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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/24/23)

It’s a Championship Summit!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

The Prodigy goes face-to-face-to-face with her challengers!

Before battling in a Triple Threat over the NXT Women’s Championship, Roxanne Perez will meet with Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne for a Championship Summit! Will things stay civil? Or will tonight be Toxic?


  • Tiffany Stratton VS Indi Hartwell; Stratton wins.
  • JD McDonagh VS Andre Chase w/ Chase U; McDonagh wins.
  • Fallon Henley & Kiana James w/ Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley; Fallon & Kiana win.
  • The Creed Brothers VS Drew Gulak & Hank Walker; The Creed Brothers win.
  • Wendy Choo VS Elektra Lopez; Lopez wins.
  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Alba Fyre & ???; Carter & Chance win and retain the titles.


Grayson Waller had an Instagram story.

The 21st Century Success Story wanted to have some fun on Monday with “Bland Breakker,” so he went to the Performance Center to talk trash and find the NXT Champion. NXT Anonymous was also watching as Waller called out Bron. Trainers and trainees told Waller to stand down but Waller kept barking. Then he started throwing water bottles! Bron stormed out after Waller, and more cams caught the brawl that broke down! Waller and Bron were separated for just a moment before getting at each other again! It took everyone in the PC to get these two to stop, will tonight be even more explosive?


Tiffany Stratton VS Indi Hartwell!

O M G, the Center of the Universe is back, couldn’t you just die? Well, maybe Tiffany will at least get her head on straight after #IndiWrestling gets through with her! Will the comeback be done before it even begins?

Indi BOOTS Tiffany off the apron! And then bumps her off the apron! Indi puts Tiffany in the ring, the bell rings, and Tiffany wants a timeout but Indi RAMS her into the corner! And again, and again! The ref counts, Indi lets off but then snapmares Tiffany. Tiffany stagger sup into another snapmare. And then into a DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Indi keeps on Tiffany but Tiffany apologizes. Tiffany offers a handshake, fans boo, but Indi grabs that hand to throw Tiffany down by it! Indi then stomps the hand and fans fire up! Tiffany shakes out her hand, and she YANKS Indi into buckles! Tiffany snarls, but runs into a roll-up! TWO!

Tiffany kicks low, runs in, but is sent right out! Indi drags Tiffany back up, but Tiffany HOTSHOTS the arm! Tiffany then throws Indi down by her hair, and knee-board sentons! Tiffany drags Indi to a cover, TWO! Tiffany is annoyed, she wrenches and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Indi clutches her arm, Tiffany pie faces her around and talks trash. Fans rally for Indi and Indi fires forearms. Tiffany kicks low, HOTSHOTS Indi again, then runs to HIP ATTACK at the ropes! Cover, TWO! Tiffany is annoyed but she drags Indi up for a wrench. Fans rally for Indi as she endures the armlock. Tiffany shifts to a top wristlock to lean on the hold.

Indi fights up as fans rally. But Tiffany wrangles Indi back down! Indi continues to endure, and she fights up again. Tiffany whips Indi to a corner, runs and handsprings, to back elbow! Tiffany wrenches and WRINGS Indi’s arm out! Tiffany keeps moving, DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO! Tiffany keeps on Indi with another top wristlock. Indi fights up, fans rally, but Tiffany wrangles her down again! Indi fights up, fans taunt Tiffany as a “Barbie Reject!” but Tiffany wrangles Indi again. Fans continue to rally for Indi and she fights up again, only for Tiffany to wrangle her down again. Tiffany leans on the hold but Indi endures.

Indi fights up again, and arm-drags free! Indi kicks, CLUBS, and DECKS Tiffany! Indi rallies on Tiffany with big clotheslines! Fans fire up as Indi gets around to SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Indi drags Tiffany back up, throws her through ropes, and then UPEPRCUTS! And BOOTS! Tiffany flops down, Indi drags her back up, and Indi whips Tiffany to a corner,. Tiffany goes up and over but Indi kicks a leg out! Indi then BOOTS Tiffany down! Indi aims from a corner but Tiffany clutches her knee. Fans boo, thinking Tiffany is faking. Indi steps forward but the ref has her stay back. The ref checks Tiffany’s leg, then calls in medics.

Medics hurry out but then Tiffany SUCKER PUNCHES Indi! Fireman’s carry, ROLLING SENTON! Tiffany shrieks then goes up, up and BEST MOONSAULT EVER! Cover, Tiffany wins!

Winner: Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall

Sneaky but effective, and in wrestling, a win is a win. Will Tiffany use trickery on top of her ability to make herself the Center of NXT’s Universe?


Backstage interview with Jacy Jayne.

McKenzie Mitchell notes that last week, Jacy and her tag partner, Gigi Dolin, suffered a loss because Jacy kicked Gigi- Jacy stops McKenzie there. Jacy’s biggest problem isn’t McKenzie pointing out the obvious. It’s calling Gigi Jacy’s partner. You say that was a miscalculation, Jacy calls that an awakening. It was in that moment that Jacy realized she was carrying Gigi on her back in this team! And she is DONE! Check the receipts: Jacy is why Toxic Attraction held onto the Women’s Tag Titles for almost a year. Gigi anchored Jacy down for far too long, and Jacy refuses to let Gigi stop her from becoming the NEW NXT Women’s Champion at Vengeance Day.

Wow, okay. Then what can we expect from tonight’s Championship Summit? “Something you’ve never seen before.” Jacy smirks and heads out, just what could that mean?


The Diamond Mine ramps things up.

Ivy Nile tells Julius & Brutus Creed that in order to prepare them for the long-awaited tag match with Indus Sher, she’s brought in some new training partners. Drew Gulak has Hank Walker and a few of his trainees, and says he is excited to help them. “Iron sharpens iron,” so this will be a mutually beneficial training session for everyone. Hank takes notes as the Creeds grapple with Gulak’s guys, and Ivy coaches them through the drills. Good slam from Brutus, good armlock from Julius. Gulak tells Hank to never make these mistakes.

Training’s done, and Gulak tells “Mike” that when someone gets your leg, you get it free. And if you have someone’s leg, you drive it hard and finish him. Hank wants Gulak to take it easy, but Gulak says HE wants a turn. Who wants some? Julius steps up, so Gulak gives him the advantage. They go around, Julius keeps control, and he even throws Gulak down! Gulak gets mad and shoves Julius! Ivy steps in, Gulak says that was a cheap shot! Gulak isn’t finished with them! Hank gets Gulak to leave, but will the Creeds have more than Sanga & Veer to worry about?


