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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/10/23)

Will the cup still be tranquilo?



New Japan Cup 2023

Will the Ultimate Weapon take down the Rampaging Dragon?

Tetsuya Naito and Sanada have both made it through, will Los Ingobernables de Japon soon dominate the New Japan Cup? Or will Aaron Henare conquer the KOPW Champion?


  • Zack Sabre Jr. & Kosei Fujita VS SHO & Yujiro Takahashi; Sho & Yujiro win.
  • Taichi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS EVIL & Dick Togo; Taichi & Kanemaru win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi & Team Strong Style VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Tomoaki Honma VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Shota Umino, Tama Tonga, YOH & Lio Rush VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; Shota, Tama, Yoh & Lio win.
  • New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: YOSHI-HASHI VS Kyle Fletcher; Fletcher wins and advances to the next round.
  • New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: Shingo Takagi VS Aaron Henare; Henare wins and advances to the next round.


New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: YOSHI-HASHI VS Kyle Fletcher w/ The United Empire!

The Head Hunter is still an IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champion after he and the Fierce Warrior overcame the Dream Team of Kazuchika Okada & Hiroshi Tanahashi. But will he make it through the first round of the cup? Or will the Aussie Arrow join his tag partner, Mark Davis, in the next round?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two stare down. They tie up, Hashi waistlocks but Fletcher switches and SLAMS Hashi down. Fletcher facelocks but Hashi rolls free to facelock back. Fletcher rolls free to facelock Hashi again and has the arms. Hashi rolls to headscissor, but Fletcher powers free to wrenches Hashi’s arm. Hashi stands but Fletcher keeps on the wrist. Hashi wrenches, switches arms, hammerlocks then headlocks. Fans rally while Fletcher fights up. Fletcher powers out but Hashi RAMS shoulders with him! Fletcher applauds, then kicks low. Fletcher kicks, Hashi blocks! But Fletcher CHOPS!

Hashi falls to the mat but Fletcher brings him up. Fletcher whips, Hashi reverses, but Fletcher runs him over! The United Empire ringside applauds, including Khan on Japanese commentary and Cobb on English commentary. Hashi goes to the corner while Fletcher flexes. Fletcher runs corner to corner but Hashi dodges! Hashi comes back to RAM Fletcher! Fletcher stays up and applauds again. He kicks, whips, but Hashi ducks ‘n’ dodges to run Fletcher over! Fans applaud while Fletcher flounders. Hashi runs in at the ropes but Fletcher dodges. Fletcher comes back to DROPKICK Hashi out of the ring!

Both men are down, but Fletcher catches his breath. Fletcher goes out to fetch Hashi, drags him around and brings Hashi over, to whip him hard into railing! Hashi tumbles up and over by commentary! Cobb and Khan want the ring count but the ref checks Hashi first. The ref tells Fletcher to go to the ring and Cobb agrees. The count starts, but Fletcher goes out to get Hashi. Fletcher brings Hashi back to ringside and then runs him into more railing! Hashi tumbles up and over again and the Empire is all fired up. Fletcher mocks the fans rallying for Hashi while the ring count starts again. Hashi drags himself up at 10 of 20.

Fans rally, Hashi gets around the gate at 15. He crawls over, Ospreay taunts Hashi, but the count is 18! Hashi slides in at 19! Fletcher is right on Hashi with a scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans rally but Fletcher sits Hashi up. Fletcher ELBOWS Hashi in the head, wraps on a chinlock, and he grinds Hashi down. Hashi endures and fans rally up. Hashi moves around, fights up to his feet, and he throws body shots. Hashi goes to run but Fletcher reels him into a waistlock. Hashi switches, Fletcher switches, repeat! They go around and around, but Fletcher suplexes! Cover, TWO! Hashi is hanging tough and Fletcher grows annoyed.

