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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (12/9/22)

Happy Birthday, Kurt Angle!



SmackDown 2022

WWE celebrates the Olympic Gold Medalist with gold!

SmackDown is in Pittsburgh to celebrate WWE Hall of Famer, Kurt Angle, and to see the Usos defend their Undisputed Tag Team Championships! Who will have the better time tonight?


  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos w/ The Bloodline VS Sheamus & Pete Dunne w/ Ridge Holland; The Usos win and retain the titles.
  • Legado Del Fantasma VS The Viking Raiders; Legado wins by disqualification.
  • Six Man Tag: Ricochet & The New Day VS Imperium; Ricochet & The New Day win.
  • Liv Morgan & Tegan Nox VS Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler; Liv & Tegan win.


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos w/ The Bloodline VS Sheamus & Pete Dunne w/ Ridge Holland!

Jimmy & Jey were going to face the Celtic Connection of Sheamus & McIntyre, but a ruptured ear drum is keeping McIntyre out of action. But never fear, BUTCH is here! Will he and The Fella win big on Fight Night? Or will the Usos still be the ones?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if the historic reign comes to an end!

The teams sort out and Sheamus starts against Jimmy. Fans are fired up already as the two circle. They tie up, Sheamus puts Jimmy in a corner but Jimmy turns it around. Sheamus turns it back around, Sami protests and the ref counts. Sheamus lets off but Jimmy shoves him away. Jimmy holds up the finger, #WeTheOnes, but Sheamus headlocks for a takeover! Jimmy fights back up, powers out, but Sheamus runs Jimmy over! Jimmy goes to a corner, but then he bails out as Sheamus storms over. Fans rally and a ring count starts while the Bloodline talk strategy. The Brutes shout for Jimmy to get back in. Jimmy tells the others he’s got this and gets back in.

Jimmy circles with Sheamus, and he kicks low! Jimmy HEADBUTTS Sheamus, CHOPS him, then whips him to ropes. Sheamus reverses, Jimmy blocks the hip toss but Sheamus blocks the hip toss to CLOBBER Jimmy! Sheamus fireman’s carries Jimmy to ROLLING SENTON! Tag to Dunne and he climbs up. Sheamus fireman’s carries Dunn, ROLLING SENTON SENTON! Dunne then drops double knees! Fans rally, Dunne wrenches but Jimmy pulls hair. Tag to Jey, he runs in and forearm smashes! Cover, TWO! Jey throws a forearm but Dunne hits back! Dunne ROCKS Jimmy, back to Jey, repeat! BASEMENT DROPKICK!

Dunne drags Jey up but Jey fireman’s carries! Dunne slips off to waistlock but Jey tags Jimmy while he bucks the O’Conner Roll! FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Dunne sputters and Sami is fired up while SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Dunne is reaching for Sheamus but Jey holds him back! Dunne keeps fighting, he ROCKS Jey but Jey holds on! Dunne ROCKS Jey again! Jey whips Dunne away into the Uso corner! Dunne bounces off buckles and Jey tags Jimmy. Jey drags Dunne up, Jimmy climbs, BACKBREAKER AX HANDLE COMBO! Cover, TWO! Jimmy stomps away on Dunne, he lets off at the ref’s count, but then stomps Dunne again. The ref counts again, Dunne lets off, and Jey drags Dunne out of the ring. Ridge calls to Dunne while Sami and Solo back up. Jimmy goes out but Dunne kicks him! And SLAPS him!

Dunne hurries into the ring but Jimmy anchors a foot! Jimmy keeps Dunne from Sheamus, drags him back, but Dunne ENZIGURIS! Tag to Jey! Jey flounders in but he BLASTS Sheamus away! Jey drags Dunne back while the ref has to keep an angry Sheamus back. Jey drags Dunne up but Dunne grabs Jey by his face! Dunne SLAPS Jey, Jey ROCKS Dunne! Jey fires off hands on Dunne in the corner, then goes corner to corner for a HIP- NO, Dunne BOOTS Jey first! Dunne then sidesteps Jey to SNAP GERMAN! Fans fire up while both men are down! Dunne and Jey crawl, hot tags to Sheamus and Jimmy!

