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Mitchell’s WWE Crown Jewel Results & Report! (11/5/22)

Will Logan Paul get lucky?



WWE Crown Jewel 2022


Logan Paul, just three matches into his WWE career, gets his shot at Roman Reigns and the Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Championship! But will that steel right hand hit its mark? Or will Logan Paul get SMASHED like all the rest?


  • Bobby Lashley VS Brock Lesnar; Lesnar wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Asuka & Alexa Bliss VS Damage Control; DMG CTRL wins and become the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • Steel Cage Match: Drew McIntyre VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux; McIntyre wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The OC VS The Judgement Day; The Judgement Day wins.
  • Braun Strowman VS Omos; Strowman wins.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS The Brawling Brutes; The Usos win and retain the titles.
  • Raw Women’s Championship Last Woman Standing: Bianca Belair VS Bayley; Bianca wins and retains the title.
  • Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns VS Logan Paul; Roman wins and retains the title.


It’s the Crown Jewel Kickoff Show!

Join Jackie Redmond, Peter Rosenberg and Matt Camp in discussing, analyzing and predicting the action in Riyadh!


The WWE travels worldwide, searching for those rare timeless moments.

Titus O’Neil says, “It is time that allows us to experience the impossible together. Ninety seconds to impossible. Let’s go.” And here, time doesn’t just tell all, it shows all. In this space, anything is possible with time. “And it can stop on a dime. For one. Lucky. Shot.” It’s showtime! Welcome to WWE Crown Jewel! “Let’s! Freakin’! GOOOO~!”


Bobby Lashley VS Brock Lesnar!

A main event anywhere on the world, a battle off The All Mighty and the Beast Incarnate is quite the appetizer! But with these two chomping at the bit for weeks now, who comes away tasting sweet, sweet victory? And who must stomach bitter defeat?

Lashley goes out after Lesnar during his entrance, and RAMS him into the steel steps! Lesnar hobbles, and Lashley SPEARS Lesnar down! Lashley puts Lesnar in the ring, the bell rings, and Lashley SPEARS Lesnar again! Fans boo while Lesnar bails out of the ring. The ring count climbs but Lashley goes out after Lesnar again! To SPEAR him through the barriers! Lesnar hits the timekeeper’s table, Lashley drags him up, and he puts Lesnar in the ring again. Fans rally for Lesnar but Lashley runs in, to SPEAR again!! Cover, TWO!?! Lesnar survives all that damage and Lashley is fuming!

Lashley stalks Lesnar as he rises, fans rally and duel, and Lashley clamps on the arms! Lesnar slips around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Lashley flounders, Lesnar hobbles, but both behemoths stand. Lesnar waistlocks again to GERMAN SUPLEX! Lashley flounders and Lesnar roars! Fans fire up, Lesnar waistlocks again, and GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Lesnar is still on Lashley, he fireman’s carries, and he F5s!! Cover, TWO!?! Now Lashley survives and fans can’t believe it! Lesnar huffs and puffs as fans rally up again. Lesnar watches Lashley rise, and he fireman’s carries again! But Lashley slips off to shove Lesnar! And clothesline him out of the ring!

Lashley goes out after Lesnar, fireman’s carries in return, to POST Lesnar! Lesnar hits the ground and fans boo but Lashley says he’s got The Beast now. Lashley puts Lesnar in the ring, takes aim again, and he runs in, but into a fireman’s carry! Lashley slips off, for a MILE HIGH SPINEBUSTER! Lashley stalks Lesnar while fans boo. Lesnar sputters, slowly rises, and Lashley clamps on! THE HURT LOCK!! Lesnar endures the mighty full nelson, reaches out, but Lashley keeps him from ropes! Fans rally up as Lesnar keeps fighting! Lesnar’s red, but he gets a second wind! Only for Lashley to keep him from ropes!

Lashley keeps on that full nelson with an S Grip now, but Lesnar refuses to give up! Lesnar pries at the hold but he’s fading! He drops to a knee! The ref checks, the arm drops once. The arm drops twice! But Lesnar gets a third wind! Lesnar grunts and growls, fights his way forward, and he pushes off the corner! It’s a cover, LESNAR WINS!!

Winner: Brock Lesnar, by pinfall

Lashley is shocked! He didn’t let Lesnar go, but he didn’t get up in time, either! Lesnar survives Lashley, and while fans are happy, Lashley isn’t! He puts the HURT LOCK back on! Fans boo but Lesnar can’t fight it this time! Lesnar sputters and fades out! Lashley lets Lesnar go and fans chant, “You Suck!” But with this and the Royal Rumble, that means they’re one and one. Will Lashley and Lesnar fight again in the near future to finally settle this?


Survivor Series ramps it up this year!

It isn’t just the traditional match anymore. It’s going to be WARGAMES!! Who will enter the double-ring double-cage and unleash the rage?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Asuka & Alexa Bliss VS Damage Control!

Team #TwistedMist only just took these belts, and Byron Saxton is backstage to congratulate them. How confident are they in defending the titles after only five days? Well, they only just won the belts, but they each have been preparing for this moment. Uh oh, White Rabbit…? But DMG CTRL thinks they can just get these belts back? That just shows how not in control they are! Asuka & Alexa say Kai & Sky are still NOT ready, but will that be true in the rematch?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is truly in control!

The teams sort out, Alexa starts against Dakota. They tie up, Alexa gets an arm and wristlocks, but Kai rolls, kips up and wrenches back to a wristlock of her own. Alexa rolls but Kai throws her down by her hair! Kai keeps on the wristlock, she whips Alexa to a corner, but Alexa goes up and over. Alexa taunts Kai, then sends her to the other corner. Kai dodges Alexa back, but runs into an elbow! Alexa goes up, reels Kai in, but Kai fights with body shots! Kai arm-drags but Alexa rolls through to arm-drag back! Cover, TWO! Kai drags Alexa down, ONE! Alexa Oklahoma Rolls, TWO! Roll-up, ONE! Alexa tries again, TWO!

Kai RAMS Alexa with a shoulder, and then she whips Alexa to ropes. Alexa reverses and table tops Kai! Alexa grins and fans cheer, but Kai rushes in. Alexa dodges, then holds ropes to end up on top of Kai! For skateboard stomps! The ref counts, Alexa lets off, and then she runs in, but Kai YANKS her into the ropes! Tag to Sky, she scoops but Alexa slips out to SLAP Sky! But Sky gets away as Asuka tags in. Fans fire up as the rivals meet again! Sky and Asuka circle, tie up, and Asuka headlocks to a takeover. Sky headscissors, Asuka kips free, things speed up, but Sky handsprings! Asuka applauds, but goes for a back hand!

Sky kicks low, runs but Asuka follows to ROCK Sky! Asuka whips, Sky blocks, reverses, and LARIATS! Asuka stays up, dodges and then runs Sky over! Fans fire up for this fast and furious action! Tag to Alexa, she and Asuka double suplex but Sky slips through! Sky ROCKS Asuka, DECKS Alexa, but Asuka BULLDOGS Sky onto Alexa’s knees! Cover, TWO! Alexa whips but Sky holds ropes to BOOT back! Tag to Kai, but Alexa SHOTGUNS her down! Tag back to Asuka, and the champs DOUBLE HIP ATTACK! DMG CTRL is down, and then the champs double baseball slide! Fans fire up as Asuka fetches Kai.

