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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (12/13/22)

It’s a New Day, yes it is!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

NXT has new contenders AND NEW Tag Team Champions!

NXT Deadline was most certainly historic, with two Iron Survivor Challenges, and the NEW W, W, E, Triple, Crown, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONS, the NEW DAY!! What will be first for Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods on Tuesday nights?


  • Wes Lee VS Channing Lorenzo w/ Tony D’Angelo; Wes wins.
  • Toxic Attraction VS Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley; No Contest.
  • Odyssey Jones w/ Malik Blade & Edris Enofe VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone; Jones wins.
  • Javier Bernal VS Ikemen Jiro; Jiro wins.
  • JD McDonagh VS Brutus Creed w/ Julius Creed; McDonagh wins.
  • Lyra Valkyria VS Amari Miller; Valkyria wins.
  • Damon Kemp VS Duke Hudson w/ Chase U; Duke wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Mandy Rose VS Roxanne Perez; Roxie wins and becomes the new NXT Women’s Champion.


Roxanne Perez is in the ring!

The winner of the inaugural Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge is here to say thanks to the fans, but then a car horn blares. The Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge winner, Grayson Waller, is here. He wants all the attention as he shows up. Waller gets a mic and goes to the perch to show everyone “a real superstar!” Waller says it is very difficult in the WWE to do something for the first-time, let alone make it look as easy as he does. But that’s what he does! He makes history! NXT Deadline, the biggest event in history- GRAYSON!! Roxie tells him to shut his mouth. Waller asks who said that! Oh, there she is!

Oh, really funny. Roxie isn’t sure if Waller forgot, but he wasn’t the only Iron Survivor on Saturday. Yes, he won, props to him, but she won first. Oh, and unlike Waller, she did it from the number one spot. Aw, Roxie, Booker T’s favorite wrestler. She’s growing up so fast, it’s adorable. But the reason she was first was so she could get home before bedtime. Mom was reading her a bedtime story as Waller was out with the biggest reality stars there are! BTW, shoutout to Marty Bananas. Anyway, Roxie is right about one thing: that was the biggest win of both their careers. Which is sad cuz she’s peaked at 21, cuz she ain’t ever beating Mandy!

But here come Bron Breakker! Fans bark it up and Bron says Waller is wrong. Roxie is THE Iron Woman of NXT. She went the FULL 25 minutes and outlasted some of the best women NXT has to offer. And we can all agree that we just don’t give a damn what Waller thinks! Roxie Perez is the future NXT Women’s Champion! Waller says, “WRONG!” Fans chant for Roxie but Waller doesn’t care what they think. And “Bronathon,” how does that jaw feel? Yes, Roxie won, but she didn’t understand the game. It isn’t about minutes but falls. Waller got two falls in his first 20 seconds! And at New Year’s Evil, Waller outsmarts Bron and takes the title from him,

“Cuz they’re all about making memories while Grayson Waller’s all about making moments!” Bron says in that case, they can make a moment right now! Bron storms out and chases Waller up the bleachers! Roxie smiles, but Mandy CLOBBERS her from behind! Mandy says she’s the Baddest Bitch in the game, and Roxie will never be champion! But with that cheap shot, is it a sign The Toxic Goddess fears the Prodigy?


JD McDonagh gets checked by NXT medical.

The trainer has the results here. JD takes a guess: slight discoloration and swelling in the right orbital socket caused by an abrasion rather than a concussive blow; athlete should be cleared to compete as tolerated. Yes, that is correct. Good. The Irish Ace hears the Creeds checking in again. Is it the leg or the ribs? No, they’re all fine. But JD knows that. Julius doesn’t care what anyone says, he and Brutus were good to go against Indus Sher at Deadline, but JD did that stupid stuff to Julius’ knee and now medical won’t leave him alone. Then he saved them from a beating! Oh, JD is so calm, cool and collected. Well since he tried to hurt Julius, Brutus will hurt him

JD is fascinated by the familial bond and the dependency. He couldn’t wrap his head around it, but oh well. JD exits, will Brutus SMASH what is left of the Necessary Evil?


NXT returns to the ring as Roxie shouts!

“MANDY! MANDY!” Roxie drags herself up and says, “You think you’re the Baddest Bitch in the Game? Well I don’t wanna wait until New Year’s Evil. Put your title on the line, TONIGHT!” Mandy smirks and says if that’s what Roxie wants, she’ll get it. The challenge is accepted and New Year’s comes early! But will Mandy retain her title after getting the drop on Roxie? Or will the Toxic Goddess’ ego finally be her undoing?


Channing Lorenzo attacks Wes Lee backstage!

Stacks is after the North American Champion but Wes is ready to fight back! They brawl, Tony D’Angelo strolls in and coaches Stacks. The cameraman gets knocked over, where is this brawl going to go? It spills out onto the stage! And down the ramp! Stacks kicks Wes, ROCKS him, but Wes ROCKS Stacks back! And again! Stacks knees low, whips Wes but Wes stops from hitting the steel steps! Wes puts Stacks in the ring, and the match they were gonna have happens NOW! Will the Must-See Kid make sure everyone knows not to mess with him?

Wes Lee VS Channing Lorenzo w/ Tony D’Angelo!

The bell rings, Stacks rushes into a KICK! Wes KICKS Stacks to a corner, UPPERCUTS, then headlocks for a BULLDOG! Tony coaches Stacks but Wes drags Stacks up. Wes whips, Stacks reverses and hits a NECKBREAKER! Stacks stomps Wes around, drags him up and ROCKS him! Fans rally for Wes as Stacks whips and UPPERCUTS him down! Cover, ONE!! Wes shakes out the stars but Stacks drags him up to throw haymakers. Stacks whips Wes to ropes but Wes hurdles and ducks to then slide under and handspring, RANA! And DROPKICK! Stacks bails out, Wes builds speed, and Wes FLIES! Not the cleanest hit but fans fire up as NXT goes picture in picture!