The Fella rallies on Jimmy with big sledgehammers! Clothesline in the corner for Jimmy! Sheamus DECKS Jey! Jimmy BOOTS back, runs, but Sheamus scoops to POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Sheamus and he storms over to Jimmy at the apron. Jey hurries up but Dunne ROCKS Jey! The Brutes have the Usos on the ropes and fans are thunderous for DOUBLE BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! They go past TEN, Sheamus stops at 15 but Dunne goes to 20! Maybe even 25!! Fans are thunderous for Dunne & Sheamus and Dunne goes outside. Dunne scares Sami off before he CLOBBERS Jey! But Jimmy rolls Sheamus! TWO!!

Sheamus runs in at the corner but Jimmy POSTS him! Jimmy hurries up top, but Sheamus ROCKS Jimmy first! Sheamus throws more hands, then CHOPS! And CHOPS! Sheamus climbs up, he drags Jimmy back up, and he hits a SUPER WHITE NOISE!! Cover, TWO!! Jimmy survives and Sami is relieved while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Jey has Dunne up top in a corner. Dunne resists the superplex and he bends Jey’s fingers! Then SNAPS them! Jey falls back, fans fire up with Dunne and he adjusts, but Jey dodges the leap! Dunne runs in, but into a POP-UP NECKBREAKER! Cover, Sheamus breaks it! Jimmy runs in but Sheamus kicks him back out. They go to the apron, Jimmy mule kicks Sheamus! But Sheamus fireman’s carries! APRON WHITE NOISE!! But Jey DIVES to take out Sheamus! Dunne goes to the apron, and then up the corner! ASAAI MOONSAULT takes out the Usos! Dunne puts Jey in and hurries back up!

Dunne leaps, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!! Jey survives and Sami is relieved again. Dunne snarls and watches Jey get back up. Dunne beats his chest while Ridge rallies the fans. Dunne stomps the hands, then BUZZSAWS! Jey staggers away, but he puts Dunne on the apron, Jey UPPERCUTS Dunne, tags Jimmy, then the Usos DOUBLE UPPERCUT Dunne! Jimmy goes up but Sheamus drags Jey out! Sheamus RAMS Jey into barriers! Dunne shifts to sunset flip! Jimmy holds on but Dunne brings him off, RUNNING POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!!!! Sami feels faint but the Usos are still in this.

Dunne tags Sheamus, Sheamus drags Jimmy up and has a crucifix. “This is Awesome!” RAZOR’S EDGE LONG DART!! Cover, JEY BREAKS IT!! All four men are down but the fans are thunderous. Jimmy and Sheamus rise, Sheamus throws a haymaker! Jimmy wobbles but he ROCKS Sheamus back! Sheamus ROCKS Jimmy again, Jimmy UPPERCUTS back! Jimmy elbows Sheamus, Jey tag sin, but Dunne gets Jimmy with a SLEEPER! But the ref is busy with him! Sami is up but Ridge CLOBBERS Sami! Jey sunset flips, Sheamus rolls through, Sheamus dodges the superkick to KNEE Jey down! Cover, TWO!!!!

Fans fire up as Ridge and Solo brawl now! Solo ducks a lariat to URENAGE Ridge into the timekeeper’s area! Sheamus fire sup as he aims at Jey. Jey slowly rises, Sheamus runs in, into a  SUPESRKICK! Dunne tags in! Dunne ROCKS Jey, ENZIGURIS, then runs in! Jimmy sneaks a tag before the forearm! Jey slips out of the pump handle, shoves Dunne, ONE D!!! SAMI KEEPS SHEAMUS OUT! Cover, USOS WIN!!!

Winners: The Usos, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

The Bloodline stays golden with help from Sami! Will anyone ever stop the longest tag title reign in history with the deck stacked in the Usos’ favor?


Kurt Angle and Gable Steveson.

Braun Strowman says hey and happy birthday. Kurt makes introductions and Braun congratulates Gable making it to the WWE. But he doesn’t need to take so long at the performance center, he should get on SmackDown and #GetTheseHands. Gable says he’ll let Braun know when he’s ready. Braun looks forward to it. When and where will the newest Olympic Gold Medalist in WWE history make his in-ring debut?



The one and only JOHN CENA will be back on SmackDown on December 30th! What will happen with the living legend showing up on the last SmackDown of 2022?


LA Knight is here!

