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Mitchell’s NJPW New Beginning Nagoya Results & Report! (1/22/23)

Will Nagoya be tranquilo?



It’s a New Beginning for NJPW!

With Shingo Takagi promising Kazuchika Okada that they’ll go Champion VS Champion in Osaka, can he stay Mr. KOPW after facing Great-O-Khan? Or will the Dominator slay the Rampaging Dragon?


  • Toru Yano & Togi Makabe VS Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima; Yano & Makabe win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Minoru Suzuki, El Desperado, Ren Narita & Tomoaki Honma VS The House of Torture; Suzuki, Desperado, Narita & Honma win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Hirooki Goto, Yoshi-Hashi, Tomohiro Ishii & Ryohei Oiwa VS TMDK; TMDK wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Master Wato & Jado VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS Taichi, DOUKI, Yoshinobu Kanemaru w/ Taka Michinoku; The United Empire wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Shota Umino, Ryusuke Taguchi & YOH VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; Okada, Umino, Taguchi & Yoh win.
  • KOPW 2023 Provisional Championship MMA Rules Match: Shingo Takagi VS Great-O-Khan; Takagi wins and retains the title.


Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS Taichi, DOUKI, Yoshinobu Kanemaru w/ Taka Michinoku!

This was meant to be an 8 Man Tag so that the Empire could take on all four guys, but it would seem “Public Enemy” TJP is unable to compete tonight. But that won’t stop Will Ospreay, Francesco Akira & Aaron Henare from settling things with the Holy Emperor, Japones Del Mal & The Heel Master. Will the Commonwealth Kingpin, Nova Fireball and Ultimate Weapon win the first battle in this war for New Beginnings?

The teams sort out but Ospreay and Taichi want after each other! They fire off forearms, so the others start brawling, too! Fans fire up and the bell rings as the former Suzuki-Gun members throw out Ospreay and Henare! Kanemaru stays on Akira, whips him to ropes, but Akira reverses. Taichi fires off kicks on Ospreay, then CHOKES him against railing! The ref reprimands as now Kanemaru and Akira go to the outside. Kanemaru whips but Akira reverses again, only for Kanemaru to reverse back! Akira hits railing, then Kanemaru puts him in the ring. Kanemaru and Douki regroup, mug Akira, then double whip him to a corner.

Douki runs in to elbow, Kanemaru runs in to elbow! Snapmare and DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Things settle down now as Kanemaru brings Akira up. Kanemaru has the leg, for a SHINBREAKER! Kanemaru kicks the bad leg and Akira flounders. Kanemaru brings Akira up but Akira CHOPS! So Kanemaru rakes Akira’s eyes! The ref reprimands, Kanemaru lets off and whips Akira to ropes. Akira avoids the low dropkick, elbows Kanemaru, then dumps Kanemaru out of the ring! Akira then PLANCHAS! Direct hit and fans fire up! Then the Empire attacks on the outside! Henare throws Douki down while Ospreay sends Taichi into railing!

Ospreay fires haymakers on Taichi, Akira sends Kanemaru into railing, and Henare CHOKES Douki! Akira puts Kanemaru in the ring and stalks up behind him. Akira stands Kanemaru up to run and CALF KICK! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while Akira drags Kanemaru up. Akira bumps Kanemaru off buckles, tags in Ospreay, and fans fire up. Ospreay stomps Kanemaru, scoops him, and hits the SPIN-OUT BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ospreay shouts out Nagoya and fans rally as he paces. Ospreay drags Kanemaru up, KNEES him in the back, and then Ospreay talks trash to Taichi. Ospreay stands Kanemaru up but Kanemaru throws body shots!

