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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/11/23)

The second round begins!



New Japan Cup 2023

Will the New Japan Cup stay tranquilo?

Tetsuya Naito and Sanada are both in the second round, and are now up against Bullet Club’s Chase Owens & Kenta! Will LIJ be tranquilo? Or will the cup be just Too Sweet?


  • Six Man Tag: Tama Tonga, Toru Yano & Oskar Leube VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • Zack Sabre Jr. & Kosei Fujita VS David Finlay & El Phantasmo; Finlay & ELP win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Just4Guys VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; Chaos wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & Tomoaki Honma VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • Kazuchika Okada & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Shota Umino & Ren Narita; Okada & Tanahashi win.
  • New Japan Cup 2023 Second Round: Tetsuya Naito VS Chase Owens; Naito wins and advances.
  • New Japan Cup 2023 Second Round: SANADA VS KENTA; Sanada wins and advances.


Kazuchika Okada & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Shota Umino & Ren Narita!

The Dream Team of the present takes on a dream team of the future! The Rainmaker & The Ace didn’t get the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships, but will they stay strong as a duo? Or will the Roughneck and the Son of Strong Style show NJPW’s future is in good hands?

Tanahashi shows off the abs and fans cheer. The teams sort out and the young stars DOUBLE DROPKICK the Dream Team! The bell rings as Narita and Shota stomp away on Okada! They double whip and double shoulder tackle Okada! Tanahashi returns, but into double elbows! Fans cheer the guts the young stars are showing as they stomp Okada again. The ref reprimands, Narita backs off and Shota whips Okada. Shota elbows Okada down, and Narita PENALTY KICKS! Shota adds a basement dropkick, covers, TWO! Shota and Narita drag Okada up, bump him off buckles, then stomp a mudhole into him!

The ref reprimands again, both young stars dig their boots in, and Shota even shoves the ref! Then they stomp Okada more! Narita and Shota drag Okada up, whip him corner to corner, and Shota runs in to elbow! Narita runs in to elbow, and then Narita and Shota double suplex! Fans cheer, Shota covers, but Tanahashi stomps it. Shota and Narita mug Tanahashi then throw him out. Shota drags Okada up and bumps him off buckles. Tag to Narita, and Narita stomps Okada more. Narita stands Okada up to ROCK him with a forearm! Narita stomps away on Okada, but Okada gets up to fire forearm!

Okada eggs Narita on and Narita ROCKS Okada! Narita runs, but into the FLAPJACK! Fans fire up and Okada tags in Tanahashi. The Ace brings up Narita and whips him into a corner. Tanahashi fires body shots, fans rally up as he whips corner to corner. Tanahashi runs in, he blocks Narita’s boot, and he DRAGON SCREWS! Tanahashi drags Narita by the leg, ties it up with the other, and has the TEXAS CLOVERHOLD! Shota storms in and Tanahashi lets Narita go. Fans fire up seeing the generational mirror images stare down, but the ref gets Shota to back down. Okada gets in to stomp away on Narita for earlier!

Tanahashi drags Narita up, he wrenches the arm and tags Okada in. Okada CLUBS the arm, throws Narita out, then drags Narita up to scoop and SLAM on the floor! Okada gets in to BLAST Shota! Okada whips Shota into railing! And then stalks him to scoop and SLAM on the floor! The Rainmaker’s wrath has been satiated for the moment and he drags Narita back into the ring. Okada stands on Narita for a cocky cover, ONE! Fans rally while Okada tags Tanahashi. Tanahashi stomps Narita, he drags Narita up, and then scoops Narita to SLAM him into the drop zone. Fans fire up as Tanahashi goes up, SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally as Tanahashi stays between Narita and his corner. Tanahashi drags Narita up but Narita fires off forearms! Tanahashi fires a strike fest in return! Narita UPPERCUTS! And KICKS, but Tanahashi blocks to CLUB the leg! Tanahashi runs, into a WHEEL KICK! Fans fire up as both men are down! Narita and Tanahashi crawl, hot tag to Shota! Shota rallies and then scoops to DROP, and then runs to UPPERCUT! Shota BLASTS Okada in return for earlier! Shota whips Tanahashi to a corner, runs in and UPPERCUTS! Then he FISHERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Shota BLASTS Okada again!

