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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL X Super Jr. Tag Results & Report! (12/5/22)



NJPW WTL X Super Jr.

The Mighty Don’t Kneel, but do they squat?

Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi are the bad boys of NJPW, but are they mightier than The Mighty? We find out as World Tag League rolls on!


  • Bad Luck Fale VS Oskar Leube; Fale wins.
  • Tetsuya Naito & SANADA VS Ryohei Oiwa & Tomoaki Honma; Naito & Sanada win.
  • Six Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi, Master Wato & Kosei Fujita VS Suzuki-Gun; Suzuki-Gun wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Bullet Club; LIJ wins.
  • World Tag League 2022: Alex Coughlin & Gabriel Kidd VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi; Coughlin & Kidd win.
  • World Tag League 2022: Great-O-Khan & Aaron Henare VS Aussie Open; Aussie Open wins.
  • World Tag League 2022: Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI VS Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer; Goto & Hashi win.
  • World Tag League 2022: Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls; win.


Here are the current World Tag League standings!

Aussie Open: 6-1, 12 points
The Mighty: 5-1, 10 points
Naito & Sanada: 5-2, 10 points
Goto & Hashi: 4-2, 8 points
Khan & Henare: 4-3, 8 points
Suzuki & Archer: 3-3, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Yano & Tanahashi: 3-3, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Evil & Yujiro: 1-5, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
Coughlin & Kidd: 0-6, 0 points [ELIMINATED]

Chase & Fale: [FORFEIT]


World Tag League 2022: Alex Coughlin & Gabriel Kidd VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi!

The Mechanical Bulls have yet to get on the board, and there’s not much time left! Can they bulldoze the House of Torture and finally score? Or will the King of Darkness & Tokyo Pimp have more tricks up their sleeves for this one?

Dick Togo comes out with the House of Torture, so Sho must be lurking somewhere else right now. The teams sort out, but Kidd tells Dick to leave. Dick does leave and fans applaud. Kidd and Yujiro start and fans rally up with the bell. Kidd and Yujiro circle, tie up, and Yujiro headlocks. Kidd powers up to pry at the hold, and he spins it around onto Yujiro. Fans applaud but Yujiro powers out of the headlock. Kidd runs Yujiro over! Evil runs in but Coughlin intercepts him with a kick! Coughlin ROCKS Evil with a forearm, knees him in a corner, and Kidd has Yujiro in the other. They double whip Evil and Yujiro at each other, then they both scoop and SLAM!

Fans fire up as the Mechanical Bulls roar and flex! Coughlin & Kidd double whip Yujiro, kick and knee lift and run him over with a shoulder! Kidd SENTONS, then covers, TWO! Fans rally while Kidd drags Yujiro up and tags in Coughlin. Kidd holds Yujiro for Coughlin’s CHOP! Fans fire up as Coughlin deadlifts Yujiro into a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Coughlin looms over Yujiro. Coughlin stands Yujiro up but Yujiro kicks low. Yujiro CHOPS, whips, but Coughlin reverses. Yujiro holds ropes, Coughlin runs in but into a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Evil runs in to BLAST Kidd off the apron, then he goes out after him!

Kidd kicks Evil but Evil claws the eyes! Evil brings Kidd around and takes aim at the timekeeper, but the ref reprimands! Evil lets off, and he CLUBS Kidd down. Abe-san is spared for now, and Yujiro stands Coughlin up in a corner. Yujiro throws elbows, but lets off as the ref counts. Yujiro brings Coughlin over and tags in Evil. Evil CLUBS Coughlin, then fakes the eye rake to CHOP! Coughlin eggs Evil on, so Evil CHOPS again! Coughlin eggs Evil on more and fans fire up. Evil CHOPS again and Coughlin feels that one! Coughlin CHOPS back and Evil feels that! Evil trips Coughlin for a toehold! But Coughlin reaches out, ROPEBREAK!

Evil lets off, drags Coughlin over and he tags in Yujiro. The ref counts, Evil exits and Yujiro stomps Coughlin down. Yujiro drags Coughlin up to knee low, knee low again, then snapmare. Yujiro runs to basement BOOT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while Evil protests the count. Yujiro brings Coughlin up and ROCKS him with a forearm. And then ROCKS him in the corner! Yujiro stomps Coughlin, tags Evil, and Evil scoop SLAMS! Cover, TWO! Evil covers again, TWO! And again, TWO!! Evil is furious with the ref but the fans fire up again. Evil drags Coughlin up but Coughlin knees low! And UPPERCUTS! And CHOPS!