The Megastar has been hit with two blindside attacks, all having to do when he mouthed off to Bray Wyatt. Knight demands answers and justice! Will he get either here tonight? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and fans boo as Knight has a mic. Knight says, “I don’t recall asking you, I’m talking now, so lemme talk to ya. Bray Wyatt…” Fans cheer that name. He figures the puppets would. But Knight says it is obvious that he struck a nerve. It’s obvious he’s even struck fear in Bray. But think about that. Week after week, Knight gets blindsided but Bray says he didn’t do it. And then if he did, there’d be none of Knight left. Right? WRONG! Knight’s calling Bray’s bluff! Every time Bray knocked Knight down, Knight got up. And why does he know it’s Bray? Look at the footage.

First, Knight was buried under a bunch of random stuff from the backstage area. Okay, enough, this ain’t a snuff film. But see, out of context, that could be anyone. But look right before. Footage shows Knight opening the exit and look! What is that spooky mask in the shadows? Is that one of Bray’s toys? Knight thinks it is! Okay, go to the next week. Knight gets stuck behind a road case. And look in the background! THE MASK! Knight told Bray what he can do with the puppets, but now he’ll tell Bray what to do with the masks. But then UNCLE HOWDY interrupts! “Do it. What are you waiting for? DO IT!

“Don’t you want to be respected? To be feared? He deserves to be punished. Do it. Do it now! He deserves to suffer. The door is closed.” Knight isn’t sure what to make of Uncle Howdy’s message. “If you need any more evidence, you’d have to be a cross-eyed halfwit to not know that was him.” Well, if no one else is gonna do it, Knight will do something about it! He’ll go find Bray backstage right now, YEAH! Will Knight find Bray? Or will he find who really did those things to him?


SmackDown shares footage of another backstage incident.

Cathy Kelley was interviewing Legado del Fantasma, and she brought up how the Viking Raiders have annihilated everyone. Does LDF go into tonight’s match with apprehension? Santos Escobar is offended by that insinuation. Legado del Fantsama- Wait! Someone is screaming! It’s Shotzi! Shayna Baszler & Ronda Rousey are laughing as they leave Shotzi behind, clutching her hand.

Backstage interview with Shayna Baszler & Ronda Rousey.

Megan says Shayna & Ronda are a dangerous force in the ring, but are they going too far outside the ring? They don’t get what Megan is saying. We only saw Shotzi crying on the ground like always. Kinda like Raquel and Emma. The SmackDown Women’s Champion says to warn the china shop that the bulls are coming. But then Liv Morgan and Tegan Nox walk over to say that sounds very scary. But Liv admits, they are very dangerous. They broke Natty’s nose, Raquel’s arm and Shotzi’s arm. But they haven’t beaten everyone. The china shop is open. Well, you mess with the bull, you get the horns.

Ronda says Liv & Tegan don’t understand metaphors. The Baddest Women on the Planet leave, but Liv & Tegan aren’t afraid. Will Liv & Tegan take these bull-ies by the horns and turn them into ground beef?


Legado del Fantasma w/ Santos Escobar & Zelina Vega VS The Viking Raiders w/ Valhalla!

Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde aren’t afraid of Erik & Ivar, but should they be? Or will facing Ragnarok themselves put the fear of the Norse gods in them?

SmackDown returns and the Vikings make their entrance. Vega is on commentary while the teams sort out, saying that LDF is never afraid. Wilde starts with Erik, gets around and headlocks, Erik back suplexes, Wild lands on his feet and runs. Erik scoops, Wilde slips off but Erik bucks the waistlock to run Wilde over. Things speed up, Wilde hurdles but runs into a kitchen sink knee! Erik drags Wilde up, bump shim off buckles and tags Ivar. The Vikings mug Wilde with hammering fists! Ivar drags Wilde up, bumps him off buckles and he tags Erik. Ivar RAMS into Wilde, Erik runs in to RAM into Wilde!

Erik drags Wilde up to whip him to ropes, but Wilde RANAS back! Erik comes back to run Wilde over again! Erik glares at Escobar but here comes “HIT~ ROW~!” Vega is upset to see B-Fab with a chair, but she just takes a seat on stage. She then laughs as Erik & Ivar shout for Dolla & Adonis. But Adonis & Dolla ATTACK LDF!!