Fletcher mocks the fans rallying for Hashi, then he drags Hashi up. Hashi throws body shots, ROCKS Fletcher, and fans fire up. Fletcher kicks low, whips Hashi but Hashi dropkicks the legs out! Fans rally up, both men sit up, and Hashi goes to a corner. Fletcher goes to the other, Hashi runs in at him, and ELBOWS! Hashi whips to CHOP! Then Hashi wrenches to mule kick, then he turns Fletcher, but Fletcher elbows free. Fletcher runs, but Hashi dumps him right out! Hashi builds speed to WRECK Fletcher with a dropkick! Fletcher hits railings and fans fire up. Hashi goes out after Fletcher, brings him up, and whips him into railing!

Cobb protests but Hashi CHOPS Fletcher against railing! Hashi brings Fletcher up, whips him the other way, into more railing! Fletcher is tasting his own medicine, and Hashi CHOPS Fletcher again! Hashi brings Fletcher around, puts him in the ring, and climbs up. Fans rally as Hashi leaps, BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Fletcher survives and fans rally up. Fletcher crawls to a corner but Hashi fires up! Fans rally with Hashi and Hashi runs in, to clothesline! Hashi brings Fletcher around but Fletcher fights the bomb! Fletcher wrenches but Hashi ROCKS him! Hashi tries again but Fletcher back drops free!

Fans rally up while both men go to corners. Fletcher runs in, but into an ELBOW! Hashi goes up, but Fletcher GAMANGIRIS! Hashi falls to the floor and Fletcher builds speed! Fletcher DIVES! Direct hit into railing that shifts commentary back! Khan and Cobb are both fired up on commentary! The ref checks Hashi, but Fletcher drags Hashi up and puts him in. Hashi staggers to a corner but Fletcher runs in to BOOT! And then suplex, for the BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and fans fire up! Ospreay protests but the count was fair. Fans rally, Fletcher hobbles over to Hashi and brings him up.

Fletcher reels Hashi in, but Hashi fights the scoop! Hashi throws body shots but Fletcher CLUBS Hashi down! Fletcher drags Hashi up again, scoops, but Hashi slips off! Hashi CHOPS! Fletcher goes to a corner, Hashi runs in, Fletcher goes up and over! Hashi turns around into a scoop, MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives again and fans are thunderous! Fletcher focuses as Ospreay rallies the fans. Fletcher brings Hashi up, wrenches and hammerlocks, but Hashi fights free with elbows. Fletcher ripcords, HALF- NO, Hashi fights and arm-drags Fletcher away! Hashi then runs to DESTROYER!!

Fletcher flounders, Hashi hurries to cover, TWO!!! Fletcher survives and both men are down. Fans rally up, both men stir, and Hashi sits up first. Hashi crawls after Fletcher, and he throws a forearm! Fletcher sits up, and throws one back. But that wasn’t strong enough, Hashi eggs him on for more. Fletcher sits up into a forearm from Hashi! Fletcher throws another forearm, but Hashi gives another. They both stand, and Fletcher throws a forearm! He’s getting his power back, but Hashi fires off a flurry! Hashi brings Fletcher to his knees! Hashi brings Fletcher up but Fletcher ROCKS him! Hashi comes back with a CHOP!

Fletcher snarls, he LARIATS! Fletcher throws off his elbow pad, aims at Hashi from the corner, but Hashi DOUBLE LARIATS with him! They DOUBLE LARIAT again! Hashi powers up, he runs, but Fletcher SUPERKICKS!! Hashi falls and the ref checks on him. Somehow Hashi is still in this, so Fletcher runs in at the corner, GAMANGIRI! Hashi falls and the Empire fires up! Fletcher drags Hashi up to the top rope, SLAPS him, then climbs up. Hashi fights back with body shots, Fletcher returns those, but Hashi fires forearms! Fletcher falls! Hashi adjusts as Fletcher stands, FLYING DESTROYER!! Hashi runs, to LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!?!