Fans fire up as #SHOOTER gets the legs, for the STF! Tanahashi endure but Okada storms in to stomp away on Shota! Okada ROCKS Shota, whips, but Shota reverses to DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Okada flops out of the ring! Shota goes back to Tanahashi, clinches, but Tanahashi fights him off with elbows. Tanahashi catches Shota but Shota fires elbows back! Shota swings, into a spin, TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Both men are down and fans fire up again. Hot tag to Okada! Fans fire up more as Okada stands Shota up. Wrench and MONEY CLIP! Shota endures, fans rally, but Okada squeezes tight on the hold!

Shota fights up, moves around, and powers Okada back. Okada sends him into the corner, runs in, but Shota dodges! Shota runs but Okada catches him, spins, but into a clinch! EXPLODER! Fans fire up while both men are down! Okada and Shota crawl, hot tag to Narita! Fans fire up as Narita fires off forearms on Okada and has him in the corner! The ref counts, Narita lets off, and then runs in, into a BOOT! But he comes back to DECK Okada! Narita snarls, drags Okada up, and whips him corner to corner. Narita runs in to back elbow! And then HALF HATCH BRIDGE! Cover, TWO!!

Fans fire up more and Narita snarls. Narita drags Okada up, clinches, but Okada fights the suplex! Okada CLUBS Narita, but Narita ROCKS Okada. Narita runs, but into a DROPKICK! Fans fire up again and Okada calls in Tanahashi. The Dream Team double whip Narita to a corner. Tanahashi sends Okada in but Narita dodges to BOOT Tanahashi! Okada runs at Narita to UPPERCUT! Okada runs, into a clinch! EXPLODER BRIDGE!! TWO!!! Okada escapes but Narita roars! Fans rally behind him and he drags Okada up by the wrists. Narita reels Okada in, NARITA SPECIAL #4!! Bridging cover, TWO!!

But Narita still has the wrists! Only for Okada to short arm LARIAT! Okada drags Narita up, to short arm LARIAT again! Okada stalks Narita, drags him up and wristlocks, ripcord, but Narita ducks! REAR NAKED CHOKE!! Shota BLASTS Tanahashi off the apron! Okada endures but he’s fading! Okada reaches out to ropes with eyes wide and face turning red! But Narita brings him back! Then shifts to the COBRA TWIST! Okada fights it, hip tosses free, but Narita stands up! Into a scoop and LANDSLIDE! Okada wristlocks, ripcords, RAINMAKER!! But Shota runs in to fire off on Okada! Okada scops, Shota slips free!

Shota ROCKS Okada, runs, but into a SLINGBLADE from Tanahashi! The Dream Team roars and drags Shota up! Scoop SLAM and then they each go to corners! MACHO ELBOW, and then HIGH FLY FLOW!! Fans are thunderous and Okada waits on Narita. Okada eggs Narita on and Narita stands. Narita swings, into a ripcord and RAINMAKER!! Cover, The Dream Team wins!

Winners: Kazuchika Okada and Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall

Shota and Narita may be the future of NJPW, but the NOW is the Rainmaker and the Ace! Will nothing stop Okada from being the best in NJPW?


New Japan Cup 2023 Second Round: Tetsuya Naito VS Chase Owens!

The Uncontrollable Charisma has already fought the Bullet Club in the tournament by defeating El Phantasmo, but now he’s up against the Crown Jewel! Will Naito keep things tranquilo? Or will Chase pull off a Jewel Heist?