Chase U is in the ring!

Fans are fired up as Professor Andre is at the podium in his best robe. Thea Hail is also in a red graduate robe and Chase says, “Esteemed members of the Chase U student section, distinguished guests, the entire WWE Universe watching at home, and of course, everyone here live in attendance, welcome to the Andre Chase University Awards Ceremony.” Chase says we have assembled here to recognize someone who has worked extremely hard. “This person has excelled in the classroom. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the same success in the ring. BUT! That all changed last week!

“This young lady showed courage and confidence. She looked fear right in the eye, and she didn’t blink. She said, ‘Fear! You don’t scare me, mother-‘” WHOA! Chase, calm down. Fans chant, “That’s not PG!” Chase apologizes, but he’s just so proud. So it his extreme honor and pleasure to present Thea an award for her first victory! Fans cheer and the certificate is handed over. Photo op! Duke gets in on it, too, of course. Thea takes the mic to thank Mr. Chase, and that she loves the fans and the Student Section. Everyone chants, “You Deserve It!” She thanks them for that, and says she loves them all so much!

But wait! JORDAN DEVLIN MCDONAGH is here?! The Irish Ace has the mic to say, “Is this what we’re doing now? Is this how far the standard has slipped? All of this, for ONE win? We’re doing participation awards in NXT now? And you’re cheering for it!?” JD tells Thea that “when you hang around with losers, everyone win means a lot.” Especially with Chase U’s win-loss record. Right, Duke? Fans boo but JD says not to worry about them. They’re just as delusional as Chase U. They stick their hands in the air, the fans chant along, they’re LOSERS! Thea fires up but Duke keeps her back!

Chase tells JD that it’s bad enough that he interrupts Thea’s speech, but they will not let JD drag the good name of Chase U through the mud. This university means the world to Chase, to Thea, and to the fans! But not Duke? Duke didn’t get mentioned. Does Duke love Chase U? JD has some more advice: he’s not some wet-behind-the-ears student. And control your little dog. But Chase can’t curse and yell at JD to get him to run away. JD will end this charade. Get this crap out of JD’s ring. JD is dressed to compete, while Chase is dressed as a moron.

Chase tells JD that “one of the first lessons that I teach to my students, is always be prepared. And if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.” So Chase is gonna give JD an Andre Chase University sized ass-whooping! Chase takes off the robe to reveal he’s dressed to compete, too! And then he DECKS JD! JD gets up, Chase fires off more hands, and he DECKS JD out of the ring! The Irish Ace and the Professor face off, will this be a #TeachableMoment?!

JD McDonagh VS Andre Chase w/ Chase U!

NXT returns and JD hits a BIG back suplex on Chase! Fans boo JD but he soaks up the heat. JD stalks Chase, pushes him to a cover, TWO! JD pushes Chase down again to another cover, TWO! JD throws knees into Chase’s back, then clamps on a chinlock. JD pushes up, it’s practically a Bully Choke. Fans rally as Chase endures, and Chase fights up to power out and get JD in a chinlock! But JD goes around, powers out, and has the chinlock back! But Chase hits a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down! Thea and Duke coach up Chase, and he throws hands on JD! Chase JABS, JABS, blocks a kick, and POLISH HAMMERS!

Chase hits an atomic drop, and then he whips JD to ropes. JD reverses, Chad reverses back to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Fans fire up and spell it out with the stomps! C! H! A! S! E! U! What’s that spell? “CHASE U!” Chase clutches a bad arm and JD gets up. JD swings, but into a SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Chase keeps focus and he drags JD up. Chase brings JD around, reels him in, but JD trips him to a jackknife! TWO as Chase bridges up! Chase spins it around, backslides, TWO! Chase reels JD in but JD back drops free! Chase staggers up, JD storms up and waistlocks, but Chase waistlocks. JD bucks the O’Conner to LARIAT!

JD drags Chase back up, but Chase drops to victory roll! TWO!! JD escapes and Chase staggers back up. Chase throws hands, JD SOBATS! JD yanks Chase up but Chase KNEES JD! JD HEADBUTTS Chase down! Both men fall and fans fire up again! Duke and Thea coach Chase but JD has his arm. Ripcord, DESTROYER from Chase!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! JD survives by a literal foot and Thea is fuming! Chase hears the fans rallying and he hurries to a corner. Chase climbs up, but JD hits the ropes! Chase hits the corner then falls to the mat! Duke is frustrated and he leaves ringside!? JD ripcords for DEVLINSIDE!! Cover, JD wins!!

Winner: JD McDonagh, by pinfall

The Irish Ace wins, and he might’ve been right about Duke! Duke used to bleed red ‘n’ black, but has the blood run dry?


Kiana James and Gina talk backstage.

The Professional Professional Wrestler tells G to tell Comsman and Watts that the meeting could’ve just been an email. Those two have way too much time on their hands. G heads out just as Briggs, Jensen & Fallon walk in. Everything good? Yes, all good. And she’s all warmed up for the match? Yes, ready to go. But Kiana does have a suggestion: she wants to start the match. Oh, really? Well, Kiana doesn’t mind letting Fallon start. Either way, they’ll be a great team. The four head out, will they be in business as a faction?


Fallon Henley & Kiana James w/ Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley!

When it comes to the battle for the bar, that’s water under the bridge. And seeing as how Kiana and Jensen are smitten with each other, Fallon is willing to accept Kiana as a friend. Will they make a good team against the Diamond Mine’s Pitbull & Powerlifter?

The teams sort out and Kiana starts after all. But then Fallon tags in with a boop on the head. They both want to exit the same side, this is already off to a dysfunctional start. Kiana goes the other way and Fallon rushes in, but Ivy waistlocks to drag her down. Ivy floats all over Fallon, facelocks and rolls with her, then goes for an arm. Ivy steps over, drags Fallon down, and has a cover, TWO! Ivy clamps onto the arm, brings Fallon over and tags Tatum. Diamond Mine double wrench, then YANK Fallon down! Fallon staggers up, Tatum runs in but is put on the apron. Tatum ROCKS Fallon, steps up to BOOT, then springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!