Asuka puts Kai in, goes to a corner and climbs up, but she has to BOOT Kai away. Sky sneaks in to springboard DROPKICK Asuka into a Tee of Woe! Kai BOOTS Asuka down to the floor! Asuka clutches her bad leg as a ring count climbs. Kai tags Sky, the ring count is 6 of 10. Asuka hobbles in at 8, but Sky is there to stomp her down! Sky SMASHES the bad leg, then drags Asuka to have a toehold. Sky drags Asuka away to tag in Kai. Fans rally for Asuka as Kai stomps her. Kai clamps on a HEEL HOOK! Asuka endures, kicks with her free leg, reaches around, but Sky pulls the ropes away! The ref reprimands and Sky stops.

Asuka endures as she kicks at Kai more, and then Asuka gets free! Asuka hurries but Kai gets the leg again! Tag to Sky, they stomp Asuka more, and then Sky has the heel hook. Asuka fights up to fire off forearms! Sky DRAGON SCREWS the leg! Asuka yelp sin pain but Sky keeps her down with forearms! Sky taunts Alexa, brings Asuka up with a wrench, but fans rally. Asuka fires off forearms! Sky keeps her away from Alexa again then kicks the bad leg! Sky whips Asuka, to FLAPJACK! Tag to Kai, and DMG CTRL drag Asuka up to double whip to a corner. Kai runs in but gets an elbow! Asuka sends Sky into buckles! BULLDOG LARIAT COMBO!

Fans fire up as all three women are down! Hot tag to Alexa! Alexa rallies on DMG CTRL! Alexa rains down fists on Kai, then hits a THESZ PRESS on Sky! Alexa blocks a kick, fires off haymakers and a KNEE! Then the same for Sky! Then DOUBLE SHOTGUNS! Fans fire up, Kai is on ropes and Alexa KNEES her in the back! Then Insult2Injury MK II! Fans fire up as Alexa brings Kai up! TORNADO DDT! Cover, Sky breaks it! Sky drags Kai away and tags herself in. Sky shoots around on Alexa, double underhooks, TIGER BACKBREAKER! Sky steps on Alexa but Alexa anchors a foot. Alexa brings Sky from the corner to throw her down!

Alexa hops on, CODE RED! Cover, TWO!! Sky is still in this but Alexa drags her into another drop zone. Alexa hurries up top, but Sky stands to SHOTEI! Sky climbs up, CLUBS Alexa, and Kai joins in! DMG CTRL has Alexa, but Asuka hurries in to get them! TOWER OF DOOM!! All four women are down and fans lose their minds! “This is Awesome!” as all four women stir. Alexa tags in Asuka! Sky tags in Kai! But Asuka MISSILE DROPKICKS Kai! Cover, TWO! Asuka calls her shot, she waistlocks, but Kai elbows free. Asuka URAKENS, URAKENS, KICKS, URAKENS and CODE BREAKERS! Asuka roars, runs in, but Kai dodges the hip attack!

Asuka blocks the boot! GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Fans are thunderous as Asuka runs in at Kai in the corner, but Kai YANKS her into buckles! Kai hurries to the far side, runs Around the World to BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Asuka survives and Kai is furious! Kai says no no, she’ll end this! Kai fireman’s carries, but Asuka fights free! ROUNDHOUSE! Then Alexa tags in! Kai is down, Alexa goes up, but Sky distracts! Alexa still jumps for TWISTED BLISS, onto knees!! Asuka rushes at Sky but get a mule kick! And an ASAI MOONSAULT! But Asuka moves! And then pop-up KNEES Sky down!

Alexa mule kicks Kai, and hits a DDT! Asuka and Sky fight their way into the ring as Alexa goes up top again. Wait, NIKKI CROSS!? She attacks Alexa while the ref is busy with Sky and Asuka! DRAPING NECKBREAKER!! Kai covers and shouts to the ref! The count, DMG CTRL WINS!!

Winners: Damage Control, by pinfall (NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Nikki helped Damage Control!? Is this what Bayley talked with her about on Raw? Is Nikki part of DMG CTRL?! Or was she just causing chaos at an old friend’s expense? Either way, Kai & Sky are two-time champions together, will Bayley pull off the sweep?


Someone pulls into the stadium.

It’s the Paul Brothers! Logan & Jake, as well as their entourage, are here and Byron says they’re just hours away from Logan’s match with Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. How is Logan feeling? Great! He’s about to shock the world! At the end of the day, all it takes is one lucky punch. But will Logan get lucky? Or will luck have nothing to do with him getting SMASHED by the Tribal Chief?


Steel Cage Match: Drew McIntyre VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux!

The Scottish Warrior was screwed out of a Strap Match by way of Scarlett’s pepper spray, and he isn’t going to let Mr. & Mrs. Doomsday get away with that! Will the cage keep Scarlett and her trickery out of the equation? Or will Kross find a way to win again?

The cage is lowered, McIntyre closes the door himself, and fans fire up already for McIntyre. The bell rings and the two men stare down. Kross rushes in, McIntyre dodges and fires off forearms and CHOPS! Kross knee slow, ROCKS McIntyre, then whips him to ropes. McIntyre reverses but Kross kicks back! McIntyre CLOBBERS Kross! McIntyre CHOPS Kross to a corner, ROCKS him, then bumps him off buckles. McIntyre back suplexes and Kross flounders away! Fans fire up with McIntyre and he storms up on Kross. Kross throat chops! McIntyre sputters, Kross climbs a wall, but McIntyre CLUBS Kross!

McIntyre climbs up after Kross, they trade JABS, McIntyre gets the edge, but Kross kicks the legs out! McIntyre gets caught up on the ropes then falls over. Kross has McIntyre in a corner, he clotheslines, elbows and ROLLING ELBOWS! Then he hits an EXPLODER! Fans boo but Scarlett soaks it all in. Kross drags McIntyre up, and he RAMS McIntyre into the steel! He tells fans to shut up, but McIntyre CHOPS! Kross CHOPS! McIntyre CHOPS! And CHOPS! ANd CHOPS! Kross knees low to RAM McIntyre into steel again! Kross then digs his boot in and CHOKES McIntyre! Kross doesn’t have to worry about disqualifications, either!

Kross lets off to get the legs, and he ROPE GUILLOTINES McIntyre! “Look at you now!” Kross digs McIntyre’s face into the steel! Fans chant “You Suck!” but Kross doesn’t care. Kross puts McIntyre in a corner, and he says, “This is my future! You hear me? MY world! And you’re not a part of it.” Kross whips corner to corner but McIntyre comes back with a LARIAT! And another! And then a clinch to an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! McIntyre keeps on Kross, and he RAMS Kross into steel! And then into more steel! Kross roars, swings, but misses! NECKBREAKER from McIntyre! Fans sing for him, and McIntyre kips up!

