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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (12/23/22)

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!



SmackDown 2022

It’s a Miracle on 34th Street Fight!

Ricochet is NOT Intercontinental Champion, and he wants revenge on Imperium for Christmas! Will he get what he wants on the holiday edition of SmackDown?


  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS Hit Row; The Usos win and retain the titles.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Gauntlet: Raquel Rodriguez wins and will challenge Ronda Rousey for the title next week.
  • Rey Mysterio VS Angel Garza w/ Humberto Carrillo; Rey wins.
  • Miracle on 34th Street Fight Tag: Ricochet & Braun Strowman VS Imperium; Ricochet & Strowman win.


The Bloodline is here!

The Tribal Chief leads Paul Heyman, the Usos, Solo Sikoa & Sami Zayn out on stage. They skip the pyro because of all the Christmas trees, and continue to the ring. The belts are raised, and now we get pyro! The Wiseman introduces himself, and says “tonight, I’m here to hype you on two back-to-back historic weeks for the greatest faction, The Bloodline. First, tonight, the longest reigning tag team champions in history, the Usos, will successfully defend their tag team championships against Hit Row, and ladies and gentlemen, that’s not a prediction, that’s a spoiler.

“Then,  next week, live from the beautiful, warm city of Tampa, Florida, the Enforcer, the Sergeant at Arms, he who imposes the Bloodline’s will upon all others, Solo will take out Sheamus, period, exclamation point, end of discussion. And then, ladies and gentlemen, the biggest televised match of 2022, when Kevin… Owens… and John… Cena…” Fans rally fire up for those names. “… get SMASHED by Sami Zayn, and your Tribal Chief the Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion, Roman…! Reigns!” Fans cheer for Sami and Roman smiles.

Roman says that is exactly what he’s thinking! On December 30th, we already know the Tribal Chief will SMASH somebody! And it ain’t no secret that Roman’s made multiple millions of dollars by whooping Cena and Kevin. That’s who he is, and that’s what he does! But he is curious. He wants to know what the Honorary Uce is gonna do. This isn’t the Sami Roman knows. He looks irritated. Sami, get it off your chest. Tell us what’s going to happen. Fans cheer “UCEY! UCEY!” for Sami and he says he should be on top of the world. It’s the holidays, and all he’s ever wanted is what everyone wants: a little respect, and a place to belong.

After all this time, Sami found that! And with the hottest group in all the WWE! The Bloodline! Sami has found family and respect! They love Sami! The fans love Sami! Every city loves Sami! The fans even chant for him now. And you would think that’d put Sami on top of the world, but it doesn’t! Because there is a dark cloud hanging over his head, and it’s called Kevin Owens! Last week, what could’ve been and should’ve been a huge week for Sami was ruined by Kevin! And not even Kevin directly, but by his existence! By the fact his name has been tied to Sami for his entire career and Sami can’t get rid of Kevin!

Kevin says he’s done with Sami, but he’s not done with the Bloodline. Well if he has a problem with the Bloodline, then he has a problem with Sami! And of all things, Kevin wants to bring back Cena?! To try and upstage Sami and the Bloodline? To steal the show? Newsflash! The Bloodline IS the show! Kevin, you listen closely. And Cena, Sami doesn’t care where you’ve been or what you’ve been doing, but hopefully you’re watching. They are going to destroy the two of you! They are going to rip the two of you apart! They are going to leave you mangled! When you step up to the Bloodline, you get SMASHED!

“So prepare next week to do what every other WWE superstar has done, and what this city is about to do, and that is to ACKNOWLEDGE the Tribal Chief!” Roman is pleased, and the Bloodline raises the fingers. Will Roman and Sami be the ones to crush Kevin and Cena? Or will the year end with Kevin and Cena shocking the world?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS Hit Row!

With every day that passes, Jimmy & Jey continue to build on their record-setting tag title reign. Will that reign continue into the New Year? Or will Ashante THEE Adonis & Top Dolla turn 500+ days into nada?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if Hit Row can go gold!