Naito takes his time with his entrance attire, and Chase keeps his patience. Chase even mocks Naito by taking his time with his own jacket. Fans applaud, and Chase is adamant the ref pats down Naito. The ref checks Naito, but it’s all so Chase can sucker punch Naito! Fans boo, the bell rings, and Chase digs his fingers in! The ref reprimands, Chase lets off to then stomp away on Naito! Chase stands on Naito and raises his fist to mock LIJ. The ref reprimands again, Chase steps away, and fans rally for Naito. Chase drags Naito up to throw hands, CHOPS, and then whips. Naito holds the ropes to stop himself, and he BOOTS Chase back!

Chase runs in but Naito dodges to arm-drag! And then he kicks to throw Chase out. Naito builds speed, but he just fakes Chase out. To then baseball slide dropkick after all! Fans applaud the double swerve and rally for “NA-I-TO!” The ring count starts and Chase sits up at 5 of 20. Chase stands at 9 but Naito goes out after him. Naito puts Chase in, stomps him, then cravats. Chase endures, throws body shots, but Naito thrashes him around. Chase throws more body shots but Naito cranks on the cravat! Chase fights up but Naito spins him to a NECKBREAKER! And then cover, TWO! Fans applaud as Chase toughs it out.

Naito drags Chase up by his hair, cravats again, and he thrashes Chase. Chase endures, goes to ropes, but Naito holds on. The ref reprimands and counts, Naito lets off, and Chase bails out. Fans rally, Chase checks his neck, and Naito waits in the ring. The count returns, Chase wants a timeout, but there are no timeouts! Naito goes out after Chase and throws hands. Then Naito whips Chase into railing! Chase drops to his knees and Naito walks over. Naito drags Chase up, to whip him into more railing! Naito drags Chase up and into the ring and fans applaud. But then Chase bails out the side. Naito is annoyed but he still pursues.

Chase RAMS Naito into the apron! And then RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP into the railing! Both men are down and the ref goes out to check. Chase gets up and in the ring while Naito still writhes. Fans rally up for Naito as the ring count starts. Chase goes back out after Naito, brings Naito up and whips him into railing hard! Naito tumbles up and over into No Man’s Land! Chase goes out after Naito, snatches a LIJ Naito teddy bear, and he drops an elbow on it! Chase kicks it away, then he stands on Naito at the ropes! The ref counts, Chase salutes but steps off at 4. Fans rally, Chase drags Naito up and headlocks, to punch!

Fans rally for Naito while he writhes, but Chase just smirks. Chase whips Naito to a corner, runs in to FOREARM, then leg sweep and slingshot! “SUCK IT!” Basement dropkick! Chase mocks the Combinacion Cabron with the, uh, Combinacion Dulce? Chase even mocks the tranquilo and the eye opener. Fans rally for Naito but Chase drags him up to clamp onto the arms. CAMEL CLUTCH! Chase makes Naito open his eyes! And then he CROSSFACE FOREARMS! Chase mocks the fans rallying for Naito before bringing Naito up. Chase CLAWS Naito’s back! Naito swings but Chase ducks to then KNEE SMASH and mule kick!

Chase runs to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Fans rally for Naito and Chase mockingly applauds. Chase kicks Naito around, slaps him around, then stands Naito up. Naito throws body shots and forearms! Naito whips, Chase reverses but Naito KICKS him back! Naito runs, but Chase scoops, rebounds off ropes and hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Chase is annoyed but the fans rally back up. Chase looms over Naito, then drops a fist! Chase clamps onto Naito, fishhooks something of Naito’s face, then lets off as the ref reprimands. Chase brings Naito up to scoop and SLAM! Fans rally but Chase goes to the corner.

Chase takes Naito’s hat and puts it on, then climbs up. Chase leaps, but he blocks Naito’s boot! Chase drops an elbow, but misses anyway! Naito hits an atomic drop, turns Chase and hits a NECKBREAKER! Both men are down and fans rally back up. Chase staggers up but Naito fires off on him! Naito whips, ELBOWS Chase then runs to basement dropkick! Chase writhes, Naito whips him to the corner and runs in, JUMP KICK! Leg sweep! COMBINACION… CABRON! Naito tranquilos and fans rally up again. Naito snapmares Chase to wrap on the PLUMA BLANCA! Chase endures as Naito thrashes him!

