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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (11/21/22)

Prepare for war!



WWE Raw 2022

The Empress and the Eradicator battle for the advantage!

On the Raw before Survivor Series: WARGAMES, Asuka and Rhea Ripley battle 1v1 for the numbers advantage! Will Team EST or Team DMG CTRL get the edge?


  • Six Man Tag: The Brawling Brutes VS The Judgment Day; The Brawling Brutes win.
  • Johnny Gargano VS The Miz Omos w/ MVP & The Miz; Omos wins.
  • Austin Theory VS Mustafa Ali; Theory wins.
  • The Alpha Academy VS Elias & Matt Riddle; Elias & Riddle win.
  • Drew McIntyre VS Baron Corbin w/ JBL; McIntyre wins.
  • Women’s WarGames Advantage: Asuka w/ Bianca Belair VS Rhea Ripley w/ Damage Control; Rhea wins and her team has the numbers advantage at WarGames.


Kevin Owens is here!

The Prizefighter returned on SmackDown to officially join Team Brawling Brutes against The Bloodline for WarGames! But  now Kevin’s back on Raw to let us know that he is the fifth man! He did that for a very good reason, and because of one specific person on the other team. And it’s not Sami Zayn. Even with everything they’ve been through, Kevin still sees Sami as a brother. Sami’s problems are his problems. But the person Kevin’s going after is Roman Reigns! “Roman, it’s been two long years since you and I faced each other in this ring. And this Saturday, I’m coming to remind you just who the hell I am.

“I am Kevin Owens! I am the guy who took you to the limit not once, not twice, but three times! I’m the guy who, if it wasn’t for your Bloodline, would’ve ended your history making title reign before it even started. And I’m the guy that’s coming to WarGames to take out your entire Bloodline so that the next time I get a shot at you, there’s nothing stopping me from being the guy that kicks your ass and takes your title!” Fans like the sound of that! Kevin continues with, “But now, last Friday night, I got to go to SmackDown because I was extended an invitation. And I thought, how rude would I be if I didn’t return the favor?

“So guess what? Tonight, I didn’t come alone.” The Brawling Brutes are here! And in a very Shield like way, Sheamus, Pete Dunne & Ridge Holland are coming down from the bleachers! And then, here comes DREW MCINTYRE! Fans fire up as they all get mics. Ridge tells Albany, “It’s FIGHT NIGHT!” Sheamus says there’s a banger cooking in the stove, cuz this Saturday, it’ll be one of the most pain-staking, unforgiving, career altering matches in the history of the WWE! Cuz this Saturday, it’s WARGAMES!! Sheamus says last Friday, Sami Zayn found out who the fifth man was, and he crapped his Ucey little pants!

Sheamus says now we all know that the fifth man is none other than the Prizefighter, K O! Fans cheer for that. McIntyre adds, “Now honestly, I don’t remember a time when Roman Reigns and the Bloodline weren’t holding the titles hostage. Abusing their power, abusing the numbers game. Well this Saturday, all of that is going to change. You’re looking at five lads that want to rip apart the Bloodline. Five lads that’re ready to walk into hell with a smile on their face. Two rings, two cages, no rules! Everybody, are you ready for a war?!” Albany sure is! But wait, here comes the Judgment Day!

Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley & Damian Priest make their way out to the ring, and Rhea says, “Drew, Drew, Drew.” Yes, Rhea? Shut up! Rhea says the only thing people will be talking about after Survivor Series, is how many people Rhea destroys in the Women’s WarGames Match! Now, she thinks this brawling buddies are all lost. This is Raw, the show that the Judgment Day runs! Priest says it isn’t play night! You wanna stand around looking all smacked, take that somewhere else. Here, you rise and show respect! Dom says yeah! Show respect! And before someone gets hurt, go back to SmackDown and tell Dom’s dad he said hi.

Finn says, “You tell ’em, Dom!” But Finn is here with a message for AJ Styles! Styles has been stealing from Finn for years! So at Survivor Series, Styles is getting taxed! Finn is coming to collect! And as for the five clowns in the ring, Finn hopes the Bloodline smashes you all at Survivor Series! Oh, and before he forgets… Next time they show their ugly mugs on Raw, the Judgment Day won’t be so nice. Fans boo but Sheamus tells Finn, “My fellow Irishman,” how’re you doin’, lad? They lived 10 miles apart back in Ireland. But two fighting Irishmen in America may be miles apart! Sheamus doesn’t respect Finn!

He doesn’t respect Finn because he’s the kind of “Plastic Patties” here in America Sheamus has come to despise. Plastic Patty? What?! Finn has a free lesson for Sheamus: “Even salt looks like sugar, and I’m one salty Irish bastard!” Oh yeah? Well Sheamus has been hungry to tear Finn apart! So since we’re all here, and since Albany is in a good mood tonight, let’s do Judgment Day VS Brawling Brutes, right here, RIGHT BLEEDIN’ NOW! Now you’re speaking their language! Challenge accepted! Then the Judgment Day rush in and the brawl is on!

Sheamus has Finn, Dunne and Ridge throw Priest and Dom out, and the Brutes are fired up! Will we get quite the sampler for Survivor Series?


Six Man Tag: The Brawling Brutes VS The Judgment Day!

Raw returns and the match is already going as Dunne stomps a mudhole into Finn! Tag to Sheamus but Finn wants mercy. Sheamus says sure, then kicks low! Sheamus scoops, Finn slips off and tags to Priest! Fans rally for Sheamus as he and Priest stare down. They circle, tie up, and throw hands! Priest knees low, ROCKS Sheamus, then fires off in the corner! The ref counts, Priest lets off at 4, but Sheamus hits back! Sheamus throws hands in the corner now, then whips corner to corner. Priest reverses, runs in, but Sheamus BOOTS him down! Sheamus skins the cat up to the top rope! But Priest choke grips!

Sheamus hops down but both men avoid strikes. Sheamus CLOBBERS Priest away! Sheamus goes back up, to FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Tag to Ridge and Ridge storms up. Ridge blocks a boot, EuroUppers, then RAMS into Priest. Ridge suplexes but Priest knees free. Ridge counter punches Priest, whips, Ridge KNEES Priest but then Priest BACK ELBOWS! Priest fires off in the corner, stomps and UPPERCUTS, and Ridge flounders! Priest suplexes for the BROKEN ARROW! Dom wants in so Priest tags him. Fans boo as Dom rains down fists on Ridge. Dom soaks up the heat, then throws down more fists!