Evil kicks low, runs, but into a SCRAPBUSTER! Fans fire up while both men are down! Coughlin crawls over, hot tag to Kidd! Kidd rallies on Evil with shoulders and CHOPS! Kidd whips, Evil reverses but Kidd ducks ‘n’ dodges to DROPKICK! Fans fire up with Kidd but Yujiro runs in. Kidd kicks him, fires off forearms, then has him in a corner. Kidd clotheslines Yujiro, then runs corner to corner and clotheslines Evil! Yujiro runs in but Kidd sends him into Evil! Then Kidd uses Tenzan Power Mongolian Chop! Down goes Yujiro! Kidd blocks Evil’s kick to Tenzan Power Mongolian Chop! And then EXPLODER! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up with Kidd as he drags Evil back up. Kidd calls his shot, suplexes, but Evil fights free and wrenches. Kidd CHOPS Evil first! Fans fire up again as Kidd runs in but Evil dodges the clothesline! Evil corner clotheslines then FISHERMAN BUSTERS! Cover, TWO! Kidd is still in this, Evil tags Yujiro. Yujiro stomps Kidd, drags him up, then knees him low. Yujiro CLUBS Kidd, reels him in, but Kidd suplexes first! TENZAN BRAINBUSTER! Fans fire up as Kidd and Yujiro crawl. Hot tag to Coughlin! The Android picks Yujiro up and RAMS him into a corner! And RAMS again and again, and then UPPERCUTS and CHOPS!

Fans fire up as Coughlin fireman’s carries Yujiro, for a RUNNING DEATH VALLEY! Cover, but Evil breaks it! Kidd kicks Evil and throws him out. Kidd goes out after Evil with more Tenzan Power! Coughlin powers up, runs, but Yujiro gets around the lariat to backslide! Coughlin rolls through but Yujiro reels him in. Coughlin powers out of Pimp Juice, but Yujiro bumps into the ref! Coughlin shouts, “YOU!” but he runs into a REVERSE DDT! And with no ref, here come Dick & Sho! Fans boo because they can now, but Evil CLUBS Kidd down. Dick & Sho get in the ring, fans tell them to go away, and then Evil & Yujiro say they can go?

Evil & Yujiro say they have this, they don’t need to cheat. Dick & Sho understand, and they exit. Fans applaud while Yujiro and Evil stand Coughlin & Kidd up. But then they DOUBLE LOW BLOW!! Well, they’re still cheating, just on their own. The House of Torture laughs and Evil stands Kidd up to kick him back down. Dick & Sho then return, and fans boo even more. The House was just tricking everyone, and now they all stomp away on Coughlin & Kidd! Evil drags Kidd up, throws him out, and Sho goes out after Kidd. Yujiro sits Coughlin up, PIMP JUICE! Dick puts the ref back in, he counts the cover, TWO?!?! Coughlin still lives and shocks everyone!!

Fans are thunderous but Evil gets a chair! Sho distracts the ref, Yujiro sits Coughlin up and Evil rushes in, but Kidd BOOTS the chair into Evil! Fans fire up more and Coughlin shoves Yujiro into Sho! Then Coughlin scoops Yujiro to the FALL AWAY SUPLEX! Bridging cover, The Mechanical Bulls win!!

Winners: Alex Coughlin & Gabriel Kidd, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Evil & Yujiro earn 0)

FINALLY! Kidd & Coughlin have their first win as a duo! They won’t win the league, but does this mean there’s hope for the Mechanical Bulls as a team? As for the House of Torture, are they ever going to give up their cheating ways?


World Tag League 2022: Great-O-Khan & Aaron Henare VS Aussie Open!

With the way things are going, the All United Empire Finals might not be happening! Will the Dominator & Ultimate Weapon get a little help from Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher? Or will Dunk-Zilla & the Aussie Arrow make their senpai earn the dream?

Fans cheer as Gideon Grey makes his way out, along with the Karatsu City mascot, Karawan-kun the beetle-helmet wearing dog. The Orchestrator says good evening, and introduces himself. “And today is a very big day, but first, the Great-O-Khan has forged a new alliance.” The United Empire’s newest mascot is Karawan-kun! “And now, as a humble servant to the people of the United Empire, there is no greater joy that I can take than introducing you to your combatants.” That is to say, he gets to do introductions for BOTH teams of the United Empire! They wait to all go to the ring together, showing that the Empire is united, even when they are competing against each other.