Wes gets up and Tony is furious! Wes drags Stacks up and into the ring, but Stacks slides out. Wes drags Stacks up by his hair, drags him into the ring, and has a headlock on tight. Stacks throws body shots, powers up, but can’t power out as Wes holds tight. Wes grinds the hold, Stacks fights his way back up, but Wes uses a corner to hit a headlock takeover! Stacks keeps his shoulders up, he fishhooks Wes’s face, but Wes shakes that free. Stacks stands up and throws Wes back down to a cover, TWO! Wes holds on and grinds the hold. Stacks fights up again, and he puts Wes on the top rope. Wes holds the headlock until 4, but Stacks CLOBBERS Wes down to the ground!

Stacks goes outside to BOOT Wes against the barriers! And again! Stacks throws Wes in the ring, drags him up with a double underhook and hits a BIG butterfly suplex! Tony likes what he sees but fans rally up. Stacks talks some trash, he drags Wes up to whip to a corner hard! Wes bounces off buckles and falls to the mat! Stacks snarls, drags Wes up again, and he kicks Wes around. Stacks drops on Wes to clamp on a chinlock and pulls back. Wes endures as NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally, Wes fights his way up, and Wes throws elbows. Wes is free but Stacks kicks him to the corner. Stacks whips Wes, Wes slides to stop and he dropkicks Stacks’ legs out!

Stacks hits buckles, Wes hits a headlock takeover, and he throws down fists! Stacks throws Wes away, kicks low and whips Wes again. Stacks runs in at the corner but WEs BOOTS him! Wes goes up but Stacks YANKS Wes down! Wes hits buckles and falls to the mat! Fans boo as Stacks drops an elbow on Wes! And another! And another! Stacks clamps onto Wes, pulls him up by his hair, and he CLUBS Wes in the back. Wes staggers to the ropes, Stacks blocks boots but Wes kicks free. Wes runs, into a tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Tony coaches Stacks but fans rally for Wes. Stacks grabs a leg for a HALF CRAB!

Wes endures but Stacks has that hold on deep! Fans rally and Wes fights up to reach out, but Stacks drags him from the ropes! Wes continues to endure, he powers up and turns over to kick at Stacks! Stacks staggers away, Wes stands up but Stacks scoops to a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Tony is frustrated as much as Stacks is, but Wes hits a JAWBREAKER! Stacks staggers, into a scoop! But Wes falls over! Stacks covers, TWO! Tony says Stacks has to do something but Stacks isn’t sure what. Stacks yanks Wes up but Wes SAIDOS Stacks first! Fans fire up as Stacks and Wes stir. Tony shouts at Stacks as he hurries to his feet.

Wes and Stacks trade hands! Wes gets the edge, he CHOPS and UPPERCUTS and WHEEL KICKS! Wes fires off fast hands and a kick, then snapmares to a basement dropkick! Fans fire up as Wes roars! Wes runs corner to corner to GAMANGIRI Stacks, and then GERMAN SUPLEX! Wes fires up, fans fire up with him, and Stacks rises into Wes’ HANDSPRING PELE!! Cover, Wes wins!

Winner: Wes Lee, by pinfall

Stacks tried to stack the odds in his favor with that backstage attack, but Wes still won out! Wait! Here comes #HardJustice, DIJAK!! Dijak smirks as he walks up to the ring. But then Tony CLOBBERS Wes from behind! Fans boo as Tony hits BADA BOOM! Tony tells Wes to keep his head on a swivel! Fans chant, “TONY SUCKS!” but Tony says he did Dijak’s job for him. The Don and Stacks take their leave, and Dijak looks back at Wes. Will Hard Justice have more than just the championship as his target?


Thea Hail talks with Andre Chase.

She relates an argument she had with a friend about tacos, but then they both see Duke Hudson shake hands with Drew Gulak. WTF is that, Duke? What? The handshake? Is Duke entering the transfer portal?! Thea has a freak out but Chase asks if this is about him losing his cool. He is sorry, he was wrong, Duke was right. Oh, sorry, Duke’s hard of hearing in this ear from all that yelling. Could Chase say that again? Chase was wrong, Duke was right. Chase loves Thea’s passion, but she wasn’t ready for Isla Dawn. Duke had her best interests in mind. Thea says that’s great, but he can’t transfer! No, he’s not transferring. He has a lot to learn, and maybe some to teach.

Chase says that’s a good one. But is Duke ready for his match tonight? Oh, he’ll give Damon Kemp an Andre Chase University sized ass whooping! Chase U is all fired up, but will they be able to take care of the Diamond Mine dropout?


Kayden Carter & Katana Chance head to the ring.

The WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions are going to join commentary for what will be a heated match between two contender hopefuls! Who will we see step up to KC Squared?

Toxic Attraction VS Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley!

NXT as the Diamond Mine make their entrance. Then Gigi & Jacy make their entrance. Mandy stays in the back because she now has her title match to prepare for. The teams sort out and Ivy starts against Jacy. They rush in, Ivy avoids the boot to fire off hands! Gigi rushes in but Tatum intercepts and now Tatum fires off hands! Fans fire up but the ref reprimands! Toxic Attraction shove Diamond Mine back to DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Jacy and Gigi throw Ivy and Tatum out, then go out after them. Jacy CANNONBALLS Ivy, Gigi PENALTY KICKS Tatum! Jacy gets in the face of KC Squared, but they tell Jacy to focus on the match.