Dom kicks Ridge around, brings him up, but Ridge HEADBUTTS Dom away! Finn tags in, he CLOBBERS Ridge! Finn snapmares Ridge to run and basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Rhea is annoyed with the count but Finn snap suplexes Ridge. Finn tags Dom back in, fans boo, but Dom stomps Ridge around. Dom rains down more fists, but fans chant, “Who’s Your Daddy?” Dom stomps Ridge around, drags him up, and he gives some Latino Heat. But Ridge suplexes Dom up and over instead! Fans fire up as Ridge and Dom crawl for their corners, hot tags to Finn and Dunne! Dunne rallies on Finn, GAMANGIRI in the corner!

Dunne pushes Finn down, to then drop knees on the arm! Finn gets up, Dunne shoves Finn but Finn grabs Dom’s hand to stop the German Suplex! Dunne lets go to KICK the arms! Dunne DECKS Priest, dropkicks Finn’s legs, then he stomps the hands! BUZZSAW! Dom runs in but Dunne kicks him back out! Finn sneaks a tag to Priest before Dunne wrangles Finn down! Dunne is after an arm but Priest drags him out! Choke grip, APRON CHOKE SLAM! Priest roars but fans boo while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Dunne KICKS away on Priest’s leg. Priest ROCKS Dunne, but Dunne BOOTS him back. Dunne reaches to his corner but Priest CLOBBERS him! Priest whips Dunne to the Judgment Day corner, runs in and back elbows! Tag to Finn and Finn stomps Dunne down. Tag to Dom and he slingshot sentons! Tag back to Finn, and Finn tags back to Priest. Finn drags Dunne up, scoops him, BACKBREAKER, and then Priest LEG DROPS! Cover, TWO! Dunne is still in this and Rhea is furious! Priest clamps onto the arm and grinds Dunne down. Fans rally, Dom tags in, and Dom kicks and stomps Dunne around.

Fans boo but Dom soaks it all up. But Dunne gets an arm to wrench! Dunne bends fingers, and SNAPS them! Finn tags in and stomps Dunne back down! Finn has the leg but Dunne ENZIGURIS! Dunne crawls, but Dom POSTS Sheamus! Ridge chases Dom off but Rhea stands in his way. Fans boo, Finn runs in but Dunne dodges! Finn hits buckles, Dunne crawls, hot tag to Ridge! Ridge the Fridge rallies on Finn! Then dodges to FLYING SHOULDER! Ridge runs in to SPLASH Finn, then runs again to SPLASH again! And again, but he runs into BOOTS! Finn runs, but into a scoop SLAM! Priest runs in, but Ridge blocks and clinches to HEADBUTT!

Dom stays back, Finn gets Ridge with a dragon sleeper! ELBOW DROP DDT! Fans rally up as both men crawl, hot tags to Dom and Sheamus! Dom realizes he’s in trouble now. Dom runs from The Fella but the Fella chases him up the ramp! They go to the stage, and the OC appear! Styles, Mia Yim and the Good Brothers scare Dom back, and Sheamus is there to send Dom into the ring! Sheamus CLOBBERS Priest, slides in and CLOBBERS Finn! Dom runs but into a LARIAT! And another! Rhea is freaking out as Sheamus clotheslines Dom, then hits an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! The OC likes what they see as Dom crawls to ropes.

Sheamus has Dom against the ropes, but Priest rushes in! Sheamus ELBOWS Priest away, but Dom HOTSHOTS Sheamus! Ridge runs at Priest, but into a COMPLETE SHOT! Dunne goes up, leaps, but into a choke grip! But he ENZIGURIS the choke slam away! Dunne hurries out to MOONSAULT onto Priest! Finn CLOBBERS Dunne! Finn gets up, Sheamus RAMS into him! Dom rolls Sheamus! TWO!! KNEE from Sheamus!! Dom flops down and fans fire up! Dom ends up on the apron, Sheamus drags him back up. Sheamus RIPS Dom’s shirt open, for BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Sheamus goes way past TEN, and gets TWENTY!

Dom is a ragdoll and fans fire up! Sheamus aims from a corner, fans chant along, “BROGUE! BROGUE! BROGUE!” Sheamus runs at Dom, BROGUE!! Cover, the Brutes win!

Winners: The Brawling Brutes, by pinfall

But Finn attacks Sheamus! Priest and Finn mug Sheamus, but Dunne gets up. Finn DECKS Dunne, stomps Ridge, but Sheamus clotheslines Priest out! Priest drags Sheamus out, they brawl, head up the ramp, and Gallows is there to ROUNDHOUSE Priest! Kevin Owens hops off commentary to get in the ring. Finn is mouthing off to Sheamus, but he turns around into a STUNNER! The Prizefighter and the Brutes are ready, will they be able to tear down The Bloodline? As for Finn, he’s reeling with just days to prepare for AJ Styles! Will the OC make Survivor Series phenomenal?


Backstage interview with Johnny Gargano.

Cathy Kelley says that for weeks now, Johnny Wrestling has been shooting down The Miz’s alibis and excuses. Is that what he plans to do in their rematch tonight? Gargano says that Miz did what he did cuz he realized he couldn’t beat Gargano. Miz lied, cheated, used a spare turnbuckle. And that doesn’t sit right with Gargano. That is why we’re getting the rematch tonight. But what about Dexter Lumis? Well, the only thing Gargano wants for Lumis is to help out an old friend and make sure he gets what he deserves. There is a mutual understanding. Gargano won’t get involved in Lumis’ match next week, and Lumis won’t get involved here tonight.

Gargano gets Miz 1v1, man to man. No bells or whistles, just Johnny Wrestling VS whatever character Miz is tonight. Gargano heads out, will he expose Miz who who he is?


Johnny Gargano VS The Miz!

Raw returns as Gargano makes his entrance, followed by The Miz’s entrance. Miz isn’t dressed? Miz tells Gargano that while he’d love to have this rematch and beat him again, he unfortunately got hurt making a TikTok video. Not dancing, though he has moves like Jagger. No, Miz was kicking and punching and swiping away injuries from his Fantasy Football team, when he punched a cactus! Yes, he owns his own cacti in California, because he’s rich. The cactus didn’t survive, but Miz will. And in one week, he will defeat Lumis.

