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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (1/9/23)

Bliss, you got some ‘splaining to do!



Is Alexa truly as twisted as we think?

While it looked like the White Rabbit was why Alexa Bliss got disqualified in her Raw Women’s Championship match last week, she says otherwise! Who’re we to believe?


  • Baron Corbin w/ JBL VS Kevin Owens; Kevin wins.
  • Bayley w/ Damage CTRL VS Mia Yim; Bayley wins.
  • Candice LeRae VS Rhea Ripley; Rhea wins.
  • Solo Sikoa VS Dolph Ziggler; Solo wins.
  • Tag Team Turmoil: The Good Brothers VS The Street Profits VS The Alpha Academy VS Finn Balor & Damian Priest VS Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin; The Judgment Day wins and will challenge the Usos for the Raw Tag Team Championships.


Kevin Owens is here!

Birmingham fires up for the Prizefighter as he heads to the ring, primed for an Undisputed WWE Universal Championship match at the Royal Rumble! Fans chant for “KO! KO!” as Kevin gets the mic. “Thank you. In just three weeks at the Royal Rumble, I’m gonna challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed-” Wait, JBL interrupts? What does John “Bradshaw” Layfield have to say? JBL tells Kevin that since he’s not from the South, he’ll explain that most of the people in Alabama are a generation away from walking on all fours. And while Alabama believes in UFOs, Big Foot and the Chupacabra, no one in “Redneckville” believes Kevin can beat Roman Reigns!

But… JBL will introduce us to the person who, in the last three years, has the only pinfall victory over the Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table! So, Alabama, get up on your chubby little hooves, put your woke hands together, and help JBL welcome the Modern Day Wrestling God, Baron! Corbin! Fans boo instead as Corbin makes his way out. “Kevin Owens, JBL already said it but let’s face the facts here. There is no chance you can beat Roman Reigns. And here, I’ll explain it in a way that all of you can understand it. Roman Reigns is Georgia, Kevin Owens is Alabama. He’s a LOSER!” Fans boo Corbin for insulting their college team.

JBL says Bear Bryant is spinning in his grave! Corbin says at the Rumble, Roman will destroy Kevin. And Corbin vows to win the Royal Rumble to then beat Roman Reigns again, and it will be in the main event of WrestleMania to become Undisputed WWE Universal Champion! Kevin buries his face in a corner buckle. JBL shouts at him. Is he in a food coma?! When the Wrestling God is talking, you show respect, “Ya goofy Canadian!” Corbin says if Kevin wants to take a nap, Corbin can put him to sleep right now. Kevin says that he was in a “JBL and Corbin have been talking for three minutes, and they said nothing of interest” coma, that’s what that was.

But Kevin will say that judging by the fans’ faces, nothing said was good. But Kevin has a good idea. He’s dressed for a fight cuz he thought The Bloodline would come for a fight. But these two blowhards will do just fine! Corbin said something about putting Kevin to sleep, that’s obviously a veiled threat, so how about this? They can do this one of two ways: Corbin gets in the ring and gets hit with a stunner; or they ring the bell, they have a match, and then Corbin gets a stunner! The choice is his! JBL is offended on behalf of Corbin, saying, “You wanna fight this fighting machine?” Kevin says yes, his way was very concise.

Kevin says he wants a match, here and now, in Birmingham! Then he’s got it! Corbin throws off the vest, a ref appears, and JBL starts barking from ringside!

Baron Corbin w/ JBL VS Kevin Owens!

The bell rings, Corbin blindsides Kevin! Corbin fires off haymakers, has Kevin in a corner, and the ref counts as Corbin stomps a mudhole in! Corbin digs his boot in, lets off at 4, then argues with the ref. Fans rally for Kevin and taunt “BUM ASS CORBIN!” but Corbin bumps Kevin off buckles. Corbin gets mad at the fans booing and taunting, and he runs in only to get buckles! Kevin fires off hands, whips corner to corner but Corbin reverses! Kevin hits buckles hard, and JBL laughs and applauds. Corbin fires body shots on Kevin, then hands. Corbin CLUBS Kevin to another corner, then throws more haymakers.

Fans taunt and boo Corbin more, but Corbin runs in. Kevin moves and Corbin POSTS himself! Kevin hits an atomic drop then a LARIAT! Kevin brings Corbin up, reels him in, short arm LARIAT! SENTON! Fans fire up for Kevin and he tells JBL to SUCK IT! But Corbin bails out before the cannonball! Fans boo but Kevin goes out to SMACK Corbin off the announce desk! Kevin then reels Corbin in, but Corbin fights free! Corbin choke grips for an APRON CHOKE SLAM! JBL applauds but Bama boos as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and CANNONBALL! Kevin hits Corbin and fans fire up! Kevin goes to the corner, he climbs up top, but JBL shouts to Corbin. Corbin gets up to fire off hands on Kevin! Corbin climbs up after Kevin, but Kevin resists the superplex with body shots. Kevin HEADBUTTS Corbin back down! Fans fire up, Kevin adjusts, and SWANTON BOMBS! Cover, TWO! Corbin stays in this and JBL is relieved. Kevin scowls as Corbin crawls to ropes but the fans rally up. Kevin kicks but Corbin shoves him away. Corbin swings but Kevin dodges to SUPERKICK! Kevin whips, Corbin holds ropes, and then Corbin BOOTS back!

Corbin runs in, Kevin dodges but Corbin slides out! Corbin slides in, but Kevin gets around, only for Corbin to get Kevin with a DDT! Cover, TWO! Corbin grows frustrated but he drags Kevin up. Kevin ROCKS Corbin with forearm after forearm! Kevin runs, but into a DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up but Corbin is furious! Corbin throws down fists on Kevin and he stomps away. Corbin drags Kevin up, fires off forearms, then he runs, to ROCK Kevin with a haymaker! Kevin drops to a knee and Corbin taunts the fans. Corbin runs again, but into a kick! STUNNER!! Cover, Kevin wins!

Winner: Kevin Owens, by pinfall

And it all worked out just as Kevin said! But speaking of that, The Bloodline is here! Kevin intercepts Jey Uso at the barriers but Jimmy comes in from the other side! Kevin fights Jimmy off, smacks him off the desk, then counter punches Jey! But Solo Sikoa appears to ROCK Kevin! The brothers mug Kevin 3v1! Fans boo but the Usos send Kevin into barriers! They hammer away, then Jimmy gets a chair! Jey tells Solo to mess Kevin up like they did Riddle! But then Kevin fights back again! He ROCKS Jimmy, ROCKS Jey, but Solo SUPERKICKS Kevin into the timekeeper’s area! And the Bloodline isn’t done, either! Jey drags Kevin up, only for Kevin to BOP Jey with a shoe!