Winners: Legado Del Fantasma, by disqualification

Then Adonis JAMS Erik with a chair! And Ivar with a chair! Dolla joins Adonis in the ring to SMACK Ivar on the back! Fans fire up as Hit Row stands Erik up for a float over DDT! But Valhalla joins on Adonis! B-Fab jumps in to drag her off Adonis, wrench her and HOOK KICK! Valhalla bails out but B-Fab RAMS her into Vega! Fans fire up but Wilde is up top. Wilde leaps, into Dolla’s arms! For a pop-up, DEATH VALLEY NECKBREAKER! Hit Row hits back on all their haters, but is this only gonna escalate from here?


LA Knight is searching.

He shouts for Bray, but then he finds a White Rabbit shirt. He throws that down, but the lights go out! Knight uses his phone to light the way, but then the MASKED MAN FINDS HIM!! SmackDown goes to break, but what is LA Knight’s fate?!


Kurt Angle’s birthday party is going on backstage.

He and Gable greet Shinsuke Nakamura, Emma, Riddick Moss, and JASON JORDAN! Jordan and his gold medal dad hug it out, what other big guests will show up for the bash?


Ricochet is here!

Pittsburgh fires up to see the SmackDown World Cup Champion and NEW #1 contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Adam Pearce is already in the ring, because tonight is the official contract signing for the title match! Ricochet tells the fans and his World Cup trophy that this is just the beginning. But then Imperium makes their entrance. They join Ricochet in the ring and Gunther takes his seat at the table. Pearce welcomes everyone to the contract signing for next week’s title match. As discussed, “It’s a New Day, yes it is!” Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods make a surprising entrance, but Ricochet welcomes it.

Woods has a mic to say, “Now hold on, hold on, hold on. Adam, we are so incredibly sorry for interrupting all this, but ya bois, the NEW~ DAY~! Wanted to make sure that we got a front row seat to all this happening right here.” Kofi says we all know how these goes. Gunther will get mad, have his “Resting Gunther Face,” and then ImperiYUCK will get mad. Then they will all try to jump Ricochet, and the New Day can’t have that. So they could’ve stood in the back, and that helped them get a shot at the NXT Tag Team Championships at NXT Deadline tomorrow night. Peacock, 8 PM Eastern, see them become WWE Triple Crown Tag Champs.

but they wanted to be here to see Ricochet sign the contract. And they want to be here should Imperium have a problem with that so they can put a whooping on them here in Pittsburgh. Pearce says that couldn’t possibly happen. Has Pearce not watched pro-wrestling? Oh, true. Fans chant “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” but Gunther wants Ricochet to remember something: Gunther took this title off Ricochet, and has beaten him twice, proven he is NOT worthy of being Intercontinental Champion. So trust Gunther when he says that next week, Gunther wins again, in the worst way possible, and there is nothing that can save Ricochet from that

“The difference between us and you and your two goofs is that we respect this great sport. We are professional wrestlers! We are not performers.” Gunther then signs his part of the contract and Ricochet asks if we heard what he heard. These guys have a problem performing? ImperiYUCK can’t perform. They make that a chant! “Imperium Can’t Perform! Imperium Can’t Perform!” There are pills for that. Ricochet signs his part and says to put the personal issues aside, next week, Gunther is in the fight of his life! Ricochet doesn’t quit, Ricochet doesn’t give up! We will witness Ricochet taking the title from Gunther’s shoulder!

Gunther gets heated but Pearce wants the ring crew to get the furniture out. Gunther throws the table out! Ricochet throws the chairs! Alright, let’s get a ref! A BRAWL BREAKS OUT! The New Day throw out Vinci & Ludwig, Ricochet DROPKICKS Gunther! Gunther stays up, so New Day DOUBLE DROPKICKS him! And then Woods & Kofi get the corners, Ricochet builds speed, TRIPLE FLIGHT!! Direct hit on Imperium and fans fire up! The ref slides in, a Six Man Tag is happening NOW!

Six Man Tag: Ricochet & The New Day VS Imperium!