As for tonight, Miz knows Johnny Wrestling wants to put on a show for the fans, so Miz did the noble thing. Since Miz cannot compete, he found Gargano a worthy opponent! OMOS!? The Nigerian Giant, with Montel Vontavius Porter, walks out on stage, ready to do Miz’s dirty work. Will Gargano survive this little switcheroo from Miz?

The bell rings, Omos glares at Gargano while Miz joins commentary to over-enthusiastically cheer Gargano on. Gargano fires forearms but Omos SHOVES Gargano away. Gargano dodges Omos and fires body shots, but Omos shoves him away, to then BOOT him down! Gargano flops out of the ring and MVP says to keep it up. Omos goes out after Gargano, and SMOTHERS him against the desk! Omos puts Gargano in the ring, and Miz says he is giving Gargano a chance to show what he’s made of. Gargano dropkicks Omos off the apron, then DIVES! Omos staggers and almost hits the desk!

Gargano gets back in, PLANCHAS, but Omos catches him! Miz mockingly says, “Uh oh.” LAWN DART on the apron! Omos roars but fans boo. MVP says Omos is in control and Omos gets in the ring. Omos drags Gargano up but Gargano throws forearms! Gargano GAMANGIRIS and Omos wobbles! GAMANGIRI! Omos staggers away! Miz then hops off commentary to trip Gargano up! That hand isn’t bad at all! Speaking of hands, Omos drags Gargano with one hand, then hoists him up with both! But Gargano knees free! Omos snarls, runs in, but Gargano sends Omos into buckles! Omos falls over and Miz is shocked!

Gargano SUPERKICKS Omos! MVP wants Omos to stand up but Gargano SUPERKICKS again! And SUPERKICKS again!! Gargano hurries to the corner and climbs up! Fans fire up while Miz and MVP freak out! MACHO- NO! Omos catches Gargano! And then CHOKE SLAMS!! Miz laughs while wincing, Omos covers, Omos wins!

Winner: Omos, by pinfall

Miz mocks the valiant effort by Gargano, but Gargano isn’t who Miz needs to worry about. Will Dexter Lumis smother the Hollywood A-Lister and finally have the money and WWE contract he deserves?


BREAKING NEWS for Survivor Series: WarGames!

With Bobby Lashley AND Austin Theory gunning for him, The Visionary will have to defend his WWE United States Championship in a TRIPLE THREAT! Will Seth Freakin’ Rollins be able to #BurnItDown against The All Mighty and “The Now” of WWE? Speaking of…

Seth Rollins has a video interview.

Corey Graves thanks Rollins for his time, and knows he is still recovering from Theory’s attack. How is he feeling? Well, two weeks ago, he got mauled by Lashley. Last week, he got jumped by Theory. Rollins has never felt better, HAHAHA! But now we know that Saturday will be a Triple Threat title defense. How is he preparing for an incensed Lashley and an angry Theory, both who are more aggressive than ever before? Rollins says that Graves knows Rollins asked for that match, right? Rollins asked for the match because he has a bone to pick with both men, so a Triple Threat is two birds with one stone, if you know what he means.

“Now, you don’t prepare for a wild Bobby Lashley. You don’t tame a wild Bobby Lashley. You survive a wild Bobby Lashley, if you are equipped. And luckily for me, I have a PhD in getting back up. I’m like The Goonies, I never say die. HAHAHA! As for Austin Theory, he’s lost everything and he may be more dangerous than he’s ever been. But make no mistake about it, he’s still the stupidest person on the face of the Earth. And don’t get it twisted. Not because he tried to cash in his Money in the Bank contract on my US title. No, no, no, no. As somewhat of an expert on cash-ins, I thought that was very well-timed.

“Austin Theory is the stupidest person on the face of planet Earth for what he tried to do to me last week. Austin Theory jumped me from behind, he tried to beat me at my own game. Austin Theory wanted to make a name off of my name, and that never ends well for anybody. Theory, you don’t believe me? You need some proof? Why don’t you pick up your little cellphone, call Cody Rhodes, you ask him how he’s rehab is going. Yeah, you say, ‘Cody, Cody, was it a good idea to pick a fight with Seth Freakin’ Rollins?’ HAHAHA! You let me know what he says.

“The bottom line is this: This Saturday at Survivor Series, no no no, we are not in the WarGames match, no. But I promise you it is going to be a war! Because you’ve got three men who do not like each other going toe-to-toe-to-toe and we are all on the cusp. We could all SNAP at any second. And Bobby Lashley, he’s a brute, and I can deal with those. Austin Theory, well I know him like the back of my hand because I used to be Austin Theory. The real question is, what’re those dope boys gonna do to prepare for me? Because I am one of one. I am a Visionary, I am a revolutionary, I am Seth Freakin’ Rollins, and after Survivor Series, I will still be… United States Champion.”


Theory is watching.

Rollins laughs and pats the belt while Theory fumes. Theory tells Rollins, “You don’t understand me. Nobody understands me. And I’ve hit rock bottom, and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m no longer the Youngest This or the Next Big That. And Seth, I’m not that kid that you’ve been in the ring with before. I’m a new man. And I will be taken serious. And after Survivor Series, this entire business is gonna know what time it is. The disrespect, it ends here. Because anybody that wants to step up is gonna get sent home, and I’m looking right at you, Dolph and Seth.

“Seth, I already know you’re watching. And Bobby, you’re probably somewhere punching a hole through a wall, but I know you’re watching. But both of you, pay attention close to what I do to Mustafa Ali tonight, because it will be the result of what happens this Saturday at Survivor Series.” Is Theory’s new darkness going to break an already battered Beacon?


Austin Theory VS Mustafa Ali!

The bell rings and Theory circles with Ali, They tie up, and Theory RAMS Ali into a corner! And RAMS and RAMS and then throws hands! Theory throws Ali and stalks him. Theory drags Ali up by the rib tape but Ali throws elbows and haymakers! Ali whips, Theory reverses and kitchen sink knees! Theory stomps Ali down again and again, and shouts, “All Day!” Theory drags Ali up, back suplexes, but Ali lands on his feet! Ali CHOPS, CHOPS, and whips, but Theory reverses hard! Ali bounces off buckles, into a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Theory clamps on with a rear bearhug! Ali endures as Theory squeezes!

