahashi crawls, hot tag to Yano! Yano runs in after Davis but Davis kicks low! Davis whips Yano to a corner, but Yano dodges! Davis hits buckles, Yano rolls him up! TWO!! Yano fires up and runs, but Fletcher trips him up! Davis drags Yano up as Fletcher gets in.

Fletcher points to the bare corner, Aussie Open whips Yano in! Yano hits bare buckles, but then he avoids Fletcher! Fletcher hits bare buckles, Yano atomic drops Davis and trips him! CATAPULT! Davis hits bare buckles! Tanahashi runs in to SLINGBLADE! Yano hurries to cover, but Fletcher breaks it! Fans rally as Tanahashi throws Fletcher out. Tanahashi tells Yano to finish this, as he PLANCHAS! But Fletcher dodges! Tanahashi crashes down, and Davis ENZIGURIS Yano! Davis hauls Yano up, scoops him and SLAMS him, to SENTON! Cover, TWO!! Yano is still in this and fans fire up! Davis snarls and he calls Fletcher in.

Davis fireman’s carries, Fletcher aims, but Tanahashi saves Yano! Fletcher kicks Tanahashi, feeds him to Davis, but Tanahashi throws elbows! Tanahashi is free, and he shoves Davis into Fletcher! The Joker & The Ace both roll up Aussie Open! Double covers, TWO!!! Both Yano & Tanahashi argue with the ref but two is two is two! The bad boy side comes out as they DUMP the ref down! But then Aussie Open pick them both up to SANDWICH them! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS for Tanahashi! Aussie Open hauls Yano up, fireman’s carry, POP-UP KICK! Cover, TWO?!?! Yano survives and shocks everyone!

Aussie Open fires up, Fletcher tags back in, and Aussie Open aim from opposite corners. They run in, DOUBLE LARIAT SANDWICH! And then, they double pump handle, for COREALIS!!! Cover, Aussie Open wins!!

Winners: Aussie Open, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Yano & Tanahashi earn 0)

And that is why they have the FTR seal of approval! Will Davis & Fletcher solidify themselves as the future of tag team wrestling by winning World Tag League? Or can Tanahashi & Yano make up for this in the following rounds?


World Tag League 2022: Tetsuya Naito & SANADA VS Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan!

Los Ingobernables de Japon’s Uncontrollable Charisma & Cold Skull have been IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships before, but that was already over a year ago. Naito is running out of time and out of options, can he and Sanada make it through the tournament to go to WrestleKingdom 17? Or will the Ultimate Weapon and the Dominator ruin those chances already?

Gideon Grey of course hangs around from just last match to give the other United Empire team their introductions. The teams sort out and fans duel already between Naito and Great-O-Khan. Naito takes his time with his entrance attire as always, and LIJ fist bumps. But then Naito brings out a copy of Khan’s book? He wants Khan to sign it? Well, he is a real-life hero… Fans want Khan to sign it, too, but Khan tells Naito he’s not going to! Fans still want him to sign, and Naito keeps asking. Khan says he will sign, only if Naito kneels! Naito kneels!? Khan likes that. Khan takes the book and pen, and he signs his autograph!

Khan throws the pan aside, but struggles to put the sleeve back in place on the book. Khan shows that it’s legit, and wants Naito to relax since he’s so star struck. Naito anxiously waits to be given the book back. Fans cheer, the bell rings, and Naito trips Kahn! High stack, TWO!! Khan flounders up, into a roll-up! TWO!! Khan kicks and Mongolian Chops Naito down! Khan grabs the book, and he stomps Naito down. Khan says he’ll make Naito regret that, and he headlocks Naito with the book in place! Naito endures, fights up, and he pulls Khan’s ponytail! Red Shoes reprimands but Naito reels Khan in to kick.

Naito whips Khan, but Khan holds onto the book! It’s a tug-o-war with the book! Naito kicks low, throws Khan out then builds speed, to tranquilo! Naito reads the book! Fans rally for Naito while Khan snarls. Naito says the book is only okay. Khan glares at Naito, and Naito THROWS the book! Khan scrambles in to get the book! Naito tells Khan to calm down. Khan says Naito doesn’t deserve the book, and he keeps the copy in his corner. Tag to Sanada and Henare and fans rally as they circle. They feel things out, knuckle lock, but Henare still throws kicks. Henare and Sanada tie collar ‘n’ elbow, and Sanada waistlocks.