Kevin CHUCKS a chair at Jimmy! And then JAMS Solo with another! And SMACKS Solo on the back! And JAMS Jey, to SMACK him! And then he SMACKS Jimmy! Kevin chases Jimmy into the ring, then right out of the ring! Fans are thunderous as the Prizefighter stands tall! Solo wants more of Kevin but Adam Pearce, producers and the refs rush out! Pearce says “Well here we are again!” He won’t let The Bloodline do what they want, so he has them get to the back. Kevin is ready to #JustKeepFighting, but will he have to wait for Sami Zayn on this Friday Night SmackDown?


The Bloodline regroups backstage.

Jey vows that no matter what, they’re gonna get at Kevin. But then Pearce asks them where they’re going. They tell “AP” that they’re leaving, obviously. Message sent from the Tribal Chief. Right, right, but see, there is going to be a Tag Team Turmoil match tonight, and the winners are the very next team to get their hands on the Usos tonight for a RAW Tag Team Championship match! That’s right, the Raw Tag Division has been victimized by the Usos hence this match. But see you on SmackDown. As for Solo, you’re staying. Yeah, the Usos don’t get to be in Solo’s corner tonight as he takes on someone he personally attacked: Dolph Ziggler.

The Usos are of course upset! If Solo doesn’t go, they aren’t going! Kevin Owens is still running around! Pearce tells them not to worry about Kevin, Pearce took care of him already. And Kevin understands the ramifications if he sticks his nose in the match tonight. Now, security, escort the Usos to the exit. The Usos tell Solo he has this, but will the Samoan Enforcer be able to take down the Show-Off all on his own?


Raw has an update on Bianca Belair.

While Alexa Bliss’ attack on the EST was incredibly brutal, the worst Bianca comes away with is a few stitches. She will still be able to compete and is still Raw Women’s Champion, but here comes Alexa Bliss! She stands right on the announce desk to say, “Bianca Belair might be the Raw Women’s Champion, but I’m the only one here. Because when I busted her face a week ago, Bianca decided to run and hide. Smart on her end because she knows she doesn’t need to be afraid of Bray Wyatt or Uncle Howdy; she needs to be afraid of me.” Bliss then looks at Corey Graves to say SHE is the Face of Evil.

And Bliss doesn’t feel bad for what she did. She hasn’t felt this good in a really, really long time! She has finally taken control, and SHE is the one in charge. She has the whole world in her hands and she’s not afraid to use her hands to tear more scars into Bianca’s face to take the Raw Women’s title. But then wait, something takes over the video feed. Is that a playground…? And Uncle Howdy is laughing on screen! “Do you feel in charge? Do you feel like you’re in charge?” Alexa glares at the ramp as UNCLE HOWDY IS HERE!! He seems amused at Bliss thinking she’s the boss. Is he still the one pulling her strings?


Bayley w/ Damage CTRL VS Mia Yim!

The Role Model is feeling great after she helped screw over Mia Yim & Becky Lynch in their match against Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky, but now she must put her money where her mouth is! Will Michin get even with Bayley? Or will the Head Baddie In Charge not be able to fight the numbers game?

But before the match gets going, Bayley wants a mic. Bayley gets a mic, and she tells Mia to hold on. She wants to send a message to Becky because she must be watching given her weird obsession with DMG CTRL. But anyway, this is for Becky. Maybe Becky is jealous of the bond that DMG CTRL has since Becky has no friends at all, not even Mia. But Bayley wants Becky to know that she’s either here tonight because she can’t stand what DMG CTRL has, or Becky isn’t here because she can’t stand that she lost! But honestly, Bayley couldn’t care less what the excuse is, because tonight is about Kai & Sky!

Bayley says Kai & Sky have worked so hard, she is giving them the night off. Please, go relax in the back with the best seats in the house. But more importantly, Becky can watch what Bayley does to her “friend,” Michin. Kai & Sky make their way to the ramp and the bell rings, and Bayley fires off on Mia! Fans boo as Bayley rains down fists! Bayley lets off to soak up the heat and bring Mia up. Bayley whips Mia to the corner, Mia BOOTS her back! Mia then hits a RUNNING NECKBREAKER! Mia rains down fists on Bayley and fans fire up! Mia storms around, waits on Bayley, and Bayley staggers up into a DROPKICK!

Mia drags Bayley up, brings her around and whips, but Bayley reverses. Mia goes Spider-Woman in the ropes! Bayley runs in but is sent right out! Mia then builds speed to fake the dive as Bayley slides in. But then Bayley slides right back out, and Mia goes to the apron. Mia PENALTY KICKS Bayley down! Fans fire up and Mia says that kick was good as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Bayley grinds Mia down with a chinlock. Mia endures, Bayley insults the fans for rallying up behind her. Mia fights up, throws body shots, but Bayley whips her out to the apron. Bayley drags Mia up to HOTSHOT in the ropes! Mia flops down, Bayley mocks the fans clapping for Mia, and then Bayley runs to slide, and throw Mia onto the apron! Bayley suplexes Mia to the floor! Mia writhes and Bayley mocks the fans wanting Becky. “She’s not here!” Bayley puts Mia in, covers, TWO! Mia is hanging tough but Bayley drags her up. Mia throws body shots, then forearms! But Bayley pushes her to the corner!

Bayley runs in, but Mia puts her on the apron. Bayley shoulders in, drags Mia through ropes, and she goes for the hotshot but Mia shoves her down! Mia runs and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Mia drags Bayley up and into the ring, then hurries to fire off slaps and kicks! SOBAT, PELE! Mia then reels Bayley in, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bayley goes to the apron, Mia drags her in but Bayley ROCKS her! But Mia hits the SPIKE-RANA! Cover, TWO! Bayley crawls to a corner but fans rally for Mia! Mia runs in but Bayley avoids the cannonball! Mia hits buckles, Bayley brings her up, but Mia slips free of the Bayley2Belly!

Mia rolls Bayley, Bayley rolls through and ducks aa buzzsaw! BIG back suplex, but Mia lands on her feet! HEEL KICK! Bayley flounders, Mia waistlocks but Bayley holds ropes! Bayley fights, slips under and pushes Mia into buckles! Bayley backslides, but with feet on the ropes!! BAYLEY WINS!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall

The Role Model did it all on her own, but it still wasn’t fair ‘n’ square! If this is how Bayley beats the Head Baddie, what chance will she have against The Man?


BREAKING NEWS on Johnny Gargano.