The teams sort out and fans rally up. Khan starts against Davis, and they RAM each other at the bell! Fans fire up as they go again, and again, and then get forehead to forehead. Khan forearms, Davis gives it back, repeat, and fans rally as the shots go faster and faster! Davis and Khan get forehead to forehead again, run, but then Henare and Kyle trip them up! Henare and Kyle send Davis and Khan into railing, then rush in at each other to fire off forearms of their own! Fans fire up again as the shots go back and forth! Khan and Davis return, and they return to firing forearms back and forth with each other!

Fans are loving the brawling but the ref wants this to sort out to 1v1! Khan & Henare get the edge, then they both run, but Aussie Open dodges to pick them both up! They SANDWICH their senpai! Fans fire up and Davis tags in Kyle. Aussie Open drag Khan up, double whip him to ropes, but Khan ducks the double lariat! PONYTAIL CHOKE on Kyle! Henare dropkicks Davis’ legs out! Khan drags Kyle down to a HEAD ‘N’ ARM TRIANGLE! Henare runs over and has a HEEL HOOK! Kyle endures double submissions, but the ref counts! Kyle gets the ROPEBREAK with his free leg! The ref counts again, Khan & Henare let Kyle go.

Khan drags Kyle up, and has the PONYTAIL CHOKE! The ref reprimands Henare tags in, and the senpai mug Kyle. Henare stalks Kyle, ROCKS him with forearms, then throws knees. Henare snapmares and PENALTY KICKS Kyle in the back! Fans applaud while Kyle writhes. Henare drags Kyle back up, but Kyle throws body shots and a flurry of forearms! Henare DECKS Kyle in return! Henare drags Kyle back up, whips, but Kyle reverses. Kyle runs in but into an elbow! Henare goes up, FLYING CHUCK! Cover, TWO! Khan BLASTS Davis off the apron, then he and Henare drag Kyle back up. Fans rally as the senpai double whip Kyle to the corner.

Khan whips Henare in but Kyle goes up and over! Kyle ducks under Khan, hot tag to Davis! Fans fire up as Davis runs through Khan’s lariat to corner clothesline Henare! Davis CHOPS Khan, clotheslines Henare again, then CHOPS Khan again! Davis clotheslines Henare again but Khan ducks the chop. Khan & Henare mug Davis, they double whip but Davis handsprings and DOUBLE LARIATS back! Fans fire up and Davis drags Henare up. Davis shoves Henare to a corner, and CHOP LARIATS! And CHOP LARIATS! And CHOP LARIATS again! Fans fire up, Davis wrenches Henare and torture racks, but Henare fights free!

Henare BOOTS Davis down, then runs at the corner. Davis dodges and Kyle runs in to LARIAT! Kyle sits Henare down for Davis’ SLIDING FOREARM! Kyle then DIVES onto Khan! Fans fire up and Davis torture racks Henare, for the SPINNING RACK BOMB! Cover, TWO! Tag to Kyle and fans rally as Aussie Open coordinates. Fireman’s carry, POP-UP KICK! Kyle hops up and Davis scoops Henare for a LAWN DART CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Henare stays in this. Kyle fires up now and Davis helps him stand Henare up. They double pump handle but Khan saves Henare! But then Aussie Open double wrench and DOUBLE FOREARM!

Aussie Open dumps Khan out, they get Henare back up, double underhooks and lift, BUTTERFLY SPINEBUSTER! Cover, but Khan breaks it in time! Fans fire up while Davis stomps Khan. Aussie Open whips Khan to ropes, but Khan BOOTS Kyle and arm-drags Davis! Fans fire up as Khan goes to his corner and calls to Henare. Henare crawls over as fans rally, hot tag to Khan! Khan storms up on Kyle, for Mongolian Chops! And then more Mongolian Chops in the corner! Khan turns Kyle around, to sit up on his throne! Fans cheer but the ref reprimands. Khan hops off at 4, then dribbles Kyle off the buckles! Khan goes to TEN, then he SLAM DUNKS Kyle!

Kyle staggers into a PANCAKE PLEX! Bridging cover, but Davis breaks it! Henare CLUBS Davis then throws him out. Khan & Henare double whip Kyle corner to corner, then Khan runs in to clothesline! Henare runs in to SHINING WIZARD! Feed to Khan for HITSUJIGOROSHI! Henare hooks up the legs, FUBUKI! Kyle endures, but he gets MARINE! Cover, Davis breaks it! Henare CLUBS and HEADBUTTS Davis, then throws him out again. Henare tags in, he storms up on Kyle. Fans rally, Henare stomps Kyle then drags him up. Kyle CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! And then ROCKS Henare with a forearm!