Henare wrenches out to facelock, then he fires hands to put Sanada on the ropes. Henare headlocks and grinds but Sanada endures. Sanada throws body shots, powers out, but Henare runs him over. Fans fire up as Henare flexes the pecs. Things speed up, Sanada dodges and sunset flips, but Henare rolls through to get the legs. Fans fire up as Henare works out how to do the Paradise Lock! Henare can’t figure it out so he just toeholds. Henare asks Milano Collection how to do it! The instructions aren’t clear and he gets upset! Khan asks Milano but Sanada CLUBS Henare! Sanada puts Henare in a corner, whips him corner to corner, then RANAS!

Sanada rolls and he gets the legs! Sanada goes to tie Henare up in Paradise but Henare boots him away! Fans fire up as Sanada kips up and DROPKICKS Henare down! Sanada tags Naito, they bring Henare up and double whip to double hip toss! Naito then camel clutches Henare for Sanada to basement dropkick him! Cocky cover, ONE! Naito keeps cool and fans rally up. Naito drags Henare up, cravats, but Henare throws body shots. Naito CLUBS Henare again and again, but Henare just snarls! Henare swings, but into a spin! Naito goes to scoop but Henare scoops first! Naito slips off and shoves Henare to ropes, then he dodges, but Henare hits a THESZ PRESS!

Khan runs in to BLAST Sanada off the apron. Khan goes out after Sanada while Henare looms over Naito. Henare throws knees into Naito and dumps him out of the ring. Khan CHOKES Sanada with a microphone cord, and Sanada’s coughs can be heard on the speakers. Henare drags Naito up on the apron and has him against the ropes. Henare gives Naito BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Naito falls over at about five, so Henare stands on him while tagging in Khan. Khan looms over Naito, talks some trash, and stands on Naito’s face. Red Shoes counts and Khan lets off. Khan drags Naito up to CHOKE him with the ponytail!

Khan keeps Red Shoes from seeing but fans boo. Henare get in to mug Naito with body shots, then Khan whips Naito into the corner. Khan hops up to sit on his throne! Gideon laughs but Naito grabs for Khan’s ponytail. Khan stomps Naito by pulling his arms back for the reverse motorcycle stretch! Red Shoes counts, but Henare runs into KNEE Naito in the back! Khan pushes Naito down for a cradle, TWO! Fans rally up for Naito but Khan tags Henare. Khan stands on Naito’s legs to keep him down, and Henare stomps Naito on the back. Red Shoes reprimands but Henare drags Naito up. Henare clinches to throw knees, then he snapmares and KICKS Naito, for a SENTON! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally for Naito more but Henare drags him up again. Henare HEADBUTTS Naito to the corner, throws body shots, and Khan likes how sharp they are. Tag to Khan, he stands Naito up and Henare holds him in place. Khan taunts Sanada, then Mongolian Chops Naito! And again! Khan drags Naito out to Mongolian Chop him down! Cover, but Red Shoes sees the sneaky choke. Khan says that’s not a choke. Naito pulls ponytail but Khan stomps him down. Gideon gives Khan the book, and Khan stomps Naito down. Khan tells Naito to kiss the book! Naito pushes up against Khan’s iron fist! Naito throws the book out of the ring!!

Khan is furious and he fires off on Naito! Khan ROCKS Naito at the ropes, whips him, but Naito reverses to elbow! Khan rushes in but into a spin and turn. Khan fights the neckbreaker, runs, but into a SHOTGUN BOOT! Fans fire up while both men are down! Naito and Khan crawl, Khan tries to stop Naito but Naito tags Sanada! Sanada brings Khan up and fires off forearms. Sanada whips, Khan reverses but Sanada dropkicks the legs out! Henare runs in but into a dropkick! Sanada dropkicks Khan! Fans fire up and Sanada encourages them to get louder. The fans get louder and Sanada storms up to Khan.