McIntyre storms up on Kross, underhooks the arms, but Kross RAMS him into a corner! Kross throws forearms, then he scoops McIntyre. McIntyre slips off, shoves, but Kross elbows him away. Kross runs, into a MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Kross is still in this and he crawls away to a corner. “This is Awesome!” as McIntyre stalks Kross. McIntyre CHOPS, then hoists Kross up top. McIntyre climbs up after Kross, and he stands on the very top rope. But Kross throws body shots! Kross trips McIntyre up again! Kross HEADBUTTS McIntyre into the Tree of Woe! But McIntyre sits up to SPIDER SUPLEX!

Fans fire up as Kross flounders away! McIntyre is free of the Tree, fans are thunderous as he glares at Kross. CLAY- NO, a KNEE from Kross! Cover, TWO!! Kross’ Busaiku Knee almost gets it but fans rally for McIntyre again. Kross grows, “I hate you!” Kross drags McIntyre up, whips but McIntyre reverses, and Kross hits steel! McIntyre hits a SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife bridge, TWO! INTO A KROSSJACKET!! McIntyre endures, pushes back to slip out, and he puts on a SLEEPER of his own! Kross endures, fans rally, but Kross fights up. Kross slips around to DOOMSDAY SAIDO!! McIntyre is all folded up and Kross laughs!

Scarlett wants Kross to finish this but fans chant, “You Suck!” Kross aims from a corner, winds the hands of time, but McIntyre ducks the forearm! And he spins Kross around, FUTURE SHOCK! And another kip up! McIntyre aims from a corner, “Three! Two! One!” But Scarlett distracts McIntyre by rattling the cage! Kross clamps on with a SLEEPER! McIntyre fights it, and he RAMS Kross into a corner! McIntyre is free, he ELBOWS Kross, but Kross KROSS HAMMERS!! Kross says he told McIntyre! Kross laughs but fans boo as Kross kicks McIntyre around. Kross then climbs the cage. Fans boo but Scarlett cheers!

McIntyre springs to life! He hurries up after Kross and catches him at the top! McIntyre throws hands, drags Kross back in, for a SUPERPLEX! Fans lose their minds over that impact while both men are down! “This is Awesome!” as McIntyre and Kross stir. McIntyre stirs and heads for the door! The ref opens the door, and McIntyre is in the doorway, but Scarlett uses pepper spray! And even on the ref!! Kross grins and he crawls for the door now. Fans boo, Kross is almost there, but McIntyre LEAPS to anchor Kross! Kross panics! ANKLE LOCK!! Kross grabs at the steps but McIntyre drags him into the ring!

McIntyre has the hold but Kross BOOTS him away! Kross ROCKS McIntyre, McIntyre ROCKS Kross! Kross BOOTS McIntyre, but CLAYMORE!! But both men are down! Fans fire up as McIntyre stands. Scarlett closes the door, and locks it! “You can’t win, Drew!” McIntyre looks up at the cage, and climbs it! Scarlett didn’t think of that! McIntyre is at the top, but Scarlett unlocks the door for Kross! Kross crawls,  McIntyre climbs down, but McIntyre drops! McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by escape

Kross can’t believe it! Time wasn’t on his side this time! And now, Kross and McIntyre are tied at one apiece! McIntyre gets this must-win, but will he and Kross go again one last time?


Another van arrives at the arena.

And this one is the Bloodline’s! Solo Sikoa opens the door for The Tribal Chief! He and the Usos head in, and Byron interviews them. What’s Roman’s response to Logan saying all it takes is one lucky punch? Roman gives no comment. Solo glares at Byron, then pushes the mic away. Paul Heyman also looks at Byron, and he mocks the phrase, “One lucky punch~!” And Logan’s brother, Jake, is here. Logan has steel pins in his hand, HBK taught him how to wrestle, but the greatest offensive player is also the greatest defensive player. Logan will never hit that “one lucky punch.” Will Heyman’s words come true tonight?


Six Man Tag: The OC VS The Judgement Day!

This feud has gotten very, very personal for AJ Styles and Finn Balor. The Prince is rolling with a new crew these days, but the Phenomenal One called in reinforcements from their past! Will the Good Brothers help Styles finally put Judgement Day in their place? Or will the Eradicator, Rhea Ripley, continue to be that ace up the Judgement Day’s sleeve?

The trios sort out and fans fire up already as we see Finn start against Karl Anderson. They circle, tie up, and Finn waistlocks. Karl switches, Finn elbows free, and Finn kicks low. Finn whips and puts Karl in the corner. Karl UPPERCUTS back! And again! And CHOPS! Karl scoops but Finn slips off to headlock. Karl powers out, things speed up, and Karl dropkicks legs out! Finn hurries away and he tags in Damian Priest. So Karl tags in Luke Gallows! Fans fire up as Big LG circles with the Punisher! They tie up, Priest headlocks, but Gallows powers out. They RAM shoulders and Priest staggers!

Fans rally, Gallows taunts Priest and Priest fakes running to ROCK Gallows! Priest fires off big hands, a CHOP, and he roars! Fans boo but Rhea applauds. Gallows puts Priest in the corner to fire off big body shots! Gallows UPPERCUTS Priest and Rhea is furious! Priest whips Gallows but Gallows comes back to LARIAT! Tag to Styles! Styles runs in but into a mule kick! Priest ROCKS Styles, CLUBS him, stomps him, then Dominik wants in! Priest tags and Dom runs in, into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Styles has Dom on ropes, he bumps him off buckles, and then he snapmares Dom to KICK him in the back!

Dom panics and wants mercy but fans chant, ‘Whose Your Daddy?” Styles ROCKS Dom, tags Karl, and the Machine Gun mugs Dom. Karl bumps Dom off buckles, then runs in to JUMP KICK! Tag to Styles, he runs in to forearm! Tag to Gallows, he runs in to SPLASH! Dom staggers, Gallows scoops with one arm, and he SLAMS Dom down! For a BIG elbow drop! Gallows puts Dom back in the corner, tags in Styles, and Styles stomps Dom down. Styles suplexes to BRAINBUSTER! Dom writhes and fans are fired up for Styles as he tags Karl back in. The OC double whip but Dom bails out! Fans boo but Styles just goes after Finn!

Styles and Finn brawl, Karl goes out after Dom, but Priest SUPERKICKS Karl down! The ref was too busy with Finn and Styles, and Rhea laughs as Dom comes out to fetch Karl. Dom puts Karl in the ring, covers, TWO! Dom rains down fists, and then he soaks up the heat. Fans boo as Dom tags to Priest. Priest drags Karl up to whip to ropes and he ELBOWS Karl down! Cover, TWO! Priest brings Karl up but Karl fires forearms. Priest blocks to BELL CLAP and BOOT! Priest runs in to back elbow! Tag to Finn, Priest hits a BROKEN ARROW, and Finn slingshot STOMPS! Tag to Dom, slingshot senton!