Jacy puts Ivy in, Gigi says “SUCK IT!” and Jacy covers. TWO, and Jacy smirks as she talks trash. Jacy pie faces and SDLAPS Ivy, then CLUBS her! Tag to Gigi, Jacy feeds Ivy to a BOOT! Jacy CLOBBERS Ivy, Gigi covers, TWO! Gigi stands Ivy up, talks trash of her own, but Ivy elbows her back! Ivy ROCKS Gigi with haymakers, then brings her around. Gigi throws body shots, Ivy whips but Gigi reverses to ROCK Ivy back! Gigi wrenches and STOs! Cover, TWO! Gigi drags Ivy up, tags Jacy, and Toxic Attraction double wrench, kick, but Ivy ducks the double Penalty Kicks to BOOT PUNCH COMBO!

Fans fire up as Ivy goes out to DECK Jacy! Ivy dodges Gigi to ROUNDHOUSE her down! But Jacy brings Ivy around to throw onto KC Squared!! Tatum rushes over but gets mugged! Toxic Attraction throw Ivy & Tatum in, but now KC Squared go after them!

No Contest

But then Ivy CLOBBERS Jacy and Katana! Tatum PLANCHAS onto Gigi and Kayden! Fans fire up, referees rush out to stop this! Ivy POSTS Katana, fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” and it’s chaos! What will happen when it comes to naming new contenders?


Fallon Henley is on the phone.

She’s talking with Papa Henley, and hopes there’s something she can do. Meanwhile, Josh Briggs is doing his best to help Brooks Jensen pick out a shirt. Jensen of course wants to impress Kiana James, but Briggs asks Fallon how her dad is doing. He’s doing alright, but it’s going to be a tough year because of the bar. Things just aren’t going her way. Losing the Triple Threat and now this. Briggs says it’ll be fine, they’ve got her back. They group hug and Jensen says their luck is going to change. 2023 will be their year! They get Fallon to smile, but will things really look up after the holidays?


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams hang out in the back.

They’re looking at Trick’s phone, admiring pictures of the one and only Angela Bassett. Black don’t crack. But then Trick gets a look at his Twitter feed. Why are they talking about Melo missing on Saturday? Melo says to not listen to the internet, they don’t know what they’re saying! Melo didn’t miss, he just didn’t win. If this Iron Survivor Challenge was 30 minutes and not 25, Melo would’ve had that in the bag! He’d be opening NXT, going to New Year’s Evil, winning the title and taking NXT on the road to Charlotte for Vengeance Day! It doesn’t matter which way you flip it, Melo is still Him. And also the one being posterized by Axiom.

Melo sees the stills and is NOT happy. Even Trick is amazed. Heck, zoom in, Melo looks amazed! Aw man… That’s not a good look. But Trick Melo Gang ain’t going down like this! Melo tells Trick to delete that while he goes and deletes Axiom! Bro, it’s on Twitter. But will Melo not miss this time? Or will the Undeniable Truth be as unstoppable as that meme?


Odyssey Jones w/ Malik Blade & Edris Enofe VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone!

#SoundTheAlarm, this is going to be huge! Will Odyssey get some semblance of revenge for Malik’s heirloom that Von viciously destroyed? Or will this still be Wagner’s World, and everyone else is just living in it?

The bell rings and the big men tie up. Von pulls hair but Odyssey turns things around. They go around, Von knees low then CLUBS Jones on the back. Jones snarls, Von runs and they RAM shoulders! Jones nods, Von runs, they RAM again and Jones still doesn’t budge! Von RAMS Jones again and he’s the one who bounces off! Von sets up in a three point stance, so Jones returns the favor! Just like drills in football, they run in, Jones CHOP BLOCKS Von! Then scoops and SLAMS him! Von bails to the apron, Jones DECKS him! Fans rally for Jones but Von brings him into the rope to ROCK him!

Von climbs a corner, leaps, and he CLOBBERS Jones! Von kicks Jones around, CLUBS him, HEADBUTTS him, then runs to BOOT Jones down! Jones sits up in a daze but Von aims again. Jones runs in to BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Malik & Edris shout at Von, Von drags Jones into a sleeper! Jones fights up and the fans rally. Jones RAMS Von into the corner, but Von comes right back to a sleeper! Jones RAMS Von into buckles again, then runs and CLOBBERS him! And again! Jones fire sup, he runs in and SPLASHES Von at the corner! Jones whips corner to corner, but Von elbows back! Von runs, into a scoop and POWERSLAM!

Fans fire up with Jones while Stone is freaking out! Stone grabs the sweater vest and runs around with it! Edris chases Stone, the ref is distracted, Malik DRIVE-BY DROPKICKS Von!! There’s some payback! Jones then runs to CROSSBODY! Cover, Jones wins!

Winner: Odyssey Jones, by pinfall

#SoundTheAlarm, because Jones just won big! They get even on behalf of Malik’s father, will Jones, Malik & Edris soon be on top of the world?


Backstage interview with Javier Bernal.

McKenzie Mitchell is again interviewing “Big Body Javi,” and in just moments, he takes on Ikemen Jiro. Full transparency, McKenzie is Team Jiro. Ouch! That man called him a Big Body Chicken on television! McKenzie cracks up laughing and Javi says that’s not funny! Alright, look, 99% of the time, McKenzie is unbiased. But who doesn’t love Jiro? Uh, Javi doesn’t! But how ironic that Javi is her 1 outta 100, cuz he is one of a kind! And tonight, he proves it to his Big Body Bandits! His what? His fans. Not a good nickname? Okay, fine! Big Body Ballers! Javi, you are anything but baller. She’s right. He is a man of the people! Big Body Bulldogs!