Fans rally up as Ali fights to his feet. Ali throws elbow, Theory kicks him low. Theory ROCKS Ali, suplexes, but Ali slips out to shove him away. Ali tilt-o-whirl DDTs! Fans fire up while both men are down! Ali crawls to a corner, Theory storms over, but Ali ROCKS him first. Ali counter punches, throws more haymakers, but Theory puts him in a corner. Ali KNEES Theory back, wrenches and back suplexes! Theory flounders out of the ring but Ali builds speed! Ali DIVES, but Theory caches him to RAM him into the apron! And RAM into the barriers! Theory puts Ali back in, slingshots to somersault, into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!!

Ali grits his teeth, hurting in the ribs but also a bit frustrated. Ali and Theory rise, but Theory YANKS Ali into ropes! Ali sputters, Theory hooks him up, AOI SHOUDO! Cover, TWO!! Fans taunt Theory, “Where’s Your Briefcase?” Theory bumps Ali off buckles, puts him in a Tree of Woe, and he stomps away! The ref counts, Theory lets off, but comes back to throw hands! The ref counts again, Theory lets off, and Ali flops out of the Tree. Fans boo and chant, “THEORY SUCKS!” Theory shakes his head, he drags Ali back up, and he ROCKS Ali with a haymaker. Theory hoists Ali up top, climbs up after him, but Ali throws body shots!

Fans fire up as Ali bumps Theory off buckles! Ali adjusts, to SUPER SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB!! Both men are down, and Ali drags himself back to the top! Ali aims, to 450 SPLASH!! But the ribs take damage, too! Ali flounders after Theory, but Theory rolls out of the ring again! The fans boo but Ali goes out after Theory. Ali drags Theory up, puts him in the ring, but Theory BLASTS Ali off the apron! Theory then puts Ali in the ring, calls his shot, and fireman’s carries! A TOWN DOWN!! Cover, Theory wins!

Winner: Austin Theory, by pinfall

Theory’s got a bloody forehead, but he doesn’t care. But then Lashley gets his attention on the tron. Theory wanted Lashley’s attention, well he has it now. And if Theory wants to get serious, then they’ll get serious. Theory can just stay right there, and Lashley will be heading to the ring so they can give Albany a preview of Survivor Series! Lashley is heading to gorilla! Will the All Mighty smite Theory before the Triple Threat?


Raw returns, and here comes Lashley!

Lashley stares at Theory and has a mic. “Look at you, Theory. I’m kinda surprised you’re still standing in that ring. I thought you were on the first SUV outta town. But I guess we got the ‘new’ Theory. I mean, look at you, standing there all tough, like you wanna fight. You wanted my attention, now you got my attention. But if you think you’re standing in the way of me and my United States Championship, kid, you’re outta your mind. You had the briefcase, you could’ve cashed it in, and all you had to do was pick up the scraps that I’d left for ya. And you still couldn’t get the job done.”

Theory tells Lashley, “I couldn’t get the job done? I’m playing games? Everybody in this arena, whether they wanna boo me or not, knows that right now, I would BE the United States Champion if it wasn’t for Bobby Lashley! But since you’re out here, let’s talk about Bobby Lashley. I remember Brock Lesnar kicked your ass. And then, right after that, you were the United States Champion and put that title on the line, and Seth Rollins beat you! And then, that wasn’t enough for Bobby Lashley because Bobby Lashley wanted redemption. So Bobby Lashley had to slay the Beast at Crown Jewel, and once again, Bobby Lashley couldn’t get the job done.”

Lashley smirks as Theory says the thing about him and Rollins, for some reason, they both think that they’re stepping in the ring at Survivor Series with the same kid. “That kid is dead and gone, and I am gonna walk into Survivor Series this Saturday, and I am gonna become a two-time United States Champion, and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it.” Fans boo but Lashley says, “Is that right, Theory?” Theory walking out of Survivor Series? He isn’t even walking outta here tonight! The brawl is on! Theory CLUBS Lashley but Lashley RAMS him into the corner! Lashley fires off haymakers, then stomps away!

Lashley OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! Theory flops out of the ring but Lashley goes out after him! Lashley RAMS him into barriers, rains down more fists, then drags him back up. Lashley fireman’s carries but Theory slips off to POST Lashley! Lashley comes back with hands! And he TOSSES Theory into the timekeeper’s area! Theory comes back with a chair! He JAMS Lashley, SMACKS him on the back, but that just pisses Lashley off!! Lashley snarls, Theory runs away into the crowd, but Lashley finds the shortcut! They go to the back, and Theory grabs Ali! They brawl, Theory sends Ali into Lashley!

Lashley is furious, but so is Ali. Ali shoves Lashley, but Lashley drags Ali out on stage! Lashley’s wrath sends Ali into the stage tron! And again! Fans fire up as Lashley puts Ali in the HURT LOCK!! Ali suffers for Theory’s transgressions, but will the All Mighty make Theory pay soon enough?


The Alpha Academy VS Elias & Matt Riddle!

After beating Master Gable & Otis won back to back 1v1 matches, Chad Gable dared the Drifter and the Bro to try things 2v2. Challenge accepted, and now the two man band is debuting as a duo! Will Riddle & Elias smoke the Academy? Or will they have no choice but to SHOOOOSH~?

The teams sort out and Elias starts with Gable. They tie up, go around, and Elias wrenches. Gable rolls, bridges, handsprings, and spins to then headlocks, spins and drop toehold! Gable then floats to a mount, “A THANK YEW~!” Gable hooks an arm but Elias switches it around to hammerlock back. Riddle rallies the fans for Elias but Gable headlocks, spins and waistlocks. Elias bucks the O’Conner but runs into an arm-drag! And another! Gable wrenches, whips, but Elias reveres. Gable goes up and over, but Elias runs him over! Things keep moving, Elias duck sot whip but Gable kicks him way. “SHOOOOSH~!”

Gable runs, into a back drop! Fans fire up while Gable bails out. Elias and Riddle are feeling it while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Elias tags Riddle in. Riddle PENALTY KICKS Gable, Elias SLIDING FOREARMS! Riddle covers, ONE!! Gable hangs tough but Riddle is still on him with knees. Gable shoots around, then around again, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Gable tags Otis, Gable bumps Riddle off buckles and Otis fires off body shots! Otis DECKS Riddle, then drags him up. Otis scoops Riddle to SLAM him! Otis flexes, Gable says, “That’s my guy!” Otis says, “Who’s the man?!” Fans boo, it’s apparently not Otis. Otis bumps Riddle off buckles, tags in Gable, and Otis feeds Riddle to Gable’s double forearms! Cover, TWO!