Ricochet and Ludwig start, Ludwig kicks low then bumps Ricochet off buckles. Ricochet reverses the whip, Ludwig goes up and over but Ricochet reverses the whip again. Ludwig rolls, RANAS, but Ricochet handsprings through it! Ricochet mocks the Imperium pose then DROPKICKS Ludwig down! Fans fire up as Ricochet drags Ludwig up. Tag to Woods, Ricochet scoop SLAMS Ludwig then runs, Woods gives him a tilt-o-whirl boost for the SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Woods fires off forearms, whips Ludwig to ropes, and CLOBBERS him! Cover, TWO! Woods gets fans to echo “NEW~ DAY~!” while he stalks Ludwig.

Woods whips Ludwig to the corner but Ludwig reverses. Ludwig runs in but into a BOOT! And the HONOR ROLL! Fans fire up as Woods brings Ludwig up but Ludwig clinches. Tag to Vinci and Ludwig whips Woods for Vinci to arm-drag! Vinci slams Woods’ arm on the mat, bumps Woods off buckles, then CLUBS him in the chest! Vinci stomps away on Woods, lets off at the ref’s count, then he scrapes Woods out of the ring. Imperium stands tall while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Vinci chinlocks Woods but Woods fight sup. Fans rally, Woods throws body shots, and he ROCKS Vinci! And CHOPS! And ROCKS! And CHOPS again! Woods keeps firing off but Vinci keeps him from Kofi and Ricochet! Woods throws more haymakers, Vinci whips him away! Woods BLASTS Ludwig, elbows Gunther, then BOOTS Vinci! HONOR- BACKBREAKER! Vinci says no go, and he drags Woods back to the Imperium corner. Tag to Gunther, and he grabs Woods’ head for a NECK TWIST! Gunther drags Woods up, scoops and SLAMS him, then runs to BOOT Ricochet down!

Fans boo but Gunther HIP DROPS onto Woods! Cover, TWO! Fans rally but Gunther stands on Woods’ arm to tag in Ludwig. The Impeccable German drags Woods into a chinbar armlock combo. Ludwig digs his elbow into Woods, then his knuckles. Woods fights up, fans rally and Woods throws body shots. Ludwig ROCKS Woods, whips him to a corner, then he runs in, but he blocks the boot! Ludwig shouts “NEIN!” Then he SLAPS and GAMANGIRIS! Ludwig puts Woods up, throws haymakers, but Woods hits back! Ludwig GAMANGIRIS Woods again! Ludwig taunts Woods as he crawls, then drags him up.

Ludwig UPPERCUTS Woods, stalks him to the corner, and he brings Woods up. Ludwig ROCKS Woods, throws elbow after elbow, but the fans rally. Vinci gets a cheap shot but Woods hits Ludwig again and again! Ludwig knees low, whips Woods to a corner, then CHOPS! Ludwig puts Woods up top, ROCKS him again, then climbs up after Woods. Fans rally and Woods fires body shots and haymakers! Ludwig falls back, Woods climbs up, and Woods leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK! Both men are down and fans fire up! Woods crawls, Ludwig does, too. Hot tags to Kofi and Vinci! Kofi rallies on Vinci with double chops, a DROPKICK!

Vinci avoids the leaping lariat, back suplexes but Kofi lands on his feet! Kofi baits Vinci into a SWING KICK! Kofi goes up top, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Kofi stomps Vinci down and he fires up! “NEW~ DAY~!” BOOM DROP! Fans fire up as Kofi aims from the corner. “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” But Ludwig rushes over! Kofi KICKS Ludwig away, Vinci avoids the Trouble in Paradise! Vinci kicks and runs but Kofi slides and trips him up! But Ludwig anchors Kofi’s slingshot! Vinci CLOBBERS Kofi! And Ludwig UPPERCUTS Kofi off his feet! Vinci TOSSES Kofi over the announce desk! Imperium is fired up while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Ludwig facelocks Kofi for a GROVIT! Kofi endures, fights his way forward, and fans rally as he reaches out. Ludwig powers Kofi back, CLUBS him then DECKS him! Ludwig DECKS Woods but Ricochet avoids the cheap shot. Kofi BACK DROPS Ludwig! Fans rally as Ludwig and Kofi crawl, hot tags to Gunther and Ricochet! Der Ring General and the One and Only talk some trash, and then Ricochet fires off hands! Gunther CHOPS Ricochet right back! And BOOTS him down! Gunther talks more trash, he pushes Ricochet around, then stands him up. Ricochet ENZIGURIS!