The teams sort out and Adonis starts against Jey. They circle, tie up, and go around. Jey headlocks, Adonis powers out, things speed up and Adonis hurdles but Jey shoves him. Adonis jumps to do the Gritty dance, and then he arm-drags Jey down! Adonis wrenches the arm, tags Dolla, and then Dolla whips Adonis in to RAM into Jey! Adonis feeds Jey to Dolla’s BOOT! Dolla whips, scoops, but Jey CHOP BLOCKS the bad leg! Jey drags Dolla to the corner and tags in Jimmy. Jimmy stomps Dolla while Jey holds Dolla down. Jimmy CHOKES Dolla on the ropes, the ref counts, and Jimmy lets off so Jey can ROCK Dolla with a cheap shot!

Adonis protests but the ref missed it. Jey tags in and the Usos mug Dolla. B-Fab is frustrated but Sami likes what he sees as Jey stalks Dolla. Dolla ROCKS Jey, ROCKS Jimmy, repeat! Dolla TOSSES Jimmy in but Jey CHOP BLOCKS the leg again! The champions are in control as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and the Usos mug Dolla with a DOUBLE HEADBUTT! Fans rally behind the Usos as Jey talks trash and drags Dolla up. Jey CLUBS Dolla, runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up while both men are down! Dolla and Jey crawl, hot tags to Jimmy and Adonis! Adonis FLAPJACKS Jimmy! And then AIR DROPS! Adonis SUPERKICKS Jey off the apron, he blocks Jimmy’s kick and trips him up! Adonis rolls Jimmy to BOOT then FLOAT OVER DDT! Adonis kips up, fans fire up, and Adonis goes up to the top. Jimmy stands, Adonis CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Jimmy is still in this and Sami is relieved!

Adonis aims at Jimmy from a corner, he tunes up the band, and Jimmy stands. But Jimmy blocks the superkick to back suplex! Jey is there, Adonis DECKS him! Adonis runs, but into a POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! B-Fab coaches her team but Jimmy and Jey coordinate. They tag, then they raise the fingers. Fans fire up but Dolla drags Jimmy out! Dolla RAMS Jimmy into steps! Adonis rolls Jey up, TWO!! LONG KISS GOODNIGHT!! Tag to Dolla, the fans fire up and Hit Row brings Jey up! HEAVY HITTER!! Cover, Jimmy breaks it in time!! Adonis fires off on Jimmy but Jimmy throws Adonis out and SUPERKICKS him off the apron!

Dolla fireman’s carries Jimmy! But Jey storms in! Dolla scoops him! But the bad leg gives up! Jey SUPERKICKS Dolla down! Tag to Jimmy, the Usos DOUBLE SUPERKICK! And then, ONE AND DONE!! Cover, Usos win!

Winners: The Usos, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

Hit Row wasn’t at 100% but they still give the Usos a fight! But in the end, the reign continues! Who, if any team, will dethrone the Usos from atop the WWE Tag Division?


Backstage interview with Imperium.

Kayla Braxton brings up tonight’s main event, the Miracle on 34th Street Fight between Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci VS Braun Strowman & Ricochet. Ludwig says that is “an abomination.” This match makes a mockery of what they do. Vinci says Braun & Ricochet are sideshows. A strongman and an acrobat that belong in the circus. Don’t put them on that mat with world class athletes like them. Ludwig says they will not spread holiday cheer. They will restore the honor of their sacred mat. But will the “sideshow” steal the show here tonight?


SmackDown Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Gauntlet!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet is so bad, six women are going to compete to be her next challenger! First out is the Aussie with attitude in Emma! Will she be the last woman standing at the end to face Ronda Rousey? Or will another rise up to challenge Rowdy Ronda?

SmackDown returns and Emma’s opponent is… Xia Li! The former “Protector” has become more of an assassin, will she end Emma’s run right out the gate?

Emma VS Xia Li!

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Xia puts Emma on ropes. The ref counts, Xia lets off, but then she throat chops! Emma coughs, the ref reprimands but Xia talks trash and whips. Emma ducks ‘n’ dodges, then CLOBBERS Xia! Fans rally, Emma wrenches and short arm LARIATS Xia down! Xia staggers up into a kick, Emma underhooks for a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Fans rally, Emma runs in at the corner, big forearm smash! Emma runs, rolls, comes back, EMMAMITE SANDWICH! Cover, TWO! Xia survives but Emma drags her back up. Emma scoops but Xia slips free to shove her away.