Johnny Wrestling hasn’t been wrestling lately, and won’t be for some time as he has a grade 2 AC sprain. We all wish him a speedy recovery so that we can see Johnny wrestling again.

Backstage interview with Candice LeRae.

Cathy Kelley asks for an injury update on Candice’s husband, Johnny Gargano. Candice knows Johnny Wrestling is bummed that he can’t join Tag Team Turmoil. But the doctors advised him to rest and recovery to 100%, so that’s the goal. And Candice herself recently battled back from injury, so what’s next for her? Well the Royal Rumble’s coming, and who doesn’t dream of punching their ticket to WrestleMania by winning the Rumble? But then Rhea Ripley walks in to say, “Whoa, whoa, Candice. I’m going to go check on my Latino Heat before his exclusive MizTV interview, and I could hear your excitement from over there, and it’s infuriating.”

Candice is excited to go to the Royal Rumble because she thinks she has a chance of winning? That’s delusional! Candice says she has just a good of a chance as Rhea. Rhea says the only chance Candice has is having her “stupid little pixie wings plucked and absolutely ripped apart.” Then why wait? Candice wants to do this tonight! Rhea laughs, and says it’ll be a great homecoming for Dominik when Mami squashes Candice like a bug. See you in the ring! Will the Eradicator make tonight a nightmare for Candice?


Austin Theory is here!

The Now of the WWE is still the United States Champion, and fans boo as he heads to the ring. Theory gets the mic to say, “The champ! Is! HEEERE!” Fans boo, Theory is no Cena. But Theory grins as he continues, “And all of you now have to accept the truth. And the truth is that The Now is forever!” Fans boo more and Theory pretends to be confused. Where’s the Visionary? Where’s Seth Freakin’ Rollins? He thought Rollins was gonna outshine Theory, outclass him, and beat him! And shut up with the “What!” But fans now chant, “We Want Rollins!” Well too bad! Because Seth Rollins limped away from the ring because his old knee couldn’t hold up against Theory!

“So what happened? Don’t you boo me, you know what happened last week. Seth Freakin’ Rollins was outclassed. Seth Freakin’ Rollins was outshined. And Seth Freakin’ Rollins was taken to school by the United States Champion, Austin FREAKIN’ Theory!” But then ROLLINS IS HERE?! Fans fire up for him, but Rollins is on crutches. Fans still sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” and then Rollins is walking just fine! Rollins tricks Theory there and the fans love it! Rollins plays the crutch like a guitar as he swaggers to the ring, and then Rollins gets in the ring with Theory. Theory fumes as Rollins gets his own mic to respond.

But Theory says that while the fans are singing that “stupid song,” and that might be real, what isn’t real is Seth acting like his knee hurts. Theory tells Rollins that Rollins acts like he’s 100% but he’s not. As much as fans wanna sing the song, they all know Theory beat Rollins last week. Rollins doesn’t like hearing that, huh? But Rollins was the one who said he is the mountaintop. Then that must make Theory the pinnacle of this entire industry! Fans boo but Rollins just leans on the crutch. Theory says, “But you know what? You are one of the best. You are. You truly are. But me? I’ve surpassed your ass. And I’m on to bigger and better things.

“Like, when I go on and win the 2023 Royal Rumble!” Fans boo but Theory says, “Wait! There’s more! After I win the Royal Rumble, I, me, Austin Theory, is gonna go on to headline WrestleMania. And I am not only gonna walk out the United States Champion, but I’m gonna walk out the NEW Undisputed WWE Universal Champion.” Fans boo more but Rollins finally speaks. “Are you done?” Rollins takes off his sunglasses and fans sing his song more. Rollins appreciates that, but he has to give us all an update on his knee. Rollins says the truth is, his knee is not 100%. But his knee will be 100% just in time for Rollins to win the Royal Rumble match!

Fans cheer and Rollins says he will be 100% in plenty of time for Seth Freakin’ Rollins to main event WrestleMania! “And truth be told, I just came out here so I could hear you fine folks of Birmingham sing my song.” “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Rollins tells Theory, “I’ll see you at the Rumble… kid!” Rollins leaves Theory with the crutch, but then BOBBY LASHLEY is here?! Theory and Rollins are shocked while Birmingham is fired up for the All Mighty! Lashley and Rollins cross paths at the ramp, but Lashley lets Rollins go by. Theory warns Lashley to NOT come into the ring! Lashley is the PAST, this is THEORY’S RING!

But Lashley gets in, Theory swings the crutch, but misses! Lashley SPEARS Theory down! Fans fire up and Lashley is feeling it! Fans chant for “BOBBY! BOBBY!” and he drags Theory up, to TOSS him right out! Theory flounders while Lashley grabs a mic. “Look, it doesn’t matter who’s in the Royal Rumble, because I’m back! My suspension’s over and I can’t wait to manhandle every superstar in the Rumble.” Mic drop and the message has been sent! Will the Rocky Mountain Machine mangle everyone in his way of returning to WrestleMania?


Candice LeRae VS Rhea Ripley!

While Mr. Wrestling is recovering, Mrs. Wrestling is holding down the fort! But will she be able to derail Rhea ahead of the Royal Rumble? Or will Candice be reminded of Rhea’s brutality?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two approach. Rhea talks trash, pie faces Candice, but Candice ROCKS and CHOPS and repeat! Fans fire up as Candice fires off on Rhea! Rhea shoves Candice away, runs in but Candice avoids the boot! Roll up, TWO! Candice goes to a corner, Rhea runs in but into a BOOT! Rhea runs in, Candice sends her into buckles! Candice goes up, leaps, but Rhea blocks the tornado DDT to TOSS Candice! Candice sits up in a daze, Rhea pushes her to a cover, TWO! Rhea argues the count but the ref defends it was fair. Rhea sits Candice up to KICK her in the back! Then she bumps Candice off buckles.

Rhea soaks up the cheers and jeers, then whips Candice corner to corner hard! Candice falls but Rhea hip drops her down. Rhea drags Candice up, bumps her off buckles, and then RAMS into her! And again! And again! The ref counts, Rhea lest off at 4, and then Rhea taunts Candice. Candice SLAPS Rhea, so Rhea CLUBS Candice! Rhea drags Candice up to TOSS her across the way! “That’s why I’m the best!” Rhea drags Candice up again, TOSSES her again, and then watches Candice flounder to the corner. Rhea RAMS in again, and again, and again! The ref counts, and Rhea lets off at 4. Rhea hoists Candice up top, then ROCKS her!