Ricochet runs to V-TRIGGER! And then he fires off kicks and fast hands! Gunther shoves Ricochet way but Ricochet comes back with more! Ricochet has Gunther in the corner and he just fires off fists! The ref backs Ricochet up, Ricochet goes Matrix to avoid the boot! PELE!! Ricochet runs, but into a scoop! Ricochet slips off but Gunther CHOPS him down! Gunther hauls Ricochet up but Ricochet SUNSET BOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Ricochet and Gunther crawl now, hot tags to Vinci and Woods! Vinci runs in but into a GAMANGIRI! Woods slingshots, TORNADO DDT!

Tag to Kofi and Woods drags Vinci up! BACKBREAKER! But Ludwig returns, so Kofi has to AX HANDLE him instead! Vinci throws Woods out, Kofi catches Vinci but Vinci powers out! Fireman’s carry, ROLLING SENTON! Tag to Ludwig before the MOONSAULT! Ludwig goes up, Vinci drags Kofi up but Kofi RANAS! Ricochet gets Ludwig with a SUPER STEINER! Ricochet then triangle jump DROPKICKS Gunther away! Woods LEAPS and CLOBBERS Gunther and Vinci! TROUBLE IN PARADISE for Ludwig! Tag to Ricochet and Kofi sets Ludwig in the drop zone, for the SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Cover, Ricochet& The New Day win!

Winners: Ricochet & The New Day, by pinfall

The King of Flight takes flight, and he helps win this one for ya bois! Will Woods & Kofi become Tag Team Triple Crown Winners at Deadline? Will Ricochet become Intercontinental Champion once again?


The party for Kurt Angle continues!

The Alpha Academy think they’re on the list, but the bouncer doesn’t see their names. Oh, Kurt probably put it under “Master Gable.” Uh, no, no Master Gable. Check again! Maybe under Mr. 4.0? But the Street Profits walk over and the bouncer sees them on the list. A THANK YEW~! Gable is upset! Can the Alphas at least get in as the Profits’ plus ones?


The Bloodline regroups backstage.

Sami is in awe of the Usos! Two title defenses in one week, and they win! Is Jimmy feeling Ucey? Yeah, just look at that! Is Jey looking Ucey? He’s Ucey Juicy! Sami says they should get something to eat, and the guys are all for it. Jimmy and Solo go first, but Jey has Sami hold back. The Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, is returning next week, so Jey says it might be a good idea to groom the hair and the beard a bit. What? Why? Just saying, after WarGames and how Sami’s been leveling up, Chicago is gonna be a real big night for Sami. Really? Yeet! Sami starts liking how that sounds, so Jey says trim it up. Is Sami going to truly be Ucey next week?


Rey Mysterio rehabs his knee.

Scarlett walks in, followed by Karrion Kross. The trainer says they can’t be in here but Rey says it’s okay. And Kross tells Rey it isn’t like that. Kross heard about the situation with Rey, the fallout with Dominik. Rey must be in hell. Yeah, he is. But Kross says Rey has demonstrated restraint and that’s great. Rey turned over a new leaf, turned the page, and is here on SmackDown. But then Rey gets hurt. Did Rey know Scarlett is Romanian? Life can be rough over there, especially for kids. Scarlett told him a story he cannot forget. When Scarlett was little, they had a thoroughbred horse, a real champion.

But the horse couldn’t run as fast as it could, jump as hard as it could, so it became a workhorse. But then it couldn’t even drag the cart. Scarlett can never forget the look in the horse’s eyes when it realized it was useless. It is always sad to see when it gets to the point when you have to put an animal out of its misery. Security walks over and asks if there’s a problem. Kross says no. But he wants Rey to look at the time. Tick-tock. Kross & Scarlett head out. Are they going to put the lucha legend down like that horse?


Lacey Evans continues he retraining.

Her drill sergeant shouts, “Tens of thousands of Marines start their outstanding service to our country on the very footprints you are standing. You are already part of that proud tradition. Do you understand?” Lacey shouts back, “AYE, MA’AM!” The narrator says, “Most people choose comfort. They make the safe choice, take the easy way, avoid pain at all costs. This training would break them. Within minutes, they would be crying for their mama, or crawling back to the safety of their couch. Not you. You embrace the suck. You choose the hard way. You welcome the pain.” The Model Soldier’s mission continues, will she complete it?