Like the Georgia Bulldogs? Well how else do you think they ran the table and became the #1 seed in the nation? JAVI! So he has to go, he can’t leave the Big Body Believers waiting. The what? YES! That’s the name! Big Body Believers! He likes that! No one believes in Javi. But will Javi’s belief in himself be all he needs?


Javier Bernal VS Ikemen Jiro!

Everyone believes in Big Body Javi, according to Big Body Javi. But will Javi have his beliefs questioned going against the Style Strong Handsome Jiro?

The bell rings and the two tie right up! Javi powers Jiro back to a corner, the ref counts, Jiro avoids the cheap shot to mock the Big Body Chicken! Javi kicks Jiro low, drags him around and throws him down by his collar. Jiro kips up and fans fire up! Javi rushes in, Jiro wrenches to a wristlock, and then catches the forearm to a headlock. Javi powers out but Jiro runs Javi over! Fans fire up with Jiro but Javi kips up. Jiro says okay, and JACKET PUNCHES Javi! Javi wobbles, Jiro whips him to ropes, but Javi blocks the hip toss. Jiro blocks a hip toss but Javi CLOBBERS Jiro! Fans boo but Javi drags Jiro up.

Javi whips Jiro to a corner, runs in and BULLDOGS! Then SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Jiro sputters but Javi rains down fists. Fans chant “JAVI SUCKS!” but that annoys Javi. Javi drags Jiro into a chinlock and he grinds Jiro down. Jiro endures, fights up, and he throws body shots. Javi CLUBS Jiro, ROCKS him, then whips and whips and CLOBBERS Jiro! Jiro bails out, Javi goes out and he tells fans to move. Javi aims, to then put Jiro in the ring. Javi smirks as he says he’s smarter than the fans. But then Jiro FLIES out and takes out Javi! Fans fire up and Jiro puts Javi in the ring. JACKET PUNCH! JACKET PUNCH! JACKET PUNCH!!

Jiro fires up and hits a SPINNING JACKET PUNCH!! Jiro runs but Javi elbows him back! Javi goes up the corner, but Jiro GAMANGIRIS! Jiro climbs for a SUPER STEINER! Fans fire up as Jiro takes aim from the corner. IKEMEN SLICE!! Cover, Jiro wins!

Winner: Ikemen Jiro, by pinfall

The Handsome One is back on top! But then SCRYPTS flies in outta nowhere! He takes Jiro off the corner, rains down fists, and then drags the jacket off to wear it himself! Inside out, even! Scrypts then goes up top, to SOMERSAULT SEATED SENTON!! Fans boo but Scrypts has written the next chapter of his NXT journey! Will he make Jiro a footnote in the future of this brand?


Wendy Choo speaks.

“I was so anxious watching the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge. Because honestly, I didn’t want Cora jade to win, And when the time ran out on her, whew, I was so relieved. Because good things shouldn’t happen to bad people like Cora Jade. What she did to me a few weeks back, it really took me to a dark place. I know I’ve thrown a drink in a face or two, but there’s a method to old Wacky Wendy. I only do it to people who deserve it, if they’re being mean or being degrading to others.

“Because when I was younger, I used to have friends who were just like Cora Jade. And I was invited to my very first slumber party, and I forgot to bring an extra set of clothes. But it didn’t matter anyway, because I was just so excited And then there was this one girl who thought it would be funny to throw a drink at me. I was so embarrassed. You know that feeling where you just want everyone to like you instead of just pointing and mocking you? When Cora threw that drink in my face, it just brought me back to that moment again where I wished I was invisible. I felt like I was two inches tall. And I never wanna feel like that ever again.”


The New Day is here!

Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods are the NEW NXT Tag Team Champions after taking on Pretty Deadly at Deadline, and fans chant, “NEW DAY~ ROCKS! NEW DAY~ ROCKS!” Woods says, “Ladies and gentlemen! It’s ya bois, the NEW~ DAY~! And we are your new, W, W, E, N, X, T, World, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONS~!” Kofi says “AKA, your Tag Team Triple Crowners, BABYYY~!” Fans chant “TRIPLE CROWN!” The New Day get in the ring. Woods says Kofi is racking up accolades like crazy! He is the first-ever WWE singles AND tag team Triple Crowner!

Fans chant for Kofi, and Woods says “And, he has now set the record for the man with the most tag team title reigns in the company at FIFTEEN REIGNS!” Fans chant even more but Kofi says he wasn’t gonna say anything because Booker will just get saltier. But yes he is! He is a FIFTEEN TIME TAG TEAM CHAMPION! And boy does it feel good!! Fans chant, “You Deserve It!” Kofi appreciates that. But as special as this moment was for Kofi, it is even more special for Woods. Fans chant for Woods now, and he says it is full circle. He was here in NXT ten years ago when it started! He actually had the first NXT match ever!

And who was it against? Who who who? Funny enough, Big E! Fans cheer for “BIG E! BIG E!” Woods says he was also the first graduate of the Performance Center and he went to Raw, but there has always been something that didn’t sit right. It was that Woods never had the chance to hold an NXT title. “BUT LOOK AT YA BOI NOW!!” They have hella reasons to celebrate, so let’s get to it! Hit the music! Wait, that’s Pretty Deadly’s music! Because here comes Pretty Deadly! And Kit Wilson is shouting, “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO BOYS!” Elton says to cease the absolute nonsense IMMEDIATELY!