Xia goes to ropes, Emma storms up, but Xia YANKS her onto ropes! Emma sputters again, Xia SOBATS, then KICKS! Emma staggers Xia, runs in, STEP-UP ELBOW! Emma drops, Xia runs, CYCLONE ROUNDHOUSE! Cover, Xia ELIMINATES Emma! But there’s no time to waste, here comes Tegan Nox! And she’s gonna want revenge for Xia screwing her and Liv Morgan out of the Women’s Tag titles!

Xia Li VS Tegan Nox!

Fans fire up as the Welsh Firecracker slides in, dodges Xia and fires off forearms and CHOPS! Nox UPPERCUTS, then whips Xia to ropes for another UPPERCUT! GOURD BUSTER! Xia flounders, fans rally up and Nox runs in to CANNONBALL! Nox pushes Xia out of the corner and goes up top! CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Xia survives again, goes to the apron, but Nox is right on her! Nox CLUBS away on Xia, but Xia shoves Nox away! Xia BOOTS Nox into the post, then JUMP KNEES Nox down! Nox flounders, Xia stalks Nox, and Xia runs to CYCLONE ROUNDHOUSE! Cover, Xia ELIMINATES Nox!! That’s two in quick succession!

But up next is BIG MAMI COOL! Will Raquel Rodriquez run right through Xia to get at Ronda? We find out, after the break!

Xia Li VS Raquel Rodriguez!

SmackDown returns and Xia has Raquel in a chinlock! But Raquel fights up with Xia as a backpack! Xia drops to roll Raquel out of the ring! Raquel writhes on the floor but Xia goes out and PENALTY KICKS the bad arm! Raquel clutches the arm, which is in a heavy brace. Xia puts Raquel on the apron and dribbles her off the edge! Fans boo but Xia KNEES Raquel into the ring! Raquel flounders, Xia SLIDING KNEES Raquel in the side! Fans rally for Raquel but Xia storms up on her in the corner. But Raquel SMACKS Xia off buckles! Xia storms up again but into an elbow! And then a BOOOT! Fans fire up as Raquel scoops with the good arm, for a FALL AWAY SLAM!

Raquel runs, goes up and up and TWISTING VADERS! Cover, TWO!! Xia survives again and Raquel grows frustrated. Raquel drags Xia up, Xia breaks free and SOBATS! Xia KICKS Raquel in the chest, then roars! Xia aims again, STEP-UP ELBOW! Xia runs but the cyclone misses! Raquel gest up and under for the TEXANA BOMB! Cover, Raquel ELIMINATES Xia! But here comes Liv!

Liv Morgan VS Raquel Rodriguez!

Liv doesn’t waste time, she rushes Raquel, only for Raquel to RAM her into a corner! Raquel RAMS her more, throws Liv, but Liv lands on her feet! Liv avoids the boot but Raquel blocks the Code Breaker! Raquel throws Liv up but Liv sunset flips! Raquel stays up, stands Liv up but Liv bobs ‘n’ weaves to shove and SHOTGUN! Raquel is in the corner, Liv runs in to back body block! And then SHINING WIZARD! Liv shoves Raquel, runs and RANAS, but Raquel blocks it! Raquel brings Liv up, but Liv spins around! Liv clubs Raquel into a VICTORY ROLL, TWO!! Liv rolls Raquel up again, TWO!

Raquel scrambles but Liv goes for the bad arm! Liv steps over, La Magistrol, TWO! Raquel clutches the arm but Liv jackknife bridges! TWO and Raquel has a sunset flip! TWO, and Liv runs! Raquel scoops Liv but Liv slips around into a SLEEPER! Fans fire up as Liv thrashes Raquel! Raquel endures, drops to a knee, but fans rally up! Raquel fights back up with a second wind! Raquel roars before the BACKPACK SENTON! Both women are down and fans fire up while SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Raquel CLUBS away on Liv on the top rope! Then Raquel hits a SUPERPLEX! Both women are down again and fans fire back up! Raquel and Liv stir while fans rally and the ring count climbs. Raquel stands at 6 of 10, Liv gets to ropes. Raquel runs to ELBOW Liv down! And LARIAT! And then scoop for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Liv crawls to a corner, Raquel runs in to SPLASH! Raquel whips but Liv reverses to CODE BREAKER the bad arm! Raquel flounders to the corner, Liv says sorry about this, and she DOUBLE STOMPS the arm! Raquel writhes, Liv goes up, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO!