Liv Morgan & Tegan Nox VS Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler!

Kindred spirits reunited last week to fight off Damage Control, so you can bet they won’t back down from even the Baddest Women on the Planet! Will these two look to shine even brighter together? Or will Rowdy Ronda & The Queen of Spades make sure one of them #TapsNapsOrSnaps?

SmackDown returns as Ronda & Shayna make their entrance together. The teams sort out and Shayna starts against Nox. They tie up, Shayna headlocks, hammerlocks then headlocks again. Shayna wrenches to a wristlock but Nox spins and bridges, handsprings and slaps free. Shayna shoves Nox to the corner! The ref counts, Shayna lets off, but Shayna sits Nox down with a leg sweep. Shayna drags Nox up but Nox turns it around to grind her forearm into Shayna’s face, then trip her up! Shayna is mad but she runs into arm-drag after arm-drag! Nox whips, Shayna reverses but Nox goes up and over!

Nox UPPERCUTS Shayna, ROUNDHOUSES her, and fans fire up as Shayna sits down. Nox runs in to CANNONBALL! Nox drags Shayna out of the corner, goes up the corner, but Ronda distracts. Shayna GAMANGIRIS Nox down! Fans rally but Shayna tags Ronda. Ronda taunts Nox, drags her up and SAYANAGIS her again and again! Ronda mocks Liv right down to the blue tongue. Liv says watch out and Nox rolls Ronda up! TWO, and Ronda has an ANKLE LOCK! Nox rolls, kicks Ronda, but Ronda holds on! Ronda ANKLE LOCKS all over again! Nox fights, rolls, and she sends Ronda out of the ring!

Ronda hurries back in, she and Nox crawl, hot tags to Shayna and Liv! Liv dodges Shayna, SHOTGUNS her down, then has her in a corner. Liv runs in to back body block! Liv rolls and comes back, SHINING WIZARD Liv snapmares Shayna, goes up, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Fans fire up as Liv kips up! Liv shrieks, runs and jumps to DOUBLE STOMP Shayna down! Cover, TWO! Shayna flounders to the ropes, but she avoids ObLivion to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans rally, but here comes Raquel Rodriguez! Bad arm or not, she doesn’t care, she wants to kick Ronda’s ass! Pearce and refs stop Raquel, Ronda tells them to get Raquel outta here.

Shayna drags Liv up but Liv JAWBREAKERS! SHINIEST WIZARD from Nox!! Cover, Liv & Nox win!!

Winners: Liv Morgan & Tegan Nox, by pinfall

Raquel smiles, the damage has been done. Liv & Nox come away with a big win, will they use this to get even bigger opportunities?


SmackDown checks in with Kurt Angle’s party.

Montez Ford leads the group in a cheerful chant of “You Suck! You Suck!” Kurt says time for the main event of the celebration. Steveson asks if Angle wants him to go out there, but Angle says no, he’ll be fine on his own. Steveson stays back with the superstars as the partying continues, will anyone crash the party?


BREAKING NEWS for next week!

After the big win for Liv & Nox, we’re getting a WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match! Can Liv & Nox take control away from Damage Control? And after Hit Row returned to beat down their enemies, we are getting a HUGE Triple Threat Tag! Hit Row VS Legado VS The Viking Raiders! Who wins big and potentially positions themselves to go after the Undisputed Tag Team Championships?


Kurt Angle heads to the ring!

Pittsburgh is fired up to chant “YOU SUCK!” at their favorite WWE Hall of Famer! The Olympic Gold Medalist gets pyro and continues to the ring, to a “It’s True, It’s Damn True” cake! Angle thanks Pittsburgh for this wonderful celebration, but he’s interrupted by the Alpha Academy! “SHOOOSH~!” Gable can’t believe every clown here gets an invite but not him and Otis?! He knows it can’t be the dress code, he and Otis wore formal wear, and ties! You know how hard it is to get a tie on a guy with no neck? But y’know what it is? Angled didn’t wanna get upstaged by a REAL Olympic Hero! Angle didn’t want Chad Gable outshining him. How petty! Pettiness sucks!