Tatum headlocks Fallon but Fallon slips out to headlock back. Tatum powers Fallon back< Kiana tags in as Fallon whips. Tatum ducks one but not the second LARIAT! And the CALF KICK adds on! Kiana and Fallon feel the chemistry now, and Kiana storms up. Tatum elbows Kian away but Kiana stomps and punches and RAMS Tatum! Kiana then handsprings to RAM into Tatum! The ref counts, Kiana lets off, and she brings Tatum around into an abdominal stretch! Tatum endures as Kiana puts on the pressure. Fans rally, Tatum pries free and hip tosses Kiana down! Kiana drags Tatum from Ivy but Tatum boots her away!

Kiana staggers up, Fallon tags in just as Tatum tags Ivy! Ivy KICKS, KICKS and ROUNDHOUSES Fallon, to then run and run Fallon over! Ivy rallies, hip tosses, and fires up! Fans fire up with Ivy and she runs Around the World to CALF KICK! Ivy keeps moving, but Fallon BOOTS back! Fallon scoops Ivy, but Ivy slips free, DIAMOND DRAGON! Kiana distracts the ref, Tatum protests, but the ref has to tell Tatum to back off. This allows Kiana to throw Ivy down! Fans boo and Tatum DECKS Kiana! The ref reprimands Tatum again, Ivy runs, and Kiana trips her up! Fallon runs in to SHINING WIZARD! Kiana anchors Tatum, Fallon covers, Fallon & Kiana win!

Winners: Fallon Henley & Kiana James, by pinfall

It wasn’t exactly on the straight and narrow, but a win is a win! Fallon has the fire while Kiana has the savvy, will this team be on their way to the Women’s Tag titles?


The New Day is jamming backstage.

Xavier Woods drums the belts as he and Kofi Kingston “sing” Burn in My Light. And then they talk about the evolution of Randy Orton. He cut his hair and looked like Mr. Bigglesworth with tattoos. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade walk in and say hey, and also thanks for that opportunity in the tag gauntlet. Woods says they’ve been killing it and have enjoyed seeing them wrestle. Edris says that if that’s good, then maybe they can get a tag title match at some point. But then The Schism walks in… Rip Fowler says the New Day are just the gentlemen they’ve been looking for. Woods says, “Four roots! One tree!” And he points tot he potted plant in the corner.

Rip says if they want to make jokes, keep going. But to why they’re here, the New Day already knows. But that is why next week, it will be the New Day Tag Team Invitational. Raw 30 was huge, so next week should be huge, too! And the winner of next week’s match gets to join The New Day, Gallus and Pretty Deadly at Vengeance Day for a FATAL 4 WAY! How ’bout that? Now, go on, get. The New Day’s got things to do. And by “things,” they “sing” Voices.


Bron Breakker arrives!

The NXT Champion has just arrived at NXT Arena, what will his response to Grayson Waller’s antics be?


Apollo Crews is at the barbershop!

That’s right! If Trick Melo Gang can copy them being at the diner, they’ll return the favor by visiting Cut Wiz. Apollo says this is a dope spot, he sees why Melo comes here. Josh the barber thanks Apollo for that, but says Melo won’t appreciate Apollo coming through here. Why not? Just saying… Oh, is it because Apollo got one on Melo after Melo got one on him? Well it isn’t one and done for Apollo VS Melo, or for that title. And then uh oh! Melo & Trick show up! Hey, what the hell is Apollo doing in Melo’s chair?! The chair was open. Melo is fed up. Everyone else is tense but Melo calms down and says he just wants to talk.

Apollo says he is starting to see it on Melo’s face. Melo is realizing that no matter what he does, he can’t get rid of Apollo. That Apollo is always gonna be on Melo’s radar. And Apollo understands Melo’s aspirations, passion and desire, because Apollo is the same. Two men, one spot. Melo says what he is realizing is that it must be tough for Apollo to look at him. Not really, but go on. Melo says it must be like looking at a younger, better, more athletic Apollo from five years ago. Listen, Apollo go the call-up early, and that’s great, but look where he is now. He’s back in NXT, and so close to getting what he wants. But he has the biggest and brightest in his way, and Melo is him.

So go ahead, have a vision. Tell Melo that the NXT title doesn’t look great around Melo’s waist. Apollo says that’s true. It does look good! But it looks better on Apollo! Gottee! Man, guys, c’mon! Sorry… But Melo says that means nothing. He beat Apollo already! Does Apollo think they’re going tit for tat? Cuz Melo will go TAT TAT TAT! That’s all it is, and that’s all it’s all it’s gonna be. Apollo says they’re 1-1, so they settle this once and for all at Vengeance Day, in BEST 2 OUTTA 3 FALLS! Whoa…! Yo, chill. Melo agrees to the terms. But Melo is telling Apollo right now, he gets #MoneyMelo. Apollo will be reminded that he is the past, and Melo is the present.

Apollo says the funny thing about the past is that it can always predict the future. See you in Charlotte. Apollo heads out, will Melo hit his shot twice? Or will he get blocked and dunked on?


The Creed Brothers VS Drew Gulak & Hank Walker!

That training session earlier got heated, but now things might explode in the ring! Will Julius & Brutus be razor sharp for facing Indus Sher? Or will the iron that gets sharpened belong to the Philly Stretcher and his student?

The teams sort out and Gulak starts against Julius. Gulak uses a drop step to test the waters, but Julius is ready. Julius tackles Gulak, waistlocks and SLAMS Gulak down! Fans applaud and Julius keeps the rear mount. Gulak moves around, Julius keeps control, and he hits that same trip takedown! Fans fire up but Gulak is frustrated. Gulak drop toeholds, headlocks, but Julius fights up. Gulak wrenches, grinds the arm, steps over and La Magistrols, TWO! Gulak keeps on the arm and talks some trash. Julius fights up but Hank tags in. Fans rally for Hank as he wrenches and RAMS Julius. Hank grinds the arm but Julius fights up.

Julius and Hank go around, Julius turns the armlock around, but Hank arm-drags free! And arm-drags again! Hank has a top wristlock but Julius fights up. Julius fireman’s carry takeovers, tags to Brutus, and feed to the fireman’s carry takeover! Brutus grinds the arm, and feeds Hank to Julius’ fireman’s carry takeover! Julius then tags back in, and the cycle begins anew! Hank fights up, whips Julius away, and he runs Julius over! Hank drags Julius up to tag in Gulak and Hank fireman’s carries. Hank spins and Gulak runs to sucker punch Brutus! Hank lets Julius down from the airplane spin so Gulak can CLOBBER him!