Henare and Kyle stagger, but Kyle runs corner to corner. Henare dodges the kick, Khan rushes in to feed Kyle to Henare’s scoop, BERSERKER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives and fans rally up. Henare drags Kyle up, fireman’s carries, and Khan runs, but Davis clotheslines him out! Kyle slips free, Davis dodges Henare, SUPERKICK BOOT COMBO! Fans are thunderous as Aussie Open regroup. Davis goes to the corner, Kyle tags him in, and Aussie Open fires up as they go to opposite corners. They aim as Henare stands up, but he moves as they rush in! Aussie Open stop from colliding, Kyle rushes at Henare but he dodges.

Davis kicks but Henare blocks, to step-over WHEEL KICK! Fans fire up as Kyle SUPERKICKS Henare down, but then Khan LARIATS Kyle! Davis CLOBBERS Khan but Henare HEEL KICKS Davis! ELBOW JAB for Kyle, but DROPKICK for Henare! Khan dodges Kyle to NECKBREAKER DROP! But then Davis ENZIGURIS Khan down! Fans are thunderous again as the entire United Empire is down! The teams regroup and slowly rise. Aussie Open throw forearms first, but Khan & Henare give them back. Aussie Open hits again, #Khanare hits back! Aussie Open, Khanare, repeat! Fans fire up as they go faster and faster!

Aussie Open gets the edge, they fire up, but Khan Mongolian Chops and Henare body shots! The senpai have control as Khan puts some stank on his Mongolian- NO, Davis blocks! But Henare gets around to ROUNDHOUSE Davis in the back! Davis wobbles, the Monster Rage boils over! Khan scoops Davis, Henare SCREW HIGH KICKS and then Khan TENZAN TOMBSTONE DRIVERS!! Henare covers, but Kyle barrels in to break it!! Fans are thunderous again as Khan drags Kyle up. Kyle forearms Khan, CHOPS Henare, repeat! Kyle roars and runs, but into a BOOT SUPERKICK COMBO! Khan & Henare get Davis up now!

Fireman’s carry, Khan runs, but Davis slips off to shove the senpai into each other! Davis reels Henare in, Kyle gut wrenches Khan, DOUBLE DRIVERS!! Cover, TWO!?!? Khan & Henare both roar as they rise up! But Aussie Open aim from the corners! DOUBLE LARIAT SANDWICH! Khan falls, Aussie Open pump handle Henare, COREALIS!! Cover, Aussie Open wins!!

Winners: Aussie Open, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Henare & Khan earn 0)

The All United Empire Finals is no longer going to happen, but based on this, we know what would’ve happened! Davis & Fletcher best their senpai, will they soon prove they are the best?

But in the end, the United Empire all stands together, along with Gideon and Karawan-kun. Gideon wants everyone to understand this was about more than just two points! “This was about the pride beating in the heart of each and every one of these men in this ring!” Fans applaud that. “You wanna achieve greatness? You wanna make a change? Then follow this example! NEVER give less than 100%! NEVER stop moving forward! And NEVER give up! And when your body gives out, which it will, have your allies pick you back up and do it all over again! Get off your ass and do something you can be proud of! This is why United Empire runs the world!”

Fans applaud that passion, and the four stand together at the center. Gideon says this was the best match from the best unit! “This is the power of the United Empire!!” Fans cheer as the faction hugs it out. Will the United Empire soon become the strongest faction in all of professional wrestling?


World Tag League 2022: Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI VS Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer!

Bishamon is on the bubble, but they could find a way! Unless the Meanest Tag Team in World Tag League has something to say about it! If #EverybodyDies, does another run come to an end? Or will the Fierce Warrior & Head Hunter #TurnItAllAround before the end?

Naturally, the Murderhawk Monster clobbers a Young Lion, and he goes after Oskar Leube. Then he goes to intimidate Milano Collection AT! Milano runs off, Archer sits in his seat and puts on the headset. Archer says hello to Jushin Thunder Liger, asks if he’s doing well, then says F U and gets back to the ring. Suzuki makes his entrance, he BOOTS Young Lion Ryohei Oiwa down, and fans take full advantage of being able to sing “KAZE NI NARE~!” Goto & Hashi make their entrance, but Archer & Suzuki attack after the introductions! Archer stomps Goto in a corner, Suzuki fires off on Hashi! The bell rings as Suzuki throws Hashi out!

Archer stands on Goto in the corner while Suzuki stomps Hashi against railing! Fans rally up while the ref reprimands. Archer tells the ref to shut up, then he stomps Goto more. Archer stands Goto up to ROCK him, then CHOKE him against the ropes! The ref counts, Archer stops at 4. Archer runs, but Hashi gets in and Bishamon RAMS Archer with double shoulders! Suzuki runs in but Hashi kicks him first. Bishamon drums Suzuki down! Fans fire up as Bishamon gets Archer now for drumming! But Archer explodes out! Archer runs to CLOBBER Goto, and Suzuki has Hashi in a HANGING ARMBAR!