Tag to Finn, tag to Priest, and they hit Karl with a BACKBREAKER LEG DROP! Priest pushes Karl to a cover, TWO! Rhea argues the count but Priest keeps on Karl with a motorcycle stretch. Fans rally as Karl endures, but Priest CLUBS Karl on the back. Tag to Finn and Finn taunts Styles & Gallows with a Too Sweet. Finn snapmares Karl, CLUBS him then wraps on a chinlock. Karl endures, fans rally again, and Karl fights his way up. Finn leans on the hold, but Karl throws body shots. Karl reaches out but Finn keeps him away! Karl ROCKS Finn, reaches again, but Finn still keeps him back!

Karl ROCKS Finn again, reaches out again, but Finn whips him into the corner! Tag to Priest and Priest taunts the OC with a SUCK IT! But Karl UPPERCUTS Priest! He DECKS Finn, DECKS Dom, then BOOTS Priest! Karl leaps, but Priest catches him! Karl reaches again but still no tag! Priest tosses and ROCKS Karl, then he DECKS Gallows! Karl ducks the lariat to hit a NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up as Finn runs in and Karl sends him out! But then Finn trips Styles! And RAMS him into barriers! Finn fires off haymakers then RAMS Styles into steel steps! Priest runs in, but Karl hits a SPINEBUSTER! Both men are down, and Gallows rises!

Fans fire up as Karl crawls, hot tag to Big LG! PRiest hurries to tag Dom, but Gallows storms up! Gallows TOSSES Dom in! Gallows runs to LARIAT Dom inside-out! Priest kicks but Gallows blocks to UPPERCUT and ROUNDHOUSE! Gallows runs in at Dom to back body block! Gallows keep smoving, LEAPING SHOULDER TACKLE! Finn returns, Gallows CLOBBERS him! Gallows scoops Dom to POWERSLAM him! Tag to Karl, the Good Brothers coordinate! But Priest stops Magic Killer! Priest LARIATS Gallows! Karl DUMPS Priest! Dom rolls Karl up! With tights! TWO!!

Dom runs, dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take him and Karl out! Fans rally up, and Styles is back! Karl and Dom crawl, hot tags to Styles and Finn! Fans erupt as Styles dodges to fire off a Phenomenal Blitz! LARIAT! SLIDING FOREARM! Priest returns but Style’s dodges to hit an atomic FACEBUSTER! Styles hurries to slingshot out and KNEE Dom down! Styles shoulders into Finn, slingshots up and over and keeps moving, but Finn gets around to dragon sleeper! Styles shifts into a fireman’s carry, USHIGOROSHI! Fans fire up as Styles brings Finn up and reels him in! But Finn RAMS Styles into a corner!

Finn shakes his head, but Styles hooks a leg! Roll, but roll through! Finn has the legs for a FIGURE FOUR! Styles endures, but Karl SENTONS Finn! Dom tosses Karl out, gives us Latino Heat, but he gets caught by Gallows! GALLOWS’ POLE! Priest BOOTS Gallows! Styles dodges Priest to PELE! Fans fire up as Finn runs in, gets around, ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, TWO! Finn snarls, he drags Styles to a drop zone, and he goes up top! But Styles springs up to trip Finn up! Styles climbs up after Finn, but Dom anchors Styles’ foot! Karl runs in to CLUB Dom! Karl throws hands on Dom, Gallows and Priest get involved!

Double Electric Chairs as Priest has Karl and Gallows has Dom! Styles has Finn, SUPERPLEX AND DOUBLE ELECTRIC CHAIR DROPS!! Fans lose their minds over that one! “This is Awesome!” as Finn and Styles are still in the ring. Rhea coaches Finn, but Styles runs in corner to corner. Fin puts Styles out, but Styles ROCKS him! Styles prepares but Dom distracts! Rhea has Styles for an ELECTRIC CHAIR THROW to the apron! Rhea pushes Styles in and fans boo! Finn aims, SHOTGUNS Styles down, and then heads up top! COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Judgement Day wins!!

Winners: Judgement Day, by pinfall

Once again, Rhea is all the Judgement Day needs to tip the scales! Will the OC ever get a fair shot with her around?


Braun Strowman VS Omos!

This is literally the biggest match on the card, as we have 751 POUNDS just between the two! But will the Monster of All Monsters be a giant killer? Or will the Nigerian Giant derail the Strowman Express?

The bell rings and fans rally for Braun. Braun makes sure Omos hears it but Omos says those don’t matter. They step to each other, and Omos’ 7’3″ makes him the taller man. Braun says he has Saudi Arabia behind him, but Omos wants Braun to see how massive his hand is. Omos raises that massive hand up high, fans boo, and Omos wants Braun to hear that. Braun is game, and he reaches up to knuckle lock with Omos! The Test of Strength is on, but Omos has Braun on his knees! But Braun fights up! Omos KNEES low! Braun staggers away, Omos ELBOWS Braun in the corner! Omos says HE is the monster!

Omos climbs up on Braun, lets off as the ref counts, and then Omos whips Braun corner to corner hard! Braun falls and Omos says Braun’s gonna get this work! Braun stands, Omos runs in to SPLASH! Omos grins as he keeps Braun standing. Omos runs, and he BOOTS Braun down! “Look at me! I’m the only giant here!” Fans boo but Omos runs to KICK Braun in the side! Braun flops out of the ring! Omos dares Braun to do something, and Braun gets on the apron. Omos palms Braun’s head, but Braun HOTSHOTS him for it! Braun fires off big forearms, and he goes to scoop. Omos CLUBS Braun, and then scoops and SLAMS Braun!! Cover, ONE!!

Omos says Braun wants more, but then Braun SLAPS Omos! Braun stands to throw hands, and he tries to scoop again. Omos HEADBUTTS Braun away, then scoops again! Omos carries Braun around, then SLAMS him down! Omos is having fun throwing Braun around! Fans boo but Omos covers again, ONE!! Braun is still in this but Omos dares him to get up again. Braun crawls to a corner, Omos storms over and he ELBOWS Braun again. Omos CLUBS Braun, CLUBS him again, and CLUBS him again! The ref counts, Omos lets off, “Is this your giant?!” Omos TOSSES Braun away! Fans boo but Omos is doing what no one’s done to Braun before!

Omos grins and says this is easy. “I could do this in my sleep!” Omos drags Braun up, has a choke grip, but Braun clamps onto Omos! Fans fire up as the behemoths fight for control, and Bruan breaks free to fire off haymaker after haymaker! Omos wobbles! Braun throws more hands, he ROCKS Omos, then ROCKS him again! Omos wobbles, snarls, and he swings! Braun dodges, and then clotheslines Omos against ropes! Omos is too big, but Braun clotheslines again! Omos goes up and out!! Braun calls for it and fans fire up! The Strowman Express gets going, but Omos CLOBBERS him first!!

Omos hauls Braun into the ring, storms up on Braun, and Braun flounders. Omos dares Braun to “get your punk ass up.” Braun stands, staggers, and into the choke grip! But Braun powers up!! Braun pries those hands away, but Omos KNEES Low! Omos whips Braun to a corner, runs in again, but Braun dodges! Omos hits buckles, and Braun scoops!! MONSTER SLAM!! Cover, BRAUN WINS!!