Sanada drags Khan up but Khan Mongolian Chops! But Sanada blocks! And blocks again! Sanada uses Mongolian Chops! Sanada trips Khan, and SWINGS him around! Fans fire up seeing the Giant Swing! Sanada lets off at about seven, and he dizzily staggers around! Henare ROCKS Sanada with a right, and Sanada falls onto Khan’s groin!! Red Shoes reprimands Henare but he points out the Falling Skull! Khan sputters and falls out of the ring! Gideon fans him off, and Sanada sits up, having no idea what just happened. Sanada aims at Khan, but Khan avoids the plancha! Khan stands up, Sanada slingshots, but Henare trips him up!

Henare throws Sanada back in for Khan to whip! SAYANAGI! Fans fire up while both men are down. Khan drags Sanada up and puts him in the HITSUJIGOROSHI! Sanada endures the Sheep Killer, but Naito runs in! Khan scoops Sanada to swing him into Naito! Henare gets in to help Khan with FUBUKI!! Sanada endures being thrashed around, into MARINE!! Cover, TWO!! But Khan sits Sanada up for Henare’s PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives again and fans fire up! Henare & Khan drag Sanada up and whip him corner to corner. Khan whips Henare in but Sanada avoids the knee! Sanada dropkicks Khan’s legs out!

Sanada RANAS- NO, Henare blocks the huricanrana! Henare swings Sanada up, but Sanada RANAS on the second try! Fans fire up as Sanada crawls for his corner, hot tag to Naito! Naito drags Khan up by the ponytail, and he CLUBS away! Naito whips, ELBOWS, then runs to basement dropkick! Fans rally as Naito brings Khan back up to whip to a corner. Naito runs in, JUMP KICK, leg sweep, COMBI- NO! No combination! EXPLODER from Khan! Both men are down and fans duel as Khan tags Henare! Henare roars and drags Naito up. Henare ROCKS Naito with big shots, then fires off in the corner!

Henare whips Naito corner to corner but Naito reverses. Naito runs in but into an elbow! Henare goes up but Naito ducks the flying kick! Naito spins Henare around to throw ELBOW after ELBOW! Henare wobbles but he throws a body shot! Henare whips, Naito reverses, Sanada kicks Henare into the atomic drop! ENZIGURI to BIG back suplex! Rolling jackknife, TWO!! Fans fire up as Henare survives the LIJ combination! Naito drags Henare up and puts him in a corner. Naito throws ELBOW after ELBOW, then he hoists Henare up top. Naito climbs up but Henare hops down! Henare carries Naito out of the corner but Naito fights free!

Naito kicks and uses ropes, but Henare blocks the tornado! Henare suplexes Naito but Naito tries to cradle! Henare throws Naito away, blocks a kick, and step-over WHEEL KICKS! Henare runs to PENALTY KICK! Henare then whips Naito to tilt-o-whirl scoop, BERSERKER BOMB! Cover, Sanada breaks it! Khan BOOTS Sanada down! Fans fire up as Khan coaches Henare up. The Empire roar and flex, and they storm over to Naito. Khan whips Naito corner to corner, runs in and clotheslines! Henare runs in to SHINING WIZARD! Feed to Khan’s scoop, ASSISTED POWERBOMB!! Cover, Sanada breaks it in time!!

Khan HELL STABS Sanada down! Fans rally hard as ever for Naito as Khan drags him up. Khan & Henare coordinate. Henare fireman’s carries Naito and Khan runs, but Sanada trips Khan up! Naito hits DESTINO outta nowhere!! Cover, TWO!! Henare survives and both men are down again! Fans are thunderous as Naito slowly rises. Naito fires up and he brings Henare up. Naito wrenches but Henare elbows! So Naito ELBOWS and ELBOWS! Henare ducks to KICK and KICK! Naito blocks but the KNEE takes him down! Sanada runs in but Henare body shots, ELBOWS and KEEL KICKS!