Rhea climbs up, smirks, and she brings Candice up. Candice fights the superplex to slip under! And she avoids punches! Candice then SUPER GERMAN SUPLEXES Rhea down!! Fans fire up as Rhea flounders to ropes! Candice drags herself up, Rhea runs in, but Candice dumps her out! That’d be an elimination in the Rumble! Candice WRECKS Rhea with a dropkick, then climbs up top! Candice CROSSBODIES, but into Rhea’s arms! Rhea SLAMS Candice into barriers! And then Rhea ties up the legs, PRISM TRAP! Candice can only endure on the outside, and Rhea SWINGS Candice into more barriers!

Rhea puts Candice in the ring while fans boo. Rhea drags Candice up, pump handles, RIPTIDE!! Cover, Rhea wins!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by pinfall

The Eradicator crushes Candice, proving she’s the one to watch. Will Ripley rename it the Rhea Rumble?


Backstage interview with Bobby Lashley.

Byron Saxton asks Lashley that the suspension has been lifted and that Lashley is entering the Rumble. MVP walks in and wants Byron to excuse himself so he can discuss “business” with Lashley. MVP offers a handshake but Lashley leaves it hanging. Okay, understandable that tensions are still high. But maybe Lashley has something to say to MVP. Like, “Thank you, MVP, for getting me reinstated on Monday Night Raw.” Okay, P, Lashley does appreciate you. So they’re good? Lashley hasn’t punched MVP out, has he? Well, that is a start. But MVP wants Lashley to understand he’s mending fences. Mistakes were made.

But Lashley also knows how well this works when they’re on the same page. He wants to get them back to what they do best. And Lashley’s mistake wasn’t so easy to smooth over, either. But MVP got Pearce to realize Mondays need Lashley. Hell, MVP got Shelton & Cedric to realize their mistakes, and now they’re in the Tag Team Turmoil to win that chance to put some hurt on the Usos. Lashley is not going to forget what went down between them. Lashley says they’re good, but not that good. MVP respects that. Lashley can handle his business as he sees fit. But if he wishes to “expand” that business, MVP’s number is still the same. Is MVP hoping for the second coming of the Hurt Business?


Money in the Bank is heading to the UK!

The O2 Arena will host this high stakes event on Saturday, July 1st! Clash of the Castle was big, just wait for this one to raise the ante!


Cody Rhodes’ comeback story continues.

He vowed to do it for himself, for the fans, and for his father, Dusty Rhodes. But June 5, 2022, Hell in a Cell, even with a torn pectoral muscle, Cody refused to rob the fans of his match with Seth Rollins. “It was like oxygen, I needed to be in the ring that night.” And it is a moment that won’t soon be forgotten. Cody knows the questions were if it was safe. He admits he was so nauseous with pain that he almost vomited after hitting his Cody Cutter. And he admits, he was the car wreck you can’t look away from. In the end, Cody won that match, but he has not watched it back. He is proud of that moment, but he can’t watch it back because of how scary it really is.

The reception backstage was somber, because everyone knew he needed surgery. And four days later, here in Birmingham, Cody was worked on by Doctor Jeffrey Dugas. Cody’s wife, Brandi, knows there were nerves. Cody’s never had a major surgery like this, but Dr. Dugas found it was better than expected. They thought it was a muscular injury and not a tendon injury, and that’s better. The main thing is, it has to heal. He explained as much to Cody, and Cody says the questions started creeping in. How long until he could return? Would he return as good as he was? Is he willing to go down the road in front of him to get back to that level? The work begins now.


Backstage interview with Dolph Ziggler.

Cathy says it has been a couple of chaotic weeks for him, but where is his head at going into the match with Solo Sikoa? Ziggler says his head is where it always is: focused on being the best. A few weeks ago, The Bloodline kicked down the door, busted into Raw, and did what they do. But they went too far. That is why Ziggler is here tonight. Ziggler wants revenge, but then Mustafa Ali rushes over! He just came from Adam Pearce’s office, learned that Ali and Ziggler had a chance in Tag Team Turmoil! But then Ziggler DECLINED it just to get Solo 1v1?! Ziggler says that was not personal against Ali.

But Ali says Ziggler owes him! Last month, Ziggler cost Ali the US title. Now tonight, Ziggler just cost Ali a shot at tag titles! What is Ziggler’s problem? Ziggler admits to messing up the US title, he owned up to it, and yeah, Ali & Ziggler could probably do really good as a team. But tonight isn’t about teams, it isn’t about titles, and it’s not about Ali. Ziggler hopes Ali can understand that. Ziggler heads out and Ali frowns, but will The Beacon respect the Show-Off’s choice to settle scores?


Backstage interview with Bronson Reed.

Byron notes this returning superstar “made a big splash” during the Miz VS Lumis ladder match. What can Bronson tell us about his choice to back-up The Miz? But then Miz walks over to say that he’ll take this. “We have each other’s backs.” Bronson saw Miz was outnumbered, and he isn’t just a bruiser, he’s “a highly ethical man.” But he doesn’t like Miz touching his shoulder. Miz lets off and wants everyone to know that when you mess with him, you mess with them. Also, Miz invites Bronson to MizTV tonight, with a seat in the VIP section. Y’know, as a friend. Friend? Bronson tells Miz that there is no “them.” If Miz wants something, he has to PAY Bronson.

The Top Dog heads out, and Miz tries to laugh that off. This is part of their rapport. It’s French. Sh-shut up, Byron! Miz storms off, but is Miz just digging himself into a colossal financial hole?


Solo Sikoa VS Dolph Ziggler!

The Bloodline has been doing what they want, when they want and to who they want, but finally those targets are fighting back! Will the Enforcer of the Island realize it’s easier when he has his brothers by his side? Or can he prove he can actually win when he’s solo?

The bell rings and Ziggler fires off fists! He has Solo in a corner, but Solo shoves him away. Ziggler comes back to SPLASH, and then he fires off more fists! Solo shoves Ziggler away again, then CLOBBERS him! Solo stares at his heavily taped thumb, and he stalks Ziggler to a corner. Solo drags Ziggler up on the apron but Ziggler shoulders into him! Ziggler HOTSHOTS Solo, runs in and jumps on for a SLEEPER! Solo stays up, RAMS Ziggler into buckles, but Ziggler holds on! Solo RAMS Ziggler into buckles again, then TOSSES Ziggler off him! Solo runs in, to UPPERCUT Ziggler down! Fans rally while Solo snarls.

Solo stomps Ziggler at the ropes, but lets off as the ref reprimands. Solo CLUBS Ziggler, rains down fists, then drags him from ropes. Solo stomps Ziggler in the stomach! Ziggler writhes, Solo takes aim from a corner, and he runs in to FALLING HEADBUTT! Cover, TWO! Solo snarls and he drags Ziggler up by his hair. The ref reprimands but Solo shifts to claws in the shoulders! Ziggler endures, fans rally up, and Ziggler fights up. Ziggler stomps Solo’s foot, throws elbows, then a JAWBREAKER! Solos taggers, Ziggler runs in and SPLASHES! Ziggler rains down fists again, then turns Solo, only for Solo to power out!