Winner: Braun Strowman, by pinfall

The Nigerian Giant was so confident and so dominant, until he got hit with the slam! The bigger they are, the harder they fall, and that was true here! The Monster of All Monsters pulls it off, but will Omos want another round?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS The Brawling Brutes!

Jimmy & Jey have been tag team champions for 475 days and counting! They’re so close to breaking the New Day’s record setting reign, they can almost taste it! But will they taste bitter defeat at the hands of Ridge Holland & Pete Dunne? Or will the Brutes be the twos while #WeTheOnes?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and in Saudi Arabia, it’s FIGHT NIGHT!

The teams sort out and Jimmy starts with Dunne. Dunne dodges at the bell to DECK Jey! Then he rolls Jimmy, TWO!! Jimmy escapes but Dunne SNAP GERMANS! And STOMPS the hands! Jimmy ducks the buzzsaw and bails out to regroup with Jey. Fans chant “We Want Sami!” but he didn’t make the trip. The Brutes want the Usos to get in, but the Usos say Champion’s Advantage! They take their belts, but they get FLYING KNEES from Dunne! Dunne puts Jimmy in, wrenches the arm and twists the wrist! Dunne bends the fingers, isolates that arm, and he STOMPS it! Dunne then jumps on for a HOVERBOARD!

Jimmy endures, pushes Dunne down, then shakes the hand out. Jimmy CHOKES Dunne while the ref is busy with an angry Ridge. The ref counts now, Jimmy lets off, but Jey BOOTS Dunne! Jey tags in, The Usos split the wishbone! Dunne clings to ropes and drags himself to the corner. Jey is annoyed that fans want Sami, “You ain’t getting Sami!” Dunne hits Jey but Jey rains down fists! Jey stomps away, then he lets off to tag Jimmy. The Usos mug Dunne, Jimmy stalks Dunne to the corner, and he throws haymakers! Fans chant, “You’re Not Ucey!” but Jimmy smirks. Jimmy says, “UCE! OH!” Jimmy runs in, but into BOOTS!

Dunne goes up, reels Jimmy in, TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and fans rally as they crawl. Dunne and Jimmy hot tag Ridge and Jey! Ridge rallies on Jey with big shoulders! And a FLYING SHOULDER! Fans fire up as Jimmy runs in, into a scoop and SLAM! Ridge runs to SPLASH Jey! And then SPLASH Jimmy! And then SPLASH Jey again! And then back to Jimmy! Fans fire up with Ridge and he has both Usos up! DOUBLE BACK DROP! Fans fire up and Ridge hurries to cover Jey, TWO! Jey bails out and gets to the apron. But Ridge tears Jey’s shirt off! BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! The ref counts, but Ridge gets nine, until Jimmy drags Jey away.

Jimmy says no more of that, but then Ridge goes out! Ridge CLOBBERS Jey! But Jimmy DIVES into a haymaker! Ridge drags Jimmy to the steps, Dunne hurries over, and he STOMPS the arm! Payback on behalf of Sheamus! But Jey mule kicks, UPPERCUTS, but swings into a scoop! SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Ridge keeps cool and fans rally back up. Ridge drags Jey up, but Jey ROCKS him with an uppercut! Tag to Dunne, Dunne ROCKS Jey! Jey ROCKS Dunne, the forearms go back and forth! Jey whips, Dunne stops himself and elbows back! Then Dunne goes up, he fakes Jey out, and then MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!!

Dunne knows he was close, he brings Jey up, but Jey UPPERCUTS! Ridge runs in but gets an elbow! Dunne CHOPS Jey, then gets help from Ridge. But Jimmy breaks that up! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! But Ridge HEADBUTTS! Jey SUPERKICKS! Dunne ENZIGURIS! Jey SUPERKICKS on the return! Tag to Jimmy and he goes up top! USO SPLASH into a TRIANGLE HOLD!! Dunne has Jimmy, and he bends the fingers! Jimmy reaches out, Jey tags in, and Jimmy deadlifts so Jey can SUPERKICK into the POWERBOMB! The Usos get the opposite corners now and climb up! DOUBLE UCE!! Cover, Ridge breaks it!!

Fans fire up as all four men are down! “This is Awesome!” as Jey and Dunne are stuck in the ring. Dunne sits up but Jey stands. Fans chant “UCEY! UCEY!” Jey wants Dunne to hear that. But then Dunne bends and SNAPS the fingers!! Tag to Ridge, Jimmy runs in but is sent right out! Ridge hurries to fireman’s carry, and Dunne keeps Jimmy out! WHITE NOISE!! Cover, TWO!!! Jey survives but Ridge goes out to help Dunne TOSS Jimmy over barriers! The Brutes hurry back over, Dunne tags in. Ridge hauls Jey up and scoops, ROUNDHOUSE NORTHERN GRIT!! Cover, JIMMY BREAKS IT! How’d he get back in time?!?

Fans are fired up again as all four men are down. Jey and Dunne stir, but Ridge and Jimmy meet on the apron. Fans fire up as the brawl is on both inside and out! Jey ROCKS Dunne, he and Jimmy DOUBLE SUPERKICK Ridge! Dunne ENZIGURIS Jey but Jimmy tags in! Dunne goes up, Jey SUPERKICKS! Jey climbs up, to SUPER ONE D!!!! Cover, The Usos win!!

Winners: The Usos, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

The Brutes fought their hearts out for The Fella, but they couldn’t get it done! Jimmy & Jey hit the biggest One And Done ever, but will they still make history? Or will the New Day keep their promise and tear the Usos apart to preserve their record?


Raw Women’s Championship Last Woman Standing: Bianca Belair VS Bayley!

We saw Iyo Sky & Dakota Kai get the tag titles back for Damage Control, but now it’s about the Role Model getting hers. Will Bayley be better than the EST? Or will Bianca find a way to defy the odds like she did at Extreme Rules?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and only one will stand tall in this historic moment!

The bell rings and the two stare down. Fans rally up for Bianca and Bayley is annoyed. They tie up, but Bayley KICKS, CLUBS, and whips! Bianca hits buckles hard, she’s down and that starts a count! Bianca kips up at 3 of 10! Bayley swings, misses, and Bianca scoop SLAMS! And then scoop SLAMS again! And then scoop SLAMS again! Bayley staggers up but Bianca tosses her out! Bayley is down so the count starts, and Bayley stands at 4. Bayley grabs a kendo stick from under the ring! Bayley slides in, swings, but misses! Bianca jumps the sweep, slips out to the apron and Bayley hits buckles!

Bianca ROCKS Bayley, runs her side to side and TOSSES her out! Bayley is down so the count starts. Bianca taunts Bayley, Bayley sits up at 4 and stands at 5. Bayley tells the fans to shut up, but Bianca eggs Bayley on. Bayley storms around, and she goes looking under the ring again. Bayley finds a chair! Bayley grins as she slides in, but Bianca dropkicks! Bayley dodges, swings, misses, Bianca dodges, and goes up to say kiss this. Bayley runs in, Bianca goes up and over to DROPKICK the chair into Bayley! Bayley is down and Bianca kips up again. The count is 5 but Bayley rolls outside to stand up.