The ref reprimands, Suzuki lets off at 4, and he drags Hashi out. Archer goes after Goto on the outside while Suzuki whips Hashi into railing! Archer digs his knee into Goto’s neck but the ref reprimands. Archer tells the ref to shut up again, but Suzuki brings Hashi around the railing. Abe-san moves aside so Suzuki can throw Hashi onto the timekeeper’s table! Suzuki then grabs one of the chairs and digs it into Hashi’s head! Archer meanwhile whips Goto hard into railing! Fans rally up while Archer take apart the railing! Archer uses that to choke Goto! The ref reprimands, he starts the ring count, but Suzuki brings Hashi up the ramp!

Suzuki reels Hashi in, Gotch holds, but Hashi resists the lift! The count is 10 of 20, Suzuki KNEES Hashi down, then goes back to ringside. Archer puts Goto in, reels him in and short arm LARIATS! Tag to Suzuki and he covers, TWO! Fans rally while Suzuki looms over Goto. Suzuki kicks Goto around, toys with him as he digs his heel into Goto’s face, then gives him some stomps. Goto sits up, Suzuki KICKS and KICKS, but Goto glares defiantly. So Suzuki KNEES Goto down! Suzuki drags Goto around by a leg for a HEEL HOOK, then turns the leg. Suzuki also gets an arm, but Goto still endures. Goto reaches out, but Suzuki lets off to keep him from the ropes.

Archer goes after Hashi on the outside, Suzuki drags Goto up but Goto CHOPS! And CHOPS! Suzuki CHOPS back! Suzuki has Goto in the corner, Archer holds Goto up, and Suzuki CHOPS! Suzuki throws body shots, then CHOPS again! Tag to Archer and Archer brings Goto around. Goto fires CHOPS in return! Goto KICKS but Archer kicks and ROCKS and whips! Goto hits buckles hard and bounces off! Archer waits on Goto to stand back up, fans rally up, and Archer runs in to back elbow! Archer keeps moving, he CLOBBERS Goto! Fans fire up while Archer has a cocky cover. TWO, but then Archer DECKS Hashi off the apron.

Archer stomps Goto, tags Suzuki, and Suzuki drags Goto up to wrench and double wristlock! Goto moves around but Suzuki wrangles him down! ARMBAR!! Goto endures, flails and moves around, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Suzuki lets off and fans applaud. Tag to Archer, he tells fans rallying for Goto to shut up. Fans rally harder for Goto and Archer eggs Goto on. Archer slaps Goto around but Goto fires off CHOPS! Archer knees low, runs, but Goto follows to LARIAT! Archer stays up, so Goto runs again, to LARIAT! Archer choke grips, but Goto breaks free, dodges, and hot tags Hashi! Hashi RAMS Archer, and RAMS again!

Archer pie faces Hashi to a corner, runs in but Hashi dodges. Hashi clotheslines, whips, but Archer reverses! Hashi comes back to dropkick the legs out! Hashi keeps moving to HEADHUNTER! Fans fire up with Hashi and he brings Archer up. Hashi goes to suplex but Archer blocks! Hashi keeps trying, but Archer still resists. Hashi kicks and kicks and fires up! Hashi suplexes, but Archer fights that! Archer wrenches but Hashi ROCKS and CHOPS and ROCKS Archer again. Archer still whips but Hashi holds ropes. Archer runs in, Hashi drop toeholds him into ropes! Hashi runs and SHOTGUNS Archer down!

Fans fire up and Hashi tags Goto back in. Hashi BLASTS Suzuki, Goto stomps Archer. Bishamon double whips Archer to a corner, Goto whips Hashi in but Archer elbows Hashi away. Goto runs in but Archer BOOTS him! Archer hops up and DOUBLE CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up and Archer tags Suzuki. Suzuki stomps Goto around, brings him up and whips him to a corner. Suzuki runs in to BOOT Goto, then he snapmares and runs to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while Suzuki argues the count. Suzuki kicks at Goto, drags him back up, and he HEADBUTTS! Goto drops to a knee but Suzuki brings him back up.