Solo scoops, Ziggler slips out, and Ziggler fires off haymakers and a DROPKCIK! And then the SATELLITE- NO! Solo holds that off to TOSS Ziggler out of the ring!! Fans boo and Solo snarls more as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Ziggler is in the corner. Solo runs in to HIP ATTACK! Ziggler flops over while fans boo. Solo still scowls as he covers, TWO! Ziggler survives but Solo HEADBUTTS him down! And again! And again! Solo drags Ziggler into the chinlock and he grinds Ziggler down. Fans rally and Ziggler fights back up, to throw elbows and body shots! Solo shoves Ziggler away to then SAMOAN DROP! Ziggler crawls to ropes while Solo aims from the corner. Solo runs in again, but Ziggler ELBOWS him away! Solo staggers, into a haymaker! Solo runs in but into a BOOT! Ziggler goes to another corner, Solo runs in, but Ziggler dodges! Solo gets only buckles!

SATELLITE DDT! Cover, TWO!! Solo survives but he’s dazed after that one! Ziggler slaps himself to fire back up! Ziggler CLUBS away on Solo, then brings Solo up again. Solo powers out to HEADBUTT! Ziggler staggers, into the fireman’s carry. But Solo takes too long taunting, Ziggler slips off to ZIGZAG! Cover, TWO!! Solo survives Ziggler’s best shot and Ziggler is beside himself! Both men are down but fans rally back up. Ziggler drags Solo up, throws body shot after body shot, then HEADBUTTS! Ziggler aims, SUPER- NO, Solo blocks the kick and shoves Ziggler down! Solo runs in, only gets buckles, Ziggler kicks legs out!

Ziggler runs, but Solo catches Famouser into a POP-UP SAMOAN SPIKE!!! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

Solo defeats a Grand Slam Champion in Ziggler, that’s perhaps the biggest win yet! And the Usos return! Jimmy & Jey didn’t obey orders, they’re here to celebrate with their brother. Will the Bloodline continue to dominate all of the WWE?


Backstage interview with DMG CTRL.

Cathy was wondering if Bayley’s statement win was a message sent to Becky Lynch. Bayley says the statement was when Bayley beat Becky, just like how she just beat Mia Yim. Just like DMG CTRL has sent a message to the entire locker room by proving they’re a force to be reckoned with. But Mia walks over to say, “All you’ve proven is that you’re nothing but a fraud and a cheat.” Bayley tells Mia that no one likes a sore loser. But as the Role Model, she is all about bringing her fellow superstars up. So she’s proud of Mia stepping up to Bayley in Becky’s place, but the difference between them is that Bayley isn’t afraid to accept help.

Just like Bayley isn’t afraid to accept help in kicking Mia’s ass! DMG CTRL attacks 3v1! They beat Mia down, then drag her up so Bayley can give Mia some advice. “Don’t step up for someone who won’t be here for you.” Becky is an idiot, and so is Mia! Sky then BOOTS Mia down! DMG CTRL laughs and leaves, but will Michin find help in getting revenge?


The Miz heads to the ring!

The Hollywood A-Lister is ready for his exclusive tell-all edition of MizTV! He welcomes us to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show, and tonight, he outdid himself! Tonight, he realized that he has had a lot of notable guests on this show. Like John Cena, like Roman Reigns, but tonight on the first MizTV of 2023, Miz will give us an exclusive look into the American justice system! Give it up for the Judgment Day’s very own bad boy, Dominik Mysterio! The Judgment Day accompanies their “hardened criminal” out, and Dom does the thug life squat. They enter the ring, Dom and Rhea take a seat with Finn and Priest behind them.

The Miz thanks them for being here, and apologizes that there aren’t more chairs. He was only expecting Dominik and “Mommy.” But more the merrier. Dom tells Miz, “The one thing I learned in prison is you always roll with your crew.” Miz says speaking of, he must ask. What’s it like on the inside? “Snitches get stitches.” Rhea says it’s ok, Mami’s here. Finn says Dom is safe, he’s a free man, he can share the experience. Miz is sure he speaks for everyone in the arena that we all want to know what happened. Fans sound a bit torn, actually.

Dom says, “You wanna know? Imagine being locked up with the world’s most dangerous people. And not knowing when your next meal was gonna be, and it’s either push or be pushed.” So what did Dom choose? Dom did a lot of thinking, and he thought, “If I am ever gonna see Mami on the other side again, I have to do what I have to do.” And Rhea confirms that Dom did. Dom says “When life comes at you with crazy changes, you just gotta grab it by the balls. Kind alike what Maryse does to you.” Miz lets that one slide, and says this isn’t about him. Priest says that’s right, this isn’t about Miz. Priest wants Dom to share that story about he scared that guy straight.

Dom says that is a good story. Dom was in his cell with his cellmate, and he was in the top bunk, asleep. Dom overheard his cellmate saying he wanted to punch a hole in Dom’s face. So what did Dom do? Finn asks, “What’d you do, Dom?” Dom hopped down, slapped him awake, and asked him, “We got a problem here?” And that was that. Yes, a traumatic experience. Miz says the fans need to applaud Dom for sharing the perseverance of the human spirit! Fans boo instead. Dom says he now truly understands how Martha Stewart feels. Miz is sure he does. But we’ve been talking about prison, and Miz’s sources told him that Dom was only held in county jail, for a few hours.

Priest steps up, “What’d you say?!” Miz wants everyone to calm down. But Dom is wearing a $500 off-white flannel! But Miz was just asking questions. What’s Dom gonna say next, though? That he was eating gruel omelets in the clink and being chased by Dementors? Priest dares Miz to say that again. Miz says maybe he was misinformed. That’s more like it. Now Dom will be here to witness Priest & Finn win Tag Team Turmoil tonight! And the Usos better know, Judgment Day is coming for the tag titles. As for The Miz… Wait! Here come the Good Brothers! Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson are ready, will they be the ones earning that Raw Tag title opportunity?

Tag Team Turmoil!

Finn Balor & Damian Priest w/ Judgment Day VS The Good Brothers!