Bianca eggs Bayley on, but now Bayley grabs a LADDER from under the ring! Bianca storms over but Bayley HOTSHOTS her away! Bayley gets that ladder up and into the ring. Fans want tables but Bianca PLANCHAS instead! Fans fire up and Bianca watches Bayley. The count is climbing, Bayley flounders up at 6 but Bianca is moving steel steps around. Bianca takes those apart, brings Bayley over, and she scoops Bayley. Bayley fights free and throws Bianca by her braid! Fans boo but Bayley storms up on Bianca to RAM her into barriers! Bayley stalks Bianca as they go to the ramp, and Bayley snap suplexes Bianca to the floor!

Bayley storms around while Bianca writhes. The count climbs, but Bayley already brings a chair over. Bayley sits the chair up, CLUBS Bianca, and then makes her take a seat. Bayley ROCKS Bianca, then gets up on the barrier. Shout out to the Charismatic Enigma with a LEAP off the barriers to CLOBBER Bianca off the chair!! Bianca is down, the count begins! Bianca stands at 6 but Bayley starts looking under the ring again. She brings out a TABLE! Fans love that! Bayley starts setting it up, she stomps Bianca, then she finishes standing the table up at ringside. The table is tricky, Bayley has to make sure it stays up, then she brings it closer to Bianca.

Bayley brings Bianca up, suplexes, but Bianca blocks! Bianca wrenches, ROCKS, and ROCKS Bayley more! They start going up the ramp! Bianca brings Bayley around to suplex Bayley to the ramp! Both women are down, the count is on both of them! Bianca staggers up at 4 but Bayley is still down at 6! Bayley stands at 8, Bianca grabs her and brings her around. But Bayley trips on the ramp. The ref checks Bayley, is her leg alright? Bianca wants Bayley to get up, but the ref has her stay back. Bayley manages to stand, and she ROCKS Bianca! It was all a ploy! Bayley CLUBS Bianca, and then she SWINGS the guard rail open into Bianca!

Bianca staggers away, Bayley puts Bianca in the ring, and Bayley brings a chair along. SMACK to Bianca’s back! Bianca drags Bianca around, puts the chair on her, and then climbs the corner. But Bianca stands to THROW the chair at Bayley! Bayley falls to the apron! Both women slowly stand, Bianca runs in, but into a HOTSHOT! Bayley hurries back over, drags Bianca out of the ring and puts her against the steps. Bayley SMACKS Bianca off the steps, then BOOTS the steps into Bianca! And then Bayley uses the ladder like a lid! The ref counts. Bianca has to wriggle her way up from the steps and push the ladder away.

Bayley SMACKS away on Bianca with the kendo stick! “Stay down!” Bayley smacks the steps for good measure. Then she dares Michael Cole to say something on commentary. Bianca is down as the count climbs and Bayley wants it faster. Bianca stands at 7, Bayley swings, but Bianca blocks! Bianca YANKS Bayley into the steps! Fans fire up as Bianca stands and picks up the top steps! The StrongEST has the steps over her head! And TOSSES them! Bayley avoids disaster, but not the SPINEBUSTER on the base steps!! Bayley writhes and the count begins! Bayley is still down at 5 of 10, but she flounders up onto the steps to stand at 8!

Bianca swings! Bayley dodges, the desk takes a hit, but Bayley runs all the way to the ramp. Bayley wants to get away but Bianca chases her down! They go up the ramp, and Bianca SMACKS Bayley! And SMACKS! And SMACKS! And SMACKS! The kendo stick is falling apart as Bianca SMACKS Bayley more and more! Bayley blocks one to BAYLEY2BELLY on the stage! Both women are down again and the count begins. The count reaches 5 of 10, Bayley staggers up at 7! Bianca rises at 9! But they both flop back over! Bayley gets up to stomp Bianca! Bayley then hurries off somewhere while Bianca slowly rises again.

Bianca is up before 10 but here comes Bayley with a ROAD CASE! She runs Bianca over and then has her in the case! The lid is closed as the count begins! The count is 6, Bayley holds the case closed, but Bianca BURSTS free! Bianca gets free of the case, and now she aims at Bayley! Bayley dodges, the case hits the tron! Bayley swings but into a torture rack! Bayley fights free, and she wrangles Bianca down into a CROSSFACE! A shoutout to The Legit Boss as Bianca flails and endures! Bayley wants Bianca to give in, and Bianca is fading! Bayley lets go to slap Bianca around, and then the count begins!

Bianca rolls around at 4 of 10 but she’s still down. Bianca manages to stand at 7, but where’s Bayley? Bianca falls over again, but now Bayley has a GOLF CART!! Ding dong? More like BEEP BEEP!! Bianca avoids the cart, then DROPKICKS Bayley out of the driver’s seat! Bianca drags Bayley back up and they brawl inside the cart! Bayley DECKS Bianca, then climbs up to the cart’s roof! But Bianca anchors Bayley and trips her up! Bianca climbs up, they brawl up top! Bianca rains down fists! Bianca then lets off so she can drag Bayley up and dribble her off the roof! Bianca then gets in the driver’s seat and backs it up!

Bianca goes driving down the ramp! Bayley freaks out but has to hold on! Bianca stops at the end, Bayley grabs at her braid, but Bianca uses that to TOSS Bayley off the cart and onto the table! But the table DOESN’T BREAK!? Maybe Bayley broke! A count starts but Bayley stands. Bianca puts Bayley up on the apron, hoists her up and turns around, to POWERBOMB Bayley through the table!! NOW it breaks!! The count begins and Bianca leaves Bayley behind! Bayley is down past 5, past 7, but sits up at 8! Bayley stands at 9.5!! Bianca can’t believe it! Bianca goes back out, she finds chair after chair and puts them all in the ring!

Bianca puts Bayley in the ring now and arranges the chairs. Did Bianca get an idea from SmackDown and Liv Morgan? Scoop SLAM on the chairs! Bayley is still down, Bianca puts some chairs on top of her. Bianca climbs up the corner and fans are freaking out already! 450 EST SPLASH onto ONLY chairs! Bayley moved in time to survive! The count starts, Bianca is down at 8, but drags herself up at 9.9!! Bayley CLOBBERS Bianca! Bayley opens the ladder and we saw this at Extreme Rules. Bianca staggers over, Bayley elbows her away. Bayley has the chair, she JAMS Bianca in the ribs! And SMACKS her on the back!

Bayley SMACKS Bianca again! Bayley points out the fans chanting her on now! She SMACKS Bianca again, then sits the chair up. Bayley SMACKS Bianca off the back of it! And then hooks her up, but Bianca blocks! Bianca torture racks Bayley, to KISS OF DEATH on the chair!!! Bayley writhes, Bianca puts her in the ladder! NUT CRACKER! Bianca pushes Bayley into the corner to trash her!! Bayley can’t get free as the count climbs! The count is past 8! Bayley gets free but TEN!! Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair (still Raw Women’s Champion)

The most savagely innovative match in a long time, and it’s the toughEST who wins out! How will DMG CTRL be able to take control if they don’t have the top belt?