Suzuki HEADBUTTS again and again, but Goto throws a forearm! Suzuki snarls and storms up to forearm Goto back! Goto forearms, Suzuki forearms, repeat! Fans fire up as the forearms go faster and faster! Goto gets the edge, but Suzuki just grins through it all! Suzuki comes back to DECK Goto! Fans fire up as Suzuki looms over Goto. Suzuki eggs Goto on and then runs, but Goto blocks the boot! Goto hooks Suzuki up and Hashi runs in, GOTO GOTO HUNTER! Hashi BLASTS Archer off the apron! Fans fire up with Bishamon as Hashi calls for lights out! Goto drags Suzuki up, Hashi has th elegs, but Archer attacks them first!

Archer throws knees into Hashi, then he and Suzuki whip Goto and Hashi into each other! Archer then hauls Goto up and Suzuki runs, HART ATTACK!! Cover, Hashi breaks it! Archer drags Hashi up to throw him out! Suzuki drags Goto up and around but Goto’s dead weight. Archer sends Hashi into railing while Suzuki taunts Goto. Fans rally up while Suzuki drags Goto back up. Goto swings, misses, and Suzuki ROCKS him! SLEEPER HOLD!! Goto flails, reaches out, but Suzuki keeps him from the ropes! Suzuki squeezes tighter, Goto is turning purple! Goto sits down, he sputters, and the ref checks! Goto is fading, Suzuki covers, TWO!!!

Suzuki SLEEPERS Goto again and drags him up! Then he spins Goto around, reels him in, and Gotch holds! But Goto resists the lift! Fans fire up as the struggle continues, but Suzuki lifts Goto up! Goto kicks and flails but Suzuki still lifts! Goto fights to back drop free!! Goto roars, runs, but Suzuki follows to shoot around, SLEEPER! But Goto powers Suzuki to a corner! Hashi runs in to clothesline! Feed to the fireman’s carry, FIERCE- NO, Archer grabs Hashi by the hair! Suzuki slips off to SLEEPER! Hashi gets around Archer to waistlock, Archer elbows free, but then Hashi dumps him out! Fans fire up as Goto fireman’s carries!

FIERCE FLASH! Into SHOUTO!!! Cover, Bishamon wins!!

Winners: Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Suzuki & Archer earn 0)

Goto & Hashi live to fight another round! Can Bishamon #GetBackUp to the World Tag League finals for a back-to-back victory?


World Tag League 2022: Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls!

The Joker & The Ace were knocked out of the running just last round, but they aren’t going to let that stop them! Will they bring down one of the frontrunners in the block? Or will Shane & Mikey prove that The Mighty Don’t Kneel?

The teams sort out and the Mighty want Red Shoes to thoroughly check Yano. Yano says it’s all fine! Tanahashi takes off his jacket, and Yano says, “SUGOI~!” Yano gets the fans cheering for “HIROSHI! HIROSHI!” and Tanahashi starts against Shane. Shane does an air drum while Tanahashi air guitars. Fans rally for Hiroshi as he circles with Shane. They tie up, Shane powers Tanahashi to ropes, but Red Shoes calls the break. Shane lets off to flex his own muscles. Fans applaud as they are impressive, but Tanahashi shrugs that off. Tanahashi and Shane circle and tie up again, and Tanahashi puts Shane on ropes now.

Tanahashi lets off quickly, and he flexes his muscles. Fans cheer even more, and that annoys Shane. But Tanahashi blocks Shane’s kick to CLUB the leg then headlock. Shane powers up but can’t power out as Tanahashi holds tight. Tanahashi hits a headlock takeover but Shane headscissors. Tanahashi kips free but Shane headlocks for a takeover. Now Tanahashi headscissors and Shane kips free. Tanahashi flexes and Shane backs away. Shane wants Tanahashi to back up, and Tanahashi steps away. Shane resets and circles with Tanahashi again. But then Shane tags Mikey and Yano calls to Tanahashi! Tanahashi tags Yano and fans fire up!

Yano and Mikey step up, and Yano squats! Fans want Mikey to squat but Mikey mocks it as sumo. Yano stands up and says it’s not sumo, but Mikey kicks him low! Mikey whips, Yano holds ropes to taunt Mikey, then he dodges to go for a buckle pad! Mikey storms over as Yano throws the pad away. Mikey kicks Yano and runs, but Tanahashi catches him! Yano runs in but Mikey moves! Yano stops from running into Tanahashi, but he turns around into a kick! Mikey runs, but Tanahashi gets in, both Yano & Tanahashi run Mikey over! Fans fire up as they both squat by him. Shane gets in to BOOT Tanahashi out of the ring!