Gulak and Hank high-five and Hank is all fired up as NXT goes picture in picture. The Creeds regroup on the outside, and Julius stands back up. Gulak is waiting as Julius slides back in. Gulak facelocks to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Gulak keeps on Julius, tags in Hank, and Hank wrenches the arm to RAM shoulders. Hank wrenches again to RAM the shoulder again. Hank grinds the shoulder, wrenches again, then RAMS a third time! Cover, TWO! Hank facelocks and drags Julius over to tag in Gulak. They mug Julius, but Julius tackles Gulak! Gulak counters with a triangle hold, but Julius deadlifts Gulak! Julius goes to the corner and tags in Brutus!

Julius bumps Gulak off buckles, Brutus headlocks but Gulak turns that around on him. Brutus powers up but can’t power out as Gulak holds on tight. But then Brutus powers up more and THROWS Gulak away! Gulak is stunned as he and Brutus stare down. They both run in and Brutus runs Gulak over! Brutus scoops Gulak to SLAM him! And then Brutus whips Gulak to a corner. Gulak tumbles up and out, ROCKS Brutus with a forearm, then climbs up for a FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Cover, TWO! Gulak clamps onto an arm to grind Brutus down. Brutus endures, fights up, but Gulak brings him over. Tag to Hank and they mug Brutus.

Hank whips Brutus into the corner, runs in and SPLASHES! Tag to Gulak, and they mug Brutus more. Gulak CLUBS Brutus down, then stomps him down! Gulak talks trash to Julius, then throws hands on Brutus. Gulak sits Brutus up to clamp on a chinlock. Brutus endures as Gulak leans on the hold. Brutus fights up, NXT returns to single picture, but Gulak DECKS Brutus! Gulak eggs Brutus on, DECKS him again, then DECKS him again! Fans rally for Brutus as Gulak hopes Hank is taking notes. But Brutus shoots around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Brutus snarls, and he SMASHES Gulak! Brutus rains down those hammering fists and fans chants, “BRUTUS SMASH!”

Gulak gets away, then DROPKICKS Brutus! And hits a DDT! Both men are down and fans rally up. Gulak and Brutus crawl, hot tags to Hank and Julius! Julius fires off haymakers on Hank, whips him, but Hank reverses. Hank blocks a kick, but the DRAGON WHIP comes in! Julius rallies with big forearms, Gulak runs in but into an EXPLODER! Hank gets up, he gets a POWERSLAM! Julius tags Brutus and then STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Brutus STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! The Creeds are frustrated that going airborne doesn’t do it. Fans rally as Brutus drags Hank back. Hank BOOTS Brutus away!

Hot tag to Gulak! Gulak BOOTS Brutus, then goes up a corner. But Brutus grabs Gulak and drags him off the corner with double underhooks! Fans fire up as Brutus carries Gulak over and Julius tags in. Julius runs, LEAP FROG FACEBUSTER COMBO! Cover, Hank breaks it! Fans rally for Hank while all four men are down! The Creeds regroup and Julius CLUBS Gulak. Gulak HEADBUTTS back! Julius forearms, Gulak throws a haymaker! They go back and forth, shot for shot, and Gulak headlocks! Tag to Hank, he and Gulak hand off Julius for another fireman’s carry! Gulak runs, but Brutus gets in to POUNCE Gulak!

Julius slips free, waistlocks but Hank bucks the O’Conner! Scoop and FACEBUSTRE, to a WHEELBARROW BOMB! ARMBAR!! Fans fire up as Hank has the arm but Julius clasps hands and rolls things to a cover! TWO, and Hank pulls harder on the arm! Julius kicks around, fights to another cover, TWO! Hank lets Julius go, but Julius comes back, into a KNEE! Julius staggers, Brutus tags in! Brutus whips Hank but Hank reverses to get a SLEEPER! Brutus slips free, shoves, runs the ropes, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” as both men crawl! But then Charlie Dempsey appears!

Gulak is distracted by the Son of the Gentleman Villain. Hank wants a tag but Gulak tells him to get on Brutus. Julius tags in, runs in, but into an elbow! Hank BOOTS Julius, and then he aims for a kick. Julius blocks that to clinch and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Tag to Brutus, and Julius puts Hank in a corner. Julius whips  Hank out for Brutus to BRUTUS BALL!! Cover, Julius intercepts Gulak, the Creeds win!

Winners: The Creed Brothers, by pinfall

Dempsey didn’t interfere directly, but the damage was done! Hank apologizes to Gulak and they head out, will Gulak actually follow his own teachings and keep focus next time?

As for the Diamond Mine, Ivy joins the Creeds as they get the mics. Julius tells Ivy that he can’t speak for Brutus, but he knows he can be a pain in the ass. He’s stubborn, hard-headed, takes everything personal, and always have a chip on his shoulder. Ivy is smiling, and Julius knows his coaches, friends and family are, too. They know it’s true, but that’s how Julius has to be to be the best version of himself. These last few months haven’t been the best. There have been trials and tribulations, some hard times, but Ivy still stuck by the Creeds, so he thanks her for setting them straight.

Brutus also thanks Ivy. She could’ve walked away, especially when they were jerks. But she didn’t, so thanks for that. And actually, she inspired them to be the old Creeds, the ones that won the NXT Tag Team Championships! Julius says that’s right. Fans chant for the Creeds and Julius says that they’re not just the best- Wait! Here comes Indus Sher! Veer, Sanga and Jinder walk down the ramp, but Jinder stops them at ringside. Jinder “congratulates” the Creeds for once again becoming the Creeds. But Jinder says his “brothers” are sick and tired of waiting around to earn respect. And now, with the Modern Day Maharaja by their side, they are TAKING respect!

Next week, we find out who the Creeds really are! Indus Sher is 100%, The Creed Brothers are 100%, so next week, Indus Sher VS Creeds goes down! Jinder dares them to accept the challenge! The Creeds look to Ivy, and IVY says, “You’re on!” The score will finally be settled, who will prove they are the best tag team in NXT?


Backstage interview with Gigi Dolin.

McKenzie notes Jacy’s comments earlier, and Gigi says she heard. Yeah, she’s surprised, but not shocked. Jacy’s “always the first with something to say, always the first to cast her stone. Jacy Jayne is a bad person, plain and simple.” But for the longest time, they were- Gigi stops McKenzie to say they are NOTHING alike. Do you understand? Gigi might be a little… dark… But what is she holding here? A rose… Yes. And what are these sharp things here? Thorns. Very good! And thorns can be very dangerous when you’re distracted by the petals. But they’re not hiding, either.