The New Day have ruined everything! RUINED IT! They took Pretty Deadly’s titles and ruined their Christmas! Hey! New Day would never ruin Christmas! Especially with Santa in attendance! Fans cheer for Santa! Woods tells Pretty Deadly to listen. They all know Kit & Elton had a horrible week. First, England gets kicked outta the World Cup! That thing ain’t coming home any time soon. And then Kit & Elton lost the tag titles to the New Day! And Kofi out-twerked Elton. Fans chant, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Kofi says they’re here celebrating, but Elton shouts over it. Stop talking, they’re here to ask for a rematch.

Oh, rematch? Of course! Luckily, the New Day is all about it! Saturday, they made magic in this ring. And no BS, Kofi’s been telling everyone that Pretty Deadly are incredibly talented individuals and an even greater team, and that Pretty Deadly will have great things in the future. Thanks so much, Kofi! B-b-b-b-b-b-but! BUT! BUT! One small thing that the New Day needs from Pretty Deadly. Sure, anything. They need to recite the Pledge of Allegiance! What?! They’re English! Well do it right here and they’ll get their shot. But then the good ol’ boys, Briggs & Jensen walk out, with Ol’ Glory even!

Fans fire up as Jensen & Briggs snatch the mics from Pretty Deadly. Then they say congrats to the New Day. But they were overhearing what was going on, and uh, if they’re giving title shots to those who can recite the Pledge of Allegiance, then count them in! Let’s go, everyone together! Hands on hearts, one, two, three. “I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!” U S A! U S A! Pretty Deadly is upset, but Kofi says that was amazing. So as promised, they can go talk to the management, and get a match for Briggs & Jensen.

As for Pretty Deadly, they can see how much easier life is when they just do as the New Day asks. Jensen, Briggs, see you next week. It’s a date, boys! The celebration rolls on to the back, will the New Day have a match with the country boys and do it for America?


Elektra Lopez, Lash Legend, and others get their hair touched up backstage.

Lash tells Lopez is looking good. And of course Lash does. The Iron Survivor Challenge was great stuff, and a few were cheering on Indi Hartwell. Lopez has everyone hold up. What has she been telling them all about Indi? She might get in the big matches, but she never wins them. And love her or hate her, everyone knows if Lopez was in it, she would’ve won it. But then Indi BOOTS Lopez down! Indi says this is what Lopez gets for running her mouth! Everyone else pulls Indi off Lopez but Lopez comes back for more! It’s chaos backstage, but will Indi and Lopez settle their score in the ring?


JD McDonagh VS Brutus Creed w/ Julius Creed!

The Irish Ace is still sporting the bruises from the Iron Survivor Challenge, but he isn’t going to let that stop him. Will JD dissect another part of the Diamond Mine? Or will he get SMASHED by the Diamond Brute?

NXT returns as the Creeds make their entrance. The bell rings, JD and Brutus circle, and they tie up. Brutus powers JD to a corner but JD goes up the ropes. The ref counts, Brutus lets off and JD leaps to a flying headlock takeover! Fans fire up for that exchange, but Brutus powers up and powers out. JD ROCKS Brutus- Er, well, he hit Brutus with a forearm but Brutus just shakes it off! JD runs to try again, but Brutus still stands up. JD CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! Then he whips and DROPKICKS, but Brutus stays up! Brutus CLOBBERS JD with double ax handles! JD gest to a corner, Brutus bear crawls and CLOBBERS JD!

Brutus CLUBS away on JD, the ref counts, and Brutus lets off at 4. JD BOOTS Brutus back, but storms up into a TACKLE! Brutus SMASH with both hands, but JD kicks him away! JD goes to ropes, Brutus runs in but JD dumps him out. JD goes to the apron and he MISSILE DROPKICKS Brutus into the desk! Brutus clutches an arm, and JD grabs that arm to wrench and SLAM on the desk! JD grabs the arm again, wrenches and SLAMS it on the apron! JD refreshes the ring count, pushes Brutus back in, and then CLUBS Brutus down. JD drags Brutus up, wrenches the arm and whips, but Brutus catches the dropkick to CATAPULT JD outta the ring!

Fans rally up as Brutus works on getting his bad arm working. JD gets in to fire a forearm but Brutus DECKS JD! JD gets up, swings, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Brutus stays standing as he throws JD up and over! JD bails to the apron, Brutus storms over but JD HOTSHOTS back! JD PENALTY KICSK Julius just because! Fans boo but JD gets in the ring. Brutus runs in, JD dodges to send him into buckles! JD then dumps Brutus back out to PENALTY KICK him, too! Fans duel as JD goes looking under the ring. JD finds a chair and brings it out! The ref reprimands, but then Sanga snatches the chair away! Where’d Indus Sher come from?!

Sanga & Veer have said they want the Creeds at 100%, no less, so they won’t let JD do more damage. JD says okay, and he backs away. But then Brutus runs in! JD dodges to send Brutus into barriers! JD hits DEVLINSIDE on the floor! Brutus crawls, JD puts him in the ring. JD says this is done, and he DEVLINSIDES again!! Cover, JD wins!

Winner: JD McDonagh, by pinfall

The Necessary Evil stuck to what was necessary, and he got the win. But did he do more than enough damage to delay Diamond Mine VS Indus Sher another week?


Backstage interview with Zoey Stark.

McKenzie says Stark fought hard in the Iron Survivor Challenge but still didn’t win. But what are her thoughts on Nikkita Lyons posting a reaction vid to her TikTok? Seriously? We’re talking about TikTok on Stark’s time? We’re paying attention to clout chasers like Lyons? Nikkita couldn’t hang for ten minutes, let alone 25, unlike Stark at Deadline. Stark’s reaction is this: Nikkita is a waste of roster space! Stark didn’t wanna wrestle Lyons, she was saving her from herself! But y’know what? Stark has changed her mind. Get Lyons in the ring, let her bring her reactions and dances, and Stark will bring real talent.