Yano says, “Oh sh*t” and Shane BOOTS him down! Mikey gets up, he kicks Yano out, and then goes out after Yano to kick him more. Mikey smacks Yano off the apron, puts him in the ring, and covers, TWO! Fans applaud but Mikey drags Yano around into a CAMEL CLUTCH! Yano endures, Mikey fishhooks Yano’s face! Red Shoes reprimands, Mikey lets go, and he tags Shane. Fans rally for Yano but the Mighty mug Yano in the corner. Shane pushes Yano out while Mikey BLASTS Tanahashi! Shane sends Yano into railing! Shane puts Yano in the ring, drags him up by his hair, and he snapmares Yano back down for a basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Shane squats! Fans applaud and Shane SLAMS Yano’s arm down! Then he SLAMS Yano’s other arm! Then he makes Yano clap really hard! Fans clap along, then Shane SLAMS both arms! Fans cheer and Shane flexes. Shane drags Yano over, tags Mikey in, and the Mighty drag Yano up. Yano fights back with forearms, but Shane UPPERCUTS and Mikey reels Yano in, BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, Tanahashi breaks it! Mikey CLUBS Tanahashi and shoves him out. Mikey stomps Yano more, then drops knees at the ropes. Fans rally while Shane taunts Yano. Mikey eggs Yano on and Yano stands up.

Yano fires off forearms but Mikey hits back! Yano pulls hair but Mikey ROCKS Yano! Mikey whips, Yano reverses and throws Mikey down by his hair! Fans fire up and Yano crawls over, hot tag to Tanahashi! Tanahashi fires off on Mikey, then whips to ropes. Mikey reverses but Tanahashi FLYING FOREARMS! Tanahashi BLASTS Shane for good measure, then he runs at Mikey. Tanahashi blocks a boot to DRAGON SCREW! Shane runs in but his kick is blocked, DRAGON SCREW! Fans fire up with Tanahashi and he brings Mikey up. Tanahashi scoops and SLAMS Mikey into a drop zone, then goes up the corner. SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up as Tanahashi waits on Mikey. Mikey stands, Tanahashi runs, but into an ELBOW! Mikey runs, ducks Tanahashi’s haymaker, and fireman’s carries for a DEATH VALLEY BOMB! Fans fire up while both men are down. Tanahashi and Mikey crawl, hot tags to Yano and Shane! Fans cheer as Yano dodges to SLAP Shane! Yano whips, Shane reverses, but Yano stops from hitting bare buckles! Shane runs in but Yano sends him into the buckles! Roll-up, TWO! Yano is upset with Red Shoes but Red SHoes says his count was fair. Shane UPPERCUTS, but Yano atomic- NO, Shane slips off to BOOT!

Shane suplexes for a FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Yano is still in this but Shane snarls. Shane calls his shot, goes up the corner, but Yano knocks Red Shoes into the ropes to trip Shane up! Yano apologizes to them all, but Shane YANKS Yano into the bare buckles! Shane adjusts, Yano staggers, and Shane leaps, into an atomic drop! Fans fire up as Yano crawls and tags in Tanahashi! Tanahashi runs to SLING- NO, Shane atomic drops Tanahashi! Tanahashi goes to a corner, Shane runs in but Tanahashi dodges! Shane’s boot misses and he gets hung up on the top rope again! Tanahashi runs, but Shane DROPKICKS him down!

Fans fire up as Shane and Tanahashi crawl. Hot tag to Mikey! Mikey drags Tanahashi up, suplexes, but Tanahashi slips free! Tanahashi waistlocks, but he ducks Mikey’s elbow, only for Mikey to DDT! Fans fire up as Mikey roars, and Mikey drags Tanahashi up. But Tanahashi throws a forearm! Mikey forearms back, they go back and forth and fans fire up! Tanahashi UPPERCUTS, runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Mikey argues the count, and Shane sends Yano into railing! Mikey scoops Tanahashi, Shane runs in, TANKBUSTER! Cover, but Yano breaks it! Shane throws Yano out and then goes out after him.

Mikey drags Tanahashi up, reels him in, but Tanahashi fights the bomb! Tanahashi throws elbows, to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Fans fire up, Tanahashi runs, but into a scoop! MIKEY BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?!? Mikey can’t believe that Tanahashi survives! Fans fire up as Shane gets back in. The Mighty roar, they drag Tanahashi up, THUNDER- NO, Tanahashi fights free! Tanahashi fires off forearms and elbows, but Mikey SLAPS! Shane SLAPS! The Mighty DOUBLE SLAP! But then Tanahashi duck and the Mighty SLAPS each other! Tanahashi DRAGON PALMS Mikey while Yano shoves Red Shoes out of the way!