So Jacy can say whatever the hell she wants, Gigi has nothing to hide. And Gigi cannot wait to give Jacy a piece of her mind! Gigi storms off, will those thorns come back to bite Jacy?


Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo arrive at a restaurant.

The Don and new underboss, Stacks, have their private room all ready for them. This is the big time now. They sit down and Tony says the family couldn’t be happier about Stacks’ promotion. And sending the macaroons and cannolies, that was a nice touch. Of course. But look, the streets are talking. And Tony doesn’t have to tell Stacks that the first step is the most important act. Stacks knows that, and he wants to make a big impact, against the biggest guy he can find. Stacks thinks he can do that? He knows he can. So does Tony. The manager says everything is all set, and passes along the word that AJ is thankful for them helping him down at the track.

Stacks thanks the manager, the manager thanks Tony, and Tony is impressed. Stacks says he does what he can do. To the Don! Nah, to the Underboss. Salud. They toast and drink up, but just who will Stacks pick out to take down in his first move?


Wendy Choo VS Elektra Lopez!

Speaking of scores to settle, the Queen of Comfy Style owes La Madrina for that pillow pull that took her out of the battle royal! Will Wendy win her way back up the ladder? Or will Lopez prove what she’s capable of all on her own?

NXT returns and Lopez makes her entrance. It seems she invited Valentina Feroz to watch ringside, but where is she? The bell rings, Lopez and Wendy tie up, and Lopez puts Wendy against the ropes. The ref counts, Lopez lets off, and then dares Wendy to step up. They tie up again, and Lopez throws Wendy down! Lopez says this is a grown woman’s business, and Wendy doesn’t belong! But Wendy shoots around to waistlock! Lopez throws Wendy off but Wendy comes back. Lopez gut wrench suplexes Wendy away! Wendy flops out of the ring, and Feroz shows up now per the invitation. Lopez says watch and learn!

Lopez goes out, pie faces Wendy, then grabs the body pillow! Lopez swings, Wendy moves, and BOOKER T takes the full brunt of the pillow! Lopez ROCKS Wendy while fans boo, and Lopez pushes Wendy into the ring. Lopez drags Wendy up, scoops, but Wendy slips free to roll her up! TWO, and Lopez swings, but into a backslide! ONE, and Lopez kicks low. Lopez whips but Wendy dropkicks! Wendy arm-drags Lopez, then runs side to side to BOOT Lopez in the corner! Wendy pushes Lopez out, to then CORSSBODY! But Lopez catches Wendy for a SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Feroz seems a bit impressed as Lopez CHOKES and THRASHES Wendy on the ropes!

Lopez throws Wendy down, then runs to LARIAT! Lopez drops an elbow, covers, TWO! Lopez keeps on Wendy with a body scissors squeeze! Fans rally as Wendy endures and pries at the hold. Wendy pushes back to a cover, TWO! Lopez holds on, then pulls Wendy’s hair! The ref reprimands, Lopez lets go at 4, but she keeps on with the squeeze. Wendy still endures and fans still rally. Wendy pries the body scissors open, and elbows Lopez away! Lopez swings, but Wendy counter punches! And again! And then body shot, KICK, and LARIAT! Fans fire up as Wendy rallies with forearms! Wendy whips, Lopez reverses, and runs in, into an ELBOW!

Wendy goes up and SLEEPY CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up with Wendy, but Lopez brings out brass knuckles from a buckle pad! Wendy handsprings in as Feroz tells the ref! Lopez DECKS Wendy with the knuckles! Cover, Lopez wins!

Winner: Elektra Lopez, by pinfall

Feroz tried to do the right thing but it didn’t change the outcome! Lopez gets another win, will she show Feroz that that is the only thing that matters?


Briggs and Fallon talk backstage.

Is she happy? Yeah, she’s happy. She isn’t sure how they managed it, but they won. Yeah! They work great together! Jensen walks over to congratulate Fallon, and says Kiana is “happier than grits on gravy.” They were like Farooq & Bradshaw! The boys couldn’t be prouder. Fallon says that now that she and Kiana smoothed things over, what’s next for the boys? Jensen took care of it. Kiana & Fallon did so well, Jensen went to HBK with an idea, and HBK’s for it! Whoa, Jensen went to Shawn Michaels’ office? Yeah, he was nervous enough to piss a whole river, but hey! At Vengeance Day, Fallon & Kiana will fight for… the NXT WOMEN’S TAG TEAM TITLES!

Briggs is fired up! But Fallon is mad?! Jensen did this without asking her! This was supposed to be one and done! But they did amazing, and Fallon said that she’d do anything for Jensen, right? Yeah, but- But this is the biggest opportunity of your career! Fallon, just think about it. Fallon says she just got blindsided. She’s gonna need a minute. Fallon leaves, the boys are confused, but will Fallon see sense?


Grayson Waller arrives!

He’s still feeling good after the trouble he started yesterday, but now that he’s in the NXT Arena, will Bron come back to finish what Waller started?


Feroz and Lopez talk backstage.

Lopez tells Feroz that “it doesn’t matter how you win, as long as you win.” But Feroz says Lopez just plays dirty. And honestly, Feroz doesn’t think she can do that to Wendy. And why is that? Well, Feroz is Wendy’s friend- Okay, hold on, Valentina. “Dirty” gets the job done, and no one is gonna do the job for you. So you can keep your friends, while Lopez will keep on winning. Lopez heads out and Feroz isn’t sure what to do.


Backstage interview with Stevie Turner.

McKenzie thinks the Four Dimensional Superstar is skipping this time, but Stevie comes in via tron! Oh, McKenzie thought Stevie would be on set for this. Uh, she is. Her set. No, like here in person. Well, anyway, Stevie got her chat to do McKenzie’s job for her, and they have some great questions for her to answer. Superchat from NTD1987: “Hey, Stevie, when can we expect you in the ring?” Solid question, NTD! Next week will be Stevie’s NXT debut! That’s big news! Who will be her opponent? Stevie moves on to the next question, cuz the Superchats are coming in fast ‘n’ furious! PhillyKirsh asks, “Who are you most looking forward to facing?”

Great question, Kirsh! And of course, Stevie would love to face the champion, Roxanne Perez. But uh, Stevie has a feeling Roxie won’t have that title past Vengeance Day. See, McKenzie? This was a much better way to do an interview. And next week, the “humdrum world of NXT gets dragged kickin’ and screamin’ into the future by yours truly. Oh, I hear Grayson Waller’s music. McKenzie, see you next week.” Stevie signs off, will she be the one going viral in her NXT in-ring debut? And speaking of…


Grayson Waller heads to the ring!