But Liv has a RINGS OF SATURN!! Raquel endures as Liv pulls back on both arms! Liv SLAPS away on Raquel’s face! Raquel refuses to give up, she fights with her legs and one good arm! Raquel manages to stand and fans fire up again! Raquel pops Liv into position to swing her, but Liv CODE BREAKERS! Cover, TWO!! Raquel survives and Liv grows frustrated. Liv CLUBS Raquel, drags her up, but Raquel blocks the whip! Raquel whips Liv, Liv ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Raquel catches the crossbody for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Fans fire up as Raque runs to the corner, TWISTING VADER! Cover, TWO!!

Fans rally, Liv throws body shots but Raquel throws hands! They go back and forth, Raquel gets the edge! Liv KICKS, runs, but into a BOOT! Raquel drags Liv up, but Liv pops around for a CRUCIFIX DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Raquel survives, but she’s ta the ropes! Liv runs in, but Raquel SLAMS her down! Raquel brings Liv up with one arm, but Liv slips off! Liv ENZIGURIS Raquel to ropes! Liv runs in, O- NO! TEXANA BOMB!! Cover, Raquel ELIMINATES Liv! But that just leaves Sonya Deville!

Raquel Rodriguez VS Sonya Deville!

Sonya isn’t in a rush, she has Raquel right where she wants her! Sonya fires off on Raquel and that bad arm! The ref counts, Sonya lets off to fire off body shots, then she lets off. Sonya brings Raquel around but Raquel HEADBUTTS Sonya, then runs her over! Raquel drags Sonya up, scoops her, but The bad arm stops her! Sonya WRINGS that arm out, then runs to KNEE Raquel down! Cover, TWO! Raquel is still in this but Sonya POSTS her! Sonya goes out, talks some trash, and she SLAMS the bad arm against the corner! And again! And again! The ref reprimands, counts, and Sonya stops at 4 to soak up the heat.

Sonya gest in the ring, she drags Raquel up, but Raquel blocks the whip! Raquel RAMS Sonya with that shoulder, and then again! And then a scoop to a SLAM! Raquel shoves Sonya to FLAPJACK on the return! Cover, TWO! Sonya goes to a corner, Raquel runs in but into an elbow! Sonya grabs the bad arm! HANGING WRISTLOCK! The ref counts, Sonya lets off, but then pulls Raquel back up! HANGING WRISTLOCK! The ref counts, Sonya stops again and they argue. But Raquel drags Sonya off the top! TEXANA BOMB!!! Cover, Raquel wins!!

Winner: Raquel Rodriguez, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the SmackDown Women’s Championship)

But here comes Ronda! “Cut it, cut it. Cut the music.” Ronda tells Raquel that she can wipe her grin off her face. She hasn’t won anything yet. She has ONE MORE opponent. WHAT?! The fix is in, here comes SHAYNA BASZLER! Since when was the Queen of Spades the seventh competitor!? Seems it doesn’t matter, Shayna’s rushing to the ring!

Raquel Rodriguez VS Shayna Baszler!

The ref has no choice, he watches as Shayna and Raquel throw haymakers! Fans boo as Shayna KICKS and KICKS and goes after the bad arm! Shayna tears the arm brace right off, and she’s right after Raquel’s bad elbow! Shayna stomps away while fans boo! Ronda plays the world’s tiniest violin, aka she doesn’t care. But Raquel rolls Shayna up! RAQUEL WINS!!!

Winner: Raquel Rodriguez, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the SmackDown Women’s Championship)

Ronda is furious! Her fix didn’t work!! And now, she has no choice but to face Big Mami Cool! Will the last SmackDown of 2022 be the last SmackDown where Ronda is champion?


Bray Wyatt is here!

The fireflies come out as the music plays. The door is there, and the light shines from behind it. The door opens, and he’s here! “Y’all wanna hear something wild, man? And I’m being serious. One of the hardest things in the world for me to do is to walk out here in front you guys and with everyone in the world watching me, man, this is incredibly nerve wracking. It’s a wild, wild feeling, man. And it’s a pretty surreal feeling, man, and I don’t think I’ll ever get used to people being excited to see, man, I don’t get it.” Fans cheer because they are excited to see Bray. Bray guesses he doesn’t look at himself like that.