Fans boo Gable but Gable says for once, he’ll admit something. He agrees with the fans, they’re right to say, “You suck.” Fans boo him again but he says to SHOOSH! Fans still come out to celebrate Angle, but Gable says he sees what’s become of Angle. Angle has NO integrity, lost that intensity, and if he wants to keep a shred of that intelligence, he’ll get out of the ring. The party’s over, Otis is having that cake. Fans chant, “Eat The Cake! Eat The Cake!” If Angle doesn’t leave, he’ll end up with another broken freakin’ neck! A THANK YEW~! Angle does leave, and Gable says Otis can help himself. How does it taste? Creamy!

Gable and Otis mock Angle that the candy gold medal tastes like tears. Angle says if they’re gonna eat cake, they’re gonna need milk! And here comes a MILK TRUCK! Gable Steveson and Kurt Angle ride with the truck, and they get the bottles of milk to THROW at the Alpha Academy! Direct hit on Otis! And then again! Gable is furious, but the milk bombs keep coming! Angle gets the HOSE!! MILK SHOWER!! Flashbacks to 2001, anyone? Angle & Steveson then storm into the ring while the Academy flounders out! Angle & Steveson crack open a couple more bottles, and they CHUG! Now that’s how you celebrate the legen-dairy Kurt Angle!

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown and with a lot set up for the following weeks. Another great opening tag title match from the Usos, with Dunne looking great even in defeat. I also liked the little promo from the Bloodline to get hyped. I wonder if Jey saying Sami should trim the hair and beard is good advice or him messing with Sami. I suppose Roman’s reaction will tell us. I bet there’ll be a swerve, where it looks like Roman is upset, but he actually loves the new look. That’ll just upset Jey when his plan backfires, furthering the coming break-up.

Cool to hear Cena is on his way back, but could he be back now to set something up for the Royal Rumble? Maybe even getting in the Royal Rumble? We do need more people to declare for that match, but there’s also a lot of time. Good promo from LA Knight and Uncle Howdy, and of course Howdy finds Knight first. If I missed what happened after Howdy grabbed Knight, I’m sorry, KFox14 sucks. But I really hope this is getting us closer to that match between Knight and Bray. And good promo from Kross walking up to Rey in the trainer’s room to move things along in that story. Rey will definitely make Kross look great in their match and put the younger guy over.

Nice blending of promos as Legado’s interview turns into Shotzi being attacked by Shayna & Ronda. We didn’t get much out of LDF VS Viking Raiders since it was all to set both teams up for Hit Row’s retaliation. The Triple Threat Tag we’re getting is going to be awesome stuff, but I also hope there’s a Triple Threat of B-Fab VS Vega VS “Valhalla” to go along with it. And really good tag match from Liv & Nox VS Shayna & Ronda. I like that Raquel is not caring about the bad arm, and that was a good way to give Liv & Nox the win. The tag title match between Liv & Nox VS Kai & Sky is going to be great stuff, especially with the story of Nox and Kai being former friends. Also, I feel like this is a way to get Raquel back to a SmackDown Women’s Championship opportunity in time for the Rumble.

Great contract signing segment because the New Day got meta about it. Good promos from Gunther and Ricochet, too, and a great Six Man Tag. New Day & Ricochet winning make sense, they all need momentum going into their title matches. But using go-home math on this, this surely means Gunther wins next week and Pretty Deadly win at NXT Deadline, all champions retaining their titles to move into 2023. And with NXT Vengeance Day being advertised, I wonder if this means no New Year’s Evil. Gunther retaining also makes sense since they’ve already given us teases of Braun VS Gunther.

And great stuff for the Kurt Angle birthday celebration. Nice to see Kurt and his kayfabe son, Jason Jordan, reuniting. And of course Alpha Academy still have beef with Angle and Steveson. The milk truck was rather clunky and old-timey, I wonder if this was a “best they could do on short notice” situation. But still, throwing plastic milk bottles and eventually getting the milk hose was a great way to reference on of Angle’s many iconic moments. The Academy still being Raw superstars, maybe Angle and Steveson show up there at some point, because obviously they set up stuff between Steveson and the Academy back at WrestleMania, so why not continue that? And Angle can make for a great manager while Steveson is finding his footing, both in the ring and on the mic.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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