Chase endures, Naito makes him open his eyes! Chase moves around, pushes his way over and gets the ROPEBREAK! The fans applaud and the ref counts, but Naito pretends he needs help. The ref makes Naito let go and Chase writhes. Naito paces, drags Chase up and hammerlocks, but Chase CLUBS free! Naito kicks low, whips Chase but Chase reverses. Chase runs in to forearm smash, snapmare and “I HATE YOUR FACE!” SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Naito as he shakes out the cobwebs. Chase aims a finger gun at Naito, drags him up, and he tucks the arms. But Naito RAMS Chase to a corner!

Chase runs at Naito but into a wrench and heavy elbows! Chase falls to his knees, but Naito brings him up for more heavy elbows! Chase falls again, and Naito brings him up again. Naito throws even more heavy elbows! Fans fire up as Naito lets off. Naito brings Chase up, throws still more elbows, then lets him down. Naito goes up the corner, brings Chase in, for ESPERANZA! Fans fire up as Chase flounders, and Naito aims. CORRIENDO- NO, Chase drops in a Switchblade type move. Naito grabs at Chase, stands him up, and Chase cradles! TWO!! Naito escapes, Chase runs in to fire off a strike fest!

Chase whips, Naito reverses and ELBOWS! Chase runs back in, into an ENZIGURI! CORRIENDO SHIKI DESTINO!! Cover, TWO!?! Chase survives but Naito keeps cool. The fans fire up more, Naito stands Chase back up to wrench and tilt-o-whirl, but Chase blocks! SNAKE EYES! Chase then runs in to C-TRIGGER! Both men are down again and fans fire back up! Chase sits up first and he crawls over to Naito. Chase drags Naito up, wrenches and hammerlocks, JEWEL HEIST!! Cover, TWO?!? Naito survives and fans fire up while Chase grows frustrated. Chase drags Naito back up, to POINT-BLANK C-TRIGGER!!

Chase then brings Naito around, tucks the arms, but Naito powers out with a back drop! Naito runs in at the corner but Chase puts him up top to GAMANGIRI! Naito wobbles and Chase climbs up after him. Chase drags Naito up into a fireman’s carries, but Naito throws down elbows! Naito adjusts up top, but Chase claws eyes! Chase has Naito in position for a SUPER STYLES CLASH!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Naito survives again and Chase is shocked! Fans are thunderous now as Naito stirs. Chase runs in, C-TRIGGER!! And then the tuck, PACKAGE- NO, Naito fights it! Naito wrenches out, Chase ducks the backhand to C-TRIGGER!

Chase fireman’s carries, pops Naito up, but Naito VICTORY ROLLS! NAITO WINS!!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by pinfall (advances to the third round)

Naito shocks everyone by snatching that one away from Chase! Naito beats the Headbanga, he beats the Crown Jewel, is he going to be tranquilo all the way to the finals?


New Japan Cup 2023 Second Round: SANADA VS KENTA!

We just saw LIJ beat Bullet Club with Naito advancing, but can the Cold Skull follow in his leader’s footsteps? Or will the Fang Revived, the NEW NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, keep things Too Sweet?

The bell rings and fans rally up for “SA-NA-DA!” already. Kenta decides to step out to the apron. But there are Kenta chants, so that encourages him to go back into the ring. Kenta and Sanada circle, feel things out, and Kenta gets around to a waistlock. Sanada wrenches free, waistlocks in return, but Kenta wrenches out to a wristlock. Sanada wrenches and wrenches to wristlock, but Kenta trips Sanada. Kenta has the leg for a toehold but Sanada keeps his shoulders up. Sanada chinlocks but Kenta pulls the toehold. Sanada hooks Kenta with his free leg and heh wants the armbar! Kenta moves around and pushes Sanada to a cover, TWO!