Kanemaru uppercuts but Ospreay DECKS him! Tag to Henare, and he talks trash on Douki. Henare drags Kanemaru up, clinches, and throws big knees! Henare snapmares Kanemaru to KICK him in the back, and drop a SENTON! Kanemaru writhes but Henare drags him up. Henare HEADBUTTS Kanemaru to ropes, and Ospreay CHOKES him! The ref reprimands, Ospreay lets off, and both Ospreay and Akira run to BLAST Douki and Taichi! Henare bends Kanemaru against the ropes, then beats the war drum! The ref reprimands and counts, Henare lets off at 4, but Ospreay gets a cheap shot in during the distraction!

Kanemaru flops back while Ospreay talks some trash. Fans rally up for Kanemaru as Henare scuffs him. Kanemaru throws body shots and an uppercut! But Henare ELBOW JABS! Henare whips, Kanemaru reverses and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up while both men are down! Kanemaru crawls, hot tag to Taichi! Fans fire up as Taichi fires off Kawada Kicks! And a SOBAT! And then a whip to a corner, for a clotheslines! Taichi snapmares, KICKS, and wraps Henare up, but Akira attacks to stop the Seitei Jujiro! Akira CLUBS away but Taichi CHOKES him and THROWS him down! Ospreay runs in, dodges a boot and BOOTS back!

Taichi rebounds but Ospreay ducks the lariat to get around, only for Taichi to fight the lift! Taichi PELES! Ospreay scrambles away, his shoulder stinging! Henare runs in at Taichi, Taichi gets around but Henare fights off the Dangerous Saido! Henare CLUBS Taichi, whips, but Taichi reverses to wrench and DANGEROUS HOOK KICK! Fans fire up and Taichi feeds off the energy. Taichi brings Henare up and around, but Henare ducks the Buzzsaw! Henare shoves Taichi to a corner, Taichi dodges the Shining Wizard, but Henare elbows! And then FLYING CHUCKS! Henare tags in Ospreay and Ospreay springboards, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO!

Ospreay adjusts the elbow pad while fans fire up. Ospreay drags Taichi up, turns him, but Taichi breaks free! Ospreay ROCKS Taichi with a forearm then eggs him on. Taichi KICKS Ospreay in the leg! Ospreay forearms, Taichi kicks, repeat! Fans rally as the strikes go faster! Ospreay fires off a flurry, runs, but into a BOOT! Taichi runs, into the Tiger Wall Kick and ENZIGURI! Taichi staggers to a corner, Ospreay runs in but Taichi dodges! Ospreay hits buckles, then Taichi hits a GAMANGIRI! Both men are down and fans rally up! Taichi crawls, tag to Douki! Douki runs corner to corner to elbow Ospreay! Kanemaru adds his own elbow!

Kanemaru whips Ospreay but Ospreay BOOTS Douki down! Ospreay kicks Kanemaru, whips him, but Kanemaru ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl DDT! Douki is up top, DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO! Into ITALIAN STRETCH #32! But Akira stomps Douki! Kanemaru throws Akira back out, and Douki fires up! Fans fire up with Douki and he wheelbarrows Ospreay! But Henare stops the lift to KICK Douki down! Kanemaru dropkicks Henare’s leg out! Kanemaru keeps moving, but he runs into a BESERKER BOMB! But Taichi AX BOMBERS Henare down! But Ospreay HOOK KICKS Taichi down!

Douki is on the apron, Ospreay rushes over but into a shoulder! Douki slingshots, DAY- NO, Ospreay blocks to suplex! Douki slips out, waistlocks, but Ospreay standing switches. Douki breaks free, mule kicks, ENZIGURIS, and Ospreay flops to the corner. Akira climbs up but Douki dodges his leap! Akira keeps moving, he ducks ‘n’ dodges, and rolls to SATELLITE DDT! Ospreay adds HIDDEN BLADE! Cover, The Empire wins!

Winners: The United Empire, by pinfall

It was only three guys, but the United Empire still conquered them! Will Akira & TJP keep the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships from Kanemaru & Douki in Sapporo? Will Ospreay prove that he is the REAL Emperor of NJPW? Or will even the Empire fall to #Just4Guys?