Bray tries to present the realest Bray he can, but he genuinely doesn’t know if there is a real Bray. But he does know that LA Knight owes him an apology! Nobody listened to Bray. Not Knight, not the fans. Fans boo but Bray wants them to be honest. They all thought that was him, too, right? But Bray says the truth is, he is NOT Uncle Howdy. He never was! And when he thinks about whatever Howdy… Bray apologizes, he lost his train of thought. Fans chant “We Love Bray! We Love Bray!” and Bray focuses. Bray sits on the mat and drops the mic. Then he grabs the cameraman! Bray drags the cameraman around in the MANDIBLE CLAW!!

Bray dribbles the cameraman off the mat! Adam Pearce and officials rush out to stop him! Bray lets the cameraman go and Pearce asks what the hell is wrong with him! Bray has a far-off look in his eyes, just what is going on in his tormented mind?


Rey Mysterio VS Angel Garza w/ Humberto Carrillo!

The King of Lucha Libre is back in action, but he knows Doomsday is coming for him. Will Rey prove to Karrion Kross that this workhorse still has time on the clock? Or will one half of Los Lotharios show just who is in their prime?

The bell rings and we spot Kross and Scarlett in the crowd! They watch along with the fans as Garza and Rey circle. Fans rally for Rey but Garza offers a handshake. Rey accepts, then SLAPS Garza! Rey headlocks, Garza powers out, but things speed up. Garza hurdles, Rey shoves him but Garza sunset flips! Rey rolls through to basement dropkick! Fans fire up, Rey bumps Garza off buckles. Rey climbs up to rain down fists! Fans count along, and Rey keeps going, even as Garza has him on his shoulders! Rey goes past 10 to get FIFTEEN, then he RANAS Garza away! Fans fire up, Rey whips, Garza reverses. Rey ducks and springboards, but Garza dodges to basement dropkick!

Fans boo but OFF COME THE PANTS! Garza throws those at Rey, brings him around, and double underhooks for a BUTTERFLY BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Garza clamps onto Rey with a chinlock, but he also claws Rey’s face! The ref reprimands, Garza stops at 4. Rey throws elbows, but Garza CLUBS Rey and whips him hard into a corner! Rey bounces off buckles and into a forearm! Garza whips Rey the other way, Rey bounces off buckles again and into another forearm! Garza tries the Electric Chair one more time, but Rey victory rolls Garza into the POST! Fans fire up as Rey goes up, SEATRED SENTON!

Rey keeps moving, tilt-o-whirl headscissors! Garza ends up on ropes, Rey dials it up, but Humberto bails out his cousin! Only for Rey to PLANCHA! Direct hit on Humberto! Fans fire up but Kross isn’t impressed. Rey says he’s watching Kross, but Garza runs over! Rey GAMANGIRIS, slides under, but Garza uses the tearaway pants as a fake-out to SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Rey survives and Kross is amused now. Garza drags Rey up and underhooks, but Garza shouts “SIX! ONE! NINE!” Garza puts Rey on the ropes but Rey fights back! The ref pulls Garza back because of the ropebreak, but Humberto DECKS Rey with a cheap shot!

Fans boo but Rey is stuck on the ropes now. Garza says Rey’s time is over! Garza copies Latino Heat, he runs, but into a RANA! Garza is on the ropes, Rey redials, 619!! Rey slingshots to DDT Garza down! Cover, Rey wins!

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by pinfall

The fans celebrate but Kross is back to being unimpressed. But will that matter when Rey shows Kross in person that this dog isn’t out of the fight yet?


Ricochet and Braun Strowman speak.

The One and Only says Imperium is nothing but talk. All Ludwig & Vinci do is talk and talk. They just ride Gunther’s coattails! And did you hear what those clowns had to say about them? That a strongman and an acrobat belong better in the circus. Braun chuckles, and says maybe they do. But then they’ll go out there and show Imperium who runs the big top. Ricochet likes that! The strength and speed of the Monster and the King of Flight are headed for the ring, will they have a holly jolly Christmas while Imperium gets coal?


Kross and Scarlett talk backstage.