The lights go out!

The “fireflies” are out as they anticipate his entrance. The music plays, the door is glowing and even smoky. The door opens, and out walks Bray Wyatt! Bray makes his way to the ring, blows the lantern out, and the spotlight is on him. Fans chant “Welcome Back!” as he gets the mic. “My name is Bray Wyatt. There was a time where I would’ve done just about anything to make sure that when you left this building tonight, you knew exactly who I am. Something a lot of you probably don’t know, but I come from a very prestigious family. A wrestling family. And some might say, they are even larger than life. And so, from the time I was a little child, all I ever wanted to be was great.

“But great wasn’t good enough. I had to be greater than the rest of them. I had to be the greatest of all of them! And so…” Fans chant, “Yes, You Are!” and Bray appreciates that. But that’s the point, right? He did what he thought he needed to do. He gave in. “I gave in so much that I made a monster of myself. And I wore that mask with pride. It didn’t take me long to understand that while I was wearing that mask, I no longer felt pain. I no longer could be afraid! In the mask, I was completely untouchable. And that type of thing, it feels good. Some might say sensations like that are just about impossible to quit.

“And that’s how I felt. I found myself in a kingdom of nothingness, sitting on an island by myself. And this monster I had made myself into, he destroyed me. He ran off everyone that I ever loved! So there I sat, alone, no one to love me, nowhere to run. Alone.” Fans chant, “We Love You!” Bray says that’s the thing, no one really loves him. They love the idea of him! The things that he’s capable of! “I don’t even love me! But this doesn’t have to be the ending of my story. That is not the man that I want to be remembered as. My name is Bray Wyatt. My name is BRAY WYATT! MY NAME IS BRAY WYATT!!! And I am here to rewrite the ending to my story.”

Fans cheer, but the tron starts up. “Why, why, why wear a mask? Hurt them. Why? It must hurt forcing yourself to be someone you’re not. You can fool them, but you can’t fool me. Do it. Hurt them. Who knows you better than I do? Do you think they’ll still love you if they knew the truth? They don’t deserve you. The truth is, you’re gonna go too far. You’re gonna give in. So why wait? Because when you do, just remember how good it feels. And oh, it’s gonna feel so good. So good. Do it. And if you’re worried about the aftermath, just don’t take the mask off. Tell me I’m wrong.” Uncle Howdy seems to see through Bray, but what is the truth?


Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ The Bloodline VS Logan Paul w/ Jake Paul!

A career defining two years goes up against a career of only two matches. But the ImPAULsive Influencer has done more with that than just about anyone. He also has a heavy right hand thanks to metal pins inside it. Will that be all Logan Paul needs to completely flip the WWE upside-down? Or will Logan’s confidence come crumbling down the moment he steps onto the Island of Relevancy?

Roman of course takes his time, raising the belts at the ramp for the pyro. Roman and Heyman then go to the ring, and Roman raises the belts again for more pyro. The introductions are made, the belts are raised once more, and we see who is ACKNOWLEDGED in the end!

The bell rings and fans fire up as Logan stares down with Roman. They circle slowly, fans duel, but most are on Roman’s side. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Roman shoves Logan away. Roman grins and raises the finger. Fans are torn and that upsets Roman. Logan and Roman circle again, tie up and are in another deadlock. They go around, Logan manages to push Roman back but Roman turns it to put Logan in a corner. The ref calls the break as both men push at each other. Logan gets in Roman’s face, Roman shoves Logan, but Logan shoves back! Fans rally up, Roman and Logan circle again, and Roman is getting riled up by the fans.

Roman storms up, he waistlocks, but Logan switches. Logan hits a SLAM! Logan holds on, but Roman switches back to SLAM Logan! Logan staggers up, Roman waistlocks again, but Logan shifts to fireman’s carry takeover! Logan is outwrestling Roman, but Roman DECKS Logan with an uppercut! Fans are torn as Longa stands. Roman dodges the haymaker and slips out of the ring. Is Roman worried about that metal loaded hand? Heyman cools Roman off, and Roman takes a stroll around the way. Roman gets a drink of water, swaggers and smiles, and he takes time to high-five some fans. Roman then goes back to the ring and he wants the fans to hush a bit.

Roman and Logan reset, Logan tells Roman to stop running away. Logan and Roman circle, tie up, and Roman gets a clinch! Roman puts Logan in a corner, Logan fights but the ref calls the ropebreak. Roman gets a cheap body shot in! Roman whips and elbows Logan down! Roman paces around, toying with Logan now. Roman drags Logan up, snap suplexes and covers, ONE!! Roman grins but he might be taking Logan easy here. Logan stands, Roman CLUBS him down. Fans rally and duel but Roman is confused. Roman brings Logan up to back suplex, but Logan lands on his feet! Logan throws body shots! Roman headlocks, Logan powers out but Roman runs him over!

Things speed up, Logan leap frogs and hip tosses Roman down! Roman is shocked, but Logan runs in to clothesline Roman out! Logan fires up and Heyman is shocked! Roman is still steadying himself but Logan goes out after him! Logan runs in, into a kick from Roman! Roman whips Logan over the barriers! Logan is in the timekeeper’s area and Roman grins. Roman raises the finger, #HeTheOne, but then he turns around into a CROSSBODY! Logan evens things with agility, and he drags Roman up and into the ring. Heyman is worried as Logan aims from the apron. Logan slingshots to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!!

Roman survives Logan’s Buckshot and gets to a corner. Logan goes to the other, he runs in corner to corner, but Roman puts him on the apron. Logan HOTSHOTS Roman back! Logan jumps right up, springboards, into an UPPERCUT! Roman takes Logan out of the sky but Roman is down as he sputters. Heyman shouts, “Rise up, My Tribal Chief! You are the Head of the Table! You are the Greatest of All Time!” Fans rally up as both men slowly rise. Roman stands while Logan crawls, and Roman stomps Logan down. Roman stomps Logan again, fans sing and chant but Roman wants them to quiet down.

Roman stomps Logan around more, drags Logan up and gets around to a BIG back suplex! Roman drags Logan from the ropes to then cover, ONE!! Logan is still hanging tough and Roman is almost amused. Roman mocks the fans cheering Logan on and then he clamps on a chinlock. Logan endures but Roman squeezes tight. Logan fights, fans rally, but Roman says, “I got him, I got him.” Roman leans on the hold and he grinds Logan down. Logan still fights and gets up to his feet. Logan throws body shots! Roman throws Logan into the corner! Roman fires off the point-blank lariats! Roman goes all the way to TEN, then runs side to side, to LEAPING LARIAT! Cover, ONE?!?