8 Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Shota Umino, Ryusuke Taguchi & YOH VS Los Ingobernables de Japon!

The Rainmaker prepares to defend his IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, but he won’t be facing his challenger in this match. Instead, he, the Roughneck, the Funky Weapon and Direct Drive are taking on Bushi, Sanada, Hiromu y Naito. Will Okada lead his team to victory? Or will the New Beginning be tranquilo?

The teams sort out and Okada’s team mirrors LIJ just to taunt them. Naito takes his time with his entrance attire, but Shooter is calling him out. Fans rally for “NA-I-TO!” and Naito smirks, then he fist bumps with LIJ. Naito then attacks first with furious forearms! The bell rings, Naito whips, but Umino reverses and follows. Naito dodges, Umino dodges and shoves, but Naito holds the ropes so Umino’s dropkick misses. Naito rushes in but Umino ducks the basement dropkick to arm-drag! Umino has an armlock but Naito headscissors. Umino kips free, and Naito tranquilos! Fans cheer as Naito offers the fist bump.

Umino steps forward, but Naito stands up to tag in Hiromu. And Hiromu wants Yoh! Yoh wants in, too, so Umino obliges. Fans fire up as Yoh rallies on the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion! Yoh then whips, but Hiromu reverses, only for Yoh to duck ‘n’ dodge! Hiromu elbows Yoh, whips him to a corner, and corner clotheslines! Hiromu snapmares Yoh, runs, but Yoh gets up to dodge and RANA! Hiromu flops out of the ring, Yoh PLANCHAS, but Hiromu dodges! Hiromu whips but Yoh reverses to send Hiromu hard into railing! Yoh puts Hiromu in the ring, brings him up and FALCON- NO, Hiromu slips free!

Hiromu waistlocks, ducks Yoh’s elbow, and CHOPS! Hiromu runs but Yoh handsprings to dodge! Yoh mule kicks, turns Hiromu and hits a NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Yoh brings Hiromu up. Yoh CHOPS Hiromu to the corner, he tags in Taguchi, and Taguchi drags Hiromu up to whip him to a corner. CORNER HIP! Taguchi whips Hiromu the other way, another CORNER HIP! Taguchi whips again, but Hiromu reverses, only for Taguchi to reverse back! Another CORNER HIP! Taguchi keeps moving, he ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Hiromu steps aside. Taguchi crashes and burns, LIJ BLASTS Okada’s team!

Sanada is after Okada, Bushi has Yoh and Naito is after Umino. Bushi rakes Yoh’s eyes while Naito whips Umino into railing hard! Hiromu goes back to Taguchi, SPANKS him, SPANKS him again, and has him in the corner. Tag to Bushi and he brings Taguchi up. Bushi snapmares Taguchi, stomps him, then has the legs. Bushi stands on Taguchi’s groin! The ref reprimands, Bushi lets off at 4, and Taguchi twitches. Cover, TWO! Taguchi is still in this and fans rally up. Bushi tags Naito, then he brings Taguchi around. Bushi underhooks, and he sits down to have Taguchi in the infamous Shameful Stretch!

Sanada distracts the ref as Naito steps in, runs and dropkicks Taguchi’s butt! Cover, TWO! Taguchi survives and fans rally up but Naito SPANKS Taguchi! Tag to Sanada and he brings Taguchi into an atomic drop! Taguchi hobbles while clutching his butt. Fans rally up, Taguchi runs at Sanada, but into another atomic drop! Fans rally more and Taguchi tries again, but he fakes Sanada out! Taguchi wags his finger, Sanada runs in, but into a HIP ATTACK! Taguchi is on wobbly legs, but he hot tags Okada! Okada rallies on LIJ with big forearms! He BOOTS Sanada, runs in and ELBOWS him down! Fans fire up with the world champion!