Sanada keeps hold of the arm but Kenta fights around again. Kenta pops free to get a headlock. Sanada endures, fans duel, and Kenta thrashes Sanada around. Sanada fights up to his feet, but Kenta grinds the hold more. Sanada pops out the back and he puts the headlock on. Kenta rolls Sanada to a cover, TWO and Sanada keeps the headlock. Kenta fights up, throws body shots, but Sanada holds on as Kenta tries to power out. Fans continue to duel, Kenta pulls hair and Red Shoes reprimands. Sanada holds onto the headlock, Kenta fights up, and Kenta powers out to then pull hair! Kenta headlocks back while Red Shoes reprimands.

Sanada endures the headlock now and he fights up. Kenta throws a headlock punch, grinds the hold again, but Sanada pries free. Sanada wrenches out and headlocks in return! Fans applaud this technical exchange, but Kenta powers out, only for Sanada to run him over! Things speed up, Sanada arm-drags and dropkicks! Fans fire up now as Sanada stands tall. Kenta stands but Sanada whips him. Kenta holds ropes and bails out. Sanada waits, Kenta goes around the way to catch his breath. Sanada rushes out after him but Kenta RAMS him into the apron! Kenta whips Sanada but Sanada reverses. Kenta stops himself, then drop toeholds Sanada into railing!

Fans rally and duel as Kenta drags Sanada up. Kenta whips Sanada hard into railing! Sanada falls to the floor and writhes, but Kenta is right on him. Kenta brings Sanada up as the ring count starts, and Kenta puts Sanada in. Then Kenta drags Sanada out to refresh the count! And Kenta whips Sanada hard into railing! Sanada falls over again and Red Shoes wants Kenta to get in the ring. Kenta drags Sanada up as the ring count climbs. Kenta puts Sanada in at 9 of 20 and fans applaud. Kenta tells Red Shoes he was listening, and then he sits Sanada up. Kenta KICKS Sanada in the back! Fans applaud, that was a sharp one.

Kenta mocks the Sanada fans, then sits Sanada up to KICK him again! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Kenta drags Sanada up again but Sanada throws body shots! Kenta knees low, trips him, and then gets the legs. Kenta tries to figure out the Paradise Lock but it’s frustrating. Kenta stomps Sanada and asks Milano Collection AT for help. Milano politely declines but Kenta throws Sanada out. Kenta again asks Milano for tips, then he DDTs Sanada to the floor! Sanada clutches his neck and writhes but Kenta goes around the way. Red Shoes checks Sanada, and Kenta looks under the ring. Kenta can’t find what he’s looking for, so he stomps Sanada.

Kenta has the Young Lions help him look, and Oiwa finds a roll of spare wrist tape. Kenta puts Sanada in the ring, drags him up, and whips him to ropes. Kenta ELBOWS Sanada down, covers, TWO! Fans rally but Kenta grabs the wrist tape. Kenta decides to use the tape to help in the Paradise Lock! Red Shoes reprimands but Kenta keeps going! Kenta’s improvised Paradise Lock seems to be working. More like Dystopia Lock or something. Fans rally up and Kenta grins as he aims from the corner. Kenta mocks Sanada, lets him suffer for a moment, runs up, but then stops! Kenta goes back to the corner to lounge on the top rope!

Kenta has fun as he runs, to then power walk back. Fans applaud the trolling, this is quite clever. Sanada tries to fight out of the tape hold, and Red Shoes isn’t sure what to do. Red Shoes turns Sanada over but Sanada is stuck like a turtle! Kenta asks what the heck Red Shoes is doing, but Red Shoes gets Sanada free. And then Kenta basement dropkicks Sanada! Kenta drags Sanada up fast to NECKBREAKER! Cover, but Red Shoes refuses because of the shenanigans! Fans applaud but Kenta argues with him. Red Shoes doesn’t budge, so Kenta drops knee after knee on Sanada’s face! Then he pulls down the kneepad, jumps, and scuffs Sanada!