Isla Dawn speaks.

“Alba Fyre. Oh, you began to see at Deadline that you’re no longer struggling against mortals. The spirits have summoned an ethereal being into this realm, and your suffering may appear to have ended. Oh, but the longest night of the year is coming. In preparation for the Winter Solstice next week, I have called on the spirits to lend me their strength with these elements. The black mist, the something powerful. In it’s powdered form, this compound is even more pure. Under its influence, anything can happen.” Footage plays and shows the very moment she triggered in in the referee!

“The Unholy Enchantress shall rise during the Winter Solstice, and the darkness of night will consume Alba Fyre as she waits for the light to return.” Is the Wicked Witch of NXT about to extinguish Alba Fyre once and for all?


Lyra Valkyria VS Amari Miller!

Like the Morrigan, she has transformed! No longer Aoife Valkyrie, this is Lyra Valkyria! Will this new form prove to be faster and stronger and allow her to finally fly to the top of the mountain?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Lyra throws Amari down! Cover, ONE! Lyra eggs Amari on, they tie up again, and they go around again. Lyra grinds an arm, wrenches to a wristlock, but Amari uses some double-jointedness to slip around and headlock back! Lyra powers up but Amari holds on. Lyra powers out and things speed up. Lyra hurdles, Amari slides, but Lyra ENZIGURIS Amari out of the ring! Fans fire up and Lyra builds speed to WRECK Amari with the dropkick! Fans fire up as Lyra roars and then goes out after Amari. Lyra drags Amari up, puts her in the ring, and stalks her to the other side.

Lyra whips but Amari blocks. Lyra tries again but Amari elbows back. Amari storms up and bumps Lyra off buckles! And dribbles her off buckles, too! Amari cools off as the ref counts, then she whips, but Lyra reverses, SOBATS, KICKS and HEADBUTTS! AX KICK and then a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Lyra whips Amari to a corner hard! Lyra runs in, Amari dodges, but Lyra comes back, only for Amari to sweep the legs! SENTON! Cover, TWO! Amari paces while fans rally up. Amari spins but Lyra blocks the kick to HEEL KICK back! Lyra goes to the corner and climbs up! FROG SPLASH! Cover, Lyra wins!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by pinfall

Lyra’s new wings have carried her across the sea and now she’s here in NXT! Will Lyra continue to win until she reigns over the brand?


Backstage interview with Axiom.

McKenzie says many believe Axiom stole the show at Deadline, and points out Melo’s reaction to the highlight of Axiom literally jumping over him. They have a match next week, what are Axiom’s thoughts? Axiom says that he is very nervous, as you can tell. Oh, really? He’s kidding! But Melo, as great as he thinks he is, is not. So Axiom is not afraid. Look into his eyes. Where are they…? Don’t worry, he can see her. But he wants us all to know that when he gets in that ring, he fears no one. McKenzie will take his word for it. Axiom says after he beats Melo 1v1, he’ll look just like this: a huge smile on his face.


Kiana James calls over to Brooks Jensen.

He gets nervous and asks if she’s really talking to him. Is there another Brooks Jensen? Well, there’s this one guy named “Brooks” in catering so… Kiana doesn’t care. She sees Jensen walking around like a lost dog. Shouldn’t he be happy he has a tag title match next week? Yes, ma’am, he is happy. But he’s just… worried about Fallon. What’s wrong with her? Well, the family’s having some problems, he doesn’t wanna get into it. Kiana calls Gina over and she has a present box. Call it an early Christmas present. Really? He opens it up, and it’s a dress shirt that is actually his size! She was able to size him up with one look. If he’s gonna become champion again, he should look like one.

Jensen thanks Kiana. And sorry for earlier. Fallon’s family is dealing with financial problems and he isn’t sure how to help. But surely they’ll figure it out. Yes, sure they will. Just focus on what you can control. In this case, winning those tag team titles. Then everything else will work itself out. Jensen thanks Kiana for the advice, she heads out, and then we see KC Squared square off with Diamond Mine’s Ivy & Tatum! They argue about what happened out there, but then Toxic Attraction rushes them both! The refs have to hurry in to stop another huge brawl! What will it take to settle the score?


Damon Kemp VS Duke Hudson w/ Chase U!

The Golden Gopher told Drew Gulak to watch this match closely to learn what true technical skill looks like. The Philly Stretcher took him up on that, but he also seemed to make the same deal with Duke. Will Kemp be the one to impress the grappling guru? Or will this be a #TeachableMoment for everyone?

NXT returns as Kemp makes his entrance. Chase and Duke are doing last minute strategy talk, then the bell rings. Duke and Kemp circle, tie up, and Kemp pushes Duke to a corner. Fans rally for Duke as he and Kemp reset, Kemp gets a leg, trips Duke, and Duke gets up. Kemp mocks the Chase U letter U hands, then tells Duke to “SUCK IT!” Duke rushes in, Kemp grabs an arm and wrenches it. Duke reaches for ropes, but Kemp keeps him away. Chase & Thea coach Duke on, and Duke wrenches out to spin and headlock! Fans fire up, Kemp powers out but Duke runs Kemp over! Duke scoops and SLAMS Kemp!