Okada whips Sanada corner to corner, runs in and back elbows! Then a kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Okada drags Sanad around, ties up the legs and has the arms, STRETCH PLUM! Sanada endures, crawls forward, and grabs the ROPEBREAK! Okada lets off quickly, then he drags Sanada up. Okada gut wrenches, but Sanada fights free! Sanada waistlocks, Okada elbows free and runs, but into a low dropkick! Okada hobbles, and Sanada dropkicks him down! Tag to Naito! Fans rally and Naito stalks Okada, to sucker punch Umino! Okada CLUBS Naito, Naito fires off forearms in return! Naito whips, hip tosses, then basement dropkicks!

Naito brings Okada back up, whips him to a corner, then runs in, into a BOOT from Okada! Okada steps up, into a kick from Naito. Naito runs, into a FLAPJACK! Both men are down and fans fire up, hot tag to Umino! Umino aims, runs in at Naito, and RANAS! Umino BLASTS the LIJ corner, then he fires off forearms on Naito! Fans rally, Umino whips but Naito reverses. Umino holds ropes, BOOTS Naito, then sidesteps to hip toss! Umino keeps going, basement dropkick! Snapmare and Umino runs, for a SUNSET SENTON! Umino mocks the eyes-wide-open pose and fans fire up! Umino stalks Naito, drags him up, and whips him to a corner.

Umino runs in to elbow Naito, then brings him out for a FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but the fans still fire up! Umino drags Naito up as fans rally. Umino clinches but Naito CLUBS him down. Naito throws a forearm but Umino just stares Naito down. Umino throws a forearm and eggs Naito on, so Naito throws a forearm! Umino throws a forearm, Naito gives it back, and fans rally as they go back and forth, faster and faster! Umino gets the edge, whips, but Naito reverses to ELBOW! Umino staggers, into an atomic drop! Naito throws back elbows! And then turns Umino for a NECKBREAKER!

Naito tags Bushi and Bushi climbs a corner. Fans fire up as Umino stands, and Bushi MISSILE DROPKICKS! Bushirooni! Sanada and Hiromu BLAST Okada and Yoh! Bushi & Hiromu whip Umino to a corner, Hiromu clotheslines and Bushi elbows! Feed to Hiromu’s mule kick, Sanada adds his front kick, and Bushi hits a BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Bushi drags Umino up, fisherman’s the leg, but Okada runs in to BOOT Bushi down! Sanada dropkicks Okada’s legs! Yoh DROPKICKS Sanada down! Hiromu SUPERKICKS Yoh down! Taguchi HIP ATTACKS Hiromu! And HIP ATTACKS Naito!

Taguchi HIP- NO, Bushi hits an atomic drop! Umino staggers up, Bushi swings on him, but Umino blocks and spins Bushi around, only for Bushi to slip free! Umino blocks one kick and ducks the enziguri, but not the HEEL KICK! Bushi runs, into a pop-up UPPERCUT! Umino dragon sleepers, for the SAVING GRACE! Cover, TWO! Bushi is still in this but fans fire up with Umino as he roars! Umino stalks Bushi, waits on him to rise, then reels him in! DEATH RIDER!! Cover, Umino’s team wins!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, Shota Umino, Ryusuke Taguchi & Yoh, by pinfall

The Roughneck takes down the Black Mask to win this for his team! Does this mean Shooter will shoot down Naito? Will Yoh take the title from the Best of the Super Juniors? And will the Rainmaker still reign through the New Beginnings? Or will everything still be tranquilo in 2023?


KOPW 2023 Provisional Championship MMA Rules Match: Shingo Takagi VS Great-O-Khan w/ The United Empire!

This match is for more than just the new blue belt the Rampaging Dragon has. The Dominator wants to prove his technical fighting skills, become a two belt champion, and take away Takagi’s shot at Okada’s IWGP World Heavyweight Championship! With nothing to lose and everything to gain, will Khan conquer NJPW for the United Empire? Or will Takagi beat Khan at his own game and then go right for the Rainmaker?