Gable clamps onto Riddle with a top wristlock but Riddle endures. Fans rally and Riddle fights up. Riddle throws forearms, but Gable wrenches and hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Riddle is hanging tough but Gable whips him to a corner. Gable storms up and puts Riddle’s legs on the ropes. Gable DRAPING DRAGON SCREWS! Fans boo but Gable says, “A THANK YEW~!” Gable drags Riddle up, puts him in the corner, and CHOPS! “SHOOOOSH~!” Gable whips corner to corner, Riddle goes up and over to KICK Gable down! Tag to Elias, tag back to Riddle, and they double whip Gable to double elbow!

Riddle gets an Electric Chair Lift, ELECTRIC BROTON! Elisa KNEES Otis down, then builds speed to WRECK Otis with a dropkick! Otis hits the desk and Elias LEAPS on him again! But Otis catches Elias! Riddle goes after Gable but Gable trips him up! Otis RAMS Elias into barriers! Gable APRON GERMAN SUPLEXES Riddle!! Gable shouts, “A THANK YEW~!” and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Gable has Riddle down with a toehold. Riddle endures, kicks with his free leg, and Gable staggers away. Otis tags in, Gable back suplexes but Riddle lands on his feet. Otis Electric Chair Lifts Riddle while Gable DECKS Elias! Gable goes up and Otis brings Riddle over, for the FLYING BULLDOG! Shoutout to the Steiners, Otis covers, TWO!! Riddle survives and fans can’t believe it! Otis is shocked, too, and he puts Riddle in a corner. Otis SPLASHES and Riddle falls over! Otis huffs and puffs and goes up the corner. Fans rally for Riddle, Otis VADER FLOPS! Riddle avoids disaster and fans rally back up!

Riddle and Otis crawl, hot tags to Elias and Gable! Elias rallies with big lariats! Then a LEG CAPTURE SUPLEX! Elias CHOPS Gable, ROCKS him, repeat! Elias whips corner to corner, and SPLASHES a la Zeke! And then SPLASHES again! And then runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges to SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up and Elias wrenches Gable to a HANGMAN’S NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Gable survives but Elias puts him in a corner. Now Elias Electric Chair Lifts. Gable spins around to RANA, then he tags Otis! Elias runs into BOOTS! Otis runs in to dragon sleeper, REVERSE DDT! Gable is up top, he DIVING HEADBUTTS! Otis covers, Riddle BROTONS it apart!

Otis CLUBS Riddle, throws him back out, but Elias also bails out. Otis tags Gable, then Otis storms over to Elias. Otis drags Elias back in from the apron and feeds him to Gable. Gable waistlocks and Otis runs, but Elias BOOTS Otis! Elias and Gable go to the corner, Riddle tags in as Elias bucks the O’Conner! Elias turns around but Gable CLOBBERS him! Riddle fires off palm strike and a BOOT! Fireman’s carry but Gable slips off. Gable shoves Riddle, but runs into the RANA! Gable has a nasty landing on the outside! Riddle aims to PENALTY KICK Otis! Then he FLOATING BRO ATTACKS the Academy down!!

Fans fire up, Riddle puts Gable in! Riddle kicks, Gable ducks and O’Conner Rolls to CHAOS- NO, Riddle slips out to land on his feet! FINAL FLASH KNEE! Tag to Elias and “This is Awesome!” as Riddle tags back in! ANARCHY to a tag, FLOATING BRO! Riddle covers, Riddle & Elias win!!

Winners: Elias & Matt Riddle, by pinfall

The #DriftBros defy Gable’s predictions! Will Riddle’s Walk With Elias lead him back to the tag team promised land?


JBL and Baron Corbin are playing poker again.

They had a great limousine but the driver was awful. And he started showing Corbin around Albany! Has JBL seen this place? It’s terrible, too! Who lives here? The only thing worse than living in Albany is dying in Albany. But wait, in steps Drew McIntyre. Who’s winning the game? JBL is in awe of the “Modern Day William Wallace.” How’s Scotland doing in the World Cup? Oh… Right, they didn’t make it. Like JBL not making to WrestleMania that time Corbin had McIntyre. The outcome of that would’ve been significantly different, y’know. Just like it will be this Saturday when the Head of the Table gets his hands on McIntyre.

Oh, is that so? It is. Alright. McIntyre’s only in town for tonight, let’s put this theory to the test. Maybe one more time for old time’s sake? Corbin stands up and says they can settle it here and now. McIntyre says he respects his elders, but not Corbin! McIntyre DECKS Corbin with a right! JBL is furious, McIntyre tells Corbin he’ll see him in the ring! JBL says McIntyre will pay for that cheap shot, but will the Scottish Warrior prove Corbin is anything but a wrestling god?


WWE takes a closer look at WarGames!

“Some cages are built to keep things out. Some cages are built to keep things in. But our cage is built for war.” Drew McIntyre says The Bloodline has been on quite the run, but his team has issues with them all. This is more than just a match, this will be personal. Two cages, two teams, Ridge loves the possibilities of destruction. The most brutal structure in the WWE, Sheamus says these lads are going to have fun. Kevin Owens says he dreamed of competing in such a match, and he got to in NXT. Nothing compares to it, and this one will be special. “Five of the best brawlers this industry has to offer against The Bloodline, and this Saturday at Survivor Series, we’re going to war.”

Will Roman, the Usos, Solo & Sami survive the brutality of Kevin, McIntyre and the Brutes?


Drew McIntyre VS Baron Corbin w/ JBL!

The Scottish Warrior just wanted to be dealt in, but now he’ll be dealing out pain! Will he use the “Modern Day Wrestling God” as a mere warm-up for WarGames? Or will he end up added to the list of names Corbin has been putting away since his return?

Raw returns as McIntyre makes his entrance, Angela the claymore sword in hand. The bell rings and Corbin rushes in! McIntyre dodges, but Corbin bails out before he can get hit! Fans boo but Corbin and JBL talk strategy. Corbin gets back in, he circles with McIntyre, and they tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Corbin finds a point of leverage. But McIntyre pushes Corbin back and puts him in a corner! McIntyre lets off as the ref counts, and Corbin CHOPS! The ref reprimands the cheap shot but Corbin throws body shots and haymakers. Corbin taunts the fans, ROCKS McIntyre, then ROCKS McIntyre again.