Kemp bails out and Duke storms over, but into a HOTSHOT! Kemp smacks Duke off buckles, runs in and CLUBS Duke into a corner, to then hit a NECKBREAKER! Kemp rains down forearms while fans boo, then Kemp digs his forearm into Duke’s face! The fans rally, Kemp lets off of Duke to bring him up. Duke throws body shots and fans fire up! Duke punches again and again, then UPPERCUTS! Duke whips, Kemp gut wrench SLAMS! Kemp runs to run Duke over! Cover, TWO! Kemp clamps onto Duke with a chinlock and he grinds Duke down. Gulak appears and watches. Chase says Duke is Chase U, but Gulak says they’ll see after this.

Duke fights up, power the hold open and arm-drags Kemp! Kemp throws a hand, but Duke is powering up! Duke is hulking out! Fans fire up as Duke shouts, “U!” Duke ROCKS, CLUBS and ROCKS Kemp, to then CLOBBER him! And elbow him down! Duke whips, scoops and hits a SIDEWALK SLAM! Fans fire up for Duke and he runs in at the corner! BIG clothesline, and then an EXPLODER! Fans fire up as Duke says he’s gonna raise the roof! Duke JABS, JABS, JABS, then flips, flops and “U!” BIONIC ELBOW! Fans fire up as Duke shouts out the American Dream! Duke then stomps in the corner to tune up the Chase U band!

Kemp stands, Duke urns in, BOOT! Cover, Duke wins!!

Winner: Duke Hudson, by pinfall

A big win for the black ‘n’ red! Chase & Thea celebrate with Duke and the student section, will Duke continue to carry the banner for the university?


The countdown is coming.

New Year’s is almost here, and get ready for the New Year Special on January 10th! But again, who is this mysterious diamond studded lady?


NXT Women’s Championship: Mandy Rose VS Roxanne Perez!

The Toxic Goddess has been pushing her luck for a long time, but she might’ve pushed the Prodigy a little too far! Will the Women’s Iron Survivor bring about a new reign before the New Year? Or will NXT be toxic going into the holidays?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we see who has gold for the holidays!

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Mandy puts Roxie on ropes but the ref counts. Mandy lets off at 4 and slaps Roxie’s bad arm. Roxie shakes that out, the two reset and tie up again. Roxie headlocks, Mandy throws body shots and powers out, but Roxie runs her over! Things speed up, Roxie handsprings over and does a bow. Fans cheer but Mandy says that’s cute. Mandy swings but misses and Roxie waistlocks. Mandy reaches down to trip Roxie, then handsprings to dropkick! Cover, TWO! Mandy clamps onto the bad arm again, mocks Roxie, then whips her to a corner. Roxie goes up and over and arm-drags Mandy away!

Roxie arm-drags Mandy again and clamps onto the arm! Fans rally but Mandy fights up to pull hair. The ref reprimands, Mandy whips Roxie but Roxie wheelbarrows. Mandy stops the arm-drag but Roxie drops to trip and  cradle, cover, TWO! Mandy knees Roxie low, whips Roxie to the corner, then runs in, but Roxie moves! Mandy POSTS herself, then falls to the floor! Fans fire up as Roxie builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp! Roxie fires up and fans are with her! Roxie SOBATS Mandy, brings her around, and hops on, but Mandy pops Roxie off! Mandy RAMS Roxie into steel steps!

The ref checks Roxie while NXT goes picture in picture. Roxie refuses to let this stop her, but Mandy leaves Roxie behind to go into the ring. The ring count starts, Roxie crawls but Mandy goes out after her. Mandy CLUBS Roxie, RAMS her into barriers, then paces. Mandy drags Roxie up and puts her in the ring. Mandy stalks Roxie, looms over her while talking trash, and then she CLUBS Roxie’s bad arm! Mandy stands Roxie up to wrench and CLUB the arm again! Roxie clutches the arm but Mandy clamps on again. Mandy strips away the armband and swings it around to taunt Roxie. Mandy throws the armband down right in front of Booker!

Mandy turns around and Roxie throws a body shot! Mandy ROCKS Roxie and puts her in a corner! Mandy ROCKS Roxie again and again until the ref counts 4. Mandy checks her teeth, she snapmares Roxie, and KICKS her in the back! Roxie writhes but Mandy pushes her to a cover, TWO! Mandy grows frustrated, Roxie goes to a corner, but Mandy storms over. Mandy drags Roxie up but Roxie throws body shots! Mandy shoves Roxie, Roxie wheelbarrows but Mandy makes it a FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Roxie toughs it out but Mandy clamps onto the bad arm. Mandy has a top wristlock but Roxie endures!

NXT returns to single picture as fans rally and duel. Roxie fights up, but Mandy wrangles her back down! Fans still rally as Roxie endures. Roxie fights up, arm-drags free, but Mandy storms back up! Roxie hits a JAWBREAKER! Roxie ducks ‘n’ dodges, and CLOBBERS Mandy! And again! Fans fire up with Roxie and she whips, but Mandy reverses. Roxie tilt-o-whirls, but Mandy fights the leg sweep to go after the bad arm! Roxie rolls free and SHOTGUNS Mandy down! Fans fire up as Mandy goes to a corner. Roxie shakes the bad arm out, runs in and UPPERCUTS! Roxie rolls and returns, but into a BOOT!

Mandy hops up, Roxie hurries over and GAMANGIRIS! Mandy clutches her own arm now, and Roxie climbs up after her! Fans rally, Roxie stands on the very top, SUPER STEINER! Mandy flounders, Roxie storms up and covers, TWO! Roxie shakes her head and shakes out the bad arm. Fans rally up, Roxie wants Mandy to stand, but Mandy blocks the sobat! Spin and GUT WRENCH SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Mandy grows frustrated and she glares at Roxie while going to the corner. Fans rally, Roxie rises, Mandy runs in, but Roxie avoids the knee! Roll-up, TWO, into a CROSSFACE!! Mandy pulls Roxie’s bad arm back!