Per the rules, both men wear traditional martial arts gi, though Takagi still has his wrestling tights on under his. The introductions are raised, the KOPW belt is raised, but so much more is on the line!

The bell rings and fans rally as the two stare down. They approach, feel things out, and Khan gives some testing kicks. Takagi stays up and comes back to try again. They feel things out, but back away, and fans applaud the savvy. Khan then presses the offense, but Takagi rests against the ropes. Khan backs off, fans rally for Takagi as he and Khan reset. They feel things out, clinch, then break. They go again, fight for control, go around, but Takagi avoids a leg sweep. They tie up again, and Khan hits a takedown! Takagi clasps hands to fight the armbar, and he goes to roll Khan, but Khan keeps his shoulders up.

Khan shifts to get a triangle hold, but Takagi powers his way through. Khan fights off the lateral press, rolls things over, and then he tries for the lateral press. Takagi fights that so Khan wants the arm again! Takagi stacks Khan, then slips away before getting caught in the Triangle again. Both men egg each other on, and Khan has his leg guard up. Takagi keeps his distance as he goes around, Khan, then he drops to the mat to show he can do the leg guard, too! Khan rushes in, Takagi pushes him down and they clinch on the mat. Khan keeps his shoulders up and slips through to get a leg! The Empire applauds but Takagi gets the ROPEBREAK!

Fans cheer and Red Shoes calls the break, so Khan lets off. Fans applaud as the two reset again. Takagi and Khan feel out the grapple, grab at sleeves while kicking at legs, but then they clinch. Takagi puts Khan on the ropes, gives some short shoulder thrusts, then he throws Khan down! Takagi runs Khan over, then drops a SENTON! Cover, but Red Shoes reprimands! This is MMA rules, not pro-wrestling rules. Takagi sighs while Khan gets away to the outside. The Empire regroups, fans Khan off, and Ospreay wants a timeout. Red Shoes says those aren’t part of these rules, Khan has to return. Takagi waits, Khan slides in, and they reset again.

Khan and Takagi circle, feel things out, grab sleeves, then go around. Khan fights off a throw, gets free of Takagi’s grip, and they approach again. They tie up, clinch, fight for control, and fans cheer as each tries for a sweep. They end up on the ropes but Khan has control. Fans applaud as LIJ appears to be Takagi’s cornermen just like the Empire is for Khan. Khan and Takagi break, and they reset. Takagi and Khan go again as fans rally up. They feel out the grapple, clinch again, but Khan uses a grip on the collar. Takagi keeps Khan from tripping him, but Khan hits a MONKEY FLIP! Takagi bails out but the Empire puts him back in!

Khan is right on Takagi with a rear mount and a double wrist hold! Khan smothers Takagi into the mat but Takagi endures. Khan turns Takagi over but they end up in the ropes. Red Shoes reprimands and counts, but Khan lets off cleanly. Takagi bails out again but Ospreay pushes him back in! Khan drags Takagi up, and hits a SAYANAGI! Khan now has a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Takagi endures, Khan moves around, but Takagi pushes him over. Takagi fights the leg guard but ends up in a TRIANGLE! Khan rolls but Takagi grabs the ROPEBREAK! Red Shoes counts, Khan lets off and Takagi goes to a corner.

Fans rally as the two reset again. Takagi shakes out his arm and he circles with Khan. They tie up, Takagi tries a throw but Khan smothers that. Khan gets around to then tie up a leg, CALF KILLER! And Khan adds an arm to the mix! Takagi endures so Khan rolls to have NAPALM DEATH! A very Zack Sabre Jr. style hold, but Takagi scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Red Shoes counts, Khan lets go, and he rushes after Takagi to rear mount again. Khan SLAPS Takagi around, has a body scissors squeeze, but again Takagi gets a ROPEBREAK! Khan lets off, but then he scrapes Takagi out of the ring with a kick!