The 21st Century Success Story is in a fuzzy pink jacket as he gest a mic. Waller says no time for games! “Where you at, Bron? Yesterday, I punked you out in front of the entire Performance Center! I had you shakin’, lad! No fear, no hesitation. I showed the world I’m tougher than you, and I’m tougher than everyone in this building!” So where’s Bron tonight? No stress, there’s no steel plate under this jacket. Just Waller’s NXT title as the uncrowned champ!  So where is Bron? Does he need daddy to bark three times before he’s allowed to come to ringside? Bron is watching backstage, but he snarls, grabs his NXT Championship, and heads for gorilla!

Waller says the countdown is on! 11 days until Waller is the UNDISPUTED NXT Champion! People acting like Waller should be scared to get in a cage with Bron, but let’s flip that script. Bron should be afraid of getting in a cage with Waller! But here comes Bron! Superstars and security alike tell him not to, but too late! Waller says Bron needs to win this match. Because if he doesn’t, it’ll haunt him for the rest of his life! Every meal, every gym session, every time he brushes his teeth, Bron will remember Waller’s face. So Waller says it is time to get their phones out. He smells that do coming!

Waller says yesterday, he created a viral moment. Tonight, he creates one more! No one is stopping Waller, and it seems no one is able to stop Bron! The sirens sound, the lights flash, and here comes THE NXT Champion! He DECKS security and rushes to the ring! He TACKLES Waller! Superstars rush in to stop this, we get all kinds of angles from the NXT camera crew, and fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” Waller slips out the side, eggs Bron on, and Bron goes out after him! The brawl is on at the ramp! Bron’s shirt has been ripped away but he still wants after Waller! Bron and Waller shove people away, Bron runs in, but Waller sends the SPEAR through the barriers!

Fans lose their minds, and even Waller is surprised! Then Waller smirks. Medics check on Bron but Waller swaggers away as he holds up his title. Will Waller exceed going viral and go gold with Vengeance Day’s title match?


Gallus is at the bar.

They play some billiards, and Mark Coffey says it’s a shame there’s not a proper Glasgow pub to get a drink. Wolfgang agrees, it’s just not the same. But they’re here for a big score. The Gallus firm is going to keep their eyes on the prize: the tag title match at Vengeance Day. But they’re having a hard time getting by on the watered down beer. But on February 4th, Gallus will show three tag teams what everyone back home in Scotland, everyone in the UK, and everyone in Europe already knows: Gallus Boys On Top! They toast to that, but who will join them, the New Day and Pretty Deadly to make their Triple Threat into a Fatal 4 Way?


NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Alba Fyre & ???

KC Squared kept the Fire Keeper from burning her own career down when she had a referee held down by a steel baseball bat. But then she lashed out at them and demanded this match, even though she has no tag partner! With the winners going to Vengeance Day, will Fyre burn down the reign to have some gold again? Or will Carter & Chance bring the party to Charlotte, North Carolina?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if Fyre can defy the odds she stacked against herself!

The team sorts out, and Carter starts against Fyre. They circle, but then SOL RUCA appears? She’s volunteering to be Fyre’s partner? Fyre says fine, she can do what she wants. Fyre and Carter tie up, go around, and Carter arm-drags Fyre away. Carter smirks as she and Fyre circle. Fyre kicks low, Gory Especials, but Carter slips free to sunset flip! Fyre drags her up to CLOBBER her! Fans rally for Fyre but Carter kicks her away. And then EDDY GORDO KICKS her down! Tag to Chance, they whip, trip and basement dropkick to a slingshot senton! Cover, TWO! Chance facelocks, brings Fyre around and Carter tags in. Carter rolls Fyre up, TWO!

Fyre kicks low, throws Carter down by her hair, then CLUBS away on her! Fyre is fuming and Sol isn’t sure what’s with her. Fyre drags Carter up, but Carter JAWBREAKERS! Sol tags in, reels Carter into a headlock, but Carter powers out. Sol runs Carter over, things speed up and Sol handstand walks over Carter! Carter runs in, Sol hurdles over but Carter leaps over Sol! Fans cheer but things keep moving. Carter headlocks Sol but Sol switches that onto Carter. Carter powers out, Sol handsprings through the hip toss to do the splits into a STUNNER! Carter flops out of the ring and fans fire up with Sol!

Fyre smirks, she is impressed by Sol. But then Fyre grimaces as Chance hurries over. Fyre kicks Chance and RAMS her into steel steps! Sol is still unsure what to make of Fyre’s aggression, but this does put them in control as NXT goes picture in picture.

Fyre smirks as she looms over Carter, but Sol goes out to put Carter in the ring. Sol drags Carter up, brings her over, and Fyre tags in. They mug Carter, then Fyre throws Carter right back out! Fyre goes out to stomp Carter, then whips her hard into the apron! And then smacks her off the announce desk! Fyre fires off forearms, then brings Carter around, only for Carter to RAM her into the apron! They both get in the ring, Fyre grabs Carter’s leg, but Carter kicks her away again. Sol tags in, she hurries to lift Carter, but Carter sunset flips! Sol stays up to stomp but Carter dodges to leg sweep! And EDDY GORDO KICK!

Carter and Sol both crawl, hot tag to Chance! Carter gives Chance the boost to SEATED SENTON Sol down! Cover, TWO! Chance stays between Sol and Fyre, brings Sol up, but sol TOSSES Chance away! Sol rushes in, Chance BOOTS her, then goes up to CROSSBODY! But Sol catches Chance to SLAM her! Cover, TWO! Sol clamps on with a rear bearhug but Chance endures the squeeze. Sol SLAMS Chance back down and leans on the hold. Chance endures, fights up, but Sol wrangles her back down. NXT returns to single picture as fans rally and duel. Chance fights up, throws elbows, but Sol back suplexes! Chance lands on her feet, but Sol trophy lifts her!

Chance slips free of that, slides under Sol and ENZIGURIS her down! Hot tags to Fyre and Carter! Carter dodges Fyre to DECK Sol, then she DECKS Fyre! Carter DECKS Sol away, whips Fyre into her, then runs in to SANDWICH them in the corner! Fyre falls, Carter runs in, DROP-SPLASH! Fans fire up with Carter and she waits on Fyre. Fyre rises, Carter runs in to BOOT WASH at the ropes! Tag to Chance, she goes up top as Carter puts Fyre in the ropes. DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO! Chance drags Fyre up but Fyre throws body shots. Fyre whips, Chance holds ropes and BOOTS! Carter sneaks the tag, then HEEL KICK TABLE TOP COMBO!