Raw returns and the teams sort out to start this tag team gauntlet. The Prince starts against the Machine Gun, the bell rings and the two feel things out. Finn kicks low, throws haymakers, then whips Karl to ropes. Karl reverses to CLOBBER Finn! Karl bumps Finn off buckles, fires off hands and CHOPS, but Finn turns things around to CHOP back! Finn RAMS into Karl again and again, then lets off at the ref’s count. Finn whips corner to corner, runs in and CHOPS, then he brings Karl out to wrench an arm. Karl knees low, whips Finn to a corner, and Finn BOOTS back! Things speed up but Karl DROPKICKS Finn! Cover, TWO!

Karl clamps onto Finn, bumps him off buckles, then tags in Gallows. The Good Brothers double whip, run Finn over, and then Gallows rains down elbows into Finn’s shoulder! Gallows drags Finn up, ROCKS him with a right, and then tags Karl back in. The Good Brothers mug Finn while Rhea protests. Karl CHOPS Finn, bumps him off buckles, and tags Gallows back in. The Good Brothers mug Finn, then Gallows bumps Finn off buckles. Gallows fires off heavy hands, but lets off as the ref counts. Gallows scoops but Finn slips off and KICKS Gallows in the leg! Gallows just snarls as he storms up on Finn.

Finn tags Priest and now the big men circle. They tie up, Gallows kicks low and whips Priest to a corner. Gallows runs in to SPLASH! Fans rally, Gallows reels Priest in but Priest wrenches out to ROCK Gallows, then fire off kicks! Priest runs, but Gallows ROUNDHOUSES him! Priest goes to a corner, Gallows is on him and whips him to ropes. Priest ducks the boot to come back and kick a leg out! Priest stomps away, drags Gallows over and he tags in Finn. The Judgment Day mugs Gallows, focusing on the legs. Finn wraps Gallows’ leg around ropes to pull on it! The ref reprimands, Finn lets off and Finn kicks the leg!

Finn soaks up the heat, then he pulls on the legs! The ref counts, Finn lets off, but Gallows CLUBS Finn down! Priest tags in, he stomps and kicks away on the bad leg! The ref counts, Priest lets off, and then he drags Gallows up. Priest whips corner to corner, runs in, and he back elbows! Priest brings Gallows out to suplex, but Gallows fights it! Priest tries again, but Gallows suplexes Priest instead! Hot tag to Karl! Fans fire up as the Machine Gun CHOPS and UPPERCUTS on Priest, then BLASTS Finn! Priest TOSSES Karl to a corner but Karl dodges to CHOP and UPPERCUT again! Karl whips corner to corner, but Priest reverses

Priest runs in but Karl dodges! ROCKET KICK! Finn runs in but Karl blocks the kick and gives it to the ref! The ref reprimands, but Karl DECKS Finn! Finn flounders up and distracts the ref, allowing Priest to drag Karl out and RAM him into steel steps! Gallows is furious and fans boo but the Judgment Day is in control as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Finn whips Karl away from Gallows, only for Karl to BLAST Priest! Karl then avoids Finn and hits a NECKBREAKER! Both men are down and fans rally up! Karl crawls, hot tag to Gallows! Big LG rallies on Finn with big clotheslines and an UPPERCUT! Finn goes to a corner, Gallows runs in to back elbow! Gallows keeps moving, FLYING SHOULDER! Priest runs in but Gallows CLUBS his clothesline, YAKUZA KICKS him down, and then goes back to Finn. Gallows pump handles and scoops for the CLIFFHANGER! Cover, TWO!! Finn survives but Karl tags in. Gallows fireman’s carries, Karl runs, but Priest distracts so Dom can trip up Karl!

Gallows CLOBBERS Priest out of the ring! But Finn rolls up Karl, and the Judgment Day ELIMINATES the Good Brothers!! But there’s no rest for the wicked, here come The Gold Standard & PRIMED Alexander!

Finn Balor & Damian Priest w/ Judgment Day VS Shelton Benjamin & Cedric Alexander!

The former Hurt Business hits the ring, Shelton goes out after Priest while Cedric DIVES onto Finn! Direct hit and Finn hits the desk! Cedric puts Finn in, then GAMANGIRIS, before he fires up and runs into the corner, forearm smash! Cedric whips corner to corner, runs in but Finn dodges! Roll up, TWO!! Finn runs, into a scoop and MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Dom & Rhea are worried but Cedric drags Finn over to tag Shelton. They mug Finn, and Shelton snap suplexes Finn! Cover, TWO! Shelton looms over Finn, drags him up and puts him in a corner. Finn fires hands back, throws body shots, then whips.

Shelton reverses to CLOBBER Finn! Rhea hears Kevin Patrick poking holes in Dom’s story, just like Miz, and she tells him to shut up. Dom says he did his time! Shelton tags Cedric, they mug Finn, and Cedric ROCKS Finn! Cover, TWO! Cedric clamps onto a chinlock and he grinds Finn down. Cedric lets off to PENALTY KICK! Cedric clamps the chinlock back on and he taunts, “Hi, Mami!” Rhea replies, “Hi, dick head!” Finn pulls Cedric’s hair but the ref counts. Cedric lets go, but he BLINDSIDE LARIATS Finn! Cedric dares “big boy” Priest to do something, and then he brings Finn over. Tag to Shelton and they mug Finn more.

Shelton brings Finn around, reels him in and brings him up, but Finn slips out of the bomb! Finn blocks the kick but not the DRAGON WHIP! Priest tags in, runs in, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Finn runs in, into a GERMAN SUPLEX! And then Priest stands up, into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Suplex Shelton fires up, runs in and KNEES Priest in the face! Tag to Cedric, he and Shelton set up, ATOMIC KNEE!! Cover, Finn breaks it! Shelton drags Finn up, throws him back out, and then he hurries back to his corner. Cedric CLOBBERS Priest, rains down elbows into Priest’s back, and then wraps on a bearhug.

Priest endures, Rhea coaches him, but she also warns Cedric. Fans rally, Priest fights up and throws elbows but Cedric ROCKS Priest! Priest knees low, whips , but Cedric handsprings! NEURALIZER! Cover, TWO!! Priest survives but Cedric keeps cool. Cedric drags Priest up but Priest ROCKS him! Cedric DROPKICKS Priest back! Cedric runs in but Priest choke grips! Finn sneaks the tag before the SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM! Finn goes up, Priest CLOBBERS Shelton! COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Judgment Day ELIMINATES Shelton & Cedric! But it’s time to “SHOOOOSH~! Shoosh, please!”

Finn Balor & Damian Priest w/ Judgment Day VS The Alpha Academy!

Chad Gable & his number one guy, Otis, head to the ring. Priest & Finn do their best to regroup and recover, but how will they fare? We’ll see, after the break!