The ref counts, Corbin bumps McIntyre off buckles, then throws more body shots. Corbin ROCKS McIntyre with another haymaker, but McIntyre ROCKS Corbin back! And CHOPS! And ROCKS! And CHOPS! Corbin knees low, CLUBS away on McIntyre, then whips him to ropes. McIntyre reverses but Corbin KICKS him away. Corbin runs, into a LARIAT! Corbin staggers up, McIntyre clotheslines Corbin out of the ring! Fans fire up and McIntyre goes out after Corbin. McIntyre whips Corbin hard into barriers and Corbin tumbles into the timekeeper’s area! McIntyre drags Corbin up and CHOPS him!

Corbin staggers, McIntyre brings him around to scoop and SLAM on the desk! Corbin writhes, McIntyre refreshes the ring count, then brings Corbin around to ROCK him again. Corbin staggers away, McIntyre glares at JBL as he CHOPS Corbin against the barriers! McIntyre puts Corbin in the ring, he glares at JBL again, but Corbin ROCKS McIntyre back! Corbin POSTS McIntyre, and McIntyre falls to the floor! JBL applauds but he’s the only one. JBL wants the count-out and the count begins. Corbin grows impatient and he goes out to put McIntyre in the ring. Corbin’s chest is stinging, though, as he gets in the ring.

Corbin CHOPS McIntyre, “Payback!” Corbin whips McIntyre corner to corner hard, then runs in to clothesline McIntyre down! Fans boo as Corbin stomps a mudhole into McIntyre. Corbin digs his boot in, lets off as the ref counts, and he taunts McIntyre, “What you got?! You got nothing!” He stomps away on McIntyre again! The ref counts, Corbin lets off, and JBL warns the ref. McIntyre drags himself up but Corbin is on him, to POST him! Corbin laughs it up and mocks the fans as he soaks up the heat. Corbin drags McIntyre up, puts him in the corner again, and ROCKS him with haymaker after haymaker!

Corbin whips corner to corner, but McIntyre comes back to clothesline! And again! Fans fire up as he clinches Corbin to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Then a NECKBREAKER! Both men are down, but fans fire up as McIntyre kips up! McIntyre underhooks Corbin, but Corbin wrenches out to ROCK McIntyre again and again! Corbin runs, but McIntyre scoops him! MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Corbin survives but McIntyre keeps focus. JBL says that was a fast count but the ref checks both men. McIntyre sits up, he watches Corbin writhe. McIntyre storms up to Corbin at the ropes, puts him in a corner, and CHOPS!

McIntyre ROCKS Corbin, whips him to ropes, but Corbin reverses. McIntyre ducks ‘n’ dodges to CROSSBODY, but Corbin catches him! FALL AWAY SLAM! JBL likes that! Corbin aims, runs in, but McIntyre dodges! Corbin slides out, in, but McIntyre dodges to HEADBUTT! But Corbin LARIATS! JBL says to capitalize but Corbin has to crawl around while Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Corbin has McIntyre up top! McIntyre resists the superplex so Corbin throws body shots. Corbin brings McIntyre up again, to SUPERPLEX! Corbin crawls to the cover, TWO!! McIntyre is still in this and Corbin is furious! JBL tells the ref to stop with the slow counts, but the ref defends it was fair. Corbin snarls and he throws hands on McIntyre. McIntyre hits back! Corbin hits McIntyre, McIntyre hits back, repeat! McIntyre CHOPS, Corbin ROCKS, the haymakers go back and forth again, but Corbin UPPERCUTS! Corbin scoops, but McIntyre slips off and shoves Corbin into the corner.

McIntyre runs in but into an elbow! Corbin runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Corbin is still in this and JBL applauds. McIntyre stands up and fans say, “This is Awesome!” McIntyre underhooks but Corbin puts McIntyre in the ropes. Corbin sucker punches McIntyre, trips him up, then brings him up to choke grip! CHOKE SLAM! Cover, TWO!! McIntyre is still in this and JBL paces around. Corbin rains down fists while telling McIntyre he should stay on SmackDown. Corbin drags McIntyre up again, reels him in, but McIntyre slips through End of Day sot kick low! FUTURE SHOCK!!

McIntyre goes to the corner and fans fire up! McIntyre runs in, but Corbin dodges the Claymore! Corbin torture racks for a RACK SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Corbin can’t believe it! McIntyre rolls out of the ring and Corbin pursues. Corbin says this is for all the fans, as he HAMMERS away on McIntyre! Fans boo and the ring count is climbing. Corbin drags McIntyre up, POSTS him, then refreshes the count. Fans chant, “You Can’t Wrestle!” Corbin says he’s the Wrestling God! But then he runs into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly!! McIntyre puts Corbin back in, fires up, and fans fire up with him!

McIntyre aims from the corner, but JBL storms up! The ref tells JBL to hop down and he does, but Corbin gets McIntyre with DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO!! Corbin is losing his mind! Corbin tells the ref to count ot three but the ref tells him to back off. Corbin says he doesn’t listen to the ref, the ref listens to him! But wait, Akira Tozawa appears on the desk! And he LEAPS onto JBL! What’s he doing!? Tozawa takes the hat! Tozawa runs off and Corbin is just as furious as JBL! But Corbin turns around, CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

JBL is losing his mind over what just happened! The Stamina Monster snatched away THE hat, and now the Modern Day Wrestling God has his first loss since returning! Will JBL and Corbin make Tozawa pay for playing games? Will McIntyre use this momentum to get the advantage win this Friday and then THE win on Saturday?


Backstage interview with The OC.

Cathy Kelley says the match is set, Styles VS Finn happens at Survivor Series. Are emotions riding high given the history between them? Styles says they are. And it’s a shame, because Styles and Finn were close. But Styles has realized this is his family. Gallows & Anderson are his brothers, Mia Yim is his sister, and they are the OC. This thing with the Judgment Day ends at Survivor Series when Styles gives Finn the beating he deserves! And it’ll be phenomenal. But then Finn walks over! Styles thinks Finn is a bad guy? He’s wrong. Finn is worse! He’s the devil! And when you dance with the devil, you never dance again!