Fans are thunderous and Ospreay shouts at Fletcher to get up! Hashi crawls after Fletcher, brings him up, full nelsons, but Fletcher switches! HALF ‘N’ HALF! But Hashi roars to his feet! Fletcher swings on him but gets a DRAGON SUPLEX! Fletcher stands to SUPERKICK! Hashi rebounds to LARIAT!! Hashi brings Fletcher back up, fisherman’s for KUMAGOROSHI!! Cover, TWO!?!? Fletcher survives the Bear Killer and fans are thunderous again! Hashi powers up, drags Fletcher to his feet, and reels him in. Full nelson, pump handle, but Fletcher slips free! Fletcher waistlocks but Hashi RAMS him into the corner!

Hashi is free, and he CHOPS Fletcher! Fletcher roars, spins, but into a SUPERKICK! Hashi runs, but into a SHOTGUN DROPKICK! Ospreay shouts for Fletcher to finish this! Fletcher runs, to BLINDSIDE SHOTGUN!! And then hammerlock, gut wrench, JUMPING TOMBSTONE!! Cover, Fletcher wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

The Aussie Arrow shoots down the Head Hunter! Aussie Open is running strong, and they now have some IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship golden tickets in their back pockets! Will this win also improve the odds of the Empire taking over the entire cup?


New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: Shingo Takagi VS Aaron Henare w/ The United Empire!

Los Ingobernables de Japon lost earlier tonight, but the United Empire has been rolling! Will the Rampaging Dragon change that momentum all on his own? Or will the Ultimate Weapon help the Empire sweep the card and take over the world?

The bell rings and fans rally up for the hometown hero, “TA-KA-GI!” Takagi and Henare circle, feel things out, but then back away. They try again, Henare tests the water with kicks, but Takagi stays clear. They knuckle lock but Henare kicks a leg. Takagi shrugs that off, they tie up, and Takagi puts Henare on the ropes. Henare turns it around, Red Shoes calls the break, and Henare lets off. To then throw body shots! Henare ROCKS Takagi but Takagi ROCKS Henare! Henare throws a forearm but Takagi gives it back! They go back and forth, shot for shot, and Takagi fires up! The fans fire up with him, and he goes back for more!

The forearms go back and forth, and then they hockey fight with haymakers! Red Shoes reprimands, the shots keep flying, but Henare gets the edge! Henare runs, but Takagi RAMS shoulders with him! Both men stay up, so Takagi runs now. They RAM shoulders again, but still neither man falls. Henare kicks low, snapmares and KICKS Takagi, but Takagi just stands up! Takagi JABS, JABS, JABS and whips! Henare ducks ‘n’ dodges, RAMS shoulders, but Takagi rebounds to run Henare over! Fans fire up, Henare stands but Takagi clotheslines him up and out! Fans fire up more as Takagi stands tall.

Fans rally for “TA-KA-GI!” while the Empire checks on Henare. The ring count starts, Henare sits up at 5 of 20 but Takagi goes out after him. Takagi gives some toying kicks, then he puts Henare in. Fans rally up but Henare bails out the far side. Takagi dares Henare to get back in but Henare takes his time to catch his breath. Henare finally returns, but then bails right back out with a fresh count. Takagi goes out after Henare but Henare fires off forearms! Henare whips, Takagi reverses and Henare hits railing! But Henare rebounds to CLOBBER Takagi! Henare snarls and he taunts the fans while he fetches Takagi.

Henare RAMS Takagi into railing! The No Man’s Land disappears as the railing moves back! Henare puts Takagi back in the ring, waits on him to stand, then he fires off fast hands in the corner! Takagi sputters but Henare pulls him back against ropes! Henare CLUBS away on Takagi! Red Shoes reprimands but Henare lets off with one last CLUBBING! Takagi staggers, into a ROUNDHOUSE! Kneeling cover, ONE!! Fans fire up as Takagi is still in this. Henare paces around as Takagi sits up. Henare brings Takagi up for muay thai knees! Leg sweep! SENTON! Henare mocks Takagi’s “TAKA TAKA TA!”