Raw returns again and Finn BOOTS Gable from a corner! Finn runs to SLINGBLADE Gable down! Tag to Priest and he storms up on Gable to suplex, BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! Priest clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Gable down. Fans rally, chant “We Want Otis!” and Gable fights up. Gable fights against Priest but he whips Gable away to the Judgment Day corner. Priest taunts Otis, then runs in to back elbow! Tag to Finn, snapmare to slingshot STOMP! Tag back to Priest, and Finn scoops Gable, BACKBREAKER LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Dom is annoyed but Rhea is smirking as Priest drags Gable back up.

Priest mockingly holds out Gable’s hand to Otis, only to throw Gable out hard. Tag to Finn and he drags Gable up. Finn CHOPS Gable, the ref has to keep Otis back. Finn RAMS Gable into the apron! And then Finn puts Gable in, drops an elbow, and then digs his heel in while he flexes. Dom and Rhea cheer Finn on and Finn clamps onto a chinlock. Gable endures but fans rally up. Gable fights up, but Finn knees low! Finn mocks Otis but Gable hits a BIG back suplex! Fans rally up, both men crawl, hot tags to Otis and Priest! Fans fire up as the tree trunk rallies on Priest! WRECKER ELBOW! Otis then hauls Priest up to whip and HEADBUTT!

Finn runs in, but into a scoop and SLAM! Otis runs in at Priest to clothesline! Otis whips Priest into Finn, then runs in to SPLASH them both! Finn flops out while Priest staggers and flops! Fans fire up and Gable shouts to Otis that it’s time! Otis unleashes the CATERPILLAR ELBOW! Fans are thunderous but Finn is up top! Finn leaps, but into a WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! Otis goes up, but Finn drags Gable down! Otis VADER BOMBS them both!! Otis realizes the mistake, but Priest SUPERKICKS, and DISCUS LARIATS Otis!! Cover, the Judgment Day ELIMINATES the Alpha Academy! But now medics check Finn!

Pearce is also ringside, and the medics don’t think Finn can continue. Finn refuses to be taken out of the match like this, but he can’t even stand! Rhea, Dom & Priest try to keep Finn in this but Pearce says if it’s the ribs, then Finn can’t fight. Priest says it’s no big deal but Finn still can’t stand! This will end up a forfeit but Priest wants to go solo! Well, it’s either a forfeit or a substitution. Dominik is here, dressed to compete, so that’s the only way they continue. Priest still insists Finn can go but Pearce says their only option is Dom. Priest concedes, and he tells Dom to not be soft. So then, Priest and Dom are taking on the STREET PROFITS!

Dominik Mysterio & Damian Priest w/ Judgment Day VS The Street Profits!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins are ready to finish Comeback, Season 2! One way or another, there will be #1 contenders to the Usos, so will it really be a sequel of the classics we saw from Profits VS Usos? Or is this the moment Dominik shows us just how “prison” changed him?

Raw returns once again and Dawkins is stomping Dom out! Dawkins yanks Dom’s flannel right off and throws it away! Tag to Ford, and the Profits whip to dropkick Dom down! Dom flounders to a corner and Ford storms up on him. Dom wants them to take it easy, but Ford says the “Jailbird” can take it. Ford stomps away on Dom! Rhea protests but Ford drags Dom up. Fans chant “You Deserve It!” as Ford CHOPS Dom! Tag to Dawkins, he CHOPS Dom! Dawkins brings Dom around, tags Ford, and the Profits fire off CHOP after CHOP and then stomp away! Rhea is furious but Ford drags Dom up.

Ford CLUBS Dom, drags him back up, and then he tags Dawkins. The Profits mug Dom with that big haymaker! Ford mocks Dom’s pain, Dawkins CLUBS Dom, and then Dawkins brings Dom out. Dom kicks and ROCKS and stomps Dawkins in return! Dom hammers away on Dawkins, then he whips corner to corner. Dawkins reverses, runs in and hits the CYCLONE SPLASH! Tag to Ford, the Profits mug Dom more, and Ford mocks Mami. Ford KICKS Dom in the side, then stomps away on Dom at the ropes! Cover, TWO!

Ford drags Dom up, wrenches his arm, and wrenches again. Tag to Dawkins, he ROCKS Dom then puts him in the corner. Dawkins TOSSES Dom corner to corner! Priest tags in, Ford wants in. Dawkins tags Ford and fans rally as Ford slingshots in. Ford does some rope-a-dope, but Priest knees low! Priest bumps Ford off buckles, ROCKS him with rights and body shots! Priest stomps a mudhole into Ford, lets off as the ref counts, and Priest shoves Dawkins! Dawkins gest up but the ref keeps him back, allowing Priest to CHOKE Ford! Rhea mocks Ford now, and Priest says it’s not so funny now. Priest ROCKS Ford, whips him corner to corner hard, and Ford bounces off buckles!

Priest taunts Ford, kicks him around, then whips him hard into another corner. Priest drags Ford up, ROCKS him with a forearm, and Ford drops to a knee! Priest whips Ford corner to corner but Ford reverses to ROCK Priest! Ford blocks a shot to ELBOW, and CHOP! Ford whips, Priest reverses but Ford leaps up and over! Ford rope-a-dopes, bobs ‘n’ weaves as Priest throws hands, then kicks! Priest blocks, but Ford avoids the shot to BACKHAND! Priest is furious as he tastes blood in his mouth! Ford smirks, he baits Priest in and dumps him out of the ring! Fans fire up but Dom sneaks in. Ford sees Dom and Dom gets scared!

Ford chases Dom out, they cat ‘n’ mouse in front of the announce desk, only for Priest to POUNCE Ford onto the desk! But Dawkins FLIES! Direct hit, and then Dawkins lands on his feet! Even Finn is shocked! Rhea is furious but the Profits are up as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once more, and Priest ROCKS Dawkins! And ROCKS him again! Dawkins is on wobbly legs but Priest DECKS him! Cover, TWO!! Dawkins is still in this and Finn does his best to coach his team while holding ice to his ribs. Dom tags in, they mug Dawkins, and Dom drags Dawkins into a chinlock. Rhea smiles as she “gushes” on the apron over Dom grinding Dawkins down. Fans rally up and Dawkins fights back up, only for Dom to wrangle him back down! Dom grinds Dawkins but fans boo. Rhea is enjoying this but Dawkins fights up. Fans rally, Dawkins arm-drags free and he ROCKS Dom with big forearms!