Carter drags Fyre into position, and then Chance rolls to go up onto Carter’s shoulders?! Then ELECTRIC CHAIR SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Fyre survives and KC Squared grows frustrated. Carter drags Fyre up, whips her but Fyre reverses to HOOK KICK! Fyre BLASTS Chance, spins Carter around and suplexes, GOURD BUSTER! Tag to Sol and she springboard SPLASHES! Cover, Chance breaks it! Fyre kicks Chance but Chance throws Fyre out! Fyre drags Chance out but Chance kicks her away! Chance slingshots to RANA Fyre into steel steps! Sol is distracted by that, and turns around into a wheelbarrow ROLLING FACEBUSTER!

Sol sits up, into a SUPERKICK! Sol staggers up, into another SUPERKICK! Tag to Chance, she goes up top as Carter turns Sol, HIGHLIGHT REEL!! Cover, KC Squared win!

Winners: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

The longest reigning Women’s Tag Team Champions continue that historic reign! Longest reign in NXT, longest reign in ALL of the WWE Women’s Tag Division, and now they go to Vengeance Day! Will that reign continue past facing Fallon & Kiana? As for Fyre, she pushes past Sol. To stand beside Isla Dawn?! Is the Wicked Witch going to be Fyre’s new tag partner? But then speaking of Kiana & Fallon, they appear at the perch! They congratulate the champs, and Fallon said she thought about it. She and Kiana WILL see them at Vengeance Day! KC Squared raises the belts, they’re ready to party! But will February 4th be the night the music dies?


Wes Lee finds Dijak.

#HardJustice says he’s surprised. He didn’t think Wes had the balls to show up. Wes says he’s heard that before. But you gotta have a pair to hold the North American Championship. Dijak tells Wes not to get cute. This is the champ’s last chance to simply hand the title over. Wes says holding onto the title may be stupid, because handing it over could save him a lot of pain. Because clearly, Dijak isn’t back in NXT just to talk. But see, Wes has made stupid decisions his entire life. He was stupid enough to think that “a kid from Dayton, Ohio could break into this business, let alone travel the world doing it.”

Wes was stupid enough to risk everything just to get to the WWE! Stupid enough to battle tooth and nail against himself and some of the best NXT superstars just to become champion. Those “stupid decisions” made Wes the champion he is today. And Wes is “stupid enough” that when the people chant his name, Wes feels like he can overcome anything, and anyone. So no, Dijak, Wes is going to keep the title. Dijak doesn’t have to like it, but he damn sure will respect it. “Protect ya neck! I’ll see you in Charlotte.” Wes heads out, and Dijak says, “Unfortunately for you, Mr. Lee, I don’t deal in sob stories. I deal in justice!” Will the Must-See Kid face that “justice” and lose it all?


Backstage interview with Cora Jade.

McKenzie apologizes, but Cora wasn’t on set so she came to find her. Cora says of course, she is the star, not McKenzie. They do things on Cora’s time, not McKenzie’s. Yes, that seems to be a theme tonight. But McKenzie wants to ask about Cora’s issue with Lyra Valkyria and how it’s only getting bigger and bigger. Cora says Lyra is “going to be an integral part of the NXT Women’s Division. But Lyra needs to learn her place. And I’ll happily be the one to teach her that lesson. No matter how great that bird brain is, she’s not better than me, nor will she ever be better than me. Move.”

McKenzie steps aside so Cora can open her locker. But inside is a black feather! This is what Cora was talking about!  Lyra’s the new girl, but she’s going and putting stuff in Cora’s locker! Vic Joseph then patches in to tell McKenzie that something’s going down outside! McKenzie interrupts Cora’s rant so that she can go outside. And it seems that, as the women’s roster moves aside, Nikkita Lyons is down, clutching her bad leg! Indi asks what happened, as does Lyra. Zoey Stark is spotted walking away, did The Hunter attack Lyons again? Why is the NXT parking lot such a dangerous place?!


Chase and Thea talk backstage.

Chase says Duke is selfish, while Thea says she just doesn’t understand. Duke walks in and Chase asks where the BLEEP he went. He walked out on the entire university tonight! Duke says he did not. Okay, yes, he walked out, but not- IS THERE A POINT TO THIS?! Duke says Mr. Chase is an inspiration! And even though that video was taken completely out of context, Duke knows Chase doesn’t trust Duke. So yes, Duke left ringside, but he went to HBK’s office. He demanded that Duke & Chase be part of the New Day Tag Team Invitational to get another shot at the Tag Team titles! Wait, what did HBK say?

Good question. He said… “Talk to the New Day.” So then what? So then… Duke went and talked to the New Day. And what did they say?! They said… they love Chase U’s architecture, and that the science department- DUKE! To the point! Duke shakes his head, and then says “WE’RE IN!” YES!! Thea hops on Duke and Chase shakes Duke’s hand! Duke still bleeds red ‘n’ black, but will he and Chase be going to Charlotte, North Carolina for the biggest opportunity in their careers?


Booker T is in the ring!

The table is set, and Jacy and Gigi are both already there, sitting at opposite ends. Booker asks everyone if they’re ready for this Championship Summit. The challengers are here, so Booker introduces the NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne PERRRREZ~! Roxie makes her entrance, takes the seat in the middle of the table, and Booker sits down with her. No disrespect to the champ, but Booker starts with the challengers. Gigi first. Gigi is sure Jacy would love to start, though. Probably sitting on some “witty pun” she’s got. So go ahead, Jacy, go tell everyone how great she is! Jacy says everyone already knows that!

Jacy says the people have watched her carry Gigi through everything for a year-and-a-half! That kick last week was an accident, but now! Jacy wishes it wasn’t. Jacy admits that Gigi is good. But from the day they signed their contracts, Jacy had Gigi on her back and dragged her to success! The merchandise, the wins, if not for Jacy, Gigi would just be “another YouTube sensation, one hit wonder, living on the independent scene!” Roxie and Booker muffle their laughter while Gigi fires back! Jacy is just about Jacy! Gigi loves this external confidence Jacy has. When the cameras are on, Jacy can conquer the world! She’s a rock star with the resumé.