Fans fire up as we hit the 20 minute mark! Naito runs in, into a RAMPAGE!! Henare roars, he staggers about, but he throws up the crown. Naito stirs and Henare watches him. Henare stalks up behind Naito, ULTIMA FULL NELSON! Naito endures and flails around! Red Shoes checks with Naito as he starts fading! Henare leans on the hold, Naito keeps reaching out, and Naito gets a second wind! But Khan creeps in! He pushes Red Shoes down!! Khan signals to his throat, but Naito ducks the GREEN MIST!!! Henare gets a face full of it!! Sanada hops in to TOSS Khan out, and PLANCHA! Henare swings blindly and fans fire up for Naito!

Sanada fires off forearms and a ROLLING ELBOW on Henare! Sanada gives Naito an assist in the TORNADO DDT! Henare staggers up, into DESTINO!!! Cover, LIJ wins!!

Winners: Tetsuya Naito & Sanada, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Khan & Henare earn 0)

The Empire thought they had it with that trick borrowed from The Great Muta, but it backfired! Are their hopes of an ALL United Empire finals already in jeopardy? Gideon taunts Naito with the book, not wanting to let him have it back. But then Bushi sneaks up behind and holds Gideon in place! Naito snatches the book back, then BOPS Gideon with it!

As for LIJ, with Bushi, Titan and Hiromu now present, Shingo Takagi hops off commentary to join them in the ring. Naito of course gets the mic to say, “Buenas noches, Korakuen Hall~!” Fans cheer for “NA-I-TO!” while the rest of LIJ each get a corner. Naito notes that “yesterday, the tag leagues began, starting with Super Jr. Tag League, and World Tag League today. I know all the boys in the back feel this way: wrestling for cheering fans is fun as hell!” Fans cheer because they agree! Naito thanks all of the fans who came here the last couple days and created that atmosphere, “Gracias, amigos!”

Naito continues with, “We’re just one round into the Super Jr. Tag and World Tag Leagues. We’ll take this on the road, touring the country for the next three weeks. Everyone, please enjoy the best tag wrestling NJPW can provide. By the way, since we have cheering here today at Korakuen, and who’s holding the mic at the end? None other than Naito. You guys know where this is going, right? It’s been three years and two months since we’ve done this at Korakuen Hall. Everyone, are you ready to roll call together?” They sure are! “The only right way to close out this World Tag League in Korakuen Hall…

“Bushi! Sanada! Hiromu! Takagi! Titan! Y Naito! NOSOTROS! Los INGOBERRRRRRNABLEEEES~! DE! JA! PON!” Fans cheer finally getting to enjoy that to the fullest, but will LIJ keep winning so fans can enjoy it again and again?


Here are the World Tag League standings!

The Mighty: 1-0, 2 points
Suzuki & Archer: 1-0, 2 points
Goto & Hashi: 1-0, 2 points
Aussie Open: 1-0, 2 points
Naito & Sanada: 1-0, 2 points
Khan & Henare: 0-1, 0 points
Yano & Tanahashi: 0-1, 0 points
Evil & Yujiro: 0-1, 2 points
Coughlin & Kidd: 0-1, 0 points
Chase & Fale: 0-1, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great World Tag League opener to follow the great Super Jr. Tag League opener. And we also got some good stuff out of the non-tournament matches. I loved seeing that we got back-to-back double count-out draws in LIJ VS Suzuki-Gun, with it all centering around Takagi and Taichi. I feel that is going to be our KOPW 2022 match-up at WrestleKingdom 17, with perhaps a No Count Out stipulation as the baseline for whatever those two can come up with. With as great of a job as Takagi has done with making the KOPW more serious in its competitiveness, I think he retains.

For that matter, I feel like LIJ could come out of WK 17 with tons of prizes. Hiromu could win the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title back in that Fatal 4 Way with Desperado, Taiji & Wato. Bushi & Titan may have lost to open Super Jr. Tag League, but they could easily turn that around to win the tournament and beat Catch 2/2. And after a great main event against Khan & Henare, I feel like Naito & Sanada have a great chance at taking WTL. Naito’s only avenue to WrestleKingdom is the heavyweight tag titles, so I would hope they give him that. Of course, in terms of who they face in the finals, I feel like Aussie Open gets that nod after a great win over Yano & Tanahashi tonight.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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