LIJ regroups and helps Takagi up and into the ring. It’s practically a Lumberjack match at this point. Takagi and Khan go again, clinch, but Khan drops to get an arm and leg! Takagi grabs a leg, too! They have DUELING HEEL HOOKS! Khan shifts around, grabs at the collar, but Takagi holds him off. Khan uses his legs to pry at the arm and then he has the HEEL HOOK! Takagi pops his arm free to get the ROPEBREAK! Khan lets go, but then he digs his knee into Takagi’s chest. Red Shoes reprimands and Takagi protests, but Khan digs his knee in! Khan talks trash, then jams Takagi before he finally backs off.

Fans rally for Takagi while he goes to the corner. Khan clinches but Takagi pushes him down and has a toehold! Khan endures, so Takagi shifts around. Khan wants the triangle but Takagi gets free again. Takagi shakes out his sore limbs but Khan is fairly cool. But then Takagi fires off forearms and knees! Strikes are still part of judo but he’s got Khan against the ropes! Red Shoes reprimands and counts, Takagi lets off, and Khan rushes in! Khan fires off knees of his own! Khan backs Takagi to a corner, throws in more knees, but Red Shoes reprimands. Khan lets off, brings Takagi out, and then throws more knees!

Takagi is down and Red Shoes starts a standing count! Fans rally up and Takagi sits up at 4 of 10. Takagi uses ropes to drag himself up at 8 and fans applaud. Takagi headbutts the buckle to fire back up! Khan eggs Takagi on, they tie up again, and Khan tries for the throw! Takagi holds it off, pushes Khan to ropes, and uses the rebound for his SAYANAGI! And then PUMPING BOMBER! Takagi takes off the gi! Fans fire up as Takagi is gonna fight this his way! Takagi drags Khan up, whips him to ropes, and knees low! Then a DDT! Takagi runs to SLIDINGN LARIAT! And then Takagi throws down fists, before clamping on the KATA GATAME!

Takagi leans all his weight on Khan while Khan endures! Fans rally, Khan clasps hands to relieve pressure, then he pulls Takagi’s hair! Takagi sits back to pull on the hold, but Khan moves around! Red Shoes checks, but Khan reaches out to the ROPEBREAK! Takagi lets go and Khan bails out for a breather. But then LIJ hurry to grab him! Khan grabs railing, and the Empire rushes over! Naito holds them off, Hiromu and Sanada put Khan in the ring. Fans fire up and Takagi brings Khan up. Takagi fires off forearm after forearm, but Khan clinches again. Takagi tries to trip Khan, but Khan URENAGES Takagi!

Fans fire up as Khan and Takagi go to opposite corners. Khan and Takagi get up, they tie up again, and Khan throws Takagi down! Fans rally up, Khan and Takagi stand back up, and Khan roars as he rushes in! They clinch, go for trips, then clinch. Khan hits an STO into a KATA GATAME! Takagi clasps hands, kicks around, and gets the ROPEBREAK! But Khan rolls Takagi away from the ropes! Hiromu protests but Takagi endures again. Red Shoes reprimands, and Khan lets go in frustration. Khan opens up his gi, to SMOTHER Takagi with it! Khan also traps an arm but LIJ protests. Khan lets Takagi go to stomp him down.

Khan paces around Takagi, and then uses his BLACK BELT to choke Takagi! Hiromu gets on the apron to protest, but Akira runs in to BLAST him off the apron! Red Shoes reprimands Akira, Khan has Akira cool off, and Akira exits the ring. Khan goes back to Takagi to CHOKE him again! Red Shoes reprimands, Khan sits Takagi up and dumps him out of the ring! Khan CHOKES Takagi with the belt, practically hanging Takagi from the ropes! The Empire keeps LIJ away and Red Shoes is busy reprimanding them all! Akira fires forearms on Hiromu but Hiromu throws Akira away! Red Shoes sees what Khan is doing and makes him stop!