Roxie endures, crawls, reaches out, fights her way over, but Mandy keeps her from ropes! So Roxie rolls it back to a cover, TWO!! Roxie sits up, KNEE FROM A ROSE!! Cover, TWO?!!? No one can believe it, but Roxie survives Mandy’s best shot! Fans are thunderous for Roxie and Mandy argues the count! The ref says it is still two! Mandy fumes, storms back over to Roxie and drags her up. Fans duel hard as ever as Mandy underhooks the arms. Roxie fights the lift, and cradles! TWO!! Mandy escapes, but Roxie SOBATS! Roxie hops on, POP ROX!!! Cover, ROXIE WINS!!!!

Winner: Roxanne Perez, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s Champion)

And on day 413, the Toxic Reign finally ends!! The fans are thunderous for this historic moment as Roxanne Perez, the first-ever Women’s Breakout Star, and the first-ever Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge, becomes the youngest NXT Women’s Champion ever! Roxie holds up the title on stage, and even gets streamers for her celebration! As historic as Roxie dethroning the Toxic Goddess was, will she make her own reign that much more amazing?

My Thoughts:

A really good NXT that got great at the end. I did not think they’d pull the trigger on a new champion on the NXT after Deadline. Mandy VS Roxie was really good match, both have had a really good 2022, and this makes for quite the big surprise that Mandy lost. But it was also good timing as Gigi & Jacy were nowhere to be found after everything going on with their tag title story. We got a pretty good start of a match between them and Diamond Mine, but with KC Squared ringside, there were going to be shenanigans. Great brawl to end that match, and great second brawl during the backstage promos.

Speaking of those promos, I like the progress we’re making in the story for Fallon, Kiana and the boys. Fallon’s family facing financial troubles now gives Kiana something to exploit to get the bar, even though she was rather nice and encouraging to Jensen. The New Day had a great promo, and Pretty Deadly joining in was great. And what a hilarious way to block them from having a rematch. Briggs & Jensen get the shot instead, and that is going to be a fun match. I would think The New Day retains the titles, their first reign as NXT Tag Team Champions can’t end so quickly. Maybe they put Pretty Deadly over in the rematch at New Year’s Evil so that the New Day can then shift to the Royal Rumble and Pretty Deadly carry the belts to Vengeance Day.

Really good opening promo from Roxie, Waller, and Bron. I almost thought we were going to get a mixed tag main event between the Heels and Faces to hype up the title matches. Obviously that changed with Roxie and Mandy, but Bron VS Waller definitely waits until New Year’s Evil. I’m a bit surprised we didn’t get more from Bron and Waller, but maybe next week they have another promo to further hype things up. But we all know Waller isn’t winning, he’s just more fodder while they still build Melo up, even though I think he’s been ready since before Deadline. Great promos from Melo and Axiom, and they’re going to have an awesome 1v1 match.

Really good stuff from Wes and Stacks, and of course Wes wins. Dijak gets to show up but he doesn’t get to do anything after Tony knocks down Wes. I’m still sensing Dijak VS Tony fight to determine a #1 contender for the North American Championship, and that match can happen at New Year’s Evil. Either that or a Triple Threat. Either way, it’d be a shame if Wes loses his first defense, so he has to find a way to win, even if it’s against Dijak. Really good match between Jones and Von, for being short. Malik getting a part to play was good stuff, too, and I guess this counts as a blow-off.

Good promo from Wendy, but the use of that like stock footage was kinda weird. Clearly, Wendy and Cora are far from done with each other. Zoey had a good promo to call out Lyons, and they’re going to have a great match of their own. Isla Dawn had a good promo, and I guess her winning at Deadline isn’t enough for her. I have a feeling they’re going to have a Lights Out/World of Darkness match in the rematch. Really good backstage promo to set up Indi going after Lopez, and that match is also going to be great stuff. And really good return victory for Aoife, now Lyra. Maybe now she can finally build her way up to being a title contender, perhaps going for the belt by the summer.

Really good stuff out of Chase U. Gulak talking with Duke is a nice twist to both their stories, and Duke got a great win over Kemp. Gulak could end up recruiting Duke to some kind of stable, even though Kemp fits more with the technical style. Dempsey should also get in on this, we might end up with a tag team situation at some point where Duke and Chase team up, and then Duke has to decide if he really IS Chase U for life or wants to join up Gulak’s Catch Point 2.0. Well, I think Duke will stay loyal, and Catch Point 2.0 will be Gulak, Dempsey and Kemp.

Big Body Javi is hilarious, and quickly becoming a great Heel. His match with Jiro was a lot of fun, but I had a feeling Jiro would win. Javi probably won’t be humbled by that, which will in itself be hilarious. But Scrypts going after Jiro was not something I expected given his promo about “the chosen ones.” Not to be mean to Jiro, but Jiro stopped getting a push after he and Kushida ran into Von Wagner and then Kushida left NXT. But I will say that Scrypts’ new ring gear looks great, and furthers my thinking that he’ll end up in a feud with Axiom soon.

And great stuff from JD with the Creeds. Great match from JD and Brutus, and of course Indus Sher stop the chair shot to Brutus. I’m not sure why JD is in this story unless Roderick Strong returns and we get a Six Man Tag of Diamond Mine VS JD & Indus Sher, even though I don’t think that makes sense. Indus Sher are playing great Tweeners being brutal in the ring but still honorable. And depending on who has the tag titles going towards Vengeance Day, I would love to see Indus Sher get that title shot as NXT goes on the road.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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