Roman can’t believe Logan is still kicking out that early. “This is Awesome!” as Roman stands up again. Roman looms over Logan, drags him up, and CLUBS him down. Roman smirks and brings Logan up into a camel clutch! Logan endures, gets one arm free but Roman keeps the other. Roman says he’s gonna put an end to this. “Ain’t no more YouTubers coming over here anymore.” Logan moves around, fights up, but Roman shifts to a chinlock. Logan throws body shots but Roman CLUBS him! Roman catches his breath, whips corner to corner, then he runs in. Logan dodges and Roman hits buckles! Logan gut wrench SLAMS Roman!

Both men are down again and Heyman can’t believe it! Fans rally up again as both men stir. Logan and Roman sit up, they head for each other, and Logan throws body shots! Roman swings, misses, and Logan LARIATS! And then throws an elbow! Roman staggers, into a scoop! But Roman fights free, shoves Logan to a corner, but Logan elbows back! Logan goes up, leaps, BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Roman is still in this and Heyman breathes easier. Roman rolls away to a corner, but Logan stands up and gets his legs moving. Logan storms over, but Roman kicks low! Roman powers Logan around to whip, but Logan SUPERMAN PUNCHES!!

Both men are down as Logan hits Roman with one of his own moves! Heyman is panicking again and he coaches Roman. But Logan kips up! Logan fires up, paces around, and he goes to a corner! Fans are thunderous as Roman stands, and Logan leaps, CROSSBODY! Then a STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Roman survives again and Heyman is stunned! Logan is still confident, he feels it coming. Logan claps and some fans join in. The rest boo but Logan tunes up the band! He was trained by HBK, here’s one for Shawn! SWEET CHIN- NO, Roman blocks, reels Logan in, URENAGE!! Cover, TWO!!!

Logan survives Roman’s take on The Rock Bottom! Roman and Logan are both down, Heyman is speechless but the fans rally up again. Roman goes to a corner and raises his hand. But Logan stands, too! Roman locks ‘n’ loads, but Logan dodges to counter punch! BIG HAYMAKER!! Roman staggers, Heyman freaks out, SUPERMAN PUNCH FROM LOGAN!! Cover, TWO!!! Roman survives that “lucky” punch again! Roman checks if his jaw is still there, and he manages to get to the apron. Logan grabs at Roman but Roman flops to the floor. Logan goes out after Roman, and he clears off the announce desk!

Fans fire up as Logan drags Roman up and puts him on the desk. Logan then high-fives his boys at ringside, and he films Roman with a smartphone. Logan goes up into the ring, he films the fans as they fire up, and Logan climbs up the corner. VLOGGING FROG SPLASH THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Fans lose their minds as Logan and Roman are down in the wreckage! The Usos rush out to check on Roman, and then talk trash on Logan’s boys. Logan’s boys talk trash back but get dragged into ringside! The Usos mug the entourage, and then RAM them into barriers! They put one in the ring, and Jey SUPERKICKS him down!

Jimmy puts the other in the ring, Jey drags him around and then feeds him, to a SUPERKICK from Jimmy! The entourage is dumped out and the ref reprimands, but here comes JAKE! Logan’s brother promised to be here to back him up and here he is! Jake storms right to the ring, the Usos dare him to do something. Jake DECKS Jey! He dodges Jimmy and DECKS him! Jake fires up, locks ‘n’ loads his own fist, and he shouts to Logan. Logan gets up, puts Roman in the ring, and the brothers high five. Logan goes up the corner, to FROG SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Roman survives again! Jake argues the count but that was still not enough!

Fans rally and duel as Logan crawls after Roman. But here comes SOLO! The Paul Brothers forgot there was one more brother from the Bloodline! Solo storms down to the ring and Jake stands in his way. Jake loads up, but the rest of the refs show up to stop this. Even Adam Pearce and the officials stop this! But the Usos lurk up on Jake! Logan FLIES to take out the Usos! Jake helps Logan up and Jake watches everyone else. Logan hurries back in, but Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES Logan!! Roman goes to the corner, “OOOAH~!” SPEAR!!! Cover, Roman wins!!

Winner: Roman Reigns, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Universal Champion)

Logan Paul came the closest anyone, and certainly anyone with only three matches in his WWE career, has ever come! But the numbers game continues to be in the Tribal Chief’s favor as his cousins beat Logan’s boys. The reign continues into 797 days! Will Roman reach historic heights with his Bloodline always behind him?

My Thoughts:

A great Crown Jewel here, and visually one of the better because they introduced these drones with LEDs on them and they did these really awesome displays in the sky for entrances. But that aside, also some surprises in the results. Lashley VS Lesnar was a really good opener, a lot of ebb and flow, but Lesnar snatching that victory surely means we get a tiebreaker. I feel like they could go again for the Royal Rumble, but maybe they’ll go even sooner and have it be Survivor Series in three weeks. Either way, that tiebreaker could go either way, but as I was saying on Raw, Lashley should win it. Lesnar gets very little winning this when he’s already had a Universal title match with Roman and lost. Lashley winning can get him up to the Universal title, or at least back to a midcard title, by WrestleMania time.

Another surprise was DMG CTRL winning the belts back so soon while Bayley doesn’t win against Bianca. I thought it would go the other way for those matches so that there wouldn’t be any “hot potato” with the titles. But we get great matches from both women’s titles, especially that Last Woman Standing. That had to have been the most creative Last Person Standing match anywhere ever. And Nikki Cross screwing over Alexa & Asuka was another great surprise, but it’s not clear if she joined DMG CTRL or is just doing her own stuff. I still think Survivor Series: WarGames should be Winners Take All, but maybe Nikki brings in “Doudrop” Piper Niven and a third member?

Really good cage match, especially given it was a cage match and those still feel used up. As such, of course Scarlett gets involved, but it was clever that she forgot escaping the cage means more than just the door. But like with Lesnar and Lashley, we’ll surely get another match. That will probably be at Survivor Series, but not in a WarGames match. It might even be another stipulation, but it really should just have “Scarlett is banned from ringside.” The Six Man Tag was really good, but of course Rhea was the reason Judgement (or I guess Judgment) Day won again. She had the same hairstyle Beth Phoenix had, that’s definitely a sign Beth is returning to have a match with her.

Braun VS Omos was really good stuff, and Omos really got to show he can talk trash and do stuff without a manager. But Braun wins out with one powerslam to establish the strength of that move. Who knows if this is just the beginning of a series, but I can’t be sure where either guy goes next. Bray Wyatt had another really good promo with Uncle Howdy, though it didn’t really add that much other than Bray establishing his real-life family’s wrestling history. But I suppose this was a good chance to move the story forward another step. And it’s also curious but I think Howdy was wearing the other mask of “Uncle Harper.” I wonder if Bray enters his Three Faces of Foley phase here, being Bray, Howdy and Harper.

And of course, great stuff out of the Bloodline. Great tag match of Usos and Brutes, the Brutes looked awesome, but I had a feeling the Usos would retain here. And with the Universal Championship, of course the Bloodline helped Roman win by distracting Logan, but even so, Logan Paul looked great here. Like him or not, Logan Paul has the athletic ability and the charisma to be a great wrestler. I don’t know if Jake’s going to stick around, but I wouldn’t be surprised if WWE tries to rope the Paul brothers into something tag team related.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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