But what the world doesn’t know is that behind those curtains, Jacy is the most insecure person Gigi has ever met! And Gigi wasn’t gonna bring this up, but why not since we’re all shooting from the hip. Jacy gets so nervous before her matches, she has to puke up in a bucket! There’s one with her name on it right by the door. Jacy says, “MY insecurities?” Does Gigi have a funhouse mirror? Nothing Gigi says is true because Gigi is just a pathological liar! Oh? Then who is gonna hold Jacy’s hair back when she’s puking her guts out at Vengeance Day while Gigi is holding up the title? Booker says, “SHUCKY DUCKY QUACK QUACK~!”

Booker has the others calm down so Roxie can say what she thinks. Roxie says she’s enjoying the hell out of this. Jacy and Gigi have thrown insults at every single woman in the locker room. They made fun of everyone’s personalities, looks, and work, everything. Not to mention, they’ve made Roxie’s life a living hell. So it’s so good to see they’re making each other feel the way they have every single woman. “Karma is a toxic bitch!” Fans like that one! Roxie thought it was gonna be a handicap match but it looks like it’ll be a real Triple Threat. And while the odds are still against her, she will still walk in and walk out the champ.

But Gigi says that’s where Roxie is wrong. Roxie loves to walk around like she’s such a big deal. But she will make history at Vengeance Day, by being the shortest reigning NXT Women’s Champion of all time! “But the funny thing is, I don’t even have to beat you. I can pin YOU (Jacy)!” Jacy says the same thing back to Gigi! And if history says anything, that’s not that hard to do. Jacy would like to amend that saying of theirs, “It’s Toxic Attraction and then there’s everyone else.” Now it’s “There’s Jacy Jayne, then you two, and everybody else.” Gigi says of course Jacy holds onto Toxic Attraction! It’s the only thing that made Jacy relevant!!

And just like Jacy is the third wheel of that group, she’s the third wheel in this match! Gigi and Jacy get up, get in each other’s face, but Booker wants them to calm down. Roxie smiles as she holds up the belt, but then Toxic Attraction smiles. They grab Roxie and SMACK her off the desk! They mug Roxie 2v1! They stomp her down, then drag her back up for a DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER through the table!! It was a Toxic TRAP! Jacy & Gigi both hold up the title! Will NXT be toxic again, no matter who pins Roxie?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT here, and they’re really adding a lot to Vengeance Day! Great tie-in of the social media promo from Waller, Bron and pretty much everyone in NXT, and then great follow-up here tonight. That was a clearly gimmicked barrier, but that was still a great move to have Bron go busting through something like that. Waller is standing tall, and there’s still the go-home, I have a feeling they are still keeping the title on Bron. A shame because Waller is that great of a Heel, but maybe they just want Bron to have his first title win on the road since Stand & Deliver last year. Maybe the title change happens at this year’s Stand & Deliver so Bron can move on to RawDown after WrestleMania.

Great opening match from Indi and Tiffany, but of course Tiffany wins that with some cheating. Great stuff in the story of Fallon and Kiana, and great way of booking a Face and a Heel winning together. Jensen also getting them that tag title match for Vengeance Day was a rather sudden escalation of the story, I thought they’d drag this out towards Stand & Deliver. But we also got a good tag title match out of KC Squared, Fyre, and surprisingly Sol. But at the same time, Sol does make sense given her part in Fyre’s story. But since it wasn’t Isla Dawn as Fyre’s partner, it makes sense Fyre loses to then join Dawn. Maybe Fyre & Dawn will be the team to win the tag titles at Stand & Deliver to send KC Squared on to RawDown.

Great promo of New Day, Schism and Malik & Edris. That’s pretty big that they’re upping the ante on the Vengeance Day NXT Tag Team Championship match. And great stuff with Chase U, from the little bit of awards ceremony that JD interrupted to the match of JD VS Chase. Duke walking away to then come back with a spot in that tag title contender’s match is big, and the go-home could make or break Duke being Chase U 4 Life or not. For that matter, maybe Duke & Chase actually win, and then that make-or-break moment is a major part of the title match at Vengeance Day. At the same time, Schism being Grizzled Young Veterans, they’ve wanted those titles for so long, but so have Malik & Edris, they could all have a big moment at Vengeance Day.

Speaking of that match, decent promo from Gallus, but it feels like Mark’s accent has gotten heavier in his time away. I hope if nothing else, Joe Coffey shows up to try and help Gallus win. That’d be a big way for him to return, and maybe, just maybe, spurs on the return of Big E to at least being on screen and supporting ya bois. Good promo from Apollo, Melo and Trick in the barbershop, and wow, best 2 outta 3? That’s big, and that will go a long way to making Melo a clear contender to the title for Stand & Deliver. Really good stuff from Diamond Mine and all connected parties. Gulak’s story with Dempsey giving the Creeds a win was good, but so was Jinder & Indus Sher making the tag match we were meant to get before a thing now. Can’t wait for that next week, that’ll be good stuff.

Decent match from Lopez and Wendy, but of course Lopez cheats Wendy. But as I said last week, we’ll definitely get to the point where Feroz and Lopez become a team, much like Kiana and Fallon have. Good promo from Tony and Stacks, and I can’t be sure who Stacks is going to face when he already faced one of the biggest and baddest in Dijak. Maybe Von Wagner? Could Von Wagner’s next feud be with The D’Angelo Family? What even? Speaking of, good promo from Dijak and Wes to hype up their title match. I’m pretty sure Wes will win that, as great as Dijak is, and then Wes can face another big name at Stand & Deliver.

Good promo from Stevie Turner, and though her being a streamer is a weird choice, I appreciate having her basically video chat so she doesn’t have to leave her streaming studio. Stevie will definitely win her in-ring return, I just hope they don’t play her gimmick up in the match. Unless they do it with a chat box on the tron where “viewers” are commenting on what they see. Good promo from Cora to call out Lyra, and then a decent whodunnit in the parking lot with Lyons being attacked. The obvious culprit is Lyons but it could be anyone with a lot of random female superstars spotted in the area.

And really good stuff out of the NXT Women’s Championship story. Jacy and Gigi each had a good promo, and they made it sound like the duo was done, which is part of why I totally knew they’d pull that swerve on Roxie. They did throw some great insults and “secrets” out in the summit, and I do appreciate Roxie showing a bit more than her usual nice girl personality. But with Toxic Attraction standing tall and touching the belt, they are definitely still going to lose. Roxie will find a way to use them against each other, and then retain the title to head for Stand & Deliver.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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