Fans rally for Takagi while Sanada helps Takagi with the belt. But Ospreay whips Naito into railing, and Henare does the same to Sanada! Red Shoes is busy with Akira and Hiromu as they brawl more, so Henare stands Takagi up! Ospreay hits an OSCUTTER to the floor! Henare puts Takagi in the ring, Khan gets Red Shoes’ attention and drags Takagi up. Khan kicks Takagi down, then drags him up, URENAGE! Khan wants the standing count so the count begins. Fans rally for Takagi but he’s still down at 5 of 10! LIJ coaches Takagi up, this is for both KOPW and his shot at Okada! Takagi drags himself up at 8 and stands at 9!

Takagi has his dukes up, but Khan uses an arm for a SAYANAGI! And then another SAYANAGI! Khan drags Takagi up by his arms, reels him in, but Takagi turns that to a SLEEPER! Fans fire up, but Khan grabs at Takagi’s hair. Khan slips around to SLEEPER! Khan hops on with body scissors! Takagi is fading with Khan as his backpack, but then he hits a BACKPACK SENTON! Both men are down, and Takagi goes to the apron! Takagi goes up the corner, for a DIVING KNEE DROP! Fans fire up with Takagi and the “OI! OI! OI!” Takagi stands Khan up, fires off boxing elbows, then HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT! Takagi ROCKS Khan, but runs into a SLEEPER!

Khan squeezes tight and Takagi is fading! Fans rally and Red Shoes checks. Takagi gets a second wind! Torture rack, LAST OF THE DRAGONS! Both men are down and fans fire up again! It’s a double down count! Fans rally, as do the Empire and LIJ! Takagi goes to a corner, stands at 5, but Khan is still down at 7! And at 8! Khan rises at 9, but the SLIDING FOREARM knocks him back down!! Takagi sits Khan up for HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Then a HALF NELSON SLEEPER! Khan flails, fights, but Takagi rolls him to have the body scissors! Khan endures, reaches out, but he’s fading! Khan is OUT, Takagi wins!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by submission (still Provisional KOPW 2023 Champion)

Though they didn’t quite stick to MMA rules the entire time, this was still one hell of a fight! The Rampaging Dragon slays the Dominator, will Khan have to go back to the drawing board on how to dethrone Takagi?

As for Takagi, he has the belt and an icepack, then gets a drink of water before talking on the mic. “Somehow, I was able to win.” Fans cheer that. Takagi says that yesterday, it was NJPW VS NOAH, and he was able to get revenge on Nakajima. Today, Takagi defended the KOPW Championship in an MMA Match, and he won against Khan. It goes to show that Shingo Takagi has no reason to be afraid of anyone or anything. So next, on February 11th in Osaka, is the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Kazuchika Okada. “And there’s something I want to say to the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. So, shall we bring him out here?”

Fans fire up and chant for “O-KA-DA!” Takagi waits, looks around, and here comes the Rainmaker! Okada has the world title on his shoulder, and Takagi says, “Since I interrupted you on January 4th and 5th, it’s only right I invite you here tonight.” Okada joins Takagi in the ring, and Takagi again says he has something important he wants to say to Okada. “I got through yesterday, I got through today, so next is our title match. I pulled through last year with a cheap KOPW 2022 trophy. Now, I have a KOPW 2023 belt. And now, I bring this into the main event. So, how about this? If you’re putting up that world title in the main event of Osaka, how about I put up the KOPW title, too?

Fans like the sound of that! But Takagi has more to say. Takagi says that perhaps, for the first time ever, they have it be Winner Takes All under KOPW rules! How about it, Okada? Takagi hands the mic over, and Okada says, “Everyone knows that when I was IWGP Heavyweight Champion, I had a sixty minute best 2 out of 3 falls match that was pretty famous. So, the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship really should be about man to man, straight up pro-wrestling as it should be. The KOPW Division is incredible, but I don’t want two belts at the same time. I can’t love two, I only have eyes for one, and I only love the IWGP World Heavyweight title.”