Scarlett smiles as she thinks about Rey’s face after that match. But then they come across Emma. Emma says, “Who the hell do you guys think you are, disrespecting a legend like Rey Mysterio? And what’s this about you calling Riddick a joker a few weeks ago?” Scarlett says she called Riddick a fool. Oh, right. Emma SLAPS Scarlett! Scarlett steps up but Kross has her stand down. Kross tells Emma, “You have absolutely no idea what you’ve just done.” Will Mr. & Mrs. Doomsday bring an end to Emma’s WWE comeback story?


Lacey Evans continues basic training.

And now she gets in the Marine Corps. fight pit! She spars with trainees as the narrator says, “Iron sharpens iron. This is on place for the weak. Or the less-than. Or the second-best. ‘Good enough’ is never good enough. You are a highly trained, finely tuned fighting machine. You wake up, work, and win. And it is your mission to destroy every single woman in WWE.” Will the Model Soldier come back even more dangerous than before?


Miracle on 34th Street Fight Tag: Ricochet & Braun Strowman VS Imperium!

A Christmas tradition for the WWE at this point, the King of Flight and the Monster of All Monsters look to deck the halls and roast some chestnuts, all at the expense of the Impeccable German and the Pride of Italy! Will Ricochet & Braun make sure Imperium #GetsTheseHands? Or will Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci protect the honor of Imperium and the sanctity of this great sport, by being a couple o’ Grinches?

SmackDown returns and Imperium makes their entrance. They frown at the decorations all around ringside and then join the others in the ring. The bell rings, and Imperium attacks! Braun CLOBBERS Vinci while Ludwig throws Ricochet out! Braun CLOBBERS Ludwig then clotheslines him out of the ring! Vinci leaps at Braun to fire off haymakers! Braun shoves Vinci to a corner hard, then he UPPERCUTS! Ricochet returns, he gest a boost, RAILGUN DROPKICK on Vinci! Fans fire up, Ricochet covers, but Ludwig drags him out! Ludwig sends Ricochet into steel steps and Vinci attacks Braun!

Ludwig joins in, Imperium mugs Strowman but he shoves them both away! Braun SPLASHES Ludwig but Vinci BOOTS Braun! Vinci leaps, but into Braun’s harms! Ludwig CHOP BLOCKS one leg, Vinci CHOP BLOCKS the other! Imperium mugs Braun again, fans boo, but Imperium soaks up the heat. Ludwig stands Braun up but Braun CHOPS him down! Vinci runs in but Braun dumps him out! Ludwig runs in but Braun TOSSES him up and out onto Vinci! Fans fire up and Ricochet runs to jump off the barriers! FLYING RANA sends Vinci into barriers! Fans fire up with Ricochet and Braun as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Braun scoops Vinci! But Vinci fights free and POSTS Braun! And then he RAMS Braun through a Christmas tree and some presents! Ricochet DIVES to take out Ludwig, but Ludwig turns that around to a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Vinci uses a kendo stick to SMACK away on Ricochet’s back! Fans boo but Imperium grabs a chair with a nice ribbon on it. Ludwig uses that to SMACK Braun back down, onto the ornaments! Imperium mugs Ricochet, and Ludwig JAMS Ricochet with a chair! Fans boo as Imperium holds up their new favorite toys, but Braun then PUNCHES the chair into Ludwig’s face!

Vinci swings on Braun but Braun catches the stick to take it away and BREAK it! Braun DECKS Vinci, drags him up, and Braun throws hands on Vinci and Ludwig! They go to the stage, Braun THRWOS Vinci into Christmas trees! And then same for Ludwig! Fans fire up for the Christmas tree bowling. Braun then scoops BOTH Ludwig & Vinci! But they both claw the eyes! Imperium mugs Braun, they bring him around, and they DOUBLE SUPLEX Braun to the stage! Fans boo while Vinci & Ludwig stand. Vinci has a bloody eyebrow from hitting trees but he seems in a better mood. But then Ricochet JUMP KNEES Ludwig down!