Kenta drops another knee on Sanada, covers, TWO! Kenta is upset with Red Shoes again but the fans rally for Sanada. Kenta drags Sanada up, but Sanada CHOPS him! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Kenta SOBATS! Sanada ends up in a corner, Kenta runs in but Sanada dodges! Kenta bounces off buckles, into a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down. Sanada stands up first and he drags Kenta up. Kenta knees low! Kenta whips, Sanada reverses and hurdles, hurdles, and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up again while Kenta bails out. Sanada PLANCHAS and direct hit at the ramp!

Fans fire up more and Sanada encourages them to get louder. The fans oblige and Sanada is pleased. Sanada brings Kenta up and puts him in, then covers, TWO! Sanada drags Kenta up, fireman’s carries, but Kenta claws the eyes! Kenta goes to a corner, Sanada runs in but Kenta BOOTS him! Kenta goes up, reels Sanada in, TORNADO HOTSHOT! Sanada flops away and Kenta climbs up top. Kenta FLYING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Kenta gets a leg to stepover and STF! Sanada endures and fans rally up. Kenta talks some trash but Sanada crawls his way forward! Kenta pulls back but Sanada still endures! Sanada reaches out, ROPEBREAK!

Fans applaud, Kenta lets off quickly and the fans rally and duel. Kenta drags Sanada up and waistlocks but Sanada elbows free. Sanada swings, but into a DDT! Cover, TWO!! Kenta keeps on the arm, hooks it up, but Sanada scrambles to avoid the rest of the hold! ROPEBREAK!! Kenta lets go in frustration, stomps Sanada to the apron and then kicks him more. Kenta drags Sanada through the ropes, but Sanada slips free to RAM Kenta into the corner! Sanada runs in but into a BOOT! Kenta runs in to BOOT again! But Sanada just scowls. Sanada UPPERCUTS! Kenta scowls, and he ROCKS Sanada with a forearm!

Sanada UPPERCUTS! Kenta FOREARMS! UPPERCUT! FOREARM! Fans rally as the shots keep going, and then Kenta BOOTS! Sanada rebounds, Kenta dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Fans rally up again as both men stir. Sanada kips up! Fans fire up while Kenta goes to a corner. Sanada runs in, but into a BOOT! Sanada comes back, but Kenta dodges! Sanada goes up and out and springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans fire up, Sanada drags Kenta up to scoop and BACKBREAKER! Sanada goes up the corner, ROUNDING BODY- NO, he has to bail out as Kenta moves!

Kenta runs in, waistlocks, and he shoves Sanada at Red Shoes! Sanada avoids colliding with Red Shoes, and Kenta runs in. Sanada gets Red Shoes out of harm’s way, then runs at Kenta, but Kenta rolls him up! TWO!! Kenta falls onto Red Shoes! Kenta hurries to kick Sanada and DDT! Kenta sees Red Shoes is down, so he kicks him out of the ring! Kenta “apologizes,” then goes out to look under the ring. Kenta finds a chair! Kenta puts that chair in the ring, mocks the fans rallying for Sanada, and then the fans boo Kenta. Kenta mocks them, too, and aims at Sanada. Sanada stirs, but Red Shoes is back first!

Red Shoes takes the chair away! Kenta is furious, so he throws Sanada into Red Shoes! Red Shoes tumbles out to the floor! Kenta rains down fists on Sanada, getting away with many closed fists! Fans boo Kenta and rally for Sanada but Kenta gets that chair back. Kenta aims at Sanada, JAMS him in the ribs, then SMACKS him on the back! And again! And again! The chair bends and fans boo but Kenta soaks up the heat. Kenta sits Sanada up and aims again, but Sanada blocks the headshot! Kenta kicks him low, tries again, HEADSHOT!! The seat pops out of the frame! Fans boo more but Kenta hides the evidence.