Tanahashi shoves Mikey into Shane, and Yano DOUBLE LOW BLOWS The Mighty! Tanahashi runs to SLINGBLADE Mikey down! Fans are thunderous as Tanahashi PLANCHAS Shane! Yano has Mikey up, ONIGOROSHI!! Tanahashi climbs up top, HIGH FLY FLOW!! Cover, the Joker & the Ace win!

Winners: Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall (gain 2 points; The Mighty earn 0)

The Mighty Don’t Kneel, but they FELL here tonight! And with Aussie Open as their last opponents, are they doomed to miss the finals?

As for Yano & Tanahashi, Red Shoes squats with them to confirm the victory, and then Yano calls in the Mayor! “Shichou” Toshiyuki Sakai says why not, and he gets into the ring! He takes off the suit jacket and puts his mask aside for the moment, so he can squat! Maybe he was a Yankee in his younger days? Fans cheer the photo op, and then Tanahashi gets the mic. “After 25 years, NJPW is back in Karatsu!” Fans cheer for that! Tanahashi thanks the fans for coming out and supporting NJPW, which fans also applaud. Tanahashi says “You all have really let me see so much of Karatsu. Thank you. Liger-san introduced me to this beautiful town. The food, the sights. Thank you for having us.

“But the thing that really struck me about this place was the warm reception all of you gave us. Thank you so much!” Fans cheer that, too. Tanahashi then says, “So next time, we’ll see you in another 25 years?” Fans laugh, then boo, because they hope not! “No? Okay, we’ll see you… next year!” Fans cheer but is Tanahashi putting NJPW in a spot promising that? Tanahashi thanks the fans again for supporting the show until the end. “Finally, to every single one of you in Karatsu… AISHITEMAAASU~!” Fans get to cheer along with that one, and getting to join Yano in “Y T R!” The Joker & The Ace take a victory lap around the ring, but then Tanahashi gets back in the ring.

“Sorry. I forgot the air guitar!” Fans cheer, at least he remembered before he left. Fans chant, “GI-TA-RU! GI-TA-RU!” and a fan sends theirs up to Tanahashi! “KARATSU~!” “OSU!” “KARATSU~!” “OSU!” “LET’S ROCK~!” The air guitar concert begins! Yano is even sitting in his red chair doing air drums! Big finish! Fans want an “EN-CO-RU! EN-CO-RU!” Tanahashi decides to return that previous air guitar, so he can borrow one from the other side of the arena! Another air guitar is sent up, and then Yano switches to air bass! They jam out and fans clap along! Fans cheer Yano for going hard on the bass. But they still want more!

The mayor has an air guitar! Tanahashi takes it, and Yano’s back on drums! Fans cheer the third round of the concert, and Yano is surprised when there’s actually a cymbal crash for his big finish! Tanahashi returns the mayor’s guitar, then gets the mic again. “I can’t just leave it at that, so I have to close on a second Aishitemasu for the first time ever!” Fans fire up as they get to be part of history! “Finally, and really this time, Karatsu… AISHITEMAAAAAAASU!” So much love, energy, comedy and music, will this help carry Yano, Tanahashi and all of  NJPW into a bright future?


Here are the NEW World Tag League standings!

Aussie Open: 7-1, 14 points
The Mighty: 5-2, 10 points
Naito & Sanada: 5-2, 10 points
Goto & Hashi: 5-2, 10 points
Yano & Tanahashi: 4-3, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Khan & Henare: 4-4, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Suzuki & Archer: 3-4, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Coughlin & Kidd: 1-6, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
Evil & Yujiro: 1-6, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

Chase & Fale: [FORFEIT]

My Thoughts:

Another great round for World Tag League, and awesome stuff to see Coughlin & Kidd get a win off House of Torture. I like Coughlin & Kidd as a team, and I know Coughlin’s overall story is going to be hunting down JR Kratos, but maybe Kidd can be his back-up through that story. Aussie Open VS Henare & Khan probably had the actual best match of the night and that probably could’ve been the main event. But at the same time, I get they put this earlier on the card because it was still very clear Aussie Open was going to win. They have such a big lead, Aussie Open is already a lock for the finals, so it all comes down to their opponents.

Goto & Hashi had a great match against Suzuki & Archer to get a much needed win. But I have a feeling they’re going to be out next with Naito & Sanada still in the running, and Aussie Open VS The Mighty being a big match-up on Friday the 9th. Yano & Tanahashi beating the Mighty though being out of the running was big for them, and I really do hope those two keep things going past World Tag League. At the same time, they probably choose not to so that their high school bad boy act doesn’t get tired.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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