Vinci and Ricochet brawl their way back down the ramp! Ricochet KNEES Vinci, CLUBS him, and puts him in the ring! But Ludwig anchors Ricochet on the apron! Ricochet kicks Ludwig away, shoulders into Vinci and takes aim, only for Ludwig to SMACK Ricochet on the back with a chair! Ricochet falls to the floor and fans boo again. Ludwig drags Ricochet up and in while the ref checks Vinci’s bloody eyebrow. Imperium hurries to mug Braun as he gets up, and they THROW him into trees and presents! Vinci tips the BIG tree onto Braun! Vinci then wonders what’s in the big gift box. He and Ludwig open one up, and it’s a ballerina!

The ballerina dances out onto the stage? The ballerina then goes to the other box, and that one opens up to reveal THE NEW DAY! They’re tin soldiers! Or maybe gold ones, cuz they have their W, W, E, N, X, T, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONSHIPS~ on! Imperium is baffled, but fans cheer, “New! Day Rocks!” Kofi & Woods freeze in place. Ludwig straightens out Woods’ uniform for him. Vinci pushes down Woods’ arm, and that causes him to LOW BLOW Ludwig! They’re nutcrackers! Kofi does the same! Imperium retreats to ringside, New Day salute Braun as he stands up. Braun runs to run Vinci over!

Braun runs to run Ludwig over! And then he runs Vinci over again! Fans rally as Ludwig gets up to get run over again! Braun then spots Ricochet is down and out. Braun signals to the ring announcer girl and he fetches some MISTLETOE! A Christmas kiss revives Ricochet! Ricochet is all fire dup, he GAMANGIRIS Vinci and then SPRINGBOARD FLYING CLOHTESLINES! Fans fire up, Ricochet LIONSAULTS Vinci while Braun gets Ludwig up! MONSTER BOMB through the table!! And the cookies, too! Ricochet tunes up the band, for a RECOIL!! Vinci staggers, into a scoop! MONSTER SLAM!!

Ricochet is up top, then he climbs onto Braun! MONSTER SPLASH!! Cover, Braun & Ricochet win!

Winners: Ricochet & Braun Strowman, by pinfall

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals! The mat may not be sacred, but it’ll still be a happy holiday! Will it be an even better new year for the One and Only and the Monster of All Monsters?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for SmackDown, even for a pretaped holiday episode. No holiday party, which is a bit of a surprise, but that actually made this better because it was all about the action. Good opening promo from The Bloodline where Sami got to fire up and really hype up his match alongside Roman to take on Kevin and Cena. And this is all the more reason I think something big happens towards the story of Sami and Kevin reuniting. And a solid tag match from Usos VS Hit Row, and they made good use of Dolla banging up his leg last week here. Usos retain as expected, who knows who else they’ll face as we wait on Kevin and Sami reuniting to be a team.

Great gauntlet match, but that crowd looked too tired to care about it. That’s disappointing to me. I’ve been tired all day today and I was still excited for Xia getting to look strong, and then Raquel coming in and taking the whole thing. Ronda trying to screw Raquel over was fitting Heel stuff, but that was a rather quick way to fix the fix. I thought Raquel was going to tough it out, but her getting a quick win on Shayna was probably the best way to stick it to Ronda. The title match is next week, so I sadly don’t see Raquel winning. Raquel winning the title on live TV would be great stuff, I just don’t see it happening.

Good match from Rey VS Garza, and I figured Rey would win. Kross and Scarlett watching from the crowd was an interesting change from people usually watching things backstage. I thought Kross and Scarlett would’ve been closer to the ring than they were, but as long as Rey could see them, that was the point. And I liked that Emma confronted Scarlett and Kross, keeping the possibility of a mixed tag of Emma & Moss VS Kross & Scarlett alive. And very good segment from Bray. Him fumbling the promo to then snap and go after a cameraman was good stuff, a different direction than expected, and maybe LA Knight insults Bray over it next week.

Good promos from Imperium and Ricochet-Strowman to hype up the main event. I will say they went a bit more into the sports entertainment for this year’s Christmas themed Street Fight with I believe Ashley D’Amboise as a ballerina and the New Day as nutcracker soldiers. But New Day helping at all makes sense given they were recently feuding with Imperium before going to NXT and taking those tag titles. The mistletoe kiss that revived Ricochet was a bit silly but also kinda cute. Ricochet & Braun winning makes sense, it keeps Imperium from being too powerful and gives fans a reason to be happy at the end of the night.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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