Kenta goes to fetch Red Shoes now, he taunts Shingo Takagi on commentary, and Kenta puts Red Shoes in the ring. Kenta tells Red Shoes to wake up and do his job. Kenta then climbs a corner, COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, TWO!!! Sanada survives and fans fire up! Kenta slashes his throat and vows to end this. Kenta fireman’s carries, but Sanada fights free! Sanada ROCKS Kenta with a forearm, spins, but into a PALM STRIKE! Kenta hits Sanada again! And again! And again! And again and again and again! Sanada wobbles, Kenta DECKS him with another palm strike! Kenta fireman’s carries, but Sanada flails free! SKULL END!

But Kenta rolls back to get an arm! GAME OVER!!! Sanada endures the crossface and fans rally up! Sanada fights his way around, Kenta fishhooks to keep hold! Kenta pulls back on the crossface but Sanada still endures! Fans are thunderous as Sanada moves around and reaches out! Kenta keeps pulling back! Sanada is fading! Red Shoes checks on Sanada, and Sanada gets a second wind to get the ROPEBREAK!! Kenta lets go in shock as Sanada survives by a toe! Kenta storms around, runs back in, KNEE to the back! Sanada staggers up, Kenta runs again, BU- NO, Sanada dodges the knee to O’Conner NO BRIDGE! TWO!!!

Kenta runs back in, Sanada fireman’s carries for T K O!! Fans fire up again and Sanada grits his teeth. Sanada slashes his throat, he vows to finish this! Sanada scoops and POWERSLAMS Kenta, to then go up top! ROUNDING BODY PRESS!! Cover, TWO!?!? Kenta survives and fans fire up! Sanada drags Kenta up into the dragon sleeper! Kenta spins around, waistlocks, and he RAMS Sanada into Red Shoes! Red Shoes has taken a lot of damage this match! Kenta RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS Sanada down! Kenta brings Sanada up but Sanada UPPERCUTS! But Kenta LOW BLOWS!! Fans boo as Kenta gets away with that!

Kenta goes out, he grabs his title belt from the timekeeper’s area, and he brings it in. Kenta aims as Sanada stirs. Sanada stands, Kenta runs in, but Sanada dodges to dragon sleeper! But Kenta BELT SHOTS from below!! Kenta runs in again, but Sanada kicks him low! Kenta staggers, Sanada PUNTS the belt into Kenta’s face! Fans fire up and Sanada drags Kenta up. SIDEWINDER DDT!!! Cover, Red Shoes is back, and Sanada wins!!!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall (advances to the third round)

Kenta tried all the tricks in the book, but none of them were able to stop the Cold Skull! Will the NJPW Strong Openweight Champion now owe Sanada a match down the line?

As for Sanada, he gets the mic and tells Nagoya that he knows he’s facing Tetsuya Naito in the third round. Only one of them can go on to win the New Japan Cup and challenge the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. Sanada vows to come back to Nagoya as the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion! So, are they ready to do “that?” Fans cheer, and so Sanada says he will give us that gift. The lights go down, the “stars” come out, and Sanada says that he must confess, he loves Nagoya the most. “OI, NAGOYA! See you next time!” A short and sweet message for everyone, will Sanada and Naito have the most tranquilo match in the cup?

My Thoughts:

Another really good night for the New Japan Cup, and the United Empire keeps winning in those Six Man Tags. Great 2v2 out of Okada & Tanahashi VS Shota & Narita. Okada’s got a mean streak developing and I kinda like it. I don’t think he’ll go Heel but this “Ragemaker” Okada could be a way to keep him and his title reign fresh. And even in defeat, Shota and Narita looked great, as they really are going to be the future of NJPW. And of course, great New Japan Cup matches. Naito VS Chase was perhaps the faster paced match while Sanada VS Kenta was the more cerebral, but the real surprise is that they’re gonna give us LIJ VS LIJ.

In Naito VS Sanada, I feel like Naito will get the win there, but Sanada has his win over Kenta to get himself a Strong Openweight Championship match if he so desires. Naito’s story is carrying over from last year where he is determined to get the title back and main event WrestleKingdom, so he doesn’t have to win now, but winning the New Japan Cup is a touch easier than winning the G1 Climax, so this could be Naito’s moment.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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