Henare brings Takagi up, and Takagi fires body shots! Henare ROCKS Takagi with a forearm but Takagi RAMS into Henare! Henare CLUBS Takagi down, then throws KNEES into Takagi’s side! Fans rally for Takagi but Henare Oklahoma Rolls into a CLUTCH! Takagi endures, claws at the mat, but Henare pulls Takagi’s head! Takagi fights and gets the ROPEBREAK! Henare lets go and fans applaud. Henare snarls, paces as Takagi sits up, and Henare gives him toying kicks. Henare KICKS Takagi on the back! Everyone is stinging from that one, but Takagi gets mad. Takagi sits up but into another KICK!

Henare eggs Takagi on, Takagi eggs Henare on, so Henare KICKS again! Takagi staggers up, into another KICK! But he headbutts the buckles! Takagi storms up, blocks the kick, but Henare ROCKS him with a right! Henare runs, into the ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! Fans fire up again as Henare goes to a corner. Takagi runs in, he blocks a boot and he clotheslines in the corner! Takagi whips Henare corner to corner, clotheslines, and then suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Takagi says it right, “TAKA TAKA TA!!” Fans fire up with Takagi and he brings Henare up. Takagi KNEES Henare against the ropes!

Red Shoes reprimands, Takagi KNEES Henare again, then whips Henare to ropes, to KNEE him on the other side! Takagi runs, but Henare ducks ‘n dodges, only to run into an ELBOW! JAB! YUKON FEINT and DDT!! Takagi SLIDING LARIATS! Fans fire up and Henare goes to another corner. Takagi storms up on Henare, throws some knees, then hoists Henare up top. Takagi climbs right up after Henare, to then SUPERPLEX!! Henare writhes and Takagi covers, TWO!! Henare survives but fans rally behind Takagi. Takagi shouts “OI! OI! OI!” and fans clap along. Takagi brings Henare up, pump handles, but Henare resists the lift!

Takagi throws knees, tries again, but Henare slips free! Takagi elbows free, runs, but into a BERSERKER BOMB!! But Henare can’t make the cover! Ospreay coaches Henare up but the fans rally for Takagi. Takagi goes to a corner, Henare runs in, but Takagi dodges. But Henare ELBOWS back! Henare goes up, FLYING CHUCK! Both men are down again but fans keep rallying. Henare snarls, he storms up behind Takagi and brings him up to fireman’s carries, for a SAMOAN DROP! Henare goes up top fast, SUPER SENTON! Cover, TWO!! Takagi is still in this but Henare keeps his cool.

Henare goes to a corner, he watches Takagi rise and he stomps the mat. Henare runs in, but Takagi blocks the Rampage! Takagi throws knees, then swings, but into a half nelson! Takagi blocks it from becoming a full nelson, but Henare tries the other arm! Takagi fights that down, but then Henare tries both! Takagi holds off the full nelson and fans fire up! Takagi throws elbows to get free, but then Henare kicks low, and ELBOW JABS! Henare runs, into a LARIAT! And SAIDO! Henare staggers up, Takagi runs in again, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Henare swings, Takagi swats it, and Takagi blocks a leg! But Henare JUMP KNEES!

Takagi sits down, Henare PENALTY KICKS! But Takagi rolls back and stands right up! PUMPING BOMBER!! Fans fire up while both men are down! Ospreay shouts to Henare but the fans rally for Takagi. Both men stir, then they both sit up. Takagi gives Henare junkyard dog headbutts, then stands him up. Henare KICKS Takagi in the chest! Takagi just nods, and then he CHOPS in return! Henare snarls, and he KICKS again! Takagi CHOPS again! Henare KICKS, Takagi staggers, but he CHOPS! Henare KICKS again! Takagi JABS, JABS, and CHOPS! Takagi eggs Henare on, so Henare KICKS and KICKS! Takagi DOUBLE CHOPS!