Fans applaud Okada’s loyalty, but Okada continues to say that it seems Takagi can’t beat Okada without some kind of gimmicky set of rules. If that’s the case, then Takagi doesn’t deserve his title shot. Let’s just wrestle the NJPW way in Osaka! Takagi takes the mic back to say, “Yeah, I figured you’d say that. So I get it. In that case, after our match, I’ll be the double champ! So it will not be a double title match, it’ll just be the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. But it’ll be an all-out battle, and we’re going to beat the hell out of each other!” Fans cheer them sticking to the old school. Okada raises his belt for the photo op, then takes his leave.

Takagi continues to say that was a bit awkward. But to get things back on track, Takagi invites LIJ into the ring with him. He thanks his “lumberjacks” for helping him out, and notes that LIJ won against KONGO 3-2 last night in Yokohama. Takagi is KOPW Champion, Hiromu is IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, but there is still more for LIJ to do! “Oi, Nagoya. You guys have had great energy all night! NAGOYA!” “OI!” “NAGOYA!” “OI!” “Osu! Let’s close out the main event here in Nagoya. From now on, as a group, as a whole, as a unit, we will rampage like a dragon!” Takagi drops the mic, LIJ poses together, but will they rise together in 2023?

My Thoughts:

Really good stuff out of NJPW, though I did again skip things because of limited time. But of course the Young Lions lost to Yano & Makabe, and I figured Suzuki’s new team would get the win over the House of Torture. I’m glad to see my idea of Suzuki feuding with Evil came true, even if it isn’t Suzuki-Gun anymore. And naturally TMDK’s new formation wins out with ZSJ sporting his new look. He’s clearly building towards his first NJPW World Television Championship feud with Tomohiro Ishii, and that should be an awesome match, even with the 15 minute time limit the NJPW World TV Division comes with. Bullet Club also gets an obvious win, Jado taking the loss. It feels like we’re building back to more Tanahashi VS Kenta, which is great because those two don’t disappoint.

The United Empire VS #Just4Guys being downgraded to 3v3 was a shame, but it was still a really good match. The Empire was the right choice to win here, but I still think each individual showdown can go either way. It’d be amazing if Douki & Kanemaru won the Junior Heavyweight Tag titles off TJP & Akira, especially as Douki has yet to hold any gold. We got a good 8 Man from Okada and his team against LIJ. Umino getting the win there was great for him, but I don’t see him beating Naito 1v1. Hiromu VS Yoh could go either way, but I’m leaning towards Hiromu retaining.

The MMA Rules match was not quite what I expected, but that’s probably because as an American, I’m conditioned to picture UFC or Bellator when the phrase “Mixed Martial Arts” comes up. This was more how Japan sees MMA, in that it was more the martial arts foundation of MMA. But at the same time, the match itself didn’t really pick up until they started throwing in all the pro-wrestling elements, such as the factions getting involved and both Takagi and Khan resorting to strikes. I do appreciate that Takagi now has a submission in his moveset, that half nelson sleeper is a pretty good answer to Okada’s Money Clip.

And good closing promo from both Takagi and Okada, in which I appreciate that Takagi appreciates Okada keeping things to a traditional singles match. Okada doesn’t want NJPW returning to a Two Belt Top Champ era, the very thing that gave us the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship in the first place, and so that is how things will go. As great as Takagi is, Okada only just got the world title back, so Okada isn’t giving it up. And Takagi can still continue on past New Beginning to defend the KOPW title against whoever in whatever stipulations that they can come up with. Though Takagi may have to try really hard to come up with new stuff, the MMA Rules match probably one won because we already saw the First to 30 Count.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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