And then Rhea BOOTS Mia outta nowhere! The brawl is on between JD and OC!! Dom has Anderson, Priest has Gallows, Finn has Styles! Karl TOSSES Dom into a dumpster! But Finn goes after Karl! Styles comes back for more and he RAMS Finn into crates! The Good Brothers get Priest but Dom comes back! And who knows where Mia and Rhea went! This starts spilling out into the back lot! They’re brawling right up against someone’s SUV! Karl SLAMS Dom on the hood! Priest RAMS Gallows into the open door! And SLAMS the door shut on him! Security rushes out, as do referees and officials! It’s chaos as Raw goes to break, will any of them even make it to WarGames!?


Women’s WarGames Advantage: Asuka VS Rhea Ripley!

While Team EST is down a member, they’re not worried about that yet. They just want the numbers advantage first! The Empress will battle the Eradicator, but first they all get the mics. Bianca says we all know Bayley and Bianca have had problems since SummerSlam, and they’ve been tearing each other apart! Not just for the Raw Women’s Championship but the future of this division. This battle ends Saturday the only way it can: WARGAMES! Now, Bianca has won the battle but not the war, and she can’t do that alone. There is no one she’d rather go to war with than her girls! Alexa Bliss, Mia Yim, who is handling business and will be ready for WarGames.

And of course, the woman who will win the advantage tonight, ASUKA! While Bayley plays games, Bianca’s ready for war! Alexa says she’s ready to get payback on Damage Control and put Nikki Cross in the trash where she belongs! Asuka says they are ready for war, but no one is ready for them! And tonight, Rhea is not ready for Asuka! Best believe that everyone wants on the team because DMG CTRL has a lot of enemies. When they make their decision on Friday, y’all will not be disappointed. Fans are a little disappointed, they wanted it tonight. But Rhea makes her way out, with DMG CTRL by her side!

Bayley wants everyone to hold on. We’re to believe Bianca has her fifth partner? And she’s gonna make us wait until Friday? Sounds like the EST is stalling. Or maybe it’s just harder than she thought to find one more person who actually likes her? DING DONG, HELLO~! No one even respects Bianca! Not even her teammates. They’re just sucking up to Bianca to get a title shot. Not that they’d ever stand a chance. You got “Michan,” but Rhea took her out. Then Asuka and Alexa have lost to Kai & Sky time and time again. And they’re all led by Bianca, “the same champ who’s throwing poor little Asuka right into the fire tonight, instead of you stepping up to Rhea like a real leader, like a real champion.”

Asuka tells Bayley to SHUT UP! In both English and Japanese! Then she tells Rhea, “Let’s do this right now!!” Rhea says that just like WrestleMania, “Mami’s gonna eradicate ya.” The two stare down, the ref gets in, and it’s time to back up all these words! Who will get the advantage? We find out, after the break!

Raw returns and the bell rings. Fans rally as the two slowly circle. They approach but Rhea gets around Asuka. Rhea taunts Asuka, they circle more, and approach again. Rhea goes to get around Asuka but Asuka catches her by her hair! Asuka thrashes Rhea around but Rhea powers out to throw Asuka! Rhea won’t let Asuka pull her hair, and she TOSSES Asuka again! DMG CTRL watches backstage, apparently sent to the back during break so this is truly 1v1. Asuka ROCKS Rhea, bumps her off buckles, then KICKS her down! Asuka gives Rhea some Kawada Kicks! Rhea blocks one to ROCK Asuka!

Rhea snapmares, KICKS Asuka in the back, then runs to basement dropkick! Cover, ONE!! Asuka snarls as Team EST also watches backstage. Rhea drags Asuka up, whips her to a corner, and then runs in. Rhea ducks the boot but Asuka SLAPS her! Asuka elbows Rhea, BOOTS her, then hops up the corner. Asuka leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK! Rhea bails out, Asuka builds speed, but Rhea blocks the dropkick to reel Asuka into an Electric Chair! Asuka fights free to SMACK Rhea off the apron! Asuka puts Rhea on the apron, CLUBS away on her, then runs in to HIP ATTACK! Rhea flounders into the ring and fans fire up!

Asuka hurries in after Rhea but Rhea bails back out. Rhea says she won’t cater to the fans, but the ring count climbs. Asuka waits on Rhea, Rhea waits until 7 of 10 to get on the apron. The ref has Asuka stay back but Rhea hops back down. Fans boo more but Rhea just soaks up the heat. The ring count climbs again, Rhea hops back onto the apron, and she steps inside. But Asuka fires off KICKS! Asuka waistlocks, Rhea elbows free. Rhea catches the hip attack but now Asuka throws elbows. Rhea throws Asuka down by her hair! Rhea hammers away on Asuka from behind, then SLAPS her around! The ref reprimands but Rhea tells the ref to shut up.

Rhea KICKS Asuka in the side, then stalks her to ropes. Rhea eggs Asuka, soaks up the heat from the fans, then whips Asuka to CLUB her in the back! rhea drags Asuka back up, whips and CLUBS her again! Asuka writhes but Rhea just dusts herself off. Rhea talks trash, looms over Asuka, and CLUBS her again and again and again! Rhea drags Asuka up, laughs, and whips again, but Asuka ROCKS Rhea! Rhea LARIATS back! Cover, TWO! Rhea says the ref needs to learn how to count. The ref says his count is fair, but Rhea drags Asuka up. Rhea wraps on a body scissor and squeezes tight! Asuka endures as Rhea taunts her with WrestleMania.

Rhea CLUBS away on Asuka but Asuka still endures. Fans rally and Asuka pushes back to a cover! ONE, and Rhea still holds onto the scissors. Asuka pushes back again, ONE, but Asuka turns Rhea over and slips free! ANKLE LOCK! Rhea endures now and Asuka drops to a KNEEBAR!! Rhea shouts and fights up, pries Asuka off the leg to SLAM her down! Rhea snarls, drags Asuka up and RAMS her into buckles. Rhea throws body shots and forearms, tells the ref to shut up again, then she RAMS into Asuka! “You think you can step into the ring with me again?” Rhea SLAPS Asuka but Asuka SLAPS Rhea! Rhea snarls, but Asuka BOOTS her!