Dawkins whips, Dom reverses but Dawkins sunset flips! TWO! Dom escapes, kicks low, and he CLUBS Dawkins down! Tag to Priest, Rhea cheers on “Dom-Dom,” and they mug Dawkins. Priest scoops Dawkins to SLAM, and Priest roars. Fans boo, Priest covers, TWO! Ford mocks Rhea with barking, but Priest tags Dom back in. They mug Dawkins as Finn says, “Do it for Judgment Day!” Dawkins fires body shots but Dom drop toeholds Dawkins onto ropes! Fans boo as Dom dials it up, but Dawkins CLOBBERS him!! Fans are thunderous as Dawkins and Dom both crawl for their corners. Fans chant “We Want the Smoke!” Hot tag to Ford!

Ford ROCKS Dom, GAMANGIRIS Priest, then goes up to CROSSBODY them both! Ford fires up and the fans are with him as he dropkicks Priest outta the ring! Ford clotheslines Dom, runs, then dodges to mule kick! Front kick! ENZIGURI! Ford hits a BIG back suplex! Ford kips up, fans fire up, Ford STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Ford is annoyed as Dom hangs in there for his team. Rhea is worried, though, as she coaches Dom up. Ford tags Dawkins, they POUNCE GERMAN Dom!! Cover, TWO!! Dom survives and Rhea almost can’t breathe! Dawkins keeps his focus and he hobbles his way to Dom.

Dawkins drags Dom up and fireman’s carries, but Dom slips off! Tag to Priest, and he ROUNDHOUSES Dawkins! Ford runs in but Priest gets him for a COMPLETE SHOT! Dawkins runs in, Priest BOOTS then SUPERKICKS then DISCUS LARIATS!! Cover, TWO!! Dawkins is still in this and Rhea shouts about the count! Priest drags Dawkins up, fans rally for the Profits, and Priest springboards, into Dawkin’s HAYMAKER! Tag to Ford and he runs in to go up! PRiest choke grips, Dom tags in! SOUTH OF- RANA into an ENZIGURI! Dom is up top but Ford trips him up! Dawkins goes out and around to get Priest, but Priest TOSSES Dawkins!

Ford FLIES over the corner to take out Priest!!! Fans are thunderous as Ford shoves Dom down! And he comes in, FROM THE HEAVEN 450!! Cover, Priest drags Ford out!! Fans boo and Ford is furious! Priest rushes in, but Ford leaps to the apron! Priest hits steel steps!! Dom rolls Ford, feet on the ropes and Mami helping!! JUDGMENT DAY WINS!!

Winners: The Judgment Day, by pinfall (NEW #1 contenders to the Raw Tag Team Championships)

Dom’s questionable rap sheet or not, The Profits just got robbed! Dom was a last minute sub, but he was able to lie, cheat and steal this one for the team! But the USOS return! Jimmy & Jey hold up the red belts and ask who wants it! Will the Bloodline be able to survive facing their Judgment Day?

My Thoughts:

A really good Raw here, though something about each and every promo felt a little odd. I think it was just delivery, maybe there were some last minute changes. The Raw preview was pretty bare this morning, after all. I think Gargano’s injury coming up on top of losing AJ Styles to his ankle injury, as well as Rollins’ apparently knee injury, they just couldn’t get everything they wanted out of things. But I will say, a Tag Team Turmoil was a great way to adjust. That was an awesome main event with a lot of great overlap in the stories. We also got a good MizTV segment. I knew the twist was gonna be Dom didn’t actually serve anything resembling hard time, so I like that Miz got to be the one to break that news.

As such, I will say it was also clever to have Finn go down with bad ribs so that Dom would have to step up. And rather surprisingly, the Judgment Day wins. I expected the Profits winning, but then that would give us a repeat performance of Profits VS Usos and HHH has been good about freshening things up. It is a great move to give us Usos VS Judgment Day, which is Heel VS Heel on the surface, but fans will definitely get behind the Usos in that. Of course, Usos & Solo being here to go after Kevin was good stuff. Sami Zayn not being here is a smart move, because it means he’s staying safe for his match with Kevin on SmackDown.

I also like that they added another layer to Bloodline showing up by having Mustafa confront Ziggler on pulling out of Tag Team Turmoil. Ziggler obviously wanted to settle things with Solo, and it was good that Ali didn’t get involved. Solo wins clean in a great match, Solo really should be poised for a midcard title the closer we get to WrestleMania. Depending on what the plans are for those belts, I wouldn’t mind seeing Solo be a contender to the Intercontinental Championship. And given the detail that the tag title match is for only the Raw tag titles, maybe the Bloodline will become exclusively SmackDown superstars after April.

Kevin Owens also had a great promo with JBL & Corbin, but JBL is still leaning too hard into that “judgmental old man hating on the younger generation” stuff. Doing the traditional Heel stuff of mocking the local fans is fine, but it’s too Dan Lambert in AEW to call the current gen all “woke snowflakes” and what not. Kevin beating Corbin was great, though, I was just waiting for the Modern Day Wrestling God to finally lose and bring into question JBL’s assessment of Corbin. I feel like JBL should give Corbin a pep talk about how even he, the previous Wrestling God, lost from time to time. And then Corbin can step in it by saying JBL lost a lot, and that adds some tension to the relationship.

Theory had a very good promo with Seth Rollins and Bobby Lashley, especially with both of those guys being surprises here. They all want in on the Rumble but I would think we see a combination of those three fighting for the US title on the way to WrestleMania. Cody could still go for the US title, too, but obviously the story is he wants to be world champion. The video for him was good stuff, too, and we’ll definitely get a few more of these. Maybe Cody becomes a surprise entry in the Rumble, like for number 30 so that he has the least time in the match, and potentially the least people to deal with.

I also like the promo from MVP and Lashley. MVP doesn’t seem to have Omos at all right now in the HHH Era, and even if he still does, it’s a good move that MVP wants to reunite the Hurt Business. Lashley also rightfully isn’t for that at this moment, but that’s because they’re letting the US title story figure itself out. Good promo from Candice and Rhea to set up their match, very good match from them, and it makes sense Rhea wins. Rhea is going to have a strong showing in the Women’s Rumble, and it would totally work if she won. Rhea’s been doing great stuff even before Judgment Day, she really should be heading for the Raw Women’s title.

And speaking of, Bliss had a great promo that barged in on the Bianca Belair update. I knew from last week’s promo that while she claimed to be in charge, it was going to be exposed that that isn’t the case. Uncle Howdy makes his Raw debut, proving that his reach isn’t limited by the brand split, and this could really add a dimension to Alexa’s rematch with Bianca. Though I feel like that unfortunately makes Bianca a third wheel. Alexa’s struggle is going to be against Uncle Howdy’s influence, and she might even end up facing a form of herself since Howdy gave us a look at a playground. It’ll still be a great story overall, but it means Bianca “survives” this title feud rather than wins out.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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