Henare fires off fast hands from all sides! Takagi ducks the roundhouse, Gory Especial, NOSHIGAMI!! Both men are down again and fans fire back up! Takagi roars and stands back up. Fans rally and Takagi drags Henare up to pump handle. Henare fights the lift, CLUBS Takagi, but Takagi LARIATS! Henare wobbles but Takagi LARIATS him again! Henare is still up but he drops to a knee. Fans rally behind Takagi and he fires boxing elbows! Takagi goes all the way to a dozen, then winds up to ROCK Henare again! Henare just glares at Takagi. Takagi ROCKS Henare again, but Henare BODY SHOTS! And HEEL KICKS!

Takagi BLINDSIDE LARIATS! Takagi runs in, but into RAMPAGE!! Cover, TWO!?!? Takagi survives Henare’s Spear, and the fans are thunderous! Henare waits on Takagi and he stalks him. Henare clamps on to ULTIMA!!! Takagi endures the full nelson, pries at the hold, but Henare thrashes him around! The Empire fires up for Henare and Takagi is fading! Henare switches to STREETS OF- NO, Takagi fights that off! Henare kicks but Takagi blocks! Takagi puts Henare’s leg in the ropes, dragon sleepers, DRAPING GTR!! And then MADE IN JAPAN!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Henare survives and shocks everyone!

Fans are thunderous as they rally for Takagi. Takagi roars, rises again, and he drags Henare up. Pump handle, torture rack, LAST- NO, Henare slips free to shove Takagi to a corner! SHINING WIZARD! Henare pushes Takagi out and snapmares, to run and PENALTY KICK!! Cover, TWO!! Takagi is still in this and fans rally, but Henare roars! Henare drags Takagi back up, fisherman’s, but Takagi fights it! Takagi wrenches free, Henare breaks free, but Takagi JABS, and HEADBUTTS! But Henare HEADBUTTS in return!! Henare fisherman’s, for STREETS OF RAGE!!! Cover, HENARE WINS!?!?

Winner: Aaron Henare, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

The hometown hero loses and everyone is shocked! Even Henare is a bit surprised as the Empire tells him he did it! Cobb and Khan jump off commentary to join their Ultimate Weapon in the ring to celebrate! Will this mean Takagi’s KOPW Championship could also be in danger?

As for the Empire, Henare takes the mic first. Henare says in Japanese, “Oi, Yamanashi! This is Aaron Henare’s first time closing out a show! My seventh damn year in this company! This is the rise of Aaron Henare, the Ultimate Weapon!” Henare then hands the mic over to Khan, and he says, “Bow down, you Yamanashi peasants! Listen up!! You all thought Takagi would win, didn’t you, fools?!” Fans boo but Khan tells them, “We can’t hear you! C’mon!” Fans boo more and Khan says that in Henare’s seventh year, “This is the power he’s accumulated! Bow down, peasants. This is Aaron Henare! This is the power of the United Empire!”

Khan drops the mic and the Empire puts up all the crowns. Will they all be wearing gold soon enough?

My Thoughts:

Another really good event for the New Japan Cup, with a real shocking main event. The United Empire has been rolling all week, and they win the 8 Man Tag tonight on top of both tournament matches. Fletcher beating Hashi was fair, as it also sets Aussie Open up for an IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship story for the Spring. But Takagi VS Henare, that was an awesome match, and definitely a shocker. Takagi was in his hometown, Naito and Sanada are both already into the next round, so I thought Takagi was going to join them. Instead, Henare wins big, and he does get to finally close things out after years in NJPW.

No offense to Henare but isn’t winning the cup, so it’s good that he has a win on someone big like Takagi. They can totally have a great KOPW Championship story and that really could go either way. The Empire is going hot, it’d be pretty cool to see them get some gold outside of the world title.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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