Rhea returns to DROPKICK Asuka to the floor!! Fans boo but Rhea says Asuka’s pathetic while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Rhea toys with Asuka. She slaps Asuka around but Asuka SLAPS back! Rhea BOOTS Asuka, fires off in the corner, then runs in, but Asuka moves! Rhea POSTS herself! Both women are down and while Bayley is still confident in Rhea, Nikki isn’t even paying attention. Rhea gets up, swings but Asuka dodges! Asuka fires off kick after kick! She bobs ‘n’ weaves to BACKHAND! BACKHAND! SOBAT! KICK! BACKHAND! CODE BREAKER!! Rhea falls to the corner and fans fire up with Asuka! Asuka runs corner to corner to HIP ATTACK! Bianca & Alexa are liking this, but Rhea powers out of the Bulldog.

Rhea boots but Asuka blocks! Asuka spins Rhea for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Asuka drags Rhea back up but Rhea reels back! Asuka spins but Rhea ducks the backhand to shove Asuka to ropes. Asuka wheelbarrows but Rhea blocks the victory roll! Rhea ties up the legs, PRISM TRAP!! Asuka endures as Rhea holds her off the mat! Asuka reaches out, claws her way forward, but Rhea drags her back! Asuka victory rolls Rhea out of the ring! Rhea gets up, she ROCKS Asuka, then she goes up the corner. But Asuka trip Rhea down! Rhea tumbles, Asuka runs, SLIDING KICK! Cover, TWO!

Rhea and Asuka are down, catching their breaths. Asuka rises, Rhea goes to ropes, and fans rally up. Asuka runs in, but Rhea dodges the hip attack to HOOK KICK! Asuka flops down and Rhea shakes out the cobwebs. Asuka sits up, Rhea kicks her and stomps a foot! KNEE SMASH, HEADBUTT, and a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO!! Asuka survives and Rhea is furious with the ref! The ref says she shouldn’t even, that was a fair count. Rhea looms over Asuka, and says Asuka just had to piss her off. Rhea pump handles and lifts, RIP- NO, Asuka slips out to get the ARMBAR! Rhea fights that but Asuka has the chinbar!

Rhea fights around, keeps the Asuka Lock from finishing, and DMG CTRL returns to ringside to cheer Rhea on. Rhea RAMS Asuka into a corner! And again! Rhea is free and she crawls away, but here comes Bianca and Alexa! They tell DMG CTRL to watch it, and Asuka ROUNDHOUSES Rhea! FLYING ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!! Rhea flails and fans fire up! Rhea stacks to a cover, TWO! Asuka avoids the boot, Rhea avoids the backhand! They keep dodging each other, RIPTIDE!!! Cover, RHEA WINS!!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by pinfall (Team DMG CTRL has advantage)

The brutality was unleashed and Bayley is happy to see her side has the advantage. But then they drag Asuka out of the ring! DMG CTRL mugs Asuka, but Bianca and Alexa hurry after them! It’s a brawl but Bayley’s side has numbers advantage now! But Alexa BOOTS Nikki down! Bianca DECKS Bayley, DECKS Sky, DECKS Kai, but then Bayley anchors Bianca. Bliss DECKS Sky! Bianca TOSSES Kai and KICKS Bayley! Nikki runs in, into a scoop! And a TOSS into the barriers! But Rhea CLOBBERS Bianca and HEADBUTTS Bliss! Rhea rains down fists on Bianca, but MIA returns! Mia and Rhea brawl, and Mia TOSSES Rhea into the crowd!

Asuka climbs up top while DMG CTRL is after Bianca and Bliss. Asuka SUPER CROSSBODIES everyone down!! And this is without a cage! What happens when Bianca reveals her fifth to complete the cast of ten that will go to war?

My Thoughts:

A really good go-home from Raw, or rather just part one of the go-home since SmackDown has their own part to play. They didn’t have that many recap packages to worry about, and had a lot more action. It was a nice surprise that Kevin brought the Brutes and McIntyre to Raw, even though The Bloodline hardly ever shows up here. Good promos, and good interaction with The Judgment Day that also brought in The OC. And we also got good interaction between McIntyre, Corbin and JBL. Great win for The Brutes, great win for McIntyre, but I wonder if this means the Bloodline wins the advantage on SmackDown. I feel like the team with advantage ends up the one losing, so Bloodline having advantage to lose, giving The Brutes a great lead into the various title stories, just makes sense.

Likewise, it makes sense DMG CTRL got advantage through the main event. We got great stuff from Judgment Day and The OC, like that brawl that spilled into the parking lot. Asuka VS Rhea was really good, and I suppose sending the allies backstage for them to all come storming back out was the better move. If they were all ringside to start, any number of shenanigans would’ve happened and would’ve taken away from the overall quality. The closing brawl was great, but I’m with Albany, I was hoping we’d get something on the fifth woman for Team EST tonight. Even just a tease would’ve been nice. I’m hoping it’s Candice LeRae, for reasons I’ve said before.

I should’ve expected Miz pulling that switch on Gargano, but I didn’t expect it to be Omos. Gargano looked great almost beating Omos, but of course Omos goes over as the insane monster. Miz VS Lumis being on Raw TV makes sense on many different levels. For one, limiting the number of matches on a PPV card to maximize the time each match gets is HHH’s style, as we know from TakeOvers and other NXT events. Plus, while Lumis and Miz are both really good characters, their grudge match isn’t going to be a PPV level match, but does make for a good post-PPV Raw match.

Really fun tag match out of Elias & Riddle VS Alpha Academy. It seems to be Riddle’s thing that while he’s a good singles wrestler, he can team up with almost anyone and make it work. Great string of moves in the finish from the #DriftBros, and I have a feeling they’ll get going on a parallel with RKBRO, with the main difference being that Elias will turn on Riddle when Randy never did. Riddle and Elias can make for a great feud going towards the Royal Rumble, and either guy can come out looking great as a contender towards the US title.

Speaking of, we got great stuff from the US Championship story. For one, a Triple Threat is great, though I totally expected something like this to be last month with Mustafa Ali as the third member, not Theory. But Theory is doing well with this new, angrier persona, as he shows in his match with Ali. Lashley calling Theory out and them brawling for a bit was good, but I feel like Ali being stuck in the middle of this story means he’s going to be involved with the US title on the other side of Survivor Series. Rollins had a great promo, I would think part of the reason for a Triple Threat means he can win without any of them looking particularly weak. Him mentioning Cody was an interesting detail. Is Rollins teasing Cody coming for the US title, just as I’ve been sensing?

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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